Picturesque Quebec
by James MacPherson Le Moine
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Respited till the 5th Oct, 1821.

The above sentence of the court executed on the 5th October, 1821.


a-WILLIAM POUNDER, an Irishman; aged 28, height, 5 feet, 6 inches; sallow complexion.

b-On the 31st of May, 1823, by virtue of a warrant from T. Fletcher, Esq., charged with suspicion of felony and murder.

c-On the 7th of June, 1823, by order of H. Blackstone, Esq., Coroner, and sentenced to be hanged by the neck until he be dead.

d-Executed on the 10th Oct., 1823 Body given to Dr Fargues.


a-JOHN HART, a Nova Scotian, aged 34, height 5 feet, 9 inches, dark complexion.

b-On the 7th of October, 1825, by virtue of a warrant from N. D'Estimauville, Esq., charged with suspicion of larceny.

c-March term (1826) Six months' imprisonment, and to be whipt, May 6, between 10 and 12, in the market-place.

d-On the 14th of Jan, 1826, escaped, and was re taken on the 17th, charged with another offence, for which he was condemned and executed 10th November, 1826.


a-JOHN BTE MONARQUE, a Canadian, aged [sic]

b-On the 29th of September, 1826, by virtue of a warrant from J. F. Taschereau, Esq., charged with suspicion of burglary.

c-March term Sentenced to be hanged at Pointe Levi, on the 24th April, 1827.

d-Sentence carried into execution on the 24th April, 1827.

9 10


b-On the 12th of November, 1826, by virtue of a warrant from T. A. Young, Esq., charged with suspicion of burglary.

c-March term. Sentenced to be hanged on the 21st of April, 1827.

d-Sentence executed.



b-On the 15th of September, 1828, by virtue of a warrant from A. G. Chenet and J. G. Boisseau, Esqrs., charged with stealing a quantity of merchandize from Jacques Oliva, of St. Thomas.

c-Sentenced to be hanged by the neck, on the 24th October next ensuing, by the Court of King's Bench, September term, 1828.

+18th of October, 1828, ordered for transportation.

d-24th Oct, 1828, sentence carried into execution.



b-On the 13th of June, 1829, by virtue of a warrant from R. Christie, Esq., charged with suspicion of burglary.

c-By the Court of King's Bench September term, 1829, sentenced to be executed on the 31st day of October, 1829.

d-Sentence carried into execution.


a-FRS. MALOUIN, dit FRS. Marois dit Frs. Lafaye, a Canadian.

b-On the 23rd August, 1829, by virtue of a warrant from R. Harrower, Esq., charged with murder.

c-26th August, Francois Malouin dit Marios dit Lafaye, recommitted for murder under coroner's inquest.

Court of King's Bench, September term, 1829, sentence of death on 30th September, 1829.

d-Sentence carried into execution.



b-On the 14th of January, 1824, by virtue of a warrant from J. J. Reny, Esq., charged with inflicting a gunshot wound on Living Lane.

c-By Court of King's Bench, March term, 1834. Sentence, death.

d-4th April, 1834, sentence carried into execution.


a-EDWARD DEVELIN, alias Harvicker

b-On the 30th of November, 1835, by virtue of a warrant from the Coroner, charged with murder.

c-By Court of King's Bench, March term, 1836. Sentence, death.

d-8th April, 1836, executed pursuant to sentence.


a-JOHN MEEHAN, an Irishman, aged 22

b-On the 12th of Sept., 1863, by virtue of a warrant from C. E. Panet, charged with murder.

c-Convicted January term, 1864, Queen's Bench. Sentenced to be executed on Friday, the 22nd of March, 1864, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock A.M.

d-Sentence carried into execution

QUEBEC GAOL, February 7, 1877.


The members of this Club had their annual meeting on Saturday last to compete for their "Handicap Medal" over the Cove Field, or Quebec links. The "Ancient game of Golf" having only recently been introduced into the country it may not be uninteresting for the information of the uninitiated to give a general idea of the game. It is played with a ball, weighing 1- 3/4 oz., made of "gutta percha" and a set of clubs of various construction suitable for the different stages of the game; the play is over an extended grass common or "Links." At St. Andrew in Scotland, for instance, the ground "Links" over which the game is played, extends in length about two miles and the circuit "out and home" is about four miles; over this space, circular holes of about four inches in diameter are placed, in all eighteen holes, from a quarter of a mile to one-half or one-third of the distance apart. The game is interspersed with what in golfing language are called "hazards," that is sand bunkers and whins, and all the skill required is to avoid these, reach each hole, and hole the ball in the fewest possible number of strokes. Of course the distance and number of holes varies according to the extent of ground available for play in different localities; at Quebec, for instance, the "round" consists in 14 holes, extending from the racquet court westward to Perrault's Hill, and making a circuit back to the "home hole" or the point from which the game started. The game is played by two persons or by four (two of a side) playing alternately. They commence by each party playing off from a place called a "tee" near the first hole; the ball must afterwards be played from wherever it lies and the hole is won by the party holing in fewest strokes; hereafter the balls are again teed and so on at each hole over the whole course. All golf clubs as a rule have an annual competition for a medal or other trophy; sometimes the rule is that all must compete on equal terms; at others the players are handicapped, that is odds are given according to the player's supposed skill or want of skill, and in awarding the prize the odds thus given are deducted from the aggregate score made by the player—thus, say a player is handicapped or receives the odds of ten strokes and holes the round in 80, his odds being deducted makes him stand 70 in the competition; he therefore wins as against another competitor whose aggregate score is 71, but who received no odds.


PATRON: His Excellency, the MARQUIS OF LORNE, Governor-General of Canada.

Captain: C. Farquharson Smith.

Committee: James Stevenson. H. Stanley Smith. Peter MacNaughton. Herbert M. Price.

Secretary-Treasurer: William P. Sloane.

Beckett, Thos. Macpherson, William M. Campbell, Colin. MacEwen, Peter. Cook, William. MacKay, John. Denistoun, A. Roberts, Jos. Dobell, Richard R. Ruthven, Hon. E. De Winton, Lt.-Col., F. W. Richardson, D. B. C. Foote, John J. Smith, C. Chaloner. Griffith, W. A. Smith, R. H. Gibb, James. Stikeman, H. Gilmour, John D. Scott, T. M. Hale, E. I. Scott, A. P. Irvine, Hon. Geo. Scarth, James L. Irvin, Lt.-Col., D. T., R.A. Sheppard, H. C., A.D.C., Lt.-Gov. Laird, Thomas U. Thomson, Andrew. Lindsay, Crawford. Thomson, Geo. H. Machin, H. T. Taylor, John. Moffat, W., jun. Hussey, George. Meredith, Hon. Chief Justice W. C. Young, G. B. Symes.

We may add that a certain historical interest attaches to the Game of Golf. It was played in early times by two Kings of Scotland, hence the prefix "Royal;" hence also, perhaps, the custom of players wearing red coats while at play. In the "Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time," by Dr. Daniel Wilson, President of the University College, Toronto, and Professor of History, we read that King Charles I was engaged in the game of Golf on Leith links when, in November, 1641, a letter was handed to him which gave the first news of the Rebellion in Ireland. On reading the letter, he suddenly called for his coach, and leaving a few of his attendants in great agitation, he drove to Holyrood palace, from whence he set out next day for London. This was undoubtedly his last game in Scotland, and probably the last game of Golf he played.

It will he observed that His Excellency the Marquis of Lorne is Patron of the Quebec Club. His Excellency is not on the list as a mere figurehead; he is a golfer, and plays an excellent game, as shewn in the Reports of medal day games.


Founded In 1876.

Colours: RED and BLACK.

This Club, which counts upwards of 60 members in its ranks, meets weekly during the snow-shoe season; it has three rendezvous, viz., at Hamels on the Cap Rouge Road, at Belleau's, on the St. Foye Road, and at Chamberlain's near Beauport. At these tramps the members amuse themselves with chess, cards, draughts, singing, &c, to 11 P.M., when supper is served. The club is conducted on strictly temperance principles.

The Annual Concert of the Club, usually held in the Music Hall, is looked for by the Quebec public with pleasure In 1881, one of the largest audiences ever collected in the Music Hall, attended the annual concert.

The Hall was decorated with flags, devices, wreaths, snow-shoes most ingeniously arranged. It was a most brilliant and enjoyable soiree. The various LaCrosse, the Golf and the Snow-shoe Clubs, tend very much to develop the muscle of our city youths, combining healthy exercise, with pleasure and health.

Subjoined will be found the names of the Q. S. S. C, for 1881

QUEBEC SNOW-SHOE CLUB Ashe, H. Fraser, D. Peters, J. B. Ashe, F. Gingras, J. Peters, A. H. Bell, J. L. Green, J. A. Phillips, C. W. Buchanan, A. H. Holloway, A. Oliver, F. Boswell, V. Holloway, F. Richardson, J. 0. Boswell, J. Holt, C. Roche, J, Jr. Buchanan, N. H. Hurst, H. Rawson, Rev. C. W Brown, J, Jr. Hague, L. Ramsay, W. T. Bruneau, L. Hemming, H. Scott, W. B. Bruneau, J. Harrison, R. M., Jr. Scott, W. Burroughs, W. Irvine, G. H. Scott, A. Campbell, B. Joly, E. Smith, R. H., Jr. Campbell, W. W. Judge, H. E. Scwartz, E. Campbell, W. N. Jones, E., Jr. Sewell, R. L. Colley, A. W. King, Wm. Woods, W. C. Dunn, C. Laird, J., Jr. Woods, H. Dunn, T. Lelievre, S. Wilson, E. Dunbar, J, Jr. Montizambert, W. Welch, R. C. Doucet, R. E. B. Meredith, F. Whitehead, B. Fry, H., Jr. Mountain. A. H. Wurtele, C. F. Forrest, S. Mountain, H. H. Forrest, H. Myles, P.

OFFICERS R. H. Smith, Jr., President, A. Holloway, Vice-President; H. Woods, Secretary-treasurer.

Committee: W. B Scott, A. H. Buchanan, P. Myles.

On the 24th March, 1881, a handsome gold locket and chain was presented to one of the most energetic promoters of the Club, Mr. A. Holloway, with the following address:—

To Alfred Holloway, Esquire, from the members of the Quebec Snow-shoe Club.

DEAR SIR,—We, your fellow-members of the Quebec Snow-Shoe Club, acknowledging the indefatigable zeal yon have always shewn for the prosperity of the club, beg to offer for your acceptance the accompanying locket and chain as a small token of regard. It is the spontaneous tribute of the members in recognition of your many fine qualities as a companion, and to mark our appreciation of your efforts to make our meetings agreeable.

The success and pleasure of the many winter tramps were in no small measure due to the bright and cheerful manner you always displayed in encouraging and enlivening the journey, and thus your impromptu songs at our place of meeting, on the route, were inimitable, and were, we assure you, thoroughly enjoyed. These pleasant and invigorating snow-shoe rambles and entertainments will ever remain a green spot in our memories.

That the Quebec Snow-Shoe Club may long continue to enjoy the benefit and influence of your agreeable company is the heartfelt desire of us all.

R. HARCOURT SMITH, President. HARRY WOODS, Secretary.

14th March, 1881.

The locket and chain which were presented to Mr. A. Holloway were made by Mr. G. Seifert, the locket having upon it a pair of crossed snow-shoes and tuque with a monogram of the club beautifully raised on the one side, and on the back, were engraved the following words: "Presented to Mr. Holloway by the members of Q. S. S. C., 24th March, 1881." The address was handsomely illuminated by the Nuns of the Good Shepherd Convent, and reflects great credit upon them for the artistic manner in which it is got up.



Date of Commission From To

CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de Oct 15, 1612 Oct 15, 1612 July 20, 1629 CHAMPLAIN, Samuel de (a) —— —- —— May 23, 1633 Dec 25, 1635 Chateaufort, Marc Antoine Bras-de-fer (b) —— —- —— Dec 25, 1635 June 11, 1636 MONTMAGNY, Charles Huault de —— —- —— June 12, 1636 Aug 19, 1648 D'AILLEBOUST de Coulonge, Louis —— —- —— Aug 20, 1648 Oct 12, 1651 LAUZON, Jean de Jan 17, 1651 Oct 13, 1651 —— —- 1656 Lauzon-Charny, Charles de —— —- —— —— —- 1658 Sep 12, 1657 D'Ailleboust de Coulonge, Louis —— —- —— Sep 13, 1657 July 10, 1658 D'ARGENSON, Pierre de Voyer, Vicomte Jan 26, 1657 July 11, 1658 Aug 30, 1661 D'AVAUGOUR, Pierre Dubois, Baron —— —- —— Aug 31, 1661 July 28, 1663 MEZY, Augustin de Saffray May 1, 1663 Sep 15, 1663 May 5, 1665 COURCELLES, Daniel de Remy de (c) Mar 23, 1665 Sep 12, 1665 —— —- 1672 FRONTENAC, Louis de Buade, Comte de Palluau et de Apr 7, 1672 Sep —- 1672 —— —- 1683 LA BARBE, Le Febvre de (d) May 1, 1682 Oct 9, 1682 —— —- 1685 DENONVILLE, Jacques Rene de Brisay, Marquis de Jan 1, 1685 July 30, 1685 Oct 14, 1689 FRONTENAC, Louis de Buade, Comte de Palluau et de May 15, 1689 Oct 15, 1689 Nov 28, 1698 Callieres, Louis Hector de —— —- —— Nov 29, 1698 Sep 13, 1699 CALLIERES, Louis Hector Apr 20, 1699 Sep 14, 1699 May 26, 1703 de (d) Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de —— —- —— May 27, 1703 Sep 16, 1705 VAUDREUIL, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de (d) Aug 1, 1703 Sep 17, 1705 Oct 10, 1725 Ramesay, Claude de —— —- —— —— —- 1714 —— —- 1716 Longueuil, Charles LeMoyne, (1st) Baron de —— —- —— —— —- 1725 —— —- 1726 BEAUHARNOIS, Charles, Marquis de (d) La Galissonniere, Rolland Jan 11, 1726 Sep 2, 1726 —— —- 1747 Michel Barrin, Comte de (e) June 10, 1747 Sep 19, 1747 Aug 14, 1749 LA JONQUIERE, Jacques Pierre de Taffanel, Marquis de Mar. 15, 1746 Aug 15, 1749 May 17, 1752 Longueuil, Charles LeMoyne, (2nd) Baron de —— —- —— May —- 1752 July —- 1752 DUQUESNE-DE MENNEVILLE, Marquis de Mar 1, 1752 July —- 1752 June 24, 1755 VAUDREUIL-CAVAGNAL, Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de Jan. 1, 1755 June 25, 1755 Sep. 8, 1760


From To AMHERST, General Jeffrey (f) Sep. 8, 1760 —— — —— MURRAY, General James Aug. 10, 1764 June 28, 1766 Irving, Paulus Aemilius June 30, 1766 Sep. 23, 1766 Carleton, Lt. Gov. Guy Sep. 24, 1766 Oct. 25, 1768 CARLETON, Guy (g) Oct. 26, 1768 June 26, 1778 Cramahe, Hon. Hector Theophilus Aug. 9, 1770 Oct. 10, 1774 HALDIMAND, Frederick June 27, 1778 Nov. 15, 1784 Hamilton, Lt. Gov. Henry Nov. 16, 1784 Nov. 1, 1785 Hope, Lt. Gov. Henry Nov. 2, 1785 Oct. 22, 1786 DORCHESTER, Baron (h) Oct. 23, 1786 July 11, 1796 Clarke, Lt. Gov. Alured Aug. 17, 1791 Sep. 24, 1793 Prescott, Lt. Gov. Robert July 12, 1796 Apr. 26, 1797 PRESCOTT, Robert Apr. 27, 1797 July 30, 1799 Milnes, Lt. Gov. Robert Shore (i) July 31, 1799 July 30, 1805 Dunn, Hon. Thomas July 31, 1805 Oct. 23, 1807 CRAIG, Sir James Henry Oct. 24, 1807 June 19, 1811 Dunn, Hon. Thomas June 20, 1811 Sep. 13, 1811 Prevost, Sir George Sep. 14, 1811 July 15, 1812 PREVOST, Sir George July 15, 1812 Apr. 4, 1815 ROTTENBURG, Major Gen. Francis de May 12, 1813 June 13, 1813 GLASGOW, Major Gen. George June 14, 1813 Sep. 25, 1813 Drummond, Sir Gordon Apr. 5, 1815 May 21, 1816 Wilson, Major Gen. John May 22, 1816 July 11, 1816 SHERBROOKE, Sir John Coape (j) July 12, 1816 July 29, 1818 RICHMOND, Charles, Duke of July 30, 1818 Aug. 28, 1819 Monk, Hon. James Sep. 20, 1819 Feb. 7, 1820 Maitland, Sir Peregrine (k) Feb. 8, 1820 Feb. 8, 1820 Monk, Hon. James Feb. 9, 1820 Mar. 16, 1820 Maitland, Sir Peregrine Mar. 17, 1820 June 18, 1820 DALHOUSIE, George, Earl of June 19, 1820 Sep. 7, 1828 Burton, Lt. Gov. Sir. Francis Nathaniel June 7, 1824 Sep. 16, 1825 Kempt, Sir James Sep. 8, 1828 Oct. 19, 1830 Aylmer, Matthew Whitworth Aylmer, Baron Oct. 20, 1830 Feb. 3, 1831 AYLMER, Matthew Whitworth Aylmer, Baron Feb. 4, 1831 Aug. 23, 1835 GOSFORD, Archibald Acheson, Earl of Aug. 24, 1835 Feb. 26, 1838 Colborne, Sir John Nov. 1, 1838 Jan. 16, 1839 DURHAM, John George Lambton, Earl of May 29, 1838 Oct. 31, 1838 Colborne, Sir John Nov. 1, 1838 Jan. 16, 1839 COLBORNE, Sir John Jan. 17, 1839 Oct. 18, 1839 SYDENHAM, Chs Ed. Poulett Thomson, Lord (l) Oct. 18, 1839 Sep. 19, 1841 Clitherowe, Major Gen. John (m) Sep. 18, 1841 Sep. 18, 1841 Jackson, Sir Richard Downes Sep. 24, 1841 Jan. 11, 1842 BAGOT, Sir Charles Jan. 12, 1842 Mar. 29, 1843 METCALFE, Sir Charles Theophilus (n) Mar. 30, 1843 Nov. 25, 1845 Cathcart, Charles Murray, Earl of Nov. 26, 1845 Apr. 23, 1846 CATHCART, Charles Murray, Earl of Apr. 24, 1846 Jan. 29, 1847 ELGIN, James Bruce, Earl of Jan. 30, 1847 Dec. 18, 1854 Rowan, Major Gen. William (m) May 29, 1849 May 30, 1849 Rowan, Lieut. Gen. William Aug. 23, 1853 June 10, 1854 HEAD, Sir Edmund Walker Dec. 19, 1854 Oct. 24, 1861 Eyre, Sir William June 21, 1857 Nov. 2, 1857 Williams, Sir William Fenwick Oct. 12, 1860 Feb. 22, 1861 Monck, Charles Stanley, Viscount Oct. 25, 1861 Nov. 27, 1861 MONCK, Charles Stanley, Viscount (o) Nov. 28, 1861 Nov. 13, 1868 Michel, Sir John Sep. 30, 1865 Feb. 12, 1866 Windham, Sir Charles Ash Nov. 14, 1868 Nov. 30, 1868 Young, Sir John Dec. 1, 1868 Feb. 1, 1869 YOUNG, Sir John (p) Feb. 2, 1869 June 21, 1872 Doyle, Sir Charles Hastings June 22, 1872 June 24, 1872 DUFFERIN, Sir F. T. Blackwood, Earl of June 25, 1872 Oct. 18, 1878 O'Grady Haly, Lieut. Gen. William Oct. 12, 1874 Nov. 2, 1874 O'Grady Haly, Lieut. Gen. William May 15, 1875 Oct. 22, 1875 O'Grady Haly, Sir William Jan. 21, 1878 Feb. 6, 1878 Macdougall, Sir Patrick L. Oct. 19, 1878 Nov. 24, 1878 LORNE. Sir John D. S. Campbell, Marquis of Nov. 25, 1878 —— — ——


Names indented are those of administrators.

Except in the case of administrators, the date of the arrival at Quebec, wherever I have been able to ascertain it, is that given in the second column in the list of French Governors.

(a) Quebec was held by the English, under Louis Kirke, from July 20, 1629, to July 13, 1632, when it was restored to France. The colony was then governed by Emery de Caen and Duplessis Bochart, until Champlain's return, May 23, 1633.

(b) The date given in the second column is that of Champlain's death. Chateaufort's administration began on the day of the interment, probably the 28th.

(c) The Marquis de Tracy, the King's Lieutenant-General in America, arrived at Quebec, June 30, 1665, and was virtually the Governor of Canada till his departure, August 28, 1667.

(d) The date here given in the second column is that of the registration of the Governor's commission at Quebec.

(e) La Galissonniere was sent out to administer the Government during the captivity of La Jonquiere, who, on his way from France, had been made prisoner by the English.

(f) Although Amherst is usually placed first on the list of English Governors, it is well known that after the capitulation of Montreal be divided the province into three governments or districts, to each of which he appointed a Governor, and that he himself very shortly afterwards left the country and did not return. The Governors of these three districts, during what is commonly called the period of military rule, from Sept. 8, 1760, to Aug. 10, 1764, were as follows:

District of Quebec, Gen. James Murray Sep. 1760 to Aug. 1764.

District of Three Rivers, Col. Ralph Burton Sep. 1760 to May 1762. Col. Fred. Haldimand May 1762 to Mar. 1763. Col. Ralph Burton Mar. 1763 to Oct. 1763. Col. Fred. Haldimand Oct. 1773 to Aug. 1764.

District of Montreal, Gen. Thomas Gage Sep. 1760 to Oct. 1763. Col. Ralph Burton Oct. 1763 to Aug. 1764.

(g) Guy Carleton was made a Knight of the Bath on the 6th of July, 1776.

(h) Sir Guy Carleton was named Lord Dorchester on the 21st of August, 1786.

(i) Created a Baronet on the 14th of February, 1801.

(j) On the 12th of July, 1816, Sir John Sherbrooke took the oaths of office at Quebec, although he had previously, on the 8th of June, been sworn in at Halifax.

(k) Sir Peregrine Maitland, Governor of Upper Canada, was sworn in at Quebec, as Administrator of the Government of Lower Canada, on the 8th of February. He returned to Upper Canada next day; but came back to Quebec in March, and was again sworn in on the 17th.—Quebec Mercury.

(l) The Hon. C. Poulett Thomson was created Baron Sydenham and Toronto in 1840. The date given in the first column is that of his assuming the Governorship of Lower Canada, of which province he was the last Governor. He was sworn in as Governor of the Province of Canada, on the 10th of February, 1841, when Upper and Lower Canada were united.

(m) Acted merely as Deputy of the Governor for the prorogation of parliament. The name is retained because it appears on other lists.

(n) Sir Charles Metcalfe was created Baron Metcalfe in January, 1845.

(o) Lord Monck was Governor of the Province of Canada until the first of July, 1867. On that day, the Dominion of Canada was proclaimed, and he was sworn in as the first Governor.

(p) Sir John Young was elevated to the peerage, with the title of Lord Lisgar, on the 8th of October, 1870.


Abenaquis Indians, march with Arnold to Quebec.

Abercrombie, General, defeated by Montcalm.

Abraham, see Plains of.

Agariata, Mohawk chief hanged by De Tracy.

Agricultural society founded, names of members.

Americans, invade Canada; attack Quebec; anniversary celebration of; repulse of; centenary celebration; plan of attack upon Quebec; taken at Detroit and sent to Quebec; defeated at Detroit.

American flag, historical notice of.

Arms of the Dominion described.

Arnold, Benedict, wounded; centenary of defeat of; carried to General Hospital; account of his assault on Quebec; anniversary of his defeat; accompanied by Abenaquis Indians; imprisoned in Recollet Convent; his head quarters near the St. Charles; in possession of environs of Quebec.

Arnoux, A French surgeon, Montcalm carried to his house.

Ashe, Comr. E. D., on variation of Compass at Quebec.

Asylum, Female Orphan; Finlay; St Bridget's.

Audubon, visits Quebec.

Aylmer, Lord, erects monument to Wolfe; his tablet and epitaph to Montcalm.

Baines, Lieut., monument erected to; verses by Mrs. Campbell.

Banks—Merchants'; Montreal; Nationale; Quebec; Union; British North America.

Baron de Longueuil, title recognized by England.

Basilica, the, notice of; oldest church in North America.

Battlefield Park, a project.

Beatson, Lt. Col, cited; details of battle of the Plains.

Beauport, occupied by Americans; entrenchments constructed by Montcalm; first seigneur of; Huron Indians move to; early settlement of; monument at; to DeSalaberry; several Quebecers retire to; in 1775.

Beauport Flats, why called La Canardiere.

Beauport Manor, when built; said to have been Montcalm's head quarters; burnt; oldest seignioral manor in Canada; meaning of the inscription discussed.

Bedard, T. P., cited.

Bedard, Mr., imprisoned by Sir Jas. Craig.

Beecher, Henry Ward, description of Quebec.

Begon, Intendant, arrival of.

Belleau, Sir N. F., Lieut.-Governor.

Bellew, Major Patrick, Lieut. Governor of Quebec, death of.

Bells, of Quebec churches; "Gros Bourdon," of Montreal, largest in America.

Belmont Retreat.

Berthelot, Amable, cited.

Bigot, Intendant, arrival at Quebec; character of; members of his ring; residence at Charlesbourg; acquires and enlarges Chateau Bigot; notice of; extent of his frauds; confined in the Bastille and exiled; fate of his confederates.

Bigot, L'Intendant, a novel, plot of.

Bishop, Roman Catholic, of Quebec, his power threatened.

Blanchet, Mr., imprisoned by Sir Jas. Craig.

Blue House, the, a famous inn.

Books, first printed in Canada.

Bouchette, Joseph, cited.

Bouchette, Captain, conducts Governor Carleton to Quebec.

Bougainville, at Quebec.

Boulle, brother-in law to Champlain,

Bressani, Father, captured by Iroquois,

Brewery, erected by Talon; converted into prison; situate near site of Boswell's brewery; at Sillery.

Bridge, Dorchester, built.

British troops, departure of.

Brown and Gilmore, founders of Quebec Gazette.

Bruyante, River, see Etchemin.

Bulmer, J. H., description of Quebec.

Burgoyne, Captain, at Quebec.

Burton, Sir F. N., Lieut.-Governor.

Burying Ground, cholera. Protestant; See Cemetery.

Butler, Captain W. F., description of Quebec

Buttes a Nepveu, scene of French victory; criminals formerly executed there; La Corriveau executed there.

Cadet, one of Bigot's confederates, notice of

Caldwell, Henry, Receiver-General

Caldwell, Sir John, Receiver-General; note, his mills at Etchemin.

Caleches, mentioned in 1761.

Canada, colonization of; Administration of justice in; slavery in; society in the last century; invaded by Americans; Voltaire's allusion to; its loss, how viewed in France; arms of; seal of; dates of events in history of; list of Governors of.

Canadian writers, names of.

Canadien, Le newspaper, its printer imprisoned.

Canardiere, La, name given to Beauport Flats.

Canon de Bronze, Le.

Cap Blanc.

Cape Diamond, called Mont du Gas; Pointe a Puiseaux, so called by Champlain.

Cap Rouge; Roberval winters at; Jacques Cartier winters at; Cramahe resides at.

Carcy, Pointe a.

Carignan regiment; its service in Hungary.

Carillon, battle of.

Carleton, Governor Guy, returns to Quebec.

Carlyle, Thomas, describes capture of Quebec.

Caron, Lieut.-Governor, receives address from Lorette Indians.

Cartier, Jacques, winters on banks of the St. Charles; names of his ships; met by Donnacona; captures and takes to France, two Indians; passes second winter at Cap Rouge; account of his voyage to Canada; his Journal cited; old print of his departure from Quebec; list of his officers and crew; mentioned; discovery of remains of his vessel, "La Petite Hermine."

Cartier, Sir G. E.

Casgrain, Abbe, cited.

Cathedral, Roman Catholic, destroyed.

Cattle, exportation of, to Europe.

Cavalry, Captain Bell's, troop of; muster roll of; statement of last survivor of.

Cayugas, an Iroquois nation.

Cemetery, old; Cholera; Mount Hermon; St. Charles; Bellmont.

Centenary celebration of Montgomery's defeat.

Cents Associes, Company of the.

Chambly, Fort, surrendered to Americans; formerly Fort St. Louis.

Champlain, Samuel de, founder of Quebec; his dwelling; surrenders Quebec; place of interment; plot against; returns to Quebec; place of interment unknown; cited.

Champlain Ward.

Chapel, first which served as parish church.

Chandler, Captain, seigneur of Nicolet.

Charlesbourg, captured by Americans; American prisoners at; French retreat towards; called Bourg Royal; several Quebecers retire to, in 1775.

Charlevoix, cited.

Chateau Bigot; described; other names of; probably built by Talon; acquired by Bigot; subsequent owners of; present state of ruins; how to reach; Amedee Papineau's account of visit to; its legend; refugees from Quebec at, in 1759; letter written from, during American invasion.

Chateau St. Louis; described by Kalm; by Kirby; meeting place of Superior Council; described in Hawkins' "Picture of Quebec"; by Bouchette; by Parkman; burnt; too small; foundation of Quebec Agricultural Society in; described by Weld; repaired and enlarged; first meeting of Literary and Historical Society held in; proposed reconstruction.

Chateauguay battle, of.

Chaudiere, Falls of the, how reached; described; compared with Montmorency.

Chauveau, P. J. O., description of Quebec; Quebec fifty years ago; the battles of the Plains.

Chien d' Or, Le.

Cholera, Asiatic, visits Quebec; burying-ground.

Christie, Robert, cited; his history noticed; his epitaph.

"Chronicle, Quebec Morning," building.

Church, first in Canada built by Recollets.

Churches:—Basilica; French Protestant; Jesuits'; Notre Dame; Notre Dame des Anges; Notre Dame de la Garde; Notre Dame des Victoires; Recollet; St. Andrews; St. Columbia (Sillery); St. John's; St. Mathew's; St. Michael's (Sillery); St. Roch's; Trinity; Ursulines.

Citadel, escape of Theller and Dodge from; proposed capture of.

Clavery, in charge of "La Friponne".

Clubs:—"Beef Steak," first in Quebec; name changed; prominent members of; places of meeting; "Sober"; "Beaver Club," at Montreal.

Coffin, Colonel cited.

Conroy, Bishop, the Pope's Ablegate.

Convent, first in Canada; of Jesus-Marie.

Convent Cove, at Sillery.

Corriveau, La, hanged in iron cage; cage sold to Barnum.

Country seats about Quebec: Auvergne. Bagatelle. Bandon Lodge. Bannockburn. Bardfield. Battlefield Cottage. Beausejour. Beauvoir. Bellevue. Belmont. Benmore. Bijou. Bleak House. Cap Rouge Cottage. Castor Ville. Cataraqui. Clermont. Coucy le-Castel. Dornald. Elm Grove. Ferguson's House. Hamwood. Highlands, the. Holland House. Kilgraston. Kilmarnock. Kirkella. L'Asyle Champetre. Longwood. Marchmont. Meadow-bank. Montague Cottage. Morton Lodge. Mount Lilac. Ravenswood. Redclyffe. Ringfield. Rosewood. Sans-Bruit. Sillery House. Sous les Bois. Spencer Grange. Spencer Wood. Thornhill. Westfield. Wolfesfield. Woodfield. Woodside.

Court House burnt; built; temporary.

Craig, Sir James, resides at Spencer Wood; noticed; correspondence with H. W. Ryland; deputes H. W. Ryland to England.

Cramahe, Lieut.-Governor, residence at Cap Rouge; plundered by American troops.

Crown Point, captured by Americans.

Crucifix outrage in Hotel Dieu; annual service in memory of.

Cugnet, informed Wolfe how to ascend to Plains of Abraham.

Custom House, the old.

D'Aillebout, Governor, builds fort for Indians; protects the Hurons.

D'Argenson, Governor, arrival of; quarrels with Laval.

Dauphin prison, American prisoners in.

D'Auteuil, Attorney-General.

D'Avaugour, Governor, succeeds D'Argenson.

Death sentences carried into effect at Quebec.

DeBerey, Father Felix.

DeBreboeuf, martyrdom of.

DeCaen, Emery.

DeCallieres, Governor, buried in Quebec; epitaph; plan for conquest of New York.

DeCourcelles, Governor, commands expedition against the Indians.

DeGaspe, P. A., description of fete champetre; at Spencer Wood.

DeLery, old residence of seigneurs; presented at Court; saying of George III.

DeMeules, Intendant, builds Intendant's Palace.

Denonville, Governor.

DeRamezay, commander of Quebec; his Chateau in Montreal.

DeSalaberry, Colonel, in command of Voltigeurs; residence on Beauport road.

DeSalampar, accompanies DeCourcelles against Indians.

Deschambault, French ladies captured by the English at.

Deschenaux, secretary to Bigot, notice of.

DeVergor, Captain, in charge of French post on Plains of Abraham; treason imputed to.

DeVitre, Denis, said to have pointed out Wolfe's landing place; pilots the English fleet to Quebec.

Dickens, Charles, description of Quebec; cited.

Dilke, Sir Charles, description of Quebec.

Dodge, escapes from Citadel.

Dollard Desormeaux and his companions save the colony.

Domagaya, an Indian kidnapped by Jacques Cartier.

Donnacona, Chief of Stadacona, meets Jacques Cartier.

Dorchester Bridge built.

Dorchester, Lord.

Dosquet, Bishop, resides at Samos; notice of.

Drill Shed.

DuCalvet, Pierre, imprisoned in Recollet Church; notice of.

DuCreux, cited.

Duelling, punishment of, under French rule.

Dufferin, Earl of, plans for improving Quebec; lays corner stone of Dufferin Terrace; at Spencer Wood.

Dufferin Terrace, length and height above river; laying corner stone of; inaugurated; comprises former site of Fort St. Louis.

DuGas, accompanies DeCourcelles against Indians.

Dunn, Hon. Thomas, administrator.

DuPeron, Father Francois, death of.

Durham, Earl of, notice of; arrival of.

Durham Terrace, erected by Earl of Durham; enlarged; transferred to Province of Quebec; extended; winter view from; promenade upon.

DuQuen, Father, discovers Lake St. John.

Elevator, description of the.

Elgin, Earl of, at Spencer Wood.

Emerillon, L', one of Cartier's ships.

"Emily Montague, the History of," a novel; extracts from.

Epitaphs:—Dr. Wilkie; Hon. Jonathan Sewell; Frontenac; DeCallieres; Vaudreuil; La Jonquiere; Thomas Ainslie; Robert Christie; Father Masse; Montcalm; Wolfe; Lieut. Baines; proposed to Montcalm.

Esplanade, described.

Estebe, royal store-keeper at Quebec; punishment of.

Etchemin river, called Riviere Bruyante; falls of.

Exchange, Merchants', established.

Executions; at Buttes a Nepveu; at Quebec; La Corriveau.

Exportation of cattle to Europe.

Fabre, Hector, description of a Canadian winter.

Faillon, Abbe, cited.

Famine in Quebec in 1757.

Faucher de St. Maurice, cited.

Fenelon, Abbe de, trial of.

Ferland, Abbe, cited.

Feudal ceremony of fealty and homage; form of.

Fiefs, several in Quebec; de la Trinite; Sault-au-Matelot.

Fires, in Lower Town; in St. Roch suburbs.

Fireworks in honour of Prince William Henry.

Fisher, Dr. John Charlton, Charles Dickens his guest; compiler of Hawkins' "Picture of Quebec".

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, his long walk on snowshoes; entertained by Lord Dorchester.

Flag, American, historical notice of.

Flowers, wild.

Foi et hommage, how rendered.

Fort St. Louis, where first erected; removal of; disappears after the conquest; armament of, when surrendered by Champlain; described by Parkman; when begun. See Chateau St. Louis.

Fort William Henry. See Sorel.

Fox-hunting in Canada.

France, condition of, in 1760.

Franciscan Friars. See Recollets.

Franklin, Benjamin, appointed Commissioner to Canada; said to have printed prospectus of Quebec Gazette; Deputy Postmaster-General for the British Colonies.

Fraser, Captain Malcolm, gives the alarm before the American assault on Quebec.

Frechette, L. H., notice of; account of dinner given to.

French who remained in Quebec in 1629.

French refugees of Oxford, Mass.

French empire in America; victories preceding conquest of Canada.

Friponne, La, Bigot's warehouse.

Frontenac, Governor, where interred; his heart sent to his widow; epitaph.

Galt, John, father of Sir A. T. Galt, notice of; cited; founder of several cities.

Gas Company's wharf, a public promenade in 1750.

Garneau, F. X, cited.

Gates of Quebec, formerly closed at gun-fire; Chain; Dalhousie; Hope; Kent; Palace; Prescott; St. John's; St. Louis.

Gazette, the Quebec, founded; prospectus printed by Franklin; first number described; centenary number; extinction of; successive editors; relict of first press used by.

General Hospital, founded; Arnold carried to erection of.

George, James, suggests Harbour improvements.

Giffard, first seigneur of Beauport; first habitant; taken prisoner by the English.

Gobert, Francois, remains of General Montgomery laid in his house.

Golf Club.

Gomin road, origin of name.

Gosford wooden railway.

Governors buried in Quebec; list of.

Grand Allee; only road to Sillery.

Grande Hermine, La, Cartier's flag-ship.

Graving Dock at Levi, first stone laid; dimensions of.

"Great Eastern" steamship, at Quebec.

Hairdresser, fashionable, in the last century.

Haldimand Castle, corner stone laid; used as a Normal School; improperly styled the Old Chateau; incident during its construction; first grand reception held in; remains of Duke of Richmond laid in state in; described by Weld; repaired; wing erected; most ancient portion; transferred to Province of Quebec.

Haldimand, Governor, departs for England; residence at Montmorency.

Hale, Major John.

Harbor Works, suggested by James George; by Hon. U. J. Tessier. See Princess Louise Embankment, and Graving Dock.

Hawkins' Picture of Quebec, cited; by whom written.

Head, Sir Edmund, at Spencer Wood; his son drowned.

Hebert, Louis, first resident in Upper Town.

Heights of Abraham. See Plains of Abraham.

Henry, Judge, account of Arnold's assault on Quebec; imprisoned in Recollet Convent; account of plunder of Cramahe's residence.

Heriot, his description of Sillery; Deputy Postmaster-General.

Hincks, Sir Francis, at Thornhill.

Hochelaga, by whom inhabited.

Holland, —, and Miss Nevill; his duel.

Holland Tree.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, cited.

Hope, Lieut.-Governor, buried in Quebec.

Horses, first arrivals of.

Hospital, the General, founded.

Hospitalieres Nuns, or Nuns of Hotel Dieu; at Sillery; removal to Quebec.

Hotel Dieu, le crucifix outrage preserved in; owns Fief de la Misericorde; at Montreal, founded.

Howells, W. D., promenade on Durham Terrace; description of Dog Lane.

Howells, W. C., historical notice of American flag.

Hurons, inhabited Stadacona; their fort at Quebec; defeated by Iroquois; dispersion of; elect honorary chiefs; their Chief Tahourenche described; former numbers of; divided into four families; at the battle of Chateauguay; their address to Lieut.-Gov. Caron.

Ice-shove, at Quebec in 1874.

Ile aux Coudres, proposed to fortify.

Incarnation, Mother of the.

"Inconstant," H.M.S., carries off Wolfe's statue; address of Quebec ladies to officers of; reply of officers.

Indians, their fort at Quebec; Expedition of DeCourcelles against; Their customs, dress, etc., in 1730; allies of the French; the part they took in battles; serve under English; receive presents from Government.

Intendant, nature of the office; first named; first to come to Canada. See Begon, Bigot, DeMeules, Robert, Talon.

Intendant's Palace, situation of; destroyed; by whom built; history of; description; occupied by Arnold's soldiers; ruins of; originally a brewery.

Invasion of Canada by Americans.

Iroquois, murder of Jesuits by; incessant incursions of; carry off two Frenchmen; dispute with; capture Fathers Poncet and Bressani; plan the capture of Nuns at Sillery; defeat the Hurons; nations composing; derivation of name.

Irving, Washington, cited.

Island of Orleans, occupied by Americans; Hurons remove to; Hurons massacred at; name changed.

Jacques Cartier Ward.

Jail, the old, built; inscription over door of.

Jeffery, his description of Quebec society before the conquest.

Jesuits, their residence burnt; their chapels; murdered by Iroquois; aided by Rene de Rohault; receive grant of land; names of; captured by Indians; their mission at Sillery; their house at Sillery, probably oldest in Canada; their missions destroyed by Iroquois; martyrs.

Jesuits' Barracks. See Jesuits' College.

Jesuits' Church, foundation stone laid; noticed by Kalm; site of; used as place of worship for Protestants; heart of Madame de la Peltrie deposited in.

Jesuits' College, built; history of; used as barracks; demolished; discoveries during demolition; warrant for conversion into barracks.

Johnstone, Chevalier, wrote Journal du Siege de Quebec; cited; aide-de-camp to General de Levis.

Jolliet, Louis, discoverer of Mississippi.

Jonquiere, Governor de La, buried in Quebec; epitaph.

Kalm, Peter, description of Chateau St. Louis; mention of Jesuits' Church; mention of Recollet Convent.

Kent, Duke of, at Quebec; arrival from Gibraltar; reception of; exercises prerogative of pardon; his stay in Canada; his lodge at Montmorency; his correspondence with DeSalaberry family; frequent guest at Holland House; at the De Salaberry homestead.

Kent Gate.

Kent House.

Kidd, Adam, his verses on Spencer Wood; visits Lorette.

King's Own Borderers (25th Regt.), farewell to Quebec.

Kirby, William, cited.

Kirke, Louis, takes Quebec; his government; names of French who remained with him.

Kirke, Henry, cited.

Knox, Captain John, describes Le Chien d'Or; cited.

LaBarre, De, Governor.

Ladies' Protestant Home.

Laforme, Jean, fashionable hairdresser.

LaHontan, his account of administration of justice in Canada.

Lairet, a small stream near which Jacques Cartier wintered.

Lajus, Dr., brings first news of dispersion of Acadians.

Lake St. John discovered.

Lalemant, Father Charles, receives aid from M. de Sillery; martyrdom of.

Lambert, John, cited.

LaRue, Dr. H., cited.

Lauzon, De, Governor.

Lauzon-Charny, De.

Laval, Bishop, residence of; receives Marquis de Tracy; his description of Quebec; quarrels with D'Argenson; founds Seminary.

Laval University, charter granted to; description of; new building; staff.

LeCaron, Frere, founder of first Huron mission on Lake Simcoe.

Legendre, Napoleon, his description of Quebec streets.

LeJeune, Father, a Jesuit.

Lever, Charles, his description of Quebec.

Levi, in possession of the Americans; La Corriveau hanged in iron cage at.

Levis, Marquis de, defeats General Murray; at Montreal; returns to France.

Library Association founded by Lord Dorchester.

Liegeois, Frere, massacred by Iroquois.

Lisgar, Lord, at Spencer Wood.

Literary and Historical Society, rooms of, in old jail; founded; first meeting held in Chateau St. Louis; list of names in its charter; rooms successively occupied by.

Literature. See Canadian writers.

Longueuil, Baron de, title recognized by England.

Lorette, Ancienne, occupied by Americans; Hurons remove to; French retreat towards; origin of name.

Lorette, Indian, remnants of Huron tribe at; a visit to; also called Jeune Lorette; population; Chapel and Old Mill built; extent of village reserve; how governed.

Lorne, Marquis of, inaugurates Dufferin Terrace.

Lossing, B. J., cited.

Louisbourg, Bigot Intendant, at; surrenders to the English.

Louisiana, Bigot Intendant of.

Lower Town; great fire in; bombarded and destroyed by English.

Loyal League, the; names of subscribers.

Lutheran minister imprisoned by Kirke.

Lymburner, Adam; delegate to England.

Macadamized roads introduced.

Macdonald, Sir John A.

Madocawando, an Indian chief; his daughter married to Baron St. Castin.

Maisonneuve, M. de, arrives with colonists for Montreal; winters at Sillery; difficulties with Montmagny; Governor of Montreal.

Maitland, Sir Peregrine, administrator; son in law of Duke of Richmond; revisits Quebec.

Mance, Mlle., arrives from France; winters at Sillery; founder of Hotel Dieu at Montreal.

Manitoulin Island, party of Hurons retires to; called Ekaentoton.

Market Hall, Champlain, built; Finlay; Montcalm.

Marmette, Joseph, cited; his novel, l'Intendant Bigot.

Marmier, Xavier, description of Quebec; notice of.

Marquette, Father, discovers the Mississippi.

Martello Powers.

Masse, Father Ennemond, dies at Sillery; first missionary in Canada; monument to.

McCarthy, Justin, notice of Lord Durham.

McClintock, Sir Leopold, at Quebec.

McLane, David, tried for high treason.

McQuarters, Hugh, fired the canon which killed Montgomery.

Memorial to the King for site for Presbyterian church; signatures to; some of the signers noticed.

Menut, Alexandre, proprietor of Blue House inn; forced to entertain Montgomery.

Merchants' Exchange established.

Mercury, the Quebec, cited.

Mesy, de, Governor, buried in Quebec.

Miles, Dr. H. H., cited; his statements concerning Miss Simpson referred to.

Militia uniforms.

Milnes, Sir R. S.; note.

Minister imprisoned by Kirke.

Mississippi, discovery of the.

Mohawks, kill Abbe Vignal; murder Chasy; one of their chiefs hanged; an Iroquois nation.

Monk, Lord, residence at Spencer Wood.

Monongahela, battle of the.

"Montague, the History of Emily," a novel; extracts from.

Montcalm, Marquis de, place of death doubtful; death and burial of; defeats Abercrombie; letter said to have been written by, just before his death; application of the French to erect a monument to; mural tablet in Ursuline Chapel; successfully defends Montmorency; entrenched at Beauport; his field works at Montmorency; proposed epitaph to.

Montcalm Ward.

Montgomery, Brigadier General Richard, his remains laid in Gobert's house; killed; his sword; centenary celebration of his defeat; in the English army; anniversary celebration of his defeat; plan of attack upon Quebec; spot where he fell; head-quarters at Holland House; in possession of environs of Quebec.

Montmagny, Governor, builds road from Upper to Lower Town; receives Ursuline Nuns; receives Madame de la Peltrie; holds grand council at Sillery; Indian name given to.

Montmorency, mill built by Peter Paterson at; French victorious at; residence of Governor Haldimand; Montcalm's entrenchments at.

Montmorency Falls, called La Vache; compared to Chaudiere Falls.

Montpetit, A. N., honorary chief of Lorette Indians.

Montreal, capitulates to Americans; arrival of colonists for; Hotel Dieu founded; founded by DeMaisonneuve; 'Beaver Hall' Club at; note: has largest bell in America.

Monument to Wolfe and Montcalm, corner stone laid; restored; note: to Father Masse; to Montcalm, application of French to erect; erected where Wolfe fell; des Braves, Prince Napoleon Bonaparte presents statue for; when erected; de la Temperance; to victims of rebellion of 1837.

Moodie, Mrs., description of Quebec.

Morrin College.

Morris, John, Postmaster-General.

Mount Carmel.

Mount Hermon Cemetery; monument to Lieut. Baines in.

Mount Lilac, Beauport.

Mountain, first Protestant Bishop of Quebec; the family of.

Mountain Hill, constructed; described.

Murray, General, appropriates Jesuits' College for barracks; warrant issued by, defeated by Levis; residence at Belmont; served at Fontenoy; Governor of Quebec.

Negro, sale of a.

Neilson, Hon. John, notice of.

Neilson, Samuel.

Nelson, Admiral, in Quebec; admirer of Miss Simpson.

Nelson, John, nephew of Sir T. Temple.

Neptune Inn, its statue of Neptune.

Neuville, Seigniory of.

Neville, Miss.

New York, plan for conquest of.

Newspapers, first in Canada and Nova Scotia.

Niagara Falls, earliest mention of.

Notary, first in Canada.

Observatory, Provincial.

Oneidas, an Iroquois nation.

Onondagas, an Iroquois nation.

Ononthio, meaning of.

Original, L', French ship sunk at Quebec.

Orphan Asylum, Female.

Oxford, Mass., French refugees.

Palace Ward.

Panet, Bishop.

Papineau, Amedee, account of visit to Chateau Bigot.

Papineau, Hon. L. J., visits Chateau Bigot.

Parkman, Francis, description of French empire in America; foundation of Quebec; session of Superior Council; hanging of Mohawk Chief; cited; Fort and Chateau St. Louis; D'Argenson's arrival; Tracy's arrival; DeCallieres' plan for conquest of New York.

Parliament Building, burnt; description of the new.

Paterson, Peter, notice of.

Pean, Captain Hugues; to whom married; notice of.

Pean, Madame.

Peltrie, Madame de la, founder of Ursulines Convent; her heart deposited in Jesuits' Church.

Perceval, M. H., Collector of Customs; owner of Spencer Wood.

Perrault, Joseph F., pioneer of lay education; description of his residence.

Perrault's Hill.

Petite Hermine, La, one of Cartier's, ships; discovered.

Phipps, Sir William, defeated.

Physicians, first in Canada.

Pieskurit, an Indian chief.

Pillory, on the market place.

Pitt, William, cited.

Place d'Armes.

Plains of Abraham, former extent of; derivation of name; ascent to, said to have been indicated by DeVitre or Stobo; by Cugnet; Wolfe's landing and occupation of.

Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, date of; various estimates of troops engaged; position of forces; anecdotes of; described by Carlyle; flight of the French.

Plessis, Bishop, builds St. Roch's Church.

Poem, first French, issued in Canada.

Pointe a Carcy.

Pointe a Puiseaux, called Cape Diamond by Champlain; after whom named; view from.

Poncet, Father, captured by Iroquois.

Post Office, demolished; history of the Canadian.

Postage, amount of, in 1774.

Powell, Henry W., biographical sketch of.

Powell Place. See Spencer Wood.

"Premier," transport, stranded.

Presbyterian minister, first in Province of Quebec.

Prescott, Governor.

Pres-de-Ville, Montgomery killed at; situation of.

Press-gangs in Quebec.

Prince Edward. See Kent, Duke of.

Prince of Wales, ball in honor of.

Prince William Henry, afterwards William IV., visits Canada; name of Sorel changed in his honor; festivities during his stay in Quebec.

Princess Louise embankment and docks, tablet stone laid.

Printing. See Newspapers and Books.

Protestants, use Jesuits' Church.

Punishment of criminals.

Quail, imported from Europe.

Quebec, described by Henry Ward Beecher, —J. T. Bulmer —Captain Butler —P. J. O. Chauveau —Charles Dickens —Sir Charles Dilke —Hawkins —Bishop Laval —Charles Lever —Marmier —Mrs. Moodie —M. Sand —Duke of Saxe-Weimar —Prof. Silliman, —Thoreau —Eliot Warburton; foundation of; society in the last century; old plans of city; surrendered by Champlain; fifty years ago; farewell of King's Own Borderers; population in 1680; inhabitants starved by Bigot's ring; extent at beginning of nineteenth century; shipping and business at that time; early city government under the English; incorporated; first Mayor; limits; municipal divisions; present city government; fiefs, contained in; War department property in; capture described by Carlyle; society before the Conquest; arrival of British fleet; French who remained in, in 1629; dates of events in history of.

Quebec Bank, history of site of.

Queen's wharf and stores.

Raffeix, Father, accompanies DeCourcelles against the Indians.


Ragueneau, Father, makes first mention of Niagara Falls; accompanies defeated Hurons to Quebec.

Railway, Gosford, wooden.

Razilly, De, influences M. de Sillery.

Reade, John S., description of first number of Quebec Gazette; account of Quebec society in the last century.

Rebellion of 1837, monument to victims of.

Recollets, Father DeBerey, provincial of the; at Quebec; first who arrive; build first church, convent and seminary; their fief reverts to the Crown.

Recollet church, situation of.

Recollet convent, American prisoners in; situation of; burnt; occasionally used as a prison; noted prisoners in.

Red House, the, a famous inn.

Relations des Jesuites, cited.

Richmond, Duke of, death of; loss of one of his sons; buried in Quebec.

Robert, first Intendant, never came to Canada.

Roberval, winters at Cap Rouge; account of his voyage to Canada.

Roger, Charles, cited.

Royal visitors to Canada.

Ryland, H. W., secretary to Sir James Craig; correspondence with Sir James Craig; secretary to Lord Dorchester; his mission to England; his death; his manor at Beauport; note.

Sagard, cited.

St. Bridget's Asylum.

St. Castin, Baron, notice of; note.

St. Charles river, Cartier winters on banks of; named by him the St Croix; re-named by the Recollets; former names of; meaning of Indian name of.

St. Foye, occupied by American soldiers; church occupied by British in 1760; Hurons settle at.

St. Foye road, a favorite drive a century ago; See Country Seats.

St Foye, Battle of, date of; an English defeat; various estimates of troops engaged; position of forces; anecdotes of; massacre by Indians; retreat of the English.

St Helen's Island, residence of Baronne de Longueuil.

St John's, surrendered to Americans.

St John's ward.

St Louis hotel.

St Louis road; See Country Seats.

St Louis ward.

St Peter's ward.

St Rochs, existed in 1759; extent of at beginning of nineteenth century; ward; fire of.

St. Sauveur, origin of name.

St. Valier, Bishop founder of General Hospital; builds N. D. des Victoires church; death of.

Samos road.

Sand, Maurice, description of Quebec.

Sault au Matelot, Americans defeated at; situation of barriers.

Saxe Weimar, Duke of, description of Quebec.

Scott, Major Thomas, brother of Sir Walter, where buried.

Scott, General Winfield, a prisoner at Quebec; courageous conduct of.

Seal of Canada.

Seigniory of Neuville.

Seminary, American prisoners in; first in Canada built by Recollets; intended site of new; owns fief Sault au Matelot.

Seminary chapel, temporarily used as parish church.

Senecas, an Iroquois nation.

Senechaussee, La.

Sewell, Hon Jonathan founder of Trinity church; his epitaph.

Ship-building under French rule.

Sillery, Noel Brulart de, notice of; founds Sillery mission.

Sillery, occupied by Americans; first mission at; visited by Madame de la Peltrie; hospital founded; first settlement; expedition against Indians starts from; early population; St. Columba church at; Jesuits' House at, probably first building in Canada; grand council held at; settlement abandoned; site of settlement; locality described by Henot; brewery at; visit to site of early settlement; called St. Columba; monument at; woods of.

Sillery Cove, other names of; Jesuits at.

Silliman, Professor Benj., description of Quebec.

Simpson, Mary, admired by Lord Nelson.

Simpson, Saunders, Provost Marshal in Wolfe's army.

Skating Rink.

Slave, sale of a negro.

Slavery in Canada, abolition of.

Smith, Chief Justice, notice of; letter to his wife.

Smith, Hon W., cited; notice of.

Snow shoe club.

Society, in the last century; before the Conquest.

Sorel, name changed to Fort William Henry taken by Americans.

Southey's Life of Nelson, cited.

Sparrows imported from England; appeal in behalf of.

Spencer Wood, Sir James Craig at; Lord Elgin at; formerly called Powell Place; Kidd's verses upon; origin of name; at one time included Spencer Grange; garden and conservatories at; residence of several Governors of Canada; burnt; re-built; illustrious visitors; residence of Lieut. Governors of Quebec; transferred by Dominion to Province; fete champetre at.

Stadacona, former name of Quebec; inhabited by Hurons; site of.

Stanley, Dean, at Quebec.

"Star" the Quebec.

Statue of General Wolfe, peregrinations of.

Stayner, Thomas Allen, Deputy Postmaster General.

Stewart, Charles, his letter from Chateau Bigot.

Stobo, Major Robert made prisoner by the French; escapes; selects Wolfe's landing place; advises expedition to Deschambault.

Streets of Quebec, described; oldest Sous le Fort; oldest in St Roch's St. Valier Aylmer; Bagot; Baronne; Bell's lane; Berthelot; Boisseau; Bridge; Buade; Burton; Buteau; Canoterie hill; Carleton; Champlain; Charlevoix; Christie; Cote a Coton; Cote d'Abraham; Couillard; Craig; Crown; Cul de Sac; D'Aiguillon; D'Aillebout; Dalhousie; Dambourgies; D'Artigny; D'Auteuil; DeSalaberry; Desfosses; Des Prairies; Dog lane; Donnacona; Dorchester; Ferland; Fiedmont; Frontenac; Gallows hill; Garneau; Grant; Grey; Haldimand; Hebert; Henderson; Hope hill; Hudon; Iberville, Jerome; Jupiter; King; Laval; Lee; Longueuil; Massue; Metcalfe; Montmagny; Murray; Palace; Panel; Plessis; Pozer; Prevost; Prince Edward; Queen; Ramsay; Richardson; Richelieu; Richmond; Robitaille; Ryland; St. Ann; St. Famille St. Helen; St. James; St. John; St. Joseph; St. Louis; St. Ours; St. Paul; St. Peter St. Stanislas; St. Ursule; St. Valier; Sault au-Matelot; Scott; Seguin; Smith; Sous le Cap; Sous le Fort; Stewart; Tourangeau; Treasure; Turgeon; Wolfe.

Stuart, Andrew, materials for Hawkins' "Picture of Quebec," furnished by.

Sulpicians, of Montreal.

Suite, Benjamin, description of Spencer Grange.

Superior Council, session of, where held.

Sutherland, David, Deputy Postmaster-General.

"Swiftsure," steamer.

Tache, writer of first French poem issued in Canada.

Taiguragny, Indian kidnapped by Cartier.

Talon, Intendant, arrival at Quebec; builds a brewery; first owner of Belmont; seigniory granted to; probable builder of Chateau Bigot.

Taschereau, Mr., imprisoned by Sir James Craig.

Terrace. See Dufferin and Durham.

Tessier, Hon U. J., suggests plan for Harbour Works.

Theatre Royal opened.

Theller, escapes from Citadel.

Thompson, James, one of Wolfe's veterans; extracts from his diary; notice of.

Thoreau, description of Quebec.

Three Rivers, taken by Americans.

Ticonderoga, taken by Americans; Montcalm defeats Abercrombie at.

Tracy, Marquis de, Viceroy; hangs a Mohawk chief; lays foundation stone of Jesuits' church; residence; arrival of; brings Carignan regiment to Canada; arranges truce with Iroquois.

Twiss, Captain, builds temporary Citadel.

Uniforms, Militia.

Union hotel.

United Empire Loyalists settle in Canada.

Upper Town; first resident of; partly destroyed by English batteries.

Ursuline church, temporarily used as parish church.

Ursuline convent, old painting in the; founded by Madame de la Peltrie; mural tablet to Montcalm in chapel.

Vacherie, La, extent of; origin of name.

Variation of the compass at Quebec.

Vaudreuil, Governor, buried in Quebec; epitaph; at Beauport after battle of the Plains; prepares to capitulate.


Vignal, Abbe, killed by the Mohawks.

Vimont, Father, Jesuit missionary; description of life at Sillery.

Voltaire, his remark upon the loss of Canada.

Voltigeurs Canadiens, formation of.


Walkem, Charles, history of Intendant's palace.

Walker, Admiral, squadron dispersed by storm.

Wapiti, extinct in Eastern Canada.

War Department property.

Warburton, Eliot, description of Quebec.

Wards, boundaries of.

Weld, Isaac, description of Haldimand Castle.

Wild flowers of Sillery.

Wilkie, Dr. Daniel, notice of.

Winter, the Joys of; in Canada.

Witchcraft, executions at Boston for.

Wolfe, General, monument to; statue of; his landing place; monument where he fell; repulsed at Montmorency; proposes wintering at Ile aux Coudres; scales the Heights of Abraham; served at Fontenoy; pistols and sash of.

Wooden railway, Gosford.

Woods of Sillery.

Writers, names of Canadian.

Wyandots. See Hurons.

Young Men's Christian Association, building; history of, in Quebec.



[1] Mr. and Mrs. Dickens had lunched in the Citadel on that May 27th, 1842, the admired guests of the officers of the Grenadier Guards stationed there.

[2] Lettres sur l'Amerique: X. Marmier. Paris, 1869.

[3] The Highlanders—78th, 79th, and 93rd.

[4] The New York Ledger.

[5] Before the era of the Allan line, sailing vessels used to land their living cargoes of forlorn emigrants in the Lower Town, sometimes after a passage of fourteen weeks.


[6] Parkman thus heralds the advent of this foreign arrival from sea:—"A lonely ship sailed up the St. Lawrence. The white whales floundering in the Bay of Tadousac, and the wild duck diving as the foaming prow drew near,—there was no life but these in all that watery solitude, twenty miles from shore to shore. The ship was from Honfleur, and was commanded by Samuel de Champlain. He was the Aeneas of a destined people, and in her womb lay the embryo life of Canada." (Pioneers of France in the New World, p. 296.)

[7] Champlain calls Cape Diamond, Mont du Gas (Guast), from the family name of De Monts. He gives the name of Cape Diamond to Pointe a Puiseaux. See map of Quebec (1613.)


[8] Six French Governors died and were buried in Quebec—Samuel de Champlain, Count de Frontenac, M. de Mesy, De Callieres, Marquis de la Jonquiere, and Marquis de Vaudreuil. Two English Governors—Lieut. Gen. Hope and the Duke of Richmond.

[9] Up to 1617, and later, Cbamplain's residence was in the Lower Town, and stood nearly on the site of the Church of Notre-Dames des Victoires.

[10] John London MacAdam, the inventor of macadamized roads, was born in Ayr, Scotland, on the 21st September, 1756, and died at Moffat on the 26th November, 1836. The Parliament of Great Britain voted L2,000 to this benefactor of the human race. Macadamized roads, like several other useful inventions, met with many obstacles in Quebec. Some of the loudest to denounce this innovation were the carriage builders, who augured that good roads, by decreasing the bills for repairs to carriages, would ruin their industry, that their "usefulness would be gone."

[11] Jesuit's Journal, page 89. Vide Appendix—Verbo, Horses.

[12] The Journal des Jesuites, published by Geo. Desbarats in 1874, under the supervision of the learned Abbes Laverdiere and Casgrain, from the copy in the Archives of the Quebec Seminary, though fragmentary, throws valuable light on many points in Canadian History. We clip the entry for 1st January, 1646, as summarized in the Glimpses of the (Ursuline) Monastery, respecting the custom of New Year's visits and presents; this entry will further introduce us to some of the denizens of note in Quebec in 1646:—We meet with the first seigneur of Beauport, Surgeon Robert Giffard, who had settled there in 1634; the Royal Engineer and Surveyor, Jean Bourdon; J. Bpte. Couillard, the ancestor of the Quebec Couillards, of late years connected by marriage with the Quebec DeLerys; Mdlle. de Repentigny, a high-born French lady; the founder of the Ursuline Monastery, the benevolent Madame de la Peltrie; the devoted Sillery missionary, Father de Quen; without forgetting our old Scotch friend, Pilot Abraham Martin, who, from the nature of the gift bestowed, it seems, could relish his glass, and evidently was not then what we now call a "Neal Dow man."

January, 1st, 1646.—The soldiers went to salute the Governor with their guns; the inhabitants presented their compliments in a body. He was beforehand with us, and came here at seven o'clock to wish us a 'Happy New Year,' addressing each of the Fathers one after another. I returned his visit after Mass. (Another time we must be beforehand with him.) M. Giffard also came to see us. The hospital nuns sent us a letter of compliment early in the morning; the Ursulines also, with beautiful presents, wax candles, rosaries, a crucifix, and, at dinner, two excellent pigeon-pies. I sent them two images, in enamel, of St. Ignatius and St Francois Xavier. We gave to M. Giffard the 'Life of Our Lord,' by F. Bonnet; to M. des Chatelets, a little volume of Drexellius on Eternity; to M. Bourdon, a telescope and compass, and to others, reliquaries, rosaries, medals, images, etc. We gave a crucifix to the woman who washes the Church linen, a bottle of rum to Abraham, and four handkerchiefs to his wife; some books of devotion to others, and two handkerchiefs to Robert Hache; he asked for more and we gave them to him. I went to see M. Giffard, M. Couillard and Mademoiselle de Repentigny. The Ursulines sent to beg I would come and see them before the end of the day. I went; and paid my compliments also to Madame de la Peltrie, who had sent us presents. I was near leaving this out, which would have been a great oversight. At home, I gave to our Fathers and Brothers what I thought they would like best. I had given beforehand to F. De Quen, for Sillery, all he chose to take from my room, and a choice present for Father Masse."—Journal, p. 24.

[13] Histoire de la Colonie Francaise en Canada, Vol. III., p. 384.

[14] History of Emily Montague, 4 Vols., 1767—London.

[15] The "dear man," in a concluding paragraph, dated 1st July, 1766, to John Temple, Esq., Pall-Mall, London, says: "Adieu! I am going to attend a very handsome French lady, who allows me the honour to drive her en calashe to our Canadian Hyde Park, the road to St. Foix, where you will see forty or fifty calashes, with pretty women in them, parading every evening."—(History of Emily Montague, Vol. I., p. 25.) The handsome Colonel Rivers, who so fancied his drives on the Foye road in 1766, the writer was told by Hon. W. Sheppard, was no other than the gallant Colonel Henry Caldwell, Wolfe's Assistant Quartermaster-General at the battle of the Plains, in 1759—the "Laird of Belmont"—who died at Quebec in 1810, a friend, no doubt, of the clever Mrs. Brookes who wrote this novel.

[16] Histoire de l'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec (Mere Juchereau, 511.)

[17] Histoire de l'Hotel-Dieu, Casgrain, p. 81.

[18] To Let.—That elegant house, No. 6 Port Louis Street, lately occupied by H.R.H. Prince Edward, and at present by the Lord Bishop of Quebec. For particulars, apply to Miss Mabane, or to Munro & Bell, Quebec.—4th March, 1794 (Quebec Gazette, 1794.)

[19] Montgomery's House is now a much frequented stand for the sale of cigars, candies, newspapers, &c., to tourists.

[20] William Brown, uncle to the Neilsons, was a Scotchman from Philadelphia, who had been induced to print a journal in Quebec from the representations and information he had collected from William Laing, a Quebec merchant tailor, whom he had met in Scotland.

[21] Twenty-four years in advance of the London Times, founded in 1778, but twelve years after the Halifax Gazette, published in Halifax, N.S., in March, 1762, by one John Bushnell.

[22] The first books printed in Quebec were:— "Catechisme Montagnais," 1767. "Lettre sur la Ville de Quebec," 1774. "Cantique de Marseilles," 1776.

In Montreal:— "Reglement de la Confrerie de l'Adoration Perpetuelle du Saint Sacrement et de la Bonne Mort," Mesplet & Berger, 1776. "Jonathan and David, a tragedy, a book of 40 pages," Mesplet & Berger, 1776. "Officium Sacerdotum," Mesplet & Berger, 1777. —(Montreal Prize Questions in Canadian History.)

[23] The mode of consulting a Roman lawyer was this: the lawyer was placed on an elevated seat, the client, coming up to him said Licet consulere? The lawyer answered, consule. The matter was then proposed, and an answer returned very shortly, thus: Quaero an existimes, vel, id jus est, nec ne? Secundum ea, quae proponuntur, existimo, placet, puto.— (Adams' Roman Antiquities, 201.)

Lawyers gave their opinions either by word of mouth or in writing, commonly without any reasons annexed, but not always.

The lawyers of these days do not, as a rule, see their clients quite so early in the morning as those of Rome did.

Agricolam laudat juris legumque peritus Sub galli cantum, consultor ubi ostia pulsat.

Romae dulce diu fuit et solemne, reclusa Mane domo vigilare, clienti promere jura.

[24] La Hontan, I., 21 (Ed. 1705). In some editions the above is expressed in different language—(From Parkman's Old Regime, p. 270.)

[25] It lines a space in rear, on which the Imperial Government erected, for the British troops in garrison, the Military Hospital. Since 1872, it is used as a temporary Court House, in lieu of the old Court House, built in 1814, and destroyed by fire in 1871. A high wall to the south-east, encloses a lofty eminence surmounted by a flagstaff—the Mont Carmel mentioned by La Potherie, Charlevoix and other old writers. The French had a Cavalier here. A little Eden of flowers, adjacent to the residence of the member for the County of Quebec, Hon. Adolphe P. Caron, Minister of Militia, and son of the late Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. R. E. Caron, now enlivens this eminence. On the same side of the street, about one hundred feet to the east, facing Parloir street, still exists a high-peaked old tenement, to which a livery stable is attached. This house is said to occupy the site on which, in 1759 stood the dwelling of Dr. Arnoux, Jr., the French surgeon under whose roof the gallant Montcalm was brought about noon, on his way from the lost battle of the Plains.

[26] Smith's History of Canada, Vol. II, p. 92. Diary of Siege of 1776. Lit. and Hist. Society Pub., fourth series, p. 9.

[27] In accepting the Chateau St. Louis as the spot where Montcalm expired, we still wish to leave the question an open one. Did Montcalm expire at the Chateau, under Dr. Arnoux's roof, at the General Hospital, as averred by Capt. John Knox, or, possibly, under his own roof on the ramparts, near Hope Gate? This point is not yet cleared up. See disquisition in Album du Touriste "Ou est mort Montcalm?"

[28] On the 9th July, 1755, De Beaujeu won this brilliant victory.

[29] The 8th July, 1758, has been rendered famous by Montcalm and his regulars and Canadian militia at Carillon.

[30] Louis Honore Frechette, born at the town of Levis, opposite to Quebec—went through a classical course at the Quebec Seminary—studied for the Bar, recently member of parliament for his native county, Levis, under the present Judge for the Kamouraska District, Hon. Henri Taschereau. Represented his native county of Levis in the Commons Parliament from 1873 to 1878. His poetical effusions were published, at Quebec, in 1863, in a small volume, intituled "Mes Loisirs"; in 1877, a more extensive collection was published under the title of "Pele-Mele." He was awarded in 1880, by the Academie Francaise of Paris, the Grand Prix Monthyon, 2,000 francs. In April, 1881, Queen's College conferred on Mr. Frechette the degree of Doctor of Laws, and McGill University also made him an LL.D. Since his marriage in Montreal to Mdlle. Beaudry, the poet resides in that city.

[31] A magnificent banquet had just previously been given to Mr. Frechette.

[32] The greatest of French Canada's poets died at St. Malo, France, in June 1880, an exile—and fugitive from Justice.

[33] Parkman's Old Regime, p. 192.

[34] Bouchette—Topography of Lower Canada, 1815.

[35] "There were in that forte and habitation thereof four brasse pieces each weighing about 150 lbs. weight, another piece of brasse ordinance weighing eighty lbs. weight, five iron boxes of shot, for the five brasse pieces of ordinance; two small iron pieces of ordinances weighing each eight cwt. six murderers with their double boxes or chargers, one small piece of ordinance weighing about eighty lbs., forty-five small iron bullets for the service of the aforesaid; five brasse pieces, six iron bullets for the service of the aforesaid, twenty-six brasse-pieces weighing only three lbs. each, thirty or forty lbs. of gunpowder all belonging to M. de Caen, of Dieppe; about thirty lbs. of mettle belonging to the French King; thirteen whole and one broken musket, a harquebush, two large harquebueses five or six foote longe, a piece belonging to the Kinge; five or six thousand leaden bulletts, plate and bars of lead belonging, sixty corselletts whereof two are compleat and pistoll proof; two great brasse pieces weighing eighty lbs., one pavilion to lodge about twenty men belonging to the Kinge, a smith's fordge with appurtenances, all necessaries for a carpenter, all appurtenances of iron work for a windmill; a handmill to grind corn; a brass bell belonging to the said merchants, and about 2,500 to 3,000 beaver skins in the magazines, and some cases of knives and the forte belonging to the Kinge, and the habitations and houses then belonging to the said merchants were all left standing. * * * * *

"That there were not any victualls or ordinance, sustenance for men in the said forte at the time of taking it, the men in the same having lived by the space of two months before upon nothing but rootes." (THE CONQUEST OF CANADA, 1629, by Kirke, p. 76-7.)

[36] A detailed account of the picturesque interview between Count de Frontenac and Sir Wm. Phipps' envoy in 1690, will be found in Quebec Past and Present, p. 122.

[37] This sketch of the old Chateau in 1804, now forms part of the historical album of the writer, through the kindness of Mr. Parkman.

[38] "Toronto of Old," H. Scadding, D.D., Toronto, 1873, p. 122-3.

[39] The name of Lennox in 1819, was indeed a familiar one in the highways and byways of old Stadacona. There were three brothers, we are told, sons of the Duke; Lord Charles, Lord William Pitt, Lord Arthur Lennox; more than one of them are said to have had a hand in some of the practical jokes so much to the fancy of Quebec military men, barristers, &c, in 1819, some of whom still survive, demure grandfathers, at present.

[40] John Galt, novelist, dramatist, historian, the genial author of "Lawrie Todd," "Annals of the Parish," "The Laird," "Stanley Buxton," "The Radical," "Eben Erskine," "The Stolen Child," "Majolo," "Omen," "Kathelun," "Ringan Gilhaize," "Spaewife," "Sir Andrew Wylie," "Provost," "Entail," "Steamboat," "The Life of Byron," and other works. Born at Irvine, in Ayrshire, on the 2nd May, 1779, died at Greenock, 11th April, 1839. He came to Canada in 1827, as Secretary to the Canada Land Company, which he had originated, and one of the five Commissioners (Colonel Cockburn, Sir John Harvey, John Galt, Mr. McGillivray and Mr. Davidson) named by England for the valuation of the Province of Upper Canada. This remarkable man was the founder of Galt, Goderich, Guelph, and other western cities, and was the father of three sons, John, Thomas and Sir Alexander Tilloch, the last at present our charge d'affaires in London.

[41] See Quebec, Past and Present, page 454.

[42] For full particulars about St Andrew's Church, see "Quebec, Past and Present," pages 404-5.

[43] Adam, the oldest; John lost at sea on his voyage to England, in the fall of 1775; and Matthew, who, later on, we think was a partner in the old firm of Lymburner & Crawford, came to his end, in a melancholy manner at the Falls of Montmorency, about 1823. Were they all brothers? we cannot say. Adam and John were.

[44] Mrs. Widow Arch. Campbell closed her long career at Quebec, in November, 1880.

[45] John Sewell, Capt. in 49th (Brock's Regiment), and Lt-Col. Volunteers in 1837. William Smith Sewell; late Sheriff of Quebec, died 1st June, 1866. Edmund Willoughby Sewell, Clerk in Holy Orders. Robert Shore Milnes Sewell, Advocate, died 9th May, 1834. Maria May Livingstone Sewell, widow of Major Henry Temple, 15th Regiment, died at Quebec in April, 1881. Henrietta Sewell, wife of Rev. Dr. Frs. J. Lundy, died 17th Nov. 1847. Henry Doyle Sewell, Clerk in Holy Orders. James Arthur Sewell, M.D., Professor at Laval University. Montague Charles Sewell, died 28th February, 1859. Charlotte DeQuincy Sewell, died 31st December, 1826. Fanny Georgina Sewell, wife of Capt. Trevor Davenport, 1st "Royals." Eliza Janet Sewell, wife of John Ross, Esq., died 8th May, 1875. Algernon Robinson Sewell, Lt.-Col. 15th Regiment, died 10th January, 1875.

[46] Histoire de Marie de l'Incarnation, par l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain.

[47] The old homestead, successively owned by Messrs. Timothy H. Dunn and Joseph Shehyn, M.P.P., and now by Mr. J. O. Vallieres, was erected in 1812 for Capt. Benjamin LeMoine, Canadian Militia, the writer's father.

[48] A detailed sketch of this great educational institution, descriptive of its origin and constitution, galleries of paintings, museum, library etc., appears at page 361 of "Quebec, Past and Present," to which the reader is referred. We purpose to note the changes which have taken place since the publication of that work only.

[49] In 1808, among other notabilities on the Rue des Pauvres, we find that, as appears by a notarial deed of transfer, in the Woolsey estate, before J. Plante, N.P., 28th March, 1808, a grand old relic of the Canadian noblesse, la Baronne de Longueuil, the widow of the late Captain David Alexander Grant, of the 94th regiment—to whom she had been united in wedlock at Quebec, on the 7th May, 1781. She then dwelt there in a house belonging to her husband's uncle, the Honorable William Grant (who had died at Quebec in 1805), though her usual abode was on the picturesque family property—on the Island of St. Helen, opposite Montreal. This island was purchased by the Imperial authorities for military purposes about 1815. The dignified, accomplished and queenly old Baronne expired at Montreal on the 7th February, 1841, aged 86 years. Her grandson, Charles Colmore Grant, of London England, now bears the title of Baron de Longueuil, in virtue of the gracious recognition of our Sovereign, as set forth in the London (Royal) Gazette of the 4th December, 1880, and Canada Gazette of the 21st January, 1881.

[50] The following was composed by the late Hon J. Sewell, Chief Justice of Lower Canada:—


Spoken at the Opening of the Quebec Royal Theatre, February 15, 1832.

Ye sons of pity, whose kind acts proclaim How much you glory in true English fame, In fame which rests on deeds of solid worth And kindred feelings for the peopled earth: Ye too, fair dames, whose daily conduct shows How much ye feel in heart, for others woes Who by compassion led, have hither come To grace these walls and soften mis'rys doom, We bid you welcome all—and what you see [Looking around the House] Thus dedicate to you and charity [Bowing to the audience] By the kind bounty which you now bestow You will assuage the pangs of human woe, To infant suffering and to aged grief You will afford prompt solace and relief, The famished penitent who stole for bread Snatched from his wants will once more raise his head The sickly wretch upon his bed of straw Will pine no longer, but will quickly draw From your resources, the comfort he requires To sooth his pains, and quench a fever's fires; And houseless strangers will no longer meet Their fete in storms, and perish in the street.

[51] See appendix for list of executions.

[52] The Earl of Dalhousie, Sir James Kempt, John Adams, Edmund William Romer Antrobus, Charles Ardouin, Thomas Cushing Aylwin, Frederick Baddely, Henry W. Bayfield, Francis Bell, Henry Blake, Edward Bowen, William Brent, Joseph Bouchette, Robert Shore Milnes Bouchette, Joseph Bouchette, junior, George Bourne, Judge Burton, Edward Burroughs, John Caldwell, Hugh Caldwell, Archibald Campbell, Charles Campbell, John Saxton Campbell, John Cannon, Edward Caron, John P. Cockburn, Andrew Wm. Cochran, Thos. Coffin, James Cuthbert, John Davidson, Wm. H. A. Davies, Dominick Daly, Jerome Demers, Edward Desbarats, Frederick Desbarats, Robert D'Estimauville, William Dudley Dupont, William Bowman Felton, John Charlton Fisher, John Fletcher, William Finlay, James B. Forsyth, John Fraser, John Malcolm Fraser, Francois Xavier Garneau, Augustin Germain, Manly Gore, William Green, Louis Gugy, John Hale, James Hamilton, Andre Remi Hamel, Joseph Hamel, Victor Hamel, Aaron Hart, James Harkness, William Henderson, Frederick Ingall, William Kemble, William Kelly, James Kerr, Pierre Laforce, Louis Lagneux, William Lampson, Pierre de Salles Laterriere, Thomas Lee, junior, Joseph Legare, Henry Lemesurier, Thomas Lloyd, William Lyons, Frederick Maitland, John McNider, William McKee, William King McCord, Roderick McKenzie, John Langley Mills, Thomas Moore, Joseph Morrin, George J Mountain, Henry Nixon, Charles Panet, Joseph Parent, Etienne Parent, Augustus Patton, Francois Xavier Perrault, Joseph Francois Perrault, William Power, Francis Ward Primrose, William Price, Remi Quirouet, William Rose, John Richardson, Randolph I. Routh, William Sax, Jonathan Sewell, Edmund Sewell, Robert S M. Sewell, William Sheppard, Peter Sheppard, Joseph Skey, William J. Skewes, William Smith, James Smilie, William Stringer, Charles James Stewart, Lord Bishop of Quebec, Sir James Stuart, David Stuart, Andrew Stuart, Joseph Signay, Robert Symes, Jean Thomas Taschereau, John Peyfinch Thirlwall, Henry Truder, Joseph Remi Valieres de St. Real, Geo. Vanfelson, Norman Fitzgerald Umacke, George Usborne, George A Wanton, Gustavus Wicksteed, Daniel Wilkie, George Willing, Thomas William Willan, George Wurtele and Jonathan Wurtele. After half a century the survivors are Gen. Baddely, Gustavus Wicksteed, Revd Edmund Sewell, John Fraser, Admiral Bayfield and Thomas Lloyd.

[53] Now the mansion of the Hon. Pantaleon Pelletier, Senator.

[54] LOSSING'S FIELD BOOK, Vol. I, p. 195, thus describes the dress of the invaders: "Each man of the three rifle companies (Morgan's, Smith's, and Hendrick's) bore a rifle barreled gun, a tomahawk or small axe, and a long knife, usually called a scalping knife, which served for all purposes in the woods. His underdress, by no means in a military style, was covered by a deep ash-coloured hunting shirt, legging and moccasins if the latter could be procured. It was a silly fashion of those times for riflemen to ape the manners of savages." "The Canadians who first saw these (men) emerge from the woods, said they were vetus en toile—clothed in linen. The word toile was changed to tole, iron plated. By a mistake of a single word the fears of the people were greatly increased, for the news spread that the mysterious army that descended from the wilderness was clad in sheet-iron."

[54a] "The flag used by what was called the Continental troops, of which the force led into Canada by Arnold and Montgomery was a part, was of plain crimson, and perhaps sometimes it may have had a border of black. On the 1st January, 1776, the army was organized, and the new flag then adopted was first unfurled at Cambridge, at the head-quarters of General Washington, the present residence of the poet Longfellow. That flag was made up of thirteen stripes, seven red and six white, but the Union was the Union of the British flag of that day, blue bearing the Cross of St Andrew combined with the cross of St George and a diagonal red cross for Ireland. This design was used by the American Army till after the 14th June, 1777, when Congress ordered that the Union should be changed, the Union of the English flag removed and in its place there should be a simple blue field with thirteen white stars, representing the thirteen colonies declared to be states. Since that time there has been no change in the flag except that a star is added as each new state is admitted. The present number being thirty-eight."—W. O. HOWELLS.

[55] Extract from the Quebec Gazette, May 1st, 1794.


"The Gentlemen who served in the Garrison of Quebec in 1775-76, are acquainted that their Anniversary Dinner will be held at Ferguson's Hotel on Tuesday, 6th May.

Dinner to be on Table at half-past-four o'clock.

The Honble. A. de Bonne, " " J. Walker, Esquires Simon Fraser Senr., / Stewards, James Frost, / John Coffin, junr., Secretary.

Quebec, 25th April, 1794."

[56] Date of departure of invaders in 1776.

[57] Natanis and his brother Sabatis, and seventeen other (Abenaquis) Indians, the nephews and friends of Sabatis, marched with Arnold to Quebec.—(Henry's Journal, page 75.) This may account for their successful venture through the trackless wilderness between Massachusetts and Quebec.

[58] Faucher de Saint Maurice.

[59] A memorable Indian Council was held in the court of the Jesuits' College, on 31st August, 1666.

[60] Mr. Faucher de Saint Maurice having been, in 1878, charged by the Premier, Hon. Mr. Joly, to watch the excavations and note the discoveries, in a luminous report, sums up the whole case. From this document, among other things, we glean that the remains of the three persons of male sex are those of:

1. Pere Francois du Peron, who died at Fort St. Louys (Chambly) 10th November, 1665, and was conveyed to Quebec for burial.

2. Pere Jean de Quen, the discoverer of Lake St. John, who died at Quebec, on 8th October, 1659, from the effects of a fever contracted in attending on some of the passengers brought here that summer by the French ship "Saint Andre."

3. Frere Jean Liegeois, scalped 29th May, 1655, by the Agniers at Sillery—(the historian Ferland assigns as the probable spot, the land on which the late Lieutenant-Governor Caron built his mansion "Clermont," now occupied by Thomas Beckett, Esquire.) The remains of this missionary, when excavated, were headless—which exactly agrees with the entry in the Jesuits' Journal, May, 1655, which states that Jean Liegeois was scalped—his head cut off and left at Sillery, while his mutilated body, discovered the next day by the Algonquins, the allies of the French, was brought to Sillery, (probably the Jesuits' residence, the same solid old structure close to the foundations of the Jesuits' chapel and monument at the foot of the Sillery Hill, which many here have seen), from whence it was conveyed to the Lower Town in a boat and escorted to the Jesuits' College, with the ceremonies of the R. C. Church.

[61] Three Nuns of the Hotel-Dieu Convent, according to authorities quoted by Mr. Faucher, were buried in the vault (caveau) of the Jesuits' Chapel. The sisterhood had been allowed the use of a wing of the Jesuits' College, where they removed after the conflagration of the 7th June, 1755, which destroyed their hospital.

4. Mere Marie Marthe Desroches de Saint-Francois-Xavier, a young woman of 28 years, who succumbed to small-pox on the 16th August, 1755.

5. Mere de l'Enfant-Jesus, who expired on the 12th May, 1756.

6. Mere de Saint-Monique, who died in July, 1756, the victim of her devotion in ministering to the decimated crew of the ship "Leopard," sunk in the port by order of Government to arrest the spread of the pestilential disease which had raged on the passage. Mr. Faucher closes his able report with a suggestion that a monument ought to be raised, to commemorate the labours and devotion of the Jesuits, on the denuded area on which stood their venerable College.

Relation de ce qui s'est passe lors des Fouilles faites par ordre du Gouvernement dans une partie des fondations du COLLEGE DES JESUITES de Quebec, precedee de certaines observations par FAUCHER DE SAINT MAURICE. Quebec. C. Darveau—1879.

[62] Pierre DuCalvet was sent under warrant of Gen. Haldimand, a prisoner on 29th September, 1780, on board the "Canceaux." He was then removed on 14th November, 1780, to the Military prison in Quebec, where he remained until the 13th December, 1781, when the Provost Martial, Miles Prentice placed him at the Franciscan convent, under the charge of Father DeBerey, where he remained until the 2nd May, 1784. He followed Governor Haldimand who had sailed in the "Atalante" on the 26th November, 1784, to England, to sue him in an English Court of Justice for illegal arrest, and was lost at sea in the "Shelburne" on his return to Canada.

[63] The following inscription was on the coffin plate:

(1) Count Frontenac—"Cy gyt le Haut et Puissant Seigneur, Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac, Gouverneur-General de la Nouvelle-France. Mort a Quebec, le 28 novembre 1698."—(Hist. of Canada, Smith, Vol. 1, p. 133.)

(2) Gov de Callieres.—"Cy gyst Haut et Puissant Seigneur, Hector de Callieres, Chevalier de Saint-Louis, Gouverneur et Lieutenant- General de la Nouvelle-France, decede le 26 mai 1703."—(Ibid., p. 148.)

(3) Gov. de Vaudreuil.—"Cy gist Haut et Puissant Seigneur, Messire Philippe Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil, Grande Croix de l'Ordre Militaire de Saint-Louis, Gouverneur et Lieutenant-General de toute la Nouvelle-France decede le dixieme octobre 1725."—(Ibid., p. 190.)

(4) M. de la Jonquiere—"Cy repose le corps de Messire Jacques-Pierre de Taffanel, Marquis de la Jonquiere, Baron de Castlenau, Seigneur de Hardars-magnas et autres lieux, Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de Saint-Louis, Chef d'Escadre des Armees Navales, Gouverneur et Lieutenant-General poor le Roy en tout la Nouvelle- France, terres et passes de la Louisiane. Decede a Quebec, le 17 mai 1752, a six heures-et-demie du soir, age de 67 ans."—(Ibid., p. 222.)

[64] Faillon, Vol. III, p. 372.

[65] The laying of the corner stone of this lofty building whose proportions must have seemed colossal to our fathers, was done with grand masonic honors on the 14th August, 1805, by the Hon. Thos. Dunn, President of the Province of Lower Canada, and administrator of the Government, assisted by William Holmes, Esq., M.D., Deputy Grand Master of Ancient and Accepted Free-Masons. Several coins of that reign were deposited under the stone. Amongst the members of the craft, we find the names of Joseph Bouchette, Claude Denechaud, Joseph Plante, Angus Shaw, Thomas Place, David Monro, the architect's name is Edward Cannon, grand-father of Messrs. Ed. J. Lawrence and James Cannon, our esteemed fellow-citizens; Rev. Dr. Sparks delivered a splendid oration, to be found in the Quebec Mercury, of 17th August, 1805.

Hujusce Fori Municipalis, Anglice UNION HALL, ex Senates provincialis consulto erecti, THOMAS DUNN Vir Honorabilis Provinciae Proetectus Politiaeque Administrator. Adstantibus et Curatioribus Selectis.

Hon. John Young Praese, Hon. John Antoine Panet Comitiae Provincialis Rogatore. Jonathan Sewell Armigero Cognitore Regio, John Painter et John Blackwood, Armigeris, Pacis Curatoribus; Joseph Bouchette Armigero Mensorum Principali, John Caldwell, Claude Denechaud, John Coltman, John Taylor, Joseph Plante, Angus Shaw, Thomas Place et David Monro, de Quebec Armigeris, Nec non et multis Latomorum hujus Urbis, quorum William Holmes Armiger, M D fuit summus Magister Deputatus, adjuvantibus, hunc primum Lapidem posuit, dei XIV. Mensis Sextilis, Anno Salutis MDCCCV. Nummi quoque Regis Regnantis GEORGE III. Suppositi sunt, Videlicet.

Nummus Aureus Anglice Guinea, aureum etiam Dimidium ejus et Triens; Nummus argenteus solidos quinque Anglicos valans, solidus dimidium solidi, et quarta pars; nummus Aeranus denarios duos Anglicos valens; denarius obolus; et quadrans. EDWARD CANNON, Architectus.

[66] A MONUMENT OF THE OLDEN TIME.—Inserted in the wall enclosing the lot of ground between Buade street and the Basilica, about midway from the front entrance of the church, is to be seen a slab of very fine marble, bearing the following inscription. It is the only one in the plate:—

"In memory of Mary, wife of Thomas Ainslie, Esq., Collector of His Majesty's Customs of Quebec, who died March 14th, 1767, aged 25 years. If Virtues Charms had pow'r to save Her faithful votaries, from the grave; With Beauty's ev'ry form supply'd The lovely AINSLIE ne'er had died."

[67] John Hale who died in 1842, had six sons: 1st, Edward, who died at Quebec in May, 1874; 2nd, Jeffery Hale; 3rd, Miss Hale; 4th, Bernard Hale, now in England; 5th, Richard Hale, late 81st; 6th, William, late Capt. 52nd, who died at Ste. Anne, district of Three Rivers, about 1845; 7th, Mrs. Hotham; 8th, George Hale; 9th, Miss Elizabeth Harriet Hale, who in 1838 married Commander John Orlebar, R.N.

[68] We are indebted to Professor H. LaRue, M.D., for the following notes relative to an address delivered by him at a dinner given by the Notaries Public in 1872:—"The first physician who entered Quebec narrowly escaped being hung," says Dr. LaRue. "I said that he had narrowly escaped the gallows; had he been hung I would not say it. It occurred thus:—Champlain had just landed in the Lower Town and had laid the foundation of his abode, when some of his followers hatched a plot against his life. The scheme leaked out, the ring leader was arraigned, found guilty and hung; so far as I know, this was the first execution which took place in Canada. Some how or other, Surgeon Bonnerme, one of Champlain's followers, was mixed up in the matter, imprisoned, but his innocence having shortly after been established, he was acquitted. Dr Bonnerme died the following year (1609) at Quebec, of scurvy. If Bonnerme was the first physician who came to Quebec, he was not, for all that, the first medical man who landed in New France; another had preceded him: Louis Hebert, the first citizen of Quebec and of all Canada. Before Hebert's day the French who came to Quebec came there for no other object than barter, hunting and fishing; none had thought of settling permanently there. Louis Hebert was the first proprietor in Quebec, the first land owner in Canada; as such, historians recognize him as the first Citizen of Quebec—the first Canadian: a surgeon, let us bear in mind. Louis Hebert visited New France in 1606, two years before the foundation of Quebec. He spent the winter of 1606-7—a merry one—at Port Royal, Acadia, in the company of Samuel de Champlain and Lescarbot. Lescarbot was the first lawyer who found his way to New France; Lescarbot was the first historian of the country; he was gifted with wit—a proclivity to mild satire; each page of his history reveals the lawyer familiar with the Bar and its lively forensic display. The winter of 1606-7, at Port Royal, was remarkable for good cheer; appetising repasts, the product of the chase or of the sea, were the order of the day to that extent that Lescarbot declared that Port Royal fare was as recherche as that of Rue aux Ours, in Paris—apparently the "Palais Royal" of the French capital in those times. The third or fourth physician of New France was Robert Giffard, Seignior of Beauport, who also was the first settler in that parish; not only was Giffard the first resident of Beauport, but, I have reason to believe, he was also the first settler— habitant—of the rural districts in Canada. Thus, the first citizen of all Canada would appear to have been a physician; thus, after Champlain the two founders of the colony would have been physicians. Giffard's Lodge was situated on some portion of Col. Gugy's farm; the leading families of Canada look to Giffard as one of their progenitors; Archbishop Taschereau is one of his descendants.

"The first Royal Notary—Notaire Royal—of Canada was M. Audouard, whose first minute rests in the vaults of the Prothonotary of Quebec. But two deeds at least had been executed before this first minute. The deed of partage of the Hebert family (1634), and the last will of Champlain (1635). These two instruments were executed before Metres Duchaine and De la Ville, greffiers; the greffiers were Notaires also. Another fact worthy of note is that the first time a Notary's services were put in requisition was at the instance of the heirs of Hebert, the physician."— Morning Chronicle, 12th April, 1881.

[69] Chansons populaires du Canada, &c., par Ernest Gagnon, 1865.

[70] The father of French-Canadian history; born in 1809, died in 1866.

[71] The tablet on his monument, in Mount Hermon Cemetery, bears the following inscription:—


A native of Nova Scotia, he early adopted Canada as his country, and during a long life faithfully served her. In the War in 1812 as a Captain, 4th Batt., he defended her frontier; in peace, during upwards of 30 years, he watched over her interests as member of Parliament for the County of Gaspe; and in the retirement of his later years recorded her annals as her historian.

He died at Quebec on the 13th October, 1856, aged 68, leaving behind him the memory of a pure career and incorruptible character.

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