4. Have you practiced tuning the octave?
5. Do you thoroughly understand the system of setting the temperament as set forth in this lesson?
Pitch.—It is a matter of importance in tuning an instrument that it be tuned to a pitch that will adapt it to the special use to which it may be subjected. As previously explained, there are at present two different pitches in use, international pitch and concert pitch, the latter being about a half-step higher than the former. The tuner should carry with him a tuning pipe or fork tuned to 3C in one or the other of these pitches. The special uses to which pianos are subjected are as follows:
1st, As a concert piano.—In the opera house, music hall, and occasionally in the church, or even in a private dwelling, the piano is used along with orchestral instruments. All orchestral instruments are supposed to be tuned to concert pitch. The stringed instruments can, of course, be tuned to any pitch; but the brass and wood-wind instruments are not so adjustable. The brass instruments are provided with a tuning slide and their pitch can be lowered somewhat, but rarely as much as a half-step, while the clarinet should not be varied from its fixed pitch if it can be avoided. It is desirable, then, that all pianos used with orchestra should be tuned to concert pitch if possible.
2d, As an accompaniment for singing.—Some persons use their pianos mainly for accompanying. It may be that singers cannot sing high, in which case they are better pleased if the piano is tuned to international pitch, while others, especially concert singers, have their pianos at a higher pitch. Where a piano is used in the home to practice by, and the singer goes out to various places to sing with other instruments, we have always advised to have the piano tuned as near concert pitch as it would bear, for the reason that if one practices with an instrument tuned to concert pitch he may feel sure of reaching the pitch of any instrument he may be called upon to sing with elsewhere.
The great majority of pianos are left entirely to the tuner's judgment in regard to pitch. The tuner knows, or should know, to what pitch to tune the piano to insure the best results. The following suggestions will be found entirely safe to follow in deciding the question of the pitch to which to tune:
Ascertain if the piano is used with orchestra, and if clarinets and cornets are used. If so, and the piano is not too much below concert pitch, and bids fair to stand the tension, draw your 3C up to concert pitch and proceed to lay your temperament. If the piano is nearly as low as international pitch, do not try to bring it up at one tuning to concert unless the owner demands it, when you may explain that it will not stand in tune long. The slightest alteration possible, in the pitch of an instrument, insures the best results, so far as standing in tune is concerned.
If everything be left to your judgment, as it generally is, and the instrument is for general, rather than special use, set your temperament at such a pitch as will require the least possible alteration. This may be arrived at in the following way: Ascertain which portion of the instrument has fallen the most. The overstrung bass strings generally stand better than any other, and in most cases you will find the C which is two octaves below middle C to be higher (relatively) than any other C in the piano. If so, take it as a basis and tune by perfect octaves up to 3C.
The supposition is, that all strings in an instrument gradually grow flatter; and in a well-balanced instrument they should do so; but the fact is, that in certain cases some of the strings will grow sharper. The cause is this: The tension of the strings on one side of a brace in the metal plate or frame is greater than on the other side; and if there is any yielding of the structure, the result is that the overpowered strings are drawn tighter. This condition, however, is rare in the better grade of pianos. Here is a rule which is safe, and will prove satisfactory in ninety-nine per cent. of your practice where no specific pitch is prescribed:
Take the three Cs included in the temperament and the C that is an octave below 1C, and try each of them with its octave until you ascertain which is the sharpest with respect to the others; then, bring the others up to it. You now have your pitch established in the Cs and can begin on 1C and proceed to set the temperament. Before applying this rule, it is well to try 3C with tuning pipe or fork to see if the piano is below international pitch. We would not advise tuning any modern piano below international pitch. Aim to keep within the bounds of the two prescribed pitches; never higher than concert, nor lower than international. If, however, you should be called on to tune an old instrument that has become extremely low, with very rusty strings, and perhaps with some of them broken, that by all appearances will not stand even international pitch, you may be compelled to leave it somewhat below.
The Continuous Mute.—Do not try to set a temperament without a continuous mute. Its purpose is to mute all outside (1st and 3d[C]) strings of all the trios included in the temperament so that none but the middle strings sound when struck by the hammers. The advantage of this can be seen at once. The tuner tunes only the middle strings in setting the temperament and thereby avoids the confusion of hearing more than two strings at once. The continuous mute is then removed and the outside strings tuned to the middle. Without the continuous mute, he would be obliged to tune all three of the strings of the unison before he could tune another interval by it, and it would not be so safe to tune by as a single string, as there might be a slight discrepancy in the unison giving rise to waves which would confuse the ear. The tuner should hear but two strings at once while setting a temperament; the one he is tuning by and the one he is tuning. A continuous mute is a strip of muting felt of the proper thickness to be pushed in between the trios of strings. Simply lay it across a portion of the strings and with a screwdriver push it in between the trios just above where the hammers strike. In the square piano, which has but two strings to a key, the continuous mute cannot be used and you will be obliged to tune both strings in unison before leaving to tune another interval. This is one of the reasons why the square piano does not, as a rule, admit of as fine tuning as the upright.
[C] The three strings composing the trio or unison are numbered 1st, 2d or middle, and 3d, from left to right.
It is presumed that you are now familiar with the succession of tones and intervals used in setting the temperament. Fix these things in your mind and the system is easy to understand and remember. Keep within the bounds of the two octaves laid out in Lesson X. Tune all fifths upward; that is, tune all fifths by their fundamentals. For example, starting on 1C, use it as fundamental, and by it, tune its fifth, which is G; then, having G tuned, use it as fundamental, and by it tune its fifth, which is D, and so on through. After tuning a fifth, always tune its octave either above or below, whichever way it lies within the bounds of the two octaves. After going through one or two experiments in setting temperament you will see the simplicity of this system and will, perhaps, not be obliged to refer to the diagram any more.
For various reasons, it is better to try your experiments on an upright piano, and the better the piano, the more satisfactory will be the result of the experiment. You should have no hesitancy or timidity in taking hold of a good piano, as you cannot damage it if you use good judgment, follow instructions, and work carefully. The first caution is, be very careful that you draw a string but slightly sharper than it is to be left. Rest the heel of the hand against some stationary part of the piano and pull very slowly, and in a direct right angle with the tuning pin so as to avoid any tendency to bend or spring the pin. We would advise now that you find an upright piano that is badly out of tune, if you have none of your own, and proceed to set a temperament.
The following instructions will suffice for your first experiments, and by them you may be able to get fairly good results; however, the theory of temperament, which is more thoroughly entered into in Lesson XII, must be studied before you can have a thorough understanding of the causes and effects.
After deciding, as per instructions on pitch which C you will tune first, place the tuning hammer (using the star head if pins are square) on the pin with the handle extending upwards or inclined slightly to the right. (The star head, which will fit the pin at eight different angles, enables the tuner to select the most favorable position.) To raise the pitch, you will, of course, pull the hammer to the right. In order to make a string stand in tune, it is well to draw it very slightly above the pitch at which it is to remain, and settle it back by striking the key repeatedly and strongly, and at the same time bearing gently to the left on the tuning hammer. The exact amount of over-tension must be learned by practice; but it should be so slight as to be barely perceptible. Aim to get the string tuned with the least possible turning of the hammer. The tension of the string should be evenly distributed over its entire length; that is, over its vibrating middle and its "dead ends" beyond the bridges. Therefore it is necessary to strike the key strongly while tuning so as to make the string draw through the bridges. By practice, you will gain control of the hammer and become so expert that you can feel the strings draw through the bridges and the pins turn in the block.
Having now tuned your three Cs, you will take 1C as a starting point, and by it, tune 1G a perfect fifth above. Tune it perfect by drawing it gradually up or down until all pulsations disappear. Now after making sure you have it perfect, flatten it until you can hear slow, almost imperceptible waves; less rapid than one per second. This flattening of the fifth is called tempering, and from it comes the word "temperament." The fact that the fifth must always be tuned a little flatter than perfect, is a matter which always causes some astonishment when first learned. It seems, to the uninitiated, that every interval should be made perfect; but it is impossible to make them so, and get a correct scale, as we shall see later on.
Now tune 2G by the 1G just tuned, to a perfect octave. Remember that all octaves should be left perfect—all waves tuned out. Now try 2G with 2C. If your octaves are perfect, this upper fifth will beat a little faster than the lower one, but the dissonance should not be so great as to be disagreeable. Proceed to your next fifth, which is 2D, then its octave, 1D, then its fifth and so on as per directions on the system card. You can make no chord trials until you have tuned E, an interval of a major third from C.
Having tuned 2E, you can now make your first trial: the chord of C. If you have tempered your fifths correctly, this chord will come out in pleasing harmony, and yet the E will be somewhat sharper than a perfect major third to C. Now, just for experiment, lower 2E until all waves disappear when sounded with 2C. You now have a perfect major third. Upon sounding the chord, you will find it more pleasing than before; but you cannot leave your thirds perfect. Draw it up again to its proper temperament with A, and you will notice it has very pronounced beats when sounded with C. Proceed with the next step, which is that of tuning 1B, fifth to 1E. When tuned, try it as a major third in the chord of G. At each step from this on, try the note just tuned as a major third in its proper chord. Remember, the third always sounds better if lower than you dare to leave it; but, on the other hand, it must not be left so sharp as to be at all unpleasant when heard in the chord. As to the position of the chord for these trials, the second position, that is, with the third the highest, is the most favorable, as in this position you can more easily discern excessive sharpness of the third, which is the most common occurrence. When you have gone through the entire system and arrived at the last fifth, 1F-2C, you should find it nearly as perfect as the rest, but you will hardly be able to do so in your first efforts. Even old tuners frequently have to go over their work a second or third time before all fifths are properly tempered. By this system, however, you cannot go far wrong if you test each step as directed, and your first chord comes up right. If the first test, G-C-E, proves that there is a false member in the chord, do not proceed with the system, but go over the first seven steps until you find the offending members and rectify. Do not be discouraged on account of failures. No one ever set a correct temperament at the first attempt.
1. Define the terms, "International Pitch," and "Concert Pitch."
2. How would you arrive at the most favorable pitch at which to tune a piano, if the owner did not suggest any certain pitch?
3. What is the advantage in using the continuous mute?
4. Tell what is necessary in the tuning of a string to insure it to stand well?
5. What would result in the major third C-E, if all the fifths, up to E, were tuned perfect?
The instructions given in Lessons VIII and IX cover the subject of temperament pretty thoroughly in a way, and by them alone, the student might learn to set a temperament satisfactorily; but the student who is ambitious and enthusiastic is not content with a mere knowledge of how to do a thing; he wants to know why he does it; why certain causes produce certain effects; why this and that is necessary, etc. In the following lessons we set forth a comprehensive demonstration of the theory of Temperament, requirements of the correct scale and the essentials of its mathematics.
Equal Temperament.—Equal temperament is one in which the twelve fixed tones of the chromatic scale[D] are equidistant. Any chord will be as harmonious in one key as in another.
[D] The chromatic scale is a succession of all the half steps in the compass of one octave. Counting the octave tone, it contains thirteen tones, but we speak of twelve, as there are only twelve which differ in name.
Unequal Temperament.—Unequal temperament was practiced in olden times when music did not wander far from a few keys which were favored in the tuning. You will see, presently, how a temperament could be set in such a way as to favor a certain key (family of tones) and also those keys which are nearly related to it; but, that in favoring these keys, our scale must be constructed greatly to the detriment of the "remote" keys. While a chord or progression of chords would sound extremely harmonious in the favored keys, they would be so unbalanced in the remote keys as to render them extremely unpleasant and almost unfit to be used. In this day, when piano and organ music is written and played in all the keys, the unequal temperament is, of course, out of the question. But, strange to say, it is only within the last half century that the system of equal temperament has been universally adopted, and some tuners, even now, will try to favor the flat keys because they are used more by the mass of players who play little but popular music, which is mostly written in keys having flats in the signature.
Upon the system table you will notice that the first five tones tuned (not counting the octaves) are C, G, D, A and E; it being necessary to go over these fifths before we can make any tests of the complete major chord or even the major third. Now, just for a proof of what has been said about the necessity of flattening the fifths, try tuning all these fifths perfect. Tune them so that there are absolutely no waves in any of them and you will find that, on trying the chord G-C-E, or the major third C-E, the E will be very much too sharp. Now, let your E down until perfect with C, all waves disappearing. You now have the most perfect, sweetest harmony in the chord of C (G, C, E) that can be produced; all its members being absolutely perfect; not a wave to mar its serene purity. But, now, upon sounding this E with the A below it, you will find it so flat that the dissonance is unbearable. Try the minor chord of A (A-C-E) and you will hear the rasping, throbbing beats of the too greatly flattened fifth.
So, you see, we are confronted with a difficulty. If we tune our fifths perfect (in which case our fourths would also be perfect), our thirds are so sharp that the ear will not tolerate them; and, if we tune our thirds low enough to banish all beats, our fifths are intolerably flat.
The experiment above shows us beautifully the prominent inconsistency of our scale. We have demonstrated, that if we tune the members of the chord of C so as to get absolutely pure harmony, we could not use the chord of A on account of the flat fifth E, which did duty so perfectly as third in the chord of C.
There is but one solution to this problem: Since we cannot tune either the fifth or the third perfect, we must compromise, we must strike the happy medium. So we will proceed by a method that will leave our fifths flatter than perfect, but not so much as to make them at all displeasing, and that will leave our thirds sharper than perfect, but not intolerably so.
We have, thus far, spoken only of the octave, fifth and third. The inquisitive student may, at this juncture, want to know something about the various other intervals, such as the minor third, the major and minor sixth, the diminished seventh, etc. But please bear in mind that there are many peculiarities in the tempered scale, and we are going to have you fully and explicitly informed on every point, if you will be content to absorb as little at a time as you are prepared to receive. While it may seem to us that the tempered scale is a very complex institution when viewed as a specific arrangement of tones from which we are to derive all the various kinds of harmony, yet, when we consider that the chromatic scale is simply a series of twelve half-steps—twelve perfectly similar intervals—it seems very simple.
Bear in mind that the two cardinal points of the system of tuning are:
1. All octaves shall be tuned perfect.
2. All fifths shall be tuned a little flatter than perfect.
You have seen from Lesson VIII that by this system we begin upon a certain tone and by a circle of twelve fifths cover every chromatic tone of the scale, and that we are finally brought around to a fifth, landing upon the tone upon which we started.
So you see there is very little to remember. Later on we will speak of the various other intervals used in harmony: not that they form any prominent part in scale forming, for they do not; but for the purpose of giving the learner a thorough understanding of all that pertains to the establishing of a correct equal temperament.
If the instruction thus far is understood and carried out, and the student can properly tune fifths and octaves, the other intervals will take care of themselves, and will take their places gracefully in any harmony in which they are called upon to take part; but if there is a single instance in which an octave or a fifth is allowed to remain untrue or untempered, one or more chords will show it up. It may manifest itself in one chord only. A tone may be untrue to our tempered scale, and yet sound beautifully in certain chords, but there will always be at least one in which it will "howl." For instance, if in the seventh step of our system, we tune E a little too flat, it sounds all the better when used as third in the chord of C, as we have shown in the experiment mentioned on page 94 of this lesson. But, if the remainder of the temperament is accurate, this E, in the chord in which E acts as tonic or fundamental, will be found to be too flat, and its third, G sharp, will demonstrate the fact by sounding too sharp.
The following suggestions will serve you greatly in testing: When a third sounds disagreeably sharp, one or more fifths have not been sufficiently flattened.[E] While it is true that thirds are tuned sharp, there is a limit beyond which we cannot go, and this excessive sharpness of the third is the thing that tuners always listen for.
[E] In making these suggestions, no calculation is made for the liability of the tones tuned to fall. This often happens, in which case your first test will display a sharp third. In cases like this it is best to go on through, taking pains to temper carefully, and go all over the temperament again, giving all the strings an equal chance to fall. If the piano is very bad, you may have to bring up the unisons roughly, inuring this portion of the instrument to the increased tension, when you may again place your continuous mute and set your temperament with more certainty.
The fundamental sounds better to the ear when too sharp. The reason for this is the same as has already been explained above; namely, if the fundamental is too sharp the third will be less sharp to it, and, therefore, nearer perfect.
After you have gone all over your temperament, test every member of the chromatic scale as a fundamental of a chord, as a third, and as a fifth. For instance: try middle C as fundamental in the chord of C (G-C-E or E-G-C or C-E-G). Then try it as third in the chord A flat (E flat-A flat-C or C-E flat-A flat or A flat-C-E flat). Then try it as fifth in the chord of F (C-F-A or A-C-F or F-A-C). Take G likewise and try it as fundamental in the chord of G in its three positions, then try it as a third in the chord of E flat, then as fifth in the chord of C. In like manner try every tone in this way, and if there is a falsely tempered interval in the scale you will be sure to find it.
You now understand that the correctness of your temperament depends entirely upon your ability to judge the degree of flatness of your fifths; provided, of course, that the strings stand as tuned. We have told you something about this, but you may not be able at once to judge with sufficient accuracy to insure a good temperament. Now, we have said, let the fifths beat a little more slowly than once a second; but the question crops up, How am I to judge of a second of time? The fact is that a second of time is quickly learned and more easily estimated, perhaps, than any other interval of time; however, we describe here a little device which will accustom one to estimate it very accurately in a short time. The pendulum oscillates by an invariable law which says that a pendulum of a certain length will vibrate always in a corresponding period of time, whether it swings through a short arc or a long one. A pendulum thirty-nine and a half inches long will vibrate seconds by a single swing; one nine and seven-eighths inches long will vibrate seconds at the double swing, or the to-and-fro swing. You can easily make one by tying any little heavy article to a string of either of these lengths. Measure from the center of such heavy article to the point of contact of the string at the top with some stationary object. This is a sure guide. Set the pendulum swinging and count the vibrations and you will soon become quite infallible. Having acquired the ability to judge a second of time you can go to work with more confidence.
Now, as a matter of fact, in a scale which is equally tempered, no two fifths beat exactly alike, as the lower a fifth, the slower it should beat, and thus the fifths in the bass are hardly perceptibly flat, while those in the treble beat more rapidly. For example, if a certain fifth beat once a second, the fifth an octave higher will beat twice a second, and one that is two octaves higher will beat four times a second, and so on, doubling the number of beats with each ascending octave.
In a subsequent lesson, in which we give the mathematics of the temperament, these various ratios will be found accurately figured out; but for the present let us notice the difference between the actual tempered scale and the exact mathematical scale in the point of the flattening of the fifth. Take for example 1C, and for convenience of figuring, say it vibrates 128 per second. The relation of a fundamental to its fifth is that of 2 to 3. So if 128 is represented as 2, we think of it as 2 times 64. Then with another 64 added, we have 192, which represents 3. In other words, a fundamental has just two-thirds of the number of vibrations per second that its fifth has, in the exact scale. This would mean a fifth in which there would be no beats. Now in the tempered scale we find that G vibrates 191.78 instead of 192; so we can easily see how much variation from the mathematical standard there is in this portion of the instrument. It is only about a fourth of a vibration. This would mean that, in this fifth we would hear the beats a little slower than one per second. Take the same fifth an octave higher and take 2C as fundamental, which has 256 for its vibration number. The G, fifth above, should vibrate 384, but in the tempered scale it beats but 383.57, almost half a vibration flat. This would give nearly 2 beats in 3 seconds.
These figures simply represent to the eye the ratios of these sounds, and it is not supposed that a tuner is to attain to such a degree of accuracy, but he should strive to arrive as near it as possible.
It is well for the student to practice temperament setting and regular tuning now if he can do so. After getting a good temperament, proceed to tune by octaves upward, always testing the tone tuned as a fifth and third until his ear becomes sufficiently true on the octave that testing otherwise is unnecessary. Tune the overstrung bass last and your work is finished. If your first efforts are at all satisfactory you should be greatly encouraged and feel assured that accuracy will reward continued practice.
1. What is meant by the term "equal temperament"?
2. What is meant by the term "unequal temperament"?
3. Webster defines the term "temperament" thus: "A system of compromises in the tuning of pianofortes, organs, etc." Explain fully what these compromises are.
4. In testing chords to ascertain if temperament is correct, what is the main thing to listen for as a guide?
5. In what three chords would you try the tone A, in testing your temperament?
6. With what results have you demonstrated the experiments in this and the previous lesson?
At this juncture, it is thought prudent to defer the discussion of scale building and detail some of the requirements connected with the technical operations of tuning. We do this here because some students are, at this stage, beginning to tune and unless instructed in these things will take hold of the work in an unfavorable way and, perhaps, form habits that will be hard to break. Especially is this so in the matter of setting the mutes or wedges. As to our discussion of scale building, we shall take that up again, that you may be more thoroughly informed on that subject.
Some mechanics do more work in a given time than others, do it as well or better, and with less exertion. This is because they have method or system in their work so that there are no movements lost. Every motion is made to count for the advancement of the cause. Others go about things in a reckless way, taking no thought as to time and labor-saving methods.
In spite of any instruction that can be given, the beginner in piano tuning will not be able to take hold of his work with the ease and the grace of the veteran, nor will he ever be able to work with great accuracy and expedition unless he has a systematic method of doing the various things incident to his profession.
In this lesson, as its subject implies, we endeavor to tell you just how to begin and the way to proceed, step by step, through the work, to obtain the best results in the shortest time, with the greatest ease and the least confusion.
It may seem that the tightening of a string by turning a pin, around which it is wound, by the aid of an instrument fitting its square end, is such a simple operation that it should require no skill. Simply tightening a string in this manner is, to be sure, a simple matter; but there is a definite degree of tension at which the vibrating section of the string must be left, and it should be left in such a condition that the tension will remain invariable, or as near so as is possible. The only means given the tuner by which he is to bring about this condition are his tuning hammer and the key of the piano, with its mechanism, whereby he may strike the string he is tuning.
The purpose of the tuning hammer is that of altering the tension. The purpose of striking the string by means of the key is twofold: first, to ascertain the pitch of the string, and second, to equalize the tension of the string over its entire length. Consider the string in its three sections, viz.: lower dead end (from hitch pin to lower bridge), vibrating section (section between the bridges), and upper dead end (from upper bridge to tuning pin).
When placing the hammer on the tuning pin and turning to the right, it is evident that the increased tension will be manifest first in the upper dead end. In pianos having agraffes or upper bridges with a tightly screwed bearing bar which makes the strings draw very hard through the bridge, some considerable tension may be produced in the upper dead end before the string will draw through the bridge and increase the tension in the vibrating middle. In other pianos the strings "render" very easily over the upper bridge, and the slightest turn of the hammer manifests an alteration of pitch in the vibrating section. As a rule, strings "render" much more easily through the upper, than the lower bridge. There are two reasons for this: One is, that the construction of the lower bridge is such as to cause a tendency in this direction, having two bridge-pins which stand out of line with the string and bear against it in opposite directions; the other is that the lower bridge is so much farther from the point where the hammer strikes the string that its vibration does not help it through as it does at the upper bridge.
Now, the thing desired is to have the tension equally distributed over the entire length of the string. Tension should be the same in the three different sections. This is of paramount importance. If this condition does not obtain, the piano will not stand in tune. Yet, this is not the only item of importance. The tuning pin must be properly "set," as tuners term it.
By "setting the pins," we mean, leaving it so balanced with respect to the pull of the string that it will neither yield to the pull of the string nor tend to draw it tighter. Coming now to the exact manipulation of the tuning hammer, there are some important items to consider.[F] Now, if the tuning hammer is placed upon the tuning pin with the handle straight upward, and it is pulled backward (from the tuner) just a little, before it is turned to the right, the tension will be increased somewhat before the pin is turned, as this motion, slight as it may seem, pulls the pin upward enough to draw the string through the upper bridge an infinitesimally small distance, but enough to be perceptible to the ear. Now if the hammer were removed, the tendency of the pin would be to yield to the pull of the string; but if the pin is turned enough to take up such amount of string as was pulled through the bridge, and, as it is turned, is allowed to yield downward toward the pull of the string, it will resume its balance and the string will stand at that pitch, provided it has been "rendered" properly over the bridges.
[F] Bear in mind, the foregoing and following instructions are written with reference to the upright piano. The square does not permit the observance of these suggestions so favorably as the upright.
We set forth these details that you may have a thorough understanding of what is meant by setting the pins, and while it is not always advisable to follow this method in tuning, there are some pianos that will stand more satisfactorily when treated in this way. This method is recommended where the string has become rusty at the upper bridge, as it is loosened at the bridge before it is started to wind around the pin which prevents it breaking at that point. We believe that ninety per cent. of strings break right where they start around tuning pin. A very good way to draw a string up is to give the hammer an alternate up and down motion, pulling the handle lightly to you, then from you, as you draw it up; not enough to bend or break the pin or to crush the wood around the pin, but just enough to make the string take on its increased tension equally.
In regard to the lower bridge, the strings will rarely "render" through them properly unless brought to a tension a little higher than it is desired they shall be left. If this is done, a few sharp blows of key will generally make them equalize all right; then press the hammer gently to the left, not enough to turn the pin in the socket, but to settle it back to a well-balanced position. After a little practice the tuner can generally guess precisely how much over-tension to allow. If the pin is left slightly sprung downward, its tendency will be to spring upward, thereby sharpening the string; so be careful to leave the pins in perfect balance, or as tuners say, "properly set."
The foregoing, while applicable to the whole scale, is not so urgent in the over-strung bass. The strings are so heavy and the tension is so great that they will generally "render" quite freely over the bridges, and it is only necessary to bring them up to pitch, handling the hammer in such a manner as to leave the pins well balanced; but it is not necessary to give them over-tension and beat them down again; in fact it is not advisable, as a rule. At all times, place the hammer on the pin as far as it will go, and strike the key while drawing a string up.
In tuning the square piano, it is not possible to set the hammer upon the pin with the handle in line with, and beyond the string, as is the rule in the upright. Where the square has the square pin, the hammer (with star head) can always be set with the handle to the right of the string somewhat, but usually almost in line with the string and almost directly over it, and the manipulation of the hammer is much the same, though the tuner is at a greater disadvantage, the pins being farther from him and he has not such a good rest for his hand. Many old squares have the oblong pin. In this case, use the double hammer head. On the one side the hole in the head is made with the longer diameter in line with the handle, and on the other side the hole is made with the longer diameter at right angles with the handle; so that if you cannot get a favorable position with one end you can with the other.
We have said nothing about which hand to use in striking the keys and in wielding the hammer, but it is customary to handle the hammer with the right hand and it is always advisable for two very good reasons: It gives the tuner a much more favorable position at the instrument; and, as the right hand is more used in ordinary every-day operations and is more trained in applying degrees of force and guiding tools, it is more easily trained to manipulate the hammer properly. Training the hand in the skilful use of the hammer is of the utmost importance and comes only by continued practice, but when it is trained, one can virtually "feel" the tones with the hammer.
At first, the young tuner is almost invariably discouraged by his slow progress. He must remember that, however fine his ear and however great his mechanical ability, he has much to acquire by training in both, and he must expect to be two or three times longer in finishing off a job of tuning at the outset than will be necessary after he has had a few months' practice. You can be your own trainer in these things if you will do a little rational thinking and be content to "hasten slowly." And as to using the left hand, we would not advise it in any event.
As stated in a previous lesson, the mutes should be so placed that only two strings are heard at one time: the one the tuner is tuning, and the one he is tuning by. It is true that this is an easy matter, but it is also true that very few tuners know how to do it in a way to save time and avoid placing the mutes two or more times in the same place. By using a little inventive genius during early practice the author succeeded in formulating a system of muting by which he accomplished the ends as stated above, and assures the reader that a great deal of time can be saved by following it.
After removing the muffler or any other instrumental attachment which may be in the piano in the way of placing the mutes, the first thing to do is to place the continuous mute so that all the outside strings of the trios are damped. The temperament is then set by tuning the middle strings, of the twenty-five trios comprised in the two-octave temperament as demonstrated in a previous lesson. After satisfying yourself by trials or test that the temperament is true, you then remove the continuous mute and proceed to bring the outside strings in unison with the middle one. Now, your 1C is sometimes found to be the first pair in the over-strung bass, which usually has two strings to a key, while in other pianos, 1C is the first trio in the treble stringing, and in many cases it is the second trio in the treble. For illustration, we will say it is the second in the treble. In speaking of the separate strings of a trio we will number them 1st, 2d, and 3d, from left to right, as in foot-note, page 89, Lesson IX. Setting the mutes in bringing up the unisons in the temperament is exceedingly simple.
The following diagram will, we think, demonstrate clearly the method employed:
Upper row—— o o o o o o o o o o Tim-
Middle row—- o o o o o o o o o o ing
Lower row—— o o o o o o o o o o Pins. ————————————————————— Bridge.
* 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * &c /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Treble stringing. B C C[] D D[] E F F[] G G[] &c
The upper row of O's represents the upper row of tuning pins. To these are attached the first string of each unison. To the middle row are attached the second or middle strings, and to the lower row are attached the third strings. The diagonal lines represent the three strings of the unison (trio). The asterisk on the middle one indicates that it has been tuned.
But one mute is used in tuning these unisons. It is inserted between the trios in the order indicated by the figures 1, 2, 3, etc. When inserted in place 1, between unisons B and C, it will mute the first string of C; so the first string of the trio to tune is always the third. Then place your mute in place 2 and tune the first string of C. Then, without moving your mute, bring up third string of C[#], then third string of D and so on. By this method, you tune two strings every time you reset your mute.
When through with the temperament, the next step is usually that of tuning the bass; but while we are in the treble we will proceed to give the method of setting the mutes in the upper treble beyond the temperament. All three strings have yet to be tuned here, and we have to use two mutes. The unisons are tuned in regular succession upward the same as in the example above. The mute that is kept farthest to the left, is indicated by the letter A, and the one kept to the right, by the letter B, as in diagram below.
(T e m p e r a m e n t ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 &c. *** *** *** *** *** *** A B /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// C[] D D[] E F F G &c.
The mutes are first placed in the places indicated by the figures 1 and 2, thereby muting first and third strings of the first unison beyond the temperament, which is 3C[]. The middle string of this unison is now tuned by its octave below. (If you have left imperfect unisons in your temperament, rendering it difficult to tune octaves by them, it will be well to replace your continuous mute so as to tune from a single string.) Having tuned the middle string of C[], move mute B to place 3 and tune third string of C[]. Then, move mute A to place 2 and tune first string of C[]. Your mutes are now already set for tuning the middle string of D. After this is done, proceed to move mute B first, then mute A; tuning middle string, then third, then first, moving step by step as indicated in example above until the last unison is reached. By this system you tune three strings every time the mutes are set twice.
The over-strung bass usually has but two strings to a unison and only one mute is needed. In the extreme low or contra-bass, pianos have but one string, in tuning which the mute is discarded. Set the mute as indicated by the figures 1, 2, 3, etc., in the diagram below, always tuning the string farthest to the right by its octave above; then move the mute to its next place and tune the left string by the right. Here, again, you tune two strings every time you reset your mute. The I's represent bass strings.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II C C[#] D D[#] E F F[#] G G[#] A A[#] B C Contra-Bass. Bass. Treble.
In setting the temperament in the square piano, simply mute the string farthest to the left and tune the one to the right until the temperament is finished, then set the mutes in the bass the same as in the upright. In tuning the treble, if the piano has three strings, the same system is used as has been described for the upright. When the piano has but two strings to a unison, as is usually the case, employ the system described for the bass of the upright, but reversed, as you are proceeding to the right instead of to the left.
Remove the shade before beginning to tune a square piano, and if necessary, lay the dampers back and trace the strings to their pins so as to mark them. Certain pins are marked to guide the tuner in placing his hammer. The way we have always marked them is as follows:
Mark both pins of each pair of C strings with white crayon. Mark only one pin of each pair of G's. Knowing the intervals of the other keys from the marked ones, you can easily calculate correctly, upon which pin to set your hammer to tune any string desired. For instance, if you are striking D[#], next above middle C, you calculate that, as D[#] is the third chromatic interval from middle C, you are to set the hammer on one or the other of the pins belonging to the third pair to the right of the pair marked as middle C. B would be first pair to the left, F[#] would be first pair to the left of the marked G, and so on. It is usually necessary to mark only those pairs near the middle of the piano, but we advise the beginner to mark throughout the scale, as by so doing he may avoid breaking a string occasionally by pulling on some other than the one he is sounding. This will occur in your early practice if you do not use caution. And for safety, some tuners always mark throughout.
1. By what means is the tuner enabled to make the strings draw through the bridges and equalize the tension throughout their entire length?
2. State conditions that may result from a tuning pin's not being properly set.
3. In this system of muting, state definitely which string is tuned first after the continuous mute is removed. Which second? Which third?
4. After the unisons are finished in the temperament, which string is tuned next, if we go immediately from the temperament to the over-strung bass? Which second? Which third?
5. Upon beginning to tune the treble beyond the temperament, which string is tuned first? Which second? Which third?
6. (a) How many mutes are used in tuning outside the strings of the temperament?
(b) In what proportion is the number of times the mute is changed to the number of strings tuned?
7. (a) How many mutes are used in tuning the treble beyond the temperament?
(b) In what proportion is the number of times the mute is changed to the number of strings tuned?
8. Which pairs of pins are marked in the square piano to guide the tuner in placing his hammer? Also, how are they marked?
9. Having marked your pins as instructed, how would you find the pins belonging to a pair of strings struck by F on key-board? How those struck by G[#]?
10. Tell what you can of the requirements necessary to insure that a piano will stand in tune.
One of the first questions that arises in the mind of the thinking young tuner is: Why is it necessary to temper certain intervals in tuning? We cannot answer this question in a few words; but you have seen, if you have tried the experiments laid down in previous lessons, that such deviation is inevitable. You know that practical scale making will permit but two pure intervals (unison and octave), but you have yet to learn the scientific reasons why this is so. To do this, requires a little mathematical reasoning.
In this lesson we shall demonstrate the principles of this complex subject in a clear and comprehensive way, and if you will study it carefully you may master it thoroughly, which will place you in possession of a knowledge of the art of which few tuners of the present can boast.
In the following demonstrations of relative pitch numbers, we adopt a pitch in which middle C has 256 vibrations per second. This is not a pitch which is used in actual practice, as it is even below international (middle C 258.65); but is chosen on account of the fact that the various relative pitch numbers work out more favorably, and hence, it is called the "Philosophical Standard." Below are the actual vibration numbers of the two pitches in vogue; so you can see that neither of these pitches would be so favorable to deal with mathematically.
International—3C—517.3. Concert—3C—540.
(Let us state here that the difference in these pitches is less than a half-step, but is so near that it is generally spoken of as being just a half-step.)
Temperament denotes the arrangement of a system of musical sounds in which each one will form a serviceable interval with any one of the others. Any given tone must do duty as the initial or key-note of a major or of a minor scale and also as any other member; thus:
C must serve as 1, in the key of C major or C minor. " " 2, " " B[b] " B[b] " " " 3, " " A[b] " A " " " 4, " " G " G " " " 5, " " F " F " " " 6, " " E[b] " E " " " 7, " " D[b] " C[#] "
Likewise, all other tones of the instrument must be so stationed that they can serve as any member of any scale, major or minor.
This is rendered necessary on account of the various modulations employed in modern music, in which every possible harmony in every key is used.
Writers upon the mathematics of sound tell us, experience teaches us, and in previous lessons we have demonstrated in various ways, that if we tune all fifths perfect up to the seventh step (see diagram, pages 82, 83) the last E obtained will be too sharp to form a major third to C. In fact, the third thus obtained is so sharp as to render it offensive to the ear, and therefore unfit for use in harmony, where this interval plays so conspicuous a part. To remedy this, it becomes necessary to tune each of the fifths a very small degree flatter than perfect. The E thus obtained will not be so sharp as to be offensive to the ear; yet, if the fifth be properly altered or tempered, the third will still be sharper than perfect; for if the fifths were flattened enough to render the thirds perfect, they (the fifths) would become offensive. Now, it is a fact, that the third will bear greater deviation from perfect consonance than the fifth; so the compromise is made somewhat in favor of the fifth. If we should continue the series of perfect fifths, we will find the same defect in all the major thirds throughout the scale.
We must, therefore, flatten each fifth of the complete circle, C-G-D-A-E-B-F[#]-C[#]-G[#] or A[b]-E[b]-B[b]-F-C, successively in a very small degree; the depression, while it will not materially impair the consonant quality of the fifths, will produce a series of somewhat sharp, though still agreeable and harmonious major thirds.
We wish, now, to demonstrate the cause of the foregoing by mathematical calculation, which, while it is somewhat lengthy and tedious, is not difficult if followed progressively. First, we will consider tone relationship in connection with relative string length. Students who have small stringed instruments, guitar, violin, or mandolin, may find pleasure in demonstrating some of the following facts thereupon.
One-half of any string will produce a tone exactly an octave above that yielded by its entire length. Harmonic tones on the violin are made by touching the string lightly with the finger at such points as will cause the string to vibrate in segments; thus if touched exactly in the middle it will produce a harmonic tone an octave above that of the whole string.
Two-thirds of the length of a string when stopped produces a tone a fifth higher than that of the entire string; one-third of the length of a string on the violin, either from the nut or from the bridge, if touched lightly with the finger at that point, produces a harmonic tone an octave higher than the fifth to the open tone of that string, because you divide the string into three vibrating segments, each of which is one-third its entire length. Reason it thus: If two-thirds of a string produce a fifth, one-third, being just half of two-thirds, will produce a tone an octave higher than two-thirds. For illustration, if the string be tuned to 1C, the harmonic tone produced as above will be 2G. We might go on for pages concerning harmonics, but for our present use it is only necessary to show the general principles. For our needs we will discuss the relative length of string necessary to produce the various tones of the diatonic scale, showing ratios of the intervals in the same.
In the following table, 1 represents the entire length of a string sounding the tone C. The other tones of the ascending major scale require strings of such fractional length as are indicated by the fractions beneath them. By taking accurate measurements you can demonstrate these figures upon any small stringed instrument.
Funda- Major Major Perfect Perfect Major Major Oc- mental Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh tave C D E F G A B C 1 8/9 4/5 3/4 2/3 3/5 8/15 1/2
To illustrate this principle further and make it very clear, let us suppose that the entire length of the string sounding the fundamental C is 360 inches; then the segments of this string necessary to produce the other tones of the ascending major scale will be, in inches, as follows:
C D E F G A B C 360 320 288 270 240 216 192 180
Comparing now one with another (by means of the ratios expressed by their corresponding numbers) the intervals formed by the tones of the above scale, it will be found that they all preserve their original purity except the minor third, D-F, and the fifth, D-A. The third, D-F, presents itself in the ratio of 320 to 270 instead of 324 to 270 (which latter is equivalent to the ratio of 6 to 5, the true ratio of the minor third). The third, D-F, therefore, is to the true minor third as 320 to 324 (reduced to their lowest terms by dividing both numbers by 4, gives the ratio of 80 to 81). Again, the fifth, A-F, presents itself in the ratio of 320 to 216, or (dividing each term by 4) 80 to 54; instead of 3 to 2 (=81 to 54—multiplying each term by 27), which is the ratio of the true fifth. Continuing the scale an octave higher, it will be found that the sixth, F-D, and the fourth, A-D, will labor under the same imperfections.
The comparison, then, of these ratios of the minor third, D-F, and the fifth, D-A, with the perfect ratios of these intervals, shows that each is too small by the ratio expressed by the figures 80 to 81. This is called, by mathematicians, the syntonic comma.
As experience teaches us that the ear cannot endure such deviation as a whole comma in any fifth, it is easy to see that some tempering must take place even in such a simple and limited number of sounds as the above series of eight tones.
The necessity of temperament becomes still more apparent when it is proposed to combine every sound used in music into a connected system, such that each individual sound shall not only form practical intervals with all the other sounds, but also that each sound may be employed as the root of its own major or minor key; and that all the tones necessary to form its scale shall stand in such relation to each other as to satisfy the ear.
The chief requisites of any system of musical temperament adapted to the purposes of modern music are:—
1. That all octaves must remain perfect, each being divided into twelve semitones.
2. That each sound of the system may be employed as the root of a major or minor scale, without increasing the number of sounds in the system.
3. That each consonant interval, according to its degree of consonance, shall lose as little of its original purity as possible; so that the ear may still acknowledge it as a perfect or imperfect consonance.
Several ways of adjusting such a system of temperament have been proposed, all of which may be classed under either the head of equal or of unequal temperament.
The principles set forth in the following propositions clearly demonstrate the reasons for tempering, and the whole rationale of the system of equal temperament, which is that in general use, and which is invariably sought and practiced by tuners of the present.
If we divide an octave, as from middle C to 3C, into three major thirds, each in the perfect ratio of 5 to 4, as C-E, E-G[#] (A[b]), A[b]-C, then the C obtained from the last third, A[b]-C, will be too flat to form a perfect octave by a small quantity, called in the theory of harmonics a diesis, which is expressed by the ratio 128 to 125.
EXPLANATION.—The length of the string sounding the tone C is represented by unity or 1. Now, as we have shown, the major third to that C, which is E, is produced by 4/5 of its length.
In like manner, G[], the major third to E, will be produced by 4/5 of that segment of the string which sounds the tone E; that is, G[] will be produced by 4/5 of 4/5 (4/5 multiplied by 4/5) which equals 16/25 of the entire length of the string sounding the tone C.
We come, now, to the last third, G[#] (A[b]) to C, which completes the interval of the octave, middle C to 3C. This last C, being the major third from the A[b], will be produced as before, by 4/5 of that segment of the string which sounds A[b]; that is, by 4/5 of 16/25, which equals 64/125 of the entire length of the string. Keep this last fraction, 64/125, in mind, and remember it as representing the segment of the entire string, which produces the upper C by the succession of three perfectly tuned major thirds.
Now, let us refer to the law which says that a perfect octave is obtained from the exact half of the length of any string. Is 64/125 an exact half? No; using the same numerator, an exact half would be 64/128.
Hence, it is clear that the octave obtained by the succession of perfect major thirds will differ from the true octave by the ratio of 128 to 125. The fraction, 64/125, representing a longer segment of the string than 64/128 (1/2), it would produce a flatter tone than the exact half.
It is evident, therefore, that all major thirds must be tuned somewhat sharper than perfect in a system of equal temperament.
The ratio which expresses the value of the diesis is that of 128 to 125. If, therefore, the octaves are to remain perfect, which they must do, each major third must be tuned sharper than perfect by one-third part of the diesis.
The foregoing demonstration may be made still clearer by the following diagram which represents the length of string necessary to produce these tones. (This diagram is exact in the various proportional lengths, being about one twenty-fifth the actual length represented.)
Middle C (2C) 60 inches. ————————————————————————— O O
E (4/5 of 60) 48 inches. —————————————————————— O O
G[#] (A[b]) (4/5 of 48) 38-2/5 inches. ——————————————————— O O
3C (4/5 of 38-2/5) 30-18/25 inches. ———————————————— O O
This diagram clearly demonstrates that the last C obtained by the succession of thirds covers a segment of the string which is 18/25 longer than an exact half; nearly three-fourths of an inch too long, 30 inches being the exact half.
To make this proposition still better understood, we give the comparison of the actual vibration numbers as follows:—
Perfect thirds in ratio 4/5 have these vibration numbers: =
1st third 2d third 3d third (C 256 - E 320) (E 320 - G[] 400) (G[] 400 - C 500) ———————- ————————— ————————— no beats no beats no beats
Tempered thirds qualified to produce true octave: =
(C 256 - E 322 5/10) (E 322 5/10 - G[] 406 4/10) (G[] 406 4/10 - C 512) —————————— —————————————— ———————————- 10 beats 13-1/10 beats 16 beats
We think the foregoing elucidation of Proposition I sufficient to establish a thorough understanding of the facts set forth therein, if they are studied over carefully a few times. If everything is not clear at the first reading, go over it several times, as this matter is of value to you.
1. Why is the pitch, C-256, adopted for scientific discussion, and what is this pitch called?
2. The tone G forms the root (1) in the key of G. What does it form in the key of C? What in F? What in D?
3. What tone is produced by a 2/3 segment of a string? What by a 1/2 segment? What by a 4/5 segment?
4. (a) What intervals must be tuned absolutely perfect?
(b) In the two intervals that must be tempered, the third and the fifth, which will bear the greater deviation?
5. What would be the result if we should tune from 2C to 3C by a succession of perfect thirds?
6. Do you understand the facts set forth in Proposition I, in this lesson?
That the student of scientific scale building may understand fully the reasons why the tempered scale is at constant variance with exact mathematical ratios, we continue this discussion through two more propositions, No. II, following, demonstrating the result of dividing the octave into four minor thirds, and Proposition III, demonstrating the result of twelve perfect fifths. The matter in Lesson XII, if properly mastered, has given a thorough insight into the principal features of the subject in question; so the following demonstration will be made as brief as possible, consistent with clearness.
Let us figure the result of dividing an octave into four minor thirds. The ratio of the length of string sounding a fundamental, to the length necessary to sound its minor third, is that of 6 to 5. In other words, 5/6 of any string sounds a tone which is an exact minor third above that of the whole string.
Now, suppose we select, as before, a string sounding middle C, as the fundamental tone. We now ascend by minor thirds until we reach the C, octave above middle C, which we call 3C, as follows:
Middle C-E[b]; E[b]-F[]; F[]-A; A-3C.
Demonstrate by figures as follows:—Let the whole length of string sounding middle C be represented by unity or 1.
E[b] will be sounded by 5/6 of the string 5/6 F[#], by 5/6 of the E[b] segment; that is, by 5/6 of 5/6 of the entire string, which equals 25/36 A, by 5/6 of 25/36 of entire string, which equals 125/216 3C, by 5/6 of 125/216 of entire string, which equals 625/1296
Now bear in mind, this last fraction, 625/1296, represents the segment of the entire string which should sound the tone 3C, an exact octave above middle C. Remember, our law demands an exact half of a string by which to sound its octave. How much does it vary? Divide the denominator (1296) by 2 and place the result over it for a numerator, and this gives 648/1296, which is an exact half. Notice the comparison.
3C obtained from a succession of exact minor thirds, 625/1296 3C obtained from an exact half of the string 648/1296
Now, the former fraction is smaller than the latter; hence, the segment of string which it represents will be shorter than the exact half, and will consequently yield a sharper tone. The denominators being the same, we have only to find the difference between the numerators to tell how much too short the former segment is. This proves the C obtained by the succession of minor thirds to be too short by 23/1296 of the length of the whole string.
If, therefore, all octaves are to remain perfect, it is evident that all minor thirds must be tuned flatter than perfect in the system of equal temperament.
The ratio, then, of 648 to 625 expresses the excess by which the true octave exceeds four exact minor thirds; consequently, each minor third must be flatter than perfect by one-fourth part of the difference between these fractions. By this means the dissonance is evenly distributed so that it is not noticeable in the various chords, in the major and minor keys, where this interval is almost invariably present. (We find no record of writers on the mathematics of sound giving a name to the above ratio expressing variance, as they have to others.)
Proposition III deals with the perfect fifth, showing the result from a series of twelve perfect fifths employed within the space of an octave.
METHOD.—Taking 1C as the fundamental, representing it by unity or 1, the G, fifth above, is sounded by a 2/3 segment of the string sounding C. The next fifth, G-D, takes us beyond the octave, and we find that the D will be sounded by 4/9 (2/3 of 2/3 equals 4/9) of the entire string, which fraction is less than half; so to keep within the bounds of the octave, we must double this segment and make it sound the tone D an octave lower, thus: 4/9 times 2 equals 8/9, the segment sounding the D within the octave.
We may shorten the operation as follows: Instead of multiplying 2/3 by 2/3, giving us 4/9, and then multiplying this answer by 2, let us double the fraction, 2/3, which equals 4/3, and use it as a multiplier when it becomes necessary to double the segment to keep within the octave.
We may proceed now with the twelve steps as follows:—
1. 1C to 1G segment 2/3 for 1G 2. 1G " 1D Multiply 2/3 by 4/3, gives segment 8/9 " 1D 3. 1D " 1A " 8/9 " 2/3 " " 16/27 " 1A 4. 1A " 1E " 16/27 " 4/3 " " 64/81 " 1E 5. 1E " 1B " 64/81 " 2/3 " " 128/243 " 1B 6. 1B " 1F[#] " 128/243 " 4/3 " " 512/729 " 1F[#] 7. 1F[#] " 1C[#] " 512/729 " 4/3 " " 2048/2187 " 1C[#] 8. 1C[#] " 1G[#] " 2048/2187 " 2/3 " " 4096/6561 " 1G[#] 9. 1G[#] " 1D[#] " 4096/6561 " 4/3 " " 16384/19683 " 1D[#] 10. 1D[#] " 1A[#] " 16384/19683 " 2/3 " " 32768/59049 " 1A[#] 11. 1A[#] " 1F " 32768/59049 " 4/3 " " 131072/177147 " 1F 12. 1F " 2C " 131072/177147 " 2/3 " " 262144/531441 " 2C
Now, this last fraction should be equivalent to 1/2, when reduced to its lowest terms, if it is destined to produce a true octave; but, using this numerator, 262144, a half would be expressed by 262144/524288, the segment producing the true octave; so the fraction 262144/531441, which represents the segment for 2C, obtained by the circle of fifths, being evidently less than 1/2, this segment will yield a tone somewhat sharper than the true octave. The two denominators are taken in this case to show the ratio of the variance; so the octave obtained from the circle of fifths is sharper than the true octave in the ratio expressed by 531441 to 524288, which ratio is called the ditonic comma. This comma is equal to one-fifth of a half-step.
We are to conclude, then, that if octaves are to remain perfect, and we desire to establish an equal temperament, the above-named difference is best disposed of by dividing it into twelve equal parts and depressing each of the fifths one-twelfth part of the ditonic comma; thereby dispersing the dissonance so that it will allow perfect octaves, and yet, but slightly impair the consonance of the fifths.
We believe the foregoing propositions will demonstrate the facts stated therein, to the student's satisfaction, and that he should now have a pretty thorough knowledge of the mathematics of the temperament. That the equal temperament is the only practical temperament, is confidently affirmed by Mr. W.S.B. Woolhouse, an eminent authority on musical mathematics, who says:—
"It is very misleading to suppose that the necessity of temperament applies only to instruments which have fixed tones. Singers and performers on perfect instruments must all temper their intervals, or they could not keep in tune with each other, or even with themselves; and on arriving at the same notes by different routes, would be continually finding a want of agreement. The scale of equal temperament obviates all such inconveniences, and continues to be universally accepted with unqualified satisfaction by the most eminent vocalists; and equally so by the most renowned and accomplished performers on stringed instruments, although these instruments are capable of an indefinite variety of intonation. The high development of modern instrumental music would not have been possible, and could not have been acquired, without the manifold advantages of the tempered intonation by equal semitones, and it has, in consequence, long become the established basis of tuning."
The following table, comparing vibration numbers of the diatonic scale with those of the tempered, shows the difference in the two scales, existing between the thirds, fifths and other intervals.
Notice that the difference is but slight in the lowest octave used which is shown on the left; but taking the scale four octaves higher, shown on the right, the difference becomes more striking.
DIATONIC. TEMPERED. DIATONIC. TEMPERED. C 32. 32. C 512. 512. D 36. 35.92 D 576. 574.70 E 40. 40.32 E 640. 645.08 F 42.66 42.71 F 682.66 683.44 G 48. 47.95 G 768. 767.13 A 53.33 53.82 A 853.33 861.08 B 60. 60.41 B 960. 966.53 C 64. 64. C 1024. 1024.
Following this paragraph we give a reference table in which the numbers are given for four consecutive octaves, calculated for the system of equal temperament. Each column represents an octave. The first two columns cover the tones of the two octaves used in setting the temperament by our system.
C 128. 256. 512. 1024. C[#] 135.61 271.22 542.44 1084.89 D 143.68 287.35 574.70 1149.40 D[#] 152.22 304.44 608.87 1217.75 E 161.27 322.54 645.08 1290.16 F 170.86 341.72 683.44 1366.87 F[#] 181.02 362.04 724.08 1448.15 G 191.78 383.57 767.13 1534.27 G[#] 203.19 406.37 812.75 1625.50 A 215.27 430.54 861.08 1722.16 A[#] 228.07 456.14 912.28 1824.56 B 241.63 483.26 966.53 1933.06 C 256. 512. 1024. 2048.
Much interesting and valuable exercise may be derived from the investigation of this table by figuring out what certain intervals would be if exact, and then comparing them with the figures shown in this tempered scale. To do this, select two notes and ascertain what interval the higher forms to the lower; then, by the fraction in the table below corresponding to that interval, multiply the vibration number of the lower note.
EXAMPLE.—Say we select the first C, 128, and the G in the same column. We know this to be an interval of a perfect fifth. Referring to the table below, we find that the vibration of the fifth is 3/2 of, or 3/2 times, that of its fundamental; so we simply multiply this fraction by the vibration number of C, which is 128, and this gives 192 as the exact fifth. Now, on referring to the above table of equal temperament, we find this G quoted a little less (flatter), viz., 191.78. To find a fourth from any note, multiply its number by 4/3, a major third, by 5/4, and so on as per table below.
The relation of the Octave to a Fundamental is expressed by 2/1 " " " Fifth to a " " 3/2 " " " Fourth to a " " 4/3 " " " Major Third to a " " 5/4 " " " Minor Third to a " " 6/5 " " " Major Second to a " " 9/8 " " " Major Sixth to a " " 5/3 " " " Minor Sixth to a " " 8/5 " " " Major Seventh to a " " 15/8 " " " Minor Second to a " " 16/15
1. State what principle is demonstrated in Proposition II.
2. State what principle is demonstrated in Proposition III.
3. What would be the vibration per second of an exact (not tempered) fifth, from C-512?
4. Give the figures and the process used in finding the vibration number of the exact major third to C-256.
5. If we should tune the whole circle of twelve fifths exactly as detailed in Proposition III, how much too sharp would the last C be to the first C tuned?
Beats.—The phenomenon known as "beats" has been but briefly alluded to in previous lessons, and not analytically discussed as it should be, being so important a feature as it is, in the practical operations of tuning. The average tuner hears and considers the beats with a vague and indefinite comprehension, guessing at causes and effects, and arriving at uncertain results. Having now become familiar with vibration numbers and ratios, the student may, at this juncture, more readily understand the phenomenon, the more scientific discussion of which it has been thought prudent to withhold until now.
In speaking of the unison in Lesson VIII, we stated that "the cause of the waves in a defective unison is the alternate recurring of the periods when the condensations and the rarefactions correspond in the two strings, and then antagonize." This concise definition is complete; but it may not as yet have been fully apprehended. The unison being the simplest interval, we shall use it for consideration before taking the more complex intervals into account.
Let us consider the nature of a single musical tone: that it consists of a chain of sound-waves; that each sound-wave consists of a condensation and a rarefaction, which are directly opposed to each other; and that sound-waves travel through air at a specific rate per second. Let us also remark, here, that in the foregoing lessons, where reference is made to vibrations, the term signifies sound-waves. In other words, the terms, "vibration" and "sound-wave," are synonymous.
If two strings, tuned to give forth the same number of vibrations per second, are struck at the same time, the tone produced will appear to come from a single source; one sweet, continuous, smooth, musical tone. The reason is this: The condensations sent forth from each of the two strings occur exactly together; the rarefactions, which, of course, alternate with the condensations, are also simultaneous. It necessarily follows, therefore, that the condensations from each of the two strings travel with the same velocity. Now, while this condition prevails, it is evident that the two strings assist each other, making the condensations more condensed, and, consequently, the rarefactions more rarefied, the result of which is, the two allied forces combine to strengthen the tone.
In opposition to the above, if two strings, tuned to produce the same tone, could be so struck that the condensation of one would occur at the same instant with the rarefaction of the other, it is readily seen that the two forces would oppose, or counteract each other, which, if equal, would result in absolute silence.[G]
[G] When the bushing of the center-pin of the hammer butt becomes badly worn or the hammer-flange becomes loose, or the condition of the hammer or flange becomes so impaired that the hammer has too much play, it may so strike the strings as to tend to produce the phenomenon described in the above paragraph. When in such a condition, one side of the hammer may strike in advance of the other just enough to throw the vibrations in opposition. Once you may get a strong tone, and again you strike with the same force and hear but a faint, almost inaudible sound. For this reason, as well as that of preventing excessive wear, the hammer joint should be kept firm and rigid.
If one of the strings vibrates 100 times in a second, and the other 101, there will be a portion of time during each second when the vibrations will coincide, and likewise a portion of time when they will antagonize each other. The periods of coincidence and of antagonism pass by progressive transition from one to the other, and the portion of time when exactitude is attained is infinitesimal; so there will be two opposite effects noticed in every second of time: the one, a progressive augmentation of strength and volume, the other, a gradual diminution of the same; the former occurring when the vibrations are coming into coincidence, the latter, when they are approaching the point of antagonism. Therefore, when we speak of one beat per second, we mean that there will be one period of augmentation and one period of diminution in one second. Young tuners sometimes get confused and accept one beat as being two, taking the period of augmentation for one beat and likewise the period of diminution. This is most likely to occur in the lower fifths of the temperament where the beats are very slow.
Two strings struck at the same time, one tuned an octave higher than the other, will vibrate in the ratio of 2 to 1. If these two strings vary from this ratio to the amount of one vibration, they will produce two beats. Two strings sounding an interval of the fifth vibrate in the ratio of 3 to 2. If they vary from this ratio to the amount of one vibration, there will occur three beats per second. In the case of the major third, there will occur four beats per second to a variation of one vibration from the true ratio of 5 to 4. You should bear this in mind in considering the proper number of beats for an interval, the vibration number being known.
It will be seen, from the above facts in connection with the study of the table of vibration numbers in Lesson XIII, that all fifths do not beat alike. The lower the vibration number, the slower the beats. If, at a certain point, a fifth beats once per second, the fifth taken an octave higher will beat twice; and the intervening fifths will beat from a little more than once, up to nearly twice per second, as they approach the higher fifth. Vibrations per second double with each octave, and so do beats.
By referring to the table in Lesson XIII, above referred to, the exact beating of any fifth may be ascertained as follows:—
Ascertain what the vibration number of the exact fifth would be, according to the instructions given beneath the table; find the difference between this and the tempered fifth given in the table. Multiply this difference by 3, and the result will be the number of beats or fraction thereof, of the tempered fifth. The reason we multiply by 3 is because, as above stated, a variation of one vibration per second in the fifth causes three beats per second.
Example.—Take the first fifth in the table, C-128 to G-191.78, and by the proper calculation (see example, page 147, Lesson XIII) we find the exact fifth to this C would be 192. The difference, then, found by subtracting the smaller from the greater, is .22 (22/100). Multiply .22 by 3 and the result is .66, or about two-thirds of a beat per second.
By these calculations we learn that the fifth, C-256 to G-383.57, should have 1.29 beats: nearly one and a third per second, and that the highest fifth of the temperament, F-341.72 to C-512, should be 1.74, or nearly one and three-quarters. By remembering these figures, and endeavoring to temper as nearly according to them as possible, the tuner will find that his temperament will come up most beautifully. This is one of the features that is overlooked or entirely unknown to many fairly good tuners; their aim being to get all fifths the same.
Finishing up the Temperament.—If your last trial, F-C, does not prove a correct fifth, you must consider how best to rectify. The following are the causes which result in improper temperament:
1. Fifths too flat.
2. Fifths not flat enough.
3. Some fifths correctly tempered and others not.
4. Some fifths sharper instead of flatter than perfect; a condition that must be watched with vigilance.
5. Some or all of the strings tuned fall from the pitch at which they were left.
From a little reflection upon these causes, it is seen that the last trial may prove a correct fifth and yet the temperament be imperfect. If this is the case, it will be necessary to go all over the temperament again. Generally, however, after you have had a little experience, you will find the trouble in one of the first two causes above, unless it be a piano wherein, the strings fall as in Cause 5. This latter cause can be ascertained in cases only where you have started from a tuning pipe or fork. Sometimes you may find that the temperament may be corrected by the alteration of but two or three tones; so it is always well to stop and examine carefully before attempting the correction. A haphazard attempt might cause much extra work.
In temperament setting by our system, if the fifths are properly tempered and the octaves are left perfect, the other intervals will need no attention, and will be found beautifully correct when used in testing.
The mistuned or tempered intervals are as follows:—
INTERVALS FLATTENED. INTERVALS SHARPENED. The Fifth, slightly. The Fourth, slightly. The Minor Third, The Major Third, considerably. greatly. The Minor Sixth, The Major Sixth, considerably. greatly.
Tuning the Treble.—In tuning the treble, which is always tuned by exact octaves, from their corresponding tones within the temperament, the ear will often accept an octave as true before its pitch has been sufficiently raised. Especially is this true in the upper octaves. After tuning a string in the treble by its octave in the temperament, test it as a fifth. For instance, after tuning your first string beyond the temperament, 3C[], test it as a fifth to 2F[]. If you are yet uncertain, try it as a major third in the chord of A. The beats will serve you as a guide in testing by fifths, up to about an octave and a half above the highest tone of the temperament; but beyond this point they become so rapid as to be only discernible as degrees of roughness. The beats will serve as a guide in tuning octaves higher in the treble than the point at which the beats of the fifth become unavailable; and in tuning unisons, the beats are discernible almost to the last tone.
The best method to follow in tuning the treble may be summed up as follows: Tune the first octave with the beats as guides both in the octave and in testing it by the fifth. If yet uncertain, test by chords. Above this octave, rely somewhat upon the beats in the octave, still use the fifth for testing, but listen for the pitch in the extreme upper tones and not so much for the beats except in bringing up unisons, in which the beats are more prominent.
In the extreme upper tones, the musical ear of the tuner is tried to the utmost. Here, his judgment of correct harmonic relation is the principal or only guide, while in the middle octaves the beats serve him so faithfully, his musical qualifications being brought into requisition only as a rough guide in determining pitch of the various intervals. To tune by the beats requires a sharp ear and mental discernment; to tune by pitch requires a fine musical ear and knowledge of the simpler laws of harmony.
As stated above, the tuner will fail in many cases to tune his high octaves sharp enough. Rarely, if ever, will a tuner with a good ear leave the upper tones too sharp. Now, there is one more fact which is of the utmost importance in tuning the treble: it is the fact that the extreme upper octave and a half must be tuned slightly sharper than perfect; if the octaves are tuned perfect, the upper tones of the instrument will sound flat when used in scale and arpeggio passages covering a large portion of the key-board. Begin to sharpen your octaves slightly from about the seventeenth key from the last; counting both black and white. In other words, begin to sharpen from the last A[b] but one, in the standard scale of seven and a third octaves of which the last key is C. Sharpen but slightly, and increase the degree of sharpening but little as you proceed.
Tuning the Bass.—In tuning the bass, listen for the beats only, in bringing up the octaves. It is sometimes well to try the string tuned, with its fifth, but the octave in the bass should suffice, as the vibrations are so much slower here that if you listen acutely the octave beats will guide you.
It is not necessary to pull the strings higher than the pitch at which they are to stand. Learn to pull them up gradually and in a way that will "render" the string over the bridges, which is an easy thing to do, the strings being so much heavier here than elsewhere. Never leave a bass string the slightest amount too sharp. As flatness is so obnoxious in the treble, just so is sharpness in the bass, so if there must be any variation in any bass tone let it be flat; but aim at perfect octaves throughout the bass.
False Waves.—We say "false waves" for want of a better name. You will find a string occasionally that will give forth waves or beats so similar to the real ones that it takes a practiced ear to distinguish the difference. Where a unison contains a string of this kind, select some other string by which to tune the interval, and leave the bad string until the last; you may then find difficulty in being able to tell when you have it in unison. The cause may be a twisted string, a fault in the string by imperfect drawing of the wire, or in the construction of the sound-board.
In the low bass tones, a kind of false waves are always present, and will annoy the tuner long after he has been in regular practice. They are, however, of a different nature from the true waves in that they are of a metallic timbre and of much greater rapidity than the latter. Close attention will generally enable the tuner to distinguish between them. They are caused by what is known as "harmonics" or "over-tones"; the string vibrating in fractional segments.
False waves will occur in an annoying degree when the tuner sets a mute on a nodal point in the string; it will cause the muted string to sound a real harmonic tone. This does not happen in the upright, as the mutes are set so near the end of the string as to preclude this possibility. In the square, however, it very frequently happens, as there are so many nodes between the dampers and the bridge, where the tuner sets his mutes. If, for instance, he is tuning an octave and has his mute set precisely in the middle of the vibrating segment, in place of muting the string it sounds its own octave, which will disturb the ear in listening for the tone from the one free string. Move the mute either way until it is found to mute the string entirely.
1. Explain the cause of the beats.
2. How many beats per second in a unison of two strings, one tuned to 100, the other to 101 vibrations per second?
3. How many beats per second in an octave, the lower tone of which is tuned to 100, the upper to 201 vibrations per second?
4. How many beats per second in a fifth, the fundamental of which is tuned to 100, the fifth to 151?
5. The fifth, 2F-3C, when properly tempered, should beat 1-3/4 times per second. How often should a fifth, an octave higher, beat?
Comparison of the Different Systems.—Up to this time, we have given no account of any system of tuning except the one recommended. For the purpose of making the student more thoroughly informed we detail here several different systems which have been devised and practiced by other tuners. It is a matter of history that artisans in this profession and leaders in musical science have endeavored to devise a system of temperament having all the desirable qualifications.
The aims of many have been to invent a system which uses the fewest number of tones; working under the impression that the fewer the tones used in the temperament, the easier the tuner's work. These have reduced the compass of the temperament to the twelve semi-tones from middle C to B above; or from F below, to E above middle C. This system requires the tuner to make use of both fourths and fifths. Not only does he have to use these two kinds of intervals in tuning, but he has to tune by fourths up and fourths down, and, likewise, by fifths up and fifths down. When tuning a fifth upward, he flattens it; and when tuning a fifth downward he sharpens the lower tone; when tuning a fourth upward, he sharpens it; when tuning a fourth downward, he flattens the lower tone.
It is readily seen that by a system of this kind the tuner's mind is constantly on a strain to know how to temper the interval he is tuning, and how much to temper it, as fourths require a different degree of tempering from the fifths; and he is constantly changing from an interval upward to one downward; so, this system must be stamped as tedious and complicated, to say the least. Yet this system is much followed in factories for rough tuning, and also by many old professional tuners.
The table on the following page gives the succession of intervals generally taken by tuners employing this system using the tones within the F octave mentioned above. Middle C is obtained in the usual way, from the tuning fork.
By middle C tune F fifth below. Temper sharp. By F " B[b] (A[]) fourth above. " " " C " G fourth below. " flat " G " D fifth above. " " " D " A fourth below. " " " A " E fifth above. " " " E " B fourth below. " " " B " F[] fourth below. " " " F[] " C[] fifth above. " " " C[] " G[] fourth below. " " " G[] " D[] fifth above. " " Then try D[] with A[] previously tuned for "wolves."
We think a little study and trial of this system will produce the conviction that it is a very difficult and precarious one, and that it has every disadvantage but one, namely, that it uses the smallest possible number of tones, which is really of little value, and does not compensate for the difficulty encountered and the uncertainty of the results.
Another system which has many advantages over the above, is one which employs fifths only and covers a compass of an octave and a half. This system is similar to ours in that it employs fifths in the same succession as far as G[#], the most of them, however, being an octave higher. From this G[#] there is a break in the succession, and the tuner goes back to middle C from which he started and tunes by fifths downward until he reaches the G[#] at which he left off. This system employs the tones from F below middle C to C, octave above. Below is the succession, starting upon 3C, whose pitch is determined as usual.
By 3C tune 2C octave below. " 2C " 2G fifth above. " 2G " 1G octave below. " 1G " 2D fifth above. " 2D " 2A fifth above. " 2A " 1A octave below. " 1A " 2E fifth above. " 2E " 2B fifth above. " 2B " 1B octave below. " 1B " 2F[#] fifth above. " 2F[#] " 1F[#] octave below. " 1F[#] " 2C[#] fifth above. " 2C[#] " 2G[#] fifth above. " 2G[#] " 1G[#] octave below.
By 2C tune 1F fifth below. Temper sharp. " 1F " 2F octave above. " 2F " 1B[b] fifth below. Temper sharp. " 1B[b] " 2B[b] octave above. " 2B[b] " 2E[b] fifth below. Temper sharp. |