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Mats are woven in Majayjay and Luisiana only, the weavers of Cavinti devoting their entire time to the fabrication of hats. The mats are woven of single straw, but they are fairly thick and not at all limber. The number produced per week runs probably into the thousands, of which about 75 per cent are made of coarse straw and are intended for use in drying palay, copra, etc. These mats are known as "bangkoan," a word having about the same significance as "bastos;" that is, coarsely or poorly made. The finer and better made mats are intended for use as sleeping mats and for the floor. They are decorated with colored buri straw, usually in some shade of red produced by mordanting with kolis leaves and boiling with sappan wood as explained for buri straw. Occasionally, other colors are used, produced from the imported coal-tar ("Chino") dyes, but in all cases the shades produced are not very pleasing. The decorations are embroidered in, and consist of simple borders in straight lines with an open center design of somewhat the same pattern. When first woven, the mats are usually of a dark green color. Before being sold, they are placed in the sun, which changes them to a grayish color somewhat resembling sabutan. After long use, however, the final shade is yellowish green.
There seems to be but little division of labor in the production of these mats. Usually the whole family goes out into the patch and cuts the leaves, removing the thorns before bringing them home. Only women weave the mats. In Majayjay a few workers color their own buri straw used in decorating the mats, but for the most part this material is obtained from dyers, one a Chinese, the other a Filipino, who prepare it for sale.
The weavers are independent of advances by brokers and sell their product to Filipinos or to the representatives of Chinese merchants in Pagsanjan and Manila. A few weavers take their mats to Lukban, whence they are distributed over Tayabas Province, but many more are gathered up by these brokers and sold in the market at Pagsanjan. The mat market there usually occupies one whole sidewalk running the length of the market building.
The pandan mats of Majayjay and Luisiana are notable for their strength and durability, and are excellent for the floor or bath. In price they range from P0.50 to P5.00. The usual price of the decorated mats is P1.50. The demand continues brisk and prices have recently risen. The weakest point in the mat at the present time is in the colored buri straw used to decorate it, for this tears long before the pandan shows signs of wear. If colored sabutan straw is substituted for the buri, a much stronger and probably more pleasing article will result. [21]
Karagumoy. [22]
The pandan P. simplex, known as "karagumoy" or "carogumoy," is the economic pandan of the Bicol peninsula in southern Luzon. It is usually found growing in well drained soil under the shade of banana and abaca plants and areca palms. It needs this protection because the leaves are easily broken or ruined by hard winds. The leaves are generally longer than those of sabutan (they are 2 meters to 3 1/2 meters in length) and are but from 6 cm. to 10 cm. wide. They are very thick, being practically as coarse as the leaves of P. utilissimus. They bear stout spines on the midrib and along the margins, from two centimeters to three centimeters apart. A fungus disease often attacks them, causing dry hard patches, and not only spoiling the color but also making the material so brittle that it breaks in the preparation of the straw.
The plant is propagated by means of suckers in patches seldom over a half hectare in extent and often consisting of a few plants back of the house. The suckers are set out in rows and are probably one year old when the first leaves are taken, though the workers disagree on this point. At a specified time, from eight to fifteen leaves are cut from the plant each year; at other periods, two or three may be taken from the same plants. Most of the leaves are harvested during the rainy season. Karagumoy leaves have a commercial value in many of the places in which the plant occurs. In Tabaco, Albay, women cut the leaves and carry them in large bundles to the market, where they are sold at prices usually varying from 8 to 12 centavos per hundred.
Throughout the Province of Albay mats are made from karagumoy, and in some towns the industry is of considerable importance. For instance, in the barrio of San Lorenzo in Tabaco, mats may be found in the making in nearly every house. In Sorsogon, too, the industry is widespread though not so important commercially. In Balusa the production is large enough to supply the local demand and leave a surplus for export to neighboring towns. In the Bicol provinces karagumoy is considered the best of all straws for the production of mats. In price the mats vary from thirty to ninety centavos, according to fineness.
In preparing the material, the spines and midrib are first removed and the leaves are divided into four strips of about equal width. The straw is prepared from these with the knife and gauge; it is dried in the shade for a few hours and drawn several times over a piece of bamboo as explained for sabutan in order to make it more supple and smooth. The mats are woven in the early morning and at night, the straw being more pliable then. Attempts have been made in the schools to dye karagumoy but no success has yet been attained. The mats are plain.
The stem of this plant, P. copelandii, grows from 4 to 9 meters high. The leaves have an average length of 2.1 meter and a width of 8 cm. [23] Spines occur along the entire margin. Near the base they are comparatively coarse and from 3 to 4 mm. long. Towards the apex of the margins and midveins, the spines are short and close together like the teeth of a fine saw. From 3 to 5 heads generally form on the fruit stalk, each of them from 7 to 12 cm. long and 5 to 7 cm. across, at first pale yellowish in appearance but soon turning red. Their drupes are 14 mm. long and 3 to 4 mm. in diameter. This pandan is found in Cagayan, Benguet, Nueva Ecija, Samar, Bohol, Occidental Negros, Capiz, Surigao, Davao, and other provinces. [24]
This pandan is not of economic importance in central and southern Luzon. In the Bicol provinces it is used to some extent but it is considered inferior to other materials. In parts of the Visayas, such as Bohol, Capiz and Samar, it is utilized to a considerable extent, but cannot be considered of commercial importance. It is the economic pandan of Surigao, but even there its commercial importance is local only.
Table showing comparative measurements of certain Philippine pandans.
P. Sabutan. P. P. P. tectorius. utilissimus. simplex. copelandii.
Height of trunk 3 to 6 m 2 to 4 m 4 to 8 m 6 m 4 m. Leaves: Length 1.35 m 2 m 5 m 2 to 3.5 m 2.1 m. Width 6 cm 6 cm 20 cm 6 to 10 cm 8 cm. Thickness Medium Fine Thick Thick Medium. Fruit: Length 20 cm 60 cm 9 cm 7 to 12 cm. Thickness 18 cm 20 cm 9 cm 5 to 7 cm. Drupes— Length 5.5 cm 7 to 8 cm 3 cm 14 mm. Thickness 2.5 to 3 cm 2 cm 1 cm 3 to 4 mm. Number in head 50 to 80 Many Many Many.
Pandans of Minor Utility.
The species P. radicans is reported as olango from Leyte, wango in Bohol, owango in Surigao and uyagno in Sorsogon. It is usually found growing along rivers and in marshes. The trunk reaches a height of 8 m. and its largest leaves may be 6 m. long and 12 cm. wide. There are from 6 to 10 dark brick red fruits in a cluster. The fruit is 14 cm. long and 8 cm. wide and contains 100 or more drupes. Each drupe is 2.5 cm. in length and 12 mm. in diameter. The leaves are made into straw from which coarse mats are woven.
Taboan is the name given to Pandanus dubius in Surigao while in Bohol it is known as bacong. It is a rare species. It is said to be a heavy, clumsy appearing tree with stem about 8 m. high, wide spreading branches near the top, and soft, pulpy and stringy wood. The flowers are grouped into an inflorescence. The male inflorescence, about 60 cm. long and partly covered by creamy yellow bracts, is erect and occurs at the end of the branches. The leaves are deep green in color on both sides, with an average length of 2.25 cm. and a width of 20 cm. The drupes of this pandan are from 8 cm. to 13 cm. long and from 5 cm. to 8 cm. wide. The plant is utilized to a small extent in making mats.
In the Tagalog speaking provinces of Bulacan, Bataan, and in and around Manila, Pandanus luzonensis is called "alasas." It is also called "pandan" but this name should be reserved for Pandanus tectorius. The former is restricted in its habitat to the provinces around Manila Bay, while the latter is found in most of the seacoast provinces of the Philippines as well as in other tropical parts of the world. Pandanus luzonensis attains a greater height than Pandanus tectorius, but has narrower leaves than the latter. The male flowers are borne in a fleshy, much-branched inflorescence from 20 to 30 cm. long. Each branch is partly surrounded by a broad thin bract, 8 cm. wide. Each individual flower has from 4 to 9 stamens. The whole fruit is about 20 centimeters long and contains from 30 to 60 drupes, yellowish red in color when ripe. Each drupe is from 3 to 4 cm. long, 2 to 2.5 cm. thick, and contains from 6 to 10 seeds. The straw from this pandan is of inferior quality, though it is said to be used in Bulacan for mats.
Unidentified Pandans.
Besides the pandans, the identity of which has been explained above, there are several unidentified specimens or varieties from which mats are made. It may be that some of these will be found identical with those already discussed when sufficient botanical material has been gathered to determine them.
In Isabela Province, a pandan known as "langu" having long, strong, thin leaves, is made into mats in Santa Maria, Delena and Bolasi.
Mats are made along the coast of Cagayan Province, in the Ilocano barrios of the towns of Claveria and Sanchez Mira, from a pandan known as "pataga." These are very coarse and thick and have an unusually shiny surface. According to Mr. Otto Harwood, the leaves vary in length from 10 cm. to 35.5 cm. and in width from 7.5 cm. to 15 cm. The straw is made by cutting the leaf into strips and drying them in the sun. Although the industry is yet small, it is developing.
A species of pandan is employed in the towns of Camalaniugan, Aparri, Gataran, and Lal-loc in Cagayan Province for making mats. Locally they are valued at from 40 to 50 centavos, but in Isabela Province to which they are exported they sell for as high as a peso and a half.
The only municipality in Pangasinan province in which the making of mats has reached provincial and interprovincial importance is Bolinao. The species of pandan employed is not known. The mats are shipped to towns along the seacoast of Ilocos and Zambales Province by sailing vessels, and are sold in the local markets or to local merchants.
In Mindoro the town of Subang makes pandan mats which are shipped to Batangas, Cavite, and Manila.
Two pandans, called lingo and baring were sent to the General Office of the Bureau of Education from Guindalman, Bohol. It was impossible to identify them as no fruit was included. They probably represent two new species. Lingo has a leaf 2.9 m. in length and of an almost uniform width of 5.5 cm. At 80 cm. from the tip, it is 4.5 cm. wide, then gradually becomes acuminate. The marginal spines are 2 mm. long, curved forward, from 6 to 8 mm. apart near the stem, but closer together at the distal one-third of the leaf. Spines of 1 mm. or less in length and 4 mm. or less apart, curved forward and extending throughout the length of the leaf, occur on the lower surface of the midrib only. The surface of the leaf is smooth and shiny. The leaf of baring is 72 cm. long, 2.8 cm. wide, apparently spineless, smooth and fine in texture. Both of these pandans would probably yield good industrial materials.
In Iloilo, the town of Banate has a pandan mat industry of interprovincial importance, whose product is an article of commerce as far as Negros. The mats sell at about 50 centavos each.
There is a large export of pandan mats from Dao, Antique, to the province of Iloilo.
Pandan mats are exported from Cuyo Island in Palawan. Some are sent to the mainland of Palawan and others to Antique.
The Moro pandan mats are the most richly colored of all those produced in the Philippines. At this writing, information is not at hand to determine the method of preparing the straw or the species of pandan from which they are made. Mats which have been exhibited at successive Philippine expositions have undoubtedly been dyed with imported coloring matter. The designs are of the general effect of the mat reproduced on page 84. The colors are often well combined and the effect is very striking. The Cottabato mats are double; the under portion is woven of thick, heavy, uncolored straw, and the upper portion is of finer material; the two parts are spliced together.
Sedge Straws.
Kinds of Sedges.
The sedges which form the family of Cyperaceae are grass-like or rush-like herbs, with solid, jointless, usually triangular stems, while the grasses (Gramineae) are mostly herbs, usually with hollow stems closed and enlarged at the nodes. The former play an important part in the manufacture of mats because of their length and freedom from nodes. The family includes several genera of importance; viz., Scirpus, Cyperus, and Fimbristylis.
Of these the Fimbristylis is the most important, for two species of Fimbristylis have a fairly large commercial use; they are therefore taken up separately.
Of the genus Scirpus, the species S. grossus, known as "balangot" in Ambos Camarines and Capiz, "bagaas" in Occidental Negros, "tiquio" in Rizal, and "bagui-bagui" in Capiz, and S. erectus, are used for mats. S. grossus is not a very suitable material for industrial purposes, its distinctly three-cornered stalk being too coarse in texture and too large to permit of weaving even a fair grade article. S. erectus is much better. The stalk is about as fine as tikug and grows to a height of 60 cm. The flowers sometimes occur in a solitary cluster, but more often from 2 to 5 clusters of spikelets are found on the side of the stalk near its top. The plant is widely distributed in the Philippines and inhabits open grass lands. It bears some flowers throughout the year. As yet only coarse mats are made from it, but its general appearance would warrant experiments along the lines of the processes by which tikug is treated. The only native names noted are "tayoc-tayoc" and "tikug" by which names the plant is known in Occidental Negros. These names, however, are more properly applied to other plants. Scirpus mucronatus is somewhat like S. erectus in general appearance. The stem of S. mucronatus is more robust and coarser in texture and attains a height of 80 cm. Its dried stem has an average width of 4 to 5 mm., while that of S. erectus measures from 2 to 3 mm. The flowers of S. mucronatus appear in a very dense head on the side of the plant from 2 to 9 cm. from the top. Each head is made up of from 5 to 20 spikelets. These spikelets are from 6 to 15 mm. long, while those of S. erectus are never more than 1 cm. in length. The coarser stalk of S. mucronatus makes it a less desirable mat material than S. erectus. In the Ilocos provinces a very coarse round sedge called tiker (Scirpus lacustris) occurs. It may be of value if split and dried in the sun so that it curls up into a round straw.
The genus Cyperus includes a number of economic plants, among them the Chinese matting sedge. The species most used in the Philippines is C. malaccensis. This plant has an underground stem which, as it continues its growth, sends out new stalks. The plant lives for a number of years and when fully grown is from 0.5 to 1.5 meters high. The stem is stout and three-sided in shape. It has few or no leaves, and when present the leaves are not more than 3 cm. long. From 2 to 5 leaf-like stems (bracts) not more than 20 cm. long occur under the inflorescence. The spikelets which make up the inflorescence are somewhat crowded together; they are very narrow, from 1 to 2 cm. long. The plant occurs in the Philippines in brackish swamps and along tidal streams. It is also found in tropical Africa, Asia, the islands of Polynesia, and Australia. It is usually in flower from July to December. It was formerly made into mats and hats and is even now utilized in rare instances in weaving them, but it is most important as a material for slippers, and possibly for matting.
Of the 125 species of Fimbristylis found only in warm regions, two are of economic importance in the Philippines, while one more might perhaps be tried out as a mat material. All the species of Fimbristylis have tufted, fibrous or woody stems. The leaves occur near the base. The inflorescence consists of a great number of flowers grouped closely together to form one or more spikelets. The spikelets themselves may be either solitary or clustered. The individual flowers are covered by glumes and are arranged spirally on the axis. As the fruit matures, the glumes of the flowers become the "chaff" of the grain.
This sedge (Fimbristylis utilis) grows usually more than a meter long and has tufted stems which are shiny and smooth in appearance and average about 4 mm. in diameter. The stems may have long leaves at the base or may be entirely leafless, and are usually four- or five-sided immediately under the inflorescence. The general appearance of the stalk is round. The plant has few or no underground root-like stems. The flowers are densely clustered together to form spikelets, dusky brown in color, measuring 6 mm. by 3 mm. In the Visayas it is generally known as tikug. In Agusan and Surigao it is called "anahiwan" and in Bukidnon "sudsud". Sometimes it is called tayoc-tayoc in confusion with the smaller sedge more properly known by that name, which much resembles tikug. A specimen from Pampanga was labeled "muta".
Tikug grows in greatest profusion and reaches its highest economic importance in parts of Mindanao, Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. To a less degree, it is found and utilized on Negros and Panay. While it is found in Cebu, it is not used there. As a recognized industrial plant, therefore, its distribution is confined to the Visayas and Mindanao. Its appearance in Pampanga would indicate that it may be found in other regions in which its value in hand-weaving and in the making of matting is not understood. [25]
Tikug is utilized in making hats, mats, matting, slippers and various minor articles.
Samar Mats.
Gathering the Straw.
The best known tikug mats are produced on the Island of Samar, where the sedge grows wild. [26] It has never been cultivated there. Different grades are recognized in the height and width of the straw. The finest is 1 1/2 mm. in diameter while the largest straws are fully four times that width. Full grown stalks sometimes reach 3 meters in height, but the average is 1 1/2 meters. In most places in Samar only very coarse tikug is found and this is especially true in the northern half of the island. The best material grows near the towns of Basey and Sulat, a circumstance probably due to the fact that most of these sedges are pulled up for weaving before they become old and coarse, for it is in these two towns that the mat industry of Samar is centered. All grades of tikug can be used in making mats; but as the straw cannot be split into finer pieces, it is only from the narrower material that the fine mats are made. The map on the distribution of tikug shows the regions in Samar in which this sedge occurs. [27]
In some parts of Samar rough mats are made from tikug dried in the shade. In Basey and Sulat bleached straw is used. In the bleaching process only the sun is used, the bundles being spread out where there is neither grass nor shade. The straw must be kept perfectly dry at all times, for if it becomes wet or damp it will mildew and turn an unsightly black or brown. In the morning it must not be put out until the ground is dry and in the evening it should be taken in before dew is formed upon it. The best results are obtained by drying the material in a place where there is no grass, as the turf generally holds considerable moisture and retards the process. With proper care clean white straw can be obtained in about one week under the most favorable conditions. Sometimes, but not often, the above process is preceded by boiling the straw for ten or twenty minutes in plain water. Several bleaching experiments have already been made with tikug, but as yet none has been entirely successful. In one experiment straw was boiled in alum, but the resultant material was not so white as that obtained by simply drying it in the sun. Boiling green tikug in water containing acetic acid from the juice of limes and lemons was unsatisfactory. The best straw obtained was that produced by simply boiling the green stalk for a few minutes in water and rinsing it well and then drying in the sunshine for several days.
The straws are of different lengths and diameters; after bleaching they must be sorted. The seed clusters are removed and the bunches are tied in a big bundle which is laid on the floor with root toward the worker. The longer straws of small diameter are then pulled out and placed in small bundles, the process continuing until the several different grades are thus separated and nothing remains but a few short thick straws which are kept for embroidering designs. Each bundle is then trimmed by cutting off the roots and ragged tops and the straw is ready for storing, dyeing, or flattening. If tikug remains in a damp place it will mold and become worthless. It is easily kept during the dry season, if frequently exposed to the sun. During the rainy season it should be wrapped in a blanket or cloth.
Very few uncolored straws are used in Samar mats. The dyed material is more durable and does not mildew as readily as the uncolored straws. Tikug dyes easily and this is probably one of the reasons why the mats of Samar have so much color. The cost of the dye in a Basey mat is no small part of the total expense of production. Consequently it is necessary to employ a cheap dye. For instance, one of the best commercial dyes known in Manila was used with great success on Samar mats, but the value of the coloring material consumed in making them was greater than their selling price. The dye used in making the cheapest of Samar mats costs the weavers about 10 centavos while the more elaborate products need as much as 65 centavos worth of dye to color them. A common mat containing 15 centavos worth of dyestuff sells for about a peso. [28]
The colors obtained by the Basey mat weavers have a greater variety of shades and tints than those produced by any other workers in the Philippines on tikug or any other mat material. The shades and tints depend upon two considerations: (1) The amount of dyestuffs used and (2) the length of time the boiling process is continued. Four dyestuffs are used. Yellows are obtained from turmeric; greens and reds are obtained from coal-tar dyes; and a red-orange from deora. The leaves of the latter plant are crushed and the pulpy mass thus obtained is boiled to yield the dye fluid. By combining these four dye materials in different proportions, by using varying amounts of the material, and by boiling varying lengths of time, different colors, shades and tints are obtained.
The method of dyeing is as follows: The bunches of tikug are coiled and placed in a can of hot dye, where they are boiled from two to ten minutes, or until the desired intensity has been secured. The more the straw is boiled, the more nearly permanent will be the color and the greater will be its intensity. Care must be taken to see that the dye fluid is not too strong; otherwise the color will be too intense. In order that the material may be evenly colored, the tikug is submerged in the dye so that it is well covered and is turned over several times during the process. After the coils are removed they should be laid upon the ground or floor, allowed to cool, and then hung in the shade to dry.
The straws composing the bleached or dyed bundles of material are stiff and uneven; some are bent and others are round. The process of flattening them and making them more pliable is carried on during damp days, in the morning or evening, for if done in the open air on cloudless days, or at any time when the atmosphere is dry, the straw becomes brittle and breaks. However, climatic conditions may be overcome by wrapping the straw in banana leaves or damp cloth for an hour or more and then working it where no breeze can dry it out. No water should be applied. The workers employ the usual blunt-edged, ruler-like piece of wood; between this and the thumb the straw is drawn by the free hand. This process flattens the straw and makes it pliable so that it does not split during weaving.
The Weaving of Samar Mats.
Up to three years ago tikug was but little used in Samar except for weaving mats. Commercially, mat weaving was confined to Sulat and Basey. Since the American occupation it has been widely done and the work has been introduced into most of the schools. Not only have methods been greatly improved but new uses have been found for the material. To-day the sedge is woven into floor and wall mats, hats, table mats, slippers, book-bags, hand-bags, necktie cases, pencil holders, pencil cases, and pillow and cushion covers. Recently the weaving of matting on looms has been undertaken in the schools and a fine product, similar to the matting of Japan, has been produced on the ordinary loom adjusted to the straw.
The chief use of tikug in Samar is in the weaving of mats in the towns of Basey and Sulat. Since time immemorial tikug mats have been woven in Samar. At Palapag, Oras, Dolores, Taft, Balangiga, Santa Rita, Gandara, Oquendo, and Catarman, a few rough ones, the product of unskilled workmen, were made, but they were of no commercial importance, since the people did not weave enough to supply their own demand. As far back as can now be traced, the people of Basey and Sulat have been making mats for the provincial and interprovincial trade. Since 1907 the people of Dolores, Oras, Santa Rita, and Balangiga have improved in weaving and are now producing a few mats for the market. Their work is much inferior to that of Basey and Sulat. In the year 1911 Basey produced about 9,000 mats and Sulat about 300. The latter town could have increased its production greatly, but its remoteness from the market and from the routes of commerce reduces the large demand which might otherwise exist for the mats. Basey is better situated in these respects; moreover, the people have been forced to fall back on mat weaving as their chief means of support, for typhoons have destroyed their coconuts and abaca, and their rice crop is scant. Almost every night mat weavers are found at work in many of the houses.
Several years ago, when American soldiers were stationed in the vicinity of the town, there grew up a great demand for mats, and the weavers, taking advantage of their need and their little knowledge of values in the Philippines, demanded exorbitant prices and received them. Most of the Basey people spent their time producing mats, and to a great extent sacrificed quality for quantity. The grade of mat that sold for P18 several years ago can now be bought for about P8; that which sold for P3 two years ago can be bought to-day for P2. Lately there has been a rise in price owing to increased commercial demand. Mats made to order, particularly special mats, cost more than those bought already woven, the price depending upon the size of the article, the character of the design, and the fineness of the straw and the weave. A mat two meters by one meter, made of the finest grade of tikug, would require several months for completion and would probably cost between P30 and P40. There is hardly a limit to the size of the mat which can be woven. Three years ago one having dimensions of 10 meters by 12 meters was made for a church, as many as 30 women working on it at the same time.
Basey mats are of two general kinds: those with plaid designs woven in and those on which the designs are embroidered. The former are the more difficult to weave; but as there is no decoration to be added, they are the cheapest mats obtainable, the prices for the ordinary grades ranging from P0.80 to P3 each. Some weavers turn out only blank mats of one color and do neither designing nor decorating. Straw used on these is usually dyed, very few mats of natural colors being made. They are worth from P0.50 to P2 each and are generally sold to girls who are skillful in embroidering designs. These girls decorate the mats and sell them for from P2.50 to P6 each, the price depending upon the original cost of the mat and the amount of decoration put upon it. The ideas for the designs on Basey mats are usually obtained from pictures or textiles. The straws, both bleached and dyed, are split in two for embroidering purposes. This makes them thinner and more pliable.
The time necessary for making a plaid mat sold for two pesos was found to be as follows, an eight-hour day being used as the basis of a day's work:
Days. Gathering tikug 1.00 Dyeing tikug .25 Flattening tikug .25 Weaving mat 3.50 —— Total time 5.00
The selling price of the mat was one peso, the cost of the dye 15 centavos, which left the weaver a balance of 85 centavos for five days' labor. The plaids used in Basey mats are simple, but the embroidered designs are extremely intricate. They consist for the most part of foliage, flowers, and animals. Weavers are often given a contract to make a stated number of mats in accordance with a design furnished them. A few are capable of reproducing almost any pattern presented, [29] but if they are not told exactly what colors to use they employ every shade, color and tint they can secure. The Basey mats are distinguished by the multitude of colors used. In general it may be stated that the chief criticism of this product is the gaudy effect produced by the colors used. In some cases the colors are well toned and harmoniously combined, but the majority of the mats produced contain vivid colors which are not all harmonious. Through the schools, efforts have been made to reduce the number of colors and to modify the gaudy and complicated floral designs. An improvement is seen each year.
The ordinary mat is usually about 2 meters by 1 1/2 meters, though smaller and larger ones are made. During the past three years the weavers have been encouraged to make mats about the size of an ordinary cot and to use no more than two colors in weaving them. A few mats suitable for placing under dining tables are also made.
Sulat weavers produce fewer mats than those of Basey but make them of fine, closely woven straw. Most of the mats with a woven-on border come from Sulat. These people, while able to produce a fine, soft, pliable mat, can not embroider decorations on them nearly so well as do the people of Basey.
Samar mats wear well. Wall mats last indefinitely and sleeping mats are used from two to ten years or more. [30]
The Marketing of Basey Mats.
The port of Tacloban, Leyte, due to its proximity to Basey, is the chief center for the distribution of Samar mats. As soon as the mats are completed the weavers take them across the straits to Tacloban, where they are sold to Chinese brokers, transients and residents, both American and native. Few ships leave Tacloban that do not carry away from 5 to 20 mats; often they take away as many as 50, the amount generally depending upon the number of passengers aboard the boat. Some of the ship's employees are regular customers of the weavers and buy mats at stated prices to sell them again at a reasonable profit at Manila and other ports of call. Besides, there is quite a sale of mats in the towns of Samar, Leyte, and Cebu through vendors, residents of Basey, who secure the mats in their home town at low prices and sell them at a profit. These persons usually deal only in the mats, and sell them for cash, not trading for other articles. Plaid Basey mats are on sale in nearly all the Chinese general merchandise stores of Manila.
As yet there is little supervision by brokers in Basey. The mat industry there needs but the introduction of some system of supervision by brokers to regulate the size, quality, design and color scheme of the mats, and a foreign market to become a much more extended industry. The schools have already done much toward improving workmanship and design; it must remain for individual enterprise, however, to get in touch with foreign demand and supervise the weaving of mats to suit it. [31]
Bohol Mats. [32]
Tikug mats are made in large numbers in Bohol. The straw for the most part is finer than that used in Samar and the patterns are chiefly stripes and checks. Very little embroidering is attempted.
Bohol mats are used principally for sleeping purposes. In northern Bohol there is scarcely a family that has not three or more large mats, which are rolled up and laid away during the day time and are unrolled upon the floor at night for a bed. They are durable and last for years. Large sleeping mats may be purchased in quantities as high as 40 to 100 during the Sunday market day in Talibon or on the Saturday market day in Ypil, a barrio of the same town. In price they range from one to three pesos each.
The second use of Bohol mats is for decorating walls, tables, and floors. Those so employed are smaller than the sleeping mats, usually square, but sometimes round. More care is exercised in their weaving and only fine young straws are used. The preparation of the straw and the dyeing are done with great care. Mats of the best quality are quite difficult to secure and the schools have recently been encouraging their production.
As in other regions, the tikug from which Bohol mats are made, grows wild in the rice fields after the harvest. It is found in abundance in northern Bohol in the municipalities of Getafe, Talibon and Ubay, and sparingly in other towns of the island (see map). The straws are gathered from the field by pulling them, thus breaking them off at the roots, and they are tied into bundles about 3 decimeters in circumference and sold in the market. The largest market for such bundles is found in the barrio of Ypil in the municipality of Talibon. The price is usually about 10 centavos per bundle. From two to four of these bundles are required to make a mat.
The tikug is not kept in the original bundles longer than one or two days, for it will turn black. The material is usually separated into two parts, one to be dyed, the other to be bleached. That to be dyed is spread in the sun and thoroughly dried for one or two days, care being taken that rain does not fall upon it and blacken it. The other part is boiled in a solution of acetic acid for twenty minutes, after which it is thoroughly dried in the sun and thus bleached.
The natural dyes used in Bohol for coloring tikug are dauda and turmeric. The former produces permanent colors, the latter fugitive ones. The artificial dyes bought at Chinese stores are also used in producing shades and tints of green, violet and ruby which are satisfactory. In general, those in crystal form have proven more satisfactory than the powder dyes. Before dyeing, the sheath-like leaf is pulled from the bottom of each straw and the material is looped into small bundles. Often the straws are dampened with water. Dyeing is usually done in a 5-gallon petroleum can two-thirds full of water, heated to boiling. If the artificial dyes are used the powder is stirred in and dissolved and the bundles of tikug are then pressed down into the liquid so that all the material is well covered. A stone is often laid upon the straws so as to keep them down in the boiling dye. It usually requires about twenty minutes to obtain the desired shade, which is nearly always a deep one. Where fresh dauda leaves are employed, about 2 pounds are placed in the water and boiled a few minutes before the tikug is put in. If dried leaves are used about one pound is soaked in cold water for a few minutes and the whole mass is then added to the boiling water. Turmeric roots are pounded in a mortar and then added to the boiling water, after which the tikug is added. All the dyes noted are combined to produce other colors and varying shades.
During the process of dyeing, the straw should be turned and moved about in the boiling water to insure an even color. The straw should never be boiled too long, or it will be cooked and become tender and weak. After the straw has taken on the shade desired, it is removed from the can and thrown on the ground. When the bundles are cool enough to be handled, they are untied and the straws spread out to dry, preferably in the shade. After it is thoroughly dried the material is rebundled and thus kept for weaving.
Before weaving, the straws are flattened by drawing each one separately between the edge of the knife and the heel of the weaver's foot or the sole of the chinela. Damp days are best for this process. Weaving is done under the house or under trees. Evenings and nights are most suitable for this work on account of the dampness of the atmosphere. The embroidered mats of Bohol are decorated with split straws.
The mats of Bohol are bought by traders who exchange cloth and other goods for them. These men carry them to the towns of Bohol which do not produce mats, and to other islands, where they sell or exchange them at a good profit. When once the supply of mats on hand has been bought up in a mat producing town, several months elapse before the market there is replenished by a new supply. After completing a mat, the weaver has no immediate desire to begin another. It is quite probable that the output of mats could be increased considerably if the market and the price were better. It is estimated that the weavers earn not more than 20 centavos per day at the industry.
Other Tikug Mats.
Tikug also grows in large quantities in Leyte. Its chief use there is in the weaving of matting on a crude loom, an adaptation of the common textile loom.
Tikug is apparently generally used throughout Surigao in making mats. The best mats of this region come from the upper Agusan and the island of Dinagat. They are usually made for local consumption, though the people of Dinagat exchange their mats with Bohol traders. The sedge grows in great abundance in the lake of Talacogon near the town of the same name in Agusan.
Tikug is also found in many parts of the Moro Province. It abounds in the swamp lands of the Lanao region, from which mats are exported via Iligan. If it is to be colored, the straws are soaked in water for about two days, after which they are cooked in the boiling dye. Bleached straw is prepared by exposing it to the sun, after which the material is polished and flattened at the same time by rubbing the stalks with ashes, between the fingers.
The Cultivation of Tikug.
The question of the cultivation of tikug is one of considerable importance. It is a well known fact that the finest Leghorn hat straw is produced in Italy by sewing wheat closely and reaping the straw before the grain ripens. The best mat straws of China and Japan are produced from cultivated sedges. The Bureau of Education is therefore encouraging experiments in the cultivation of tikug, but as yet these have not been extensive enough to determine whether the sedge can be propagated for industrial purposes. There are no data as to cost. A quantity of seed was procured and forwarded to various parts of the Islands in which tikug had not been reported as growing. These were sent out to various persons with the idea of determining (1) soils suitable to the plant, (2) whether it could be cultivated in the rice paddies between harvest and planting, (3) how closely the seeds should be planted, (4) how old the plants should be at harvest. [33] No results have as yet been obtained from the seeds so sent out. Fair results, however, have been realized in Samar, where approximately 5,000 stalks were grown to the square foot in very rich soil fertilized with manure secured from the military stables. The straws obtained were 3 meters long. It was found that the thicker the seeds are planted the finer and longer are the straws obtained.
Reports differ as to whether tikug should be considered a pest or not. In Leyte it is stated that it grows in the rice fields along with the rice crop and appreciably diminishes the crop. There it is a weed pest; in Samar it is not so considered. In Bohol one teacher states that the plant is not a pest as it will not grow in dry localities, and hence does not interfere with crops. Where it is found in the rice paddies, a covering of earth will easily destroy it. It does not scatter quickly, for, while the roots will grow if transplanted, the sedge is mostly propagated by seeds and these are distributed principally by water and not by wind. No great chances are taken in planting tikug. On the other hand, some teachers state that the seeds are scattered by the wind and that the roots impede the plowing of the fields.
It is probable that where the tikug obtains a good foothold on irrigated rice land it proves a considerable annoyance to farmers; but its growth as a pest can be regulated by plowing.
This plant, F. diphylla, one of the most widely distributed of all sedges, is found at all altitudes up to 2,000 meters throughout the warm regions of the world. The stems may be smooth or hairy and the leaves one-third to two-thirds as long as the stem. F. diphylla is generally smaller than F. utilis. Its stem is only 2 mm. in diameter. The flowers, densely clustered into spikelets, are generally of two colors—straw and brown. They reach 1 cm. in length and 4 mm. in diameter. Below the spikelet the stem has from 3 to 5 sides. The roots are fibrous; underground stems may occur, but they are never more than 2.5 cm. long.
This plant is known as tayoc-tayoc in Iloilo, Capiz, and Occidental Negros. It is reported from Pampanga and is called "tab-tabin" in Zambales.
The straw produced by tayoc-tayoc is much finer but considerably stiffer than that from tikug, and cannot be considered so good an industrial material. Nevertheless, it is used to some extent in the production of hats and mats, especially in the provinces of Iloilo and Capiz. In Dumalag, Capiz Province, hats are of considerable importance. Mats of tayoc-tayoc are reported as made in Banate and Janiuay, Iloilo Province, but this has not yet been verified.
As with tikug, seeds of tayoc-tayoc were obtained and distributed among various provinces to determine whether the propagation of the straw was practicable and if the cultivation of the plant would result in a better material. As yet no definite results have been obtained.
A Rush Straw.
But one rush straw has been brought to the attention of the Bureau of Education; it is the Japanese matting rush, Juncus effusus. This species is distributed over a large part of the globe, being the candle rush of Europe and the common plant of wet ground in the United States. In Japan it is made into beautiful mattings, the handsomest and most costly produced. The pith is also employed for lamp wicks, and probably the "timsim" imported from China and used in oil lamps in the Philippines is obtained from this plant. Juncus effusus has no native name in the Philippines. It is found throughout the Mountain Province and in the Apo region of Mindanao. It attains a height of almost 2 meters where soil and moisture conditions are favorable. The stalk is cylindrical and at the end tapers to a point. It is from 2 to 3 mm. in diameter. The flowers grow in a bunch on the side of the stalk near the top and are light brown in color. At the present time this rush is not utilized in the Philippines, though it is probable that it can be used in the weaving of many articles. If split, a flat straw is obtained by removing the pith.
It is better not to decorate a mat at all than to have the design ill fitting. Design is the pleasing arrangement of all spaces unfilled as well as filled. Decoration is for beauty wholly. If all the spaces are not well arranged, the design is not beautiful. If the design is startling or gaudy in color, it is not beautiful. If the arrangement of colors is inharmonious, the design is not beautiful. All mats cannot be in the same proportion and suitable for all designs. Plate LXV, for instance, shows a long design; it requires a long mat, and would not look well on a square one.
All mats here considered are about 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch in width of straw. Some of the designs are used exactly as they are, counting a straw for a square which represents a straw in the design; the others are double in size and contain four times as many squares in the weave as in the design. In such cases twice the count of the design will always give the right number for the weave.
In circular mats the directions are given in inches. The sizes of the mats should be taken into consideration, but a variance of a few inches will not matter if that variance always makes the mat larger rather than smaller. In these mats more is left to the judgment of the weaver than in rectangular mats. Designs should never be crowded on circular mats. Repeated groups should always be made exactly alike.
In the color notes, a series of colors set off by commas indicates that each series may be used alone for the whole design. Often the deep colors, especially No. 1, have been left out, as the effect of a very dark color on a very light mat is often startling. Designs on mats or hangings should not be more conspicuous than the mat itself, but should rather present a complete and harmonious appearance when both mat and design are considered as a whole.
Circular Mats.
Design A.
The straws of a circular mat cannot be counted and then divided equally by numbers, as straws are continually added at irregular intervals as the circumference is being reached. Hence, the only way to place designs on a mat of this kind is by dividing the whole mat with a diameter through its center.
Fold the mat and make a crease at the edges or mark a diameter through it with a pencil; at right angles to this diameter draw another through the same center, and the mat will now be divided into equal quadrants. The quadrants may again be divided and subdivided, and marked by pencil or with strings.
In Design A the mat is about 57 inches in diameter. In a mat of this size there would be 48 units in the circle with a margin of 1-1/2 inches from the outer edge of the outer border line to the circumference of the mat. Divide the mat into halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths, and measure with strings. Each sixteenth contains three units. Divide this space into three equal parts.
Now embroider in each third one exact unit. In weaving in the unit, always commence on its outer edge; then if any slight variation of space has occurred, the irregularity will not be noticeable, as it will be in the line work of the unit, and not in its solid part. Each unit made in working as suggested from the outer edge inward will begin the other half of a solid figure already commenced. Notice the part of the design which has been marked off as one unit, and adhere to that arrangement.
This design may be placed on a mat 57 inches in diameter, or 114 inches in diameter making each figure with twice as many straws as in the first.
In ticug mats of natural straw, this design may be done in the following colors:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, or 16. (12 and 16 should not be used on sabutan.)
No. 14, with a solid diamond and outer border line in No. 3.
No. 3, 6, 9, or 10, with outer border line extending to edge of mat.
Design B.
In Design B, the mat should be 56 inches in diameter. In each sixteenth of the mat, as in Design A, three units can be spaced. Note the unit marked off in the design and use only this unit; weave its two outer solid parts first, with the irregularities of space occurring in the open part of the unit. [35]
Mats woven for this design should be 56 or 112 inches in diameter. In mats of the latter size the numbers of straws are all doubled.
In mats of natural straw, the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, or 16. (16 should not be used on sabutan.)
Circular Fish Design.
This design calls for the division of a circular mat into sixths or twelfths, according to the size of the mat. The diameters of mats for this design may be, 244 (about 4 feet); 304 (5 feet); 335 (6 feet); and 366 straws (7 feet). To divide a circle into sixths, mark off the circumference into distances equal to 1/2 of the diameter.
In a mat of 244 straws diameter, make the outside border line one inch from the edges of the mat. About 9 inches inside of the outer border line, weave another border line one-half inch wide. Midway between these two border lines, measure and mark the space for the center fish, making it 30 counts long, 20 on the left and 10 on the right of the dividing line.
Measure spaces on the other five dividing lines to locate the central fish of each group. After weaving these central fish, go back to the first group, estimate and mark the place for the upper fish and the lower fish, and weave them, making each of the same size and proportion as the central fish, as shown in the design.
In mat 304, as noted above, the border lines and all the fish are the same size as in mat 244.
In mat 335 all measurements are the same as in the above mats, except that the circle is divided into twelfths instead of sixths, making twice as many groups of fish.
In mat 366 the outer border line is 2 inches from the edge of the mat instead of 1 inch and is 1 1/2 inches thick. The other measurements are the same as in mat 335.
In mats of natural straw, the following colors may be used: No. 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, or 15. (12 should not be used on sabutan.)
Gecko Design.
Mats woven for this design should be of the following diameters: 304 (5 feet); 335 (6 feet); 366 straws (7 feet).
Divide the circle into sixths, then into twelfths. Weave a border band on the edge of the mat 3/4 inch wide. This band is not in the design but will come outside, and reach to the circumference line in the design. Down one of the twelve dividing lines, inside the border band, measure off 3 1/2 inches and weave a gecko, half on one side and half on the other side of the line, extending the tail about 5 1/2 inches toward the center of the mat. Weave the two on each side of this gecko, and the four above it. Now space and weave the other five groups. Each group contains seven figures.
The only difference in the larger mats will be in the spacing between the tails. The groups should be spaced the same as before.
In ticug mats of natural straw, the following colors may be used:
No. 1 with band of No. 3.
No. 1 with band of No. 9.
No. 12 with band of No. 15. (No. 3 should not be used on sabutan.)
No. (singly) 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, or 15.
Geometric Design F.
The distance from A (the corner of the mat) to B is 12 straws; from B to C is 2; from C to D is 18; from D to E is 29; from D to H is 16; from H to I is 32; from E to F is 19; and from F to G is 5.
Count from A to B. Weave from B to C and on around the entire mat.
Count from C to D and weave corner D H J E L. Weave all of the four corner designs exactly like D H J E L. Count from E to F and weave the two inner border lines around the entire mat.
Now count from H to I and mark similar points across one side. Weave from H to I. Weave from I to the next point (32 counts distant) the exact design between H and I. Weave at each point marked. Complete all four sides in a similar manner.
Mats woven for this design should be made in the following sizes:
310 by 534—from A to B is 34 straws; 266 by 394—from A to B is 22; 512 by 704—from A to B is 12; 320 by 512—from A to B is 12 (double count); 320 by 576—from A to B is 12 (double count).
In the last two sizes make the design twice as large as the count; that is, A B should be 24, B C should be 4, C D should be 36, etc.
In mats of natural color straw, the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, or 16, each alone. (12 and 16 should not be used on sabutan.)
Geometric Design V.
The distance from the corner of the mat A to B is 22 straws; from B to C is 12; from C to D is 4; from D to F is 2; from D to E is 15; from F to G is 15; from L to M is 14; from C to N is 38; from N to O is 12; from F to P is 20; and from P to Q is 25.
Count from A to B. At B weave the corner double square and continue on at FD to GE. Now weave the double square G H J E. Next weave the double squares in all four corners of the mat.
Now count from P to Q and mark. In the same way mark all the centers of the squares along the outer border line from corner to corner. Weave these squares, then the lines joining them. Weave down from L to M and continue the design on the inner border line, making double lines like L M as the weaving progresses.
Mats woven for this design should be of the following sizes: 228 by 378—from A to B is 22 straws; 253 by 403—from A to B is 22 straws; 311 by 536—from A to B is 30 straws; 536 by 686—from A to B is 30 straws.
In straw mats of natural color, the following colors may be used: No. 2, 3, 6, 10, or 15.
Geometric Design X.
The distance from A (corner of mat) to B is 22 straws (counting the fold at A); from B to C is 8; from C to D is 5; from D to E is 4; from E to F is 20; from F to G is 4; from G to H is 3; from H to I is 6; and from J to L is 52.
Count from A to B and weave border line around the entire mat. Count from B to C and weave C D and over to J, back to H, over to K and back to C. Weave inner part of corner design. Weave inner border line at I entirely around the mat. Weave all four corner designs. Mark off J L, and L M, and M N, etc., until the corner is reached, making L M, M N, etc., each equal to J L. Weave all designs on side now spaced off. Space off and mark each side of the mat, before weaving. Weave all sides, completing the mat.
Mats woven for this design should be in the following sizes: 269 by 425; 321 by 529; 425 by 685; 165 by 425.
In mats of uncolored straw, the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 16. (12 and 16 should not be used on sabutan.)
Geometric Design Z.
The distance from the corner A to B is 12 straws; from B to C is 3; from C to D is 16; from D to E is 8; from E to F is 26; from F to G is 17; from G to H is 4; from D to K is 17; from K to L is 12; from L to M is 17; and from I to J is 29.
Count down from A to B and weave the border lines B C around the entire mat. Count from C to D and weave the outer square of the corner figure. Complete the corner figure to I and N. Count from F to G and weave G H around the entire mat. Complete all four corner designs.
Count from I to J and mark. From J count a distance equal to I J and mark. Make similar marks until the corner is reached. Weave the design I L M J between all these marks. Space off each side of the mat in the same way and finish the design on all sides.
Mats woven for this design should be of the following sizes: 309 by 541—from A to B is 12 straws; 319 by 551—from A to B is 22 straws; 280 by 454—from A to B is 12 straws; 551 by 696—from A to B is 22 straws.
On mats of uncolored straw, the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 15, or 16. (16 should not be used on sabutan.)
No. 14 for border lines and the four large spots in the side of each square; No. 3 for the remainder of the design.
No. 12 with spots and border lines of No. 3.
Large Banca Design. [36]
Distance from corner A to B is 41 straws; from B to C, 2; from B to G, 31; from G to S, 5; from C to D, 35; from D to E, 2; and from D to F, 10.
Begin weaving at letter B and weave the outer border line around the entire mat. Next weave the inside border line beginning at D.
After finishing the border lines, weave all four corner designs.
Count from C to H, 9 straws; from H to I, 5; from I to J, 27; from J to K, 5; from L to M, 6; and from N to O, 8.
Now weave from O to P. From P to Q is 4 straws, and from P to R is 7 straws.
Mats woven for this design should be: 239 by 425; 301 by 487; 301 by 549; 555 by 741.
In the last mat, 555 by 741, G to S is 8 instead of 5.
On ticug mats of natural straw this design may be embroidered in the following colors:
No. 2, 3, 6, or 15, solid.
No. 14 with border lines of No. 15 (except on sabutan).
No. 14 with border lines of No. 9.
Chick Design.
The distance from A to B is 50 straws (count first fold); from B to C is 21; from C to D is 6; from D to E is 19; from E to F is 7; from F to G is 18; from H to I is 5; and from G to J is 54.
Count down from corner A to B and weave the corner design. Now weave all four corner designs. Begin at F and weave the inner border line entirely around the mat.
Count from F to G and weave the design above G. Count from H to I and weave the second design. Now count from G to J and weave the figure above J exactly like the figure above G.
Mats woven for this design should be 254 by 416, 308 by 524, 416 by 524, or 590 by 806 straws. The last mat has a change in margin, and the distance from A to B is 58 straws.
This mat may be embroidered in the following colors:
No. 3, 6, 10, or 15.
Orchid Design.
The distance from the corner A to B is 13 straws; from B to C, 2; from C to D, 19; from D to E, 35; from E to F, 17; from C to F, 71; from F to G, 2; from G to H, 19; from M to N, 6; from F to M, 67; from M to K, 13; and from K to J, 19.
Begin weaving at B and weave the outside border line around the entire mat. Next count from C to F and weave the inside border line. Now weave all four corner designs. Count from F to M, then up to K, and weave from K to J. [37]
To find the position of the next design count 81 straws beyond L along the inner border line, and then up the same distance as L K.
Mats woven for this design should be 301 by 544; 220 by 382; 301 by 463; and 550 by 712 straws. In mat 550 by 712, A B is 17 straws.
In mats of natural color straw, the following colors may be used in the designs:
No. 2, 3, 6, or 15 solid.
No. 3 with flowers of No. 1 and border lines of No. 9 except on sabutan.
No. 12 with flowers of No. 7 and border lines of No. 15.
Woman Carrying Clothes Design.
The distance from A to B is 29 straws; from B to C is 2; from C to D is 36; from I to J is 3; from B to E is 11; from E to K is 9; from E to F is 21; from F to G is 3; and from G to H is 10.
Count from A, the corner of the mat, to B. At B begin to weave the border line. Weave first to E, then entirely around the mat.
Now count from C to D and weave the inner border line entirely around the mat. Next, weave in the four corner designs. Count from E to F, then down to G. From G to H is 10 straws. Now weave the first two designs on the side and then the next two, and so on.
Mats woven for this design should be 300 by 392; 304 by 534; 254 by 346; or 568 by 706.
On all of these mats the design will look better if twice the size of the pattern. Therefore all the above distances will be double, or as follows:
A to B, 58 straws; B to C, 4; B to E, 22; E to F, 42; C to D, 72 straws; I to J, 6; E to K, 18; F to G, 6.
In mat 304 by 534, E to K is 20 and A to B is 51 (already double). In mat 568 by 706, from A (corner of mat) to B is 39, making E to K 14 straws (already doubled).
This design in ticug straw will work up well in No. 5 solid; in No. 4 solid; in No. 3 solid; in No. 5 with No. 2 as inner and outer border line, or with No. 1 as inner and outer border line.
This design on sabutan straw may be made in No. 1 solid; in No. 2 solid; in No. 5 solid; in No. 6 solid; in No. 2 with No. 1 for border lines; in No. 4 with No. 1 for border lines; or in No. 5 with No. 1 for border lines.
This design will work up well in the following colors: No. 2, 3, 6, or 15.
Lavandera Design.
The distance from A to B is 15 straws; from B to C is 4; from C to D is 40; from D to E is 21; from E to F is 3; from F to G is 4; from G to H is 3; from D to I is 12; from I to J is 13; from I to K is 18; from K to O is 5; from O to L is 2; from L to M is 26; and from M to N is 28.
Count down from A to B and mark B and C. Place similar marks at the three other corners of the mat. Weave the border line around the entire mat, touching the marked points. Count from C to G, mark, and do the same in the other three corners.
Weave G H around the mat, touching the marked points at the corners. Count from C to D and over to I, and weave I J. Weave the whole figure just started, and the figure facing it, including the ground line beneath. Weave the other corners in a similar manner.
At K count to O, back to L, over to M, and weave the figure beneath M. Mark off L M and M N. Now continue marking alternately across the side spaces equal to L M and M N, making the last space equal to L M. Weave the figure between these marks and continue marking and weaving in the same way on the other sides.
Mats woven for this design should be made: 237 by 399; 345 by 507; 690 by 1014 (units double size); 453 by 615.
In ticug mats of natural straw the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 15, or 16, solid. (16 should not be used on sabutan.)
Man with Bow and Arrow Design.
The distance from A to B is 20 straws; from B to C is 2; from C to D is 30; from D to E is 17; from E to F is 66; from F to G is 3; from G to H is 11 1/2; from H to I is 9; from J to K is 17; from I to L is 33; and from L to M is 14 1/2.
Count from A to B. At B weave the border band around the entire mat. Count from C to F (113) and weave the inner border line around the entire mat. Now weave all four corner designs. Count from G to H and up to I, and weave the two figures.
To place the next two figures, which are exactly like the two just woven, count out from J, 17 straws, and repeat from K which is the tip of the arrow of the first figure, just made.
Mats woven for this design should be: 345 by 501, 9 straws; 505 by 739, 11; 739 by 1051, 11.
In mats 505 by 739, and 739 by 1051, from A to B is 24 straws.
This design in tikug may be worked up in the following colors on natural color straw:
Solid, No. 2, 3, 6, 10, or 15.
Casa Design.
The distance from the corner A to B is 22 straws; from B to C is 33; from C to D is 24; and from F to G is 17.
Count down from A to B and weave border line around the entire mat. Now count from B to D and from D to E, 3 1/2 straws, and commence weaving the inner border line. When completed, weave in all four corner designs. Count from F to G and weave in the next design, and so on. Let H I, the steps, be on the left of every casa except the corner ones.
Mats woven for this design should be 254 by 407 straws; 271 by 424; 304 by 542 (double); 406 by 542 (double); or 576 by 712. In the last three of these, 304 by 542, 406 by 542, and 576 by 712, the counts should all be doubled, the designs being twice the size of those in the first two mats; that is, from A to B will be 44, B to C, 66, and so on.
Tikug mats in natural straw may be embroidered in the following colors:
No. 14 for casa, No. 12 for tree, No. 15 for border lines except on sabutan;
No. 3 for casa, No. 15 for tree, No. 8 for border lines; and Nos. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, or 16, solid;
No. 16 should not be used on sabutan.
Chicken Vender Design.
The distance from the corner A to B is 15 straws, counting the corner fold as 1. All counts in this design are woven double.
Therefore from A to B is 30; from B to C is 17 by 2 or 34; from C to D is 44; from E to G is 16; from F to H is 14; from B to D is 78; from G to I is 24; and from J to K is 30.
Notice that the space on the right of the corner is one less than the space on the left; this will occur on the right and left of each corner. Count down from corner A to B and weave a line entirely around the mat. Count from B to D and weave the inner border line. Now weave the basket in each corner. Then weave from G to I and J to K, and so on.
Mats woven for this design should be: 332 (7) by 512 (12)—from A to B is 30 straws; 260 (5) by 404 (9)—from A to B is 30; 260 (5) by 476 (11)—from A to B is 30; or 512 by 692 (17)—from A to B is 30.
On tikug mats of natural color this design may be embroidered in the following colors:
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, or 16. (16 should not be used on sabutan).
No. 14 with a single straw outline and solid border lines of No. 9, 8, or 3.
No. 14 with outlines of No. 3 and baskets and hats of No. 1, except on sabutan.
Carabao, Cart, and Driver Design.
The distance from A to B is 32 straws, but it must be woven twice that size, making A B equal 64.
All the sizes given below are double the count on the drawings: from A to B is 64; from B to C is 40; from C to D is 18; from D to E is 6; from D to F is 8; from A to D is 122; from B to I is 30; and from G to H is 16.
Count from the corner A to B and weave B C. Count from A to D and mark off D. Count from C to D and test the count. From each corner of the mat make a count similar to A D and mark. Weave the border line, commencing at D, around the entire mat, touching the marks at the corners. Weave design B C, and a similar design in each remaining corner. Count from B to I and weave design I J. At J count 2 and weave another design like I J facing I J. The space between the backs of the carts, not shown on this diagram, is 6.
Mats woven for this design should be in the following sizes: 258 by 396; 258 by 534; 396 by 534; 534 by 672; or 672 by 810.
In tikug mats of natural color straw the following colors may be used:
Singly, No. 2, 3, 6, 10, or 15; and No. 3 with border line of No. 9.
Rooster Design.
The distance from the corner A to B is 13 by 2 or 26 (counts in this design are all double); from B to C is 28 by 2 or 56; from C to D is 5 by 2 or 10; from D to E is 26 by 2 or 52; from E to F is 3 by 2 or 6; from E to O is 3; from O to G is 11; from H to J is 11; from G to H is 56 by 2 or 112.
Count from A to B in all four corners and mark B in each corner. Join all the B's by a double border line. At the first B, count down to C and over to D and weave D E. Count from E to O and up to G and mark. Mark H, counting from G. Mark J, counting from H. Mark all points similar to H and J on this side of the mat, counting back from the corner a space equal to G B. Now weave all designs on this side of the mat. Mark off spaces on each side of the mat before weaving that side.
Mats woven for this design should be 202 by 538; 314 by 538; or 426 by 650.
In tikug mats of natural color straw the following colors may be used:
No. 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, or 16. (16 should not be used on sabutan.)
No. 3, cock; No. 14, comb, (three squares from I to C and two above M); No. 1, legs and feet; No. 15, grass and other border line. (On sabutan use No. 14 instead of No. 1 for legs and feet).
Carabao Head Design.
The distance from A to B is 25 straws; from B to C is 3; from C to D is 23; from D to E is 3; from E to F is 4; from F to G is 11; from G to H is 31; from F to I is 22; from H to J is 3; from I to K is 37; from L to M is 11; from I to N is 12; from N to O is 12 1/2; and from I to P is 7.
Count from the corner A to B and mark. Count the same number in from every corner and mark. At B weave the border line the thickness of B C around the entire mat, intersecting the marks at the other three corners.
Count C D and weave the corner design D G. Count from G to H and mark. Count from B to H and see if the mark is correct. Mark off B H in the other three corners and weave the border line H J around the entire mat. Now weave the other three corner designs. Count from F to I and mark. Count from I to K and mark.
From K on, mark off distances like I K along this side of the mat until the last point is reached. The remaining space to the point similar to F will equal I F. Now weave the intervening designs, and complete the mat.
Mats woven for this design should be of the following sizes: 319 by 541; 257 by 405; 490 by 712; or 393 by 541.
In tikug mats of natural color straw the following colors may be used:
No. 3, carabao and all border lines; No. 15, grasses.
No. 2, 3, 6, 9, or 15.
Fishtail Palm Design.
This is an "all over" design. The unit counts are as follows: from A to B is 33 straws; from B to C is 11; from C to D is 22; from E to F is 35; from E to G is 5.
From the corner of the mat, A, on the long edge, count down to B. At B count in to C. Mark C O D E F and weave the design. From D count 44, and a point similar to C will be reached. Weave the same pattern again. From F count 55, and a point similar to E will be reached. Weave the same pattern again.
Measuring as at the first corner A, mark off spaces and weave all three other corner designs. Weave all intervening designs, first between corners on the sides of the mat, then on the interior.
Mats woven for this design should be: 374 by 520; 506 by 700; 572 by 790; 638 by 880.
In tikug mats of natural straw, the following colors may be used separately, not in combination:
No. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, or 15.
[1] Banig, petate, ikamen, dase.
[2] Meaning coarse stuff.
[3] Bayones, bayong, canastro, banyot.
[4] The Bureau of Education has taken steps to procure a series of dyes suited to each one of the mat straws and other important fibers used in household industries and industrial instruction in the Philippines.
[5] A tint is a paler or less intense tone than the standard color. A shade is a darker, more intense tone of the standard color.
[6] Bulletin No. 33 of the Bureau of Education, entitled "Philippine Hats."
[7] This office is indebted to Mr. E. D. Merrill, Botanist, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I., for placing at its disposal an unpublished manuscript on the Flora of Manila. Information from the following sources is also acknowledged:
Engler and Prantl: Das Pflanzenreich. Hooker's Flora of British India, 1894. Blanco's Flora de Filipinas, 1877.
The sugar and alcohol produced by the palms are discussed by Dr. H. D. Gibbs in the Journal of Science, Manila, Vol. VI, Sec. A, No. 3. Hats are also discussed by Mr. C. B. Robinson in the same Journal, Vol. VI, Sec. C, No. 2.
[8] Buri (in most localities), buli or bule, silag, ebus.
[9] It is probable that some of the double Moro mats which will be described under the heading "Pandan Straws" are woven from buri straw.
[10] Due to the efforts of Elmer D. Merrill and A. D. E. Elmer, Botanists of Manila, aided by Prof. Martelli, of Florence, Italy, our knowledge of Philippine pandans has been greatly broadened. It is hoped that interested persons into whose hands this paper may come will help to extend it by sending specimens of pandans for identification to the Bureau of Education, Manila. Such specimens should consist of the ripe fruit and of at least two full-grown leaves from which no spines or tips have been removed, and which have been cut as close as possible to the stem.
[11] Bulletin No. 33, Bureau of Education. Journal of Science, Manila, Vol. VI, Sec. C, No. 2.
[12] To settle, if possible, the question of whether sabutan flowers and fruits, inquiries and investigations on the ground were made in Tanay and Pililla by a representative of the General Office of the Bureau of Education. The people interviewed in these towns were positive in their statements that they had never seen the fruit of this pandan though they did remember seeing the flower. Every possible effort was made to get accurate, reliable information. An old man was engaged as guide and a male inflorescence of sabutan was found in a patch located on a hillside, under the shade of trees and surrounded by considerable underbrush. The patch, according to the statement of the old man was older than he could remember; the age of the guide was, perhaps, between sixty and seventy years. The flowers were odorous and covered with small brown insects almost hiding the inflorescence.
[13] Plain double pandan mats, the material of which resembles sabutan, are imported from Singapore and sold by Chinese storekeepers in Manila in large quantities. They are roughly made and the fact that they are double permits the unfinished edges to be turned under and sewed down with coarse red cotton twine. They sell for a little less than the plain, single, Tanay sabutan mats with finished edges.
[14] It is very difficult to obtain definite information with exact figures. These statements were made by a woman expert in weaving mats, and owing to the frank answers to the questions put, her information seems more reliable than that of the usual weaver interviewed. Other persons state that from two to six leaves are taken from a plant every month.
[15] Three liters equal 1 ganta.
[16] Sabutan lends itself easily to the fabrication of pocketbooks useful as purses, card-cases or cigarette-cases. From it can also be made very pretty, strong, durable and useful handbags. The weaving of both of these articles has been taken up in the schools of Tanay, but it is not as yet commercial in the town. Sets consisting of a handbag and a pocketbook in the same color and design are attractive.
[17] Sabutan suckers may be purchased from several firms in Manila at P5 per hundred, freight prepaid. In shipping, the plants are packed in baskets so that they can be easily handled. It is believed by persons who have received shipments from this source that the plants will remain in good condition out of the ground for a week or more during shipment. Hence it is not advisable for places more remote than one week from Manila to order any of these plants. For further information see Circular No. 82, s. 1911, Bureau of Education. It is probable that suckers can be obtained from the cultivated plants in about a year after they are set out.
[18] At this writing no data are at hand as to the preparation of sarakat straw, but it is probably made simply by drying. It is possible that much stronger and more pliable straw could be obtained if a process such as is used in the preparation of sabutan were followed.
[19] Vol. I, No. 1 of the Philippine Agriculturist and Forester. A description of the plant occurs in Mr. A. D. E. Elmer's leaflets.
[20] It is probable that the improved Andes stripper can be utilized in the cutting of pandan straws.
[21] Arrangements are now being made through the schools for the introduction of sabutan plants into the towns of Majayjay and Luisiana.
[22] Most of the information on "karagumoy" is taken from the report submitted to the Director of Education by Mr. Ralph E. Spencer.
[23] The average was obtained by measuring accurately a number of specimens of the species sent in to the Bureau of Education from various provinces
[24] Its most common name is bariu, spelled also bario, balio, balewe, baleau. In Occidental Negros it is also called, balean, barog in Surigao, batin in Capiz.
[25] Robinson, in Vol. VI, No. 2, Section C of the Journal of Science, states that this sedge also grows on the eastern side of Luzon.
[26] F. meliacea is also known as tikug in Samar but it cannot be used in weaving.
[27] In pulling up tikug the whole stalk can generally be obtained by grasping it a short distance below the top. It is made into small bundles and tied a short distance below the seed heads. Each bundle contains from forty to sixty straws. In all towns except Basey the weavers gather the stalks they use. At Basey, however, where weaving of mats is a recognized industry, the straw is obtained from country people who make it a business to gather and sell it. These tikug vendors carry the bundles of green straw to the town, where they sell for from forty centavos to one peso per hundred bundles, depending upon the length of the straws.
[28] The high cost of these dyes results from the adulteration practiced and the exorbitant profits, usually about 450 per cent. It is expected that the new dyes obtained from Germany through the Bureau of Education will make a saving of about 80 per cent to the workers.
[29] The following story is reported as showing the cleverness of the weavers of Basey in embroidering designs on mats. An engineer in charge of road construction refused to buy certain mats from a vendor but stated, jokingly, and in order to be rid of the insistent merchant, that if he were brought mats having designs which were of interest to him, as showing scenes connected with his work, he would buy them. In a few weeks the broker returned, bringing with him a large mat on which were displayed a road roller, wheel barrows, shovels, spades and other implements connected with road building, and part of a road itself.
[30] In general it may be stated that the sabutan and tikug mats are the strongest made in the Philippines. Neither the wearing qualities of the straw nor the permanency of the dyes in buri mats are equal to those of tikug. If tikug floor mats become dirty they may be cleaned without injury if the dyeing was well done. They should be shaken to remove dust and dirt, laid flat on the floor and lightly scrubbed with a cloth, sponge or brush, using lukewarm soapsuds, after which cold water should be thrown on them. They are dried by hanging in the sunshine or the breeze.
[31] A firm has recently entered the field and is doing a mail order business in these mats with the United States. Their plans include the furnishing of straw and dyes to the weavers and the weaving of standard designs.
[32] Most of the information given under this heading was taken from reports by Percy M. Jones and Frank Thomason, formerly supervising teachers of Bohol.
[33] Circular No. 82, s. 1911, Bureau of Education.
[34] Based on original designs by Mrs. Alice Brezina.
[35] Three units will take up about 3 times 17, or 51 straws. In starting, a curved pattern 51 straws across will have to be made and slipped up or down in a sixteenth division of the mat in order that the margin space may be determined.
[36] This design, in all cases except where G S is 8 instead of 5, would look well with the outer border line broadened to the edge of the mat. This is a suggestion only; it means a great deal of work.
[37] Weave large solid parts of designs first, when possible, and slight mistakes of one or two straws, which may happen, will then occur in open parts where they will show very little. Mistakes of this kind are only allowable in cases of flaws in the mat which is used.
Annual Reports:
First Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1901. (Edition exhausted.)
Second Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1902. (Edition exhausted.)
Third Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Education, 1903. (Edition exhausted.)
Fourth Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Education, 1904. (Edition exhausted.)
Fifth Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Education, 1905. (Not issued in printed form.)
Sixth Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1906.
Seventh Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1907.
Eighth Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1908. (Supply limited.)
Ninth Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1909.
Tenth Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1910. (Supply limited.)
Eleventh Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1911.
Twelfth Annual Report of the Director of Education, 1912.
1. The Philippine Normal School. Catalogue for 1903-4. English and Spanish. April, 1904. (Obsolete.)
2. A Course of Study in Vocal Music for Vacation Normal Institutes. May, 1904. (Edition exhausted.)
8. The Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Prospectus for 1904-5. English and Spanish. June, 1904. (Obsolete.)
4. The Philippine Nautical School, Prospectus for 1904-5. English and Spanish. June, 1904. (Obsolete.)
5. Notes on the Treatment of Smallpox. June, 1904.
6. Reports of Industrial Exhibits of the Philippine Schools at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. June, 1904.
7. Courses of Instruction for the Public Schools of the Philippine Islands. June, 1904. (Obsolete.)
8. Cursos de Ensenanza para las Escuelas Publicas de las Islas Filipinas. (Spanish edition of Bulletin No. 7.) June, 1904. (Edition exhausted.)
9. A List of Philippine Baptismal Names. June, 1904. (Edition exhausted.)
10. Government in the United States. (Prepared for use in the Philippine Public Schools.) June, 1904.
11. Courses in Mechanical Drawing, Woodworking, and Ironworking for Provincial Secondary Schools. June, 1904. (Obsolete.)
12. Advanced and Post-Graduate Studies Offered by the Philippine Normal School for Preparation for Entrance to American Colleges and Universities or to the University of the Philippines. English and Spanish. August, 1904. (Obsolete.)
13. Not issued in printed form.
14. The School Law of the Philippine Islands, as Amended by Acts of the Philippine Commission to and including Act 1530, with Executive Orders and Attorney-General's Opinions Affecting the Bureau of Education. January, 1906. (Obsolete.)
15-20. Not issued in printed form.
21. Philippine Normal School. Catalogue for 1904-5. English and Spanish. May, 1905. (Obsolete.)
22. Lessons on Familiar Philippine Animals. August, 1905. (Edition exhausted.)
23. Standard Course of Study in Vocal Music for the Public Schools of the Philippine Islands. 1906. Revised and re-issued in 1910. (Editions exhausted.)
24. Outline of Year's Course in Botany and Key to the Families of Vascular Plants in the Philippine Islands. August, 1906. Revised and re-issued in 1907. Third edition issued in 1908. Fourth edition issued in 1911.
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