OMNES. We will curb um, we will curb um.
PHI. I finde you will, But if my intrest in your loves be such, As the world takes notice of, Let me crave You would deliver Pharamont to my hand, And from me accept this
[Gives um his purse.
Testimonie of my love. Which is but a pittance of those ample thankes, Which shall redowne with showred courtesies.
CAP. Take him to thee brave Prince, and we thy bounty thankefully accept, and will drinke thy health, thy perpetuall health my Prince, whilst memory lasts amongst us, we are thy Mermidons, my Achillis: we are those will follow thee, and in thy service will scowre our rusty murins and bill-bow-blades, most noble Phylaster, we will: Come my rowtists let's retyer till occasion calls us to attend the noble Phylaster.
OMNES. Phylaster, Phylaster, Phylaster.
[ Exit CAPTAINE, and Citizens.
PHAR. Worthy sir, I owe you a life, For but your selfe theres nought could have prevail'd.
PHI. Tis the least of service that I owe the King, Who was carefull to preserve ye. [Exit.
TRA. I ever thought the boy was honest.
LEON. Well, tis a brave boy-Gentlemen.
CLE. Yet you'ld not beleeve this.
LEON. A plague on my forwardnesse, what a villaine was I, to wrong um so; a mischiefe on my muddy braines, was I mad?
TRA. A little frantick in your rash attempt, but that was your love to Phylaster, sir.
LEON. A pox on such love, have you any hope my countinance will ere serve me to looke on them?
CLE. O very well Sir.
LEON. Very ill Sir, uds death, I could beate out my braines, or hang my selfe in revenge.
CLE. There would be little gotten by it, ene keepe you as ye are.
LEON. An excellent boy, Gentlemen beleeve it, harke the King is comming,
[ Cornets sounds.
Enter the King, Princesse, GALLATEA, MEGRA, BELLARIO, a Gentlewoman, and other attendants.
K. No newes of his returne, Will not this rable multitude be appeas'd? I feare their outrage, lest it should extend With dangering of Pharamonts life.
LEON. See Sir, Phylaster is return'd.
PHI. Royall Sir, Receive into your bosome your desired peace, Those discontented mutineares be appeasde, And this fortaigne Prince in safety.
K. How happie am I in thee Phylaster? Whose excellent vertues begets a world of love, I am indebted to thee for a Kingdome. I here surrender up all Soveraignetie, Raigne peacefully with thy espoused Bride,
[Delivers his Crowne to him.
Ashume my Son to take what is thy due.
PHA. How Sir, yer son, what am I then, your Daughter you gave to me.
KIN. But heaven hath made asignement unto him, And brought your contract to anullity: Sir, your entertainment hath beene most faire, Had not your hell-bred lust dride up the spring, From whence flow'd forth those favours that you found: I am glad to see you safe, let this suffice, Your selfe hath crost your selfe.
LEON. They are married sir.
PHAR. How married? I hope your highnesse will not use me so, I came not to be disgraced, and returne alone.
KING. I cannot helpe it sir.
LEON. To returne alone, you neede not sir, Here is one will beare you company. You know this Ladies proofe, if you Fail'd not in the say-taging.
ME. I hold your scoffes in vildest base contempt, Or is there said or done, ought I repent, But can retort even to your grinning teeths, Your worst of spights, tho Princesse lofty steps May not be tract, yet may they tread awry, That boy there—
BEL. If to me ye speake Lady, I must tell you, you have lost your selfe In your too much forwardnesse, and hath forgot Both modesty and truth, with what impudence You have throwne most damnable aspertions On that noble Princesse and my selfe: witnesse the world; Behold me sir. [Kneeles to LEON, and discovers her haire.
LEON. I should know this face; my daughter.
BEL. The same sir.
PRIN. How, our sometime Page, Bellario, turn'd woman?
BEL. Madame, the cause induc't me to transforme my selfe, Proceeded from a respective modest Affection I bare to my my Lord, The Prince Phylaster, to do him service, As farre from any lacivious thought, As that Lady is farre from goodnesse, And if my true intents may be beleeved, And from your Highnesse Madame, pardon finde, You have the truth.
PRIN. I doe beleeve thee, Bellario I shall call thee still.
PHI. The faithfullest servant that ever gave attendance.
LEON. Now Lady lust, what say you to'th boy now; Doe you hang the head, do ye, shame would steale Into your face, if ye had grace to entertaine it, Do ye slinke away?
[ Exit MEGRA hiding her face,
KING. Give present order she be banisht the Court, And straightly confinde till our further Pleasure is knowne.
PHAR. Heres such an age of transformation, that I doe not know how to trust my selfe, I'le get me gone to: Sir, the disparagement you have done, must be cald in question. I have power to right my selfe, and will.
KING. We feare ye not Sir.
PHI. Let a strong convoy guard him through the Kingdome, With him, let's part with all our cares and feare, And Crowne with joy our happy loves successe.
KING. Which to make more full, Lady Gallatea, Let honour'd Clerimont acceptance finde In your chast thoughts.
PHI. Tis my sute too.
PRIN. Such royall spokes-men must not be deni'd.
GAL. Nor shall not, Madame.
KING. Then thus I joyne your hands.
GAL. Our hearts were knit before. [ They kisse.
PHI. But tis you Lady, must make all compleat, And gives a full perod to content, Let your loves cordiall againe revive, The drooping spirits of noble Trasiline. What saies Lord Leon to it?
LEON. Marry my Lord I say, I know she once lov'd him. At least made shew she did, But since tis my Lord Phylasters desire, I'le make a surrender of all the right A father has in her; here take her sir, With all my heart, and heaven give you joy.
KING. Then let us in these nuptuall feastes to hold, Heaven hath decreed, and Fate stands uncontrold.
The variations are those of A except where otherwise stated. p. 78, l. 35. A prints this speech as prose.
p. 79, l. 39, and p. 80, l. 1. A reads as one line.
p. 80, 11. 6 and 7. One line. ll. 8 and 9. One line. l. 11. A gives this speech as prose. ll. 37—40, and p. 81, l. r. Four lines ending bold, Turcle, shaddow, over.
p. 81, ll. 12—17. Five lines ending armes, hath, disputing, are, me. 1. 19. Eight lines ending him, his, thine, cold, such, follies, presence, me. l. 28. This speech in two lines ending freedome, temperde. l. 32. This speech in four lines ending succession, is, within, knowledge.
p. 82, ll. 1 and 2. One line. l.9. C, D, E] two lines, them, Atlas. l. 18. This speech and the next as prose. l. 33. The rest of the speech in seven lines, ending whispers, will, there, service, factious, hand, servant. l. 39. B, C, D, E] two lines, hand, servant.
p. 83, ll. 1-4. Prose. l. 14. This speech and the next prose. ll. 29-31. Two lines ending please and yeares. l. 33. The rest of the speech in prose.
p. 84, ll. 2-4. Two lines ending Age and me. ll. 6-11. Four lines ending Gentlewoman, alive, idle, pilgrimage. ll. 22 and 23. Prose. l. 26. This speech and the next in prose.
p. 85, ll. 1 and 2. One line. ll. 3-32. Prose. ll. 34-38. Four lines ending with-, make, your, obay. l. 40 and p. 86, l. 1. One line.
p. 86, ll. 4-11. Seven lines ending say, woman, them, detracted, you, disgrace, vertues. ll. 14-16. Two lines ending fortunes, question. ll. 18-20. Two lines ending affoord, wisht. ll. 21 and 22. One line. ll. 27-32. Four lines ending stories, Crowne, longing, more.
p. 87, ll. 1-12. Ten lines ending dreadfully, he, tongue, his, begin, love, you, beg, price, heare. ll. 17-19. Two lines ending yet, in. ll. 21-23. Prose. ll. 26-30. Prose. ll. 34-40. Six lines ending so, better, gods, some, us, it. l. 30. B, C, D, E] two lines, man, jealous.
p. 88, ll. 1-6. Five lines ending long, often, intelligence, agree, tread. l. 6. B, C, D, E] two lines, agree, tread. l. 7. B, C, D, E] two lines, boy, intent. l. 7. This speech in prose.
p. 89, l. 2. B, C, D, E] two lines, selfe, Prince. l. 7. B, D, E] two lines, made, himselfe. l. 7. Two lines ending Phylaster and himselfe. ll. 10 and 11. Two lines ending ever, lie. ll. 18-20. Two lines ending ceremonies and heart. ll. 21 and 22. One line. ll. 27-29. Prose. l. 38. This speech in prose.
p. 90, ll. 4 and 5. Two lines ending much, Princesse. l. 6. This speech and the next in prose. l. 16. This speech beginning from 'Madam' and the next speech in prose. ll. 29-34. Six lines ending regard, modesty, aske, deserve, nothing, yours. l. 32. B, C, D, E] two lines, aske, deserve. l. 35. The rest of the speech in prose.
p. 91, ll. 6-11. Prose. ll. 13-17. Prose. l. 18 and B, C, D, E] two lines ending all, behaviour. ll. 19-29. Ten lines ending ignorance, learne, larger, fault, once, boy, warning, stubborneness, off, mend. ll. 32-40. Seven lines ending businesse, her, full, trust, joy, weepe, Princesse.
p. 92, ll. 1-12. Prose. ll. 14-20. Nine lines ending must, not, word, all, taking, life, fault, boulted, Madame.
p. 93, ll. 5-12. Nine lines ending grace, remedy, morning, Cardus, exercise, Tiller, Flebotomie, whay, anymales. ll. 15-18. Four lines ending well, appetite, gold, then. ll. 25 and 26. Two lines ending behind, this.
p. 94, ll. 5 and 6. Two lines ending enough, Age. ll. 7 and 8. Two lines ending smooth, enough. ll. 16-23. Prose. l. 24. Two lines ending prose, Madame. l. 27. Two lines ending first, now. ll. 30-32. Two lines ending sweetest, me. ll. 35 and 36. Three lines ending sentence, memory, me. ll. 38-40. Three lines ending endeavour, night, for't.
p. 95, ll. 1—20. Twenty-one lines ending owne, teaching, measures, function, selfe, her, her, indeed, sir, selfe, schoolemaister, maid, Gallatea, favour, now, wit, guard, toot, Jubiter, Lady, welcome. ll. 25—29. Six lines ending um, want, thoughts, bashfull, with, you.
p. 96, ll. 8 and 9. One line. ll. 26—32. Prose. ll. 36 and 37. Prose.
p. 97, ll. 17—29. Prose. ll. 30—35. Five lines ending credit, sound, satyes, too, away. ll. 37—39. Prose.
p. 98, ll. 1—5. Prose (probably). ll. 8—10. Prose. ll. 20—23. Four lines ending by, hand, Princesse, selfe. ll. 25 and 26. One line. ll. 33 and 34. Two lines ending grace, bed. l. 37 and p. 99, ll. 1 and 2. Three lines ending late, comes, him.
p. 99, ll. 5—16. Prose. ll. 19—36. Prose.
p. 100, ll. 11—18. Prose. ll. 20—22. Prose. ll. 26 and 27. Two lines ending sir, you. ll. 33 and 34. Two lines ending life, heere. ll. 36—39 and p. 101, l. 1. Prose.
p. 101, ll. 2—5. Three lines ending wrongd, lodging, say. ll. 8—23. Prose. ll. 28—32. Five lines ending two, hold, lye, not, mistaken. ll. 37—39 and p. 102, ll. 1—9. Ten lines ending lust, thoughts, diseases, me, courtesies, daughter, Court, orrenges, candles, Venus.
p. 102, ll. 10—25. Thirteen lines ending laugh, King, by, fellowes, mirth, me, more, leaps, her, eighteene, when, madness, height. ll. 32—39. Seven lines ending it, commonly, at, forraigne, tongue, people, Princesse.
p. 103, ll. 1 and 2. Two lines ending her, boy. ll. 10—17. Eight lines ending tongue, King, him, infections, brave, boy, else, Gentlemen. ll. 24—36. Eleven lines ending us, freemen, age, right, Scepter, Lady, boy, thing, Prince, part, mind. l. 37 and p. 104, ll. 1 and 2. Three lines ending Phylaster, Creature, earth.
p. 104, ll. 4—7. Three lines ending people, corne, way. ll. 25—29. Prose. l. 29. B, C, D] two lines, doe, acceptation. ll. 30—38. Seven lines ending know, head, king, word, attempts, me, friends.
p. 105, l. 4. B, C, D, E] two lines, time, would. ll. 1—9. Nine lines ending selfe, sufficient, loves, would, expect, violence, know, now, lov'd. ll. 16—28. Ten lines ending thought, Lady, pardon'd, redeemed, increase, I, hils, all, necke, denude. ll. 29 and 30. One line. ll. 31—37. Prose. l. 40 and p. 106, ll. 1 and 2. Prose.
p. 106, l. 4 (from 'Good Sir')—7. Prose. ll. 21—25. Prose. ll. 27 and 28. One line. ll. 29—31. Three lines ending looke, Lord, selfe. ll. 36 and 37. Three lines ending them, fault, silence. l. 37. B, C, D, E] two lines, slept, silence. l. 40 and p. 107, ll. 1 and 2. Two lines ending corners, land.
p. 107, ll. 12 and 13. One line. ll. 19—39 and p. 108, II. 1—3. Twenty lines ending her, breast, circumstances, now, simply, honourable, truth, selves, fight, sight, once, againe, fat, before, man, weare, blush, mortalitie, brow, guilty. l. 35. B] two lines, man, gods.
p. 108, ll. 7—9. Three lines ending me, boy, brave. ll. 13 and 14. Two lines ending boy, here. ll. 17—19. Three lines ending snow, boy, thee. ll. 22—27. Five lines ending life, fond, trust, pay, me. ll. 30—36. Prose. l. 40 and p. 109, ll. 1—3. Prose.
p. 109, ll. 4 and 5. One line. ll. 15 (from 'Come she dos')—37. Prose. l. 40 and p. 110, ll. 1—3. Four lines ending lust, desires, her, ages.
p. 110, l. 3. B, C, D, E] two lines, reveale, ages. l. 4. B, C, D, E] two lines, heart, disease. l. 4. Two lines ending heart, deceit. ll. 9 and 10. One line. ll. 15 and 16. Two lines ending life, now. l. 16. B, C, D] two lines, hate thee, now. ll. 20—22. Three lines ending where, me, not. ll. 23—26. Three lines ending life, asunder, away. ll. 29 and 30. One line. ll. 31—33. Three lines ending live, passionate, reason. l. 33. B, C, D, E] two lines, passionate, reason. ll. 35—39. Four lines ending borne, jealousie, againe, lost. l. 39. B, C, D, E] two lines, game, lost.
p. 111, ll. 1 and 2. Two lines ending melt, all. ll. 4—6. Three lines ending with, of, me. l. 6. B, C, D, E] two lines, punishments, me. ll. 7—24. Prose. ll. 26—34. Prose. ll. 35—37. Two lines ending deservest, unkind.
p. 112, ll. 3—7. Five lines ending over, him, spoken, such, stay. l. 7. B, C, D, E] two lines, angry, slay. ll. 17 and 18. Two lines ending well, him. l. 31. B, C, D, E] two lines, me, boy. ll. 32 and 33. One line. ll. 35—38. Four lines ending me, gods, selfe, done.
p. 113, ll. 4—6. Three lines ending foule, it, farewell. ll. 9—15. Six lines ending truth, defamings, fortified, tongues, foule, mountains. l. 20. Two lines ending servant, me. ll. 21—25. Prose.
p. 114, ll. 6 8. Four lines ending it, eye-lids, crie, Phylaster. l. 8. B, C, D, E] my deere deare Philaster. ll. 9 12. Three lines ending thee, loyal, better. l. 13. B, C, D, E] two lines, againe, Bellario. ll. 16 18. Three lines ending all, that, wrongs. l. 27. Two lines ending not, thus. l. 27. B, C, D, E] two lines, talke, thus. ll. 30 40 and p. 115, l. 1. Ten lines ending naked, mischiefe, me, bosome, mirth, King, Mourners, length, cursed boy, lust.
p. 115, l. 1. B, C, D, E] two lines, boy, lust. l. 3 and B, C, D, E] two lines ending overthrow, wretched. ll. 4—23. Sixteen lines ending this, it, foote, seeke, Cave, are, hell, Scorpyons, woven, you, face, have, you, night, are, altogether. ll. 29—34. Five lines ending transparant, me, holds, constancie, now. ll. 38—40 and p. 116, l. 2. Four lines ending passion, wicked, that, understoodst,
p. 116, ll. 6—10. Three lines ending desease, me, swell. ll. 14—21. Eight lines ending leave, ever, Lady, fault, suffering, mine, seeke, die. ll. 28 and 29. Two lines ending hunt, earnestness. ll. 30—32. Two lines ending canst, thee.
p. 117, ll. 7—9. Three lines ending veniall, spirit, it. ll. 13—15. Three lines ending enough, purlewes, poaching. ll. 24—30. Nine lines ending repent, him, member, mouth, now, presently, Almanacks, liver, dog-whip. Il. 31—33. Four lines ending lookes, neighbours, face, honest.
p. 119, ll. 17—21. Five lines ending dwelt, reedes, borne, isstie, vexation. 1. 21. B, C, D, E] two lines, life, vexation. ll. 23—37. Ten lines ending beasts, as, body, speake, Lord, pittie, fortunes, bounty, keepe, hunger.
p. 120, ll. 6—17. Ten lines ending me, trade, againe, so, thee, worke, way, are, rage, way. ll. 32—37 and p. 121, ll. i and 2. Eight lines ending stray, businesse, armes, peace, us, her, seene, willingly.
p. 121, ll. 12—18. Prose. l. 23. C, D, E] two lines, not, blood. ll. 20—34. Prose. ll. 38 and 39 and p. 122, ll. i and 2. Three lines ending gods, adord, Thunder.
p. 122, ll. 6 and 7. Two lines ending way, on. ll. 12—14. Prose l. 14. B, C, D, E] two lines, wood, her. ll. 21 and 22. Prose. ll. 24 and 25. Two lines ending alive, Taylor. ll. 30 and 31. Prose. l. 39 and
p. 123, ll. 1—18. Prose.
p. 123, ll. 22—26. Two lines ending speaking, not, and Prose. l. 29 and p. 124, ll. 4—19. Eleven lines ending kist, Basaliskes, women, up, act, fire, teares, beds, face, issues, you.
p. 124, ll. 4—19. Thirteen lines ending me, done, Eolus, I, sword, you, controule, me, thoughts, now, pulse, more, die. ll. 25—35. Ten lines ending that, do, last, wise, resolve, suffer, hand, earth, other, here. l. 31. B, C, D, E] two lines, doe, suffer. ll. 38—40 and p. 125, ll. 1 and 2. Four lines ending power, Justice, heaven, to't.
p. 125, ll. 5—10. Seven lines ending Forrest, home, me, selfe, shouting, braines, wits. ll. 19 and 20. Prose. ll. 21 and 22. Two lines ending not, ye. ll. 23 and 24. Prose. l. 24. B, C, D, E] two lines, head, to. Il. 30—32. Prose. ll. 35 and 36. Two lines ending rogue, now.
p. 126, ll. 1 and 2. Two lines ending woman, her. ll. 25—28. Prose.
p. 127, ll. 5—7. Three lines ending giddy, sleepe, wake. ll. 13—25. Fourteen lines ending conceale, follow, sleeping, sleepe, wronged, broken, take, escape, blood, mischiefe, once, body, mortal, thee. ll. 26 and 27. Prose. l. 29. Line ends with first here. ll. 33 and 34. Two lines ending thou, me. ll. 37 and 38. One line. l. 39 and p. 128, ll. l—3. Three lines ending live, much, you.
p. 128, ll. 19 and 20. Two lines ending beasts, men. ll.22—24. Two lines ending her, her. ll. 25 and 26. Prose. ll. 29—34. Four lines ending thoughts, death, mectne, tortour. l. 38 and p. 129, ll. 1—11. Eleven lines ending Page, carelesse, me, over-fiowde, them, turnde, streames, contem'd, great, live, revenged.
p. 129, ll. 12—14. Two lines ending life, vigor. l. 17 and B, C, D] two lines ending away, rudely. ll. 24—28. Four lines ending then, you, teach, him. ll. 30 and 31. One line.
p. 130, ll. 6—20. Prose. l. 20. B, C, D, E] two lines, wealth, Philaster. 1. 23. B, C, D, E] two lines, two, Philaster. ll. 30—38. Prose. l. 32. B, C, D, E] two lines, talke, prison.
p. 131, l. 3 and B, C, D, E] two lines ending on, match. l. 6. Two lines ending heads, trick. ll. 24—33. Nine lines ending Bellario, heaven, paire, bore, me, death, boy, beasts, innocence. l. 34 and p. 132, ll. 1—6. Seven lines ending worthy, peece, you, honour, close, perjurie, nothing.
p. 132, ll. 15—17. Two lines ending sleepe, love. ll. 20 and 21. Prose. 1. 21. B, C, D, E] two lines, it, on. ll. 28 and 29. Two lines ending love, truely.
p. 133, H. 6 and 7. One line. ll. 10—23. Twelve lines ending at, lightly, him, bridges, rootes, thunders, back, Townes, desolate, lives, sacrifice, ruines. ll. 26—38 and p. 134, ll. 1—12. Prose.
p. 134, ll. 14—35. Prose. ll. 36 and 37. One line. l. 40 and p. 135, 1. i. Two lines ending Pharamont, heads-man.
p. 135, ll. 3 and 4. Prose. ll. 7—33. Twenty-three lines ending life, monster, to, living, writ, you, men, Pelion, brasse, Pyramides, gods, faults, issues, wisedomes, off, self, King, sinne, soule, long, you, die, in't.
p. 136, ll. 2 and 3. One line. ll. 24—29. Seven lines ending deere, not, Chronicled, prais'd, ballads, seculorum, Countrimen.
p. 137, ll. 8—22. Sixteen lines ending them, raise, neede, for't, sheepe, heate, me, Lord, Prince, him, wits, pin, me, bakon, fat, liking. ll. 29—39 and p. 138, ll. 1—6. Thirteen lines ending miseries, danger, you, to't, be, repentance, gods, me, thunder, wrong, boy, sea-breach, it.
p. 138, ll. 33—36. B—G] four lines ending boyes, top-sailes, Argosie, Cockels. F and G print last 2 ll. as one.
p. 139, l. 26. B, C, D, E] two lines ending you and King. l. 36. B, C, D, E] two lines ending kils, Boyes.
p. 143, l. 11. B, C, D, E] two lines ending earth, me. l. 40. B, C, D, E] two lines ending away, once.
p. 145, l. 8. B, C, D, E] two lines ending lives, Pilgrimage. l. 17. B, C, D, E] two lines ending she, dyed, l. 32. B, C, D, E] two lines ending shame, rest.