Part the II.
"There is a time for all things, A time to work, and a time to play."
Published and sold Wholesale and Retail by MORGAN & SONS.
Price plain, 12-1/2 cents—coloured, 18-3/4 cents.
Here's johnny Bull From England come, Who boasts of being a sailor, But yankey tars will let him know, He'll meet with many a Failure.
The Elephant upright and tall Dress'd up in Eastern style Sir His efforts here to show himself I think will make you smile Sir
Here's Bruin next from Russia come, Dont let him you affright, Sir Tho in his manner rather rough You'll find him here polite, Sir
Now here is somebody indeed!! You'll know him I'll engage Sir, If not, I'll tell who it is, Tis Boney in a Cage Sir.
Here's Somebody and Nobody, To make you smile and laugh Sir, Which you'll allow than crying is, Much better far by half Sir.
A learned Dog you now behold Much more so than his betters, Do you by him example take And study well your Letters.
To close the Show and thoroughly To please you and content ye, And give all due Variety With Tumbling we present ye.
* * * * *
May be had the following improved
juvenile Books,
Col'rd. Plain.
The Gamut and Time Table, 37-1/2 25
The House that Jack Built, 37-1/2 25
History of the Old Woman and her Pig, 37 25
Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog, 37 25
Dame Trot and her Comical Cat, 37 25
The Elm of Kensington, a Parody on the House that Jack Built, 31 18
Juvenile Pastimes, or sports for the four Seasons, embellished with 24 copperplate engravings, 31 18
John Gilpin's ride to Edmonton, 31 18
Mrs. Gilpin's return from Edmonton, 31 18
The Little Man and Maid, 31 18
The Forty Thieves, 31 18
Flora's Grand Gala, 31 18
Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper, 25 18
The Little Poulterer, 25 18
The Little Farmer, 25 18
And a variety of others.
—> Shortly will be published, Scripture Alphabet, by a Father to his Children, Sweets for Leisure Hours, &c. &e.
- Transcriber's Note Punctuation is not clear in the original book. The two variations of the ampersand in the last line, and "Dont" in the third verse have been retained. -