I walked over to where they were standing, conversing with one another. I saluted them and said to the captain. "Could you spare me a minute or two?" "If it is important, I can," he replied. "I think it is," I said. "Speak on then," he said.
I then asked him who the pilot of the boat was, and one pointed to himself and another man. Then I said to the head pilot, "We are off the rock now, are we not?" "Yes," he answered. "Did you turn to the left when you turned off the rock," I asked. "Yes," he replied. "If that is the case we need not go into the life boats," I replied, "as this boat is going to land in Tronhein, without loss of life."
The captain looked at me and said, "What do you know about navigation, man?" pointing to the water that was being pumped out of the ship; "we are sinking." "I know nothing about navigation," I replied. "Explain yourself," he said. Then I told my dream, and when I had finished speaking, I saw the tears running down the weather-beaten cheeks of the pilots. Then the captain said, "What kind of a man are you?" I answered, "An ordinary minister." Then the pilot said to the captain, "We had better listen to this man. He may be more right than we, because as long as this ship can hold up, we are safe, but if we go into the boats in this fearful weather and dark night, we shall soon be dashed to pieces against the rocks."
Then the pilot said to me, "Our ship sticks 28 feet in the water and the rock we struck was only twelve feet under the water, so you see it is a great miracle that our ship is not in two, and one end on each side of the rock. Had that happened, no one would have known what became of us, for we are now in 53 fathoms of water." Orders were then given not to lower the life boats.
Then I said to the captain, "Is this the Tasso, that used to sail on Norway 24 years ago?" He replied, "No, that lays on the bottom of the sea six miles from here. What about it?" I said, "I embarked on that ship at Tronheim the 27th day of April on a Sunday afternoon at four o'clock, of the year 1881, with 384 other young people who were sailing for England, on our way to America. At nine o'clock we got into an awful snowstorm and just lay drifting until one fifteen a.m., exactly the same time of night as we struck the rock this time. We went on the rock and turned over on the side just outside of the Agness lighthouse." Then the captain said, "What kind of a man are you?" "Just an ordinary minister," I answered. The captain then told me his father was captain of that ship at that time. (It might be interesting to the reader to know that we lay on our side until almost six fifteen in the morning when the ship straightened up as the tide arose. Then they cut the anchor chain and we backed up and went our way.) Needless to say, that night was one of the greatest prayer meetings ever held.
While I was speaking with the Captain, the first mate had come, a fine tall Englishman. "Will you kindly go with me to the front end of the ship and see if we can see any lights? We are lost. We don't know where we are." I answered, "I know nothing about navigation sir." He said, "Please go with me." I did, and coming out there, I saw three lights, and he could not see any. He said, "Keep your eyes on them, and I'll run for the captain." They both came running and the captain could not see the lights either. Turning to me he said, "You must be mistaken." "No sir,"
I replied, "I can see them now." He then asked me the color of the lights. After I had given him a description of them, he saw them himself and explained, "They are steamers. Where are we? We are lost!" He called out in agony.
We lay there until six fifteen in the morning. When we turned around to the right between the rocks, they knew where to go. The pumps were in full operation, but our ship was tipping backward more and more as if it were going to stand on one end. We landed in Tronheim in the afternoon with our handsatchels and our lives, and as soon as the pumps stopped, the ship filled with water and sank in the harbor.
I saw an account of the wreck in two Norwegian papers after the ship had been raised and placed on dry dock. The paper stated that the cargo was a total loss and the ship was about thirty eight thousand dollars. That nearly every plate from midship to stern was torn loose, just as I had seen in my dream and the paper said they could not understand why the ship had not sunk before, as one plate hole was enough to sink the ship. My wife wrote me later and said, "I know why the ship did not sink. I and many others were praying that God would keep that ship on top of the waves, because he had one of his little ones on the ship." The Lord verified his promises by hearing the prayers of his people to protect me and bring me safely to my destination. The blessings of salvation never seemed more real to me than at that time, as I was enabled to be calm and quiet through all the perils, having the sweet assurance that the mighty arm of God was upholding me and protecting not only me, but those who were traveling with me. He hears and answers prayers. Those who trust and believe in him he often saves from death and destruction.
My return trip was just as eventful as my trip to Norway. For some time I had been praying earnestly for the Lord to direct me in getting the right ship across the ocean, as I was to sail during the stormy season of Spring. On the twentieth of March, 1905, I left the home of my parents in Norway, with the intention of sailing the next morning. I was to sail on an English boat bound for Hull, England, in order to reach the fastest boat on the Cunard Line bound from Liverpool to New York, as I thought that would be the best vessel to take. Soon after leaving my fathers home, I stopped at a little seaport called Levanger to visit a relative of mine for a few hours, expecting to leave on the evening train, but my relative persuaded me to stay and take the early morning train. He said I would have ample time to reach my boat in Tronhiem, but when my train entered the station the next morning, the ship upon which I had intended sailing was just leaving the harbor.
I did not understand what this meant, but remembered the scripture which said that "All things work together for good to those that love the Lord." Had my plans for reaching the fast steamer from Liverpool to New York carried and had the ship sailed on schedule, I should have been in New York in ten days, but now I had to make the best of the situation, so I decided to embark on the S. S. United States of the Scandinavian-American Line from Oslo which was due in New York just one week later than the other ship, and if run on schedule generally arrived in New York nine days after leaving Oslo.
We sailed from Oslo on time, but after being out at sea for a day, we found to our surprise and dissatisfaction of many of the passengers that instead of going direct to New York, we had to go to the Azores to pick up some passengers from another ship of the same line, as a shaft of that ship had been broken in a storm on the Atlantic Ocean, and the ship had been towed to some Island. This made a very long round-about voyage.
With the exception of two or three days of storm, the weather was good, but the waves rolled exceedingly high every day. By this we knew that farther north in the ocean, a terrible storm was raging.
Finally after fifteen days of rough sailing, we found ourselves just outside New York in the midst of a heavy fog, such as I had never before witnessed. The whistles of the fog horns of the ships kept blowing and the bells ringing as we slowly proceeded in the afternoon, but finally we had to anchor, as a pilot from the shore entered our ship and forbade us to go any further. He said the sea was full of anchored ships on account of the fog, some of which had been there for three days. He said we could not move until the wind changed and drove the fog away. I felt quite satisfied, although like many others, I had been very seasick while on the voyage. Early the next morning I went on the deck. There was so much unrest and grumbling among the passengers that it was quite unpleasant for me to stay on the ship any longer. However, the fog seemed to be thicker than ever. It was so dense a person could hardly see beyond his outstretched arm. I went to my room, and there while lying across the bed, prayed earnestly to God to take away the fog. Then I went on deck and looked, but the fog seemed to be still worse. I went down and prayed the second time, but found on my return the fog seemed to be thicker than ever. The third time I went and prayed, and while I was praying a voice said to me, "Change your clothes." I knew what it meant. The Lord had heard my prayers. I arose and put on my best suit of clothes (for I expected soon to be in New York). Then I went to the breakfast table.
The people were complaining on account of having to remain so long on the ship. I said, "Before we have finished breakfast, we shall be on our way into the harbor." Some asked who had said so. I said I had been praying to God and He had assured me that such would be the case. Eight men got up and laughed me to scorn, saying, "ha, ha, ha," but while we were eating we heard something rattle and someone asked. "What is that?" I said, "I suppose they are raising the anchor." A number sprang from, their seats and looked through the portholes and the fog was gone, and we were on our way to the port. Then one man arose and said, "That minister's religion must be right." After that there was no more laughing and scorning. Thank God, he stood by me and showed himself mighty in answering my prayers and in lifting the fog to the astonishment of my fellow travelers. Our ship was the first one to pass into port, though some had been waiting there for three days for an opportunity to reach New York.
After landing, I learned that the Cunard liner on which I had intended to sail from Liverpool, had not yet arrived. It did not arrive until the next day. According to reports it had the worst voyage that any ship of that company had had for forty six years, and a number of passengers were badly hurt, being thrown about by the rolling and tossing of the ship. A young man who came across the ocean on that ship informed me that a number had to be tied to their beds, and many were injured. After learning these things, I perceived that the Lord had answered prayer in a wonderful way. He had hindered me from embarking on that ship, and had thus spared me much unnecessary suffering.
Thanks be to his precious and matchless name. It is safe to put our whole trust in God, because He knows how to protect and shield us from harm and danger. It is my prayer that the relating of this incident of the Lord's dealings with me may prove a blessing and inspiration to others, and enable them to put their whole trust in the Lord in time of difficulty and distress. He will surely hear and answer prayer when we call upon Him in a simple childlike manner.
* * * * *
For the glory of God, I wish to relate two very definite instances of answered prayer.
One time I was holding services nine miles north of Kerkhoven, Minn. The meetings were very good, but I was under a very severe trial, and it seemed very difficult for me to learn the will of the Lord as to whether at the close of the meeting I should go home or to Grand Forks, North Dakota, Camp Meeting. I learned that my fare from Kerkhoven to Grand Forks would be $3.32. Then I went out into the grove three times, (I believe it was on Friday,) and asked the Lord that on Sunday forenoon at the close of the services He would put it in the mind of somebody to give me exactly $3.32 if He wanted me to go to Grand Forks. No one but the Lord knew my needs. On Sunday after the service while I was shaking hands with the people, a brother put some money in my outside coat pocket. When I left the house, I walked to the grove to the same spot where I had prayed and knelt down and thanked the Lord for $3.32 in my pocket, and when I had counted the money I found that it was the exact amount for which I had prayed. He had not only supplied my carfare, but had in this way made known His will to me. Before I left the next morning, the brethren had given me more, so that I had something to send to my family.
* * * * *
The second incident I desire to relate, occurred at the time when the Lord made it very clear to me to go to a certain place in South Dakota to hold a meeting in a new place. This also was on Friday and I knew that the Lord was directing me to go on the following Wednesday. I was in need of a suit of clothes, as what I had was not fit to wear in public. I was also in need of carfare. An elderly sister was staying with us and together with my wife we had prayer and agreed that the Lord would supply these needs before Wednesday morning. While we were in prayer the Lord made it clear and definite that He would grant our petition. As we arose from our knees, I said, "Thank God, I have the money by faith." The elderly sister said, "Well, I suppose you will have to write to some of the well-to-do brethren and tell them your need." "No," I answered, "The Lord will tell them. I might make a mistake if I undertake to write to any of them." "You will not have the money then," she said. "Yes, mother," I said, "You will see before next Wednesday morning that I will have all I need." She doubted and said she would see.
The following Sunday we went to Colfax, Minnesota and held a service and received one dollar, and I said, "Thank God for one dollar." Then on Monday, I received a letter from a brother who lived near Sisseton, South Dakota which contained a check for seven dollars. The check was from a man whom I did not know that I had ever seen, and he did not know my address, but drove fifteen miles with a team and in a lumber wagon to another brother who knew my address. He told him to send it to me immediately, as he was impressed that I was in need. The old mother knew this brother and said he was well-to-do, and could well afford to send it. I said to her, "Did I not tell you that the Lord knew to whom to speak." She was very much astonished. I also received another letter in which there was a check from a brother whom I had not seen for four years. He wrote that while he was coming from Crookston, Minnesota to where he had been working, and was nearing Wadena, Minnesota, the Spirit of the Lord told him to hurry to the bank before it closed and send Brother Susag five dollars. In his letter he said he thought I must be in great need and that he hurried and reached the bank in time to get the money. He further said, "May the Lord bless you and use you to His glory."
Wednesday morning I started for Saint Paul, Minnesota with thirteen dollars in my pocket. Arriving there, I was looking for a second hand clothing store. I stood on the street praying for the Lord to direct me and He said, "Samuelson, Samuelson." I walked around a few blocks and suddenly I looked up over a store and it said, "Samuelson Second Hand Clothing." Going in, the merchant asked if he could help me. I said, "Have you a Prince Albert coat and vest that will fit me." He looked and said, "Just your fit," and walked over to a show case and brought the coat and vest and put it on me. It fit like it was made to order by a tailor. You could not see that it had even been on a man before. He said it was an eighty five dollar coat and vest, and it surely looked like it. It had silk facing on the lapels. I took off the coat, and put my own back on. I felt that I did not dare ask him the price. He said, "Aren't you going to take it." He took my coat off and put the coat back on me. Then I prayed the Lord for courage to ask him the price, so I said "What's your price?" He said, "A dollar and a half." I caught my breath and said, "What did you say?" He repeated, "A dollar and a half." I said, "Have you a pair of new trousers that will fit me?" I had to have the silk facing taken off, for fear I would be asked to the altar for too fine a suit.
I not only bought the coat and vest, but one new and one second hand trousers, and all came to $4.50.
Going to Arlington, I was dressed in the finest suit I had ever had in my life. I overheard two ladies speaking about me. One said, "You can see that man has seen better days by the fine clothes he wears." I wore that coat and vest for many years, and couldn't wear it out. Finally I got too stout and then I gave it away.
* * * * *
At one time the Missionary Board was writing of the need in the Scandinavian countries, and wanted me to go immediately, though they were unable to finance me. Also the leading brethren of the Scandinavian Publishing Company at St. Paul Park almost demanded me to go. I prayed and wept, and said to the Lord, "Haven't you got any one else to go as you know I am a poor man, in debt on my home, and would be leaving my family in need, shifting for themselves." For three days it got darker and darker for me. Finally the third day toward evening I got desperate, and going into my bedroom, I prayed earnestly, not knowing where a penny of carfare would come from. As I was praying I said, "Listen, Lord, you know I am honest and earnest. Do not let me be deceived. I'll take one of these Bibles on the table, and close my eyes and throw it up in the air and catch it and the scripture my thumb is on when I catch it, I'll accept as an answer from you." I did so, and my thumb was on Mark 10:29-30. "And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or fathers or mothers or wife or children or lands, for my sake and the gospels, but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time, houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions, and in the world to come, eternal life." I said, "Amen." Then I got a phone message from Saint Paul Park saying, "We have been looking for you. Why don't you come?" My answer was, "I have no money." They said they had a check for thirteen dollars for me. I answered, "I am coming."
From there I went to Chicago to meet Brother E. E. Byrum who was president of the Missionary Board. He took me into a room and said, "It is almost cruel to demand you to go when we have no way to finance you, but the need is so urgent, and we know you have faith and the only thing I can do is to lay my hands on you and pray for you." He did so, praying and weeping, and when we got through he took out his purse and emptied it into my hand. It contained 94 cents. How I got there, I do not know.
I spent some time in Norway and Sweden visiting the churches holding revival meetings. From there I went on to Denmark where I spent thirteen months helping the dear faithful workers in raising up eight new congregations, making a total of thirteen. In 1916 the Missionary Board sent $25 per month for seven and one half months to wife and the children.
Before leaving Denmark, I visited all thirteen of the congregations which were there at that time, and preached my farewell sermon. In each place they gave me an offering and a large size envelope, thick and fat and written on the outside, "Not to be opened until on the North Sea or the Atlantic." When I opened them, there were many letters from different persons in each congregation expressing their appreciation for the help and blessing I had been to them. If I am not mistaken, there were 153 in all, and there was sufficient money in those letters to almost pay for my first car, a Ford. The promise previously quoted in Mark 10:29-30 was verily fulfilled.
* * * * *
Once I was in great need of at least one hundred dollars and I had calls for three meetings at the same date. From one of these, I knew I would receive a hundred and twenty five dollars, and another, one hundred, but I knew the third could not give more than fifty. For three days I stayed home and prayed, and the Lord said I should go to the third, which I did.
On arriving at the place, I found they were closing a union meeting in one of the large churches the following day. They told me that the evangelist required them to forward him $500 before he would start his meeting, also $300 at the close of his meeting and $200 for his singer.
Monday night I began our service in the Church of God. One got saved. Tuesday night the crowd could not all get in the church. The Presbyterian minister of the town was there and he said it was too bad the people could not get in and offered us the Presbyterian Church free of charge. It was the largest church in town. We accepted and announced our meetings to be held there for Wednesday night. The church was packed and overflowing. Many were outside who could not get in. A 32nd degree Mason came to me and said, "Have you ever preached in a Masonic Hall?" I said I had preached in the Masonic Temple in Chicago, so he offered to get the Masonic Hall for me. I thanked him and accepted his offer, so the balance of the meeting was held there. It was filled for every service.
When the two weeks meeting was over, the church gave me $52.50 and the next day I was asked to come to a chain store; the manager said the store always gave a present to every evangelist who came to town. Then he said, "There is a present for you. What do you need? My wife says you need a pair of shoes, so go over to the counter and pick out a pair. They are fourteen dollars a pair." Then he said, "Come and sit down. I want to talk to you." Reaching his hand in his pocket he handed me a five dollar bill and said, "That's from me." Then the man who let me use the Masonic Hall came in. He said to the merchant, "Are you trying to persuade Mr. Susag to go with you to Norway to fish?" The merchant answered, "I wish I could." "So do I," he answered. Then he continued, "Mr. M., you know that you and I are about as low down in the mud as we can get, and every evangelist that comes to town is digging the hole deeper; but this man has kept on for two weeks doing his best to dig us out." The merchant answered, "That is right." Then the Mason handed me a check for ten dollars, and turning he said, "When—" and he walked away with tears in his eyes. Later on I understand he got saved and went to glory.
As I left the station that day for my home, many people came to the station to see me off and shook hands with me, leaving money in my hand or slipping it into my pockets. After I got on the train, I counted the money and found I had $187.00 instead of the fifty I had expected. Again God proved Himself to be the God that He says He is and His promises are true.
* * * * *
The Lord made it very clear to me that I should go to Europe again. I expected to stay four years. When it was understood that I was to sail for Europe, a number of people in a certain congregation requested me to stop over as they wanted to send greetings, so I did, thinking also that they might give me a little offering to help me on the way, but for some reason they failed to do so.
The war broke out in Europe. I was able only to visit the churches, and late in the fall of the same year I was ordered to leave these countries. After being home for some time, I met the wife of a minister and she asked, "Where have you been, Bro. Susag? We haven't seen you nor heard of you for so long." I told her I had been to Europe. "Why, no," she explained, "you were in such and such a congregation," (naming a place where I had stopped to receive greetings to carry to Europe). Then she said, "They said that you had not gotten any further than New York, as you did not have the money to go any farther." Then I told her, "The Lord made it very clear to me to go, so I went."
After leaving this place for New York I was sitting on the train reading my Bible when a train man came along and said, "Are you reading the good book?" After answering yes, he asked if I was a minister. I answered, "yes," and he asked where I was going. I told him I was on my way to Europe. "Do you have the finances supplied?" he asked. I told him I traveled by faith. "To what church do you belong?" he asked. I told him, the Church of God. So he explained, "My pastor is Brother ——; What is your name?" When I told him, he said, "Why, I have heard of you." As he left he said, "Pardon me, I will see you again before we come to our divisional point." Later on he came and handed me a sum of money, so my needs were nicely cared for.
On hearing of my experience, the sister exclaimed, "Why! God's promise, 'My God shall supply all your needs,' was fulfilled at that time."
* * * * *
In 1915 I was on the Atlantic ocean on my way to Europe, and the captain came to me a number of times on the voyage, saying, "I am afraid you are going to have trouble if an English boat catches us before we get to Norway, because you claim to be a Norwegian by birth and a minister. We think you are a German by birth and a doctor. We had one sailing with us the last trip from Saint Paul, Minnesota and he spelled his name 'Susage' and was a German and a doctor. You spell your name 'Susag.' He had a goatee like you and looked just like you, and we think you two are brothers. We believe you are an American citizen, and if you acknowledge that you are a German and a doctor, we believe we can be a help to you. We will guarantee to the English people that we will take care of you and take you back to America the next trip."
I thanked him and smiled and said, "But I am still a Norwegian and a preacher, and I believe I am going to stand the test."
Sure enough a number of us were apprehended by an English war ship, and they sailed us into Kirkwall, Scotland and put nine of us (me included) under arrest. The fourth day a high official came from London to examine our papers, and I was the first one to march in between two rows of soldiers with bayonets on the guns ready for action. The captain and first mate were present to see how I was coming out. Finally a soldier called, "Halt!" and I assure you, I stopped and smiled at them all. I saluted the officer and handed him my papers After he had examined them thoroughly, he said to me, "Where were you born, Reverend?" I said, "in Norway." "What City?" "Stienkjer," I answered. "Will you tell us that in your own tongue?"
I did so; then he folded my papers nicely and handed them, back to me, smiled and saluted and said, "Pass on; you are ok." I enjoyed the experience very much.
* * * * *
When the Lord saved me, he called me into the ministry. I knew the ministry were securing half fare on railroads, but did not know that they had to be ordained before they could get it. But I did know that the Lord had ordained me for the Ministry. So I went to the depot agent in my home town, and asked him if he would sign for me so I could have the benefits of clergy rates. He had known me for some years, so told me he could if I would swear that I was a preacher. I said, "No, I can't swear. If you can't take my word for it, I'll go without a permit." He said, "If you can't swear, I will sign for you." So I sent in my application to the clergy bureau, and a few days later I received the permit, but there was a little slip with it which said, "Are you wholly engaged in gospel work, or do you do some secular work?" I studied and prayed about it and wrote the clergy bureau and sent the permit back and said, "When I travel, I do nothing but gospel work, but when I am home, I preach twice on Sunday and once a week, and through the week I do whatsoever my hands find to do. I do not want any railroad bill against me in the day of judgment. So if you find upon this explanation that I am worthy of your courtesy, I will be very pleased to receive the permit, and if not, I thank you."
A few days later, the permit was returned to me with a letter saying, "Please accept our courtesy. We are not afraid of being imposed upon by a man like that."
When I was ordained, the brethren said, "Now you can get half fare on the railroads." "Well," I said, "I have had that almost seven years already." When I explained to them they were astonished.
* * * * *
I was the evangelist at the South Dakota State Camp Meeting one year. After the meeting was over and I had received my offering from the committee, a brother came to me and wanted to give me $50 extra but I refused to accept it. "Why," he said, "Don't you need it?" "Yes," I said, "I need it badly, but I do not feel I can take it." "Well," he said, finally after much persuasion, "If you won't take it, I'll put it in the bank. For the Lord told me to give it to you, and I don't want it, and it will be there until you call for it."
About nine months later, I needed money and wrote him to see if I could borrow it until the next camp meeting. He sent it right away and wrote saying, "Thank God, it is out of my hands, and I'll never take it back again." At the next camp meeting, I tried again to pay it back, but I failed, so I went to prayer and asked the Lord what I should do. The Lord said, "You give Brother Renbeck fifteen dollars for a new suit, and you keep the rest for your family." (In those days one could get a good suit for fifteen dollars).
I looked for Brother Renbeck and finally he came. He had been weeping, although he still seemed happy. "Why have you been weeping?" I asked. "I need a new suit, and I went out and prayed and the Lord told me I could get a new fifteen dollar one." I reached my hand out and said, "Here is your fifteen dollars." He stepped back and said, "No, no! I couldn't take it from you. You need it worse than I do." I explained to him how it was, and he accepted it and praised the Lord. In those days we didn't know any different than to trust the Lord.
* * * * *
At one time while on the train in North Dakota, I sat down in the company of twelve ministers, representing that many denominations. While listening to them I decided that this was the time for a little fellow to keep his mouth shut. One young minister appeared to be the leader in the discussion standing with his Greek Testament in his hand. Finally he turned to me and said, "Are you a minister too?" I told him I was. "What denomination do you belong to?" I told him Church of God. "Well," he said, "If you belong to the Church of God, you have a horn in our side." I had met three of them once and they surely horned me. I said, "Yes, I've got a horn and I pity the minister that hasn't got one." (The horn represents power in scripture). "But," I said, "I use that on only one preacher." "Who is that," he said. "The devil." "Well," he said, "If you have one you have not showed it to us because you have kept still." Then turning, he pointed to each of the ministers individually asking each one what visible church of God he belonged to, and each answered, naming their own denomination. Then he said, "I belong to the visible Church of God Congregational." I spoke up then and said, "I belong to the visible Church of God." Then he slapped his hand on the arm of the seat and said, "You've got me, Brother." Then I said, "You see me, don't you?" "Yes," he said. "I see you, shake hands." Then he asked me how far I was going, saying that he would like to have a talk with me.
I told him I was going to Bismark, to which he said, "It is too bad that I change at the next station."
That ended the conversation. They seemed to have no more to say.
* * * * *
When I was holding a meeting in a certain state, some of the church said there had been a couple of preachers holding services across the street from the Church of God chapel, and some of the saints had attended their meetings and became confused. They wanted me to preach against it. I said, "I cannot do that. The Word of God says, 'Thou shalt not judge a strange servant.' But I will pray the Lord to help me to meet them to get acquainted with their teaching." I did pray earnestly that I might meet them. Later I came to a town where I had to stay all night. I found twelve preachers there who were trying to start a new spiritual mushroom or work, and of the twelve preachers, two of them were the association preachers who had been holding the meetings across from our chapel in the town previously spoken of. I went to their service that evening and sat and prayed earnestly that if God was displeased with this new work they were trying to start, that the minister who was going to speak that night would have the hardest time preaching that he ever had in his life.
A minister arose to preach. His preaching was Biblical, but he had a hard time, while the other ministers kept on praying, "Lord, give the brother the anointing." He worked and perspired until all of a sudden he sat down. The ministers huddled together and talked and prayed and finally sent one of their number out into the audience to talk with the people. He finally wound up at me. He asked me a number of questions, whether I was saved and sanctified, and then left. But the ministers seemed to be dissatisfied, and sent another minister to me to investigate. At last he said, "I suppose the sermon tonight scared you." I said, "No, that was a good sermon and I have been preaching that way for over thirty eight years. That is the way the apostles preached."
"Well," he said, "We didn't know there was anyone preaching like that." Then I said, "But he had a hard time." "Yes," he answered, "He said he had the hardest time he had ever had in his life, and he has preached from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and had never met anything like that he said." "Yes, and he was preaching against me." He replied, "Yes, and it was you that made it hard for him." Then I said, "I prayed earnestly that the Lord would make it hard for him, if the Lord was dissatisfied with his association."
The association must have died because I never heard of it again. It turned out that the two ministers at that place were the two which held the meeting previously spoken of.
Once at the South Dakota State Camp Meeting, on account of the weather, we had the services in the chapel. One day a man came who said he was a minister. No one knew him, but he looked like a good man. He asked for the privilege of preaching and it was granted him. After he had been preaching a while it was evident to all that he was badly confused, so the spiritual ones commenced to lift their hearts in prayer to God to stop him, which He did, insomuch that he left the platform and went to the stove to spit, trying to clear his throat. However, there was nothing in his throat. He tried again to speak, but he could not, so finally went out and left the grounds. We never saw him again.
Brother Thomas Nelson and I held a meeting in Wisconsin and we had the same kind of an experience as the one given above. The man in this case was a professor in college and a real orator, but his religious doctrine was unscriptural. Brother Nelson and I had given him the privilege of preaching. We gave one another an understanding glance to be agreed in prayer asking God to stop him immediately. He lost his voice and could not continue speaking.
* * * * *
At one time I was holding a meeting at Badger, South Dakota. The meeting was fairly good in a way but I expected results and hoped to see souls saved. I worked and fasted and prayed, but to no avail. It seemed there was no conviction upon sinners. When that meeting was over, I decided to quit the ministry, thinking to myself, "What is the use to go on this way, enduring hardships and sufferings and not seeing any souls saved." I thought I must be a failure, so going home, I went through Minneapolis, Minnesota to visit my sister. After the evening meal I thought I would take a walk. As I strolled up Lake Street, I saw to my left in the middle of the block, a large sign, 'Revival Meetings, Minnesota's Greatest Evangelist.' I became interested because I had lived in Minnesota many years and had never heard his name before, so I decided to attend. By the time he was half through his sermon, my discouragement had vanished. I thought, "I'm a better preacher than that; I can preach the Truth." So I went back to preaching with fresh courage and determination.
The next year just before the Minnesota State Camp Meeting at St. Paul Park, I came home with another load of discouragement. It seemed to me I was backslidden and that Brother Nelson and Brother Tubbs were going to deal with me at the meeting and tell me so. I told wife to go on to the meeting and I would stay home and rest a few days, as I was tired. She objected and refused to go without me, telling me the saints would be asking about me, and if I told them you were home they would be wondering why and I would have no peace, so that was that. We went and I did not attempt to preach neither Saturday, Sunday, nor Monday. I was waiting, expecting the brethren to come and have a talk with me. Finally on Monday afternoon Bro. Nelson came and said, "Let us go out into the timber. I want to have a talk with you." Then he said, "Brother Susag, what is the matter with you? You are holding up the meeting. Everyone is expecting you to preach and you sit there and say nothing." I answered, "Yes, I know that you know what it is." "Why I don't know anything," he said, "What do you mean?" I said, "Aren't you and Bro. Tubbs going to deal with me? You know I am backslidden." "Since when?" he asked. I told him I did not know. He then said, "We surely do not know anything. It is just an imposition of the devil. Rebuke him and get into the pulpit and preach." We had prayer, and rebuked the devil and his accusations, and the spell was completely broken.
A year later at the Minnesota State Camp Meeting, Brother Nelson was not feeling well, neither was I. One day, Brother Nelson said to me, "What do you think is the trouble with us? Maybe we are bad boys." I told him, "No, that is not the reason, however, we do not see many healings and miracles now." As we stood there talking, we could not think of anything that had taken place of late.
Just then a sister came up to where we were and said, "Praise the Lord, brethren." We said, "Amen." "I do not suppose you know me?" "Yes, we know you," we said, "But we have forgotten your name." "My name is Rasmussen," she said; "I haven't seen you, Brother Nelson, since you were down and prayed for our youngest son who was down with double pneumonia." Brother Nelson said, "The Lord healed the boy, didn't He?" "I should say He did," she answered. "He not only healed him, but changed him from a puny, delicate child to a strong, husky child—the healhiest one we have." She went away and we felt we had gotten a reproof, and yet an encouragement, from the Lord.
Then a brother came along and he said, "Praise the Lord. Wasn't it wonderful how the Lord restored Brother Krutz?" That was another reproof. Then a sister came by and said, "Have you heard about Sister Johnson?" We asked, which Johnson, and she said, "Brother Morris Johnson's mother. She fell and broke her leg just above the ankle and they took her on the train to St. Paul and while waiting in the Union Depot for a train for home, saints came on their way to the camp meeting and seeing her suffering they had compassion on her, and prayed the prayer of faith, and she was instantly healed, insomuch that she went back to the camp meeting." After she left, Brother Nelson started one direction for the timber and I the other. We felt the Lord had been grieved because of our discouragement and had reproved us in this way.
* * * * *
On Sunday morning while I was holding a meeting at Rice Lake, I was preaching on the Joy of the Lord. After speaking a few minutes, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Your theme today will be trials and discouragements," so I announced to the congregation that the Lord had changed my subject, and in my talk, I related some of the worse trials and discouragements I had passed through. After I was through speaking, a brother came up to the pulpit and said, "Shame on you, Brother Susag." I said, "Say that again." He did a little stronger than before, so I said, "Say it again, for 'all good things are three.'" Then he did say it strong. He said, "Here you have been standing here telling that preachers get tried and tempted and discouraged like that—" and he turned and went out.
When he had gone, a young lady came up and asked me for dinner and said that Brother and Sister —— were coming to dinner, too. On arriving at their home, they all sat down to visit. They didn't take off their wraps, nor ask me to either. They said to me, "Do you know why the Lord changed your subject today?" I told them it must have been for somebody. "Yes," they said, "It was for the four of us." (These four had gotten saved in the revival I had held the year before.) "We have been tempted and tried so much," they said, "so we came near giving up." Then they'd said to one another, "Look at Brother Susag. He is happy all the time. He is not tried and tempted like we are." But when they heard of my experiences, they said, "The shame is on us." They were much encouraged and went on in the service of God. They finally moved somewhere to the northwest and I am told that one of the brothers became a minister, and the other three Sunday School workers.
Many people do not realize that ministers pass through much suffering both spiritual and physical for the sake of others, but they are glad to do so for Christ's sake and for the sake of others.
While pastoring in Grand Forks, North Dakota a lady called on the phone one day and asked to speak to The Rev.
Susag. "I am the one speaking," I said. Then she told me she had heard from Mrs. Werstlein that I would pray for anyone no matter what church they belonged to. I told her I would. Then she said, "My husband is at the Catholic hospital and the doctor just called up and said he is liable to die any minute, and cannot live longer than until three o'clock this afternoon. He is an infidel." Then she continued, "Would you kindly go see him and talk to him and then come by the house as I'd like to hear what he had to say and what you think about it." I told her I would if I could get in to see him. "Tell them that I sent you," she said. At first they refused to let me in, but after telling them I was pastor and that his wife had sent me they said alright. They said, "He is near death and almost has one foot in the grave."
When I went into his room and saw how bad he was, I introduced myself to him and said, "I'm sorry to find you in such a condition. I have been where you are now. I will not tire you out with much talk, but would you let me read you a scripture lesson and pray with you?" He answered, "It would be out of place to refuse such an offer under such circumstances." So I read Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:1). Then I knelt and prayed a short prayer. When I got through, he put his hand out and said, "Thank you, I have got to see you in the morning." I asked him what time and he told me nine o'clock. Then I bid him good-bye and went to the door. When I reached the door I thought I heard him say something and turned and said, "Beg your pardon, did you say something?"
He said, "Can I depend on you?" I answered, "Yes, you can depend on me, and furthermore we have service tonight in the church, and I will tell the folks to agree in prayer for you and also to fast and pray tomorrow that the Lord will heal you." He thanked me and I left him.
When I went to his house, his wife said, "What do you think about my husband?" I answered, "He is pretty low, but I am going back to see him tomorrow morning at nine o'clock." She said, "He isn't going to live that long." I told her he was not going to die, but going to live, and she said, "Who said so?" I answered, "The Lord."
Next morning I went back and eight nurses met me and one said, "What did you do to that man yesterday? He had one foot in the grave and now he is going to live." "Of course he is going to live," I said. Then they said, "But what did you do? We have never seen anything like this." "Well," I said, "I did what they used to do in olden times." "What was that?" they asked. "Prayed," I said. "Yes," they said, "that helps."
Going into his room, he was smiling and I began to talk to him about the Lord. Then he said, "I do not believe in those old women's fables." I said, "I am going to get you to believe in God." He replied, "You can't do it." I answered, "By God's help I can, for where you are, I have been, and where I am, you can come. If I can only gain one point with you I can get you to believe in God." (He was a professor at the University of North Dakota). I had to come back in the afternoon at three o'clock and the next morning at about nine. When I came in he said, "You are too late. The doctor was here with two specialists and I told them I wanted to get up and go home; I am well. They answered me, 'You stay in bed; you are a sick man. There are no T B germs about you but we are studying about what kind of medicine to give you.'" He then asked me how I would have answered them, if I had been here, and I said to him, "I would have said to them, 'The God of Heaven that you don't believe in, heard prayers and smote those germs and made you well.'" He said, "If you had told them that, there would have been a panic."
The next morning he got up and went home. I was sent to Europe on a special mission the next day by the Missionary Board and the church. After returning in January, one Monday morning I went to the Northern State Bank on business and on opening the door into the bank, who should I meet, but this professor. My hands went up and I said, "Glory to God! Here is the man the Lord kept out of the grave last August." Up went his hands, and he said, "Bless God. God Almighty did something for me."
I regret that I have not kept a record through the years. The only record I have is for the first eleven months I was pastor in Brookings and White, South Dakota. I preached 272 sermons, made 178 pastoral visits, wrote 202 letters, traveled almost fifteen thousand miles during that time, and in my fifty years ministry, have had a stated salary only about six years. In my first ten to fifteen years, I preached (at intervals) as many as six sermons a day, three in Norwegian and three in English. In all I have preached something over 17,000 sermons, and have traveled over one million miles. I have crossed the Atlantic Ocean seventeen times one way, and preached a good many times on fifteen of those voyages.
Returning to America in the late fall of 1939, many people asked me who I thought was to blame for the war. They named a number of the leading rulers of the warring nations, and then they added, "The devil." I said, "None of them are to blame for the war." "Who then?" they asked. "Backslidden, professing Christians," I said. Then they asked if I thought America would get into it, and I answered, "Most assuredly." However the majority of them said no, and they also said that our American boys would never leave American soil to fight. I told them that our boys would not only go to Europe to fight, but to almost all the Islands of the sea. Then they asked how long I thought the war was going to last, and I told them "1949." A goodly number laughed me to scorn. Not long ago, I received a letter from my oldest son who said, "I have been checking up on you dad and everything that you said would happen, has come true up to the present date." The actual fighting is over, but thousands of our men are in foreign lands, and no peace. If the Lord does not get an opportunity to perform a miracle, another war will start before any real peace.
I have not built any chapels large or small, but I have started about fifty or more congregations in this country (America) and in Europe. Also I have raised quite a sum of money to build chapels and to help ministers and missionaries in need. I have raised thousands for church and missionary work in general, seventy per cent has come from the brethren of Norwegian descent, fifteen percent from the Danish descent, ten percent from those of German descent, three percent from the Swedish, and two percent from Americans. The percent here mentioned is for the work in Scandinavian countries only.
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While holding a meeting in Bowbells, North Dakota, after a few days three families quit coming and I went out to the farm to see them. When I arrived at the first farm, the other two families were there visiting. After conversing a while, I asked them why they had not been out to the services of late. Finally the man who was the head of the house said, "We did not like it when you said the preacher could not forgive sins." I answered, "If you have wronged the preacher, and ask him his forgiveness he can forgive you, but there are some sins that even the Lord cannot forgive. For instance, if you owe ten dollars to your neighbor over the hill, and you are not willing to pay him, you can keep on praying as long as you live, and the Lord could not forgive you if you are not willing to settle with him. Of course, if you didn't know where he was and couldn't find him, the Lord would forgive you all right." The man answered, "We will come to the services," they said, and some of them got saved. Unbeknown to me, he had owed his neighbor ten dollars for four years and was unwilling to pay, but after he became willing he got saved and paid his debt.
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One man got saved in a meeting in South Dakota, and the Lord reminded him of twelve ears of corn which he had taken from his neighbor's field to feed his own oxen. As he went by on his way to town, he said, "Yes, I'll attend to that tonight." So after dark he filled a bushel basket with corn and took it over and emptied it into the man's hog pen, feeling good that he had done his duty. The next morning after worship, the Lord spoke to him and said, "I suppose today you will go over and settle for the twelve ears of corn." "Why I took that over last night," he protested, "But you took that over to the hogs, and they were already fed." So he went over and confessed to the man. We can see by this that it was not the corn the Lord was so interested in as his humble confession.
A certain brother who was a farmer needed a threshing machine badly, and an agent visited him to see if he could make the deal. They were agreed on prices and terms, but when they talked over the time of delivery, the agent acknowledged he could not get it to him in time for fall threshing, so the deal fell through. Another agent, hearing of it decided he would go and see the farmer. This time the deal went through, with the promise that the machinery would be delivered in time.
The brother mortgaged his farm and the threshing machine for forty five hundred dollars, but when harvest time came it had not come. He wrote the manufacturers, and they said that as soon as they could get it built and shipped, they would do so. The farmer became desperate. He took the sales contract to an attorney, but he found a clause in it that prevented him from doing anything about it. It looked as if he would lose all his threshing income that fall as well as the machine and his farm too. Many earnest prayers went up that the Lord would intervene in his behalf.
During harvest time that year, he lost hundreds of dollars in not having the machine.
Finally in January, the machine was shipped from the factory. The freight train that was pulling it got within three miles of the town. It was pulling up grade slowly, and in turning a sharp curve the whole car which was carrying the threshing machine loosened from the rest of the train, and tumbled down a steep embankment, completely demolishing the whole thing. The railroad paid the damages, and the brother was released from all responsibility.
A good many went out to see the wreckage, and none could understand how the car would become disconnected from the train. They did not know our God, and the way he answers prayer.
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When I was holding a meeting at Grand Forks, wife wrote me that an epidemic of small pox had broken out in the neighborhood, but that it was not necessary for me to come home because, she said, "I put the children and myself into the 9lst Psalm and we will remain there until the scourge is over" and I thank God, it did not come near our dwelling.
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No apology is made for writing this book, recording the incidents and experiences herein found. As Elijah's God is still the God of the universe and today He hears the prayers of the humble and delivers them in time of need. The author is acquainted with the persons mentioned herein, and has a personal knowledge of the things related. No doubt some will question the truthfulness of some of the statements made in this volume. But the truth must not be withheld because of a few skeptics and unbelievers. Some doubted the miracles wrought by the apostles. One good minister in California said one time, when introducing me to the ministers at a ministers' meeting, "This brother can relate more incidents than anyone I have ever known, and if I did not know Brother Susag, as well as I do, I would have said he lied." I answered, "If I did not know him as well as I do, I would have said he lied, too."
Brother C. E. Brown, present editor of the Gospel Trumpet, upon introducing me to a number of ministers at the Anderson Camp meeting, also stated that I could relate more actual incidents and experiences than anyone he had ever met.
Many ministers and the laity as well, have through the years wanted me to write a book of my experiences, even ministers of other movements. But I am afraid I have waited too long to remember hundreds of incidents that have taken place during my ministry. People say that when I am under the anointing of the Holy Ghost when preaching, the incidents flow from my lips like a stream.
My earnest humble prayer is that these incidents and experiences may prove a blessing and an inspiration that will quicken the faith of those in need whose help can come only from God.
As my name is S. O. Susag, I think it is fitting to say as the distress call of a ship is SOS, that I have heard the distress call in my fifty-two years ministry, hundreds of times from the evangelistic field, and missionary fields in other lands, from insane asylums, hospitals, sick rooms, and the Lord has heard prayer, and wrought many miracles, almost unbelievable. To God belongs all the glory and praise.
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One time I received a distress call from Geo. W. Green and family who were living that time on a farm near Hancock, Minnesota, to come and pray for a sick child. They were living six or seven miles out of town, and no one was there to meet me, so I had to get the taxi to take me out. I arrived late in the evening. Going into the house, I learned the child was already dead. All the occupants of the house, both up and down stairs, were sick in bed with the flu, thirteen in all. Sister Green was the only one able to get out of bed to let me in. I had no way to get back to town, but as we were talking and praying, a doctor happened along and stopped and came in and asked Sister Green to make him a strong cup of coffee and sandwich. He said, "This is the third night since I was in bed, and I need something to strengthen me." He filled out a burial permit for the child so it could be buried. And he said, "You can't stay here tonight." I told him I had no way to get back to town, so he offered to take me. I went and the next day I returned with the undertaker. The road to the cemetery went through the town, but the leading lady, a social worker (I presume) forbad us taking the body through town. So we had to detour several miles out of our way. An epidemic of flu broke out in the town and I am told that this lady was the first one to die with it. At the Green home the Lord restored the entire thirteen to health, and protected me. Throughout the years I have been protected from all manner of contagious diseases where I have been called to pray.
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Brother Edward Ahrendt and I were holding a meeting in Grand Forks, North Dakota. One evening the call was made, and the altar was filled with seekers. Brother Ahrendt and I started at opposite ends to pray and instruct. As I knelt, the first one was a woman and I felt as if I had knelt by a barrel of devils. I was surprised that she was professing to be a Christian. Lifting my hand in astonishment, I said, "Sister G—you are possessed with devils." After the altar service was over, Brother Ahrendt and I laid our hands on her and commanded the devils to come out in the name of Jesus, which they did. The next morning we had prayer and testimony meeting and she arose and testified and in a way she excused herself. I said, "Sister, be careful or the devils will enter into you again." Evidently they did, because the other women in the rooming house told me that in the evening when she arrived at her room to go to bed, the devils rolled her up like a ball with her heels almost on her shoulders, and her sufferings were horrible. They prayed and did everything they could to help her get straightened out, but to no avail. They tried to find Bro. Ahrendt and I, but we had moved that night to another place. No one seemed to know where we were. They called up all the saints that had phones, but without success. Finally, two of the sisters started out going from house to house among the saints that had no phones, and at four o'clock in the morning they reached the house where we were stopping. We went over as quickly as possible, and when we went up onto the porch, she straightened out instantly. The devil was going to play possum on us. Brother Ahrendt and I had a consultation, as he had never had any experiences with cases of devil possession before. He said, "Brother Susag, Saturday night when we prayed for her, there was no manifestation showing that she was possessed." "Well," I said, "There is no need of them having to be thrown around by the devil when you know they are possessed," so I said I would pray and we would see how it would come out, because I knew there was a need of full agreement. We phoned Brother Gus Niles and asked if we could come to his place with Mrs. G——. When we got there, we went into a room and locked the doors. Brother Ahrendt prayed in one corner and Brother Niles in another corner. I gave her a chair by the table, and I sat opposite. I said, "Sister, I have known you for four years and all that time you have deceived yourself and the saints and the ministry. You have had no salvation all this time. Now tell me what the devil had you do when you came home from meetings." She said, "One time when I came home, I went out to the barn to feed milk to the calf, and he wouldn't drink, and I got angry and took a small club and struck him. He bawled and broke the rope and jumped through the window and ran out into the woods." When she was telling this, her hand flew up and she commenced beating the air with it and she could not stop. I let her continue beating for a time, then I said, "Lord, stop that arm," and it did stop. Then I asked her what the devil got her to do other times when she came home. She said, "Another time when I came home, husband's dog had gotten into the house, and I opened the door to get him out, and as he went through the door, I kicked him in anger because I hated my husband," and as she said this, she started kicking the table and then she fell on the floor on her back still kicking the chair and the table. Just then Brother Ahrendt came running and said, "I rebuke the devil in Jesus' name." He had become convinced that the devils were there by now.
Then the three of us laid hands on her, commanding the devils to come out of her, which they did. Then she got saved and sanctified, and got a sweet settled experience which everyone had confidence in. She later became an able Sunday School teacher and worker for the Lord.
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The evening when I said, "Sister G, you are possessed with devils," I looked back in the audience and saw a sister with her mouth open and looking at me with surprise and apparent criticism, as if to say, "What do you mean by saying such things to Sister G?" Just then I saw many serpents crawling in her lap and up her breast and in to her mouth. After the service this woman's sister came to me and said, "Do you know that my sister, Mary, is possessed with devils?" I said, "Yes," and she asked how I knew, saying, "She told me she had just gotten possessed." I said, "I saw them entering."
We took her to a private home and she was delivered by the power of God.
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There is always a cause when God does not answer prayer, either in individuals or congregations. I have been speaking of individual cases in this book, where prayer was not answered. Now I will speak of congregational hindrances that I know of personally.
There is never an effect without a cause that produces the effect. In a certain congregation where I held several successful revivals for several pastors, there came a time when the work did not prosper as it had in previous years. By chance after twenty years absence, I stopped in there one prayer meeting night, having business in the town that day. They entreated me to come back and speak for them on a certain Sunday, which I did. The Lord gave us two precious services. They took up their regular Sunday evening offering. After that, they announced that they would take up an offering especially for Brother Susag, which they did, and set the basket in a position where I noticed the contents, which was in the neighborhood of fifteen dollars or a little more. Next morning when I was ready to take the train, I was handed four dollars with the remark, "This is our custom." No wonder the congregation did not prosper, and still these dear people had done their duty, but were unaware of what the hindrance was.
I know of other cases of that same kind, both with other ministers and myself. Once in a camp meeting a young minister was the evangelist, whom the Lord used mightily. One evening they were going to take up the love offering for the evangelist. A nice offering came in, not any too large, and they gave the evangelist seventy percent.
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Once at the Grand Forks, North Dakota Camp Meeting, Brother P. Pederson of Hoboken, New Jersey was to preach. He read his text and related some of his experiences and the Holy Ghost began to bring the people to the altar. He then closed his Bible and said, "A greater preacher than I is now speaking."
* * * * *
During the depression it looked as though we were going to lose the state camp grounds at Grand Forks. At the camp meeting the Board said there is no other way than to let it go. I said, "No." "Well," they said, "Then you will have to raise the money because we cannot." I said, "If you will give me a free hand, to go at it when the Lord says to, I will." They said O. K. One evening the Lord said, "Now is the time," so I said to Brother Monk, "Let me have a few minutes?" Within a few minutes we had the amount to the cent. Brother Monk said, "This time the devil was licked and the depression also." It pays to pray.
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The first Camp Meeting I attended at Grand Forks, I generally got up at 3 or 4 a.m. and went to the woods to pray. At that time you could hardly find a place to pray.
There were two or three members praying behind every tree before I got there.
The first Camp Meeting I attended in Anderson, I went out early in the cemetery and here they were praying every where.
The pioneer ministers knew how to pray, because they had no sermon outline book to take it from. Their converts knew how, too, for they were taught by the Holy Ghost.
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Once Brother Renbeck and I were holding a meeting in Erskine, Minn. It was 42 degrees below zero every day, and we had to stand the bread by the heating stove and a number of times it froze so hard on the table, before we got through with our meal, that we could not eat it. When we went to bed, we could see the stars twinkling through the cracks of the roof. We took off our shoes and coats and lay down on the bed, and pulled our fur caps down over our ears and put our fur coats over us. Often through the night we would have to turn over because the side that was down got cold. This may seem ridiculous to some, but God knows it is true.
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In 1911 Brother Morris Johnson and I held a meeting on the west coast of Denmark. At the place where we stayed and slept, we had to climb up a ladder through a hole into the room to sleep. The bed was too short for Bro. Johnson and too narrow for two, and the bed clothes accordingly.
We could not sleep much after breakfast. We took our traveling blankets and walked out side the town where there were some old grave hills that had been opened to get out the wealth that was buried. It left a deep hollow place in the ground. There was ice in the bottom. We wrapped our blankets around us and lay down so the wind could not blow on us and slept some. That was pioneering in Denmark. In this little town it was really the first great battle for the truth won in Denmark.
Many have said that much of the pioneer work was lost and did not pay. It is true, some was lost, but what would we have had today without it? I pray God to rekindle the pioneer spirit and passion for souls and trust in the Lord. The opportunities are still here. If I were a young man I would say