HEGEL, and Germany, Helferich, and the capitalization of Germany, Herf, von, and Polish organization, Hindenburg, and the U.S. army, House, Colonel, and the reduction of the German army, and the reparations proposal, Hughes, W.M., Premier of Australia, and the German indemnity, Hungary, alarming mortality in, army of, conditions of life in, delegates of, at Paris Conference, harsh treatment of, losses of, by peace treaty, pre-war, revolutions in, 166 Hunger and disease, a legacy of war, Hymans, M., at Paris Conference,
INDEMNITIES, question of, what Germany can pay, (see also Reparations) Indemnity clause, how inserted, et seq., India, British, Inter-Allied debts, problem of, et seq. (see also Allies, war debts of) Iron, Germany's lack of, Iron-ore, Germany's pre-war wealth in, Italian frontier, rectification of, Italian Socialists visit Russia, Italians, their difficult theatre of war, Italo-Turkish war, the, Italy, a period of crisis in, an expedition into Albania, and Georgia, and Montenegro, and the Balkans, and the League of Nations, and the London Agreement, and the Paris Conference, army of, breaks with the Alliance, custom of tree-planting in, declares her neutrality, economic sufferings of, enters the war, expenses of her navy, financial position of, Great Britain and, her costly Libyan adventure, her freedom from revolutions, in the Triple Alliance, ministerial crisis in, population of, pre-war status of, stands apart from Conference, suffers from situation in Russia territories annexed to, the Adriatic problem, the question of Fiume, votes for recognition of the Soviet, why she entered the war,
JAPAN, expenses of her navy, Jews, Polish, Judenic, General, Jugo-Slavia, acquires Bulgarian territory, army of, financial position of, Magyars in, Julius Caesar as politician, KANT, Emanuel Kautsky, published documents of Keynes, John Maynard, and inter-Allied debts and the Paris Conference author's admiration for represents English Treasury at Paris Conference the indemnity question and true forecasts of Klagenfurth, a plebiscite for Klotz, and the indemnity Koltchak, Admiral Konigsberg, the home of Emanuel Kant Kowno claimed by Poles
LABOUR and the war Lansing, Robert, and the Paris Conference Law, Bonar, and question of military guarantees and reparations and the indemnity League of Nations, the, a suggested revision of treaties by and Danzig and the participation of the vanquished as trustee of Saar mines covenant of foundation of, and its objects Germany debarred from its capabilities and mistakes modification of two clauses of its constitution needed powers of Wilson in a difficult situation Lettonia Libyan adventure, the Lithuania, Wilna ceded to, but occupied by Poles London Agreement, the secrecy of London, Conference of discusses economic manifesto Lorraine, Germany's pre-war iron production from iron mines of: German ambitions for Loucheur, M., and the indemnity Ludendorff, General, important declaration by Luxemburg, iron industry of
MAGYARS, in Rumania Treaty of Trianon and, Malmedy given to Belgium Marienwerder, a plebiscite for Marne, battle of the Mesopotamia lost by Turkey Military clauses and guarantees of peace treaty Millerand, M., and Sweden Monroe doctrine, the Montenegro, absorbed by the S.H.S. State restoration of the Entente and Moresnet becomes Belgian territory Moscow Government sends gold to Sweden: French action Mussulman population of pre-war Turkey
NAPOLEON I as politician his three great errors Napoleon III Nationalism, and what it implies Naval armaments, the race for Neuilly, the Treaty of New Zealand, Britain's share of Nicholas II, his proclamation regarding Poland weakness of Nineteenth century, the, wars of Nitti, Francesco S., and admission of ex-enemies into League of Nations and Germany's responsibility for the war and Italian Socialists and Russia and the Italian military expedition to Georgia and the proposed trial of the Kaiser at Conferences of London and San Remo denounces economic manifesto his son a prisoner of war ideals of opposes Adriatic adventure receives deputation of German business men signs ratification of Treaty of Versailles the indemnity question and Northcliffe Press, the, and the indemnity
OGIER, M., territorial reconstruction scheme of Oliganthropy, Orlando, M., and the reparations question Orlando Ministry, the, resignation of Ottoman Empire, the, a limited sovereignty to Turkish parts of
PALESTINE, Treaty of Sevres and Paper currency, Germany's pre-and post-war Paris, an unsuitable meeting place for Conference Peace Conference in Supreme Council at welcomes President Wilson Paris Conference, and the indemnity Peace, necessary conditions for Peace Conference, Lloyd George's memorandum for Peace treaties, a negation of justice and continuation of the war and their application effect on Germany of origin and aims of question of reparation and indemnity revision of, a necessity their opposition to Wilson's fourteen points Peace treaty of June, 1919, summary of terms of Peasants, Russian, and the old regime Petrograd, text of London Agreement published in Plebiscite, result of, in Upper Silesia Plebiscites, system of Poincare, M., and Clemenceau and Germany's right of entry into League of Nations and the peace treaties Lloyd George replies to on military guarantees and occupation Poland, aims at further expansion anarchic condition of and the plebiscite and the Treaty of Versailles Poland, army of financial position of gains by Treaty her policy of greed obtains State of Danzig of to-day the Tsar's proclamation regarding treaty with France working for ruin Polish state, foundation of an independent Politics, German, pre-war Portugal, war debt of Progress, war as condition towards Public debts of warring nations (cf. Allies, war debts of)
RECONSTRUCTION of Europe, the, and annullment of inter-Allied debts and the revision of peace treaties Germany's indemnity and that of defeated countries necessity of forming new connexions with Russia the League of Nations and the safety of France and the military guarantees Renner, Chancellor of Vienna, confers with Marquis della Torretta Reparations clause, origin of Reparations Commission, the, expense accounts of formation of suppression of, a necessity Reparations, the problem of (cf. Indemnities) Rhine, the, as frontier occupation of an act of vengeance cost of, to Germany Riga, hunger and sickness in, the aftermath of war Ruhr, the, question of occupation of Rumania, army of evacuation of financial position of her gains by Treaty Magyars in Rumanian occupation of Hungary Russia, and the League of Nations as cause of world-conflict birth-rate of blockade of Entente aids military undertakings in financial position of Germany's fear of her policy of expansion Lloyd George on military revolts in peace army of policy of Entente towards power of the Tsar in present-day plight of pre-war empire of probable number of men under arms in Sevres Treaty and the Versailles Treaty and under the Tsars Russian peasants and the old regime Russians, remarkable fecundity of Russo-Japanese peace, the and how drafted Russo-Japanese War, the
SAAR, the, a plebiscite for annexation of: French proposals regarding coalfields of, assigned to France pre-war production of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of San Remo, Conference of Schleswig, a plebiscite for, Secret diplomacy, peace treaties and Serbia, evacuation of her gains by Treaty ignorant of London Agreement responsibility for the war Russian policy in the Allied Press and war debt of Serbo-Croat States, financial position of sea-coast outlets for S.H.S. State absorbs Montenegro Silesia (see Upper Selesia) Slav States, cosmopolitan population of Smyrna, the Sanjak of Sonnino, M., at Paris Conference South Africa, British Soviet, the, recognition of, refused Spa Conference, the Starling, Professor States, European, pre- and post-war, et seq. Submarine menace, the Sweden, Russian gold sent to Syria
TARDIEU, Andre, and the guarantees against Germany and the Paris Conference and the question of military guarantees draws up reply to Lloyd George his report on Paris Conference on President Wilson on the Treaty of Versailles Territorial and political clauses of peace treaty Thrace assigned to Greece Torretta, Marquis della, confers with Chancellor Renner Trade conditions, equality of, and the peace treaty Treaties, peace (_see Neuilly, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Sevres Trianon, Versailles) Treaties with France against German aggression Treaty system, the, division of Europe by Trianon, Treaty of Triple Alliance, the Italy and "Triplice," the (_see_ Triple Alliance) Tripoli, Italy Tripolitania Turkey, and the result of Treaty of Sevres army of Grand Vizier of, and his note Turks, their power of resistance Turquan's estimate of wealth of France
United States, the, a deciding factor of the war abandons Treaty of Versailles and Armenian question and the indemnity United States, the, and the League of Nations, and the naval question, expenses of her navy, financial position of, losses in the Great War, (see also America) Upper Silesia, a plebiscite for, iron industry of, result of plebiscite in,
VENEZELOS, M., author's tribute to, fall of, Versailles, Treaty of, abandoned by America, and the future of Germany, characteristic facts of, conditions of Germany as result of, injustice of, Lloyd George on, on what based, ratification of, summary of, violation of, why it has been weakened, Vessitch, M., at Paris Conference, Vienna, conditions in, the wireless high-power station at,
WAeCHTER, Kinderlen-, and Russia, War, a political fact, as a necessary condition of life, difference between battles and, legitimacy of, the aftermath of, the nature of, War debts, a menace to financial stability, War debts of the Allies, (cf. Inter-Allied debts) Warfare, modern, what it means, Wars of the last three centuries, the, Wealth, influence of, on life and happiness, William II, and his responsibility for the war, as miles gioriosus, author's aversion to, frenzied oratory of, proposed trial of, Wilna ceded to Lithuania, but occupied by Poles, Wilson, President, and Armenia and Fiume, and military guarantees, and the League of Nations, demonstrations against, in Italy, his fourteen points, compared with Treaty of Versailles, his ignorance of European affairs, and the result, how he was received in Paris, memorable speech in American Senate, peace ideals of, 34, post-bellum economic settlement proposals of (see League of Nations) Wolff, and Germany, Wrangel, General,