As its brood the eagle over, Ever more its wings doth spread. So the Highest aye doth cover With His arms of pow'r my head. In the womb e'en of my mother, When to me He being gave, E'en the life that now I have, Was He then my shield and cover. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
Not too great a gift He even Deem'd His only Son to be; Him to death hath freely given, Me from fear of hell to free. Oh! Thou spring of boundless blessing, How could e'er my feeble mind Of Thy depth the bottom find, Though my efforts were unceasing? All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
And the Holy Ghost to guide me, Noble Leader! He hath giv'n, That He through the world may lead me, Onward to the gate of heav'n. That my heart He may be filling With th' unclouded light of faith, That can break the pow'r of death, And hell's rage hath pow'r of stilling. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
For my soul's well-being ever Full provision doth He make, And in ev'ry need deliver, For the body care doth take. When my pow'r, my best endeavour Cometh to extremity, Then my God appears to me, With His might comes to deliver. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
All the things in earth and heaven, E'en where'er I turn my eye, For my benefit are given, That they may my need supply. All that's living, all that's growing, On the hills or in the woods, In the vales or 'neath the floods, God is for my good bestowing. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
When I sleep, His eye is waking, When I wake, He strength'neth me, Each new morn fresh courage taking, I new love and goodness see. Had my God existed never, Had His face not guided me, From such ills so frequently, None could have deliver'd ever. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
'Gainst me many is the weapon, Forg'd by Satan's enmity, But no real hurt can happen, None hath yet befallen me. God's own angel whom He sendeth, Wardeth off each deadly blow Aim'd by the untiring foe, Who our ruin thus intendeth. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
As a father ne'er withdraweth From his child his love away, Though he often evil doeth, And from wisdom's paths doth stray. So God's heart towards me moveth, All my sins forgiveth He, Not in vengeance smiteth me, As a Father He reproveth. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
Ev'ry blow His hand inflicteth, Though the heart with pain it rend, When my heart aright reflecteth, Is a token that my Friend Thinks on me, and tow'rds me yearneth, Me from this ill world would free, That has so entangled me, By the cross to Him me turneth. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
This I know full well, and never Let it from my mind depart, Christ's cross hath its limit ever, And at length must cease to smart. When the winter snows are over Lovely summer will appear, Who can hope, from ev'ry fear, And from pain, shall they recover. All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow.
In God's love there is no ending, Ne'er a limit find I there, So my hands to Thee extending, As Thy child, I raise my pray'r. Father! deign Thy grace to give me, That I may with all my might Thee embrace both day and night, All my life may never leave thee, And when life is o'er with me, Love and praise eternally.
How heavy is the burden made That Thou upon our backs hast laid, O God! the Lord of Hosts, O God, whose anger rises high 'Gainst workers of iniquity.
The burden is the cruel tide Of war, that earth with blood has dyed, And fill'd with bitter tears. It is a fire that rages high 'Neath suns of almost every sky.
The burden's great and hard to bear, But Thy strong arm and Father's care Are not to us unknown. Thou punishest, but 'mid the woe Thou love and friendliness dost show.
But true to Thee must we abide, For ne'er from us dost Thou quite hide Thy saving health and light. How many hast Thou given o'er, We've oft been shielded by Thy pow'r.
In many a sad and weary hour, When gath'ring clouds did o'er us low'r Above our anxious heads, Thou still'd'st the storm, whose mighty hand Upholdeth sky and sea and land.
How often, Lord, by day and night, Our enemies with craft and might Have threaten'd us, Thy flock! But, faithful Shepherd! Thou wast near, Repell'dst the wolf and still'dst our fear.
Our brethren are compell'd to roam, Are driven forth from house and home, While we, Lord, still enjoy Each one his seat beneath the shade By his own vine and fig-tree made.
Behold! my heart, on every hand The towns and fields of many a land Are doom'd to ruin sure, The homes of men are overthrown, The houses of our God cast down.
But rest and order still remain With us, and we can still maintain The worship of our God. God's mind from out His holy word 'Mongst us is daily taught and heard.
Whoever this doth not perceive, But to the winds such thoughts doth give, Who in such blessed light No grace, no love, no goodness find, How dark, thrice darken'd is their mind!
O gracious God! preserve us free For aye from such stupidity; Lord, give us gratitude, That songs of praise in sweetest tone We may present before Thy throne.
To nought we've done, or e'er can do, To Thee—to Thee alone is due The praise, O fount of love! We've earned destruction from Thy face, Thou deal'st with us in love and grace.
Oh! may we meditate Thy grace, Till heart shall burn and tongue shall praise, And give angelic zeal, That every throbbing pulse may be A note of praise, O Lord! to Thee.
But let the tide of woe recede, Restore to us our joy, we plead, May peace to us return. How many in this vale of tears Have never witness'd peaceful years!
Are we unworthy? then with Thee We plead for helpless infancy, Who wrong have never done. Shall cradled infants feel the stroke, Shall they endure the heavy yoke?
Have pity, Lord! oh, tender heart! What heavy sighs, what bitter smart, From our sad hearts are wrung! No stone, our Saviour God art Thou, How canst Thou so afflict us now?
How grievous are our wounds and sore, They stink and fester more and more, But Thou canst heal them all. Pour in the oil of grace, that whole Can make the body and the soul.
This wilt Thou do, we certainly Believe, although we nowhere see The means in all the world. But Thou in our extremity Dost find Thine opportunity.
Praise God! for forth hath sounded The noble word of joy and peace, There's rest where strife abounded, The sword and spear their murders cease. Up! up! again, and bring ye Now forth the sounding lyre, O Germany! and sing ye In full and noble choir, Your hearts and minds now raise ye And thank the Lord, and say, "Thy grace and goodness praise we For they endure for aye!"
'Twere just if God were driving Us in dire wrath from 'fore His face, For with us still are thriving The thorns of sin that grow apace. In deed and truth we feel it— His rod of chastisement! But say whoe'er can tell it— Who are they who repent? We're only evil ever, God's true continually, He helpeth to deliver From war and misery.
With grateful hearts o'erflowing We greet thee, noble gift of peace! Where'er thou dwell'st, now knowing How richly thou dost ever bless. God to thy keeping giveth Our good and happiness, Who woundeth thee and grieveth, In his own heart doth press Grief's arrow, and in madness He quencheth in the land The golden light of gladness With suicidal hand.
What could this lesson ever Grave on our hearts so solemnly, As forts laid low for ever, And towns that now in ruins lie: As fair and fertile meadows That wav'd with golden grain, Now wrapt in forest shadows And run to waste again. As graves full of the buried, Who fell in the dread hour Of battle in ranks serried, Whose like we'll see no more.
O man! be now afflicted, And let thy tears in torrents flow, With countenance dejected To ponder to thy closet go; What heretofore hath given Thy God, didst thou deride, Thy Father who's in Heaven Now turn'd hath to thy side. From fury and from pressing He turneth for thy good, As if by love and blessing Constrain thy heart He would.
Awake thee! now awake thee! Thou hard, cold world awaken'd be; Ere doom's dread hour o'ertake thee, By thee unlook'd for, suddenly. Ye for the Saviour living! Unshaken be your mood, The peace He now is giving Can only bring us good. This lesson He is giving, The end of all is nigh, Thou shalt with Him be living In peace eternally.
O Lord! I sing with mouth and heart, Joy of my soul! to Thee To earth Thy knowledge I impart, As it is known to me.
Thou art the Fount of grace, I know, And Spring aye fall and free, Whence saving health and goodness flow Each day so bounteously.
What have we here or what are we, Of good what can earth give, That we do not alone from Thee, Our Father, aye receive?
The tent-like firmament who builds, Who spreads th' expanse of blue, Who sends to fertilize our fields Refreshing rain and dew?
Who warmeth us in cold and frost, Who shields us from the wind, Who orders it that wine and must We in their season find?
Who is it life and health bestows, Who keeps us with His hand In golden peace, wards off war's woes, From our dear native land?
The work is Thine, my God! my Lord! And Thine must ever be; Before our door Thou keepest guard, In rest we're kept by Thee.
Thou feedest us from year to year, And constant dost abide; When danger fills our hearts with fear, With help art at our side.
With patience dost Thou ever chide, Nor long Thine anger keep, But castest all our sins aside Into the ocean deep.
Whene'er our burden'd hearts we raise To Thee, Thou'rt soon appeas'd; The help Thou send'st shows forth Thy praise, And our sad hearts are eas'd.
Thou mark'st how oft Thy people weep And what their sorrows are, Their tears dost in Thy bottle keep, However small they are.
Our deepest needs dost Thou supply, Thou giv'st what lasts for aye, Thou lead'st us to our home on high, When hence we pass away.
Awake! my heart, awake and sing, And joyous be thy mood, Thy God who maketh everything Is, and abides thy good—
Thy treasure and inheritance! Thy glory and delight! Thy saving health and sure defence! He keeps and guides thee right.
Why do thy cares both night and day Grieve thee so bitterly? Upon thy God thy burden lay, Who gave thy life to thee.
Hath He not all the weary way From youth till now thee led, Oft chas'd misfortune's clouds away That gather'd o'er thy head?
In all His rule no oversight Can happen, no mistakes; Whate'er He does or leaves is right, A happy issue takes.
Let Him work who doth all things well, Nor with Him interfere, And so thou shalt in glory dwell, And peace enjoy while here.
How can it be, my highest Light! That as before Thy face so bright All things must pale and vanish, That my poor feeble flesh and blood Can summon a courageous mood To meet Thee, and fear banish?
But dust and ashes what am I? My body what but grass so dry? What good the life I'm living? What can I with my utmost pow'r? What have I, Lord! from hour to hour But what Thyself art giving?
I am a poor and feeble worm, A straw, the lightest passing storm Could drive away before it. When Thou Thy hand, that all doth stay, Dost on me e'er so lightly lay, I know not how t' endure it.
Lord! I am nought, but Thou art He Who art all—all belongs to Thee, And live and move I ever In Thee—if Thou me terrifi'st, No store of grace to help suppli'st I can recover never.
I am unjust, but true Thy heart, I evil am—Thou holy art, This thought should shame be giving, That I in such an evil stand, Should from Thy mild paternal hand, The least good be receiving.
Nought else but ill from infancy Up e'en till now I've done to Thee, In sin was I begotten; And didst Thou not in faithfulness My sin remit, and me release, Lost were I and forgotten.
Let boasting then be far from me, What is Thy due I render Thee, To Thee alone be glory! O Christ! may while I live below My spirit, and what thence may flow, With reverence adore Thee.
And if aught hath been done by me That is well done, it came from Thee, My pow'r could do it never. Thee thanks and honour, Lord! I bring, All my life long Thy praise I'll sing, And tell Thy glory ever.
After clouds we see the sun, Joy we feel when grief is gone, After bitter pain and sore Cometh consolation's hour. Then my soul that sank before, Even down to hell's dark door, To the heav'nly choir doth soar.
He 'fore whom the world shall flee, In my spirit comforts me, With His high and mighty hand, Tears me from the hellish band. With the love to me He shows, Swells my heart and overflows, And my blood with rapture glows.
Did I e'er 'neath sorrow bend? Did my heart grief ever rend? Have I e'er been vexed sore? Satan e'er fool'd me before? Aye—but henceforth am I free, Faithfully thou shieldest me, My salvation comes from Thee!
What thou mean'st, my bitter foe! By thy deeds tow'rds me I know; Truly thou with all thy pow'r Seek'st me ever to devour. Had I too much trusted thee, Then had'st thou, ere I could see, In thy snares entangled me.
All the guile I know full well That in thy bad heart doth dwell; Thou my God malign'st to me, Turn'st His praise to obloquy; Speaketh out His loving heart, Keeps He silence on His part, All He doth dost thou pervert.
If I hope and look for good, If I'm in a joyous mood, From my mind thou driv'st away Every good thought—and dost say: "God doth far from thee abide, Riseth high misfortune's tide Round thee now on every side."
Hence depart! thou lying mouth, Here is God's own ground in truth, For the face of God is here, And the beauteous light and clear Of His favour, here doth rise, All His word and counsel wise, Op'd are now before mine eyes.
God lets none in sadness stay, He with shame drives none away, Who themselves up to Him give, With the whole heart to Him cleave, Who their cares on Him aye cast, And hope in Him—joy at last, For the soul and body taste.
Though it comes not as we will, Just to-day—yet be thou still, For perchance to-morrow may Be the bright and joyous day. God's time comes with measur'd step, When it comes His word He'll keep And joy's harvest we shall reap.
Ah! how often did I think, As my feet began to sink 'Neath the heavy load of care, In the mire of blank despair, Now there is no hope for me, Rest for me there cannot be Till I enter death's dark sea.
But my God put forth His pow'r To avert and to restore, That I ne'er enough can tell What His arm hath done so well; When no path I could descry, When no help to guide was nigh, Help God sent me from on high.
When I timid and perplex'd Often have my spirit vex'd, Sleepless toss'd thro' all the night, Sick at heart when dawn'd the light, When heart fail'd me utterly, Hast Thou then appear'd to me, Turning my captivity.
Now as long as here I roam, Have on earth a house and home, 'Fore mine eyes continually Shall this thing of wonder be. All my life long shall I bring Offerings of thanks, and sing Songs of praise to God my King.
Every grief and every smart, By th'eternal Father's heart Ever yet appointed me, Or that may hereafter be Chosen for me, all my days From His gracious hand always, I'll receive with joy and praise.
I will tread woe's bitter path, I will onward go to death, I into the grave will go, Still my heart with joy shall glow. Whom the Highest will raise high, Whom th' Almighty standeth nigh, Ne'er can perish utterly.
The Lord, the earth who ruleth, And with His hand controlleth, Whose goodness never endeth, He watcheth me and tendeth.
As long as He is near me With every gift He'll cheer me, Of fulness overflowing The riches aye bestowing.
By pastures green He leads me, With gladness there He feeds me, From purest springs revives me, In need He counsel gives me.
And when the soul is fearful Through grievous thoughts and careful, He comfort giveth ever And knows how to deliver.
My steps aright He leadeth, And what to do me guideth, And for His name's sake glorious O'er fear makes me victorious.
Though often left to ponder, While in dark vales I wander, No evil fear I ever, Distress o'ertakes me never.
Thou standest still beside me, From wicked men dost hide me, Thy rod and staff protect me, And no fear can deject me.
My table Thou preparest, For my refreshment carest, When foes are plotting round me, And seek to pain and wound me.
My head with oil anointest, My empty soul appointest Of every good and pleasure A full o'erflowing measure.
The goodness Thou bestowest, The mercy that Thou showest, Till life itself forsake me, Shall glad and joyful make me.
Thy service will I never Forsake, but praise Thee ever, In Thy house where Thou livest, Reward to goodness givest.
As long as life is given On earth here, and in heaven Where I shall stand before Thee, I'll evermore adore Thee!
Morning and Evening Songs.
The golden morning, Joy her adorning, With splendour near us Draweth, to cheer us With her heart-refreshing and lovely light. My head and members Lay wrapt all in slumbers, But now awaking, And sleep from me shaking, Heaven's bless'd sunshine doth gladden my sight.
Mine eye beholdeth What God upholdeth, Made for His glory, To tell the story To us of His power and might so great, And where the Father The faithful shall gather In peace, whenever Earth's lies they shall sever And leave this mortal and perishing state.
Come ye with singing, To God be bringing Goods and each blessing— All we're possessing— All be to God as an offering brought. Hearts with love glowing, With praises o'erflowing, Thanksgiving voices, In these God rejoices, All other off'rings without them are nought.
To morn and even His thoughts are given, Increase He giveth, Sorrow relieveth, These are the works that He doeth alone. When we are sleeping Watch is He aye keeping, When we're awaking Care still of us taking, He makes the light of His grace to shine down.
My thoughts I've raised To Thee who'rt praised For aye in Heaven! Success be given, May all my endeavours unhinder'd be! From ev'ry evil And work of the devil, All malice ever, Oh do Thou deliver! In all Thy precepts establish Thou me!
May't pleasure give me, May no pain grieve me To see flow over The cup my brother Or neighbour hath, with Thy blessings so free. Covetous burning And unchristian yearning For ill possessions, Blot out such transgressions, Cast them, O Father! all into the sea!
The life we're living What is it giving? Ere any thinketh To ground it sinketh, Soon as the breath of the grave on it blow. All things together Dread ruin must shiver, The earth and heaven They must perish even, Wrapt in the flames that shall ardently glow!
All—all decayeth, But God still stayeth, His thoughts they waver A moment never, His word and will both eternally 'dure. His grace and favour Uninjur'd are ever, Deadly wounds healing, The heart with peace filling, Health here and yonder to us they ensure.
My God for ever Do Thou deliver! Shield me, and cover My debts all over, In grace, Thine eyes from my sins turn away. Govern and guide me, Be ever beside me, As it is pleasing To Thee! am I placing All in Thy hand and disposal for aye.
Wilt Thou give ever To me whatever My life is needing? May I be heeding Ever the faithful word spoken by Thee. God is the highest, The greatest, the nighest, Gracious is ever, Is changeable never, Of all our treasures the noblest is He.
Wilt Thou then grieve me, Gall to drink give me? Must I be passing Through cares harassing? Do then as seemeth it good unto Thee. Whate'er supporteth, Is useful or hurteth, Thou knowest ever, And chastenest never Too much, in case we o'erburden'd should be.
Trial God sendeth, Speedily endeth The storms of ocean, The wind's commotion Lightens the sunshine so gladsome and bright. Fulness of pleasure, And glorious leisure, Will then be given To me in yon Heaven Whither my thoughts aye to turn take delight.
Awake, my heart! be singing, Praise to thy Maker bringing, Of every good the Giver, Who men protecteth ever.
As shades of night spread over Earth as a pall did cover, Then Satan sought to have me, But God was near to save me.
When Satan would devour me, Thou, Father! spreadest o'er me Thy wing, Thou me embraced'st, All fear away Thou chased'st.
Thou said'st "Lie still, I'm near thee; In spite of him who'd tear thee, Sleep, child! let nought affright thee, The sunlight shall delight thee."
Thou truly, Lord! hast told it, The light—mine eyes behold it, From dangers hast releas'd me, Thou hast renew'd and bless'd me.
Thou sacrifice would'st ever, My gifts I bring Thee hither, The offerings I'm bringing My pray'rs are and my singing.
Such Thou disdainest never, The heart Thou can'st search ever, Thou know'st none can deceive Thee No better can I give Thee.
Thou wilt, O Lord! be ending Thy work in me, and sending Who in his hands will take me, To-day his care will make me.
May I in all I'm doing Wise courses be pursuing, Beginning, middle, ending, May all to bliss be tending.
Thy blessings richly give me, My heart would now receive Thee, Thy word as food be given To me till I reach Heaven.
Praise ye Jehovah, All ye men who fear Him! Let us with gladness to His name be singing, Be thanks and praises to His altar bringing. Praise ye Jehovah!
The life we're living Who is ever giving; Care all the night who like a father taketh, And who with gladness us from sleep awaketh. Praise ye Jehovah!
That we enjoy them, And can still employ them, Our mind and senses and our every member, Thanks do we owe for this let us remember. Praise ye Jehovah!
By flames o'erpowering, Us and ours devouring, From house and homestead that we've not been driven We owe it to the care of God in Heaven. Praise ye Jehovah!
That no thief, breaking Through our doors and taking Our property, and us assaulting hurt us, Is that He sent His angels to support us. Praise ye Jehovah!
Oh, faithful Saviour! Fount of every favour! Ah! let Thy kindness and protection hover, By day and night our life at all times over. Praise ye Jehovah!
Deign, Lord, to hear us, And to-day be near us! Supported by Thy grace, may nought e'er hinder Our progress; and, in need, help speedy render. Praise ye Jehovah!
Our will subduing, Make us Thine be doing, Teach us to labour faithfully; whenever Beneath the load we're sinking, then deliver. Praise ye Jehovah!
Do Thou direct us When Thou dost afflict us, That we may never mock; but be preparing Before Thy throne hereafter for appearing. Praise ye Jehovah!
And all true-hearted Who're by grace converted Wilt Thou, Lord, come for, and by grace be bringing Where all Thine angels evermore are singing, Praise ye Jehovah!
The daylight disappeareth, It fleeth, and night neareth, Its gloom is spreading o'er us, With slumber to o'erpower us And all the wearied earth. The working day now endeth, My heart to Thee ascendeth, For toil and rest who'st given The morning and the even,— In praise my heart bursts forth.
Break forth, my heart, in singing, Praise to thy Maker bringing, Who soul and body giveth, More good than heart conceiveth, Or tongue can ever tell; No moment passeth over That doth not much discover Of goodness overflowing, He's aye on us bestowing, Each hour doth show it well.
Just as the shepherd's treasure, The sheep in boundless pleasure O'er greenest pastures wander, Their guardian's guidance under, With free and fearless mind, Themselves with flowers filling, Their thirst at fresh springs stilling, So me to-day hath guided, With every good provided, My Shepherd, good and kind.
God hath not me forsaken, Though I sin's course have taken, Not fearing e'er to leave Him, By waywardness to grieve Him, And wound His Father-heart. Let, Father, Thy zeal never Burn 'gainst me, nor me sever From Thee and from Thy blessing; My doing and transgressing Awake regret and smart.
Oh! hear me, Father, praying, My waywardness and straying From Thee, my evil doing, Into the ocean throwing, Forgive eternally. But may Thine angels hover Round me, and be my cover, All evil from me keeping; With Thee will I be sleeping, I'll rise again with Thee.
Now may mine eyelids closing Be peacefully reposing, All free from care and sorrow, Till on the golden morrow I joyfully awake. Thy wings shall shield me ever, The enemy shall never Thy flock and me endanger, Whom day and night in anger His prey he seeks to make.
When silent or when talking, When sitting or when walking, To Thee I'm wholly given, Thou art my life from heaven, This word is true and sore. In every undertaking, In sleeping hours and waking, My fortress art Thou ever, Thine arm doth aye deliver, My bliss doth aye endure.
Now spread are evening's shadows, O'er forests, towns, and meadows, And sleepeth ev'ry eye; Awake my pow'rs and sing ye, And pray'r and praises bring ye, That your Creator please on high!
O Sun! where art thou vanish'd? The night thy light hath banish'd, The night of day the foe; Go then, for now appeareth Another Sun and cheereth My heart—'tis Jesus Christ, my joy!
We've seen the day's declining, The golden stars are shining In yonder dark-blue sky. There shall I be for ever When God doth me deliver, From this low vale of misery.
To rest the body hasteth, Itself of clothes divesteth, Type of mortality! I'll put it off, and o'er me Christ will the robe of glory Throw, and of immortality!
Head, hands, and feet so tired Are glad the day's expired, That work comes to an end; My heart be fill'd with gladness That God from all earth's sadness, And from sin's toil relief will send.
Lie down, my members tired Upon your couch desired, Lie down my wearied head! A day and hour is nearing They'll be for you preparing Beneath the sod, a quiet bed.
Mine eyes scarce ope are keeping, A moment—I'll be sleeping, Where's body then and soul? In grace Thy care then make me, May evil ne'er o'ertake me, Thou Shepherd Lord of Israel!
O Jesus, be my cover! And spread both Thy wings over Thy child, and shield Thou me! Though Satan would devour me, Let angels ever o'er me Sing, "This child shall uninjur'd be!"
And you, my well beloved! Shall by no ill be moved, No danger shall betide. God peaceful slumbers send you, With golden arms defend you, Send guardian angels to your side!
Go forth, my heart, and seek delight In this summer time so bright, The bounties God displayeth, The garden's splendour go and see, Behold how God for me and thee Them gorgeously arrayeth.
The trees with leaves are cover'd o'er, The earth with carpet spreads her floor Of green, all fresh and tender, The tulip and narcissus wear Attire of finer texture fair Than Solomon in splendour.
The lark aspiring soars on high, Flies from her cleft the dove so shy, And seeks the woodland shadow; The nightingale with song so rare Delights and fills the ev'ning air O'er mountain, vale, and meadow.
Leads forth her little brood the hen, The stork builds near the haunts of men, And feed their young the swallows; The stag so swift, the roe so light Of foot, come bounding from the height Into the grassy hollows.
The brooklets murmur in the sand, And fringe the edge on either hand With myrtle rich in shadow; The shepherds and the sheep rejoice, In joy and mirth you hear their voice Sound from the neighb'ring meadow.
The bee through all the live-long hours, Unwearied roams among the flow'rs, Its precious stores to gather; The strong juice of the vine each hour Is ever gaining strength and pow'r This glorious summer weather.
While springeth fast the precious grain, The young and old exult again, Praise Him with all their powers, Whose benefits unceasing are, With gifts so manifold and rare Who human nature dowers.
I cannot rest, I never dare, In my Creator's gracious care My inmost soul rejoices, To God most High, when all things raise A song of universal praise, My voice shall join their voices.
Methinks it is so pleasant here, All things so beautiful appear In this our poor world even; What will it be when earth we leave, And at its golden gates receive Glad welcome into Heaven?
What purest light, what ecstasy, Will in the Saviour's garden be! How will it sound when 'fore Thee, All with united heart and voice, Ten thousand seraphins rejoice And rev'rently adore Thee.
Ah! blessed God, oh! were I there Before Thy throne, and did I bear My branch of palm victorious, As angels do, my voice I'd raise Thine ever blessed name to praise, In songs of triumph glorious.
But though I still am dwelling here, And still the body's burden bear, Can I be silent?—Never! My heart, no matter where I be, Or here or there, shall bend to Thee, In adoration ever.
Help! Lord, my soul with blessings crown, With blessings that from Heav'n flow down, That I may blossom ever! And may the summer of Thy grace Cause fruits of faith to grow apace, Fruits that shall wither never.
And may Thy Spirit dwell in me, May I a good branch ever be Ingrafted in the Saviour! In Thine own garden may I be To Thy name's praise a goodly tree, Implanted by Thy favour!
Grant me Thy paradise to share, And more fruit may I ever bear While I am going thither. Thine honour, Lord, to me is dear, Thee and Thee only shall I here And yonder serve for ever.
O God! who dost Heav'n's sceptre wield What is it that now makes our field, And everything that it doth bear, Such sad and ruin'd aspect wear?
Nought else, in truth, but that the band Of men from Thee on every hand Have fallen utterly away, Their guilt increasing every day.
They who as God's own property His name should praise continually, And of God's word should love the light, Like heathen are involv'd in night.
The Heav'ns are all with darkness clad, The firmament's clear light doth fade; We wait to see the light again At dawn of day, but wait in vain.
In ceaseless strifes involv'd men are, In every place is fearful war, In every corner hate and spite, Contentions every class delight.
The elements o'er all the land Are stretching out 'gainst us the hand, And troubles from the sea arise, And troubles come down from the skies.
It is a time of anguish sore, For hunted, plagued their time before The people are into the grave, No rest to them do they vouchsafe.
The source of joy becometh sad, The sun hath ceas'd to make us glad, And all at once the clouds descend, Shed tears that never seem to end.
Ah, child of man! go weep alone, Thy many grievous sins bemoan, Henceforward from thy crimes refrain, Repent, and be thou clean again.
Fall on thy knees, thyself now throw On God, that He may mercy show, That His deserved wrath may be By Him to grace turn'd speedily.
He's faithful, and aye true will be, Nought else desireth but that we With reverence and godly fear To seek His mercy should draw near.
Ah! Father, Father, hear our cry, Redeem us, 'neath sin's yoke we lie, From out the world drawn may we be, And Thou Thyself turn us to Thee.
Subdue Thou our rebellious mood, And make us, sinners, pure and good; Whom Thou dost turn, soon turn'd is he, Who heareth Thee, is heard by Thee!
And let Thine eye now friendly be, The anguish'd cry that reacheth Thee From earth, from our sad hearts, O Lord, With gracious ear do Thou regard.
Wrath's black robe tear off with Thy hand And comfort Thou us and our land, And may the genial sun shine forth And ripen the fair fruits of earth.
And, Lord, as long as we may live Our daily bread in bounty give, And when the end of time we see The bread give of eternity!
Now gone is all the rain, Rejoice my heart again, Sing after times of sadness To God thy Lord with gladness! Our God His heart hath turned Our pray'r He hath not spurned.
On sea and on our land Outstretched was His hand, In anger us addressing; He said, "Ye're aye transgressing, In ways of sin ye wander, Nor ever turn, nor ponder.
"So shall my Heaven's light Its countenance so bright With robe of blackness cover, With dark clouds be spread over; No longer shine in glory But shall be weeping o'er thee."
Appeas'd His wrath our sighs That to His ears did rise, For He forgetteth never His mercy that dures ever, His Spirit tow'rd us yearning, His anger ceas'd from burning.
The clouds away then sped, The path the damp winds tread, From whence the rain descended, Was clos'd, the torrents ended, And from the deeps of Heaven No waters more were given.
Now wearied field away Thy robe of sadness lay, Arise from out thy sadness And let us hear with gladness Thee songs of summer raising, Thy great Creator praising.
The glorious sun, see there, Comes forth again so fair, With blessings earth doth cover; Now all the rains are over, Hills, valleys are receiving Its wondrous beams life-giving.
The earth's reviv'd again; What drown'd was by the rain Will once again be living And precious fruit be giving, The fields good wheat forth bringing, In meadows grass be springing.
The trees so very fair Fruit-laden will stand there; From hill-sides like a river Will wine and oil flow ever; In warm and quiet weather Will bees their honey gather.
Our portion He will give Who in the Heav'ns doth live. He'll bounteously bestow it, We shall partake and know it; And what earth will supply us Will amply satisfy us.
God faithful is and true, His mercy's ever new, His anger soon is turned. He gives what we've ne'er earned He doth Himself discover To us, our sins looks over.
O man! direct thy ways, And all thou dost, to praise Thy Master's love and favour, So that thy heart may never His faithful heart be grieving, To Him offence be giving!
Full of wonder, full of art, Full of wisdom, full of pow'r, Full of kindness, grace, and heart, Full of comfort flowing o'er, Full of wonder, still I say, Is Love's chaste and gentle sway.
Those who've never met before, Ne'er each other known nor seen, Never in the idlest hour Thus employ'd their thoughts have been, Yet whose hearts and hands in love Tieth God who lives above!
His child doth this father guide, That one traineth his each day, Each their special wind and tide Speed upon their sep'rate way, When the time appointed's there, Lo! they're a well-mated pair!
Here grows up a prudent son, And a noble daughter there; One will be the other's crown, One the other's rest from care Each will be the other's light, But from both 'tis hidden quite,
Till it's pleasing in His sight Who the world holds in His pow'r, To all giveth what is right Freely in th' appointed hour; Then appears in word and deed What hath been by Him decreed.
Then Ahasuerus' eye First doth quiet Esther see; To where Sara peacefully Dwells, Tobias leadeth He; David then, with pliant will, Fetcheth prudent Abigail.
Jacob flees from Esau's face, And he meeteth Rachel fair; Joseph in a foreign place Serves, and winneth Asnath there; Moses did with Jethro stay, And bore Zipporah away.
Each one taketh, each doth find What the Lord doth choose for him; What in Heaven is design'd, Comes to pass on earth in time. And whatever happens thus Order'd wisely is for us.
This or that might better be, Oft this foolish thought is ours; But as midnight utterly Fails to be like noonday's hours, So the feeble mind of man God's great wisdom cannot scan.
Whom God joins together live, What the best is knoweth He, Our thoughts only can deceive, His from all defects are free; God's work standeth firm for aye, When all other must decay.
Look at pious children who Enter'd have the holy state, How well for them God doth do, See what joys upon them wait; To their doings God doth send Evermore a happy end.
Of their virtues the renown Blossometh for evermore, As a shadow when is gone Of all other love the flow'r; When truth faileth everywhere, Their's still bloometh fresh and fair,
Fresh their love is evermore, Ever doth its youth renew, Love their table covers o'er, Sweetens all they say and do. Love their hearts aye giveth rest, When they're burden'd and oppress'd.
Though things oft go crookedly, Even then this love is still, Can the cross bear patiently, Thinking 'tis the Father's will. From this thought doth comfort taste, Better days will come at last
Meanwhile streams of blessing gives God with bounty rich and free, Mind and body He relieves, And the house too foundeth He; What is small and men despise, Makes He great and multiplies.
And when all is over here That the Lord designs in love, For His faithful children dear, Taketh them to courts above, And with great delight in grace Folds them in His warm embrace.
Now 'tis ever full of heart, Full of comfort flowing o'er, Full of wonder, full of art, Full of wisdom, full of pow'r, Full of wonder, still I say, Is love's chaste and gentle sway.
[10]This song used to be sung in Germany after wedding dinners, and in some places on the way to church before solemnization.
Oh, Jesus Christ! how bright and fair The state of holy marriage where Thy blessing rich is given What gracious gifts Thou dost bestow, What streams of blessing ever flow Down from Thy holy heaven, When they True stay To Thee ever, Leave Thee never, Whose troth plighted, In one life have been united.
When man and wife are mated well, In harmony together dwell, Are faithful to each other, The streams of bliss flow constantly What bliss of angels is on high From hence may we discover; No storm, No worm Can destroy it, Can e'er gnaw it, What God giveth To the pair that in Him liveth.
He giveth of His grace the boon, And in its bosom late and soon His own belov'd He keepeth, His arms He daily spreadeth o'er, Guards as a Father by His pow'r Us and our house, nor sleepeth. Still we Must be Here and thither Roaming ever, Till He gives us Pious homes, and thus relieves us.
The husband's like a goodly tree Whose branches spread so fair and free; The wife a vine that giveth Much fruit, and nurtures what it bears, Whose fruit increaseth with the years, Fruit that remains and liveth. Jewel, All hail! Husband's treasure! House's pleasure! Crown of honour! On His throne God thinketh on her.
O wife! the Lord hath chosen thee That from thy womb brought forth should be The folk His church that buildeth; His wondrous work goes on for aye, The mighty word His mouth doth say, What thou beholdest, yieldeth, Sons fair Stand there, Daughters sitting Working, knitting, Finely spinning, And with art time wisely winning.
Be of good cheer, it was not we Who first this order did decree, It was a higher Father, Who lov'd and loveth us for aye, And from whose lips when griev'd each day We friendly counsel gather; Good end He'll send, What we're doing And pursuing, Or conceiving Wise and happy issue giving.
A time will come, it cannot fail, When we 'neath trials sore shall quail, And tears be freely flowing; To him who bears it patiently, By God's grace shall his sorrow be Turn'd into joy o'erflowing. Toil now, Wait thou, He arriveth Who rest giveth, Who can ever Banish care and soon deliver.
Come hither then, my King so bless'd! In trials guide, in pain give rest, In anxious times relieving! To Thee we shall ascribe the praise, Our hearts and voices we shall raise In one loud song, thanks giving, Till we With Thee Ever dwelling, And fulfilling Thy will ever, Thy name cease to praise shall never.
Of Death, the Last Day, and Eternal Life.
Lord God! Thou art for evermore Thy people's habitation, And Thou existence hadst before Was laid the earth's foundation! Ere yet the hills began to be Thou lived'st in eternity, Of all things the beginning!
Thou lettest all the crowds of men Through death's dark portals wander, And biddest them return again, Those others follow yonder. With Thee a thousand years are aye Like watch of night or yesterday When it is gone for ever.
Thou lettest the base hosts of men E'en as a stream be flowing, And as a ship upon the main That fav'ring winds are blowing, And as a sleep and dream of night That when men wake at morning light They can no more remember.
We're like an herb that early dies, Or grass in fields that groweth, That in the morning flourishes, Ere night the mower moweth. So is't with man: he blooms to-day, To-morrow he is borne away If but a breath doth touch him!
Because Thy wrath 'gainst us doth glow, Lord! we so early vanish, And for our sins Thou lay'st us low, And from Thy face dost banish. Our sins Thou sett'st before Thine eyes, Then doth Thine indignation rise In Thine heart ever holy!
This fire it is consumes in all Our bones the marrow ever; And hence it is that great or small From death escapeth never. And hence our days are passing o'er Like tales that oft beguile an hour And that are soon forgotten.
And scarcely doth our life on earth To seventy years last even; And what are all our labours worth If four-score years be given. What is the sum of all our gain From youth to age, but toil and pain, Heart-sorrow and vexation?
We're ever toiling full of care, And ere we do bethink us To stop our work, lo! death is there, Into the grave to sink us. And speedily we pass away, Yet of their end none ever stay To think, nor of God's anger.
O teach us, Lord! to think each day Upon this earth's affliction, That when we think on death we may Grow wiser by reflection. Ah! turn on us again Thy face And be at peace, O God of grace! With Thy rebellious children.
And early with Thy mercy free Be soul and body filling, And late and early, Lord, may we Thy glorious praise be telling. O chiefest joy! our hearts now cheer, And once more give us good times here, The days have been so evil.
We've borne the cross these weary years, Now let Thy sun be shining, Vouchsafe us laughter after tears, And pleasure after pining. And evermore, O Lord! make known Thy works of wonder to Thine own, Thine honour to Thy children.
Be Thou our faithful friend and God, Establish us for ever! And when we err from wisdom's road Give penitence and favour! Turn Thou our hearts again to Thee, May all our works establish'd be, Crown all we do with blessing!
A rest here have I never, A guest on earth am I, Heav'n will be mine for ever, My Fatherland's on high. Here up and down I'm driven; In rest eternal there, God's gift of grace is given That endeth toil and care.
What hath my whole life ever From youth been to this hour, But labour ceasing never, As long as I have pow'r To tell of; days of anguish I've past, and oft the night In sorrow did I languish Until the morning light.
And on the ways I've wander'd What storms have terrified, It blew, rain'd, lighten'd, thunder'd, Fear was on every side. Hate, envy, opposition Rag'd, undeserv'd by me, This was the sad condition I must bear patiently.
So liv'd the honour'd fathers In whose footsteps we tread, From whom the saint oft gathers The wisdom he may need Of trial what full measure Had father Abraham, Ere he attain'd his pleasure, To his right dwelling came.
How rough too and uneven The way that Isaac trod, And Jacob, who had striven And had prevail'd with God; What bitter grief and wearing Felt he, what woe and smart; In fear and in despairing Oft sank his fainting heart.
The holy souls and blessed Went forward on their race, They chang'd with hearts distressed Their wonted dwelling-place: They hither went and thither, Great crosses bore each day, Till death came to deliver, Them in the grave to lay.
In patience am I giving Myself to just such woe? Could I be better living Than such have liv'd below? Here must we suffer ever, Here must we upwards strive; Who fights not well shall never In joy eternal live.
While on the earth I'm staying, My life shall thus be spent, I would not be delaying For aye in this strange tent. Along the paths I wander That lead me to my home, God boundless comfort yonder Will give me when I come.
My home is high above me, Where angel hosts for aye Praise Him whose heart doth love me, Who ruleth all each day, Who aye preserves and beareth All in His hand of might, Who orders and prepareth What good seems in His sight.
For home my tir'd heart yearneth, I'd gladly thither go, From earth away it turneth From all I've here pass'd through. The longer here I'm staying I less of pleasure taste, My spirit's thirst allaying, The world's an arid waste.
The dwelling is unholy, The trouble is too great. Why com'st Thou, Lord, so slowly To free me from this state? Come, make a happy ending Of all my wanderings, Relief by Thy pow'r sending, From all my sufferings.
Where I've so long remained Is not my proper home; When my life's end is gained, Then forth from it I'll come, What here I've needed ever I'll put it all away; When soul and body sever, Me in the grave they'll lay.
Thou, who my Joy art ever, And of my life the Light, When death life's thread doth sever, Bring'st me to heav'n so bright, To mansions everlasting, Where I shall ever shine, E'en as the sun, while tasting Of pleasures all divine.
There I'll be ever living Not merely as a guest, With those who crowns receiving From Thee are ever bless'd; I'll celebrate in glory Thine ev'ry mighty deed, My portion have before Thee, From every evil freed.
My face, why should'st thou troubled be When thou of death art hearing? Know it, it cannot injure thee, Contemplate it, ne'er fearing. When thou dost know Death, all its woe Will soon be disappearing.
From the old serpent's face first tear The mask he is assuming, And lo! no poison more is there, 'Tis harmless through the coming Of Christ to save, Who to the grave Went down, death thus o'ercoming.
Thou, Lord, didst break our foe's great pow'r, His sting thus from him taking, The butt of scorn he's evermore, No mischief can be making. Thy precious blood Damps his hot mood, His ardour's him forsaking.
'Twas sin that was the sting of death, And on to dying drove us, For ever done away sin hath Our Saviour, who did love us. Its pow'r and might Is broken quite, Though it to grief may move us.
Now sin is dead, God's anger's turn'd, He's reconcil'd; the Saviour Hath borne the curse our debts had earn'd, Restor'd us to God's favour. Who was our foe Our friend is now, Is full of grace for ever.
It cannot be, if Thou'rt my friend, That Thou would'st kill me ever; Thy Father's heart can ne'er intend To death me to deliver, And who is e'er Thy child and heir By ill is injur'd never.
But Thou, O Father! doest well When trials sore are grieving, When misery the life doth fill, The waves around us heaving, That us Thy hand To Fatherland Brings, from the floods relieving.
When from the angry skies storms break, And mountains quake before them, The thunder of Thy wrath doth shake The hills, and pealeth o'er them, Then dost Thou come And takest home Thine own, Thou carest for them.
When rage around our enemies, Our injury are seeking, When lions, wolves, and bears arise, Their vengeance on us wreaking, Thou tak'st Thy sheep, Dost safely keep Them near Thee, comfort speaking.
And if the world treats evilly Him who to Thee is cleaving, Thou sayest, "Come to me, my son! Come, from me be receiving Love, pleasure, joy, That never cloy, That I for aye am giving."
And angel hosts then joyfully Descend, and round us hover, And tend the soul so carefully; And when life's course is over To God on high It peacefully Goes with them 'neath their cover.
The Lord His bride meets joyfully And saith, "Now welcome ever, I have espoused thee to me, To all mine own come hither! Whom I 'fore thee Have brought to me, From yon world did deliver.
"Thou true and faithful wast in heart, Wast ne'er asham'd to own me, And now receivest thou thy part, With crown of joy I crown thee. Thy part am I, Eternally Beside me I enthrone thee.
"Of thine eyes now I dry the flood, Thy bitter tears am stilling; Here turn'd is to thy highest good, The grief thou once wert feeling; Of thy grief's sea No one shall be Here save with rapture telling.
"All my belov'd ones clothe I here In pure white linen ever, With joy in heaven they appear, Here envy felt is never. Here is no death, No cross nor scath, Good friends at all can sever."
O God! why should the thought of death With terror make me shiver? 'Tis he who'll from the yoke beneath Of mis'ry me deliver. From torture He Will set me free, I can regret it never.
For death is the Red Sea to me, Through which on dry land ever Thine Israel, so dear to Thee, Pass to the land of favour, Where milk and wine Flow ever in Full streams that cease shall never.
It is heav'n's golden door to me, The fiery car God sendeth, Wherein my spirit speedily To th' angel choir ascendeth, When God shall say "Thy working day Of life below now endeth."
O sweetest joy, O blessed rest! To all true-hearted given, Come, let mine eyes by Thee be press'd, In peace take me to heaven. May I roam there 'Mong pastures fair Where day ne'er knoweth even.
What fails us here, there will He give, Full measure to us bringing, Our grateful songs shall He receive, From loving hearts up-springing. And there shall I Too, willingly Song after song be singing.
Be glad, my heart! now fear no more, Let nothing ever grieve thee; Christ lives, who lov'd thee long before Thy being He did give thee, And ere He made thy wondrous frame; His love remaineth still the same, It ne'er can change to hatred.
Be of good cheer! thy nearing end, My heart! need not appal thee, No ill's in it; God doth extend, His loving hand and call thee From all the thousand forms of woe That in this vale of tears below, Thou ever hast endured.
'Tis true, 'tis call'd death's agony, But yet it is no dying; The death of death is Christ, for He Prevents it from destroying, That though it puts forth all its pow'r, No hair it hurteth in the hour When I from hence am taken.
The sting of death in sin doth lie, And in our evil doing; Poor child of Adam! eagerly This path was I pursuing. In Christ's blood sin is wash'd away, Forgiven are we now for aye, Ne'er fall in condemnation.
My sin is gone, and I am clean, Whoever would deprive me, Henceforth is life eternal mine; The thought may never grieve me Of sin's dread wages earn'd by me; Who's reconcil'd, must ever be, Unhurt by opposition.
Now God's free grace I with me take, And all His joy and gladness, On this last journey that I make, And know no grief nor sadness. The foe becomes to me a sheep, His ire becomes a blessed sleep, Of quiet rest the pillow.
Thou Jesus! O thou sweetest Friend, My light and life art ever! Thou holdest me, dost me defend, The foe can move Thee never. In Thee I am, Thou art in me, As we are here, we'll ever be, Nought here or there can part us.
My body down to rest doth lie, Fatigued with life's sad story; The soul then mounteth up on high, With chosen ones in glory It mingles, and keeps joyfully, The endless year of Jubilee With all the holy angels.
Oh! Highest Prince of great and small, May that bless'd day be nearing; When Thou shalt by Thy trumpet call, And all the dead be hearing. Again shall soul and body be One, and Thy joy shall taste and see, Thy Father's kingdom enter.
If 'tis Thy will, O Lord, appear, To peace and bliss to take me For ever, Thee may I be near, How joyful would it make me! Be open'd wide—of death, thou gate! That to so bliss'd place and state Through thee I may pass over.
Mine art thou still, and mine shalt be, Who will be this denying? Not only thou belong'st to me, The Lord of Life undying The greatest right hath aye in thee; He taketh, He demands from me Thee, O my son, my treasure, My heart's delight and pleasure!
If wish avail'd, my soul's sweet star! My free choice would I make thee, Than earth's fair treasures rather far, I evermore would take thee. Would say to thee, Abide with me, The joy of all my dwelling be, I ever more shall love thee, Till death itself remove me.
Thus saith my heart, and meaneth well, But God doth mean still better; Great love doth in my bosom dwell, In God there dwelleth greater. I am a father, nothing more, Of fathers God's the crown and pow'r, The fountain who is giving Their being to all living.
I long and yearn for my dear son; God, by whom he was given, Wills he should stand beside His throne, Should live with Him in heaven. I say, Alas! my light is gone! God saith, "I welcome thee, my son, I'd have thee ever near me, With endless joys would cheer thee!"
O lovely word! O sweet decree! More holy than we ever Can think; with God no ill can be, Mischance, or sickness never, No care, no want, no oversight, With God no sorrow e'er can blight; Whom God cares for and loveth No trouble ever moveth.
We men much thought and time expend On our dear ones' adorning; Our thoughts and efforts ever bend, Are planning night and morning To gain for them a happy place; And yet how seldom 'tis the case They reach the destination We had in contemplation.
How oft a young and hopeful one From virtue's path far roameth, By him through ill example's done What Christians ne'er becometh. Then God's just anger doth he earn, On earth he meeteth scoffs and scorn, His father's heart he filleth With pain that nothing stilleth.
Now such can never be my case, My son is safely yonder, Appeareth now before God's face, Doth in Christ's garden wander, Is fill'd with joy, is ever bless'd, And from heart-sorrow doth he rest, Sees, hears the hosts so glorious Who here are watching o'er us.
He angels yonder hears and sees, Part in their songs he taketh, And knows all wisdom's mysteries; His high discourse he maketh What none of us can ever know With all our searching here below, To none on earth 'tis given, Reserv'd it is for Heaven.
Ah! could I even draw so near, Could it to me be given The faintest sounds of praise to hear That fill the courts of Heaven, When prais'd is the thrice holy One, Who thee hath sanctified, my son! Joy would my heart be swelling, Tears from mine eyes be welling.
Would I then say, Stay with me here, Henceforth I'll murmur never; Alas! my son! wert thou but near! No, but come quickly hither Thou fiery car, and take me where My child and all the blessed are, Who speak of things so glorious, O'er every ill victorious.
Now be it so, I'd have it so, I'll never more deplore thee; Thou liv'st, pure joys thy heart o'erflow, Bright suns shine ever o'er thee, The suns of endless joy and rest. Live then, and be for ever bless'd, I shall, when God wills, yonder In bliss hereafter wander.
On thy bier how calm thou'rt sleeping Yet thou livest, oh our crown! Watch eternal art thou keeping, Standing near thy Saviour's throne. Endless joy thy portion now! Why should tears so freely flow? What should thus in sorrow sink us? Up! aright let us bethink us!
Grudge we to our friends their pleasure; When they laugh, we laugh again; Bitter tears shed without measure, When we see them sunk in pain. When we see them conq'rors come, From the cross triumphant home; When is o'er life's toil and anguish, Then no more in grief we languish.
Noble heart! in peace now rest thee, Thou hast vanquish'd every foe, All afflictions that oppress'd thee, Overwhelm'd thy heart with woe; All the toil and misery, All care and anxiety, All that made thee sleep in sorrow, Wake in anguish on the morrow.
God who sendeth all temptations, Knows the burden each can bear; He appoints all tribulations, Who in loving, gracious care, Sent thee every trial sore That thou now hast triumphed o'er, Who hath strength enough to bear it, Must in larger measure share it.
Hadst thou been at heart a craven, Shrinking from the chilly blast, Loving most the quiet haven, With no cloud the sky o'ercast, God, the giver of all good, Never such a grievous load Of affliction had ordain'd thee, As dishearten'd oft and pain'd thee.
Triumph now, for thou, victorious By the pow'r of God most high, Sonlike in thy strength so glorious, Walk'st amid the Company Of the city fair and new, Which the Lord hath built for you; With the angels join'st in singing, Sweetest songs from heart up-springing.
Jesus bids thee cease from weeping Wipes the tear-drop from thine eye; Free thy heart from sorrow keeping All thy need doth He supply. In thy cup now running o'er Wishest thou but one thing more, That thy friends who here still wander Were thy bliss now sharing yonder.
To the realms we'll come so glorious, Out of sorrow into joy; Thee with myriad saints victorious See in bliss without alloy. Oh! how bless'd and fair 'twill be, When we all shall dwell with Thee; When is o'er life's chequer'd story, And we reign in endless glory.
The time is very near When, Lord, Thou wilt be here The signs whereof Thou'st spoken Thine advent should betoken, We've seen them oft fulfilling In number beyond telling.
What shall I do then, Lord? But rest upon Thy word, The promise Thou hast given That Thou wilt come from heaven, Me from the grave deliver And from all woe for ever.
Ah! Jesus Christ, how fair Wilt be my portion there! The welcome Thou'lt address me, Thy glances, how they'll bless me, When I the earth forsaking, My flight to Thee am taking.
Ah! what will be the word Thou'lt speak, my Shepherd Lord! What will be then Thy greeting, Me and my brethren meeting? Thy members Thou wilt own us, And near Thyself enthrone us.
And in that blessed hour, How shall I have the pow'r Mine eyelids dry of keeping, How tears of joy from weeping Refrain, that flowing over My cheeks, like floods would cover?
And what a beauteous light Will from Thy face so bright Beam on me, then in heaven, When sight of Thee is given, Thy goodness then me filling, Joy will my breast be swelling.
I'll see then and adore Thy body bruised sore, Whereon our faith is founded, The prints of nails that wounded Thy hands and feet be greeting, Thy gaze with rapture meeting.
Thou, Lord, alone dost know The joys so pure that flow In life's unfailing river In paradise for ever, Thou can'st portray, and show them: By faith alone I know them.
What I've believ'd stands sure, Remaineth aye secure; My part the wealth surpasseth; The richest here amasseth; All other wealth decayeth My portion ever stayeth.
My God, my fairest Part! How will my bounding heart With joy be overflowing, Praise evermore renewing, When through the door of heaven By Thee is entrance given?
Thou'lt say, "Come, taste and see, Oh! child, belov'd by me, Come, taste the gifts so precious I and my Father gracious Have to bestow, come hither, In pleasure bask for ever."
Alas! thou world so poor! Of wealth, what is thy store? Mean is it to be holden, Compar'd with all the golden Crowns and thrones Jesus placeth For whom He loves and graceth.
Here is the angel's home, Bless'd spirits hither come, Here nought is heard but singing, Nought seen but joy up-springing, No cross, no death, no sorrow, No parting on the morrow.
Hold! hold! my sense so weak! What dost thou think and speak, What's fathomless, art sounding? What's measureless, art bounding? Here must man's wit be bending The eloquent be ending.
Lord! I delight in Thee, Thou ne'er shalt go from me, Thy hand in bounty giveth More than my heart conceiveth, Or I can e'er be counting, So high Thy mercy's mounting.
How sad, O Lord, am I, Until I from on high See Thee in glory hither Come, Thine own to deliver, Wert Thou but now revealing Thyself! my wish fulfilling!
The time is known to Thee; It best becometh me To be prepar'd for going, And all things so be doing, That every moment even My heart may be in Heaven.
This grant, Lord, and me bless. That so Thy truth and grace May keep me ever waking, That Thy day not o'ertaking Me unawares, affright me, But may, O Lord! delight me.
By John was seen a wondrous sight, A noble light, A picture very glorious: A multitude stood 'fore him there All bright and fair, On heav'nly plain victorious; Their heart and mood Were full of good, That mortal man With gold ne'er can Procure, so high 'tis o'er us.
Palm branches in their hands they bore, They stood before The Lamb's throne, 'fore the Saviour; Praise from their lips did ever flow, Their robes like snow, Their song still higher ever, So sweetly rang; Glad thanks they sang, And in their song The holy throng Of angels joined ever.
"Who," said the wond'ring John, "are they In white array, Whom now I see before me?" "They are," said one from out the crowd That round him stood, One of the elders hoary, "They're men, my son, Who fought and won The fight of faith, Despis'd the scath, Attain'd the prize of glory.
"They're those who on the earth below, Long, long ago, Pass'd through great tribulation; Who for the honour of their Lord And of His word, All grief and all vexation, From blame all free But patiently, Though smarting sore By God's help bore, O'ercame with exultation.
"They wash'd their robes and made them white (Their hearts were right), In faith's bath them renewing, And they resisted evermore With all their pow'r Hell's art, it quite subduing, Did aye deride Earth's pomp and pride, Chose Jesu's blood As their chief good, All other good eschewing.
"And therefore with their doings, they Stand there for aye, Where God's fair temple's standing, The temple where they night and day Praise God for aye, His glorious name commending. There do they live With nought to grieve, From toil all free Joys taste and see, That never know an ending.
"There in His dwelling sitteth God And spreads abroad His goodness as a cover, There with bliss manifold is bless'd In quiet rest, The wearied whose life's over; What pleasure gives, The heart relieves, The longing stills, And the eye fills, In full bloom stands there ever.
"No thirst, nor hunger there, no need; The heav'nly bread All wants aye satisfieth; And shineth there the sun no more In too great pow'r, Its light pure joy supplieth; Heav'n's sun so bright And heart's delight, Is our great Lord The living Word, Who no good thing denieth."
The Lamb His flock will ever feed E'en as they need, In pastures never wasting; He will them to the fountain bring, Whence ever spring Streams of life everlasting; And certainly Ne'er rest will He, Till wash'd away All tears for aye Are, and His bliss we're tasting.