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God the good not only loveth Who in His house ever dwell, But His heart compassion moveth Tow'rds those whom the prince of hell Hath enslav'd, the cruel foe Who men's hearts with hate to glow Makes 'gainst Him, who when He ever Moves His foot, can make earth quiver.
Deep His love is and enduring, His desire is ever great, He is calling and alluring Us to enter heav'n's wide gate. When they come, whoe'er they be, Seeking now that liberty From the devil's fangs be given, Glad are all the hosts of heaven.
God and all on high who're dwelling, 'Fore whom heav'n must hush its voice, When their Maker's praise forth-telling, O'er our penitence rejoice; But what has been done amiss Cover'd now and buried is, All offence to Him we've given, All, yea all, is now forgiven.
From no lake so much is gushing, No depth is so deep at all, With such force no stream is rushing, All compar'd with God is small; Nought is like His grace so great, That remits our mighty debt, That He ever throweth over All our lives e'en as a cover.
Soul, why art thou sad and dreary? Rest now and contented be! Why wilt thou thyself so weary When there is no need for thee? Though thy sins appear to thee Like a vast and shoreless sea, If thou with God's heart compare them, 'Twill a trifle seem to bear them.
Could we myriad worlds discover All sunk in apostacy, Had the sins there o'er and over Every one been done by thee, Oh! still they were less by far Than the light of grace so clear Could on earth extinguish ever, God from greater could deliver.
Of such wondrous love and favour Open wide the door to me; Ey'rywhere and aye, my Saviour, Tasted be Thy grace by me. Love me, Lord! and let me be Nearer ever drawn to Thee, That I may embrace and love Thee, Never more to anger move Thee!
For Thee, Lord, pants my longing heart, My hope and confidence Thou art; My hope can never shaken be, Nor e'er be put to shame by Thee.
Whoe'er he be that scorns Thy name, And turns from Thee, shall come to shame; But he who ever lives to Thee, And loves Thee, shall untroubled be.
Accept my soul, O Lord! by grace, And keep me right in all my ways, And let Thy truth illumine me Along the path that leads to Thee.
Thou art my only light below, No other helper here I know; I wait on Thee both night and day, Why dost Thou, then, O Lord, delay?
Ah, Lord! now turn Thine eyes away From paths where I have gone astray; Of my ill ways what thinkest Thou, That I've pursued from youth till now?
Remember, Thou my Guardian Lord! Thy loving-kindness and sweet word, Whereby Thou giv'st them comfort sweet Who lay themselves low at Thy feet.
Who prove themselves, and sin confess, The Lord in mercy rich will bless; Who keep His testimonies all, The Lord will hold them when they fall.
The heart that with the Lord is right In grief He'll gladden with His light, When sunk in need, weigh'd down by loss, Shall triumph e'en beneath the cross.
Ah! Lord, full well thou knowest me, My spirit lives and moves in Thee; Thou seest how my bleeding heart Longs for the help Thou canst impart.
The griefs that now my heart oppress, The griefs my heavy sighs express Are great and sore, but Thou art He To whom nought e'er too great can be.
To Thee I therefore raise mine eyes, To Thee mine ardent longings rise— Ah! let Thine eye now rest on me As Thou wast wont, Lord, graciously.
And when I need supporting grace, Turn not away from me Thy face; May what Thou deignest to impart Of my desires be counterpart.
The world is false, it acts a part, Thou art my Friend, sincere in heart; Man's smile is only on his mouth, Thou lovest us in deed and truth.
Foil Thou the foe, his nets all tear, And baffle every wile and snare; When all with me once more is well, May gratitude my bosom swell.
Still may I in Thy fear abide, And go right on nor turn aside; Give single aim that honours Thee, Smarts rather than a burden be.
Rule, Lord, and bring me unto Thee, And other saints along with me; Remove whate'er of ill dost find, Renew and cleanse each heart and mind.
Wash Thou away each sinful stain, Deliver from all grief and pain, And lead us soon by heav'nly grace To realms of endless joy and peace.
Lord, lend a gracious ear To my desire sincere, From heart all free from guile, And glad me with Thy smile, Accept my petition.
Not wealth is my request, That on the earth doth rest, That shall at length decay, With earth must pass away, And can never save us.
The treasure I desire Is Thine own grace, O Sire! The grace that Thy dear Son, Of saving grace the throne, By His death hath purchas'd.
Thou pure and righteous art, Unholy is my heart, All dead in sin I live, But sin dost Thou forgive, Who art God most faithful.
And be Thy faithfulness My trust and happiness; Turn from my sin Thy face With overflowing grace My guiltiness cover.
Consider what we be— A moment, where are we? As brittle as frail glass, As fading as the grass, By a breath we're swept off.
If Thou wilt only view The evil that we do, So great our load of sin, None e'er could stand within Heaven's gate most holy.
How Jesus Christ for me Himself hath giv'n, see! What I to do have fail'd His power hath avail'd, His doing and dying.
Thou lov'st remorse and smart, Behold, here is a heart That knows and feels its sin, And burns like fire within With grief, pain, and sorrow.
I'm like a thirsty land From which Thy gracious hand Hath long withheld the rain, Until we seek in vain For strength, fruit, or moisture.
Like hart upon the heath, That cries with gasping breath For water fresh and clear, I call into Thine ear, Fount of living water!
My spirit, Lord, revive, Rich consolation give; Speak, that my soul may rest Upon the friendly breast Of Thy love eternal.
Give me a trustful mood, That when the mighty flood Of sin o'erwhelmeth me, My grief absorb'd may be In Thy mercy's ocean.
Drive off the wicked foe That seeks my overthrow; Thou art my Shepherd, I Will be eternally A sheep of Thy pasture.
As long as I shall dwell On earth, to do Thy will I give myself to Thee, And evermore shall be Thine own faithful servant.
Though feeble, I shall be Still grateful unto Thee, For in Thy might alone, That worketh in Thine own, All my power standeth.
Then send Thy Spirit down, Who points out to Thine own The way that pleaseth Thee; They never mov'd shall be, Who keep Him indwelling.
Thou shalt go on before, Shalt open me the door That leads to wisdom's way, I'll follow every day, Copying Thee ever.
And when at length 'tis giv'n To tread the courts of heav'n, With angel hosts to Thee I'll sing eternally To Thy praise and glory.
Prayer and the Christian Life.
O God! from Thee doth wisdom flow, All I can do Thou well dost know; If Thine own grace doth not sustain, Then all my labour is in vain.
As shapen in iniquity, No good by nature can I see; My heart can never serve Thee right, In folly it is sunken quite.
Yea, Saviour! I'm too mean and small To treat Thy law and claims at all; What for my neighbour's good may be, Is hid from and unknown to me,
My life is very short and weak, A thread, a passing wind may break; The splendour that the world doth prize Is vain and worthless in mine eyes.
If earth with all its gifts would dow'r, And give me honour, fame, and pow'r, And did I not enjoy Thy light, Then were I nought, 'twere deepest night.
What use, though much we've learned here, If first we do not learn Thy fear, And ne'er to serve Thee right attain? It is more loss to us than gain.
The knowledge men themselves attain May easily mislead again; And when our art hath done its best, On all sides obstacles arrest.
How many ruin now the soul Through craft, as did Ahithophel, And come, through ignorance of Thee, And through their wit, to misery.
O God, my Father! lend an ear, My supplication deign to hear; Far from me may such folly be; A better mind, Lord! give to me.
Give me the Wisdom from above Thou giv'st to all who truly love, The wisdom that before Thy throne For ever shineth in their crown.
I love her lovely face so bright, She is my joy and heart's delight, The fairest is that holdeth me, Mine eyes she pleaseth wondrously.
She's noble, and of rarest worth, From Thee, Most High! derives her birth; She's like the Monarch of the day, Rich gifts and virtues her array.
Her words are sweet and comfort well, When grief our eyes with tears doth fill; When 'neath affliction's rod we smart, 'Tis she revives the drooping heart.
She's full of grace and majesty, Preserves us from mortality; Who earnestly to get her strives, E'en when he's dying, still he lives.
She's the Creator's counsellor, In deeds and words excels in pow'r; Through her the blind world knows and sees What God in heav'n above decrees.
What mortal knows His Maker's mind? Who is he that could ever find The counsel out God hath decreed, The way wherein He'd have us tread?
The soul upon the earth doth live, Its heavy burdens sorely grieve, The faculties distracted be, From error here are not set free.
What God doth who can e'er explore, And say what He rejoiceth o'er? Unless Thou who dost ever live Dost Thine own wisdom to us give.
Then send her from Thy heav'nly throne, And give her to Thine handmaid's son; Her bountifully, Lord! impart To the poor dwelling of my heart.
Command her to abide with me, And my companion aye to be; Whene'er I labour, may she e'er Me help my heavy load to bear.
May I be taught by her wise hand To know and rightly understand That I to Thee alone may cleave, According to Thy will may live.
And give to me ability, To truth may I still open be, That sour of sweet I never make, Nor darkness for the light may take.
To Thy word give desire and love, And true to duty may I prove; To pious souls join'd may I be, Take counsel with them constantly.
And may I gladly every man, By deed and counsel when I can, To guide and succour ready be, In truth and in sincerity.
So that in ev'rything I do, In Thy love I may ever grow; For who to wisdom doth not give Himself, unlov'd by Thee must live.
My God! my works and all I do, Rest only on Thy will, I know, Thy blessing prospers ever, When Thou dost guide, we persevere In right ways, erring never.
It standeth not in human might That man's devices issue right, His way with gladness endeth: God's counsel only prospers sure, 'Tis He success who sendeth.
Man often thinks in haughty mood That this or that is for his good, Yet widely he mistaketh; He often thinketh that is ill Whereof the Lord choice maketh.
But wise men e'en who joyfully Begin a good work, frequently Reach no good termination; They build a castle firm and strong, But sand is the foundation.
How many in their fancy stray High over mountain peaks away, Ere they bethink them ever; Down to the ground they fall, and vain Has been their strong endeavour.
Dear Father! therefore, who the crown And sceptre bear'st on Heav'n's throne, Who from the clouds dost lighten, Regard my words, and hear my cry, From Thy seat my soul brighten!
Vouchsafe to me the noble light That from Thy countenance so bright On pious souls aye breaketh, And where the pow'r of wisdom true Through Thine own pow'r awaketh.
Give understanding from on high, That I henceforward may rely Upon mine own will never. Be Thou my counsel, that I may Fulfil the good, Lord! ever.
Prove all things well, whate'er is good Give to me, but what flesh and blood Doth choose, withhold it ever. The highest good, the fairest part, Thy glory is and favour.
Sun of my soul! my chief delight! Whate'er is pleasing in Thy sight, Oh! may I choose and do it; And what's displeasing unto Thee, May I, O Lord! eschew it.
Is it from Thee? my work then bless; Is it of man? withhold success, And change what I'm resolving. Dost Thou not work? 'twill come to nought, In failure soon involving.
But should Thine and our enemy Begin to rage revengefully Against the good Thou'rt meaning, My comfort is, Thou canst avert His wrath, me ever screening.
Draw near, and let it easy be, What seems impossible to me, A happy issue give it; What Thou Thyself didst undertake, Thy wisdom did conceive it.
Though hard at first the work may be, And I may through the deepest sea Of bitter grief be passing, Oh! may I only driven be To sighs and pray'r unceasing.
Whoever prays and trusteth Thee, With valiant heart shall victor be O'er all that frightens ever, In thousand pieces speedily Grief's heavy stone shall shiver.
The way to good is almost wild, With thorns and hedges is it fill'd; Along this way who goeth He by the Spirit's grace at last What heav'nly joy is knoweth.
I am Thy child, my Father Thou! Thou hast abundance to bestow, Nought can I find within me; Help, that I may maintain my ground, As victor home, Lord! bring me.
Thine be the glory and the pow'r! Thy mighty works I'll more and more From heart with rapture swelling, Before Thy folk and all the world, All my life long be telling.
Twofold, Father! is my pray'r, Twofold the desire I there Lay before Thee, who dost give What's good for us to receive; Grant the pray'r that Thou dost know, Ere my soul to Thee must go From the body's bands below.
Grant that far from me may be Lying and idolatry; Poverty immoderate Give me not, nor riches great; Too great wealth or poverty Is not good, for either may 'Neath the devil's pow'r us lay.
Give to me, my Saviour! give Modest portion while I live; Evermore supply my need, Giving me my daily bread; Little, with contented mood, And a conscience pure and good, Is the best can be bestow'd.
If my cup should overflow, Proud in spirit I might grow, Thee deny with scornful word, Asking who is God and Lord? For the heart with pride doth swell, Often knows not when 'tis well, How itself enough t' extol.
Should I bare and naked be, Sunk in too deep poverty, Faithless, I might wickedly Steal my neighbour's property; Force might use and artifice, Follow lawless practices, Never ask what Christian is.
God! my Treasure and my Light, Neither course for me were right, Either would dishonour Thee, Sink me into hell's dark sea; Therefore, give, Lord! graciously, What Thy heart designs for me, Moderate my portion be!
Creator, Father, Prince of might! Who life to me art giving, Unless Thou guid'st my life aright In vain here am I living. For while I'm living, I am dead, To sin devoted ever; Whose life in mire of sin is led, The true life he hath never Beheld one moment even.
Then turn on Thy poor child Thy face, In darkness do not leave me; That I may shun sin and disgrace, Good counsel ever give me! To keep my lips a guard, Lord, send, May no word ever leave them That e'er Thy people could offend Let nought I say e'er grieve them, Nor ever Thee dishonour!
Forbid, Father! that mine ear Upon this earth so evil, Against Thy name and pow'r should hear The wicked rage and cavil. Let not the poison and the gall Of slanderers defile me; If I such filth should touch at all It surely would beguile me, Might e'en quite overthrow me.
Lord, keep mine eyes, control their glance, May they work evil never; A bold and shameless countenance Keep Thou far from me ever! What's honest, keeps due boundaries, What angels seek in heaven, What is well-pleasing in Thine eyes, For it by me be striven, All luxury disdaining.
Oh! may I ne'er delighted be By revelling and eating; Be what Thou lov'st belov'd by me, Though others shun it, hating. The lusts wherein the flesh doth roll, To hell will draw us ever; The joys the world doth love, the soul And spirit will deliver To torment everlasting.
Oh! happy he who eats heav'n's bread, And heav'nly water drinketh, Who tastes nought else, nought else doth heed, Nought else desires, and thinketh Of that alone which strength can bring, The life we'll live for ever With God, and with the hosts who sing His praise, in joy that never Shall know an interruption.
Jesus! Thou, my dearest Brother, Who dost well to me intend, Thou mine Anchor, Mast, and Rudder, And my truest Bosom-Friend. To Thee, ere was earth or heaven, Had the race of man been given; Thou, e'en me, poor guest of earth, Chosen hadst before my birth.
Thou art free from guile, Lord! ever Innocent of all that's base; But on this sad earth whenever I in meditation gaze, There I find deception living; Who excelleth in deceiving, Who the best dissemble can, He's the best and wisest man.
Hollow and unfaithful ever Is the friendship of the earth; Seemeth she a man to favour? 'Tis but for the gold he's worth; Are we prosp'rous, do we flourish? She will smile on us, and nourish; Doth misfortune o'er us low'r? She forsakes us in that hour.
Drive away from me, and shield me From such instability; If I, Father, have defil'd me (For I also human be) With this mire, and did I ever Falsehood love, oh! now deliver. All my guilt I own to Thee, Patience give, and grace to me!
May I ne'er be overtaken By the evils Thou hast said Come on those who've truth forsaken, And with wares deceptive trade; For Thou sayest Thou disownest, As abomination shunnest, Ev'ry hypocrite's false mood, Who talks, but doth not the good.
May my heart be constant ever, Faithful still to every friend; When to grief Thou dost deliver Them, and 'neath the cross they bend, May I even then ne'er shun them, But like unto Thee, Lord, own them, Who, when we were poor and bare, Tended'st us with fondest care.
After Thy will, Saviour, give me One in whom I may confide, Who will faithful counsel give me When my heart is sorely tried; To whom I may freely utter All I feel, with nought to fetter, In the measure I may need, 'Till my heart from care is freed.
Oh! let David's bliss betide me, Give to me a Jonathan Who will come and stand beside me Like a rock, though every man From my company should sever, Who his heart will give me ever, Who'll stand firm in every hour, When sun shines or tempests low'r.
Out of all the men who're living, Choose me a believing friend, Who to Thee is firmly cleaving, On Thine arm doth aye depend; Who may by Thy will relieve me, Help and comfort ever give me, Help, from sympathizing heart, Comfort, when I feel grief's smart.
When 'tis only the mouth loveth, Then the love is ill bestow'd; Whose love but to good words moveth While he keeps a hateful mood, Whom self-interest rules ever, Who when honey falls, stays never, But escapeth speedily,— Ever far be such from me!
In my weakness and my sinning, Move my friend to speak to me, By his words of kindness winning, Never as an enemy. Who reproves in love and sadness Is like him, in days of gladness, Who pours balsam over me That by Jordan floweth free.
Riches great were I possessing, Priceless were my property; Jesus! did Thy hand such blessing Graciously bestow on me, Were such friend, Lord! ever near me, By His constancy to cheer me; Who doth honour Thee, and fear He hath such a treasure near.
Good friends like to staves are ever, Whereon men lean as they go, That the weak one can deliver, When he slides and lieth low: Sad his case who such ne'er knoweth, Who through life all friendless goeth, Weary is his lonely way, When he falls, to help who stay?
Gracious Saviour! let it please Thee, Be my Friend in every hour, Be my Friend, till death release me, Be my faithful Staff of pow'r! When Thou to Thyself wilt bind me, Then a heart Thou soon wilt find me, By Thy Holy Spirit fir'd With good thoughts to me inspir'd.
O God, my Father! thanks to Thee I bring with deep humility, That Thou Thine anger endest, And that Thy Son, Our Joy and Crown, Into the world Thou sendest.
He hath appear'd, His precious blood Hath poured forth in such a flood, That all our sins it washes. Who to Him cleaves, He soon relieves Of burdens, and refreshes.
I come, Lord! as the best I may, Take me into the band, I pray, Of those who are forgiven, Who through this blood Are just and good, And shall be bless'd in heaven.
Oh! let mine eye and hand of faith This noble pledge keep without scath, Away from me ne'er casting; And let this light Lead me aright, To the light everlasting.
The mansion of my soul prepare, Cast out whate'er is evil there, And build in me Thy dwelling: Thy grace so free Reveal to me, My soul with Thy love filling.
All things are mine when I have Thee, Thou void of gifts canst never be; A thousand ways Thou knowest On earth to keep Thy feeble sheep; Enough Thou aye bestowest.
Grant that I in my station here Thee in Thy word may ever fear, So guide what things concern me, That found in me True faith may be, And may with truth adorn me.
And give me a contented mind, For when with godliness combin'd, Great gain thence ever floweth. Then what of good It pleaseth God To give, great peace bestoweth.
The little that by God's great grace The righteous as his portion has, To honour more commendeth, Than all the gold The world doth hold, And with proud spirit spendeth.
The faithful, Lord, to Thee are known, Thou art their Joy, and they Thine own, To shame thou putt'st them never; Comes scarcity, Their bread from Thee They find in all lands ever.
God loveth him who fears and cleaves To Him, sees that no mischance grieves, In his ways joyeth ever; And if he slide, God doth abide, Doth bless him and deliver.
God's eye is upon all who wait And hope in Him both soon and late, In all need to deliver, E'en in the hour When to devour Death threatens them for ever.
Lord, Thou canst only gracious be, Thou givest all to know and see Thy goodness and Thy favour, Who with their mouth And heart in truth Own Thee their only Saviour.
Make Her[9] Thy care especially, Whom Thou as monarch hast rais'd high This land and nation over; With rest and peace The land, Lord! bless, The throne with blessings cover.
Preserve, Lord! our dear native land In Thine embrace and mighty hand; Protect us all together From error's voice, From enemies, From fire and plague deliver.
All whom I love, keep every day, Let all the hosts of hell away From young and old be driven! Here, may we be In time by Thee Preserv'd, and there in heaven!
[9]For obvious reasons the original has been slightly altered. The German is, Insonderheit nimm wohl in acht Den Fuersten, &c.
O Jesus Christ! my fairest Light, Who in Thy soul dost love me, I ne'er can tell it, nor its height Mete, 'tis so high above me, Grant that my heart may warm to Thee, With ardent love ne'er ceasing, Thee embracing, And as Thy property, Cleave to Thee, ever gazing.
Grant that an idol in me may Dwell e'en a moment never, Grant me to make Thy love, I pray, My crown and prize for ever! Cast all things out, take all away, That Thee and me would sever, So that ever By Thy love, my pow'rs may Be kindled, and cool never!
How friendly, blessed, sweet, and fair Is Thy love, Jesus ever! While this remains, distress and care Can grieve my spirit never. Then let me only think of Thee, Be seeing, hearing, feeling, Loving, telling Of Thee, and Thy great love to me Oh! be Thou more revealing!
Oh! that this greatest, highest good, I might for aye be tasting! Oh! that in me this noble blood Might glow to everlasting! Help me to watch, Lord! day and night, This blessed treasure shielding From unyielding Foes, who 'gainst us the might Of Satan's realm are wielding!
My Saviour! Thou in love to me Hast down to death descended, And like a murd'rer on the tree And thief hast been suspended, Spit on, despis'd and wounded sore, The wounds which Thee have riven, May it even To me at the heart's core With love to feel be given.
The blood that hath been shed by Thee Is good and precious ever, My heart is wicked desp'rately, Hard as a millstone nether. Ah! let the virtue of Thy blood My flinty heart be bending, Entrance finding; And may Thy love, life's flood Through all my veins be sending.
Oh! were my heart op'd to receive The blood-drops that were falling From Thee, wrung by my sin that eve In agony appalling! Oh! that the fountains of mine eyes Were op'd, and with much sighing, And sore crying, Gush'd forth, as tears and sighs Of men in love who're dying.
Oh! that I as a little child With weeping eyes might trace Thee, E'en till Thy heart with love was fill'd And Thine arms did embrace me. And until Thou Thy heart to me With sweet love flowing over, Should'st discover, And we united be, Thy goodness for my cover.
Ah! draw me, Saviour! after Thee, And so shall I be hasting, I run, and in my heart shall be Thy love with rapture tasting; The gracious words from Thee I'll hear Sweet comfort shall give ever; Me deliver From sin, and every fear, These shall o'ercome me never.
My Comfort, Treasure, Health, and Light, My Life and Saviour tender! Ah! take me for Thy portion quite As I myself surrender! There's nought but pain apart from Thee, I nought but gall discover, Earth all over, Nought ever comforts me, No balm can me recover.
But Thou the Rest most blessed art, In Thee are joys eternal. Grant, Jesus! grant that my poor heart Feed in Thy pastures vernal! Be Thou the flame that burns in me, My Balsam, ease that giveth, And relieveth Pain that here constantly Makes me heave sighs, and grieveth.
Ah! fairest one, what faileth me In Thy great love, of blessing? It is my sun that lightens me, My well-spring, me refreshing! My sweetest wine, my heav'nly bread, My cov'ring when before Thee, And my glory, My shield in hour of need, My house that riseth o'er me!
Ah! dearest love, why was I born, If Thou my soul forsakest? If Thou withdraw'st, I'm all forlorn, All good from me Thou takest. O may I seek Thee as my guest, With all my best endeavour Keep Thee ever; And when I Thee arrest, Let Thee go from me never.
I've been belov'd by Thee for aye, To follow Thou did'st move me; Before I good could e'er essay, E'en then did Thy heart love me: Ah! noble Rock! Thy love below May it for ever guide me, And beside me Be it where'er I go, To aid whate'er betide me.
And may Thy love adorn my place, Where'er my lot Thou'rt casting; And if I wander from Thy ways, To bring me back be hasting. And let me ever counsel wise, Good works from Thee be learning, From sin turning, And when from falls I rise, Come back to Thee with yearning!
And ever be my joy in woe, When weak, with Thy strength stay me; And when my course is run below, I down to rest will lay me. Then may Thy love and truth with me, O Christ! abide for ever, Leave me never, Till I Thy glory see, Oh! may they waft me thither!
Bless'd is he who never taketh Counsel of ungodly men! Bless'd, the right who ne'er forsaketh, Nor in sinners' paths is seen, Who the scorners' friendship spurns, From their seats away who turns, Who delight in God's word taketh, This his meditation maketh.
Bless'd is he who pleasure taketh In God's laws' most perfect way, It is his lov'd resort who maketh Where he lingers night and day! Oh! His blessing blooms and grows, As the palm where water flows, And abroad its branches spreadeth, And the wayworn pilgrim shadeth.
He will truly ever flourish Who God's word delights to do, Air and earth alike will nourish Him, till ripe his fruit shall grow. Though his leaf grow old, yet he Ever fresh and green shall be, God success to his endeavour Giveth, and it prospers ever.
But he who in sin's ways goeth Is like chaff the wind before, When it riseth up and bloweth, And we find it here no more. Where the Lord His people guide, There the godless ne'er abide, God the faithful loves and guideth, On the wicked wrath abideth.
Bless'd is he the Lord who loveth, At His word doth tremble aye! Bless'd whose heart him freely moveth God's commandments to obey. Who the Highest loves and fears, Findeth increase with the years Of all that to him is given By the bounteous hand of Heaven.
His dear children shall stand ever Like to roses in their blow; Flowing with God's goodness over, On his generations go. What the body needs below God who rules all will bestow, He will bounteously relieve them, Plenty in their dwellings give them.
The right deeds of the believer Nought can shake, they stand secure; If a storm o'ertakes him ever, Still doth God, his Light endure, Comforts, shieldeth with His pow'r, So that after darkness' hour, After night of tears and sorrow, Joy and sunshine glad the morrow.
God's compassion, grace, and favour For the faithful still endure. Blessed are the souls who ever Think upon the needy poor, Love them, seek to do them good; For the ever-living God In His arms of grace will bear them, And a home above prepare them.
When the black clouds o'er them lighten, And the pealing thunders shock, They shall sit, and nought shall frighten, Like the dove hid in the rock; They'll remain eternally, And their memory shall be Upon every side extending, As their branches trees are sending.
When misfortunes overtake them, Whereby sinners low are laid, Firm their courage, nought can shake them, And their hearts are undismay'd; Undismay'd, from care are free, Hearts that unreservedly To the Lord their God are given, Love Him when forsaken even.
Who delight take in relieving Sad ones, to the Lord are dear; What the loving hands are giving, God will recompense e'en here. Who much giveth much will gain, He shall not desire in vain, What his heart desires and willeth, God in His good time fulfilleth.
But the foes who triumph'd o'er them, They shall see depart beneath; Satan who such malice bore them, Evermore shall gnash his teeth: Sorely will it him displease When their blessedness he sees, Yet that he can rob them never, Only waste himself for ever.
Lord! to Thee alone I raise Evermore mine eager eyes, Upturn'd is my constant gaze To the hills that pierce the skies: To the hills whence flow to me Help and saving health from Thee!
All my succour comes to me From my great Creator's hand, Who hath deck'd so beauteously Earth and sky, air, sea, and land, And with ev'ry good supplied, That our needs be satisfied.
Lest thy feet, my soul! should stray From the narrow path of right, He is with thee in the way, And preserves thee day and night. Trust Him! and the hosts of hell Never more shall work thee ill.
Sleepless vigils doth He keep When thou liest down to rest; When thou'rt sunk in slumbers deep, To thy side at His behest Angel hosts then wing their flight, Thee to guard through all the night.
All thou hast and all thou art Is encircled by His love; Ev'ry grief that wrings thy heart Doth He graciously remove. Soul and body shieldeth He, When dark tempests threaten thee.
When the noonday's burning sun All thy body's strength doth blight, When the midnight stars and moon Dazzle with their brilliant light, Then His hand of mighty pow'r, Shades thee in the trying hour.
May He still protection yield, Faithful Shepherd be, and near Still remain thy rock and shield, When thy heart's oppress'd with fear. When of need thou feel'st the smart, May He press thee to His heart.
Dost thou sit or rise again, Dost thou speak or dost thou hear, Still at home dost thou remain, Art abroad when none is near, Dost thou wander in or out? He will compass thee about.
Lord, Thou my heart dost search and try, And what is hidden from mine eye Thou seest, all I am and own To Thine omniscient mind is known.
Whene'r I sit, lie down, or stand, Or walk, or run, on ev'ry hand Thy presence doth encompass me, At all times I am hard by Thee.
And all the thoughts that stir my heart, That lurk in its most secret part, Thy searching eye doth scrutinize Ere they to consciousness arise.
And never from my tongue a word Escapes, by Thee, O Lord, unheard; Thou order'st all I speak or do, And guidest me life's journey through.
'Tis true, I know, but must remain A knowledge I can ne'er attain, A mystery beyond the ken Of feeble and short-sighted men.
Where shall I from Thy Spirit fly, Escape from Thine omniscient eye? Where shall I from Thy presence hide, And where remote from Thee abide?
If I ascend the utmost height Of heav'n, there art Thou, thron'd in light; Or should I down to hell repair And make my bed, I'd find Thee there.
Should I on morning's pinions ride, As far as ocean's empire wide Of stormy waves breaks on the land, I'd be upheld by Thy right hand.
Or if the help of night I sought, No change by darkness would be wrought, For let the night be as it may, With Thee is ever cloudless day.
'Mid darkest shadows Thou canst see, The darkness is a light to Thee, Thy glance is ever clear and bright, From sun and moon Thou need'st no light.
My reins Thou ever hast possess'd, For in Thy hand they ever rest, From infancy Thou hast me led, With daily blessings crown'd my head.
Thou hast, who'rt greatly to be fear'd, My frame with cunning hand uprear'd; Thy works, Thy wondrous pow'r forth tell, And that my soul doth know right well.
My substance was not hid from Thee, When I in secret curiously Was fashion'd in the depths of earth, From whence Thy pow'r hath brought me forth.
Before my time, my times for me Determin'd were by Thy decree, The tale of years and days I'd see, Hours, moments, all were fix'd by Thee.
My God, how precious, sweet, and fair, I see array'd before me there The thoughts of wisdom of Thy heart, In all Thy bounty doth impart.
The sum of these so high doth mount, That when their number I would count, I find them infinitely more Than dust or sand, on field or shore.
How doth the bold blaspheming band Thee vilify on every hand, O God of wonders! and Thy name Despise and treat with open shame.
Their scornful mouths, Lord, close and seal, Against them speedily reveal Thy wrath! against Thy foes arise, Thy foes are hateful in mine eyes.
Though in return, their hatred sore Against Thee burn, I do no more Amid the rage of angry foes, Than 'neath Thy shelt'ring wings repose.
Lord, search and know my heart and mood, See if my way be right and good, The everlasting joyful road Lead me that brings me home to God.
Songs of the Cross and Consolation.
Full often as I meditate Upon the world's disorder'd state, I ask myself if earthly life Be good, and worthy of the strife, Has he not acted for the best Who laid himself betimes to rest?
Reflect, my friend, say, if you know What station is there here below Without its fall and daily share Of sorrow, pain, and anxious care? And tell me if a place there be From sorrow, tears, vexation free.
And doth not every passing day, From youth to manhood, bear away Its own peculiar load of grief Upon its back, and such relief As transient joy may seem to bring, Is it not full of suffering?
If times be good, and fortune smile, My God! how envy storms the while; If dignity and honours great Attend thy steps, alas! their weight. If others thou'rt preferr'd before, Than others too thou'rt burden'd more.
Art thou to-day in joyous mood, Rejoicing in thy share of good? Lo! ere thou think'st, thy gains are gone, Thy joyous mood with them is flown, The hurricane so suddenly Doth sweep away thy property.
Dost from the world withdraw thyself, And lov'st God more than gold or pelf? Thy crown, thy jewel, thy good name Is cover'd by the world with shame. For he who can't dissembler play, The world as fool will spurn away.
'Tis true, alas! that trouble waits In daily watch before our gates; On earth the cross is borne by all, All feel its weight, and taste its gall; But shall we therefore cast away The Christian's light? I tell thee—nay.
The saints, who to their Saviour cleave, In faith and in the Spirit live, Unhurt by any ill or woe Pass through their pilgrimage below; Though things may sometimes fall out ill Yet with them it is ever well.
Though they no gold have stor'd away, They've God, and care not what men say, Reject with joy, and aye despise The world's vain pomp and vanities; Their honour is to hope and wait, From God alone comes all their state.
The Christian, God as Father knows, Can in His faithfulness repose; Whatever trial God may send, Can't separate him from his friend; The more He smites, he loves the more, Remaineth true, though chasten'd sore.
He only plays a hero's part Who cherishes within his heart The Saviour's love; whate'er betide, Firm as a rock shall he abide When heav'n and earth shall pass away; Though men forsake, God's word's his stay.
The word of God beguiles our fears, And turns to smiles our bitter tears; It robs misfortune of the pow'r Of hurting in the evil hour; It brings the sadden'd heart relief, When bow'd beneath the load of grief.
Now cease, I pray, your tale of woe: Though full of grief this life below, Still falleth to the Christian's share Salvation and God's guardian care; Who loves the Saviour, trusts in God, Remains unmov'd beneath the rod.
As gold into the fire is cast, And comes forth purified at last, So saints supported by God's grace Uninjur'd through affliction pass; A child his father's child is still, Although his father's rod he feel.
Dear heart, chase all thy fears away, On thy God's faithfulness now stay, Though smiting with His chast'ning rod, He means it well, 'tis for thy good; Confide in Him, His guiding hand Will bring thee to the better land.
Live on according to His will, Although the way be rough, be still! In heav'n Thou hast a mansion fair, Where joy will banish every care; If here we to the Saviour cleave, With Jesu's angels shall we live.
Thou art but man, to thee 'tis known, Why dost thou then endeavour To do what God should do alone, Or can accomplish ever? A thousand griefs thou goest through, In spite of all thy wit can do; Upon thine end thou pond'rest, What it will be thou wond'rest.
'Tis all in vain, in vain thy care, With all thy musings earnest, In all thy life a single hair Thou white or black ne'er turnest. The griefs by which thou'rt sore distress'd Can only serve to mar thy rest, Cause anguish unavailing, Thy life itself curtailing.
Wilt thou do what is for thy good, And what thy God good seeth? Then cast on Him each heavy load, 'Fore whom earth and heav'n fleeth. Thy life and labour, all that's thine, With joy into God's hand resign; A happy end He'll ever Give thee, and thee deliver.
Who car'd for thee ere light of day Had dawn'd upon thy vision, While in the womb thy soul still lay As in a gloomy prison? Who thought upon thy welfare then? What good did all the might of men Do, when to thee were given Life, mind, and pow'r from heaven?
Whose skill was it that fashion'd thee? And who thy frame upreared? To glad our eyes, by whose decree, Say, hath the light appeared? Who hath thy veins in order laid, For each a course convenient made? Who hath thy frame replenish'd With members fair and finish'd?
Where were thy mind and will and heart When land and ocean over, Yea, even earth's remotest part, The sky was spread to cover? Who made the sun and moon to shine, Who gave herbs, trees, and beasts as thine, Who bid them satisfy thee, And no desire deny thee?
Lift up thy head, see everywhere, Above, around, below thee, How God in all for thee His care, And at all times, doth show thee! Thy meat and drink, the clothes dost wear, Did God, ere need thou felt'st, prepare. God, ere thou wast, prepar'd thee Thy mother's milk, that rear'd thee.
The raiment that in infancy Thy nakedness did cover, The cradle that received thee, The roof thy young head over, Were all in love prepar'd for thee, Ere yet thine eye was op'd to see The wonders that abounded, The world that thee surrounded.
Yet wilt thou walk by thine own light Thy life long, only heeding, Believing nothing but thy sight, Go whither it is leading. In all that thou dost undertake, Thy heart thy counsellor dost make, Unless by it selected, Is ev'ry plan rejected.
Behold! how oft and openly God's providence undoeth The plans thy hand so ardently And hopefully pursueth. But it doth happen frequently, That e'en the very things we see The wisest men could never Predict, or think of ever.
How oft thy stiff-neck'd self-will hath To bitter need reduc'd thee! When heart and mind deluded, death To take for life, seduc'd thee! And had the Lord thy work and deed Along the path allow'd proceed That thou thyself had'st taken, Lost wert thou and forsaken.
He who to us love endless feels, When self-involv'd, then frees us, Ev'n self-inflicted wounds He heals, Guides when astray He sees us. Paternal kindness, tender love, To these His heart doth ever move, This love poor sinners beareth, For whom as sons He careth.
Ah! silence doth He often keep, But still the while He blesses, E'en though we tears of anguish weep, Though grief the heart depresses, Although our eager eyes we strain, And seek for light, but seek in vain, And seek deliv'rance ever From woe, but find it never.
But God our Lord still onward straight His path pursueth ever, And brings us to heav'n's peaceful gate, Where storms assail us never. What dark was and mysterious here In all God's ways, shall be then clear, His wisdom we'll discover When our life-work is over.
Then peace, be still, my troubled breast! And let no grief distress thee, God ever plans for thee the best, His heart is set to bless thee. Thy cause the Saviour ne'er can leave, In this assuredly believe, Tow'rd us He ever yearneth, His ardent love aye burneth.
With grace and truth His loving heart For evermore is glowing, And keenly feeleth He the smart, When from our eyes are flowing Hot tears, caus'd by vain sorrow's load, As if in wrath and hate our God Could ever helpless leave us, Would never comfort give us!
The evil thought, ah! put away, No more may it deceive thee, Although what happ'neth, seldom may Increase of pleasure give thee. But that will happen certainly Which God thy Father doth decree; From what He wills to send thee, No mortal can defend thee.
Then to thy Father's arms of love In confidence betake thee, Pray on till His compassion move, His special care He make thee! Then by His Spirit will He guide, Through unknown paths still at thy side, From all thy woe and striving At last deliv'rance giving.
O my soul, why dost thou grieve, Why dost mourn so bitterly, That more freely God doth give Gifts to others than to thee? In thy God delight thy heart, He's the good enduring part.
Of the human race have none In this world to be a right, All, yea each created one, But a guest is for a night. God in His house Lord is still, Gifts divideth as He will.
Know, thou art not therefore here, That thou should'st possess the earth; Look thou up to heav'n so clear, There's thy gold of priceless worth, There is honour, there is joy, Without envy or alloy!
Great the folly his who grieves For a little vanity, When God to him freely gives Treasures of eternity. Is the handredweight thy gain? Thou canst then despise the grain.
All thy fair possessions see, That are valued by thy heart, None of them can go with thee When from earth thou must depart. Thou must leave them here below, When death's door thou passest through.
The soul's nourishment, God's grace, And the Saviour's precious blood, Ne'er through time in worth decrease, But remain for ever good. Earthly goods must pass away, Soul-goods never can decay.
Still art thou so blind, alas! Thinking—but all erringly, Eyes hast thou, but in the glass Of the word thou dost not see. Child of man! fix there thine eyes, For it is a peerless prize.
Count thy fingers every one, And thine other members o'er, They are precious, they're thine own, Lov'd by thee than treasure more, Gold could never from thee buy E'en the least, though men should try.
Search and ask thine inmost heart, 'Twill instruct thee what of good Daily falleth to thy part, By God's bounteous hand bestow'd; Than the sand upon the shore More, and yet desir'st thou more!
Did thy Heav'nly Father see That it would be for thy good, What desires so eagerly Thy misguided flesh and blood, He would ne'er thee joyless leave, But would of His bounty give.
God to thee is full of love, Faithful and sincere is He, When thou wishest aught, He'd prove Of what kind thy wish may be: If 'tis good, He will bestow, If 'tis ill, He'll answer—no.
Meanwhile doth His Spirit give Manna to thy fainting heart, Food by which the angels live, Grace to deck thee doth impart, For His portion chooseth thee, Thou shalt share salvation free.
Look then to thy God above, Sad and troubled countenance! Cease to sigh, faith's virtue prove, By thy clear and joyous glance! While thy sky is overcast By affliction, hold it fast!
And as Heav'n's adopted son, Thy rebellious will restrain; Touch thy harp, let 'fore God's throne Grateful songs resound again. More at all times doth God give Than thou'rt worthy to receive.
Live thou ever in God's fear, As thou journeyest to heav'n, Take whate'er befalls thee here As a gift in wisdom giv'n. Are they evil days, thou'lt see God and Heav'n endure for thee.
Ah! lovely innocence, how evil art thou deem'd, How lightly oft thy work by all the world's esteem'd! Thou servest God, thy Lord, and to His word thou cleavest; For this, from men thou nought but scorn and hate receivest.
Right on thy road thou go'st, flee'st from the crooked way; Another steppeth in and bears the prize away, Increaseth his small store, his chests and barns he filleth; Thou'rt poor with all thy house, scarce earn'st what hunger stilleth.
The wicked one thou chid'st, who walks not righteously, Another practiseth a sweet hypocrisy That love and praise secures, and him on high upraises, While in the lurch the world thee leaves, and much abases.
Thou say'st that virtue is the Christian's fairest crown, But reputation doth the world lay stress upon; He who will this secure, it saith, must ever labour To suit the times, and live and act just like his neighbour.
Thou boast'st thyself in God, thy tongue doth aye commend The blessing God doth as His children's portion send: "If this be then the case," the world says, "come and show it, The happy fortune thou hast had, we'd see and know it."
Stand firm, thou pious heart, stand firm, thy faith retain! 'Mid disappointment sore thy God will true remain, Commit thy ways to Him, let Him protect and guide thee, Thou'lt triumph at the last o'er evils that betide thee.
Dost fail to please thy kind?—It is a sad disgrace! Enough, if on thee smile thy heav'nly Father's face. The worst that man can do is to betray and leave thee; But God is righteous, and His judgment can't deceive thee.
Doth He say, "Thou art Mine, thy way doth please Me well?" Then be thy heart consol'd, let joy thy bosom swell, Cast to the wind the lies by wicked men indited, Be still, and thou shalt see, by God shall all be righted.
Pride, arrogance, and pomp are ne'er enduring found, Like brightest glass they fall, and break upon the ground; So when the luck of men has mounted up to heaven, It soon comes crashing down, and on the earth lies riven.
And all ill-gotten wealth, when right our estimate, Is on the heart and mind a dead oppressive weight That burdens evermore, with pain the conscience wringeth, Its quiet rest disturbs, and into trouble bringeth.
And what have many more than of the poor the sweat? What do they eat and drink, and what gain do they get? They rob the widows' store, spite of their tears them wronging, Who like a thirsty land for sympathy are longing.
Is this felicity? is this magnificence? Oh! what a sentence dire will God the Judge pronounce Upon the day of doom, when from His throne so loudly It sounds, how shall they seem who strut and boast so proudly!
But thou who now thy God dost honour with whole heart, And never from His ways dost let thy feet depart, Shalt in the goodly throng, whom God with manna feedeth, With praise and honour clad, walk with Him where he leadeth.
In patience, then, possess thy soul a little while, Do right, and persevere and live all free from guile, Act that the fairest prize in yonder life be given Thee, from His gracious hand who rules in earth and heaven.
Whate'er on earth betide, from care remain all free, 'Twill fall out for thy good, as God the best may see; Rest thou assur'd, He will no wish of thine deny thee, With joy fulfil thy will, with every good supply thee.
I have deserv'd it, cease t' oppose The Lord's will, shall I never? Thou bitter cup, thou heavy cross, Come hither to me ever! From pain all free May never be He 'gainst the Lord who fighteth, As I each day, Who trod the way Wherein the world delighteth.
I'll bear the chastisement of God, A patient soul possessing, For born in sin, sin's path I trod, Aye ventur'd on transgressing, That pleasures vain I might attain, In wantonness time wasting, The gracious word Of God the Lord, As I ought, never tasting.
The road of God's commandments good I often have forsaken, And on the way that leads from God Am therefore overtaken By grief and smart, That pierce my heart; God's hand thus am I feeling, Who 'fore His throne To each his own Awards, in justice dealing.
For just and true is God above, We fail His goodness telling, A mother's truth, a father's love Alike in him are dwelling. God's wrath, I ween, As oft hath been Ours, is not unrelenting. Men steel their heart, Refuse t' impart Grace e'en to the repenting.
In sooth 'tis not the mind of God, His anger ever endeth, Return we, He removes the rod, And to the weary sendeth A sweet release, To mark doth cease, And visit our transgressing; His wrath He turns, And tow'rd us yearns, Gives after cursing blessing.
And so the Lord will deal with me, And every one behold it, And vindicate the right will He, My cause, He will uphold it. Thy face so bright, Lord! to the light, From deepest pit will raise me, That ever I May heartily Thy truth exalt, and praise Thee.
Rejoice not o'er me, then, my foes, I lie not here for ever, My God will come ere ye suppose, And speedily deliver. His holy hand Will make me stand, Firm and secure for ever; Good times to me And joy will He Give after stormy weather.
I am in need, yet scarce can speak Of real need and sorrow; When God my Light is, day must break And bring a glorious morrow, E'en in the night, While yet the might Of darkness much increaseth, And when this Light Dawns on my sight, Whate'er oppresses ceaseth.
The time will come, e'en now 'tis near, When I shall sing salvation, When he who lov'd to mock and jeer At me in tribulation, And bid me tell Where God doth dwell, Shall from God's face be driven With head cast down; To me a crown Of honour shall be given!
Ah! faithful God, compass'nate heart, Whose goodness never endeth, I know this bitter cross and smart Thy hand it is that sendeth! Yea, Lord, I know this burden great Thou sendest not in wrath and hate, But 'tis in love appointed.
That ever is Thy way all-wise, Thy child in woe must languish, Thou whom Thou lovest, dost chastise, 'Fore joy Thou sendest anguish, Sink'st us to hell, in woe we lie, And raisest us again on high, Thus with us fares it always.
Thou ever leadest wondrously Thy children dear who please Thee! Would I have life? Then first must I E'en down to death abase me. In honour who'd be raised on high, He self-abas'd on earth must lie As worthless dust and ashes.
On earth, Lord, Thy beloved Son Such sorrow had to try Him; Ere He could reach His glorious throne Ill men must crucify Him. He pass'd through trouble, need, and woe, Nor shrunk He from death's cruel blow, To reach the joys of heaven.
Did then Thy good and holy Son Himself for us deliver, And I enslaved, sinful one, Shall I resist Thee ever? Of patience aye the glass is He, And who His face desires to see Must in His footsteps follow.
How is it reason finds it hard, The truth so oft rejecteth, That Thou with favour dost regard E'en while Thy hand afflicteth? How long doth oft the cross remain, How hardly can we love and pain Then reconcile together.
God of the Church! when fails my pow'r, Strength graciously then give me; And grant that nought in trial's hour Of faith may e'er deprive me. Uphold me by Thy might, O Lord, Establish me then in Thy word, From murmuring deliver!
When I am weak, be Thou my stay, In faithfulness be near me, That I continually may pray, And call on Thee to hear me. While yet a heart hopes and believes, And still in pray'r unceasing lives, Bold is it, and unvanquish'd.
In measure, Lord, apply the rod, Lest I sink altogether; Thou know'st how I can bear the load, How life's imperill'd ever, For neither steel nor stone am I, But sooner pass away and die, E'en than a fleeting vapour.
Ah! Jesus, who did'st stoop so low, Thy blood shed, life that giveth, The bitter cross full well dost know, And how the spirit grieveth When cross and heavy woe combine, So wilt Thou hear each cry of mine, When bitterly complaining.
I know Thou feelest sympathy When want and woe distress me, That Thou with help wilt visit me, And graciously wilt bless me. Ah! strengthen Thou my feeble hand, And lead my feet where I may stand In safety—Come and save me!
Speak courage to my fainting heart, With comfort, Lord, support me. Of weary souls the Rest Thou art, My Tow'r, where none can hurt me! My Rock, where from the sun I hide, My Tent, where safely I abide When storms without are raging!
And as in love, while here I dwell, Thou suff'ring hast decreed me, Thy grace vouchsafe Thy child, Lord, still, In Thy green pastures lead me; That I in faith may patience gain, Through patience rich reward attain, When I've endur'd the trial.
Oh! Holy Ghost, of joy the Oil, Whom God from Heaven giveth, Refresh me, pour into my soul What heart and flesh reviveth. Of glory, Thou the Spirit art, Know'st what in heav'n shall be my part Of grace, joy, consolation!
How fair 'twill be, ah! let me gaze Upon the life so glorious, That Thou wilt give to those who pass Through trials sore, victorious. The earth with all its treasures fair Can never with this life compare, They pale and fade before it.
Thou'lt deal with me so graciously, I'll endless joy be tasting, For trials known to Thee and me Have glory everlasting. Thou'lt wipe the tear-drop from mine eyes, To exultation turn my sighs, Lord! I believe it. Amen!
Father of mercies! God most high, Deign graciously to hear me, Thou say'st, "Knock at my door and cry, In time of need draw near me. As urgently Thou long'st, to thee I'll come to help and raise thee, That with thy mouth, In very truth, Thou joyfully may'st praise me."
Commit to God, both morn and night, Thy ways, and doings ever; He knoweth how to guide thee right, And always will deliver. To Him reveal Whate'er dost feel Thy heart to sorrow moveth; He is Thy Lord, Knows how to guard And shield thee whom He loveth.
For His beloved child will care The faithful loving Father; Who righteous and believing are, He to His rest will gather. Then, people dear, Hope ever here On Him who aye relieves you; His throne before Your hearts outpour, Tell Him whatever grieves you!
Ah! God our Shield! Thy word how sweet It sounds to Thine afflicted: "I'll come to thee with succour meet, When thy heart is dejected. He loveth me, So lov'd shall be, Secure for aye I'll make him, From care all free Shall sit by me, I'll to my bosom take him."
The Lord to them is ever nigh Who trustfully draw near Him, He's at their side whene'er they cry, Helps them o'ercome, who fear Him. In misery Who low do lie, He raiseth and relieveth, And joy imparts To fainting hearts, Them pow'r and might he giveth.
"In truth, who my great name doth fear," Saith Christ, "and firm believeth, God doth regard his pray'r sincere, His heart's wish freely giveth." Then one and all Draw near and call, Who asketh, he obtaineth; Who seeketh there, The fruit so fair With great advantage gaineth.
Hear what yon unjust judge doth say: "This widow's supplication I must regard, lest day by day Her coming cause vexation." His people's cry Shall God deny, Who day and night are praying? It cannot be, He'll set them free From woe, not long delaying.
For when the just shed tears through care, God soon with joy relieveth, To those who broken-hearted are, Again He laughter giveth. He'll suffer woe Who will below 'Mid men be godly living; But at his side Will God abide, Him grace sufficient giving.
"A moment I've forsaken thee, And left thee in temptation; With mercy great, as thou shalt see, And boundless consolation, I'll give the crown, And to the throne Of glory shall I raise thee, To joy convert Thy grief and hurt, Thou evermore shalt praise me."
Ah! gracious God, ah! Father's heart! For years my consolation! Why dost Thou let me feel such smart, Pass through such tribulation? My sad heart aches, My eye awakes, And bitter tears sheds ever, My face once bright Doth lose its light, From sighing ceasing never.
How long, O blessed Lord! wilt Thou, Unmindful of me, leave me? How long shall I in grief lie low, And inward sorrow grieve me? How long wilt chide, And Thy face hide, In darkness let me languish? Say, when care's load Shall cease, my God! To wring my heart with anguish?
Wilt Thou eternally repel, And show Thy goodness never? And shall Thy word and promise fail, Be put to shame for ever? Doth wrath so burn, That Thou'lt ne'er turn To me, and stand beside me? Yet, Lord, I will Cleave to Thee still, Thy hand in all can guide me.
My heart amid earth's misery For Thee, O Lord! is aching; My God! I wait and hope in Thee, Let not shame me o'ertaking; Thy friend in woe Plunge, or the foe Give cause for jubilation; But, Lord, may I Rejoice, rais'd high, In glorious exaltation.
Ah! Lord, Thou true and faithful art, Thy heart can ne'er disown me; Nerve me in fight to bear my part, With victory then crown me! Lay Thou on me The load, by Thee Appointed, that I bear it. When Thou the rod Dost use, my God! In measure may I share it!
Thy strength, O Lord! is infinite, Thy hand hath all created, Could all again with ruin smite, Its pow'r is unabated. We sound Thy name With high acclaim, As Lord of Hosts we own Thee! In counsel right No skill nor might Can foil, nor e'er dethrone Thee.
Thou who dost Israel console, Thou, Saviour, in affliction! Ah! why permittest Thou my soul To sink in sore dejection? Thou dost not rest, Thou'rt as a guest, Who'rt in the land a stranger! A hero Thou Whose courage low Sinks 'fore disgrace or danger?
Nay, Lord, not such a one art Thou! My inmost heart believeth; Thou standest firm, 'mid us shines now The light that Thy word giveth. Here restest Thou, Lord, with us now; Who call upon Thee ever, At fitting hour Wilt by Thy pow'r From ev'ry woe deliver.
O Lord! my lengthen'd tale is o'er, Then hear Thou my petition, Help me, who often at Thy door Have knock'd, and sought admission. Help, Helper, me! I'll joyfully Thankoff'rings lay before Thee; And when life's o'er Shall evermore In heav'n above adore Thee.
'Tis patience must support you When sorrow, grief, or smart, Or whate'er else may hurt you, Doth rend your aching heart. Belov'd and chosen seed! If not a death will kill you, Yet once again I tell you, 'Tis patience that you need.
The cup of patience drinketh With nausea flesh and blood, Back from the cross it shrinketh; When threaten'd with the rod, It shuddereth with fear. 'Tis bold when nought assaileth, Heart shrinks, and courage faileth, When storms and rain are here.
Why patience causeth sadness, Is that the carnal mind Unclouded joy and gladness In God aye hop'd to find, Though He hath made it clear, He chastens whom He loveth, And whom He much approveth, He much afflicteth here.
God giveth patience ever, The Spirit in the breast Begetteth it whenever Within us He doth rest; The worthy, noble Guest Preserves us from despairing, And nerves for burden-bearing The heart when sore distress'd.
From faith all patience springeth, On God's own word depends, To this she firmly clingeth, Herself with this defends. 'Tis her high tow'r and wall, Where she securely hideth, Where God for her provideth, Here fears she ne'er a fall.
And patience trust reposeth On Jesu's death and pain; When Satan her opposeth, Here takes she heart again, And saith, "Thou Prince of hell! Thou never shalt devour me, Too high I'm lifted o'er thee, In Jesus do I dwell."
Contented patience stayeth On God's decree all-wise; Although His grace delayeth, Scarce feels fatigue arise; With trust she bears her load, And joyfully endureth, This thought her heart assureth, It is the hand of God.
Long, long, can patience waiting The weary time beguile, On God's word meditating Get saving good the while. With earnest fervent pray'r, Each morn and eve she guardeth Herself from ill, and wardeth Off Satan's every snare.
To God's will patience boweth, Doth His command fulfil, 'Mid scorn of foes she knoweth 'Tis wisest to be still. Who will, let him despise, Unhurt by the dishonour And shame thus put upon her, Her heart doth o'er it rise.
To honour patience serveth Her God, and never more From love and fealty swerveth; Although He smiteth sore, Yet doth she ever praise His holy hand, and telleth That God on high who dwelleth, Doth well in all his ways.
And patience life sustaineth, Adds to our tale of years; She drives away what paineth The heart, and stills its fears. It is a beauteous light That giveth him who heedeth, And whom God's guidance leadeth, A face with joy all bright.
Great joy from patience springeth, The head a noble crown, Gems for the neck she bringeth From throne of Heaven down. She wipes from weeping eyes The tears of grief and anguish; Whose souls with longing languish, With ample good supplies.
My soul for patience sigheth, My heart longs eagerly, How urgently it crieth And oft is known to Thee, Of grace who hast full store! Lord, hear my supplication, Give patient resignation; I ask for nothing more.
For patience the petition Shall often up to Thee, From out my low condition, Ascend, O Lord, from me. And in my dying hour, Thy mercy still extending, Oh! grant a patient ending, Then need I nothing more.
What pleaseth God, my faithful child, Receive with joy; although the wild And wintry wind thy heart appal, Have faith, thee only can befal What pleaseth God!
The will of God is aye the best, In it we can so calmly rest; Thyself to it anew resign, And only seek to have as thine What pleaseth God!
God's counsel is the only wise; Soon comes to nought what men devise; Their projects fall, fall out of use, Oft mischief work, not oft produce What pleaseth God!
God's mood is the most gracious mood, To all intending, doing good; He blesses, though hard words may speak The wicked world, and never seek What pleaseth God!
The truest heart is God's own heart, Who bids our misery depart; Who screens and shelters, day and night, The man who makes his chief delight What pleaseth God!
Ah! could I sing, as sing I would, From out my heart, and ever should, I'd ope my mouth—in Him rejoice, This moment praise with heart and voice What pleaseth God!
His counsel wise would I make known, The works of wonder He hath done; His saving grace, eternal pow'r, That work producing every hour What pleaseth God.
He rules above and rules below; On Him hangs all our weal and woe; He bears the world in His high hand, For us brings forth the sea and land What pleaseth God!
His hands the elements restrain; His hands our mortal life sustain— Give summer, winter, day, and night, That evermore to do delight What pleaseth God!
His host, the stars, the moon, and sun, Their wonted courses ever run; Corn, oil, and must, bread, wine, and beer, The fruitful earth brings forth each year, Which pleaseth God!
His understanding is all wise, He knows—they are before his eyes, Who evil think and evil do, As well as who the good pursue That pleaseth God!
His little flock to Him is dear; When sinning they forsake His fear, He chastens with His Father's rod, Till they return and do the good That pleaseth God!
What cheers and strengtheneth our heart He knows, and ever doth impart Whatever good each one requires, Who seeks for good and aye desires What pleaseth God!
Is't so? then let the world retain What pleaseth her, and she deems gain; But thou in God delighted be, My heart! approve whate'er you see That pleaseth God!
Let others then in haughty mood Rejoice in stores of earthly good; But thou the Cross with patience bear, Contented if thou hast the share That pleaseth God!
Dost live in sorrow, sunk in grief, Hast much affliction—no relief? Still murmur not, for thou dost bear In this thy bitter life of care What pleaseth God!
In suff'rings art thou doom'd to live? Then to thy great Protector cleave; The world and all the creatures too Are under God, can only do What pleaseth God!
Doth ev'ry one despise Thy name? Do foes Thee scorn and treat with shame? Be not cast down, for Christ will raise Thy head, who seeth in thy ways What pleaseth God!
Faith fastens on the Saviour's love Works patience, hope that looks above; Lock both within thy secret heart, Thou'lt have as thine eternal part What pleaseth God!
Thy part is in the Heav'nly throne, There is thy sceptre, kingdom, crown; There shalt thou taste, and hear, and see, There shall for ever happen thee What pleaseth God!
Look up to thy God again, Soul, sunk in affliction! Shall He be reproach'd by men Through thy sore dejection? Satan's wiles dost thou not see? By severe temptation, Gladly would he keep from thee Jesu's consolation.
Shake thy head in scorn, and "flee," Bid the old deceiver— "Wilt renew thy thrusts at me, Me to fear deliver? Serpent! bruis'd thy head I see; Through His pain hath freed me From thy grasp, my Lord, and He To His joy will lead me.
"Dost thou charge my sin to me? When did God command me Judgment to require from thee? Tell me, I demand thee! Who did pow'r on thee bestow Sentence to deliver? Who thyself art sunk so low In hell's flames for ever."
What I have not done aright Me with sorrow filleth, But of Jesu's blood the sight All mine anguish stilleth. He the ransom price hath paid, From the cross relieves me, When before God's throne 'tis laid, Inward joy He gives me.
In Christ's innocence I boast, His right is my glory, Mine His merit, there I trust As in stronghold hoary, That the rage of every foe Evermore resisteth, Though the might of hell below It to storm assisteth.
Rage then, devil, and thou, death! Ye can never hurt me; In the trials of my path Doth God's grace support me. God His only Son to me, Mov'd by love, hath given, That to endless misery I may not be driven.
Cry then, foolish world! amain, That God lov'd me never, That my cherish'd hope is vain, Has deceiv'd me ever. Had God been averse to me, Would He have supported All the gifts so rich and free He to me imparted?
What is there in sky or sea, What the wide earth over, What that works no good for me, Canst thou then discover? Why do star so beauteously Shine on us from Heaven? Why are, but for good to me, Air and water given?
Why do clouds their streams outpour? Why do dews earth cover? Why with verdure's cover'd o'er, Why flow blessings over Hill and valley, field and wood? Truly for my pleasure, That I dwell secure, and food Have in plenteous measure.
My soul on God's word most dear Feeds and liveth ever, That all Christians love to hear Daily, tiring never. Soon and late my heart in me God opes for receiving Of the Spirit's grace that He Is so freely giving.
Why through holy men of old Have God's words been given? That we by their light might hold On our way to heaven, My heart's darkness to dispel, From doubt to deliver, That the conscience sure and well, Be establish'd ever.
Now upon this holy ground Build I most securely, See how hell's malicious hound, Spends 'gainst me his fury. He can never overthrow What God hath upraised, But what Satan's hand doth do That shall be abased.
I am God's, and mine is God, Who from Him can part me? Tho' the cross with heavy load Press on me and smart me. Let it press—the hand of love Hath the cross laid on me, He the burden will remove, When the good is done me.
Children whom aright to guide Parents would endeavour, Must the father often chide, Or they'd prosper never. If I'm then a child of grace, Should I shun God ever, When He from sin's devious ways, Seeks me to deliver?
Gracious are the thoughts of God, In the pain He's sending, Who here weeps beneath the rod, Reaps not woe unending, But eternal joy shall taste In Christ's garden dwelling, That he shall be there at last, Now assurance feeling.
Often God's own children here Sow in tears and sadness, But at length the long'd-for year Comes of joy and gladness; For the reaping time appears, All their labours after, When are turn'd their grief and tears Into joy and laughter.
Christian heart! courageously All the griefs that pain thee Cast behind thee joyfully, More and more sustain thee Let sweet consolation's light; Praise and honour give you To the God of love and might, He'll help and relieve you.
Be thou contented! aye relying On thy God, who life is giving, For He hath joys soul satisfying, Wanting Him—in vain thy striving. Thy Spring is He, Thy Sun that ever Rejoiceth thee, And setteth never. Be thou contented!
He lightens, comforts, and supports thee, True in heart, by guile unstained; When He is near nought ever hurts thee, E'en when smitten sore and pained. Cross, need, and woe He soon averteth, O'er the last foe His pow'r asserteth. Be thou contented!
How it fareth with thee and others, Truly none from Him concealeth, He ever from on high discovers Burden'd hearts, and for them feeleth. Of weeping eyes The tears He counteth, The pile of sighs 'Fore Him high mounteth. Be thou contented!
When not another on earth liveth, To whom safe thou may'st confide thee, He'll faithful prove, who ne'er deceiveth, And to happiest end will guide thee. The secret grief Thy soul that boweth, And when relief To give, He knoweth. Be thou contented!
The sighing of thy soul He ever, And thy heart's deep plaint is hearing; What to another thou wouldst never Tell, reveal to God, ne'er fearing. He is not far, But standeth near thee, Who poor men's pray'r Marks, soon will hear thee. Be thou contented!
To God cleave, He'll salvation show thee, Let not anguish then depress thee; Although devouring floods o'erflow thee, Rise above it, He will bless thee. When 'neath the load Thy back low bendeth, Thy Prince and God Soon succour sendeth. Be thou contented!
Why for thy life should care so grieve thee, How to nourish and sustain it? Thy God, who ever life doth give thee, Will provide for and maintain it. He hath a hand With gifts o'erflowing, On sea and land For aye bestowing. Be thou contented!
Who for the forest songsters careth, To their daily portion leads them, For sheep and ox enough prepareth, Slakes their thirst, with plenty feeds them; He'll care for thee, Thee, lone one! filling, So bounteously Thy hunger stilling. Be thou contented!
Say not, the means nowhere appeareth, Where I seek, my effort faileth; God this high name of honour beareth, Helper, when no help availeth! When thou and I Fail to discover Him, speedily He'll us recover. Be thou contented!
Although away thy help is staying, He will not for ever leave thee; Tho' anxious makes thee His delaying, 'Tis for thy greater good, believe me. What on the way To come ne'er hasteth, Doth longer stay, And sweeter tasteth. Be thou contented!
Though 'gainst thee hosts of foes are scheming, Let not all their lies affright thee; Still let them rage against thee, deeming God will hear it and will right thee. Doth God support Thee and thine ever? The foe can hurt Or ruin never. Be thou contented!
To each his share of ill is given, Would he only see and know it; No course on earth so fair and even, That no trouble lurks below it. Who can declare, "My house was ever All free from care, And troubled never?" Be thou contented!
So must it be, in vain our grieving, All men here must suffer ever, Whate'er upon the earth is living, Evil days avoideth never. Affliction's blow Doth oft depress us, And lays us low, And death then frees us. Be thou contented!
A day will dawn of rest and blessing, When our God will come and save us From the vile body's bands depressing, And the evils that enslave us. Death soon will come, From woe deliver, And take us home Then all together. Be thou contented!
He'll bring us to the hosts in glory, To the chosen and true-hearted, Who when they clos'd this life's sad story, Hence in peace to joy departed, And on the shore, The ever-vernal, Hear evermore, The voice eternal. Be thou contented!
Is God for me? t'oppose me A thousand may uprise; When I to pray'r arouse me, He'll chase mine enemies. And doth the Head befriend me, Am I belov'd by God? Let foes then rise to rend me, The wild opposing brood!
I know—from faith none moves me, I boast—nor feel I shame, That God as father loves me, In Him, a friend I claim. Whene'er the tempest rageth, At my right hand is He, Its violence assuageth, And peace restores to me.
My faith securely buildeth On Jesus, and His blood; This, and this only, yieldeth The true eternal good. The life that my soul liveth, Finds nothing on the earth; What Christ the Saviour giveth Of all our love is worth.
My Jesus is my Glory, My Splendour, and clear Light, Liv'd He not in and for me, Before God's eye so bright, And 'fore His pure throne never Could I a moment stay, Must quickly flee for ever, As wax 'fore fire away.
My Jesus death subdueth, My sin remitteth quite, He washeth aad reneweth, The crimson maketh white. I joy in Him, can ever A hero's courage feel, And judgment fear dare never, As though uncleansed still.
Nought, nought, can e'er condemn me, My courage take away; Hell's flames can ne'er o'erwhelm me, For me they're quench'd for aye. No sentence e'er can move me, No evil e'er deject, My Saviour who doth love me, Doth with His wings protect.
His Spirit in me dwelleth, And ruleth every pow'r, All pain and sorrow stilleth, Dispels all clouds that low'r. What He in me implanteth, He blesseth every hour, Help to say "Father" granteth, With every ransom'd pow'r.
When heart with terror breaketh, And weak and worn I feel, Words whispers He and speaketh That are unspeakable; My mouth can frame them never, To God they are well known, Who what delights Him ever Discovers in His own.
His Spirit mine relieveth With words of comfort blest, Shows how God succour giveth To all who seek His rest; And how a new and golden Fair city rear'd hath He, Which here from sight withholden, My joyful eyes shall see.
My mansion's there so splendid, Prepar'd in yonder land; Though when my course is ended, I fall—Heav'n still doth stand. Though care here often saddens And causeth tears to flow, My Jesu's light oft gladdens And sweetens every woe.
Whoe'er to Jesus bindeth Himself, doth Satan hate, He's troubled much and findeth His burden sore and great; To suffer scarce is able, Disgrace and scorn he meets, The cross and every trouble As daily bread he eats.
My mind this clear perceiveth, Yet am I undismay'd; To Thee my heart aye cleaveth, On Thee shall cares be laid. Though life and limb it cost me And everything I have, Unshaken shall I trust Thee, Thee never shall I leave.
The world may ruin shiver, Thou liv'st eternally, Nor sword nor flame shall ever Divide 'twixt Thee and me. No thirst nor gnawing hunger, No pain nor poverty, Nor mighty prince's anger Shall ever hinder me.
No angel, nought that gladdens, No throne nor majesty, No love nor aught that saddens, No grief nor misery, Nor aught that man discovers, Be it small or great, From Thee, my heav'nly Lover's Embrace can separate.
My heart with joy is springing, And sad I cannot be, 'Tis full of joy and singing, The sunshine doth it see. The Sun that looks with pleasure On me is Christ my King; The glory beyond measure That waits me, makes me sing.
Why should sorrow ever grieve me? Christ is near, What can here E'er of Him deprive me? Who can rob me of my heaven That God's Son, As mine own, To my faith hath given?
Naked was I and unswathed When on earth At my birth My first breath I breathed. Naked hence shall I betake me, When I go From earth's woe, And my breath forsake me.
Nought—not e'en the life I'm living, Is mine own, God alone All to me is giving. Must I then His own restore Him? Though bereft Of each gift Still shall I adore Him.
Though a heavy cross I'm bearing, And my heart Feels the smart, Shall I be despairing? God can help me, who doth send it, He doth know All my woe And how best to end it.
God oft gives me days of gladness, Shall I grieve If He give Seasons too of sadness? God is good, and tempers ever Every hurt, Me desert Wholly can He never,
Though united world and devil, All their pow'r Can no more Do than mock and cavil. Let derision now employ them, Christ e'en here Will appear And 'fore all destroy them.
True believers shrinking never, Where they dwell Should reveal Their true colours ever. When approaching death would scare them, Still should they Patient stay And with courage bear them.
Death can never kill us even, But relief From all grief To us then is given. It doth close life's mournful story, Make a way That we may Pass to heav'nly glory.
There I'll reap enduring pleasure, After woe Here below Suffer'd in large measure. Lasting good we find here never, All the earth Deemeth worth Vanisheth for ever.
What is all this life possesseth? But a hand Fall of sand That the heart distresseth. Noble gifts that pall me never, Christ so free There gives me To enjoy for ever.
Shepherd! Lord! joy's fountain ever, Thou art mine, I am Thine, No one can us sever. I am Thine, because Thou gavest Life and blood For my good, By Thy death me savest.
Thou'rt mine, for I love and own Thee, Ne'er shall I, Light of joy, From my heart dethrone Thee. Let me, let me soon behold Thee Face to face, Thy embrace May it soon enfold me!
I into God's own heart and mind My heart and mind deliver, What evil seems, a gain I find, E'en death is life for ever. I am His son, Who spread the throne Of heaven high above me. Tho' I bend low Beneath His blow, Yet still His heart doth love me.
He ne'er can prove untrue to me, My Father aye must love me, And tho' He cast me in the sea, He only thus would prove me; In what He good Doth count, He would My heart establish ever. And if I stand, His mighty hand Will raise me, and deliver.
Vain had my own pow'r ever been, To have adorn'd or made me; In soul and body God is seen, He form'd and He array'd me, Plac'd mind and wit On the soul's seat, And flesh and bones did give me. Who thus so free Supplieth me Can ne'er mean to deceive me.
Say, where a place to lay my head, On earth had I attained? Long since had I been cold and dead Had God not me sustained With His strong arm, That ever warm, And glad and healthy maketh. Whom He gives joy May praise employ, What He leaves, falls and breaketh.
Wisdom and understanding true In Him are ever dwelling; Time, place, to leave undone or do, He knoweth, never failing. He ever knows When joys, when woes, Are best for those He loveth. What He doth here— Tho' it appear Ill—to be good aye proveth.
Thou think'st indeed, if thou hast not What flesh and blood is yearning To have, that trial mars thy lot, Thy light to darkness turning. Of toil and care Thou hast large share, Ere thou thy wish attainest, And dost not see Whatever thee Befals, thereby thou gainest.
In truth, He who created thee, His glory in thee showing, Hath long ago in His decree Determin'd—all foreknowing— What good for thee And thine will be, In faithfulness he'll give it. Curb thou thy will, Wait! be thou still, To His good pleasure leave it.
Whate'er to send, seems good to God, 'Twill be at last refreshing, Altho' thou call'st it cross and load 'Tis fraught with richest blessing. Wait patiently, His grace to thee He'll speedily discover. All grief and fear Shall disappear Like mist the hills spread over.
The field, unless the storm rage high, Its ripe fruits yieldeth never, So men were ruin'd utterly If all were prosp'rous ever. Though health it gives, And thus relieves, The bitter aloe paineth; So must the heart With anguish smart, Ere it to health attaineth.
My God! my God! into Thy hand I joyfully now yield me, Keep me, a stranger in the land, E'en to the end, Lord! shield me. Deal with me now As well dost know, That I may profit by it; Then more and more Thy glorious pow'r, Lord! show, and magnify it.
Wilt cause Thy sun on me to shine, With pleasure, Lord, I'll share it; Should trial or mischance be mine, Then patiently I'll bear it. Of life the door Should it before Me open here stand ever, Where Thou lead'st me, I'll joyfully Go with Thee, shrinking never.
Should I along the path of death, Through the dark vale be treading, 'Tis well, 'tis the appointed path, E'en there Thine eyes are leading. My Shepherd! Thou Art all below To such an issue bringing, That I to Thee, Eternally, Shall songs of praise be singing.
Commit whatever grieves thee At heart, and all thy ways, To Him who never leaves thee, On whom creation stays. Who freest courses maketh For clouds, and air, and wind, And care who ever taketh A path for thee to find.
The Lord thou must repose on If thou wouldst prosper sure, His work must ever gaze on If thine is to endure. By anxious care and grieving, By self-consuming pain, God is not mov'd to giving; By pray'r must thou obtain.
Thy grace that ever floweth, O Father! what is good, Or evil, ever knoweth, To mortal flesh and blood. What to Thine eye all-seeing, And to Thy counsel wise Seems good, doth into being, O mighty Prince, arise!
For means it fails Thee never, Thou always find'st a way, Thy doing's blessing ever, Thy path like brightest day. Thy work can no one hinder, Thy labour cannot rest, If Thou design'st Thy tender Children should be bless'd.
Though all the powers of evil Should rise up to resist, Without a doubt or cavil God never will desist; His undertakings ever At length He carries through; What He designs He never Can fail at all to do.
Hope on, thou heart, grief-riven, Hope, and courageous be, Where anguish thee hath driven, Thou shalt deliv'rance see. God, from thy pit of sadness Shall raise thee graciously; Wait, and the sun of gladness Thine eyes shall early see.
Up! up! to pain and anguish A long good night now say; Drive all that makes thee languish In grief and woe away. Thine 'tis not to endeavour The ruler's part to play, God sits as ruler ever, Guides all things well each day.
Let Him alone—and tarry He is a Prince all wise, He shall Himself so carry, 'Twill strange seem in thine eyes, When He as Him beseemeth, In wonderful decree, Shall as Himself good deemeth, O'errule what grieveth thee.
He may awhile still staying His comforts keep from thee, And on His part delaying, Seem to have utterly Forgotten and forsaken And put thee out of mind, Though thou'rt by grief o'ertaken, No time for thee to find.
But if thou never shrinkest, And true dost still remain, He'll come when least thou thinkest, And set thee free again, Thee from the load deliver, That burdeneth thy heart, That thou hast carried never For any evil part.
Hail! child of faith, who gainest The victory alway, Who honour's crown obtainest, That never fades away. God in thy hand will give thee, One day, the glorious palm; Who ne'er in grief did leave thee, To Him thou'lt sing thy psalm.
O Lord no longer lengthen Our time of misery, Our hands and feet now strengthen, And until death may we By Thee be watched and car'd for, In faithfulness and love, So come we where prepar'd for Us is our bless'd abode.
Thou must not altogether be O'ercome by sad vexation, God soon will cause to shine on thee The light of consolation. In patience wait, and be thou still, And let the Lord do what He will, He never can do evil.
Is this the first time we have known And tasted sore affliction? What have we had but grief alone On earth, and sore dejection? We've had an ample share of grief, Yet God hath sometimes sent relief, A respite brief of gladness.
Not so doth God our Father mean, When His afflictions grieve us, That no more shall His face be seen That He'll for ever leave us; His purposes quite other are, That those who from Him wander far By trial be recover'd.
It is our nature's evil mood That when in joys we're living, We then forsake our highest good, Ourselves to license giving. We earthly are, and deem more worth The things and pleasures of the earth, Than all that dwells in heaven.
God therefore all our joys doth blight, Lets trials overtake us, Takes that wherein our hearts delight, Look up to Him to make us, That to His goodness and His pow'r, That we've neglected heretofore, We may return as children.
When we return to Him again He graciously receives us, To joy He turns our every pain, To laughter turns what grieves us; To Him it is a simple art, He soon doth help to him impart Whom He with love embraceth.
Afflicted band! oh, fall ye now With contrite hearts before Him, Tell Him that ye in homage bow To His great name; implore Him In grace your sins to take away, The load He on your backs did lay To bear, your wounds to bind up.
Grace always before right must go, And wrath to love yield ever; His merest mercy, when we low Are lying, must deliver. His hand it is upholds us all, If we let go, then break and fall Must all our work to pieces.
On God's love must thou ever stay, Nor let aught overthrow thee, E'en when the heav'ns shall pass away And earth shall crash below thee: God promiseth His grace to thee, His word is clear, who fearlessly Trusts it, is ne'er deceived.
So darest thou His pow'r so great Ne'er doubt a moment even, Who is it that doth all create,— By whom all gifts are given? God doth it, and His counsel wise Can ever ways and means devise, When every man despaireth.
Seems help impossible to thee? This should'st thou know however, God by our narrow thoughts can be Hemm'd and confined never, This ne'er to us alloweth He; He everywhere,—His arm is free,— Doth more than we can fathom.
What is His wide dominion fair? 'Tis full of varied wonder; He helpeth us when dark despair We helplessly sink under, To His great name this is the praise, If thou wilt see His holy place, Thou must ascribe for ever.
How long, Lord, in forgetfulness And darkness wilt Thou leave me? How long will sorrow on me press And deep heart-anguish grieve me? Wilt Thou Thy face, Lord, utterly Turn from me? wilt ne'er look on me In grace and in compassion?
How long shall I, thy stricken child, Bereft of soul-rest languish? How long shall storm and wind so wild, Fill heart with fear and anguish? How long shall my proud enemy, Who only meaneth ill to me, Exult o'er me in triumph?
Ah! look on me, my Shield and Lord! Down from Thy holy heaven, And hear now my complaining word, My pray'r from heart grief-riven. Give to mine eyes, Lord, pow'r and might, And do not let death's gloomy night So speedily o'ertake me.
For then, Lord, ev'ry enemy Would never cease to glory, And were I prostrate utterly, Would ever triumph o'er me. "There lieth he," they'd cry in joy, "Who caus'd us evermore annoy, He's prostrate and ne'er riseth."
I know them, and I know fall well The wickedness they're planning, Their hearts with ev'ry evil swell, No good them e'er restraining. But Thou, the faithful One, Lord, art, And those who choose Thee for their part, Thou nevermore forsakest.
My soul doth calmly trust in Thee, Thou true to me remainest, Of malice and of subtlety The course, with pow'r restrainest. This makes my heart with joy o'erflow, That willingly dost Thou bestow Salvation on the trusting.
O Lord! for aye I'll trust in Thee, Thou'rt my sole joy for ever; Thou doest well, protectest me, From sorrow dost deliver. And therefore I my whole life long, Will sing Thee oft a gladsome song Of praise and of thanksgiving.
Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving.
In grateful songs your voices raise, All people here below, To Him whom angels ever praise, In heav'n His glory show.
With gladsome songs now fill the air To God our chiefest Joy, Who worketh wonders ev'rywhere, Whose hands great things employ;
Who from the womb to latest years Upholds the life He gave; Who when no help from man appears Himself appears to save;
Who though our way His heart oft grieves, Maintains a gracious mood, Remits the pains, the sin forgives, And doth us nought but good.
Oh, may He give a joyous heart, The mind from sorrow keep, And cast all care, fear, grief, and smart Into the ocean deep.
And may His blessing ever rest On Israel's favour'd head; May all we do by Him be bless'd, May His salvation spread.
May love and goodness toward us flow, In bounteous streams each day, And every anxious care we know, Be chas'd by Him away.
As long as beats each throbbing heart, Our Saviour may He be, Our portion when from earth we part, To all eternity.
When sinks the heart, when strength decays, By Him our eyes be press'd, Then may we see His open face, In everlasting rest.
Shall I not my God be praising, And in Him not joyful be? For in all His works amazing, See I not His care for me? Is it not pure love that filleth, And His faithful heart o'erflows, When He ever cares for those, Who do only what He willeth? All things run their course below, God's love doth for ever flow. |
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