Rosaria, 48.
Rosationes, 49.
Rose, symbolism of, 49; the golden rose of Quadragesima Sunday, 50.
Rossi, De, discovers the crypt of the Acilii Glabriones, 4; discovers tomb of Cornelius, 215; discovers a fresco in the Catacomb ad Duas Lauros, 356.
Rousalia, 49.
Rues de Jerusalem, 31.
Rusalky, 49.
Rusticus, Junius, 40.
Sabinianus, Pope, sold the grain in the church's granaries, 47.
Sabinus, Flavius, 337.
Sacellum Sanci, 104.
Sacrifices, right to perform, granted to civilians, 57; tariff for, 57.
Saint-Omer, church at, labyrinth, 31.
Sallust, gardens of, 276.
Sancus, worship of, 104.
Sannazzaro, tomb of, 25.
Saracens in Rome, in 846, 149; defeated off Cape Circeo, by John VIII., 154.
Sarcophagi of the Calpurnii, 279, 280 (cut); from the cemetery of Cyriaca, 352.
Sarcophagus, of the empress Helena, 198 (plate); of S. Constantia, 198.
Saturus, martyr, 49.
Scholae, 42, 116; that of the citizens of Serrae, 41: that above the Catacombs of Callixtus, 117, 118 (plan); transformation of the schola to the church, 118.
Scirtus, charioteer, 260.
Seasons, the four, in Christian art, 25.
Secular games, the inscription describing them found in 1890, 73 (cut); origin of the games, 74; their celebration under Augustus, 78-82.
Semo Sancus, worship of, 104; statue, 105 (cut).
Senate, resolutions relating to the Secular games, 80.
Senate house, 163.
Seneca, his friendship for Paul, 17.
Septimius Severus, 12.
Sergius II., Pope, 149.
Serrae, citizens of, their banqueting-hall, 41.
Severus Alexander, relation to Christianity 11, 13.
Shoemakers, 274.
Shrines, in Rome, 33; of Semo Sancus, 104. See also Altars.
Sibyls in Christian art, 24.
Siena, Duomo, 25, 32.
Silvio Antoniano, an improvvisatore, 283.
Simon the Magician, confused with Semo Sancus, 104, 161.
Simplicius and Faustinus, martyrs, 332; their bodies translated to S. Biviana, 333.
Siricius, Pope, 112, 152.
Sixtus II., Pope, 117.
Sixtus V., Pope, the dome of St. Peter's, 146.
Skeletons found in tombs, 273, 286.
Solomon, Judgment of, represented in a Roman tomb, 270, 271 (cut).
Sponges, found in tombs, 303 n.
Statues, their immense number in ancient Rome, 52; those of gods commonly loaded with ornaments, 55; Egyptian statues, found in Rome, 93.
—— to Acilius Glabrio, 5; of Antinous, 240, 241 (cut); of Constantine, 164 (cut); of Gregory the Great, 225 (cut); of Hercules, 69; of Hippolytus, 141, 143 (cut); of Isis, 55; of Jupiter, 56; of Marcia Furnilla, 267; of S. Paul, 26; of S. Peter, 141, 142 (cut); of Semo Sancus, 105 (cut); the sphinx of Amasis, 94 (cut); of Tiberius, 268; of Vortumnus, 104.
Stephen III., Pope, 48.
Street-shrines in Rome, 33.
Streets (ancient): Alta Semita, 190, 191 (cut); Clivus Suburanus, 35; Vicus Apollinis, 82; Vicus Sobrius, 35. See also Via.
Streets (modern): Bocca della Verita, 181; Borgo Nuovo, 271; Coronari, 35; Corso, 180, 182; Corso d' Italia, 276; Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 75, 78; Ferratella, 293; SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 229; S. Ignazio, 92, 94; S. Lucia in Selci, 35; Marmorata, 181; Minerva Medica, 62; Porta S. Paolo, 181; Quattro Cantoni, 35; Quirinale-Venti Settembre, 190; Salara, 181; Strada di Monte Mario, 127; Vigne Nuove, 188.
Sublician bridge, 33.
Sulla, reconstructed the Capitolium, 87; his body burned, 253.
Sulpicius Maximus, Q., his tomb, 280, 282 (plate); his story, 281.
Sutores, 274.
Sylvester I., 221.
Sylvester II., his tomb, 236.
Symmachus, Pope, 37, 135.
Syringes, 321.
Tablinum, 114.
Tabularium, 53.
Tarpeian Rock, 89.
Tempietto del Bramante, 128.
Temples, standards of weights and measures kept in, 40, 51; the art treasures collected in them, 52; commonly ornamented with hangings, etc., 56; evidence obtained from their vaults or favissae, 58; invariably turned into Christian churches, 160. of AEsculapius, 62; the stern of the ship, 61 (cut). of Antoninus and Faustina, 163. of Apollo, 56, 71; its treasures of art, 52. Augusteum at Aneyra, 173. of Augustus, 101, 163; its position determined, 102; plan and sketch, 103 (cut). of Bacchus (so called), 199 (cut). of Ceres and Faustina, 292, 294 (cut). of Claudius, 160. of Concord, 53 (cut), 163. of Diana, 70. of Diana Nemorensis, 59; an inventory of its works of art discovered, 54. of the God Rediculus, 291 (cut). of Health, 69. of Hercules, 69. of Hercules, near Porta S. Lorenzo, 59. of Isis and Serapis, 92; excavations in 1883, 96; history and extent of the temple, 96; its final destruction, 98. of Janus Quadrifrons, 163. of Juno, at Veii, 64; enormous number of ex-votos, 64, 67; excavations by Cardinal Chigi, 65; by the Empress of Brazil, 66. of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, 56, 80, 84; literature, 84 n; architecture of the old temple, 86; destroyed by fire, 86; its restorations, 87; its platform and foundation walls, 87, 88 (cut); plan, 86 (plate); early notices of its remains, 89; plundered by the Vandals, 90; represented in pictorial reliefs, 90 (plate); public acts, etc., posted here, 91. of Jupiter Tonans, 80. of Malakbelos, 57. of Minerva Medica, 62. of Neptune, 99, 161; its bas-reliefs, 100 (cut). of Peace, 56. of Piety, 5. Sacrae Urbis, 28 (cut), 162. of the Sibyl at Tivoli, 161. of Venus, 161. of Venus and Rome, 56.
Terebinth of Nero, 27.
Terentum, the pool, 74.
Thebes, the tombs of the kings, 321.
Theresa, Empress of Brazil, excavations at Veii, 65, 66.
Tiber, ex-votos probably to be found in, 62.
Tiberius, Emp., 11, 96; statue, 268.
Tiles of the roof of S. Peter's, 139.
Tivoli, mensae ponderariae found at, 40; temple of the Sibyl, 161.
Toilet-box, in the sarcophagus of Crepereia Tryphaena, 303.
Tombs of Christians of high rank in Rome, 10; of Christian praetorians, 18; inscriptions on, 42, 261; the word meta applied to, 128; discovered in 1614-16, in the vicinity of S. Peter's, 129; occasion of their destruction, 131; in S. Peter's, 145; of Christian emperors, 196, 200 (cut); of the popes, 213; the pontifical crypt, 269; cost, 257; the immense number surrounding the city, 260; on the Via Aurelia, 262; near the Villa Pamfili-Doria, 269; on the Via Triumphalis, 270; on the Via Salaria, 275; their inviolability under Roman law, 307; the early Christian tombs not concealed, 315. See also, Burial; Catacombs; Cemeteries; Sarcophagi.
—— of Ampliatus, 342; of M. Anneus Paulus Petrus, 16; of Annia Regilla, 291 (cut); of Augustus, 172, 177, 179, 181; of Benedict VII., 234; of Ceadwalla, 232; of Claudia Ecloge, 190; of Clement XIII., 249, 250 (plate); of S. Constantia, 198, 199 (cut); of Pope Cornelius, 215 (cut), 218 (plate); of Crepereia Tryphaena, 302 (plate); of the Flavians, 190, 316 (cut), 338; of Geta, 196 (cut); of Gregory the Great, 221, 223; of Hadrian, 227, 228 (cut); of Helena, mother of Constantine, at Torre Pignattara, 197 (cut); of Helius, the shoemaker, 273, 274 (cut); of other shoemakers, 275; of the horse of Lucius Verus, 272; of Innocent VIII., 242 (plate); of Leo the Great, 223; of Licentius, 14; of the Licinii Calpurnii, 276; of Linus, 130; of Lucilia Polla, 283; its vicissitudes, 284; of Luke, card. of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 159; of Maria, wife of Honorius, 203; of Nero, 189; of kings Offa of Essex and Coenred of Mercia, 233; of Otho II., 136; of S. Paul, 157; of Paul III., 245, 246 (plate); of S. Peter, 129; of Sannazzaro, 25; of Q. Sulpicius Maximus, 280, 282 (plate); of Sulpicius Platorinus, 265, 268 (plate); of Silvester II., 236; of Urban VI., 146.
Torre Marancia, 335.
Torre Pignattara, 197 (cut).
Totila, siege of, A. D. 546, 46.
Trajan, instructions in regard to the persecution of Christians, 313.
Triopium, 290.
Tryphaena, Crepereia, her tomb discovered in 1889, 302; objects found in the sarcophagus, 303 (plate).
Tubilustrium, 275.
Tulliola, daughter of Cicero, 300.
Tusculum, Roman expedition against, 177.
Urania, daughter of Herodes Atticus, 9.
Urban VI., Pope, desecration of his tomb, 146.
Urbino, Sphaeristerion, 97.
Urns, cinerary, 266.
Ustrinum of the imperial family, 170; unearthed in 1777, 182; cippi in, 184; on the Appian Way, 255.
Val d' Inferno, 287.
Valle della Caffarella, 286.
Valle dei Morti, 178.
Vases, found in the tomb of Maria, 205.
Vassalectus, an inscription of, 238 (cut); candelabrum and other works, 239 (cut).
Vatican district, its early topography, 127.
Vatican museum, 26, 93, 105, 106, 182, 185, 198.
Vedjovis, shrine of, 85.
Vegetus, Valerius, house of, 192.
Veii, its capture by Camillus, 64; site of a temple of Juno, 65 (cut).
Verus, Lucius, tomb of his horse, 272.
Vestal virgins, 33, 81.
Via Appia, 172, 215; its tombs, 286 (plate); the body of a girl discovered in 1485, 295, 298 (cut); —— Ardeatina, 315; —— Aurelia, tombs on, 262; —— Clodia, 127; —— Cornelia, 127, 128; —— Labicana, 172, 354; —— Latina, 116, 178; —— Merulana, 62; Nomentana, 188, 197; —— Ostiensis, 150, 151; —— Sacra, 82, 161; —— Salaria, 4 (map), 7, 172, 221; tombs on, 275; —— Triumphalis, 127; tombs on, 270.
Via Dolorosa of Jerusalem, imitated at Rome, 181.
Viatrix, S., 334 (cut).
Victor, S., Pomponio's academy placed under his patronage, 359.
Vigilius, Pope, 46; repaired the damages done by the Goths in the Catacombs, 325.
Vigna Barberini, 162.
Vigne Nuove, 287.
Villa Amaranthiana, 335; Aniciana, 116; Fonseca, 293; Madama, 165; Mattei von Hoffman, 92, 97, 293; Medici, 83, 89; Pamfili-Doria, 269; di Papa Giulio, 254; of Phaon, 188 (map).
Virgin, immagine di Ponte, 35.
Volesus, founds the Ludi Tarentini, 74.
Volkanalia, 84.
Vortumnus, 104.
Votive head, to Minerva, 63 (cut).
Votive offerings. See Ex-votos.
Warehouses, 44.
Wedding presents, of Maria, wife of Honorius, 204; of Projecta, wife of Turcius Asterius Secundus, 206.
Weights and measures, standards of, 39.
Wilpert, Joseph, his skill in tracing old paintings, 358.
Xerxes and the battle of Salamis, 289.