"By thunder!" gasped Clancy, startled.
"What do you think of that?" murmured the bewildered Burton.
"Katz, or I'm a Hottentot!" whispered Hill.
There followed a few moments of silence, during which the three at the cotside exchanged wondering glances. Here was a situation which seemed incomprehensible to all of them.
Katz's eyes were closed, and the breath came and went stertorously between his bloated lips. His face was puffed and of a purplish hue.
"What's the matter with him?" queried Burton.
"He came within one of being suffocated, that's all," Clancy answered. "Get the ropes off his hands and feet, so he'll be more comfortable. I don't think it will be long before he opens his eyes."
The motor wizard was right. Hardly had Katz been freed of the ropes when his eyelids flickered wide open. He stared up dazedly into the faces bending over him.
"Wynn!" he exclaimed, his wits wandering. "You're double-crossin' me, eh, same as we double-crossed Burton? You and Hogan are going to make off with the swag! Well, it won't do you no good, you can gamble on that. You'll be sorry you did this—some day—and—-"
Here his voice trailed off into incoherent mumbling. It was quite evident that there had been a bad "split" in the gang.
Burton's eyes glimmered as he listened to these wandering words from the lips of his treacherous friend.
"He got a dose of the same medicine he helped give me!" he said. "Serves him right. Gerald Wynn is a yellow dog! He turned against me, and then he hitched up with Captain Hogan and the two turned on Katz. Wish I knew just how it all happened."
"Bring some water," said Clancy, "and perhaps we can help Katz recover his wits. He's half delirious now."
Burton found some cool water, and brought a basin of it. The bloated, purplish face of Katz was bathed, his limbs were rubbed, and gradually his condition, physical and mental, became more normal. He peered at Burton with blinking eyes.
"Thank you, Hank?" he asked.
"Yes, it's Hank." was the taunting response. "How do you like bein' double-crossed? You and Wynn put the kibosh on me, and here you've got a taste of it yourself."
"Wynn's a coyote!" snarled Katz.
"He's not the only one."
"What took place here?" struck in Clancy, seeking to direct the talk into more profitable channels.
A shiver convulsed the form of Katz. Slowly his eyes turned to Clancy, and grew round with astonishment.
"That red-headed motor wizard!" he breathed. "However did you get here?"
"I'm here, and that's enough," said Clancy.
"He came on from Phoenix because I wired him to," put in Hill. "He's helpin' me locate my father."
"It was Clancy's judgment, I'll bet," observed Burton, "that kept you from going to San Diego?"
"Now you are shouting. I was bound to go there, but Chancy held me back and steered me toward Catalina island."
Katz's eyes passed from Clancy to Hill. Slowly the wonder died out of them, and a grim expression crossed his face.
"You're the clever boy, all right, Clancy," said Katz, "but Wynn is too many for you. He's bit it off with Hogan, who owns the steam yacht Sylvia, and they're off for down the coast with all the money. After we cut you out, Burton, Wynn and I had divided. I had seventy-five hundred, all in the long green, in that dinky satchel of mine, when I came to this wikiup to join Wynn and Hogan. Them two were layin' for me. The minute I stepped in at the door they bowled me over. I went down like a log, and when I came to myself I was lyin' on this bed, lashed hand and foot, and with a towel tied so tight over my face that I could hardly breathe.
"Hogan and Wynn were in the room, and they just laughed at me. 'You're easier'n Burton was,' Wynn says. 'Hogan and I are leavin' the harbor to-night,' he says, 'and we're takin' the hull fifteen thousand with us. Good night, and happy dreams, Katz,' he winds up, then puts out the light, locks the front door, and leaves me to strangle to death." Katz turned his head and spat contemptuously. "That's the sort, of a jigger this Wynn is," he finished.
"You're no better than he is," snapped Burton.
"If I could come within arm's reach o' him, by thunder, I'd show whether I'm better than he is, or not!" cried Katz, getting up with an effort and sitting on the edge of the cot.
"You say," said Clancy, speaking quickly, "that Hogan and Wynn are intending to get away in the Sylvia to-night?"
"I reckon they've already gone."
"Maybe not! There's a chance that the Sylvia is still in the harbor. Are you as anxious to get even with Wynn as Burton is, Katz?"
"Try me, that's all!" growled Katz, lifting his arms and working them back and forth to get the cramps out of them. "I'd like a chance to show Gerald Wynn just how I feel!"
"Then come with me! Perhaps we can head off Hogan and Wynn at the dock."
"No such luck. But look here oncet, Clancy. Are you intendin' to mix the police in this game o' muggins?"
"No," was the answer. "We'll handle it ourselves."
"And the idee is—-"
"To recover, the fifteen thousand dollars,"
"Who gets it, after it's recovered?"
"I do. It belongs to Lafe Wynn and myself, doesn't it?"
This part of the arrangement, it was clear, did not please Katz. Clancy saw that, and his voice hardened and grew threatening.
"You're a plain thief, Katz! First thing you know, you'll get your just deserts and land in the Los Angeles jail. You can either come with the rest of us, or you can stay here. Suit yourself."
"When you talk in that tone of voice," returned Katz humbly, "I come on the run. Give your orders, Clancy and count on me to help carry 'em out."
"Where does Hogan keep the dinghy that carries him between the Sylvia and the shore?" asked the motor wizard.
"I can show you. If the Sylvia is still in the harbor, and there's any one ashore from her, I can take you right to the place where the dinghy is tied up."
"That's where we want to go."
The entire party emerged from the bungalow, descended the steps to the street, and started forthwith for the water front. Katz led the way out upon the same pier at which Clancy and Hill had taken, the glass-bottom boat to view the marine gardens. Well out on the pier, they came to a halt, and swept their eyes over the dark waters of the bay.
"By cracky," said Katz, pointing, "the Sylvia ain't got away yet. There's her lights, if I'm not mistaken."
Probably thirty or forty boats, most of them small, were anchored in the bay. Each carried lights, and picking the Sylvia's lights out from among the others was no easy matter.
"I guess you've got it right, Katz," said Clancy. "Unless the yacht changed her anchorage, that's about where she ought to be."
"We can tell to a certainty by goin' down to the floats and seein' if the Sylvia's dinghy is tied up at the pier."
"If the dinghy isn't there," spoke up Burton, "it wouldn't prove that the Sylvia wasn't still in the harbor. She may be at anchor, Katz, with no one ashore."
"Right-o," answered Katz. "On t'other hand, Burton, if the Sylvia's dinghy is at the pier, then it's a lead pipe that the yacht isn't far away. We'll go look."
They went down the stairs to the floats. There were several boats chained and locked to the floats, and among them was the Sylvia's dinghy. The dinghy, however, was not locked to the float post, and a pair of oars lay across the thwarts.
"She's here, by Jerry!" muttered Katz. "Hogan and Wynn haven't left us yet—not just yet! I allow they're whoopin' it up, some'r's, and are show gettin' out to the yacht."
"Maybe they're on the Sylvia," said Burton, "and some of the crew's ashore."
"What diff'rence does it make who's ashore and who's on the yacht?"
"It makes a good deal," put in the motor wizard. "Two of our party will stay on the pier and watch this float to see who comes after the dinghy, and the other two will take the dinghy and go out to the Sylvia. By making a move of that kind, we'll be able to land on Gerald Wynn, no matter whether he's ashore or on the boat."
"I'll watch this end o' the play," said Katz.
"No," objected Clancy, "you'll go with me to the yacht, Katz. Hill and Burton will stay here and keep an eye on the float."
"Well, you're the doctor," acquiesced Katz grumblingly. Clancy had divided the party so that he and Hill would each have a man to watch. Neither Katz nor Burton would have the same opportunity to be treacherous as they would have had if they had been left together.
The motor wizard fully believed that Hogan and Wynn were ashore, and that the dinghy was waiting to carry them to the yacht. He felt that he could trust Burton to be one to deal with Wynn much more safely than he could trust the more desperate Katz.
"Who'll do the rowin'?" queried Katz.
"You'd better do that, Katz," said Clancy. "My shoulder isn't in the right sort of condition for such work."
Katz was interested at once.
"What's the matter with your shoulder?" he asked.
"You ought to know. I'm pretty sure you're the one who put a bullet into it."
"I got an alibi for that," muttered Katz, stepping into the boat and adjusting the oars.
Clancy followed him.
"The idea is, Hill," said Clancy, "to get the money from Wynn. You and Burton may have a hard time of it if Hogan and Wynn are together. I can't tell you what to do, except to be careful and do the best you can. There'll be no dinghy for Wynn and Hogan to use, and I think you ought to have some success if you use your wits as well as your fists."
"If we get a chance, Clancy," answered Hill, "we'll either make good or know the reason why."
"All right, Katz," called the motor wizard softly. "Make as little noise as possible. If we can't get aboard the Sylvia without any one knowing it, we won't be able to get aboard at all."
"I sabe the burro, fast enough," answered Katz.
The fellow proved a good oarsman and there was scarcely a sound as he dropped and lifted the oars. As they picked their way through the fleet of harbor craft, coming closer and closer to the lights for which they had headed, they found out that they had located the Sylvia correctly. Her white, trim bulwarks suddenly loomed up like a ghost ship.
No one was on deck to hail the dinghy, and Katz brought the small boat to a stop under the Sylvia's side, and at the foot of a short ladder that was lashed to the rail.
Clancy laid hold of the ladder, and, with little noise, gained the deck. Some one started out from the shadow of a deck awning and stepped toward him.
"Is that you, Lewis?" the man asked.
Clancy's response was quick and to the point: With a tigerlike leap he gained the man's side and pressed both hands about his throat.
Clancy's shoulder received a hard wrench and a tingling pain shot through his arm. The man who had hailed him was of medium height and stocky build, and well muscled. Clancy was in no physical condition to keep up his end in such a set-to, and the result would probably have been disastrous had not Katz leaped over the side and taken a hand.
Katz, remembering the way his pal had treated him was as venomous as a rattlesnake. The motor wizard had all he could do to keep him from going too far, and seriously injuring the man. With very little commotion the fellow was overcome, gagged with a handkerchief, and tied with a rope which Clancy picked up on the deck.
This rough work finished, the two intruders stood breathlessly in the shadow of the awning, and waited and listened. They could hear a drone of voices forward. The monotonous sound kept going without a break, which seemed to prove that the slight noise aft had not been overheard.
"So far, so good," muttered Katz. "What next, Clancy?"
"Our next move is to look around and see who's aboard," was the reply.
"There's somebody in the cabin, that's a cinch, but I reckon this dub was the only other chap around the works. Like enough he was a watchman, or somethin'. What did he call you?"
"Lewis is the engineer. If he saw you climb over the rail, and if he thought you was Lewis, then it's a safe guess that Lewis is one of the men who's ashore."
"That's right."
"If Lewis has shore leave, then I'll bet Hogan is on board."
"I think so—Hogan and Wynn."
"They're the two who are in the cabin, hey? It takes two to make a talk."
"We'll find out who's in the cabin."
There was a deck house amidships, with steps leading up from the afterdeck. Windows opening into the cabin were almost flush with the deck, and by kneeling down, Clancy and Katz could look into the small room below.
They found that they had been correct in their surmises. Wynn and Hogan sat facing each other on upholstered benches. A table was between them, and upon the table was a battered satchel of small dimensions. Katz reached for Clancy's arm and gave it a quick pressure.
"That's the grip with the money!" he whispered. "What's the reason we can't get hold of it?"
"We've got to get hold of it, somehow," returned Clancy. "Suppose you go aft and yell for Hogan? It's possible, Katz, that your call will take both Hogan and Wynn out of the cabin. That may give me a chance to duck down the companion and grab the satchel."
"It's worth tryin'," approved Katz. "Even if it don't win out, we can still end the thing in a fight. You got a shootin' iron?"
"Neither have I. Blamed if I don't feel kinder lost without one. I'll bet Hogan is heeled, and I know Wynn never goes without his artillery. We'll have to look sharp and be spry, Clancy, if things come to a show-down."
While Clancy watched the two in the cabin, he saw Wynn draw the satchel across the table, open it, and pull a packet of greenbacks from inside. He held up the packet, and laughed. Hogan joined in the laugh.
The motor wizard had a very good look at Captain Hogan, and he did not wonder that Hiram had been deceived into thinking the fellow was his father. The bulging brow, the huge nose, and the retreating chin all conspired to form a countenance that would have claimed attention anywhere. One eye had an evil squint, and it gave to the whole face a crafty expression.
Captain Hogan, it was clear, would never be hung for his good looks, although it would be too much to say that he might not, some time, be strung up for his evil deeds.
Wynn dropped the money into the satchel and sat back arm the bench. As usual, he was whiffing at a cigarette. Hogan was smoking a big black cigar.
Neither Clancy nor Katz was so situated that he could hear the conversation going forward between the two in the cabin. The voices sounded from below in considerable volume, but the words ran together in hollow echoes that baffled the ear.
"Go on, Katz," whispered Clancy. "We'll try that scheme. If Hogan leaves the cabin, I'll go down."
"Suppose Wynn stays with the money?"
"I guess I can take care of Wynn."
"Well, here's hopin'. I'd like to crack out a winnin', this play. Sit tight, now, and listen to the meller trill o' my bazoo."
The motor wizard remained at his post while Katz crept back to the after part of the boat. Then, suddenly, Katz opened up with a yell for "Hogan! Cap'n Hogan!"
Hogan leaped to his feet, all energy and curiosity in a moment. A startled look crossed Wynn's face, and was clearly visible in the rays of the swinging lamp. The captain jumped for the companion stairs, closely followed by Wynn. Clancy fell to wondering which side, of the deck house they'd travel on their way aft. If they came down his side, then the chances were good for a scrimmage instead of a dash into the cabin.
In the excitement of the moment, the satchel had been left entirely unprotected on the cabin table.
As luck would have it, Hogan and Wynn ran along the alley across from the one in which Clancy was lying. The time had now come for Clancy to act, and, without loss of a moment, he gained the companion, and made his way swiftly down the steep stairs.
He could hear a sound of husky voices and a tramp of quick feet from aft. What was going on, between the captain and Wynn, on one side, and Katz, on the other, was a mystery. Clancy did not waste time in any guessing, but grabbed up the satchel and started with it on his return up the companion stairs.
But he only started. As he began going up at the bottom, some one began coming down from the top. The fellow above was in as big a hurry as Clancy, and he lost his footing on the steep stairs and came below with a rush.
The motor wizard was caught full by the descending form, and knocked flat. His game shoulder, as he fell, struck against the corner of a locker with cruel force and a cry of pain was wrenched from his lips. Almost as soon as he was down he was up again, and he had not let go of the satchel.
The other fellow was also on his feet, It was Gerald Wynn! Wynn stared at Clancy as though he could hardly credit the evidence of his senses.
"You—here!" Wynn gulped.
No answer was necessary. Besides, with Clancy time was pressing. Taking advantage of Wynn's surprise, the motor wizard attempted to push by him and get to the deck. Wynn, however, had full use of his limbs and his faculties.
"Give me that satchel!" he cried, and tried to snatch the grip out of Clancy's hand.
Clancy evaded him with a deft leap sideways. Wynn swore savagely, and struck at the motor wizard with his clenched fist.
Clancy blocked the blow with his game arm—hurting it so that he almost felt as though it had been struck by lightning. Then his other fist shot out, catching Wynn fairly, and driving him against the bulkhead.
Clancy had to drop the satchel while executing his defense. He now grabbed it from the floor, and plunged on up the companionway. As he emerged through the companion doors, he beheld a form bulking largely in the half gloom. It was Captain Hogan, braced in the passageway between the top of the deck house and the rail, and leveling a revolver at the crouching form of Katz.
"Stand where you are, you bloomin' beach comber," yelled Hogan, "or I'll blow a hole through you!"
Katz swore, and continued his forward movement.
"Last call!" went on the captain. "Another step this way and I'll shoot!"
"You're a robber!" cried Katz. "You and Wynn, between you, have skinuned me out of seventy-five hundred dollars!"
"Where did you get the money?" demanded Hogan ironically. "It's no crime to skin a skinner—or to shoot one either, Here's where you get yours!"
Before Hogan could pull the trigger, Clancy sprang upon him from behind, and forced his revolver hand downward. The weapon exploded, and a bullet plumped into the deck.
While the captain was struggling with the motor wizard, Katz ran forward and wrenched away the six-shooter.
"Let go o' him, Clancy!" panted Katz. "I've got him now. The old sea shark will do as I say or take the same medicine he's been threatenin' to hand me."
Clancy flung himself from Hogan, and the latter stood at bay under the muzzle of the revolver.
"You're a measly pirate," flamed Hogan, "to come aboard of me and carry on like you're doing!"
"I'm no worse'n you, if I am a pirate!" snarled Katz. "Put your hands to your back. Clancy, get another piece o' that rope and make Hogan's arms fast."
Clancy put down the satchel and followed his companion's orders.
"Now sit down, Hogan!" snapped Katz,
"What's your scheme?" demanded the captain.
"To put you out o' the runnin'. Drop on the deck. I tell you!"
Katz flourished the revolver, as he spoke. Hogan lowered himself to the planks on which he was standing, easing his pent-up feelings wrathfully as he did so.
"Now a half hitch around his legs, Clancy," said Katz, and Clancy came around with the end of the rope and got the captain's legs in limbo.
"You're a fine pair of grafters!" sneered the irate Hogan. "I hope I live to manhandle you for this night's work."
Far off across the water could be heard a screech of oars in the locks, and a faint sound of voices. Hogan, aware that some of his men were coming from the pier, lifted his voice in a loud roar for help.
Katz, cursing furiously, sprang toward him and drew back his fist to strike. Clancy caught the arm before it could deal the blow, and saved the captain from such savage brutality. Katz turned on the motor wizard.
"Oh, you!" he yelped. "I reckon I'm about done with this foolin'. Gi' me that satchel!"
"I'll keep this," returned Clancy. "The money in it belongs to me."
"Blamed if I care who it belongs to, I'm goin' to have it. Fork over!" Katz pushed the point of the revolver in Clancy's face. "Fork, I tell you, or take the consequences."
Clancy dropped the satchel.
Yes, Clancy dropped the satchel. It was the only thing for him to do, under the circumstances. He had discretion as well as bravery.
Besides, Clancy was facing the companionway and Katz had his back to it. The motor wizard could see something which escaped Katz entirely, and that was the stealthy advance of Gerald Wynn through the companion doors.
Wynn would soon be a factor in the situation. There was nothing he could do which would make the run of events worse than they already were for Clancy.
What had happened showed the folly of putting any trust in a desperado. It was through Clancy's efforts that Katz had been freed from his dangerous predicament in Captain Hogan's bungalow. But Katz did not give any consideration to that when the time came for him to turn the tables and secure the satchel for himself.
Perhaps, all Katz had helped Clancy for was the hope that just such an opportunity would come his way. Now that the opportunity had come, he was making the most of it.
"Katz is doing you dirt, eh?" rumbled the captain, turning his eyes upon Clancy.
"He forgets how I saved him at your bungalow," said the motor wizard.
"If you pulled him out of that scrape, then, keelhaul me, you deserve all he gives you!"
Katz laughed in ugly fashion.
"I'll get back what you and Wynn stole from me!" he remarked, stooping over to pick up the satchel.
As he bent down, two things happened. They happened very suddenly, too:
Clancy and Wynn sprang toward Katz at the same time—Clancy for the satchel and Wynn for the revolver. The work of both was excellent, for each got what he went after.
The approaching boat, by that time, was close alongside. In another moment, Hogan and Wynn would be supplied with reenforcements.
"Give me that!" yelled Katz, jumping toward Clancy.
Here the captain took a part in the combat. Bound though he was, he swung his feet upward suddenly and powerfully. Katz was struck in the side and toppled to the deck.
Four men came bounding over the bulwarks. "Captain!" they called; "where are you, captain?"
"Here!" yelled the captain. "Make prisoners of these two fellows, Katz and Clancy. Katz is on the deck, there, and Clancy—-"
Clancy was just going over the side and into the water, so it was impossible to make a prisoner of him. He took the valuable satchel along.
"Get back into that boat, two of you," bellowed Hogan, "and snake that red-headed streak of lightning out of the water and back aboard the Sylvia! Look alive, now! A hundred-dollar bonus to the man who captures Clancy and recovers the satchel he's got with him!"
Two of the men flung themselves into the boat and put off. The other two gave their first attention to Bob Katz, and bound him with the rope which was taken from the captain. So Katz, as it will be seen, was left in the hands of his enemies, thereby getting vastly more than he had bargained for.
Meanwhile, the motor wizard was swimming. He was perfectly at home in the water, and, even though he was handicapped with a game shoulder, he found no difficulty in keeping afloat with the satchel, and in spite of the weight of his wet clothes.
"Clancy!" called a voice across the water. "Where are you, Clancy?"
Two boats, at that moment, were searching for the motor wizard. One, of course, held enemies and was coming from the Sylvia, the other, carrying Hill and Burton, was approaching from the pier.
It was Hiram Hill who had hailed. Clancy knew, for he had recognized the voice.
"This way, Hiram!" the motor wizard cried.
Two boats were aimed in Clancy's direction, and two pairs of oars struck the water.
"Crack your back, Burton!" yelled Hill, "If you want to get even with Wynn, now's your chance! Do your prettiest! The two men from the Sylvia are trying to beat us to Clancy—and it's a close race."
Hill could see the dark form in the water, and the black shadow of the other boat rushing toward it. An idea flashed through his mind—an idea as dangerous as it might possibly be successful.
"Starboard oar, Burton!" he whooped. "Hard on the starboard oar!"
Burton's back was to the exciting little scene. He could only obey orders as he heard them. All his strength went suddenly into the starboard oar. The boat began to whirl; and then:
Crash! The bow of the craft swung against the side of the boat from the Sylvia. The Sylvia's men were dumped into the water, but Hill flung himself on the port gunwale of his own boat and kept it from turning turtle.
Burton, hurled from his seat by the force of the collision, picked himself up and took note of the situation Hill had caused. Two life preservers came whizzing from the deck of the Sylvia, and the two men in the water each grabbed one.
"Bully!" yelled Burton, as Hill helped Clancy aboard. "There's the satchel! Clancy brought away the grip with the money! Oh, this is better than I hoped for!"
The motor wizard dropped with a splash into the bottom of the boat. While Hill held up his head and wrung the water out of his red hair, Burton got back on the midship thwart and grabbed the oars.
"Where's Katz, Clancy?" Hill asked.
"He must be on the Sylvia," Clancy answered.
"No use trying to go back after him, is there?"
"Great Scott, no! Hogan and Wynn would get the satchel away from me, if we went back. Anyhow, we're not indebted to Bob Katz for anything. If he hadn't turned on me, at the last moment, and taken the satchel away at the point of a gun, he and I would both have got clear of the Sylvia in the dinghy. Katz is to blame for what happened."
"That's like him!" growled Burton. "He's getting it all around. See what he did to me!"
"He's a pesky varmint!" grunted Hill. "He might 'a' died, there in Hogan's bungalow, if it hadn't been for Clancy. It was almost the same as turnin' on the fellow that saved his life. I ain't got no use for such coyotes."
Clancy sat up on the boat's bottom and looked in the direction of the Sylvia. The yacht's dinghy could be dimly discerned, putting off to the rescue of the two men in the water.
"I'm in luck to be safe out of that mess!" muttered Clancy. "Where were you when those four fellows from the Sylvia came down to the pier?"
"We saw that Hogan and Wynn weren't among them," Hill answered, "and so we didn't interfere. There was a big howl when they couldn't find their dinghy. They managed to get another boat, though, and put off from the pier. A little later we heard the commotion on the Sylvia and thought we'd better get a boat of our own and investigate."
"It's lucky you did," said Clancy. "If you hadn't been close enough to pick me up, I'd now be in the hands of Hogan and Wynn, along with Katz—and Hogan and Wynn would have the money. I guess, taking it by and large, we haven't anything to complain of."
They reached the pier, and made the boat fast to the float from which Hill and Burton had taken it. The excitement in the bay had not been heard, and there was no one besides themselves moving about the pier.
Clancy, carrying the water-soaked satchel, slopped and splashed his way to the street, followed by his two companions. On the sidewalk the motor wizard paused for a final word with Burton.
"What are you going to do, now that your two pals have passed you up?" Clancy asked.
"I'll work this diving stunt with Mynie Boltwood," Burton answered, "and see if I can't get together a bit of a stake."
"Come around to the Bolingbroke in the morning, Burton, and ask for me."
"Changed your mind? Think you'll turn me over to the police, after all?"
"Haven't any such idea. I think you could be decent, if you'd give your mind to it. What's the matter with turning over a new leaf and trying to be honest from now on?"
"When I want to hear a sermon," sneered Burton, turning on his heel, "I know where to go."
Without pausing to hear or to say anything further, he passed rapidly down the street, and vanished in the night.
"What do you want to see him in the mornin' for?" queried Hill curiously.
"I'd like to grubstake him," answered Clancy.
The motor wizard repeated his words.
"Well, I'm blessed!" murmured Hill, "Why, Hank Burton is one of the three who helped Lafe Wynn nearly ruin you! And now you talk o' grubstakin' him. That red hair of yours certainly covers a lot of foolish idees."
"Burton is the best of Gerald's old gang, Hiram," said Clancy, as the two walked in the direction of the Bolingbroke House.
"That ain't a-sayin' a heap in his favor."
"He's a whole lot better than Bob Katz."
"Not much in that, nuther. But you won't have no chance to grubstake Burton, Clancy. He won't show up in the mornin'."
They reached the hotel, secured a room, and Clancy at once got out of his wet clothes. He was so tired and sleepy that he dozed off without thinking anything about the water-soaked satchel.
Hill, however, had the satchel on his mind, and took good care of it. When Clancy awoke in the morning, the bright sun was streaming in at the two windows of the room. On the floor in front of the windows Hill had spread two newspapers; and on these newspapers, where the warm sun would strike them, he had spread out the bank notes that had gone into the ocean with Clancy the night before.
It was pleasant work for Hiram, drying all that money. He whistled joyously as he changed the wet bills around, shifting the dryest to the shade and the wettest to the place where they would receive the hottest part of the sun's rays.
"How much is there, all together, Hiram?" Clancy asked.
"You're shy just half of the fifteen thousand, Clancy," was the reply; "there's only seventy-five hundred here—hardly enough to bother with."
Clancy was startled. He had only been half as successful as he thought he had.
"Well, thunder!" he exclaimed, sitting up in bed. "Last night, Hiram, I was sure I had all the money that had been taken from Phoenix by Lafe."
"This Was Bob Katz's satchel, wasn't it?" Hill asked, nodding toward the grip.
"Well, Katz said he had only severity-five hundred in it, when it was taken from him by Hogan and Wynn."
"That's so," mused Clancy. "I didn't have much time last night, to reason matters out to a fine point. Half a loaf is better than no bread, though, I've heard say. I hadn't dreamed of recovering a cent of that fifteen thousand. Lafe and I are just so much ahead."
A knock fell on the door. Hill answered the summons and admitted Hank Burton.
"Well, by golly!" exclaimed Hill.
"What's the matter?" queried Burton sourly.
"I told Clancy I didn't think you'd come. Seein' you sort o' surprised me."
"What made you think I wouldn't come?" demanded Burton.
"Oh, the way you acted, the way you talked, and your low-down character, gen'rally."
Burton flushed and scowled. Turning away from Hill he addressed himself to Clancy.
"Here I am," said he. "Why did you want me to call here this morning?"
"I want to give you a grubstake," answered the motor wizard. "Hiram, if there are five dry twenty-dollar bills in that heap, give them to Burton."
Burton started, stared at Clancy, and then watched Hill while he knelt down and selected five twenties from the drying bills.
"What are you doing this for?" asked Burton falteringly.
"Just trying to give you a little boost in the right direction."
"I'm not entitled to any of that money!"
"I think you are. You earned something last night. Take the hundred, Burton, and see if you can't be square."
The young fellow's face paled, then the color dyed his cheeks. He stood looking down at the floor, then presently lifted his head and moved slightly toward Clancy and half raised his hand. Then he paused, once more, whirled suddenly, and got out of the room as fast as he could.
Hill had been watching these strange maneuvers in frank amazement. "I reckon he's locoed," he said, as soon as the door had closed behind Burton.
"No," returned Clancy, "his gratitude was trying to express itself, but couldn't quite make it. He has had his lesson, Hiram, and will profit by it."
"He has profited a hundred dollars' worth, anyhow," commented Hill dryly. "This Happy Trail of yours, Clancy, is a mighty queer one, seems to me. For a ways, it follows the one I took in huntin' for dad; then it branches off and points straight toward Gerald Wynn and his gang. Now here we are at the end of it—and you're seventy-five hundred to the good."
Clancy laughed.
"Get me a pencil and a piece of paper, Hiram," he requested.
Hiram found the writing materials and Clancy wrote out the following message:
"LAFE WYNN, Phoenix, Arizona: Luck. Seventy-five hundred of the missing fifteen thousand recovered. Cheer up. Happy Trail panning out better than expected. Still gunning for Hill's father. CLANCY."
"Right across the street," said Clancy, "is a wireless station. Take this message over there, Hiram, and let the Hertzian waves get busy with it at once."
"On the jump!" answered Hill.
"Better take a five-dollar bill with you," Clancy suggested.
Hill picked up the bank note.
"I'd like to see that money get dry before we spend it all," he complained, and then went out with the wireless message for Lafe.
"Wonder if Lafe will feel any different when he gets that?" Clancy murmured, smiling happily. "I know I'm feeling a whole lot different myself!"
"Owen Clancy's Double Trouble; or, The Motor Wizard's Mystery," concludes the red-headed chap's series of adventures, in the midst of which we have left him at the conclusion of this story. You will find the double-trouble story in the next issue of the weekly, No. 88, out April 4th.
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[Chapters 4 - 6 of The Snapshot Mystery not included as the story is continued from a previous issue and continues in later issues.]
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The Cossacks are a race of freemen. The entire territory belongs to the Cossack commune and every individual has an equal right to the use of the land together with the pastures, hunting grounds, and fisheries. The Cossacks pay no taxes to the government, but in lieu of this—and here you see the connection between them and the Russian government—they are bound to perform military service. They are divided into three classes—first, the minors up to their sixteenth year; secondly, those on actual service for a period of twenty-five years; therefore, until their forty-second year; thirdly, those released from service, who remain for five years, or until their forty-seventh year in the reserve, after which period they are regarded as wholly released from service and invalided. Every Cossack is obliged to equip, clothe, and arm himself at his own expense, and to keep his horse. While on service beyond the frontiers of his own country, he receives rations of food and provender, and a small amount of pay. The artillery and train are at the charge of the government. Instead of imposing taxes on the Don Cossacks, the Russian government pays them an annual tribute, varying in peace and war, together, with grants to be distributed among the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in battle.
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There was perhaps more satire than gratitude in the reward bestowed by a French lady on a surgeon for bleeding her—an operation in which the lancet was so clumsily used that an artery was severed and the poor woman bled to death. When she recognized that she was dying she made a will in which she left the operator a life annuity of eight hundred francs on condition "that he never again bleeds anybody as long as he lives."
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Doctor James B. Angell tells in his reminiscences the following enjoyable story of his college days at Brown University under the presidency of Doctor Wayland:
The doctor's son, Heman Lincoln Wayland, one of my classmates, inherited from his father a very keen wit. The passages between father and son were often entertaining to the class. One day, when we were considering a chapter in the fathers textbook on moral philosophy, Lincoln rose with an expression of great solemnity and respect and said:
"Sir, I would like to propound a question."
"Well, sir, what is it?" was the reply.
"Well, sir," said the son, "in the learned author's work which we are now perusing I observe the following remark," and then he quoted.
The class saw that fun was at hand and began to laugh.
"Well, what of it?" asked, the father, with a merry twinkle in his eye.
"Why," continued the son, "in another work of the same learned author, entitled 'On the Limitation of Human Responsibility,' I find the following passage."
He quoted again. Clearly the two passages were irreconcilable. The boys were delighted to see that the doctor was in a trap and broke into loud laughter.
"Well, what of it?" asked the doctor, and his eyes twinkled still more merrily.
"Why," said the son, with the utmost gravity, "it has occurred to me that I should like to know how the learned author reconciles the two statements."
"Oh," said the father, "that is simple enough it only shows that since he wrote the first book the learned author has learned something."
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THE COMPASS News from All Points
Books for Trainers and Athletes.
So many inquiries reach us from week to week concerning the various manuals on athletic development, which we publish, that we have decided to keep a list of them standing here. Any number can be had by mail by remitting 10 cents, and 3 cents postage, for each copy, to the publishers.
"Frank Merriwell's Book of Physical Development."
"The Art of Boxing and Self-defense," by Professor Donovan.
"Physical Health Culture," by Professor Fourmen.
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Wants to Exchange Post Cards.
PROFESSOR FOURMEN: It was with great pleasure that I read in Tip Top of your return to this country.
I have been a reader of the Tip Top for three years now, and I think it is the ideal weekly of the age. I would like very much to get in touch with other readers of your great paper.
Although the Items of Interest were interesting to read, they are nothing like the good old Applause Column.
The part I like best in the Merriwell stories is the way Mr. Standish keeps the reader interested all the way through. They are not like most stories, because you can't tell how they are going to end. There is something new all the time.
I would like some of the Tip Top post cards. And it will be a pleasure to exchange cards with any of our Merriwell admirers. I hope to hear from some of them soon. I remain for the Tip Top always, Elgin, Ill. 355 Chicago Street. WM. DE GARIS.
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Has Read "Tip Top" from No. 1.
Was pleased to note the return of the Applause Column to Tip Top. I believe it will serve to increase the popularity of your long-famed and world-renowned "King of Weeklies," and thought this an appropriate time to drop you this note of appreciation.
I have followed your weekly from No. 1, Old Tip Top, to date, and can recommend it to any friend as the weekly that stands alone. There are no others in its class.
Although I never expect the Frank, junior's, to equal the old-time stories, I find them all good.
I will deem it a favor if you will tell me if I can get any of the Merriwell stories in the cloth binding, which were published several years ago.
This tribute probably sounds a little strong, but, sincerely, every word is sent in good faith, and I am sure hosts of others who have followed the Merriwell adventures for any length of time join with me.
I don't wish to appear as "butting in," but don't you think a few illustrations in your New Medal books would aid in increasing interest in this fine series of stories, and interest to the readers?
Please send me a set of the postal cards formerly sent to Tip Top readers, if you still have them.
With best wishes for a successful future to Street & Smith, a long life to Burt, the author, I will end, hoping to long remain a true Tip-Topper. Gravette, Arkansas. H. WYRIC LEWIS.
P. S.—Would welcome some of the Old Tip Top characters back to the front. Some of Frank or Dick's old-time friends and schoolmates.
You are certainly a loyal, Tip-Topper, and we thank you for your letter of praise, and for its suggestions. The Merriwell stories have never been bound in cloth, but you can find them all in The New Medal Library. The post cards have been mailed to you.
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Some Suggestions.
I have read Tip Top for over a year now, and I buy it every week. It is an excellent weekly, and I think the revival of the Applause Column will make it more interesting.
In G. Patient's letter, in No. 79, he asks for some, Tip Top post cards. I don't know what they are, but if you have another set, I would like to have it.
Has the joking quality died out of the Merriwell family? I notice that Frank, junior, takes life too seriously. Too much association with grown people. Let's have a joke now and then. Also, it's about time young Frank's girl is introduced to the reader, don't you think?
Hoping to see part of my letter in the Tip Top at some early issue, I am, yours truly, ROSWELL NOTHWARY. Little Rock, Ark. 2609 Battery Street.
We have mailed you the post cards. Thank you for your suggestions. There is a humorous character coming in the Clancy stories that we think you will like.
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A Poet Tip-topper.
Upon opening a recent number of Tip Top, I discovered, to my great delight, that you have reopened the Applause Column. I have read most of the Merriwell stories, but I have never written to the Applause Column before, so I think it is about time. I agree with Mr. Charles W. Meyers that when the Professor Fourmen and Applause were left out, and also when Frank and Dick were dropped, there was surely something lacking. Frank Merriwell, junior, is all right, but, to my mind, he will never quite come up to his father and uncle; but, of course, I expect him to improve as he grows older. I do not like the Owen Clancy stories. I think they just about spoil the series. I hope that Dick will soon win back his fortune, which he lost in the revolution. What about June Arlington, and all of Dick's old friends, especially Jim Stretcher? I hope that old Joe Crowfoot is still among the living. I would like very much to see Bart Hodge's daughter in the stories. I also read the Top-Notch Magazine, and I like it next to Tip Top. I like the adventure stories the best, but the athletic stories are good, also. I have a little doggerel here that I would like to see in print:
Now, boys, fill up your glasses, In calm weather as well as in blizzard, For the hero of men of all classes, For you, Frank Merriwell, the wizard.
Once more for Dick, Frank's brother, The boy who will always be trailed, Because on all things he does not falter, The fellow who never failed.
And now for Frank Merriwell, junior, Who is one of the Merriwell flock, Who always gets there a little sooner—- A chip of the old sturdy block.
I see you have some Tip Top post cards, and I would be immensely pleased to receive a set of them. Waiting eagerly for the return of both Frank and Dick, I will close, hoping that you will not consider this letter too long to print, and will think it good enough to escape the wastebasket. CLARENCE WELCH, Olean, N. Y. 209 West Henly Street.
The post cards have been mailed to you. Thank you for your frank letter.
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A New Jersey Admirer.
I like Tip Top because it has such interesting stories.
It has helped me to be very fond of good reading. I get the Tip Top, and often give it to others to read.
Please send me the set of six colored post cards with lifelike pictures of the Merriwells. Bartley, N. J. WALTER MORGAN.
We have mailed you the cards.
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Thinks We Are Improving.
I have been an ardent reader of Tip Top for a number of years, and consider it the best weekly of its kind, and think it is improving.
There is something so fascinating about its stories, especially those about Dick and Frank Merriwell, senior.
Glad to read in one of the last issues that we are to hear more of them, also pleased to see the Applause Column on the pages again.
I would be pleased to receive a set of Tip Top post cards.
Hoping you will pardon the extent of this letter.
Hanover, Ontario, Canada. SIDNEY DANKERT.
Glad you think we are improving. We have mailed you the post cards.
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Cigarettes Are Certainly Bad for Your Wind.
PROFESSOR FOURMEN: Seeing you were back in Tip Top, I thought I would write and ask you a few questions.
I belong to the Y. M. C. A. in my city, and to an athletic club. I play baseball, but cannot hit the ball very well. How can I remedy that?
I also play basket ball, but get winded very early in the game. This is the same with running. I cannot run any distance. How can I improve my wind?
Is smoking cigarettes harmful, and would you advise me to drink coffee with my meals, or milk and water?
After playing basket ball or taking any kind of exercise, what kind of shower should I take—cold or hot?
What kind of a game is soccer? Is it as good as football, and what time of the year is it played.
Hoping you will answer my questions, and thanking you in advance. W. O. K. Rochester, N. Y.
Practice hitting. Keep your eye on the ball. Don't try to "swat." Those are a few suggestions, but ordinarily to learn to bat, one must be under the personal supervision of a coach.
Smoking is the worst thing you can do to injure your wind. Stop it, then see how your wind will improve.
As long as you get a warm reaction, and do not feel weak after you bath, but refreshed, take it cold.
There is no best game. Some like one, some another. Soccer is a cracking good game, and can be played any time that the ground will permit.
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American College Yells.
There have been so many requests for us to reprint a list of college yells printed in Tip Top several years ago, that we have decided to do so.
The collection—probably the most extensive one ever made—will be presented in three parts—one part appearing each week.
Alabama Polytechnic Institute: "Ki-yi-yi! Ki-yi-yi! Hoop-la-hi! Auburn! Auburn! A-P-I!"
Albion: "A-l'-b-i'-o-n', Bis Boom Bah, Albion, Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Alma: "Hip, hi, hoo, ray, ALMA, Rah-a-ah!"
Amherst: "Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Amherst!"
Armour Institute Technology: "Arch, Mech, Cie, Elec, Rah, Rah, Armour Tech!"
Augustana: "Rocky-eye, Rocky-eye, Zip zum zie, Shingerata, Shingerata, Bim Bum Bie, Zipzum zipzum, Rah! Rah! Rah! Karaborra, Karaborra, Augustana!"
Baker University: "B. U.! Rah, Rah! (repeat) Hoorah! Hoorah! Baker! taker! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Baldwin University: "U rah rah, U rah rah, U rah rah tiger!"
Bates: "B-A-T-E-S—Rah Rah Rah! Boom-a-laka, Boom-a-laka, Boom, Bates, Boom!"
Baylor University: "B! B! B-A-Y! L! L! L-O-R! U! U! U-NI-V! V! VAR-SI-TY! Baylor! Baylor!!"
Beloit: "Oh-aye, yoh-yoh-yoh-Be-loit! B-e-l-o-i-t—Rah-Rah-Rah!"
Berea: "Rah, Rah, Rah, sis boom bah, Cream and Blue, Be-re-a!"
Bethany (Kan.): "Rockar, Stockar, Thor och hans bockar, Kor i genom, kor i genom, tjo, tjo, Bethania!"
Boston University: "Boston, Boston, B-B-B-Boston, 'Varsity, 'Varsity, Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Bowdoin: "B-o-w-d-o-i-n, Rah, Rah, Rah! (three times) Bowdoin!"
Brigham Young: "Rah Ry B Y, Rah Ry B Y, Rah Ry Re, B. Y. C.!"
Brown University: "Brunonia! Brunonia! Brunonia! (Siren - - -) B-R-O-W-N—Brown! Brown! Brown!"
Buchtel: "Hoo, Rale, Rale Roo! Wa hoo, Wa hoo! Hullaballo, hullaballo! Rah Rah Rale, Buchtel, Buchtel, Buchtel! ye ho! ye ho! ye Heza, Hiza, Ho ho! Rah, Rah, Rah, Buchtel!"
Bucknell University: "Bucknell-el-el! Bucknell-el-el! Give-er-el, Bucknell! Give-er-el, Bucknell! Ray! Ray! Ray!"
Case School Applied Sciences: "Hoo! Rah! Ki! Rah! S-C-I-E-N-C-E! Hoi! Hoi! Rah! Rah! Case!!"
Cedarville: "Razzle dazzle, never frazzle, not a thread but wool! All together! All together! That's the way we pull! Cedarville!!!"
Central University of Kentucky: "Razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle! Sis, boom! Ah! Central University, Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Claflin University: "Rah! Rah! Rah! Claf-lin-ia!"
Colgate University: "Colgate, Colgate, Rah (nine times), Colgate!"
College of the City of New York: "'Rah, 'Rah, 'Rah, C. C. N. Y.!"
Colorado: "Pike's Peak or Bust! Pike's Peak or Bust! Colorado College! Yell we must!"
Columbia University: "'Ray 'Ray 'Ray C-o-l-u-m-b-i-a!"
Cornell College: "Zipp, Ziss, Boom, Caw-w, Caw-w Ca-w-w-nell; C. C. Tiger-la, Zipp Zipp Hurrah!!!"
Cornell University: "Cornell! I Yell Yell Yell! Cornell!"
Cotner University: "Cotner, Cotner, the Cotner University—Don't you see!"
Creighton: "C. U. C. U. Rah, Rah, Creighton, Creighton, Omaha!"
Cumberland University': "Wang! bang! siz! boom! bah! Cumberland, Cumberland! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Dakota Wesleyan University: "Ha! Ho! Whee! Ki! Yi! Ye! D. U. Varsity Zip Boom! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Dartmouth: "Wah hoo wah! wah hoo wah! da-di-di, Dartmouth! wah hoo wah!"
Davidson: "Hac-a-lac-a boom-a-lak, Hac-a-lac-a red and black, Hello-bulue-lo-le-la-run, Davidson!"
Delaware: "D-E-L-aware, Siss-Boom-Tiger-Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Denison University: "Heike! Heike! Rah, rah, rah, hoorah, hoorah, Denison! Denison!"
De Pauw University: "Zip, Rah, Who! D-P-U! Rip, Saw! Boom! Baw! Bully for old De Pauw!"
Dickinson: "Hip-rah-bus-bis—Dickinson—Sis-Tiger!"
Drake University: "Rah! (ten times) Hoo rah! Hoo rah! Drake! Drake! Drake!"
Drury: "Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah! Drury!"
Earlham: "Rah, rah, Quaker! Quaker! E! C! Quaker! Quaker! Quaker! Hoorah! Hoorah! Quaker! Rah! Rah!"
Fairmount: "Ki yi yi, Sis Boom Bah, Fairmount, Fairmount! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Fisk University: "Clickety! Clackety! Sis! Boom! Bah! Fisk University! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Fort Worth University: "Rip! Rah! Ru! The Gold and the Blue! Fort Worth U.!"
Franklin and Marshall: "Hullabaloo, bala! (twice) Way-up, Way-up! F. and M. Nevonia!"
Georgetown University (D. C.): "Hoya! Loya! Saxa! Hoya! Loya! Georgetown Hoya, Loya! Rah, Rah, Rah!"
George Washington University: "G-E-O-R-G-E—George! Washington! Washington! Washington!"
Grant University: "G. U., Rah, Rah, G. U., Rah, Rah, Whoorah, Whoorah, Rah, Rah, Grant!"
Grove City: "With a vivo, with a vivo, with vum vum, vum! Vum get a rat trap bigger than a cat trap! Vum get a cat trap bigger than a rat trap! cannibal, cannibal, siss-s! boom!! rah!!! Grove City College! Rah! Rah! Rah!!!"
Gustavus Adolphus: "Hip, Hah, Rip, Rah, Thez-Zah! Z-i-p! Boom G. A. R.!"
Hamilton: "Rah! Rah! Hamilton! Road! Road! Road!"
Hamline University: "Boom get a rat trap! Bigger than a cat trap! Boom get a rat trap! Bigger than a cat trap! Boom! Cannibal! Cannibal! Zip! Boom! Bah! Hamline! Hamline! Rah! Rah! Rah!"
Harvard University: "Rah rah rah! rah rah rah! rah rah rah-Harvard!"
Heidelberg University: "Kili-kilik! Rah, rah! Zit, zit! Ha! Ha! Yai! Hoo! Bam! Zoo! Heidelberg!"
Hillsdale: "Rha-hoo-rah Zip boom bah Hipizoo rhu zoo wah-hoo-wah Hillsdale!"
Hiram: "Brekekex! Koax! Koax! Brekekex! Koax! Koax! Alala! Alala! Siss-s! Boom-Hiram!"
Hobart: "Hip! ho! bart! Hip! ho! bart! Hip ho! Hip ho! Hip ho! Hip—Hobart!"
Holy Cross: "Hoi-ah! hoi-ah! hoi-ah! chu, chu, rah, rah, chu, chu, rah, rah, Hoi-ah! Holy Cross! Rah!"
Howard University: "Rah, rah, rah! Howard, Howard! Rah! Rah! Re!"
Illinois: "Rah who rah Boom a la ka, kick-a-rick-a-roi, Old Illinois, Boom zip boom, Tiger-zah!"
Illinois Wesleyan University "Rah! Rah! Wesleyan!"
Indiana University: "Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Indiana!"
Iowa College: "Grinnell, we yell, Grinnell we yell, Iowa College, Grinnell, Grinnell!"
Iowa State College: "A-M-E-S! Rah! Ra! Rah! Ra! A-M-E-S! Rah! Ra! Rah! Ra! Hoo Rah! Hoo Ray! State College! I-O-A!"
Iowa Wesleyan University: "Rah, rah, rah! zip boom bah! Razoo razoo-Johnny blow your bazoo-Rip ziddy-i-lu-uvi-We-e-e-e-es leyan!"
Jacob Tome Institute: "Rah (nine times) Tome, Tome, Tome!"
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Spends $24.40 on Phone Call to Girl.
A young man who said he was Douglas Whitaker, of Winthrop, Mass., entered a telephone booth in a hotel, at Newark, N. J., got his home town on the wire, and talked for an hour and two minutes to a girl in that place. The toll charges were $24.40. He did not have enough money to pay the bill.
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Football Rules for 1914.
Coaches will not be permitted to walk the side lines during football games during the coming season, as a result of a change in the rules adopted recently by the intercollegiate football rules committee, in their meeting at the Hotel Martinique, Manhattan. The annual meeting of the committee adjourned without making any radical changes in the existing rules.
The proposal that after teams have lined up for play, the team in possession of the ball will not be allowed to encroach on the neutral zone in shift plays, before the ball is snapped, was also adopted. The question of numbering players was only informally discussed, it was declared. No final action will be taken until after further experiments are made next fall.
The proposed change in the rules to provide for an additional official, suggested by Walter Camp, was adopted in providing that any team shall have the right to have a fourth official, who shall be known as a field judge. His duty will be to assist the referee and umpire. The naming of such an official is optional.
The committee also adopted a rule providing that any free kick striking the goal posts and bounding back into play shall count as having scored.
W. S. Langford, W. N. Mauriss, and Nathan Tufts were named as a "consultation committee" to act in cooperation with the central board. This board now consists of Doctor J. H. Babbit, Walter Camp, C. W. Savage, Parke H. Davis, E. K. Hall, Percy Haughton, H. S. Cope, and Alonzo A. Stagg.
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Rabbit Sausage in Texas.
Since Texas quit paying bounty for the killing of "mule-ear" rabbits they have become very numerous, to the detriment of growing crops. It has recently been found that they made a good food product, and, it is said, will greatly cheapen the cost of living.
A full-grown rabbit will dress about five pounds. The meat trimmed off of the bones and a pound of fresh pork added to five to seven pounds of rabbit ground together through a sausage mill, seasoned with salt, red and black pepper, and sage, it is claimed, will make a sausage superior to pure pork sausage.
A syndicate is planning to establish a plant at Llano, Texas, for the manufacture of rabbit sausage and to grind the bones into chicken feed. It is said the plant will be sufficient to consume all the rabbits in Texas, and thus the rabbit question will be solved.
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One Big Miners' Union Next.
At the national convention of the United Mine Workers the proposal to consolidate that organization with the Western Federation of Miners, as advocated by President Moyer, of the latter organization, was approved and the executive committee was authorized to appoint a committee to meet a similar committee from the Western Federation to arrange the terms of union, submit the same to a referendum and report to the convention next year. Moyer charged that President Gompers, of the Federation of Labor, had not given proper support to the striking miners in Michigan, and Gompers appeared before the convention and denied the charge.
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Big Game Coming Back.
Elk have been found in the Uinta national forest, Utah, for the first time in many years. Since they are not from shipments from the Jackson Hole country to neighboring forests, the State and Federal officials are gratified at this apparent increase in big game as the result of protection.
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Red Sox Have Four Southpaws.
Four left-handed pitchers are now on the roster of the Boston Red Sox of the American League. John Radloff, of South Chicago, completes the quartet. Radloff's release was bought from the Manistee club of the Michigan State League on the recommendation of Patsy Donovan, a scout. Collins, Leonard, and Coumbe, the latter from the Utica club of the New York State League, are the other left-handers.
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Man Buried by Avalanche.
Eli Marfhi, a miner, 35 years old, of Butte, Mont., was buried by an avalanche so that he stood upright in five feet of snow and was held a prisoner for forty-eight hours. When he was found by a party of miners, who saw his head sticking above the snow, he was unconscious, and had a double fracture in his right leg and two breaks in his left arm. He was not frozen.
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Won $10 With a $3 Bill.
A man walked into one of the leading cafes in Middletown, N. Y., and asked the bartender to give him change for a three-dollar bill. The latter started to count out the change, then stopped and thought a moment.
"G'wan, there's no such thing as a three-dollar bill," he remarked. The man who wanted the change insisted that there was, and the bartender bet him $10 there was not. Thereupon the visitor produced a three-dollar bill.
It was a bill issued January 5, 1852, by the Bank of North America, of Seymour, Conn., which the man had found in the siding of a house to which he was making repairs. The old bank note was signed by F. Atwater, cashier, and G. F Dewitt, treasurer.
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Parcel-post Extension.
A ruling of the postmaster general, recently approved by the interstate commission, increases the weight limits of parcel-post packages, in the first and second zones, from 20 to 50 pounds; admits books to the parcel post, and reduces rates in the other zones materially. The maximum weight for parcels in all zones beyond the second was increased from 11 to 20 pounds. From the already published rates the reductions are as follows: In the third and fourth zones, 1 cent on the first pound and 3 cents less on each additional pound; in the fifth and sixth zones, 1 cent less on each pound sent. Parcels containing books weighing 8 ounces or less will be carried anywhere for 1 cent for each 2 ounces, and on those weighing more than 8 ounces, the parcel-post rate for the zone will apply.
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Radium Fails to Ward Off Death.
Congressman Robert G. Bremner, of New Jersey, who had the entire supply of radium possessed by Doctor Howard A. Kelly, valued at $100,000 placed in a cancer last December, died. Only the indomitable will of the Congressman kept him alive for such a long period. When told that he was near death he said to his brother: "Get me my shoes. I am going to leave this place with you. I want to get to work."
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House Agrees to Bar All Asiatics.
The Administration is seriously disturbed over the action of the House of Representatives in incorporating an amendment, fathered by Representative Lenroot, in the Burnett immigration bill, excluding all Asiatics, including Japanese, from the United States, except in so far as they have rights under existing treaties or agreements.
While the vote is subject to change when the bill comes up for final passage, President Wilson and his subordinates are gravely concerned over the prominence given to the exclusion question at this juncture in the diplomatic negotiations now in progress between Japan and the United States. Fear was expressed that if the House should stand firm on the amendment the result might be a further irritation in Japan and new outbreaks of the anti-American feeling in the island empire.
The report was adopted following the rejection of an amendment offered by Representative Hayes, of California, excluding Japanese, Hindus, and also all blacks without regard to treaty obligations with any country.
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Auto Wheel Wrecks House; Causes Fire.
The wheel of a large automobile going about a mile a minute broke from the car and went through the pantry window in Mrs. Isabella Seymour's home, at South Norwalk, Conn., sending the dishes in all directions. Then it entered the kitchen and knocked the stove to pieces and set the house on fire.
The wheel weighed over 100 pounds. The automobile careened to the side of the road, but the driver escaped serious injury.
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Dies After Living Twenty Years on Cheap Diet.
Mark M. Woods, a farmer philosopher, of Webster, Mass, who has existed for the past twenty years on four cents a day, is dead at the age of 75 years. Death was caused by chronic bronchitis. Woods, in the face of increased living cost, continued to show the public year after year, that it was possible to survive on an amount of money that seemed incredible.
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Hiccoughs for Two Months.
Since it became known that physicians are unable to relieve Hilda Caine, 11 years old, who had had spells of hiccoughing every day for two months, scores of suggestions to help her have been mailed to Sea Cliff, N. Y., the child's home, but so far none has proved effective. Some of the seizures, which occur several times each day, last an hour or more. It is said the girl cannot live long unless she gets relief soon.
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Closing Gas Wells.
A gas well in Louisiana that had run wild for six years and had been wasting from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 cubic feet of gas a day during that period was successfully closed recently by a method that is probably unique in the history of the gas industry. A relief well was first bored close to the old well, and to the same depth. Water and mud were forced down the relief well under heavy-air pressure until the gas stratum was choked and the flow of gas shut off. The old well, which had made a crater 225 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep, was then permanently closed with concrete.
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University Bars Boy Slayer.
Chancellor Samuel Avery, of the University of Nebraska, announced that Kenneth Murphy, 21 years old, serving a life sentence for murder in Nebraska penitentiary at Lincoln, Neb., who was paroled by Governor Morehead to enter the State university, cannot register in the institution because of his criminal record.
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Sells Rare Stamp for $390.
H. C. Watts, of Estill Springs, Tenn., recently sold a postage stamp for $390. It was a Philippine stamp, which he obtained while in those islands a few years ago, and is known as an "Inverted Surcharge." The word "Philippine" is printed upside down. It is thought to be the only Philippine stamp of its kind in existence.
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Two Weddings Cause Mix-up.
Through two marriages, at St. Johns, Mich., a father becomes the brother-in-law of his daughter; a sister becomes the mother-in-law of her brother; one man's father-in-law becomes his brother-in-law, and a woman's sister-in-law becomes her stepmother. Charles Jones married Miss Emma E. Ellwanger, of De Witt. A few weeks ago her brother, William Ellwanger, married Jones' daughter, Miss Cora Jones.
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Trying to Photograph Bullets as They Whiz.
A bullet speeding at a rate of 3,000 feet a second, which is more than 2,000 miles an hour, makes a great disturbance in the atmosphere and creates air waves which, of course, are invisible to the naked eye. Attempts which have been made to take photographs of bullets going at this speed have been unsuccessful, but scientists are still trying. If a photograph could be taken, they say, the print would probably show a space like a body of water marked by what looked like speeding water bugs, each having a ripple in its wake.
Photographs of a bullet going at a rate of speed less than 1,200 feet a second show no air waves at all. But anything cutting through the air at a greater rate than this causes much disturbance. If you draw a stick through the water it causes little eddies and waves to trail behind it. The faster you draw the stick the more waves and wider the angle it will leave. Just so with the bullet.
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"Saved" Slayer; Sue for Pay.
Two Boston surgeons, Doctor John L. Ames and Doctor Davis D. Brough, want pay for their services in saving the life of Clarence V. T. Richeson, that he might die in the electric chair for the murder of Avis Linnell. The surgeons have filed suit against the estate of Fred H. Seavey, who was sheriff at the time Richeson mutilated himself, and the doctors were called in. This is the second attempt to collect the bill which totals $710.
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Saves Girl, Loses Own Life.
Louis Levine, a young salesman, of New York, died a hero from injuries received in saving the life of his sweetheart, 19-year-old Jessie Orlain.
Miss Orlain, Levine, and two companions were returning from the home of a friend, when the girl suddenly ran ahead to cross a car track. Midway of the street the sound of the gong, of an approaching car alarmed her and she stopped, too terrorized to move. Levine rushed toward her and pushed her out of danger with such force that she fell on her face, breaking her nose. The car caught Levine.
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Spineless Youth Able to Work in the Fields.
Living and even working, although his spine has been removed, is the remarkable experience of William Banks, 18 years old, who lives in the southern part of Chester County, Pa. The young man labors in the fields every day, and despite his handicap he can do as much work as his fellow workmen.
His spine was removed by Philadelphia surgeons, when tuberculosis developed following an injury. It was declared he would never be able to walk. For many months he lay incased in a plaster cast. He was taken to the home of his foster mother, Mrs. Veranda Lee, and was nursed back to good health. His body is wrapped in ten yards of bandages each day.
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The Divining Rod.
Although the divining rod as a locator of underground water for springs and wells has been denounced as a fake by Federal authorities, and is not given the most implicit confidence even in remote rural communities of the United States experiments in German South Africa have located water at subterranean depth in 70 per cent of the tests.
The department of agriculture of the French republic is seriously investigating the divining rod, and an association having five hundred members in Stuttgart, Germany, has begun laborious tests to determine its real value.
French publicists and scientists have taken up the personal-magnetism phase of the question. It is held by some that considering the surprising discoveries of late in regard to radiation of all sorts, it may be that there is some radioactive influence of underground waters which may act physiologically on the organism of the person in whose hand the rod seems to turn toward the subterranean water.
An effort will be made to differentiate between any alleged diviner's sincerity and real physical effect from charlatanism and autosuggestion.
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Wolf Shot in Kansas City.
A large, half-starved gray wolf after attacking three persons and spreading consternation through a staid residence district, was shot and killed on Linwood Boulevard, at Kansas City, recently.
The wolf sprang at Miss Anna Harrison as she waited for a street car. Miss Harrison threw her fur muff at the animal, and while the garment was being torn to pieces, escaped into a house. Her clothing, was torn, but she was unhurt.
The wolf ran down the boulevard pursued by a milkman who hurled bottles as he ran. Two blocks from the first attack the wolf bit a negro in the arm.
The wolf had run fifteen blocks and attacked Samuel J. Harnden, a deputy county collector, before T. W. Wright, a policeman, ended the chase by sending a bullet into the animal's head.
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After Twenty-seven Years Boxers Make Up.
Jack McAuliffe, the old lightweight, has become reconciled to Jem Carney, to whom he has not spoken since their famous five-hour battle at Revere Beach, Mass., November 17, 1887. Carney always felt he should have received the verdict.
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Noise Silencer.
Our modern day, half-crazed by the uproar that its own activities have brought about, will welcome the soft pedal that Sir Hiram Maxim, inventor of the gun silencer, is preparing to put on the hubbub in which every great urban community has condemned itself to live.
Everything has to be paid for, in one shape or another, and too many of our present aids, appliances, and conveniences pay for themselves in noise. Both the conscious and the subconscious organisms suffer, knowingly or unknowingly, and no relief has been promised.
The Anglo-American inventor proposes to better such conditions by making the individual immune, so far as auricular addresses are concerned. A simple electrical appliance will turn any office or bedroom into a zone of quiet. The noise will go on, but will not reach your ear, and sounds, the waves of which fail to reach the eardrum, are nonexistent—for that particular ear.
The new invention will soon be tried in the wards of a New York hospital. As soon as possible let it be introduced into the noisy regions of offices, stores, and factories. Thus may the number of hospital patients become appreciably reduced.
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Purse Shot from Thief's Hand.
Two men attacked Mrs. Peter Sensmeir, of Evansville, Ind., late at night, grabbed her purse, and started to run. Patrolman Withers, who happened by, shot the purse from the hand of one of the men as he ran up an alley, and it was recovered.
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Girl Ropes Coyote.
Miss Nancy Anderson, 19 years old, the pretty daughter of an old-time ranchman living in the Alahab oil fields near Hazlehurst, Miss., knows how to ride a pony and is an expert in twirling the rope. That is why she has been paid a bounty for killing a coyote, the first one seen in this part of the country for a long time.
Miss Anderson was out for a morning's ride when she encountered the coyote. She put spurs to her pony, made a big loop of her lariat, and gave chase. The first throw was successful and she dragged the coyote until she found a large rock, with which she killed it. Besides the bounty she received she was given $2 for the hide by a curio dealer.
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He Is Rat-killing Champion.
"Uncle" Jack Hart, of Ayden, N. C., claims he is the champion rat killer of the State. With the aid of a wire trap, and a dog he killed an even thousand of the rodents last year. He has killed in the neighborhood of 10,000 in the past fifteen years. He will kill rats in any house at the rate of 5 cents each.
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Man-trap Victim Recovers.
James C. Gunn, first lieutenant in the United States army, who became paralyzed, following an injury he received in a man trap in the Philippine Islands, has recovered and is on his way to the Orient again. A spear, with which the trap was armed, severed Gunn's sciatic nerve, paralyzing him. The nerve was spliced at a San Francisco hospital, and the man was cured.
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