2. Normal creaming of the milk. It is especially desirable that a sharp and definite cream line be evident on the milk soon after pasteurization. If this fails to appear, the natural inference of the consumer is that the milk is skimmed. If the milk be heated to a temperature sufficiently high to cause the fat-globule clusters to disintegrate (see Figs. 22 and 23), the globules do not rise to the surface as readily as before and the cream line remains indistinct. Where the exposure is made for a considerable period of time (10 minutes or more), the maximum temperature which can be used without producing this change is about 140 deg. F.; if the exposure is made for a very brief time, a minute or less, the milk may be heated to 158 deg.-160 F. deg. without injuring the creaming property.
3. No diminution in cream "body." Coincident with this change which takes place in the creaming of the milk is the change in body or consistency which is noted where cream is pasteurized at too high a temperature. For the same reason as given under (2) cream heated above these temperatures is reduced in apparent thickness and appears to contain less butter-fat. Of course the pasteurizing process does not change the fat content, but its "body" is apparently so affected. Thus a 25 per cent. cream may seem to be no thicker or heavier than an 18 per cent. raw cream. This real reduction in consistency naturally affects the readiness with which the cream can be whipped.
Biological requirements. 1. Enhanced keeping quality. In commercial practice the essential biological requirement is expressed in the enhanced keeping quality of the pasteurized milk. This expresses in a practical way the reduction in germ life accomplished by the pasteurizing process. The improvement in keeping quality depends upon the temperature and time of exposure, but fully as much also on the way in which the pasteurized product is handled after heating. The lowest temperature which can be used with success to kill the active, vegetative bacteria is about 140 deg. F., at which point it requires about ten minutes exposure. If this period is curtailed the temperature must be raised accordingly. An exposure to a temperature of 175 deg. F. for a minute has approximately the same effect as the lower degree of heat for the longer time.
The following bacteriological studies as to the effect which a variation in temperature exerts on bacterial life in milk are of importance as indicating the foundation for the selection of the proper limits. In the following table the exposures were made for a uniform period (20 minutes):
The bacterial content of milk heated at different temperatures.
Number of bacteria per cc. in milk. 45 deg. C. 50 deg. C. 55 deg. C. 60 deg. C. 65 deg. C. 70 deg. C. Unheated 113 deg. F. 122 deg. F. 131 deg. F. 140 deg. F. 149 deg. F. 158 deg. F. Series I. 2,895,000 —— 1,260,000 798,000 32,000 5,770 3,900 Series II. 750,000 665,000 262,400 201,000 950 700 705 Series III. 1,350,000 1,100,000 260,000 215,000 575 610 650 Series IV. 1,750,000 —— 87,360 —— 4,000 3,500 3,600
It appears from these results that the most marked decrease in temperature occurs at 140 deg. F. (60 deg. C.). It should also be observed that an increase in heat above this temperature did not materially diminish the number of organisms present, indicating that those forms remaining were in a spore or resistant condition. It was noted, however, that the developing colonies grew more slowly in the plates made from the highly heated milk, showing that their vitality was injured to a greater extent even though not killed.
2. Destruction of disease bacteria. While milk should be pasteurized so as to destroy all active, multiplying bacteria, it is particularly important to destroy any organisms of a disease nature that might find their way into the same. Fortunately most of the bacteria capable of thriving in milk before or after it is drawn from the animal are not able to form spores and hence succumb to proper pasteurization. Such is the case with the diphtheria, cholera and typhoid organisms.
The organism that is invested with most interest in this connection is the tubercle bacillus. On account of its more or less frequent occurrence in milk and its reputed high powers of resistance, it may well be taken as a standard in pasteurizing.
Thermal death limits of tubercle bacillus. Concerning the exact temperature at which this germ is destroyed there is considerable difference of opinion. Part of this arises from the inherent difficulty in determining exactly when the organism is killed (due to its failure to grow readily on artificial media), and part from the lack of uniform conditions of exposure. The standards that previously have been most generally accepted are those of De Man,[137] who found that thirty minutes exposure at 149 deg. F., fifteen minutes at 155 deg. F., or ten minutes at 167 deg. F., sufficed to destroy this germ.
More recently it has been demonstrated,[138] and these results confirmed,[139] that if tuberculous milk is heated in closed receptacles where the surface pellicle does not form, the vitality of this disease germ is destroyed at 140 deg. F. in 10-15 minutes, while an exposure at 160 deg. F. requires only about one minute.[140] If the conditions of heating are such that the surface of the milk is exposed to the air, the resistance of bacteria is greatly increased. When heated in open vessels Smith found that the tubercle organism was not killed in some cases where the exposure was made for at least an hour. Russell and Hastings[141] have shown an instance where the thermal death-point of a micrococcus isolated from pasteurized milk was increased 12.5 deg. F., by heating it under conditions that permitted of the formation of the scalded layer. It is therefore apparent that apparatus used for pasteurization should be constructed so as to avoid this defect.
Methods of treatment. Two different systems of pasteurization have grown up in the treatment of milk. One of these has been developed from the hygienic or sanitary aspect of the problem and is used more particularly in the treatment of cream and relatively small milk supplies. The other system has been developed primarily from the commercial point of view where a large amount of milk must be treated in the minimum time. In the first method the milk is heated for a longer period of time, about fifteen minutes at a relatively low temperature from 140 deg.-155 deg. F.; in the other, the milk is exposed to the source of heat only while it is passing rapidly through the apparatus. Naturally, the exposure under such conditions must be made at a considerably higher temperature, usually in the neighborhood of 160 deg. F.
The types of apparatus used in these respective processes naturally varies. Where the heating is prolonged, the apparatus employed is built on the principle of a tank or reservoir in which a given volume of milk may be held at any given temperature for any given period of time.
When the heat is applied for a much shorter period of time, the milk is passed in a continuous stream through the machine. Naturally the capacity of a continuous-flow apparatus is much greater than a machine that operates on the intermittent principle; hence, for large supplies, as in city distribution, this system has a great advantage. The question as to relative efficiency is however one which should be given most careful consideration.
Pasteurizing apparatus. The problems to be solved in the pasteurization of milk and cream designed for direct consumption are so materially different from where the process is used in butter-making that the type of machinery for each purpose is quite different. The equipment necessary for the first purpose may be divided into two general classes:
1. Apparatus of limited capacity designed for family use.
2. Apparatus of sufficient capacity to pasteurize on a commercial scale.
Domestic pasteurizers. In pasteurizing milk for individual use, it is not desirable to treat at one time more than will be consumed in one day; hence an apparatus holding a few bottles will suffice. In this case the treatment can best be performed in the bottle itself, thereby lessening the danger of infection. Several different types of pasteurizers are on the market; but special apparatus is by no means necessary for the purpose. The process can be efficiently performed by any one with the addition of an ordinary dairy thermometer to the common utensils found in the kitchen. Fig. 24 indicates a simple contrivance that can be readily arranged for this purpose.
The following suggestions indicate the different steps of the process:
1. Use only fresh milk.
2. Place milk in clean bottles or fruit cans, filling to a uniform level, closing bottles tightly with a cork or cover. If pint and quart cans are used at the same time, an inverted bowl will equalize the level. Set these in a flat-bottomed tin pail and fill with warm water to same level as milk. An inverted pie tin punched with holes will serve as a stand on which to place the bottles during the heating process.
3. Heat water in pail until the temperature of same reaches 155 deg. to 160 deg. F.; then remove from source of direct heat, cover with a cloth or tin cover, and allow the whole to stand for half an hour. In the preparation of milk for children, it is not advisable to use the low-temperature treatment (140 deg. F.) that is recommended for commercial city delivery.
4. Remove bottles of milk and cool them as rapidly as possible without danger to bottles and store in a refrigerator.
Commercial pasteurizers. The two methods of pasteurization practiced commercially for the preservation of milk and cream have been developed because of the two types of machinery now in use. Apparatus constructed on the reservoir or tank principle permits of the retention of the milk for any desired period of time. Therefore, a lower temperature can be employed in the treatment. In those machines where the milk flows through the heater in a more or less continuous stream, the period of exposure is necessarily curtailed, thereby necessitating a higher temperature.
Reservoir pasteurizers. The simplest type of apparatus suitable for pasteurizing on this principle is where the milk is placed in shotgun cans and immersed in water heated by steam. Ordinary tanks surrounded with water spaces can also be used successfully. The Boyd cream ripening vat has also been tried. In this the milk is heated by a swinging coil immersed in the vat through which hot water circulates.
In 1894 the writer[142] constructed a tank pasteurizer which consisted of a long, narrow vat surrounded by a steam-heated water chamber. Both the milk and the water chambers were provided with mechanical agitators having a to-and-fro movement.
Another machine which has been quite generally introduced is the Potts' rotating pasteurizer. This apparatus has a central milk chamber that is surrounded with an outer shell containing hot water. The whole machine revolves on a horizontal axis, and the cream or milk is thus thoroughly agitated during the heating process.
Continuous-flow pasteurizers. The demand for greater capacity than can be secured in the reservoir machines has led to the perfection of several kinds of apparatus where the milk is heated momentarily as it flows through the apparatus. Most of these were primarily introduced for the treatment of cream for butter-making purposes, but they are frequently employed for the treatment of milk on a large scale in city milk trade. Many of them are of European origin although of late years several have been devised in this country.
The general principle of construction is much the same in most of them. The milk is spread out in a thin sheet, and is treated by passing it over a surface, heated either with steam directly or preferably with hot water.
Where steam is used directly, it is impossible to prevent the "scalding on" of the milk proteids to the heated surface.
In some of these machines (Thiel, Kuehne, Lawrence, De Laval, and Hochmuth), a ribbed surface is employed over which the milk flows, while the opposite surface is heated with hot water or steam. Monrad, Lefeldt and Lentsch employ a centrifugal apparatus in which a thin layer of milk is heated in a revolving drum.
In some types of apparatus, as in the Miller machine, an American pasteurizer, the milk is forced in a thin sheet between two heated surfaces, thereby facilitating the heating process. In the Farrington machine heated discs rotate in a reservoir through which the milk flows in a continuous stream.
One of the most economical types of apparatus is the regenerator type (a German machine), in which the milk passes over the heating surface in a thin stream and then is carried back over the incoming cold milk so that the heated liquid is partially cooled by the inflowing fresh milk. In machines of this class it requires very much less steam to heat up the milk than in those in which the cold milk is heated wholly by the hot water.
A number of machines have been constructed on the principle of a reservoir which is fed by a constantly flowing stream. In some kinds of apparatus of this type no attempt is made to prevent the mixing of the recently introduced milk with that which has been partially heated. The pattern for this reservoir type is Fjord's heater, in which the milk is stirred by a stirrer. This apparatus was originally designed as a heater for milk before separation, but it has since been materially modified so that it is better adapted to the purposes of pasteurization. Reid was the first to introduce this type of machine into America.
Objections to continuous flow pasteurizers. In all continuous flow pasteurizers certain defects are more or less evident. While they fulfill the important requirement of large capacity, an absolute essential where large volumes of milk are being handled, it does not of necessity follow that they conform to all the hygienic and physical requirements that should be kept in mind. The greatest difficulty is the shortened period of exposure. The period which the milk is actually heated is often not more than a minute or so. Another serious defect is the inability to heat all of the milk for a uniform period of time. At best, the milk is exposed for an extremely short time, but even then portions pass through the machine much more quickly than do the remainder. Those portions in contact with the walls of the apparatus are retarded by friction and are materially delayed in their passage, while the particles in the center of the stream, however thin, flow through in the least possible time.
The following simple method enables the factory operator to test the period of exposure in the machine: Start the machine full of water, and after the same has become heated to the proper temperature, change the inflow to full-cream milk, continuing at the same rate. Note the exact time of change and also when first evidence of milkiness begins to appear at outflow. If samples are taken from first appearance of milky condition and thereafter at different intervals for several minutes, it is possible, by determining the amount of butter-fat in the same, to calculate with exactness how long it takes for the milk to entirely replace the water.
Tests made by the writer[143] on the Miller pasteurizer showed, when fed at the rate of 1,700 pounds per hour, the minimum period of exposure to be 15 seconds, and the maximum about 60-70 seconds, while about two-thirds of the milk passed the machine in 40-50 seconds. This manifest variation in the rate of flow of the milk through the machine is undoubtedly the reason why the results of this type of treatment are subject to so much variation. Naturally, even a fatal temperature to bacterial life can be reduced to a point where actual destruction of even vegetating cells does not occur.
Bacterial efficiency of reservoir pasteurizers. The bacterial content of pasteurized milk and cream will depend somewhat on the number of organisms originally present in the same. Naturally, if mixed milk brought to a creamery is pasteurized, the number of organisms remaining after treatment would be greater than if the raw material was fresh and produced on a single farm.
An examination of milk and cream pasteurized on a commercial scale in the Russell vat at the Wisconsin Dairy school showed that over 99.8 per cent of the bacterial life in raw milk or cream was destroyed by the heat employed, i. e., 155 deg. F. for twenty minutes duration.[144] In nearly one-half of the samples of milk, the germ content in the pasteurized sample fell below 1,000 bacteria per cc., and the average of twenty-five samples contained 6,140 bacteria per cc. In cream the germ content was higher, averaging about 25,000 bacteria per cc. This milk was taken from the general creamery supply, which was high in organisms, containing on an average 3,675,000 bacteria per cc. De Schweinitz[145] has reported the germ content of a supply furnished in Washington which was treated at 158 deg. to 160 deg. F. for fifteen minutes. This supply came from a single source. Figures reported were from 48-hour-old agar plates. Undoubtedly these would have been higher if a longer period of incubation had been maintained. The average of 82 samples, taken for the period of one year, showed 325 bacteria per cc.
Bacterial efficiency of continuous-flow pasteurizers. A quantitative determination of the bacteria found in milk and cream when treated in machinery of this class almost always shows a degree of variation in results that is not to be noted in the discontinuous apparatus.
Harding and Rogers[146] have tested the efficiency of one of the Danish type of continuous pasteurizers. These experiments were made at 158 deg., 176 deg. and 185 deg. F. They found the efficiency of the machine not wholly satisfactory at the lower temperatures. At 158 deg. F. the average of fourteen tests gave 15,300 bacteria per cc., with a maximum to minimum range from 62,790 to 120. Twenty-five examinations at 176 deg. F. showed an average of only 117, with a range from 300 to 20. The results at 185 deg. F. showed practically the same results as noted at 176 deg. F. Considerable trouble was experienced with the "scalding on" of the milk to the walls of the machine when milk of high acidity was used.
Jensen[147] details the results of 139 tests in 1899, made by the Copenhagen Health Commission. In 66 samples from one hundred thousand to one million organisms per cc. were found, and in 22 cases from one to five millions. Nineteen tests showed less than 10,000 per cc.
In a series of tests conducted by the writer[148] on a Miller pasteurizer in commercial operation, an average of 21 tests showed 12,350 bacteria remaining in the milk when the milk was pasteurized from 156 deg.-164 deg. F. The raw milk in these tests ran from 115,000 to about one million organisms per cc.
A recently devised machine of this type (Pasteur) has been tested by Lehmann, who found that it was necessary to heat the milk as high as 176 deg. to 185 deg. F., in order to secure satisfactory results on the bacterial content of the cream.
The writer tested Reid's pasteurizer at 155 deg. to 165 deg. F. with the following results: in some cases as many as 40 per cent. of the bacteria survived, which number in some cases exceeded 2,000,000 bacteria per cc.
Pasteurizing details. While the pasteurizing process is exceedingly simple, yet, in order to secure the best results, certain conditions must be rigidly observed in the treatment before and after the heating process.
It is important to select the best possible milk for pasteurizing, for if the milk has not been milked under clean conditions, it is likely to be rich in the spore-bearing bacteria. Old milk, or milk that has not been kept at a low temperature, is much richer in germ-life than perfectly fresh or thoroughly chilled milk.
The true standard for selecting milk for pasteurization should be to determine the actual number of bacterial spores that are able to resist the heating process, but this method is impracticable under commercial conditions.
The following method, while only approximate in its results, will be found helpful: Assuming that the age or treatment of the milk bears a certain relation to the presence of spores, and that the acid increases in a general way with an increase in age or temperature, the amount of acid present may be taken as an approximate index of the suitability of the milk for pasteurizing purposes. Biological tests were carried out in the author's laboratory[149] on milks having a high and low acid content, and it was shown that the milk with the least acid was, as a rule, the freest from spore-bearing bacteria.
This acid determination can be made at the weigh-can by employing the Farrington alkaline tablet which is used in cream-ripening. Where milk is pasteurized under general creamery conditions, none should be used containing more than 0.2 per cent acidity. If only perfectly fresh milk is used, the amount of acid will generally be about 0.15 per cent with phenolphthalein as indicator.
Emphasis has already been laid on the selection of a proper limit of pasteurizing (p. 114). It should be kept constantly in mind that the thermal death-point of any organism depends not alone on the temperature used, but on the period of exposure. With the lower limits given, 140 deg. F., it is necessary to expose the milk for not less than fifteen minutes. If a higher heat is employed (and the cooked flavor disregarded) the period of exposure may be curtailed.
Chilling the milk. It is very essential in pasteurizing that the heated milk be immediately chilled in order to prevent the germination of the resistant spores, for if germination once occurs, growth can go on at relatively low temperatures.
The following experiments by Marshall[150] are of interest as showing the influence of refrigeration on germination of spores:
Cultures of organisms that had been isolated from pasteurized milk were inoculated into bouillon. One set was left to grow at room temperature, another was pasteurized and allowed to stand at same temperature, while another heated set was kept in a refrigerator. The unheated cultures at room temperature showed evidence of growth in thirty trials in an average of 26 hours; 29 heated cultures at room temperature all developed in an average of 50 hours, while the heated cultures kept in refrigerator showed no growth in 45 days with but four exceptions.
Practically all of the rapid-process machines are provided with especially constructed cooling devices. In some of them, as in the Miller and Farrington, the cooling is effected by passing the milk through two separate coolers that are constructed in the same general way as the heater. With the first cooler, cold running water is employed, the temperature often being lowered in this way to 58 deg. or 60 deg. F. Further lessening of the temperature is secured by an additional ice water or brine cooler which brings the temperature down to 40 deg.-50 deg. F.
In the economical use of ice the ice itself should be applied as closely as possibly to the milk to be cooled, for the larger part of the chilling value of ice comes from the melting of the same. To convert a pound of ice at 32 deg. F. into a pound of water at the same temperature, if we disregard radiation, would require as much heat as would suffice to raise 142 pounds of water one degree F., or one pound of water 142 deg. F. The absorptive capacity of milk for heat (specific heat) is not quite the same as it is with water, being .847 for milk in comparison with 1.0 for water.[151] Hot milk would therefore require somewhat less ice to cool it than would be required by any equal volume of water at the same temperature.
Bottling the product. If the milk has been properly pasteurized, it should, of course, be dispensed in sterilized bottles. Glass bottles with plain pulp caps are best, and these should be thoroughly sterilized in steam before using. The bottling can best be done in a commercial bottling machine. Care must be taken to thoroughly clean this apparatus after use each day. Rubber valves in these machines suffer deterioration rapidly.
Restoration of "body" of pasteurized cream. The action of heat causes the tiny groupings of fat globules in normal milk (Fig. 22) to break up, and with this change, which occurs in the neighborhood of 140 deg. F., where the milk is heated for about 15 minutes and at about 160-165 deg. F. where rapidly heated in a continuous stream, the consistency of the liquid is diminished, notwithstanding the fact that the fat-content remains unchanged. Babcock and the writer[152] devised the following "cure" for this apparent defect. If a strong solution of cane sugar is added to freshly slacked lime and the mixture allowed to stand, a clear fluid can be decanted off. The addition of this alkaline liquid, which is called "viscogen," to pasteurized cream in proportions of about one part of sugar-lime solution to 100 to 150 of cream, restores the consistency of the cream, as it causes the fat globules to cluster together in small groups.
The relative viscosity of creams can easily be determined by the following method (Fig. 29):
Take a perfectly clean piece of glass (plate or picture glass is preferable, as it is less liable to be wavy). Drop on one edge two or three drops of cream at intervals of an inch or so. Then incline piece of glass at such an angle as to cause the cream to flow down surface of glass. The cream, having the heavier body or viscosity, will move more slowly. If several samples of each cream are taken, then the aggregate lengths of the different cream paths may be taken, thereby eliminating slight differences due to condition of glass.
[126] From 10 to 16 cents per quart is usually paid for such milks.
[127] Much improvement in quality could be made by more careful control of milk during shipment, especially as to refrigeration; also as to the care taken on the farms. The use of the ordinary milking machine (see page 37), would go far to reduce the germ content of milk.
[128] Farrington, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., Sept., 1896.
[129] Hite, Bull. 58, West Va. Expt. Stat., 1899.
[130] Milch Zeit., 1895, No. 9.
[131] Ibid., 1897, No. 33.
[132] Bernstein, Milch Zeit., 1894, pp. 184, 200.
[133] Thoerner, Chem. Zeit., 18:845.
[134] Snyder, Chemistry of Dairying, p. 59.
[135] Doane and Price (Bull. 77, Md. Expt. Stat., Aug. 1901) give quite a full resume of the work on this subject in connection with rather extensive experiments made by them on feeding animals with raw, pasteurized and sterilized milks.
[136] Rickets is a disease in which the bones lack sufficient mineral matter to give them proper firmness. Marasmus is a condition in which the ingested food seems to fail to nourish the body and gradual wasting away occurs.
[137] De Man, Arch. f. Hyg., 1893, 18:133.
[138] Th. Smith, Journ. of Expt. Med., 1899, 4:217.
[139] Russell and Hastings, 17 Rept. Wis. Expt. Stat., 1900, p. 147.
[140] Russell and Hastings, 21 Rept. Ibid., 1904.
[141] Russell and Hastings, 18 Rept. Ibid., 1901.
[142] Russell, Bull. 44, Wis. Expt. Stat.
[143] Russell, 22 Wis. Expt. Stat. Rept., 1905, p. 232.
[144] Russell, 12 Wis. Expt. Stat. Rept., 1895, p. 160.
[145] De Schweinitz, Nat. Med. Rev., 1899, No. 11.
[146] Harding and Rogers. Bull. 182, N. Y. (Geneva) Expt. Stat., Dec., 1899.
[147] Jensen, Milchkunde und Milch Hygiene, p. 132.
[148] 22 Wis. Expt. Stat. Rept., 1905, p. 236.
[149] Shockley, Thesis, Univ. of Wis., 1896.
[150] Marshall, Mich. Expt. Stat., Bull. 147, p. 47.
[151] Fleischmann, Landw. Versuchts Stat., 17:251.
[152] Babcock and Russell, Bull. 54, Wis. Expt. Stat., Aug. 1896.
In making butter from the butter fat in milk, it is necessary to concentrate the fat globules into cream, preliminary to the churning process. The cream may be raised by the gravity process or separated from the milk by centrifugal action. In either case the bacteria that are normally present in the milk differentiate themselves in varying numbers in the cream and the skim-milk. The cream always contains per cc. a great many more than the skim-milk, the reason for this being that the bacteria are caught and held in the masses of fat globules, which, on account of their lighter specific gravity, move toward the surface of the milk or toward the interior of the separator bowl. This filtering action of the fat globules is similar to what happens in muddy water upon standing. As the suspended particles fall to the bottom they carry with them a large number of the organisms that are in the liquid.
Various creaming methods. The creaming method has an important bearing on the kind as well as the number of the bacteria that are to be found in the cream. The difference in species is largely determined by the difference in ripening temperature, while the varying number is governed more by the age of the milk.
1. Primitive gravity methods. In the old shallow-pan process, the temperature of the milk is relatively high, as the milk is allowed to cool naturally. This comparatively high temperature favors especially the development of those forms whose optimum growing-point is near the air temperature. By this method the cream layer is exposed to the air for a longer time than with any other, and consequently the contamination from this source is greater. Usually cream obtained by the shallow-pan process will contain a larger number of species and also have a higher acid content.
2. Modern gravity methods. In the Cooley process, or any of the modern gravity methods where cold water or ice is used to lower the temperature, the conditions do not favor the growth of a large variety of species. The number of bacteria in the cream will depend largely upon the manner in which the milk is handled previous to setting. If care is used in milking, and the milk is kept so as to exclude outside contamination, the cream will be freer from bacteria than if carelessness prevails in handling the milk. Only those forms will develop in abundance that are able to grow at the low temperature at which the milk is set. Cream raised by this method is less frequently infected with undesirable forms than that which is creamed at a higher temperature.
3. Centrifugal method. Separator cream should contain less germ-life than that which is secured in the old way. It should contain only those forms that have found their way into the milk during and subsequent to the milking, for the cream is ordinarily separated so soon that there is but little opportunity of infection, if care is taken in the handling. As a consequence, the number of species found therein is smaller.
Where milk is separated, it is always prudent to cool the cream so as to check growth, as the milk is generally heated before separating in order to skim efficiently.
Although cream is numerically much richer in bacteria than milk, yet the changes due to bacterial action are slower; hence milk sours more rapidly than cream. For this same reason, cream will sour sooner when it remains on the milk than it will if it is separated as soon as possible. This fact indicates the necessity of early creaming, so as to increase the keeping quality of the product, and is another argument in favor of the separator process.
Ripening of cream. If cream is allowed to remain at ordinary temperatures, it undergoes a series of fermentation changes that are exceedingly complex in character, the result of which is to produce in butter made from the same the characteristic flavor and aroma that are so well known in this article. We are so accustomed to the development of these flavors in butter that they are not generally recognized as being intimately associated with bacterial activity unless compared with butter made from perfectly fresh cream. Sweet-cream butter lacks the aromatic principle that is prominent in the ripened product, and while the flavor is delicate, it is relatively unpronounced.
In the primitive method of butter-making, where the butter was made on the farm, the ripening of cream became a necessity in order that sufficient material might be accumulated to make a churning. The ripening change occurred spontaneously without the exercise of any especial control. With the development of the creamery system came the necessity of exercising a control of this process, and therefore the modern butter-maker must understand the principles which are involved in this series of complex changes that largely give to his product its commercial value.
In these ripening changes three different factors are to be taken into consideration: the development of acid, flavor and aroma. Much confusion in the past has arisen from a failure to discriminate between these qualities. While all three are produced simultaneously in ordinary ripening, it does not necessarily follow that they are produced by the same cause. If the ripening changes are allowed to go too far, undesirable rather than beneficial decomposition products are produced. These greatly impair the value of butter, so that it becomes necessary to know just to what extent this process should be carried.
In cream ripening there is a very marked bacterial growth, the extent of which is determined mainly by the temperature of the cream. Conn and Esten[153] find that the number of organisms may vary widely in unripened cream, but that the germ content of the ripened product is more uniform. When cream is ready for the churn, it often contains 500,000,000 organisms per cc., and frequently even a higher number. This represents a germ content that has no parallel in any natural material.
The larger proportion of bacteria in cream as it is found in the creamery belong to the acid-producing class, but in the process of ripening, these forms seem to thrive still better, so that when it is ready for churning the germ content of the cream is practically made up of this type.
Effect on churning. In fresh cream the fat globules which are suspended in the milk serum are surrounded by a film of albuminous material which prevents them from coalescing readily. During the ripening changes, this enveloping substance is modified, probably by partial solution, so that the globules cohere when agitated, as in churning. The result is that ripened cream churns more easily, and as it is possible to cause a larger number of the smaller fat-globules to cohere to the butter granules, the yield is slightly larger—a point of considerable economic importance where large quantities of butter are made.
Development of acid. The result of this enormous bacterial multiplication is that acid is produced in cream, lactic being the principal acid so formed.
Other organic acids are undoubtedly formed as well as certain aromatic products. While the production of acid as a result of fermentative activity is usually accompanied with a development of flavor, the flavor is not directly produced by the formation of acid. If cream is treated in proper proportions with a commercial acid, as hydrochloric,[154] it assumes the same churning properties as found in normally ripened cream, but is devoid of the desired aromatic qualities. Lactic acid[155] has also been used in a similar way but with no better results.
The amount of acidity that should be developed under natural conditions so as to secure the optimum quality as to flavor and aroma is the most important question in cream ripening. Concerning this there have been two somewhat divergent views as to what is best in practice, some holding that better results were obtained with cream ripened to a high degree of acidity than where a less amount was developed.[156] The present tendency seems to be to develop somewhat more than formerly, as it is thought that this secures more of the "high, quick" flavor wanted in the market. On the average, cream is ripened to about 0.5 to 0.65 per cent. acidity, a higher percentage than this giving a strong-flavored butter. In the determination of acidity, the most convenient method is to employ the Farrington alkaline tablet, which permits of an accurate and rapid estimation of the acidity in the ripening cream. The amount of acidity to be produced must of necessity be governed by the amount of butter-fat present, for the formation of acid is confined to the serum of the cream; consequently, a rich cream would show less acid by titration than a thinner cream, and still contain really as much acid as the other. The importance of this factor is evident in gathered-cream factories.
The rate of ripening is dependent upon the conditions that affect the rate of growth of bacterial life, such as time and temperature, number of organisms in cream and also the per cent of butter fat in the cream. Some years ago it was customary to ripen cream at about 50 deg. to 60 deg. F., but more recently better results have been obtained, it is claimed, where the ripening temperature is increased and the period of ripening lessened. As high a temperature as 70 deg. to 75 deg. F. has been recommended. It should be said that this variation in practice may have a valid scientific foundation, for the temperature of the ripening cream is undoubtedly the most potent factor in determining what kind of bacteria will develop most luxuriantly. It is well known that those forms that are capable of producing bitter flavors are able to thrive better at a lower temperature than some of the desirable ripening species.
The importance of this factor would be lessened where a pure culture was used in pasteurized cream, because here practically the selected organism alone controls the field.
It is frequently asserted that better results are obtained by stirring the cream and so exposing it to the air as much as possible. Experiments made at the Ontario Agricultural College, however, show practically no difference in the quality of the butter made by these two methods. The great majority of the bacteria in the cream belong to the facultative class, and are able to grow under conditions where they are not in direct contact with the air.
Flavor and aroma. The basis for the peculiar flavor or taste which ripened cream-butter possesses is due, in large part, to the formation of certain decomposition products formed by various bacteria. Aroma is a quality often confounded with flavor, but this is produced by volatile products only, which appeal to the sense of smell rather than taste. Generally a good flavor is accompanied by a desirable aroma, but the origin of the two qualities is not necessarily dependent on the same organisms. The quality of flavor and aroma in butter is, of course, also affected by other conditions, as, for instance, the presence or absence of salt, as well as the inherent qualities of the milk, that are controlled, to some extent at least, by the character of the feed which is consumed by the animal. The exact source of these desirable but evanescent qualities in butter is not yet satisfactorily determined. According to Storch,[157] flavors are produced by the decomposition of the milk sugar and the absorption of the volatile flavors by the butter fat. Conn[158] holds that the nitrogenous elements in cream serve as food for bacteria, and in the decomposition of which the desired aromatic substance is produced. The change is unquestionably a complex one, and cannot be explained as a single fermentation.
There is no longer much doubt but that both acid-forming and casein-digesting species can take part in the production of proper flavors as well as desirable aromas. The researches of Conn,[159] who has studied this question most exhaustively, indicate that both of these types of decomposition participate in the production of flavor and aroma. He has shown that both flavor and aroma production are independent of acid; that many good flavor-producing forms belong to that class which renders milk alkaline, or do not change the reaction at all. Some of these species liquefied gelatin and would therefore belong to the casein-dissolving class. Those species that produced bad flavors are also included in both fermentative types. Conn has found a number of organisms that are favorable flavor-producers; in fact they were much more numerous than desirable aroma-yielding species. None of the favorable aroma forms according to his investigations were lactic-acid species,—a view which is also shared by Weigmann.[160]
McDonnell[161] has found that the production of aroma in certain cases varies at different temperatures, the most pronounced being evolved near the optimum growing temperature, which, as a general rule, is too high for cream ripening.
The majority of bacteria in ripening cream do not seem to exert any marked influence in butter. A considerable number of species are positively beneficial, inasmuch as they produce a good flavor or aroma. A more limited number are concerned in the production of undesirable ripening changes. This condition being true, it may seem strange that butter is as good as it is, because so frequently the requisite care is not given to the development of proper ripening. In all probability the chief reason why this is so is that those bacteria that find milk and cream pre-eminently suited to their development, e. g. the lactic-acid class, are either neutral or beneficial in their effect on butter.
Use of starters. Experience has amply demonstrated that it is possible to control the nature of the fermentative changes that occur in ripening cream to such an extent as to materially improve the quality of the butter. This is frequently done by the addition of a "starter." While starters have been employed for many years for the purpose mentioned, it is only recently that their nature has been understood. A starter may be selected from widely divergent sources, but in all cases it is sure to contain a large number of bacteria, and the presumption is that they are of such a nature as to produce desirable fermentative changes in the cream.
In the selection of these so-called natural starters, it follows that they must be chosen under such conditions as experience has shown to give favorable results. For this purpose, whole milk from a single animal is often used where the same is observed to sour with the production of no gas or other undesirable taint. A skim-milk starter from a mixed supply is recommended by many. Butter milk is frequently employed, but in the opinion of butter experts is not as suitable as the others mentioned.
It not infrequently happens that the practical operator may be misled in selecting a starter that is not desirable, or by continuing its use after it has become contaminated.
In 1890[162] a new system of cream ripening was introduced in Denmark by Storch that possesses the merit of being a truly scientific and at the same time practical method. This consisted in the use of pure cultures of specific organisms that were selected on account of their ability to produce a desirable ripening change in cream. The introduction of these so-called culture starters has become universal in Denmark, and in parts of Germany. Their use is also rapidly extending in this country, Australia and New Zealand.
Principles of pure-culture cream-ripening. In the proper use of pure cultures for ripening cream, it is necessary first to eliminate as far as possible the bacteria already present in cream before the culture starter is added. This result is accomplished by heating the cream to a temperature sufficiently high to destroy the vegetating organisms. The addition of a properly selected starter will then give the chosen organism such an impetus as will generally enable it to gain the ascendency over any other bacteria and so control the character of the ripening. The principle employed is quite like that practiced in raising grain. The farmer prepares his soil by plowing, in this way killing the weeds. Then he sows his selected grain, which is merely a pure culture, and by the rapid growth of this, other forms are held in check.
The attempt has been made to use these culture starters in raw sweet cream, but it can scarcely be expected that the most beneficial results will be attained in this way. This method has been justified on the basis of the following experiments. Where cream is pasteurized and no starter is added, the spore-bearing forms frequently produce undesirable flavors. These can almost always be controlled if a culture starter is added, the obnoxious form being repressed by the presence of the added starter. This condition is interpreted as indicating that the addition of a starter to cream which already contains developing bacteria will prevent those originally present in the cream from growing.[163] This repressive action of one species on another is a well-known bacteriological fact, but it must be remembered that such an explanation is only applicable in those cases where the culture organism is better able to develop than those forms that already exist in the cream.
If the culture organism is added to raw milk or cream which already contains a flora that is well suited to develop in this medium, it is quite doubtful whether it would gain the supremacy in the ripening cream. The above method of adding a culture to raw cream renders cream-ripening details less burdensome, but at the same time Danish experience, which is entitled to most credence on this question, is opposed to this method.
Reputed advantages of culture starters. 1. Flavor and aroma. Naturally the flavor produced by pure-culture ferments depends upon the character of the organism used. Those which are most extensively used are able to produce a perfectly clean but mild flavor, and a delicate but not pronounced aroma. The "high, quick" flavor and aroma that is so much desired in the American market is not readily obtained by the use of cultures. It is quite problematical whether the use of any single species will give any more marked aroma than normally occurs in natural ripening.
2. Uniformity of product. Culture starters produce a more uniform product because the type of fermentation is under more complete control, and herein is the greatest advantage to be derived from their use. Even the best butter-maker at times will fail to secure uniform results if his starter is not perfectly satisfactory.
3. Keeping quality of product. Butter made from pasteurized cream to which a pure-culture starter has been added will keep much better than the ordinary product, because the diversity of the bacterial flora is less and the milk is therefore not so likely to contain those organisms that produce an "off" condition.
4. Elimination of taints. Many defective conditions in butter are attributable to the growth of undesirable bacteria in the cream that result in the formation of "off" flavors and taints. If cream is pasteurized, thereby destroying these organisms, then ripened with pure ferments, it is generally possible to eliminate the abnormal conditions.[164] Taints may also be present in cream due to direct absorption from the cow or through exposure to foul odors.[165] Troubles of this sort may thus be carried over to the butter. This is particularly true in regions where leeks and wild onions abound, as in some of the Atlantic States. The heating of the cream tends to expel these volatile taints, so that a fairly good article of butter can be made from what would otherwise be a relatively worthless product.
Characteristics desired in culture starters. Certain conditions as the following are desirable in starters made from pure cultures:
1. Vigorous growth in milk at ordinary ripening temperatures.
2. Ability to form acid so as to facilitate churning and increase the yield of butter.
3. Able to produce a clean flavor and desirable aroma.
4. Impart a good keeping quality to butter.
5. Not easily modified in its flavor-producing qualities by artificial cultivation.
These different conditions are difficult to attain, for the reason that some of them seem to be in part incompatible. Weigmann[166] found that a good aroma was generally an evanescent property, and therefore opposed to good keeping quality. Conn has shown that the functions of acid-formation, flavor and aroma production are not necessarily related, and therefore the chances of finding a single organism that possesses all the desirable attributes are not very good.
In all probability no one germ possesses all of these desirable qualities, but natural ripening is the resultant of the action of several forms.[167] This idea has led to the attempt at mixing selected organisms that have been chosen on account of certain favorable characteristics which they might possess. The difficulty of maintaining such a composite culture in its correct proportions when it is propagated in the creamery is seemingly well nigh insuperable, as one organism is very apt to develop more or less rapidly than the other.
A very satisfactory way in which these cultures are marketed is to mix the bacterial growth with some sterile, inert, dry substance. This is the method used in most of the Danish cultures. In this country, some of the more prominent cultures employed are marketed in a liquid form.
Culture vs. home-made starters. One great advantage which has accrued from the use of culture or commercial starters has been that in emphasizing the need of closer control of the ripening process, greater attention has been paid to the carrying out of the details. In the hands of the better operators, the differences in flavor of butter made with a culture or a natural starter are not marked,[168] but in the hands of those who fail to make a good product under ordinary conditions, an improvement is often secured where a commercial culture is used.
Pasteurization as applied to butter-making. This process, as applied to butter making, is often confounded with the treatment of milk and cream for direct consumption. It is unfortunate that the same term is used in connection with the two methods, for they have but little in common except in the use of heat to destroy the germ life of the milk. In pasteurizing cream for butter-making, it is not necessary to observe the stringent precautions that are to be noted in the preservation of milk; for the addition of a rapidly developing starter controls at once the fermentative changes that subsequently occur. Then again, the physical requirement as to the production of a cooked taste is not so stringent in butter-making. While a cooked taste is imparted to milk or even cream at about 158 deg. F., it is possible to make butter that shows no permanent cooked taste from cream that has been raised as high as 185 deg. or even 195 deg. F. This is due to the fact that the fat does not readily take up those substances that give to scalded milk its peculiar flavor.
Unless care is taken in the manipulation of the heated cream, the grain or body of the butter may be injured. This tendency can be overcome if the ripened cream is chilled to 48 deg. F. for about two hours before churning. It is also essential that the heated cream should be quickly and thoroughly chilled after being pasteurized.
The Danes, who were the first to employ pasteurization in butter-making, used, in the beginning, a temperature ranging from 158 deg. to 167 deg. F., but owing to the prevalence of such diseases as tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth disease, it became necessary to treat all of the skim milk that was returned from the creameries. For this purpose the skim milk is heated to a temperature of 176 deg. F., it having been more recently determined that this degree of heat is sufficient to destroy the seeds of disease. With the use of this higher temperature the capacity of the pasteurizing apparatus is considerably reduced, but the higher temperature is rendered necessary by the prevailing conditions as to disease.
When the system was first introduced in Denmark, two methods of procedure were followed: the whole milk was heated to a sufficiently high temperature to thoroughly pasteurize it before it was separated, or it was separated first, and the cream pasteurized afterwards. In the latter case, it is necessary to heat the skim milk after separation to destroy the disease organisms, but this can be quickly done by the use of steam directly. Much more care must be used in heating the cream in order to prevent injury to the grain of the butter. In spite of the extra trouble of heating the cream and skim milk separately, this method has practically supplanted the single heating. With the continual spread of tuberculosis in America the heating of skim milk separately is beginning to be introduced.[169]
Use of starters in pasteurized and unpasteurized cream. In order to secure the beneficial results presumably attributable to the use of a starter, natural as well as a pure culture, it should be employed in cream in which the bacteria have first been killed out by pasteurization. This is certainly the most logical and scientific method and is the way in which the process has been developed in Denmark.
Here in this country, the use of pure cultures has been quite rapidly extended, but the system of heating the cream has been used in only a slight measure. The increased labor and expense incurred in pasteurizing the cream has naturally militated somewhat against the wide-spread use of the process, but doubtless the main factor has been the inability to secure as high a flavor where the cream was heated as in the unheated product. As the demands of the market change from a high, quick flavor to one that is somewhat milder but of better keeping quality, doubtless pasteurization of the cream will become more and more popular. That such a change is gradually occurring is already evident, although as yet only a small proportion of butter made in this country is now made in this way. Where the cream is unheated, a considerable number of species will be found, and even the addition of a pure culture, if that culture is of the lactic acid-producing species, will to some extent control the type of fermentation that occurs. Such would not be the case with a culture composed of the casein-digesting type of bacteria. Only those forms could thus be used which are especially well suited to development in raw cream. For this reason the pure culture ferments that are generally employed in creamery practice are organisms of the lactic acid type, able to grow rapidly in cream and produce a pure cream flavor in the butter.
Purity of commercial starters. Naturally the butter maker is forced to rely on the laboratory for his commercial starter, and the question will often arise as to the purity and vigor of the various ferments employed. As there is no way for the factory operator to ascertain the actual condition of the starter, except by using the same, the greatest care should be taken by the manufacturer to insure the absolute purity of the seed used.
A bacteriological examination of the various cultures which have been placed on the market not infrequently reveals an impure condition. In several cases the writer has found a not inconsiderable number of liquefying bacteria mixed with the selected organism. Molds not infrequently are found in cultures put up in the dry form. Doubtless the effect of these accidental contaminations is considerably less in the case of a starter composed of a distinctively lactic acid-producing organism than with a form which is less capable of thriving vigorously in milk, and it should be said that these impurities can frequently be eliminated by continued propagation.
The virility and vigor of the starter is also a fluctuating factor, dependent in part at least, upon the conditions under which the organism is grown. In some cases the germ is cultivated in solutions in which acid cannot be formed in abundance. Where the conditions permit of the formation of acid, as would be the case if sugar was present with a lactic acid-producing species, the vitality of the culture is often impaired by the action of the gradually accumulating acid. Some manufacturers attempt to minimize this deleterious condition by adding carbonate of lime which unites with the acid that is formed.
Propagation of starters for cream-ripening. The preparation and propagation of a starter for cream-ripening is a process involving considerable bacteriological knowledge, whether the starter is of domestic origin or prepared from a pure-culture ferment. In any event, it is necessary that the starter should be handled in a way so as to prevent the introduction of foreign bacteria as far as possible. It should be remembered at all times that the starter is a live thing and must be handled throughout its entire history in a way so as to retain its vitality and vigor unimpaired. The following points should be taken into consideration in growing the starter and transferring it from day to day:
1. If a commercial starter is used, see that it is fresh and that the seal has not been broken. If the culture is too old, the larger part of the organisms may have died out before it is transferred, in which case the effect of its addition to the sterilized milk would be of little value.
When the commercial ferment is received, it should be stored in the refrigerator pending its use so as to retard as much as possible the changes that naturally go on in the culture liquid. Be careful that the bottle is not exposed to the influence of direct sunlight for in a transparent medium the organisms may be readily killed by the disinfecting action of the sun's rays.
2. If a home-made starter is employed, use the greatest possible care in selecting the milk that is to be used as a basis for the starter.
3. For the propagation and perpetuation of the starter from day to day, it is necessary that the same should be grown in milk that is as germ-free as it is possible to secure it. For this purpose sterilize some fresh skim-milk in a covered can that has previously been well steamed. This can be done easily by setting cans containing skim-milk in a vat filled with water and heating the same to 180 deg. F. or above for one-half hour or more. Steam should not be introduced directly. This process destroys all but a few of the most resistant spore-bearing organisms. This will give a cooked flavor to the milk, but will not affect the cream to which the starter is added. Dairy supply houses are now introducing the use of starter cans that are specially made for this purpose.
4. After the heated milk is cooled down to about 70 deg. or 80 deg. F., it can be inoculated with the desired culture. Sometimes it is desirable to "build up" the starter by propagating it first in a smaller volume of milk, and then after this has developed, adding it to a larger amount.
This method is of particular value where a large amount of starter is needed for the cream-ripening.
5. After the milk has been inoculated, it should be kept at a temperature that is suitable for the rapid development of the contained bacteria, 65 deg.-75 deg. F., which temperature should be kept as uniform as possible.
This can best be done by setting the covered can in a vat filled with warm water. The starter cans are often arranged so that temperature can be controlled by circulating water.
6. The starter should not be too thoroughly curdled when it is needed for use, but should be well soured and only partially curdled for it is difficult to break up thoroughly the curd particles if the starter is completely curdled. If these curd masses are added to ripening cream, white specks may appear in the butter.
7. The vigor of the starter is in all probability stronger when the milk is on the point of curdling than it is after the curd has been formed some time. The continued formation of lactic acid kills many of the bacteria and thus weakens the fermentative action. It is therefore highly important that the acidity of the starter should be closely watched.
8. Do not refrigerate the starter when it has reached the proper stage of development, as this retards the bacterial growth in the same manner as cold weather checks the growth of grain. It is preferable to dilute the starter, if it cannot be used when ready, with sufficient freshly sterilized sweet milk to hold the acidity at the proper point and thus keep the bacteria in the starter in a condition which will favor vigorous growth.
9. The starter should be propagated from day to day by adding a small quantity to a new lot of freshly prepared milk. For this purpose two propagating cans should be provided so that one starter may be in use while the other is being prepared.
How long should a starter be propagated? No hard-and-fast rule can be given for this, for it depends largely upon how carefully the starter is handled during its propagation. If the starter is grown in sterilized milk kept in steamed vessels and is handled with sterile dippers, it is possible to maintain it in a state of relative purity for a considerable period of time; if, however, no especial care is given, it will soon become infected by the air, and the retention of its purity will depend more upon the ability of the contained organism to choke out foreign growths than upon any other factor. Experience seems to indicate that pure-culture starters "run out" sooner than domestic starters. While it is possible, by bacteriological methods, to determine with accuracy the actual condition of a starter as to its germ content, still such methods are inapplicable in creamery practice. Here the maker must rely largely upon the general appearance of the starter as determined by taste and smell. The supply houses that deal in cultures of this class generally expect to supply a new culture at least every month.
Bacteria in butter. As ripened cream is necessarily rich in bacteria, it follows that butter will also contain germ life in varying amounts, but as butter-fat is not well adapted for bacterial food, the number of germs in butter is usually less than in ripened cream.
Sweet-cream butter is naturally poorer in germ life than that made from ripened cream. Grotenfelt reports in sweet-cream butter, the so-called "Paris butter," only a few bacteria while in acid cream butter the germ content runs from scores to hundreds of thousands.
Effect of bacteria in wash water. An important factor in contamination may be the wash water that is used. Much carelessness often prevails regarding the location and drainage of the creamery well, and if same becomes polluted with organic matter, bacterial growth goes on apace. Melick[170] has made some interesting studies on using pasteurized and sterilized well waters for washing. He found a direct relation to exist between the bacterial content of the wash water and the keeping quality of the butter. Some creameries have tried filtered water but under ordinary conditions a filter, unless it is tended to with great regularity, becomes a source of infection rather than otherwise.
Changes in germ content. The bacteria that are incorporated with the butter as it first "comes" undergo a slight increase for the first few days. The duration of this period of increase is dependent largely upon the condition of the butter. If the buttermilk is well worked out of the butter, the increase is slight and lasts for a few days only, while the presence of so nutritious a medium as buttermilk affords conditions much more favorable for the continued growth of the organisms.
While there may be many varieties in butter when it is fresh, they are very soon reduced in kind as well as number. The lactic acid group of organisms disappear quite rapidly; the spore-bearing species remaining for a somewhat longer time. Butter examined after it is several months old is often found to be almost free from germs.
In the manufacture of butter there is much that is dependent upon the mechanical processes of churning, washing, salting and working the product. These processes do not involve any bacteriological principles other than those that are incident to cleanliness. The cream, if ripened properly, will contain such enormous numbers of favorable forms that the access of the few organisms that are derived from the churn, the air, or the water in washing will have little effect, unless the conditions are abnormal.
Rancid change in butter. Fresh butter has a peculiar aroma that is very desirable and one that enhances the market price, if it can be retained; but this delicate flavor is more or less evanescent, soon disappearing, even in the best makes. While a good butter loses with age some of the peculiar aroma that it possesses when first made, yet a gilt-edged product should retain its good keeping qualities for some length of time. All butters, however, sooner or later undergo a change that renders them worthless for table use. This change is usually a rancidity that is observed in all stale products of this class. The cause of this rancid condition in butter was at first attributed to the formation of butyric acid, but it is now recognized that other changes also enter in.[171] Light and especially air also exert a marked effect on the flavor of butter. Where butter is kept in small packages it is much more prone to develop off flavors than when packed in large tubs. From the carefully executed experiments of Jensen it appears that some of the molds as well as certain species of bacteria are able to incite these changes. These organisms are common in the air and water and it therefore readily follows that inoculation occurs.
Practically, rancidity is held in check by storing butter at low temperatures where germ growth is quite suspended.
Lack of flavor. Often this may be due to improper handling of the cream in not allowing it to ripen far enough, but sometimes it is impossible to produce a high flavor. The lack of flavor in this case is due to the absence of the proper flavor-producing organisms. This condition can usually be overcome by the addition of a proper starter.
Putrid butter. This specific butter trouble has been observed in Denmark, where it has been studied by Jensen.[172] Butter affected by it rapidly acquires a peculiar putrid odor that ruins it for table use. Sometimes, this flavor may be developed in the cream previous to churning.
Jensen found the trouble to be due to several different putrefactive bacteria. One form which he called Bacillus foetidus lactis, a close ally of the common feces bacillus, produced this rotten odor and taste in milk in a very short time. Fortunately, this organism was easily killed by a comparatively low heat, so that pasteurization of the cream and use of a culture starter quickly eliminated the trouble, where it was tried.
Turnip-flavored butter. Butter sometimes acquires a peculiar flavor recalling the order of turnips, rutabagas, and other root crops. Often this trouble is due to feeding, there being in several of these crops, aromatic substances that pass directly into the milk, but in some instances the trouble arises from bacteria that are able to produce decomposition products,[173] the odor and taste of which strongly recalls these vegetables.
"Cowy" butter. Frequently there is to be noted in milk a peculiar odor that resembles that of the cow stable. Usually this defect in milk has been ascribed to the absorption of impure gases by the milk as it cools, although the gases and odors naturally present in fresh milk have this peculiar property that is demonstrable by certain methods of aeration. Occasionally it is transmitted to butter, and recently Pammel[174] has isolated from butter a bacillus that produced in milk the same peculiar odor so commonly present in stables.
Lardy and tallowy butter. The presence of this unpleasant taste in butter may be due to a variety of causes. In some instances, improper food seems to be the source of the trouble; then again, butter exposed to direct sunlight bleaches in color and develops a lardy flavor.[175] In addition to these, cases have been found in which the defect has been traced to the action of bacteria. Storch[176] has described a lactic-acid form in a sample of tallowy butter that was able to produce this disagreeable odor.
Oily butter. Jensen has isolated one of the causes of the dreaded oily butter that is reported quite frequently in Denmark. The specific organism that he found belongs to the sour-milk bacteria. In twenty-four hours it curdles milk, the curd being solid like that of ordinary sour milk. There is produced, however, in addition to this, an unpleasant odor and taste resembling that of machine oil, a peculiarity that is transmitted directly to butter made from affected cream.
Bitter butter. Now and then butter develops a bitter taste that may be due to a variety of different bacterial forms. In most cases, the bitter flavor in the butter is derived primarily from the bacteria present in the cream or milk. Several of the fermentations of this character in milk are also to be found in butter. In addition to these defects produced by a biological cause, bitter flavors in butter are sometimes produced by the milk being impregnated with volatile, bitter substances derived from weeds.
Moldy butter. This defect is perhaps the most serious because most common. It is produced by the development of a number of different varieties of molds. The trouble appears most frequently in packed butter on the outside of the mass of butter in contact with the tub. Mold spores are so widely disseminated that if proper conditions are given for their germination, they are almost sure to develop. In some cases the mold is due to the growth of the ordinary bread mold, Penicillium glaucum; in other cases a black mold develops, due often to Cladosporium butyri. Not infrequently trouble of this character is associated with the use of parchment wrappers. The difficulty can easily be held in check by soaking the parchment linings and the tubs in a strong brine, or paraffining the inside of the tub.
Fishy butter. Considerable trouble has been experienced in Australian butter exported to Europe in which a fishy flavor developed. It was noted that the production of this defect seemed to be dependent upon the storage temperature at which the butter was kept. When the butter was refrigerated at 15 deg. F. no further difficulty was experienced. It is claimed that the cause of this condition is due to the formation of trimethylamine (herring brine odor) due to the growth of the mold fungus Oidium lactis, developing in combination with the lactic-acid bacteria.
A fishy taste is sometimes noted in canned butter. Rogers[177] has determined that this flavor is caused by yeasts (Torula) which produce fat-splitting enzyms capable of producing this undesirable change.
[153] Conn and Esten, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 1901, 7:746.
[154] Tiemann, Milch Zeit., 23:701.
[155] Milch Zeit., 1889, p. 7; 1894, p. 624; 1895, p. 383.
[156] Dean, Ont. Agr. Coll., 1897, p. 66.
[157] Storch, Nogle, Unders. over Floed. Syrning, 1890.
[158] Conn, 6 Storrs Expt. Stat., 1893, p. 66.
[159] Conn, 9 Storrs Expt. Stat., 1896, p. 17.
[160] Weigmann, Milch Zeit., 1891, p. 793
[161] McDonnell, ue. Milchsaeure Bakterien (Diss. Kiel, 1899), p. 43.
[162] Storch, Milch Zeit., 1890, p. 304.
[163] Conn, 9 Storrs Expt. Stat., 1896, p. 25.
[164] Milch Zeit., 1891, p. 122; 1894, p. 284; 1895, p. 56; 1896, p. 163.
[165] McKay, Bull. 32, Iowa Expt. Stat., p. 47
[166] Weigmann, Landw. Woch. f. Schl. Hol., No. 2, 1890.
[167] Weigmann, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 3:497, 1897.
[168] At the National Creamery Buttermakers' Association for 1901, 193 out of 240 exhibitors used starters. Of those that employed starters, nearly one-half used commercial cultures. There was practically no difference in the average score of the two classes of starters, but those using starters ranked nearly two points higher in flavor than those that did not.
[169] Russell, Bull. 143, Wis. Expt. Stat., Feb. 1907.
[170] Melick, Bull. 138, Kansas Expt. Stat., June 1906.
[171] Reinmann, Cent. f. Bakt., 1900, 6:131; Jensen, Landw. Jahr. d. Schweiz, 1901.
[172] Jensen, Cent. f. Bakt., 1891, 11:409.
[173] Jensen, Milch Zeit., 1892, 6, Nos. 5 and 6.
[174] Pammel, Bull. 21, Iowa Expt. Stat., p. 803.
[175] Fischer, Hyg. Rund., 5:573.
[176] Storch, 18 Rept. Danish Agric. Expt. Stat., 1890.
[177] Rogers Bull. 57, B. A. I. U. S. Dept Agric., 1904.
The art of cheese-making, like all other phases of dairying, has been developed mainly as a result of empirical methods. Within the last decade or so, the subject has received more attention from the scientific point of view and the underlying causes determined to some extent. Since the subject has been investigated from the bacteriological point of view, much light has been thrown on the cause of many changes that were heretofore inexplicable. Our knowledge, as yet, is quite meager, but enough has already been determined to indicate that the whole industry is largely based on the phenomena of ferment action, and that the application of bacteriological principles and ideas is sure to yield more than ordinary results, in explaining, in a rational way, the reasons underlying many of the processes to be observed in this industry.
The problem of good milk is a vital one in any phase of dairy activity, but it is pre-eminently so in cheese-making, for the ability to make a first-class product depends to a large extent on the quality of the raw material. Cheese contains so large a proportion of nitrogenous constituents that it is admirably suited, as a food medium, to the development of bacteria; much better, in fact, than butter.
In the manufacture of cheddar cheese bacteria exert a marked influence in the initial stages of the process. To produce the proper texture that characterizes cheddar cheese, it is necessary to develop a certain amount of acid which acts upon the casein. This acidity is measured by the development of the lactic-acid bacteria that normally abound in the milk; or, as the cheese-maker expresses it, the milk is "ripened" to the proper point. The action of the rennet, which is added to precipitate the casein of the milk, is markedly affected by the amount of acid present, as well as the temperature. Hence it is desirable to have a standard amount of acidity as well as a standard temperature for coagulation, so as to unify conditions. It frequently happens that the milk is abnormal with reference to its bacterial content, on account of the absence of the proper lactic bacteria, or the presence of forms capable of producing fermentative changes of an undesirable character. In such cases the maker attempts to overcome the effect of the unwelcome bacteria by adding a "starter;" or he must vary his method of manufacture to some extent to meet these new conditions.
Use of starters. A starter may be employed to hasten the ripening of milk that is extremely sweet, so as to curtail the time necessary to get the cheese to press; or it may be used to overcome the effect of abnormal conditions.
The starter that is employed is generally one of domestic origin, and is usually taken from skim milk that has been allowed to ferment and sour under carefully controlled conditions. Of course much depends upon the quality of the starter, and in a natural starter there is always the possibility that it may not be perfectly pure.
Within recent years the attempt has been made to control the effect of the starter more thoroughly by using pure cultures of some desirable lactic-acid form.[178] This has rendered the making of cheese not only more uniform, but has aided in repressing abnormal fermentations particularly those that are characterized by the production of gas.
Recently, pure cultures of Adametz's B. nobilis, a digesting organism that is claimed to be the cause of the breaking down of the casein and also of the peculiar aroma of Emmenthaler cheese, has been placed on the market under the name Tyrogen. It is claimed that the use of this starter, which is added directly to the milk and also rubbed on the surface of the cheese, results in the improvement of the curds, assists in the development of the proper holes, imparts a favorable aroma and hastens ripening.[179]
Campbell[180] states that the discoloration of cheese in England, which is due to the formation of white spots that are produced by the bleaching of the coloring matter in the cheese, may be overcome by the use of lactic-acid starters.
The use of stringy or slimy whey has been advocated in Holland for some years as a means of overcoming the tendency toward gas formation in Edam cheese which is made from practically sweet milk. This fermentation, the essential feature of which is produced by a culture of Streptococcus Hollandicus,[181] develops acid in a marked degree, thereby inhibiting the production of gas.
The use of masses of moldy bread in directing the fermentation of Roquefort cheese is another illustration of the empirical development of starters, although in this instance it is added after the curds have been prepared for the press.
Pasteurizing milk for cheese-making. If it were possible to use properly pasteurized milk in cheese-making, then practically all abnormal conditions could be controlled by the use of properly selected starters. Numerous attempts have been made to perfect this system with reference to cheddar cheese, but so far they have been attended with imperfect success. The reason for this is that in pasteurizing milk, the soluble lime salts are precipitated by the action of heat, and under these conditions rennet extract does not curdle the casein in a normal manner. This condition can be restored, in part at least, by the addition of soluble lime salts, such as calcium chlorid; but in our experience, desirable results were not obtained where heated milks to which this calcium solution had been added were made into cheddar cheese. Considerable experience has been gained in the use of heated milks in the manufacture of certain types of foreign cheese. Klein[182] finds that Brick cheese can be successfully made even where the milk is heated as high as 185 deg. F. An increased weight is secured by the addition of the coagulated albumin and also increased moisture.
Bacteria in rennet. In the use of natural rennets, such as are frequently employed in the making of Swiss cheese, considerable numbers of bacteria are added to the milk. Although these rennets are preserved in salt, alcohol or boric acid, they are never free from bacteria. Adametz[183] found ten different species and from 640,000 to 900,000 bacteria per cc. in natural rennets. Freudenreich has shown that rennet extract solutions can be used in Swiss cheese-making quite as well as natural rennets; but to secure the best results, a small quantity of pure lactic ferment must be added to simulate the conditions that prevail when natural rennets are soaked in whey, which, it must be remembered, is a fluid rich in bacterial life.
Where rennet extract or tablets are used, as is generally the case in cheddar making, the number of bacteria added is so infinitesimal as to be negligible.
Development of acid. In the manufacture of cheddar cheese, the development of acid exerts an important influence on the character of the product. This is brought about by holding the curds at temperatures favorable to the growth of the bacteria in the same. Under these conditions the lactic-acid organisms, which usually predominate, develop very rapidly, producing thereby considerable quantities of acid which change materially the texture of the curds. The lactic acid acts upon the casein in solutions containing salt, causing it to dissolve to some extent, thus forming the initial compounds of digestion.[184] This solution of the casein is expressed physically by the "stringing" of the curds on a hot iron. This causes the curds to mat, producing a close, solid body, free from mechanical holes. Still further, the development of this acid is necessary for the digestive activity of the pepsin in the rennet extract.
In some varieties of cheese, as the Swiss, acid is not developed and the character of the cheese is much different from that of cheddar. In all such varieties, a great deal more trouble is experienced from the production of "gassy" curds, because the development of the gas-producing bacteria is held in check by the rapid growth of the lactic acid-producing species.
Bacteria in green cheese. The conditions under which cheese is made permit of the development of bacteria throughout the entire process. The cooking or heating of curds to expel the excessive moisture is never so high as to be fatal to germ life; on the contrary, the acidity of the curd and whey is continually increased by the development of bacteria in the same.
The body of green cheese fresh from the press is, to a considerable extent, dependent upon the acid produced in the curds. If the curds are put to press in a relatively sweet condition the texture is open and porous. The curd particles do not mat closely together and "mechanical holes," rough and irregular in outline, occur. Very often, at relatively high temperatures, such cheese begin to "huff," soon after being taken from the press, a condition due to the development of gas, produced by gas-generating bacteria acting on the sugar in the curd. This gas finds its way readily into these ragged holes, greatly distending them, as in Fig. 30.
Physical changes in ripening cheese. When a green cheese is taken from the press, the curd is tough, firm, but elastic. It has no value as a food product for immediate use, because it lacks a desirable flavor and is not readily digestible. It is nothing but precipitated casein and fat. In a short time, a deep-seated change occurs. Physically this change is demonstrated in the modification that the curd undergoes. Gradually it breaks down and becomes plastic, the elastic, tough curd being changed into a softened mass. This change in texture of the cheese is also accompanied by a marked change in flavor. The green cheese has no distinctively cheese flavor, but in course of time, with the gradual change of texture, the peculiar flavor incident to ripe cheese is developed.
The characteristic texture and flavor are susceptible of considerable modification that is induced not only by variation in methods of manufacture, but by the conditions under which the cheese are cured. The amount of moisture incorporated with the curd materially affects the physical appearance of the cheese, and the rate of change in the same. The ripening temperature, likewise the moisture content of the surrounding air, also exerts a marked influence on the physical properties of the cheese. To some extent the action of these forces is purely physical, as in the gradual loss by drying, but in other respects they are associated with chemical transformations.
Chemical changes in ripening cheese. Coincident with the physical breaking down of the curd comes a change in the chemical nature of the casein. The hitherto insoluble casein is gradually transformed into soluble nitrogenous substances (caseone of Duclaux, or caseogluten of Weigmann). This chemical phenomenon is a breaking-down process that is analogous to the peptonization of proteids, although in addition to the peptones and albumoses characteristic of peptic digestion, amido-acids and ammonia are to be found. The quantity of these lower products increases with the age of the cheese.
The chemical reaction of cheese is normally acid to phenolphthalein, although there is generally no free acid, as shown by Congo red, the lactic acid being converted into salts as fast as formed. In very old cheese, undergoing putrefactive changes, especially on the outside, an alkaline reaction may be present, due to the formation of free ammonia.
The changes that occur in a ripening cheese are for the most part confined to the proteids. According to most investigators the fat remains practically unchanged, although the researches of Weigmann and Backe[185] show that fatty acids are formed from the fat. In the green cheese considerable milk-sugar is present, but, as a result of the fermentation that occurs, this is rapidly converted into acid products.
Bacterial flora of cheese. It might naturally be expected that the green cheese, fresh from the press, would contain practically the same kind of bacteria that are in the milk, but a study of cheese shows a peculiar change in the character of the flora. In the first place, fresh cottage cheese, made by the coagulation of the casein through the action of acid, has a more diversified flora than cheese made with rennet, for the reason, as given by Lafar,[186] that the fermentative process is farther advanced.
When different varieties of cheese are made from milk in the same locality, the germ content of even the ripened product has a marked similarity, as is illustrated by Adametz's work[187] on Emmenthaler or Swiss hard cheese, and Schweitzer Hauskaese, a soft variety. Of the nine species of bacilli and cocci found in mature Emmenthaler, eight of them were also present in ripened Hauskaese.
Different investigators have studied the bacterial flora of various kinds of cheese, but as yet little comparative systematic work has been done. Freudenreich[188] has determined the character and number of bacteria in Emmenthaler cheese, and Russell[189] the same for cheddar cheese. The same general law has also been noted in Canadian[190] and English[191] cheese. At first a marked decrease in numbers is usually noted, lasting for a day or two. This is followed by an enormous increase, caused by the rapid growth of the lactic-acid type. The development may reach scores of millions and often over a hundred million organisms per gram. Synchronous with this increase, the peptonizing and gas-producing bacteria gradually disappear. This rapid development, which lasts only for a few weeks, is followed by a general decline.
In the ripening of cheese a question arises as to whether the process goes on throughout the entire mass of cheese, or whether it is more active at or near the surface. In the case of many of the soft cheese, such as Brie and limburger, bacterial and mold development is exceedingly active on the exterior, and the enzyms secreted by these organisms diffuse toward the interior. That such a condition occurs in the hard type of cheese made with rennet is extremely improbable. Most observers agree that in this type of cheese the ripening progresses throughout the entire mass, although Adametz opposes this view and considers that in Emmenthaler cheese the development of the specific aroma-producing organism occurs in the superficial layers. Jensen has shown, however, that the greatest amount of soluble nitrogenous products are to be found in the innermost part of the cheese, a condition that is not reconcilable with the view that the most active ripening is on the exterior.[192]
The course of development of bacteria in cheddar cheese is materially influenced by the ripening temperature. In cheese ripened at relatively low temperatures (50 deg.-55 deg. F.),[193] a high germ content is maintained for a much longer period of time than at higher temperatures. Under these conditions the lactic-acid type continues in the ascendancy as usual. In cheese cured at high temperatures (80 deg.-86 deg. F.) the number of organisms is greatly diminished, and they fail to persist in appreciable numbers for as long a time as in cheese cured at temperatures more frequently employed.
Influence of temperature on curing. Temperature exerts a most potent influence on the quality of the cheese, as determined not only by the rate of ripening but the nature of the process itself. Much of the poor quality of cheese is attributable to the effect of improper curing conditions. Probably in the initial stage of this industry cheese were allowed to ripen without any sort of control, with the inevitable result that during the summer months the temperature generally fluctuated so much as to impair seriously the quality. The effect of high temperatures (70 deg. F. and above) is to produce a rapid curing, and, therefore, a short lived cheese; also a sharp, strong flavor, and generally a more or less open texture. Unless the cheese is made from the best quality of milk, it is very apt to undergo abnormal fermentations, more especially those of a gassy character.
Where cheese is ripened at low temperatures, ranging from 50 deg. F. down to nearly the freezing temperatures, it is found that the quality is greatly improved.[194] Such cheese are thoroughly broken down from a physical point of view even though they may not show such a high per cent of soluble nitrogenous products. They have an excellent texture, generally solid and firm, free from all tendency to openness; and, moreover, their flavor is clean and entirely devoid of the sharp, undesirable tang that so frequently appears in old cheese. The keeping quality of such cheese is much superior to the ordinary product. The introduction of this new system of cheese-curing promises much from a practical point of view, and undoubtedly a more complete study of the subject from a scientific point of view will aid materially in unraveling some of the problems as to flavor production.
Theories of cheese curing. Within the last few years considerable study has been given the subject of cheese curing or ripening, in order to explain how this physical and chemical transformation is brought about.
Much of the misconception that has arisen relative to the cause of cheese ripening comes from a confusion of terms. In the ordinary use of the word, ripening or curing of cheese is intended to signify the sum total of all the changes that result in converting the green product as it comes from the press into the edible substance that is known as cured cheese. As previously shown, the most marked chemical transformation that occurs is that which has to do with the peptonization or breaking down of the casein. It is true that under ordinary conditions this decomposition process is also accompanied with the formation of certain flavor-producing substances, more or less aromatic in character; but it by no means follows that these two processes are necessarily due to the same cause. The majority of investigators have failed to consider these two questions of casein decomposition and flavor as independent, or at least as not necessarily related. They are undoubtedly closely bound together, but it will be shown later that the problems are quite different and possibly susceptible of more thorough understanding when considered separately.
In the earlier theories of cheese ripening it was thought to be purely a chemical change, but, with the growth of bacteriological science, evidence was forthcoming that seemed to indicate that the activity of organisms entered into the problem. Schaffer[195] showed that if milk was boiled and made into cheese, the casein failed to break down. Adametz[196] added to green cheese various disinfectants, as creolin and thymol, and found that this practically stopped the curing process. From these experiments he drew the conclusion that bacteria must be the cause of the change, because these organisms were killed; but when it is considered that such treatment would also destroy the activity of enzyms as well as vital ferments, it is evident that these experiments were quite indecisive.
A determination of the nature of the by-products found in maturing cheese indicates that the general character of the ripening change is a peptonization or digestion of the casein.
Until recently the most widely accepted views relating to the cause of this change have been those which ascribed the transformation to the activity of micro-organisms, although concerning the nature of these organisms there has been no unanimity of opinion. The overwhelming development of bacteria in all cheeses naturally gave support to this view; and such experiments as detailed above strengthened the idea that the casein transformation could not occur where these ferment organisms were destroyed.
The very nature of the changes produced in the casein signified that to take part in this process any organism must possess the property of dissolving the proteid molecule, casein, and forming therefrom by-products that are most generally found in other digestive or peptonizing changes of this class.
Digestive bacterial theory. The first theory propounded was that of Duclaux,[197] who in 1887 advanced the idea that this change was due to that type of bacteria which is able to liquefy gelatin, peptonize milk, and cause a hydrolytic change in proteids. To this widely-spread group that he found in cheese, he gave the generic name Tyrothrix (cheese hairs). According to him, these organisms do not function directly as ripening agents, but they secrete an enzym or unorganized ferment to which he applies the name casease. This ferment acts upon the casein of milk, converting it into a soluble product known as caseone. These organisms are found in normal milk, and if they function as casein transformers, one would naturally expect them to be present, at least frequently, if not predominating in the ripening cheese; but such is not the case. In typical cheddar or Swiss cheese, they rapidly disappear (p. 168), although in the moister, softer varieties, they persist for considerable periods of time. According to Freudenreich, even where these organisms are added in large numbers to the curd, they soon perish, an observation that is not regarded as correct by the later adherents to the digestive bacterial theory, as Adametz and Winkler. |