Whether he felt the responsibility of leadership or not it would be hard to say, but certain it is that the doctor's son did not sleep near as soundly as did the others. He was very restless, and when he dozed off it was to dream of the lion that had escaped from the circus. He imagined that the animal had followed them to their camp and was bending over him and licking his face. He uttered a groan of terror and sat up and opened his eyes. As he did this a dark form leaped over him and out of the open tent. The fire had burned low, so what the form was Shep could not tell.
"Help!" screamed the doctor's son. He was not yet fully awake.
"Wha—-what's the matter?" spluttered Snap, throwing aside his blanket.
"What's wrong?" came from Whopper and Giant simultaneously.
"Something—-a wild animal—-in here—-jumped over me!" gasped Shep. "It just went outside!"
"Oh, you are dreaming, Shep," said Snap.
"No, I'm not. I saw it—-felt it! Let me get my gun!"
The doctor's son threw off his blanket, leaped up and grasped his shotgun, that hung on one of the tent poles. He stepped to the opening of the tent and peered out anxiously.
"See anything?" demanded Whopper. He and the others were now up, and each was arming himself.
"I told you you were dreaming," came from Snap.
"Too many crullers for supper," was Giant's comment. "Sometimes they lay like lead in a fellow's stomach and give him all sorts of dreams."
"It wasn't the crullers," persisted the doctor's son. "I'm going outside and investigate." And he stepped out in the direction of the camp fire.
"Be careful," warned Snap. "If any wild beasts are around you want to be on your guard."
The doctor's son looked around with care, but could see no trace of the night visitor. He stirred up the camp fire and soon had a bright blaze going. The others had followed him outside and they stood shivering in the damp air.
"False alarm, I guess," said Giant, yawning. "What time is it?"
"One o'clock," answered Whopper, after consulting his watch. "Say, this is a dandy way of breaking up one's rest," he added sarcastically.
"If you don't believe I saw something—-and felt something—-you needn't," returned Shep tartly.
"Must have been a sand flea, or a water bug."
"Come, Whopper, don't get mad," came from Snap. "If Shep——-"
"There it is, behind the bushes!" burst out the doctor's son. "I just saw its eyes shining!"
As he spoke he raised his shotgun. But the eyes had disappeared.
"I saw something," came from Giant. "See, it's moving—-back of the huckleberry bush."
Something was moving, that was evident, but what it was none of the young hunters could make out. Shep raised his gun again.
"Shall I take a chance and fire?" he asked of the others.
"Might as well," answered Whopper. "It couldn't be anything but a wild animal."
"Wait," cried Snap. He raised his voice. "Who is there?" he called out. "Answer, or we'll shoot!"
For reply there came a sound that thoroughly astonished the boys. It was the bark of a dog, low and uncertain. Then there stepped into view a collie, wagging his tail doubtfully.
"A dog!" cried Giant. "Come here! come here!" he called, and gave an inviting whistle.
Slowly the dog came forward, still wagging his tail doubtfully. When he was quite close he sat up on his haunches and began to move his fore paws up and down.
"He's begging!" cried Snap. "He must be hungry."
"I suppose he smelled our food and came for some," said Giant. "Good little dog!" he cried. "Come here!" And as he snapped his fingers the collie came up to him and allowed the small youth to pat him on the head.
"That's your wild beast, Shep," said Whopper.
"Well, I knew it was something," answered the doctor's son. "That dog must have been in the tent."
"More than likely," answered Snap. "See how friendly he is," he added, for the collie was now leaping from one to another of the boys and barking joyfully. Giant gave him a cruller and he ate the dainty greedily.
"He's half starved," said Snap. "Must have wandered off into the woods and got lost."
"Is there a name on his collar?" asked Whopper.
"No, only a license number," answered Giant after an examination. "Looks to me as if he might be a valuable animal."
"I think I've seen that collie before," said Shep.
"So you did—-in the tent," said Whopper quickly, and set up a laugh.
"Oh, you know what I mean. He has a regular star on his breast. Yes, I am sure I've seen him somewhere, but where I can't remember."
"He ought to be returned to his owner," said Snap. "But how we are going to do it I don't know. I don't care to go back just for the dog."
"Nor I," added Giant. "Let us take him along and bring him back with us when we come."
"If he'll stay with us," came from Whopper. "He may—-if we feed him well," answered the doctor's son.
They let the dog have another cruller and the heads of the fish, and the animal made a meal of them. The boys felt cold and tired and crawled back into the tent to finish their night's rest. Soon the collie came nosing at the opening.
"Come here!" said Giant in a low voice, and instantly the dog nestled down at his side, and there he remained until daylight.
"We can take him in some of our pictures," said the small youth. "He'll add to the picturesqueness."
"What are you going to call him?" asked Whopper.
"And why Sphinx?" asked Snap.
"Because he won't tell us who he is, where he came from, or anything about himself."
"Oh, that's not a pretty name," cried the doctor's son. "I vote we call him Wags, because he wags his tail so much."
"All right, Wags it is," said Giant. "What do you say, Wags?" he added, turning to the dog.
The collie barked and wagged his tail vigorously. Evidently he was perfectly satisfied.
As the lads had no more game or fish to eat, they made a hasty meal of bacon, bread, crullers and coffee. As soon as the repast was over they took down the tent and placed that and the other things on board the rowboat. The collie had been fed and was more frisky than ever.
"Wonder if he'll go into the boat with us?" said Snap. "Some dogs don't like the water."
"Most collies do," answered Giant. "I'll try him." He called Wags, and the dog leaped into the craft and took his place at the bow.
"He'll do for a lookout," said Whopper. "Come on, it's time to start."
They looked around the temporary camp, to make certain that nothing had been left behind, then entered the rowboat and shoved off. Snap and Whopper took the oars, and soon they were on the journey up Lake Cameron to Firefly Lake.
"Don't forget one thing," said Snap shortly after starting. "If possible we want to bring down some sort of game for dinner. It won't do to use up our canned things and that stuff."
"Everybody watch out," said Giant. "And if we can't shoot something, why, toward dinner time, I'll try my hand at fishing again."
It was another ideal day, and the young hunters felt in the best of spirits. Whopper felt so good that presently he burst out singing an old school song, and the others joined in.
"That's all right, and very good, but if we want any game we've got to keep quiet," said the doctor's son after the song was ended.
"Right you are," answered Whopper promptly. "And as I'd rather eat later than sing now I'll shut up."
They followed the shore line of Lake Cameron, heading for the rocky watercourse that connected that body of water with Firefly Lake. The eyes of all were on the alert for game, and toward the middle of the forenoon Giant called a halt.
"I saw something in the trees yonder," he said, pointing ashore. "Looked to me as if they might be partridge."
"Partridge would suit me first rate," answered Snap. "Let us land and try our luck."
"Making as little noise as possible they beached the rowboat and Giant silenced the dog, not knowing what he might do while on a hunt.
"Perhaps he's a good bird dog and perhaps he isn't," he said. "We'll take no chances."
Each of the young hunters had his shotgun, and one after another they followed Shep to the spot where the game had been seen among the trees. High among the branches of a silver maple tree they saw some ruffed grouse, commonly known to many sportsmen as partridge.
"There's our chance," said the doctor's son. "Who is to fire?"
"Let us all take a chance," pleaded Giant. "Just to open the outing, you know."
Shep was willing, and said he would give the word. With great caution they crept as close as possible to the grouse. The birds were on three branches of the maple, one over the other.
Silently the four boy hunters raised their firearms. Shep looked at them and then along the barrel of his piece.
"Fire!" said he, and one shot rang out after another quickly. There was a mad whirring and fluttering from the ruffed grouse. Two dropped like lead, while two others flew around in a circle, badly wounded. Then the boys discharged their guns again, and wounded two more birds. As the game came down they rushed in and wrung the necks of those not already dead.
"Six, all told," said Giant proudly. "That's one and a half apiece."
"Not so bad," answered Snap.
"It's dandy!" shouted Whopper, throwing up his cap in his delight. "Now we can have roast partridge for dinner, and supper, too, if we want to."
"Right you are," came from Shep. "I believe we all made a hit," he added.
"A hit?" repeated Whopper. "We all made home runs!" And at this reference to baseball all of the boys laughed.
Taking the game to the rowboat, they resumed their journey, and by noon reached the watercourse connecting the two lakes. Here they stopped at a spot well known to them and built a camp fire, and here they roasted all of the game, fearing it might not keep in such hot weather.
"I'm going to try baking 'em in mud," said Giant, who had learned the trick from Jed Sanborn. Leaving the feathers on the grouse the lad plastered each bird thickly with some clayey mud, and then placed them in the fire to roast, or bake, as he called it. He watched them with care and tried one frequently to see if it was done.
"Now I guess this will do," he said at last, and cracked the baked mud from the grouse. With the mud came the feathers of the bird, leaving the meat clean. The grouse was tender and juicy and done to a turn.
"Giant, you'll have to get a job as a chef in a big hotel," said the doctor's son, smacking his lips over the feast. "This game certainly couldn't be, better."
"Why not leave some of the partridge right in the baked mud?" suggested Snap. "It ought to keep well that way."
"We can try it," said Whopper.
The collie was given his share of the dinner and appeared to enjoy it as much as the boys. He acted as if he felt perfectly at home with the young hunters, and made no offer to leave them.
"If he wasn't such a fine dog I'd put him down as an outcast," said Shep. "But nobody would abandon such a fine animal—-he's worth too much money."
Once again the boy hunters proceeded on their way. As they entered the watercourse connecting the two lakes they noticed that the current was flowing swiftly.
"The heavy rains are responsible for this," said Snap. "We want to be careful, or the boat will be smashed on some of the rocks."
"We might get out and walk—-that is, some of us—-if the shore wasn't so rough and rocky," said Whopper. "It looks wilder than ever now, doesn't it, boys?"
It certainly did look wilder—-or was it only the rushing of the water that made it appear so? They rowed on with caution, two at the oars and two doing the steering with poles. Wags sat in the bow as before, watching proceedings in silence.
About half the distance to Firefly Lake had been covered when they came to a sharp turn in the watercourse. Here the water boiled and foamed around several sharp rocks.
"Beware of the rocks!" sang out the doctor's Son.
"To the right! To the right!" yelled Whopper. "It's too shallow on the other side!"
They tried to turn the craft to the right, but the current seemed too strong for them. The boat swung around and hit one of the rocks a sharp blow. There was a little splash as the collie went overboard. Then came a big souse, that covered those who remained in the boat with spray.
"Giant is overboard!" cried Whopper. "And so is the dog!"
"Let the dog take care of himself," cried Snap. "Grab Giant!"
Whopper turned to catch the lad who had gone overboard, but the current was too quick for him, and the small youth was sent whirling out of his reach.
For the moment it looked as if the rowboat would either go over or be stove in on the rocks, and those left on board had to turn their attention to the craft. They saw Giant floundering in the boiling water, but could do nothing to aid him.
"Swing her around and pull for shore; it's our only chance!" cried Snap. "Quick, now—-or we'll all go to the bottom!"
Fighting desperately, the three lads swung the craft around slowly. It scraped on more of the rocks, and one of the oars was caught and snapped off like a pipe-stem. But then the boat struck water that was a little more calm, and soon they reached a cove and felt themselves safe for the time being.
"Where is Giant?" was Shep's question as soon as they knew the outfit was secure.
"There he is, on one of the rocks," answered Whopper. "And here comes the dog," he added as the collie came battling bravely toward them.
Soon Wags was on shore and shaking himself vigorously, acting as if such a bath was a daily occurrence.
"Hello, you fellows!" came in Giant's voice. He was sprawled out on a rock in midstream, sixty feet away.
"Are you hurt?" questioned Shep anxiously.
"No; the water was pretty soft," answered the small youth. "But I say, how am I going to get ashore?"
"Can't you wade it?" asked Whopper.
"No; don't try that—-the current is too swift," cried Snap.
"Well, we can't take the boat to him," said Whopper.
"I know that."
"We might throw him a line," suggested the doctor's son.
"Yes, that's an idea."
A light but strong line was brought forth and Shep curled it up as a cowboy does a lasso. Then he made a cast, but the line fell short.
"Let me try it," said Snap.
One after another the boys on shore tried to reach Giant with the line but failed. After Whopper had made his cast Wags, who had been sitting on a rock watching proceedings with interest, gave a bark and caught the end of the line in his teeth.
"There's an idea!" cried Snap. "Let the dog carry the line."
"Will he do it?" questioned Whopper.
"We can try him and see."
The end of the line was made fast to the collie's collar, and Giant was told to call him.
"Come, Wags! That's a good dog! Come!" called the small youth, and whistled and snapped his fingers.
At first Wags appeared to be doubtful, but finally he ventured into the water. Then he began to swim steadily toward the rock, dragging the line behind him.
"What a shame if the current carries him away!" murmured Whopper.
"We'll not allow that," answered the doctor's son. "If he loses ground we can haul him in."
Slowly but surely the dog drew closer to the rock. At last he got within Giant's reach, and the youth caught him and pulled him up.
"Tie the rope about your waist and we'll haul you to shore!" sang out Shep. "Bring the dog on your shoulder if you can."
"I'll try it," answered Giant.
It was no easy matter for him, on the wet and slippery rock, to adjust the rope and get the collie on his shoulder. But presently he announced that he was ready, and the boys on shore commenced to haul in. Down in the madly rushing water went Giant, and it was all he could do to keep his feet. But luck was with him, and in a very few minutes he and the dog were safe.
"That was quite an adventure," he said when he had recovered his breath.
"You went overboard in a great hurry," remarked Whopper. "And so did Wags."
"The shock to the boat did it. It made me lose my balance before I was aware."
"Let us be thankful Giant is safe, and Wags," said the doctor's son. "And thankful, too, that the boat didn't go over. If it had our outing would have been spoiled."
"We've got to be mighty careful how we travel through the rest of this river," remarked Snap. "The heavy rains have made a fierce torrent of it."
It must be confessed that the boys did not know exactly what to do. Should they venture on the river again, or carry the outfit to the beginning of Firefly Lake?
"I've got an idea," said Shep at last. "You can follow it or not, as you think best. My idea is to have two of the crowd take the boat down and the two others walk to Firefly Lake, carrying the most precious of the outfit."
"That suits me," said Snap.
"Who will walk and who take the boat?" questioned Whopper.
"I might as well go in the boat—-I'm wet already," said Giant, smiling grimly.
"The three of us can draw lots as to who shall go with Giant," said the doctor's son.
The drawing was at once made, and it fell to Snap to go with the small youth. The cameras and guns were taken from the rowboat and also a few other things. Then the doctor's son and Whopper aided the others in getting the boat into the rushing river once more.
"Take care of yourselves!" cried Shep. "If all goes right you'll get to the lake long before we do."
In a moment the boat was caught by the current and whirled onward. Giant and Snap had all they could do to steer it. But, fortunately, they found no more such bad places as those already encountered, and in less than an hour found themselves floating on Firefly Lake, safe and sound.
"The others might have come with us after all," declared Giant. "Wonder how long it will take them to reach here?"
"I don't know; it depends on how rough they find the way. Maybe a couple of hours," answered Snap. "We may as well go ashore, start up a camp and wait for them."
The doctor's son and Whopper had no easy time of it making their way through the bushes and around the rocks which lined the watercourse between the two lakes. There was no trail on that side of the stream, and they had to "go it blind," to use Shep's words.
"Say, this is worse than climbing a mountain!" gasped Whopper, after slipping and sliding over a number of rocks and coming down rather suddenly in a hollow.
"Rather knocks the breath out of a fellow," returned Shep. "Take care that you don't sprain an ankle, Whopper."
"That's what I'm watching out for. I don't want my whole outing spoiled."
After a large amount of hard walking and climbing they managed to cover about half the distance to Firefly Lake. But by that time both were so exhausted the doctor's son called a halt.
"No use of killing ourselves," he said. "We can't go any farther than the lake to-day, anyway."
"Hope Snap and Giant wait for us at the mouth of the river," said Whopper. "I don't want to tramp along the lake shore afoot."
"Oh, they'll wait, and mostly likely start a camp."
"Say, if I remember rightly the river makes a bend to the right here," went on Whopper after a pause. "And if that is so, what's the matter with our striking inland a short distance and cutting off some of the walk?"
"I'm willing—-anything to reach Firefly Lake before it gets too dark to see."
Having rested themselves, the boys commenced to draw away from the river shore, taking to the woods, where the walking was easier. It was now close to six o'clock, and the sun was going down over the trees to the westward.
"Hope they have supper ready by the time we get there," said Whopper after a period of silence. "This transit is making me as hungry as a bear."
"Same here. Well, we'll have the partridge to fall back on, even if they don't cook anything else."
The two young hunters tramped on. As they walked they kept their eyes open for a possible sight of game. So far all they had seen were some birds, not worth shooting.
Another quarter of a mile was covered when they came to a patch of spruces. As they advanced they saw several rabbits leap from beside one of the trees.
"A chance for a shot!" cried the doctor's son, and speedily swung his shotgun into position, an example followed by his chum. Both young hunters blazed away without delay, and each was successful in laying a rabbit low. Before they could fire again the rest of the game was out of sight.
"Not very large," was Shep's comment as they picked up the game. "But the rabbits are young, and they'll make fine eating."
"It is a good thing that new game law isn't in effect yet," said Whopper. "If it was we'd not be allowed to shoot rabbits until next October."
"You are right, Whopper—-hunting will be a good deal more restricted after the new laws go into effect."
Placing the rabbits in a gamebag, the two chums walked on, past the clump of spruces and then across a little clearing. Here, much to their surprise, they came in sight of a dilapidated cabin. It was a small affair of rough logs with a rude stone chimney and one window and one door. One end of the cabin sagged greatly, as if on the point of falling down.
"I hadn't any idea this was here," was the comment of the doctor's son. "Wonder who it can belong to?"
"Perhaps some hunters put it up in days gone by," returned Whopper. "It doesn't look as if it was inhabited."
"Let's go in and take a look around," suggested Shep. It was his delight to poke around in new and odd places.
"We don't want to lose time," was his chum's reply. "It will be dark before you know it."
"Oh, it won't take long to look," answered Shep.
The old cabin was surrounded by weeds and bushes, and they had to fairly work their way to the doorway.
"Somebody has been here, that's certain," cried the doctor's son. "Here are eggshells and newly picked chicken feathers."
"Hello, in there!" cried Whopper, poking his head into the small doorway. He could not see, for the cabin inside was dark.
Scarcely had the word been uttered when a most surprising thing happened. Something whizzed through the air, directly between the heads of the two boy hunters. It was a good-sized chunk of wood, and it struck a rock outside with a thud.
"Why—-why—-stop that!" stammered Whopper, and fell back, and Shep did the same.
"Evidently somebody doesn't want visitors," was the comment of the doctor's son. "I say," he called out, "what do you mean by heaving that wo——-"
Crash! From the interior of the cabin came another chunk of wood, a gnarled root, just grazing Shep's shoulder. Then a stone followed, striking Whopper a glancing blow on the hip. Both lads retreated in confusion.
"Well, of all things!" gasped the doctor's son when he could get his breath. "That's a cordial welcome, I must say."
"Have you any idea who it was?"
"Not the slightest. It was too dark to see anybody."
"Couldn't be any of the Ham Spink crowd?"
"No. I don't think they'd treat us in just that way."
"Maybe it's some crazy chap."
"That's more like it—-some hermit like old Peter Peterson," returned Shep, referring to an old man who lived near the lakes and who rarely showed himself in any of the settlements.
"Peter Peterson wasn't crazy; he didn't heave things at folks."
"Let us see if we can get him to come out. I'd like to see what sort of a chap he is."
Keeping at what they thought was a safe distance, the two boy hunters called loudly half a dozen times. No answer was returned.
"Perhaps he's deaf," suggested Whopper.
"More likely he doesn't want to show himself."
"Maybe it's a she, Shep."
"Possibly. If it's a woman she must be a regular witch. Let us call again."
They did so. At first they heard nothing in return. Then came a strange sound from the cabin, and for one brief instant a dark, impish face showed itself at the broken window. Then the face disappeared and a stone came whizzing toward the lads' heads. They ducked just in time, or one or the other might have been seriously hurt.
"Let's get out—-no use of staying here to be a target!" cried Whopper, who was growing nervous. "No telling what that fellow—-or woman—-may do next. Might come for us with a carving knife!" And he hurried away, with the doctor's son beside him. They did not slacken their pace until the dilapidated cabin had disappeared from view.
"Did you see him—-or her?" asked Shep.
"Just about and no more. What a dried-up, hateful face!"
"Just what I thought. I'll wager that that person, whoever he or she is, is as mad as a—-a crazy person can be."
"I believe you, and I don't know as I want to go near that cabin again."
"We ought to tell the authorities about it, though. That person might kill somebody some day."
"Well, we can tell the police when we go back."
"Could it be some tramp, who is living on farmers' chickens and the like?"
"It might be. But I think it's somebody who's crazy. A tramp wouldn't find it any fun to live away out here. Why, it must be two miles, at least, to the nearest farm."
"More like three."
"Tramps like to stay near the farms and near railroads. No, that's some kind of a crazy hermit."
Discussing the happening from every point of view, the two lads trudged on. It was now growing dark rapidly, and they were anxious to reach Firefly Lake.
"Hope we haven't missed the way," said the doctor's son presently. "Seems to me we ought to be getting to the river or the lake soon."
"Here's a rise of ground. I'm going up there and take a look," answered his chum.
From the small hill they made out the glint of water in the distance, and they also saw the glare of the camp fire Snap and Giant had started.
"Might as well steer straight for the camp fire," said Shep. "It will save us some walking."
When within a few hundred feet of the camp they set up a loud whistle, to which the others immediately responded. Then Snap and Giant came to meet them, and relieved them of some of the things. A little later all were seated around the camp fire.
"So you got through all O.K., eh?" said the doctor's son, after Snap and Giant had told their story. "Well, so did we—-but we had some queer things happen." And then he and Whopper told of the tumbles, and of what had occurred at the old cabin in the woods.
"Say, wish I had been along!" cried Snap. "I'd like to investigate that cabin and see who is there."
"You wouldn't want to investigate a block of wood or a stone thrown at your head, would you?" demanded Whopper sarcastically.
"Maybe we could go there when the hermit—-or whatever he or she is—-is asleep," went on Snap. He always believed in getting at the bottom of a mystery.
"If you go there you'll go without me," declared Whopper firmly. "I wouldn't tempt that—-er—-crazy fellow again for a billion dollars! Why, he might come out and carve a chap all up with a butcher knife, or blow your head off with a gun!"
Supper was ready, and while they were talking the young hunters managed to stow away a hearty meal, after, which all felt better. But the experiences of the day had worn them out, and each was glad enough to retire early.
"We want to be stirring early to-morrow," said the doctor's son. "We want to go up the lake and then begin to tote the outfit over the hills to the mountains."
"How about it—-going to set a guard?" asked Giant.
"Wonder if we can't put Wags on guard?" asked Snap.
"I think he'd bark if anything came to disturb us," came from Whopper.
"We'll tie him to the front tent pole," said the doctor's son. "Then he won't be able to run off, and more than likely he'll bark if anything goes wrong."
They fixed the camp fire and then tied the collie fast by a cord slipped under his collar. Evidently Wags was used to this treatment, for he did not seem to mind it in the least. The young hunters entered the tent, and in less than a quarter of an hour all were sound asleep.
Thus an hour passed. Then, of a sudden, all the lads found themselves wide awake. Wags was barking furiously, and the hair of his body seemed to be fairly standing on end.
"Something is wrong!" cried Snap, leaping up and feeling for his gun. "What is it, Wags?"
The dog kept on barking and commenced to tug on the cord that held him.
"Shall I let him loose?" asked Whopper. All the boys were now on their feet, and he and Giant were rubbing their eyes. The wind had shifted and was blowing the smoke of the smoldering camp fire toward the tent.
"Don't do it—-yet," answered the doctor's son. "He might bite somebody. Let us go outside first."
"Maybe it's that crazy hermit," suggested Whopper, and gave a little shiver. He could still see that impish face glaring at him. "Be careful."
One after another the young hunters stepped into the open, each with his gun ready for use. Shep stirred up the camp fire and threw on some lightwood, causing a renewed blaze.
"I don't see anything wrong," said Shep after a long look around.
"See any wild beasts?" asked Giant. "Wags would bark at a wild beast, I am sure."
"Nothing in sight now."
All walked completely around the tent and the camp fire, but failed to see anything out of the ordinary. The collie had now ceased barking and was wagging his tail, apparently as happy and free from anxiety as ever.
"The dog must have dreamed he heard something," grumbled Whopper. "Hang the luck! I was so sleepy!" And he yawned broadly, setting his chums to doing likewise.
"Well, dogs do dream sometimes," admitted the doctor's son. "But what made him bark so loudly and look so mad?"
Nobody could answer that question, and nobody tried. They took another look around the tent, fixed the fire again, and at last one by one retired to rest once more, Wags at the foot of the tent pole as before.
It was broad daylight when they awoke again, and for a while nobody felt like stirring. At length Snap looked at his watch.
"Great mackerel!" he ejaculated. "Eight o'clock! Time we were getting breakfast and moving."
"That's so," answered Shep. "Still, there is no great hurry. Our time is our own. That's the charm of such an outing as this."
"I think we might stay here to-day," came from Giant. "It will give us a chance to rest up and to fish. Remember, we won't have much fishing after we get to the mountains."
"We can get brook trout," answered Whopper. "But just the same I'm willing to stay here to-day and fish. Maybe we can get some big maskalonge, same as we did before."
"And if we can't get those we can get some pickerel and bass and perch," added Giant.
Snap had promised to get breakfast ready, and he set in with a will as soon as he was dressed. While he was working Giant and Whopper walked down to a cove, where the boat had been left, to look over their rods and lines. The doctor's son busied himself with a camera, determined to take a few pictures before leaving the lake shore.
Suddenly there came from the cove a hurried shouting that instantly attracted the attention of Snap and Shep.
"What are they saying?" demanded the doctor's son.
"I don't know—-something about the boat," answered Snap, and dropping the coffee-pot he held he ran toward the lake. Shep set the camera on a box and followed.
When they arrived at the cove they found Giant and Whopper gazing up and down and across the water in perplexity. The rowboat, with the larger portion of their outfit, was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's the boat?" demanded Snap.
"That's what we want to know," answered Giant.
"Didn't you leave it tied up?"
"Certainly I did—-to this elderberry bush."
"Well, where is it now
"Don't ask me."
"Did Giant tie the boat?" asked the doctor's son. He had not seen the craft since the parting at the rapids.
"Yes, I did—-and I tied it good and fast, too," answered the small youth. "Snap saw me do it."
"Yes, I saw him tie it up, but I thought maybe he shifted the boat afterward."
"No, I left it just as it was tied up."
The boy hunters looked blankly at one another. All gazed up and down the shore and across the lake.
"Maybe Ham Spink——-" began Snap.
"If he took our boat I'll—-I'll kick him full of holes!" cried Giant. He had not forgotten how Spink and his cronies had annoyed them in the past.
"I don't see any footprints around here," remarked the doctor's son, looking over the ground carefully.
"Here's a tree branch broken," said Whopper.
"They might have come in a boat and towed our craft away," suggested Snap.
"Boys, I know why Wags barked during the night!" cried Giant. "He heard somebody at the boat."
"Yes, and we didn't know enough to come down here," added Snap bitterly. "If we had come we could have caught the boat-stealers redhanded."
A lively discussion followed, but it did nothing toward enlightening the boy hunters. The one fact remained that the boat and a large portion of the outfit were gone, and unless the craft could be recovered their outing would come to a premature finish.
"All I can think of to do is to take our guns and walk up and down the lake front," said the doctor's son. "Two can go one way, and two the other. If you see anything, shout or fire a gun."
"Shall we have breakfast first?" asked Snap, "It's started."
"Might as well, since we don't know how long this search will last."
Much disappointed, the chums walked back to the camp fire and there made a hasty meal of cold partridge, crackers, cheese and coffee. They left Wags tied to the tent pole.
"Maybe he'll scare off intruders—-if any come," said Shep.
It was decided that Snap and Shep should go up the shore and Giant and Whopper down in the direction of the river leading to Lake Cameron. All started off briskly, anxious to catch sight of their craft as speedily as possible, or learn what had become of it.
It was comparatively easy to walk along the shore of Firefly Lake, and Snap and the doctor's son made good progress. They passed the camp, receiving a joyous bark from Wags, and then skirted a small bay leading to a fine, sandy beach.
"Fine spot for a swim," remarked Snap. "We ought to have one before we go to the mountains."
"Yes; but let us find the boat first."
"Of course."
Half an hour's walking brought the two churns to another bay. They were walking behind a fringe of bushes, and now the doctor's son stepped forward, parted the branches and peered eagerly out on the bosom of the lake.
"Hello!" he cried, with something of joy in his voice.
"Is it the boat?"
And now Snap came forward.
"There it is, just rounding yonder bend of the shore. Hurry up! We'll catch the rascal who is running off with it!"
They had seen the craft, piled high with their outfit. A single person was at the oars—-a boy, by his size. He was pulling leisurely.
"Maybe he won't come ashore; and we can't follow him out on the lake," said Snap.
"We won't have to follow him."
"But if he won't come in?"
"We'll make him," and the doctor's son raised his shotgun significantly.
"That's so; I forgot about our guns. Of course he'll come in if we threaten to shoot him."
The boys quickened their footsteps and soon reached a point opposite to where the rowboat was moving along.
"Hi, you, stop!" yelled Shep loudly. "Stop, I say!"
At the command the boy in the boat ceased rowing and looked around curiously.
"Who called?" he asked in a low but distinct voice.
"I did," went on the doctor's son. "Turn in here with that boat and be quick about it. What do you mean by running off with our property?"
"Why, I declare!" gasped Snap as he caught a good look at the face of the lad in the rowboat. "Shep, do you recognize him? He's the lad from the circus—-the young acrobat who ran away!"
Snap was right; it was indeed the youthful circus performer. He looked as thin as ever, but his face bore a far more healthy color than when the young hunters had seen him before.
"I say, what do you mean by running off with our boat?" repeated the doctor's son wrathfully.
"Is this your boat?" asked the circus boy calmly.
"It is."
"I didn't run off with it. I found it drifting along the shore, and I took off my shoes and socks and waded in after it."
"You didn't run off with it?" asked Snap.
"I give you my word of honor," replied the boy quickly. He ran the boat to shore and stepped out. "If it's your property, I'm glad to hand it over to you. I—-Say, didn't I see you somewhere before?" he demanded excitedly.
I rather guess you did—-at the circus, replied Shep.
"Oh! You were the fellows who—-who talked to Jones, the ringmaster."
"Exactly. And you're the chap who ran away."
"That's true, I did run away. Can you blame me? They half starved me and beat me, and wanted me to go up on the trapeze after I had had a spell of sickness."
"We saw you on a freight train leaving Rallings."
"Oh, did you? Yes, I left town on a freight. It was the easiest way to go—-and the cheapest." And the boy smiled quietly.
"Now give us the truth about our boat," said Shep sternly. "You ran off with it last night, didn't you?"
"No, sir!" And the boy looked the doctor's son squarely in the eyes. "I never took any property that didn't belong to me in my life."
"And where did you find the boat?"
"About half a mile from here, along the shore. I made up my mind it had broken loose somehow, and I thought if I found the owner he might—-er—-that is——-"
"Give you a reward?" suggested Snap. Something about the lad's manner pleased him.
"Well, he might give me something to eat."
The boy nodded.
"Well, we'll give you something to eat—-all you want—-if you are quite sure you didn't take the boat," answered the doctor's son.
"I told you the truth."
"Then get into the boat again, and we'll row to our camp."
The three got in, the strange boy sitting in the stern. Shep and Snap took up the oars and soon the craft was heading for the cove where it had been tied up the night before. A shot was fired to notify Giant and Whopper that the boat had been found.
"What's your name?" asked Snap on the way.
"Tommy Cabot; but up to the show they called me Buzz."
"Are your folks with the circus?"
"My folks are dead—-that is, my father and mother are. I've got a sister somewhere, older than myself, but I don't know just where she is."
"How did you happen to go with the circus?" asked Shep.
"They picked me up at Centerport. They saw that I was limber and could do a turn or two, and they made me join. They promised me good wages and a fine time, but as soon as we got on the road they treated me worse than my dog."
"Your dog?"
"Yes. I had a dog, and I said I wouldn't join unless they took the dog, too. Jones wanted me to give him, the dog—-he was a fine collie—-but I wouldn't do it, and when I left I took my dog with me."
"Where is he now?"
"I don't know. He ran away several days ago, and I haven't seen him since."
"And he was a collie?" asked Snap.
"Yes." Tommy Cabot's eyes brightened expectantly. "You haven't seen him, have you? He must be somewhere around these lakes."
"We found a dog—-a collie. He's got a tag on his collar—-number 444."
"My dog!" cried the circus boy. "Oh, I'll be glad to see him! He's my best friend, even if he did run away. Anyway, I guess he went to get something to eat. I hadn't much for him."
"What do you call your dog?" asked the doctor's son.
"Wags—-because he moves his tail so much."
"Well, I never! That's what we dubbed him."
"Tell me," broke in Snap. "Do you know what happened at the circus after you left?"
"I heard that some of the animals got away. I didn't hear the particulars. I went down among the farms and laid low, waiting for the circus to go east."
"A lion got away, and also Abe, the educated chimpanzee. The circus folks think those men who were discharged and you were responsible."
"Me! I didn't do it, and I never had anything to do with those men who were discharged. They were a hard crowd."
A little later the camp was gained. As soon as the dog saw Tommy Cabot he became frantic with joy and leaped up and licked the hand of his youthful master. Tommy fairly hugged Wags to his breast.
Of course, Whopper and Giant were surprised to see the circus boy and glad to know the boat had been found. How the craft had gotten loose was a mystery nobody was able to solve.
A substantial breakfast was prepared for the circus boy, and while he was eating he told his story in detail—-how his parents had died years before, and how his sister Grace had been taken by some friends in the Middle West.
"I sold papers and blacked boots for a living, and I learned to do handsprings and the like," said Tommy. "Then the circus came along and I went with it, taking Wags. Some of the circus men were kind to me, but most of them were rough, and Jones and Casso were cruel. When I ran away I made up my mind I'd never go back, but would try to get work in some city and also try to find my sister Grace. But I ran short of money and then I came out here, thinking I could get work on some farm, or go with some sportsmen to carry their traps for 'em. But I didn't find any farms out here, and the only sportsmen I met were some well-dressed young fellows who jeered me and called me a scarecrow—-I suppose on account of my shabby clothes." The circus boy still wore the big suit of rags the young hunters had noticed before.
"Must have been Ham Spink and his crowd," murmured Whopper. "It would be just like them to do that."
In spite of the color in his cheeks the young hunters could see that the circus lad was far from strong. He was nervous, and evidently needed plenty of food and a rest.
Having heard the runaway's tale, Snap and the others told something about themselves. Tommy listened with keen interest, and presently his eyes showed considerable enthusiasm.
"I wish I was going with you," he said. "Such an outing would suit me down to the ground. I can cook some, and I could wash the dishes and cut wood and keep the camp in order, and all that. But I don't suppose you'd want me along in these old duds." And he looked sadly at his torn and faded suit, so much too big for him.
"Oh, we might fit you out with a sweater and a cap," said Snap. The more he saw of the circus boy the better he liked the young fellow. "But I don't know," he added hastily, looking at his chums.
"We didn't expect to take anybody," said the doctor's son slowly. "But you might stay with us for a day or two, anyway—-and we can talk it over. We ought to be better acquainted before we make a bargain."
"He could help us take our outfit to the mountains," said Giant. "We could pay him for the work."
"I don't want any pay. Just give me my meals, and it will be all right."
"We can settle the whole thing later," said Shep. "But you can stay for the present."
"Wasn't it queer?" cried Whopper. "We found your dog and you found our boat!"
"It was queer—-but I'm glad of it, for it kind of squares up," answered the circus boy. "I don't know how much you think of your boat, but I think a whole lot of Wags."
"If we hadn't got the boat back our outing would have been spoiled," said the doctor's son. "But come; if we are going fishing, let us start at once. We can do the rest of our talking after our lines are in."
The four boy hunters were soon down at the lake shore preparing their hooks and lines. Tommy Cabot went along, and while they fished he sat and watched them.
"This beats being with a circus all hollow," said the young acrobat.
"I always thought circus life was fine," declared Giant.
"It is—-on the outside. But on the inside! No more of it for me!"
"Did they pay you much?" questioned Whopper.
"I was supposed to get ten dollars a week, but I didn't. Every time payday came around they'd deduct something for extras I had had and things they said I had broken, or torn, or lost, so I usually got two or three dollars, and that I had to spend on clothing, shoes—-and eating, for the meals weren't heavy at the show. Then, one night, some scamp stole my suit, and I had to buy these from one of the workmen. I got 'em cheap, but they aren't much good," and Tommy smiled grimly as he surveyed the dilapidated garments.
At fishing the boys were highly successful. Snap caught the first fish—-a good-sized perch—-and the doctor's son followed with a fine pickerel. Then came Whopper with another pickerel. For a while Giant caught nothing.
"What's the matter, Giant?" queried Snap. "You are usually our best angler."
"Oh, wait; I haven't begun yet," returned the small youth.
Scarcely had he spoken when he felt a tug and commenced to play a fish with vigor. That it was a large specimen of the finny tribe was evident by the way the rod bent and the line snapped and hummed.
"Look out, or you'll lose him!" cried Whopper excitedly.
"Let Giant alone—-he knows how to play any fish," said Snap.
"That's what!" added the doctor's son.
The others forgot their lines in watching Giant. Up came the line for fifty feet, and then out it would rush. But at last he commenced to reel in steadily, and then, with a swing, he lifted his catch bodily and allowed it to drop on the grass, where it flounced and flopped vigorously for a moment.
"A maskalonge!" cried the other boys simultaneously.
"And a big one!" added Whopper.
"Tell you what! It takes Giant to haul in the big fish!" was Snap's comment. "No little chaps for him!"
The catching of the maskalonge enthused all, and they went to fishing with renewed vigor. By dinner-time they had eighteen fish to their credit, a few little ones and some weighing two and three pounds.
"Say, you fellows will have plenty of fish to eat," remarked the boy from the circus.
"Well, you shall have your share," added Snap quickly. "Which puts me in mind that it must be near feeding time."
"Shall I get some wood and start up the fire?" asked Tommy.
"If you will."
At once the circus boy started off, and when the others got back to camp they found a fine blaze going with plenty of wood near by to keep it up. Tommy was washing the left-over dishes, and had set a kettle of water to boil.
"He certainly isn't lazy," whispered Snap to Shep. "If we take him along he'll earn his food."
"Yes, and if he does the camp work that will give us more time to rest and take pictures," returned the doctor's son.
"Boys, I move we take a swim this afternoon," cried Giant, while they were sitting around waiting for some fish to cook. "It will be our last chance before going to the mountains, and the water is just right."
"Second the motion!" returned Snap.
"So say we all of us!" sang out Whopper. "I've been dying for a swim for the last ten years!"
"Dying again! Poor boy!" sighed Shep. "Now, if you'll only live——-"
He got no further, for, coming up behind him, Whopper pulled him over on the grass. As he went rolling he caught his tormentor by the ankles and down came Whopper. Then over and over rolled both lads, up against Giant, who joined in the tussle good-naturedly.
"Look out for the fire!" yelled Snap, and as they rolled close to the flames he tried to force them back. Then down he went himself, and the mix-up became more strenuous than ever. It was good, healthy fun, and Tommy Cabot stood by with a broad grin on his face, enjoying it thoroughly. As they rolled toward the woods he picked up an armful of leaves and scattered it over the crowd. The tussle lasted for full five minutes, and then the various boys sat up almost exhausted.
"Guess you've got an appetite for dinner now," observed the boy from the circus.
"Appetite!" cried Whopper. "I could eat a house and lot!"
"With the fence and barn thrown in," added Giant.
They washed up a bit and soon had dinner, consisting of baked maskalonge, pancakes and chocolate. For dessert they had apples.
"Now we'll rest for an hour and then go swimming," said Shep, and so it was decided. All took a nap, Tommy lying down on the grass with the faithful Wags beside him.
While fishing the boys had selected a spot for swimming, where the bottom was sloping and sandy. They went in together, the circus boy with the others.
"You can swim?" asked Snap.
"Oh, yes. And if I couldn't Wags would take care of me," answered Tommy. "Just see him tow me!" And getting a stick he called the collie. Wags took hold of the end and commenced to swim along, dragging his young master after him.
"Hurrah for Wags!" shouted Whopper. "When I get tired I'll have him haul me along for a while." Evidently the collie enjoyed the bath as much as did the boys.
They remained in the water for the best part of an hour, racing, diving and doing various "stunts." When they came out Snap declared it was the best swim he had ever had.
"It's a pity we won't be able to swim in the mountains," said Giant.
"Well, we can't expect to have everything," returned the doctor's son.
Having dried off and dressed, the boys returned to camp and spent the rest of the afternoon in getting ready to move early in the morning. It was decided to hide the boat in the bushes and leave a portion of their outfit in the craft, tied down under the tarpaulin. They would carry with them all the things needed for several days, so that a second trip would not be necessary until they felt like taking it.
"I'll carry a share," said Tommy. "I'm feeling stronger than I was."
"We'll give you a small load," answered the doctor's son.
They retired early and were up at sunrise. Tommy renewed the camp fire, and they had a meal of fish and wheatcakes, with coffee. Then the tent was taken down and packed along with the other things.
"Now put out the fire and we'll be off," said Shep, and he saw to it personally that every spark of the blaze was extinguished. As my old readers know, the boy hunters knew only too well what a forest fire meant, and they had no desire to start such a conflagration.
Their route now lay over some hills that were more or less strange to them. But they had received many instructions from Jed Sanborn, and thought they would have little trouble in gaining a trail back of the hills that led into the Windy Mountains.
"Are the mountains really windy?" asked Snap as they began the climb up the hills back of the lake, each with a good-sized load strapped to his back.
"They are only windy at certain times of the year," answered the doctor's son. "But when it blows, why, it blows, so Jed Sanborn said."
"Then we'll have to put our tent up good and strong," came from Whopper. "We don't want to wake up some night and find ourselves blown into the middle of next year!"
"And dying to know how we are going to get back," added Giant dryly.
"Giant, if you say dying again—-" began Whopper.
"Save your wind, boys!" interrupted Shep. "We've got a long and hard climb before us."
What the doctor's son said about the climb was true—-the way was a steady pull upward, and they had frequently to stop to get their breath. It was nearly eleven o'clock when they reached the top of the hill. They had been on the upgrade for three hours.
"Let us rest until after dinner," said Snap. "No use killing ourselves."
"We've still got some miles to go," answered Shep.
"I know it—-but it will be mostly down grade—-at least, until we reach the foot of the mountains."
It was decided to rest, and all of the young hunters willingly slipped their loads and sat down. Below them was Firefly Lake, with Lake Cameron in the distance on one side and Lake Narsac in the distance on the other. Back of them lay the Windy Mountains, with a hollow of trees and bushes between. The boys viewed the mountains with interest, thinking of the outing they hoped to have there.
"I hope we strike a good camping spot by night," said Snap, "for, unless I miss my guess, it will rain before morning."
"Oh, don't say rain!" cried Giant. "We can do without rain."
"It may not be a lasting storm, but some rain will come, mark my words."
"I think I see the trail up the mountains," said Whopper, who was looking through a pair of fieldglasses. "Anyway, it's path of some kind."
The others gave a look, and all decided that Whopper was right.
Resuming their loads after the noonday repast, they started down the hill in the direction of Windy Mountains. They had some big bare rocks to cover, and slipped and slid over these as best they could, and then plunged straight into a thick woods.
"Ought to be hunting here, if anywhere," observed Shep. "Looks as if it was new ground for sportsmen."
"Beware of sink holes!" cried Whopper as he reached a rather soft spot. "We don't want to go down as we did the other time we were out."
"Look!" exclaimed the doctor's son as they came to a small opening in the woods. "Deer, or I'll eat my cap!"
He pointed to some bushes and tender saplings growing near. The bushes had been nibbled, and so had the bark on the saplings, showing that some animal had been there.
"I believe you are right, and if so we may get a shot," answered Giant.
"Yes, a shot—-but not until after we have used our cameras," answered the doctor's son. "Don't forget the first object of this outing—-to get some good pictures."
"Right you are, Shep; I forgot. But we must shoot the deer—-after we have our photos."
"Better sight the game first," came from Snap.
With the thoughts of bringing down one or more deer filling their minds, the boy hunters did not care so much about making a camp for the night. If necessary, they knew they could erect their tent anywhere, and take it down again in the morning. Even the prospect of rain did not daunt them.
"Let us hurry," said Shep. "If we reach the deer we want to do it while it is light enough to take some pictures."
With their cameras and guns ready for use, they went on, Tommy cautioning the dog to be silent. Wags seemed to understand and even acted as if he might lead them to the game. But he was not trained, so they took no chances on this.
Deep in a hollow they came upon the unmistakable hoofmarks of three deer. They followed these through the woods and to a small clearing. At a clump of bushes the doctor's son called a halt.
"I think they may be near," he whispered. "If so, we want to go slow or they'll get away from us."
"Perhaps you'd better go ahead and take a look," said Snap, sure that that was what his chum desired.
The loads were slipped to the ground, and they went on, Shep well in advance. Suddenly the doctor's son put up one hand. It was a signal that the game was in sight. Snap whispered to Tommy to stop and hold the collie.
"There they are, by yonder rocks," said the doctor's son, pointing with his finger. "We can all get good pictures, I think. Let us spread out a little."
They did as he advised. The three deer were close together, grazing. The boys came up almost breathlessly, and each snapped his camera for two films or plates. At the first clicking one of the deer, evidently the leader, raised his head. Scenting the air, he made a beautiful sight. For just an instant he stood still, then gave a snort and started to run.
"Shoot 'em!" cried Shep, and swinging his camera out of the way he caught up his firearm. But Snap was ahead of him, and bang! went his piece. Bang! bang! bang! went the others in rapid succession. Then Wags began to bark furiously, and Tommy let him go. After the game he leaped at his topmost speed.
The first volley from the shotguns laid one of the deer low, while a second was slightly wounded, and began to limp away. The other deer kept on running and soon disappeared into the dense forest.
"Come on—-let us get that wounded deer!" cried Whopper.
"There goes Wags after him!" shouted Tommy.
"That dog will get killed if he doesn't look out," answered Snap, who knew only too well how a cornered deer can fight. But Wags was too wise to get within reach of the deer's hoofs and head. He raced around and around the game, simply worrying it.
Coming closer, the boy hunters watched their chances and Snap took another shot, followed by Giant. These were fatal, and limping a few feet farther, the deer staggered and fell, and soon breathed its last.
"Call off the dog," ordered the doctor's son. But this was unnecessary, for after a single sniff Wags retired and did not attempt to molest the game.
"Talk about luck!" cried Whopper, swinging his cap in the air. "I call this prime! Two deer, first crack out of the box!"
"Yes; and see the fine pictures we got," added Snap. "That is, I trust they are all right," he added hastily.
"Did you change your films and plates?" asked the doctor's son.
All had, and they guarded jealously those containing the precious exposures.
"Now we must take some more photos," said Shep. "We'll get Tommy to snap us holding up the deer on poles. We can label the two pictures 'Before Shooting' and 'After.'
"That's the stuff!" cried Giant slangily.
Two poles were soon cut and a deer slung on each, and while Shep and Snap raised up one, Whopper and Giant raised the other. Tommy had been instructed as to what to do, and he took a snapshot or a time picture with each camera, so that they would have plenty of films and plates, in case one or more proved failures.
"It's a bit extravagant," said the doctor's son. "But we'll not have such game pictures every day. When we simply take scenery one plate or one film will do."
"When we make camp we can hang the deer in front of the tent and get another view," said Snap.
"Yes; and get a view of our big string of fish, before we eat 'em all up," added Giant.
"Well, one thing is certain," said Whopper, after they had surveyed their prizes thoroughly; "we can't get to the Windy Mountains by to-night with such a load."
"In that case we might as well make two bites of the trip and camp here for to-night," said Shep. "I reckon this spot is as good as any. There's a brook with good water, for the deer have been using it."
"There's another reason for going into camp," came from Snap. "Just look at the sky over to the west."
All gazed in the direction mentioned and saw heavy black clouds just showing over the treetops. The clouds advanced rapidly, soon covering the sun. Then came the rumble of distant thunder.
"A thunderstorm!" exclaimed Tommy. "I don't like them at all. What shall we do?"
"Put up the tent as quickly as we can," ordered the doctor's son. "That storm may last all night, and we want to keep dry if we can."
In great haste they selected some saplings and cut them down for tent poles and pegs. Then they got out the canvas and put it up, driving in the pegs that held it as deeply as possible. The tent was erected on some sloping ground, and behind it they cut a V in the soil, so that the water might run off on either side instead of across the flooring of the shelter. Then they cut some brushwood for couches and hauled it inside.
"Here comes the storm!" cried Snap presently, and scarcely had he spoken when there came a rush of wind, followed by some big drops of rain. Then came more wind, swaying the tent violently and causing the sides to bulge out like a balloon. A torrent of water followed, and all of the boys were glad enough to crawl under the tent and tie the opening in front tight shut behind them.
The boys and even the dog put in a thoroughly uncomfortable night. It thundered and lightened for two hours, and for the larger portion of the time the downpour was so heavy that it was impossible for the V-shaped trench behind the tent to carry it off. Consequently, some of the water rushed directly across the flooring of the shelter, wetting the brushwood cut for sleeping purposes. To keep their shoes and socks dry, the young hunters went barefooted. Once the wind cut loose a corner of the tent, and, despite the rain, Shep and Snap had to go out and cut longer pegs with which to fasten the ropes. They had on rubber coats, but still got a good deal of water in their faces and down their necks.
It was impossible to light a camp fire, and so they had to eat a cold supper of such things as chanced to be handy. They could not lie down, and had to sit on little stacks of the damp brushwood, with their bare feet in the water and mud.
"Say, this is dead loads of fun!" was Whopper's sarcastic comment. "Just as funny as doing an example in algebra or writing a composition on the decay of the Roman Empire!"
"Are you dying to——-" began Giant, when a vigorous pinch on the arm from Whopper stopped him. "Wow! Let up!"
"Then you let up."
"I will."
By midnight the worst of the storm was over, but it still rained steadily, and this kept up until almost daybreak. But then the wind shifted and the clouds scattered rapidly. Utterly worn out, the boys leaned against the tent poles and caught such "cat naps" as they could.
When the young hunters finally emerged from the tent a surprise awaited them. Tommy was ahead of them, and the circus boy had cut such dry wood as he could find and started a big blaze. More than this, he had put on a kettle of water to boil.
"Good for you, Tommy!" cried the doctor's son. "We'll soon have a hot cup of coffee to cheer us, and we can dry out the tent and our clothing while we get breakfast."
"That's about the worst night I can remember," said Whopper. "My! how it did pour at first! I thought sure we'd be washed down into some hillside torrent and into the lake."
They placed all the damp things close to the fire to dry, and put on their socks and shoes. Then Giant and Whopper, assisted by Tommy, prepared a rather elaborate breakfast of fish and venison steaks.
"We deserve a square meal," said Giant. "It will put new vigor into us." And his words proved true. By the time they had finished the repast they were ready to joke over the discomforts through which they had passed.
"But one storm is enough," said Snap. "I trust it stays clear after this."
The woods were so wet it was decided not to travel through them until after dinner. The sun came out strongly, and in the clear sky thus presented the boys managed to get several pleasing photographs. One was of Tommy and his dog sitting on a rock, and this was so good that, when shown later, it was very much admired. They also took a photograph of Giant and Whopper with the strings of fish.
Late that afternoon found them at the foot of the Windy Mountains. Here they discovered a well-defined trail and also a signboard, telling them the game preserve in which Dr. Reed was interested was just beyond."
"Now we haven't much farther to go," said the doctor's son. "My father said we'd find a good camping spot less than a mile from here."
"I'm glad of it," answered Giant. "This load on my back isn't as light as it might be."
Pushing on, they soon came to where another signboard had been located; but the board had been knocked off with a stone or a hammer and was missing.
"Some hunter's meanness," was Snap's comment.
"A fellow who would destroy a signboard ought to be locked up," was Whopper's comment. "It's about on a par with starting a forest fire."
They trudged on, and presently came to where somebody had had a camp fire. Here were some empty tins and some well-picked bones. Giant kicked over one of the empty tins.
"Hello! I know who was here!" he cried. "Ham Spink and his crowd."
"How do you know?" demanded the doctor's son.
"Because I know they had some of this brand of canned goods with 'em—-saw it among their supplies. It's different from the kind we have, or what you can get in the regular stores. The Spinks have their goods sent by freight from the city."
"Giant must be right," said Snap. "And look here, will you?"
As he spoke Snap pulled from the dead embers of the fire a half-burned bit of wood. It was part of a signboard.
"Humph! the signboard that was missing below here," muttered Shep. "Ham and his crowd were too lazy to cut firewood, so they used the board. If that isn't the height of laziness and meanness!"
"It's against the law to destroy signboards," said Whopper. "That crowd ought to be brought to book for this."
"If you said anything they'd say we did it," responded Snap. "Ham would do anything to keep out of trouble and get us into a muss."
"That camp fire was built after the storm," said the doctor's son. "That proves the Spink crowd can't be far from here."
"If they are near us we want to be on our guard," observed Giant. "They'd like no better fun than to steal our things. They haven't forgotten what happened on the lakes this summer and last winter."
The boy hunters were bound for a spot mentioned to them by Dr. Reed and Jed Sanborn. It was a small "dent" in the mountain side, where were located a fine spring of cool water with a rocky brook beyond. Some distance farther was a cut in the mountain with a tiny lake, surrounded by cedars and called Cedar Lake.
It was nightfall when they reached the "dent" and the spring. All were thirsty, and the sparkling water was very refreshing.
"Father says that some day he'll organize a company to bottle this water," said Shep. "He is sure it will command a large sale in the big cities—-it is so clear and pure."
"It couldn't be better," answered Snap. He looked around him. "And what an ideal spot for our camp!"
It assuredly was ideal in every respect. They could see for miles to the east, south and west, over hill after hill, covered with green trees and brushwood, with ribbons of water between, and here and there a lake. Using the field-glasses they could make out the church steeple of Fairview and some other buildings. Between the hills they could see various farms, with the cattle grazing in the pastures, or standing in groups in the barnyards. All was as silent and as calm as one could wish.
"What a place for a castle, like those of old!" murmured Snap as his eyes roamed over the scene. "Just think of this in the light of the full moon."
"Snap is getting romantic," came from Whopper. "Come on down to the earth, sonny, and help pitch the tent, or you'll have to sleep out in that moonlight to-night and run the risk of getting moonstruck." And this remark brought forth a laugh, in which even Snap joined.
As tired as they were, the five boys cut the necessary poles and hoisted the tent. As this was to be a permanent camp for some weeks they erected the shelter with care, and around it dug a deep trench, with another trench to carry rain down the mountain side, so that none might run over the flooring as it had during the thunderstorm. Then they spent considerable time in cutting down some heavy cedar boughs for bedding. Snap, Whopper and Tommy did this latter work, and while it was going on Shep and Giant got together some flat stones and built something of a fireplace and a stove, not far from the tent's entrance. Then they cut firewood and soon had a generous blaze started and put the kettle on to boil.
"And are we going to stay here for a while, and just hunt and fish and—-and rest?" asked the boy from the circus.
"Yes," answered Shep. "Don't you like it?"
"Like it! I think it's the—-the best ever! Couldn't be better!" was the hearty reply.
"I think it will make you fat and strong, Tommy, and that's what you need."
"And another thing," answered the boy. "Those circus people can't find me out here."
"It's not likely."
Everybody was glad that a permanent camp had been reached at last, and that night all slept "like rocks," to use Giant's way of expressing it. They left Wags on guard, but this was unnecessary, for nothing came to disturb them.
The next day was spent in perfecting the camp and in taking care of what remained of the fish and of the venison. The skins were nailed up in the sun to dry. The boys were sorry they could not keep all of the meat, but this was impossible, as they had no ice and no means of smoking or pickling it.
"Here comes somebody!" cried Whopper, while they sat around waiting for supper, which Snap and Tommy were preparing. Two boys were approaching, and as they came closer the young hunters recognized Ham Spink and his close crony, Carl Dudder.
"Wonder what they want?" whispered Shep as the newcomers drew closer.
"Perhaps they have only come out of idle curiosity," returned Snap.
"Well, in that case, they had better stay away," grumbled Giant.
Ham Spink and Carl Dudder came up slowly. To tell the truth, they were a bit afraid, thinking the others might jump on them and begin a fight, because of what had happened at the Fairview dock.
"Hello!" said Ham presently. He did not know how else to start a conversation.
"Hello yourself!" responded the doctor's son shortly.
"Going to camp out here, eh?" went on the dudish youth.
"Oh, no; we've opened an oyster house," returned Whopper, who was bound to have his fun.
"Humph! Frank Dawson, you needn't get funny!"
"Was I funny? I didn't see you laugh."
"You know what I mean."
"Expect to do some big hunting, I suppose?" said Carl Dudder with a bit of a sneer in his tones.
"We generally do pretty well when we are out," responded Snap.
"Following us up, eh?"
"Not at all."
"Yes, you are. You knew we were coming here."
"And you know who this tract of land belongs to, now?" said the doctor's son.
"It isn't fenced in," answered Carl, and his face took on a leer. "Anybody can hunt here who wants to."
"That is true—-but it will be fenced in next season. And, by the way, what right had you to tear down one of the signboards and use it for firewood?"
"Who said we did that?" demanded Ham.
"We saw the half-burned board at your camp fire."
"You can't blame that on us!" cried Carl.
"We can, and do," responded Snap. "You ought to be locked up for it."
"Oh, give us a rest!" growled Ham.
"What brought you here?" demanded Snap sharply.
"Oh, we knew we were being followed—-saw you from a distance—-and made up our mind to see who it was. I don't see why you can't leave us alone."
"We are not following you," said Giant, "And if you'll leave us alone we'll not bother you."
"But you have got to keep your distance," added Whopper. "No more underhanded work, like we had before. Understand?"
Ham paid no attention to the last words. He and his crony were looking at Tommy. Now they whispered together.
"Say, aren't you the kid that ran away from the circus?" demanded Ham, turning to the small youth.
At the question Tommy looked surprised and then scared.
"Wha—-what do you know about me?" he stammered.
"Answer me," ordered Ham. "You ran away from Casso's Railroad Shows, didn't you?"
"Don't tell him a thing, Tommy!" cried Snap quickly. "It is none of his business."
"Ha! I knew I was right!" cried Ham triumphantly. "You're the boy they called Buzz, the Human Fly. I saw you perform at Chester, and I heard later about your running away. And you helped to let a lion and a chimpanzee escape, too."
"I did not!" cried Tommy. "The men who were discharged let those animals get away. I had nothing whatever to do with it."
"Oh, yes, that's your story; but the circus people tell it differently," put in Carl Dudder. "I was talking to one of them only the other day. They'd give a good deal to catch you and those men."
As he spoke he advanced toward Tommy as if to catch hold of the lad. The boy from the circus shrank back and looked very much alarmed.
"Here, Carl Dudder, you leave that boy alone!" cried the doctor's son. "Don't you dare to touch him!"
"I'll do as I please. The boy doesn't belong to you," blustered Carl.
"I know that—-but you are not going to lay the weight of your finger on him."
"Don't do it," whispered Ham to his crony in alarm. "Remember, they are five to two."
"I think there is a reward for this boy," answered Carl in an equally low tone of voice.
"Well, if there is, keep mum and we may be able to get it."
There was an awkward pause. Tommy looked appealingly at the doctor's son and his other friends.
"Don't you worry; they shan't touch you," said Shep kindly. "They are big bullies, that's all. We know them thoroughly."
"Are you going to stay here?" asked Ham.
"That is our business," answered Snap. "Where have you located?"
"That is our business."
"So it is; but I want you to understand, once for all, Ham Spink, that this time you must keep your distance. If you try to molest us in any way you'll get the worst of it."
"How long are you going to stay?"
"That is our business, too."
"Come on, Ham," said Carl in a low voice. "What is the use of talking to them at all? Let us get back to our own camp, and let them take care of themselves."
"All right, if you say so," answered Ham Spink, and turning on his heel he walked back the way he had come, with his crony beside him.
"Now, what brought those chaps here?" demanded Snap as soon as their enemies were out of hearing. "No good, I'll wager that."
"Oh, I guess they just wanted to come and say something," said Giant. "Let us have supper. I'm too hungry to wait any longer."
Supper was had, and the boy hunters and Tommy sat around the camp fire for two hours, discussing the situation and planning what they would do for the days to come. It was decided to pay a visit to the lake for the remainder of the supplies two days later—-after they had hunted and taken pictures and rested up a little.
The two days passed quickly. The boy hunters saw and heard nothing of the Spink crowd and almost forgot about them. They went out for game, and managed to bring down some rabbits, squirrels and some fine quail, and also a pinemarten. They took over a dozen pictures of the game and also of the scenery, and Shep managed to get a fine photograph of an old owl as he sat on a tree limb. The boys made no effort to shoot the owl, for he really seemed friendly and did not offer to fly away.
It was decided that Tommy and Whopper should remain at the camp while the other three made the trip to Firefly Lake.
"Take good care of things while we are gone," cautioned the doctor's son. "Don't let the Spink crowd get the best of you."
"We'll watch out," answered Whopper. "If they try any funny business we'll shoot them into the middle of next year!"
"Oh, don't shoot anybody!" cried Snap.
"Well, you know what I mean," answered the youth who loved to exaggerate.
Shep and the others had expected to start off directly after breakfast, but Snap had to fix one of his shoes, and this delayed them. But by ten o'clock they were on the way, the others waving them a fond farewell.
"We'll look for you by to-morrow night," said Tommy.
It was an easy matter to climb down the mountain side, but the walk up the hill that separated them from the lake was another story. Yet, as they had only their guns to carry, they made good progress, and by the middle of the afternoon they were in plain sight of the body of water where they had left the boat.
"Somebody ahead of us!" cried Snap presently, and pointed out three persons walking toward the lake.
"I wonder if they can be members of the Spink crowd?" was Shep's comment. "Let us get closer and see"
It was presently made evident to our friends that the persons ahead were Ham Spink, Carl Dudder and a lad named Dick Bush, who had in former years been a close personal friend to Ham.
"Wonder where they are going?" asked Snap.
"Down to the lake," answered the doctor's son. "Most likely to where they left their boat."
"Let us keep behind them and out of sight," suggested Giant. "If they see us they may follow us up and damage our boat after we are gone."
So, although they kept the Spink crowd well in sight, they took good care not to show themselves.
Reaching the lake shore, Ham Spink and his friends came to a halt behind a clump of willows overhanging the water. Close by the others saw a rowboat tied up.
"That must be their boat," whispered Snap. "Most likely they came for the same purpose that we did—-to get supplies."
"Listen!" whispered the doctor's son. "I just heard somebody mention my name."
"Their boat must be somewhere along here," they heard Ham Spink exclaim. "And if it is—-We'll fix it, all right," finished Carl Dudder. "Well, that's all right," expostulated Dick Bush.
"But we don't want to do anything unlawful. They might have us arrested."
"They won't know who did it," answered Ham.
"What do you think of doing if you locate their boat?" asked Dick.
"We'll take out the supplies and hide 'em, and then fill the boat with rocks and sink her," answered Ham.
"That will be doing 'em up brown!" chuckled Carl.
"Well, I don't know about this," answered Dick Bush doubtfully. He was not quite so lawless in his ideas as were the others.
"Oh, it will be all right; we won't hurt the boat any," answered Ham. "Come on; the quicker we locate the boat the better. As soon as we've fixed their boat we can come back here and get our things and hurry back to camp." And then the three boys moved along down the lake shore.
"Well, wouldn't that jar you?" cried Snap, when the other crowd was gone. "Hide our supplies and sink our boat! Well, I guess not!"
"They haven't turned in the right direction to find our boat," returned the doctor's son. "We can get it out of the way before they come back."
"We ought to pay them for this," murmured Giant. "Let us take their boat and row it up the lake. It will give 'em something to do to find it."
"That's the talk!" cried Snap. "As the old saying goes, 'what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.' Jump in and we'll take the boat to where we left our own."
They soon had the Spink rowboat untied, and leaping aboard they shoved the craft out into the lake. Then Snap and Shep took the oars, and they were soon moving up Firefly Lake. They kept close to the overhanging trees and bushes, so that the other crowd might not discover what was taking place.
The distance to where they had left their own craft was not quite half a mile, and they reached the spot in less than a quarter of an hour. They pulled inshore, to find their boat just as it had been left.
"Now, the quicker we work the better," said the doctor's son. "I've got an idea," he went on, as he caught sight of a tiny island about a hundred feet from shore. "Why not tie their boat fast over there? Then if they want it they can swim for it."
"Good!" cried Snap, and grinned.
Taking their own boat along, they rowed to the island, and there the Spink craft was made fast on the side next to the main shore and in plain view of anybody who might be passing. On the shore of the island Snap stuck up one of the oars and on the top placed a rubber boot he found in the rowboat—-one of a pair Ham had brought along in case of prolonged wet weather.
"Ham will recognize that rubber boot," said Snap. "And then he'll know the boat is his." The sight of the rubber boot on the top of the oar was a comical one and the boys had to laugh as they looked at it.
Having fastened the boat so that it could not possibly drift away, the boys boarded their own craft and rowed still farther up Firefly Lake, until they came to a cove and a creek, the latter thickly overhung with bushes. They pulled the craft out of sight, so that to find it without knowing where it was located would be practically impossible.
"Now, then, to take our things and go into camp for the night," said the doctor's son. "We'll have to find some shelter under the rocks, not having a tent."
The boys knew the locality fairly well, from their previous visits, and walked to where there was a split in the hills. Here was located a rocky cliff, hollowed out somewhat at the bottom.
"We can camp here," said Shep. "With a camp fire in front the hollow will be quite comfortable."
While in the cove they had managed to catch a few perch and a pickerel, and starting a blaze, they cooked these. They had some crackers and cheese along, so made a comfortable if not an elaborate meal, washing it down with a drink from a spring.
"We ought to get to bed early," said Snap. "Then we can start back for camp at sunrise, and so get ahead of the Spink crowd."
"Oh, they won't go back until they find their boat," said Giant.
"I don't know about that," said the doctor's son. "They may get mad and lay it to us and start back to-night. You can never tell what Ham Spink and Carl Dudder will do. Dick Bush isn't quite so bad."
As it was warm, they allowed the fire to die down, and by nine o'clock all were sleeping soundly. They did not think it necessary to stand guard, for the hollow was well screened from outside observation, and they had all their traps behind them, next to the cliff.
How long he had been asleep the doctor's son did not know, but he awoke with a start, feeling something pressing on his breast. He gave a yell of fright and alarm and added another yell as he felt his leg pulled. Then a dark body fled from the hollow and went crashing through the bushes beyond.
"Wha—-what's the matter?" came in a stammering voice from Giant.
"Who was that?" demanded Snap as, in the darkness, he felt for his gun. The fire was practically out, and the hollow was intensely gloomy.
"I don't know; Ham Spink, maybe," answered the doctor's son, much bewildered. "He stood on me and pulled my foot," he added.
The boy hunters leaped up, and after some trouble armed themselves. It was dark around the cliff, so they could see nothing. They listened intently and at a distance heard a peculiar noise and the rustling of some brushwood.
"Shall I give 'em a shot?" suggested Snap.
"No; you might kill somebody," answered Shep. He raised his voice: "Hi, Ham Spink! Come back here! We know you!"
To this call no answer was vouchsafed. Again the boys listened, but now the only sound that broke the stillness was the low wind in the tree branches overhead.
"He has gone, whoever he was," said Snap. "Shep, are you sure it was Ham?"
"Not at all. I only thought it might be. For all I know it might have been a wild animal."
"What! to pull your leg?" queried Giant.
"Well, maybe he didn't really pull the leg. You see, I was pretty sound asleep. But he, or it, jumped over me and back again."
"Let's make a light and see if the outfit is O.K.," suggested Snap. They had a small pocket lantern along, and this was lit and an examination was made.
"See, the sugar bag is bursted open!" cried the doctor's son.
"The beans are scattered everywhere!" came from Giant.
"And the cracker box is open and some of the crackers are missing," added Snap. "That must have been the work of some enemy. He wanted to destroy our stores."
"But I—-I really don't think it was Ham," said Shep slowly. "It was—-well, it didn't seem like anybody of that crowd. I didn't get much of a look, but it wasn't like Ham, or Carl, or Dick."
"A wild animal might do this, rooting around," said Snap. "Could it have been a bear?"
"A bear!" ejaculated Giant. "Don't say a bear rooted around here while we were asleep! Why, it's enough to give a fellow heart failure thinking about it!"
"Wonder what time it is?" said the doctor's son, and felt for his watch. "Why, I declare, my watch is gone!" he exclaimed in consternation.
Just then Snap saw something on the ground and picked it up. It was a shred of a red bandanna handkerchief.
"Boys, do you know what I think?" he said excitedly. "I think our visitor was that wild hermit who lived in the lonely cabin in the woods!"
"You mean the one Whopper and I met?" asked Shep.
The doctor's son and Giant listened with interest to what their chum had to say.
"What makes you think it was the hermit?" asked Shep.
"Because of this bit of red handkerchief. Whopper said he saw such a bandanna around the wild man's neck or head."
"Gracious! so we did!" cried the doctor's son. "I had forgotten about it. But do you think that wild creature took my watch?" he added anxiously.
"Yes, unless you lost it on the way here."
"I didn't lose it before I went to sleep, for I wound it up, same as I do every night before retiring."
"Let us take a look around for it," suggested Giant.
A keen search was made, but nothing that looked like a watch could be located anywhere. Then, as they were a bit cold, the boys renewed the fire, thus adding to the light.
"If that wild man, or whatever he is, took my watch I want it back," declared the doctor's son.
"Do you think he'd take it to that cabin in the woods with him?" questioned Giant.
"More than likely."
"That must be a good way from here."
"It is. But you would want the watch if it was yours."
"Of course."
The boys talked the matter over for a quarter of an hour and then laid down to sleep once more, leaving the camp fire burning brightly. But the doctor's son could not slumber soundly, for his thoughts were on his missing timepiece, which had been a present and a valuable one.
They were up at sunrise, and then another consultation was had.
"I'd like to look for the watch," said Snap. "But if we don't get back to camp Whopper and Tommy will worry about us—-and there is no telling what the Spink crowd will do in our absence."
"I suppose if that hermit has it the watch will be safe for a day or two," answered the doctor's son thoughtfully. "We might go back to the camp first and then make a trip to the cabin in the woods."
So it was decided, and after a hasty breakfast they set off in the direction of the Windy Mountains. They took the same trail as before, and on the walk kept their eyes open for game. They managed to bring down two grouse and a squirrel, but that was all. They reached camp an hour after sundown, much to the satisfaction of Whopper and Tommy, who came to meet them.
"Gosh! but I am tired!" said Snap as he threw his burden on the ground. "I feel as if I wanted to rest for a week!"
"A good night's sleep will make you change your mind," answered the doctor's son.
Supper was ready for them, and they sat down gladly and partook of the things provided. During the day, to pass the time, Whopper and Tommy had baked a big pan of beans and another of biscuits, and both were good. They had also tried their hand at baking some cake, but this was a little burned. Yet the boys ate it and declared it was all right. At home it might have been different, but when one is out in the woods, and doing one's own cooking—-well, there is no use in finding fault, that's all.
Whopper and Tommy listened with interest to what the others had to tell about the Spink crowd and about the midnight visitor. They laughed heartily over what had been done to the rowboat, and were serious over the loss of Shep's watch.
"I'd be afraid to meet that wild man," said Tommy. "Why, there is no telling what he would do if he was cornered."
"That is true," answered Shep. "Of course we can take our guns, but I'd hate to shoot anybody, even if it seemed necessary."
"Maybe he'll give in if we point our guns at him," suggested Whopper. "But I hardly think so. He may be as crazy as they make 'em and afraid of nothing."
"Well, I'll think it over," answered the doctor's son thoughtfully. He did not wish to expose his chums to danger, nor did he wish to get into trouble himself. Yet he felt the loss of the timepiece keenly.
The young hunters looked for a visit from the Spink crowd the next day, but it did not come. Instead, it rained, and they had to keep in the tent most of the time. But it cleared during the night, and the days to follow were ideal.
Sunday passed, and on Monday Shep, Snap and Whopper went out on a hunt, leaving Giant and Tommy in charge of the camp. Giant declared he was going to take and develop some photographs, using a daylight tank instead of a dark room for the latter process. It had been decided that some of the party should visit the lonely cabin in the woods later in the week.
The boys had seen some traces of wild beasts up the mountain side, and thither they directed their steps, keeping their eyes and ears on the alert as they proceeded. They had scarcely covered a quarter of a mile when they came upon the mutilated remains of a mink.
"Hello! what do you make of this?" cried Snap as he pointed it out.
"A mink, and some other wild beast killed it," said Whopper.
"Do you suppose it was a bear?" asked Snap.
"No; most likely a wildcat, or a big fox or wolf."
"Let's go after 'em!"
"They are no good for game—-and that is what we are after."
"We might get some good photographs."
"That's so—-I never thought of that!"
Filled with the idea of taking some pictures that might prove of value, the boys hurried on through the woods and up the side of the mountain. Shep cautioned the others to move as silently as possible, so hardly a word was said.
It was almost noon when they came to a flat spot, where there was something of a clearing. Here there was a spring and a pool, and a fallen tree lay across both.
"Wait!" whispered the doctor's son. "I think I see something!"
The others halted, and Shep advanced with increased caution, bringing his camera to the front as he did so.
The next instant he saw a sight that filled him with interest and pleasure. On the fallen tree spanning the pool rested two wildcats, mates, facing each other. Both had their eyes closed and were evidently asleep.
He motioned for the others to come up, and in a few seconds all were ready to take pictures. The background was perfect, and they felt this would be one of the finest subjects yet obtained.
Hardly daring to breathe, one after another of the boys clicked the shutter of his camera and the negatives were taken. Then they swung their cameras back and brought forward their shotguns.
As they did this one of the wildcats suddenly opened its eyes and looked around. On the instant it let out a cry of rage and its back commenced to bristle. Then the other wildcat leaped from the tree to the ground and crouched as if for a spring.
"Fire!" came the command from the doctor's son, but this was not necessary, for both Snap and Whopper blazed away as quickly as they could. The wildcat on the tree was hit and fell over into the pool with a loud splash. The other wildcat made a leap for Snap and hit him in the shoulder.
"Shoot him! shoot him!" yelled Snap in terror, and did what he could to keep the beast from reaching his breast and throat.
"Can't shoot—-might hit you!" answered the doctor's son, but then he came up on the side and blazed away at close quarters, hitting the wildcat in the left hind leg. This caused the animal to drop to the ground, where it twisted and turned so quickly that the eyes of the young hunters could scarcely follow it.
The other wildcat had by this time climbed out of the pool. It gave itself a vigorous shake and turned as if to limp away. But then it espied its mate and stopped, as if calculating on what to do next.
"Shoot 'em!" sang out Whopper, and discharged his gun a second time. He hit the second wildcat in the back, but the wounds were not serious and the beast still thrashed around, snapping and snarling in a fashion that would have frightened any hunter.
The shot from the gun awakened the fury of the first wildcat, and crouching low it came toward Whopper step by step, its two eyes glowing like tiny electric lights. Whopper tried to run, but he was fascinated by the sight and too much overcome to move a step.
"Look out, Whopper!" screamed Snap, and then he raised his own gun to take another shot. But the hammer merely clicked. He tried it again, in increased haste, and as a consequence shot wild, the charge going over the wildcat's head.
Then the wildcat made a leap, striking Whopper and hurling him over backward. As he went down the second wildcat lurched itself forward, and in a twinkling both were on the young hunter, snapping and snarling as though about to eat him up!
It was a moment of dire peril and no one realized it more than did the young hunter who had been attacked by the two wild beasts of the forest. Like a flash he rolled over and doubled up to prevent the wildcats from reaching his head and neck.
This quick movement sent the animals to the ground, and as they landed Snap jumped forward and struck one of the wildcats with the stock of his gun. It was a telling blow, for by luck more than judgment it crushed the beast's skull.
The attack on its mate caused the other wildcat to pause. Then, filled with a sudden fear, and failing to get at Whopper's throat, it commenced to retreat.
"It's running away!" shouted Snap. "Kill it, Shep!"
The doctor's son had been dancing around, trying to get in a shot without injuring Whopper.
Now he leveled his shotgun and banged away. It was a close-range hit, and the head of the wildcat was almost blown from the body.
It was several seconds before the three boy hunters realized that the battle was at an end. Slowly Whopper turned over and looked at the two dead animals. He rose to his feet, panting heavily.
"Are they bo—-both dead?" he asked.
"As dead as nails," answered Snap.
"I thought I was—-was going to be—-be chewed up!"
"It was a narrow escape."
"Say, after this, do you know what I think? I think we had better kill the beasts first and take the pictures afterward!"
"Then we'll not have such good photos," returned the doctor's son.
"Yes; but what good are photos to a fellow if he gets killed?" questioned Whopper ruefully.
"We'll have to be more careful, that's all," said Snap.
"What shall we do with the wildcats?"
"Leave them here, for all I care," answered the doctor's son. "The skins are not much good at this time of year and after such handling."
The three boys rested for a while, and then took a picture of the dead wildcats with themselves in the background. So that all might get in the pictures they set their cameras on rocks and worked them by means of threads of black linen.
"I am afraid our shots have scared away all the game in this vicinity," remarked the doctor's son as they, trudged forward once more. And so it seemed, for nothing came into view for the next hour. Then Snap sighted some rabbits, but before he could get a shot the game was out of sight.
At noon they rested in a glade that commanded a fine view of the surrounding country and each of the boys took several time pictures with small lens openings, so as to get sharp outlines.
It was well on toward the middle of the afternoon when they came upon the trail of a deer. It looked to be quite fresh, and this filled them with the hope of catching up to the game.
"We want to be mighty quiet," cautioned Snap, who was in the lead. "The wind is uncertain and may carry the slightest sound to the deer."
"It will carry our scent, too," answered Whopper.
"That we can't help and will have to chance."
They followed the trail for fully half a mile, through something of a hollow between the mountains. Here they came on quite a pond, much to their surprise. The pond was filled with lilies and other flowers, and on one side was a series of rocks leading to quite a cliff.
"What a beautiful spot for a cabin!" cried Shep, forgetting all about the deer, for a moment.
"Why not take some pictures?" suggested Snap. "We may not come this way again."
The doctor's son was willing, and they took several views, one of Whopper with his hand full of water lilies.
The trail of the deer led around the rocky elevation, and the three young hunters were moving through some low brushwood when of a sudden they heard a noise ahead of them.
"What's that?" asked Whopper.
"Bless me if I know," whispered the doctor's son. "Get your guns ready."
"Here comes a deer!" shouted Snap, and an instant later a magnificent buck burst into view, rushing around the other end of the cliff. It appeared and disappeared so quickly that to get a shot was all but impossible.
"Well, of all the chumps!" cried Snap in disgust. "Why didn't somebody let drive?"
"Why didn't you?" asked Shep.
"I couldn't—-the rocks were in the way."
"Well, the rocks were in my way, too."
"How can a fellow shoot at a streak of greased lightning?" asked Whopper. "That buck was making a hundred miles a minute!"
"Well, that's the end of that game," muttered Snap, much crestfallen. "Boys, it looks as if we were going to be skunked to-day."
"Oh, we've got a couple of hours yet," said the doctor's son. "But I guess we had better turn back toward camp. We don't want to miss our way in the dark."
"Let us go on a little," said Whopper. "I imagine that buck got scared at something, and I'd like to know what it was."
"Maybe a bear," said Snap. "And if it is, you can be sure Mr. Bruin will walk right away from us while we are thinking about a shot," he added bitterly. He was disgusted to think they had allowed both the rabbits and the deer to get away from them.
All of the boys were curious to know if anything had really frightened the buck, and they went forward, but this time more cautiously than ever. Passing the cliff, they came to a hillside, overgrown with cedars and brushwood, with many loose stones between. Here they had to progress even more slowly, for walking was treacherous and none of them had a desire to twist an ankle or break a leg.
"I don't see a thing," said the doctor's son presently. "It's a mighty lonely place, isn't it?"
"I fancied I saw something move, just beyond yonder clump of cedars," said Whopper, pointing with his hand.
"Whopper is seeing things," said Snap, laughing. "I guess the wildcats and the deer got on his nerves."
"Well, don't believe me if you don't want to," answered Whopper rather testily.
"We'll see if there is anything in it, anyway," answered the doctor's son. "But I am not going any farther than those cedars. I am getting tired—-and it is high time we turned back, unless we want to remain away from camp all night."
"No, I want to get back, too," answered Snap. "Sleeping out of doors is all well enough once in a while, but I prefer to be under some kind of a roof, even if it's only canvas."
The three boys moved forward once again, each with his gun ready for use, should anything worth shooting appear. They came up to the cedars and were then able to look beyond, where the mountain side was full of rocks, with numerous holes between.
"Oh!" yelled Snap at the top of his lungs. "Look!"
All gazed in the direction indicated, and for once they were fairly rooted to the spot. Before them, on a flat rock, stood a large and magnificent lion, gazing boldly at them.
For fully ten seconds the lion did not move, and during that time the young hunters stood spellbound. Then the foreign monarch of the forest turned and like a flash disappeared into a hole on the mountain side.
"Did—-did—-was it really a lion?" gasped Whopper when he could speak.
"It certainly was—-and a big one, too," answered the doctor's son.
"But here?" began Snap. "We don't have lions in America."
"It must be the one that got away from the circus!" cried Shep.
"To be sure! Why didn't I think of that?" came from Whopper. "Sure as you're a foot high that is the circus lion. But how did he get away out here?" |