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California, grizzlies new laws needed in Academy of Sciences National monuments of State Game Preserve University of. Call, San Francisco. Calliste, Superb. Camp-Fire Club of America code of ethics of. Camp-Fire Club of Detroit. Campion, C. Camp laborers as game destroyers. Canada game laws and preserves in. Cape Province, South Africa, big game in. Carbonell, E.T. Caribou in Nova Scotia in general, status of killed for their tongues Osborn slaughtered and wasted, in Quebec. Caribou disease. Carleton, L.T. Carnegie Institute of Washington. Carrick, Penn., bird day at. Cartridges, estimated annual production of. Cat and its victim. Cats, birds destroyed by. Caterpillars eaten by shore-birds. Caton, John Dean. Cause, choice of a. Cedar Bird, eaten as "game". Cereals, losses on, from insects. Corbin bison herd. Chambers, Fred. W. Chamois, slaughter of protected, in Switzerland. Chapman, Arthur. Charles, Salem D. Cheney, Henry W. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Chicago as a plague-spot for sale of game devours Norway ptarmigan University of Chimpanzee. China barren of wild life raked and scraped for ducks. Chinch-bug. Chinese now buyers of game. Christian, L.T. Cigarette beetle. Cincinnati Zoological Gardens. Clark, J.C. Clark, W.A. Claxton, Dr. P.P., on Tennessee robin slaughter. Clergy, Italian, duty of. Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Close season law in New York. Close season, at discretion long, needed. Clubs opposed to automatic guns. Coccidiosus, intestinal, in ducks. Cock of the Rock. Codling moth, birds that devour the. Cold storage of game in New York. Cold storage warehouses and steamers in China. Collier's Weekly. Colonist, Victoria. Colorado new laws needed in game-breeding laws of national monuments of Comity between states, lack of. Commission, New York Conservation. Commissions, State Game. Comparative Zoology, Museum of. Condor, California. Conference of Powers on African wild life. Congo Free State. Congress acts of, for wild life creates National Bison Range creates National monuments saves the starving elk. Connaught National Park. Connecticut new laws needed in protects wood-duck. Conrad bison herd. Conrad, Charles H. Corbin, Austin deer sold by. Cormorant, Pallas. Corn and hogs, and wild life protection. Corn, losses on. Corn-root worm. Cornell University. Cotton-boll weevil. Cotton, loss on rise in price of, affects birds. Cougars destroyed in British Columbia. Country Life in America. Cox, J.D. Coyotes; destroyed, destroyed in British Columbia Crandall, L.S., on breeding mallard duck, Cranes in Alberta Crane, Whooping Crater Lake National Park Crayfishes eaten by shore-birds Credit for work done Cree Indians Crow, ducklings destroyed by Crow, F.L., robins slaughtered by Cruelty of "aigrette" hunters of albatross killers Cuppy, W.B., deer raised by Curculio Curlew, Eskimo long-billed Currituck County wild-fowl slaughter Currituck Sound, N.C. Cuthbert Rookery Cut-worm
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Dakota, South, National monuments of Dallas, Tex., disgraced by robin slaughter Dalton and Young Damages by deer in Vermont David's deer Davis, C.B., narrative of elk slaughter Davis, Capt. M.B. Deadfall traps in Burma Deer, accept protection as a food supply, cash value of, caught in Hudson River, damages to crops by, danger from, in New York City, killed in Louisiana, killed in Vermont since 1897, pamphlet on raising, possibilities in, present status of, slaughter in Montana, value of, black-tailed, European red, fallow, Indian sambar, red, of Europe, white-tailed, breeding, future of, in Iowa, killed in various states, portrait of, weights of, in Vermont Defects in the protection of western big game Defenders of wild life Delaware new laws needed in Denmead, Talbott Destroyers of wild life Destruction, Army of Detroit, Camp-Fire Club of Dike, A.C., on cats Dill, Homer R. Dimock, Julian A. Diseases, destruction of wild life by District of Columbia, new laws needed in Ditmars, Raymond L. Dix, Governor John A. Dodo Dogs as destroyers of birds Doves killed and eaten as "game," killed 1909-10 in Louisiana Dowitcher Downham, C.F. Downtrodden hunters and anglers Duck disease Duck, Labrador mallard, breeding of, in captivity Duck breeder, ducks killed by Duck Mountain Game Preserve Duck-shooting preserves Ducks, accept protection in distress from severe winter, killed 1909-10 in Louisiana Dutcher fund, Mary Dutcher law against bird millinery Dutcher, William; denounces automatic guns Duties of the hour Duty of nations, states and lawmakers of zoologists Dyche, Lewis Lindsay
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Eagle, golden, destroys sheep and goats in British Columbia Eagles being exterminated Ear-worm Eastgate, Alfred Eaton, Howard Edgell, George S. Egret, American colonies in Florida, preserve of E.A. McIlhenny, snowy Egrets, being exterminated slaughter of, in Venezuela, young, starving on nest, Eland in Cape Colony Elephant, Congo Pygmy Elephant Seals taken by C.H. Townsend Elk, Arizona, now extinct calves killed by pumas, distribution of living, easily bred in captivity, fed in Jackson Hole, of Yellowstone Park and Jackson Hole, progressive extermination of, saved by Congress in 1911, Seton's map of former and existing ranges, slaughter on Buffalo Flats, Mont. supply of elk wasted Elk Island Park Elk River Game Preserve, B.C. Elm beetles Elrod, Morton J. Emeu Engel, C.M., on the lion Epicure and quail Espeut, W.B. Estes Park Ethics of sportsmanship Eaton's "Birds of New York," Evans, Game Commissioner Kelly Ewbank, E.L. Exempt species, lists of proposed Extermination, African animals in line for birds threatened with, defined, of big game, of birds for women's hats, of birds of paradise, of species, by states, Extinct species of North American birds
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Falcon, perigrine Fallow deer; introduced in Lambay Farmers, supineness of Farming, fox Feather sales in London Federal migratory bird law needed Felton, W.R. "Fence" for sale of stolen game, in Washington Ferry, John F. Fever tick eaten by plovers Field, George W. Field, The American Field and Stream Figgis & Co. Fines, schedule of suitable Finley, W.L. Firearms, owned by natives in India unfair Fisher, Walter K. Flamingo, American Fleming, James W. Flies eaten by quail Florida deer killed in, new laws needed in Flycatchers destroy boll weevil Foes of wild life Food for winter birds Food habits of certain birds Food supply of deer, possible Forbes, Professor Forbush, E.H. on heath hen, quotation from, on the Sunday gun, on upland plover, portrait of Forest and Stream Forestry Bureau, United States on predatory animals Forests, losses on National, should be game preserves, of the Far East, preservation of National, Fox, black or "silver" Fox pest in Australia Fox skins sold in London Foxes as bird destroyers Fruit, losses on France, bird plumage trade in song birds sold for food in, Frazer River Game Preserve Frick, Henry C. Fullerton, Samuel Fund, wild life endowment Funk Island Fur-bearing mammals killed in Louisiana Fur News Magazine Furs, degradation of fashions in Fur Seal Furs sold in London
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Game, and agriculture as a state asset, belongs to the People, big, of North America, bill, how to draw a, birds, as a mass, in Yellowstone Park, in Glacier Park, killed in Louisiana, law, how to make a new, market value of, dead game in New York, of Africa, absurd bag limit on, preserves, map of national, slaughter with automatic guns "Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds," Game-hog; not easily educated Game preserve, see Preserve. "Garceros," Gardiner, Montana; antelope attacked in, Gaspesian F.F. and G. Preserve Geay, F. Geer vs. Connecticut, decision in Supreme Court Geese, killed 1909-10 in Louisiana slaughter of, by automatic guns Gemsbok in Cape Colony Georgia; deer killed in, new laws needed in Gerard, W.W. Gerhardt, Fred. German Carp Gibb, Walter S. Glacier Park, Alberta; game in, Glenn County Club, record slaughter at. Globe, New York. Globe-Democrat, St. Louis. Goat, White Mountain, present status of. Goats, in Glacier Park killed for food mountain, killed by eagles. Goding, Edward N. Godwit Hudsonian. Goeldi, E.A. Goodnight, Charles. Gorilla. Goshawk. Grand Canyon Game Preserve. Grant, General, National Park. Grant, Madison portrait of game laws proposed by. Grasshoppers eaten by quail by shore-birds. Gray, J.C., protector of ducks. Grinnell, G.B. Grinnell, Joseph, on California condor. Grisol, Mayeul. Grizzly, California, almost extinct punishing an impudent silver-tip, in British Columbia. Grosbeak. Grouse becoming extinct in California Idaho Montana North Dakota Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming. Grouse, Canada. Grouse, pinnated, diminishing in Manitoba Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Missouri North Dakota Oklahoma increasing in Manitoba shot in Kansas. Grouse, Prairie Sharp-Tailed. Grouse, Ruffed, illegally shipped. Grouse, Sage in California Idaho becoming extinct in Montana. Guadaloupe Island, elephant seals on. Guanaco in Patagonia. Guerrillas of destruction. Guessaz, O.L. Gulls, slaughtered on Laysan Island and terns saved by Audubon Societies. Gunners, two, of Kansas City who kill to the limit will not give up shooting "rights". Guns, automatic or machine bill to prohibit use of increase in deadliness of four machine statistics of swivel and punt, suppressed. Gurkha soldiers destroying game. Gypsy Moth cost of fighting.
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Hagenbeck, Carl agent for. Hale & Sons. Halifax, Curator of Museum at. Hankow, cold storage plant in. Harrison, George L., experience of. Hartebeest in Cape Colony. Hathaway, Harry S. Hawaiian Islands Reservation (Laysan). Hawk, Cooper's sharp-shinned pigeon duck red-shouldered red-tailed. Hawk law of Pennsylvania. Hawks, being exterminated general status of. Hay, loss on. Heath hen, present status of. Henshaw, Henry W., pamphlet by. Herald, New York. Heron, colonies under protection plumage sold in London. Hessian fly. Hippopotami for the South. Himalayan birds being exterminated. Hodge, C.F. Hog-and-corn area of extermination. Holman. Ralph. Hooper, Franklin W. Hopkins, A.D. Hornaday, W.T., bison census code of ethics written by. Horse, bicolored wild. Hough, Emerson, gloomy views of. Howard, P.M. Howard, James. Huffman, L.A. Hume, A.O. Hummingbirds, being exterminated skins sold in London. Humphrey, J.J. Humphrey, William E. Hungarian partridge. Hungarians, song birds killed by. Hunt, Arthur E., text book by. Hunter, W.D. Hunting licenses in all states. Hurd, Lyman E.
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Ibis being exterminated. Ibis, Scarlet. Idaho grizzlies new laws needed in slaughter of starving elk in state game preserve. Illinois new laws needed in. Impeyan pheasant not bred in captivity. In-and-in breeding in wild animals. Independent, New York. Index-Appeal, Pittsburgh India, sasin antelope in Indiana; new laws needed in Indianapolis assists in exterminating bird-of-paradise Indians, and game of Alaska as game exterminators rights of, in game unjustifiable license given to Insect ravages in New South Wales. Insectivorous birds killed for food in Minnesota. Insects, eaten by quail eaten by shore-birds losses by In the Open magazine. Introduced pests; English sparrow; fox in Australia; gypsy moth; mongoose; pheasants; rabbits in Australia and New Zealand. Iowa; new laws needed in; deer in. Iroquois Theatre fire, lesson of the. Italian peninsula a migration route. Italian population, in Minnesota; must be educated. Italians, slaughter of song birds by; song birds caught alive by; song birds sold as food by; vulture, eaten by.
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Jabiru. Jackson Hole, starving elk of. Jacobs, Captain of the Thetis. Jacobs, J. Warren. Japanese poachers on Laysan Island. Jasper Park. Jones, C.J. ("Buffalo"); captures nine pumas. Jordan, Arthur. Journal, Minneapolis. Judd, Sylvester.
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Kadiak Island, bear slaughter proposed on. Kaegebehn, Ferdinand. Kaibab Plateau, catalo herd on. Kalbfus, Joseph; portrait. Kamchatka. Kangaroo skins. Kansas; new laws needed in; University of. Kansas City gunners. Kashmir, game protection in. Keller, II. W. Kelly, A.F. Kennard, Frederic H. Kentucky; new laws needed in; robbed of game for Pittsburgh. Keuka Lake, ducks in distress on. Kildeer Plover; portrait of. Killing men by "mistake". Kingfisher, Belted. Kite, White-Tailed. Klamath Lakes of Oregon. Kleinschmidt, Frank E. Kudu in Cape Colny.
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Laborers as game-killers. Labrador. Lacey, John P. Laglaize, Leon. Lampson & Co., C.M. Lark, meadow, eaten as game. Laurentides Park. Law, making close seasons by petition; of Nature, an inexorable; prohibiting firearms to aliens; proposed for animal nuisances; proposed for Sunday gun. Lawmakers, work with. Lawrence, S.C. Laws, absolutely necessary to wild life; how to secure new; new, needed. Lawyer, George A. Laysan Island, bird tragedy on. League of American Sportsmen. Leek, S.N.; elk photographs by. Lemon, Frank E. Le Souef, W.H.D. Lewis and Clark Club. Lewis & Peet. Licenses, hunting, in all states. "Life Histories of Northern Animals". Lincoln, Robert Page. Lion, map of disappearance of the. Lobbying a duty. Locusts eaten by shore-birds. Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot. London Chamber of Commerce. London feather trade. Lord, William R. Loring, J. Alden, wild birds tamed by. Louisiana; deer killed in; game in; new laws needed in; state game preserve; state wild-fowl refuge. Lumpy-jaw in antelope and sheep. Lydekker, Richard, on rabbits. Lynxes destroyed. Lyre bird being exterminated.
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MacDougal, Dr. D.T. McAtee, W.L., on enemies of codling moth; on "Our Vanishing Shore-Birds" McBride, scout, counts game in Yellowstone Park McIlhenny, Edward A.; on egret preserve, on Louisiana birds, robin slaughter mentioned by, testimony from, on shed plumes McLean, Marshall, on codification of New York game laws McLean, Senator George P.; bill for migratory birds Macaw, Gosse's; Guadeloupe Mackay, G.H. Mail and Express, New York Maine; deer killed in, new laws needed in, protects wood-duck Malayana, wild life in Mammals, wholly or nearly extinct Manitoba; game reserves of Map, of game preserves in Africa, of National game preserves, of states prohibiting sale of game, of wilderness area of North America, used in campaign for Bayne law Market-gunners Marlatt, C.L., on losses by insects Marlin Fire-Arms Co. Marsh Island, a market-gunner on; map of Martin, A.P. Martin, Purple; shot for food, disappearing Maryland; deer killed in, new laws needed in Mashonaland Massachusetts; deer killed in, excellent laws of Fish and Game Protective Association, Game Commission, protects wood-duck, State Board of Agriculture, Megantic Club, Meloy, Andrew D. Merkel, Hermann W. Mershon, W.B. Mesa Verde National Park, Mexico; elephant seals of, Sierre Madre of Meyer, A.H. Mice and rats destroyed by owls, Michigan; deer killed in, good laws of Migratory birds, federal protection demanded for Miles, George W., Indiana Game Commissioner Miller, Frank M., on wood-duck Miller, H.N. Milliners' Association, American Millinery, bird extermination for Miners as game destroyers in Wyoming Minnesota; deer killed in, National Game Preserve in new laws needed in Mississippi; deer killed in, new laws needed in Missouri; new laws needed in Mitchell, Consul Mason, and the takin Mitchell, W.I. Monachus tropicalis almost extinct Monal pheasant skins Money, need for Mongoose pest in various islands Montana; grizzlies of, National Bison Range, National monuments of, new laws needed in, state game preserves Monuments, National, full list of Moody, C.S. Moore, John D. Moose, in Alaska; increasing in New Brunswick, in Glacier Park, in the United States, season in Wyoming Mosquitoes eaten by quail Moth, codling; gypsy Mt. Olympus National Monument Mulberry, Russian, as food-tree for birds Murder of wild animals Museum, American; Carnegie Field, Milwaukee Public, of Comparative Zoology, United States National Musk-Ox, previous slaughter of
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Napier, Ernest; arouses New Jersey against machine guns, portrait Nash, C.W. National Academy of Sciences National measures for wild-life protection National Museum, United States National organizations of New York City National Zoological Park Natives, rights of, in game Nebraska; protection for extinct game in, Needs of wild-life cause, greatest. Negroes, song-bird slaughter by, in the South. Nelson, E.W. Nepal, destruction of pheasants in. Nets used in taking pigeons. Nevada; new laws needed in. New Brunswick; game laws of. Newfoundland. New Hampshire; deer killed in; new laws needed in. New Jersey; deer killed in; few new laws needed in; game commissioner. New Mexico; good game laws in; National monuments of. New South Wales, birds destroyed in. New York; Academy of Sciences; Conservation Commission; deer killed in; excellent laws of; nuisance law of; protects wood-duck; state game preserve of. New York City formerly a "fence"; wild deer in. News, Buffalo. Newspapers, value of, in campaigns. New Zealand game preserves; red deer in. Niagara Falls, swans swept over. Nice, Margaret M. Nicol, G.H. Nighthawk as insect-destroyer; shot for food. Niobrara Bison Range. Nooe, Bennet. Norboe, R.M. Norris, Governor Edward P. North, Paul. North American, Philadelphia. North Carolina; deer killed in; hopeless condition of; private preserves in. North Dakota; new laws needed in. Norton, Arthur H. Nova Scotia; game laws of. Nuisances, wild animals may become.
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Observer, Utica. Ohio; hopeless condition. Oklahoma; bison in; new laws needed in; new code of game laws needed. Oldys, Henry, on sale of game; on value of game. Olympus, Mount. Ontario; game preserves of. Opposition, to game protection in Pennsylvania; in Montana; to legislation, how to meet. Oregon; grizzlies of. Oriole; destroy cotton-boll weevil. Orlady, Judge, decision of. Ornithologist, case of the; Italian, kills song birds for food. Osborn, Prof. Henry Fairfield. Otter, sea. Outdoor Life magazine. Outdoor World magazine. Outing magazine. Owl, barn; great horned; long-eared; screech. Owls, general status of; horned, in British Columbia.
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Pacific bird refuges. Page wire fence. Palmer, Theodore S.; circular on National Reserves; deer statistics from; game laws proposed by; Olympus National Monument; on antelope; on laws. Paradise, birds of, being exterminated; greater bird of. Parakeet, Carolina; purple Guadeloupe. Parasitic infection of ducks. Parents, duty of. Park, Crater Lake; General Grant; Laurentides; Mt. Rainier; Platt; Sequoia; Sully Hills; Yosemite. Parliament, British. Parrot, Yellow-Winged Green. Patagonia, guanaco in. Peabody, James W., text book by. Pearson, T. Gilbert; portrait. Pelican Island bird sanctuary. Pellett, F.C. Penalties, schedule of. Pennock, C.J. Pennsylvania; aliens may not own firearms; decision on automatic guns; deer killed in; game wardens killed; new laws needed by; state game preserves. Penrose, Dr. C.B. Pests, introduced species that have become. Petrel, Black-Capped. Phalaropes Pheasants, being exterminated; blood, English, value of in market, impeyan, introduced species of, not bud-eaters, shipped from China to England, shipped at Hankow, China Philadelphia Academy of Sciences Phillips, John M.; educational campaign in schools by, on goats killed for food, Pennsylvania Game Commissioner, portrait Photographing live game, code of ethics on Pickhardt, Carl, on caribou slaughter Pierce, Ray V., private game preserve of; sambar deer acclimatized by Pigeon, Band-Tailed; Passenger, Victoria crowned Pinchot, Gifford Pinnated Grouse disappearing, in Kansas; Nebraska, Montana, Minnesota, Pioneer, value of game to the Pittsboro, disgrace of, by robin slaughter Pittsburgh, City ornithologist of; illegal sale of game in Plague-spots for sale of game Plant-lice in wheat Platform, Sportsman's Platt National Park Plover, black-bellied; golden, upland Plume-hunters Post, New York Evening Posting farm lands advised Potato-bug bird Pot-hunter defined Poultry destroyed by hawks and owls Predatory wild animals Preserve, every National forest should be a game Preserve, Alberta; Angoniland, Athi Plains, British Columbia, Budonga Forest, Duck Mountain, Elephant Marsh, Freycinet's Peninsula, Grand Canyon, Hargeis, Jubaland, Kangaroo Island, Little Barrier Island, Luangwa, Manitoba, Mirso, Nweru Marsh, Ontario, Pennsylvania State, Riding Mountain, Rustenburg, Sabi-Pongola, Snow Creek, Spruce Woods, Superior National Game, Swaziland, Teton, Toro, Turtle Mountain, Wichita, Wilson's Promontory Preserved game, murdering, Preserves, private game; private and public interests in Press, duty of Italian; New York, value of, in campaigns, Prichard, W.H.H., on guanaco Prospectors, license given to Protection, accepted by antelopes; bears, mule deer, song-birds, chipmunks, of shore-birds "Protected" game, sale of, forbidden Protective Association, Wild Life Prince Consort of England Prince Edward Island; breeding foxes on Prince, German Crown Ptarmigan, Norway, eaten in Chicago Publicity in campaign work; value of Puma as a game-destroyer Pumas destroyed in British Columbia Pump guns; campaign against, won in New Jersey
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Quagga, extinct Quail; food habits of, portrait of, protection recognized by, failures in restocking with, California Valley, very scarce, Egyptian, feeding, introduced, killed in 1909-10 in Louisiana, killed by cats Quebec Quetico Forest Reserve
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Rabbit plague Rabbits; killed in Louisiana, introduced on Laysan Island Rangoon, pheasant plumage seized in Ranier National Park Rainey, Paul J. Rats and mice destroyed by owls Reasons against sale of game Recreation Magazine Refuges, National bird Red deer, introduced in New Zealand; of Europe Reed, Elizabeth A. Remington Arms Co. Renshaw, Graham Republican, Springfield Resident game-butchers Rhea being exterminated Rhinoceros, great Indian; white Rhodesian fauna Rhode Island; new laws needed in Rhytina, extinction of Rice, Jr., James H. Riding Mountain Game Preserve Rifles in hands of boys Rinderpest in Africa Roberts. Mrs. Mary G., of Tasmania Robin slaughter, in Pittsboro, N.C. by Italians by negroes in eight southern states in Texas in Tennessee in Louisiana. Robins, food of killed by cats. Robinson, Arthur, on automatic guns. Roccolo, Italian, for catching birds. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rocky Mountain Park. Rod and Gun in Canada. Rod and Gun Club of Sheridan, Wyoming. Rogers, Josiah. Roosevelt, Kermit. Roosevelt, Theodore. Rose, John J. Rothschild, Walter. Rubber culture and wild life. Ruffed Grouse. Rush, Frank.
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Sage Grouse in California. Sage, Mrs. Russell, gifts by, to cause of bird protection. Sale of game, plague spots for proposed for California suppress, the. Salt Lake, mortality in ducks on. Sambar deer. Sanctuaries, demand for forest reserve. Sanctuaries in India. Sandhill Crane nearly extinct in Alberta. Sandpipers killed for food Bartramian pectoral red-breasted. Sandwichmen employed in London. Sanford, L.C. Saskatchewan. Sauter, Frederick. Scab in Mountain Sheep. "Scatter" rifle for ducks. Schlemmer, Max. Sconce, Harvev J. Scott, Thomas H. Sea-lion accepts protection. Seal, California Elephant West Indian, in New York Aquarium. Sea otter. Seaman, Frank, phoebe birds of. Sentiment in preservation of game. Sequoia Park. Seton, Ernest T. map of elk by. Sharp-shinned hawk. Shea plumage bill. Sheep, big-horn next species to become extinct killed by pumas in Colorado present status of in Lower California in Glacier Park domestic curse of cattle and game opposition from owners of. Sheep-herders of Wyoming. Sheep, black, lumpy-jaw in. Sheep owners exterminating Thylacine. Shields, G.O. protects birds of New York City. Shield's Magazine. Shikar Club of London. Shiras, 3rd, George. Shikaree, new status of native. Shooting game in preserves. Shore birds, becoming extinct, in Montana Kansas Massachusetts Michigan New York North Dakota South Carolina Texas Wisconsin general status of killed in Louisiana disappearing. Shore, W.B., on elk shipments. Shrike. Skunk as bird destroyer. Slaughter-grounds for wild fowl. Slaughter, of wild fowl in North Carolina of non-game birds in North Carolina in Tennessee of deer in Montana in Louisiana of geese in California of band-tailed pigeons of protected chamois of song birds in New York City of starving elk. Sloanaker, J.L., on pinnated grouse. Smith, Charles L. Smith, Lee II. Smyth, C. II. Snakes as bird destroyers. Snares for pheasants. Snipe, Jack, portrait of. Snow Creek antelope preserve game preserve. Society, Audubon, National, see Audubon, Royal, for the Protection of Wild Birds N.Y. Zoological, see Zoological Society. South America. South Carolina deer killed in almost hopeless condition of private preserves in. South Dakota few laws needed by. Sparrow pest. Sparrows consume weed-seeds. Spoonbill, Roseate. Sportsman, case of a character of true definition of a. Sportsman's Platform. Sportsman's Review. Sports Afield. Sprague, John P. Spruce Woods Game Preserve. Squirrel, fox, extinct in New York; gray, in danger, red, as bird destroyer Squirrels killed in Louisiana Standard-Union, Brooklyn Stanford, Harry P.; on deer slaughter Staley, Walter C. Star, Washington States, a roll-call of the State game preserves; New York, Pennsylvania Stratton, James W. Stebbing, E.P. Stephan, S.A., agent for Carl Hagenbeck, Stevens Arms Co. Stevenson-Hamilton, Maj. J., of the Transvaal; status of the settlers, on Sportsman's Platform Stilt Stokes fund, Caroline Phelps Stone, Witmer St. Vincent Island game preserve Sully Hills National Park Sunday gun Sunken Lands of Arkansas Sun, New York Superior National Game Preserve Supreme Court decision Swan, Trumpeter Swans swept over Niagara Falls Swallows, as insect destroyers Switzerland, chamois slaughter in
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Tagging game for sale Taming wild birds and mammals Taylor, W.P. Taylor, W.J. Teachers, duty of Teaching wild life protection to the young Telegraph wires, birds killed by Tener, Governor, at Carrick, Pa. Tennessee; a reformation needed in, Game Commissioner of Tern, Common Terns and Gulls saved by Audubon people Terns becoming extinct in Delaware; in North Carolina Teton Game Preserve Texas; insects destroyed by birds, laws needed in Text-books; duty of writers of Thayer John E. Thome, Samuel Thylacine of Australia disappearing Tibet Tilcomb, John W. Timber in National forests not to be cut Times, New York Tinkham, H.W. Tobacco pest Tomalin, Richard W. Tortoises Toucan, toco, being exterminated Toumay, James W. Towne, S.G. Townsend, C.V.R. Townsend, Charles C., on protected ducks Townsend, C.H., elephant seals taken by, Tragopans Trapper uses game for bait, in Wyoming Trappers as game destroyers Trapping grizzly bears strongly opposed Traps on Burma-Chinese border Treaty, international, for protecting migratory birds Triangle Islands, seals on Tribune, New York Trogon being exterminated Trophies, purchase and sale of Trout caught near Spokane Trouvelot, Leopold, introducer of gypsy moth Truck crops Tuna Club, angling ethics of Turkey vulture incident on Long Island; eaten by Italians Turkey, Wild, in South Carolina; Texas, Missouri Turner, J.P. Turtle Mountain Game Preserve
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Union and Advertiser Union Fire-Arms Co. United States Government, recent work in game protection by Upp, Thomas M. "Useful Birds and Their Protection," Utah; new laws needed in, national monuments of
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Vancouver Island, elk on Vanishing species not always recoverable Van Kennan, E.A. Venezuela, a plume-hunter in wild birds' plumage from "Vermin" destructive to birds Vermont; deer killed in, deer killed in Vermont since 1897, few new laws needed in, management of deer in, protects wood-duck re-stocking, with deer Viquesnev, J.A. Virginia; deer killed in, many new laws needed in Vreelarid, Frederick K.
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Wagner, George E. Wallace, Dillon estimates 3,500 sheep in Colorado Wallace, John H., Jr. on Florida laws Wapiti; in Alt. Olympus National Monument, (see also, Elk) Ward, Charles Willis; donor of bird preserve Ward, Henry L. seals discovered by Warden service based on merit system Wardens, game; killed on duty, number of salaried Ward-McIlhenny Wild Fowl Preserve Waterton Lakes Park Washington grizzlies in, a new code of laws needed in Wayne, Arthur T. Weasel Webber, F.T., on Colorado quail Webster, F.M. Webster, Frederic S. Weed seeds eaten by quail Weeks, J.W., bird bill of Weevil, cotton-boll Western Districts Game and Trout Protective Association Western Field West Virginia; deer killed in, good conditions in, protects wood-duck Wharton, William P. bison, census by Wheat, losses on Whipple, James S. Whitney, Caspar Whooping Crane extinct; in Manitoba, Wichita National Bison Herd Wichita National Game Preserve Wilcox, Albert; bequest from Wild fowl; slaughter grounds, refuge, Louisiana State Wildebeest in Cape Colony, Wild Life Call "Wild Life in Australia" Wild Life Protective Association Wilderness area of North America; game will disappear from Willet Williams, A. Bryan, British Columbia game warden Wilson, Mrs. Minnie Moore Wilson, Alexander, on the passenger pigeon Wilson, Erasmus, on quail feeding; on Carrick's bird day Wilson, Governor Woodrow, signs bill against machine guns Wilson, James, Secretary of Agriculture Winchester Arms Co. Wind Cave Bison Range Wisconsin; deer killed in, new laws needed in Woburn Park, David's deer at Wolves destroyed; in British Columbia Wombat in list of fur-bearers Women promote bird slaughter Wood, George E. Wood, Lieut.-Col. William Woodcock Wood-Duck eaten in seventeen States, disappearing in Louisiana, nesting in Zoological Park Woodpecker, Downy golden-winged, hairy Woodpeckers, food of Wooley-Dod, Arthur G. Wool-Growers' Association opposes game preserves World, New York Worthington, C.C. Wrens destroy boll weevil Wyoming efforts by, to feed starving elk, elk case, deer, grizzlies, laws needed, succor of elk in, National Monuments in, State Game Preserve in
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Yale University Yalakom Game Preserve, British Columbia Yellowstone Park, animals in; bison herd of, elk in, protected animals of, Yoho Park Yosemite National Park Yukon Territory, sale of game in
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Zebra, Burchell's, extinct in Cape Colony Zoological Park, New York ducks killed in, thylacine in, wood-duck, quail and rabbits in, woodpeckers decreasing in Zoological Society, New York gift of bison herd from, on "extermination," protects birds of New York City Zoologists, duty of American
Illustrated by 220 original drawings by Beard, Rungius and Sawyer, and 100 photographs by Sanborn, Keller and Underwood, and with numerous maps and diagrams. Treats of the most important mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes of North America. More than 400 pages, double column, 5-1/2 x 8 inches. $3.50, net.
Illustrated photographically by John M. Phillips. Adventures and observations in the home of the White Goat, Grizzly Bear and Mountain Sheep. Awarded gold medal by Camp-Fire Club of America. 8vo., pp. 353. Net, $3.00.
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