Today these immigrants from the south of Europe have virtually displaced the miner from the north. They have rooted out the decencies and comforts of the earlier operatives and have supplanted them with the promiscuity, the filth, and the low economic standards of the medieval peasant. There are no more desolate and distressing places in America than the miserable mining "patches" clinging like lichens to the steep hill sides or secluded in the valleys of Pennsylvania In the bituminous fields conditions are no better. In the town of Windber in western Pennsylvania, for example, some two thousand experienced English and American miners were engaged in opening the veins in 1897. No sooner were the mines in operation than the south European began to drift in. Today he outnumbers and underbids the American and the north European. He lives in isolated sections, reeking with everything that keeps him a "foreigner" in the heart of America. The coal regions of Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois and the ore regions of northern Michigan and Minnesota are rapidly passing under the same influence.
Every mining and manufacturing community is thus an ethnic pool, whence little streams of foreigners trickle over the land. These isolated miners and tillers of the soil are more immune to American ideals than are their city dwelling brethren. They are not jostled and shaken by other races; no mental contagion of democracy reaches them.
But within the towns and cities another process of replacement is going on. Its index is written large in the signs over shops and stores and clearly in the lists of professional men in the city directories and in the pay roll of the public school teachers. The unpronounceable Slavic combinations of consonants and polysyllabic Jewish patronymics are plentiful, while here and there an Italian name makes its appearance. The second generation is arriving. The sons and daughters are leaving the factory and the construction gang for the counter, the office, and the schoolroom.
American ideals and institutions have borne and can bear a great deal of foreign infiltration. But can they withstand saturation?
"Whosoever will may come" was the generous welcome which America extended to all the world for over a century. Many alarms, indeed, there were and several well-defined movements to save America from the foreigner. The first of these attempts resulted in the ill-fated Alien and Sedition laws of 1798, which extended to fourteen years the period of probation before a foreigner could be naturalized and which attempted to safeguard the Government against defamatory attacks. The Jeffersonians, who came into power in 1801 largely upon the issue raised by this attempt to curtail free speech, made short shrift of this unpopular law and restored the term of residence to five years. The second anti-foreign movement found expression in the Know-Nothing party, which rose in the decade preceding the Civil War. The third movement brought about a secret order called the American Protective Association, popularly known as the A.P.A., which, like the Know-Nothing hysteria, was aimed primarily at the Catholic Church. Its platform stated that "the conditions growing out of our immigration laws are such as to weaken our democratic institutions," and that "the immigrant vote, under the direction of certain ecclesiastical institutions," controlled politics. In 1896 the organization claimed two and a half million adherents, and the air was vibrant with ominous rumors of impending events. But nothing happened. The A.P.A. disappeared suddenly and left no trace.
For over a century it was almost universally believed that the prosperity of the country depended largely upon a copious influx of population. This sentiment found expression in President Lincoln's message to Congress on December 8, 1863, in which he called immigration a "source of national wealth and strength" and urged Congress to establish "a system for the encouragement of immigration." In conformity with this suggestion, Congress passed a law designed to aid the importation of labor under contract. But the measure was soon repealed, so that it remains the only instance in American history in which the Federal Government attempted the direct encouragement of general immigration.[50]
It was in 1819 that the first Federal law pertaining to immigration was passed. It was not prompted by any desire to regulate or restrict immigration, but aimed rather to correct the terrible abuses to which immigrants were subject on shipboard. So crowded and unwholesome were these quarters that a substantial percentage of all the immigrants who embarked for America perished during the voyage. The law provided that ships could carry only two passengers for every five tons burden; it enjoined a sufficient supply of water and food for crew and passengers; and it required the captains of vessels to prepare lists of their passengers giving age, sex, occupation, and the country whence they came. The law, however good its intention, was loosely drawn and indifferently enforced. Terrible abuses of steerage passengers crowded into miserable quarters were constantly brought to the public notice. From time to time the law was amended, and the advent of steam navigation brought improved conditions without, however, adequate provision for Federal inspection.
Indeed such supervision and care as immigrants received was provided by the various States. Boston, New York, Baltimore, and other ports of entry, found helpless hordes left at their doors. They were the prey of loan sharks and land sharks, of fake employment agencies, and every conceivable form of swindler. Private relief was organized, but it could reach only a small portion of the needy. About three-fourths of the immigrants disembarked at the port of New York, and upon the State of New York was imposed the obligation of looking after the thousands of strangers who landed weekly at the Battery. To cope with these conditions the State devised a comprehensive system and entrusted its enforcement to a Board of Commissioners of Immigration, erected hospitals on Ward's Island for sick and needy immigrants, and in 1855 leased for a landing place Castle Garden, which at once became the popular synonym for the nation's gateway. Here the Commissioners examined and registered the immigrants, placed at their disposal physicians, money changers, transportation agents, and advisers, and extended to them a helping hand. The Federal Government was represented only by the customs officers who ransacked their baggage.
In 1875 the Federal Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional for a State to regulate immigration. "We are of the opinion," said the Court, "that this whole subject has been confided to Congress by the Constitution; that Congress can more appropriately and with more acceptance exercise it than any other body known to our law, state or national; that, by providing a system of laws in these matters applicable to all ports and to all vessels, a serious question which has long been a matter of contest and complaint may be effectively and satisfactorily settled."[51] Congress dallied seven years with this important question, and was finally forced to act when New York threatened to close Castle Garden. In 1882 a Federal immigration law assessed a head tax of fifty cents on every passenger, not a citizen, coming to the United States, and provided that the States should share with the Secretary of the Treasury the obligation of its enforcement. This law inaugurated the policy of selective immigration, as it excluded convicts, lunatics, idiots, and persons likely to become a public charge. Three years later, contract laborers were also excluded.
The unprecedented influx of immigrants now began to arouse public discussion. Over 788,000 arrived in America during the first year the new law was in operation. In 1889 both the Senate and the House appointed standing committees on immigration. The several investigations which were held culminated in the law of 1891, wherein the list of ineligibles was extended to include persons suffering from a loathsome or contagious disease, polygamists, and persons assisted in coming by others, unless upon special inquiry they were found not to belong to any of the excluded classes. Thus for the first time the Federal Government assumed complete control of immigration. Now also both the great political parties adopted planks in their national platforms favoring the restriction of immigration. The Republicans favored "the enactment of more stringent laws and regulations for the restriction of criminal, pauper, and contract immigration." The Democrats "heartily" approved "all legislative efforts to prevent the United States from being used as a dumping ground for the known criminals and professional paupers of Europe," and they favored the exclusion of Chinese laborers. They favored, however, the admission of "industrious and worthy" Europeans.
Selective immigration thus became a political issue in 1892, partly under the stimulus of labor unions, which feared an over-supply of labor, and partly because of the growing popular belief that many undesirable foreigners were entering the country. No adequate and just criteria for any process of selection have been discovered. In 1896 Senator Lodge introduced an immigration bill, which contained the famous literacy test, excluding all persons between fourteen and sixty years of age "who cannot both read and write the English language or some other language." The bill was simultaneously introduced into the House of Representatives by McCall of Massachusetts. The debate on this measure marks a new departure in immigration policy. A senatorial inquiry made among the States in the preceding year had disclosed a universal preference for immigrants from northern Europe. Moreover, a number of States through their governors, had declared that further immigration was not desired immediately; and the opinion prevailed that the great influx from southeastern Europe should be checked. Fortified by such solidarity of sentiment, Congress passed the Lodge bill with certain amendments. President Cleveland, however, returned it with a strong veto message on March 2, 1897. He could not concur in so radical a departure from the traditional liberal policy of the Government; and he believed the literacy test so artificial that it was more rational "to admit a hundred thousand immigrants who, though unable to read and write, seek among us only a home and opportunity to work, than to admit one of those unruly agitators and enemies of governmental control who can not only read and write, but delights in arousing by inflammatory speech the illiterate and peacefully inclined to discontent and tumult." The House passed the bill over the President's veto, but the Senate took no further action.
In 1898 the Industrial Commission was empowered "to investigate questions pertaining to immigration" and presented a report which prepared the way for the immigration law of 1903, approved on the 3rd of March. This law, which was based upon a careful preliminary inquiry, may be called the first comprehensive American immigration statute. It perfected the administrative machinery, raised the head tax, and multiplied the vigilance of the Government against evasions by the excluded classes. Anarchists and prostitutes were added to the list of excluded persons. The literacy test was inserted by the House but was rejected by the Senate.
This law, however, did not allay the demand for a more stringent restriction of immigration. A few persons believed in stopping immigration entirely for a period of years. Others would limit the number of immigrants that should be permitted to enter every year. But it was felt throughout the country that such arbitrary checks would be merely quantitative, not qualitative, and that undesirable foreigners should be denied admission, no matter what country they hailed from. A notable immigration conference which was called by the National Civic Federation in December, 1905, and which represented all manner of public bodies, recommended the "exclusion of persons of enfeebled vitality" and proposed "a preliminary inspection of intending immigrants before they embark." President Roosevelt laid the whole matter before Congress in several vigorous messages in 1906 and 1907. He pointed to the fact that
In the year ending June 30, 1905, there came to the United States 1,026,000 alien immigrants. In other words, in the single year ... there came ... a greater number of people than came here during the one hundred and sixty-nine years of our colonial life. ... It is clearly shown in the report of the Commissioner General of Immigration that, while much of this enormous immigration is undoubtedly healthy and natural ... a considerable proportion of it, probably a very large proportion, including most of the undesirable class, does not come here of its own initiative but because of the activity of the agents of the great transportation companies.... The prime need is to keep out all immigrants who will not make good American citizens.
In consonance with this spirit, the law of 1907 was passed. It increased the head tax to four dollars and provided rigid scrutiny over the transportation companies. The excluded classes of immigrants were minutely defined, and the powers and duties of the Commissioner General of Immigration were very considerably enlarged. The act also created the Immigration Commission, consisting of three Senators, three members of the House, and three persons appointed by the President, for making "full inquiry, examination, and investigation ... into the subject of immigration." Endowed with plenary power, this commission made a comprehensive investigation of the whole question. The President was authorized to "send special commissioners to any foreign country for the purpose of regulating by international agreement ... the immigration of aliens to the United States."
Here at last is congressional recognition of the fact that immigration is no longer merely a domestic question, but that it has, through modern economic conditions, become one of serious international import. No treaties have been perfected under this authority. The question, however, received serious attention in 1909 when Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino of the New York police was murdered in Sicily by banditti, whither he had pursued a Black Hand criminal from the East Side.
In the meantime many measures for restricting immigration were suggested in Congress. Of these, the literacy test met with the most favor. Three times in recent years Congress enacted it into law, and each time it was returned with executive disapproval: President Taft vetoed the provision in 1913, and President Wilson vetoed the acts of 1915 and 1917. In his last veto message on January 29, 1917, President Wilson said that "the literacy test ... is not a test of character, of quality, or of personal fitness, but would operate in most cases merely as a penalty for lack of opportunity in the country from which the alien seeking admission came."
Congress, however, promptly passed the bill over the President's objections, and so twenty years after President Cleveland's veto of the Lodge Bill, the literacy test became the standard of fitness for immigrant admission into the United States.[52] The law excludes all aliens over sixteen years of age who are physically capable of reading and yet who cannot read. They are required to read "not less than thirty or more than eighty words in ordinary use" in the English language or some other language or dialect. Aliens who seek admission because of religious persecution, and certain relatives of citizens or of admissible aliens, are exempted.
The debate upon this law disclosed the transformation that has come over the nation in its attitude towards the alien. Exclusion was the dominant word. Senator Reed of Missouri wished to exclude African immigrants; the Pacific coast Representatives insisted upon exclusion of Asiatics, in the face of serious admonitions of the Secretary of State that such a course would cause international friction; the labor members were scornful in their denunciation of "the pauper and criminal classes" of Europe. The traditional liberal sympathies of the American people found but few champions, so completely had the change been wrought in the thirty years since the Federal Government assumed control of immigration.
By these tokens the days of unlimited freedom in migration are numbered. Nations are beginning to realize that immigration is but the obverse of emigration. Its dual character constitutes a problem requiring delicate international readjustments. Moreover, the countries released to a new life and those quickened to a new industrialism by the Great War will need to employ all their muscle and talents at home.
It is an inspiring drama of colonization that has been enacted on this continent in a relatively short period. Its like was never witnessed before and can never be witnessed again. Thirty-three nationalities were represented in the significant group of American pilgrims that gathered at Mount Vernon on July 4, 1918, to place garlands of native flowers upon the tomb of Washington and to pledge their honor and loyalty to the nation of their adoption. This event is symbolic of the great fact that the United States is, after all, a nation of immigrants, among whom the word foreigner is descriptive of an attitude of mind rather than of a place of birth.
[Footnote 50: Congress has on several occasions granted aid for specific colonies or groups of immigrants.]
[Footnote 51: Henderson et al. vs. The Mayor of New York City et al. 92 U.S., 259.]
[Footnote 52: The new act took effect May 1, 1917.]
EDWARD CHANNING, History of the United States, 4 vols. (1905). Vol. II. Chapter XIV contains a fascinating account of "The Coming of the Foreigner."
John Fiske, Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, 2 vols. (1899). The story of "The Migration of the Sects" is charmingly told.
John B. McMaster, History of the People of the United States, 8 vols. (1883-1913). Scattered throughout the eight volumes are copious accounts of the coming of immigrants, from the year of American independence to the Civil War. The great German and Irish inundations are dealt with in volumes VI and VII.
J.H. Latane, America as a World Power (1907). Chapter XVII gives a concise summary of immigration for the years 1880-1907.
Reports of the Immigration Commission, appointed under the Congressional Act of Feb. 20, 1907. 42 vols. (1911). This is by far the most exhaustive study that has been made of the immigration question. It embraces a wide range of details, especially upon the economic and sociological aspects of the problem.
Census Bureau, A Century of Population Growth from the First Census of the United States to the Twelfth, 1790-1900 (1909). The best analysis of the population of the United States. It contains a number of chapters on the population at the time of the First Census in 1790.
John R. Commons, Races and Immigrants in America (1907).
Prescott F. Hall, Immigration and its Effects upon the United States (1906).
Henry P. Fairchild, Immigration, a World Movement and its American Significance (1913). A good historical survey of immigration as well as a suggestive discussion of its sociological and economic bearings.
Jeremiah W. Jenks and W. Jett Lauck, The Immigration Problem (1913). A summary of the Report of the Immigration Commission.
Peter Roberts, The New Immigration (1912). A discussion of the recent influx from Southeastern Europe.
E.A. Ross, The Old World in the New (1914) contains some refreshing racial characteristics.
Richmond Mayo-Smith, Emigration and Immigration (1890). This is one of the oldest American works on the subject and remains the best scientific discussion of the sociological and economic aspects of immigration.
Edward A. Steiner, On the Trail of the Immigrant (1906). A popular and sympathetic account of the new immigration.
B.G. Brawley, A Short History of the American Negro (1913).
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Negro (1915). A small well-written volume, with a useful bibliography and an illuminating chapter on the negro in the United States; also, by the same author, Suppression of the African Slave Trade (1896).
Carter G. Woodson, A Century of Negro Migration (1918).
J.R. Spears, The American Slave Trade (1900).
A.H. Stone, Studies in the American Race Problem (1908). Contains several of Walter F. Wilcox's valuable statistical studies on this subject.
J.A. Tillinghast, The Negro in Africa and America (1902) contains a suggestive comparison of negro life in Africa and America.
Kendrick C. Babcock, The Scandinavian Element in the United States (1914). The best treatise on this subject.
Emily Greene Balch, Our Slavic Fellow Citizens (1910). A comprehensive study of the Slav in America.
J.M. Campbell, A History of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (1892).
Mary Roberts Coolidge, Chinese Immigration (1909). A sympathetic and detailed account of the Chinaman's experience in America.
A.B. Faust, The German Element in the United States 2 vols. (1909). Like some other books written to prove the vast influence of certain elements of the population, this work is not modest in its claims.
Henry Jones Ford, The Scotch-Irish in America (1915).
Lucian J. Fosdick, The French Blood in America (1906). Devoted principally to the Huguenot exiles and their descendants.
Charles A. Hanna, The Scotch-Irish, or the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America. 2 vols. (1902).
Eliot Lord, John J.D. Trevor, and Samuel J. Barrows, The Italian in America (1905).
T. D'Arcy McGee, History of the Irish Settlers in North America (1852).
O.N. Nelson, History of the Scandinavians and Successful Scandinavians in the United States, 2 vols. (1900).
J.G. Rosengarten, French Colonists and Exiles in the United States (1907). Contains an interesting bibliography of French writings on early American conditions.
J.A. Bole, The Harmony Society (1904). Besides a concise history of the Rappists, this volume contains many letters and documents illustrative of their customs and business methods.
W.A. Hinds, American Communities and Cooperative Colonies. (2d revision 1908.) A useful summary based on personal observations.
G.B. Lockwood, The New Harmony Communities (1902). It contains a detailed description of Owen's experiment and interesting details of the Rappists during their sojourn in Indiana.
M.A. Mikkelsen, The Bishop Hill Colony, A Religious Communistic Settlement in Henry County, Illinois (1892).
Charles Nordhoff, The Communistic Societies of the United States (1875). A description of communities visited by the author.
J.H. Noyes, History of American Socialisms (1870).
W.R. Perkins, History of the Amana Society or Community of True Inspiration (1891).
E.O. Randall, History of the Zoar Society (2d ed. 1900).
Bertha M. Shambaugh, Amana, the Community of True Inspiration (1908) gives many interesting details.
Albert Shaw, Icaria, a Chapter in the History of Communism (1884). A brilliant account.
A.P.A., see American Protective Association
Acadia, French in, 18
Adams, J.Q., and Owen, 94
Afghans in United States, 207
Africans, Reed favors exclusion of, 232; see also Negroes
Alabama admitted as State (1819), 33
Albany, Shakers settle near, 91; Irish in, 113
Alien and Sedition laws (1798), 221
Amana, 82-84
America, cosmopolitan character, 19-20; American stock, 21 et seq.; origin of name, 21-22; now applied to United States, 22; Shakers confined to, 92; "America for Americans," 114; see also United States
American Celt, McGee establishes, 120 (note)
American Missionary Association, work with negroes, 58
American party, 114; see also Know-Nothing party
American Protective Association, 221-22
Amish, 68 (note)
Anabaptists in Manhattan, 17
Ancient Order of Hibernians, 117
Angell, J.B., on commission to negotiate treaty with China, 198
Antwerp, German emigrants embark at, 134
Arkansas, frontiersmen in, 36; chosen as site by Giessener Gesellschaft, 136; Italians in, 211; Slavs in, 213
Armenians, 184; as laborers, 122; at Granite City (Ill.), 217
Arthur, C.A., and Chinese exclusion act, 199
Asiatics, Pacific coast favors exclusion of, 232; see also Orientals
Australia deflects migration to United States, 150
Babcock, K.C., The Scandinavian Element in the United States, quoted, 158
Balch, E.G., Our Slavic Fellow Citizens, quoted, 164-65; cited, 167 (note), 174
Baltimore, Ephrata draws pupils from, 71; Irish immigrant association, 109; Irish in, 113; Germans in, 127; Italians in, 180; condition of immigrants landing in, 224
Bancroft, George, estimates number of slaves, 47
Barlow, Joel, 151
Baeumeler, see Bimeler
Bayard, Nicholas, 16
Beissel, Conrad (or Beizel, or Peysel), 70, 71
Belgians in Charleroi (Penn.), 217
Berkshires, Germans in, 127
Bethlehem, communistic colony, 72
Bimeler, Joseph (or Baeumeler), 78-79
Bishop Hill Colony, 85-89
Black Hand, 182
"Boat Load of Knowledge," 94
Bogart, E.L., Economic History of the United States, cited, 52 (note)
Bohemians, in United States, 159-60, 165-66; as North Slavs, 164; on the prairies, 213; on Pacific slope, 213
Boston, immigrants from Ireland (1714-20), 11; French in, 16; Irish in, 108, 113; Germans in, 127; Italians in, 180; condition of immigrants landing in, 224
Boudinot, Elias, 16
Bowdoin, James, 16
Bremen, German emigrants embark at, 134
Bremer, Frederika, quoted, 155
Brisbane, Arthur, Social Destiny of Man, 96
Brook Farm, 97
Bryan, W.J., Secretary of State, and California Alien Land Act, 206
Bryan (Tex.) Italian colony, 211
Buffalo, Inspirationists near, 81; Irish in, 113; Germans in, 135; Poles in, 167 (note)
Bulgarians, as South Slavs, 164; in United States, 170; in Granite City (Ill.), 170, 217
Burlingame, Anson, 195
Burlingame treaty, 195-96, 197
Burschenschaften, 131
Butler County (Penn.), Harmonists in, 73
Butte, Bulgarians in, 170
Cabet, Etienne, 97-98, 99, 100; Voyage en Icarie, 98; Le Populaire, 98
Cabinet, President's, majority of members from American stock, 42
Cabot, John, 2
Cabot, Sebastian, 2
Cahokia, French settlement, 152
California, frontiersmen in, 36, 37; Icaria-Speranza community, 101; Swiss in, 153; Dalmatians in, 171; Portuguese in, 184; discovery of gold, 188; Chinese in, 189-190; "California for Americans," 190; constitution (1879), 194; legislation against Chinese, 194-95; vote for Garfield (1880), 197 (note); Japanese in, 203; Alien Land Act (1913), 206; Italians in, 211
Campo Bello, Island, Fenians attempt to land on, 119
Canada, fugitive slaves, 54; Irish come through, 109; Fenian raids, 120; deflects migration to United States, 150
Carbonari, Cabet and, 98
Carolinas, English settle, 5; Scotch-Irish in, 12; Scotch in, 12; Germans in, 14; cosmopolitan character of, 18; Irish in, 105; see also North Carolina, South Carolina
Castle Garden, landing place for immigrants in New York, 224, 225
Catholics, in Maryland, 13; Irish, 114; prejudice against, 115-16; American Protective Association against, 222
Census (1790), 24-25, 29; A Century of Population Growth (1909), 24; (1800), 25; tables, 26-28; (1900), 38-39; slaves in United States, 47; Bulletin No. 129, Negroes in the United States, cited, 61 (note); (1910), Germans in United States, 125; foreigners in United States, 125-26 (note); foreign born on farms, 150-51 (note), 161; Italians in New York City, 180 (note); distribution of American white population, 187
Channing, Edward, History of the United States, quoted, 46-47
Charleroi (Penn.), foreigners in, 217
Charleston (S.C.), French in, 16; Germans in, 127
Charlestown (Mass.), Ursuline convent burned, 116
Cheltenham, Icarians in, 100
Chestnutt, C.W., negro novelist, 64
Chicago, Irish in, 113; Germans in, 135; Bohemians in, 165; Poles in, 167 (note); Bulgarians in, 170; Hungarian Jews in, 178; Italians in, 180; papers announce land for sale, 209
Chicopee, Poles in, 214
China, Burlingame treaty, 195-196, 197; treaty (1880), 198-199; treaty (1894), 202
Chinese, in United States, 188-203; societies, 192; mission to United States (1868), 195; exclusion act, 199, 201; Scott Act, 201; Geary law, 201
Cincinnati, Irish in, 113; German center, 135
Cities, immigration to, 162 et seq.; cosmopolitanism, 185; racial changes in, 219-20
Civil Rights Act, 59
Civil War, German immigrants during, 130
Cleveland, Grover, messages to Congress on Chinese agitation, 201; vetoes Lodge bill, 227-28
Cleveland, Irish in, 113; Germans in, 135; Bohemians in, 165; Italians in, 180
Cocalico River, cloister of Ephrata on, 70
Colorado, Japanese in, 204
Coman, Industrial History of the United States, cited, 52 (note)
Communistic colonies, 67 et seq.; Labadists, 68-69; Pietists, 69-70; Ephrata, 70-72; Snow Hill, 72; Bethlehem, 72; Harmonist, 72-77; Harmony, 73; New Harmony, 74-75, 94-96; Economy, 75-77; Zoar, 78-80; Inspirationists, 80-84; Ebenezer, 81; Amana, 82-84; Bishop Hill Colony, 85-89; Old Elmspring Community, 89-90; Shakers, 91-92; Oneida Community, 92-93; Robert Owen and, 94-96; Brook Farm, 97; Fourierism, 96-97, 101-02; Icaria, 97-101; bibliography, 238-39
Congress, noted members from American stock, 42; authorizes Freedmen's Bureau (1865), 57; immigration law (1819), 103; laws against German newspapers, 144; German-American League incorporated by, 145; charter of German-American League revoked, 145; Homestead Law (1862), 148; grants land to French, 152; Cleveland's special messages, 201; Scott Act, 201; Geary law, 201; extends Chinese exclusion to Hawaii (1898), 202; Lincoln's message, Dec. 8. 1863, 222; and regulation of immigration, 225; Lodge bill, 227-28; Roosevelt's messages, 229
Connecticut, Shakers in, 91
Connecticut Valley, Poles in, 214-15
Considerant, Victor, 101
Constantinople, cosmopolitanism compared with American cities, 186
Constitution, Fifteenth Amendment, 59
Coolidge, M.R., Chinese Immigration, quoted, 192, 193-94
Cotton, effect on slavery, 52
Coxsackie (N.Y.), communistic attempt at, 96
Croatians, as South Slavs, 164; in United States, 171, 172; in Johnstown (Penn.), 216; in Granite City (Ill.), 217
Cumberland (Wis.), Italian colony, 212
Cumberland Mountains, fugitive slaves in, 54
Dakotas, frontiersmen in, 36; Germans in, 141; Scandinavians in, 156, 157; "Scandinavian language" in universities, 158-59; Slavs in, 213; see also South Dakota
Dallas (Tex.), Italians in, 211
Dalmatians, as South Slavs, 164; in United States, 171-172; on Pacific slope, 213
Danes, in America, 154, 156; character, 154; see also Scandinavians
DeLancey, Stephen, 16
Delaware, not represented in first census, 25; second census (1800), 25; Labadists in, 68-69; Scandinavian colony, 156; racial changes in manufacturing towns, 216
Democratic party on restriction of immigration, 226
Denver, anti-Chinese riots, 197-98 (note)
Detroit, Irish in, 113; Germans in, 135; Poles in, 167 (note); Italians in, 180
Devotionalists, 85-89, 90
Douglass, Frederick, 64
DuBois, W.E.B., negro scholar, 64
Duluth, Finnish college near, 160
Dunbar, P.L., negro poet, 64
Dunkards, 70
Dunkers, 13
Dutch, in United States, 17-18; number of immigrants, 153
Ebenezer Society, 81
Economy, Harmonists establish, 75; Rapp as leader, 75-76; as a communistic community, 76-77; membership, 76 (note); Amana gains members from, 83
Emmet, Robert, emigration from Ireland after failure of, 105
England, reasons for expansion, 2-3; imports, 3; social and religious changes, 6-7; kidnaping, 8; emigration of poor, 9, 110, 111; criminals sent to colonies, 9; and Ulster, 10; French Protestants flee to, 15; Jews in, 16; industrial revolution and the American negro, 52; emigration from, 150
English, in Virginia, 1; in New World, 2-10; serving class, 8; Nonconformists in Manhattan, 17; and Dutch, 17-18; and French, 18; on land, 151; in Johnstown (Penn.), 216; in Granite City (Ill.), 217; in coal mines of Pennsylvania, 218
Ephrata, 70-72
Erie, Fort, Fenians hold, 120
Europe, migrations, 1-2; immigration from, 103; see also names of peoples
Fairchild, H.P., quoted, 183
Faneuil, Peter, 16
Fenian movement, 118-21
Finns in America, 160, 176, 185
Fiske, John, on Scotch-Irish in colonies, 12 (note); The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, cited, 14 (note)
Fitchburg, Poles in, 214
Fleming, W.L., The Sequel of Appomattox, cited, 57 (note)
Florida, fugitive slaves in, 54
Follenius quoted, 135-36
Ford, H.J., The Scotch-Irish in America, quoted, 31
Forestville (Ind.), communistic attempt, 96
Fourierism in United States, 93, 96-97, 101-02
Franklin, Benjamin, estimates population of Pennsylvania (1774), 12 (note)
Franklin (N.Y.), communistic attempt at, 96
Freedmen's Bureau, 57, 58
French, Protestants leave France, 15; forts and trading posts of, 18; in United States, 151-53; in Charleroi (Penn.), 217; see also Huguenots
French Canadians in New England, 122, 152, 215
Frontiersmen, 34-36
Gallipolis (O.) settled by French, 151
Galveston, Italians in, 211
Garfield, J.A., and Chinese immigration, 197 (note)
Garland, Hamlin, A Son of the Middle Border, 36-37
Gary (Ind.), character of town, 216-17
Genoa (Wis.), Italian colony, 212
Georgia, English settle, 5; not represented in first census, 25
German-American League, 145
Germans, in Pennsylvania, 13, 14; lured by "soul-stealers," 15; religious communists from, 68 et seq.; contrasted with Irish, 124; immigration tide, 124 et seq.; first period of migration, 126-29; second period of migration, 129-40; causes of emigration, 130; sailing conditions, 134; social life, 137, 140; laborers, 137, 141; "Forty-eighters," 137-138; contribution to America, 139; newspapers, 139, 142-144; number of immigrants (1870-1910), 141; third period of migration, 141-46; Prussian spirit among later immigrants, 142-44; propaganda, 143-45; "exchange professors," 144; in Great War, 146; in Johnstown (Penn.), 216; in Granite City (Ill.), 217; in coal mines of Pennsylvania, 218
Germantown (Penn.), founded, 13; Pietists at, 69
Giessener Gesellschaft, 136
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 5
Godin, J.B.A., 102
Granite City (Ill.), Bulgarians in, 170; racial changes in, 217
Great Britain, immigrants from, 103; record of emigration, 104; see also England, English, Irish, Scotch, Scotch-Irish, Welsh
Great Lakes, French on, 18
Great War, German newspapers in, 143-44; soldiers of German descent in, 146; Poland and, 168; effect on immigration, 233
Greeks in United States, 183, 217
Greeley, Horace, 97
Guise, only successful Fourieristic colony, 102
Haecker, J.G., quoted, 133-34 (note)
Hadley, Poles in, 214-15
Hakluyt, Richard, quoted, 4
Hamburg, German emigrants embark at, 134
Hammonton (N.J.), Italian colony at, 212
Harmonists, 72-77
Harmony, town established, 73
Harmony Society, 73
Harvard College, 8
Hatchet Men, 193
Haverstraw (N.Y.), communistic attempt at, 96
Havre, German emigrants embark at, 134
Hayes, R.B., vetoes amendment to Burlingame treaty, 197; appoints commission to negotiate new treaty with China, 198
Hessians, settle in America, 129; Giessener Gesellschaft, 136
Heynemann, Barbara, leader of Inspirationists, 81, 82
Highbinders, 193
Hindoos in United States, 207
Holland, French Protestants flee to, 15; Spanish and Portuguese Jews find refuge in, 16-17; Inspirationists, 80
Holland (Mich.), center of Dutch influence, 153
Homestead Law (1862), 148
"Hooks and Eyes," nickname for Amish, 68 (note)
Houston (Tex.), Italians in, 211
Hudson Valley, Dutch in, 17
Huguenots in Manhattan, 17; see also French
Hungarians, see Jews, Magyars
Hungary, Mennonites in, 89
Hutter, Jacob, Mennonite martyr, 89
I.W.W., see Industrial Workers of the World
Icaria, 97-101
Icaria-Speranza community, 101
Idaho, Japanese in, 204
Illinois, admitted as State (1818), 33; frontiersmen in, 36; "Underground Railway" in, 54; negroes in, 62; Bishop Hill Colony, 85-89; Swedish immigration, 91; Icarians in, 99-100; Germans in, 134, 137; Norwegians, 155; Scandinavians in, 156; Poles in, 160, 167, 213; Slovenians in, 173; racial changes in coal regions of, 219
Immigration (1790-1820), 32; legislation, 201, 207, 222 et seq.; present opportunities, 208-10; Lincoln on, 222; only attempt of Federal Government to encourage, 222-23; state regulation, 224-25; bibliography, 235-236; see also names of peoples
Immigration Commission, created, 230; and Japanese, 204
Independence (La.), Italians in, 211
Indiana, admitted as State (1816), 33; western migration through, 36; "Underground Railway" in, 54; negroes in, 62; New Harmony, 74-75, 94-96; Germans in, 134; Scotch and English in, 151; Italian farmers in, 212; Poles in, 213; racial changes in coal regions, 219
Indianapolis, Bulgarians in, 170
Indians real Americans, 22
Indians, East, in America, 207
Industrial Commission, on Polish immigrants, 167; report on immigration, 228
Industrial Workers of the World, Finns in, 160
Inspirationists, 80-84
Iowa, frontiersmen in, 36; Inspirationists in, 82-84; Icarians in, 101; Germans in, 134, 141; Slavs in, 213
Irish, in America, 6, 103 et seq.; half population of Ireland emigrates to America, 104; reasons for emigration, 105-107; in Continental Army, 108; pauper immigrants from, 110; travel conditions for immigrants, 111-12; present immigration, 121; economic advance in America, 122-23; contrasted with Germans, 124; number of immigrants (1820-1910), 150; in New England mills, 215; in Lawrence (Mass.), 216; in Johnstown (Penn.), 216; in Granite City (Ill.), 217; in coal mines of Pennsylvania, 218
Irish Republican Brotherhood, 119
Isaacks, Isaac, 30
Italians, in South, 65, 210-11; as laborers, 122; in United States, 180-83; on poor land, 210; in New England mills, 215; in Pennsylvania, 216, 217, 218
Jahn, F.L., organizes Turnvereine, 131
James, Henry, on foreigners in Boston, 162-63
Jansen, Olaf, 88, 89
Janson, Eric, 85-87, 89
Jansonists, 85-89, 90
Japan, agreement with (1907), 205-06
Japanese, in United States, 203-207; hostility toward, 205-207; order of exclusion from United States, 206
Jay, John, 16
Jews, in America, 16-17, 176-180; Spanish-Portuguese, 177; German, 177; Austrian, 178; Hungarian, 178; Russian, 178-79
Johnstown (Penn.), racial changes in, 216
Joliet (Ill.), Slovenians in, 172
Kansas, Germans in, 141; Scandinavians in, 156; Slavs in, 213
Kapp, Frederick, 129, 140
Kaskaskia, French settle, 152
Kearney, Dennis, 193
Kelpius, Johann, leader of Pietists, 69
Kendal (O.), communistic attempt at, 96
Kentucky, not represented in First Census, 25; admitted as State (1792), 33; pioneers leave, 36
Kidnaping, labor brought to America by, 8
"Know-Nothing" party, 114, 221
Kotzebue, German publicist, 131
Kruszka, Rev. W.X., estimates number of Poles, in United States, 167 (note)
Ku Klux Klan, 58
Labadists, 68-69
Labor, kidnaping of, 8; indentured service, 9-10; Scotch political prisoners sold into service, 12-13; negro, 60-63; Irish displaced by other nationalities, 121-22; Italian, 181; Chinese, 190-91; attitude toward Chinese, 193, 194; treaty limiting Chinese,198; bill to prohibit immigration of Chinese, 199; Scott Act, 201; Japanese, 204; racial changes in, 216-17; law to aid importation of contract labor, 222; contract labor excluded, 225
Lafayette, Marquis de, visits Gallipolis, 152
Land, immigrants on the, 147 et seq.; immigrants on abandoned or rejected land, 208-214
Laurens, Henry, 16
Lawrence (Mass.), racial changes in, 215-16
Lee, Ann, founder of Shakers, 91, 92
Legislation, negro, 59-60; Chinese immigration, 199-200, 201-03; California Alien Land Act, 206-07; immigration, 222 et seq.
Lehigh River, Moravian community on, 72
Lehman, Peter, 72
Lesueur, C.A., 95
Levant, immigrants from the, 184
Limestone Ridge, Battle of, 120
Lincoln, Abraham, father a pioneer, 36; message to Congress Dec. 8, 1863, 222
Literacy test for immigrants, in Lodge bill, 227; rejected in law of 1903, 228-29; executive disapproval of, 231; bill passes over veto (1917), 232; provisions of act, 232
Lithuanians in United States, 174-75
Liverpool, Irish immigrants at, 111, 112 (note)
Lockwood, G.B., The New Harmony Movement, cited, 96 (note)
Lodge, H.C., The Distribution of Ability in the United States, 39-41, 43; immigration bill, 227
Logan, James, Secretary of Province of Pennsylvania, on Scotch-Irish, 11-12
London, German emigrants embark at, 134
Los Angeles, anti-Chinese riots, 191
Louis Philippe visits Gallipolis, 152
Louisiana, admitted as State (1812), 33; American migration to, 34; Icarians in, 99; Italians in, 211
Louisiana Purchase (1803), 147
McCall, of Massachusetts, introduces Lodge bill in House, 227
McCarthy, Justin, quoted, 106; cited, 107
Macedonia, Bulgarians from, 170
McGee, T. D'A., leader of "Young Ireland" party, 120-121
Maclure, William, "Father of American Geology," 94-95
Macluria (Ind.), communistic attempt, 96
McMaster, J.B., History of the People of the United States, quoted, 152
McParlan, James, 118
Macy, Jesse, The Anti-Slavery Crusade, cited, 54 (note)
Madison, James, on population of New England, 34
Madison (Ill.), racial changes in, 217
Magyars, distinct race, 174; in United States, 175-76; in Granite City (Ill.), 217
Maine, Shakers in, 91
Mainzer Adelsverein, 136
Manchester (England), Shakers originate in, 91
Manhattan, Jewish synagogue in (1691), 16; Dutch in, 17; cosmopolitan character, 17; Norwegian Quakers land on, 155; see also New York City
Marion, Francis, 16
Marx, Karl, 179
Maryland, English settle, 5-6; recruits schoolmasters from criminals, 9; Scotch-Irish in, 11, 12; Scotch in, 12; Irish in, 13; Germans in, 127; Poles in, 213
Massachusetts, French in, 15; Shakers in, 91; Brook Farm, 97
Mather, Cotton, on Scotch-Irish, 11
Mayer, Brantz, Captain Canot: or Twenty Years in a Slaver, quoted, 48
Meade, General, against Fenians, 120
Mennonites, 13, 68 (note)
Mercury, New York, quoted, 108
Metz, Christian, leader of Inspirationists, 81, 82
Mexican War extends United States territory, 33, 148
Mexicans, feeling against, in California, 190
Michigan, admitted as State (1837), 33; Germans in, 134; Scotch and English in, 151; Dutch in, 153; Scandinavians in, 156; farms for sale in, 209; Slavs in, 212; racial changes in ore regions of, 219
Mikkelsen, quoted, 90-91
Milwaukee, "the German Athens," 135; Poles in, 167 (note)
Minnesota, frontiersmen in, 36; Scandinavians in, 157; "Scandinavian language" in university, 158-59; Slavs in, 212; racial changes in ore regions of, 219
Mississippi, admitted as State (1817), 33; American migration to, 34; Dalmatians in, 171
Mississippi River, French on, 18
Mississippi Valley, fugitive slaves in, 54; Irish in, 108; German influence, 135; French in, 152; Bohemians in, 159
Missouri, admitted as State (1821), 33; frontiersmen in, 36; Germans in, 134; Giessener Gesellschaft in, 136
Mohawk Valley, Germans in, 127
Molly Maguires, society among anthracite coal miners, 117-118
Monroe, James, and Owen, 94
Montenegrins, as South Slavs, 164; in United States, 171
Moravians, 13, 17, 72, 165
More, Sir Thomas, Utopia, 98
Mormons, 87
Mount Lebanon, Shaker community, 91
Mount Vernon, nationalities represented on July 4, 1918, at, 233
Names, disappearance of, 24-25 (note); modifications, 30
Nantes, Edict of, revocation of, 15
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 63
National Civil Federation calls immigration conference (1905), 229
Nauvoo (Ill.), Icarians at, 99-100, 101
Navigation Laws, 106
Nebraska, Germans in, 141; Scandinavians in, 156; Bohemians in, 159; Slavs in, 213
Neef, Joseph, 95
Negroes, 45 et seq.; identified with America, 45; most distinctly foreign element, 46; tribes represented among slaves, 49; mutual benefit organizations, 51-52, 63; population (1860), 56; education, 57; religion, 57; as farmers, 59-60; advance, 64; characteristics shown by neglected gardens, 64-65; bibliography, 236-37; see also Africans, Slavery, Slave trade
Nevada, vote for Garfield (1880), 197 (note)
New Amsterdam, Jews come to, 16
New Bedford, Portuguese in, 184
New Bern, Germans in, 127
New England, English settle, 5-6; dissenters found, 8; Scotch-Irish leave, 11; Dutch and, 17; Madison on population of, 34; slavery, 51; "Underground Railway" in, 54; capital in slave trade, 56; Montenegrins and Serbians in, 171; Portuguese in, 184; abandoned farms, 209; Poles in, 213; Slavs in, 214; racial changes in mills, 215-16
New Era founded by McGee, 121 (note)
New Hampshire, Shakers in, 91
New Harmony (Ind.), Rapp's colony, 74-75; sold to Robert Owen, 75; Owen's colony, 94-96
New Jersey, English settle, 5; not represented in first census, 25; census computations for 1790, 28-29; Germans in, 127; racial changes in manufacturing towns, 216
New Netherland, 17
New Orleans, Spain acquires, 18; Icarians in, 99; Irish in, 113; Dalmatians in, 171; Italians in, 180, 211
New York (State), Germans in, 14; French in, 15; Jews in, 16; western part settled, 33; migration through, 36; slavery, 50-51; "Underground Railway" in, 54; and slave trade, 56; negroes in, 62; Shakers in, 91; Scotch and English in, 151; Norwegians in, 155; Poles in, 167; Russians in, 169; Italian farmers, 212; racial changes in manufacturing towns, 216; State relief for immigrants, 224
New York City, French in, 16; cosmopolitanism, 18-19; Irish in, 108, 109, 113; Tammany Hall, 116; Germans in, 127; Poles in, 167 (note); Croatians in, 172; Hungarian Jews, 178; Russian Jews, 179; Italians, 180; see also Manhattan
New York Nation, McGee establishes, 120 (note)
New Zealand, deflects migration to United States, 150
Newfoundland, Irish come through, 109
Newspapers, German, 139, 142-144; Scandinavian, 158; Slovak, 169
"Niagara Movement," 63
Norsemen, see Scandinavians
North, colonies settled by townfolk, 7-8; negroes in, 55; negro laborers, 62
North Carolina, Germans in, 127
Northwest, Scandinavians in, 156; see also names of States
Northwest Territory, slavery forbidden in, 51
Norwegians, number in America, 154; character, 154; lead Scandinavian migration, 155; see also Scandinavians
Noyes, J.H., 92, 93
Oberholtzer, History of the United States since the Civil War, cited, 120 (note), 148 (note), 149 (note)
Ohio, admitted as State (1802), 33; western migration through, 36; "Underground Railway" in, 54; negroes in, 62; Zoar colony, 78-80; Germans in, 134; Scotch and English in, 151; French in, 151-52; Swiss in, 153; Slovenians in, 173; Italian farmers, 212; Poles in, 213; racial changes in coal regions of, 219
Ohio River, French on, 18
Oklahoma, Bohemians in, 159; Slavs in, 213
Old Elmspring Community, 89
Olsen, Jonas, 87, 88
Omaha, Italians in, 180
Oneida Community, 92-93
Orange County (N.Y.), Polish settlement, 213
Ordinance of 1787, 51
Oregon, acquisition of (1846), 33, 147; Scandinavians in, 156; Japanese in, 203
Orientals, 188 et seq.; see also Chinese, Indians, East, Japanese
Otis, General, 202
Owen, Robert, 75, 93-96, 98
Ozark Mountains, Italians in, 211
Palatinate, peasants come to America from, 14
Penn, William, 71
Pennsylvania, English settle, 5; Scotch-Irish in, 11-12; Welsh in, 13; Germans in, 13, 14, 126-27; Dutch in, 14; Jews in, 17; cosmopolitan character, 19; western part settled, 33; slavery, 51; negroes in, 62; Dunkards in, 70; Poles in, 167; Russians in, 169; Croatians in, 172; Slovenians in, 173; Lithuanians in, 175; Italian farmers, 212; landward movement of Slavs in, 213-14; racial changes, 216, 218-19
Pennsylvania Philosophical Society, Pietists' astrological instruments in collection of, 70
Petrosino, Lieutenant Joseph, murdered, 231
Peysel, see Beissel
Philadelphia, Welsh near, 13; cosmopolitan character, 18; negroes arrested, 51; Ephrata draws pupils from, 71; Irish immigrant association, 109; Irish in, 113; Italians in, 180
Philippines, Chinese exclusion, 202
Pietists, 69-70
Pine Lake (Wis.), Swedish colony, 155
Pittsburgh, "Boat Load of Knowledge" from, 94
Poles, in America, 160, 167-69, 213, 214-15, 217; as North Slavs, 164
Politics, foreigners in, 42; Irish in, 116, 117; Germans in, 139, 144; Bohemians in, 166; Chinese as issue, 193; selective immigration as issue (1892), 226-27
Population, increase in, 32; see also Census
Portland, Italians in, 180
Portuguese in United States, 184
Prairie du Rocher, French settlement, 152
Presbyterians, Scotch-Irish, 10
Presidents of United States from American stock, 42
Price, J.C., negro orator, 64
Quakers, Norwegian, 155
Rafinesque, C.S., 95
Railroads, Chinese laborers on, 190
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 5
Rapp, F.R., adopted son of Father Rapp, 75-76
Rapp, J.G., founder of Harmonists, 73; "Father Rapp," 74; at Harmony, 73-74; at New Harmony, 74-75; at Economy, 75-77
Reconstruction after Civil War, 57-59
Red Bank (N.J.), communistic colony at, 97
Reed, of Missouri, wishes to exclude African immigrants, 232
Republican party on immigration restriction, 226
Restoration (sloop), 155
Revere, Paul, 16
Revolutionary War, Irish in, 108; Germans and, 127
Rhode Island, French in, 15; Jews in, 17
Rock Springs (Wyo.), anti-Chinese riot, 200
Roosevelt, Theodore, conference with delegation from California, 205; on restriction of immigration, 229-30
Root, John, 86-87
Ross, E.A., The Old World in the New, cited, 163 (note)
Rumania, Mennonites in, 89
Rush, Benjamin, Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, 127-29
Russia, Mennonites in, 89
Russians, as North Slavs, 164; in United States, 169-70
Ruthenians (Ukranians), as North Slavs, 164; in United States, 169
St. Lawrence River, French on, 18
St. Louis, Cabet in, 100; Irish in, 113; Germans in, 135; Hungarian Jews in, 178; Italians in, 180
St. Patrick's Day, observed in Boston (1737), 108; in New York City (1762), 108; (1776), 108; (1784), 109
San Antonio, Italians in, 211
San Francisco, anti-Chinese attitude, 193, 194, 200; Japanese excluded from public schools, 205
Savannah, Germans in, 127
Say, Thomas, "Father of American Zooelogy," 95
Scandinavians in United States, 85, 153-59, 185
Schleswig-Holstein, Danes emigrate from, 156
Schluter, see Sluyter
Schmitz, Mayor of San Francisco, 205
Schurz, Carl, 139
Scioto Land Company (Companie du Scioto), 151-52
Scotch, in America, 6, 12-13; in Manhattan, 17; immigrants, 110, 150; on the land, 151; in coal mines of Pennsylvania, 218
Scotch-Irish, in America, 6, 10, 11; in Pennsylvania, 11-12, 12 (note); names, 30-31
Seattle, Bulgarians in, 170; anti-Chinese feeling, 200
Seneca Indians Reservation, Inspirationists purchase (1841), 81
Serbians, as South Slavs, 164; in United States, 171, 217
Seward, W.H., Secretary of State, treaty with China (1868), 195-96
Shaker Compendium quoted, 91
Shakers, 91-92
Shaw, Albert, Icaria, A Chapter in the History of Communism, quoted, 100
Siberia, Russian immigrants to, 170 (note)
Sicilians, 182; see also Italians
Silkville (Kan.), French communistic colony in, 102
Six Companies, Chinese organization, 192, 193
Slavery, as recognized institution, 9, 50; Channing on, 46-47; protests against, 51; influence of cotton demand on, 52-53; fugitive slaves, 54-55; condition when emancipated, 56-57; Germans against, 139; see also Negroes, Slave trade
Slave trade, beginning of, 47; capture and transportation of slaves, 47-50; law prohibiting, 55; effect of cotton demand on, 55-56
Slavonians on Pacific slope, 213
Slavs, use of term, 164; on poor land, 210; colonies, 212-213; in New England mills, 214, 215; in Pennsylvania, 216, 217, 218; see also Bohemians, Bulgarians, Croatians, Dalmatians, Montenegrins, Poles, Russians, Ruthenians, Serbians, Slovaks, Slovenians
Slovaks, as North Slavs, 164; in United States, 168-69, 216, 217; see also Slavs
Slovenians, as South Slavs, 164; "Griners," 172; see also Slavs
Sluyter, Peter (or Schluter), (Vorstmann), leader of Labadists, 68
Snow Hill (Penn.), community, 72
Society of United Irishmen, 109
South, plantations lure English, 7; Scotch-Irish in, 12; cotton production, 52-53; Reconstruction, 57-59; opposes liberal land laws, 148; immigrants in cut-over timber regions, 208; opportunities for immigrants in, 210
South Carolina, French in, 15; slave laws, 50; insurrection (1822), 53; Germans in, 127
South Dakota, Old Elmspring Community, 89
Spain, England's victory over, 2; France cedes New Orleans to, 18
Spanish-Americans in California, 190
Standard Oil Company builds Whiting (Ind.), 217
Steiner, E.A., On the Trail of the Immigrant, quoted, 166, 178-79
Stephens, James, 119
Sullivan, General John, order of March 17, 1776, 108
Sunnyside (Ark.), Italians establish (1895), 211
Supreme Court, Chief Justices from American stock, 42; upholds communal contract, 73; upholds exclusion, 200; on state regulation of immigration, 225
Swedes, in America, 85, 154, 155-56; "Frenchmen of the North," 154; see also Scandinavians
Switzerland, Inspirationists from, 80; immigration from, 104; number of immigrants, 153
Syrians, as laborers, 122; in United States, 184; in Johnstown (Penn.), 216
Tacoma, anti-Chinese feeling, 200
Taft, W.H. vetoes literacy test provision (1913), 231
Tammany Hall, 116
Tennessee, not represented in First Census, 25; admitted as State (1796), 33; pioneers leave, 36
Texas, added to United States, 33; Icarians in, 99; Fourieristic community in, 101-02; Mainzer Adelsverein in, 136; Bohemians in, 159; Poles in, 160, 167; Italian colonies, 211; Slavs in, 213
Thompson, Holland, The New South, cited, 60 (note)
Tillinghast, The Negro in Africa, quoted, 49
Tokyo, anti-American feeling, 207
Tone, Wolfe, portrait on Fenian bonds by, 119
Transportation, development of, 149
Tribune, New York, Brisbane and, 97
Troost, Gerard, 95
Turks in United States, 184
Turnvereine, 131, 137
Tuskegee Institute, 63
Ukranians, see Ruthenians
Ulster, Scotch in, 10
Ulstermen, see Scotch-Irish
"Underground Railway," 54
United States, now called America, 22; population at close of Revolution, 23; American stock, 23; census (1790), 24; names changed or disappeared, 24-25 (note); population (1820), 32; Irish population, 105; expansion, 147-48; nation of immigrants, 233; see also America
United States Steel Corporation builds Gary (Ind.), 216-17
Unonius, Gustavus, 155
Utopias in America, 66 et seq.; bibliography, 238-39
Vermont, slaves emancipated, 51
Vespucci, Amerigo, claim of discovery recognized, 21
Vineland (N.J.), Italian colony at, 212
Virginia, English occupation (1607), 1; English in, 5; protests receiving criminals, 9; Scotch-Irish in, 11, 12; French in, 15; slavery, 47, 50; insurrection (1831), 53-54; Irish in, 105; Germans in, 127; racial changes in coal regions of, 219
Vorstmann, see Sluyter
Waldenses in Manhattan, 17
Waldseemueller, Martin, and name America, 21
Ward's Island, hospitals for immigrants on, 224
Ware, Poles in, 214
Washington, Booker T., 63
Washington, George, on name America, 21; on spread of native population, 34; order of March 17, 1776, 108
Washington (State), Scandinavians in, 156; Japanese in, 203, 204
Washington (D.C.) Owen lectures at, 94; anti-Japanese demonstration at, 207
Welsh, in United States, 6, 150, 151, 216, 217, 218
West, Far, Germans in, 142; draws homeseekers, 147; and land laws, 148; see also names of States
West Indies, French in, 18; negro slavery, 47; Irish transported to, 105; Irish come through, 109
West, Middle, racial changes in, 216; see also names of States
West Virginia, Croatians in, 172; racial changes in, 216, 219
Westfield, Poles in, 214
Whiting (Ind.), foreigners in, 217
Whitney, Eli, cotton gin, 52
Wilcox, W.F., quoted, 62-63
Wilmington, Germans in, 127
Wilson, Woodrow, and anti-Japanese feeling, 206; on literacy test, 231
Windber (Penn.), racial changes in, 219
Winthrop, John, on immigration of Scotch-Irish, 11
Wisconsin, frontiersmen in, 36; "Underground Railway" in, 54; Fourieristic colony in, 97; Germans in, 134, 137; Swiss in, 153; Scandinavians in, 156; Poles in, 160, 167; farms available in, 209; Slavs in, 212
Worcester, Poles in, 214
Workingmen's party, 193
Wright, Fanny, 95
Wyoming, and Chinese indemnity claim, 201
Yazoo Delta, Italians in, 211
Yellow Springs (O.), communistic attempt, 96
Young, Brigham, 87
"Young Ireland" party, 120
Zimmermann, J.J., founder of Pietists, 69
Zinzendorf, Count, 72
Zoar, colony at, 78-80; Amana gains members from, 83