Salii, the, 40. ii. 30.
Salique law, 40. ii. 30.
Salisbury Cathedral, 88. iv. 1.
"Salts," old and young, 41. ii. 31.
Salvation, Protestant theory of, 79. iii. 43.
Sands, English, 2.
Savage races, love of war in, 51. ii. 48. " women, endurance a point of honour with, 51. ii. 48.
Saxons, the, 31, ii. 12. " religion of, 21.
Scandinavia, 61. iii. 10. " becomes Norman, 31. ii. 12.
Scepticism, modern, 13. See "Infidelity."
Science, modern, its view of man, 58. iii. 1.
Scotch crofters and England, 60. iii. 6.
Scots, Picts and, 69 n. iii. 24.
Scott, Sir Walter, his nomenclature deeply founded, 34. ii. 18. " " novels of, "Antiquary" (Martin Waldeck), 34. ii. 18. " " "Monastery," 72 n. iii. 29. " " penny edition of, 60. iii. 7.
Sculpture, of a Gothic cathedral, 89. iv. 2. " no pathos in primary, 101 n. iv. 19 n.
Scythia, tribes of, 61, 65. iii. 10, 17.
Semiramis, 29. ii. 6.
Sense ([Greek: nous]), essential to humanity, 138. iv. 59.
Servants, catholic, character of, 72 n. iii. 29. " French, perfect, 39. ii. 28.
Severn, the, 2.
Shakspeare's Imogen, 27. ii. 3. " "King Lear," reduced to its bare facts, 11. " "Winter's Tale"—"lilies of all kinds," 110. iv. 32.
Sheba, Queen of, and Solomon, Amiens sculptures, 132 sq. iv. 50-51.
Shield, the, of the Franks, 44. ii. 35. See "Heraldry," "Uri."
Shyness and frankness, 39 & n. ii. 28.
Siberian wilderness, 61. iii. 9, 10.
Sicambri, 34, 38. ii. 18. 27.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 15.
Sin, carnal, the most distinctly human, 111. iv. 34.
Sin, deceit, its essence, 49. ii. 44. " pardon of, doctrine of, 135. iv. 55.
Slang, 105. iv. 25. " Greek, 138. iv. 59.
Smith's Dictionary, s, "Gallia," 29. ii. 9.
Soissons, battle of, 485 A.D., 7 n.; 9, 20, 52. ii. 49. " vase of, 47 sq. ii. 40 sq. " " and Clovis' revenge, 48. ii. 43.
Solomon and Queen of Sheba (Amiens Cathedral), 132 sq. iv. 50-1.
Solway, the, 2.
Sons, honour of fathers by, 101. iv. 17.
Spain, Theodoric in, 54. ii. 53.
Spiritual world, the, 138. iv. 59.
Staubbach, the, 96. iv. 9.
Stone saw, not used in France, 88 n. iv. 2 n.
Strigi, S. Jerome born at, 75. iii. 34.
Suicide and heroism, 120. iv. 41.
"Suisse Historique" quoted, 53 n. ii. 49.
Sword, belted, meaning of, 43. ii. 34. " manufacture, Amiens, 124. iv. 43.
Syagrius defeated by Clovis, 52. ii. 49. " dies, 486 A.D., 52. ii. 49.
Syria, 63. iii. 14.
Temperance, figure of, Amiens Cathedral, 120. iv. 41.
Teutonic nations and Roman Empire, 68. iii. 22.
Theodobert, the death of, 31 n. ii. 11.
Theodoric, king of Ostrogoths, 51. ii. 48. " defeats Franks at Aries, 54. ii. 53. " power of, in Europe, 54. ii. 53. " at Verona, 54. ii. 54.
Thrace, 68. iii. 23.
Thuringia, 7.
Tolbiac, battle of, 9, 21 n. " field of, 54. ii. 54. " its real importance, 53. ii. 52.
Tombs, bronze, Amiens Cathedral, 103 sq. iv. 23. " " only two left in France, 103. iv. 23.
Tours, archbishop of, on war, 43. ii. 33. " S. Martin, bishop of, 16.
Town, a modern, defined, 90. iv. 3.
Tripoli, 63. iii. 13.
Troy, 62. iii. 12.
Trupin, Jean, and choir of Amiens Cathedral, 91 n. iv. 5 n.
Truth, only, can be polished, 33. ii, 16. " of French character, 33. ii. 16.
Tunis, 63. iii. 13.
Turner's "Loire side," 20.
Tyre, 63. iii. 13.
Ulphilas, Bible of, 68. iii. 22.
Ulverstone, etymology of, 129. iv. 46.
Uri, shield of, 31 n. ii. 11.
Usury and the church, 12. " and the Jews, 66. iii. 19.
Utilitas, 8.
Valens, his prefecture of the East, 67. iii. 21.
Valentinian, and the division of the Empire, 67. iii. 21.
Vandals, invasion of Libya by, 64. iii. 16.
Venice, founded 421 A.D., 2.
Verona, cathedral of, 88. iv. 1. " battle of, Theodoric defeats Odoacer, 490 A.D., 54. ii. 54. " field of, from Fra Giocondo's bridge, 54. ii. 54.
Vestal Virgins, 70. iii. 26.
Violence, expression of, in sculptures of Amiens, 126. iv. 43.
Viollet le Duc, quoted, 88 n. iv. 1; 88 & n. iv. 2; 97. iv. 11; 103 n. iv. 23. n.; 111. iv. 36; 118 n. iv. 41 n.; 132. iv. 49.
Vine, on statue of David, Amiens Cathedral, 110. iv. 32.
Virgil's influence on Dante, 110. iii. 53.
Virgil quoted (AEneid vi. 27 sq.), 101 n. iv. 18-19 n.
Virgin, the: see Madonna.
Virtue, to be known and recognized, pref. v.
Virtues, of Apostles (Amiens Cathedral), 112 sq. iv. 37 sq. " Byzantine, rank of, 111. iv. 36 n.
Visigoths, the, 31. ii. 12. " " in France, 9, 10. " " at Poitiers, defeated by Clovis, 9.
Vistula, the, its importance, 61. iii. 9, 10. " " tribes of, from Rhine to, 30, 31. ii. 10, 12. " " " " Weser to, 37. ii. 26.
Vobiscum," a "Pax, 114 n. iv. 38 n.
Vota, the Jesuit, letter of Queen Sophia of Prussia to, on S. Jerome, 81. iii. 47. (See Carlyle's "Frederick," Bk. I., cap. iv.)
Vulgate, Ps. xci. 13, "Inculcabis super leonem," 111. iv. 34.
Waldeck, 34, ii. 18.
Walter's houses, Germany, 37. ii. 25.
Walton, Isaac, 1.
Wandle, the, 1.
War, savage love of, 51. ii. 48.
Wartzburg, 37. ii. 24.
Wellington, Duke of, on Roman Catholic valour, pref. iv.
Weser, the course of the, 34, 37. ii. 19, 26. " sources of the (Eder, Fulda, Werra), 36. ii. 24. " tribes of the, up to Rhine and Vistula, 37. ii. 26.
Whitby Cliff, 51. ii. 48.
Wisdom, figure of, Amiens Cathedral, 120. iv. 41.
Women, endurance a point of honour with savage, 51. ii. 48. " respect for, by Franks and Goths, 54. ii. 54.
Wood-carving of Picardy (Amiens Cathedral), 91 sq. iv. 5 sq.
Wool manufacture, Amiens, see s. "Amiens."
Wordsworth quoted, "Filling more and more with crystal light," 55. ii. 55.
Yonge, Miss, "History of Christian Names," Franks, 38. ii. 27. " " " " " Ulpha, 129. iv. 46.
Zacharias, 133, iv. 51.
Zechariah, figure of, Amiens Cathedral, 127. iv. 43.
Zenobia, 29. ii. 6.
Zephaniah, figure of, Amiens Cathedral, 126. iv. 43.
Zodiac, signs of, sculptures, Amiens Cathedral, 130. iv. 47.
Zulu war, the, 48. ii. 43; 60. iii. 6.