Gaspe basin, 5
Gooderham, Capt., 234
Graves, Canadian, 176
Haig, General Sir Douglas, 170
Hardy, Lt.-Col. (D.S.O.), 101
Hayter, Lt.-Col. (D.S.O.), 234
Haywood, Major Alf. (M.C.), 71, 116
Highlanders, Canadian, at Ypres, 96; (Toronto), 115
Hospital on Salisbury Plain, 28; French Canadian, Paris, 199; at French front, 205; barges, 131
Hotel, Continental, Paris, 1916, 196; Lotti, Paris, 1916, 196; de l'Angleterre Beuvais, 1916, 190; Savoy, London, 1915-16, 36
Hutchison, Capt. John, 71
Hughes, General Sir Sam, 2, 35
Hygiene work of laboratory, 154
Institute for maimed soldiers, Paris, 207; blind soldiers, Paris, 208
Indian band concert, France, 174; (Lahore) division, 107
Inoculation against Typhoid in Canadians, 24
Investiture, a royal, 230
Jutland, battle of, 244, 247
Kemmel, hill of, 245
Kipple, Sgt., description by, 15
Kitchener, death of Lord, 247
Kirkpatrick, Major, 76
Klotz, Capt. Herbert, 30
Laboratory, Canadian Mobile, 253; work of Canadian Mobile, 123, 152, 154, 159
La Gorgue, 79
Laventie, 80
Larkhill, 18
Laundries, waste from army, 147
Leicester square, 1914-15, 37
Lice and typhus fever, 144
Lipsett, General (C.M.G.), 244
London, 1914, 32
Locre, 245
Maclaren, Major, 100
Macpherson, Surgeon-General, 126, 169
Malaria, work of Rankin on, 163
Mavor, Major Wilfred (D.S.O., M.C.), 119
McBrien, Lt.-Col., (D.S.O.), 234
McPherson, Lt.-Col., (C.M.G.), 87
Mitchell, Lt.-Col., (C.M.G.), 100
Milk, use of, in army, 141
Medical service, British organization, 126, 138; officer's duties, 127; specialists, work of, 133; stores, advanced depot, 133
Mercer, Major-General (C.B.), 70, 110, 117, 233, 234
Mignault, Lt.-Col., 199
Moroccan troops (French colonials), 96
Mosquitoes and Malaria, 143
Muntz, Capt. Jerry, 71
New Zealand division, arrival of, 241
Opera in Paris, 1916, 192
Orbeliani, Prince, 202
Paris at night, March, 1916, 195; demi-mondes, 193; morality of, 194; women and dress, 198; Montmartre district, 191; opera in, 192
Pasteur Institute, Paris, 204
Piccadilly circus, 1914-15, 37
Plague, how spread in armies, 149
Ploegsteert, 235-238
Prince of Wales, 251
Poperinge, 105, 107, 111, 113, 114
Pollution of water (See 'Water').
Quaker search party, 142
Queen Mary battle cruiser, 8
Rankin, Lt.-Col. Allan, 68, 93, 97, 112, 163, 232, 242
Rats, destruction of, in army, 204; carry plague, 149; story of, 150
Red Cross, Canadian, in Paris, 203
Rawlinson, General Sir Henry, 106
Refugees, 98, 102, 165
Rennie, General Robt., 70, 76
Roberts, Lord, funeral of, 42
Robertson, Capt. E., 99
Rowland, Capt. Sydney, 62
Ryerson, Capt. George, 71
Russian delegation, 249
Salisbury Plain, Old Sarum, 26; Silver Grill, 47; Stonehenge, 27; white horse, 26; arrival at, 10; description of, 11; bird life, 25
Sanitary Commission of War Allies, 189, 200
Sanitary section, organization of, 130
Sanitary officers, 132; methods employed in field, 137
Scrimger, Capt., (V.C.), 92
Serbia, Prince of, 197
Scott, (Canon) Lt.-Col. Frederick George, (C.M.G.), 86, 247
St. Jean, 88
St. Denis, 210
St. Eloi, 246, 248
St. Cloud hospital, 200
Search party (Quakers), 142
Sketches, Dirty Jock, etc., 184
Sloggett, Sir Arthur, 126
Somme, battle of, 249-253
Tanks, 252
Tanner, Lt.-Col., 244
Tetanus, 153
Typhoid fever among refugees, 165 absence of, in British army, 135
Typhus fever in Serbia, 144, 145, 201
Ulster division, 252
Valcartier camp, 1, 3
Verdun battle, Paris during, 191
Vlamertinge, 104
Van Straubenzie, Major, 70
War office, London, 1914, 39
Warren, Capt. Trumbull, 91
Water carts, 155; chlorination of, 140, 155; mobile filters, 141; supply, 140, 157; purification, control of, 154, 156; value of analysis, 156
Williams, General Vic., 244
Wickens, Major Bert, 71
Wieltze, 88, 98, 99
Winnipeg battalion, 7
Wounded, evacuation of, 128
Wytschaete, 245
Ypres, city of, April 17, 1915, 83; April 22, 1915, 84; description of, 84; history of, 85; Cloth Hall of, 85; second battle of, 94, 100, 102, 109, 114
Warwick Bro's & Rutter, Limited. Printers and Bookbinders, Toronto, Canada.
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- Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 23: arious replaced with various Page 26: probobly replaced with probably Page 37: dealy replaced with deadly Page 38: correspodingly replaced with correspondingly Page 38: Canadans replaced with Canadians Page 49: accomodating replaced with accommodating Page 49: darndest replaced with darnedest Page 50: eying replaced with eyeing Page 60: identfy replaced with identify Page 71: 'Bismarck's birthplace' replaced with 'Bismarck's birth-date'. Logic being that Otto von Bismarck was born April 1st 1815, and the author is referring to a date. Page 72: heaquarters replaced with headquarters Page 83: goggled-despatch riders replaced with goggled despatch riders Page 91: retaurant replaced with restaurant Page 94: Aross replaced with Across Page 95: chorine replaced with chlorine Page 109: divison replaced with division Page 144: seemes replaced with seems Page 147: sedimentaton replaced with sedimentation Page 159: water cars replaced with water carts Page 163: Servce replaced with Service Page 173: ecstacy replaced with ecstasy Page 174: goups replaced with groups Page 176: Conseqently replaced with Consequently Page 178: 'army in it's struggle' replaced with 'army in its struggle' Page 181: attenton replaced with attention Page 191: exept replaced with except Page 203: humerous replaced with humorous Page 216: snapper replaced with snapped Page 230: whch replaced with which Page 239: artilley replaced with artillery Page 245: Wystchaete replaced with Wytschaete Page 255: Index entry Auber's ridge, battle of, 118 replaced with Aubers ridge, battle of, 170, so that it would point to the right page. Page 258: Mayor replaced with Major Further Notes: Prince Orbeliani, indexed on page 260, to be mentioned on page 202, is not named in the main document. -
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