=jadear= to pant. =jardin= m. garden. =Jaime= James. =jamas= never, ever. =jarro= pot, vase. =jefe= m. chief. =Jeronimo= Geronimo, Jerome. =Jesucristo= Jesus Christ. =jicara = chocolate cup. =Joaquin= Joaquin. =jornada= day's march. =jornal= m. day's work, day's wages. =Josefa= Josephine. =joven= young. =joya= jewel. =Juan= John. =jubilo= joy. =judio, -a= Jew. =juez= judge. =jugar= to play. =jugo= sap, juice. =juicio= judgment, wits, senses. =julio= July, =Julio= Julius. =junio= June. =juntamente= jointly, at the same time. =junto= together, conjoined; near, close. =juramento= oath. =jurar= to swear. =jurisconsulto= jurisconsult, lawyer. =justamente= just; exactly. =justicia= justice; officers of the law. =justificar= to justify. =justillo= undergarment. =justo= just. =juventud= f. youth. =juzgado= tribunal, judicature. =juzgar= to judge.
labio lip. labor f. labor, husbandry, tillage. laboriosidad f. industry. labrador farmer, peasant. labrar to cultivate. labriego peasant. ladear to move to one side, incline. ladero, -a m. f. declivity. lado side. ladrillo brick. ladron thief, robber. lagrima tear; lagrimon (aug.) big tear. laguna lagoon. lamentar to lament. lana wool. lance m. occurrence, case. languido languid, faint. lanzar to throw, dart; utter. Laponia Lapland. lares m. pl. household gods. largo long. lastima pity. latido palpitation. latir to palpitate, beat. latrocinio larceny, theft. lavar to wash. lazo knot; bond. leal loyal, faithful. lealtad f. loyalty. leccion f. lesson. lectura reading. lecho bed. lechuza owl. leer to read. legar to bequeath. legitimo legitimate. legua league. legumbre f. vegetable. lejano distant. lejos far off. lengua tongue, language. lento slow, tardy. lenador woodcutter. leon m. lion. leona lioness. lepra leprosy. letania litany. letargo lethargy. letra letter, handwriting, draft. letrado learned, lettered; m. lawyer. levantar to raise; vr. to rise. levante m. east. leve light. ley f. law. liar to tie, bind. libertad f. liberty. libertino libertine. libra pound. libraco [libro] big, ugly book. librar to free, liberate. libre free. libro book. licencia permission. licenciar to dismiss from service. lid f. fight, combat. liebre f. hare. lienzo linen, canvas; facade. ligadura ligature, bond. ligar to bind, tie. ligero light, slight. limbo limbo (outer fringe of the infernal world). limite m. limit, boundary. limosna alms, charity. limpiar to clean. limpieza cleanliness. limpio clean, limpid. linajudo having lineage, of old family. lindante bordering. lio bundle. liquen m. lichen. liquido liquid. liso smooth. lista list. listo ready, prompt, clever. literario literary. lo n. the, it; lo que that which. lobo wolf. loco mad. locura madness. lograr to obtain, succeed, bring about. lomo loin. longaniza sausage. lontananza distance. lucero morning star. lucido shining, splendid. lucir to shine. lucha struggle. luchar to struggle. luego presently, afterwards, then, soon; —— que as soon as; desde —— immediately. lugar m. place, village. lugubre mournful, gloomy. Luis Louis. lujo luxury. lumbre f. fire; light. luminoso luminous. luna moon. luz f. light.
llama flame. llamar to call; cite. llamarada sudden blaze. llameante flaming. llanto crying, tears. llave f. key. llegada arrival. llegar to arrive, come; achieve, succeed. llenar to fill. lleno full. llevar to carry, to bear, convey, bring, take along, wear, live. llorar to weep. lloroso tearful. lluvia rain. lluvioso rainy.
maceta flowerpot. madera wood. madre mother. Madrileno native of Madrid. madurez f. maturity. maestro master. magnifico magnificent. Mahoma Mohammed. mahometano Mohammedan. maiz m. maize, corn. majaderia absurdity, foolishness. majestad f. majesty. majestuoso majestic. mal badly m. evil, injury, harm. malagueno of Malaga, a seaport of southern Spain. malaventurado unlucky. maldecido accursed. maldecir to curse. maldicion f. malediction, curse. maldito cursed. maleza bramble, brier. malhadado ill-fated. malhechor, -a malefactor. malo bad, wicked. malograr to fail, end unhappily. manantial m. source, spring. manar to distil, abound in. mancebo youth, clerk. mandar to command; send. manera manner. maniatar to manacle. manifestar to manifest, show, declare. mano f. hand. mansedumbre f. meekness. manta blanket. manteca butter. mantenedor m. maintainer. mantilla a feminine wrap for head and shoulders. Manuel Immanuel. manuscrito manuscript. manana to-morrow, morrow, morning; pasado —— day after to-morrow. maquinal mechanical. mar m. & f. sea. maravilla marvel, wonder. maravillar vr. to wonder, be amazed marcha march. marchar to march; vr. to go away. marchitar to wither. marchito faded. Maria Mary. marido husband. marinero sailor. marisco shellfish. marmol m. marble. marques marquis. marquesado marquisate. marrano pig. Marroqui m. Moroccan. Marruecos m. Morocco. martir m. f. martyr. martirio martyrdom. marzo March. mas but. mas more, most. mascar to masticate, chew; mata shrub, plant. matanza slaughter. matar to kill. materia matter. materialmente really, actually. Matias Mathias. matinal of the morning, matutinal. matiz m. shade (of color), tint. matorral m. briery place, thicket. matrimonio matrimony; married couple. matrona matron. maxima maxim. mayo May. mayor greater, larger, older. mayoral head-shepherd. mecer to stir, to agitate. medallon m. medallion. media noche midnight. mediano middling, mediocre. mediante by means of. mediar to be at the middle, to share, to drink to the middle of a glass. medida measure. medio half; m. middle, way, mean. mediodia m. midday, south. medir to measure. meditar to meditate. Mediterraneo Mediterranean. mejilla cheek. mejor better, best. mejorar to ameliorate, better. melancolia melancholy. melancolico melancholy. melocoton m. peach. melejo sweet? melodia melody. memoria memory; memorias (a) compliments, regards (to). menester m. necessity. menguar to diminish. menor minor, smaller, younger. menos less, least; except. mentar to mention. mente f. mind. mentir to lie. mentira falsehood, falsity. mercader m. trader, dealer. mercado market. merced f. grace, favor, mercy; =su merced=usted=, you (lit. your worship, excellency). =merecedor, -a= deserving. =merecer= to deserve. =merendar= to lunch. =meridional= southern. =merito= merit. =meritorio= meritorious. =mermar= to waste, diminish. =mero= mere. =mes= m. month =mesa= table. =Mesias= Messiah. =meteoro= meteor. =meter= to put. =mezclar= to mix. =mi= my; =mi=, me. =miedo= fear. =miente= f. (often pl.) thought, mind. =mientras= while. =miercoles= m. Wednesday. =miguelete= soldier, guard. =mil= thousand. =milagro= miracle. =militar= military; m. soldier. =milite= soldier. =milla= mile. =millon= m. million. =millonario= millionaire. =mimar= to spoil, over-indulge. =mimbre= m. osier twig. =mimo= delicacy, indulgent care. =mina= mine. =mineria= mining. =minero= miner. =miniatura= miniature. =ministro= minister. =minuto= minute. =mio= my, mine. =mirada= glance. =mirar= to look, look at. =misa= mass; =—— mayor= high mass. =misantropo= misanthrope. =misericordia= mercy. =mision= f. mission. =mismo= same, own, very; self; even. =misterio= mystery. =misterioso= mysterious. =mistico= mystic. =mitad= f. half. =moderno= modern. =modo= mode, manner. =modular= to modulate. =mohino= fretful, vexed, sullen. =mole= f. mass. =momento= moment. =momia= mummy. =monada= monkey-trick, grimace. =monasterio= monastery. =moneda= coin; =monedilla= (dim.). =mono,-a= monkey; mono, -a= neat, pretty, charming. monolito monolith, column of stone. monologo monologue, soliloquy. monotonia monotony. monotono monotonous. monstruo monster. monta amount; de poca monta insignificant. montana mountain. montar to mount. monte m. mountain; wood. monton m. heap, mass. morabito hermitage. morador m. inhabitant. morder to bite. moribundo dying. morir to die. morisco Moorish. morito, -a (dim. of moro). moro, -a Moorish, Moor. morrion m. helmet. mortaja shroud. mortero mortar (ordnance). mostrar to show. mote m. nickname. motin m. disturbance. motivo motive. mover to move. movimiento movement. mozo, -a young person; m. waiter. muchacho, -a boy, girl. muchedumbre f. multitude. mucho much. mudar to change. mudo mute, silent. muelle m. wharf. muerte f. death. muestra specimen, proof. mujer woman, wife. mulero mule boy. mulo, -a mule. multitud f. multitude. mullir to beat up; to make soft. mundanal worldly. mundo world. murmurar to murmur, backbite. muro wall. musica music. musico musician. musulman, -a Mohammedan. mutilar to mutilate. mutismo muteness. muy very, too.
nacer to be born. nacimiento birth. nacion f. nation. nacional national. nada nothing. nadie nobody, anybody. naranja orange. nariz f. nose, nostril. narrar to narrate. naturaleza nature. naturalidad f. naturalness. naufragio shipwreck, wreck. naufrago wrecked. nave f. ship, nave. nayade naiad, water nymph. nazareno Nazarene. necesario necessary. necesidad f. necessity. necesitar to need, want. necio foolish. negar to deny, refuse. negativo negative. negociar to negotiate. negocio business, affair. negro black. negruzco blackish. nevar to snow. ni neither, nor, not, not even. nicho niche. Nicolas Nicholas. niebla fog. nieto grandson. nieve f. snow. nimiedad f. excess, extravagance. ninguno no, none, no one, neither. ninez f. childhood. nino, -a child. nivel m. level. nivelar to level. no no, not. nocturno nocturnal. noche f. night. Noe Noah. nombrar to name. nombre m. name. nordeste m. northeast noria well, draw-well. norte m. north. nosotros, -as we, us. notabilidad f. notability, noted man. notar to note. noticia information, news. notificar to notify. noviembre m. November. nube f. cloud, mass. nuca nape of the neck. nuestro our, ours. nueve nine. nuevo new; de ——- anew, again. numero number. numeroso numerous. nunca never. nupcias f. pl. nuptials. nutrir to nourish.
o or. obedecer to obey. objeto object. obligar to oblige. obra work; obrilla (dim.). obrar to work, operate. obscurecer to darken, to grow dark. obscuridad f. obscurity, darkness. obscuro obscure, dark. observar to observe. obstruir to obstruct. ocasion f. occasion, opportunity. ocaso occident, setting (of sun). occidente m. occident, west. oceano ocean. ocio leisure, idleness. ociosidad f. leisure, idleness. ocioso idle. octubre m. October. ocultar to hide. oculto hidden. ocupar to occupy. ocurrir to occur, suggest itself. ochenta eighty. ocho eight. odalisca odalisk, beautiful Oriental woman. odiar to hate. odioso odious, hateful. oeste m. west. ofender to offend. oficial officer. oficina office, lower apartment, cellar. oficio office, employment, trade, divine service. ofrecer to offer. ofrecimiento offer. ofrenda offering. oido hearing, ear. oir to hear, listen. ojeada glance. ojo eye; ojillo (dim.). ola wave. oler to smell. oliva olive. olvidado oblivious, forgetful. olvidar to forget. olvido forgetfulness. olla pot, olio, stew. once eleven. ondear to undulate, float. ondulacion f. undulation. onza ounce, ounce of gold ($l6). opio opium. oponer to oppose. oportuno opportune, seasonable. oposicion f. opposition, competition. opuesto (oponer) opposite. ora —— ora now —— now; either —— or, whether —— or. oracion f. orison, prayer. orden m. f. order. ordenanza f. order; m. orderly. ordinario ordinary. oreja ear. organizar to organize. organo organ. orgullo pride. orgulloso proud. oriente m. orient. originar to originate. orilla border, shore. oro gold. ortodoxo orthodox. oruga caterpillar. orza crock. osar to dare. oso bear. ostentar to show; boast. ostentoso ostentatious, sumptuous. otono autumn. otro other, another.
=Pablo= Paul. =paciencia= patience. =paciente= patient. =pacifico= pacific, peaceful. =padecer= to suffer. =padre= father. =padron= _m._ pattern, model. =paga= pay. =pagar= to pay. =pago= payment. =pais= _m._ country. =paisano= peasant, countryman. =pajaro= bird. =palabra= word. =paladin= paladin, warrior knight. =palidecer= to turn pale. =palido= pale. =paliza= drubbing. =palmo= palm, hand's length, quarter of a yard. =palo= stick, stake. =paloma= dove. =palpitar= to palpitate. =pan= _m._ bread. =panico= panic. =pantalon= _m._ pantaloon. =panteon= _m._ pantheon, tomb, mausoleum. =panuelo= handkerchief. =papa= pope. =papa= papa. =papel= _m._ paper. =papelote= _m._ big (_ugly_) paper. =par= _m._ pair. =para= for, to. =paradero= stopping place, abode. =parador= _m._ station. =paralitico= paralytic. =paramo= desert, wilderness, icy region. =parapeto= parapet. =parar= to stop; _vr._ to stop. =parecer= to appear, seem; _vr._ to resemble. =parecido= resembling, like, alike. =pared= _f._ wall. =parir= to bring forth. =paroxismo= paroxysm. =parricidio= parricide. =parte= _f._ part, side, direction. =participar= to impart. =particular= particular, peculiar. =partir= to part, divide, cut, rend; depart. =pasajero= transitory, fugitive; _m._ traveler, passenger, passer. =pasar= to pass, happen, allow; _vr._ to go over to another party. =pasear= to walk, take for a walk; to move up and down, transport; _vr._ to go walking. =paseo= walk, public place. =pasion= _f._ passion. =pasivo= passive. =pasmo= spasm, amazement. =paso= pace, step, passage. =pastor= shepherd. =patata= potato. =patetico= pathetic. =patiabierto= with outspread paws. =patilla= whiskers. =patinillo= (_dim._). _See_ =patio=. =patio= courtyard. =patria= native country. =patrio= native. =patriota= patriot. =pausa= pause. =pavoroso= fearful, awful. =paz= _f._ peace. =pecado= sin. =pecar= to sin. =pecho= breast. =pedazo= piece. =pedir= to beg, ask. =Pedro= Peter. =pedunculo= stalk. =pegar= to beat, strike; stick fast, (close). =peinar= to comb. =pelea= fight, battle. =pelear= to fight. =peleteria= fur trade. =peligro= peril. =pelo= hair. =pellizco= pinch. =pena= pain, penalty. =pender= to hang. =penetrar= to penetrate. =penitencia= penitence. =penitenciario= priest, confessor. =penoso= painful. =pensamiento= thought. =pensar= to think. =penumbra= half shadow, space dimmed by an eclipse. =pena= rock; =penon= (_aug._) bowlder, rocky hill. =peon= day laborer. =peor= worse, worst. =pepita= kernel, seed. =pequenez= _f._ littleness. =pequeno= small. =percibir= to perceive, receive. =perder= to lose. =perdon= _m._ pardon. =perdonar= to pardon, spare. =perdurable= perpetual, lasting. =perecer= to perish. =peregrinacion= _f._ wandering. =peregrino= strange, rare; pilgrim. =perfidia= perfidy. =perfumar= to perfume. =pergamino= parchment. =periodico= newspaper. =perjuicio= prejudice, harm. =perla= pearl. =permanecer= to remain. =permiso= permission. =permitir= to permit. =pero= but. =perpetuo= perpetual. =perro= dog. =perseguir= to pursue. =persiana= Venetian blind. =persona= person. =personaje= _m._ personage. =perspectiva= perspective. =pertenecer= to belong, pertain. =pesadilla= nightmare. =pesado= heavy. =pesantez= _f._ weight, heaviness. =pesar= to weigh; =a —— de= in spite of. =pesca= fishery. =pescador= fisherman. =pescuezo= neck. =peseta= silver coin (_one fifth of a Spanish dollar_). =peso= weight. =pestanear= to move the eyelashes, blink. =petrificar= to petrify. =petulancia= presumption, impertinence. =piadoso= pious, merciful, compassionate. =picapleitos= pettifogger. =picar= to prick, sting, mince, nibble. =picardia= rascality, deceit. =picaro= knavish, roguish, villainous. =pichon -a= pigeon, dove, darling. =pie= _m._ foot. =piedad= _f._ piety, pity. =piedra= stone. =piel= _f._ skin, fur. =pierna= leg. =pimiento= red pepper. =pinchazo= pricking, goading, stab. =pintar= to paint. =pintor= painter. =pintoresco= picturesque. =pintura= painting. =pipa= pipe. =pira= pyre, fire. =piramide= _f_. pyramid. =pirata= _m_. pirate. =pisar= to trample, tread. =piso= story, floor; =—bajo= lower floor. =pistola= pistol. =pistoletazo= pistol shot. =placer= _m_. pleasure. =placido= placid, gentle. =plan= _m_. plan. =planeta= _m_. planet. =planta= plant. =plantificar= to plant. =plata= silver. =platica= talk, conversation. =plato= dish, plate. =playa= shore. =plaza= square, place, fortified place. =plazo= term, time set. =plazoleta= _(dim.)._ See plaza. =plomo= lead. =pluma= feather, pen. =poblacion= _f_. population, small town. =pobre= poor. =poco= little, few; =a —= soon, in a little while. =poder= to be able; _vr_. to be possible; _m_. power. =podrir= to decay, rot. =poema= _m_. poem. =polaco= Polish, Pole. =polca= polka. =policia= police, policing; cleaning. =politico= political. =polizonte= police officer. =polo= pole. =polones -a= Polish. =polvo= dust. =ponderacion= _f_. laudation. =ponedora= _(f. adj_.)laying eggs. =poner= to put, set, place; _vr_. to become, begin. =pontifice= pontiff. =pontificio= pontifical. =popa= poop, stern. =por= for, by, through, on account of; =por que= why; =por... que= however. =pormenor= _m_. detail. =porque= because; _porque=, why. =portal= _m_. porch, entry. =porte= _m_. bearing, demeanor. =portezuela= (_dim_)._See_ puerta. =porvenir= _m_. future. =pos; en pos de= after, behind. =posadero= innkeeper. =posdata= postscript. =poseedor= possessor. =poseer= to possess. =posesion= _f_. possession. =posible= possible. =posta= stagecoach, post =posterioridad= _f_. posteriority. =postrar= to prostrate. =postre; a la —= at last. =postura= posture. =potable= potable, drinkable. =potro= colt. =pozo= well. =precedente= preceding, foregoing. =precio= price. =precioso= precious, pleasing. =precipitar= to precipitate. =preciso= necessary; precise. =precoz= precocious. =predicador= preacher. =preexistencia= preexistence. =pregonar= to proclaim. =pregunta= question. =preguntar= to ask, inquire. =prenda= pledge, treasure, beloved object. =prendar= to charm, impassion. =prender= to catch, seize, arrest. =prenado= productive, teeming. =preocupacion= _f_. prejudice. =preocupar= to preoccupy. =preparar= to prepare. =presagiar= to presage, forebode. =prescribir= to prescribe. =presencia= presence. =presenciar= to be present. =presentacion= _f_. presentation, introduction. =presentar= to present. =presente= _m_. present, gift. =presentimiento= presentiment. =presentir= to have a presentiment. =preso -a= (_from _=prender=) prisoner. =prestar= to lend. =prestigio= prestige. =presto= soon, quickly. =presumir= to presume, claim; =— de= to claim to be. =presunto= presumed, presumptive. =pretension= _f_. pretension, expectation. =pretexto= pretext. =pretil= _m_. battlement, breastwork. =prever= to foresee. =primavera= spring. =primero= first. =primitivo= primitive. =principado= principality. =principe= prince. =principiar= to begin. =principio= beginning, principle. =prisa= haste, promptness, celerity; =de —= in a hurry. =prision= _f_. prison, imprisonment, capture. =prisionero -a= prisoner. =prisma= _m_. prism. =pristino= pristine, original. =probar= to prove, try. =problema= _m_ problem. =procaz= forward, petulant, insolent. =procedencia= source, derivation. =procedente= proceeding. =proceder= to proceed. =procer= man of distinction. =proceso= lawsuit. =procurar= to try; procure; take care. =producir= to produce. =productivo= productive. =proferir= to utter. =profesar= to profess; to enter a religious order. =profesion= _f_. taking of holy vows. =profeta= prophet. =profundo= profound, deep. =projimo= fellow-creature. =prolongar= to prolong. =promesa= promise. =prometer= to promise. =pronosticar= to predict. =pronto= prompt, quickly; =de —= suddenly; =por lo —= for the present. =pronunciar= to pronounce, to issue a political manifesto. =propicio= propitious, favorable. =propietario= proprietor. =propio= proper, own, same, pertaining to oneself, peculiar. =proponer= to propose, purpose. =proporcionar= to furnish. =proposito= purpose. =proseguir= to pursue, continue. =proteger= to protect. =protestar= to protest. =proverbio= proverb. =providencia= providence. =proximidad= _f._ proximity. =proximo= next, near, nearest. =proyecto= project. =prudencia= prudence. =prueba= proof. =publicar= to publish. =publico= public. =puchero= kettle, earthen pot, meat boiled in same. =pueblo= people, village. =puente= _m. f._ bridge. =puerta= door, gate; =puertecilla= (_dim._). =puerto= port, narrow mountain pass. =pues= then, therefore, well then; =—— bien= well then, well. =puesto= post, place, retail store. =puesto que= since. =pugnar= to fight. =pulcro= neat. =pulmon= _m._ lung, lungs. =pulso= pulse, firmness of hand; =a ——= with the strength of the hand. =punta= point. =punto= point, place; stitch; instant. =punzar= to prick. =punada= fisticuff, blow. =punado= handful; =punadillo= (_dim._). =punal= _m._ dagger. =punetazo= blow with the fist. =puno= fist. =purgar= to purge, expiate. =puro= pure. =purpura= purple.
que what, how. que which, who, what, that, for, since; a —— in order that; que what, how. quebrantar to break. quedar(se) to stay, remain; —— en algo to abide by something. quehacer m. business, duty. queja lament. quejar vr. to complain. quemar to burn. querellante plaintiff. querer to wish, love. quien, quien who, whom, which. quijotesco Quixotic. quimerico chimerical, extravagant. quince fifteen. quinientos, -as five hundred. quinta conscription. quinto conscript. quitar to take away, remove. quiza, quizas perhaps.
=rabadilla= handle. =rabiar= to rage, go mad. =racion= f. ration. =rada= anchoring ground. =rafaga= violent squall of wind. =ramaje= m. branches. =ramo= branch, specialty, line. =Ramon= m. Raymond. =rana= frog. =rapido= rapid. =raro= rare, strange. =rascar= to scratch. =rasgar= to tear, rend. =rastro= sign, trace. =ratero= creeping, servile, vile. =rato= while, space of time. =rayar= to dawn. =rayo= ray, thunderbolt. =raza= race. =razon= f. reason, account, right. =razonamiento= reasoning. =real= royal. =real= m. small coin (one fourth =peseta=). =realce= m. luster, splendor; =dar ——= to set off. =realidad= f. reality. =realista= royalist. =realizar= to realize. =reanudar= to tie again, rejoin. =rebajar= to abate; vr. to condescend. =rebelion= f. rebellion. =rebosar= to run over, overflow. =rebuznar= to bray. =recado= message, implement. =recapacitar= to recall. =recaudador= tax collector. =recibimiento= reception. =recibir= to receive. =recibo= receipt. =recien= recently (used only before past participles). =reciente= recent. =recio= stout, rude. =reciproco= reciprocal. =recobrar= to recover. =recoger= to take back, pick up. =recoleccion= f. gathering, harvest. =recomendar= to recommend. =recompensa= recompense. =recomponer= to recompose, restore. =reconciliar= to reconcile. =reconocer= to recognize. =reconquistar= to reconquer. =reconvencion= f. reproach, recrimination =reconvenir= to reproach. =recordar= to recall, remember. =recorrer= to run through, traverse, review. =recreo= recreation. =recuperar= to recover. =rechistar= to mutter, protest. =red= f. net. =redactar= to edit, compose. =redentor= m. redeemer. =redimir= to redeem. =redito= revenue, rent. =redoblar= to strengthen, fortify. =redoma= phial. =redondel= m. circle. =redondo= round, rotund. =reducir= to reduce; confine. =referir(se)= to relate, report; allude, refer. =reflejar= to reflect. =reflejo= reflex, reflection. =reflexionar= to reflect. =refran= m. proverb. =refrescar= to refresh. =refugiar= vr. to shelter oneself, to take refuge. =refulgencia= f. refulgence, splendor. =regalado= pleasant. =regalar= to regale, please, present. =regalo= gift. =regar= to water, irrigate. =regidor= magistrate, alderman. =regimiento= regiment. =registrar= to examine. =regla= rule; =en ——= in due form. =regocijar= to rejoice, cause joy. =regocijo= joy, pleasure. =regresar= to return. =regular= regular, natural, ordinary. =rehusar= to refuse. =reinar= to reign. =reino= kingdom, reign. =reir(se)= to laugh. =reiterar= to reiterate. =reja= window grating; plowshare. =relacion= f. relation; narration. =relacionado= having connections. =relamer(se)= to lick, smack. =relato= recital. =religiosidad= f. piety. =religioso= religious; m. monk, friar. =reliquia= holy relic. =reloj= m. watch, clock. =reluciente= shining. =remanecer= to remain, reappear. =remate= m. end. =remedio= remedy. =remitir= to remit, transmit. =remolacha= beet root. =remoto= remote. =remover= to move, stir. =renacer= to be born again. =rendido= worn out, exhausted. =rendir= to render, surrender. =renegado= apostate. =renegar= to curse. =rengifero= reindeer. =renglon= m. line. =renta= income, rent. =renunciar= to renounce. =reparar= to repair, stop, notice, give heed, consider. =repartir= to distribute. =repetir= to repeat. =repique= m. chime, ringing. =replegar= to fall back. =repleto= full. =replicar= to reply. =reponer= to refill. =reposar= to repose. =representante= representative. =representar= to represent. =reservado= reserved, select. =reservar= to reserve, preserve. =residir= to reside, dwell. =resignar= to resign. =resistencia= resistance. =resistir= to resist, hold out. =resolver (se)= to resolve, decide. =resonar= to resound. =resorte= m. spring. =respaldo= back. =respectivo= respective. =respetar= to respect. =respeto= respect, regard. =respirar= to breathe. =resplandecer= to shine. =resplandor= m. brilliancy, splendor. =responder= to respond, answer. =restar= to remain, subtract. =resto= remainder. =resucitar= to resuscitate. =resuelto= resolute, determined. =resulta= result. =resultar= to result, turn out. =resumen= m. summary; =en ——= in short. =resumir= to make a resume, resume, epitomize. =retemblido= m. tremor, start. =retirar= to retire, withdraw. =retorcer= to twist. =retrato= portrait. =retroceder= to retreat. =reunion= f. meeting. =reunir= to unite, reunite, combine, gather. =revelar= to reveal. =revendedor= m. retailer, huckster. =reventar= to burst, wear out. =reverberante= reverberating, reflecting. =reverberar= to reverberate, reflect. =reverencia= reverence. =revestir= to dress, clothe, cover. =revolotear= to flutter. =revolver= to turn upside down. =rey= king. =rezar= to pay, tell. =rezo= prayer. =rico= rich. =riesgo= risk. =riguroso= rigorous. =rincon= m. corner. =rio= river. =riqueza= riches. =risa= laughter. =risueno= smiling. =rizar= to curl. =robar= to rob, steal, plunder. =robo= robbery, theft. =roca= rock. =rodar= to roll. =rodear= to surround. =rodilla= knee. =roer= to gnaw. =rogar= to ask, entreat. =rojo= red. =Roma= Rome. =romano= Roman. =romper= to break, (begin). =ron m. rum. =ronco= hoarse. =rondar= to go round. =ropa= clothes. =ropon= m. loose outer gown. =rosa= rose. =rosco= crown-shaped biscuit. =roseta= rosette, red spot. =rostro= face. =roteno= native of the town of Rota. =roto= (from =romper=,) broken, torn. =rozar= to scrape, touch slightly. =rubio= reddish, blond. =rubor= m. blush, flush. =ruborizar= to blush. =rudo= rude, rough. =ruego= request, entreaty. =rugir= to roar. =ruido= noise. =ruina= ruin. =rumor= m. noise. =Rusia= Russia. =ruso= Russian. =rustico= rustic.
=S.M. (pl. SS. MM.) Su Majestad= his (her, your) Majesty. =sabado= Saturday. =sabana= sheet. =sabedor-a= informed, aware. =saber= to know, learn; m. learning, knowledge. =sabio= wise, learned. =sable= m. saber. =sacar= to draw, draw out, fetch. =sacerdote= priest. =sacrificar= to sacrifice. =sacrificio= sacrifice. =sacrilegio= sacrilege. =sacudir= to shake; shake off. =sagrado= sacred. =sagrario= sanctuary. =sala= room, parlor. =salida= outlet, sally, sortie. =salir= to go out, set out, issue; or to turn out. =salmodiar= to chant. =salon= m. parlor. =saltar= to leap. =salto= leap. =salud= f. health. =saludar= to greet, salute. =saludo= salute. =salvar= to save. =salve= hail! =san (= santo)= saint. =sandez= f. folly, stupidity. =sangre= f. blood; =—— fria= coolness, composure. =sangriento= bloody. =sanguinario= cruel, bloody. =santidad= f. holiness. =santificacion= f. sanctification. =santiguar= to make the sign of the cross. =santo= holy, saintly, saint. =santon= m. Moorish recluse. =santurron -a,= hypocrite feigning devotion. =sapo= toad. =sargento= sergeant. =sarta= string (of beads). =sarten= f. frying pan. =satisfacer= to satisfy. =sazon= f. season, time. =secano= dry arable land. =secar= to dry. =seco= dry, lean. =secretaria= secretaryship, secretary's office. =secretario= secretary. =secreto= secret. =secular= centenary. =segador= m. reaper. =segar= to reap, mow. =seguida= succession, following; =en ——= next, immediately. =seguir= to follow, continue. =segun= according, as. =segundo= second; m. second, lieutenant. =seguridad= f. security, certainty. =seguro= secure, sure; m. refuge. =seis= six. =semana= week. =semblante= m. face. =sembrar= to sow. =semejante= similar, like. =semicirculo= semicircle. =semi-salvaje= half savage. =sencillo= simple. =senda= path. =seno= bosom, breast. =sentar= to set, seat. =sentencia= sentence, opinion. =sentenciar= to sentence. =sentido= sense, meaning. =sentimiento= sentiment. =sentir= to feel, hear, regret. =sena= sign, signal; pl. description. =senal= f. sign, signal. =senalar= to point out. =senor= Lord, sir, Mr., gentleman. =senora= f. lady, Mrs. =senoria= lordship, (his) Honor. =senorial= lordly. =senorito= Master. =separar= to separate; =por separado= separately. =septentrion= m. north. =sepulcro= sepulchre. =sepultar= to bury. =sepultura= burial, tomb. =sequedad= f. dryness. =sequito= retinue, suite. =ser= to be, belong; =ser= or =ser= m. existence, being. =serenar= to become serene, to calm. =sereno= calm, serene. =seriedad= f. seriousness. =serio= serious. =servicio= service. =servir= to serve. =sesenta= sixty. =seso= brain. =setecientos, -as= seven hundred. =setenta= seventy. =si= if, whether. =si= yes, indeed, truly. =siempre= always. =siempreviva= everlasting (flower). =sierra= saw, mountain ridge. =siervo= serf, servant. =siete= seven. =siglo= cycle, century; secular world. =significar= to signify. =signo= sign. =siguiente= following, next. =silbar= to hiss, whistle. =silbido= hiss, whistling. =silencio= silence. =silencioso= silent. =silvestre= wild, savage. =silla= chair; =—— de posta= post chaise. =silleria= hewn stone. =simbolico= symbolic. =simiente= f. seed. =simpleza= simpleness, stupidity. =sin= without. =siniestro= sinister, left. =sino= if not, but, except, =—— que= but =sinsabor= m. displeasure, vexation. =sintoma= m symptom. =siquiera= at least, even. =sitio= situation, place. =sito= situated. =situar= to situate. =so= under. =soberano= sovereign, supreme. =soberbio= proud, haughty. =sobre= above, over, upon; m. envelope. =sobrenatural= supernatural. =sobrenombre= m. surname, nickname. =sobreponer= to put over; vr. to rise above. =sobreseer= to suspend. =sobrevivir= to survive. =sobrino, -a= nephew, niece. =socarroneria= slyness, cunning. =sociedad= f. society. =socio= associate, partner. =socorro= succor, help. =soflama= trickery, deception. =soga= rope. =sol= m. sun. =solamente= only. =soldado= soldier. =soledad= f. solitude. =solemne= solemn. =solemnidad= f. solemnity. =soler= to be accustomed. =solidaridad= f. solidarity, participation. =solidez= f. solidity. =solitario= solitary. =solo= alone; =solo= only; =tan solo= only. =soltar= to loosen, let go. =soltero -a= bachelor, unmarried person. =solteron -a= bachelor, old maid. =sollozo= sob. =sombra= shadow. =sombrero= hat. =sombrio= somber, gloomy. =son= m. sound. =sonar= to sound. =sondear= to sound. =sonreir(se)= to smile. =sonrisa= smile. =sonar= to dream. =soplar= to blow. =soplo= blowing, puffing. =sordo= deaf; secret; silent. =sorna= sluggishness, affected slowness. =sorprender= to surprise. =sorpresa= surprise. =sosegar= to calm. =sospecha= suspicion. =sospechoso= suspicious. =sostener= to sustain. =Sr. = senor=. =su=, his, her, its, their, your. =subir= to mount, climb, go up; bring up; increase. =subito= sudden. =subordinado= subordinate. =suceder= to happen. =sucesivo= successive. =suceso= happening, episode. =sucesor= m. successor. =sucio= dirty. =sudar= to sweat. =sudor= m. sweat. =suelo= ground, soil, floor. =suelto= loose, random. =sueno= sleep, dream. =suerte= f. fate, lot; sort. =sufrimiento= suffering, patience. =sufrir= to suffer. =suicidar= vr. to commit suicide. =suizo= Swiss. =sujetar= to subdue, subject. =sujeto= subject, liable, individual. =suma= sum. =sumar= to sum up, add. =sumaria= summary, verbal process (at law). =sumo= highest, greatest, supreme. =suntuoso= sumptuous. =superficie= f. surface. =superioridad= f. superiority. =suplicante= supplicating. =suplicar= to supplicate. =suplir= to serve instead of. =suponer= to suppose. =supremo= supreme. =supuesto=; =—— que= granting that, inasmuch as; =por ——= of course. =sur= m. south. =surcar= to furrow. =surtir= to furnish. =suspirar= to sigh. =suspiro= sigh. =sustancia= substance. =susto= terror. =suyo=, his, hers, its, theirs, yours.
tabaco tobacco, cigar. tabla board, plank. tajada slice. tal such; un —— a certain; el —— the said or same; —— vez perhaps. talar reaching the heels. talento talent. talon m. heel. talla stature. tallar to cut, carve. tallo sprout. tamano as big; m. size. tambalear to stagger; vr. to stagger. tambien also, too, as well. tambor m. drum; —— mayor drum major. tampoco not either, neither. tan so, as. tanto so much, as much, so; =por ——=therefore; en or entre —— meanwhile; en —— que while. tapa top, lid; —— de los sesos top of the skull. tapadero stopper. tapar to cover, conceal. tapia mud wall. tararear to hum. tardar to delay, be slow. tarde late; f. afternoon. tartamudear to stammer. teatro theater. temblar to tremble. temblor m. tremor, trembling. temer to fear. temerario rash. tempano lump, mass. templado temperate. templo temple, church. temprano early, prematurely. tenaz tenacious. tender to extend, strain, stretch out. tenebroso dark. tener to have, hold, possess, keep; —— que to have to. teniente lieutenant. tentar to try, tempt. tenir to tinge, dye. tercero third. terciana tertian fever. tercianario one who has tertian fever. terminar to terminate. termino term, end. ternura tenderness. terraqueo terraqueous, of earth and water. terrenal terrestrial. terreno land, ground. terrestre terrestrial. territorio territory. tesoro treasure. testimonio testimony. tetrico gloomy. tez f. complexion. tia aunt. tibio lukewarm. tiempo time, weather. tierno tender. tierra earth, land. tifoideo typhoid. tigre m. tiger. timido timid. tinieblas f. pl. darkness. tinta tint, hue. tinte m. tint, dye. tintero inkstand. tio uncle; tio —— old.... tirano tyrant. tirar to throw, pull, fire. tiro shot, team of horses. titular to entitle, call. titulo title, right. tizon m. half-burned wood, brand. tocar to touch, play on, concern, be a duty, fall to one's share or lot. todavia yet, still, nevertheless. todo all, whole, every. tomar to take, take away; toma why! really! tomate m. tomato. tono tone. tonteria foolishness, nonsense. tonto foolish, stupid. topacio topaz. topar to run or strike against. toque m. touch, ringing. Torcuata Torquata. tornar to return, restore; vr. to turn. torno; en —— suyo around him. toro bull. torpe stupid. torre f. tower. torrente m. torrent. tortola turtledove. totalidad f. totality, whole. trabajador, -a laborious. trabajar to work. trabajo work. trabajoso laborious. trabuco blunderbuss. traduccion f. translation. traducir to translate. traer to bring, carry. tragico tragic. traicion f. treason. traidor, -a traitorous, traitor. traje m. garb, suit, dress. trampa trap, trick, trickery. tranquilidad f. tranquillity. tranquilo tranquil. transcendencia importance. transcurrir to elapse, pass. transeunte passenger. transfigurar to transfigure. transigir to compromise. transito passage, road. trapo rag. trasladar to transport. traspasar to pass over, transfer. tratar to treat, deal; —— de try; tratarse de be a question of, concern. trato dealing, communication, conversation. trazar to trace. treinta thirty. tremebundo quivering. tremendo tremendous, terrible. tremulo tremulous. trepar to climb. tres three. tributar to bring as tribute. tricolor tricolored. trigo wheat. trinar to trill, quaver. tripulacion f. crew. triste sad, sorry-looking, terrible. tristeza sadness. triunfador one who triumphs, victor. triunfar to triumph. triunfo triumph. trocar to exchange, change. tronar to thunder. tronco trunk. trono throne. tropa troop, soldiery. trozo fragment, piece. tu thou, you. tu thy, your. tubo tube. tumba tomb. tunante rogue. turbacion f. perturbation. turbar to disturb, trouble. turbio turbid, muddy, troubled. turbulento turbid. turno turn. tuyo thy, thine.
=u= (== o=) or (before =o=, or =ho=). =ufano= proud, boastful. =ultimo= last. =ultrajar= to outrage. =umbral= threshold, architrave. =un, -a= a, an, one; =unos= some. =unanime= unanimous. =undecimo= eleventh. =unico= only, sole, singular. =unidad= f. unity. =uniforme= uniform. =unir= to unite. =universidad= f. university. =universo= universe. =uno= one. =una= finger nail. =upas= m. upas tree. =usted= you. =usurpar= to usurp. =util= useful.
=V= (== usted=; in pl. =VV.=) you. =vacilacion= f. vacillation, hesitation. =vacilante= vacillating, fitful. =vacio= empty, void. =valenciano= of Valencia. =valer= to have worth, be worth, be valuable, bring in. =valiente= valiant, vigorous. =valor= m. valor, value. =valle= m. valley. =vallecillo= (dim.) vale. =vals= m. waltz. =vamos= (from =ir=) come! well! really! =vanguardia= vanguard. =vanidad= f. vanity. =vano= vain. =vara= yard. =variedad= f. variety. =vario= various, several. =varon= man. =vasallo= vassal. =vaso= glass. =vasto= vast. =vaticinio= vaticination, prediction. =vaya= (from =ir=) come! well! really. =Vd. = usted= you. =vecino, -a= neighboring, neighbor, citizen. =vega= open plain. =vegetal= plant. =veinte= twenty. =veintuno= twenty-one. =vejez= f. old age. =vela= sail; =hacerse a la ——= to set sail. =velar= to veil. =velo= veil. =vellon= m. copper coinage of the Spanish realm. =vencedor= victor. =vencer= to conquer. =venda= bandage. =vendar= to bandage. =vendaval= a strong sea wind. =vender= to sell. =venenoso= venomous, poisonous. =vengar= to revenge. =venir= to come; vr. to come (up). =venta= inn, sale. =ventana= window. =ventura= chance, fortune; =por ——= peradventure. =ver= to see. =verano= summer. =veras= f. pl. truth, sincerity; =de ——= truly. =verdad= f. truth. =verdadero= true, real. =verde= green. =verdugo= executioner. =verdura= vegetables, garden stuff. =vereda= path. =vergueenza= shame. =verso= verse. =vertigo= vertigo, giddiness. =vestidura= dress, robe. =vestir= to dress, put on, wear. =veterano= veteran. =veterinario= veterinary, horse doctor. =vetusto= antique, old. =vez= f. time, turn; =tal ——= perhaps. =via= way. =viajar= to travel. =vibora= viper. =vicario= vicar. =victima= victim. =victoria= victory. =vida= life. =vidrio= glass. =viejo= old. =viento= wind. =viernes= m. Friday. =vigilar= to watch. =vil= vile, low. =vileza= vileness, meanness. =villa= town. =villorio= wretched little hamlet. =vino= wine. =vinoso= vinous. =violado= violet. =violar= to violate. =violencia= violence. =virgen= virgin. =virtud= f. virtue. =visita= visit. =visitar= to visit. =vislumbre= f. glimmer, glimmering light. =vispera= preceding evening; pl. vespers. =vista= sight, view, eye. =vitor= m. hurra. =vitorear= to hurrah. =viuda= widow. =viveres= m. pl. provisions. =vivienda= dwelling. =vivir= to live; =viva= long live! hurrah! =vivo= living, lively, vivacious, quick. =volcar= to overturn. =voluntad= f. will, wish. =voluptuoso= voluptuous. =volver= to turn, return, restore; vr. to turn, return, become; =volver a= to... again. =vos= you. =vosotros= you. =voz= f. voice, outcry. =vuelta= turn, return, walk. =vuestro= your, yours. =vulgar= vulgar, common.
wals = vals m. waltz.
y and. ya already, presently, now, more, longer; ya... no no longer; ya... ya whether—or. yacer to lie. yegua mare. yesca tinder. yo I. yunta couple, yoke.
zafar; vr. to get rid. zafiro sapphire. zalameria wheedling, flattery. zalemero wheedling, flattering. zalema salaam, bow. zapatilla pump (shoe). zocalo socle, base. zona zone. zorro, -a fox. zorruno foxlike.