80-1: Ugijar: a small half-Moorish town on the southern base of the Alpujarras.
80-2: compadre: the compadrazgo (gossipry) is the relation which exists between the father of a child and its godfather, who call each other compadre (gossip). It is often used also as a mere friendly epithet: My friend!
80-3: entiende de todo: understands all things.
80-4: todo sera apretar un poco a la caballeria: it will be a question only of urging along the mount (a mule, of course) a little.
80-5: cuidado: take care.
80-6: Valencia: a large seaport of eastern Spain. Its richly colored paving tiles are its most famous specialty.
80-7: de mas de vara en cuadro: more than a yard square.
80-8: =so pena=: in this and a few other expressions the antiquated preposition so (= bajo, under) still survives.
80-9: hay que excavar: cf. note lo que hay que hacer, p. 12, 4.
80-10: dice hubo trampa: says (that) there was some trickery. The conjunction que is occasionally omitted after decir.
80-11: tengo entendido: cf. note llevo echados, p. 34, 1.
81-1: A saber: it remains to be learned.
81-2: Por de pronto: meanwhile; provisionally; for the present, i.e. as things now stand.
81-3: cuando se pronuncio Riego: this patriotic officer, by his pronunciamento (1820), boldly set the example of revolt against the perfidious conduct of Fernando VII (see notes pp. 34, 5, and 51, 7), who violated the constitution adopted in 1812. After the French intervention the king had Riego executed.
81-4: habria que mandar: cf. note lo que hay que hacer, p. 12, 4.
81-5: Guadix: city of southern Spain (between Granada and Almeria) the birthplace of Alarcon.
81-6: puede que: (i.e. se puede que) it is possible.
81-7: No serian: cf. note no habria andado, p. 8, 6.
81-8: doctor en ambos Derechos: Latin: doctor in utroque (jure) doctor in civil and canonical law.
81-9: oido que hubo: cf. note echado que hubo, p. 1, 3.
81-10: debio de ser: cf. note debio de probar, p. 65, 5.
81-11: babuchero: closet? The babucha is a Moorish slipper.
82-1: viernes: Friday is the Mohammedan Sabbath.
82-2: Comisaria de los Santos Lugares: commission (for the maintenance, etc.)of holy places.
82-3: onzas de oro: the gold onza is worth about sixteen dollars.
82-4: en letra: (sc. de cambio) in (the form of) a draft.
82-5: lo del tesoro: the matter of the treasure.
82-6: a fe que: cf. note a fe que, p. 12, 6.
82-7: de a cuatro: this use of de a occurs in expressing the price or value per piece of merchandise, coins, etc.
82-8: guardarselas: to put them away. For se (+ el bolsillo) see note se la, p. 4, 6.
82-9: mientras tanto que: while. Tiempo, or rather, the notion of time, may be understood after tanto, which is in reality a neuter. Cf. en tanto que, p. 74, line 11, and en esto.
82-10: Tudela y Gonzalez: in his or her full family name, the Spaniard joins the mother's family name to the father's with an (omissible) y.
82-11: Maestro de capilla: chapel-master (the musical director in a church).
82-12: Ceuta: a city in Africa opposite Gibraltar. It is still a Spanish possession.
82-13: sobrino politico: nephew-in-law. The various relatives-in-law may all be indicated by analogous expressions, though specific names also exist in most cases.
83-1: en carta certificada: in a registered letter.
83-2: como no sea: unless it be, except.
83-3: Que estes mejor: cf. que... muera, p. 3, 6.
83-4: dolor de estomago: (usually: stomach-ache) stomachic disorder.
83-5: Escrita la carta: in the absolute construction, the favorite position for the participle is at the beginning of the phrase.
83-6: Encarnacion: many Spanish proper names are derived from the mysteries of religion, as Dolores (Maria de los Dolores), etc.
83-7: meses mayores: the months just before harvest.
83-8: la de todos los dias: your usual daily performance, i.e. chocolate that is not good.
83-9: Tarifa: the most southern and the most Moorish city of Spain.
84-1: Penon: (sc. de Gibraltar) the Rock of Gibraltar. Penon is an augmentative of pena.
84-2: Anghera, Benzu, Atlas: mountains of Africa, opposite Spain.
84-4: iY vaya si es gorda!: and I tell you it's a long (lit. fat) one! For vaya cf. note vamos, p. 5, 11. For si cf. note si son de alegria, p. 4, 2.
84-5: iHombre!: used here as a mere emotional interjection. Cf. note hombre, etc. p. 44, 2.
84-6: cata aqui: (equivalent to _he aqui_) behold, here is, this is_, etc.
84-7: abencerraje: properly: a member of the princely Moorish family of the Abencerrajes. (Cf. note Aben-Humeya, p. 76, 5.) Translate: old heathen.
84-8: dicho esto: cf. note escrita la carta, p. 83, 5.
84-9: por si propio: of its own accord.
84-10: gaditana: of Cadiz (Latin Gades). Cf. note bahia de Cadiz, p. 67, 2.
84-11: por mas senas: cf. same note, p. 57, 2.
84-12: papelote: huge document.
84-13: En tanto que: cf. note mientras tanto que, p. 82, 9.
85-1: guardandose, etc.: cf. note guardarselas, p. 82, 8.
85-2: no se te olvide: cf. note se me ha olvidado, p. 51, 3.
85-3: iQue si tenemos hijos!: this may be rendered as an indirect question dependent on the verb pregunta (he asks) understood. In such cases the redundant que is generally used after the interrogative verb. Cf. note dices que cuando, p. 5, 2.
85-4: zambombo, tonel, desagradecido: lout, wine-cask, ingrate.
85-5: Virgen de las Angustias: cf. the Latin: Mater Dolorosa.
85-6: tirando un pellizco: suddenly pinching.
86-1: plaza fuerte: stronghold. Ceuta is garrisoned by Spanish troops.
86-2: chilava: a garment with a hood.
86-3: jaique: Arab cape with a hood.
86-4: Querer: do you wish? (The Moor's speech is ungrammatical.)
86-5: poniendose en cruz: crossing his arms.
87-1: sudando a mares: (sweating seas) breaking out into a profuse perspiration.
87-2: Alah: (or Ala): Allah (Arabic), God.
87-3: a la boca: cf. note se la, p. 4, 6.
87-4: lo menos: (for a lo menos) at least.
88-1: Quesada y Sanchez: cf. note Tudela y Gonzalez, p. 82, 10.
88-2: Aben-Humeya: cf. same note, p. 76, 5.
88-3: Penitenciario: father-confessor.
88-4: esta en los huesos: is reduced to mere skin and bones.
88-5: alcuzcuz: pellets of honey and flour, a favorite Moorish dish.
88-6: candil: cf. note candil, p. 59, 2.
89-1: dicha de pronto: suddenly reported.
89-2: Fez: a large inland city of Morocco, south of Tangier.
89-3: como quiera que esta sea la hora... que no se haya vuelto a saber de Manos-Gordas: inasmuch as up to the present hour no one has ever heard anything more of Manos-Gordas.
89-4: dicho se esta: it remains said or settled.
89-5: Rey absoluto: Fernando VII (cf. note p. 34, 5).
89-6: zapateta: the striking together of the feet, or of foot and hand, in dancing.
89-7: toda el Africa: cf. note al ave, p. 25, 3.
89-8: Jauja: "fool's Paradise."
90-1: tal dia hizo (or hara) un ano: (expression of indifference or unconcern) it's no great matter.
90-2: con poner mucha tierra por medio: by going a long way off.
90-3: no hay que pensar: cf. note lo que hay que hacer, p. 12, 4.
90-4: Toma aqui: go this way.
90-5: Tetuan: city of Morocco, south of Ceuta.
90-6: Llegado que hubieron: cf. note echado que hubo, p. 1, 3.
90-7: ben-Carime: cf. note Aben Humeya, p. 76, 5.
90-8: recien salida: cf. note recien llegado, p. 73, 2.
90-9: tal o cual: this or that, some... or other.
91-1: se coman: cf. note lo que me digo, p. 7, 5.
91-2: Aben-Humeya: cf. note p. 76, 5.
91-3: Don Juan de Austria: a natural son of the Emperor Charles V, suppressed an insurrection of the Moors in Granada (1570) and later Footnote: won the battle of Lepanto, where he crushed the Turkish armament. Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote, served under him in this battle.
92-1: sin perjuicio de que: cf. same note, p. 64, 11.
92-2: andando los anos: cf. note escrita la carta, p. 83, 5.
92-3: setecientos: it will be observed that in this and other compounds of siete, ie reverts to the original etymological e in accordance with the general rule operating through the whole Spanish vocabulary that e changes to ie, and o to ue, only in the accented syllable.
92-4: volvera a pertenecerles: it is said that some of the African Moors still preserve the title deeds to their Andalusian estates and even the keys of the houses, to which they hope to return.
92-5: los cartagineses: The Carthaginian influence predominated in Spain for several centuries till the end of the second Punic war in 201 B.C.; the Roman domination extended over several centuries from that date. The Vandals and Goths ruled in Spain from the fifth to the eighth century and the Moors from the eighth to the fifteenth.
92-6: por la (or lo or el) presente: at the present time.
92-7: suponiendo que: assuming that.
92-8: projimo: (noun) one's neighbor, fellow-man; proximo -a (adj.) next, nearest, neighboring.
92-9: nada mas que: solely.
92-10: escrito: written (in the book of Destiny). Fatalism and predestination are essential tenets of Mohammedanism.
93-1: no es de hombres honestos: it is not (the characteristic) of honorable men, i.e. it does not befit good men.
93-2: maldito seas: cf. same note, p. 9, 4.
93-3: ni tan siquiera: cf. same note, p. 78, 9.
93-4: egira: (or egira or hegira) the year of Mohammed's flight from Mecca (622 A.D.), from which the Mohammedans reckon chronologically.
93-5: de resultas de: as a result of.
93-6: Coran: Coran or Koran (the Mohammedan Bible).
94-1: compana: an obsolescent form of compania.
94-2: no me estara de mas: it will not be superfluous.
94-3: Luego: presently.
94-4: puede que: cf. same note, p. 81, 6.
94-5: por de pronto: cf. same note, p. 81, 2.
94-6: sinvergueenzona: shameless creature. (Augmentative form of sin vergueenza.)
95-1: de lo que: cf. note por lo que, p. 30, 4.
95-2: agareno: Mohammedan. Originally applied to those who were supposed to descend from Hagar, as opposed to Saracen, a superior class, claiming descent from Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Vide Book of Genesis.
96-1: se viene: he will come along. The reflexive pronoun, so common with verbs of motion, is redundant. For tense cf. note me matan, p. 3, 1.
96-2: alcuzcuz: cf. same note, p. 88, 5.
96-3: muy recocido: thoroughly cooked.
96-4: =a ver=: (= para ver). The preposition a, introducing an infinitive expressing purpose, is regularly used after verbs of motion like ir, venir, etc.
96-5: dorado a fuego: bronzed.
97-1: Oran: an Algerian province, bordering on Morocco.
97-2: Marruecos: Morocco.
97-3: Supe: cf. note supe, p. 63, 2.
97-4: por resultas de: cf. note de resultas de, p. 93, 5.
97-5: a fuerza de: by dint of, at the price of.
98-1: visto lo cual: cf. escrita la carta, p. 83, 5.
98-2: te has hecho cargo: you have taken note of, you have understood.
98-3: cuando menos: at least.
98-4: despues de descubierto: cf. note despues de muerto, p. 5, 8.
98-5: subir... hasta rey: rise even to the dignity of king.
98-6: ?Que te parece mi proyecto?: how does my plan strike you?
99-1: Tu no has caido en una cuenta: there is one thing you have failed to understand. Caigo en..., I understand.
99-2: tonto de capirote: utterly foolish.
99-3: Ni: and. This peculiarly idiomatic use of the negative may be explained as being carried into the expression of the thought by suggestion from its essentially negative nature. Cf. note ni, p. 16, 6.
100-1: el veintitantos: between the 20th and 28th. The word is compounded in the same manner as veintiseis, etc. Cf. note veintiun, p. 22, 2.
100-2: nevaba si habia que nevar: (freely) it snowed if it ever did.
100-3: sierra andaluza: i.e. Sierra Nevada.
100-4: sena: provincialism for senora.
100-5: cata aqui: cf. same note, p. 84, 6.
100-6: todo de un solo golpe: all at once.
100-7: se haran ustedes cargo: cf. note te has hecho cargo, p. 98, 2.
100-8: cruzandose la mantilla: crossing the ends of her mantilla over her breast.
100-9: Estaria de Dios: it must have been God's will. Cf. note no habria andado, p. 8, 6.
100-10: echases la misa en el puchero: (should throw the mass into the kettle) should stay at home and not go to mass.
100-11: sobre si: on (the question) whether; as to whether.
101-1: Marchado que se hubo: cf. note echado que hubo, p. 1, 3.
101-2: manta de muestra: a showy wrap or blanket.
101-3: maestro de obras: master-mason.
101-4: hizo como que se marchaba: acted as if he were going off, i.e. pretended to go.
101-5: ni tan siquiera: cf. same note, p. 78, 9.
101-6: en cuanto fue de dia: as soon as it was day.
101-7: los tales ruidos: cf. note la tal efigie, p. 65, 4.
101-8: cuartucho: (fr. cuarto, room) mean little room. The diminutive ending ucho is depreciative.
102-1: Alcalde de monterilla: an ignorant rustic magistrate.
102-2: catalan: of Cataluna, province in northwestern Spain.
102-3: Yo me pinto solo: I excel.
103-1: Es que: but the fact is that. Cf. note y era que, p. 69, 3.
103-2: paro mientes: considered attentively.
103-3: Tampoco dejaria de agradarme: nor would it displease me (lit. fail of pleasing me).
103-4: echo los brazos a la espalda: folded his arms behind his back.
104-1: me lo se: cf. note lo que me digo, p. 7, 5.
104-2: al pie de la letra: literally, word for word.
104-3: No me da por ahi: I have no interest in those parts.
105-1: chino: the Chinese were formerly reputed to be very guileless.
105-2: Melilla: Mediterranean seaport of Morocco.
105-3: un sobrino que tiene de musico: a nephew of his, a musician.
105-4: compadre: cf. note compadre, p. 80, 2.
105-5: dado que: inasmuch as.
105-6: en seguidita que almorcemos: just as soon as we have breakfasted. This diminutive form in ita emphasizes the ordinary en seguida.
106-1: entre si parece o no parece: while we are waiting to learn if it will appear or not appear.
106-2: De lo contrario: (in the contrary case), if you do not.
107-1: Juzgado de primera instancia: an inferior court for trying civil cases; primary court of claims.
107-2: (q.D.g.): que Dios guarde, whom may God preserve.
108-1: echarle mano: lay hands on him.
108-2: Chancilleria de Granada: formerly one of the two supreme courts of Spain.
108-3: Compadre: cf. same note, p. 80, 2.
108-4: Ni la Caridad: not Heaven itself.
108-5: salva: cf. note me matan, p. 3, 1.
108-6: o sea: cf. note o sean, p. 39, 4.
108-7: por lo pronto: cf. note por de pronto, p. 81, 2.
108-8: ha prescrito: has been outlawed or rendered null.
109-1: Vaya si me lo llevare: why! of course I will carry it away with me. For vaya cf. note vamos, p. 5, 11; for si cf. note si son de alegria, p. 4, 2; and for me cf, note lo que me digo, p. 7, 5.
109-2: me he de vengar: cf. note habia de conocer, p. 3, 4.
109-3: iVamos andando!: Let's be a-going!
109-4: habidos y por haber: (that have been and that shall be) past and future.
109-5: el Viernes de Dolores: the Friday before Palm Sunday.
109-6: regresado que hubo: cf. note echado que hubo, p. 1, 3.
109-7: Domingo de Ramos: Palm Sunday.
109-8: Miercoles Santo: Wednesday of Holy Week.
109-9: Sabado de Gloria: Easter Sunday.
110-1: mando poner una carta: he directed that a letter be dispatched.
110-2: no volvio a echar mas luz: Echar luz, to recover health and strength. For volvio a cf. note se volvio a reir, p. 2, 3.
110-3: Por manera que: so that.
110-4: con posterioridad a: subsequent to.
110-5: andando el tiempo: cf. note escrita la carta, p. 83, 5.
111-1: Spitzberg: Spitzbergen, a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean north of Norway.
111-2: al hacha: cf. note al ave, p. 25, 3.
111-3: lo que si se: si (yes) is often redundantly used to emphasize a verb.
111-4: emigrarian: cf. note no habria andado, p. 8, 6.
112-1: a fines de Agosto: the plural forms fines, mediados, and principios are used in indefinite reference to end, middle, and beginning of the month, year, etc.
112-2: Siquiera: at least.
112-3: por si queria: in case I wished.
112-4: Parry: the English explorer who made various Arctic exploring expeditions between 1811 and 1827.
112-5: Robinson: Robinson Crusoe.
113-1: recorrer su ocaso: revolve around its setting point.
113-2: esculpidos: cf. note estupefacto, p. 9, 1.
114-1: posterior a su Apocalipsis: after the Apocalypse (the end of the world). This is the Greek title of the Book of Revelation.
115-1: lo mata todo: kills everything. Lo... todo as object of a verb is often equivalent to everything.
116-1: mi no ser: the non ego.
116-2: Groenlandia: Greenland.
116-3: Nueva Zembla: Nova Zembla, a group of two islands in the Arctic Ocean, north of Russia.
ll6-4: descorrio: infused.
116-5: Oceania: Oceanica, the collective name of the islands of the Pacific.
116-6: Atila: Attila, king of the Huns, who devastated Europe about the middle of the fifth century.
117-1: ?De que pecan?: in what respect are they wrong (lit. do they sin)?
117-2: de exagerados: (i.e. pecan de exagerados) they have the fault of being exaggerated.
118-1: pro indiviso: (Latin) undivided.
118-2: habra: cf. note no habria andado, p. 8, 6.
119-1: Lazaro: for the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, see the Gospel of John, xi.
120-1: capella ardente: (Italian) place where a dead body lies in state amid burning tapers.
121-1: frente a: in front of.
121-2: Ya... ya: now... now.
123-1: Noe: Noah (cf. Genesis, viii).
124-1: Dia 5: (sc. de Febrero).
125-1: =a la Creacion=: this is the direct object of he aqui (= behold). The preposition a, regularly used before the personal direct object, may be used before things also when personified. Cf. p. 61, last line.
126-1: Circulo polar: Arctic Circle (66-2/3 deg. N. latitude).
126-2: mallemak, etc.: retain the original name in translating.
126-3: Escocia: Scotland. Cf. note estupefacto, p. 9, 1.
127-1: Prometeo: Prometheus, who was chained to a rock by order of Jove for stealing fire from heaven.
127-2: iNecio de mi!: cf. same note, p. 13, 1.
129-1: de consiguiente: the usual phrase is por consiguiente.
These exercises are based on the text of the preceding stories. The passage indicated, consisting usually of only fifteen or twenty lines, should be thoroughly studied before translating the exercise. The special subject illustrated by the exercise should also be studied in the grammar.
PAGE 2, LINES 20-34
1. He does not know what he is saying. 2. For a year I have been pursuing these gypsies. 3. We know that they rob travelers every day. 4. But the officers of the law never hit upon them. 5. The gypsies laugh again. 6. We laugh again. 7. What we can not do no one can do [it]. 8. We repeat that not only have they robbed him but they have assassinated him.
II. PAGE 5, LINES 27-8 (page 6)
1. The day passes, three days pass, a week passes, and the captain does not appear thereabouts. 2. I can not understand it. 3. We can not understand it. 4. Don't you know that the chiefs go away from time to time? 5. I know nothing of their absence. 6. In the afternoon we take them out of the cave, for the heat stifles them. 7. They are tying them to the trees.
PAGE 10, LINES 7-19
1. Two weeks after that he set out at nine o'clock in the morning. 2. The count finally ascertained his whereabouts as well as those of his companion. 3. He was to set out in search of the count. 4. He took leave of his family. 5. He was taking leave of his friends. 6. He was going to set out. 7. We set out. 8. It appeared that they were setting out.
PAGE 14, LINES 1-20
1. He was playing on the cornet and I was dancing. 2. It was not warm under the trees. 3. I was carrying the cornet to him. 4. Why did he not play? 5. The hypocrite said[1] that he did not know how to play. 6. Nobody used to play like him. 7. We heard that you used to have a pension. 8. I heard so (=it.) 9. Come! come! I had no pension.
[Footnote 1: decir.]
PAGE 17, LINES 30-12 (page 18)
1. We will attack them at nightfall. 2. The battle will last from three till five o'clock in the afternoon. 3. I will command. 4. I would give orders to them to fire. 5. They will be victorious and we shall have to flee. 6. I would kill the colonel. 7. We would not try to defend ourselves. 8. They would try in vain to defend him.
PAGE 21, LINES 29-15 (page 22)
1. The colonel will not know. 2. We shall not know. 3. He would remember us. 4. We will wait for Nicholas until one o'clock. 5. I shall not fall asleep. 6. He would not awake. 7. He would look around and would find himself alone. 8. It will strike two. 9. It would strike three. 10. He would not appear. 11. Day will dawn.
PAGE 26, LINES 1-16
1. The painters, accompanied by their pupils, entered the church with me. 2. In it we found little to admire. 3. I was already going away with them. 4. I noticed a chapel and approached it. 5. They noticed a picture and approached it. 6. To the pupils, who were approaching with him, he said: "This youth will go away with us." 7. We pointed at the canvas which we had in front of us.
PAGE 29, LINES 32-7 (page 30)
1. I knew him. 2. He knew me. 3. I am selling him the picture. 4. He was selling us the pictures. 5. "You have not understood him," answered the friars. 6. I tell you that the authors of those paintings have died. 7. Will you tell us when they died? 8. You ask for the pictures—I sold them to him. 9. Do they want the picture? We will sell it to them.
IX. THE REFLEXIVE. THE PASSIVE [With reflexive substitute]
PAGE 32, LINES 14-25
1. The artist approached. 2. We were approaching. 3. The prior was surrounded by all (of) them. 4. The coffins were seen[1] on the ground. 5. The face of the dead woman was seen. 6. It will be seen that he will be like his work. 7. Now his works will be seen. 8. The great painter found himself in the temple. 9. It was seen that the face was like the work of the dead prior.
[Footnote 1: Avoid the passive in similar constructions.]
X. ADJECTIVES [Declension, apocopation]
PAGE 35, LINES 3-16
1. His skin was dry and yellow. 2. They (m.) were yellow as a mummy. 3. Their skin was black. 4. Many years ago his sunken eyes were black and shining. 5. The supper was good, but we had not any wine. 6. The wines were good and abundant. 7. I seek good wine and good conversation. 8. Wine! we have none. 9. I am seeking some one. 10. We are seeking some good wine. 11. Some wines are good, some are not good.
PAGE 39, LINES 22-5 (page 40)
1. His words and mine. 2. My voice and his. 3. The Frenchman's words and yours alarmed me. 4. My bottles are new, his are not new. 5. They have drunk five bottles of our wine, and five and a half of his. 6. This is her wine. 7. This is the door of their drug-store. 8. The door of my drug-store and of his. 9. This chair is not theirs, it is mine. 10. These chairs are not ours, but hers.
XII. USE OF usted
PAGE 43, LINES 1-11
1. He is going to relate to you a historic episode. 2. You are going to relate the episode to him. 3. The episode is not historic and it is not we who will relate it to you. 4. It is not you who related it to her. 5. We do not ask of you that you relate it to us. 6. You will not ask of us that we relate it to you. 7. You will not take upon yourself the trouble to tell it to them.
PAGE 46, LINES 34-9 (page 47)
1. We have gone out of the cafe. 2. As he has told you, they had left the cafe. 3. Two dusty carriages have stopped before the house. 4. They will have stopped in front of your house. 5. I would have stopped in front of her house. 6. The carriage has stopped. 7. As I have said, they had approached the door of the house. 8. We had alighted and would have approached the house.
PAGE 50, LINES 28-14 (page 51)
1. The people saw the priest. 2. He saw them and he saw the captives also. 3. The captives did not see the strangers. 4. The captive will behold Napoleon. 5. She has seen our two companions. 6. He had abandoned his companion. 7. We have not abandoned our companions. 8. I saw the captives and the stranger. 9. I saw the guitar and the captive who was playing it. 10. We left Catalonia.
PAGE 58, LINES 13-23
1. That book which you are reading is better than this one. 2. These books which I am reading are better than those. 3. We did not believe what you were reading in those books. 4. These people believed what that rogue said. 5. The Poles would not come to this country. 6. These Poles were serving under the orders of that wretch. 7. Those who died were Poles, but this one is not a Pole. 8. What is that?
PAGE 62, LINES 22-2 (page 63)
N.B. Observe carefully the distinction between cual and el, la, lo cual, quien and quien, que and que, etc.
1. What are you doing? 2. What was your companion doing? 3. Which one? 4. The companion at whom you were looking. 5. "What will you do?" asked the others, who were much moved. 6. The others, to whom they did not give time to fire a shot, were giving their guns to the soldiers who had killed the Poles. 7. Which ones? 8. The ones who had robbed the soldier. 9. Which soldiers stole the portraits that we wore? 10. Which soldier killed the stranger at whom I was looking?
PAGE 67, LINES 1-11
[See Grammar for the various formulas of comparison.]
1. This bay forms a more ample circle than that one. 2. The smaller of these bays is more charming than that of Cadiz. 3. The most celebrated castle is that of the duke. 4. It is less celebrated than that of the Dukes of Osuna. 5. The gardener is not as humble as his uncle. 6. The duke had as many castles as his uncle. 7. The uncle's name was more celebrated than the duke's. 8. The most celebrated name is that of the duke, who was, a very long time ago, the most humble of horticulturists.
[After impersonal verbs]
PAGE 70, LINES 18-33
1. It is impossible that he should recognize me. 2. It is impossible that they should understand. 3. It was not possible that they should see me. 4. It will be a marvel should he see his daughters. 5. It is impossible that we should stay in the place. 6. It was impossible for them to stay in Cadiz. 7. Is it a wonder that he should not set out for Cadiz to-day? 8. Was it necessary (preciso) that you should set out? 9. It is infamous that he should say those things to-day.
[After conjunctions, adverbs, etc.]
PAGE 73, LINES 30-6 (page 74)
1. He left the receipt in order that you might see that he had paid. 2. He will leave a receipt so that you may see that you have paid him. 3. I will bring you the receipt before you pay me. 4. He said that he would bring me a receipt before I paid him. 5. We will bring him the books when (cuando) he pays you. 6. He brought me a book so I might pay him. 7. They bring me the books so I may not say that they are robbing me.
PAGE 80, LINES 20-30
1. I will offer him a part of what I may find, although (aunque) it may not be a very large one. 2. Although he may offer me a part of what he finds, it will not be a very large one. 3. When you find out what it is necessary to offer to him, we will explain it to him. 4. If I knew this, I would talk of it. 5. If you would explain this to your sons, when they learn all they would aid you. 6. I will take that land, although there may be some fraud in this same business.
[After verbs expressing inherent doubt, i.e. verbs of fear, hope, disbelief, anticipation, purpose, etc.]
PAGE 84, LINES 18-29
1. I made an effort to keep him from reading the parchment. 2. He will make an effort to keep me from reading the postscript. 3. I fear (temer) that they may read the letter which Pepa sent me. 4. I feared they might send Pepa to me. 5. Make an effort to have them inform me. 6. I warned them to respect my letters. 7. I warn you to respect my letters. 8. I fear that you may see and read the letter and may try to keep Pepa from sending me the forty bank-notes.
[After verbs of volition: desire, command, concession, prohibition]
PAGE 88, LINES 4-20
1. I desire that you translate the parchment. 2. He wished us to translate it. 3. We wished them to remain. 4. He did not wish the orphans to ask alms. 5. He gave orders[1] that they should burn the parchment. 6. We will give orders that they translate the Arabic verses which my uncle has just sent to me. 7. I will give orders to Josefa (so) that she may have the Arabic parchment translated by (some) competent person. 8. I wish you to send some help to the orphans.
[Footnote 1: To order, mandar.]
[With the imperative value]
PAGE 93, LINES 5-17
1. God grant that he may not die! 2. Let them not die! 3. Let not your daughters escape from your house! 4. Let all go out! 5. Go out. 6. Let us go out. 7. Let him not know it. 8. Let us know it. 9. Let us escape from their house. 10. Let him not escape from my house. 11. Do not escape. 12. Do not go out. 13. Know that the coins are mine. 14. Do it. 15. Do not do it.
[In relative clauses]
PAGE 98, LINES 21-34
1. We need a man (hombre) who may be faithful and loyal. 2. The king of Spain needs men who may prove faithful and loyal. 3. Kings need men of whose lives they may be masters and who may labor loyally. 4. The man needs a master whom he may accompany. 5. We need millions of which we may be masters. 6. I need a man to work faithfully. 7. He wants a document which he may read. 8. They wanted documents which they might read.
[After emotional verbs]
PAGE 102, LINES 23-7 (page 103)
1. I am sorry[1] that you have not come. 2. He was sorry that we had not come yesterday afternoon. 3. We are sorry that it should be necessary to tear down this wall. 4. I am glad[2] that it is not necessary to build a tower. 5. We were glad that it was not necessary to demolish the foundations. 6. They are sorry that the contract does not suit you. 7. I was sorry that it did not suit them to do this work. 8. I am glad that the contract has suited you. 9. He is sorry the contract does not suit you.
[Footnote 1: To be sorry, pesarle a uno; I am sorry, me pesa.]
[Footnote 2: To be glad, gustarle a uno.]
PAGE 112, LINES 16-3 (page 113)
Two days passed. He found six bits of cedar and obtained a fire. He killed some reindeer and preserved the torn flesh in the ice. It was preserved thus all the year. Having no axe he transported to his grotto the splinters of the trees torn to pieces by the frost. Every morning he began again[3] the struggle with the cold and the solitude, because he desired to live and to return some day to his hearth. He adored life.
[Footnote 3: Use volver a (with infinitive).]
PAGE 119, LINES 6-23
He was mistaken. He will not see the spring this month. I believe he can not suffer longer. What will become of him? When will he see the sun appear in the dark firmament, where only the stars and the moon are seen? It is night here; it is January. We see only frozen seas. The snow covers the valleys and mountains. One would believe that the Creator has forgotten this world and that spring will not come to visit it as it visits other lands.
PAGE 128, LINES 12-26
The fourth of August, on board of the boat which had just picked him up, he saw the island of Spitzbergen recede. He lost sight of the great mountains. He was journeying toward home. A sailor, whose life he had saved, accompanied him. He had remained nine years on the island. When he arrived at X and disembarked those who saw his white hair and his dull eyes did not believe that he was the same sailor whom they had accompanied to the ship at the age of nineteen years.
N.B. Words alike or nearly alike have in general been omitted.
For all adverbs ending in mente, the corresponding adjective form has been given.
Ch follows c, ll follows l, differing from the English order.
The gender has not been indicated for nouns ending in o which are masculine, nor for those in a which are feminine, nor for those nouns whose gender is inherent. The feminine ending in a has not been indicated for adjectives ending in o. In other cases the feminine has been indicated except in invariable adjectives.
The following abbreviations occur:
adj. adjective aug. augmentative dim. diminutive part. participle vr. reflexive verb prep. preposition m. masculine f. feminine n. neuter
=a= to, at. =abajo= under, down, downstairs. =abandonar= to abandon. =abastecer= to purvey, supply. =abasto= provisions. =abatimiento= abasement, dejection. =abatir= to throw down. =abdicar= to abdicate. =abeto= fir. =abierto= (from =abrir=) open. =abismar= to engulf, plunge. =abismo= abyss. =abogado= advocate, lawyer. =abono= manure, fertilizer. =abrazar= to embrace. =abrazo= embrace. =abreviar= to abridge. =abrigo= shelter. =Abril= m. April. =abrir= to open. =abrumar= to overwhelm. =absolutista= absolutist, ultra-conservative. =absoluto= absolute. =absorber= to absorb. =abuelo-a= grandparent, ancestor. =abultar= to increase, enlarge. =abundancia= abundance. =aburrir= to weary, bore; vr. be bored, =abuso= ill use, abuse. =aca= here, hither. =acabar= to finish, end; =—— de=, to have just... =acallar= to quiet, hush. =acampar= to encamp. =acariciar= to caress. =acaso= perhaps, by chance. =acceder= to accede. =accion= f action, battle. =acelerar= to accelerate. =acemila= beast of burden. =acento= accent. =aceptar= to accept. =acercar= to bring near; vr. to approach. =acero= steel. =acertado= fit, proper. =acertar= to hit the mark, succeed, happen. =acetre= m. small bucket. =achacoso= infirm, sickly. =achicar= to diminish. =aciago= unlucky. =acometer= to attack. =acomodar= to accommodate, suit, fit. =acompanar= to accompany. =aconsejar= to counsel, advise. =acordar= vr. to remember. =acostar= to put into bed; vr. go to bed. =acostumbrar= to accustom. =acreditar= to assure, give credit to. =acribillar= to pierce like a sieve. =actitud= f. attitude. =acto= act; =en el ——=, instantly. =acudir= to run up, succor, have recourse to. =acunar= to coin. =acurrucar= vr. to squat. =acusacion= f. accusation. =acusar= to accuse. =adaptar= to adapt. =adelantar= to advance, profit, get the start of. =adelante= forward, henceforth. =ademan= m. gesture, attitude. =ademas= besides. =adentro= within. =adherir= to adhere. =adiestrar= to make dexterous. =adios= adieu. =adivinar= to divine, guess. =adivino= diviner, fortune-teller. =adjunto= annexed. =admirable= admirable, marvelous. =admiracion= f. admiration, wonder. =admirar= to admire, wonder. =admitir= to admit. =adobo= pickle sauce. =adolescente= a youth. =adorar= to adore. =adormidera= poppy. =adquirir= to acquire. =aduanero-a= custom-house officer. =aduar= m. ambulatory Arab camp. =advertencia= advice, warning. =advertir= to warn, notify. =aereo= aerial. =afable= affable. =afamado= famous. =afan= m. anxiety, trouble. =afectar= to affect. =afecto= affectionate, well affected. =aferrar= vr. to grapple, grasp. =afinar= to tune. =afirmar= to affirm. =aflojar= to loosen. =afortunado= fortunate. =afrancesado= Frenchified Spaniard, Francomaniac, French sympathizer. =afueras= f. pl. environs. =agachar= vr. to stoop, squat. =agazapar= vr. to hide. =agil= agile. =agilidad= f. agility. =agitar= to agitate. =agonia= death, death agony. =agonizante= dying. =agonizar= to be dying. =Agosto= August. =agraciado= graceful. =agradar= to gratify. =agravar= to aggravate. =agravio= offense, injury. =agrupar= to group, cluster, crowd. =agua= water. =aguantar= to endure, put up with. =aguardar= to expect, wait for. =aguardiente= m. brandy. =aguja= needle. =Agustin= Augustine. =ahi= there. =ahogar= to suffocate, drown. =ahora= now; =—— bien=, well then. =ahorcar= to hang. =ahorrar= to save, spare. =aire= m. air. =ajar= to spoil. =ajeno= alien, of another; =lo ——= what belongs to another. =ajuar= m. household furniture. =ajustar= to adjust. =alacran= m. scorpion. =alargar= to extend, hand. =alarido= outcry, shout. =alarife= architect. =alarmar= to alarm. =Alaves-a= of Alava. =alba= dawn. =albergar= to lodge, harbor. =alborada= daybreak. =alcalde= justice of the peace, mayor. =alcaldia= office of an alcalde. =alcanzar= to reach, overtake, obtain. =alcazar= m. castle, fortress. =alcoba= alcove, bedroom. =alcornoque= m. cork-tree. =alegar= to allege. =alegrar= to rejoice. =alegre= merry, joyful, gay. =alegria= gayety, mirth. =Alejandra= Alexandra. =alejar= to remove; vr. to go off. =aletargar= vr. to fall into a lethargy. =alfombra= carpet. =alga= seaweed. =algazara= confused noise. =algo= something, somewhat. =alguacil= constable, policeman. =alguien= some one. =alguno= some, some one. =aliento= breath, respiration. =alimentar= to feed. =alma= soul. =almohada= pillow, cushion. =almorzar= to breakfast. =alojado= lodger. =alojamiento= lodging. =alojar= to lodge. =alrededor= around. =altaneria= haughtiness. =alterar= to change, disturb. =alto= high, tall, loud. =altura= height. =alumbrado= illumination. =alumbrar= to light. =alzar= to raise. =alla= there, thither. =allegar= to collect. =alli= there. =amable= amiable. =amanecer= to dawn. =amante= loving, fond. =amar= to love. =amargo= bitter. =amargura= bitterness. =amarillear= to turn yellow. =amarillento= yellowish. =amarillo= yellow. =ambiente= m. circumambient air. =ambito= circuit. =ambos-as= both. =ambulante= ambulatory, moving. =amenaza= menace. =amenazar= to menace. =amigo-a= friend. =aminorar= to lessen. =amistad= f. friendship. =amo-a= master, mistress, proprietor. =amor= m. love; =—— propio= self-love. =amotinar= to excite to mutiny. =amparar= to shelter, protect. =amparo= protection, refuge. =amplio= ample. =anciano= old. =ancho= wide. =andaluz-a= Andalusian. =andar= to go, walk, fare. =anfitrion= host. =angosto= narrow. =angulo= angle, corner. =angustia= anguish. =anima= soul. =animal= m. animal, dolt. =animar= to animate, enliven. =aniquilar= to annihilate. =anoche= last night. =anochecer= to grow dark. =anotar= to note. =antartico= antarctic. =ante= before, in the presence of. =antemano; de ——= beforehand. =antepasado= ancestor. =anterior= former, previous, preceding. =antes= before, rather. =antesala= antechamber. =anticuado= antiquated. =antiguo= antique, old. =antipodas= m. pl. antipodes =antojar= vr. (with personal =dative=) to have a fancy or desire. =anudar= to knot. =anunciar= to announce. =anadidura= addition; =por ——= in addition. =anadir= to add. =ano= year. =apagar= to extinguish, dim. =apalear= to drub, beat with a stick. =aparatoso= ostentatious, magnificent. =aparecer= to appear. =aparejar= to prepare. =aparente= apparent. =aparicion= apparition, appearance. =apariencia= appearance. =apear= vr. to alight. =apellido= name, surname. =apenas= hardly. =apero= agricultural implements. =apestar= to infect, smell. =apiadar= vr. to pity. =aplastar= to flatten, crush. =apoderar= vr. to take possession. =apodo= nickname. =apoplejia= apoplexy. =apopletico= apoplectic. =aposento= room. =apostol= apostle. =apoyar= to support; vr. to lean. =apoyo= support, prop, protection. =apreciar= to appreciate. =aprehensor= custodian. =aprender= to learn. =apresurar= vr. to hasten. =apretar= to press, urge. =aprisionar= to imprison. =aprovechar= to profit, utilize. =apuntar= to set down, note. =apurar= to drain. =aquel= m. aquella f. aquello n.= that. =aqui= here. =aquilon= m. north wind. =arabe= Arab. =arabigo= Arabic. =arado= plow. =arar= to plow. =arbitrariedad= f. arbitrariness, arbitrary act. =arbol= m. tree. =arca= chest, wooden box, ark. =arco,= arc, arch; =—— iris= rainbow. =arder= to burn. =ardiente= ardent. =ardor= m. ardor, heat. =arena= sand. =arenal= m. sandy ground. =argentino= silvery. =argumento= argument. =arma= arm, weapon. =armar= to arm, to dub (a knight). =armonia= harmony. =arnes= m. harness, trapping. =arcancar= to pull up, wrest, force out. =arranque= m. pulling up, impulse, vehemence. =arrastrar= to drag. =arrebatar= to snatch, carry off, fling. =arrepentir= vr. to repent. =arriba= up, above. =arriero= muleteer. =arrimar= to draw near. =arrodillar= vr. to kneel. =arrojar= to throw. =arrollar= to roll up. =arroyo= brook, rivulet, stream. =arroyuelo= (dim.) brooklet. =arruga= wrinkle. =arruinar= to ruin, demolish. =arrullo= cooing. =arte= m. f. art, artfulness; =malas artes= evil practices. =articular= to articulate. =artista= m. artist. =asador= m. turnspit. =asalto= assault, storm. =ascendiente= forefather. =ascetico= ascetic. =asco= nausea. =asegurar= to secure, assure. =asemejar= vr. to be like. =asasinar= to assassinate. =asesinato= assassination. =asesino= assassin. =asesor= assessor, counselor. =asestar= to aim. =asfixiar= to asphyxiate. =asi= thus, so; —— como as well as, —— que as soon as. =asiento= seat, chair. =asimilable= capable of assimilation. =asir= vr. to seize. =asistente= m. orderly. =asistir= to be present. =asno= ass. =asolador-a= destructive, racking. =asomar= to show; vr. to appear, begin to appear. =asombrar= to amaze. =asombro= amazement. =asombroso= astonishing. =aspero= rough. =aspirar= to aspire. =astilla= splinter. =astro= star, luminous body. =asturiano= of the province of Asturias (in N. Spain.) =asunto= subject, matter. =asustar= to frighten. =atacar= to attack. =atalaya= watchtower. =atar= to tie. =ataud= m. coffin. =atencion= f. attention. =atender= to be attentive, heed. =atentado= attempt, offense. =atento= attentive. =atenuar= to diminish. =ateo= atheist. =aterir= vr. to grow numb. =aterrador-a= terrible. =aterrar= to prostrate, terrify. =atomo= atom. =atonia= weakness. =atraer= to attract. =atrapar= to catch, overtake, =atras= back, backwards. =atravesar= to traverse, cross, pierce, pass through. =atrever= vr. to dare, venture. =atribuir= to attribute. =atributo= attribute. =atronador-a= thundering. =atrepellar= to trample. =atropello= outrage. =audiencia= audience, hearing. =augusto= august, majestic. =aumentar= to augment. =aun= or =aun= still, yet, even. =aunque= although. =ausencia= absence. =austero= austere. =austriaco= Austrian. =automata= m. automaton. =autor-a= author. =autoridad= f. authority. =auxiliar= to aid, assist, attend a dying person. =auxilio= aid. =avanzar= to advance. =avaro= avaricious. =ave= f. bird. =avecindar= to make a neighbor or fellow-citizen. =avergonzar= to shame, abash; vr. to be ashamed. =averiguar= to investigate, find out. =avio= preparation, provision, apparatus. =avisado= sagacious. =avisar= to inform, notify. =ay= alas! =ayer= yesterday. =ayuda= aid, help. =ayudar= to aid. =ayuno= fast, abstinence. =ayuntamiento= town council. =azafate= m. flat (osier) basket. =azotea= platform on roof. =azul= blue. =azulejo= painted tile.
bagaje m. baggage. bahia bay. bailar to dance. baile m. dance. bajar to lower, descend. bajo low; prep. under. bala ball, bullet. balancear to balance. balbucear to stammer. balcon m. balcony. balde; de —— gratis, for nothing. ballena whale. ballenero whaler. bambolear vr. to totter. banco bank. banda band. bandera banner. bandido highwayman. bando faction, party, proclamation. bandolero bandit, highwayman. baqueta ramrod. baratura cheapness. barba chin, beard. barbaro barbarous. barco boat. barra crowbar. barranco ravine; barranquillo (dim.). barreno hole made with a borer or pick. barriga abdomen, belly; barrigon (aug.) barrilla alkali. barro clay, mud. barrunto conjecture. base f. base. Basilio Basil. bastante enough. bastar to suffice. batalla battle. batallon m. battalion. batir to beat vr. to fight. bautismo baptism. bautizar to baptize. bayonetazo thrust with a bayonet. beato blessed, devout, fanatic, obscurantist. beber to drink. bebida drink, beverage. belleza beauty. bendecir to bless. bendicion f. blessing. bendito blessed. besar to kiss. beso kiss. bey (Turkish) governor. biblia bible. biblico biblical. bicho insect. bien well, right, else; m. good, utility, benefit, property, riches; no ——, no sooner; —— que, although. bienhechor-a benefactor. bigote m. mustache. billar m. billiards. billete m. note. bizarria bravery. blanco white. blancura whiteness. blandir to brandish. blando soft, smooth. blanquear to whiten, whitewash. blanquecino whitish. blasfemar to blaspheme. blasfemia blasphemy. bobo stupid, silly. boca mouth. bola ball, globe. boleta soldier's billet. bolsillo pocket, purse. bondadoso kindly. Bonifacio Boniface. bonito pretty. boqueron m. anchovy. boquete m. gap, narrow entrance. bordar to embroider. bordo board (of ship). borrar to blot, efface. borrego lamb. borrico donkey. borroso indistinct. bota boot. bote m. glazed earthen vessel. botella bottle. botica apothecary's shop. boticario apothecary. boveda vault, arch. brazo arm. brena craggy, broken surface. brenal briery or brambly ground. bribon m. rascal. brillante brilliant. brillar to shine. brillo brilliancy. brindar to toast (with wine), vr. to offer. brindis m. toast. brisa breeze. brocal m. curbstone of a well. brotar to germinate, break out. bruma haziness, mist. buenamente easily, by fair means. buenaventura fortune-telling. bueno good. buey m. ox. buitre m. vulture. bullicioso noisy. buque m. vessel. burgomaestre burgomaster. burla jest, mockery. burlar to jest, mock, hoax; vr. to jest, mock, laugh at. burro donkey. busca search. buscar to seek, search. butaca easy-chair.
ca why! why no! really! cabal exact, perfect, accomplished. caballeria cavalry, horses. caballero horseman, knight, gentleman, sir. caballo horse. cabana cabin, hut. cabello hair. caber to be contained, find room, —— duda to be doubtful. cabeza head. cabo chief, leader, corporal, end, stem, cape. cabra goat. cabrero goatherd. cada each, every; —— cual each one. cadaver m. corpse. cadena f. chain. caer to fall; vr. to fall; —— en algo to understand. cafe m. coffee, coffee-house. caid (Arabic) commander of a fort. calabacera pumpkin vine. calabaza pumpkin. calabozo dungeon. calavera skull. calceta stocking, thread under-stocking. calcular to calculate. calculo calculation. calentar to warm, heat. calentura fever. calidad f. quality. caliente hot, fiery. calma calmness. calmoso calm. calor m. heat. calumniador slanderer. caluroso warm, hot. calva bald spot. calzon m. breeches. callar to keep silence, to pass over in silence, vr. to be silent. calle f. street. callejon m. lane, alley. callejuela lane, alley. cama bed. camarada comrade. cambalache m. exchange, barter. cambiar to change, exchange. cambio change, exchange; en —— instead. camilla (dim. of cama) pallet. caminante wayfarer. caminar to travel, walk, march. caminata long walk, journey. camino road, way; —— real, highway campamento camp, encampment. campana bell. campanada sound of a bell. campana campaign. campar to encamp. campear to excel, be eminent. campeon champion. campesino-a rustic, peasant. campina arable land, campaign. campo country, field. canas f. pl. gray hair. canalla f. rabble, m. rogue. cancer m. cancer. cancion f. song. candil m. hanging kitchen lamp. cansar to weary. cantar to sing. cantico canticle, hymn. cantidad f. quantity, number. canto singing, song. cana cane, reed. canada dale, glen. canon m. tube, cannon, barrel. canuto tube. caos chaos. capa cloak. capaz capable. capellan chaplain. capilla chapel. capital m. sum of money at interest; f. capital (chief city). capitan captain. capitania captaincy, captain's office. capitulacion f. capitulation, agreement. capote m. cloak, rain coat. capricho caprice. caprichoso capricious. captura capture. capucha hood, cowl. cara face. carabo Moorish sail-and-row-boat. caracter character. carambano icicle. carbon m. charcoal. carbunclo carbuncle. carcajada burst of laughter. carcel f. prison. cardenal cardinal. cardenalicio pertaining to a cardinal. cardeno livid. carecer to lack, want. carencia want, lack. carga load. cargar to load, burden. cargo charge, care; hacerse —— to keep in mind. caricia caress. caridad f. charity. carino affection. carinoso affectionate. carlista cf. note 3, page 16. Carlos Charles. carnaval m. carnival. carne f. flesh, meat. carnestolendas f. pl. shrovetide. caro dear. carrera career, course. carruaje m. carriage, vehicle. carta letter. casa house. casadero marriageable. casar to give in marriage; vr. to get married. cascada cascade. caseria country house. casero domestic. casi almost. casino cafe. caso case, occasion, attention, position; hacer —— to pay attention. castellano Castilian. castidad f. chastity. castigar to chastise, punish. castillejo small castle. castillo castle. casualidad f. chance. casualmente by chance. casucha wretched hut. catalan, -a Catalan, of Cataluna. catar to taste, examine; cata aqui lo! catedral f. cathedral. catolico Catholic. catorce fourteen. caudal m. property, fortune. causa cause; a —— de because of. causa-habientes (legal) the parties concerned. causar to cause. cauteloso cautious. cautivo captive. caverna cavern. cavidad f. cavity. cavilacion f. reflection. cavilar to consider, hesitate. caviloso thoughtful, perplexed. caza chase. cazador hunter, cavalryman. cebada barley. cebon m. fattened bullock, hog. ceder to yield. cedro cedar. cegar to blind. celda cell. celebrar to celebrate, praise, rejoice. celebre famous. celeste celestial, heavenly. celo zeal; pl. jealousy. cena supper. cenar to sup. cenit m. zenith. ceniza ashes. censo lease. centenar m. a hundred. centenario centenary, a hundred years old. centinela m. f. sentry, sentinel. centro center. centuria century. cera wax. cerca near. cercado inclosure, wall. cercanias f. pl. environs. cercano near. cercar to seek. cerebro brain. cerrar to close, obstruct. cerrazon f. cloudy weather. cerro hill. certificar to certify, register. cerval pertaining to a deer. cesar to cease. cetro scepter. cicatriz f. cicatrice, scar. ciego blind, a ciegas blindly. cielo heaven, sky. cien (== ciento=) hundred. =ciencia= science. =ciento= hundred; =por ——= percent. =cierto= certain; =de ——= with certainty. =cigarro= cigar. =cimiento= foundation. =cinco= five. =cincuenta= fifty. =cinico= cynical. =circular= to circulate. =circulo= circle. =circundar= to surround. =circunstancia= circumstance. =circunstantes= bystanders. =cirio= wax candle. =cisura= incision, cut. =cita= citation, appointment. =ciudad= f. city. =civilizar= to civilize. =claridad= f. clearness. =claro= clear. =clase= f. class, rank. =clavar= to nail, fix. =clemente= clement, merciful. =cobarde= coward, timid. =cobardia= cowardliness. =cobijar= to cover. =cobrar= to recover, collect money. =cobre= m. copper. =cocina= kitchen. =cocinero= cook. =codicioso= covetous. =cofradia= confraternity. =coger= to catch, lay hold of, take up. =cohonestar= to give an honest appearance to. =cola= tail. =colegio= school. =colera= anger. =colgadura= hanging, tapestry. =colgar= to hang. =colmar= to overwhelm, heap up. =colocacion= f. situation, employment. =colocar= to collocate, place. =colonia= colony. =colono= colonist, settler, farmer. =colorado= ruddy. =colorar= to color. =columna= column. =columpio= swinging. =comandante= commander, major. =comarca= district. =combatir= to fight. =combustible= m. fuel. =comensal= m. table companion, fellow-guest. =comenzar= to begin. =comer= to eat. =cometer= to commit. =comico= comic. =comida= dinner. =comienzo= beginning. =comitiva= suite, retinue. =como= how, as, like, when. =compadre= godfather, friend. =companero= companion. =compania= company. =comparar= to compare. =compensar= to compensate. =competente= competent. =complacer= to please; vr. to take pleasure. =complaciente= obliging. =completar= to complete. =completo= complete. =componer= to compose. =comportamento= conduct. =composicion= f. composition, grouping. =comprar= to buy. =comprender= to comprehend. =comprobacion= f. corroboration. =comprobar= to verify. =comprometer= to compromise. =compromiso= compromise, promise. =compuesto= composed; compound. =comun= common. =comunicar= to communicate. =comunidad= f. community. =con= with; =—— que= so then. =concavidad= f. concavity. =concebir= to conceive. =concejal= member of a council. =concentrar= to concentrate. =conciencia= conscience, consciousness. =concierto= concert. =conciliar= to conciliate, reconcile. =concluir= to conclude, end. =concurso= concourse, crowd. =concha= shell. =conde= count. =condena= condemnation, sentence. =condenacion= f. condemnation. =condenar= to condemn, damn. =condensar= to condense. =condiscipulo= fellow-scholar. =conducir= to conduct. =conducta= conduct. =conejo= rabbit. =conferencia= conference. =confesar= to confess. =confianza= confidence. =confiar= to confide. =confin= m. confine, boundary, limit. =conforme= in agreement, agreed. =confundir= to confound. =congenito= congenital, innate. =conjuro= conjuration, exorcism. =conmigo= with me, with myself. =conmover= to move. =conocer= to know, recognize. =conocimiento= knowledge, consciousness. =conque= (= con que) so then, so. conquista conquest. conquistador conqueror. consagrar to consecrate, devote. consecuencia consequence. conseguir to attain, obtain, succeed. consejo counsel, advice, council. conservar to preserve. considerar to consider, view. consigna watchword, order. consigo with himself, herself, themselves. consiguiente consequent; por —— consequently. consistir to consist. consolar to console. consorcio partnership, society. consorte consort, partner. constar to be evident or certain. construccion f. construction, edifice. construir to construct, build. consuelo consolation. consul consul, member of the tribunal of commerce. consumir to consume. consumo consumption. contar to count, recount, relate. contemplar to contemplate. contener to contain, repress. contentar to content. contento content; m. pleasure. contestacion f. answer. contestar to answer. contigo with thee (you). continente continent. continuar to continue. continuo continuous. contra against. contraer to contract. contrario contrary. contrata contract. contratiempo misfortune, mischance. contribucion f. tax. convencer to convince. conveniente useful, fitting, proper. convenir to agree, fit, suit. convento convent. convertir to convert. convicto convicted. convidar to invite. convoy m. convoy, escort, train. copa cup. copla couplet, ballad, song. corazon m. heart. cordillera chain of mountains. corneta cornet; —— de llaves cornet-a-pistons. corona crown. coronar to crown. coronel colonel. coronilla crown of the head. corral m. yard. correo mail, post-office. correr to run. correspondiente corresponding, appropriate, own. corriente all right; f. current. corro group, circle. cortar to cut. corte f. court, capital; f. pl. legislative assembly. cortesia courtesy. corto short, slight. corzo deer. cosa thing. cosecha harvest, crop. costa cost, coast. costar to cost. coste m. expense. costumbre f. custom, habit. crear to create. credencial f. credentials. credito credit, belief. creencia belief. creer to believe. crepusculo twilight. creyente believer. criado, -a servant. criador creator. criar to create, produce, raise. criatura creature. crimen m. crime. crispar to clench. cristal m. crystal, glass, pane. cristiano, -a Christian. Cristo Christ. critica criticism. crucifijo crucifix. crudo raw, cruel. crueldad f. cruelty. crujiente crackling. crujir to creak, crack, crackle. cruz f. cross. cruzado crusader. cruzar to cross, cruise. cuadro square, picture, platoon. cual which, who, like; —— si as if. cualquier, -a any one, some one, whichever; de —— modo any way. cuan how. cuando when. cuanto how much, as much, how; en —— a as regards. cuarenta forty. cuarentena quarantine. cuartel m. quarter. cuarto fourth; m. quarter, room. cuatro four. cuatrocientos, -as four hundred. cubil m. lair. cubrir to cover. cucaracha woodlouse. cuclillas; en —— crouching. cucurbitaceo (like a) gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, etc. cuello neck. cuenca socket. cuenta account, reckoning. cuento tale, story. cuerda cord, rope. cuerno horn. cuerpo body, corps. cuesta hill. cueva cave, cellar. cuidado care, solicitude, attention. cuidadoso careful, solicitous. cuidar to care for. culata breech of a gun. culebra snake. culpable guilty. culpado transgressor. cultivar to cultivate. culto worship. cumbre f. summit. cumplir to fulfill. cuna cradle. cupula cupola, dome. cura m. priest. curar to cure, care for. curial m. one in a subaltern office in a court. curiosidad f. curiosity. curioso curious, inquisitive. curso course, current. cuspide f. tip. custodiar to guard. cuyo whose, of whom, of which, whereof.
chancilleria chancery (court). chaquetilla jacket. charlar to talk, chatter. chico small. chicuelo (dim.) youngster. chimenea chimney, fireplace. chispeante flashing. chispear to flash, sparkle. chiste m. jest. chocar to shock, strike, strike together. chochear to dote. chorreada sprinkling. chorreadita (dim.) sprinkling. chorrear to spout, ooze. choza hut, cottage. chumbo (higo) Indian fig. chupar to suck.
=D.= = Don. danino noxious, hurtful. dano damage. dar to give, strike, communicate. —— con hit upon, find. —— en land in, strike into. de of, from, by, as, with, than, to. debajo under, underneath. deber to owe, be obliged, be about to, be destined to, have to. debil weak, feeble. debilidad f. weakness. decidir to decide. decir to say. decisivo decisive. declarar to declare. decolorar to lose color. decorativo ornamental. decrepito decrepit. decreto decree. dedicar to dedicate, devote. dedo finger. deducir to deduce, infer. defender to defend. defensa defense. defensor m. defender. degollar to cut the throat, behead. deicida deicidal. dejar to leave, let, omit; —— de to fail, omit; dejarse de to leave off. delante before, in front of. delgado thin, delicate. delicioso delicious, delightful. delirar to rave, be mad. delirio delirium. delito crime. demas rest, other, others. demasiado too, too much. demoledor m. one who demolishes. demoler to demolish. demonio demon, devil. demostrar to demonstrate, show. demudar to change. denotar to denote, indicate. denso dense. dentro within; por —— inside. denuncia denunciation, accusation. denunciar to denounce. deposito place of deposit, station. depravar to deprave. derecho right, straight; m. right, law. derramar to spill, waste. derretir to melt. derribar to demolish, raze. derrota rout, defeat. derrotar to rout, defeat. derrumbar to precipitate. derwich dervish. desabrido insipid, tasteless, peevish. desafio challenge, duel. desaforado huge, disorderly. desangrar to bleed. desapacible disagreeable, harsh. desaparecer to disappear. desarrollar to unroll, develop. desatar to untie, loosen. desazonar to disgust, make ill-humored. desbordar to overflow. descalzo barefooted. descansar to rest, repose. descanso repose. descarga discharge, volley. descargar to discharge, unload. descarnar to strip off the flesh. descender to descend. descendiente descending, descendent. descendimiento descent. descerrajar to discharge, fire. descifrar to decipher. descolgar to unhang, let down, unfasten. descomunal uncommon. desconfiar to mistrust, suspect. desconocer not know, be ignorant. desconocido unknown. describir to describe. descubrir to discover, uncover. descuidar to neglect, not to be anxious. desde since, after, from. desdicha misfortune. desear to desire. desembarcar to disembark. desembocar to empty, pour. desencajar to force from its place, socket, etc. desencanto disenchantment, disillusion. desenfado facility, boldness. desenganar to undeceive. desengano undeceiving, disillusion. desenojar to appease, placate. desenterrar to disinter. desentumecer to relieve of numbness or swelling. desenvolver to unfold. deseo desire, wish. deseoso desirous. desertar to desert. desesperacion f. despair. desesperador, -a causing despair, desperate. desfallecer to weaken, grow faint. desfavorable unfavorable. desfilar to defile, march. desgajar to lop off. desgarrador, -a heart-rending. desgracia misfortune. desgraciado unfortunate, unhappy. deshacer to undo, destroy, melt. deshielo thaw. deshonrar to dishonor. desierto desert. designar to designate. deslenguado free-tongued, loquacious. deslizar to slip, glide. deslucir to dim, tarnish, obscure. desmantelado ruined. desmoronar to destroy, demolish. desnudar to strip. desnudo naked, bare. desoir not to hear or heed. despachar to dispatch, despatch, make haste, sell. despacho office. despacio slowly. desparpajo pertness. desparramar to spread. despavorido frightened. despedazar to tear to pieces. despedida farewell, leave-taking. despedir to dismiss; vr. to take leave. despegar to detach, to stand out, to set well. despejar to clear. despensa pantry. despertar to wake, awake. desplegar to unfold, display. desplomar vr. to fall. despojo spoils, remains. desprecio scorn, contempt. desprender to loosen. despreocupar to free from prejudice. despues after, afterwards. destacar to detach. destapar to uncover. destartalado sorry-looking. destello sparkle. destierro banishment. destinar to destine. destino destiny, destination, position. destrozar to break or tear into pieces. destruir to destroy. desusado unusual. desvanecer to undo, dissolve, make vain or proud. desventura misfortune. detener to detain, stop; vr. to stop, halt. detestar to detest. detras behind. deuda debt. devocion f. devotion, piety. devolver to return, restore. devorar to devour. dia m. day. diablo devil. diabolico diabolical. diafanidad f. transparency. dialogo dialogue. diario daily. dibujo drawing, sketch. dictado title. dictar to dictate. dicterio sarcasm, insult. dicha happiness. dicho (fr. decir) the said, aforesaid, the same. dichoso happy. diente m. tooth. diez ten. diferenciar to differentiate. dificultad f. difficulty. difunto dead. digerir to digest. dignarse to deign, condescend. dignidad f. dignity. digno worthy. dilatar to dilate, spread out. diligencia business, stagecoach. diminuto small. dineral large sum of money. dinero money. dios, -a god, goddess. diputado deputy, representative. dirigir to direct, address; vr. to address oneself, betake oneself. discipulo disciple, pupil. disco disk. discurso discourse, talk. disfrutar to enjoy. disgustar to disgust, offend. disimular to dissemble, hide. disipar to dissipate. disparate m. absurdity, incoherence. disponer to dispose, prepare, fit. disputa dispute. disputar to dispute. distancia distance. distante distant. distar to be distant. distincion f. distinction. distinguir to distinguish. distintivo distinctive mark. distinto distinct, different. disuadir to dissuade. divertido amusing. dividir to divide. divino divine. divisar to perceive, descry. doblar to double, fold, bend, give way. doble double, m. passing bell, knell. doblegar to bend, curve. doce twelve. doctrina doctrine. documento document. dolor pain, grief. doloroso sorrowful, painful. domar to subdue. domicilio home. dominar to dominate, rule. domingo Sunday. dominio domain. don m. don, sir. donde where, whence, whither. donoso pleasing, airy. dorado golden. dorar to gild. dormir to sleep, vr. to fall asleep. dos two. doscientos, -as two hundred. dosis f. dose. dotar to endow. duda doubt. dudar to doubt. duende m. wizard. dueno owner, master. dulce sweet, gentle. dulcificar to sweeten, soften. dulzura sweetness, gentleness. duque duke. durante during. durar to last. duro hard, cruel; m. dollar.
=e= = =y= and (before i or hi). ebrio inebriated. ebulliciente overflowing. eclipsar to eclipse. eco echo. economico economical. ecuador m. equator. echar to throw, pour, bud, shoot; vr. to begin. edad f. age. edicto edict. edificar to build. edificio building. educar to educate. efectivamente in fact, truly. efectivo effective. efecto effect; con —— in fact. efigie f. effigy, image. egoismo egotism, selfishness. egoista m. egotist. eh eh, up. eje m. axis. ejecucion f. execution. ejemplar m. example, sample, ejemplo example. ejercicio exercise. ejercito army. el m. la f. lo n. the. el m. ella f. ello n. he, she, it. elector m. voter. elegante elegant. elegir to elect, choose. elemento element. elevar to elevate. elocuente eloquent. embalsamado balmy, odorous. embarcar to embark. embargo; sin —— (de) notwithstanding. emborrachar to intoxicate. emigrar to emigrate. empellon m. push. empenar to pledge; vr. to persist, intercede. empeorar to make or grow worse. emperador emperor. empero yet, however. empezar to begin. emplazar to set a time and place for meeting. emplear to employ. empleo employment. empolvar to cover with dust. emprender to undertake. empresa enterprise. empunadura hilt. empunar to clutch. en in. encadenar to chain. encaminar to guide; vr. to set out. encanecer to grow gray. encantador, -a enchanting, charming. encanto charm. encapotar to shroud. encarar vr. to face. encarecimiento urgency. encargar to charge, commission, entrust. encargo charge, commission. encarnacion f. incarnation. encarnado red; m. flesh-color. encender to kindle, light. encerrar to shut up, lock up, contain. encierro confinement, prison. encima above, over, at the top. encina evergreen oak. encoger to contract, shrug. encolerizar to provoke, anger. encomendar to recommend. encontrar to encounter, meet; vr. find. encorvar to bend. encuentro encounter, meeting. endemoniado devilish, confounded. enderezar to direct, set right, address. endiablado diabolical. endurecer to harden. enea reed, rush. enemigo, -a enemy. energia energy. energico energetic. enero January. enfatico emphatic. enfermedad f. illness. enfermo sick. enganar to deceive, cheat. engrandecer to aggrandize. enjugar to dry, wipe. enjuto dried up. enlazar to join, unite. enloquecer to madden. enojar to irritate, anger. enorgullecer vr. to be proud. enorme enormous. enredar to entangle, complicate. enrevesado difficult, obscure. enristrar to couch a lance, etc. enrojecer to redden. enronquecer to make hoarse; vr. grow hoarse. ensalada salad. ensenar to teach, show. entablar to begin. entablillar to secure with boards. entender to understand; vr. to come to an understanding, to understand. enterar to inform; vr. learn. enternecer to soften, to move. entero entire. enterrar to bury. entibiar to cool. entoldar to cover with an awning. entonces then. entrada entrance. entranas f. pl. entrails, one's own flesh and blood. entrar to enter. entre between; por —— among. entrecortar to interrupt. entregar to deliver, hand over. entretanto meanwhile. entristecer to sadden. entuerto tort, injustice. entusiasmo enthusiasm. envenenar to poison. enviado envoy, messenger. enviar to send. envidioso envious. envoltorio bundle. envolver to involve, wrap. epilogo epilogue. episodio episode. epistola epistle. epoca epoch, time. equidad f. equity. equinoccio equinox. equipaje m. baggage. equitacion f. horsemanship. equivocar vr. to mistake. erguir to erect, raise up straight. erial m. unfilled ground. ermita hermitage. esbirro bailiff, guard. escalera staircase. escalon m. step of a stair. escapar vr. to escape. escape m. escape, flight; a todo —— at full speed. escarabajo beetle. escarbar to scratch. escarlata scarlet. escaso scanty, defective, slight. escena scene. esceptico skeptical. esclavo, -a slave. escoba broom. Escocia Scotland. escombro ruins, rubbish. esconder to hide. escopeta gun. escorbuto scurvy. escorpion m. scorpion. escribano notary. escribir to write. escrito writing. escritor writer. escritura writing, lease. escuchar to listen. escuela school. esculpir to carve. ese m. esa f. eso n. that. esfera sphere. esfuerzo effort. esmero careful attention. espacio space. espada sword. espalda shoulder, back. espantar to frighten. espanto terror, horror. espantoso frightful. Espana Spain. espanol, -a Spanish. esparcir to scatter. esparrago asparagus. especialidad f. specialty. especie f. species. espectaculo spectacle. espectador m. spectator. espeler to expel. espera waiting, expectation. esperanza hope. esperanzar to inspire hope. esperar to hope, expect, wait. espeso thick. espesor m. thickness. espiritu m. spirit. espirituoso spirituous. esplendoroso splendid. esposa wife, handcuff. espuma foam, froth. esquilador m. sheep-shearer. estado state. estafar to deceive, defraud. estalagmita stalagmite. estancia dwelling, room. estandarte m. standard, banner. estanquero tobacconist. estar to be. estatua statue. este m. esta f. esto n. this; en esto at this moment. estercolar to manure. estiercol m. manure, fertilizer. estilo style. estio summer. estomago stomach. estorbar to hinder, trouble. estrangular to strangle. estrechar to compress, press, clasp. estrecho narrow, close, m. strait. estrella star. estremecer to shudder, tremble. estrenar to use for the first time. estrepito noise. estructura structure. estruendo noise, clamor. estudiante m. student. estudiar to study. estupefacto amazed. estupendo stupendous, marvelous. estupido stupid, stupefied. esturion m. sturgeon. eternidad f. eternity. eterno eternal. Europa Europe. europeo European. evitar to avoid. exacto exact. exagerar to exaggerate. examinar to examine. exasperar to exasperate. excavar to excavate. exceder to exceed, go beyond. excelencia excellence, Excellency. excelente excellent. excitar to excite. exclamar to exclaim. excomulgar to excommunicate. excomunion f. excommunication. excusado superfluous, needless. excusar to avoid, dispense with, deem unnecessary. existencia existence. existir to exist. expeler to expel. experimentar to experience, feel. expirante dying. expirar to die. explayar to extend, dilate. explicacion f. explanation. explicar to explain. exponer to expose, explain, declare. expresar to express. expresion f. expression; pl. regards. expresivo expressive, affectionate, demonstrative. exquisito exquisite. extender to extend, draw up. extenuar to debilitate. exterminar to exterminate. extraer to extract. extranjero stranger. extranar to find strange, wonder at. extrano strange, foreign, singular. extremo extreme; m. extreme.
faccion f. faction, insurrection, insurrectionary party. faccioso rebellious, insurgent. facil easy, probable. facineroso wicked, criminal. facha appearance, aspect. faena task, labor. faja sash, band, belt. falda skirt, lap. falsario falsifier. falso false. falta want, lack. faltar to be wanting, fail to keep a promise. faltriquera pocket. falucho sailboat. fallecer to die. fama fame. familia family. famoso famous. fandango fandango (Spanish dance). fanega acre, bushel. fantasma m. phantasm, vision. farmaceutico druggist. fatiga fatigue. fatigar to fatigue. fatuo fatuous, vain, false; fuego —— ignis fatuus, will o' the wisp. faz f. face. fe f. faith, certificate; a —— mia upon my honor; a —— que in truth. febrero February. fecundo fruitful, fertile. fecha date. fechoria action, misdeed. fehacientes (faith-inspiring) conclusive. felicidad f. happiness. felicitar to congratulate. feligresia parish. feliz happy. feo ugly. Fernando Ferdinand. fervoroso fervent. festonear to festoon. fianza guarantee, security. fiar to trust, intrust. fiebre f. fever. fiel faithful, loyal. fiera wild beast. fiesta feast, festivity. figle m. ophicleide (wind instrument). figura figure, shape. figurar to figure, represent, imagine. fijar to fix, fasten. fijo fixed, firm. fila line of soldiers. filiacion f. description. fin m. end; en ——, por —— finally, lastly, in fine; a fin (de) in order. fingir to feign. fino fine, delicate, polite. firmamento firmament, sky. firmar to sign, subscribe. firme firm, strong. fisco fisc, exchequer. fisico physical. fisonomia physiognomy. flaco lean. flamenco Flemish. flamula banner. flojo lax, feeble. flor f. flower. flotante floating. fluir to flow. foco focus, center. fondo bottom, back, background; a —— thoroughly. forastero stranger. forma form. formacion f. formation. formal genuine, serious, grave. formar to form. formalidad f. seriousness. fortificar to strengthen, fortify. fosforico phosphoric, phosphorescent. fracasar to shatter. fracturar to break. fragmento fragment. fraile friar; frailuco (bad) friar. francachela revelry, intemperance. frances, -a French. Francia France. Francisco Francis. francmason freemason. frase f. phrase, sentence. fratricida fratricidal. frecuente frequent. freir to fry. frenetico frantic. frente f. front, forehead; —— a, facing. fresal m. strawberry plant. fresco fresh, cool. frescura freshness, impudence. frio cold, frigid, m. cold, chill. frito (from freir) fried. frivolo frivolous. frontera frontier. fruta fruit. fruto fruit. fuego fire. fuer; a fuer de, in the manner of. fuera without, outside; ifuera! away with; por ——, outside. fuerte strong, vigorous, forcible. fuerza force, strength, violence; a —— de, by dint of. fugitivo fugitive. fulano, -a, such a one, so-and-so. fulgente brilliant. fulgor m. splendor, resplendence. fulgurar to shine, emit flashes. fulminante fulminating, thunder-striking, flashing. fumar to smoke. fundamento foundation. fundar to found, establish. fundir to melt, fuse. funebre mournful, funereal. furia fury. furioso furious. furor m. fury. fusil m. gun. fusilar to shoot.
gabacho Frenchman (term of derision). gabinete m. cabinet, small room. galera wagon, stagecoach. gallego Galician. gallina hen. gana appetite, desire, pleasure. ganado cattle. ganancia gain. ganar to gain, win. garrapato pothook. gastar to spend. gatillo trigger. gato, -a cat. gemir to groan. gendarme civil guard, guardsman. genero genus, kind. generoso generous. genio genius, temper. gente f. people, (troops). gesto gesture. girar to gyrate, turn round. gitano gypsy; gitanico (dim.). globo globe. gloria glory. glorioso glorious. gobierno government. golpe m. blow; golpecito (dim.) tap. golleria dainty, excess in eating. gordo fat, corpulent. gorjeo quaver, chirp. gorra bonnet, cap. gorro cap. gozar to enjoy. gozoso joyous. gracia grace, pardon; pl. thanks. grado degree. graduar to grade, estimate. granadero grenadier. granadino of Granada. grande (gran) great, big, grown-up. grandeza grandeur, greatness. grandioso grand, magnificent. grano grain. gratuito gratuitous. grave weighty, serious, grievous. gremio guild. grillo cricket; pl. fetters. gris gray. gritar to cry. griteria outcry, yelling. grito cry, shout. groenlandero of Greenland. Groenlandia Greenland. grosero coarse, rough. grotesco grotesque. grueso bulky, large, coarse. grupa back (of horse). grupo group. gruta grotto. guante m. glove. guardar to guard, keep, put away; vr. to be upon one's guard. guardia guard, watch. guardian m. keeper, guardian. guarida lurking place, lair. guerra war. guiar to guide. guillotina guillotine. guindilla small red pepper; m. policeman (slang). guinar to wink. guisa guise; a —— de, by way of. guisar to cook, prepare. guitarra guitar. gustar to taste, like, please. gusto taste, pleasure.
haber to have, to be; —— de, to have to, be going to; hay, etc. there is. habitante m. inhabitant, dweller. habitar to inhabit. habito dress, habit. habla speech, language. hablar to speak. hacer to do, make; vr. to become; hace (etc.) ago. hacha ax, hatchet. hachazo blow with an ax. hacia toward. hacienda landed property, wealth. hallar to find. hallazgo (lucky) find. hambre f. hunger. hambriento hungry. haraposo ragged. harto enough, quite. hasta until, as far as, up to, even. hato clothes, provisions, bundle. he (—— aqui) behold, here is. hebreo Hebrew. hecho feat, deed, fact. helada frost. helar to freeze. heredad f. cultivated ground. heredar to inherit. heredero, -a heir. herencia heritage. herir to wound, strike. hermano, -a brother, sister. hermoso beautiful. heroe hero. heroico heroic. heroismo heroism. hetico hectic, consumptive. hielo ice, frost. hierba grass. hierro iron. higo fig. higuera fig tree. hijo, -a son, daughter; pl. children. hilar to spin. hilo thread. himno hymn. hipocrita m. f. hypocrite. hipotesis f. hypothesis. hisopo holy water sprinkler. historia history, story; historieta (dim.) tale. hogar m. hearth, home. hoguera bonfire. hoja leaf. hola holla! hollar to trample, tread on. hombre man. hombro shoulder. hondo profound, deep. honesto honest. honrado honest, honorable. honrar to honor. honroso honorable. hora hour, o'clock. horca gallows. horizonte m. horizon. hormiga ant. hormigon m. fine plaster. hornilla stew hole (over hearth). horrorizar to horrify. horroroso horrid. hortelano gardener, horticulturist. hospedaje m. lodging, hospitality. hoy to-day. hoyo hole, pit, dimple. hueco hollow. huerfano, -a orphan. huerta orchard, garden. hueso bone. huesped, -a guest. hueste f. host. huevo egg. huir to fly. humanidad f. humanity. humano human, humane. humedad f. humidity. humildad f. humility. humilde humble. humillar to humble. humo smoke, fume. humor m. humor, liquid. hundir to submerge, sink. huracan m. hurricane.
identico identical. identificar to identify. idioma m. language. iglesia church; iglesita (dim.). ignorar to be ignorant of, not know. igual equal. ilimitado limitless. iluminar to illuminate. ilusion f. illusion. ilustre illustrious. imaginar to imagine. imbecil imbecile, foolish; m. fool. imitar to imitate. impaciente impatient. impedir to impede, prevent, hinder. imperar to rule. imperio empire, authority. imperioso imperious. imperterrito intrepid. impio impious. imponente imposing. imponer to impose. importancia importance. importar to import, matter. impropio improper, unfit. improvisar to extemporize. impulsar to impel, push. impunidad f. impunity. inaccion f. inaction. incendiar to kindle, set on fire. incentivo incentive, incitement. incesantemente continually. inclinar to incline, lean. incluso inclosed, included. incoar to begin. incomodar to disturb, inconvenience. inconcuso indisputable. incorrupto unspoiled. incrustar to incrust, grow fast. indecente indecent, improper. indecible inexpressible, unspeakable. indefinido indefinite. independencia independence. independiente independent. indicacion f. indication, hint. indicar to indicate. indiferencia indifference. indignar to irritate, provoke. individualizar to individualize. indole f. nature. indudable undoubted, beyond doubt. indulgencia indulgence. indulto pardon. inerme unarmed, disarmed. inescrutable inscrutable. inextinguible inextinguishable. infalibilidad f. infallibility. infame infamous. infanteria infantry. infantil infantine, childish. infeliz unhappy. infierno hell. infinito infinite. inflamar to inflame. informe m. information. infortunado unfortunate. infortunio misfortune. infundir to infuse, inspire. ingles, -a English. ingratitud f. ingratitude. inhumanidad f. inhumanity, cruel act. ininteligible unintelligible. injusticia injustice. inmediaciones f. pl. vicinity. inmediato immediate. inmensidad f. immensity. inmenso immense. inmortal immortal. inmortalidad f. immortality. inmotivado without motive, ungrounded. inmovil motionless. inmovilidad f. immobility. inofensivo inoffensive, innocent. insecto insect. insensato mad, senseless. insigne notable, great. insignia badge, insignia. insoportable insupportable. inspirar to inspire. instante m. instant. instintivo instinctive. instruir to instruct, educate. insultante insulting. insulto insult. insuperable insuperable, insurmountable. intenso intense. intento purpose, design; de —— on purpose. interes m. interest. interesante interesting. interior interior, internal. interlocutor m. speaker. interponer to interpose. interprete m. interpreter. interrogar to question. interrumpir to interrupt. intervalo interval. intervenir to intervene, take part. intimar to intimate, to be intimate. inundar to inundate. inusitado unusual. inutil useless. invadir to invade. invasor m. invader. inventar to invent. invierno winter. invitar to invite. ir to go; vr. to go away, depart; ir (with present part.), to go on —ing. iris m. rainbow. ironia irony. ironico ironic. irrealizable unrealizable. irritar to irritate. isla island. islamita m. Mohammedan. Italia Italy. italiano Italian. izquierdo left. |