On my return home I was much surprised and gratified to find in my own house, framed and glazed, a very clever small-sized portrait in crayon, which at once struck me a a fac-simile (or nearly so) of the engraving I had seen at Lansdowne Lodge.
Your correspondent C. in p. 219. appears very sceptical about this female Methuselah! and speaks of a reputed portrait at Windsor "as a gross imposition, being really that of an old man"—
"Non nostrum tantus componere lites:"
but I would remind your correspondent C. that such longevity is not impossible, and the traditions of the Countess of Desmond are widely diffused. The portrait in my possession is not unlike an old man; but old ladies, like old hen pheasants, are apt to put on the semblance of the male.
Aristophanes on the Modern Stage (Vol. iii., p. 105.).—In reply to a Query of our correspondent C. J. R., I beg leave to state, that, after having made inquiry on the subject, I cannot find that any of the Comedies of Aristophanes have ever been introduced upon the English stage, although I agree with him in thinking that some of them might be advantageously adapted to the modern theatre; and I am more confirmed in this opinion from having witnessed at the Odeon in Paris, some years since, a dramatic piece, entitled "Les Nuees d'Aristophane," which had a great run there. It was not a literal translation from the Greek author, but a kind of melange, drawn from the Clouds and Plutus together. The characters of Socrates and his equestrian son were very well performed; but the scenic accessories I considered very meagre, particularly the choral part, which must have been so striking and beautiful in the original of the former drama. Upon my return to England I wrote to the then lessee of Drury Lane Theatre, recommending a similar experiment on our stage from the free version by Wheelwright, published some time before by the late D. A. Talboys, of Oxford. The answer I received was, that the manager had then too much on his hands to admit of his giving time to such an undertaking, which I still think might be a successful one (as is the case with the "Antigone" {251} of Sophocles, so often represented at Berlin), and such as to ensure the favourable attention of an English audience, particularly as the subject turns so much upon the danger and uselessness of the meteoric or visionary education, then so prevalent at Athens.
Dusseldorf, March 6.
Denarius Philosophorum (Vol. iii., p. 168.).—Bishop Thornborough may have been thus styled from his attachment to alchemy and chemistry. One of his publications is thus entitled:
"Nihil, Aliquid, Omnia, in Gratiam eorum qui Artem Auriferam Physico-chymice et pie, profitentur." Oxon. 1621.
Another part of his monumental inscription is singular. On the north side are, or were, these words and figures—"In uno, 2^o 3^a 4^r 10—non spirans spero."
"He was," says Wood, "a great encourager of Bushall in his searches after mines and minerals:"
and Richardson speaks of this prelate as—
"Rerum politicarum potius quam Theologicarum et artis Chemicae peritia Clarus."
J. H. M.
On a Passage in the Tempest (Vol. ii., pp. 259. 299. 337. 429. 499.).—If you will allow me to offer a conjecture on a subject, which you may think has already been sufficiently discussed in your pages, I shall be glad to submit the following to the consideration of your readers.
The passage in the Tempest, Act III. Scene 1., as quoted from the first folio, stands thus:
"I forget: But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labours Most busie lest, when I do it."
This was altered in the second folio to
"Most busie least, when I do it."
Instead of which Theobald proposes,—
"Most busyless, when I do it."
But "busyless" is not English. All our words ending in less (forming adjectives), are derived from Anglo-Saxon nouns; as love, joy, hope, &c., and never from adjectives.
My conjecture is that Shakespeare wrote—
"I forget: But these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labour's Most business, when I do it."
"Most" being used in the sense of "greatest," as in Henry VI., Pt. I., Act IV. Scene 1., (noticed by Steevens):—
"But always resolute in most extremes."
Thus the change of a single syllable is sufficient to make good English, good sense, and good metre of a passage which is otherwise defective in these three particulars. It retains the s in "labours," keeps the comma in its place, and provides that antecedent for "it," which was justly considered necessary by MR. SINGER.
30. Upper Gower Street.
Meaning of Waste-book (Vol. iii., pp. 118, 195.).—Richard Dafforne, of Northampton, in his very curious
"Merchant's Mirrour, or Directions for the Perfect Ordering and Keeping of his Accounts; framed by way of Debitor and Creditor after the (so tearmed) Italian Manner, containing 250 rare Questions, with their Answers in the form of a Dialogue; as likewise a Waste Book, with a complete Journal and Ledger thereunto appertaining;"
annexed to Malyne's Consuetudo vel Lex Mercatoria, edit. 1636, folio, gives rather a different explanation of the origin of the term "waste-book" to that contained in the answer of your last correspondent. "WASTE-BOOK," he observes,
"So called, because, when the Matter is written into the Journall, then is this Book void, and of no esteeme, especially in Holland; where the buying people firme not the Waste-book, as here our nation doe in England."
Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Craigs (Vol. iii., p. 119.).—L. M. M. R. is informed that there is a tradition of King Arthur having defeated the Saxons in the neighbourhood of this hill, to the top of which he ascended for the purpose of viewing the country.
In the Encyclopaedia Britannica we have another explanation also (sub voce), as follows:—
"Arthur's Seat is said to be derived, or rather corrupted, from A'rd Seir, a 'place or field of arrows,' where people shot at a mark: and this not improperly; for, among these cliffs is a dell, or recluse valley, where the wind can scarcely reach, now called the Hunter's Bog, the bottom of it being a morass."
The article concludes thus:
"The adjacent crags are supposed to have taken their name from the Earl of Salisbury; who, in the reign of Edward III., accompanied that prince in an expedition against the Scots."
But query "a height of earth;" "earthes" (an old form of the genitive), or "airthes height," not unnaturally corrupted to "Arthur's Seat."
W. T. M.
Salisbury Craigs.—Craiglockhart Hill and Craigmillar Castle, both in the neighbourhood of the Craigs, are all so called from the Henry de Craigmillar, who built the castle (now in ruins) in the twelfth century. There is a charter in the reign of Alexander II., in 1212, by William, son of Henry de Craigmillar, to the monastery of Dunfermline, which is the earliest record of the castle.
Meaning of "Harrisers" (Vol. ii., p. 376.).—I am told that the practice which CLERICUS RUSTICUS {252} speaks of, holds in Yorkshire, but not the name.
In Devon a corn-field, which has been cut and cleared, is called an "arrish." A vacant stubblefield is so called during the whole of the autumn months.
Your correspondent suggests "arista;" can he support this historically? If not, it is surely far-fetched. Let me draw attention to a word in our English Bible, which has been misunderstood before now by readers who were quite at home in the original languages: "earing nor harvest" (Genesis). Without some acquaintance with the earlier forms of our mother tongue, one is liable to take earing to mean the same as "harvest," from the association of ears of corn. But it is the substantive from the Anglo-Saxon verb erian, to plough, to till: so that "earing nor harvest" = "sowing nor reaping." From erian we may pass on to arare, and from that to arista: in the long pedigree of language they are scarcely unconnected: but the Anglo-Saxon is not derived from the Latin; they are, each in its own language, genuine and independent forms. But it is curious to see what an attraction these distant cousins have for one another, let them only come within each other's sphere of gravitation.
In, Yorkshire the verb to earland is still a living expression; and a Yorkshireman, who has more Saxon than Latin in him, will not write "arable land," but "earable land." A Yorkshire clergyman tells me that this orthography has been perpetuated in a local act of parliament of no very ancient date.
Putting all these facts together, I am inclined to think that "arrish" must first mean "land for tillage;" and that the connexion of the word with "gleaning" or "gleaners" is the effect of association, and therefore of later date.
But it must be observed, there is a difference between "arrish" and "harrisers." Can it be shown that Dorset-men are given to aspirating their words? Besides this, there is a great difference between "arrissers" and "arrishers" for counties so near as Dorset and Devon. And again, while I am quite familiar with the word "arrish," I never heard "arrishers," and I believe it is unknown in Devonshire.
J. E.
Harrisers or Arrishers.—Doubtless, by this time, some dozen Devonshire correspondents will have informed you, for the benefit of CLERICUS RUSTICUS, that arrishers is the term prevailing in that county for "stubble." The Dorset harrisers are therefore, perhaps, the second set of gleaners, who are admitted to the fields to pick up from the stubble, or arrishes, the little left behind by the reapers' families. A third set of gleaners has been admitted from time immemorial, namely, the Anser stipularis, which feeds itself into plump condition for Michaelmas by picking up, from between the stubble, the corns which fell from the ears during reaping and sheaving. The Devonshire designation for this excellent sort of poultry—known elsewhere as "stubble geese"—is "arrish geese."
The derivation of the word must be left to a better provinial philologist than
W. H. W.
Chaucer's "Fifty Wekes" (Vol. iii., p. 202.).—A. E. B.'s natural and ingeniously-argued conjecture, that Chaucer, by the "fifty wekes" of the Knightes Tale, "meant to imply the interval of a solar year,"—whether we shall rest in accepting the poet's measure of time loosely and poetically, or (which I would gladly feel myself authorised to do) find in it, with your correspondent, an astronomical and historical reason,—is fully secured by the comparison with Chaucer's original.
The Theseus of Boccaccio says, appointing the listed fight:
"E TERMINE vi sia a cio donato D'UN ANNO INTERO."
To which the poet subjoins:
"E cosi fu ordinato."
See TESEIDE, v. 98.
A. L. X.
The Almond Tree, &c. (Vol. iii., p. 203.).—The allusions in Hall's poem, stanzas iii. & v., refer to the fine allegorical description of human decrepitude in Ecclesiastes, xii. 5, 6., when
"'The almond tree shall flourish' (white hairs), and 'the silver cord shall be loosed,' and 'the golden bowl broken,' and 'the mourners shall go about the streets.'"
The pertinence of these solemn figures has been sufficiently explained by biblical commentators. It is to be presumed that the reference to a source so well known as the Bible would have occurred at once to the Querist, had not the allusions, in the preceding stanza, to the heathen fable of Medea, diverted his thoughts from that more familiar channel.
[Similar explanations have been kindly furnished by S. C., HERMES, P. K., R. P., J. F. M., J. D. A., and also by W. (2), who refers to Mead's Medica Sacra for an explanation of the whole passage.]
St. Thomas's Onions (Vol. iii., p. 187.).—In reference to the Query, Why is St. Thomas frequently mentioned in connexion with onions? I fancy the reason to be this. There is a variety of the onion tribe commonly called potato or multiplying onion. It is the rule to plant this onion on St. Thomas's day. From this circumstance it appears to me likely that this sort of onion may be so called, though I never heard of it before. They are fit for use as large hard onions some time before the other sort.
Norwich, March 10. 1851.
Roman Catholic Peers (Vol. iii., p. 209.).—The proper comment has been passed on the Duke of Norfolk, but not on the other two Roman Catholic peers mentioned by Miss Martineau. She names Lord Clifford and Lord Dormer as "having obtained entrance at last to the legislative assembly, where their fathers sat and ruled when their faith was the law of the land." The term "fathers" is of course figuratively used, but we may conclude the writer meant to imply their ancestors possessing the same dignity of peerage, and enjoying, in virtue thereof, the right of "sitting and ruling" in the senate of their country. If such was the lady's meaning, what is her historical accuracy? The first Lord Dormer was created in the reign of James I., in the year 1615; and, dying the next year, never sat in parliament: and it has been remarked as a very singular fact that this barony had existed for upwards of two centuries before any of its possessors did so. But the first Lord Dormer, who sat in the House of Lords, was admitted, not by the Roman Catholic Relief Act, but by the fact of his being willing to take the usual oaths: this was John, the tenth lord, who succeeded his half-brother in 1819, and died without issue in 1826. As for Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, that family was not raised to the peerage until the year 1672, in the reign of Charles II.
J. G. N.
Election of a Pope (Vol. iii., p. 142.).—Probably T. refers to the (alleged) custom attendant upon the election of a pope, as part of the ceremony alluded to in the following lines in Hudibras:—
"So, cardinals, they say, do grope At t'other end the new made Pope" Part I. canto iii. l. 1249. [24mo. ed. of 1720.]
In the notes to the above edition (and probably to other of the old editions) your correspondent will find a detailed explanation of these two lines: I refer him to the work itself, as the "note" is scarcely fit to transcribe here.
Comets (Vol. iii., p. 223.).—There is a copious list of all the comets that have appeared since the creation, and of all that will appear up to A.D. 2000, in the Art de verifier les Dates, vol. i. part i.; and vol. i. part ii. of the last edition.
Camden and Curwen Families (Vol. iii., pp. 89. 125.).—H. C. will find, in Harl. MS. 1437. fo. 69., a short pedigree of the family of Nicholas Culwen of Gressiard and Stubbe, in the county of Lancaster, showing his descent from Gilbert Culwen or Curwen (a younger brother of Curwen of Workington), who appears to have settled at Stubbe about the middle of the fifteenth century.
Although this pedigree was recorded by authority of Norroy King of Arms, in 1613, while Camden held the office of Clarenceux, it does not show any connexion with Gyles Curwen, who married a daughter and coheir of Barbara, of Poulton Hall, in the county of Lancaster, and whose daughter Elizabeth was the wife of Sampson Camden of London, and mother of Camden. Nevertheless, it may possibly throw some light on the subject.
If H. C. cannot conveniently refer to the Harl. MSS., I will with much pleasure send him a copy of this pedigree, and of another, in the same MS., fo. 29., showing Camden's descent from Gyles Curwen, if he will communicate his address to the Editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES."
Auriga (Vol. iii., p. 188.).—That part of the Roman bridle which went about the horse's ears (aures), was termed aurea; which, being by a well-known grammatical figure put for the whole head-gear of the horse, suggests as a meaning of Auriga, "is qui AUREAS AGIT, he who manages, guides, or (as we say) handles, the reins."
Ecclesfield Hall.
Straw Necklaces (Vol. i., p. 4., &c.).—May not these be possibly only Spenser's "rings of rushes," mentioned by him among other fragile ornaments for the head and neck?
"Sometimes her head she fondly would aguize With gaudy girlonds, or fresh flowrets dight About her necke, or rings of rushes plight." F. Q. lib. ii. canto vi. st. 7.
The Nine of Diamonds, called the Curse of Scotland (Vol. i., pp. 61., 90.).—The following explanation is given in a Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1785; an ignoble authority, it must be admitted:—
"Diamonds imply royalty, being ornaments to the imperial crown, and every ninth King of Scotland has been observed for many ages to be a tyrant, and a curse to that country."
J. H. M.
"Cum Grano Salis" (Vol. iii., pp. 88. 153.).—I venture to suggest, that in this phrase the allusion is to a rich and unctuous morsel, which, when assisted by a little salt, will be tolerated by the stomach, otherwise will be rejected. In the same way an extravagant statement, when taken with a slight qualification (cum grano salis) will be tolerated by the mind. I should wish to be informed what writer first uses this phrase in a metaphorical sense—not, I conceive, any classical author.
X. Z.
* * * * *
Mr. Rees of Llandovery announces for publication by subscription (under the auspices of the Welsh MSS. Society), a new edition of The Myvyrian Archaeology of Wales, with English translations and notes, {254} nearly the whole of the historical portions of which, consisting of revised copies of Achan y Saint, historical triads, chronicles, &c. are ready for the press, having been prepared for the late Record Commission, by Aneurin Owen, Esq., and since placed by the Right Hon. the Master of the Rolls at the disposal of the Welsh MSS. Society for publication. As the first volume consists of ancient poetry from the sixth to the fourteenth centuries, much of which, from its present imperfect state, requires to be collated with ancient MS. copies of the poems, not accessible to the former editors; in order to afford more time for that most essential object, it is proposed to commence with the publication of the historical matter: while the laws of Howel Dda, having been recently published by the Record Commission, will not be included; by which means it is expected the original Welsh text and English translations of the rest of the work can be comprised in four or five volumes, as the greatest care will be paid to the quantity of matter and its accuracy, as well as typographical excellence, so as to ensure the largest amount of information at the least expense. We need hardly say that this patriotic undertaking has our heartiest wishes for its success.
The Rev. J. Forshall, one of the editors of the recently published Wickliffe Bible, has just edited, under the title of Remonstrance against Romish Corruptions in the Church, addressed to the People and Parliament of England in 1395, 18 Ric. II., a most valuable paper drawn up by Purvey, one of Wickliffe's friends and disciples, for the king, lords, and commons, then about to assemble in parliament. As presenting a striking picture of the condition of the English Church at the time, when combined efforts were first made with any zealousness of purpose for its amendment and reform; and affording a tolerably complete sketch of the views and notions of the Wickliffite party on those points of ecclesiastical polity and doctrine, in which they were most strongly opposed to the then prevailing opinions; this publication is an extremely valuable contribution to the history of a period in our annals, which has scarcely yet received it due share of attention: while the great question which is agitating the public mind renders the appearance of Purvey's tract at this moment peculiarly well-timed. Mr. Forshall has executed his task in a very able manner; the introduction is brief and to the purpose, and the short glossary which he has appended is just what it should be.
The Camden Society has lately added a very important work to its list of intended publications. It is the St. Paul's Domesday of the Manors belonging to the Cathedral in the year 1222, and is to be edited with an introduction and illustrative notes, by Archdeacon Hale.
Messrs. Puttick and Simpson (191. Piccadilly) will sell, on Monday next and four following days, a selection of valuable Books, including old poetry, plays, chap-books, and drolleries, and some important MSS. connected with English County and Family History.
Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson (3. Wellington Street, Strand) will sell on Monday the valuable collection of English coins and medals of Abraham Rhodes, Esq.; on Wednesday and Thursday, a valuable collection of engravings, drawings, and paintings, including a very fine drawing of Torento by Turner; and on Friday and two following days, the valuable assemblage of Greek, &c. coins and medals, including the residue of the Syrian Regal Tetradrachms, recently found at Tarsus in Cilicia, the property of F. R. P. Boocke, Esq.
BOOKS RECEIVED.—Angels the Ministers of God's Providence. A Sermon preached before the University of Dublin on Quinquagesima Sunday, 1851, by the Rev. Richard Gibbings, M.A.—The Legend of Saint Peter's Chair, by Anthony Rich, Jun., B.A. A clever and caustic reply to Dr. Wiseman's attack on Lady Morgan, by a very competent authority—the learned editor of the Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon. Dr. Wiseman pronounced Lady Morgan's statement to be "foolish and wicked." Mr. Rich has shown that these strong epithets may more justly be applied to Dr. Wiseman's own "Remarks."—Supplement to Second Edition of Dr. Herbert Mayo's Letters on the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions may be best characterised in the writer's own words, as "a notice of some peculiar motions, hitherto unobserved, to the manifestation of which, an influence unconsciously proceeding from the living human frame is necessary," and a very startling notice it is.
CATALOGUES RECEIVED.—Williams and Norgate's (14. Henrietta Street) Catalogue No. 2. of Foreign Second-hand Books, and Books at reduced Prices; W. Nield's (46. Burlington Arcade) Catalogue No. 5. of Very Cheap Books; W. Waller and Son's (188. Fleet Street) Catalogue, Part 1. for 1851, of Choice Books at remarkably low prices.
* * * * *
THE PATRICIAN, edited by Burke. Vol. 1. HISTORICAL REGISTER. January, 1845. Nos. 1. to 4. A MIRROR FOR MATHEMATICS, by Robert Farmer, Gent. London, 1587. MAD. CAMPAN'S FRENCH REVOLUTION (English Translation). PARRY'S ARCTIC VOYAGE. FRANKLIN'S ARCTIC VOYAGE.
*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
Notices to Correspondents.
We this week have the pleasure of presenting our readers with an extra Eight Pages, rendered necessary by our increasing correspondence. If each one of our readers could procure us one additional subscriber, it would enable us to make this enlargement permanent, instead of occasional.
E. N. W. A ring which had belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, very similar to that which E. N. W. possesses, was exhibited some years since. A friend, on whose judgment we place great reliance, is of the opinion that the cutting on E. N. W.'s ring is modern. Could not E. N. W. exhibit it at the Society of Antiquaries? Mr. Akerman, the resident Secretary would take charge of it for that purpose.
LAMMER BEADS. Justice to MR. BLOWEN requires that we should explain that his article in No. 68. was accidentally inserted after he had expressed his wish to withdraw it, in consequence of MR. WAY'S most satisfactory paper in No. 67.
E. M. "God tempers the wind," &c. Much curious illustration of this proverb, of which the French version occurs in Gruter's Florilegium, printed in 1611, will be found in "NOTES AND QUERIES," Vol. I., pp. 211. 236. 325. 357. 418.
E. M. "Vox Populi Vox Dei" were the words chosen by Archbishop Mepham for his Sermon, when Edw. III. was called to the throne. See "NOTES AND QUERIES," Vol. I., pp. 370. 419. 492. for further illustrations. {255}
S. WMSN. The proposed short and true account of Zacharie Boyd would be acceptable.
H. N. E. Lord Rochester wrote a poem of seventeen stanzas upon NOTHING. The Latin poem on the same subject, to which H. N. E. refers, is probably that by Passerat, inserted by Dr. Johnson in his Life of Rochester.
K. R. H. M. Received.
O. S. St. Thomas a Watering's was close to the second milestone on the Old Kent Road. See Cunningham's Handbook of London, s.v.
BORROW'S TRANSLATIONS. NORVICENSIS and E. D. are thanked for their Replies, which had been anticipated. The latter also for his courteous offer.
J. M. (Tavy), who is certainly our fourth correspondent under that signature (will he adopt another, or shall we add (4.) to his initials?), is thanked. His communications shall appeal in an early Number.
REPLIES RECEIVED.—St. Graal—Moths called Souls—Rack—Lines on Woman's Will—Odour from the Rainbow—Almond Tree—In Memoriam—Gig's Hill—Comets—Language given to Man—The whole Hog—Monosyllables—Mistletoe—Head of the Saviour—Snail-eating—Coverdale or Tindal's Bible—Dutch Church—Post-office—Drachmarus—Quebecca's Epitaph—Meaning of "strained"—By-the-bye—Gloves—Tradesmen's Signs—Old Hewson—Slums—Morganatic Marriages—Quinces—Sir John Vaughan—Commoner marrying a Peeress—Pilgrim's Road—Herbert's Memoirs.
VOLS. I. and II., each with very copious Index, may still be had, price 9s. 6d. each.
NOTES AND QUERIES may be procured, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsvendors. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c., are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive NOTES AND QUERIES in their Saturday parcels.
All communications for the Editor of NOTES AND QUERIES should be addressed to the care of MR. BELL, No. 186. Fleet Street.
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Catalogues will be sent on application.
* * * * *
THE LONDON HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 32. Golden-square: founded by the British Homoeopathic Association, and supported by voluntary contributions.
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Vice-Patron—His Grace the Duke of BEAUFORT, K.G.
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The ANNUAL FESTIVAL in aid of the funds of the Charity, and in commemoration of the opening of the first Homoeopathic Hospital established in London, will be held at the Albion Tavern, Aldersgate-street, on Thursday, the 10th of April next, the anniversary of the birth of Samuel Hahnemann:
The Most Noble the Marquis of WORCESTER, M.P., V.P., in the chair.
STEWARDS. F. M. the Marquis of Anglesey Rt. Hon. the Earl of Chesterfield Rt. Hon. the Earl of Essex Rt. Hon. Viscount Sydney Rt. Hon. Lord Gray The Viscount Maldon The Lord Francis Gordon The Lord Clarence Paget, M.P. The Lord Alfred Paget, M.P. The Lord George Paget, M.P. Culling Charles Smith, Esq. Marmaduke B. Sampson, Esq. F. Foster Quin, Esq., M.D. Nathaniel Barton, Esq.
J. Askew, Esq. H. Banister, Esq. H. Bateman, Esq. Capt. Branford, R.N. F. Blake, Esq. H. Cameron, Esq. Capt. Chapman, R.A., F.R.S. H. Cholmondeley, Esq. J. B. Crampern, Esq. Col. Disbrowe W. Dutton, Esq. Ed. Esdaile, Esq. W. M. Fache, Esq. Fr. Fuller, Esq. H. Goez, Esq. J. Gosnell, Esq. G. Hallett, Esq. E. Hamilton, Esq., M.D. J. Huggins, Esq. P. Hughes, Esq. J. P. Knight, Esq., R.A. J. Kidd, Esq. T. R. Leadam, Esq. T. R. Mackern, Esq. V. Massol. Esq., M.D. J. Mayne, Esq., M.D. J. B. Metcalfe, Esq. C. T. P. Metcalfe, Esq. S. T. Partridge, Esq., M.D. T. Piper, Esq. W. Piper, Esq. R. Pope, Esq. H. Reynolds, Esq. A. Robinson, Esq. H. Rosher, Esq. C. J. Sanders, Esq. W. Scorer, Esq. Rittson Southall, Esq. T. Spicer, Esq. J. Smith, Esq. C. Snewin, Esq. C. Trueman, Esq. T. Uwins, Esq., R.A. W. Watkins, Esq. J. Wisewould, Esq. D. W. Witton, Esq. S. Yeldham, Esq. J. G. Young, Esq.
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London: GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer in Westminster Abbey is fast mouldering into irretrievable decay. A sum of One Hundred Pounds will effect a perfect repair. The Committee have not thought it right to fix any limit to the contribution; they themselves have opened the list with a subscription from each of them of Five Shillings; but they will be ready to receive any amount, more or less, which those who value poetry and honour Chaucer may be kind enough to remit to them.
Subscriptions have been received from the Earls of Carlisle, Ellesmere, and Shaftesbury, Viscounts Strangford and Mahon, Pres. Soc. Antiq., The Lords Braybrooke and Londesborough, and many other noblemen and gentlemen.
Subscriptions are received by all the members of the Committee, and at the Union Bank, Pall Mall East. Post-office orders may be made payable at the Charing Cross Office, to William Richard Drake, Esq., the Treasurer, 46. Parliament Street, or William J. Thomas, Esq., Hon. Sec., 25. Holy-Well Street, Millbank.
* * * * *
Now ready, the Second Edition, price 25s., illustrated by numerous examples of Rare and Exquisite Greek and Roman Coins, executed by a New Process in exact fac-simile of the originals, and in their respective metals.
ANCIENT COINS AND MEDALS; an Historical Account of the Origin of Coined Money, the Development of the Art of Coining in Greece and her Colonies, its Progress during the extension of the Roman Empire, and its decline as an Art with the Decay of that Power. By H. N. HUMPHREYS.
"It is needless to remark how desirable an addition such a work as this must be to the library of the historian, the classical scholar, and the clergyman, no less than to the artist."—Daily News.
GRANT and GRIFFITH, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard.
* * * * *
ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE.—The Volumes of the Transactions at the NORWICH and LINCOLN MEETINGS are on delivery, at the office of the Society, 26. Suffolk Street. Directions regarding their transmission to Members in the country should be addressed to GEORGE VULLIAMY, Esq., Secretary.
The SALISBURY VOLUME, published by MR. BELL, 186. Fleet Street, is nearly ready. Subscribers' names received by the Publisher. Price 15s.
The OXFORD VOLUME is ready for Press. All Members desirous that the Series of Annual Volumes should be continued are requested to send their names to the Publisher, MR. PARKER, 377. Strand, or to the Secretary of the Institute.
The JOURNAL, No. 29., commencing Vol. VIII., will be issued in a few days to all Members not in arrear of their subscriptions, which may be remitted to EDWARD HAWKINS, Esq., Treasurer, by Order on the Charing Cross Post Office, or to MESSRS. COUTTS, Bankers of the Institute.
26. Suffolk Street, Pall-mall, March 24, 1851.
* * * * *
On the 25th instant was published, No. I., price 4s., of
THE THEOLOGICAL CRITIC; a Quarterly Journal. Edited by the Rev. THOMAS KERCHEVER ARNOLD, M.A., Rector of Lyndon, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
This Journal will embrace Theology in its widest acceptation, and several articles of each Number will be devoted to Biblical Criticism.
CONTENTS:—1. Newman's Ninth Lecture. 2. Galatians iii. 13. 3. Cardinal Bessarion. 4. Lepsius on Biblical Chronology. 5. The Ministry of the Body. 6. Romans xiv. 7. Is the Beast from the Sea the Papacy? 8. Modern infidelity: Miss Martineau and Mr. Atkinson. 9. St. Columban and the Early Irish Missionaries. 10. Dr. Bloomfield and Mr. Alford. 11. "Things Old and New."
RIVINGTONS, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place.
* * * * *
Just published, 1 vol. 8vo. 7s. 6d.
Also, recently, by the same,
WILLIAM PICKERING, 177. Piccadilly.
* * * * *
This day is published, price 1s.
"Legend, which means that which ought to be read, is, from the early misapplication of the term by impostors, now used by us as if it meant—that which ought to be laughed at."—Tooke's Diversion of Purley.
C. WESTERTON, Hyde Park Corner, and all Booksellers.
Also the Fourth Edition, price 1s., of
* * * * *
THE SUBSCRIBER has prepared an ample supply of his well-known and approved SURPLICES, from 20s. to 50s., and various devices in DAMASK COMMUNION LINEN, well adapted for presentation to Churches.
Illustrated priced Catalogues sent free to the Clergy, Architects, and Churchwardens by post, on application to
GILBERT J. FRENCH, Bolton, Lancashire.
* * * * *
Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, March 29, 1851.