'Why dost thou, tyrant, boast thyself, Thy wicked deeds to praise?'
The king stood up, and called for that Psalm which begins with these words,—
'Have mercy, Lord, on me, I pray; For men would me devour.'
The good-natured audience, in pity to fallen majesty, showed for once greater deference to the king than to the minister, and sung the psalm which the former had called for."—Hume's History of England, ch. 58.
Dimidiation by Impalement (Vol. vii., p. 630.).—Your correspondent D. P. concludes his notice on this subject by doubting if any instance of "Dimidiation by Impalement" can be found since the time of Henry VIII. If he turn to Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae (p. 164. and 90.), he will find that Mary Queen of Scots bore the arms of France dimidiated with those of Scotland from A.D. 1560 to December 1565. This coat she bore as Queen Dowager of France, from the death of her first husband, the King of France, until her marriage with Darnley.
T. H. DE H.
"Inter cuncta micans," &c. (Vol. vi, p. 413.; Vol. vii., p. 510.).—The following translation is by the Rev. Geo. Greig of Kennington. It preserves the acrostic and mesostic, though not the telestic, form of the original:
"In glory rising see the sun, Illustrious orb of day, Enlightening heaven's wide expanse, Expel night's gloom away. So light into the darkest soul, JESUS, Thou dost impart, Uplifting Thy life-giving smiles Upon the deaden'd heart; Sun Thou of Righteousness Divine, Sole King of Saints Thou art."
Marriage Service (Vol. viii., p. 150.).—I have seen the Rubric carried out, in this particular, in St. Mary's Church, Kidderminster.
Widowed Wife (Vol. viii., p. 56.).—Eur. Hec. 612. "Widowed wife and wedded maid," occurs in Vanda's prophecy; Sir W. Scott's The Betrothed, ch. xv.
S. Z. Z. S.
Pure (Vol. viii., p. 125.).—The use of the word pure pointed out by OXONIENSIS is nothing new. It is a common provincialism now, and was formerly good English. Here are two examples from Swift (Letters, by Hawkesworth, vol. iv. 1768, p.21.):
"Ballygall will be a pure good place for air."
Ibid. p. 29.:
"Have you smoakt the Tattler yet? It is much liked, and I think it a pure one."
"Purely, I thank you," is a common reply of the country folks in this part when accosted as to their health. I recollect once asking a market-woman about her son who had been ill, and received for an answer: "Oh he's quite fierce again, thank you, Sir." Meaning, of course, that he had quite recovered.
Mrs. Tighe (Vol. viii., p. 103.).—"There is a likeness of Mrs. Henry Tighe, the authoress of 'Psyche,' in the Ladies' Monthly Museum for February, 1818. It is engraved by J. Hopwood, jun., from a drawing by Miss Emma Drummond. Underneath the engraving referred to, are the words 'Mrs. Henry Tighe;' but she is called in {231} the memoir, 'wife of William Tighe, Esq., M.P. for Wicklow, whose residence is Woodstock, county of Kilkenny, author of The Plants, a poem, 8vo.: published in 1808 and 1811; and Statistical Observations on the County of Kilkenny, 1800. Mrs. Tighe is described as having had a pleasing person, and a countenance that indicated melancholy and deep reflection; was amiable in her domestic relations; had a mind well stored with classic literature; and, with strong feelings and affections, expressed her thoughts with the nicest discrimination, and taste the most refined and delicate. Thus endued, it is to be regretted that Mrs. Tighe should have fallen a victim to a lingering disease of six years at the premature age of thirty-seven, on March 24, 1810.'—The remainder of the short notice does not throw any additional light on Mrs. Tighe, or family; but if you, Sir, or the Editor of "N. & Q." wish, I will cheerfully transcribe it.—I am, Sir, yours in haste,
"Belfast, Aug. 15."
[We are indebted for the above reply to the Dublin Weekly Telegraph, which not only does us the honour to quote very freely from our pages, but always most liberally acknowledges the source from which the articles so quoted are derived.]
Satirical Medal (Vol. viii., p. 57.).—I have seen the same medal of Sir R. Walpole (the latest instance of the mediaeval hell-mouth with which I am acquainted) bearing on the obverse—"THE GENEROUSE (sic) DUKE OF ARGYLE;" and at the foot—"NO PENTIONS."
S. Z. Z. S.
"They shot him dead at the Nine-Stone Rig" (Vol. viii., p. 78.).—Your correspondent the BORDERER will find the fragment of the ballad he is in search of commencing with the above line, in the second volume of the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, p. 114. It is entitled "Barthram's Dirge," and "was taken down," says Scott, "by Mr. Surtees, from the recitation of Anne Douglas, an old woman, who weeded his garden."
Since the death of Mr. Surtees, however, it has been ascertained that this ballad, as well as "The Death of Featherstonhaugh," and some others in the same collection, were composed by him and passed off upon Scott as genuine old Scottish ballads.
Farther particulars respecting this clever literary imposition are given in a review of the "Memoir of Robert Surtees," in the Athenaeum of August 7, 1852.
J. K. R. W.
Hendericus du Booys: Helena Leonora de Sieveri (Vol. v., p. 370.).—Are two different portraits of each of these two persons to be found? By no means. There exists, however, a plate of each, engraved by C. Visscher; but the first impressions bear the address of E. du Booys, the later that of E. Cooper. As I am informed by Mr. Bodel Nijenhuis, Hendericus du Booys took part in the celebrated three-days' fight, Feb. 18, 19, and 20, 1653, between Blake and Tromp.—From the Navorscher.
House-marks, &c. (Vol. vii., p. 594. Vol. viii., p. 62.).—May I be allowed to inform MR. COLLYNS that the custom he refers to is by no means of modern date. Nearly all the cattle which come to Malta from Barbary to be stall-fed for consumption, or horses to be sold in the garrison, bring with them their distinguishing marks by which they may be easily known.
And it may not be out of place to remark, that being one of a party in the winter of 1830, travelling overland from Smyrna to Ephesus, we reached a place just before sunset where a roving band of Turcomans had encamped for the night. On nearing these people we observed that the women were preparing food for their supper, while the men were employed in branding with a hot iron, under the camel's upper lip, their own peculiar mark,—a very necessary precaution, it must be allowed, with people who are so well known for their pilfering propensities, not only practised on each other, but also on all those who come within their neighbourhood. Having as strangers paid our tribute to their great dexterity in their profession, the circumstance was published at the time, and to this day is not forgotten.
W. W.
"Qui facit per alium, facit per se."—In Vol. vii., p. 488., I observe an attempt to trace the source of the expression, "Qui facit per alium, facit per se." A few months since I met with the quotation under some such form as "Qui facit per alium, per se facere videtur," in the preface to a book on Surveying, by Fitzherbert (printed by Berthelet about 1535), where it is attributed to St. Augustine. As I know of no copy of the works of that father in these parts (though I heard him quoted last Sunday in the pulpit), I cannot at present verify the reference.
Engin-a-verge (Vol. vii., p. 619. Vol. viii., p. 65.).—H. C. K. is mistaken in his conjecture respecting this word, as the following definition of it will show:
"Engins-a-verge. Ils comprenaient les diverges especes de catapultes, les pierriers, &c."—Bescherelle, Dictionnaire National.
B. H. C.
Campvere, Privileges of (Vol viii., p. 89.).—"Jus Gruis liberae." Does not this mean the privilege of using a crane to raise their goods free of dues, municipal or fiscal? Grus, grue, krahn, {232} kraan, all mean, in their different languages, crane the bird, and crane the machine.
J. H. L.
Humbug—Ambages (Vol. viii., p. 64.).—May I be permitted to inform your correspondent that Mr. May was certainly correct when using the word "ambages" as an English word in his translation of Lucan.
In Howell's Dictionary, published in London in May 1660, I find it thus recorded
"Ambages, or circumstances." "Full of ambages."
W. W.
"Going to Old Weston" (Vol. iii., p. 449.).—In turning over the pages of the third volume of "N. & Q." recently, I stumbled on ARUN'S notice of the above proverb. It immediately struck me that I had heard it used myself a few days before, without being conscious at the time of the similarity of the expression. I was asking an old man, who had been absent from home, where he had been to? His reply was, "To Old Weston, Sir. You know I must go there before I die." Knowing that he had relatives living there, I did not, at the time, notice anything extraordinary in the answer; but, since reading ARUN'S note, I have made some inquires, and find the saying is a common one on this (the Northamptonshire) side of Old Weston, as well as in Huntingdonshire. I have been unable to obtain any explanation of it, but think the one suggested by your correspondent must be right. One of my informants (an old woman upwards of seventy) told me she had often heard it used, and wondered what could be its meaning, when she was a child.
W. W.
B—— Rectory, Northamptonshire.
Reynolds's Nephew (Vol. viii., p. 102.).—I think I can certify A. Z. that two distinct branches of the Palmer family, the Deans, and another claiming like kindred to Sir Joshua Reynolds, still exist; from which I conclude that Sir Joshua had at least two nephews of that name. I regret that I cannot inform your correspondent as to the authorship of the piece about which he inquires; but, in the event of A. Z. not receiving a satisfactory answer to his Query through the medium of our publication, if he will furnish me with any farther particulars he may possess on the subject, I shall be happy to try what I can do towards possessing him with the desired information.
The Laird of Brodie (Vol. viii., p. 103.).—I. H. B. mistakes, I think, the meaning of the lines. The idea is not that the Laird was less than a gentleman, but that he was a gentleman of mark; at least, I have never heard any other interpretation put upon it in Scotland, where the ballad of "We'll gang nae mair a-roving," is a great favourite. King James is the subject of the ballad. That merry monarch made many lively escapades, and on this occasion he personated a beggarman. The damsel, to whom he successfully paid his addresses, saw through the disguise at first; but from the king's good acting, when he pretended to be afraid that the dongs would "rive his meal pokes," she began to think she had been mistaken. Then she expressed her disgust by saying, that she had thought her lover could not be anything less than the Laird of Brodie, the highest untitled gentleman probably in the neighbourhood: implying that she suspected he might be peer or prince.
W. C.
Mulciber (Vol. viii., p. 102).—It may not be a sufficient answer to MR. WARD'S Query, but I wish to state that there was no "Mayor of Bromigham" until after the passing of the Reform Bill. I think that it may be inferred from the extract given below, that the mayor was no more a reality than the shield which he is said to have wrought:
"His shield was wrought, if we may credit Fame, By Mulciber, the Mayor of Bromigham. A foliage of dissembl'd senna leaves Grav'd round its brim, the wond'ring sight deceives. Embost upon its field, a battle stood, Of leeches spouting hemorrhoidal blood. The artist too expresst the solemn state, Of grave physicians at a consult met; About each symptom how they disagree! But how unanimous in case of fee! And whilst one ass-ass-in another plies With starch'd civilities—the patient dyes."
N. W. S.
Voiding Knife (Vol. vi., pp. 150. 280.).—The following quotation from Leland will throw more light on the ancient custom of voyding:
"In the mean time the server geueth a voyder to the carver, and he doth voyde into it the trenchers that lyeth under the knyues point, and so cleanseth the tables cleane."—Collectanea, vol. vi. p. 11., "The Intronization of Nevill."
Sir John Vanbrugh (Vol. viii., pp. 65. 160.).—Previous to sending you my Query about the birthplace of Sir John Vanbrugh, I had carefully gone through the Registers of the Holy Trinity parish, Chester, and had discovered the baptisms or burials of seven sons and six daughters of Mr. Giles Vanbrugh duly registered therein. Sir John's name is not included in the list; therefore, if he was born in Chester, his baptism must have been registered at one of the many other parish churches of this city. The registers of St. Peter's Church, a neighbouring parish, have also been {233} examined, but contain no notice of the baptism of the future knight. I will, however, continue the chace; and should I eventually fall in with the object of my search, will give my fellow-labourers the benefit of my explorations. Mr. Vanbrugh sen. died at Chester, and was buried with several of his children at Trinity Church, July 19, 1689.
Portrait of Charles I.—The portrait of Charles I. by Vandyke (the subject of MR. BREEN'S Query, "N. & Q.," Vol. viii., p. 151.) is no less than the celebrated picture in which the monarch is represented standing, with his right hand resting on a walking cane, and his left (the arm being beautifully foreshortened) against his hip; and immediately behind him his horse is held by an equerry, supposed to be the Marquis of Hamilton. The picture hangs in the great square room at the Louvre, close on the left hand of the usual entrance door, and is undoubtedly one of the finest in that magnificent collection. As a portrait, it is without a rival. It is well known in this country by the admirable engraving from it, executed in 1782, by Sir Robert Strange.
The description of this picture in the Catalogue for 1852 du Musee Nationale du Louvre, is as follows:—
"Grave par Strange; par Bonnefoy; par Duparc;—Filhol, t. 1. pl. 5.
"Collection de Louis XV.—Ce tableau, qui a ete execute vers 1635, ne fut paye a van Dyck que 100 livres sterling. En 1754, il faisait partie, suivant Descamps, du cabinet du marquis de Lassay. On trouve cette note dans les memoires secrets de Bachaument," &c.
Then follows the passage quoted by MR. BREEN. I can find no mention of a Dubarry among the ancestors of the monarch.
H. C. K.
Burial in an erect Posture (Vol. viii., p. 59.).—
"Pass, pass, who will yon chantry door, And through the chink in the fractured floor Look down, and see a grisly sight, A vault where the bodies are buried upright; There face to face and hand lay hand The Claphams and Mauleverers stand." Wordsworth, White Doe of Rylstone, Canto I., p. 5., line 17., new edition, 1837.
See note on line 17 taken from Whitaker's Craven:
"At the east end of the north aisle of Bolton Priory Church is a chantry belonging to Bethmesley Hall, and a vault where, according to tradition, the Claphams were buried upright."
F. W. J.
Strut-Stowers and Yeathers or Yadders (Vol. viii., p. 148.).—The former of these words is, I believe, obsolete, or nearly so. It means bracing-stakes: strut, in carpentry, is to brace; and stower is a small kind of stake, as distinguished from the "ten stakes" mentioned in the legend quoted by MR. COOPER.
The other word, Yeather or Yadder, is yet in use in Northumberland (vid. Brockett's Glossary), and is mentioned by Charlton in his History of Whitby. The legend referred to by MR. COOPER is, I suspect, of modern origin but Dr. Young, in his History of Whitby, vol. i. p. 310., attributes it to some of the monks of the abbey; on what grounds he does not say. The records of the abbey contain no allusion to the legend; and no ancient MS. of it, either in Latin or English, has ever been produced. The penny-hedge is yearly renewed to this day but it is a service performed for a different reason than that attributed in the legend. (See Young and Charlton's histories.)
F. M.
The term strut is commonly used by carpenters for a brace or stay. Stower, in Bailey's Dictionary, is a stake; Halliwell spells it stoure, and says it is still in use. Forby connects the Norfolk word stour, stiff, inflexible, applied to standing corn, with this word, which he says is Lowland Scotch, and derives them both from Sui.-G. stoer, stipes. A yeather or yadder seems to be a rod to wattle the stakes with. In Norfolk, wattling a live fence is called ethering it, which word, evidently with yeather, may be derived from A.-S. ether or edor, a hedge. The barons, therefore, had to drive their stakes perpendicularly into the sand, to put the strut-stowers diagonally to enable them to withstand the force of the tide, and finally to wattle them together with the yeathers.
E. G. R.
Arms of See of York (Vol. viii., p. 111.).—It appears that the arms of the See of York were certainly changed during Wolsey's time, for on the vaulting of Christ Church Gate, Canterbury, is a shield bearing (in sculpture) the same arms as those now used by the Metropolitan See of Canterbury, impaling those of Wolsey, and over the shield a cardinal's hat. This gateway was built in 1517; yet in the parliament roll of 6th Henry VIII., 1515, the keys and crown are impaled with the arms of Wolsey as Archbishop of York (see fac-simile, published by Willement, 4to. Lond. 1829), showing that the alteration was not generally known when the gateway was built.
Although the charges on the earlier arms of the See of York were the same as on that of Canterbury, the colours of their fields differed; for in a north window of the choir of York Minster is a shield of arms, bearing the arms of Archbishop Bowett, who held the see from 1407 to 1423, impaled by the pall and pastoral staff, on a field gules. The glass is to all appearance of the fifteenth century.
T. WT.
Leman Family (Vol. viii., p. 150.).—Without being able to give a substantial reply to R. W. L.'s Query, it may assist him to know that Sir John Leman had but one brother (William), who certainly did not emigrate from his native land. Sir John died, March 26, 1632, without issue; and was buried in the chancel of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, London. His elder brother, William, had five sons; all settled comfortably in England, and not at all likely to have left their native country. One of the Heralds' Visitations for the counties of Norfolk or Suffolk would materially assist your Philadelphian correspondent.
Position of Font (Vol. vii., p. 149.).—In the church of Milton near Cambridge, the font is built into the north pier of the chancel arch; and from the appearance of the masonry, &c., this is evidently the original position. I have visited some hundreds of churches, and this is the only instance I have observed of a font in this position. Numerous instances occur where it is built into the south-western pier of the nave.
* * * * *
Our worthy publisher has just issued a volume which will be welcome, for the excellence of its matter and the beauty of its various illustrations, to all archaeologists. These Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties of Great Britain, and other Communications made to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute held at Bristol in 1851, certainly equal in interest and variety any of their predecessors, and whether as a memorial of their visit to Bristol to those who attended the meeting, or as a pleasant substitute to those who did not, will doubtless find a resting-place on the shelf of every member of the Society whose proceedings they record.
We cannot better recommend to our readers Dr. Madden's newly published Life and Martyrdom of Savonarola, illustrative of the History of Church and State Connexion, than by stating that this remarkable man, whom some Protestants have claimed as of their own creed, while as many Romanists have rejected him as a heretic, is viewed by Dr. Madden as a monk of Florence at the close of the fifteenth century, who was of opinion that the mortal enemy of Christ's gospel in all ages of the world had been mammon; that simony was the sin against the Holy Ghost; that the interests of religion were naturally allied with those of liberty; that the Arts were the handmaids of both, of a Divine origin, and were given to earth for purposes that tended to spiritualise humanity; and who directed all his teachings, preachings, and writings to one great object, namely, the separation of religion from all worldly influences. On this theme Dr. Madden discourses with great learning, and, some few passages excepted, with great moderation; and the result is a Life of Savonarola, which gives a far more complete view of his character and his writings than has heretofore been attempted.
BOOKS RECEIVED.—History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, by Lord Mahon, Vol. V. This volume embraces the period between the early years of George III. and 1774, when Franklin was dismissed from his office of Deputy Postmaster-General; and, as it includes the Junius period, gives occasion to Lord Mahon to avow his adherence to "the Franciscan theory;" while the Appendix contains two letters in support of the same view,—one from Sir James Macintosh, and one from Mr. Macaulay.—Confessions of a Working Man, from the French of Emile Souvestre. This interesting narrative, well deserving the attention both of masters and working men, forms Part XLVIII. of Longman's Traveller's Library.—Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, drawn from the Originals: described and illustrated by J. Y. Akerman, Part VI. containing coloured engravings of the size of the originals of Fibulae and Bullae, from cemeteries in Kent; and Fibulae, Beads, &c. from a grave near Stamford.
* * * * *
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Notices to Correspondents.
S. Z. Z. S. We have a letter for this Correspondent; how shall it be forwarded?
J. S. G. (Howden) is thanked for his collection of Proverbial Sayings—all of which are however, we believe, too well known to justify their republication in our columns.
Y. S. M. would oblige us by naming the subject of the communications to which he refers.
PHOTOGRAPHY. MR. SISSON's communication is unavoidably postponed until our next Number, in which MR. LYTE's Three New Processes will also appear.
A few complete sets of "NOTES AND QUERIES," Vols. i. to vii., price Three Guineas and a Half, may now be had; for which early application is desirable.
"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday. {235}
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8vo., price 21s.
SOME ACCOUNT of DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE in ENGLAND, from the Conquest to the end of the Thirteenth Century, with numerous Illustrations of Existing Remains from Original Drawings. By T. HUDSON TURNER.
"What Horace Walpole attempted, and what Sir Charles Lock Eastlake has done for oil-painting—elucidated its history and traced its progress in England by means of the records of expenses and mandates of the successive Sovereigns of the realm—Mr. Hudson Turner has now achieved for Domestic Architecture in this century during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries."—Architect.
"The writer of the present volume ranks among the most intelligent of the craft, and a careful perusal of its contents will convince the reader of the enormous amount of labour bestowed on its minutest details as well as the discriminating judgement presiding over the general arrangement."—Morning Chronicle.
"The book of which the title is given above is one of the very few attempts that have been made in this country to treat this interesting subject in anything more than a superficial manner.
"Mr. Turner exhibits much learning and research, and he has consequently laid before the reader much interesting information. It is a book that was wanted, and that affords us some relief from the mass of works on Ecclesiastical Architecture with which of late years we have been deluged.
"The work is well illustrated throughout with wood-engravings of the more interesting remains, and will prove a valuable addition to the antiquary's library."—Literary Gazette.
"It is as a text-book on the social comforts and condition of the Squires and Gentry of England during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, that the leading value of Mr. Turner's present publication will be found to consist.
"Turner's handsomely-printed volume is profusely illustrated with careful woodcuts of all important existing remains, made from drawings by Mr. Blore and Mr. Twopeny."—Athenaeum.
JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford; and 377. Strand, London.
* * * * *
Now ready, price 21s. uniform with the above,
This volume is issued on the plan adopted by the late Mr. Hudson Turner in the previous volume: viz., collecting matter relating to Domestic buildings of the period, from cotemporary records, and applying the information so acquired to the existing remains.
Not only does the volume contain much curious information both as to the buildings and manners and customs of the time, but it is also hoped that the large collection of careful Engravings of the finest examples will prove as serviceable to the profession and their employers in building mansions, as the Glossary was found to be in building churches.
The Text is interspersed throughout with numerous woodcuts.
JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford; and 377. Strand, London.
* * * * *
W. H. HART, RECORD AGENT and LEGAL ANTIQUARIAN (who is in the possession of Indices to many of the early Public Records whereby his Inquiries are greatly facilitated) begs to inform Authors and Gentlemen engaged in Antiquarian or Literary Pursuits, that he is prepared to undertake searches among the Public Records, MSS. in the British Museum, Ancient Wills or other Depositories of a similar Nature, in any Branch of Literature, History, Topography, Genealogy, or the like, and in which he has had considerable experiences.
* * * * *
Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, September 3, 1853.
* * * * *
Corrections made to printed original.
page 216, "In this dilemma": 'dilemna' in original.
page 221, "from the ninth to the twelfth centuries": spurious 'in' before 'from' in original.