I perfectly agree with DR. DIAMOND, that it is much better not to wash the collodion pictures after developing; but pour on about one drachm of sat. sol. hypo. at once, and then, when clear, plenty of water; and let water rest on the surface for an hour or more, before setting on edge to dry.
Collodion Negative.—Can you inform me how a collodion negative may be made? that is, how you can ensure the negative being always of a dense enough character to print from. This is rarely the case.
F. M.
Developing Collodion Process.—I use to develope my collodion pictures M. Martin's plan, i. e. a solution of common copperas made a little acid with sulphuric acid. This answers very well and gives to the pictures, after they have been exposed an hour or two to the atmosphere, a silver-like appearance: but this copperas solution seems to destroy the glass for using a second time, inasmuch as a haziness is cast upon the glass, and its former enamel seems lost, not to be regained even by using acids. The hyposulphite also seems to be affected by this manner of developing the {605} pictures after a short time, which is not the case with pyrogallic acid. The hypo., when thus affected with the copperas, appears also to throw a mist over the picture, which new hypo. does not. I should esteem it a favour if any of your numerous readers could inform me the cause of this.
A. A. P.
An iodizing Difficulty.—May I request the favour, from some one of your numerous photographic correspondents, of a solution to the following apparent enigma, through the medium of "N. & Q."?
Being located in a neighbourhood where there is a scarcity of water in the summer months, I lately took advantage of a pool in a running stream, which ran at the bottom of the grounds of a friend, to soak my calotype papers in, subsequent to having brushed them over with the solution of iodide of silver, according to the process recommended by SIR W. NEWTON. One-half of the batch was removed in about two hours and a half, being beautifully clean, and of a nice light primrose colour; and in consequence of an unexpected call and detention longer than I had anticipated, the other half was left floating from two o'clock P.M. until seven or eight in the evening (nearly six hours), when, much to my chagrin, I found on their removal that they had all, more or less, become browned, or, rather, had taken on a dirty, deep, nankeen colour, those that had been first floated being decidedly the worst. I had previously thought that the papers must be left at least two and a half to three hours, a longer period having no other effect than that of softening the papers, or, at most, of allowing some slight portion of the iodide to fall off from their surface, whereas, from the above-described discoloration, an evident decomposition must have commenced, which I am quite at a loss to account for; neither can I conjecture what the chemical change can have been. I have several times before prepared good papers in trays filled with water from the same stream, but from the quantity running in the brook in the spring months, I never before have had the chance of floating them in the stream itself.
An explanation of the above difficulty from some obliging and better-informed photographist would be very thankfully received by
Ashburton, Devon.
P.S.—The pool of water was well shaded, consequently not a ray of bright sunlight could possibly impinge on the papers while floating.
I have always understood that pure iodide of silver was quite insensible to the action of light, or to any other chemical change, as far as the action of atmospheric air was concerned.
* * * * *
Replies to Minor Queries.
Bishop Frampton (Vol. iii., p 261.).—For some account of this excellent man, see chapter xxxi. of Mr. Anderdon's Life of Bishop Ken, where are given some very interesting letters, that are printed from the MSS. in the possession of Dr. Williams, Warden of New College, Oxford. Frampton appears to have been at one time chaplain to the British Factory at Aleppo. Mandeville, in the Dedication prefixed to his Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, makes honourable mention of him, and attributes the highly creditable character of the society to the influence of that incomparable instructor. When the funeral procession of Christian, Countess of Devonshire, halted at Leicester, on the way to Derby, a sermon was preached on the occasion by Frampton, who was then chaplain to the Earl of Elgin, the Countess's near relative. In sending these scraps, allow me to express the hope that MR. EVANS has not laid aside his intention of favouring us with a Life of Frampton.
E. H. A.
[We cordially join in the wish expressed by our correspondent, that the Vicar of Shoreditch will before long favour us with the publication of the manuscript life of this amiable prelate, written, we believe, by his chaplain. It appears to us doubtful whether the bishop ever published any of his sermons, from what he states in a letter given in the Appendix to The Life of John Kettlewell. "I have often," he says, "been in the pulpit, in season and out of season, and also bold and honest enough there, God be praised; but never in the printing-house yet; and believe I never shall be." The longest printed account of this deprived bishop is given in Rudder's History and Antiquities of Gloucester; and no doubt many particulars respecting him and other Nonjurors may be found in the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library.]
Parochial Libraries (Vol. vi., p. 432; Vol. vii. passim).—At Dunblane the collection of books bequeathed by the amiable Leighton is still preserved. At All Saints, Newcastle-on-Tyne, I once saw, among some old books in the vestry, a small quarto volume of tracts, including Archbishop Laud's speech in the Star Chamber, at the censure of Bastwick, Burton, and Prynne. It had been presented by the Rev. E. Moise, M. A., many years lecturer of that church.
The old library at St. Nicholas, Newcastle-on-Tyne, contains many curious books and MSS., particularly the old Bible belonging to Hexham Abbey. This library was greatly augmented by the munificent bequest of the Rev. Dr. Thomlinson, rector of Whickham, prebendary of St. Paul's, and lecturer of St. Nicholas, who died at an advanced age, in 1748, leaving all his books to this church. In 1825 Archdeacon Bowyer presented a series of lending libraries—ninety-three in all—to the several parishes in the county of Northumberland. {606} They are in the custody of the incumbent for the time being. Lastly, there is a very valuable library at Bamburgh Castle, the bequest of Dr. Sharp: the books are allowed to circulate gratuitously amongst the clergy and respectable inhabitants of the adjoining neighbourhood.
E. H. A.
The Honourable Mrs. Dudleya North died in 1712. Her choice collection of books in oriental learning were "by her only surviving brother, the then Lord North and Grey, given to the parochial library at Rougham, in Norfolk, founded by the Hon. Roger North, Esq., for the use of the minister of that parish, and, under certain regulations and restrictions, of the neighbouring clergy also, for ever. Amongst these there is, in particular, one very neat pocket Hebrew Bible in 12mo., without points, with silver clasps to it, and bound in blue Turkey leather, in a case of the same materials, which she constantly carried to church with her.... In the first leaf of all the books that had been hers, when they were deposited in that library," was a Latin inscription, setting forth the names of the late owner, and of the donor of these books. (Ballard's Memoirs of British Ladies. 8vo. 1775, p. 286.)
Pierrepont (Vol. vii., p. 65.).—John Pierrepont, of Wadworth, near Doncaster, who died 1st July, 1653, is described on a brass plate to his memory, in the church at Wadworth, as "generosus." He was owner of the rectory and other property there. It appears from the register that he married, 18th April, 1609, Margaret, daughter and coheir of Michael Cocksonn, Gent., of Wadworth and Crookhill, and by her (who was buried 22nd July, 1620) he had
MARY (ultimately only daughter and heir), baptized at Wadworth, 27th July, 1612; married John Battie, of Wadworth, Gent., and had issue,
Francis Battie, of Wadworth, Gent., who died without issue, 1682; having married Martha, daughter of Michael Fawkes, Esq., of Farnley.
Elizabeth, wife of John Cogan, of Hull.
Margaret, wife of William Stephens, Rector of Sutton, Bedfordshire.
FRANCES, bap. 1st July, and bur. Aug. 12, 1616.
JOHN, bap. 19th Aug., 1617; bur. Feb. 10, 1629-30.
GEORGE, bur. 26th Jan., 1631-2.
The arms on the memorial to John Pierrepont are—A lion rampant within eight roses in orle.
N.B.—By the second wife of the above John Battie there was issue, now represented by William Battie Wrightson, Esq., M.P. of Cusworth.
C. J.
Passage in Orosius (Vol. vii., pp. 399. 536.).—I cannot exactly subscribe to the three propositions of MR. E. THOMSON, which he deduces from his observations on "twam tyncenum" in Alfred's Orosius. In the first place, the sentence in which the word tyncenum occurs is perfectly gratuitous on the part of Alfred, or whoever paraphrased Orosius in Anglo-Saxon. No such assertion appears in Orosius, so that we have no means of comparing it with the original.
The occurrence, as recounted by both Orosius and Herodotus, is attributed to a horse (a sacred horse, Herod.), not to a horseman, knight, or thane. What is meant by the Anglo-Saxon text is, certainly, anything but clear, as it stands in Barrington's edition; and he himself confesses this, and does not admit it into his English translation.
Dr. Bosworth seems to have wisely omitted the word in the second edition of his dictionary; and Thorpe confesses he can make nothing of it, in his Analecta. We find no such word in Caedmon, Beowulf, or the Saxon Chronicle; and the only reference made by Dr. Bosworth, in his first edition, is to this very place in Alfred's Orosius, in which he seems to have followed Lye.
May it not have been an error in the earlier transcribers of the MS., and the real word have been twentigum, i. e. he ordered his thane to pass over the river with twenty men, since the thane, by himself, could have been but of little use on the other side the river? However this may be, the fact is not historical at all, and therefore, as respects history, is of little consequence.
Pugna Porcorum (Vol. vii., p. 528.).—The author of this poem, as is generally believed (though its production has also been assigned to Gilbertus Cognatus or Cousin), was Joannes Leo Placentius, or Placentinus, of whom the following account is given in the Biographie Universelle:
"Jean-Leo Placentius ou Le Plaisant, n'est connu que comme l'auteur d'un petit poeme tautogramme, genre de composition qui ne peut offrir que le frivole merite de la difficulte vaincue. Ne a Saint Trond, au pays de Liege, il fit ses etudes a Bois-le-Duc, dans l'ecole des Hieronomytes; embrassa la vie religieuse, au commencement du seizieme siecle, dans l'ordre des Dominicains, et fut envoye a Louvain pour y faire son cours de theologie. Les autres circonstances de sa vie sont ignorees; et ce n'est que par conjecture qu'on place sa mort a l'annee 1548. On peut consulter sur cet ecrivain, la Bibl. Belgica de Foppens, et les Scriptores ordin. Praedicator. des PP. Quetif et Echard."
[Greek: Alieus].
This production appears to have been merely designed as a display of the writer's skill. Dr. Brown notices it in his Philosophy of the Mind, lect. 36; and Ebert: "PORCIUS, Pugna Porcorum, per P. Porcium, Poetam (J. Leonem), without {607} place, 1530, 8vo., 8 leaves. Printed in Italics, and probably at Cologne or in Holland." He enumerates several other editions, the last of which is that of Walch, 1786.
B. H. C.
Oaken Tombs and Effigies (Vol. vii., p. 528.).—These are rare. Three of the latter exist at Little Horkesley, Essex. Two are figures of cross-legged knights in chain armour and surcoats: one is a female figure wimpled. They are supposed by Suckling to represent members of the Horkesley family, who held that manor from 1210 to 1322.
Another instance is the effigy of a cross-legged knight in chain mail at Danbury in the same county. An account of these will be found in vol. iii. of Weale's Architectural Papers.
At Ashwell, Rutland, is an effigy in wood of a cross-legged knight, also in chain mail, if I remember rightly. It is not quite evident, from the description in Weale's book, whether there are three effigies at Danbury or only one. Of the same material is the figure of Isabella of Angouleme at Fontevrault. A catalogue of these wooden effigies would be interesting.
Bowyer Bible (Vol. vii., passim).—Relative to the history and various possessors of this curious Bible, I find the following notice in The Times, Oct. 14, 1840:
"There is at present, in the possession of Mrs. Parker of Golden Square, a copy of Macklin's Bible in forty-five large volumes, illustrated with nearly 7000 engravings from the age of Michael Angelo to that of Reynolds and West. The work also contains about 200 original drawings or vignettes by Loutherbourg.
"The prints and etchings include the works of Raffaelle, Marc Antonio, Albert Durer, Callot, Rembrandt, and other masters, consisting of representations of nearly every fact, circumstance, and object mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. There are, moreover, designs of trees, plants, flowers, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, and insects; such as, besides fossils, have been adduced in proof of the universal Deluge. The most authentic Scripture atlasses are bound up with the volumes. The Bible was the property of the late Mr. Bowyer the publisher, who collected and arranged the engravings, etchings, and drawings at great expense and labour; and he is said to have been engaged for upwards of thirty years in rendering it perfect. It was insured at the Albion Insurance Office for 3000l."
In the British Museum are several large works, particularly British topography, illustrated in a similar manner, and which thus contain materials of the rarest and most valuable description. Of these I would only at present mention Salmon's Hertfordshire illustrated by Baskerville, and Lysons's Environs, in the King's Library. A long list of such valuable works might be furnished from the Museum catalogues.
One of the most laborious collectors of curious prints of every kind was John Bagford, whose voluminous collections are amongst the Harleian MSS. in many folio volumes, in which will be found illustrations of topography to be met with nowhere else.
Longevity (Vol. vii., pp. 358. 504.).—Our friend A. J. is certainly not one of the "remnant of true believers." By way of aiding in the crusade to convert him to the faith, I hereunder quote a couple of instances, "within the age of registers," which I trust will in some degree satisfy his pagan incredulity. The parish registers of the township of Church Minshull, in Cheshire, begin in 1561, and in the portion for the year 1649 appears the following:
"Thomas Damme, of Leighton, buried the 26th of February, being of the age of seven score and fourteen."
This entry was made under the "Puritan dispensation," when the parish scribe was at any rate supposed to be an "oracle of truth." Here, however, is another instance, culled from the Register of Burials for the parish of Frodsham, also in Cheshire:
"1512/3. Feb. 12. Thomas Hough, cujus aetas CXLI."
And again, on the very next day after—
"—— Feb. 13. Randle Wall, aetas 104."
I have met with other instances, but those now enumerated will probably suffice for my present purpose.
John Locke, baptized 17th December, 1716, in the parish of Coney Weston, was buried in Larling parish, county of Norfolk, 21st July, 1823. He is registered as 110 years of age. He and his family always said that he was three years old when he was baptized. I saw and conversed with him in Jan. 1823.
F. W. J.
Lady Anne Gray (Vol. vii., p. 501.).—Referring to Sir John Harington's poem, I do not find that the Christian name of the Lady Gray is set down at all; the words of the stanza are,—
"First doth she give to Grey, The falcon's curtesse kind."
I find in the pedigrees, British Museum, a "Lady Anne Grey" (daughter to John Lord Grey of Pirgo, brother to Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk) married to "Henry Denny of Waltham," father to the Earl of Norwich of that name. She was his first wife, and dying without issue, he married again "Lady Honora Grey, daughter of Lord Grey de Wilton;" but I scarce think this Lady Anne Grey could have been the maid of honour to the princess. The number of Greys of different stocks and branches at that period, are beyond counting or distinguishing from each other, and yet the fall of a queen's maid of honour should be {608} easily traceable. Isabella Markham, one of the six ladies, married Sir John Harington himself.
On referring to Lodge's Illustrations, I find the Lord John Grey one of those noblemen appointed to attend Queen Elizabeth on her entree from Hatfield to London on her accession, so that his daughter may well have been one of her maids of honour; yet from comparison of dates I think she can scarce have been the wife of Henry Denny.
A. B. R.
Sir John Fleming (Vol. vii., p. 356.).—If CARET can obtain access to the pedigree of the Flemings of Rydal Hall, Westmoreland, I anticipate he will find that this Sir John was the third son of Sir Michael le Fleming, who came over at the instance of Baldwin, Earl of Flanders, to assist King William in his conquest of England. I may add that the Rydal family, honoured with a baronetcy, Oct. 4, 1704, bear for their arms—"Gules, a fret argent."
Life (Vol. vii., p. 429.).—Campbell, in his lines entitled A Dream, writes:
"Hast thou felt, poor self-deceiver! Life's career so void of pain, As to wish its fitful fever New begun again?"
Though everybody knows the line—
"After life's fitful fever he sleeps well"—
I think Campbell might have acknowledged his adoption of the words by marking them, and might have improved his own lines (with all deference be it said) if he had written—
"Hast thou felt, poor self-deceiver! Thy career so void of pain, As to wish 'life's fitful fever' New begun again?"
"I would not live my days over again if I could command them by a wish, for the snares of life are greater than the fears of death." (Penn's father, the Admiral.)
Penn himself said, that if he had to live his life over again, he could serve God, his neighbour, and himself better than he had done. Considering the history of the father and son's respective lives (and of those I before alluded to), though the latter's remarks may appear presumptuous, which showed the most wisdom is an open question. Does not H. C. K.'s professional experience enable him to give a more certain opinion of ordinary men's feelings than is expressed in "I fear not?"
A. C.
Family of Kelway (Vol. vii., p. 529.).—In reply to the Query as to this family in "N. & Q." of May 28, I beg to mention that in MS. F. 9. in the Heraldic MSS. in Queen's College library, Oxford, is a pedigree of the family of Kelway of Shereborne, co. Dorset, and White Parish, Wilts.
The arms are beautifully tricked. There is a bordure engrailed to the Kelway coat. With it are these quarterings: 2, a leopard's face g. entre five birds close s., three in chief, two in base. 3, az. a camel statant arg. Crest, on a wreath arg. and g. a cock arg. crested, beaked, wattled, az.
D. P.
Sir G. Browne, Bart. (Vol. vii., p. 528.).—The particulars given by NEWBURY, while introducing his Query, are extremely vague and inaccurate. In the first place, the individual he styles Sir George Browne, Bart., was in reality simple George Browne, Esq., of Caversham, Oxon, and Wickham, Kent. This gentleman, who would have been a valuable acquisition to any nascent colony, married Elizabeth (not Eleanor), second daughter of Sir Richard Blount, of Maple Durham, and had by her nineteen children, pretty evenly divided as to sex: for I read that of the daughters, three at least died young; other three became nuns and one married —— Yates, Esq., a Berkshire gentleman. Of the sons, three, as NEWBURY relates, fell gloriously fighting for Charles, their sovereign. Neither of these latter were married: indeed, the only sons who ventured at all into the bonds of wedlock were George, the heir, and John, a younger brother. George married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Francis Englefield, Knt., a Popish recusant, and left two daughters, his co-heiresses. John, his brother, created a baronet May 19th, 1665, married Mrs. Bradley, a widow, and had issue three sons and three daughters. The sons, Anthony, John, and George, inherited the baronetcy in succession, the two former dying bachelors: the third son, Sir George, married his sister-in-law, Gertrude Morley, and left three sons, the first of whom, Sir John, succeeded his father; and with him the baronetcy became dormant, if not indeed extinct.
Americanisms, so called (Vol. vi., p. 554.; Vol. vii., p. 51.).—Thurley Bottom, near Great Marlow, dear to "the Fancy," may be added to the list of J. S.'s.
Sir Gilbert Gerard (Vol. v., pp. 511. 571.; Vol. vi., p. 441.).—Sir Gilbert Gerard, Master of the Rolls temp. Queen Elizabeth, died on the 4th of February, and was interred on the 6th of March, 1592 (Old Style), in Ashley Church, in Staffordshire. The style most probably led Dugdale into the error noticed by your learned correspondent MR. FOSS, in his last communication to "N. & Q.," relative to the probate of Sir Gilbert Gerard's will. I beg to forward you an extract taken from the Parish Register of Ashley, which, {609} it will be seen, not only records the burial, but likewise, rather unusually, the precise day of his death, a little more than a month intervening between the two events, which possibly might be accounted for. On a careful examination of Sir Gilbert's tomb, I did not find (which agrees with Dugdale) any epitaph thereon,—a somewhat remarkable circumstance, inasmuch as Sir Thomas Gerard (Sir Gilbert Gerard's eldest son and heir, who was created Baron Gerard, of Gerard's Bromley, where his father had built a splendid mansion, a view of which is in Plot's History of Staffordshire, page 103., not a vestige of which beyond the gateway is now standing) is said by the Staffordshire historians to have erected a monument to the memory of his father at great expense; a drawing of which is given by Garner in his Natural History of Staffordshire, p. 120., with a copious description of the tomb.
Extract. Annus 1592.
"4 Die Februarii mortuus est Gilbert Gerard, Miles, et Custos Rotulorium Serenissimae Reginae Elizabethae; et sepultus 6 die Martii sequentis."
Tombstone in Churchyard.—Arms: Battle-axe (Vol. vii., pp. 331. 390. 407. 560.).—It appears that I may conclude that 1600 is the oldest legible date on a tombstone inscription. That of 1601 is cut in relief round the edge of a long free-stone slab, raised on a course of two or three bricks, and is in Henllan, near Denbigh.
The battle-axes (three in fesse) are on the wall over it. I am obliged to J. D. S.; but in both my cases the arms appear as connected with Welsh families; but it is the above that I want to identify.
A. C.
A correspondent asks for instances of dates on tombstones earlier than 1601. I know of one, at Moore Church in the county of Meath, within five miles of Drogheda. It is as early as 1597; the letters, instead of being sunk, are in relief. I subjoin a copy of the inscription:
M. E.
Thomas Gage (Vol. vi., p. 291.).—Thomas Gage (formerly a Dominican friar, and author of the English American, 1648—as I saw the work entitled—subsequently a Puritan preacher), is, I imagine, identical with Thomas Gage, minister of the Gospel at Deal in Kent, whom your correspondent A. B. R. inquires about, p. 291. If so, he became chaplain to Lord Fairfax, and, according to Macaulay, was not unlikely to have married some dependent connexion of that family.
E. C. G.
Marriage in High Life (Vol. vi., p. 359.).—I have often heard a similar story, from an old relation of mine with whom I lived when a girl; and she had heard it from her father,—which would carry the time of its occurrence back to the date 1740, named by your correspondent. My informant's father knew the parties, and I have repeatedly heard the name of the bridegroom; but whether Wilbraham or Swetenham, I do not now remember. Both Wilbrahams and Swetenhams are old Cheshire families, and have intermarried. I am almost certain a Wilbraham was the hero of the story. I have had the house pointed out to me where he lived, and it was not above a couple of hours' drive from Chester, whither we were going in the old-fashioned way of carriage-conveyance. I am sure he was not a peer, though, if a Wilbraham, he might be related to the late (first) Lord Skelmersdale.
There is one other little circumstance, which the reference to those former times has reminded me of,—the pronunciation of the word obliged (as in the Prologue to the Satires, where Pope says:
"By flatterers besieged, And so obliging that he ne'er obliged),
which the old lady that I have referred to, maintained was the proper pronunciation for obleege, to confer a favour; whereas the harsher sound, to oblige, was discriminatively reserved for the equivalent, to compel. She was a well-educated woman, and had associated with the good society of London in her youth; and she always complained of the want of taste and judgment shown by the younger generation, in pronouncing the same word, with two distinct meanings, alike in both cases.
E. C. G.
Eulenspiegel (Vol. vii., p. 557.).—The German verses under MR. CAMPKIN'S portrait of Eulenspiegel, rendered into English prose, mean:
"Look here at Eulenspiegel: his portrait makes thee laugh. What wouldst thou do, if thou couldst see the jester himself? But Till is a picture and mirror of this world. He left many a brother behind. We are great fools In thinking that we are the greatest sages: Therefore laugh at thyself, as this sheet represents thyself."
From the orthography, I do not think that the lines are much anterior to the beginning of the eighteenth century. The names of the artist will be the safest guides for discovering the date of the print.
[alpha]. {610}
"Wanderings of Memory" (Vol. vii., p. 527.).—The author of Wanderings of Memory, published by subscription at Lincoln in 1815, 12mo. pp. 151., was a young man "in his apprenticeship," of the name of A. G. Jewitt. He dedicates the book to his father, Mr. Arthur Jewitt, Kimberworth School, Yorkshire. Nearly the whole of the embellishments were engraved by a younger brother of the author, "who at the time had not attained his sixteenth year, and who had not the opportunity of profiting by any regular instructions."
There are some good lines in the poem, but not enough to rescue it from that fate which poetical mediocrity is irreversibly doomed to.
* * * * *
The reputation which Mr. Finlay has acquired by his History of Greece, and his Greece under the Romans, will unquestionably be increased by his newly published History of the Byzantine Empire from DCCXVI. to MLVII. The subject is one of great interest to the scholar; and the manner in which Mr. Finlay has traced the progress of the eastern Roman empire through an eventful period of three centuries and a half, and while doing so enriched his pages with constant reference to the original historians, has certainly enabled him to accomplish the object which he has avowedly had in view, namely, that of making his work serve not only as a popular history, but also as an index for scholars who may be more familiar with classic literature than with the Byzantine writers.
We understand that Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with that appreciation of the beautiful and the useful for which they are distinguished, have shown their opinion of the value of photography by becoming the Patrons of the Photographic Society.
The Camden Society is about to put to press a work which will be of great value to our topographical writers, as well as to historians generally, namely, The Extent of the Estates of the Hospitalers in England, taken under the direction of Prior Philip de Thame, A.D. 1338. The original MS. is at Malta; and though the transcript of it was made by a most competent hand, we have reason to believe that our correspondent at La Valetta (W. W.) would be doing good service both to the Society and to the world of letters, and one which would be most acceptable to the Transcriber, if he could find it convenient to revise the proof sheets with the original document.
BOOKS RECEIVED.—Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature. Part IX. of this useful Library Companion extends from Goethe to Matthew Henry.—Reynard the Fox, after the German Version of Goethe, with Illustrations, by J. Wolf. Part VI. Contains Chap. VI. The Relapse.—Messrs. Longman have added to their Traveller's Library (in two parts) an interesting and cleverly written account of our Coal Mines, and those who live in them, which gives a graphic picture of the places and persons to whom we are all for so many months indebted for our greatest comfort.—Mr. Bohn continues his good work of supplying excellent books at moderate prices. We are this month indebted to him for publishing in his Scientific Library the third volume of Miss Ross' excellent translation of Humboldt's Personal Narrative of his Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, which is enriched with a very copious index. In his Classical Library he has given us Translations of Terence and Phaedrus; and in his Antiquarian Library, the second volume of what, in spite of the laches pointed out by one of our correspondents, we must pronounce a most useful work for the mere English reader, the second volume of Mr. Riley's translation of Roger de Hoveden's Annals of English History, which completes the work. Probably, however, the volume which Mr. Bohn has just published in his Standard Library is the one which will excite most interest. It is issued as a continuation of Coxe's History of the House of Austria, and consists (for the most part) of a translation of Count Hartig's Genesis of the Revolution in Austria.
* * * * *
LORD LANSDOWNE'S WORKS. Vol. I. Tonson, 1736.
WALKER'S PARTICLES. 8vo. old calf, 1683.
WARNER'S SERMONS. 2 Vols. Longman, about 1818.
HISTORY OF ANCIENT WILTS, by SIR R. C. HOARE. The last three Parts.
*** Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.
*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
Notices to Correspondents.
D. A. A. will find an answer to his Query, "Was St. Patrick ever in Ireland?" in our 5th Vol. p. 561., from the pen of that accomplished scholar, the REV. DR. ROCK.
We have to apologise to many of our Shakspearian correspondents for the delay which has taken place in the insertion of their communications. A. E. B. will perceive that we have complied with his request in substituting for immediate publication the paper he sent this week, instead of one by him which has been in type for two or three weeks.
The coincident communications from two correspondents on Falstaff's death,—MR. SINGER's valuable emendation of a passage in Romeo and Juliet,—and MR. BLINK's and MR. RAWLINSON's respective communications, shall have our earliest attention.
We are also compelled to postpone our usual replies to Photographic Querists.
MR. MERRITT's Photographic specimens are very satisfactory. There can be no doubt that, with perseverance, he will accomplish everything that can be desired in this useful and pleasing art.
"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday. {611}
* * * * *
Just published, price 1s., free by Post 1s. 4d.,
Sole Agents in the United Kingdom for VOIGHTLANDER & SON'S celebrated Lenses for Portraits and Views.
General Depot for Turner's, Whatman's Canson Freres, La Croix, and other Talbotype Papers.
Pure Photographic Chemicals.
Instructions and Specimens in every Branch of the Art.
GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHY.—Collodion (Iodized with the Ammonio-Iodide of Silver).—J. B. HOCKIN & CO., Chemists, 289. Strand, were the first in England who published the application of this agent (see Athenaeum, Aug. 14th). Their Collodion (price 9d. per oz.) retains its extraordinary sensitiveness, tenacity, and colour unimpaired for months; it may be exported to any climate, and the Iodizing Compound mixed as required. J. B. HOCKIN & CO. manufacture PURE CHEMICALS and all APPARATUS with the latest Improvements adapted for all the Photographic and Daguerreotype processes. Cameras for Developing in the open Country. GLASS BATHS adapted to any Camera. Lenses from the best Makers. Waxed and Iodized Papers, &c.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS MANUFACTORY, Charlotte Terrace, Barnsbury Road, Islington.
T. OTTEWILL (from Horne & Co.'s) begs most respectfully to call the attention of Gentlemen, Tourists, and Photographers, to the superiority of his newly registered DOUBLE-BODIED FOLDING CAMERAS, possessing the efficiency and ready adjustment of the Sliding Camera, with the portability and convenience of the Folding Ditto.
Every description of Apparatus to order.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHY.—HORNE & CO.'S Iodized Collodion, for obtaining Instantaneous Views, and Portraits in from three to thirty seconds, according to light.
Portraits obtained by the above, for delicacy of detail rival the choicest Daguerreotypes, specimens of which may be seen at their Establishment.
Also every description of Apparatus, Chemicals, &c. &c. used in this beautiful Art.—123. and 121. Newgate Street.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions (comprising Views in VENICE, PARIS, RUSSIA, NUBIA, &c.) may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.
Calotype, Daguerreotype, and Glass Pictures for the Stereoscope.
*** Catalogues may be had on application.
BLAND & LONG, Opticians, Philosophical and Photographical Instrument Makers, and Operative Chemists, 153. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's and Canson Freres' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.
Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.
* * * * *
* * * * *
Established 1824.
* * * * *
FIVE BONUSES have been declared; at the last in January, 1852, the sum of 131,125l. was added to the Policies, producing a Bonus varying with the different ages from 241/2 to 55 per cent. on the Premiums paid during the five years, or from 5l. to 12l. 10s. per cent. on the Sum Assured.
The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for, the ASSURED will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY OR RISK OF PARTNERSHIP.
POLICIES effected before the 30th June next, will be entitled, at the next Division, to one year's additional share of Profits over later Assurers.
On Assurances for the whole of Life only one half of the Premiums need be paid for the first five years.
INVALID LIVES may be Assured at rates proportioned to the risk.
Claims paid thirty days after proof of death, and all Policies are Indisputable except in cases of fraud.
Tables of Rates and forms of Proposal can be obtained of any of the Society's Agents, or of
GEORGE H. PINCKARD, Resident Secretary.
99. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.
* * * * *
CITY OF LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 2. Royal Exchange Buildings, London.
Subscribed Capital, a Quarter of a Million.
Trustees. Mr. Commissioner West, Leeds. The Hon. W. F. Campbell, Stratheden House. John Thomas, Esq., Bishop's Stortford.
This Society embraces every advantage of existing Life Offices, viz. the Mutual System without its risks or liabilities; the Proprietary, with its security, simplicity, and economy; the Accumulative System, introduced by this Society, uniting life with the convenience of a deposit bank; Self-Protecting Policies, also introduced by this Society, embracing by one policy and one rate of premium a Life Assurance, an Endowment, and a Deferred Annuity. No forfeiture. Loans with commensurate Assurances. Bonus recently declared, 20 per Cent.
EDW. FRED. LEEKS, Secretary.
* * * * *
SPECTACLES.—WM. ACKLAND applies his medical knowledge as a Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company, London, his theory as a Mathematician, and his practice as a Working Optician, aided by Smee's Optometer, in the selection of spectacles suitable to every derangement of vision, so as to preserve the sight to extreme old age.
ACHROMATIC TELESCOPES, with the New Vetzlar Eye-pieces, as exhibited at the Academy of Sciences in Paris. The Lenses of these Eye-pieces are so constructed that the rays of light fall nearly perpendicular to the surface of the various lenses, by which the aberration is completely removed; and a telescope so fitted gives one-third more magnifying power and light than could be obtained by the old Eye-pieces. Prices of the various sizes on application to
WM. ACKLAND, Optician, 93. Hatton Garden, London.
* * * * *
BENNETT'S MODEL WATCH, as shown at the GREAT EXHIBITION, No. 1. Class X., in Gold and Silver Cases, in five qualities, and adapted to all Climates, may now be had at the MANUFACTORY, 65. CHEAPSIDE. Superior Gold London-made Patent Levers, 17, 15, and 12 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 4 guineas. First-rate Geneva Levers, in Gold Cases, 12, 10, and 8 guineas. Ditto, in Silver Cases, 8, 6, and 5 guineas. Superior Lever, with Chronometer Balance, Gold, 27, 23, and 19 guineas. Bennett's Pocket Chronometer, Gold, 50 guineas; Silver, 40 guineas. Every Watch skilfully examined, timed, and its performance guaranteed. Barometers, 2l., 3l., and 4l. Thermometers from 1s. each.
BENNETT, Watch, Clock, and Instrument Maker to the Royal Observatory, the Board of Ordnance, the Admiralty, and the Queen,
* * * * *
Founded A.D. 1842.
H. E. Bicknell, Esq. W. Cabell, Esq. T. S. Cocks, Jun. Esq., M. P. G. H. Drew, Esq. W. Evans, Esq. W. Freeman, Esq. F. Fuller, Esq. J. H. Goodhart, Esq. T. Grissell, Esq. J. Hunt, Esq. J. A. Lethbridge, Esq. E. Lucas, Esq. J. Lys Seager, Esq. J. B. White, Esq. J. Carter Wood, Esq.
W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C.; L. C. Humfrey, Esq., Q.C.; George Drew, Esq. Physician.—William Rich. Basham, M.D. Bankers.—Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph, and Co., Charing Cross.
POLICES effected in this Office do not become void through temporary difficulty in paying a Premium, as permission is given upon application to suspend the payment at interest, according to the conditions detailed in the Prospectus.
Specimens of Rates of Premium for Assuring 100l., with a Share in three-fourths of the Profits:—
Age L s. d. 17 1 14 4 22 1 18 8 27 2 4 5 32 2 10 8 37 2 18 6 42 3 8 2
Now ready, price 10s. 6d., Second Edition, with material additions. INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT and EMIGRATION: being a TREATISE ON BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES, and on the General Principles of Land Investment, exemplified in the Cases of Freehold Land Societies, Building Companies, &c. With a Mathematical Appendix on Compound Interest and Life Assurance. By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., Actuary to the Western Life Assurance Society, 3. Parliament Street, London.
* * * * *
RESPECTFULLY informs the Clergy, Architects, and Churchwardens, that he replies immediately to all applications by letter, for information respecting his Manufactures in CHURCH FURNITURE, ROBES, COMMUNION LINEN. &c., &c., supplying full information as to Prices, together with Sketches, Estimates, Patterns of Materials, &c., &c.
Having declined appointing Agents, MR. FRENCH invites direct communications by Post as the most economical and satisfactory arrangement. PARCELS delivered Free by Railway. {612}
* * * * *
This day is published, in 8vo. pp. 542, price 12s. 6d.
HISTORY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE, from DCCXVI. to MLVII. By GEORGE FINLAY, ESQ., Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Literature.
WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London.
Who have lately published, by the same Author,
GREECE UNDER THE ROMANS: A Historical View of the Greek Nation, from the time of its Conquest by the Romans until the Extinction of the Roman Empire in the East, B.C. 146—A.D. 717. 8vo., pp. 554, price 16s.
HISTORY OF GREECE, from its Conquest by the Crusaders to its Conquest by the Turks, and of the EMPIRE OF TREBIZOND, 1204—1461. 8vo. pp. 520, price 12s.
* * * * *
This day is published, in 8vo., price 16s.,
WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London.
* * * * *
The Twenty-eighth Edition.
NEUROTONICS, or the Art of Strengthening the Nerves, containing Remarks on the influence of the Nerves upon the Health of Body and Mind, and the means of Cure for Nervousness, Debility, Melancholy, and all Chronic Diseases, by DR. NAPIER, M.D. London: HOULSTON & STONEMAN. Price 4d., or Post Free from the Author for Five Penny Stamps.
"We can conscientiously recommend 'Neurotonics,' by Dr. Napier, to the careful perusal of our invalid readers."—John Bull Newspaper, June 5, 1852.
* * * * *
Now ready, Two New Volumes (price 28s. cloth) of
THE JUDGES OF ENGLAND and the Courts at Westminster. By EDWARD FOSS, F.S.A.
Volume Three, 1272-1377. Volume Four, 1377-1485.
Lately published, price 28s. cloth,
Volume One, 1066-1199. Volume Two, 1199-1272.
"A book which is essentially sound and truthful, and must therefore take its stand in the permanent literature of our country."—Gent. Mag.
London: LONGMAN & CO.
* * * * *
The SCHOOL is NOW OPEN for instruction in all branches of Photography, to Ladies and Gentlemen, on alternate days, from Eleven till Four o'clock, under the joint direction of T. A. MALONE, Esq., who has long been connected with Photography, and J. H. PEPPER, Esq., the Chemist to the Institution.
A Prospectus, with terms, may be had at the Institution.
* * * * *
* * * * *
Just published, 8vo., 7s. 6d., THE
TEXT OF SHAKSPEARE VINDICATED from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ. in his Notes and Emendations. By SAMUEL WELLER SINGER.
"To blot old books and alter their contents."—Rape of Lucrece.
Also, preparing for immediate Publication, in Ten Volumes, fcap. 8vo., to appear monthly, The Dramatic Works of WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, the text completely revised, with Notes, and various Readings. By SAMUEL WELLER SINGER.
WILLIAM PICKERING, 177. Piccadilly.
* * * * *
(The Horticultural Part edited by PROF. LINDLEY)
Of Saturday, June 11, contains Articles on
American plants Aphelexis Azaleas, hardy Apples, wearing out of, by Mr. Masters Beer, to make Boilers, incrusted Books noticed Botanical gardens Calendar, horticultural ——, agricultural Cartridge, Norton's Chiswick exhibitions Cinerarias, to grow Dobson's (Mr.) nursery Estates, management of Fences, holly Forests, crown Fruits, wearing out of, by Mr. Masters Gardens, botanical Gutta percha tubing, to mend, by Mr. Cuthill Heating incrusted boilers Holly fences Leases and printed regulations Lilium giganteum, by Mr. Cunningham Norton's cartridge Pasture, worn out, by Mr. Dyer Pleuro-pneumonia Potato-drying v. disease Rhododendrons Rhubarb, red —— wine Rothamsted and Kilwhiss experiments, by Mr. Russell Royal Botanical Gardens Sheep, breeds of, by Mr. Spittal ——, keeping of Shows, reports of the Nottingham Tulip, Exeter Poultry Societies, proceedings of the Caledonian Horticultural, Agricultural of England, Bath Agricultural Straw, properties of Sun, rings about Tenant right Turnip seed, raising of, by Mr. Thallon Vine, disease Waterer's (Messrs.) nurseries Wine, rhubarb Winter, effects of Woods and forests
* * * * *
THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE contains, in addition to the above, the Covent Garden, Mark Lane, Smithfield, and Liverpool prices, with returns from the Potato, Hop, Hay, Coal, Timber, Bark, Wool, and Seed Markets, and a complete Newspaper, with a condensed account of all the transactions of the week.
ORDER of any Newsvender. OFFICE for Advertisements, 5. Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London.
* * * * *
HEAL & SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BEDSTEADS, sent free by post. It contains designs and prices of upwards of ONE HUNDRED different Bedsteads; also of every description of Bedding, Blankets, and Quilts. And their new warerooms contain an extensive assortment of Bed-room Furniture, Furniture Chintzes, Damasks, and Dimities, so as to render their Establishment complete for the general furnishing of Bed-rooms.
HEAL & SON, Bedstead and Bedding Manufacturers. 196. Tottenham Court Road.
* * * * *
8vo., price 21s.
SOME ACCOUNT of DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE in ENGLAND, from the Conquest to the end of the Thirteenth Century, with numerous Illustrations of Existing Remains from Original Drawings. By T. HUDSON TURNER.
"What Horace Walpole attempted, and what Sir Charles Lock Eastlake has done for oil-painting—elucidated its history and traced its progress in England by means of the records of expenses and mandates of the successive Sovereigns of the realm—Mr. Hudson Turner has now achieved for Domestic Architecture in this country during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries."—Architect.
"The writer of the present volume ranks among the most intelligent of the craft, and a careful perusal of its contents will convince the reader of the enormous amount of labour bestowed on its minutest details, as well as the discriminating judgment presiding over the general arrangement."—Morning Chronicle.
"The book of which the title is given above is one of the very few attempts that have been made in this country to treat this interesting subject in anything more than a superficial manner.
"Mr. Turner exhibits much learning and research, and he has consequently laid before the reader much interesting information. It is a book that was wanted, and that affords us some relief from the mass of works on Ecclesiastical Architecture with which of late years we have been deluged.
"The work is well illustrated throughout with wood-engravings of the more interesting remains, and will prove a valuable addition to the antiquary's library."—Literary Gazette.
"It is as a text-book on the social comforts and condition of the Squires and Gentry of England during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, that the leading value of Mr. Turner's present publication will be found to consist.
"Turner's handsomely-printed volume is profusely illustrated with careful woodcuts of all important existing remains, made from drawings by Mr. Blore and Mr. Twopeny."—Athenaeum.
JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford; and 377. Strand, London.
* * * * *
Literary and Musical Curiosities, the Collection of Richard Clark, Esq., Gentleman of H.M. Chapels Royal, Author of "An Account of the National Anthem," &c.
PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on Saturday, June the 25th, the LITERARY AND MUSICAL COLLECTIONS of RICHARD CLARK, ESQ., including many Works on the History and Theory of Music; Musical Works by the best composers; the Organ-Book of Dr. John Bull, the original manuscript; attested copies of the Charter of Westminster Abbey (not otherwise accessible); prints, pictures, curiosities, musical relics, some beautiful objects, made from the wood of Caxton's printing-office, recently demolished; the well-known anvil and hammer of Powell, the blacksmith, with which was beat the accompaniment to his air, adopted by Handel, and since called "The Harmonious Blacksmith;" and many other interesting items. Catalogues will be sent on application; if in the country, on receipt of four stamps.
* * * * *
Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, June 18, 1853.
* * * * *
Corrections made to printed original.
p.596 "Another petition, persented" - "persented" - in original