"Beware the Cat" (Vol. v., p. 319.).-The "dignitary of Cambridge" was probably Dr. Thackeray, provost of King's, who bequeathed all his {488} black-letter books to the college. Perhaps Beware the Cat may be among them.
Z. E. R.
"Bis dat qui cito dat" (Vol. vi., p. 376.).—The following Greek is either in the Anthologia, or in Joshua Barnes:
"[Greek: okeiai charitos glukeroterai, en de bradunei pasa charis phthinuthei, mede legoito charis.]"
"Gratia ab officio quod mora tardat, abest."
Z. E. R.
High Spirits a Presage of Evil.—The Note of your correspondent CUTHBERT BEDE (Vol. vii., p. 339.) upon this very interesting point recalls to my recollection a line or two in Gilfillan's First Gallery of Literary Portraits, p. 71., which bears directly upon it. Speaking of the death of Percy Bysshe Shelley, the author says, "During all the time he spent in Leghorn, he was in brilliant spirits, to him a sure prognostic of coming evil." I may add, that I have been on terms of intimacy with various persons who entertained a dread of finding themselves in good spirits, from a strong conviction that some calamity would be sure to befall them. This is a curious psychological question, worthy of attention.
Colonel Thomas Walcot (Vol. vii., p. 382.) married Jane, the second daughter of James Purcel of Craugh, co. Limerick, and had by her six sons and two daughters: John, the eldest, who married Sarah Wright of Holt, in Denbighshire; Thomas, Ludlow, and Joseph, which last three died unmarried; Edward (who died an infant); William (of whom I have no present trace); Catherine and Bridget. The latter married, first, Mr. Cox of Waterford, and second, Robert Allen of Garranmore, co. Tipperary. John, the eldest son, administered to his father, and possessed himself of his estates and effects. I think his son was a John Minchin Walcot, who represented Askeaton in Parliament in 1751, died in London in 1753, and was buried in St. Margaret's churchyard. Two years after his death his eldest daughter married William Cecil Pery, of the line of Viscount Pery, and had by him Edmund Henry Pery, member of parliament for Limerick in 1786. A William Walcot was on the Irish establishment appointed a major in the 5th Regiment of Foot in 1769, but I cannot just now say whether, or how, he was related to Colonel Thomas Walcot.
Wood of the Cross: Mistletoe (Vol. vii., p. 437.).—Was S. S. S.'s farmer a native of an eastern county? If he came from any part where Scandinavian traditions may be supposed to have prevailed, there may be some connexion between the myth, that the mistletoe furnished the wood for the cross, and that which represents it as forming the arrow with which Hoedur, at the instigation of Lok, the spirit of evil, killed Baldyr. I have met with a tradition in German, that the aspen tree supplied the wood for the cross, and hence shuddered ever after at the recollection of its guilt.
T. H. L.
The tradition to which I have been always accustomed is, that the aspen was the tree of which the cross was formed, and that its tremulous and quivering motion proceeded from its consciousness of the awful use to which it had once been put.
Irish Office for Prisoners (Vol. vii, p 410.).—The best reference for English readers is to Bishop Mant's edition of the Prayer-Book, in which this office is included.
J. C. R.
Andries de Graeff: Portraits at Brickwall House (Vol. vii, p. 406.).—"Andries de Graeff. Obiit lxxiii., MDCLXXIV." Was this gentleman related to, or the father of, Regulus de Graef, a celebrated physician and anatomist, born in July, 1641, at Scomharen, a town in Holland, where his father was the first architect? Regulus de Graef married in 1672, and died in 1673, at the early age of thirty-two. He published several works, chiefly De Organis Generationis, &c. (See Hutchinson's Biographia Medica; and, for a complete list of his works, Lindonius Renovatus, p. 933.: Nuremberg, 1686, 4to.)
S. S. S.
"Qui facit per alium, facit per se" (Vol. vii., p. 382.).—This is one of the most ordinary maxims or "brocards" of the common law of Scotland, and implies that the employer is responsible for the acts of his servant or agent, done on his employment. Beyond doubt it is borrowed from the civil law, and though I cannot find it in the title of the digest, De Diversis Regulis Juris Antiqui (lib. 1. tit. 17.), I am sure it will be traced either to the "Corpus Juris," or to one of the commentators thereupon.
W. H. M.
Christian Names (Vol. vii., p. 406.).—When Lord Coke says "a man cannot have two names of baptism, as he may have divers surnames," he does not mean that a man may not have two or more Christian names given to him at the font, but that, while he may have "divers surnames at divers times," he may not have divers Christian names at divers times.
When a man changes his Christian name, he alters his legal identity. The surname, however, is assumable at pleasure. The use of surnames came into England, according to Camden, about {489} the time of the Conquest, but they were not in general use till long after that. Many branches of families used to substitute the names of their estate or residence for their patronymic, which often makes the tracing of genealogies a difficult matter. It was not till the middle of the fourteenth century that surnames began to descend from father to son, and a reference to any old document of the time will show how arbitrarily such names were assumed.
A surname, in short, may be called a matter of convenience; a Christian name, a matter of necessity. The giving two Christian names at baptism did not come generally into use till, owing to the multiplication of the patronymic, a single Christian name became insufficient to identify the individual. Consequently an instance of a double Christian name, previous to the commencement of the eighteenth century, is a rarity. The fifth and sixth earls of Northumberland bore the names of Henry-Algernon Percy. The latter died in 1537.
As to the period at which Christian names were assumed as surnames, your correspondent ERICAS is referred to Lower's English Surnames.
H. C. K.
—— Rectory, Hereford.
Your correspondent ERICA will not, I think, find an instance in this country of a person having more than one Christian name before the last century. Charles James Fox and William Wyndham Grenville are the two earliest instances I can find. It is trivial but curious to observe, that in the lists given at the beginning of the Oxford Calendar of the heads of colleges and halls from their several foundations, the first who appears with two Christian names is the venerable president of Magdalene College. Antony Ashley Cooper is only a seeming exception; his surname was Ashley-Cooper, as is proved by his contributing the letter a to the word cabal, the nickname of the ministry of which he formed a part. We find the custom common enough in Germany at the time of the Reformation, and still earlier in Italy. I apprehend that its origin is really in the tria nomina of Roman freemen. It was introduced into this country through our royal family, but I am not aware of any prince who had the benefit of it before Charles James.
I apprehend the passage which ERICA quotes from Lord Coke has not the significance which he attributes to it. A man can have but one Christian or baptismal name, of however many single names or words that baptismal name may be composed. I have spoken in this letter of two Christian names, in order to be more intelligible at the expense of correctness.
J. J. H.
Lamech's War-song (Vol. vii., p. 432.).—There have been many speculations about the origin and meaning of these lines. I agree with EWALD in Die Poetischen Buecher des Alten Bundes, vol. i., who calls it a "sword-song;" and I imagine it might have been preserved by tradition among the Canaanitish nations, and so quoted by Moses as familiar to the Israelites. I should translate it—
"Adah and Zillah, hear ye my voice! Wives of Lemek, heed ye my saying! For man do I slay, for my wound; And child, for my bruise. For seven-fold is Cain avenged, And Lemek seventy-fold and seven."
Bishop Hall, in his Explication of Hard Texts, paraphrases it thus:
"And Lamech said to his wives, 'Adah and Zillah, what tell you me of any dangers and fears? Hear my voice, oh ye faint-hearted wives of Lamech, and hearken unto my speech; I pass not of the strength of my adversary: for I know my own valour and power to revenge; if any man give me but a wound or a stroke, though he be never so young and lusty, I can and will kill him dead.'"
Your correspondent H. WALTER says that "every branch of Cain's family was destroyed by the Deluge." Where is the authority to be found for the tradition, quoted in an Introduction to the Books of Moses, by James Morison, p. 26., that Naameh, the daughter of Lamech the Cainite and Zillah, married Ham, the son of Noah, and thus survived the Flood?
Traitor's Ford (Vol. vii., p. 382.).—Nothing is known of any legend in connexion with the stirring events of the battle of Edgehill, or its times, and the origin of the name is a matter of speculation. One Trait had lands near this stream, and it is thought by some that, from this circumstance, it is properly Trait's Ford, corrupted into Traitor's Ford,—a locality well known to sportsmen as a favourite meet of the Warwickshire hounds.
A. B. R.
* * * * *
We understand the Committee appointed by the Society of Antiquaries to consider the best mode of restoring the Society to its former efficient state, have agreed upon their Report, and also to the revised laws to be recommended to the Fellows for adoption. Of the nature of alterations suggested, we know nothing; for while, on the one hand, it is stated that the Report recommends changes of a most sweeping character, on the other it is rumoured that the changes to be proposed are neither many nor important. The truth in this, as in most cases, no doubt lies midway between {490} the two: and the Report will probably be found to breathe a spirit of conservative reform. Embracing, as the proposed changes necessarily must, points on which great difference of opinion has existed, and may continue to exist, we hope they will receive the impartial consideration of the Fellows; and that they will bear in mind, that in coming to the conclusions at which they have arrived, the Committee have had the advantage of sources of information, necessarily beyond the reach of the body generally; and that those very recommendations, which at first sight may seem most open to objection, may probably be those which their information most completely justifies.
BOOKS RECEIVED.—Young's Night Thoughts, or Life, Death, and Immortality, revised and collated with the early Quarto Editions, with a Life of the Author by Dr. Doran. This new, handsomely printed, and carefully edited reprint of the great work of this noble and original writer, is rendered more valuable by the well-written and critical Memoir of Young, which Dr. Doran has prefixed to it.—The National Miscellany, May 1853. The first Number of a New Magazine just issued by Mr. Parker (Oxford), with every promise of realising the objects for which it has been projected, namely, "to aid the elevation of the reader's mind, to raise some glow of generous desire, some high and noble thoughts, some kindly feeling, and a warm veneration for all things that are good and true."—Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, Part VIII. This most useful work is in the present Part carried from Fawcett (John) to Goethe. Every fresh issue of it affords additional evidence of the great utility which the complete work will prove to all authors, preachers, students, and literary men.
* * * * *
REV. A. DYCE'S EDITION OF DR. RICHARD BENTLEY'S WORKS. Vol. III. Published by Francis Macpherson, Middle Row, Holborn. 1836.
HISTORY OF ANCIENT WILTS, by SIR R. C. HOARE. The last three Parts.
BEN JONSON'S WORKS. 9 Vols. 8vo. Vols. II., III., IV. Bds.
SIR WALTER SCOTT'S NOVELS. 41 Vols. 8vo. The last nine Vols. Boards.
JACOB'S ENGLISH PEERAGE. Folio Edition, 1766. Vols. II., III., and IV.
ALISON'S EUROPE. (20 Vols.) Vols. XIII., XX.
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* * * * *
Notices to Correspondents.
H. C. B. No.
J. D. LUCAS (Bristol). The inscription is Dutch, and means "Praise God for all things."
WALTER J. WATTS will find much of the literary history of the Travels of Baron Munchausen, which were written in ridicule of Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller, in our 3rd Vol., pp. 117, 305, 453.
P. P. Longfellow is an American, having been born at Portland. He is now, we believe, Professor of Modern Languages and Belles Lettres at Cambridge University, U.S.
A BRITON must be aware that if we were so far to depart from our plan of avoiding religious controversy, as to insert his Query, we should be inviting endless disputes and discussions, such as our pages could not contain, or our readers endure.
C. M. I. The sides of the stage are described in Stage Directions as O. P. and P. S., i. e. Opposite Promp. (or Prompter) and Promp. Side.
GENERAL SIR DENNIS PACK (Vol. vii., p. 453.).—"As the purport of the Query may be defeated by two misprints in my communication relative to this gallant soldier, may I beg of your readers for 'French rebels,' to substitute 'Irish rebels;' and for 'Ballinakell,' 'Ballinakill.' I am willing to lay the blame of these errata on my own cacography, rather than on the printer's back.
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ROYAL ASYLUM OF ST. ANN'S SOCIETY.—Waiting not for the Child of those once in prosperity to become an Orphan, but by Voluntary Contributions affording at once a Home, Clothing, Maintenance, and Education.
The Half-yearly Election will take place at the London Tavern on Friday, August l2th, next.
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E. F. LEEKS, Secretary.
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Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 10. Stonefield Street, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, May 14, 1853.