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A. on Welsh names Blaen, 128. Abbot (Abp.), his Letters to the Clergy, 177. Aberdeen Banking Company, 197. Aberdoniensis on the Black Book of Paisley, 201. Abigail or handmaid, 38. 94. 450. Abraham-men explained, 442. Absalom's hair, 380. A. (C.) on Scottish regalia, 443. A. (C. T.) on Troilus and Cressida, 259. Acworth queries, 608. Adair (John), particulars of, 273. Adams (Rev. T.), his 4to. Sermons, 80. 134. Addison and his hymns, 439. 513. Admonition to the Parliament, 4. 184. A. (E.) on meaning of Chatterbox, 141. AEgrotus on the monuments of De la Beche family, 341. —— number of the children of Israel, 11. —— petition respecting the Duke of Wellington, 43. —— Porson's derivation of donkey, 165. —— Junius, 257. —— sword swallowing, 296. —— Autobiography of Timour, 398. A. (E. H.) on Gregentius and the Jews, 58. —— longevity and rejuvenescency, 356. —— notices of J. Scandret, 585. —— Sir Edw. Seawards Narrative, 185. —— notices of General Wolfe, 398. A. (F.) on the number of the children of Israel, 180. —— English translation of the Canons, 307. —— "Quid est episcopus," 255. —— "Wise above that which is written," 260. A. (F. R.) on Advocate, Junius' correspondent, 582. —— Mr. Samuel Johnson, 596. A. (F. S.) on Marlborough 5th November custom, 365. —— Mary Queen of Scots, and Bothwell's confession, 381. —— the Reed family, 29. A. (G. B.) on Acworth queries, 608. Agmond on key experiments, 293. —— omens from young lambs, 293. —— instances of longevity, 401. Agrippa on the Archbishop of Spalatro, 80. A. (G. S.) on the arms of Allen of Rossull, 139. Ague, charm for, 413. Ai, the diphthong, 581. Ajax on maps of Africa, 236. 329. —— Dr. Donne's manuscripts, 611. —— works on ecclesiastical geography, 276. A. (J. H.) on the Virtuosi, or St. Luke's Club, 487. A. (J. S.) on Cuddy the ass, 419. —— a custom on Valentine's day, 55. A. (J. T.) on the black rood in Scotland, 440. A. (J. Y.) on remains of horses and sheep in churches, 453. Akerman (J. Y.) on the broad arrow, 189. Albans (St.) William, the abbot, 611. Albion on Wycherley's verses on Plowden, 297. Aldress, the use of the word, 582. Aldus, inscription on his sanctum, 152. Aleclenegate, its meaning, 10. Algor (John) on old books with new titles, 245. Allcroft (J. D.) on foundation stones, 585. Allen (E.) on the word Blaen, 212. Allen (J. F.) on the stature of Q. Elizabeth, 440. Allens of Rossull, their arms, 11, 139. All-fours, its meaning, 441. Almas Cliffe, near Harrowgate, 296, 354. [Greek: Alphred] on rhymes connected with places, 404. Alterius orbis papa, its origin, 68. Altron on Newton, Cicero, and gravitation, 573. A. (M.) on Johnson's house, Bolt Court, 232. —— the music caused by cracked glass, 294. Amanuensis on Barnard's Church Music, 176. —— Finsbury manor, 440. —— the king's standard, 276. Amateur (an) on musical writers, 582. Ambassadors addressed as peers, 213. 258. Ambassadors, foreign, 135. 498. Amber Witch, its authenticity, 510. 569. Ambree (Mary), notices wanted, 321. Amicus on "Inveni portum," 10. Amyclae, the burghers of, 297. An, the article, when prefixed, 297. 380. Analysis defined, 370. Anderson's Annals of the English Bible noticed, 110. Anecdote of a noble lord, 417. Angel-beast, nature of the game, 559. Anon. on large families, 548. —— queries in Walton's Angler, 609. Anramenii (Sampson) on the burial law, 320. —— a great man who could not spell, 322. Anstis on the Antiquity of Seals, the MS., 610. Antiquaries temp. Elizabeth, 365. Antiquarius On Cromwell's skull, 304. Apple sauce with pork, when first used, 395. Apple trees, blessing them, 148. Arable land, the rental of, in 1333, 396. Aram (Eugene), the murderer of D. Clarke, 125. Arc de aubouin, its meaning, 248. 330. Archaeologia Cambrensis, on the reprint of vol. i., 274. 426. Archer rolls, and master of archery, 395. Arciacon, the god, 607. Arkwright, origin of the name, 320. 429. Armiger's crest, query respecting, 397. Armorial bearings, parliamentary papers on, 416. Arms of royalty in churches, 559. Arncliffe on eagles' feathers, 462. Arrow head, or broad arrow, 116. 189. Arthur (King), his second exhumation 490. 598. Arun on the meaning of Hoo, 61. Ash (Dr. John), his early history, 12. 135. Ashmole (Elias) and the Tradescants, 367. 385. Astrologer royal, a nominal post, 370. Athenian Oracle and Gazette, notice of, 230. Audley family, the present representative, 151. Aue Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 65. Augmentation office, 201. Augustine (St.), his Confessions, &c., 417. —— his Six Treatises on music, 584. Author (a Small) on the calamities of authors, 55. Authors, a new calamity of, 55. 97. Avis aux Refugiez, its authorship, 247. A. (W.) on Cooper's miniature of Cromwell, 92. A. (W. P.) on the Cromwell family, 321. —— London Genealogical Society, 297. Azores, origin of the name, 489. 501.
B. on Mary Fann, 585. —— the seed of St. John's fearn, 453. —— Pope and Flatman, 17. —— Tregonwell Frampton, 16. B. (A) on notices of St. Botolph, 396. —— Cromwell's burial place, 396. —— Lancashire May-day custom, 581. —— largesse, 557. Babington (Anthony), tract relating to, 344. 572. Bachelor (an Old) on cold pudding settling love, 189. Bachelors' buttons 178. Bacon, learned men of this name, 131. 284. Bacon (Lord), poet referred to by him, 232. Badges of noblemen in the 15th century, 467. B. (A. E.) on a passage in Goldsmith, 62. —— Halliwell's Annotated Shakspeare, 535. —— reply to Mr. Hickson's objections, 587. —— readings in Shakspeare, 75. 169. 241. 410. 483. —— the meaning and origin of era, 106. —— the pendulum demonstration, 158. —— "Asters with trains of fire," 210. —— Shakspeare's sickle or sheckel, 324 Bagshaw (Sir Edward), notices of, 298. 403. Bagster's English Version of the Polyglott, 587. Bailey (Miss), the song, 248. 280. Ballads, northern, 177. Balliolensis on Lord King, the Sclaters, &c., 457. 569. —— Burial of Sir John Moore, 585. —— corrupted names, 534. —— Ralph Winterton, 569. Balmerino (Lord Arthur) his Letters, 490. Banning or Bayning family, 536. Banyan-day explained, 442. Baptisteries anciently outside the church, 81. {626}Barbarian defended, 473. Barnacles, meaning of the term, 13. 499. 571. Barnard's Church Music, 176. 355. Baronets, ladies so styled, 536. Baron's hearse, inquiry respecting, 128. 213. Barriere (M.) and the Quarterly Review, 347. 402. 616. Barrister, its derivation, 67. Bartholomew (St.), notice of, 129. 307. 499. Bartlett (A. D.) on the Dodo, 544. Baskerville the printer, 209. 355. 618. Basnet family, 91. Bastard (Thomas), his epigrams, 197. Bastides, 150. 206. 546. Batavus on shield of Hercules, 152. Bates (Wm.) on Cane Decane, 523. —— ground ice, 516. —— rhymes on places, 500. —— hoax on Sir Walter Scott, 546. Battle of Neville's Cross, a poem, 538. Bavius on Cane Decane, &c., 523. Bauderich and bells, 426. Baxter (Richard), notices of, 481. 507. 565. —— Heavy Shove, 416. 515. 594. —— Pulpit. 363. 498. —— (W. H.) on rhymes on places, 449. B. (B.) on astrologer royal, 370. —— a smart saying of Baxter, 507. —— Bee Park, 498. —— Johnson's house, Bolt Court, 232. —— the Bowyer Bible, 350. —— the convertibility of grin and gin, 340. —— Milton's rib bone, 369. —— London street characters, 377. —— on misappropriated quotations, 607. —— the derivation of Caul, 557. —— the antiquity of vanes, 490. —— St. Wilfrid's Needle in Yorkshire, 510. B. (C.) on Abigail, 94. —— song of Miss Bailey, 280. —— arrangement of books, 114. —— Queen Brunehaut, 40. 206. —— epigram on Burnet(?), 58. —— the word Couch, 405. —— Johnny Crapaud, 523. —— fern storms, 280. —— meaning of Groom, 92. —— L'Homme de 1400 ans, 175. —— Juby Issham, 523. —— Moravian hymns, 94. —— Newton, Cicero, and gravitation, 422. —— optical phenomenon, 523. —— St. Paul's quotation of heathen writers, 352. —— derivation of Poison, 499. —— Dutch Commentary on Pope, 93. —— salting of infants, 141. —— meaning of Theodoneum, 161. —— age of trees, 141. —— deep wells, 41. —— New Zealand legend, 282. B. (C. C.) on Dr. W. Warren's tract on Cambridge, 418. B. (C. H.) on few descents through long periods, 330. B. (C. W.) on the value of solidus Gallicus, 277. —— the authorship of Black Gowns and Red Coats, 332. —— verses in Latin prose, 44. —— corrupted names of places, 333. —— archaic and provincial words, 375. —— Ralph Winterton, 419. Beauclerk (Lady Diana), noticed, 234. 261. Bealby (H. M.), notices of Richard Baxter, 481. Bede's chair in Jarrow church, 434. Bede (Cuthbert) on the article an, 381. —— Absalom's hair, 380. —— Baxter's pulpit, 363. 565. —— Bede's chair in Jarrow church, 434. —— body and soul, 364. —— Cleopatra playing at billiards, 585. —— giving cheese at a birth, 364. —— archaic and provincial words, 375. —— nightingale and thorn, 380. —— dedication stone at Jarrow church, 434. Bede (Cuthbert) on exterior stoups, 560. Bedell (Bishop), his device, 101. B. (E.) on lines on Dr. Fell, 355. —— General Urmston, 442. B. (E. D.) on the Butts family, 329. Bee-park, what? 322. 498. Bee superstitions, 148. 437. Bee (Tee) on British ambassadors, 498. —— Johnson's house, Bolt Court, 232. —— Duchess of Lancaster, 423. —— bishop of London's house, 523. B. (E. H.) on bishops vacating their sees, 548. —— the meaning of Sleekstone, 548. —— statute of limitations abroad, 546. Beholden, its derivation, 321. Bell, superstition respecting the passing, 364. Bells, terms in change ringing, 512. Benbow on 'Prentice pillars, 498. Bengal Civilian (an Old) on "Son of the Morning," 137. Benmohel (N. L.) on Rehetour and Moke, 373. Beocera Gent, were they Irish? 201. 259. 283. Bequest, curious one at Eardisland, 345. Berkeley (John Lord), was he bishop of Ely? 275. 309. Berkeley (Bp.), his reference to a nobleman, 345. 448. B. (E. T.) on legend of St. Kenelm, 79. Beware the cat, inquiry after, 318. B. (F. C.) on the Book of Jasher, 524. B. (G.) on the east wind on Candlemas-day, 462. B. (G. M.) on Jacobite toast, 372. B. (H.) on "The Delicate Investigation," 354. B. (H. A.) on Sterne's letter from Paris, 254. Bible, Latin hexameters on the books of, 414. Bibliophilus (Periergus) on passage in Hamlet, 377. Bibliophilus (N. P.) on the author of Avis aux Refugiez, 247. Bibliothecar. Chetham. on Carling Sunday, &c., 611. —— Dutch Chronicle of the World, 281. —— the doctrine of the resurrection, 446. Bibliotheca Literaria, contributors to, 486. Bible, correction in the Cambridge edition, 511. Bible, lines on, attributed to Byron, 66. 162. Biblicus on the Apocalypse, 584. Bibliography, historical, 52. Bigot, its derivation, 277. 331. Bilson (Arnold), who was his wife? 295. Biographical Dictionary a desideratum, 165. Bishops vacating their sees, 156. 548. Bishopsgate, bishop of London's palace in, 371. 523. Birmingham antiquities, 271. B. (J.) on market crosses, 594. —— movable pulpit at Norwich, 475. —— portrait of Charles Mordaunt, 521. B. (J. N.) on St. Bartholomew, 307. —— Gospel oaks, 306. B. (J. O.) on the last lay of Petrarch's cat, 174. B. (J. S.) on the last of the Palaeologi, 357. Bill of fare at a christening, 1682, 412. Black Book of Scone, 294. Black Gowns and Red Coats, a satire, 297. 332. Blackwell (Dr. Elizabeth), 394. Blackwell (W.), on the Knollys family, 498. Blaen, a Welsh prefix, 128. 212. 282. Blakloanae Haeresis, 44. B. (L. C.) on boy bishop at Eton, 557. Blessing by the hand, 44. Blink (G.) on corrupted names of places, 499. Blindman's holiday, origin of the term, 587. Blind taught to read by carved letters, 151. Bloomerism in the 16th century, 8. B. (M. W.) on Baxter's Shove, 594. —— the death-watch, 537. —— Dr. Johnson a prophet, 317. —— monument to Mary Queen of Scots, 517. —— corrupted names of places, 333. —— portrait of John Rogers, 508. —— tortoiseshell tom cat, 618. B. (N.) on optical phenomenon, 441. Bn. (R.) on Lossius' Annotationes Scholasticae, 230. Boar's-head wrestled for, 106. Boase (John J. A.) on bronze medals, 608. Boeoticus on hair cut off, an antidote, 581. —— Punch and Judy, 610. Bogatzky's Golden Treasury noticed, 63. Bohun's Historical Collections, 539. 599. Boiling to death as a punishment, 32. 112. 184. 355. Boleyn (Anne), her burial-place, 464. Bolingbroke, origin of the name, 392. [Greek: Bolis] on Wyle Cop, 44. Bonaparte and Lord Whitworth, 313. Bonds of Clearwell and Redbrook, 105. Boniface, on apple sauce with pork, 395. Bookbuyers, hints to, 271. Booker (John) on burials in woollen, 542. Book-keepers, hints to, 391. Books, mechanical arrangement of, 49. 114. Books, notices of new— Ackerman's Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 550. African Wanderings, 478. Alfred (King), his complete works, 45. 117. Allen's Battles of the British Navy, 190. Andersen's Danish Fairy Legends, 213. Anti-Jacobin Poetry, 525. Antiquarian Etching Club, Publications of, 454. Archaeologia Cambrensis for January, 18. Aunt Effie's Rhymes for Little Children, 213. Beechy's Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 190. Book of Familiar Quotations, 117. Brande's Dictionary of Science, 574. Bridgewater Treatises, 478. Brown's Grammar of English Grammars, 166. Browne's (Sir Thomas) Works, by Wilkin, 18. 382. Bruce's Letter to Lord Viscount Mahon, 502. Buckley's Translation of the Trent Canons, 45. Burke's Works and Correspondence, 524. 575. Burton's Narratives from Criminal Trials, 501. Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, 262. Carlisle (Earl of), Lectures on Popular Education, 334. Child's Play, Seventeen Drawings by E. V. B., 213. Chronicle of the Grey Friars (Camden Soc.), 454. Cicero's Orations, translated, 358. Clarke's Viola the Twin and Imogen the Peerless, 166. Coins of the Ancient Duchies of Brabant and Limberg, 166. Colquhoun's History of Magic, 44. Cunningham's Story of Nell Gwyn, 406. Deeds of Naval Daring, 478. Delapierre's Macaroneana, 166. Dumas' Pictures and Travels in France, 18. Eaton's Rome in the Nineteenth Century, 525. French in England, 262. Fuller's (Andrew), Works, 286. Gibbings (Rev. R.), "Were Heretics ever burned at Rome?" 334. {627}Gosse's Popular British Ornithology, 190. Grimm's Household Stories, 454. —— Deutsches Woerterbuch, 478. Halliwell on the Emendation in Cymbeline, 358. Hervey's Pathway of the Fawn, 45. Holcroft (Thomas), his Memoirs, 262. Hook (Theodore), Sketch of, 478. Home Truths for Home Peace, 214. Huc's Travels in Tartary and China, 18. 142. Humboldt's Travels, 94. Hunter's Robin Hood, 622. James' Fables of AEsop, 478. Joceline's Mother's Legacie, 18. Kidd's London Journal, 117. Lamartine's History of Monarchy in France, 334. Lebahn's Henry von Eichenfels, 214. Legal Iambics in Prose, 525. London Library Catalogue, 334. Longstaffe's Richmondshire, 622. Macaulay's Essays on Addison and Horace Walpole, 18. Mackay's Memoirs of Popular Delusions, 286. Maitland's (Dr.) Eight Essays on various Subjects, 238. Marquardsen's Ueber Haft und Buergschaft bei den Angelsachsen, 117. Marsden's Lectures on Archaeology, 430. Men of the Time in 1852, 190. Michaud's History of the Crusaders, 236. Moore's History of British Ferns, 18. Murray's Official Handbook of Church and State, 142. —— Readings for the Rail, 383. Myrtle's Home and its Pleasures, 213. Neander's General History, vol. vi., 69. Newman's Regal Rome, 285. Oersted on the Soul in Nature, 382. Pindar's Odes translated, 69. Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Works, 430. Roffe's Essay upon Shakspeare, 525. Rose on the Affghans, Ten Tribes, &c., 358. Smith's Dictionary of Ancient Geography, 69. Sugden (Sir Edw.), Shall we register our Deeds? 117. Tapping's Rhymed Chronicle of Edw. Manlove, 69. Taylor's Emphatic New Testament, 549. Thorpe's Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, 357. Trench on the Study of Words, 357. Tymms' Handbook of Bury, 117. Vasa (Gustavus), History of, 261. Washington (Gen.), Life by C. W. Upham, 406. Woman's Journey round the World, 94. Worsaae's Danes and Norwegians, 69. Wylie's Fairford Graves, 430. Books, old, with new titles, 125. 245. Boorde (Andrew), Latin song by, 482. [Greek: Borias] on "Cease, rude Boreas," 559. Borough-English, the custom of, 40. Borrow's Muggletonians, 320. Borrowing days explained, 278. 342. Boston and Bunker's Hill, 438. Bosquecillo on wedding-rings, 443. —— Viego, on weather prophecy, 581. —— Sir Walter Raleigh's ring, 538. Botfield (Beriah) on Caxton memorial, 51. Bothwell's burial place, 368. Botolph (St.), particulars of, 396. 475. 566. Bough-house explained, 371. Bourne's (Vincent) Epilogus in Eunuchum Terentii, 60. Bow bells, born within the sound of, 28. 140. 212. 380. Bowdler's Family Shakspeare, cheap edition suggested, 245. Bowyer Bible, inquiry after, 248. 309. 350. Boy bishop at Eton, 557. 621. B. (P.) on the author of Character of a True Churchman, 156. —— the author of God's Love, &c., 307. B. (R.) on angel-beast; cleek; longtriloo, 559. Braem's Memoires touchant le Commerce, 126. 543. 599. Bransby (Rev. James), notice of, 611. Brallaghan, or the Deipnosophists, 508. Brasses of Abbot Kirton, 536. Bray (Anna Eliza) on Countess of Desmond, 564. Braybrooke (Lord) on the derivation of Brozier, 235. —— Bonaparte and Lord Whitworth, 313. —— a portrait of the Countess of Desmond, 381. —— traditions of remote periods, 135. —— John of Padua, 161. —— Mary Howe, 281. —— a curious instance of female fecundity, 304. —— Latin hexameters on the Bible, 414. —— memoria technica for Shakspeare's plays, 464. —— Gen. James Wolfe, 34. Breen (Henry H.) on epigram on La Bruyere, 414. —— quotation, "Felix natu," &c., 610. —— the derivation of Garrat, 104. —— the birthplace of the Empress Josephine, 220. —— Idees Napoleoniennes, 101. —— the phrase "Martin-drunk," 587. —— derivation of Martinique, 330. 572. —— the mistral, 247. —— a passage in Pope's Imitation of Horace, 426. —— "Quid non fecerunt Barbari," 559. Breezes of gas works, why so called, 395. Breton (Nicholas), poem by, 487. B. (R. H.) on Scotch tokens, 585. Brigadier-General, letter to, 296. 328. Bridgeman (Bp.), notices of, 80. 140. Bridger (Charles) on autobiography of W. Oldys, 529. British Museum, additions to the MSS., 237. Brito on the birthplace of St. Patrick, 403. Brittany, history of, containing genealogies, 59. 189. Broctuna on Merchant Adventurers, 430. Brogue and Fetch, Irish words, 557. Bronze medals, 608. Brown (Wm.) jun. on the Book of Jasher, 476. Browne (T. R.) on the patriarch Job, 26. 206. Brozier, its derivations, 235. B. (R. S.) on the arms of Roberson, 346. Bruce (John) on age of trees, 8. —— Count Koenigsmark, 115. Bruce (King Robert), his watch, 105. 186. Brune (Queen), notice of, 40. 108. 206. Bruno on the words Fell and Rigg, 557. Bruyere (La), epigram on, 414. B. (R. W.), custom on St. Crispin's day, 30. —— on wassailing orchards in Sussex, 293. B. (S. E.) on the discovery of gravitation, 344. B. (T.) on poem on the burning of the houses of Parliament, 488. B. (T. J.) on origin of paper, 174. Bt. (J.) on meaning of Knarres, 200. B. (T. W.) on hippopotamus, behemoth, 149. Buchanan and Voltaire, 272. Buckton (T. J.) on Carmen perpetuum, 187. —— Greek names of fishes, 73. —— hell paved with skulls of priests, 92. —— the number Seven, 596. Building sites mysteriously changed, 436. 524. Bull, a blunder, explained, 453. Bull, its meaning, 497. Bull the barrel, its meaning, 200. 281. Bullen family, 127. 569. Burial, law respecting, 320. 404. 549. 596. Burial without religious service, 466. 613. Buriensis on Aleclenegate, 10. —— bough-house, 371. —— whipping a husband, 152. —— the origin of Gospel oaks, 157. —— deaths from fasting, 247. —— emblems of a saint, 347. —— spectral coach and horses, 365. —— plague stones, 374. —— the origins of the name Rotten Row, 40. —— Suffolk newspapers, 127. —— noblemen's badges in the 15th century, 467. Burnet (Bp.), epigram on, 58. 137. Burnet (Gilbert), the correspondent of Hutcheson, 396. Burnomania, its author, 127. 428. Burr (Margaret), notices of, 177. Burton (Thomas), founder of Loughborough School, 60. Burtt (Joseph) on bills for printing and binding the King's Book, 389. Bush, burning the, 437. Bush (Charles), collections of charters, &c., 237. Butler (Rev. A.), inscription on his monument, 224. Butterworth & Co., letter respecting a pretended reviewer, 97. Butts family, notices of, 329. Buzz, its meaning, 104. 187. B. (W.) on Sir Edward Bagshaw, 298. —— the meaning of Stoke, 106. —— St. Ulrich's, Augsburg, 468. B. (W. H.) on an inscription on George inn, 559. B. (W. J.) on General Index to Critical Review, 442. B. (W. M.) on the surname Bywater, 510. Byrom's paraphrase on motto of "N. & Q.," 463. Byron (Lord), ivory medallion of, 104. —— Siege of Corinth, 534. Bywater, its earliest use, 510.
C. on M. Barriere and the Quarterly Review, 616. —— Cibber's Lives of the Poets, 65. 161. —— Cuddy, the ass, 522. —— Eliza Fenning, 161. —— traditions through few links, 77. 203. —— royal library, 89. —— the two Koenigsmarks, 115. 236. —— the word Devil, 595. —— wearing gloves in presence of royalty, 157. —— the meaning of Stoke, 161. —— ornamental hermits, 207. —— the meaning of Knarres, 256. —— lines by Lord Palmerston, 619. —— mispronounced names of places, 285. —— the derivation of Sept, 304. —— the meaning of Groom, 402. —— on surnames, 593. —— Algernon Sydney, 447. —— line on Franklin, 571. —— "Up, guards, and at them!" 425. —— Sir Gammer Vangs, 164. C. (A.) on clapper gate, 560. —— family likenesses, 8. —— Isle of Man folk lore, 341. —— oath of a pregnant woman, 393. —— twittens, 560. Cabal, its early uses, 139. 520. Caesarius Arelatensis noticed, 91. Cagots, notices of, 428. 493. Caldoriana Societas, inquiry respecting, 13. Cambrian literature, 489. Camden, German poet quoted by him, 177. Camden's poem on the marriage of Thames and Isis, 30. Camera (De) on the meaning of Emayle, 563. —— the meaning of Penkenol, 545. —— Scologlandis and Scologi, 475. Campkin (Henry) on Cowley and his monument, 267. {628}Campkin (Henry) on "The Man in the Almanack," 320. Canon Ebor. on three estates of the realm, 129. Canongate marriages, 370. Canons, the English translation of them, 246. 307. 330. Cantor on collar of SS, 82. Capital punishment, mitigation of, 444. Carbo on the etymology of poison, 394. Cards, old playing, 370. —— prohibited to apprentices, 346. —— South Sea playing, 17. Carew (Sir George), his pedigree, 610. Carl on white-livered knight, 452. Carling Sunday, 611. Carmarthen, its derivation, 469. Caroline (Queen), suppression of her trial, 201. 354. Carrs or calves in 1 Esdras v. 55., 560. Caspar on reason and understanding, 590. Cat Island, why so called? 78. Catholic Communion, essay towards a proposal for, its authorship, 198. 277. Cato (Josiah) on glass-making in England, 322. Catterick for Cattraeth, 164. Caul, its derivation, 557. Caxton coffer, 3. 265. —— memorial, 51. C. (B.) on Whiting's watch, 403. C. (B. N.) on London street characters, 376. C. (C. C.) on the seventh son, 617. C. (C. C. C.) on learned man referred to by Rogers, 559. "Cease, rude Boreas," its author, 559. Ceyrep on Buro, Berto, Beriora, 477. —— St. Christopher, 494. —— MS. De Humilitate, 610. —— monastic establishments in Scotland, 104. —— the ring finger, 114. 492. —— serjeants' rings, 111. —— birthplace of St. Patrick, 344. —— the site of Twyford, 457. —— the number Seven, 617. —— Spy Wednesday, 620. C. (F. G.) on the Cromwell family, 489. C. (G. A.) on arc de Arbouin, 330. —— the arms of an armiger, 397. —— cure for hooping cough, 223. —— Land Holland, 330. —— Nelson family, 236. —— the Miller's Melody, 316. —— Terre Isaac, 319. —— Hendurucus du Booys, and Helena Leonora de Sieveri, 370. —— the Tradescants, 474. C. (H.) de Croix on errors of poets, 102. —— the hymns of the Moravians, 113. Chadwick (John Norse) on wrestling for boar's head, 106. —— meaning of Hyrne, 152. —— grants made by Hen. VIII. and Edw. VI., 201. —— parish registers, 36. —— postman and tubman of the Exchequer, 490. —— Spy Wednesday, 511. Chantrey's sleeping children, 397. 428. 476. Chaplains to the forces, a list wanted, 29. Charing Cross, its derivation, 486. Charles I., his supposed executioner, 28. Charlton (Edward), lines on English history, 405. —— a description of the sea-serpent, 405. —— suicides buried in cross-roads, 405. —— Nashe's Terrors of the Night, 562. —— Twyford, 569. Chasseurs Britanniques, 295. Chatterbox, its meaning, 141. Chaucer, lines on, 536. 574. 621. Chaucer (Philo.) on Flemish proverb quoted by Chaucer, 466. —— Gabriel Harvey's notes on Chaucer, 319. C. (H. B.) on "O Leoline! be absolutely just," 78. —— London street characters, 376. C. (H. B.) on "Preached in a pulpit," 29. —— Moravian hymns, 30. —— mitigation of capital punishment, 444. —— popular stories of the English peasantry, 459. Cheese given at a birth, 364. Cheke (Sir John), notices of, 200. 260. Cheke's clock, notices of, 320. Chelwoldesbury, its derivation, 346. 449. Cheshire cat, to grin like, 402. Chettle's tragedy, Hoffman, source of the plot, 228. Chevalier St. George, notices of, 610. Children, large numbers by one mother, 126. 138. 204. 282. 300. 357. 548. Children of Israel, the number constituting the exodus, 11. 180. China, various styles of old, 415. Cholera and the electrometer, 319. Christopher (St.) and the Doree, 536. Christopher (St.), representations of, 295. 334. 372. 418. 494. 549. Christopher (St.), governor in 1662, 510. Chronogram on Sherborne school, 225. Chronograms, 585. Chronological Institute, 104. 142. 144. 344. Chronological New Testament, editor of the, on a new arrangement of the Old Testament, 199. —— Keseph's Bible, 512. Church, its derivation, 79. 136. 165. 255. Churchill, the poet, 74. 142. Churching of women, 293. Churchman, Character of a True, its author, 105. 156. C. (I.) on the use of the hyphen, 124. Cibber's Lives of the Poets, the original prospectus, 25. 65. 116. 161. Cilgerran Castle, records relating to, 537. Cimmerii, Cimbri, 188. 308. C. (J.) on Allens of Rossull, 11. C. (J. B.) on the meaning "to be a deacon," 473. C. (J. G.) on plague stones, 571. C. (J. L.) on slick or sleek stones, 404. C. (J. N.) on boiling to death, 355. —— meaning of Knarres, 257. —— mispronounced names of places, 285. —— lines on Dr. Fell, 296. —— the meaning of Lode, 345. Clapper-gate, its meaning, 560. Clare, earls of, notices of, 371. Clark (Charles) on Stearne's Witchcraft, &c., 416. Clarendon, satirical verses on his downfall, 28. Clay (C. J.) on Bishop Bridgeman, 80. Claypole (Mrs.), Cromwell's daughter, her marriage, 298. 381. Cleke, nature of the game, 559. Clement and Thomas (SS.), customs on their days, 393. Clement's Inn, custom at, 201. Cleopatra playing at billiards, 585. Clergyman, can he marry himself? 370. 446. Clerical members of parliament, 11. 139. Clericus on clerical members of parliament, 11. —— on monody on Sir John Moore, 138. Clericus D. on the device of Bishop Bedell, 101. —— a work by Olivarius, 60. —— epigram on Queen Elizabeth, 78. Cleveland (Duchess of) and the cow-pox, 59. Clinthe or Clent in Cowbage, 79. 131. 212. C. (M.) on the author of "The last links are broken," 153. Coal, the use of prohibited, 513. 568. Cock and bull story explained, 414. 447. Cochrane (Mr. J. G.), his death, 454. Cock Lane ghost, Goldsmith on the, 77. Cockle, the order of the, 586. Coe (James) on education under Elizabeth, 296. Coenen (J. F. L.) on Braem's MS. Memoires, 543. Coffins for general use, 510. Coinage of Richard III., 298. Coins of Edward III., 150. Coke, its pronunciation, 39. 451. Cokely on the age of trees, 90. Coleman, epigram on, 136. 283. Coleridge and Plato, 317. 450. —— on reason and understanding, 535. 590. —— Christabel, note on, 339. —— Friend, allusion in, 297. 350. 427. Collars of SS., 16. 38. 81. 182. 207. 227. 255. Collier (J. Payne) on An Admonition to the Parliament, 4. —— his folio Shakspeare, 554. —— passage in Troilus and Cressida, 235. —— passage in All's Well that ends Well, 509. Collins (Mortimer) on Amyclae, 297. —— the word Analysis, 370. —— Eustacius Monachus, 322. —— the Chronologic Institute, 344. Collins, the poet, notices of him, 102. —— Ode on the Music of the Grecian Theatre, 227. Collis (Thomas) on remains of horses and sheep in churches, 274. —— Dr. Stukeley's MS. of Boston, 490. Collyns (William) on bee superstitions, &c., 149. —— Grimsdyke, in Devon, 163. Colman (George), his song "Unfortunate Miss Bailey," 248. 280. Colman (J. B.) on boiling to death as a punishment, 32. 184. —— burials in woollen, 543. —— the Essex broad oak, 113. —— serjeants' rings and mottoes, 181. —— plague stones, 308. —— deferred executions, 423. —— the song Winifreda, 38. Combe (Wm.), his portrait, 558. Combe's works, list of, 194. 310. Commas inverted to indicate quotations, 228. Commemoration of founders, office for, 126. 186. Commerce, works on the history of, 276. 309. 329. Compositions during the Protectorate, 68. 546. Computatio Eccles. Anglic., quoted by Burnet, 11. Concert bill, an old one, 556. Conscience, anecdote of the force of, 164. Constant Reader on a clergyman marrying himself, 370. —— "Then comes the reckoning," 585. Cooper (C. H.) on Ben Jonson's adopted sons, 588. —— commemoration of benefactors, 186. —— rents of assize, 188. —— Llandudno, or the Great Orme's Head, 235. —— King's College Chapel windows, 308. —— derivation of Bigot, 331. —— Sir Thomas Frowyk, 332. —— John Goldesborough, 332. —— George Trehern, 333. —— corrupted names of places, 333. —— list of prothonotaries, 333. —— the derivation of Lode, 450. —— ancient timber town-halls, 522. —— whipping of princes by proxy, 545. —— rhymes on places, 547. —— serjeants' rings and mottoes, 110. 181. —— the song Yankee Doodle, 86. Cooper (Wm. Durrant), paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer, 195. Copeman (T.) on Borough-English, 40. Copenhagen, Royal Society of Antiquaries of, 262. Corner (Geo. R.) on men of Kent, 615. Corney (Bolton) on the Caxton coffer, 3. 265. —— derivation of news, 178. —— "Litera scripta manet," 237. —— History of Commerce, 329. —— liability to error, 362. —— quarter waggoner, 64. {629}Corney (Bolton) on Shakspeare and the English press, 117. —— authorship of "Thirty days hath September," 463. —— Sweet Willy O, 524. —— vellum-bound books, 607. —— James Wilson, M.D., 329. 362. Cornish (James) on epigram on Coleman, 137. —— Latin verse on Franklin, 17. —— Moravian hymns, 113. —— a correction in Goldsmith's Traveller, 135. —— the origin of the term Tripos, 137. —— Macaronic poetry, 251. —— Mother Damnable, 255. —— Junius rumours, 474. —— anagram on Voltaire, 17. Cornwall and Phoenicia, ancient connexion of, 507. Cosin's History of Transubstantiation, note on, 551. Cotton (Archdeacon) on expurgated Quaker Bible, 158. Cou-bache, its meaning, 79. 131. 212. 402. Couched, to couch, its early use, 298. 405. Count Cagliostro, its author, 81. County boundaries, antiquity of, 197. Cousinship, mode of computing, 342. Coverdale (Bp.), original title-page of his Bible, 59. 109. 153. Coverley (Sir Roger de), his descent, 467. Covines, notices of, 189. Cowgell on the word Aldress, 582. —— ancient ink, 284. —— learned men of the name of Bacon, 284. —— St. Christopher, 495. —— second exhumation of King Arthur, 598. —— paring the nails, 285. —— the rabbit as a symbol, 597. —— Sterne in Paris, 255. —— the origin of surnames, 290. Cowley and his monument, 267. —— Prose Works, 339. Crabis, its meaning, 165. 258. Cramp (Wm.), on the verb "to commit" used in Junius, 282. —— Junius and the Quarterly Review, 342. Cranes in storms, custom of, 582. Cranmore on Bailey's definition of Thunder, 56. —— Bishop Bridgeman, 140. —— hieroglyphics of vagrants, 142. —— slang dictionaries, 208. —— Rev. John Paget, 327. —— poem on burning the houses of parliament, 547. —— epitaph in Braunston churchyard, 557. —— Tregonwell Frampton, 67. Crapaud (Johnny), when first applied to the French, 439. 523. 545. Crawfurd of Kilburnie, lines on, 464. 546. Crawfurd (Thomas), notices of, 344. 448. C. (R. C.) on Bastard's epigrams, 197. —— bishops vacating their sees, 156. —— the surname Devil, 477. —— son of the Conqueror and Walter Tyrrel, 570. —— rhymes on names of places, 573. —— "Wise above that which is written," 228. Crispin (St.), the observance of his day in Sussex, 30. Critical Review, general index to, 442. Cromwell (Oliver), his burial-place, 396. 477. 598. —— notices of his family, 321. 474. 489. —— the whale and the storm, 409. —— was he cup-bearer to Charles I.? 246. —— Cooper's miniature of, 17. 67. 92. 189. 204. 255. 303. 402. —— skull preserved as a relic, 275. 304. 354. 382. Crooked-billet, legend respecting, 227. Crosby (James) on Bishop Kidder's Autobiography, 228. Cross neytz explained, 440. Cross on counsels' briefs, 226. Crosses and crucifixes, their early use, 39. 85. Crossley (Francis) on the French genders, 245. —— the old Scots March, 280. Crossley (James) on Edmund Bohun, 599. —— Bohun's Historical Collections, 599. —— Cibber's Lives of the Poets, 25. —— Franklin's Tract on Liberty and Necessity, 6. —— Goldsmith's pamphlet on the Cock Lane Ghost, 77. —— Goldsmith's History of Mecklenburgh, 461. —— Goldsmith's Poetical Dictionary, 534. —— Johnson's contributions to Baretti's Introduction, 101. —— Daniel De Foe, 476. —— Howard's Conquest of China, 477. —— History of Faction, 499. —— Poems in the Spectator, 548. —— Goodwin's Six Booksellers' Proctor Non-suited, 553. —— Newtonian system, 573. —— De Foe's Pamphlet on the Septennial Bill, 577. —— Settle's Female Prelate, 52. —— Sterne's Confirmation of Witchcraft, 621. —— the author of Theophania, 88. —— Witchcraft, Mrs. Hickes and her daughter, 514. Crow, as used by Queen Elizabeth, 323. Crown jewels in Holt Castle, 440. Croyland, motto of the abbot, 395. 501. C. (R. W.) definition of proverb, 213. —— the derivation of Martinique, 354. C. (S.) on the Ruthven family, 320. C. (S. F.) on the satire Black Gowns and Red Coats, 297. C. (T.) on Arnold Bilson's wife, 295. —— a quotation from Dryden, 60. —— the meaning of Soud in Shakspeare, 152. Cuddy, the ass, origin of, 419. 522. Cumming (Sir Alexander) and the Cherokees, 257. 278. Cunningham (Peter) on the author of Hudibras at Ludlow Castle, 5. Curling, origin of the game, 13. 309. Curse of Scotland, 619. Cursitor barons, list wanted, 346. Cursitor (Carolus) on Junius and Quarterly Review, 225. Curtis (J. Lewelyn) on passage from Dover to Calais, 459. Cuttle (Captain) on two quotations, 539. C. (W.) on Letter to a Brigadier-General, 295. —— on burning fern bringing rain, 301. C. (W. A.) on "Arborei foetus alibi," &c., 189. —— the meaning of Crabis, 259. —— Welsh names Blaen, 282. C. (W. G.) on the drink called Whit, 610. C. (W. H.) on blindman's holiday, 537. C. (W. J.) on Guanahani, or Cat Island, 78. —— the derivation of Martinique, 11. C. (W. R.), a note on Henry III., 245. Cynthia's dragon yoke, its source, 297. 354.
D. on Chantrey's marble children, 397. —— the Rev. Barnabas Oley, 372. —— Gabriel hounds, 534. —— tenor bell of Margate, 404. —— the meaning of Moke, 448. —— Will-o'-the-Wisp, 511. Delta. on the meaning of Cou-bache, 402. —— the derivations of Haberdasher, 402. Delta. (2) on Phelps's Gloucestershire Collections, 346. D. (A. A.) on Bagster's English Version, 587. —— Dr. Evans' Sketch, 611. —— the word Quack, 347. —— on the saying "Up guards, and at them!" 396. —— white livers, 463. —— buzz, to empty the bottle, 187. —— Moravian hymns, 165. —— number of the children of Israel, 180. —— Book of Jasher, 620. —— melody of the dying swan, 187. —— hieroglyphics of vagabonds, 210. —— "the bright lamp in Kildare's holy fane," 211. —— rhymes on places, 374. —— stone-pillar worship, 259. —— Shakspeare, Tennyson, &c., 618. —— showing the white feather, 274. —— sneezing, 599. D'Alton (John) on Banning family, 617. —— the Basnet family, 92. —— Edward Bagshaw, 403. —— the Jenings family, 163. —— Salusbury Welsh Pedigree Book, 297. —— the term Milesian, 588. —— Spanish vessels wrecked on the Irish coast, 598. D. (A. O. O.) on Anstis' manuscript, 610. —— a gold bonbonniere, 346. —— Poniatowski gems, 30. 140. Damnable (Mother), notices of, 151. 253. 450. Danes in England, 369. Darnell (Sir John), notices of, 489. 545. 610. Daundelyon (John), notice of, 319. 404. Davis (Sir John), his epitaph, 331. Davis's Worlde's Hydrographical Description, 488. Dawson (Rev. Wm.), his ancestry, 396. Dayesman, its meaning, 497. D. (C.) on the substitution of I for J, 391. D. (C. de) on many children at a birth, 138. —— the family of Grey, 298. 403. —— Sir Roger de Coverley, 467. —— old Sir Ralph Vernon, 471. D. (C. E.) on the surname Arkwright, 429. —— Countess of Desmond, 565. —— large families, 357. —— Mary Queen of Scots, 415. —— Algernon Sydney, 426. D. (C. H.) On bishops at Hampton Court Controversy, 443. —— burial without religious service, 466. —— Dr. Toby Matthew's consecration, 466. —— Mormonism and Spalding's Romance, 560. D. D., the title explained, 453. D. (E.) on Rev. Dr. Thomas Adams, 134. —— anonymous catalogue of pictures, 296. —— the descendants of John Rogers, 307. —— John Daundelyon, 319. —— Dean Swift's snuff-box, 330. —— epitaph at King's Stanley, 341. —— a mother of twenty-seven children, 126. D. (E.) on Moravian hymns, 474. —— notices of John Winterton, 346. Deacons, its meaning as used by Foxe, 228. 473. Death, symbolism of, 213. Death-watch, 537. 597. De Clares family, 204. 282. 300. 357. Dodo, existing specimens of the, 463. 544. Deep wells noticed, 41. De Foe (Daniel), his descendants, 392. 476. De Foe's pamphlet on the Septennial Bill, 577. Degrees, American, how obtained, 177. —— French and Italian, how obtained, 79. De Humilitate, a MS., 610. De la Beche family, monuments of, 341. 450. Delamere (Lord), ballad of, 243. 348. Delighted, its meaning in Shakspeare, 164. Desmond, the old Countess of, 14. 43. 145. 260. 323. 381. 539. 561. Devil, its etymology, 508. 595. —— persons bearing this name, 370. 477. —— praying to the, 273. 351. {630}D. (E. W.) on a clergyman marrying himself, 446. D. (G. T.) on quotation from Cox's Satire, 574. D. (H. G.) on birthplace of bishop Hoadley, 224. —— Trinity Chapel, Knightsbridge, 13. —— lines in Gloucester Cathedral, 56. —— Frith the martyr and Dean Comber, 201. —— General Wolfe, 213. 591. Dial mottoes, &c., 155. —— at Karlsbad, 65. —— at Kirk-Arbory, Isle of Man, 66. —— on Mont Cenis, 285. Dialects, provincial, 196. 285. 333. Dictionary of archaic and provincial words suggested, 173. 250. 375. 452. 499. —— of hackneyed quotations, 41. Dido and AEneas, by Porson, 68. Digitalis on the ring finger, 492. Diotrophes, was he bishop of Corinth? 344. Dixon (Heptworth) on notices of Algernon Sydney, 318. D. (J.) on duchess of Lancaster, 423. —— monton in Pembroke, 164. D. (M.) on a notice of John Wiggan, 134. Dn. (W.) on crosses and crucifixes, 39. —— the word Deacons, as used by Foxe, 228. —— three quotations wanted, 228. —— Wiggan or Utiggan, 78. D. (O. C.) on authenticated instances of longevity, 178. Dodo queries, 515. Doncaster tune, its author, 106. Donkey, its derivation, 78. 165. 237. Donne (Dr.), his manuscripts, 611. D. (O. T.) on Baudrand's Dictionary, 305. —— inscription on Rev. A. Butler, 224. —— Willson's Life of Grostete, 296. Dover to Calais, passage temp. Edw. III., 459. Dray, its meaning, 67. Dredge (John I.) on Torshel's Harmony, 334. Drury (Robert), who was he? 533. Dryden on the age of the oak, 60. D. (P.) on the word Shunt, 450. D. (Q.) on a custom at Clement's Inn, 201. D. (T.) on modern names of places, 61. —— pure rain water, 223. —— the crooked billet, 227. —— lucky omens, 293. —— the hour and the man, 371. Ducks and Drakes, 42. Dulcarnon, the phrase "I am at Dulcarnon," 180. 252. 325. Dun, its meaning, 497. Dundrah Castle, inscription on the doorway, 486. Dunton (John), his literary projects, 230. Dutch Chronicle of the World, 58. 281. D. (W. B.) on Mexican grammars, 585. D. (W. W.) on couplet "'Twas they unsheath'd," &c., 380. Durfey (Thomas), portrait of, 151. D. (W. S.) on passage in Troilus and Cressida, 178. Dyson (T.) on horn-blowing, 307. —— the dissolution of monasteries, &c., 443. Dyson's collection of proclamations, 371. 425.
E. on Edwards of Essex, 468. Eagles' feathers, tradition respecting, 462. 521. East wind on Candlemas day, 462. Eastwood (J.) on the surname Arkwright, 429. —— the derivation of Barrister, 67. —— St. Christopher, 334. —— Erasmus' Paraphrase, 332. —— lines on the Lay of the Last Minstrel, 617. —— on passages in Nashe's Terrors of the Night, 467. —— rhymes on places, 619. —— Speculum Christianorum, 616. Ebff. (J.) on merchant adventurers, 430. Eblanensis, on Testaments in the Polynesian language, 468. E. (C. P.) on passages in Jeremy Taylor, 65. 611. Ednowain ap Bradwin, 417. Edward the Confessor, drawing of his shrine, 228. Edmeston (James) on Moravian hymns, 113. —— motto on a chimney-piece, 451. Edwards of Essex, noticed, 468. Edwards (Henry) on the cross on counsels' briefs, 226. —— notices of Sir John Fenner, 200. —— story of Ginevra, 209. —— the seventh son of a seventh son, 532. Effigies, cross-legged, 136. 227. Egypt, language of ancient, 39. E. (H. F.) on the symbol of the pelican, 452. E. (H. N.) on anecdote of a clergyman and noble lord, 417. —— author of Le Blason des Couleurs, 442. E. (H. T.) on abp. Abbot's letters to the clergy, 177. —— inquiry respecting Henry Isaac, 177. E. (H. T.) on bawderich and bells, 426. —— the poet Gay and his relatives, 197. Eirionnach on Brogue and Fetch, 557. —— Irish language in the West Indies, 437. —— pagoda and joss-house, 415. —— stilts used by the Irish, 508. E. (J.) on family of Bullen, 569. —— "From the sublime to the ridiculous," &c., 187. —— Nuremberg token, or counter, 450. —— rents of assize, 573. —— Robert Recorde, 469. —— serjeants' rings, 563. E. (J. C.) on the formation of ground ice, 370. E. (K.) on Friday at sea, 330. E. (K. P. D.) on archaic and provincial words, 375. —— death from fasting, 301. —— St. Wilfrid's Needle, 573. —— Will-o'-the-Wisp, 574. Ellacombe (H. T.) on parish registers, 207. —— on Smyth's MSS. of Gloucestershire, 616. Elginensis on the author of Burnomania, 127. —— trial of Queen Caroline, 201. —— Lothian's Scottish historical maps, 371. Eliminate, its meaning, 317. Elizabeth (Queen), education in her time, 296. —— her stature, 440. —— lines on, 467. —— was she dark or fair? 201. 256. —— equestrian figure of, 235. Elliot (R. W.) on a recess in Trumpington church, 104. Ellis (Sir Henry) on the introduction of stops, 1. Elm at Hampstead, 9. Elsevier on Aue Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 65. —— Rev. John Paget, 66. Elvan, meaning of the word, 273. Emaciated monumental effigies, 247. 301. 353. 427. 497. English history, lines on, 405. Epigram on Queen Elizabeth, 78. Epitaph in Braunston churchyard, 557. —— in St. Giles's, Cripplegate, 361. —— in St. Giles's, Norwich, 317. —— in St. Gregory's, Sudbury, 245. —— on Joe Miller, 485. —— at King's Stanley, 341. —— at Low Moor, Yorkshire, 486. Epitaph on Sir Thomas Overbury, 486. Epitaphs, enigmatical, 174. 452. Er. on Diotrephes being a bishop, 344. Era, meaning and origin of, 106. 420. Erasmus, epigram on, 136. —— paraphrase, 332. Erica on Countess of Desmond, 565. —— John of Padua, 259. —— the unicorn, 583. Ernencin, its meaning, 58. Erroll (Earl of), his privileges, 296. 350. 398. 449. Error, liability to, 362. Eryx on Calves or Carrs, 560. —— the ring finger, 570. Escubierto, Capateiro da Bandarra on, 584. Escutcheon at Fawsley, Northamptonshire, 297. 331. Esquires of the martyred king, 126. Essex broad oak, 10. 40. 113. Essex folk-lore, 437. Este on the grave of Cromwell, 598. —— definition of a proverb, 37. —— blessing by the hand, 44. —— house at Welling, 448. —— tombstone cut by Baskerville, 618. —— Indian jugglers, 620. —— "Posie of other men's flowers," 38. —— separation of sexes in churches, 40. Eupator on Cosin's History of Transubstantiation, 531. Eustachius Monachus, was he in Guernsey, 322. Evans (Dr.), his Sketch of Denominations, 611. Evans (John) on Mother Damnable, 450. Evans (Lewis) on collars of SS., 38. 207. E. (W.) on Prayers for the Fire of London, 78. E. (W. M. R.) on the expenses of King John in England, 505. E. (W. W.) on King Robert Bruce's watch, 186. Executions deferred, 422. Exeter controversy, what? 296. 351. 499. Exon. on Gospel oaks, 210. —— the origin of valentines, 128. Exoniensis on deaths from fasting, 301.
F. on Mallet's death and burial, 319. 402. F. [Symbol: hand] on German poet quoted by Camden, 177. —— story of Ginevra, 129. —— Robin of Doncaster, 179. F. (A.) on the mistletoe, 418. Faber on Gospel oaks, 209. Faction, the History of, its author, 225. 499. Fairfax family mansion, 490. Fairies in Ireland, 55. Fairlop oak, 113. 417. 621. Family likenesses, 7. 162. 260. 349. 451. 499. Fanshaw (Miss), her enigmas, 258. 321. 427. Farewell (Lady), notices of, 585. Farnham on the two Gilberts de Clare, 594. Fasting, deaths from, 247. 301. 353. 427. 497. Faun (Mary), her ancestry, 585. F. (E.) on lines on Dr. Fell, 333. Fell (Dr. John), lines on, 296. 333. 355. 379. Fenner (Sir John) noticed, 200. Fenning (Eliza), documents relating to, 105. 161. 304. Fenton (John) on Dutch Chronicle of the World, 58. Fern bringing rain when burnt, 242. 280. 301. 500. Fernseed, superstitions respecting, 172. 356. 453. Ferrarius (Faber) on Wiggan or Utiggan, 210. F. (G.) on an early notice of General Wolfe, 186. F. (H.) on passage in Hamlet, 236. —— Dyson's Collection of Proclamations, 425. Fides Carbonarii, origin of the phrase, 523. 571. {631}Figg (William) on plate in Lewes Castle, 449. Finsbury manor, and the Lord Mayor, 440. Fire unknown, 573. Fishermen's superstitions, 5. Fishes, Greek names of, 93. Fitch (Joshua G.) on St. Paul quoting heathen writers, 278. —— "History teaching by examples," 426. Fitzgerald (P.) on the old Countess of Desmond, 323. F. (J.) on fairest attendant of the Scottish Queen, 305. F. (J. F.) on the execution of Charles I., 28. —— Dean Swift's library, 292. —— Grimsdyke, 231. —— papers of perjury, 134. —— the meaning of Stoke, 213. F. (J. G.) on poems in the Spectator, 439. —— the university hood, 440. Flanagan on the Round Towers of Ireland, 584. Flemish illustrations of English literature, 6. —— problem quoted by Chaucer, 466. Florence (Ambrose) on white livers, 128. —— on deferred executions, 422. Florence on ornamental and experimental hermits, 123. Fluxions, query on the controversy about, 103. Folk Lore, 5. 55. 76. 148. 172. 195. 223. 242. 270. 293. 341. 364. 393. 413. 436. 462. 485. 534. 581. —— Cornish, 148. 173. —— Devonshire superstitions, 55. 77. 148. —— Essex, 437. —— Herefordshire, 293. —— Isle of Man, 341. —— Kacouss people, 413. —— Suffolk, 195. —— Sussex, 293. —— Worcestershire, 393. —— proposals for a pilgrimage in search of, 270. Folk-Lorist on New Year's rain, and Saxon spell, 5. Font, a silver royal, 175. Forbes (C.) on ambassadors addressed as peers, 258. —— the Abbot of Croyland's motto, 395. —— infantry firing, 37. —— ducks and drakes, 42. —— the meaning of "bull the barrel," 200. —— the lines "O Leoline," &c., 212. —— nightingale and thorn, 39. —— the meaning of sleek stone, 404. Forbes (Robert), notices of, 510. Force of Love, a dramatic poem, 225. Foss (Edward) on collar of SS., 16. —— cursitor barons, 346. —— Sir John Darnall, 610. —— the Rev. John Paget, 381. —— Sir Gilbert Gerard, 571. Fouche's Memoirs, 211. Foundation stones, 585. Fox (George), his portrait, 464. Fox (Major-Gen.) on Cooper's miniature of Cromwell, 234. —— on Lady Diana Beauclerk, 261. Frampton (Tregonwell), notice of, 16. 67. France, the imperial eagle of, 147. —— the mutability of, inquiry after, 12. Franciscus on Alterius Orbis Papa, 68. —— a monumental inscription of John Caxton, 4. —— the Nelson family, 176. —— Roman funeral pile, 67. —— the introduction of stops, 211. Francklin (John Fairfax) on rental of arable land in 1333, 396. Franklin (Dr.), his tract on Liberty and Necessity, 6. —— Latin verse on, 17. 140. 549. 571. —— and Wedderburn, epigram on, 58. Fraser (W.) on bull, a blunder, 453. —— Chantrey's sleeping children, 428. —— paring the nails, 142. —— Friday at sea, 305. —— frightened out of his seven senses, 521. —— old shoes thrown for luck, 413. —— the title D.D., 453. —— the author of The Lass of Richmond Hill, 453. —— rhymes connected with places, 293. —— three estates of the realm, 539. Frebord explained, 440. 548. 595. 620. Free towns in England, 150. 206. 257. French dates, 293. —— language, the genders of, 245. —— revolution, episode of the, 605. —— revolutions foretold, 100. 231. Frescheville (John Lord), notice of, 39. Friday at sea, 200. 305. 330. 381. Friends, a member of the Society of, on instances of longevity, 401. Frith the martyr, and Dean Comber, 201. Frog, a live one used for medical purposes, 393. Frost (John) on the origin of curling, 13. Frowyck (Mr.), a lawyer, 295. 332. Frozen sounds and Sir J. Mandeville, 41. F. (R. S.) on King Robert Bruce's watch, 105. —— Canongate marriages, 370. —— indignities on the bodies of suicides, 272. 357. —— praying to the devil, 273. —— extraordinary births, 282. —— the fernseed charm, 356. —— customs at sneezing, 364. —— the order of the cockle, 586. —— the early use of ruffles, 259. —— slavery in Scotland, 161. —— the death of Lord Soulis, 112. —— Long Meg of Westminster, 259. F. S. A. (An) on cold pudding settling love, 30. Fuller (Dr. Thomas), his autograph, 162. F. (W. E.) on a sign "We Three," 500. Fy. (S.) on the Rev. T. Adams, 80. —— on the author of "The Retired Christian," 104.
G. on list of chaplains to the forces, 29. —— Sir John Darnall, 545. —— the garter bestowed on the Earl of Moira, 135. —— marches and Lord Marchers of Wales, 30. —— on Princes of Wales and Earls of Chester, 178. —— the last of the Palaeologi, 280. —— John le Neve, 322. —— Battle of Neville's Cross, 538. —— serjeants' rings, 110. Gamma on lines on Chaucer, 621. [Symbol] on General James Wolfe, 298. Gabriel hounds, a species of bird, 534. 596. Gamble (Rev. J.), notice of, 13. Gamecock on the white feather, 309. Game feathers protracting death, 341. 413. Ganganelli's Bible, 463. Garlands hung up in churches, 469. Garrot, its derivation, 104. Garsecg, its derivation, 126. Garth (Sir Samuel), his birthplace, 151. 237. Gat-toothed explained, 607. Gatty (Alfred) on "Born within the sound of Bow-bells," 28. —— Cooper's miniatures of Crowmwell, 303. —— London street characters, 270. —— Junius and the Quarterly Review, 284. —— law respecting burial, 404. 613. —— Mr. Mompesson, 621. —— origin of terms in change-ringing, 512. —— placing snuff on a corpse, 462. —— salting a new-born infant, 77. —— Sterne at Sutton on the Forest, 409. Gatty (Margaret) on paper of the present day, 188. Gay, the poet, his family, 36. 197. G. (B.) on Cooper's miniature of Cromwell, 67. —— on portrait of Wolfe, 163. G. (C.) on Sir Alexander Cumming and the Cherokees, 257. —— market crosses, 501. G. (C. W.) on Beocherie, alias Parva Hibernia, 259. —— bee-park, 322. —— St. Botulph, 566. —— the derivation of donkey, 78. —— ballad of Lord Delamere, 243. —— ballad of Ashwell Thorpe, 258. —— John ap Rice's register, 273. —— King's College Chapel windows, 276. —— queries respecting legal worthies, 294. —— mires, somerlayes, and wyned, 321. 474. G. (E.) on a couplet of Campbell's, 418. —— the author of Life of Bishop Ken, 443. G. (E. A.) on family of Bullen, 127. —— heraldic MSS. of St. George Garter, 135. Gee-ho, its etymology, 522. Genealogical queries, 537. Genealogical Society of London, 297. 353. Genevieve (St.), church of, at Paris, 73. Geography, works on ecclesiastical, 276. 329. 449. George Garter (Sir Henry St.), his heraldic MSS., 59. 135. 211. 253. George Inn, Wansted, inscription on, 559. German's lips, meaning of the phrase, 151. Geronimo on the singing of swans, 107. Gerrard (Sir Gilbert), when did he die? 511. 571. G. (G. E.) on a weather prophecy, 534. G. (G. J. R.) on plague stones, 374. —— miniature of Cromwell, 403. —— Scologlandis and Scologi, 416. G. (H.) on the authorship of Nimrod, 539. G. (H. H.) on "Experto crede Roberto," 212. Ghost, evidence of one not received, 417. G. (H. W.) on mummy wheat, 416. Gibbons (Orlando), his portrait, 176. Gibson (Wm. Sidney) on Isabel, queen of Man, 132. Gilberts de Clare, notices of, 439. 594. Gill (Thomas), the blind man, 608. Gill (Thomas H.) on St. Paul quoting Aristotle, 175. —— epitaph in St. Giles', Cripplegate, 362. —— the Exeter Controversy, 499. —— Milton indebted to Tacitus, 606. Ginevra, her dramatic story, 129. 209. 333. Gipsies in Shinar, 395. G. (J.) on Bishop of London's palace in Bishopsgate, 371. —— parish registers, 141. —— rents of assize, 188. G. (J. D.) on Ganganelli's Bible, 466. —— the pope's eye, 153. G. (J. M.) on Cowley's Prose Works, 339. —— Joceline's Mother's Legacie, 37. G. (L.) on Gospel oaks, 444. —— classical quotations in Grotius, 320. —— traditions from remote periods, 203. Glass, cracked, sometimes musical, 294. Glass-making in England, 322. 382. 477. G. (L. B.) on a letter to a brigadier-general, 328. Gloucester cathedral, lines on whispering gallery, 56. Glover (Edw. O.) on portrait of Wolfe, 98. Gloves worn in presence of royalty, 102. 157. Goblin, its derivation, 248. God's Love, and other Poems, its authorship, 272. 307. Godwin (J.) on Wallington's Journal, 569. Goldesborough (John), notices of, 294. 333. Goldsborough (Mr.), a prothonotary, 294. Goldseer (T.) on customs of St. Clement's and St. Thomas' days, 393. —— the exclusion of mistletoe from churches, 151. Goldsmith on the Cock Lane ghost, 77. Goldsmith's Deserted Village, on a passage in, 62. —— History of Mecklenburg, 461. —— Poetical Dictionary, 534. —— Traveller, a curious blunder in, 63. 135. {632}Gomer on the Cimmerii, 308. Gondomar (Count), notices of, 489. Goodluck on the Curse of Scotland, 619. Goodwin's Six Booksellers' Proctor Non-suited, 553. Gore (Lady), brass of, 512. 570. Gorgeous, its derivation, 248. Gospel oaks, their origin, 157. 209. 306. 444. 570. Gossip, its derivation, 248. Gough's Camden, the Irish portion, 225. Goujere, or fiend, 607. G. (R.) on Roman Index Expurgatorius, 33. —— French revolutions foretold, 231. —— the King's Booke, 449. —— Fides Carbonarii, 571. Grandfather, a proof of a man being his own, 464. Grantham altar case, 56. Graves (James) on pedigree of Richard earl of Chepstow, 126. —— the Irish portion of Gough's Camden, 225. —— Richard earl of Chepstow, 261. —— Book of Nicholas Leigh, 319. Graves, whipping, the custom, 247. 280. Grayan (A.) on the first paper mill, 83. —— Lady Arabella Stuart, 421. —— Oliver Cromwell, &c., 400. —— "Thirty days hath September," 392. Great man who could not spell, 322. Greek epigram imitated, 56. —— names of places, modern, 14. 209. 259. Greek referred to by Jeremy Taylor, 353. Gregentius and the Jews, 58. Gresfordite (a quondam) on plague stones, 500. Grey, family of, 298. 403. Griffin on dial motto at Karlsbad, 65. —— on Tonson and the Westminsters, 585. Grimesdyke, 43. 163. 231. 234. Grin and gin, their convertibility, 340. Grisly, its meaning, 344. Groom, its meaning, 56. 92. 347. 402. 476. Grostete (Bishop), Life by Willson, 296. Grotius, classical quotations in, 319. Grubb (Francis F.) on the Royal "We," 489. G. (T.) on the age of foreign trees, 714. Guide-books, foreign, 102. Guildhalls in England, 532. Gunpowder mills, when first erected, 416. Guy (Thomas), his descendants, 275. Guzman, the English, 609. G. (W.) on Covines, 189. —— Eugene Aram, 125. —— Herschel anticipated, 207. G. (W. S.) on ivory medallion of Lord Byron, 104. —— ancient custom on interment 223. —— the authorship of "Oh Nanny," 227. —— perpetual lamp, 87.
H. on a poem by Nicholas Breton, 487. —— Sir George Carew, 611. —— grinning like a Cheshire cat, 402. —— Gospel trees, 570. —— on the inventor of spectacles, 106. —— play of Pompey the Great, 129. —— Presbyterian oath, 323. Haberdasher, its derivation, 137. 402. Haggard (W. D.) on medals of William III. and Grindval, 75. Hair cut off, an antidote, 581. H. (A. J.) on Admonition to Parliament, 184. —— the introduction of stops, 161. Halfpenny, an emblematical, 397. Hall (Bishop), his Resolutions of Conscience, 150. Halliwell (J. O.) on MS. Shakspeare emendations, 484. Ham on the author of Carmen perpetuum, &c., 104. Hamilton, William, second duke of, 371. Hammack (James T.) on foreign guide-books, 102. Handel, autograph music by, 247. 355. Handel's organ at the Foundling Hospital, 369. Handwriting, hints on, 342. Hankford (Sir Wm.), his suicide, 43. 93. Hardwick Hall, inscription at, 125. Harries (John), bishop of Wales, 439. Harrison (John Branfill) on fees for inoculation, 141. —— Queen Elizabeth's crow, 323. —— proverbial philosophy, 61. Hart, the actor, 466. 612. Hart (W. H.) on Antony Hungerford, 396. Harvey (Gabriel), notes on Chaucer, 319. H. (A. W.) on house at Welling, 138. Hawkins (Edw.) on bill of fare, and storm, 412. —— quotation from Burns, 572. Hayes (Sir James), his diving success, 226. Hayward (John), a prothonotary, 294. H. (C.) on St. Botulph, 566. —— the early use of pandecte, 557. H. (C. E.) Morwenstow, on Goujere, 607. Hebrews xiii. 4. mistranslated, 320. H. (E. C.) on maps of Africa, 261. Hedgeland (Philip) on Lent crocking, 77. Helena Leonora de Sieveri, 370. Hell-rake, its meaning, 162. 258. Hendurucus du Booys, 370. Henry III. of England, notices of, 28. 214. Hercules' shield, drawing of, 152. Hermes on the lines "O Leoline!" 133. —— pasquinades, 233. Hermit at Hampstead on Shakspeare's seal, 590. Hermits, ornamental and experimental, 123. 207. 333. Herschel anticipated, 207. Hewett's Memoirs of Rustat, review of, 469. Hexameter poem on English counties, 227. 305. H. (F.) on monument to Mary Queen of Scots, 517. H. (F. J.) on plague-stones, 500. —— rhymes on places, 500. —— the silent woman, 468. H. (G.) of S. on Almas-cliffe, 296. H. (H.) on family likenesses, 349. H. (H. E.) on Locke's quotation of Gray, 274. H. (H. F.) on the Countess of Desmond, 539. —— old Irish tales, 318. —— forged papal seal, 508. HH. (F.) on bastides, 206. —— Eliza Fenning, 161. H. (H. T.) on massacre of Welsh bards, 558. Hibberd (Shirley) on kissing under the mistletoe, 208. —— the Fairlop oak, 471. —— the meaning of Jemmy, 560. —— fairies in Iceland, 55. —— notices of Sally Lunn, 371. Hicks (Mrs.), her execution for witchcraft, 395. 514. Hickson (Samuel), on Queen Brunehilda, 108. —— Mr. Collier's folio Shakspeare, &c., 554. —— passage in Shakspeare, "As stars with trains," &c., 154. —— passage in the Tempest, "The rack," 390. —— passage in Measure for Measure, 574. Hieroglyphics of vagrants and criminals, 79. 142. 208. 210. Higgins (Godfrey), answer to his work, 39. H. (I. J. H.) on history of Brittany, 189. —— Lord Marchers of Wales, 189. —— John Harries, bishop of Wales, 439. —— the phrase "No great shakes," 443. —— the Pole family, 105. Hippopotamus, Behemoth, 149. H. (J.) on Sir Alexander Cumming, 278. —— King Street theatre, 92. —— on old books and new titles, 125. —— the number of surnames, 291. —— ground ice, 449. —— movable organs and pulpits, 475. H. (J. W.) on the chevalier St. George, 610. Hoadley (Bishop), his birthplace, 224. Hoare (Henry), notices of, 229. Hobbard de Hoy, 468. Hobbes' Leviathan, frontispiece, 34. Hoffman's Horae Belgicae, 7. 180. Hogs Norton, where pigs play upon the organs, 245. 304. Holbein (Hans), his sepulture, 104. Holy Land, pilgrimages to the, 289. 429. Holywood (John), the mathematician, 42. 89. Homer, notes on, 99. 171. 221. Hoo, its meaning, 61. Hood, origin of the university, 440. Hooper (Richard) on the Exeter controversy, 351. —— Morell's edition of AEschylus, 604. —— MSS. of Dr. Whitby, 388. Hooping cough, cure for the, 148. 223. Hopton (Arthur), quotation from, 346. Horn-blowing at Nottingham, 148. 307. Hornchurch; wrestling for the boar's head, 106. 187. Horses and sheep, remains of, in churches, 274. 453. Horses' tails, on docking, 611. Horton (Mary), particulars of, 584. Hour and the man, origin of the phrase, 371. Howard's Conquest of China, the MS. of, 225. 281. 477. Howard (Sir George), his descent, 538. Howe (Mary), notices of, 226. 281. H. (R.) on Flanagan and the Round Towers, 584. —— papal seal, 593. H. (R.) on the red book of the Irish Exchequer, 258. —— reprint of vol. i. of Archaeologia Cambrensis, 274. —— the thistle of Scotland, 281. —— Irish academy home, Grafton Street, 539. —— the derivation of Yankee, 258. H. (R. C.) on meaning of sleck stone, 140. —— the meaning of delighted, 164. —— plate in Lewis Castle, 449. —— monuments of De la Beche family, 450. H. (R. D.) on Latin verse on Franklin, 17. —— ballad on the rising of the Vendee, 138. H. (S.) on Eustache de Noble, 52. —— the invasion of Britain, 123. Hs. on "Corruptio optimi fit pessima," 321. H. (T.) on life of St. Werburgh, 587. H. (T. G.) on hereditary standard bearer, 609. —— "Row the boat, Norman," 609. H. (T. H.) on salmon fisheries, 343. Huant le Puisne, painter, 346. Hudibras, the author at Ludlow Castle, 5. Huff (Mother), notices of, 151. Humboldt's Cosmos, 224. Humphrey (Laurence), his prefatory dissertation to Junius' Homer, 554. Hungerford (Anthony), his family, 396. Huntyng of the Romish Fox, 448. Hussey (Rev. Arthur) on Shakspeare's "We three," 338. H. (W.) on Casper Ziegler and the diaconate, 560. —— Duchess of Lancaster, 423. —— the moon and her influences, 463. Hypadidasculus on Robert Forbes, 510. Hyphenated title, 124. Hyrne, meaning of, 153. Hyta, was he a Spaniard or a Moor? 467.
I. often substituted for J., 391. I. (B. R.) on lines on the Bible, 66. {633}I. (B. R.) on "Preached from a pulpit," &c., 161. —— quarter waggoner, 116. Ice, ground, how formed, 370. 418. 516. I. (C. M.) on Birmingham antiquities, 271. —— the derivation of bigot, 277. —— Coleridge's friend, 427. —— inscription at Dundrah Castle, 486. Idees Napoleoniennes, 100. 187. I. (G.) on Richard of Cirencester's de Situ Britanniae, 491. I. (L.) on the precedency of the sheriff over the lord lieutenant, 394. —— the separation of sexes in public worship, 539. Incognitus on coffins for general use, 510. Indagator on smothering hydrophobic patients, 10. —— Mutabilitie of France, 12. Infanticide, how punished, 43. Infantry firing, 37. Ingleby (C. Mansfield) on Coleridge's Friend, 351. —— Coleridge's statement of reason and understanding, 535. —— the death-watch, 597. —— Essex superstitions, 437. —— the meaning of all-fours, 441. —— strange opinions of great divines, 469. —— optical phenomena, 616. Ink used in ancient manuscripts, 151. 284. Inoculation, fees for, 141. Inquirer on Ben Jonson's adopted sons, 537. Inquisitiones post mortem, 469. Interments, ancient custom on, 223. Inundations and their phenomena, 198. Invasion of Britain, 123. Inveni portum, a couplet, 10. 64. Inveruriensis on the Earl of Errol, 398. Irene (St.) and the island of Santorin, 14. 259. Irish, ancient custom in crowning their kings, 58. Irish academy house, Grafton Street, 539. —— language in the West Indies, 537. —— names corrupted, 61. —— queries, 439. 594. —— tales, old, 318. —— titles of honour, 467. Isaac (Henry), particulars of, 177. Isaac, mentioned in Doomsday, notices wanted, 319. Isabel, queen of the Isle of Man, 132. 205. Issham (Juby), a ballad by, 435. 523.
J. on Valentine's day, 143. —— "which are the shadows?" 475. Jackson (Ed. S.) on a new Biographical Dictionary, 165. —— a ballad, "A captain bold of Halifax," 248. —— the Templars, 353. —— "'Tis twopence now," &c., 141. —— the legend of St. Christopher, 372. —— Newton, Cicero, and gravitation, 422. Jackson (John C.) on Sir Wm. Stanley, 321. Jacobite toast by John Byrom, 372. Jacobus on Mother Shipton, 419. James I., bill for printing and binding "The King's Book," 389. 449. Jardine (D.) on Count Koenigsmark and the Duchess of Somerset, 269. —— the expression "richly deserved," 3. Jarltzberg on the legend of St. Christopher, 372. —— Moravian hymns, 63. —— the fish called Vendace, 302. Jarrow church, dedication stone at, 435. Jasher, the book of, a forgery, 415. 476. 524. 620. Jaydee on lines on Chaucer, 574. —— Joe Miller's remains, 271. Jaytee on ancient guildhalls, 532. —— town halls, 403. —— on arms of Thompson of Lancashire, 468. J. (B.) on Laud's letters and papers, 179. J. (D.) on "to commit," as used by Junius, 125. Jemmy, why a sheep's head so called, 560. Jerome on correction in the English Bible, 510. Jersey, gold chair found in, 511. Jesuitical books burnt at Paris, 56. Jesuits, puns on the word, 128. Jewish months, Latin hexameters on, 507. Jewitt (L.) on plague stones, 333. —— on quarter waggoner, 116. J. (F. W.) on the pelican as a symbol, 165. J. (G. R.) on nobleman alluded to by Bishop Berkeley, 448. J. (G. W.) on Cromwell as cup-bearer to Charles I., 246. —— Snooks, or Sevenoaks, 438. J. (H.) on Godfrey Higgins's Works, 39. J. (J. E.) on the meaning of Penkenol, 490. J. (J. R.) on St. Botolph, 475. —— the etymology of Buzz, 187. —— the Koenigsmarks, 183. J. (L.) on Anthony Babington, 344. —— Dr. Sacheverell's Derby Sermon, 106. 229. Job, the patriarch, a real character, 26. 140. 206. Joceline's Legacie, 13. 37. John (ap) on Ednowain ap Bradwen, 417. John, king of France, his expenses in England, 505. John of Gaunt on Ann Stuart, 345. John of Halifax, 42. 89. John of Horsill, who was he? 29. John of Padua, who was he? 79. 161. 259. Johnson (Dr.), contributions to Baretti's Introduction, 101. Johnson (Dr. Samuel) a prophet, 317. Johnson's house, Bolt Court, 176. 232. Johnson (Mr. Samuel), notice of, 596. Johnston (H.) on Shakspeare, Tennyson, and Claudian, 492. Jonathan, brother, origin of the term, 149. Jones (E.) on the word shunt, 352. Jonson (Ben), his adopted sons, 537. 588. —— the marriage of the Earl of Somerset, 193. Josephine (Empress), her birthplace, 220. 619. J. (T.) on the cholera and the electrometer, 319. Jugglers (Indian) noticed, 258. 620. Junius and Lord Lyttleton, 55. Junius' correspondent, the "Advocate", 582. Junius and the Quarterly Review, 194. 225. 342. —— queries, 125. 194. 282. 284. 296. 328. —— rumours, 125. 159. 257. 474. 522. —— letters to Wilkes, 126. —— the vellum-bound, 303. 333. 607. Junius Querist on Junius rumours, 125. Juvenis on Bow-bell and cockney, 380. —— derivation of donkey, 237. J. (V. B.) on the vellum-bound Junius, 303. 333. J. (W. A.) on Lady Farewell's funeral sermon, 585. —— mistletoe on poplar trees, 534. —— the origin of moles, 534.
K. on Banning or Bayning family, 536. —— on eagles' feathers, 521. K. (C.) on the derivation of Binnacle, 571. Kacouss people, folk lore of, 413. Kellet (Dr. Edward) noticed, 458. 519. Ken (Bishop), life of J. L. Anderdon, Esq., 443. Kenelm (St.), legend of, 79. 131. Kentish Men, and Men of Kent, 321. 615. Ker (A.) on the birthplace of Josephine, 619. Kersley (T. H.) on genealogical history of Brittany, 59. —— dial mottoes, 66. —— early use of the word Cabal, 139. —— the Negro's Triumph, 44. Keseph's Bible, 512. Key experiments, 152. 293. 449. K. (F.) on General Wolfe's monument, 185. K. (G. H.) on Nuremberg token, 260. —— the meaning of Pimlico, 260. K. (H. C.) on curious bequest, 345. —— note on Coleridge's Christabel, 339. —— the pendulum demonstration, 84. —— rent of assize, 127. —— Nuremberg token, 201. —— pedigree of Richard earl of Chepstow, 204. 476. —— the rector's chancel, 320. —— Wilkie's Blind Fiddler, 345. Kidd (Jos. A.) on Marvell's Life and Works, 597. Kidder (Bishop), his autobiography, 228. 281. Kidder (Vincent), his ancestors, 137. King (Lord), his inquiry answered by Sclater, 457. King (Philip S.) on Johnny Crapaud, 439. —— Fides Carbonarii, 523. —— episode of the French revolution, 603. —— wearing gloves before royalty, 102. —— Martinique, why so called, 165. —— the orthography of sobriquet, 174. —— notices of the cagots, 428. —— swearing on a skull, 485. King Street theatre, where? 58. 92. Kings, sainted and incorruptible, 223. King's college chapel windows, story respecting, 276. 308. King's standard in blazon, 276. King's Stanley, epitaph at, 341. K. (J.) on the family of Thomas Burton, 60. —— works of Alexander Neville, 412. —— payments for destroying vermin, 67. —— the correct spelling of Wiclif, 274. Knarres, its meaning, 200. 256. Knight (Joseph) on John Rogers, 522. Knights Templars and freemasons, 295. 353. K. (N. O.) on "Blam'd be the man," 177. Knollys family, notices of, 397. 498. Koenigsmark (Count), notices of, 78. 115. 183. 256. 269. Kt. on the old Countess of Desmond, 260. —— frebord, 620. —— English free-towns, 257. —— the meaning of hell-rake, 258. —— descendants of Thomas Guy, 275. —— the descendants of John Rogers, 247. —— ancient timber town-halls, 470. —— exterior stoups, 617. —— the seventh son, 617. K. (W. H.) on the derivation of Chelwoldesbury, 346. —— cross-legged effigies, 227. —— Grimesdyke, 231. —— sites of buildings mysteriously changed, 436. Kyrle's tankard at Balliol College, 537.
L. on the age of trees, 43. —— the mechanical arrangements of books, 49. —— town-halls, 403. L. (A.) on "Litera scripta manet," 231. Lady (a) on Bowdler's Family Shakspeare, 245. Lady of the ring, its meaning, 296. Lambert (General), account of his trial, 227. Lambs, omens respecting, 293. Lammin (W. H.) on Sir Edw. Seaward's narrative, 185. —— serjeants' rings and mottoes, 181. Lamont (C. D.) on collecting folk-lore, 270. —— traditions from remote periods, 203. {634}Lamp, perpetual, 87. 211. Lancaster, Duchess of, is the queen so called? 320. 423. Lancastrian on the title Duchess of Lancaster, 320. Lancastriensis on meaning of penkenol, 545. —— the meaning of Royd, 571. Land Holland or Land Molland, 330. Largesse, still in use, 557. Larking (Lambert A.) on the meaning of Theoloneum, 236. —— on Waller family, 619. Larking (Rev. L. B.) on Caxton's birthplace, 3. Lass of Richmond Hill, its author, 453. Laud (Abp.) And Prynne, 314. Laud's letters and papers, 179. Lawrence (Thomas) on "giving the sack," 585. —— legend of Theodoric, 196. —— folk lore of the Kacouss people, 413. —— inscription at Persepolis, 560. —— whipping boys to royalty, 469. Layard (A. H.), his ancestors, 247. L. (C. M.) on Colonel or Major-General Lee, 611. L. (D. W.) on snuff-boxes and tobacco-pipes, 246. L. (E. A. H.) on St. Augustine's Confessions, &c., 417. —— St. Augustine's Treatises on Music, 584. —— St. Christopher and the Doree, 536. —— representations of St. Christopher, 295. 419. —— Knights Templars and freemasons, 295. Le Bailly (Joseph Adrien), notices of, 248. Le Blason des Couleurs, author of, 442. Lechlade (Edwin) on Johnson's house, Bolt Court, 176. Lectures on Ecclesiastes, specimen of style, 581. Ledwich (Dr.) misled Gough in his edition of Camden, 225. Lee (Colonel or Major-General), date of his baptism, 611. L. (E. F.) on the parentage of Bp. Leslie, 29. —— "Poets beware," 78. —— slavery in Scotland, 29. Legal worthies, queries respecting, 294. 332. Leicestriensis on Frebord, 595. —— on rhymes on places, 618. Leigh, the book of Nicholas Leigh wanted, 319. Le Neve (John), notices of, 322. Le Noble (Eustache), his La Pierre de Touche Politique noticed, 52. Lent crocking at Okehampton, 77. Lenthall (F. Kyffin) on Speaker Lenthall, 393. Lenthall the Speaker, notices of, 393. Leslie, bishop of Down, his parentage, 29. Lesteras, its meaning, 58. Letter to a Brigadier-General, 296. Leveridge (Richard), painting of, 151. Livers, white, superstition respecting, 127. 212. 334. 403. 452. Lewis Castle, monumental plate at, 342. 449. L. (F.) on Spanish verses on the invasion, 353. L. (F. H.) on representations of St. Christopher, 549. L. (G.) on General Lambert, 227. L. (H.) on collar of SS., 182. —— on Hogs Norton, 245. L. (H. B.) on Hoffman, a tragedy, 228. L'Homme de 1400 ans, 175. 256. Liber Conformitatum, various editions, 202. 283. Library of George III., 89. Lindisfarne, its meaning, 442. Littledale (Richard F.) on derivation of cou-bache, 212. —— the etymology of Devil, 508. —— on the expression white-livered, 212. —— coinage of Richard III., 293. —— Sir Thomas Overbury's epitaph, 486. —— a photographic query, 538. Livy quoted by Grotius, 296. L. (J.) on the Lyte family, 78. —— Thomas Crawford, 448. L. (J. H.) on Churchill the poet, 142. —— Sir John Cheke, 260. —— Moravian hymns, 129. —— princes of Wales and earls of Chester, 237. —— the execution of Mrs. Hickes, 395. —— Ralph Winterton, 420. —— the Sclaters and Dr. Kellet, 519. Llandudno on the great Orme's head, 175. 235. 305. Llewellyn on derivation of Carmarthen, 469. —— Cilgerran Castle, 537. —— collars of SS., 81. —— portrait of George Fox, 464. L. (L. L.) on the Book of Jasher, 415. —— Grantham altar case, 57. —— the last of the Palaeologi, 173. Ln. (W. H.) on Hart and Bohun, 612. Locke (John) his quotation from Gray, 274. Lode, its meaning, 345. 450. Lollard, his burial, 292. London street characters, 270. 376. Longevity, instances of, in Shoreditch, 276. —— of Machell Vivan, 356. —— authenticated instances of, 178. 389. 401. 448. Longtriloo, its derivation, 559. Longueville, or Yelverton MSS., 17. Lord's Prayer, paraphrase on, 195. Lossus (Lucas), account of his works, 230. Lothian's Scottish Historical Maps, 371. 498. Low (Sampson), junr., on Swift's lunatic asylum, 372. Lower (Mark Antony) on Abbot of Croyland's motto, 501. —— the early use of couched, to couch, 298. —— English surnames, 326. 509. —— etymology of lunhunter, 127. —— Vincent Kidder, 137. —— the Dr. Richard Mortons, 227. L. (T. H.) on King's College chapel windows, 308. L. (T. I.) on Weber's material media of music, 201. Lucifer, palace of, Milton's allusion to, 275. 352. Luciferi, who was he? 489. Lunhunter, its etymology, 127. Lunn (Sally), noticed, 371. 498. Luther (Martin), inscription by, 441. L. (W.) on the phrase "Experto crede Roberto," 104. —— surnames, 424. L. (W. A.) on derivation of Orlop, 248. L. (W. H.) on compositions during the Protectorate, 69. L. (W. H.) on Inquisitiones post mortem, 469. Lyte family in Somersetshire, 78. 260.
M. on the origin of the name Arkwright, 320. —— hints to book buyers, 271. —— English translation of the Canons, 246. —— Epistola Luciferi, 489. —— handwriting, 342. —— quotation from Arthur Hopton, 346. —— John of Halifax, 89. —— Latin names of towns, 235. —— Macaulay's ballad of Naseby, 41. —— indicating time in music, 507. —— Newton, Cicero, and gravitation, 422. —— Newton's library, 489. —— Newtonian system, 491. —— Reeve and Muggleton, 283. M. on unacknowledged quotations from Scripture, 414. —— villain and knave, 285. M. (Dublin) on Byron's paraphrase of the motto of "N. & Q.," 463. —— hexameter poem on English counties, 227. mu. on Arabic inscriptions, 32. —— satirical verses on Clarendon's downfall, 28. —— burning fern bringing rain, 242. —— St. George heraldic MSS., 253. —— the MS. legend of St. Molaisse, 38. M. (A.) on legend of St. Kenelm, 132. M. (A. C.) on the Orientals wearing spurs, 467. Mac an Bhaird on Irish queries, 439. Macaronic poetry, 166. 251. 302. Macaulay's ballad of Naseby, 41. Mac Cabe (W. B.) on boiling criminals to death, 184. Macfarlane of that Ilk, 416. Mackenzie (Kenneth R. H.), notes on Homer, 99. 171. 221. Madden (Sir Frederick) on Longueville MSS., 17. Madox (Thomas), the historiographer, 440. Madrigal, meaning of, 104. 380. Maheremium, its meaning, 248. Maidstone parochial library, 61. Maitland (Dr. S. R.) on cock and bull stories, 447. —— Reichenbach's ghosts, 115. 162. Mallett (David), his character, 124. —— death and burial, 319. 402. Malt, license to make in 1596, 291. Man in the Almanack, its meaning, 320. 378. 405. Manchester free library, 430. —— the arms of, 59. 332. Mancunium on Dictionary of Hackneyed Quotations, 41. Maps, correct ones a desideratum, 174. 236. 257. 261. —— of Africa, 284. 329. 382. Marches of Wales and Lord Marchers, 30. 135. 189. 445. Margate tenor bell, 319. 404. Margoliouth (Moses) of Wady Mokatteb, 87. 256. Mariconda on Liber Conformitatum, 202. —— the pelican as symbolical, 211. Market crosses, account of, 511. 594. Markland (J. H.) on Addison and his hymns, 513. —— Count Koenigsmark, 78. Mark's (St.), at Venice, its treasury, 583. Marlborough 5th November custom, 365. Marriage tithe in Wales, 29. 89. Martial's distribution of hours, 66. Martin-drunk, origin of the term, 587. Martinique, its derivation, 11. 165. 330. 354. 572. Marvell's Life and Works, 597. Marybone on nightingale and thorn, 475. Mary of Guise, the elopement of her fairest attendant, 152. 305. Mary Queen of Scots and Bothwell's Confession, 381. —— her monument, 415. 517. Mas, an abbreviation of Master, 322. Masks worn by women in theatres, 536. Materre on Schola Cordis, 92. Matron of Ephesus, a dramatic poem, 225. Matthew (Bishop Toby), his consecration, 466. Maxwell (John), of Terraughty and Munches, 203. May butter, 609. May-day custom in Lancashire, 581. M. (B.) on men of Kent and Kentish men, 321. McC. on borrowing-days, 342. McC. (J. B.) on boiling criminals to death, 184. —— Lollard's burial-place, 292. M. (C. H.) on an inscription by Luther, 441. M. (C. R.) on cross-legged effigies, 136. {635}M. (C. R.) on Grimesdyke, 284. —— monumental portraits, 451. M. (D.) on introduction of glass into England, 382. M. D. (an) on kissing under the mistletoe, 13. M. (E.) on the arms of the Lyte family, 260. —— royal arms in churches, 559. Meath millers, their observance of St. Martin's day, 13. Medals of William III. and Grandval, 73. Mediaeval, or middle ages, defined, 469. Meekins (Dr. John), noticed, 440. Meg, a roaring, its origin, 105. 260. Meg (Long) of Westminster, 133. 259. M. (E. J.) on collar of SS., 16. Memoria technica for the Books of the Bible, 414. —— for the plays of Shakspeare, 464. Memoirs (New) of Literature, its editor, 178. Memory, artificial, 227. 305. 355. Mendham (J.) on Expurgatory Index of Rome, 82. Merchant Adventurers to Spain, 276. 429. 499. Mercurialis (Dr. Hieron), noticed, 347. Merivale (H.) on burning Jesuitical books, 56. Merriman (Bishop), notices of, 584. Merry Andrew, its early use, 128. Merryweather (F. Somner) on glass-making, 477. —— blessing whilst sneezing, 500. —— prohibitions to use coal, 568. —— Mesmer's portrait, 418. 473. 599. Metaouo on London Genealogical Society, 354. —— rhymes on places, 375. Mewburn (F.) on Sir Samuel Garth, 237. Mexican grammar, 585. M. (F.) on the meaning of toady, 419. M (F. C.) on the Queen of the Isle of Man, 234. M. (H.) on quotations wanted, 512. M. (H. S.) on notices of Lord Marchers, 135. Micoenis on Dr. John Meekins, 440. Middleton church, Essex, its dedication, 372. Middleton (Countess of), notices of, 394. M. (I. J.) on Junius' Letters to Wilkes, 126. Milesian, the term explained, 453. 588. Miller (Joe), disinterment of his remains, 271. —— epitaph on, by Stephen Duck, 485. Miller (Mr.) of Craigentinny, 468. Miller's melody, an old ballad, 316. 591. Milton indebted to Tacitus, 606. —— epitaph in Cripplegate church, 361. 548. —— rib-bone, 369. Minshull (R.), proposals for printing Caxton's works, 265. Mirabilis Liber, quoted, 90. Mires, explained, 321. Misereres, their use, 39. Miserrimus, notice of, 354. Mistletoe, on its exclusion from churches, 151. —— poplar trees, 534. 596. —— origin of kissing under, 13. 208. —— queries on, 418. Mistral, its causes, 246. Mitre, episcopal, why discontinued, 275. M. (J.) on an allusion in Coleridge's Friend, 297. —— Analysis of Newton's Principia, 491. —— Warton's note on Aristotle's Poetics, 607. M. (J.) on Braem's Memoirs, 126. 599. —— symbolism of death, 213. —— Humboldt's Cosmos, and Nares' Attempt, 224. —— nobleman alluded to by Bp. Berkeley, 345. —— portrait of Mesmer, 599. —— the old Scots march, 104. M. 4 (J.) on the broad arrow, 115. M. (J. F.) on the word Pick in Shakspeare, 375. M. (J. H.) on burial in unconsecrated ground, 549. —— Joseph Adrien Le Bailly, 248. —— sheriffs and lords lieutenant, 494. —— the judge alluded to by South, 246. —— objective and subjective, 141. M'L. (D. F.) on "which are the shadows?" 196. M. (L. M.) on "Qui vult plene," &c., 261. M——n. on heraldical MSS. of Sir H. St. George Garter, 59. 253. —— Poniatowski gems, 190. M. (O.) on Dutch manufactures of porcelain, 343. Mohun, the actor, 466. 612. Moira (Earl of) elected a knight of the garter, 77. 135. 203. Moke explained, 373, 448. Molaisse (St.), legend of, the MS., 38. Moles, origin of, 534. Mompesson (Rev. Wm.), notice of, 571. 621. Monasteries &c. dissolved, notices of, 443. Monton in Pembroke, 164. Moon and her influences, 468. —— the first glance at a new, 485. Moore (Sir John), poem on, 138. 585. Moravian hymns, 30. 63. 94. 113. 165. 249. 474. 492. Mordaunt (Charles), Earl of Peterborough, his portrait, 441. 521. Morell's edition of AEschylus, 604. Morgan (A. De) on the controversy about fluxions, 103. —— Francis Walkinghame, 441. —— notices of James Wilson, M. D., 276. 399. Mormonism and Spalding's Romance, 560. Mortons, the Dr. Richard, notices of, 227. 473. Mossom (Bishop), notices of, 176. Mother Carey's chickens, noticed, 344. 427. Motto at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 345. 451. M. (P. M.) on provincial dialects, 196. —— meaning of frebord, 440. M. (R. F.) on the ring finger, 208. —— the sanctus bell, 208. M. (R. P.) on gold chair at Jersey, 511. M. (S.) on a large family, 357. M. (T. C. M.) on Bishop Mossom, 176. Mt. (J.) on seven queries, 225. Much Wenloch, inscription at, 8. Muffs worn by gentlemen, 560. Muggleton and Reeve, notices of, 80. 236. 283. Mull, a regular, origin of the expression, 165. Mummy wheat, 417. 538. 595. Mushroom, its etymology, 598. Music, on indicating time in, 507. Musical writers, notes on, 583. M. van Maanen (J.) on dodo queries, 515. M. (W. B.) on Banyan-day, 442. —— Friday at sea, 305. —— Mother Carey's chickens, 344. M. (W. B.) on plague stones, 426. M. (W. T.) on Queen Elizabeth being dark or fair, 201. —— "I do not know what the truth may be," 560. —— hoax on Sir Walter Scott, 438. —— Yankee Doodle, 572. Myfanwy, on learned men named Bacon, 181.
N. on the Athenian Oracle, 230. —— Gen. James Wolfe, 35. —— Zachary Pearce not a pupil of Busby, 197. N. (A.) on Ad viscum Druidae, 247. —— quotation from St. Austin, 380. —— the Amber Witch, 510. —— Borrow's Muggletonians, 320. —— Caesarius Arelatensis, 91. —— the meaning of Cagots, 493. —— on Catterich for Cattraeth, 164. —— Cimmerii, Cimbri, 188. —— the word Devil, 595. —— the meaning of Dulcarnon, 253. —— the etymology of Sept, 277. —— the Exeter controversy, 296. —— the abbreviation of Mas, 322. —— Reichenbach's ghosts, 89. —— Rex Lucifer of Milton, 352. —— the sweet singers, 372. —— the Templars, 353. —— verses in prose, 379. —— the Book of Jasher, 476. —— the Escubierto, 584. —— Vikingr Skotar, 394. Nacar, its scientific appellation, 536. 595. Nails, paring the, 142. 285. 309. Names, corrupted Christian, 534. —— persistency of proper, 174. Nares's attempt to prove a plurality of worlds, 225. Narne; or Pearle of Prayer, 538. Nash (Beau) on the phrase "wild oats," 227. Nashe's Terrors of Night, 467. 488. 562. National defences, unpublished work on, 171. N. (B.) on marriage of Mrs. Claypole, 298. —— King Street theatre, 58. N. (E.) on John Adair's family, 273. —— Almas Cliffe, 354. —— artificial memory, 355. —— Chasseurs Britanniques, 295. —— miniature of Cromwell, 255. —— computing cousinship, 342. —— Rev. William Dawson, 396. —— Sir John Darnell, 489. —— the Earl of Errol, 350. —— occurrences under certain French dates, 293. —— ancient trees, 309. —— game of curling, 309. —— names of places, 452. —— rhymes on places, 374. —— papers on armorial bearings, 416. —— Macfarlane of that ilk, 416. —— old Scots march, 235. 449. —— constable of Scotland, 449. —— a man being his own grandfather, 464. —— family likenesses, 499. —— Macaronic poetry, 302. —— deaths from fasting, 353. —— London Genealogical Society, 353. —— Scoto-Gallicisms, 555. Neck! a neck! a Devonshire shout, 148. Nedlam on collar of SS., 183. —— game feathers, 341. —— the phrase "and tye," 395. Nelson (Robert), notice of, 229. Nelsons of Chuddleworth, notices of, 176. 236. Nelson's signal at Trafalgar, 67. Nemo on the meaning of Madrigal, 104. Neville (Alex.), works of, 442. Newbury, the History and Antiquities of, 225. News, its derivation, 178. Newton (Sir Isaac), and the law of gravitation, 344. 422. 573. —— his library, 489. —— Principia, analysis of, 491. Newtonian system, satirical pamphlet on, 490. 573. New Year song in South Wales, 5. N. (F.) on Biblicus on the Apocalypse, 584. —— pilgrimages to the Holy Land, 429. N. (G.) on Rouse, the Scottish psalmist, 80. N. (G. M. T. R.) on bull the barrel, 281. Nhrsl on monument to Barbara Mowbray, 517. —— serpent with a human head, 547. Nicaeensis on Lord Say and printing, 42. Nichols (John Gough) on a baron's hearse, 213. —— list of English sovereigns, 113. —— punishment by boiling, 112. —— general pardons, 544. —— the fairest attendant of Mary of Guise, 152. —— Isabel, queen of the Isle of Man, 205. {636}Nigel, on dial mottoes, &c., 155. Nightingale and thorn, 39. 305. 380. 475. Nil Nemini on the article An, 297. Nimrod, a Discourse of History and Fable, 539. N. (J. G.) on the father of Cardinal Pole, 163. —— numerous births by one mother, 204. —— the bed of Ware, 213. N. (N.) on Greek epigram, 56. Nocab on silver royal font, 175. Norgate (F.) on publications of Stuttgart Society, 484. Norman (Louisa Julia) on "He that runs may read," 306. Northman on cheap maps, 257. —— a Roaring Meg, 260. —— maps of Africa, 284. Note on "Inveni portum," 135. Notes and Queries, prefatory notice to Vol. V. 1. —— circulated in the Celestial Empire, 214. Notte of Imbercourt, Surrey, 393. Nouns printed with capitals, 79. November 5th custom at Marlborough, 365. N. (Q.) on political pamphlets, 319. N. (R.) on Cooper's miniature of Cromwell, 17. Nuremberg token, 201. 260. 450. N. (V. D.) on Rev. John Paget, 66. N. (W.) on Puritan antipathy to custard, 321.
[Omega]. on millers of Meath, 13. Oaks: the Essex broad Oak, 10. 40. 113. —— Hankford's oak, 43. —— the Shelton oak, 43. Oasis, its proper pronunciation, 465. 521. Oath of pregnant women, 393. Oats, wild, origin of the phrase, 227. 306. Obelisk between Yarmouth and Gorleston, 78. Objective and subjective, 11. 141. O'Connor (Arthur), account of, 579. O. (C. R.) on an annotated copy of Prynne's Breviate by Abp. Laud, 314. Offor (George) on Bishop Coverdale's Bible, 59. 153. O. (Geo.) on the Earl of Chepstow, 300. O'G. (T.) on the Azores, 439. —— the Chamberlaine family, 306. —— marriage at Mrs. Claypole, 381. Ogle (O.) on the meaning of Lesteras and Emencin, 58. "Oh Nanny," authorship of the song, 227. 306. O. (J.) On Burnomania, 428. —— Robert Drury, 543. —— Thomas Gill, the blind man, 608. —— Moravian hymns, 492. —— the Heavy Shove, 515. O. (J. N.) on "Stunt with false care," &c., 538. O. (J. S.) on Friday at sea, 330. Oldys (William), autobiography of, 529. Oley (Rev. Barnabas) his family and will, 372. Olivarius de Prophetia, 60. 161. Omens, lucky, 293. One-two-three on Duchess of Cleveland, 59. —— documents relating to Eliza Fenning, 105. Optical phenomenon, 441. 523. 616. O. (P.) van der Chys, on coins of Edward III., 150. Organs and pulpits moveable 345. 475. Orkney, extermination of Christians in, 111. Orkneyinga Saga, new edition announced, 262. Orloff, or Orlop, its derivation, 248. Otway (Thomas), unpublished song by, 338. Owen (John), bishop of St. Asaph, 510. Oxford Manual of Brasses, corrected, 369. 570. Oxoniensis on St. Paul's quotation of heathen writers, 278.
Paget (Rev. John), notices of, 66. 280. 327. 381. Pagoda, Joss-house, Fetiche, 415. Paisley, |