the Black Book of, 201. 283. Palaeologi, the last of the, 173. 280. 357. Palmerston (Lord), lines by, 619. Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, 491. Pandecte, its early use, 557. 622. Pantagruel on meaning of Dray, 67. —— numerous births by one mother, 204. Pantheon at Paris, its restoration, 73. Papal seal, a forged one 508. 593. Paper-mill, the first in England, 83. 255. Paper of the present day, its inferiority, 188. Paper, origin of the word, 174. Pardons, general, 496. 544. Parish registers, right of search, 36. 207. Parker (J. H.) on English free towns, 150. —— mediaeval town-halls, 295. Parliament house, poem on the burning, 488. 547. Partrige (Julius) on license to make malt, 291. —— Smyth's Gloucester manuscripts, 512. Pasquinades, 200. 283. Passemer's Antiquities of Devonshire, 511. Paterfamiliae on cheap maps, 174. Patrick (St.), his birthplace, 344. 403. 520. 561. Paul Hoste, 89. Paul (St.), did he quote heathen writers? 175. 278. 352. P. (B.) on the authorship of epigram upon the letter H. 522. P. (C.) on Churchill the poet, 75. P. (C. I.) on merchant adventurers to Spain, 277. —— arms of Yarmouth, 200. P. (C. S.) on churching of women, 293. —— hexameter on English counties, 305. P. (C. S. T.) on lines on Crawfurd of Kilbirnie, 464. —— Thomas Crawfurd, 344. Peacock (E) jun. on eagles' feathers, 521. —— portrait of Thomas Percy, 491. Pearce (Zachary) not a pupil of Busby, 197. Peasantry, popular stories of the English, 363. 459. 601. Peel (Sir Robert), his claims to the remembrance of literary men, 433. Pelham A. (W.) on letters of Arthur Lord Balmerino, 490. Pelican, a symbol of the Saviour, 59. 165. 211. 452. Pemberton (Oliver) on Cromwell's burial-place, 477. Pendulum demonstration, 84. 158. Penkenol, its meaning, 490. 545. Percy (Mrs.), portrait of, 306. Percy Society, its dissolution, 238. Percy (Thomas), earl of Northumberland, his portrait, 490. 549. Peredur on charm for ague, 413. Peregrine A. on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, 289. Perez on Johnny Crapaud, 545. —— mummy wheat 538. Periwinkle explained, 332. Perjury, papers of, 134. Persepolitan inscription, 560. Petheram (John) on Wyld's great globe, 488. Petrapromontoriensis on banking company in Aberdeen, 196. —— Earl of Errol 297. —— emblematical halfpenny, 397. —— Mr. Miller of Craigentinny, 468. Petrarch's cat, the last lay of, 174. Petros on lines on Elizabeth, 467. P. (G. P.) on the editor of Prideaux's Doctrine of Conscience, 273. —— the Prideaux family, 248. —— vol ii. of Prestwich's Respublica, 276. P. (H.) on marriage tithe in Wales, 89. Ph*** (C. P.) on Bogatzky's Golden Treasury, 63. —— Coleridge and Plato, 317. —— Nightingale and thorn, 305. —— "Wise above that which is written," 305. Pharetram de Tutesbit, 138. Phelp's Gloucestshire Collections, 346. [Phi] on whipping princes by proxy, 545. Philobiblon on Buchanan and Voltaire, 272. Photographic query, 538. P (H. T.) on Cynthia's dragon-yoke, 297. Pictorial Proverbs, work on, 559. Pictures, an anonymous catalogue of, 296. Pignon, or Piniwn, its derivation, 352. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land, 289. Pimlico, early notices of, 260. Piscator, on meaning of Barnacles, 13. P. (J.), jun. on the derivation of Callis, 466. —— key experiments, 152. —— the descendants of Rev. Nathaniel Spinckes, 273. —— portrait of Charles Mordaunt, 521. P. (J.) on Cromwell's skull, 275. P. (J. H.) on Anne Boleyn's burial-place, 464. P. (J. R.) on heraldical MSS. of Sir George Garter, 211. P. (K. N.) on the meaning of Lindisfarne, 442. Plague stones, a list of, 226. 308. 333. 374, 426. 500. 571. Plenius and his lyrichord, 58. Pocock (Franis) on monuments of De la Beche family, 451. Poetry, inedited, 387. 435. 580. Poets, their errors, 102. Poison, its etymology, 394. 499. Pole family, particulars of, 105. 163. 567. Political pamphlets wanted, 319. Polwarth (R.) on Sir Walter Raleigh's snuff-box, 136. Polynesian New Testaments, 468. Pompey the Great, its translators, 129. Poniatowski gems 30. 65. 140. 190. Pope, a Dutch commentary on, 27. 93. —— and Flatman, 17. —— Imitation of Horace, on a passage in, 426. Pope's eye, its meaning, 152. Porcelain, Dutch manufactories of, 343. Porcus on the phrase "please the pigs," 13. 91. Portraits, the most correct catalogue 176, 261. Postman and tubman of Exchequer Court, 490. P. (P.) on story of Ginevra, 333. —— arms of Manchester, 332. —— ornanental hermits, 333. —— the fernseed charm, 356. —— plague stones, 374. —— general pardons, 544. —— Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative,352. —— white livers, 334. Prague, group at, 346. Prayers for the fire of London, how long used, 78. Precisian on the meaning of Eliminate, 317. 'Prentice pillars, anecdote respecting, 395. 498. Presbyterian oath, whether now taken, 274. 323. Presentiment, instances of, 411. Prestwich's Respublica, vol. ii. not published, 276. Prianho and Prideaux family, 248. Price (R.) on the diphthong ai, 581. Prideaux's Doctrine of Conscience, its editor? 273. Prideaux family, 248. Procurator on inscriptions at Much Wenlock and Windsor, 8. Protheroe (E. Davis) on the meaning of groom, 57. Prothonotaries from Edw. III., 294. 333. Proverb, definition of a, 37. 213. {637}Proverbs: "Cold pudding settles one's love," 30. 189. —— "Grin like a Cheshire cat," 402. —— "Love me, love my dog," 538. —— "Please the pigs," 13. 91. 450. Proverbs, national, 397. Proverbial philosophy, 61. P. (R. S. V.) on Sir William Hankford, 93. Prynne's Breviate annotated by Abp. Laud, 314. P. (S. L.) on lines on Crawfurd of Kilburnie, 546. —— Milton's epitaph, 548. —— rhymes on places, 375. —— Rev. Nathaniel Spinckes, 380. —— Lord King and the Sclaters, 518. —— the Silent Woman, 547. P. (S. R.) on Cornish folk lore, 173. —— antiquity of county boundaries, 197. —— the meaning of Maheremium, &c., 248. —— the meaning of Elvan, 273. —— persistency of proper names, 174. P. (T. D.) on Eliza Fenning, 304. —— Bishop Merriman, 584. P. (T. G.) on Lothian's Scottish Historical Maps, 498. P. (T. W.) on St. Christopher, 495. Punch and Judy, 610. Purcell (Henry), portraits of, 103. Puritan antipathy to custard, 321.
Q. on the derivation of Barbarian, 473. —— the derivation of Charing, 486. —— the meaning of Bull, Dayesman, and Dun, 497. —— the meaning of Gee-ho, 522. —— "O wearisome condition," 473. —— spick and span new, 521. —— the meaning of Twises, 522. —— the derivation of Ramasshed, 572. —— the derivation of Sleeveless, 473. Q. (F. S.) on the great Bowyer Bible, 309. —— the meaning of Restive, 614. Q. (O. P.) on the five divines called Smectymnus, 202. Q. (Q. Q.) on the Layard family, 247. Q. (S.) on "Venit ad Euphratem," 572. Quack, its derivation, 347. Quarll (Philip), its authorship, 372. Quarter-waggoner, its meaning, 11. 64. 116. Queen's supremacy, declaration concerning the, 610. Quero, on Camden's poem Thamae et Isis, 30. Questor on the use of the word Reverend, 273. Quidam on Caldoriana Societas, 13. Quotation, misappropriated, 607. Quotations: "Ad viscem Druidae!" 247. —— "After me the deluge," 619. —— "And like unholy men," 512. —— "Blamed be the man," &c., 177. —— "Cane Decane canis," 440. 523. —— "Carmen perpetuum," &c., 104. 187. —— "Chords that vibrate sweetest pleasures," 539. 572. —— "Coming events cast their shadows before," 418. —— "Corruptio optimi fit pessima," 321. —— "Crowns have their compass," 92. —— "Dress shows the man," 396. —— "Et corripuit fluxeum," 512. 572. —— "Eva stood and wept alone," 416. —— "Experto crede Roberto," 104. 212. —— "Felix natu, felicior vita," &c., 610. —— "For they, 'twas they, unsheath'd the ruthless blade," 10. 380. —— "Gutta cavat lapidem," &c., 510. —— "He who runs may read," 260. 306. —— "Hell paved with skulls of priests," 92. —— "History is philosophy teaching by example," 153. 426. —— "Inveni portum," 10. 64. 135. 523. —— "I do not know what the truth may be," 560. 616. —— "Like a fair lily on a river floating," 539. —— "Litera scripta manet," 200. 237. 261. —— "Oh, woman! thou art born to bless," 490. 549. —— "O Juvenis frustra," &c., 441. —— "O Leoline! be absolutely just," 78. 138. 212. —— "O wearisome condition," 473. —— "Poets beware, never compare," &c., 78. 134. —— "Posie of other men's flowers," 38. —— "Preached in a pulpit rather than a tub," 29. 161. —— "Quid est Episcopus," 177. 255. 380. —— "Quod non fecerunt barbari," 559. 614. —— "Rack'd by pain, by shame confounded," 44. —— "Roses all that's fair adorn," 611. —— "Son of the morning," 137. —— "Stunt with false care," 538. 574. —— "Sum liber, et non sum liber," 152. —— "The right divine of kings to govern wrong," 128. —— "'Tis tuppence now," &c., 141. —— "The last links are broken," 153. —— "Then comes the reckoning," 585. —— "'Twas whisper'd in heaven," 214. 258. 522. —— "Who from the dark and doubtful love to run," 512. 570. 617. —— "William and William," &c., 559. —— "Wise above that which is written," 228. 260. 305. Quotations wanted from St. Gregory and Erasmus, 228. 309. —— dictionary of hackneyed, 41.
R. on "Crowns have their compass," 92. —— Wallington's Journal, 489. r. heraldic atchievement at Fawsley, 331. R. (A. B.) on the old Countess of Desmond, 15. 145. —— epitaph on Voltaire, 316. Rabbit, as a symbol, 487. 597. Rack, as used by Shakspeare, 390. Radish feast at Oxford, 610. R. (A. H.) on extermination of Christians in Orkney, 111. Rain water a cure for sore eyes, 223. Raleigh (Descendant of Sir W.) on Raleigh's ring, 621. Raleigh (Sir Walter) his ring, 538. —— his snuff-box, 78. 136. Ramasshed, its meaning, 572. Rawlinson (Robert) on Dictionary of Provincial Words, 173. 250. —— the Man in th' Almanack, 405. R. (C.) on the phrase "Please the pigs," 450. R. (C. L.) on the term Abigail, 38. —— the article An, 380. —— Howard's Conquest of China, 281. —— History of Commerce, 309. —— melody of the dying swan, 308. —— the derivation of Poison, 499. —— Vikingr Skotar, 499. R. (E. B.) on "Poets beware," &c., 134. R. (E. C.) on the authorship of Philip Quarll, 372. Recorde (Robert) noticed, 469. Rector's chancel explained, 320. R. (E. D.) on Abednego Seller, 587. Red Book of the Irish Exchequer, 258. Redding (Cyrus) on the Count de Vordac, 229. —— ancient connexion of Cornwall and Phoenicia, 507. —— mistranslation in Thiers' Consulship, 243. —— Spanish vessels wrecked on Irish coast, 491. —— the Nacar, 536. Reed family, notice of, 29. Regalia, Scottish, curious account of, 443. Regedonum on notices of St. Bartholomew, 129. 499. —— on Matthew Walker, 10. —— parish registers, 207. Rehetour explained, 373. Reichenbach's ghosts, 89. 115. 136. 162. Relton (F. B.) on the Chronological Institute, 104. R. (E. M.) on birthplace of St. Patrick, 520. Rent of assize, 127. 188. 573. Restive, its present misuse, 535. 614. Resurrection, doctrine of, 446. Retired Christian, its authorship, 104. Reverend, the title, when first used, 273. R. (F.) on serjeants' rings and mottoes, 181. R. (F. R.) on Rev. John Paget, 280. —— the Tonges of Tonge, 40. R. (H. G.) on Pharetram de Tutesbit, 138. R. (H. W. G.) on Margaret Burr, 177. Rhymes connected with places, 293. 374. 404. 449. 500. 547. 573. 618. Riccioli's Geographia et Hydrographia recommended, 235. Rice (John ap), his register, 273. Richard de Bury's Philobiblon, 443. Richard, earl of Chepstow, his pedigree, 126. 204. 261. 476. Richard Fitzjohn, his mother, 511. Richard of Cirencester de Situ Britanniae, 491. Richard, son of the Conqueror, his death, 441. Richard (St.), notice of, 418. Richards (George) on the term Milesian, 453. "Richly deserved," the expression, 3. Rimbault (E. F.) on Mary Ambree, 321. —— Latin song by Andrew Boorde, 482. —— Anthony Babington, 572. —— ballad of Lord Delaware, 348. —— Barnard's Church Music, 355. —— cards prohibited to apprentices, 346. —— custom of women wearing masks, 536. —— Davies queries, 331. —— portrait of Thomas Durfey, 151. —— Dyson's Collection of Proclamations, 371. —— autograph music by Handel, 355. —— the birthplace of Hans Holbein, 104. —— Handel's organ at the Foundling, 369. —— the derivation of haberdasher, 137. —— Hart and Mohun, 466. —— the earliest use of ruffles, 139. —— John of Padua, 79. —— Richard Leveridge's portrait, 151. —— Long Meg of Westminster, 133. —— the meaning of Madrigal, 380. —— Mallet's character and biography, 124. —— the Miller's Melody, 591. —— old playing cards, 370. —— old Scots march, 331. —— old concert bill, 556. —— portrait of Henry Purcell, 103. —— portrait of Orlando Gibbons, 176. —— ballad quoted by Sir Walter Scott, 345. —— serjeant trumpeter, 127. —— Speed's Stonehenge, 395. —— unpublished song by Thomas Otway, 337. Ring (a) on the ring finger, 371. Ring found in France, 395. 477. —— finger, 114. 208. 492. 570. —— —— lost by a lady, 371. Rix (S. W.) on Blakloanae Haeresis, 44. —— Bohun's Historical Collections, 539. —— the introduction of inverted commas, 228. R. (J.) Brompton, on the word Restive, 535. R. (J.) Cork, on Arthur O'Connor, 579. —— elegy on Coleman, 283. —— epigram on Erasmus, 136. —— foreign ambassadors, 135. —— Latin verse on Franklin, 140. —— the imperial eagle of France, 147. —— Fouche's Memoirs, 211. —— Liber Conformitatum, 283. —— extraordinary births, 304. —— the meaning of Groom, 347. —— on the Pantheon at Paris, 373. {638}R. (J.) Cork, on General Wolfe, 136. 279. R. (J. C.) on English translations of the Canons, 330. —— the Muggletonians, 236. —— etymology of church, 255. —— Bishop Kidder's autobiography, 281. —— gat-tothed, 607. —— quotation from St. Gregory's Homily, 309. —— ecclesiastical geography, 329. —— paper-making in England, 255. —— "Which are the shadows?" 281. R. (J. Q.) on Junius rumours, 158. —— Junius and the Quarterly Review, 194. R. (J. R.) on cock and bull story, 414. —— a song, "Not long ago I drank a full pot," 437. [Rho]. ([Lambda].) on "Quod non fecerunt Barbari," 614. R. (L. M. M.) on the Black Book of Scone, 294. —— portrait of Mrs. Percy, 306. —— gipsies in Shinar, 395. —— the tune, "Well bobbit, Blanch of Middleby," 296. R. (L. X.) on quotation from Young, 617. R. (M. C.) on the pronunciation of Oasis, 521. R. (M. T.) on Sterne in Paris, 254. Roberson, arms of, 346. Robin of Doncaster, his epitaph, 179. Robinson (J. B.) on burning the bush, 437. Rechabite on an inscription on Job, 140. —— the use of Misereres, 39. Rock (D.) on Miraeo's Ecclesiastical Geography, 305. —— the existence of St. Patrick, 561. Rogers on the Articles, reference in, 559. Rogers (John), martyr, 247. 307. 508. 522. Roman funeral pile, 67. 611. —— Index Expurgatorius, 33. 82. Rondeau (J. B.) on Narne; or Pearle of Prayer, 538. Rood, black, in Scotland, 440. Ross (C.) on the phrase "There is no mistake," 35. Rotten Row, origin of the name, 40. 160. Rouse, the Scottish psalmist, 80. "Row the boat, Norman," a song, 609. Rowe (R. R.) on the radish feast at Oxford, 610. Royal "We," when first adopted, 489. Royd, its meaning, 489. 571. 620. R. (R.) on Devonshire superstition, 77. Rt. on Baskerville the printer, 269. —— Bow-bell as synonymous with Cockney, 212. —— Brallaghan, or the Deipnosophists, 508. —— the poet Collins, 102. —— the custom of cranes in storms, 582. —— French Revolution foretold, 100. —— "Inveni portum," 523. —— superstitious use of fernseed, 172. —— "Love me, love my dog," 538. —— palace of Lucifer, 275. —— praying to the Devil, 352. —— pronunciation of Coke and Cowper, 451. —— a custom at sneezing, 573. —— lines on woman, 549. R. (T. K.) on Livy quoted by Grotius, 296. Ruby on the word Grisly, 344. —— the expression "wild oats," 506. Ruffles, when worn, 12. 139. 259. Russell (F.) on Dr. John Ash, 12. Rust, superstitious notion respecting, 436. Rusticus on declaration of 2000 clergymen, 610. Ruthven family, 320. R. (W.) on tortoiseshell tom cats, 465.
S. on the author of The Shadow of the Tree of Life, 79. —— mummy wheat, 595. [Sigma]. on a chimney-piece motto, 452. Sack, giving the, origin of the phrase, 585. Sacheverell (Dr.), his Derby sermon, 106. 229. S. (A. D. F. R.) on inscription over Aldus' door, 152. S. (A. F.) on the derivation of Beholden, 321. Saint, emblems of an unknown, 347. Salmon fisheries in olden time, 343. Salmon (W. R. D.) on instance of longevity, 276. —— periwinkle, 332. —— persons of the name of Devil, 370. Salting a new-born infant, 76. 141. Salusbury Welsh pedigree book, 296. Sanctus bell, 104. 208. Sandys (Charles) on men of Kent, 615. Sansom (J.) on the derivation of Church, 136. —— early instances of teaching the blind to read, 151. —— esquires of the martyred king, 126. —— the meaning of hell-rake, 162. —— hair in seals, 317. —— enigma on the letter I, 427. —— sites of buildings mysteriously changed, 524. Santorin, the island of, etymology of its name, 14. Sarpedon on "The right divine of kings," &c., 128. Sax on Cromwell's skull, 354. —— Cynthia's dragon-yoke, 354. Saxon spell, 5. Saxonicus on ballad on Shakspeare, 466. —— the last slave sold in England, 438. Say (Lord) and printing, 42. Sc. on inscription on a pair of spectacles, 39. Scandret (Rev. J.), notices of, 584. Scott (George S.) on shrine of Edward the Confessor, 228. Schola Cordis, its authorship, 92. Schypmen Hall, London, 294. Sclater's Reply to Lord King, 457. Sclater family noticed, 458. 518. 569. S. (C. N.) on key experiments, 449. Scologlandis and Scologi, 416. 475. 501. Scotland, thistle of, 281. Scoto-Gallicisms, 555. Scot's Philomythie, &c., 179. Scots march, the old, 104. 235. 280. 331. 449. Scott (Sir Walter), ballad quoted by him, 345. —— hoax on, 439. 546. Scottish monastic establishments, 104. 188. 208. Scoundrel's Dictionary, 80. Scriptures, unacknowledged quotations from, 414. S. (D.) on Young's Narcissa, 252. S. (E.) on surnames, 425. S. (E. A.) on Suwich Priory, 344. —— plate in Lewes Castle, 449. Seals, hair in, 317. Sea-serpent, description of, 405. Seaward's (Sir Edw.) narrative, its authorship, 10. 185. 352. Seleucus on deaths from fasting, 301. Seller (Abednego), notices of, 587. Senses, seven, by Taliesin, 521. Sept, its etymology, 277. 304. September, thirty days hath, the antiquity of the lines, 392. 463. Septimus on French and Italian degrees, 79. Serjeant trumpeter, his privileges, 127. Serjeants' rings, 59. 92. 110. 139. 181. 563. Serpent with a human head, 547. Seth's pillars, 609. Settle's Female Prelate, 52. Seventh son of a seventh son, 532. 596. 617. Seventh son, peculiar attributes of, 412. 572. Sexes, their separation in churches, 41. 539. Shadow of the Tree of Life, its author, 79. Shadows, which are they? 196. 281. 475. Shakes—"No great shakes" explained, 443. Shakspeare and the English press, 117. —— "As stars with trains of fire," 75. 154. 210. —— ballad on, 466. 524. —— manuscript emendations, 484. 535. —— notes, 483. —— readings in, 75. 169. 236. 241. 285. 410. 483. —— seal, 539. 589. —— Tennyson and Claudian, 492. 618. —— passage in All's Well that ends Well, 436. 509. —— —— As You Like It, 564. 587. —— Cymbeline, 556. —— Hamlet, 169. 377. 492. —— King Henry IV., 462. —— Measure for Measure, 435. 573. 588. —— Merchant of Venice, 605. —— Tempest, "the rack," 390. —— Troilus and Cressida, 178. 235. 259. —— Twelfth Night, "We three," 338. 500. Sham Abraham explained, 442. Sheriff, his precedency over the lord lieutenant, 394. 494. Shipton, mother, notices of, 419. Shoes, thrown for luck, 413. S. (H. P.) on the meaning of Royd, 620. S. (H. S.) on a work of Pictorial Proverbs, 559. Shunt, a provincialism, 352. 450. Sickle, or shekel, as used by Shakspeare, 277. 325. Sigma on Moravian hymns, 249. —— national proverbs, 397. —— portrait of Mesmer, 418. Silent woman, origin of the sign, 468. 547. Simmonds (W. Stanley) on Count Gondomar, 489. Simon of Sudbury, archbishop of Canterbury, 194. Simonides on Quaker Bible, 44. Simpson (W. Sparrow) on churchyard well and bath, 81. —— the author of the tune Doncaster, 106. —— commemoration of benefactors, 126. —— curious inscription in Winchester Cathedral, 149. —— ink used in ancient MSS., 151. —— autograph music by Handel, 247. —— autographs of Weever and Fuller, 162. —— force of conscience, 165. —— Hoare's charity, 229. —— epitaph in St. Gregory's, Sudbury, 245. —— escutcheon at Fawsley, 297. —— an obelisk, 78. —— moveable organs and pulpits, 345. —— emaciated monumental effigies, 353. —— a correction in the Oxford Manual, 369. —— dedication of Middleton church, 372. —— muffs worn by gentlemen, 560. —— inedited poetry, 387. 435. 580. —— Simon of Sudbury, 194. —— "Speculum Christianorum," &c., 558. —— a Suffolk legend, 195. —— Turner's Romish Fox, 448. Singer (S. W.) on the meaning and origin of aera, 420. —— the meaning of Dulcarnon, 252. 325. —— Inveni portum, 64. —— legend of St. Kenelm, 131. —— the poet referred to by Bacon, 232. —— man in the Almanack, 378. —— notes on books: Humphrey's works, 554. —— passage in Cymbeline, 556. —— passage in King Henry IV., 462. —— passage in Measure for Measure, 435. —— passage in Merchant of Venice, 605. —— Tredescants and Elias Ashmole, 367. 385. Sinaitic inscriptions, 189. S. (J.) on the great Bowyer Bible, 248. S. (J. D.) on deaths from fasting, 301. —— Passemer's Antiquities of Devonshire, 511. —— the Sclaters, 519. S. (J. J.) on list of English sovereigns, 28. —— hieroglyphics of vagrants, 79. —— plague stones, 226. {639}S. (J. J.) on sainted kings incorruptible, 223. Skull, swearing on, 485. 546. S. (L.) on an inscription on a sun-dial, 79. —— Scot's Philomythie, 179. —— translation of Richard de Bury's Philobiblon, 443. Slang dictionaries, 79. 208. Slave, the last one sold in England, 438. Slavery in Scotland, when abolished, 29. 161. Sleck stone, meaning of, 140. 404. 548. Sleeveless, defined, 473. Slings used by the early Britons, 537. S. (M.) on the disuse of the episcopal mitre, 275. —— Sterne at Paris, 188. —— monastic establishments in Scotland, 188. Smectymnus, the five divines, 202. Smintheus on a last ode by Collins, 227. Smirke (E.) on preaching from texts in Cornwall, 2. —— Lord Marchers of Wales, 445. Smirke (Sydney) on inundations and their phenomena, 198. —— Shakspeare's seal, 539. Smith (W. J. Bernhard) on a case of longevity, 448. —— waistcoats worn by women, 392. Smith's Sea Grammar noticed, 64. Smothering hydrophobic patients, 10. Smyth (W. H.) on quarter waggoner, 11. Smyth's MSS. relating to Gloucestershire, 512. 616. Sneezing, customs observed at, 364. 500. 572. 599. Sneyd (W.) on Dean Swift on Herbert's Travels, 271. —— cases of longevity, 389. Snooks, or Sevenoaks, 438. Snow (Robert) on sun-dial motto, 619. Snuff-boxes and tobacco-pipes, account of them, 246. Snuff placed on a coffin, 462. Sob on Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, 394. Sobriquet, its orthography, 174. Solidus Gallicus, its value, 277. Somerlayes explained, 321. Song—"Not long ago I drank a full pot," 437. Soud, in Shakspeare, its meaning, 152. Soulis (Lord), tradition of his death, 112. South (Dr.) on the Apocalypse, 469. —— the judge alluded to by him, 246. Southey (Robert) on the hymns of the Moravians, 249. South Sea playing cards, 217. Southamiensis on the evidence of a ghost, 417. —— Gospel trees, 306. Sovereigns of England, on complete lists of, 28. 113. Spalatro (Abp. of) assists at an English consecration, 80. Spanish verses on the invasion of England, 294. 352. —— vessels wrecked on Irish coast, 491. 598. S. (P. C. S.) on the Countess of Desmond, 16. —— nouns printed with capitals, 79. Spectacles, inscription on a pair, 39. —— the inventor of, 106. Spectator, authorship of poems in, 439. 513. 548. 597. Spectral coach and horses, 365. Speculum Christianorum, &c., 558. 616. Spedding (James) on death of Sir G. Gerrard, 511. Speed's Stonehenge, MS. of, 395. Spes on antiquaries temp. Elizabeth, 365. —— arms of Thompson, 521. —— frebord, 548. —— the word Wyned, 524. Spick and span new, 521. Spinckes (Nathaniel), his descendants, 273. 380. Sports, the book of, inquiry after, 347. Spurs, did the Orientals wear them? 467. Spy Wednesday, its meaning, 511. 620. Squire Vernon's fox chase, a ballad, 537. S. (R.) on Muggleton and Reeve, 80. —— Squire Vernon's fox chase, 537. S. (R. I.) on lines on Dr. Fell, 355. S. (R. J.) on essay to procure Catholic Communion, 277. —— names of places, 452. Ss. (J.) on burning fern bringing rain, 301. S. (S.) on catalogue of engraved portraits, 176. —— chronogram over Sherborne school, 225. —— collar of SS., 255. —— Tandem D. O. M., 330. S. (S. S.) Bishop Hall's resolutions, 150. —— the Book of Sports, 347. —— family likenesses, 162. —— Hogs Norton, 304. —— the introduction of stops, 379. —— quotation from Crabbe, 571. S. 2 (S. S.) on the etymology of Mushroom, 598. —— the derivation of Stoke, 308. S. (T.) on the authorship of "God's Love," &c., 272. —— Tudur Aled's poems, 17. Standard bearer in Scotland, 609. Stanley (Sir Wm.) date of his execution, 321. Statute of limitations abroad, 546. Stearne's Confirmation of Witchcraft, 416. 620. Steinman (G. S.) on genealogical queries, 537. Stephens (George) on the derivation of Church, 79. —— Northern ballads, 177. —— popular stories of the English peasantry, 461. Stephen's lectures on Chaucer, 69. Sternberg (T.) on Reichenbach's ghost stories, 136. —— Sterne in Paris, 105. —— popular stories of the English peasantry, 363. 601. Sterne in Paris, 105. 188. 254. —— at Sutton on the Forest, 409. Stewart (Ann), particulars of, 345. S. (T. G.) on Black Book of Paisley, 283. —— Paul Hoste, 89. —— monastic establishments in Scotland, 208. Stickle, its meaning, 235. Still-born children, superstition respecting, 77. Stilts used by the Irish, 508. Stoke, its meaning, 106. 151. 212. 308. Stomachosus on Nottingham horn-blowing, 148. Stone-pillar worship in Ireland, 121. 259. 377. Stops, when first introduced, 1. 133. 164. 211. 379. Storm in 1739, 412. Stoups, exterior, examples of, 560. 617. Stuart (Lady Arabella), notices of, 421. Stukeley (Dr.), his Boston MSS., 490. Stuttgart Society, publications of, 484. Subscriber (a) on Dean Swift's snuff-box, 274. Sudlow (John) on South Sea playing cards, 217. Suffolk newspapers printed at Bury, 127. Suffragan bishops, 394. Suicides buried in cross-roads, 405. —— indignities on their bodies, 272. 356. Sun-dial, inscriptions on, 79. 499. 619. Surnames, their origin, 290. 326. 392. 424. 509. 592. Suwich priory, particulars of, 344. S. (W.) on the Audley family, 151. —— ecclesiastical geography, 449. —— epigram on Franklin and Wedderburn, 58. —— Vincent Bourne's Epilogus, 60. —— "Litera scripta manet," 200. —— Dr. Hieron Mercurialis, 347. —— the medical use of live frogs, 393. —— on Mirabilis Liber, 90. —— the phrase "Dress shows the man," 396. —— "Roses all that's fair adorn," 611. —— Virgil, Georg. I. 55., 58. Swallows' nests, inquiry respecting, 346. Swans, the singing of, 107. 187. 308. Sweet singers, noticed, 372. S. (W. H.) in writers in Bibliotheca Literaria, 486. —— Nelson's signal, 67. —— Nuremberg token, 450. —— the coin of Vabalathus, 148. 489. Swift's lunatic asylum, 372. Swift (Dean), sale of his library, 292. —— remarks on Herbert's Travels, 271. —— "a pinch from Dean Swift's snuff-box," 275. 330. Sword swallowing, 296. S. (W. R. D.) on Eleanor, lady of the ring, 296. S. (W. S.) on Bow bell meaning Cockney, 140. —— clerical members of parliament, 139. —— cure of hooping-cough, 148. —— Horae Belgicae, 180. Sydney (Algernon), 318. 426. 447. 497. 516. Sylva (M. A.) on Lord Wharton's Bibles, 29. Symbol on the rabbit as a symbol, 487.
T. on the Amber Witch, 569. —— the author of History is Philosophy, &c., 153. —— Plenius and his lyrichord, 58. Tabitha's dream, by Christopher Anstey, 129. Tagart (Edward) on Rev. Mr. Gay, 36. Tail on docking horses' tails, 611. Talbot (Peter), was he author of Blakloanae Haeresis? 44. Tandem D. O. M., 330. Taprobane on a regular mull, 165. Taylor (Alex.) on the Greek referred to by Jeremy Taylor, 353. Taylor (E. S.) on burials in woollen, 414. —— note on Virgil, 388. —— general pardons, 496. —— the Taylor family, 370. Taylor (H. W. S.) on sailing on Friday, 381. —— motto at Newcastle, 452. Taylor (Jeremy), on a passage in, 65. —— a story by him, 611. Taylors of Worcester, notices of, 370. 473. T. (C.) on St. Christopher, 495. —— emaciated monumental effigies, 427. —— English surnames, Bolingbroke, 392. —— motto on chimney-piece, 345. —— the fallacy of traditions, 390. —— 'prentice pillars, 395. —— the various styles of old china, 415. —— plague stones, 427. —— Presbyterian oath, 274. —— the effects of the window-tax, 559. T. (C. B.) on Sir John Cheke, 200. 320. T. (Dublin) on Sir J. Ware and St. Patrick, 561. T. (E.) on portrait of William Combe, 558. Tecede on group at Prague, 346. Temple (Harry Leroy) on a passage in the Giaour, 162. —— Irish titles of honour, 467. —— the pronunciation of oasis, 465. Ten Commandments in ten lines, 607. Tennent (Sir J. Emerson) on the early use of the cross and the crucifix, 85. —— John Holywood, the mathematician, 42. —— St. Irene and the island Santorin, 14. —— modern Greek names of places, 259. —— stone-pillar worship in Ireland, 121. T. (E. S. T.) on under weigh or under way, 153. Testament, new arrangement of the Old, 199. {640}Tewars on Notte of Imbercourt, Surrey, 393. —— sons of the Conqueror, 512. —— mother of Richard Fitz-John, 511. —— ladies styled baronets, 536. —— Sir George Howard, 538. —— Mary Horton, 584. —— the Waller family, 586. Texas, plant in, 42. Texts, preaching from in Cornwall, 2. T. (G. A.) on whipping graves, 280. T. (G. E.) on "Sum liber, et non sum," &c., 152. T. (G. W.) on equestrian figure of Elizabeth, 235. —— meaning of Stickle, 235. [Symbol] on the derivation of Chelwoldesbury, 449. T. (H.) on inscription at Hardwicke Hall, 125. —— the phrase German's lips, 151. Theodoric, legend of, 196. Theoloneum, what? 105. 161. 236. Theophania, its author, 88. T. (H. G.) on Chantrey's sleeping children, 476. —— second exhumation of King Arthur, 490. —— the seventh son, 412. 572. Thompsons of Lancashire, their arms, 468. 521. Thoms (W. J.) on Flemish illustrations of early English literature, 6. Thiers' Consulship and Empire, mistranslations in, 243. Thorpe (Ashwell), ballad of, 258. Three estates of the realm, 129. 539. Throw on the derivation of Garseeg, 126. —— on the walrus being found in the Baltic, 150. Thunder, Bailey's definition of, 56. T. (H. W. S.) on Sir Richard Pole, 567. Tiberius, record at, 583. Tilfordiensis on Tilford oak, 277. Tillotson (Abp) on Athanasian creed, 469. Timour, Autobiography of, 398. T. (J.) or lines on woman, 490. T. (J. E.) on the diving success of Sir J. Hayes, 226. —— dial motto on Mont Cenis, 285. T. (J. G.) on Goblin. Gorgeous, Gossip, 248. T. (J. H.) on Scologlandis and Scologi, 501. T. (L.) on mediaeval and middle ages, 469. T. (L. G.) on Llandudno, or the Great Orme's Head, 175. 305. T. (L. H. J.) on modern Greek names of places, 209. —— Sir Walter Raleigh's snuff-box, 78. —— punning the word Jesuits, 128. —— pasquinades, 200. —— Spanish verses on the invasion of England, 294. —— General James Wolfe, 35. T. (M.) on a theoloneum, 105. Toady explained, 419. Todd (Dr. J. H.) on Pandecte, 622. —— Philip Twisden, Bishop of Raphoe, 10. —— Wady Mokatteb, Numb. xi. 26. 31. 159. Tokens, Scotch, of the 17th century, 585. Tomkins (H. G.) on emaciated monumental figures, 498. —— the slings of the early Britons, 537. —— swearing on a skull, 546. Tonges of Tonge, notices of, 40. Tonna (L. H. J.) on William, Abbot of St. Albans, 611. Tonson and the Westminsters, 585. Torshel's Harmony of the Bible, 199. 334. Town-halls, mediaeval, 295. 403. 427. 470. 522. Tortoiseshell tom cats, 465. 618. Towns, their Latin names, 235. 305. Toxophilus on archer rolls, 395. T. (P.) on Cibber's Lives of the Poets, 116. —— compositions during the protectorate, 68. —— Gospel oaks, 210. —— the meaning of Hyrne, 211. —— on the meaning of Cabal, 520. —— the phrase Rotten Row, 160. —— the introduction of stops, 133. T. (R.) on stone-pillar worship, 377. Tradescant the younger, an Englishman, 266. 474. Traditions, the fallacy of many, 390. —— through few links, 77, 135. 203. 306. 330. Traherne (Mr.), notices of, 294. 333. Traveller on portrait of Charles Mordaunt, 441. Trebor on Welsh women's hats, 491. Tredescants and Elias Ashmole, 266. 367. 385. Trees, their age, 8. 40. 43. 90. 113. 141. 277. 309. 497. Trenchard (Sir John), his general pardon, 496. 593. Trevelyan (W. C.) on the meaning of Groom, 348. Trinity chapel, Knightsbridge, 13. Tripos explained, 91. Trumpington church, curious recess in, 104. 208. Tudur Aled's poems, 17. T. (W. G. T.) on the arms of Sir Roger Wilcock, 12. Twisden (Philip), bishop of Itaphoe, notice of, 10. Twises, explained, 592. Twittens, the meaning of, 560. T. (W. W. E.) on Abraham-men, 442. —— "Cane Decane Canis," 440. —— Sir Hobbard de Hoy, 468. —— a roaring Meg, 105. —— Sir E. Seaward's Narrative, 10. T. (W. S.) on swallows' nests, 346. Twyford, its site, 467. 569. Tye, its meaning as used in Sussex, 395. Tyro on John Lord Berkeley, 369. —— Cynthia's Dragon-yoke, 354. —— Gilbert Burnet, 396. —— portrait of Mesmer, 473. —— Olivarius de Prophetia, 161.
Ulrich (St.), Tresor of the church of, 468. Unicorn, its habits, 383. Unicorn on brass of Abbot Kirton, 536. —— brass of Lady Gore, 542. —— archaic and provincial words, 251. —— Mother Carey's chickens, 427. —— enigmatical epitaphs, 452. —— the grave-stones of Joe Miller, 485. —— the age of trees, 497. —— ground ice, 546. —— New Zealand legend, 27. Uplondishe man on a bit o' fine writin', 581. Urmston (Gen. Edward), noticed, 442. Ursula on governor of St. Christopher in 1662, 510. —— monumental effigies, 497. —— John Owen, bishop of St. Asaph, 510.
V. on Plato's lines in Antho. Palat., 450. Vabalathus, on the coins of, 148. 489. Valentines, when first used, 128. Valentine's day in Devonshire, 55. 148. Vanes, their antiquity, 490. Vangs (Sir Gammer), story of, 164. V. (E.) on the derivation of Tripos, 91. —— Spanish verses on the invasion, 352. Vendace, the fish so called, 302. Vermin, payments for destroying, 67. Vernon (Sir Ralph), his longevity, 389. 471. Verses in classical prose, 44. 379. V. (H. H. H.) on Bishop Coverdale's Bible, 59. —— marriage tithe in Wales, 29. —— arms of Manchester, 59. Vice. Com. Deputat. on sheriffs and lords lieutenant, 494. Vikingr Skotar, meaning of term, 394. 499. Vincent (R.) on garlands in churches, 469. —— the first glance at a new moon, 485. —— superstitions respecting rust, 486. Virgil, note on AEneid II. 682-3., 388. —— Georg. I. 55., 58. 189. 307. Virtuosi, or St. Luke's Club, 487. Vivan (Machell), his longevity, 356. V. (J W.) on "O Juvenis frustra" &c., 441. Vokares on family likenesses, 260. Voltaire, his name an anagram, 17. —— epitaph on, 316. Vordac, the Count de, his death, 229.
W. on the derivation of Buzz, 104. —— the first gunpowder mill, 416. W. (A.) on "Gutta cavat lapidem," 610. —— monumental plate at Lewes castle, 342 —— Latin hexameters on the Bible, 507. Wady Mokatteb, 31. 87. 159. 256. W. (A. F. A.) on a ring found in France, 395. Waissailing orchards in Sussex, 293. Waistcoats worn by women, 392. Walcott (Mackenzie) on Ackerman's account of Winchester College, 539. —— "After me the deluge," 619. —— boy bishop of Eton, 621. —— serjeants' rings, 111. —— Gen. James Wolfe, 34. Wales, princes of, charters concerning, 178. 237. Walker (Matthew), notice of, 10. Walkinghame (Francis), noticed, 441. Walker family, notices of, 586. 619. Wallington's Journal, 489. 569. Wallop, its meaning, 246. Walrus, is it found in the Baltic? 150. Walter (Henry) on Coverdale's Bible, 110. Walton (S.) on Algernon Sydney, 516. —— Sir John Trenehard, 593. Walton's Angler, queries on, 609. Warde (H. Corville) on John of Horsill, 29. —— the phrase "I am at Dulcarnon," 180. Warden (J. S.) on Boston, and Bunker's Hill, 438. —— the meaning of Abigail, 450. —— the derivation of Barnacles, 499. —— Byron's Siege of Corinth, 534. —— frozen sounds, 40. —— line on Franklin, 549. —— women torn to pieces by cats, 43. —— a quotation "Eva stood and wept alone," 416. —— St. Richard, a Saxon king 418. —— death of Richard, son of the Conqueror, 441. Ware, history of its large bed, 128. 213. Warren (Dr. W.), his tract on Cambridge, 418. Warton on Aristotle's Poetics, 606. Way, or weigh, of a ship, 152. Way (Albert) on suffragan bishops, 394. —— game feathers protracting death, 413. Waylen (J.) on compositions under the protectorate, 546. W. (C.) on Hewitt's Memoirs of Rustat, 469. —— the meaning of Royd, 489. —— Sir E. K. Williams, 586. W. (C. J.) on portrait of Countess of Desmond, 43. W. (D.) on St. Wilfrid's Needle, 620. Weather prophecy, 534. 581. Weber on the material media of music, 201. Wedding, ring, origin of, 443. Weever's autograph, 162. Well and bath at East Dereham, 81. "Well bobbit, Blanch of Middleby," an old tune, 296. Welling, or Welwyn, house at, 138. 448. Wellington (Duke of) and the phrase "Up, Guards, and at them!" 396. 425. —— his using the phrase, "There is no mistake," 34. —— petition for his recall, 43. 115. {641}Wellwisher on bachelors' buttons, 178. Welsh bards, their massacre, 558. Welsh song on the new year, 5. Welsh women's hats, 491. W. (E. N.) on petition respecting the Duke of Wellington, 115. —— serjeants' rings, 92. —— treasury of St. Mark's, &c., 583. Werburgh (St.), Bradshaw's Life of, 587. W. (E. S. S.) on deaths from fasting, 301. —— Miss Fanshawe's enigma, 321. —— meaning of Whallop, 246. Wolfe (Gen. James), notices of, 34. 98. 176. 163. 185. 213. 279. 298. 398. 590. W. (G.) on Fairfax family mansion, 490. —— Gen. James Wolfe, 35. W. (H.) on Computatio Eccles. Anglic., 11. —— epigram on Dr. Fell, 379. Wharton (Lord), his gift of Bibles, 29. Wharton (Mrs.), the poetess, 226. Wherland family, 466. Whipping a husband, 152. Whipping-boys for royalty, 468. 545. Whistair (John C.) on plant in Texas, 42. Whit, the name of a drink, 610. Whitborne (J. B.) on portrait of Baskerville, 355. —— engraved portraits, 261. —— crown jewels kept at Holt Castle, 440. —— Martha, Countess of Middleton, 394. —— Miserrimus, 354. —— Dr. Richard Morton, 473. —— Kyrle's tankard at Balliol College, 537. —— ancient timber town-halls, 470. —— the Taylor family, 473. —— William, second Duke of Hamilton, 371. Whitby (Dr.), manuscripts of, 388. White (A. Holt) on Essex broad oak, 40. —— Hornchurch, 187. —— paring the nails, &c., 309. —— Algernon Sidney, 497. —— indignities on the bodies of suicides, 356. White feather, showing the, origin of, 274. 309. Whiting's watch, 403. Whole Duty of Man, its authorship, 229. Wiclif, its correct orthography, 274. Wiggan of Utiggan, an Oxford student, 78. 134. 210. Wilcock (Sir Roger), his armorial ensigns, 12. Wilfrid's (St.) Needle in Yorkshire, 510. 573. 620. William the Conqueror, his sons, 512. 570. 620. Williams (B.) on Beocera Gent, 201. 282. —— the derivation of Church, 165. —— the name Grimesdyke, 43. —— Kingswei, or Kings-way, 211. William (C.) on epitaph at Low Moor, 486. Williams (Sir E. K.), his pedigree, 586. Wilmot (Sir J. E. Eardley), letter to Messrs. Butterworth, 97. Will o' Wisp, his present location, 511. 574. Wilson (Arthur C.) on prohibiting the use of coal, 513. Wilson (John), inquiry repecting, 276. 329. 362. 399. Wiltoniensis on General Wolfe, 399. —— Daniel De Foe, 392. Winchester Cathedral, curious inscription in, 149. —— College, account of in Ackermann, 539. —— trusty servant at, 417. Window tax, its effects, 559. Windsor town-hall, inscription on, 8. Winifreda: Steven's Rural Felicity, 38. Winn (Rowland) on existing specimen of the Dodo, 463. Winterton (Ralph), notices of, 346. 419. 569. Winwick, Lancashire, origin of the name, 437. Wiswould (S.) on Fairlop oak, 621. —— the birthplace of Sir S. Garth, 151. —— Mother Huff and Mother Damnable, 151. —— ten commandments in ten lines, 607. W. (J.) on American degrees, 177. W. (J. M.) on the rendering of Hebrew x. 23. 320. W. (J. R.) on Baxter's pulpit, 498. —— on sons of the Conqueror, 620. —— Sally Lunn, 498. W. (J. S.) on Dido and AEneas, 68. —— a passage in the Traveller, 63. W. (L.) on Cromwell's skull, 382. Winson (S.) on the authorship of Count Cagliostro, 81. W. (M. Y. R.) on emaciated monumental effigies, 427. —— town-halls, 427. —— a trusty servant at Winchester, 417. Woollen, burials in, 414. 542. Woolley (Hannah), particulars of, 225. Worsaae (J. A.), on Bothwell's burial-place, 368. —— the Danes in England, 369. —— note for, on Fell and Rigg, 557. W. (P.) on portrait of Thomas Percy, 549. W. (P. B.) on Cambrian literature, 489. Wright's History of Ludlow, its completion, 226. W. (S.) on maps of Africa, 382. —— Sinaitic inscriptions, 189. W. (T.) on Dr. John Ash, 135. W. (T. S.) on Junius rumours, 522. W. (T. W.) on the Wherland family, 466. W. (W.) on frontispiece to Hobbes' Leviathan, 34. —— objective and subjective, 42. W. (W.) Malta, on burning fern bringing rain, 500. —— agnomen of brother Jonathan, 149. —— merchant adventurers to Spain, 499. Wycherley's verses on Plowden, 296. Wyld's great globe, 488. Wyle cop, its meaning, 44. Wyned waynescott, what? 321. 474. 524.
X. on objective and subjective, 11. X. (X. G.) on "Quid est Episcopus," 177. X. (X. X.) on Bloomerism in the 16th century, 8.
Y. on sun-dial inscription, 499. Yankee Doodle by T. L., 86. —— not a national anthem, 572. Yarmouth arms, 200. Yarrell (Wm.) on the derivation of Azores, 501. —— the death-watch, 597. —— Gabriel hounds, 591. —— the meaning of Lode, 450. —— Mother Carey's chickens, 428. —— mistletoe, 596. —— Nacar, 595. Y. (E. H.) on the Earls of Clare, 371. —— L'Homme de 1400 Ans, 256. —— surnames, 424. —— groom of the stole, 476. —— "'Twas whisper'd in heaven," 258. Y. (J.) on the author of "A Character of a True Churchman," 105. —— a bibliographical query, 198. —— Cole's orign of surnames, 593. —— an unpublished work on National Defences, 171. —— John Lord Berkeley, bishop of Ely, 275. —— Verstegan's account of a large family, 548. Young's Idea of Christian love, translated, 226. Young's (Dr.) Narcissa, 252.
Zealand (New), a legend of, 27. 282. Zeus on fire unknown, 573. Ziegler (Caspar) and the diaconate, 560. Z. (P.) on Ancient Egypt, 39. Z. (X.) on cases of presentiment, 411. Z. (X. Y.) on History of Commerce, 276. —— Eliza Fenning, 162. —— miniature of Cromwell, 189. —— breezes from gas works, 325.
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Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5 New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid. |