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A. on Tanthony, 229. —— on the song Winifreda, 155. * a.? on Dutch folk lore, 387. A. (A.) on Martin family, 29. —— on swords used in dress, 29. —— on Moore's Almanack, 381. —— on the family of Don, 143. —— on wages in the last century, 143. Abbots in the English church, 304. Abeiles, what? 243. Abel represented with horns, 391. Abercromby, the two Drs., 209. Abhba on the works of Dr. Miller, 136. —— on Standfast's Cordial Comforts, 143. —— on old Tract on the Eucharist, 191. —— on Madden's Reflections, 323. A. (C.) on legend in Frettenham church, 506. Ace of diamonds, its origin, 142. Ache on mistletoe on oaks, 192. —— on the phrase "under the rose," 213. —— on a passage in the Tempest, 229. —— on sitting cross-legged, 230. —— on straw necklaces, 253. —— on the family of Peyton, 186. —— on paring nails on Sunday, 341. Achilles and the tortoise, 484. A. (C. T.) on the redwing's nest, 408. Adam of Bremen, his Itinerary, 238. Adam of St. Victor's poem on the Cross, 89. Adams, Rev. W., date of his death, 140. 249. —— King's Messengers, grounded on a Greek tale, 135. Adamson (John) on the works of Camoens, 18. Adur, its etymology, 30. 152. AEgrotus on the vellum-bound Junius, 378. A. (E. H.) on a curious disquisition on church bells, 431. —— on the letters of Bishop Crewe, 23. —— on notices of Bishop Frampton, 214. —— on "Fronte capillata," &c., 8. —— on midwives licensed, 29. —— on Volusenus, 29. AEsopus Epulans, its authorship, 478. A. (F. R.) on the author of Peter Wilkins, 13. —— on Old Booty, 93. —— on Bunyan's knowledge of Hobbes, 70. —— on Histoire des Severambes, 148. —— on Dr. King's poem The Toast, 13. A. (F. S.) on the writers in the North Briton, 409. A. (H. M.) on the meaning of mosaic, 389. A. (J. D.) on a cardinal's monument, 106. A. (J. T.) on epitaph on Rev. J. Mawer, 248. Akerman, (J. Y.) on Queen Anne's farthings, 83. Alan, on prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, 504. Alarm, derivation of, 30. Alban's (St.), law courts at, 466. Allen's (Cardinal) declaration, 11. Alliteration, specimen of, from Quarles, 340. Alms-dish, an inscription on an, 101. Alphabetum divini Amoris, 86. Altar lights, &c., 68. America, prophecy respecting its discovery, 464. Amicus Plato, origin of the sentiment, 389. 468. Anatol on De Foe's anticipations, 338. Anatolicus on tobacco in the East, 306. Andrew's (St.) cross, 221. Anecdotes of old times, 275. Angles, their original country, 326. Angodus de Lindsei, 141. Anne, queen, a note on her farthings, 83. Annoy, used as a noun, 43. Anonymous Ravennas, noticed, 462. Anonymous works: The Monthly Intelligencer, 37; Theological Tracts, 61. Anstruther (Robert) on the regal title "Defender of the Faith," 9. Antediluvian history wanted, 330. Anticipations of modern ideas or inventions, 62. 69. 137. 195. 287. 338. Anti-Jacobin, authors of the poetry of the, 334. 348, 349. 396. 431. Antiquitas saeculi Juventus mundi, 125. 156. Apodliktes on cockade, 42. Apple-pie order, origin of the phrase, 330. 468. 485. Apres moi le deluge, 299. 397. Apricot, its etymology, 75. Apuleius, translations of, 76. Archaeus on Aristophanes on the modern stage, 251. Aristophanes on the modern stage, 105. 198. 230. 504. Aristotle and Pythagoras, 352. Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Craigs, 119. 251. Articles, an old entry of having read the Thirty-nine, 237. Articles and canons of 1571, 491. Arun on Butler's Hudibras in 1710, 166. —— on the derivation of Carnaby, 495. —— on George Herbert and Leighton Church, 178. —— on disinterment for heresy, 240. —— on closing rooms after death, 248. —— on St. John's Bridge fair, 287. —— on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 267. —— on separation of sexes in churches, 288. —— on the Tanthony, 308. —— on "Nettle in, dock out," 368. —— on pilgrim's road to Canterbury, 429. —— on "Going to Old Weston," 449. —— on the Tanthony bell, 105. 308. —— on metrical psalms and hymns, 119. Association, the principle of, 424. 507. Athelney Castle, Somersetshire, 478. A. (T. W.) on the quotation "Too wise to err," 279. Avena on Aristophanes on the modern stage, 504. —— on St. Paul's clock striking thirteen, 449. Aventurier, ou la Barbe-bleue, 74. Aver, its etymology, 42. 157. 291. A. (X. Y.) on the damasked linen of James II., 13. Auriga, its meaning, 188. 253. 483. A. (W.) on Benj. Wheeler's Theological Lectures, 39. —— on medal given to Howard, 142. —— on predeceased and designed, 143. "Away, let nought to love displeasing," the authorship, 27. Ayot St. Lawrence church, 135. Azzolin (Cardinal), notices of, 370. 458.
B. on King John At Lincoln, 291. —— on hand-bells at funerals, 310. —— on "Tickhill, God help me," 340. —— on vineyards in England, 341. —— on Stepony ale, 449. [Hebrew: B]. on hand-bell before a corpse, 68. B. (A.) on Duchess of Buckingham, 438. —— on the title Alterius orbis papa, 497. —— on the authorship of Lucy and Colin, 7. —— on lines attributed to Viscount Palmerston, 28. —— on Porson's imposition, 28. Bab in the Bowster, the dance, 45. 282. Babington's conspiracy, 390. 458. Bache, Simon, quondam Thesaurarius Hospitii, 105. 155. Bacon, origin of the family name, 41. 151. Bacon and Fagan, the origin of, 106. 483. Bactria, history of, wanted, 353. 435. B. (A. E.) on illustrations of Chaucer, 201. 235. 258. 316. 345. 385. 419. 473. 515. —— on Chaucer's "Temple y-made of glass," 362. —— on an early instance of the word news, 300. —— on the word prenzie in Shakspeare, 455. —— on Shakspeare's words "captious" and "intenible," 497. —— on Shakspeare's "Love's Labour's Lost," 163. —— on Touchstone dial, 107. B. (A. H.) on the Neville family, 24. Baldrocks, wooden, what? 328. 435. 503. Ballads, ancient inedited, 134. 203. 219. 320. ——, traditional English, 49. 208. Balliolensis on Dunbar and Endymion Porter, 303. Balsall, its etymology, 373. Banks (Sir John), family of, 390. 458. 507. 524. Barker, the panorama painter, 406. 483. Barker (G. H.) on a ballad ascribed to Sir C. H. Williams, 59. Barlaam and Josaphat, a Greek tale, 135. 278. 396. Barnes (W.) on carved ceiling in Dorsetshire, 481. Baronette, its meaning, 450. Barry (J. Milner) on Friday weather, 7. {530} Bartolus' Learned Man Defended, where commended, 224. Barton (Mrs. Catherine), her maiden name, 328. 434. Bassenet of Eaton, 495. Bataill in arms, 278. Bateman (Gregory) on Poem on the Grave, 460. Baxter (Richard), notice of his works, 370. Bay on the Banks family, 524. Bayley (Bp.), his portrait, 8. —— (Wm. D'Oyly) on Lady Jane of Westmoreland, 268. —— on the families of D'Oyly and Barry, 23. B. (B.) on Cromwell's compact with the devil, 207. —— on the word prenzie in Shakspeare, 456. B. (C.) on diseases cured by sheep, 367. —— on the Anti-Jacobin, 396. —— on Demosthenes and the New Testament, 397. —— on Bactrian coins, 435. —— on Sallust, 466. —— on Amicus Plato, 458. —— on meaning of pilcher, 507. 525. —— on antiquity of smoking, 507. —— on principle of association, 507. —— on corpse making a right of way, 507. —— on probabilism, 122. —— on toad-flax, 42. —— on Wisby, Gothland, 75. —— on the time when Herodotus wrote, 76. —— on "Cum grano salis," 153. —— on hoops, 153. —— on Shakspeare's Antony and Cleopatra, 190. —— on "impatient to speak and not see," 213. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 225. —— on mistletoe on oaks, 226. —— on lama beads, 229. —— on language given to men, 229. —— on Lord Howard of Effingham, 244. —— on the proverb, "Go the whole hog," 250. B. (C. W.) on Lady Bingham, 61. —— on Canes lesi, 141. —— on foreign English, 346. —— on modern paper, 397. —— on inscription on an old gun, 221. —— on King John at Lincoln, 141. —— on snail-eating, 207. —— on a passage in Love's Labour's Lost, 230. —— on a remarkable longevity, 237. —— on epitaph at Leghorn, 238. B. de M. on two sorts of knights, 425. —— on the meaning of baronette, 450. Bealby (H. M.) notes on newspapers, 164. Beard (Rev. Mr.), vicar of Greenwich, 140. Bear's Bible, inscription on the, 329. Beatrix de Bradney, her marriage, 208. Beatrix Lady Talbot, her pedigree, 10. "Beauty Retire," by Pepys, 105. 155. Bede's Ecclesiastical History, ancient MS. of, 180. 247. Bega (Cornelius), painting by, 28. Beggar's Petition, its authorship, 209. Bellarmin's monstrous paradox, 497. Bellman and his history, 324. 377. 451. 485. Bells in churches, notices of, 238. 339. 431, 432. 493. B. (E. M.) on Hill's penny-post, 62. —— on portraits of Spenser, 301. Benbow on the bellman, 453. —— on spick and span new, 480. —— on "under the rose," 480. —— on the word Yankee, 461. Benedicite, not one word, 468. Bexley (Lord), how descended from Cromwell, 185. 250. B. (F. C.) on San Marino, 376. B. (G.) on Gray's Alcaic ode, 4. B. (G. H.) on Lynch law, 76. B. (H. A.) on Queen Elizabeth's christening cloth, 115. —— on the Heywood family, 263. —— on monosyllables, 165. —— on mistletoe on oaks, 226. —— on a poem among the papers of Sir K. Digby, 18. 238. 367. —— on curious omen at marriage, 406. —— on inscription on tomb of Peter the Hermit, 329. B. (H. J.) on traditional notice of Richard III., 207. Bibliographical queries, 86. 138. 182. 326. 525, 526. Bicetre, its etymology, 518. Biddings in Wales, 114. 207. Bigod de Loges, 266. 306. 434. Bingham (Lady), 61. 156. 229. "Binsey, God help me!" 44. Birth of seven children three times following, 347. —— ten children at a, 64. 192. Bishops' lands, 87. B. (J.) on parentage of Arthur Pomeroy, 303. B. (J. C.) on portrait of Francis Moore, 340. 381. —— on the family of the Tradescants, 119. B. (J. M.), whether Quarles was pensioned? 11. —— on Touchstone's dial, 196. B. (J. S.) on Dutch church in Norwich, 340. —— on preserving existing monuments, 314. Black images of the Virgin, 63. Black rood of Scotland, 104. Blackguard, its meaning, 44. Blackstone's Commentaries and a table of precedence, 209. Blake family, notices of, 389. Blood, the discovery of its circulation attributed to Solomon, 340. Blowen on cockade and true blue, 71. —— on the etymology of grasson, 76. —— on coins of Richard Cromwell, 89. —— on the origin of the name Blowen, 106. —— on the passage in Mark xiii. 32., 110. —— on lammer beads, 115. —— on the episcopal mitre, 145. —— on Cardinal Beaufort, 169. —— on true blue, 194. —— on cockade, 196. —— on hook and by crook, 212. —— on Hugh Peter's Last Legacy, 214. —— on Salisbury Craigs, 251. —— on Moorfields in Charles II.'s time, 260. —— on foreign English, 275. —— on Abbot Eustacius, 307. —— on meaning of waste-book, 307. —— on the History of Bactria, 353. —— on the phrase "giving the lie," 369. —— on swearing by the peacock, 438. —— on meaning of gig-hill, 462. —— on "Laus tua non tua fraus," 466. —— on the Visions of Hell, 289. —— on fees at Westminster Abbey, 276. Blunder, the origin of the word, 106. B. (M. W.) on record of existing monuments, 514. —— on the meaning of tick, 502. B. (N.) on Experto crede Roberto, 353. —— on the authorship of AEsopus Epulans, 478. —— on the meaning of gig, 284. Bockett (Julia R.) on Beatrix de Bradney, 208. —— on record of existing monuments, 217. —— on notices of George Steevens, 230. Bogatzky, notice of, 478. 526. Boiling to death, 153. Bolton (Abp.), information respecting, 39. 72. Bonny cravat, sign of inn, 351. Books, notes on, 489. Book plates before 1698, 495. Booty's case, 40. 93. 170. Borderer on epigram against Burke, 243. —— on the Countess of Desmond, 250. —— on a passage in Marmion, 203. —— on the Lay of the Last Minstrel, 364. [Greek: Boreas] on bibliographical queries, 326. Borrow's Danish Ballads, 168. 228. Botfield (Beriah) on St. Clare, 182. Bourne's (Vincent) translation of Lucia et Corydon, 7. Boyd (Zacharie), notices of, 500. B. (P.) on Langley's Polidore Vergile, 137. —— on periodical literature, A. D. 1707, 323. —— on Archbishop Sancroft, 323. —— on Sir Henry Slingsby, 323. Braithwaite, Latin drinking-song by, 297. 341. —— Robin Goodfellow, 403. Brandon the juggler, 154. Braybrooke (Lord) on the authorship of "Away, let nought to love displeasing," 27. —— on four want way, 434. —— on portraits of distinguished Englishmen, 233. —— on the song Winifreda, 108. —— on "Beauty retire," 155. Breeches Bible, its translators, 17. 72. 93. 115. 165. Breen (Henry H.) on the plagiarisms in Gray's Elegy, 35. 445. —— on the etymology of Bicetre, 518. —— on Dodo queries, 70. —— on the use of monosyllables, 57. —— on a recent novel, 74. —— tablet to Napoleon, 74. —— on the meaning of extradition, 119. —— on Bishop Nicolson's opinion of Bishop Burnet, 136. —— on the meaning of Sangaree, 141. —— on the phrase "stick at nothing," 278. —— on the expression "ejusdem farinae," 278. —— on passage in Oldham, 372. —— on obeism, 376. —— on notices of the Bucaneers, 380. —— on verses in Pope's Dunciad, 387. —— on supposed inscription in St. Peter's, 425. —— on Gray's plagiarisms, 445. —— on Count Xavier de Maistre, 467. —— on a passage in Sedley's Poems, 476. —— on two passages in Dryden, 492. —— on Querelle d'Allemand, 495. —— on a passage in Bellarmin, 497. —— on epitaph on Voltaire, 518. —— on the situation of Voltaire, 525. Brewhouse antiquities, 447. Brewster (Waldegrave) on parish register tax, 94. —— on clergy sold for slaves, 94. —— on north side of churchyards, 125. —— on the Scaligers, 133. Bridges, Anthony, who was he? 278. Brighton, its ancient position, 388. Britannicus, its orthography, 275. 310. 463. 502. British Museum, Letters on, its author, 208. 461. Britton (J.) on Strutt's Queen Hoo Hall, 105. Brown (William, jun.) on Pallavicino and Count d'Olivarez, 523. Browne's Britannia's Pastorals, 274. Browne (Mr.), epitaph on, 320. Browne (T.), his letter on the MS. of the Articles, 491. Brownes of Cowdray, Sussex, 66. 194. 307. Bruce (John) on the church of St. Saviour's, Canterbury, 12. Bruce (W. Downing) on Hugh Peachell and Sir John Marsham, 407. Bruckner (Rev. J.), list of his works wanted, 209. Bruno on Borrow's Danish Ballads, 168. —— on theory of the earth's form, 331. B. (R. W.) on mounds, or munts, 187. —— on the first use of organs, 518. Bs. (J.) on the epigram "Cor linguae," &c., 168. —— on "Jurat? crede minus," 193. —— on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 197. B. (S. S.) on the Christmas thorn, 367. {531} Bt. (J.) on Babington's conspiracy, 390. Buc (Sir George), his Treatise on the Stage, 187. Bucaneers, account of, 380. Buchan's Collection of Ballads, 51. Buckden, abbot's house at, 45. Buckingham, Duchess of, 224. 249. 280. 438. Buckman (James) on the mistletoe on the oaks, 226. —— on sacramental wine, 320. Bullen's drinking-horn, inquiry respecting, 38. Burke, epigram against, 243. 284. —— and the Annual Registers, 441. —— mighty boar of the forest, 493. Burns's poem, the Vision, supposed plagiary in, 206. Bunting's Irish Melodies, 167. Bunyan (John), not the author of Visions of Hell, 70. 89. 289. 467. 567. —— his portrait, 89. Burnet, Bishop, conflicting judgment on, 136. —— History of his own Times, 87. Burning the hill, 123. Burroughs (Wm.), monumental inscription on, 223. Burt (Henry M.) on "Fronte capillata," 140. Burtt (Joseph) on haybands in seals, 381. Burton (Robert), his birth-place, 106. 157. 395. Burying in church walls, 37. 156. Butcher Duke a song, its authorship, 8. 77. Butchers not jurymen, 408. Butler (Bishop), on a passage in, 44. Butler's Hudibras in 1710, 166. B. (V.) on the vellum-bound Junius, 262. 307. B. (W.) on a cardinal's monument, 169. B. (W. H.) on "small by degrees and beautifully less," 105. By and bye, its meaning, 73. 109. 193. 229. 433. Byfield's Letter on the Civil War, 303.
C. on Duchess of Buckingham, 230. —— on Lady Mary Cavendish, 509. —— on list of comets, 253. —— on cockade, 292. —— on cowdray, 307. —— on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 308. —— on Richardson, Tickell, and Fitzpatrick, 334. —— on pictorial antiquities, 423. —— on authors of the Anti-Jacobin poetry, 431. —— on ramasse, 434. —— on deans, when styled Very Reverend, 437. —— on the Howe family, 438. —— on West Chester, 460. —— on paring nails on Sundays, 462. —— on vineyards in England, 483. —— on the derivation of covey, 509. C. (A.) on Ayot St. Lawrence church, 135. —— on the best rifles, 517. —— on noble names in workhouses, 350. —— on the ancient position of Brighton, 388. —— on omissions in Murray's Handbook for Devon and Cornwall, 4. Ca. (Sa.) on the san grail, 281. Cachecope bell, its meaning, 407. Cad, its derivation, 46. Cahagnet (M. L. Alph.), 167. Calmet on annotators on Mark xiii. 32., 8. Camden family, 39. 125. 253. Camoens (Luis de), editions of his works, 18. Campbell (Duncan), notices of, 248. Campkin (Henry), on Davy Jones's locker, 478. —— on hogan, 450. —— notes on Jesse's London, 84. —— on brother Jonathan, 495. ——, whether St. Paul's clock ever struck thirteen, 40. —— on engraved portrait by Cross, 209. C. (A. N.) on the family of William Penn, 409. Canes lesi, Blount's explanation, 141. 212. Canon and prebendary, difference between, 242. Cardinal's hats, 44. 106. 169. 182. Cardinals in the English church, 304. Carfoix, its meaning, 469. 508. Carling Sunday, its meaning, 449. Carmichael (Lady Alice), what became of her? 60. Carnaby, its derivation, 495. Casterton church, on a stone in the chancel, 181. Catacombs and bone-houses, 483. Catalogues of books, their utility, 101. Cato, on the meaning of Christ-crosse A, 330. C. (A. U.) on Wm. Penn's family, 264. Causton (H. K. Staple) on the meaning of "eisell," 210. Cavalier's farewell, on the authorship, 34. Cavendish (Lady Mary), her ancestry, 477. 509. Cavendo on the ancestry of Lady Mary Cavendish, 477. Cayley (G. J.) on swearing by swans, 29. [C-reversed-C signature] on the Welsh Shewri-while, 20. C. (D.) on the word ramasse, 464. —— on the plant champak, 486. —— on sixes and sevens, 118. C. (de D.) on "Geographers on Afric's downs," 485. Cebes on the word prenzie, 522. Cefn, its meaning as a prefix, 152. Ceiling, a carved one in Dorsetshire, 424. 481. C. (F. T.) on Sanathiel, 303. C. (G. I.) on the mythology of the stars, 23. C. (H.) on "The Widow of the Wood," 13. —— on Henry VIII. and Sir Thomas Curwen, 323. —— on the extinction of villenage, 327. ——, lines on woman's will, 285. —— on John Sanderson, or the cushion-dance, 286. —— on solid-hoofed pigs, 357. CH., on the first Earl of Shaftesbury, 186. —— on the family of Sir George Downing, 213. Ch. Ch. Man on colfabias, 390. Chad's (St.) Church, Stow, 90. Chadwick (Sir Andrew), was he knighted by Queen Anne? 141. 247. C. (H. C.) on derivation of aver, 292. Chaffers (W. jun.) on the baldrock, 503. —— on four want way, 508. Chalices of stone, 481. Champak, what is it? 448. 486. Chancellors, two at the same time, 257. Chantries, suppressed, 24. Chapel, printing-office, 7. Charles I., his love of the fine arts, 236. Chadwick (John Nurse) on MS. collections of Goddard's history of Lynn, 140. —— on Sir Andrew Chadwick, 141. —— on Norfolk folk-lore rhymes, 206. —— on baldrocks, 435. Charles II., was he ever in Wales? 263. 379. Charles XII., medal struck by, 26. Chaucer and Gray, coincidence between, 493. ——, tomb of, 188. ——, note on Palamon and Arcite, 131. 201. 252. —— on an astronomical allegory in complaint of Mars and Venus, 235. 258. 306. 385. ——, his "fifty wekes," 252. ——, the pilgrimage to Canterbury, 315. 515. ——, the arke of artificial day, 345. ——, prophetical view of the Crystal Palace, 361. ——, the star Min al Auwa, 419. ——, the Armorican word menez, 473. C. (H. B.) on umbrellas, 37. —— on Booty's case, 170. C. (H. C.) on origin of harlequins, 287. Chepstow Castle, on its being betrayed, 241. Cherubim and Seraphim, 27. Chettle (Henry), notice of, 54. C. (H. G. R.) on Launcelot Lyttleton, 330. Children's Petition, the authorship, 117. Chilcot (William), inquiries respecting, 38. 73. 212. C. (H. K. S.) on the meaning of "eisell," 66. Chloe, who was Chloe? 449. 507. Christ-Crosse A., its meaning, 330. 465. Christmas-day, its origin, 167. 249. Christmas thorn, 367. Churchwarden on baldrocks and thanksgiving-book, 328. Churchyards, burying on the north sides of, 74. 125. 332. 333. C. (I. B.) on Herstmonceux Castle, 75. Cinquante Lettres d'Exhortation, its authorship, 169. Circulation of the blood, 27. Civil war garrisons, sketches of, 143. C. (J.) on Christmas-day, 167. —— on a Coggeshall job, 167. —— on Dumore Castle, 496. —— on Abbey of Shapp, 7. C. (J. E.) on Private Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 23. C. (J. H.) on Spenser's Faerie Queene, 369. —— on sundry quotations, 388. —— on the meaning of crambo, 391. C. (J. N.) on the expression "as drunk as Chloe," 449. —— on St. John's Bridge fair, 469. —— on the honour of Clare, 390. —— on the wife of James Torre, 434. C. (J. P.) on the family of Sir George Downing, 69. C. (K.) on Dr. H. Tindale's epitaph, 493. Clancie (Major), his Life, 42. Clare (St.), church dedicated to her in Cornwall, 182. Clarke (Hyde) on Cardinal Chalmers, 44. Clarke (J.) on ring dials, 107. Clarke (Rev. Samuel), portrait of, 209. 284. Clarkson, historian of Richmond, his MSS., 373. 507. Classical literature, a word to literary men for recovering unpublished, 161. 261. 340. Clement's Inn, its antiquity, 84. 169. Clench family, particulars wanted, 188. Clergy sold for slaves, 94. Clerical costume, 29. Clock in Exeter cathedral, inscription on a, 329. Clocks, when self-striking were invented, 372. C. (M. A.) on Cromwell family, 242. C. (O.) on Anthony Bridges, 278. Cobham family, discrepancies in Dugdale's account of, 53. Cock scares the fiend, 404. Cockade, its origin, 7. 42. 71. 96. 196. 292. Coggeshall job, the saying, 167. 285. Cognation of the Jews and Lacedaemonians, 172. Coins of Canute, catalogue of, 326. 525. —— of Richard Cromwell, 89. —— German, 119. —— of George III., 275. 310. 391. —— guinea of George III., inscription on, 391. —— rarity of William IV.'s copper, 136. Coleridge's opinion of De Foe, 136. —— and the penny post, 27. —— Religious Musings, 115. —— Table Talk, passage in, 518. Colfabias, its meaning, 390. 482. Collar of SS., 42. Collard the logician, particulars wanted, 185. Collector on the Travels of Baron Munchausen, 305. Collier (J. Payne) on the defence of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, 113. {532} —— on the Royal Courtly Garland, 1. Collier (Rev. R.), lines attributed to, 28. Colman (J. B.) on the frozen horn, 91. —— on baker's dozen, 520. —— on the locality of Gillingham, 505. —— on St. Paul's clock, 153. —— on the descent of Henry IV., 171. —— on the election of a pope, 253. —— on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 268. —— on Quebeca and his epitaph, 459. —— on thanksgiving-book, 481. —— on Sir Cloudesley Shovel, 45. Comenius' History of Bohemian Persecution, 11. 45. Comets, list of, 223. 253. 306. Commandments, the division of the ten, 166. 230. 412. Commoner marrying a peeress, 436. Concert of nature, 69. Conquest (post conquestum), 30. Conquestum, its original meaning, 92. 170. Contracted names of places, 182. Cooper (C. H.) on "Defender of the Faith," 28. —— on the word culprit, 44. —— on touching for the evil, 148. —— on the Conquest, 170. —— on dog's head in the pots, 264. —— biographical notices of Thomas May, 280. —— on tradesmen's signs, 285. —— on St. John's Bridge fair, 341. —— on the bellman and his history, 377. 485. —— on disinterment for heresy, 378. —— on Charles Lamb's epitaph, 379. —— on the fifteen O's, 391. —— on the expression "going tick," 409. —— on the presentation of gloves, 424. —— on the phrase "by-the-bye," 433. —— on round robin, 461. —— on registry of dissenting baptisms, 486. —— on corpse passing making a right of way, 520. —— on umbrellas, 126. Coptic language, 468. Cor linguae, &c., its authorship, 168. Corderoy on meaning of Zoll-verein, 451. Corner (Geo. R.) on forged papal bulls, 149. Corney (Bolton) on the utility of catalogues of books, 101. —— on the publication of De Navorscher, 114. —— on Sir Thomas Herbert's Memoirs, 157. —— on the Essay on Satire, 162. —— on Harrison's Chronology, 192. —— on the Threnodia Carolina of Sir T. Herbert, 259. —— on the Anti-Jacobin, 349. —— on Hugh Holland and his works, 427. Corpse passing makes a right of way, 477. 507. 519. Corser (Thomas) on traditions from remote periods, 422. 475. —— on Greene's Groatsworth of Witte, 479. Costume, queries on, 88. 155. Cotton family, arms of 39. 187. Cotton (H.) on Archbishop Bolton of Cashel, 72. —— on Harrison's Chronology, 105. —— on Diary of Archbishop Loftus, 263. Coulanges and Prior, coincidence between, 446. Coverdale's Bible, 54. 122. Covey, its etymology, 477. 509. Cowgill on Christmas-day, 249. —— on headings of chapters in Bibles, 269. —— biographical notices of Thomas May, 279. —— on predeceased and designed, 287. —— on a notice of St. Pancras, 397. —— on the Tanthony, 428. —— on window tax, mints, and Nobbs, 447. Cowley's poem on Drinking, an answer to, 55. Cowper, the divine chit-chat of, 388. Cracow pike, 118. 187. Crambo, its meaning, 391. Cranmere Pool, 404. Cranmer's descendants, 8. 153. 188. Cranmore on passage from Cymbeline, 290. Crewe (Bishop), letters of, 23. —— on the customary disuse of his episcopal title, 128. Crex, the white bullace, 451. Crickets, 3. Criston, in Somersetshire, 278. 357. Cromwell (Oliver), his compact with the devil, 207. 282. —— family, 242. —— curious epigrams on, 515. Cross, engraved portrait by, on whom? 209. 284. Cross between a wolf and hound, 39. 93. Cross-bill, queries respecting, 188. Crossley (James) on Dr. Timothy Thruscross, 44. —— on History of Bohemian Persecution, 45. —— on Burke and the Annual Register, 441. —— on "Earth has no rage," 45. —— on couplet in De Foe, 45. —— on Histoire des Severambes, 72. —— on verses attributed to Charles Yorke, 72. —— on Lucy and Colin, 76. —— on a quotation from Brown's Essay on Satire, 110. —— on Dr. Trusler's Memoirs, 110. —— on a sonnet, supposed to be Milton's, 142. —— on Dryden's Essay upon Satire, 146. —— on Brandon the juggler, 154. —— on "Words are men's daughters," 154. —— on the Scaligers, 193. —— on De Foe's anticipations of modern ideas, 195. —— on Deus Justificatus, 195. —— on Monarchia Solipsorum, 197. —— on Nettle in, dock out, 205. —— on manuscript of Bede, 247. —— notes on newspapers, 248. —— on Duncan Campbell, 248. —— on MS. sermons by Jeremy Taylor, 249. —— on Dryden's Absolom and Achitophel, 249. —— on meaning of waste-book, 251. —— on Salgado's slaughter-house, 284. —— on Sir Balthazar Gerbier, 304. —— on Captain John Stevens, 306. —— on a history of comets, 306. —— on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 308. —— on epitaph in Hall's Discovery, 338 —— on Letters on the British Museum, 461. —— on the Image of both Churches, 469. —— on the word colfabias, 482. C. (R. W.) on the arms of the Cotton family, 187. —— on the spelling of Britannicus, 275. —— on curious facts in natural history, 398. 467. C. (T.) on "Fronte capillata," &c., 92. —— on mark for a dollar, 449. —— on Tu autem, 308. —— on places called Purgatory, 308. Cuicfal in Flandria, where? 238. Culprits torn by horses, 91. 92. Culprit, origin of the word, 44. Cumming (Sir Alexander), 39. 152. Cunningham (P.), on the verses, "Poor Allinda," &c., 264. —— on the Outer Temple, 375. Curfew-bell, 77. Curse of Scotland, 22. 423. 483. Curwen (Sir Thomas), an excellent archer, 323. Curwen family, 89. 125. 253. Cushion dance, 125. 286. C. (W. H.) on Cardinal Erskine, 13. —— on Nicholas Ferrar's Digest, 12. C. (W. W.) on Francis Moore, 466. Cx. on May cats, 84. —— on the titles of spiritual peers, 118.
D. on cardinal Allen's declaration, 11. —— on ring dials, 196. [Delta]. on King Richard III., 300. —— on suem, ferling, grasson, 75. —— on Sir T. Herbert's memoirs of Charles I., 260. —— on the Tanthony bell, 429. —— on the use of the word umbrella, 509. D. (2) on the etymology of aver, 42. —— on filthy gingram, 42. —— on the meaning of gulls, 143. D. (A.) on Poem on the Grave, 372. D. (A. A.) on the hand giving the blessing, 477. —— on Diogenes in his tub, 449. —— on skeletons at Egyptian banquet, 424. —— on topical memory, 449. —— on vegetable sympathy, 407. —— on the phrase "To a T," 424. Daffy down dilly, a nursery rhyme, 220. 259. Damasked linen of James II., 13. 229. Dancing Trenchmore, its meaning, 89. 437. Darby and John ballad, 38. 69. Darcy Lever church, 27. Daresbury, the Whitechapel of England, 60. 229. Davie, jun. (Sn.) on Hylles' Arithmeticke, 409. Davies (Sir John), arms of, 409. —— and his biographers, 82. 336. Davy Jones's locker, 478. 509. D. (C. W.) on Coleridge and the penny post, 27. D. (E. A.) on Henry Chettle, 54. —— on William Chilcot, 73. —— on "Fronte capillata," 124. —— on dominicals, 25. —— on the motto, "God speed the plough," 8. —— on Long Meg of Westminster, 22. —— on Shakespeare's word "captious," 153. Deans, when first styled Very Reverend, 352. 437. Death of Death's painter, 495. Death, representations of, 450. 501. Deer, fossil, of Ireland, 26. 121. 212. 502. D. (E. H. D.) on the Coptic Language, 468. —— on king of Nineveh burned in his palace, 506. —— on epitaph in Kellyleagh churchyard, 422. "Defender of the Faith," its ancient use, 9. 28. 94. 157. De Foe, Coleridge's opinion of, 136. —— couplet in, 45. —— project for purifying the English language, 350. —— anticipations of modern ideas, 137. 195. Demonologist on Booty's case, 40. Demosthenes, oration against, 141. 227. Denarii, 25. Denarius philosophorum, 168. 251. 299. Derby coinage, 225. Designed, whether used as designated, 143. 287. Desmond, the Countess of, 250. 341. Deus Justificatus, its author, 195. Devil's bit, its origin, 477. Devonshire charms, 258. D. (G. H.) on Robert de Welle, 458. D. (H. W.) on the red hand, 194. —— on touching for the evil, 197. —— on damasked linen, 229. —— on straw necklaces, 229. —— on Rag Sunday in Sussex, 425. —— on the waistcoat bursted, 230. —— on the couplet, "The feast of reason," 265. Dials, ring, 52. 107. 108. 196. Diamagnetism, its etymology, 169. Dibdin's Library Companion, errors in, 405. Dies Irae, its authorship, 468. Dieu et mon droit, when first adopted, 407. Difformis, its signification, 24. Digby (Sir Kenelm), poems discovered among his papers, 18. 238. 367. 482. {533} Digby's Broad Stone of Honour, 264. Diogenes in his tub, 449. Disinterment for heresy, 240. 378. Diss on cross between a wolf and a hound, 93. Ditchfield (J. B.) on black images of the Virgin, 63. Dixon (Hepworth), notices of the Blake family, 389. —— on the Penn family, 454. D. (J.) on Whychcote of St. John's, 302. D. (J. B.) on the meaning of Bacon, 151. D. (M.) on "Suum cuique tribuere," &c., 518. D. (N.) on ten children at a birth, 64. Dn. (W.) on the episcopal mitre, 145. —— on a cardinal's hat, 170. —— on "By hook and by crook," 212. —— on the word Yankee, 461. Dobbin (Dr. O. T.) on the Ulm manuscript, 60. Dodd (Dr.), his texts at Wing church, 182. Dodd, the historian, 496. Dog's head in the pot, 264. 463. Dogs, their howling an omen of death, 4. Doll (black), sign at old store shops, 63. Dollar sign, 449. 505. Dominicals, 25. Don, of Pitfichie, the family, 143. Dorothea (S.), life of, 87. Dort, epigram on the synod of, 23. 94. Double names, their origin, 407. Doubtful on the witches' prayer, 118. Douglas (J. A.) on the white rose, 505. Douglas (Gawyn), a complete edition of his works a desideratum, 38. Dousa (Janus) on the Dutch versions of English essayist, 22. —— transcript of a letter respecting John Locke, 97. —— on crossing rivers on skins, 3. —— poem on Sidney, 23. Downing (Sir George), his family, 68. 213. D'Oyly and Barry families, information wanted, 23. Dozen of bread, 153. 520. D. (Q.) on Dr. Dodd's texts, 182. —— on Shakspeare's meaning of strained, 269. —— on Lord Howard of Effingham, 244. —— on Fitzpatrick's lines on Fox, 432. —— on Witchcraft, 414. —— on preserving existing monuments, 314. D. (Q. E.) on the word littus, 446. Drachmarus, one of the schoolmen, 105. 157. 194. Dragons, 40. 157. Drake's Historia Anglo-Scotica, 519. Dredge (John I.) on portrait of Rev. S. Clarke, 284. —— on Nicholas Ferrar's Concordance, 12. —— on Patrick's tract on the Eucharist, 214. Dress, a note on, 406. —— court, 407. 457. Drumlethglass on Roman Catholic bishops in Ireland, 167. Dryden's Absolom and Achitophel, 249. —— Essay upon Satire, 146. 162. —— poems, on two passages in, 492. D. (S. T.) on the author of Pursuits of Literature, 240. —— on the author of School of the Heart, 390. —— on representations of Death, 450. Dumore castle, or the petrified fort, 495. Dunbar, epigram by, 303. Dunkin (Alfred John) on preserving a record of existing monuments, 313. Durham sword that killed the dragon, 425. 485. Dutch books published out of the Netherlands, 326. 379. —— church in Norwich, its history, 209. 310. 396. —— martyrology, early copies, 443. 479. —— song book, De zingende Lootsman of de Vrolyke Boer, 23. 189. Dutch versions of English essayists, 22. D. (W. B.) on Aristophanes on the modern stage. 198. Dyer (Thomas H.) on Erasmus and Farel, 73.
E. on Blackstone's Commentaries, 209. [epsilon]., note of Palamon and Arcite, 131. E. (A.) on the origin of cockade, 7. Ear, the advantages of a bad, 140. Early rain, the pride of the morning, 484. "Earth has no rage," &c., a couplet, 23. Earth thrown upon the coffin, 408. 499. Earth's form, theory of, 331. 508. Eastwood (J.) on circulation of the blood, 27. —— Eboli, Latin epigram on the Duchess of, 208. 289. —— on Encorah and Millicent, 448. —— on "Ex pede Herculem," 380. —— on Knebsend, 434. —— on folk lore in Lancashire, 516. —— on eating pigeons before death, 517. —— on Tandem D. O. M., 173. —— on the word Rub-a-dub, 387. —— on tiring-irons, 210. Eboracomb, on holy water for the hooping-cough, 220. —— on daffy down dilly, 220. Echo on Coverdale's Bible, 54. —— on Breeches Bible, 93. —— on Daresbury the Whitechapel of England, 229. —— on a passage in Gray's elegy, 138. —— on Judas cup, 85. E. (C. J.) on Abel represented with horns, 391. —— on legend in Frettenham church, 407. Eclectic Review, specimen of composition, 493. Edwards (H.) on Dr. Robert Thomlinson, 290. —— on Drax free school, 290. E. (E. J.) on Gillingham, 505. Effaress on the butcher duke, 77. —— on "The soul's dark cottage," 105. Effessa, on the Prince of Wales' feathers, 106. —— on the Breeches Bible, 115. Effigies, translation of charade upon Nothing, 369. —— on Clarkson's papers, 373. Egduf, on Shakspeare's meaning of strained, 269. Egenhart on Gregory the Great, 62. Egg and arrow ornament, 349. E. (H.) on pedigree of Owen Glendower, 356. —— on Richard Baxter's works, 370. —— on Queen Mary's Lament, 172. —— on swans hatched during thunder, 75. Eign, its meaning, 351. Eirionnach, notes on Ireland, 490. Eisell, its meaning, 66. 119. 210. 225. 397. 474. 508. 524. E. (J.) on the meaning of harrisers, 252. —— on the accession of Richard III., 352. —— on anachronisms of painters, 369. —— on the phrase To learn by heart, 483. Ejusdem farinae, origin of the expression, 278. 433. E. (K. P. D.) on St. Hibbald, 495. —— on mark for a dollar, 504. —— on Milton and the Calves-head Club, 390. —— on ventriloquist hoax, 406. Elk, fossil, 121. 212. Ellacombe (H. T.) on the baldrock, 503. —— on chiming bells, 432. Elizabeth (queen), her christening cloth, 115. ——, private memoirs of, 23. 45. ——, scandal against, 11. 151. 197. 225. 285. 307. ——, did she visit Bacon at Twickenham? 44. Elstob, Miss, notice of, 497. Emiott family, their arms wanted, 478. Emun on ballad editing, 208. —— on folk talk, 474. —— on plays in churches, 494. —— on a life of St. Paul, 451. Encorah and Millicent, their meaning, 448. Engastrimythus on Father Hehl and Cahagnet, 167. —— on Father Maximilian Hell, 269. Engelbert (Abp.), treatise by, 291. 379. English, origin of the present race, 116. —— actors and musicians in Germany, 21. —— French, an example of, 437. —— Mother on the Flamberg sword, &c., 168. Enigmatical epitaph on Rev. Dr. Mawer, 184. Enquirer on the episcopal mitre, 62. Entwysel (Wilfred), Chauncy's observations on, 61. 171. Epitaph in Killyleagh churchyard, 422. 493. —— at Leghorn, 238. —— on a "worthie knight," 57. Equestrian statues, 494. Erasmus and Farel, 38. 73. Erskine (Cardinal), 13. E. (R. W.) on the lines "A verse may find him," &c., 60. —— on north sides of churchyards, 74. —— on corpse passing making a right of way, 477. —— on seats in churches, 56. —— on the derivation of round robbin, 353. —— on tradesmen's signs, 357. Eryx, queries on Tennyson, 493. Erza on Lady Flora Hastings' bequest, 443. Esquire, what amount of property constitutes one, 242. Essheholt Priory, account of, 86. Ettie on Sir Henry Slingsby's Diary, 357. Etty the artist, his family, 496. Eucharist, authorship of an old tract on, 169. ——, by John Patrick, 214. Eustacius, abbot, time when he flourished, 141. 307. 381. Evans (Rev. T. Simpson) on the life of Bishop Frampton, 61. Evergreens in churches, 118. Evil eye, the superstition of, 133. Exhibition, the Great, a monster number of "Notes and Queries," 361. ——, hint for protecting, 166. Exon on disinterment for heresy, 378. Exoniensis on the MS. of De Bello Antiocheno, 447. Experto crede Roberto, origin of the saying, 353. Extradition, its meaning, 119. 169. Extraordinary North Briton, the writers in, 409. 432.
F. on the sees of the Roman church, 437. Falconer (A. P.) on prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, 369. Falconer (R. W.) on mistletoe, 396. Farquharson on Aurorae, 28. F. (C. D.) on Cranmer's descendants, 8. Feathers of the Prince of Wales, origin of, 106. 168. Fell (Colonel), his descendants, 142. Fenton (John) on the meaning of Mosaic, 469. Ferling, its etymology, 7. 75. Ferrar's (Nicholas) Digest and Concordance, 12. —— and Benlowes, 237. Ferrara (Andrea), his history, 62. Ferret, names of the, 390. 461. Fest, its derivation, 328. 396. F. (F. G.) on sides and angles, 265. F. (F. W.) on the situation of Serius, 494. F. (G.) on arms of Robert Nelson, 263. F. (G. E.) on the Knapp family, 424. F. (H.) on Gough's translation of the History of the Bible, 165. {534} Fiat Justitia on miching malicho, 231. Fib, its derivation, 167. Filthy Gingram, 42. Fir-cone, its symbolism, 290. Fire of London, the surveyor's account, 350. Fireneye on national debts, 466. Fitzgerald (Lord Edward), his mother, 492. Fitzpatrick (Richard), notice of, 276. 334. 432. F. (J. F.) on red book of Irish exchequer, 6. —— on the accession of Richard III., 457. —— on Shakspeare family, 493. Flamberg sword, 168. 292. Flecamore (Christopher), who was he? 23. Fleet marriages, 4. Flemish account, its early use, 57. 138. 162. Fm. on English Sapphics, 494. —— on equestrian statues, 494. F. (O.) on Bishop Thornborough's monument, 299. Folk lore, 20. 84. 132. 179. 205. 220. 258. 320. 367. —— Devonshire, 404. —— Dutch, 387. —— Lancashire, 55. 516. —— Northamptonshire, 3. —— talk, 474. —— Welsh, 20. Forbes (C.) on Browne's Britannia's Pastorals, 274. —— on epitaph in Hall's Discovery, 339. —— on the birth-place of Robert Burton, 396. —— on George III.'s coinage, 310. —— on "Fine by degrees, and beautifully less," 154. —— on Tandem D. O. M., 173. Foreign English, specimens of, 57. 257. 346. —— renderings at Salzburg, 138. Foreigner, a, on English synonymes, 166. Foss (Edward) on Clement's Inn, 109. —— on the Ulm manuscript, 192. —— on two chancellors at one time, 257. —— on the Outer Temple, 325. 375. 451. 505. Foss (Henry) on Hulls, the inventor of steam-boats, 69. —— on Rudbeck's Atlantica, 196. Foucault's pendulum experiment, 371. Four want way, 168. 434. 508. F. (P. H.) on the bibliographical queries of R. G., 24. —— on the meaning of conquest, 30. —— on errors in the date of works, 22. —— on the authorship of the Monthly Intelligencer, 37. —— on inscription on an oak board, 240. Frampton (Bishop), notices of him wanted, 61. 214. Francis (C. F.) on epitaph in Hall's Discovery, 242. Francis (John) on Hewson and Smollet's strap, 123. —— on St. Paul's striking thirteen, 40. Francis (St.), Liber Conformitatum, 321. —— Flemish work, on the order of, 502. Franciscus on the meaning of mosaic, 469. —— on Shakspeare's designation of Cleopatra, 465. Francis X. (John) on Roman roads near London, 328. —— on West-Chester, 353. Frere (Geo. E.) on "Snail, snail, come out of your hole," 179. Frettenham church legend in, 407. 506. Friday weather, 7. 153. —— why considered unlucky, 496. Friswell (James) on epigrams on Cromwell, 516. Frog's wedding, a ballad, 51. Fronte capillata, &c., its authorship, 8. 43. 92. 124. 140. 286. Frozen horn, 25. 71. 91. 182. 282. 459. F. (R. W.) on Borrow's English Ballads, 228. —— on Christmas day, 249. Funerals, hand-bells at, 310. 466. F. (W.) on Gilburt's MS. on Clandestine Marriages, 167. F. (W. R.) on fossil deer of Ireland, 26.
G. on Barker, the panorama painter, 483. —— on bishops' lands, 87. —— on princesses of Wales, 477. [yogh]. on court dress, 457. G. (A.) on the origin of a surname, 323. —— on Barker, the panorama painter, 406. —— on Lord Edward Fitzgerald's mother, 492. Gallatly (J.) on misquotation of Gen. iii. 19., 275. Gam (Danydd) on Chepstow castle, 241. —— on Charles II. being in Wales, 263. Ganganelli (Pope), the compilers of his life, 12. Gantillon (P. J. F.) on Abp. Williams's portrait, 75. —— etymology of kobold, 85. Gatty (Alfred) on the early culture of the imagination, 38. —— on church bells, 238. —— on the division of the ten commandments, 166. —— on monumental inscription, 223. —— on Herbert's Memoirs of Charles I., 223. —— on strange appearance in the sky, 298. —— on epitaph of Countess of Pembroke, 307. —— on St. Thomas of Lancaster, 339. —— on Warren Hastings' magnanimity, 369. —— on "Ex pede Herculem," 380. —— on registry of dissenters, 460. —— on ancient modes of hanging bells, 493. —— on Lord Nelson's dress and sword at Trafalgar, 517. —— on earth thrown upon the coffin, 499. —— on the Lay of the Last Minstrel, 505. —— on written sermons, 526. Gaudentio di Lucca, its authorship, 36. 117. Gay (Rev. Mr.), notices of, 424. 508. G. (B.) on Collard the logician, 186. G. (C.) on alliteration, 340. G. (C. W.) on the word Blunder, 106. —— on land Holland, 30. —— on lights on the altar, 30. —— on the etymology of suem, ferling, and grasson, 7. Genealogicus Lancastriensis on family of Katharine Parr, 302. Geneva Bible, 13. 17. 72. 93. 115. 165. Gentleman, can the queen make one? 88. George (St.) the Martyr, Southwark, indulgences granted to benefactors, 414. Gerbier's (Sir B.) academy, 317. —— his autobiography, 304. German universities, religious teaching in, 303. Geronimo, description of Mosaic, 521. G. (G. F.) on the phrase "at sixes and sevens," 425. —— on the letter [yogh], 44. —— on true blue, 27. —— on the meaning of Mocker, 73. —— on crossing rivers on skins, 86. —— on Rab Surdam, 42. —— on Richard III., 221. —— on honey-moon, 276. Gig-hill, its meaning, 222. 283. Gilbert on Col. Hewson a cobbler, 73. Gilburt's MS. on Clandestine Marriages, 167. 463. Gillingham council, 448. 505. G. (J.) on Daresbury, the Whitechapel of England, 60. G. (J. M.) on the frozen horn, 25. —— on Gough's Translation of the History of the Bible, 100. —— on George Wither the poet, 36. —— on the phrase, "I preached as never sure to preach again," 36. Gleniffer on Bab in the bowster, 45. Gloucester alarm, what? 278. Gloucestershire provincialisms, 204. Gloves, the presentation of, 220. 424. Glynne (Lord Chief Justice), his portrait, 8. "God speed the plough," the motto, 8. God's acre, a burial ground, 284. 380. Goddard's History of Lynn, MSS. wanted, 140. Gomer on chapel, or printing-office, 7. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 508. —— on the etymology of nao, a ship, 509. —— on Tristan d'Acunha, 29. Good B'ye on the etymology of by-the-bye, 109. 229. Goodwin (C. W.) on MSS. of Sir T. Phillipps, 507. Gooseberry-fool, its derivation, 496. Gordon (G. E. R.) on the word aver, 292. Gordon (G. J. R.) on medal of Charles XII., 26. —— on Rudbeck's Atlantica, 26. Gough's Translation of the History of the Bible, 100. 165. G. (P. J. F.) on "In time the savage bull," &c., 502. G. (Q.) on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 225. —— on barons of Hugh Lupus, 266. G. (R.) on bibliographical queries, 86. 138. 182. Grahame (James), noticed, 453. Grasson, its etymology, 8. 75. 76. Grave, poem upon the, 372. 460. Gravener (Sir Thomas), epitaph on, 57. 122. Graves (J.) on a cardinal's hat, 169. —— on the Ormonde portraits, 119. Gray's Alcaic Ode, 4. —— Elegy, its plagiarisms, 35. 206. 445. —— Lucretian origin of a verse in, 138. G. (R. E.) on meaning of Venwell, 38. Greene (Robert), a Dutch translation of a tract by, 103. —— Quip for an upstart courtier, 103. —— Groatsworth of Witte, 140. 479. —— Pandosto, 1. Gregory the Great, 62. Griffith (Bp.), his portrait, 8. Groves of Blarney, its authorship, 495. G. (S.) on the cataracts of the Nile, 89. —— on Dancing Trenchmore, 89. —— on Flemish account, 57. —— on paternoster tackling, 89. —— on Thomas Rogers of Horninger, 62. —— on Theological tracts, 61. Gualter (Rodolph), 8. 43. 123. Guardian, Dutch version of, 22. Guinegate on supporters borne by commoners, 224. Gulls, as applied to hasty pudding, 143. Gun, inscription of an old, 221. Gutch (J. M.) on Gough's Translation of the History of the Bible, 165. G. (W. S.) on the Life of Pope Ganganelli, 12. Gwyn (Cudyn) on derivation of aver, 291. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 524. —— on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 11. Gyffes (Llaw) on arms of Sir John Davies, 409.
H. on the ballad Darby and Joan, 38. —— on the picture of our Saviour, 228. H. (A. W.) on Simon Bache, 105. —— on the Tradescants, 286. Haggard (W. D.) on the vellum-bound Junius, 262. 307. Hailsture (E.) on Quebeca and his epitaph, 223. Hall's Discovery, epitaph in, 242. 338, 339. 504. Hall (Hughes Frazer) on mitre and cloven tongues, 284. Halliwell (J. O.) on Greene's Groatsworth of Witte, 140. Hallum, Cardinal, his progenitors, 170. {535} Hamilton (C.) on the author of Scoute-Generall, 303. Hamilton, Newburgh, 117. 356. Hamont (C. D.) on lachrymatories, 151. Hampson's Religious Deceptions of the Church of Rome, an error corrected, 87. Hampstead, judges' walk at, 4. Hand giving the blessing, 477. 509. Hand-bell before a corpse, 68. 154. Handel's occasional oratorio, 426. 480. Hares, 3. Harlequins, origin of, 165. 287. 464. Harrington (E. C.) on Cooke's Dialogue, 306. —— on Patrick's tract on the Eucharist, 214. Harris the painter, notices wanted, 329. Harrisers, meaning of, 252. Harrison's Chronology, 105. 192. Hastings' (Lady Flora) bequest, 443. 522. Hastings (Warren), his magnanimity, 369. Hawkins (Edward) on the writers in the Anti-Jacobin, 348. Haybands in seals, 186. 248. 291. 331. 332. H. (B.) on snail-eating, 336. H. (C.) on Bactria, 435. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 508. —— on Petworth register-book, 449. —— on the word Sewell, 482. —— on St. Uncumber, 404. H. (C. E.) on epitaph in Morwenstow churchyard, 377. H. (C. H.) on the symbolism of Death, 501. H. (C. R.) on epigram on the Duchess of Eboli, 208. H. (De) on the descendants of Col. Fell, 142. H. (E.) On "Cum grano salis," 88. —— on Baron Munchausen's frozen horn, 182. —— on an old ballad, 278. Head's Nugae Venales, 453. Headings of chapters in Bibles, 141. 269. Healing, prayers at the, 42. 93. 148. 197. 352. 436. Heart, to learn by, 425. 483. Heath-hounds, 404. Hedgehog, 3. Hehl, Father, account of him wanted, 167. 269. Henchman (Bp.), his portrait, 8. 43. Henco on court dress, 407. Henry IV., descent of, 120. 171. Henry VIII. and Sir Thomas Curwen, 323. Henryson (Robert), a complete edition of his poems a desideratum, 38. Herbert (George) and the restoration of Bemerton church, 22. 85. 178. Herbert, Sir Thomas, his memoirs, 157. 223. 259. Hermes on an inscribed alms-dish, 101. —— on the phrase "God's acre," 380. —— on snail-eating, 221. Hermit at Hampstead on Wm. Hone, 508. Hermit of Holyport on Dousers poem on Sidney, 22. —— on old Dutch song-book, 23. —— on the father of Philip Massinger, 52. —— on a Dutch translation of a tract by Robert Greene, 103. —— account of an ancient wood engraving, 277. Herodotus, time when he wrote, 30. 76. 124. Heronsewes, its derivation, 450. 507. Herstmonceux castle, Dacre monument at, 75. —— notices respecting, 28, 29. 124. Hertfordiensis on paper-mill near Stevenage, 187. Hewson (Col.) the cobbler, 11. 73. 123. Hewett (J. W.) on an inscription on a clock, 329. 430. Heylin's Microcosmos, error in the date, 22. Heywood family, 263. H. (F.) on the authorship of the Cavalier's farewell, 34. H. (F. J.) on snail-charm, 179. H. (H.) on "Ex pede Herculem," 302. —— on Wat the hare, 44. Hibbald (St.), who was he? 496. Hibernicus on Dutch literature in Dublin university library, 379. —— on the Milesians, 428. Hickson (S.) on the authorship of Henry VIII., 33. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 119. —— on the word "rack," in Shakspeare's Tempest, 218. —— on Shakspeare and Fletcher, 318. —— on Shakspeare's meaning of prenzie, 454. Hill's penny post, 62. Hipparchus on Sabbatical Jewish years, 373. Hippopotamus, 181. 308. H. (J.) on an enigmatical epitaph, 184. —— on the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, 21. H. (J. C.) On Fivizzano the painter, 495. H. (J. O.) on the Life of Clancie, 42. H. (J. W.) on the word adur, 30. —— on contracted names of places, 182. H. (L.) on family of Sir J. Banks, 507. H. (M. A.) on the word abeiles, 243. —— on Rab Surdam, 193. H. (N.) on Bunyan and the Visions of Hell, 467. Hogan, what kind of beverage, 450. Holland (Hugh) and his works, 427. Holland, land, 30. 70. 229. Hollander's austerity, &c., explanation wanted, 494. Holy water for the hooping-cough, 220. Holywood the mathematician, his birth-place, 389. Homilies, the first edition of second book, 102. Hone (William), his conversion, 477. 508. Honor of Clare, documents relating to, 390. Hoods of the Scotch universities, 329. "Hook or by crook" explained, 116. 212. Hooper (Bp.), his Godly Confession, &c., 169. 227. Hooper (Richard) inquiries respecting William Chilcot, 38. —— on Howel's Desiderius, 352. Hooping-cough, cure of, 258 Hoops, their early use in dress, 85. 153. Hornbooks, 151. Horneck (Dr. Anthony), inquiry respecting his letters, 117. Horrocks (James), whose father lived in the time of Cromwell, 475. Hotchkin (Robert) on lines by Pope, 221. Houmont, motto, 106. Howard (John), medal given to, 142. Howard (Lord), was he a Papist? 185. 244. 287. 309. Howe (Capt.), how related to George II., 353. 438. Howel's Desiderius, or Original Pilgrim, 352. H. (R.) on the legend of St. Molaise, 478. —— on the word bawn, 483. —— on the fossil elk of Ireland, 502. —— on stone chalices, 481. H. (R. C.) on a stone in Casterton church, 181. —— on the rarity of William IV.'s copper coinage, 136. H. (R. C. H.) on the family of Sir J. Banks, 390. H. (R. D.) on anticipations of modern ideas, 137. —— on Bogatzky's Golden Treasury, 526. —— on Gregory the Great, 194. —— on the phrase, "Mind your P's and Q's," 328. 523. —— on pillgarlick, 150. —— on the agency of Od, 517. H. (S.) on meaning of waste-book, 465. H. (S. H.) on Breeches Bible, 72. —— on Cromwell's dealings with the devil, 282. H. (T.) on obeism, 59. Hughes (William) on Iovanni Volpe, 244. Hulls, the inventor of steam-boats, 69. Hurd (Bp.), biography wanted, 496. Huyghens (Constantine), English poems by, 423. H. (W. B.) on Christ's-cross Row, 465. —— on the frozen horn, 282. —— on Mont-de-Piete, 372. —— on lines in Tennyson's In Memoriam, 142. —— on the meaning of "Trepidation talked," 450. Hylles' Arte of Vulgar Arithmeticke, 409.
I. (B. R.) on epigram on synod of Dort, 94. —— on plafery, 88. I. (C. H.) on mints at Norwich, 525. Ich dien, motto, 106. 168. I. (F.) on ancient wood engraving, 426. Ignatius' Epistles, edited by Mr. Cureton, 138. Ignobus on suppressed chantries, 24. Ignore, its etymology, 169. Image of both churches, its author, 407. 469. Imagination, on its early culture, 38. 73. 152. Inedited poetry, from Harleian MSS., 203. 218. Inquisition, Histoire de l', its authorship, 11. Inscription on an oak board, 240. Ireland, notes on, 490. Irish brigade, account of, 372.
J., on Criston, Somerset. 357. —— on the correct prefix of mayors, 92. —— James II., his natural daughter, 224. 249. 280. 506. Jarltzberg on altar lights, &c., 68. —— Barlaam and Josaphat, 278. —— on Queen Mary's Lament, &c., 89. —— on odour from the rainbow, 224. —— on the vendace, 301. Jarture, account of this work wanted, 89. JasPer on collar of SS., 42. Jaytee on record for existing monuments, 418. —— on villenage, 411. J. (B.) on egg and arrow ornament, 349. Jerne on a carved ceiling, 424. Jerrold (Douglas) on the sayer of "After me the deluge," 299. Jesse's London, notes on, 84. Jesuits, History of, the author? 328. Jews in China, discovery of, 442. J. (F.) on Ruggles' Ignoramus, 518. J. (G. A.) on Scotch universities' hoods, 329. J. (H.) on the curfew bell, 77. —— on Ptolemy's presents to the Seventy-two, 449. —— on Sir Walter Raleigh, 105. —— on Sir Cloudesley Shovel, 23. Jingo on self-striking clocks, 372. J. (L.) on the curse of Scotland, 483. —— on snail-eating, 221. —— on record of existing monuments, 217. J. (M.) on Maclean not Junius, 411. John ap William on Welsh history, 447. John, King, at Lincoln, 141. 290. John's (St.) Bridge fair, 88. 287. 341. 469. ——Vox populi vox Dei, 288. Joan (Pope) whether a myth or a veritable lady, 265. 306. 395. 463. —— the game of, 22. Jonah and the whale, 517. Jonathan, the cognomen of Brother, 495. Jones (T.) on the ten commandments, 412. Jonson, Ben, his portrait, 106. Joseph of Exeter, where is the MS. of his De Bello Antiocheno? 447. Josephus on St. John's Bridge fair, 88. Jove (J. Cove) on spelling of Britannicus, 463. J. (T) on the circulation of the blood, 340. —— on early culture of the imagination, 73. —— on the authorship of Histoire de l'Inquisition, 11. —— on "Jurare ad caput animalium," 192. {536} —— on the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, 198. —— on Treatise by Abp. Engelbert, 291. —— on obeahism, 309. —— on swearing by swans, 71. 308. —— on "Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi," 156. —— on cognation of the Jews and Lacedaemonians, 172. —— on modum promissionis, 92. —— on occult transposition of letters, 69. —— on Welsh words for water, 152. —— on the verse, "Words are men's daughters," &c., 38. Judas cup, account of, 85. Junius, the vellum-bound copy, 262. 307. 378. 411. "Jurat? crede minus," an epigram, 143. 193. J. (W.) on cardinals and abbots in the English Church, 304.
K. on the meaning of gig-hill, 222. —— on the capitulations of the Irish brigades, 372. —— on Moore's Almanack, 381. —— on Voltaire, where situated, 433. —— on the meaning of Venville, 310. K. (D.) on Aristotle and Pythagoras, 352. Keepsakes, the potter's and shepherd's, 181. K. (E. H.) on the etymology of aver, 42. Kelke (W. Hastings) on north sides of churchyards, 332. —— on discrepancies in Dugdale's account of the Cobham family, 53. —— on Landwade church, 102. Kemble pipe of tobacco, 425. 502. Kentish Town in the last century, 4. Kenyon (C. Howard) on a sonnet "On the Librarie at Cambridge," 37. Kepper (G. L.) on a specimen of English French, 437. Kerriensis on Lord Howard, 287. —— on mazer wood, 288. —— on traditions from remote periods, 289. —— on sacramental wine, 368. —— on the Milesians, 428. Kershaw (J. H.) on a specimen of composition, 493. Kersley (T. H.) on the time when Herodotus wrote, 30. —— on the derivation of Yankee, 461. Kerslake (Thomas) on Locke's MSS., 337. K. (H. C.) on Dacre monument, 75. —— on Demosthenes and New Testament, 437. —— on the meaning of eign, 351. —— on an incised slab, 373. K. (E. J.) on Jonah and the whale, 517. —— on quotation, "Men may live fools," &c., 518. K. (H. C.) on outline in painting, 63. —— on the meaning of Sewell, 391. —— on the meaning of Tu autem, 265. K. (F.) on biography of Bishop Hurd, 496. —— on David Rizzio's signature, 390. Kg. (P. S.) on Tingry, 464. K. (I.) on "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon!" 137. King (Richard John) on a Danish Itinerary, 238. —— on metropolitan improvements, 368. King (Thos. Wm.) on hats of cardinals, 182. —— on record of existing monuments, 513. King's (Dr.) poem "The Toast," a key to the characters, 13. King's Evil, touching for, 290. —— form of prayer for, 42. 93. 148. 197. 352. 436. K. (J.) on the two Drs. Abercromby, 209. K. (J. B.) on water-buckets given to sheriffs, 118. K. (L. H.) on Lady Flora Hastings' bequest, 522. Knapp family in Norfolk and Suffolk, 424. Knebsend, or Nebsend, 263. 434. Knight (C.) on a passage in Hamlet, 10. Knights Hospitallers, 243. —— in combat on church chests, 187. —— of Malta, their badge, 278. —— two sorts of, 425. Kobold, its etymology, 85. Kooez (Aredjid) on the word winkel, 138. —— on foreign renderings, 138. K. (S.) on the meaning of conquestum, 92. K. (T. H.) on "God takes those soonest," &c., 302. —— on the authorship of "La Rose nait," &c., 186. K. (W. H. H.) on cross between wolf and hound, 93. K. (W. M.) on law courts at St. Alban's, 466. —— on the san grail, 224. Kynaston's Museum Minervae, 317.
L. on Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi, 125. —— on "Apres moi le deluge," 397. —— on the curse of Scotland, 423. —— on closing rooms after death, 142. —— on culprits torn by horses, 91. —— on cross between a wolf and a hound, 93. —— on decking churches at Christmas, 118. —— on epigram on the synod of Dort, 23. —— on "Fronte capillata," &c., 43. —— on the authorship of Gaudentio di Lucca, 36. —— on portrait of Bp. Henchman, 8. —— on a passage in Bp. Butler, 44. —— on the hippopotamus, 308. —— on "God takes those soonest," &c., 377. —— on "Ex pede Herculem," 380. —— on Histoire des Severambes, 4. 148. 374. —— on the nine of diamonds, 22. —— on Vandyke's portrait of Lord Aubigny, 88. —— on the etymology of "to pose," 91. —— on Wanton's Delli Viaggi, 277. L. (A.) on Shakspeare a thorough sailor, 300. —— on meaning of luncheon, 369. Lachrymatories, their use, 151. Lady fights at Atherton, 143. Lady's trees, 206. Lamb (Charles), his epitaph, 322. 379. 459. Lammer-beads, 84. 100. 115. 229. Lammin (W. H.) on Sir John Davies, 336. Lancashire folk lore, 55. 516. Lancastriensis on Bigod de Loges, 434. —— on West Chester, 459. Landwade church, 39. 102. Langholme fair, proclamation of, 56. 156. Langley's Polidore Vergile, 137. Language given to men, the saying, 229. Laudator Temporis acti on writing paper, 181. Laud's (Abp.) answer to Fisher, 224. Lawrence (T.) on names of the ferret, 390. Lawson (Charles), notices of, 331. L. (B. L.) on Holland land, 70. L. (E.) on the meaning of Cefn, 152. L. (E. A. H.) on the meaning of Sewell, 505. —— on Lambert Simnel, 506. Legalis on Lord Mayor a privy councillor, 496. Leges on the word prenzie in Measure for Measure, 401. Leicester's Commonwealth, 29. 374. Leicestrensis on cachecope bell, 407. —— on churchwarden's accounts of St. Mary-de-Castro, 352. —— on Dieu et mon droit, 407. Lennep (J. H. van) on Dutch popular song-book, 189. Lennox, the daughters of the sixth earl of, 243. Lent lilies, or daffodils, 259. Leresche on Darcy Lever church, 27. Lewis (George) on passage in Coleridge, 518. L. (H. R.) on the authorship of a "History of the Jesuits," 328. —— on Sempecta at Croyland, 328. "Librarie at Cambridge," sonnet on the, 37. Library of George III., whether sold or presented to the nation, 427. Lie, on giving the, 369. Lights on the altar, 30. 172. Limerick cathedral, inscription on a tablet, 477. Lincoln Missal, any MS. of, 119. 193. Lion symbolical of the resurrection, 462. Littus, its application in the sense of ripa, 446. Liturgicus on headings of chapters in Bibles, 141. L. (J.) on abbot Eustacius and Angodus, 141. L. (J. H.) on Simon Bache, 155. —— on painting by C. Bega, 28. —— on Coggeshall job, 285. —— on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 285. —— on "Harry Parry, when will you marry," 289. —— on Thomas May, 167. L. (L. B.) on haybands in seals, 248. 332. —— a note for topographers of London, 206. —— on an original warrant, 220. —— on witchcraft in the seventeenth century, 444. Llewellyn on Camden and Curwen families, 125. 253. —— on separation of sexes in churches, 288. —— on Rev. Mr. Gay, 508. —— on Petworth registers, 510. L. (M. C.) on preaching from written sermons, 478. Locke (John), letter respecting him, 97. —— manuscripts, 337. Loftus (Abp.) memoranda wanted, 263. Longevity, remarkable, 237. Long Meg of Westminster, 22. Longueville MSS., where are they? 449. Loretto, the chapel of, 205. Lower (Mark Antony) on the arches of Pelaga, 478. —— on the frozen horn, 71. —— on haybands in seals, 186. —— on registry of dissenters, 460. —— on traditions from remote periods through few links, 237. —— on the meaning of tye, 340. —— on the sword of William the Conqueror, 66. Luard on the Sempecta, 433. Lucas family, 352. Lucretia, the Earl of Clarendon's daughter, 88. Lucy and Colin, 7. 76. Luncheon, its meaning, 369. 464. Lukis (W. C.) on engraved warming-pans, 522. Lunardi's balloon, 153. Lupus (Hugh), the barons of, 87. 189. 266. 503. Lutestring, to speak in, its meaning, 188. Luther and Ignatius Loyola, 137. L. (N. E.) on the History of Andrea Ferrara, 62. L. (W.) on a specimen of foreign English, 57. —— on the Lucas family, 352. Lynch law, its origin, 24. 76. Lyon verse, 466. 507. Lyttleton (Launcelot), particulars wanted, 330.
M. on Mrs. Catherine Barton, 434. —— on Clarkson's Richmond, 507. {537} —— on Lay of the Last Minstrel, 464. —— on Merrick and Tattersall, 60. —— on obeism, 149. —— on a regular mull, 508. —— on sabbatical and jubilee years of the Jews, 464. —— on Southey's March to Moscow, 243. —— on the author of a Modest Enquiry, 264. —— on "Trepidation talk'd," 486. —— on St. Vitus and St. Patrick's festival, 241. [mu]. on Borrow's English Ballads, 228. —— on MS. of Bede, 247. —— on epitaph on Sir Thomas Gravener, 122. —— on portrait of Archbishop Williams, 152. —— on Letters on the British Museum, 208. —— on the Ulm manuscript, 269. M. 4. (J.) on Devonshire folk-lore, 404. —— on earth thrown upon the coffin, 408. —— on Dr. Young's Narcissa, 422. —— on the meaning of peep, 310. M. or N., their use in the Church service, 323. 447. M. (A.) on the expression "at sixes and sevens," 425. —— on the song "Talk not of love," 7. M. (A. C.) on the derivation of Minnis, 388. —— on the singing of swans, 75. Machell (R. B.) on the lingering of the spirit, 84. Machell's MS. Collections for Westmoreland and Cumberland, 118. 227. Mackenzie (Kenneth R. H.), translations of Apuleius, &c., 76. —— on Burke's mighty boar of the forest, 493. —— on time when Herodotus wrote, 124. —— on an inedited ballad on Truth, 134. —— on an oration against Demosthenes, 141. —— on hornbooks, 151. —— on early culture of the imagination, 152. —— a word to the literary men of England, 161. —— on Trinitaell Hall's exequies, 203. —— on a poem "A Vertuous Woman," from the Harleian MSS., 219. —— on an epitaph on Mr. Browne, 320. —— on Sallustius' Epistles to Caesar, 62. 140. —— on Sallustius and Tacitus, 325. Mackintosh (Sir James), his notes in books, 489. —— on the authors of the Rolliad, 131. Macklin's ordinary and school of criticism, 163. Maclean not Junius, 378. 411. Madden (Sir Frederick) on Beatrix Lady Talbot, 10. —— on Charles I. and Nave's collection of pictures, 236. —— on the Poems of John Seguard, 261. Madden's Reflections and Resolutions, 323. Magnum sedile, their use, 142. Magpies, 3. Maille, the house of, 351. Maitland's (Dr. S. R.) Illustrations of Mesmerism, 220. 243. —— on the Sempecta of Croyland, 357. M. (A. J.) on Voltaire's Henriade, 388. Malentour, a motto on a crest, 449. 485. Malta, records at, 180. Man, arms of the Isle of, 373. 520. Manley (John) on a curious fact in natural history, 166. Manuscripts, ancient, proposed association for recovering, 161. 261. 340. Marforio on collections of pasquinades, 8. Marinus (Faber) on Tandem D. O. M., 62. Mark xiii. 32., Annotators on, 8. 110. Markham (Charles D.) on the Vavasours of Hazlewood, 71. Markham (C. W.) on Essheholt Priory, 86. Markland (J. H.) on the writers in the Rolliad, 333. Mark's (St.), foundation-stone of, Venice, 88. 147. Marriage, curious omen at, 406. Mariconda on St. Francis, 321. Marsh's Female Captive, 423. Martin family, 29. Marshal, hereditary earl, 209. Marsham (Sir John), was he knight or baronet? 407. Martinus on the published Dutch books, 326. Marwoode (John) of Honiton, 450. Mary, Queen of Scots, defence of her execution, 113. 198. —— her crucifix, 517. —— Lament, 89. 172. —— prayer of, 369. 504. Mary-de-Castro (St.), churchwardens' accounts of, 352. Mason not Junius, 402. 432. Massinger, Philip, his father, 52. Mathews (Wm. Franks) on the fire of London, 350. Mathew's Mediterranean Passage, 240. 284. Matrimony, solemnization of, 307. Matrix of monastic seal, 263. M. (A. W.) on Cardinal Hallum, 170. Mawer (Rev. Dr.), epitaph on, 184. 248. 291. May (Thomas), notices of, 167. 279. 280. May cats, 20. 84. Mayor of London, is he a privy councillor? 496. Mayors, their correct prefix, 92. Mazer wood and Gutta percha, 239. 288. 467. M^cCalmont (Thomas), notice of H. Smith, 222. M. (C. O. S.) on Richard Whiting's watch, 352. M. (C. R.) on tomb of Chaucer, 188. —— on burying in church walls, 156. —— on the Clench family, 188. —— on Lady Bingham, 229. —— on knights in combat on church chests, 187. —— on magnum sedile, 142. Medal, a satirical one, 240. M. (E. J.) on the tomb of Rev. W. Adams, 249. —— on "To-day we purpose," 397. —— on the Tanthony bell, 429. Me. (J.), queries and notes on books, men, and authors, 117. Mercer (W. J.) on "Noli me tangere," 46. —— on the derivation of cad, 46. Mercurii on Mathew's Mediterranean Passage, 240. —— on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 266. —— on Pursuits of Literature, 378. Merrick, the versifier of the Psalms, 60. Merryweather (F. S.) on aged monks, 60. Merviniensis on arms of Isle of Man, 373. Metrical psalms and hymns, origin of their use, 119. 198. Metropolitan improvements suggested by Bishop King, 368. Mezzotinto on the authorship of the Butcher Duke, 8. M. (F.) on Paul pitcher night, 239. M. (F. C.) on the motto Malentour, 485. M. (F. E.) on the motto Malentour, 449. —— on the origin of national debts, 374. M. (G. R.) on the name Vineyard, 470. Miching Mallecho in Hamlet, 3. 213. Midwives licensed, 29. 44. Mildew in books, 29. Milesians, their origin, 353. 428. Milk-maids in 1753, 367. Miller (Dr.), author of Philosophy of History, commended, 137. Milton and the Calves-head Club, 390. 484. —— expressions in, 241. —— Nativity Ode, 36. —— supposed pun by, 37. 141. —— sonnet, query by, 142. Milward (Sir Thomas) his portrait, 8. Miners burning out a delinquent, 123. Minium, or red lead pencil of Archbishop Parker, 492. Minnis, its derivation, 388. Mints, local, 447. 525. Miso-dolos on indulgences granted to benefactors for building Saint George the Martyr's, 444. Mistletoe on oaks, 192. 226. 396. 462. Mitre, the episcopal, its origin, 62. 144. 145. 284. M. (J.) on an ancient MS. of Bede's Eccles. Hist., 180. —— on natural son of Cardinal Wolsey, 303. —— on an answer to Fisher's Relation, 224. —— on orations against Demosthenes, 228. —— on derivation of Yankee, 260. —— on lost manuscripts, 340. —— on the first edition of the Second Book of Homilies, 102. —— on a prayer of the Bishop of Nantes, 140. —— on Munchausen's Travels, &c., 453. M. (J. E.) on a passage in Virgil, 357. M. (J. F.) on Milton and Calves-head Club, 484. —— on Shakspeare's Venus and Adonis, 260. —— on solemnization of matrimony, 307. —— on Voltaire's Henriade, 485. M. (J. H.) on apple-pie order, 468. —— on Denarius Philosophorum, 251. —— on the nine of diamonds, 253. —— on Pope Joan, 395. —— on form of prayer at the healing, 126. —— on the epitaph of the Countess of Pembroke, 262. 456. —— on George Steevens and Wm. Stevens, 286. —— on Pepys's song, "Beauty retire," 105. —— did St. Paul's clock strike thirteen? 109. —— on the song Winifreda, 108. M. (J. L.) on the Nineveh monuments and Milton's Nativity Ode illustrated from Lucian, 35. M. (J. O.) on the Thirty-nine Articles, 287. —— on the table of prohibited degrees, 329. M. (N.) on epigram against Burke, 284. Mock-beggar, origin of the term, 44. Mocker, its meaning, 73. Modest Enquiry, &c., its author, 264. Modum Promissionis, 92. Molaise (St.), legend of, inquired after, 478. Mole, the story of the, 74. Monarchia Solipsorum, its authorship, 138. 197. Monkbarns on proclamation of Langholme fair, 56. Monks, aged, of the tenth century, 60. 139. Monkstown on Joseph Nicolson's family, 397. Monosyllables, their use, 57. 165. 340. Monro (Cecil) on the baldrock, 503. Montchesni family, 518. Mont-de-Piete, 372. 524. Monumental symbolism, 449. Monuments, record of existing, 14. 116. 217. 313. 418. 513. Moore's Almanack, 263. 339. 381. 466. Moorfields in Charles II.'s time, 260. Morse and Ireton families, 250. Mosaic, its meaning, 389. 469. 521. Moths called souls, 220. Mottos on warming-pans and garters, 84. 115. 290. 522. Mounds, or munts, its meaning, 187. 413. M. (P. M.) on the head of the Saviour, 168. —— on lines of the Temple, 505. M. (R.) on a musical plagiarism, 105. M. (R. R.) on hand-bells at funerals, 466. —— on Lord Howard of Effingham, 309. —— on Pope Joan, 395. —— on the Life of St. Pancras, 523. —— on national debts, 524. —— on Monte di Pieta, 524. M. (S.) on the pedigree of Owen Glendower, 222. {538} M. (S. R.) on the derivation of luncheon, 464. —— on Quakers' attempt to convert the Pope, 335. M. (T.) on mythology of the stars, 508. Mull, a regular, origin of the phrase, 449. 508. Munchausen's Travels, 117. 305. 453. Murray's Handbook for Devon and Cornwall, omissions noticed, 4. Mushroom, its etymology, 166. Musical plagiarism, 105. M. (W. G.) on prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, 504. —— on the word prenzie, 522. M. (W. R.) on "Fronte capillata," 286. —— on the origin of the Milesians, 353. —— on Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living, 43. M. (W. T.) on Arthur's Seat, 251. —— on the couplet, "Earth has no rage," 23. —— on proclamation of Langholme fair, 156.
N. on burying in church walls, 37. —— on dragons, 40. —— on Memoir of George Steevens, 286. N. (A.) on "Apres moi le deluge," 397. —— on coinage in Germany, 118. —— on Pope Joan, 463. —— on Nao, a ship, 477. —— on the San Grail, 482. —— on Stanedge Pole, 390. Nails, paring them on Sunday, 55. 462. Nantes, bishop of, a prayer by him, 140. Nao, a ship, authority wanted, 477. 509. Napoleon, tablet to, 74. National debts, their origin, 374. 466. 524. Natural history, curious fact in, 166. 398. 436. Nave's (Bartolomeo della) collection of pictures, 236. Navorscher, De, 81. 106. 114. N. (D.) on the visit of Elizabeth to Bacon, 44. Neck, cure for a large, 405. Nedlam on "Mind your P' and Q's," 463. Nehceeb (Samoht) on the name of Bacon, 41. N. (E. L.) on Mr. P. Collier's note on the Winter's Tale, 101. —— on the origin of harlequins, 165. —— on true blue, 116. Nelson (Robert), his armorial bearings, 263. Nemo on Carolus Lawson, 331. —— on the author of Broad Stone of Honour, 264. —— on Pope Joan, 265. —— on Essay on the Irony of Sophocles, 389. Nelson's (Lord) dress and sword at Trafalgar, 517. Nestorians, or lost tribes, 484. "Nettle in, dock out," its meaning, 133. 201. 205. 368. 463. Neville family, 24. Nevinson (Rev. Charles) on Bp. Hooper's Godly Confession, 169. Newburn (F.) on Drake's Historia Anglo-Scotica, 519. News, the origin of the word, 300. New Testament, passages in, illustrated from Demosthenes, 350. 437. Newspapers, notes on, 164. 248. N. (G.) on a quotation, "To-day we purpose," 302. Nibor on Mathew's Mediterranean Passage, 284. —— on epitaph on Rev. John Mawer, 291. Nicholson (Andrew) on wife of Bishop Nicolson, 243. Nicolai (S.) Vita, sive Stultitiae Exemplar, 87. Nicolas' History of the Royal Navy, 328. Nicolson (Bishop), his family, 243. 397. —— his opinion of Bp. Burnet, 136. Nieremberg (J. E.), his Contemplations ascribed to Bp. Taylor, 43. Nievie-nick-nack, a game, 179. Nile, cataracts of the, 89. Nine of diamonds, why called "the curse of Scotland," 22. 253. 423. 483. Nineveh, the king of, burns himself, 408. 506. —— monuments illustrated from Lucian, 35. N. (J. D.) on the library of the church of Westminster, 230. N. (J. G.) on Giovanni Volpe, 247. —— on Roman Catholic peers, 253. —— on general pardons, 279. —— on the term mock-beggar, 44. N. (J. D. N.) on the black rood of Scotland, 104. —— on nievie-nick-nack, 179. N. (M.), a word to literary men, 261. Nobbs of Norwich, notice of, 447. 525. Noble names in workhouses, 350. Nocab on Bacon and Fagan, 106. —— on hand-bell before a corpse, 154. —— on snail-eating, 336. —— on the invention of steam-power, 23. Noli me tangere, 46. 484. Nonsuch palace near Ewell, 236. Norfolk folk-lore rhymes, 206. Norman nobility, 87. 189. 266. 503. —— MS. catalogue of, 266. 306. North Briton, who were the writers in, 409. 432. Northege family, where located? 425. Northman on derivation of Yankee, 437. Notabilis expositio super canonem misse, 87. Notes and Queries, prefatory notice to vol. iii., 1. —— in Holland, 81. Nothing, translation of charade upon, 369. Novus on disinterment for heresy, 378. —— on Luther and Ignatius Loyola, 137. Nourse (Wm. E. C.) on Scandinavia, 370. "Nullis fraus tuta latebris," motto, 329. N. (W. M.) on spelling of Britannia, 502. N. (V. D.) on the order of St. Franciscus, 502.
Oak-web, or cockchafer, 259. Oates (Titus), his autograph, 27. Obeism, 59. 149. 150. 309. 376. Observator, the, its authorship, 323. Observator revived, its authorship, 323. Occult transposition of letters, 69. Od, how this agency is tested, 517. Offor (George) on Bunyan's portrait, and The Visions, 89. O. (J. P.) on the marriage of Sir John Vaughan, 223. Olave's (St.) churches, Southwark, 373. Oldbuck (Jonathan), jun., on Landwade church, 39. Oldenburg horn, engraving of, 509. Oldham, passage in, 372. Omega on cherubim and seraphim, 27. O. (M. N.) on Iovanni Volpe, 188. 244. Onions, St. Thomas', why so called, 187. 252. [Greek: Oo] on Tandem D. O. M., 173. O's, the fifteen, 391. Organs, when first used in churches, 518. Ormonde, the Marquis of, on scandal against Queen Elizabeth, 225. —— portraits, 119. Outlandish Knight, ballad, 49. 208. Outline in painting, 63. 154. Owen (Bp.), his portrait, 8. Owen (Dr. John), unpublished sermons, 435. Owen Glendower, his pedigree, 222. 356. Oxford Friar's Voyage to the North Pole, 168.
P. on the meaning of averia, 157. —— on Sir Thomas Bullen's drinking-horn, 38. —— on dragons, 157. —— on the barons of Hugh Lupus, 87. —— on Montchesni family, 518. —— on the meaning of Venwell, 310. —— on the sword of William the Conqueror, 24. [script pi] on the Breeches or Geneva Bible, 13. —— on canons and articles, 491. —— on School of the Heart, 469. P**** (C. P.) on "God takes those soonest," &c., 377. —— on Achilles and the tortoise, 484. —— on the word Champak, 448. —— on epigrams by Coulanges and Prior, 446. —— on symbolism of Death, 502. —— on Dies Irae, 468. —— on "Ex pede Herculem," 457. —— on Quakers' attempt to convert the Pope, 396. —— on the author of "We hope, and hope," &c., 448. —— on Hollander's austerity, 494. —— on Charles Lamb's epitaph, 459. —— on Anonymous Ravennas, 462. —— on the lion, a symbol of the Resurrection, 462. —— on John Marwoode, 450. —— on a notice of Cardinal Azzolin, 458. —— the cart before the horse, 468. —— on catacombs and bone-houses, 483. —— on the Tanthony, 484. —— on Essay on the Irony of Sophocles, 484. —— on early rain called "the pride of the morning," 484. —— on the lost tribes, 484. —— on "Noli me tangere," 484. —— on the Sicilian vespers, 484. —— on the antiquity of smoking, 484. Pagnini's Bible, 24. 86. Paine (C. Jun.) on Ussher's works, 496. Painters' anachronisms, 369. 517. Pallavicino and the Conte d'Olivarez, 478. 523. Palmerston (Henry Viscount) lines attributed to, 28. Pancras (St.), Smith's collections on, 285. 397. —— biographical notice of, 523. Papa alterius orbis, its origin, 497. Papal tiara, its origin, 144. —— bulls, forged, 149. Paper-mill near Stevenage, 187. Pardons, general, under the great seal, 279. Parish register tax, 94. Parr, family of Queen Katharine, 302. Parsons (Daniel) on book plates, 495. Paslam (Charles) on "Binsey, God help me!" 44. Pasquinades, collections of, 8. Paternoster tackling, its meaning, 89. 152. Patrick's (Rev. John) Tract on the Eucharist, 169. 214. Paul (St.), his Life wanted, 451. Paul pitcher night, 239. Paul's (St.), did its clock ever strike thirteen? 40. 109. 153. 198. 449. Paull (Dr. James), 28. P. (C.) on Col. Hewson the cobbler, 11. P. (C. H.) on "Felix, quem faciunt," 431. —— on derivation of fib, 167. —— on Lord Howard of Effingham, 185. —— on the New Testament illustrated from Demosthenes, 350. Peachell (Hugh), notice of, 407. Peacock (Edw. Jun.) on wife of James Torre, 329. —— on a record of existing monuments, 116. —— on Lincoln missal, 119. Peacock, swearing by the, 70. 438. Pelaga, arches of, where? 478. 522. Pelethronius on meaning of auriga, 253. {539} Pembroke, Countess of, her epitaph, 262. 307. 413. 456. Penn (Wm.) and his family, 264. 409. 454. Penny post and Coleridge, 27. —— origin of, 6. 62. Pepys's song, "Beauty retire," 105. Peter the Hermit, inscription on his tomb, 329. "Peter Wilkins," on the authorship of, 13. Peter's (St.) in Rome, supposed inscription on, 425. Peters, Hugh, notices of, 166. 214. Petworth register-book, 449. 485. 510. Pews in churches, 56. Peyton, family of, 186. P. (G.) on Machell's MS. collections, 227. —— on Prideaux and the post-office, 186. —— on illustrations of Tennyson, 319. P. (H.) on Babington's conspiracy, 458. [Phi]. ([Omega].) on "turning the tables," 276. Phillipps (Sir Thomas), his manuscripts, 358. 507. —— on record of existing monuments, 417. [Greek: Philologos], on Bacon and Fagan, 483. Phoenix, the, its literary proprietors, 325. [Greek: Phos], on illustrations of Chaucer, 306. Pictorial antiquities, 423. Pigeons eaten before death, 517. Pightle, its meaning, 391. Pigs with single hoofs, 263. 357. 468. Pilcher, its meaning, 476. 507. 525. Pilgrims' road to Canterbury, 429. Pillgarlick, 42. 74. 150. Pinkerton (W.) on Davy Jones's locker, 509. —— on Mazer wood, 239. —— on the Tradescants, 393. —— on whale caught at Greenwich, 286. Pio (A. P. di) on the etymology of apricot, 75. P. (J.) on the miscellaneous tracts of Peter Sterry, 38. P. (J. S.) on porci solidipedes, 263. Plafery, its meaning, 88. Planche (J. R), on Poem on the Grave, 460. —— on Red Sindon, 27. Plays in churches, 494. Poetical coincidences, 320. Poet's Corner, when attached to the transept of Westminster Abbey, 381. Pomeroy (Arthur), his parentage, 303. Pontoppidan's Natural History of Norway, 326. 526. Pope, on the election of one in a water-closet, 142. 253. Pope's Dunciad, an incongruity in, 387. —— lines by, 221. Porson's imposition, 28. Porter (Endymion), his birth-place, 303. Portraits of distinguished Englishman, 233. Portus Canum, where? 408. Pose, the etymology of "to pose," 91. P. (P.) on folk lore in Lancashire, 516. —— on places called Purgatory, 241. 308. P. (R.) on the doctrine of probabilism, 61. P. (R. C.) on Saxon coinage at Derby, 225. Predeceased used as a verb active, 143. 287. Price (E. B.) on engraved warming-pans, 115. —— on private memoir of Queen Elizabeth, 197. Prideaux (Edmund) and the first post-office, 186. 266, 267. 308. —— family, 398. Prior's Posthumous Works, 24. ProBa ConScientia on the family name of Bacon, 41. Probabilism, the doctrine of, 61. 68. Prohibited degrees, table of, commanded to be fixed in churches, 329. Prol in Anglia, where? 238. Proverbs, Ex pede Herculem, 302. 380. —— the cart before the horse, 468. —— going the whole hog, 224. 250. —— Mind your P's and Q's, 328. 357. 463. 523. —— spick and span new, 330. 480. —— under the rose, 300. 480. Pryme (C. de la) on Mind your P's and Q's, 357. P. (S.) on Farquharson and Dr. Paull, 28. —— on "Many a word at random spoke," 409. Ptolemy's presents to the Seventy-two, 449. Publicans' signs, 424. Pultock (Robert) the supposed author of Peter Wilkins, 13. Purgatory, places so called, 241. Pursuits of Literature, its authorship, 240. 276. 378. Pursuivant on Lord Bexley's descent from Cromwell, 185. P. (W. H.) on God's acre, 284. —— on the couplet, "Lavora, come se tu," &c., 188.
Q. on Schmidt's Antiquitates Neomagensis, 328. —— on a quotation from Tillotson, 241. Q. (D.) on the meaning of slums, 284. Q. (F. S.) on cockade, 196. —— on derivation of aver, 292. —— on pillgarlick, 74. —— on true blue, 92. Q. (P.) on Civil War tract, 303. Q. (Q.) on a quotation from Cam. Emblem., 433. —— on skeletons at Egyptian banquets, 482. Q. (U.) on Bartolus' Learned Man Defended, 224. —— on a quotation from the The Christian Instructed, 240. Quakers' attempt to convert the Pope, 302. 335. 396. Quarles, was he pensioned? 11. Quebeca and his epitaph, 223. 458. Quidam on Gillingham, 448. Quinces a customary present, 20. Quincuplex Psalterium, 86. Quotations: "I preached as a dying man to dying men," 36. —— "And coxcombs vanquish Berkeley by a grin," 110. —— "After me the deluge," 299. —— "A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind," 300. —— "Earth has no rage," 45. —— "A verse may find him," &c., 60. —— "The lucky have whole days," 69. —— "Clarum et venerabile nomen," 69. —— "Plurima gemma latet caeca tellure sepulta," 76. —— "Cum grano salis," 66. 153. 253. —— "The soul's dark cottages," 105. 154 —— "Fine by degrees and beautifully less," 105. 154. —— "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon!" 137. 191. —— "Sees good in everything," &c., 168. —— "La Rose nait en un moment," 186. —— "Laus tua non tua fraus, " 290. 466. —— "Lavora, come se tu," &c., 188. 226. —— "Impatient to speak and not see," 213. —— "Just notions will into good actions grow," 240. —— "O wearisome condition of humanity," 241. —— "Marriage is such a rabble rout," 263. —— "Poor Allinda's growing old," 264. —— "Deal, Dover, and Harwich," 264. —— "The feast of reason," &c., 265. —— "In the sweat of thy brow," 275. —— "There was a maid of Westmoreland," 278. —— "Too wise to err," 279. —— "Quadrijugis invectus equis," 287. —— "Harry Parry, when will you marry?" 207. 289. —— "To-day we purpose," &c., 302. 396. —— "God take those soonest whom He loves best," 302. 377. —— "So geographers on Afric's downs," 372. 485. —— "Nature's mother wit," 388. —— "Felix, quem faciunt," 373. 431. 482. —— "Nulli fraus tuta latebris," 323. 433. —— "The right divine of kings to govern wrong," 494. —— "In time the bull is brought to bear the yoke," 388. 502. —— "Men may live fools," &c., 518. —— "Suum cuique tribuere," 518. —— "We hope, and hope, and hope," 448. —— "William the Norman conquers England's state," 168. —— "Words are men's daughters," 38. 110. 154.
R. on epitaph on Countess of Pembroke, 413. —— on Smith's collections of MSS., 285. R. (a reader) on expressions in Milton, 241. R. 2. (C. J.) on Aristophanes on the modern stage, 105. R. (A.) on a pun by Milton, 141. R. (A. jun.) on the picture of the Saviour, 228. R. (A. B.) on epitaph of the "worthie knight," 57. Rab Surdam, 42. 193. Rack, its meaning in Shakspeare, 218. Rag Sunday in Sussex, 425. Rainbow, odour from the, 224. 310. Raines (F. R.) on record of existing monuments, 514. R. (A. L.) on Dr. Maitland's Illustrations of Mesmerism, 220. Raleigh, Sir Walter, an incident respecting, 105. Ramasshed, meaning of the term, 347. 434. Ratcatcher on the word ferret, 461. Ratche, its meaning, 265. Rawson (J.) on the mother church of the Saxons, 90. R. (C. C.) on the Tradescants, 469. R. (C. I.) on Criston, Somerset, 357. —— on the frozen horn, 459. —— on "Quadrijugis invectus equis," 287. —— on the white rose, 505. Rds. (E.) on the Brownes of Cowdray, 194. Reader on monumental symbolism, 449. Rechibus, its meaning, 302. Red book of the Irish Exchequer, 6. Red hand, 194. Red Sindon, 27. Redwing's nest, 408. 486. Registration of Dissenters in churches, 370. 460. 486. 524. R. (E. J.) on touching for the evil, 290. Relic, story of a, 234. Relton (F. B.) on the family of Lord of Relton, 208. —— on Capt. Howe's relation to Geo. II., 353. —— on natural daughter of James II., 224. 506. —— on the symbolism of the fir-cone, 290. Relton (Lord of), particulars wanted, 208. Resurrection, traces of it B. C., 274. Revert on "Nettle in, dock out," 463. R. (F.) on the etymology of Balsall, 373. R. (F. R.) on Sir Andrew Chadwick, 247. —— on the family of Entwysels, 61. —— on early culture of the imagination, 73. —— on hiring servants in Holderness, &c., 328. —— on "Jurat? crede minus," 143. R. (G.) on Gloucester alarm, 278. —— on the locality of Criston, 278. R. (G. T.) on anachronisms of painters, 517. R. (G. H.) on William Tell legend, 187. R. (H. C.) on the foundation-stone of St. Mark's, Venice, 88. Rich (A., jun.) on the episcopal mitre and papal tiara, 144. Richardson (Joseph), notice of, 276. 334. Richard III., the day of his accession, 351. 457. —— traditional notice of, 206. 221. 300. Rifles, the best, English or American? 517. {540} Rimbault (E. F.) on Sir George Buc's Treatise on the Stage, 187. —— on the bellman and his songs, 451. —— on the Breeches, or Geneva Bible, 165. —— Sir John Davies and his biographers, 82. —— on Dancing Trenchmore, 437. —— on the Dutch church in Norwich, 396. —— on Prior's Posthumous Works, 24. —— on traditional English ballads, 49. —— on the birth-place of Robert Burton, 106. —— on T. Gilbert on Clandestine Marriages, 463. —— on a portrait of Ben Jonson, 106. —— on old Hewson the cobbler, 123. —— on Joan Sanderson, or the cushion-dance, 125. —— on Machell's MS. collections, 118. —— on Macklin's ordinary and school of criticism, 163. —— on the etymology of mushroom, 166. —— was Hugh Peters on the stage? 163. —— on St. Thomas of Trunnions, 187. —— on "Talk not of love," a song, 197. —— on the academies of Kynaston and Gerbier, 317. —— on the family of the Tradescants, 353. —— on Sir Francis Windebank's eldest son, 373. —— on the authors of Leicester's Commonwealth, 374. —— on Moore's Almanack, 381. —— on Holywood the mathematician, 389. —— on Witte van Haemstede, 396. —— on the author of Image of both Churches, 407. —— on Kemble pipe of tobacco, 425. —— on Peter Sterry, 434. Rizzio (David), his signature wanted, 390. R. (J.) on Leicester's Commonwealth, 29. —— on mildew in books, 29. —— on the autograph of Titus Oates, 27. R. (J. C.) on Christopher Flecamore, 23. —— on Erasmus and Farel, 38. —— on Travels of Baron Munchausen, 305. —— on the origin of Lynch law, 24. —— on the situation of Portus Canum, 408. —— on Rodolph Gualter, 8. —— on swabbers, 426. R. (J. R.) on inscription in Limerick cathedral, 477. R. (J. Y.) on Oxford friar's voyage, 168. R. (L. M. M.) on Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Craigs, 119. —— on bab at the bowster, 282. —— on the episcopal mitre, 146. —— on the etymology of covey, 477. —— on a work "Speculative Difficulties in Religion," 477. —— on Lammer-beads, 84. —— on an old Scotch tale, 265. R. (M. C.) on midwives licensed, 44. —— on abbot's house at Buckden, 45. R. (N. E.) on earth thrown upon the coffin, 497. —— on Christmas-day, 249. —— on form of prayer for king's evil, 42. 126. 352. —— on the Lincoln missal, 192. —— on Rodoph Gualter, 123. Robertii Sphaeria used as a medicine, 467. Robertson of Muirtown, 40. 77. Robertson (J. C.) on Petworth register, 485. Rock (Dr.) on Abbot Eustacius, 381. —— on the meaning of "eisell," 397. —— on Vox populi vox Dei, 381. Rogers (Thomas) of Horninger, 62. Rolliad, authors of the, 129. 131. 276. 333. 334. Roman Catholic bishops in Ireland since James II., 167. —— church, list of its sees, 168. 409. 437. —— peers, 253. Roman medicine stamps, 328. —— roads near London, 328. Rooms closed after death, 142. 248. Roper (Margaret), her tenderness to the remains of Sir T. More, 10. Roper (William J. D.) on Private Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 45. Rose, on the white, 407. 505. Rose, under the, the phrase elucidated, 213. Rotation of the earth, 371. Round robbin, its derivation, 353. 461. Rovert on the German universities, 303. —— on publicans' signs, 424. Rowe family, 408. 470. Rowley, old, 28. Royal Courtly Garland, an old ballad, 1. R. (S. P. O.) on a list of comets, 223. —— on knights hospitallers, 243. Rub-a-dub, its meaning, 387. Rudbeck's Atlantica, 26. 196. —— Campi Elysii, 167. Ruggles' Ignoramus, Comoedia, 518. Rupert, Prince, notices of, 221. R. (W.) on the word auriga, 483. R. (W. B.) on old English actors and musicians in Germany, 21. R. (W. J. D.) on preserving existing monuments, 314. |