* * * * *
"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
* * * * *
No. 6.] SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1849 [Price Threepence. Stamped Edition 4d.
* * * * * {81}
A few Words of Explanation. 81 NOTES:— Letter from the Earl of Shaftesbury respecting Monmouth's Ash. 82 Drayton's Poems. 83 On a Passage in Goldsmith. 83 Ancient Libraries, by Rev. Dr. Todd. 83 Defence of a Bald Head, by J. Payne Collier. 84 Royal Household Allowances. 85 Adversaria:—Printers' Couplets—Charles Martel. 86 Bodenham and Ling. 86 Travelling in England. 87 Minor Notes:—Ancient Alms Dish—Bishop that Burneth—Ironworks in Sussex, &c.—Order of Minerva, &c. 87 Queries Answered:— Dorne the Bookseller. 88 Henno Rusticus. 89 Myles Blomefylde. 90 Answers to Minor Queries:—Curse of Scotland—Katherine Pegg—Rev. T. Leman—Burnet Prize—Humble Pie, &c. 90
MINOR QUERIES: Eva, Daughter, &c.—John de Daundelyon—Genealogy of European Sovereigns—Duke of Ashgrove, &c. 92
MISCELLANEOUS:— Notes on Books, Catalogues, Sales, &c. 94 Books and Odd Volumes wanted. 95 Notices to Correspondents. 95 Advertisements. 95
* * * * *
It was in no boastful or puffing spirit that, when thanking a correspondent in our last number for "his endeavour to enlarge our circulation," and requesting all our friends and correspondents "to follow PHILO'S example by bringing 'NOTES AND QUERIES' under the notice of such of their friends as take an interest in literary pursuits," we added "for it is obvious that they will extend the usefulness of our paper in proportion as they increase its circulation." We wished merely to state a plain obvious fact. Such must necessarily be the case, and our experience proves it to be so; for the number of Queries which have been solved in our columns, has gone on increasing in proportion to the gradual increase of our circulation;—a result which fully justifies that passage of our opening address which stated, "that we did not anticipate any holding back by those whose Notes were most worth having."
No sooner is information asked for through our medium, than a host of friendly pens are busied to supply it. From north, south, east, and west,—from quarters the most unlooked for, do we receive Notes and Illustrations of every subject which is mooted in our pages. Many of these replies, too, though subscribed only with an initial or a pseudonyme, we know to be furnished by scholars who have won the foremost rank in their respective branches of study. Such men manifest, by their willingness to afford information to those who need it, and their readiness to receive it from those who have it to bestow, the truthfulness of old Chaucer's portrait of the Scholar:—
"Ful gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche."
Nor do our columns exhibit the total result of our labours. Besides the information communicated to ourselves, some of our friends who inserted Queries under their own names, have received answers to them without our intervention.
In addition to those friends who promised us their assistance, we receive communications from quarters altogether unexpected. Our present number furnishes a striking instance of this, in the answer to Mr. Bruce's inquiry respecting the "Monmouth Ash," kindly communicated by the Earl of Shaftesbury, its distinguished owner.
We trust that each successive paper shows improvement in our arrangements, and proves also that our means of procuring answers to the Queries addressed to us are likewise increasing. In the belief that such is the case, we feel justified in repeating, even at the risk of being accused of putting in two words for ourselves under the semblance of one of our readers, "that it is obvious that our friends will extend the usefulness of our paper in proportion as they increase its circulation."
* * * * * {82}
Letter from the Earl of Shaftesburg accompanying a short "History of Monmouth Close," formerly printed by his Lordship for the information of persons visiting that spot.
The whole of Woodlands now belongs to me. The greater part of it was bought by my late brother soon after he came of age.
I knew nothing of Monmouth Close till the year 1787, when I was shooting on Horton Heath; the gamekeeper advised me to try for game in the inclosures called Shag's Heath, and took me to see Monmouth Close and the famous ash tree there.
I then anxiously inquired of the inhabitants of the neighbouring houses respecting the traditions concerning Monmouth Close and the celebrated ash tree, and what I then learnt I have printed for the information of any person who may visit that spot.
What I have since learnt convinces me that the Duke was not going to Christchurch. He was on his way to Bournemouth, where he expected to find a vessel. Monmouth Close is in the direct line from Woodyates to Bournemouth.
About sixty years ago there was hardly a house there. It was the leading place of all the smugglers of this neighborhood.
St. Giles's House, Nov. 27. 1849.
"The small inclosure which has been known by the name of MONMOUTH CLOSE ever since the capture of the Duke of Monmouth there, in July, 1685, is one of a cluster of small inclosures, five in number, which stood in the middle of Shag's Heath, and were called 'The Island.' They are in the parish of Woodlands.
"The tradition of the neighbourhood is this: viz. That after the defeat of the Duke of Monmouth at Sedgemoor, near Bridgewater, he rode, accompanied by Lord Grey, to Woodyates, where they quitted their horses; and the Duke having changed clothes with a peasant, endeavoured to make his way across the country to Christchurch. Being closely pursued, he made for the Island, and concealed himself in a ditch which was overgrown with fern and underwood. When his pursuers came up, an old woman gave information of his being in the Island, and of her having seen him filling his pocket with peas. The Island was immediately surrounded by soldiers, who passed the night there, and threatened to fire the neighbouring cotts. As they were going away, one of them espied the skirt of the Duke's coat, and seized him. The soldier no sooner knew him, than he burst into tears, and reproached himself for the unhappy discovery. The Duke when taken was quite exhausted with fatigue and hunger, having had no food since the battle but the peas which he had gathered in the field. The ash tree is still standing under which the Duke was apprehended, and is marked with the initials of many of his friends who afterwards visited the spot.
"The family of the woman who betrayed him were ever after holden in the greatest detestation, and are said to have fallen into decay, and to have never thriven afterwards. The house where she lived, which overlooked the spot, has since fallen down. It was with the greatest difficulty that any one could be made to inhabit it.
"The Duke was carried before Anthony Etterick, Esq., of Holt, a justice of the peace, who ordered him to London.
"His gold snuff box was afterwards found in the pea-field, full of gold pieces, and brought to Mrs. Uvedaile, of Horton. One of the finders had fifteen pounds for half the contents or value of it.
"Being asked what he would do if set at liberty,—the Duke answered, that if his horse and arms were restored, he only desired to ride through the army, and he defied them all to take him again."
* * * * *
In addition to the notes on Drayton by Dr. Farmer, communicated in your 2nd number, the following occurs in a copy of Drayton's Poems, printed for Smithwicke, in 1610, 12mo.:—
"See the Return from Parnassus for a good character of Drayton.
"See an Epigram by Drayton, I suppose, prefixed to Morley's first Booke of Balletes.
"A Sonnet to John Davies, before his Holy Roode, or Christ's Crosse, 4to. (1610). A Poem in 6 line stanzas.
"Another to the old edit. of Wit's Commonwealth.
"Commendatory Verses before Chapman's Hesiod.
"Sonnet to Ant. Mundy's 2nd Book of Primation of Greece, 1619.
"His Heroical Epistles were newly enlarged and republished in 8vo. 1598; which is the most antient edition we have seen or read of.—[Bodl. Cat.]—Biographia his Art.
"Another edition, as we have heard, in 1610.—Ibid.
"See Merc's Wit's Treasury, p. 281. A modern edition was published by Oldmixon.—Cibber's Lives, 4. 204.
"See Warton's Essay on Pope, 296.
"Drayton's last Copy of Verses was prefixed to Sir John Beaumont's Poems, 1629."
So far Dr. Farmer, whose books are often valuable for the notes on the fly-leaves. Should any one act upon the suggestion of your correspondent, and think of a selection from Drayton, it would be necessary to collate the various editions of his poems, which, as they are numerous, evince his popularity with his contemporaries.
Malone asserted that the Baron's Wars was not {83} published until 1610. I have before me a copy, probably the first edition, with the following title: "The Barrons Wars in the raigne of Edward the Second, with England's Heroical Epistles, by Michaell Drayton. At London, Printed by J.R. for N. Ling, 1603," 12mo.; and the poem had been printed under the title of Mortimerindos, in 4to., 1596.
I have an imperfect copy of an early edition (circa 1600) of "Poemes Lyrick and Pastorall. Odes, Eglogs, The Man in the Moon, by Michaell Drayton Esquier. At London, printed by R.B. for N.L. and J. Flaskett."
It is now thirty-five years since (eheu! fugaces labuntur anni!) the writer of this induced his friend Sir Egerton Brydges to print the Nymphidia at his private press; and it would give him pleasure, should your Notes be now instrumental to the production of a tasteful selection from the copious materials furnished by Drayton's prolific muse. Notwithstanding that selections are not generally approved, in this case it would be (if judiciously done) acceptable, and, it is to be presumed, successful.
The Nymphidia, full of lively fancy as it is, was probably produced in his old age, for it was not published, I believe, till 1627, when it formed part of a small folio volume, containing The Battaile of Agincourt and The Miseries of Queene Margarite. Prefixed to this volume was the noble but tardy panegyric of his friend Ben Jonson, entitled The Vision, and beginning:
"It hath been question'd, Michael, if I be A friend at all; or, if at all, to thee."
Mickleham, Nov. 10. 1849.
* * * * *
Sir,—I observe in the Athenaeum of the 17th inst. a quotation from the Life of Goldsmith by Irving, in which the biographer seems to take credit for appropriating to Goldsmith the merit of originating the remark or maxim vulgarly ascribed to Talleyrand, that "the true end of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them."
This is certainly found in No. 3. of The Bee, by Goldsmith, and no doubt Talleyrand acted upon the principle of dissimulation there enunciated; but the idea is much older than either of those individuals, as we learn from a note in p. 113. of vol. lxvii. Quart. Rev. quoting two lines written by Young (nearly one hundred years before), in allusion to courts:—
"Where Nature's end of language is declined, And men talk only to conceal their mind."
Voltaire has used the same expression so long ago as 1763, in his little satiric dialogue La Chapon et la Poularde, where the former, complaining of the treachery of men says, "Ils n'emploient les paroles que pour deguiser leurs pensees." (see xxix. tom. Oeuvres Completes, pp. 83, 84. ed. Paris, 1822.)
The germ of the idea is also to be found in Lloyd's State Worthies, where speaking of Roger Ascham, he is characterised as "an honest man,—none being more able for, yet none more averse to, that circumlocution and contrivance wherewith some men shadow their main drift and purpose. Speech was made to open man to man, and not to hide him; to promote commerce, and not betray it."
Lloyd's book first appeared in 1665, but I use the ed. by Whitworth, vol. i. p. 503.
Oak House, Nov. 21. 1849.
[The further communications proposed to us by F.R.A. will be very acceptable.]
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—I have been greatly interested by the two numbers of the "NOTES AND QUERIES" which you have sent me. The work promises to be eminently useful, and if furnished with a good index at the end of each yearly volume, will become a book indispensable to all literary men, and especially to those who, like myself, are in charge of large public libraries.
To testify my good will to the work, and to follow up Mr. Burtt's remarks on ancient libraries published in your second number, I venture to send you the following account of a MS. Catalogue of the Library of the Monastery of the Friars Eremites of the Order of St. Augustine in the City of York.
This MS. is now preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, amongst the MSS. formerly belonging to the celebrated Archbishop Ussher. It is on vellum, written in the 14th century, and begins thus:—
"Inventarium omnium librorum pertinentium ad commune armariole domus Ebor. ordinis fratrum heremitarum Sancti Augustini, factum in presentia fratrum Johannis de Ergum, Johannis Ketilwell, Ricardi de Thorpe, Johannis de Appilby, Anno domini M. CCC lxxij in festo nativitatis virginis gloriose. Fratre Willelmo de Stayntoun tunc existente priore."
The volume consists of forty-five leaves, and contains the titles of a very large and most respectable collection of books in all departments of literature and learning arranged under the following heads:—
Biblie. Hystorie scholastice. Textus biblie glosati. Postille. Concordancie et interpretaciones nominum hebreorum. {84} Originalia. [Under this head are included the works of the Fathers, and medieval writers.] Historie geneium. Summe doctorum. Scriptores super sententias. quodlibet. et questiones. Tabulae. [This division contained Indexes to various authors, the Scriptures, canon law, &c.] Logicalia et philosophia cum scriptis et commentis. Prophecie et supersticiosa. Astronomia et Astrologia. Instrumenta astrologica magistri Johannis Erghome [who appears to have been a great benefactor to the Library]. Libri divini officii magistri Johannis Erghome. Jura civilia. Jura canonica et leges humane: magistri Johannis Erghome. Auctores et philosophi extranei. [Under this head occurs the following entry, "Liber hebraice scriptus."] Gramatica. Rethorica. [Two leaves of the MS. appear to have been cut out here.] Medicina. Hystorie et cronice. Sermones et materie sermonum. Summe morales doctorum et sermones. Arithmetica, Musica, Geometria, Perspectiva, magistri Johannis Erghome.
Each volume is identified, according to the usual practice, by the words with which its second folio begins: and letters of tha alphabet are added, probably to indicate its place on the shelves of the Library. As a specimen, I shall give the division headed "Biblie":—
A. Biblia. incipit in 2. fo. Samuel in[1] heli. B. Biblia. incipit in 2. fo. Zechieli qui populo. in duobus voluminibus. C. Biblia. inc't. in 2. fo. mea et in crane. D. Biblia. inc't. in 2. fo. ego disperdam. Libri magistri Johannis Erghome Biblia. 2. fol ravit quosdam. } Interpretationes. }—A E. Biblia incomplet. diversarum scripturarum. quondam fratris R. Bossal. 2. fo. me occidet me etc.
A. Incipit in 2. folio. secunda die. B. inci't. in 2. fo. emperio sane formatis. ligatus. C. inci't. in 2. fo. et celumque celi.
The words printed in Italics are added by a more recent hand. Under the head of "Hystorie Scolastice" are doubtless intended the copies which the Library possessed of the celebrated Historia Scholastica, or abridgement of Scripture history by Peter Comestor.
From the foregoing specimen, I think your readers will agree with me that a Catalogue of such antiquity and interest is well worthy of publication.
But we have another ancient Catalogue of a monastic library equally curious, and even more important from its magnitude, and the numerous works it contains on English history, early romances, &c. I remain, &c.
Trin. Coll. Dublin, Nov. 27. 1849.
[Footnote 1: Sic perhaps a mistake for et.]
* * * * *
I am about to supply a deficiency in my last volume of Extracts from the Register of the Stationers' Company (printed for the Shakespeare Society, 1849), and thereby set an example that I hope will be followed, in order that various works, regarding which I could give no, or only incomplete, information, may be duly illustrated. It is impossible to expect that any one individual could thoroughly accomplish such an undertaking; and, by means of your excellent periodical, it will be easy for literary men, who possess scarce or unique books, mentioned in the Registers and in my quotations from them, to furnish such brief descriptions as will be highly curious and very useful.
A tract of this description has just fallen in my way, and it relates to the subsequent entry on p. 97. of vol. ii. of my Extracts: the date is 22nd September, 1579.
"H. Denham. Lycensed unto him, &c. A Paradox, provinge by reason and example that baldnes is much better than bushie heare. vj'd"
When I wrote the comment on this registration I was only acquainted with the clever MS. ballad in Defence of a Bald Head, which I quoted; but I hardly supposed it to be the production intended. It turns out that it was not, for I have that production now before me. My belief is that it is entirely unique; and the only reason for a contrary opinion, that I am acquainted with, is that there is an incorrect mention of it in Warton, H.E.P. iv. 229.; but there is not a hint of its existence in Ritson, although it ought to have found a place in his Bibliographia Poetica; neither do I find it noticed in later authorities; if it be, they have escaped my researches. You will not blame me, then, for indulging my usual wish to quote the title-page at length, which exactly agrees with the terms of the entry in the books of the Stationers' Company. It runs literatim thus:—
"A Paradoxe, proving by reason and example, that baldnesse is much better than bushie haire, &c. Written by that excellent philosopher Synesius, Bishop of Thebes, or (as some say) Cyren. A prettie pamphlet to pervse, and relenished with recreation.—Englished {85} by Abraham Fleming.—Herevnto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Maiestie. Newly recognised both in Latin and Englishe, by the said A.F.—[Greek: hae taes sophias phalakra saemeion.]—The badge of wisdome is baldnesse.—Printed by H. Denham, 1579." 8vo. B.L.
If I am not greatly mistaken, your readers will look in vain for a notice of the book in any collected list of the many productions of Abraham Fleming; if I am not greatly mistaken, also, some of them will be disapppointed if I do not subjoin a few sentences describing more particularly the contents of the small volume, which (speaking as a bibliographer) extends to sign. F. iiij in eights.
At the back of the title-page is "The life of Synesius drawen out of Suydas his gatherings," in Greek and in English. Then comes "The Epistle Apologeticall to the lettered Reader," signed "Thine for thy pleasure and profite—Abraham Fleming," which, in excuse for taking up so slight a subject, contains a very singular notice of the celebrated John Heywood, the dramatist of the reign of Henry VIII., and of his remarkable poem The Spider and the Fly. The Pretie Paradoxe, by Synesius, next commences, and extends as far as sign. D. v. b. This portion of the tract is, of course, merely a translation, but it includes a passage or two from Homer, cleverly rendered into English verse. Here we come to the word Finis, and here, I take it, it was originally intended that the tract should end; but as it was thought that it would hardly be of sufficient bulk for the money (4d., or 6d. at the utmost), a sort of appendix was added, which, on some accounts, is the most interesting part of the work.
It is headed "The tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queene's Maiestie," which Warton, who clearly never saw the book, calls the "Fable of Hermes." In fact, it is, with a few verbal changes, the tale of Hemetes, which George Gascoigne presented, in Latin, Italian, French, and English, to Queen Elizabeth, and of which the MS., with the portraits of the Queen and the author is among the Royal MSS. in the British Museum. Fleming tells us that he had "newly recognised" (whatever may be meant by the words) this tale in Latin and English, but he does not say a syllable whence he procured it. Gascoigne died two years before the date of the publication of this Paradoxe, &c. so that Fleming was quite sure the property could never be challenged by the true owner of it.
Before I conclude, allow me to mention two other pieces by A. Fleming (who became rector of St. Pancras, Soper-lane, in 1593), regarding which I am anxious to obtain information, and seek it through the medium of "NOTES AND QUERIES."
A marginal note in Fleming's Translation of Virgil's Georgics, 1589, 4to., is the following:—"The poet alludeth to the historie of Leander and Hero, written by Museus, and Englished by me a dozen yeares ago, and in print." My question is, whether such a production is in existence?
Fleming's tract, printed in 1580 in 8vo. (miscalled 16mo.), "A Memorial, &c. of Mr. William Lambe, Esquier," is well known; but many years ago I saw, and copied the heading of a broadside, which ran thus:—"An Epitaph, or funeral inscription vpon the godlie life and death of the Right worshipfull Maister William Lambe Esquire, Founder of the new Conduit in Holborne," &c. "Deceased the 21st April Anno 1580. Deuised by Abraham Fleming." At the bottom was—"Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham for Thomas Turner," &c.
In whose hands, or in what library, I saw this production, has entirely escaped my memory; and I am now very anxious to learn what has become of that copy, or whether any other copy of it has been preserved.
Kensington, Dec. 3. 1849.
* * * * *
The following warrant for the allowance of the "diet" of a lady of the bedchamber, will be found to be a good and curious illustration of the Note of ANTIQUARIUS upon the domestic establishment of Queen Elizabeth, although more than half a century earlier than the period referred to, as it relates to the time of Elizabeth's majestic sire:—
"HENRY R.—By the King.
"We wol and commaunde you to allowe dailly from hensforth unto our right dere and welbilovede the Lady Lucy into hir chambre the dyat and fare herafter ensuying; Furst every mornyng at brekefast oon chyne of beyf at our kechyn, oon chete loff and oon maunchet at our panatry barre, and a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye barre; Item at dyner a pese of beyfe, a stroke of roste, and a rewarde at our said kechyn, a cast of chete bred at our Panatrye barre, and a Galon of Ale at our Buttry barre; Item at afternone a manchet at our Panatry bar and half a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye barre; Item at supper a messe of Porage, a pese of mutton and a Rewarde at our said kechyn, a cast of chete brede at our Panatrye, and a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye; Item at after supper a chete loff and a maunchet at our Panatry barre, a Galon of Ale at our Buttrye barre, and half a Galon of Wyne at our Seller barre; Item every mornyng at our Wood yarde foure tall shyds and twoo ffagottes; Item at our Chaundrye barre in winter every night oon pryket and foure syses of Waxe with eight candelles white lights and oon torche; Item at our Picherhouse wekely LIX white cuppes; Item at every tyme of our remoeving oon hoole carre for the carriage of her stuff. And these our lettres shal be your sufficient Warrant and discharge in this behalf at all tymes herafter. Yeven under our Signet at our Manour of Esthampstede the xvjth. day of July the xiiijth year of our Reigne. {86}
"To the Lord Steward of our Household, the Treasurer, Comptroller, Cofferer, Clerke of our Grene Clothe, Clerke of our kechyn, and to all other our hed Officers of our seid Houshold and to every of theym."
As to Sir Christopher Hatton, I would refer ANTIQUARIUS, and all other whom it may concern, to Sir Harris Nicolas's ably written Memoirs of the "Dancing Chancellor", published in 1846. Hatton had amble means for the building of Holdenby, as he was appointed one of the Gentlemen Pensioners in 1564, and between that time and his appointment as Vice-Chamberlain in 1577 (five years prior to the period referred to by ANTIQUARIUS), he received numerous other gifts and offices.
* * * * *
Printers' Couplets.
It may not perhaps be generally known that the early printers were accustomed to place devices or verses along with their names at the end of the books which they gave to the public. Vigneul-Marville, in his Melanges d'Histoire et de Litterature, relates that he found the two following lines at the end of the "Decrees of Basle and Bourges," published under the title of "Pragmatic Sanction," with a Commentary by Come Guymier,—Andre Brocard's Paris edition, 1507:—
"Stet liber hic, donec fluctus formica marinos Ebibat et totum testudo perambulet orbem."
The printers, it would appear, not only introduced their own names into these verses, but also the names of the correctors of the press, as may be seen in the work entitled, Commentariis Andreae de Ysernia super constitutionibus Siciliae, printed by Sixtus Riffingerus at Naples in 1472:—
"Sixtus hoc impressit: sed bis tamen ante revisit Egregius doctor Petrus Oliverius. At tu quisque emis, lector studiose, libellum Laetus emas; mendis nam caret istud opus."
Charles Martel
Mr. Editor,—Perhaps the subjoined note, extracted from M. Collin de Plancy's Bibliotheque des Legendes, may not be without its value, as tending to correct an error into which, according to his account, modern historians have fallen respecting the origin of the surname "Martel," borne by the celebrated Charles Martel, son of Peppin of Herstal, Duke of Austrasia, by his Duchess Alpheide[2]:—
"It is surprising," he says, "that almost all our modern historians, whose profound researches have been so highly vaunted, have repeated the little tale of the Chronicle of St. Denis, which affirms that the surname of Martel was conferred on Charles for having hammered (martele) the Saracens. Certain writers of the present day style him, in this sense, Karle-le-Marteau. The word martel, in the ancient Frank language, never bore such a signification, but was, on the contrary, merely an abbreviation of Martellus, Martin."[3]
From a legend on this subject given by M. de Plancy, it would appear that Charles received the second name, Martel, in honour of his patron saint St. Martin.
Not having at present an opportunity of consulting the works of our own modern writers on early French history, I am ignorant if they also have adopted the version given in the Chronicle of St. Denis. Mr. Ince, in his little work, Outlines of French History, states, that "he received the surname of Martel, or the Hammerer, from the force with which he hammered down the Saracens—martel being the name of a weapon which the ancient Franks used, much resembling a hammer,—and from his strokes falling numberless and effectual on the heads of his enemies." Query.—Which of the two is the more probable version? Perhaps some one of your numerous correspondents may be enabled to throw addition light on this disputed point.
[Footnote 2: This same Alpheide, or Alpaide, as she was frequently called, though but scurvily treated by posterior historians, is honoured by contemporary chroniclers as the second wife of Peppin, uxor altera. See Fredegaire.]
[Footnote 3: Legendes de l'Histoire de France, par J. Collin de Plancy, p. 149. (notes.) Paris. Mellier Freres.]
* * * * *
Referring to BOOKWORM's note at p. 29, I beg to observe that the dedication negativing Bodenham's authorship of Politeuphuia is not peculiar to the edition of 1597. I have the edition of 1650, "printed by Ja. Flesher, and are to be sold by Richard Royston, at the Angell in Ivye Lane," in which the dedication is addressed as follows:—"To his very good friend Mr. Bodenham, N.L. wisheth increase of happinesse." The first sentence of this dedication seems to admit that Bodenham was something more than patron of the work:—"What you seriously begun long since, and have always been very careful for the full perfection of, at length thus finished, although perhaps not so well to your expectation, I present you with; as one before all most worthy of the same: bothe in respect of your earnest travaile therein, and the great desire you have continually had for the generall profit."
In Brydges' Censura Literaria, Bodenham is spoken of as the compiler of The Garden of the Muses, and editor of the Wit's Commonwealth, the {87} Wit's Theatre of the Little World, and England's Helicon. He seems to have less claim to be considered the author of the Wit's Theatre than of the Wit's Commonwealth, for in the original edition of the former, "printed by J.R. for N.L., and are to be sold at the West doore of Paules, 1599," the dedication is likewise addressed, "To my most esteemed and approved loving friend, Maister J.B. I wish all happines." After acknowledging his obligations to his patron, the author proceeds: "Besides this History or Theatre of the Little World, suo jure, first challengeth your friendly patronage, by whose motion I undertooke it, and for whose love I am willing to undergoe the heavy burden of censure. I must confesse that it might have been written with more maturitie, and deliberation, but in respect of my promise, I have made this hast, how happy I know not, yet good enough I hope, if you vouchsafe your kind approbation: which with your judgement I hold ominous, and as under which Politeuphuia was so gracious."
* * * * *
Sir,—I beg to acknowledge the notice which two of your correspondents have taken of my query on this subject. At the same time I must say that the explanations which they offer appear to me to be quite unsatisfactory. I shall be happy to give my reasons for this, if you think it worth while; but, perhaps, if we wait a little, some other solution may be suggested.
For the sake of the inhabitants, I hope that your work is read at Colchester. Is there nobody there who could inform us at what time the London coach started a century ago? It seems clear that it arrived in the afternoon—but I will not at present trespass further on your columns. I am, &c.,
* * * * *
Ancient Inscribed Alms Dish.
L.S.B. informs us that in the church of St. Paul, Norwich, is a brass dish, which has been gilt, and has this legend round it four times over:—"HER: I: LIFRID: GRECH: WART."[4]
This seems to be another example of the inscription which was satisfactorily explained in No. 5. p. 73.
[Footnote 4: Blomefeld's Norfolk. Folio. 1739. Vol. ii. p. 803.]
* * * * *
The Bishop that burneth.
I do not think Major Moor is correct in his application of Tusser's words, "the bishop that burneth," to the lady-bird. Whether lady-birds are unwelcome guests in a dairy I know not, but certainly I never heard of their being accustomed to haunt such places. The true interpretation of Tusser's words must, I think, be obtained by comparison with the following lines from his Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, quoted in Ellis's Brand, iii. 207.:—
"Blesse Cisley (good mistress) that bishop doth ban For burning the milk of her cheese to the pan."
The reference here, as well as in the words quoted by Major Moor, is evidently to the proverb relating to burnt milk, broth, &c.—"the bishop has put his foot in it;" which is considered by Ellis to have had its origin in those times when bishops were much in the habit of burning heretics. He confirms this interpretation by the following curious passage from Tyndale's Obedyence of a Crysten Man:—
"If the podech be burned to, or the meate ouer rosted, we saye the Byshope hath put his fote in the potte, or the Byshope hath playd the coke, because the Bishopes burn who they lust, and whosoeuer displeaseth them."
I fear the origin of the appellation "Bishop Barnaby," applied to the lady-bird in Suffolk, has yet to be sought.
Iron Manufactures of Sussex.
Sir,—I have made two extracts from a once popular, but now forgotten work, illustrative of the iron manufacture which, within the last hundred years, had its main seat in this county, which I think may be interesting to many of your readers who may have seen the review of Mr. Lower's Essay on the Ironworks of Sussex in the recent numbers of the Athenaeum and Gentleman's Magazine. The anecdote at the close is curious, as confirming the statements of Macaulay; the roads in Sussex in the 18th century being much in the condition of the roads in England generally in the 17th. "Sowsexe," according to the old proverb, has always been "full of dirt and mier."
"From hence (Eastbourne) it was that, turning north, and traversing the deep, dirty, but rich part of these two counties (Kent and Sussex), I had the curiosity to see the great foundries, or ironworks, which are in this county (Sussex), and where they are carried on at such a prodigious expense of wood, that even in a county almost all overrun with timber, they begin to complain of their consuming it for those furnaces and leaving the next age to want timber for building their navies. I must own, however, that I found that complaint perfectly groundless, the three counties of Kent, Sussex, and Hampshire (all which lye contiguous to one another), being one inexhaustible storehouse of timber, never to be destroyed, but by a general conflagration, and able, at this time, to supply timber to rebuild all the royal navies in Europe, if they were all to be destroyed, and set about the building them together.
"I left Tunbridge ... and came to Lewes, through the deepest, dirtiest, but many ways the richest and most profitable country in all that part of England. {88}
"The timber I saw here was prodigious, as well in quantity as in bigness, and seem'd in some places to be suffered to grow only because it was so far off of any navigation, that it was not worth cutting down and carrying away; in dry summers, indeed a great deal is carried away to Maidstone and other parts on the Medway; and sometimes I have seen one tree on a carriage, which they call here a tug, drawn by two-and-twenty oxen, and even then this carried so little a way, and then thrown down and left for other tugs to take up and carry on, that sometimes it is two or three years before it gets to Chatham; for if once the rains come in it stirs no more that year, and sometimes a whole summer is not dry enough to make the roads passable. Here I had a sight which, indeed, I never saw in any other part of England, namely, that going to church at a country village, not far from Lewes, I saw an ancient lady, and a lady of very good quality, I assure you, drawn to church in her coach with six oxen; nor was it done in frolic or humour, but mere necessity, the way being so stiff and deep that no horses could go in it."—A Tour through Great Britain by a Gentleman. London, 1724. Vol. i. p. 54. Letter II.
"He was so farre the dominus fac totum in this juncto that his words were laws, all things being acted according to his desire."—p. 76. of Foulis' Hist. of Plots of our Pretended Saints, 2nd edit. 1674
Birthplace of Andrew Borde
Hearne says, in Wood's Athenae, "that the Doctor was not born at Pevensey or Pensey, but at Boonds-hill in Holmsdayle, in Sussex."
Should we not read "Borde-hill?" That place belonged to the family of Borde for many generations. It is in Cuckfield parish. The house may be seen from the Ouse-Valley Viaduct.
Order of Minerva
"We are informed that his Majesty is about to institute a new order of knighthood, called The Order of Minerva, for the encouragement of literature, the fine arts, and learned professions. The new order is to consist of twenty-four knights and the Sovereign; and is to be next in dignity to the military Order of the Bath. The knights are to wear a silver star with nine points, and a straw-coloured riband from the right shoulder to the left. A figure of Minerva is to be embroidered in the centre of the star, with this motto, 'Omnia posthabita Scientiae.' Many men eminent in literature, in the fine arts, and in physic, and law, are already thought of to fill the Order, which, it is said, will be instituted before the meeting of parliament."—Perth Magazine, July, 1772.
Flaws of Wind
The parish church of Dun-Nechtan, now Dunnichen, was dedicated to St. Causlan, whose festival was held in March. Snow showers in March are locally called "St. Causlan's flaws."
* * * * *
Sir,—Circumstances imperatively oblige me to do that from which I should willingly be excused—reply to the observations of J.I., inserted in page 75. of the last Saturday's Number of the "NOTES AND QUERIES."
The subject of these are three questions proposed by me in your first number to the following effect:—1. Whether any thing was known, especially from the writings of Erasmus, of a bookseller and publisher of the Low Countries named Dorne, who lived at the beginning of the sixteenth century? Or, 2ndly, of a little work of early date callled Henno Rusticus? Or, 3dly, of another, called Of the Sige (Signe) of the End?
To these no answer has yet been given, although the promised researches of a gentleman of this University, to whom literary inquirers in Oxford have ever reason to be grateful, would seem to promise one soon, if it can be made. But, in the mean time, the knot is cut in a simpler way: neither Dorne, nor Henno Rusticus, his book, it is said, ever existed. Permit me one word of expostulation upon this.
It is perfectly true that the writing of the MS. which has given rise to these queries and remarks is small, full of contradictions, and sometimes difficult to be read; but the contractions are tolerably uniform and consistent, which, to those who have to do with such matters, is proved to be no inconsiderable encouragement and assistance. A more serious difficulty arises from the circumstance, that the bookselller used more than one language, and none always correctly. Still it may be presumed he was not so ignorant as to make a blunder in spelling his own name. And the first words of the manuscript are these: "+In nomine domini amen ego Johannes dorne, &c. &c." (In noie domi ame ego Johanes dorne, &c.) From the inspection of a close copy now lying before me, in which all the abbreviations are retained, and from my own clear recollection, I am enabled to state that, to my full belief, the name of "dorne" is written by the man himself in letters at length, without any contraction whatever; and that the altered form of it, "Domr," as applied to that particular person, exists nowhere whatever, except in page 75. of No. 5 of the "NOTES AND QUERIES."
The words "henno rusticus" (heno rusticus) are found twice, and are tolerably clearly written in both cases. Of the "rusticus" nothing need be said; but the first n in "henno" is expressed by a contraction, which in the MS. very commonly denotes that letter, and sometimes the final m. How frequently it represents n may be judged from the fact that in the few words already quoted, the final n in "amen," and the first in "Johannes," are supplied by it. So that {89} we have to choose between "henno" and "hemno" rusticus (rather a clown than a gentleman, whatever was his name; and perhaps the treatise, if ever found, will prove to treat merely on rural affairs). And although it may turn out to be perfectly true that "homo rusticus" was the thing meant, as your correspondent suggests, still that is not the question at issue; but rather, amidst the confusion of tongues and ideas which seems to have possessed poor Dorne's brain, what he actually wrote, rather than what he should have written.
Admitting, however, for supposition's sake, that your correspondent is right, that the man was named Dormer, and the book Homo rusticus—is there any one who will obligingly favour me with information respecting these, or either of them?
One word more, and I have done; though perhaps you will think that too much has been said already upon a subject not of general interest; and indeed I cannot but feel this, as well as how painful it is to differ, even in opinion, with one towards whom nothing can be due from me but respect and affection. But the direct inference from your correspondent's remarks (although it is fully my persuasion he neither designed nor observed it) is, that my difficulties are no difficulties at all, but mistakes. To these we are all liable, and none more so than the individual who is now addressing you, though, it is to be hoped, not quite in the awful proportion which has been imputed to him. And let it stand as my apology for what has been said, that I owe it no less to my own credit, than perhaps to that of others, my kind encouragers and abettors in these inquiries, to vindicate myself from the charge of one general and overwhelming error, that of having any thing to do with the editing of a MS. of which my actual knowledge should be so small, that out of three difficulties propounded from it contents, two should be capable of being shown to have arisen from nothing else but my inability to read it. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant,
Trin. Coll. Oxon. Dec. 5, 1849.
[We have inserted the foregoing letter in compliance with the writer's wishes, but under a protest; because no one can entertain a doubt as to his ability to edit in a most satisfactory manner the work he has undertaken; and because also we can bear testimony to the labour and conscientious painstaking which he is employing to clear up the various obscure points in that very curious document. The following communication from a valued correspondent, in answering W.'s Query as to Henno Rusticus, confirms the accuracy of his reading.]
The query of your correspondent W. at p. 12, No. 1. regards, I presume, Henno Comediola Rustico Ludicra, nunc iterum publicata; Magdeburg, 1614, 8vo.? If so, he will find it to be identical with the Scaenica Progymnasmata h. e. Ludicra Praeexercitamenta of Reuchlin, first printed at Strasburg in 1497, and frequently reprinted during the first part of the sixteenth century, often with a commentary by Jacob Spiegel.
A copy, which was successively the property of Mr. Bindley and Mr. Heber, is now before me. It was printed at Tubingen by Thomas Anselm in 1511. I have another copy by the same printer, in 1519; both in small 4to.
Reuchlin, while at Heidelberg, had amused himself by writing a satirical drama, entitled Sergius seu Capitis Caput, in ridicule of his absurd and ignorant monkish opponent. This he purposed to have had represented by some students, for the amusement of his friends; but Dalberg, for prudent reasons, dissuaded its performance. It being known, however, that a dramatic exhibition was intended, not to disappoint those who were anxiously expecting it, Reuchlin hastily availed himself of the very amusing old farce of Maistre Pierre Patelin, and produced his Scaenica Progymnasmata, in which the Rustic Henno is the principal character. It varies much, however, from its prototype, is very laughable, and severely satirical upon the defects of the law and the dishonesty of advocates.
Its popularity is evinced by the numerous editions; and, as the commentary was intended for the instruction of youth in the niceties of the Latin language, it was used as a school-book; the copies shared the fate of such books, and hence its rarity. It is perhaps the earliest comic drama of the German stage, having been performed before Dalberg, Bishop of Worms (at Heidelberg in 1497), to whom it is also inscribed by Reuchlin. It seems to have given the good bishop great pleasure, and he requited each of the performers with a gold ring and some gold coin. Their names are recorded at the end of the drama.
Melchior Adam gives the following account:—
"Ibi Comoediam scripsit, Capitis Caput plenam nigri salis & acerbitatis adversus Monachum, qui ejus vitae insidiatus erat. Ibi & alteram Comoediam edidit fabulam Gallicam, plenam candidi salis; in qua forensia sophismata praecipue taxat. Hanc narrabat hac occasione scriptam & actam esse. Cum alteram de Monacho scipsisset, fama sparsa est de agenda Comoedia, quod illo tempore inusitatum erat. Dalburgius lecta, illius Monachi insectatione, dissuasit editionem & actionem, quod eodem tempore & apud Philipum Palatinum Franciscanus erat Capellus, propter potentiam & malas artes invisus nobilibus & sapientibus viris in aula. Intellexit periculum Capnio & hanc Comoediam occultavit. Interea tamen, quia flagitabatur actio, alteram dulcem fabellam edit, & repraesentari ab ingeniosis adolescentibus, quorum ibi extant nomina, curat."
Mr. Hallam (Literat. of Europe, vol. i. p. 292., {90} 1st ed.), misled by Warton and others, gives a very defective and erroneous account of the Progymnasmata Scaenica, which he supposed to contain several dramas; but he concludes by saying, "the book is very scarce, and I have never seen it." Gottsched, in his History of the German Drama, merely says he had seen some notice of a Latin drama by Reuchlin. Hans Sachs translated it into German, after his manner, and printed it in 1531 under the title of Henno.
Mickleham, Dec. 1. 1849.
* * * * *
Sir,—In reference to the Query of BURIENSIS in No. 4. of your periodical, as to the parentage of Myles Blomefylde, of Bury St. Edmund's, I beg to contribute the following information. In the library of St. John's College, Cambridge, is a volume containing an unique copy of "the boke called the Informacyon for pylgrymes vnto the holy lande," printed by Wynkyn de Worde, in 1524, at the end of which occurs the following manuscript note:—
"I, Myles Blomefylde, of Burye Saynct Edmunde in Suffolke, was borne ye yeare following after ye pryntyng of this boke (that is to saye) in the yeare of our Lorde 1525, the 5 day of Apryll, betwene 10 & 11, in ye nyght, nyghest xi, my father's name John, and my mother's name Anne."
This tract is bound up with two others, on both of which Blomefylde has written his initials, and from one entry seems to have been at Venice in 1568. He was undoubtedly an ardent book-collector, and I possess copies of the Ortus Vocabulorum, printed by W. de Worde, in 1518, and the Promptuarium Parvulorum, printed by the same, in 1516, bound together, on both of which the name of Myles Blomefylde in inscribed.
I may add, as a slight contribution to a future edition of the Typographical Antiquities, that among Bagford's curious collection of title-pages in the Harleian Collection of MSS. (which I doubt if Dr. Dibdin ever consulted with care), there is the last leaf of an edition of the Ortus Vocabulorum, unnoticed by bibliographers, with the following colophon:—
"Impr. London. per Wynandum de Worde, commorantem in vico nuncupato Fletestrete, sub intersignio solis aurei, Anno incarnatiois Dominice M.CCCCC.IX. die vero prima mesis Decebris."—Harl. MSS. 5919. art. 36.
* * * * *
The Curse of Scotland—Why the Nine of Diamonds is so called.
When I was a child (now about half a century ago) my father used to explain the origin of the nine of diamonds being called "The curse of Scotland" thus: That it was the "cross of Scotland," which, in the Scotch pronunciation, had become "curse."
St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland: he suffered on a cross, not of the usual form, but like the letter X, which has since been commonly called a St. Andrew's cross. It was supposed that the similarity of the nine of diamonds to this form occasioned its being so called. The arms of the Earl of Stair, alluded to in your publication, are exactly in the form of this cross. If this explanation should be useful, you are most welcome to it.
Thistle of Scotland.
Sir,—Your correspondent R.L. (No. 2. p. 24.), will find the fullest information on this head in Sir Harris Nicolas's work on the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire. He does not assign to its origin an earlier date than the reign of James III, in an inventory of whose jewels, Thistles are mentioned as part of the ornaments. The motto "Nemo me impune lacessit," does not appear until James VI. adopted it on his coinage.
For Scottish Thistle, see Nisbet's Heraldry, vol. ii. Order of St. Andrew. Selden, Titles of Honour, p. 704. ed. 1672, refers to "Menenius, Miraeus, Favin, and such more."
Record Publications.
Will any of your readers kindly favour me with a reference to any easily-accessible list of the publications of the Record Commission, as well as to some account of the more valuable Rolls still remaining unpublished, specifying where they exist, and how access is to be obtained to them?
With every wish for the success of your undertaking,
Yours, &c.
[The late Sir H. Nicolas compiled an account of the publications of the Record Commission, which was published in his Notitia Historica, and also in an 8vo. vol, and is easily obtainable. There is also a series of articles in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1834, which contains a good deal of information upon the subject, with a classified list of the publications. The principal unpublished records are in the Tower and the Rolls' Chapel; any record may be inspected or copied at those places, or in any other Record Office, upon payment of a fee of one shilling.]
Katherine Pegge.
Sir,—Katherine Pegge, one of the mistresses of Charles II., was the daughter of Thomas Pegge, of Yeldersley, near Ashborne in Derbyshire, Esq., where the family had been settled for several generations, and where Mr. William Pegge, the last of the elder branch, died without issue in 1768. Another branch of this family was of Osmaston, in the same neighbourhood, and of this {91} was Dr. Samuel Pegge, the learned antiquary. They bore for arms:—Argent, a chevron between three piles, sable. Crest:—A demi-sun issuing from a wreath or, the rays alternately argent and sable.
It was during his exile that the King first met with the fair Katherine, and in 1657 had a son by her, whom he called Charles Fitz-Charles,—not Fitz-roy as Granger says. Fitz-Charles had a grant of the royal arms with a baton sinistre, vaire; and in 1675 his Majesty created him Earl of Plymouth, Viscount Totness, and Baron Dartmouth. He was bred to the sea, and having been educated abroad,—most probably in Spain,—was known by the name of Don Carlos. In 1678 the Earl married the Lady Bridget Osborne, third daughter of Thomas Earl of Danby, and died of a flux at the siege of Tangier in 1680, without issue.
Katherine Pegge, the Earl's mother, after her liaison with the King, married Sir Edward Greene, Bart., of Samford in Essex, and died without issue by him in ——. From this marriage the King is sometimes said to have had a mistress named Greene.
There was long preserved in the family a half-length portrait of the Earl, in a robe de chamber, laced cravat, and flowing hair (with a ship in the back-ground of the picture), by Sir Peter Lely; and also two of his mother, Lady Greene: one a half length, with her infant son standing by her side, the other a three-quarters,—both by Sir Peter Lely, or by one of his pupils.
Both mother and son are said to have been eminently beautiful.
East Winch, Nov. 30.
N., who refers our Querist for particulars of this lady to the "Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Pegge and his Family," in Nichols' Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, vol. vi. pp. 224, 225, adds—"As the lady had no issue by Sir Edward Greene, it perhaps does not matter what his family was.
"I see he was created a baronet 26th July, 1660, and died s. p. Dec. 1676; and that Courthope, in his Extinct Baronetage, calls his lady 'dau. of —— Pegg,' not being aware of her importance as the mother of the Earl of Plymouth. This may be worth remarking."
The Rev. T. Leman.
Sir,—Your correspondent A.T. will find the information he requires respecting the Reverend Thomas Leman, of Bath, in the Gentleman's Magazine for Oct. 1826, p. 373.; for Aug. 1828, p. 183.; and for Feb. 1829. He may also consult Britton's Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of Henry Hatcher.
A Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Leman will be found in Nichols's Illustrations of Literature, vol. vi. p. 435, et seq., comprising an enumeration of his writings in various county histories and other works of that character, and followed by eighteen letters addressed to Mr. Nicholls, J.N. Brewer, Esq., and the Rev. Dr. Samuel Parr.
Burnet Prize at Aberdeen.
Sir,—I sent a query to the Athenaeum, who, by a note, referred it to you.
My object is to ascertain who gained the last Theological Premium (forty years since, or nearly) at Aberdeen. You no doubt know the subject: it is the best Treatise on "the Evidence that there is a Being all powerful, wise, and good, by whom every thing exists; and particularly to obviate difficulties regarding the wisdom and goodness of the Deity; and this, in the first place from considerations independent of Written Revelation, and, in the second place, from the revelation of the Lord Jesus; and, from the whole, to point out the inferences most necessary for and useful to mankind."
I wish to know who gained the first prize, and who the second premium.
Manchester, Nov. 27, 1849.
[We are happy to be able to answer our correspondent's query at once. The first Burnet prize, on the last occasion, was gained by the Reverend William Lawrence Brown, D.D., and Principal, if we recollect rightly, of Mareschal College, Aberdeen. His prize work, entitled Essay on the Existence of a Supreme Being possessed of Infinite Power, Wisdom, and Goodness, was published at Aberdeen in 2 vols. 8vo. 1816. The second prize man was the present amiable and distinguished Archbishop of Canterbury. His work, entitled A Treatise on the Records of Creation, was published in London, in 2 vols. 8vo. 1816.]
Incumbents of Church Livings.
Sir,—In answer to the Query of your correspondent L., I beg to inform him that he may find the name, if not the birth-place, of incumbents and patrons of Church Livings in the county of Norfolk, long prior to 1680, in the Institution Books at Norwich, consisting of numerous well preserved folio volumes. Blomefield and Parkin, the historians of the county, have made ample use of these inestimable books.
History of Landed and Commercial Policy of England—History of Edward II.
In reply to the two queries of your correspondent ANGLO-CAMBRIAN:—
1. The Remarks upon the History of the Landed and Commercial Policy of England was written by the Rev. Joseph Hudson, Prebendary of Carlisle, 1782, "a judicious and elegant writer, who could not be prevailed on to give his name with it to the public."—See Nichols's Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, vol. viii. p. 160, note. {92} Mr. N. characterises it as "a valuable work, richly deserving to be better known."
2. There are two histories of King Edward II., one in small folio, of which the title is accurately given by your correspondent, and another in 8vo., the title of which is given at the head of the reprint in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. i. p. 69. Both these editions bear the date of 1680. I had always supposed that the edition in 8vo. was a mere reprint of the folio; but on now comparing the text of the folio with that of the 8vo. as given in the Harl. Miscellany, I find the most essential differences; so much so, as hardly to be recognised as the same. Mr. Park, the last editor of the Harl. Miscellany (who could only find the folio), appears to have been puzzled by these differences, and explains them by the supposition that the diction has been much modified by Mr. Oldys (the original editor of the Miscellany), a supposition which is entirely erroneous. The "Publisher's Advertisement to the Reader," and the "Author's Preface to the Reader," signed "E.F.," and dated "Feb. 20, 1627," are both left out in the 8vo.; and it will be seen that the anonymous authorship and date of composition in the title-page are suppressed, for which we have substituted "found among the papers of, and (supposed to be) writ by, the Right Honourable Henry Viscount Faulkland."
Antony Wood, without absolutely questioning its authenticity, seems to have regarded it as a mere ephemeral production, as brought out at a time "when the press was open for all such books that could make any thing against the then government, with a preface to the reader patch'd up from very inconsiderable authors, by Sir Ja. II. as is supposed."—Athen. Oxom. vol. ii. p. 565. There is not the slightest evidence to connect the authorship either of the folio or the 8vo. with Henry Viscount Falkland.
Your correspondent A.T. (p. 59.) will find all the information he desires about the Rev. Thomas Leman, and the assistance he rendered to Mr. Hatcher in his edition of Richard of Cirencester, in Mr. Britton's own Autobiography. See pp. 7 and 8.
To eat Humble Pie.
Mr. Editor,—Your correspondent, Mr. HAMMACK, having recorded Mr. Pepys's love of "brave venison pasty," whilst asking the derivation of the phrase, "eating humble pie," in reference to a bill of fare of Pepys's age, I venture to submit that the humble pie of that period was indeed the pie named in the list quoted; and not only so, but that it was made out of the "umbles" or entrails of the deer, a dish of the second table, inferior of course to the venison pasty which smoked upon the dais, and therefore not inexpressive of that humiliation which the term "eating humble pie" now painfully describes. The "umbles" of the deer are constantly the perquisites of the gamekeeper.
Ecclesfield, Nov. 24, 1849.
* * * * *
Eva, Daughter of Dermot Mac Murrough.
Mr. Editor,—I should be glad if any of your readers, Irish or English, could inform me whether we have any other mention of Eva, daughter of Dermot Mac Murrough, last independent king of Leinster, than that she became, in the spring of the year 1170, the wife of Richard Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, at Waterford.
Any fortunate possessor of O'Donovan's new translation of The Annals of the Four Masters, would much oblige me by referring to the dates 1135 and 1169, and also to the period included between them, for any casual notice of the birth of this Eva, or mention of other slight incident with which she is connected, which may there exist.
Malvern Wells, Nov. 20, 1849.
John de Daundelyon.
Sir,—In the north chancel of St. John's Church, Margate, is a fine brass for John Daundelyon, 1445, with a large dog at his feet; referring to which the Rev. John Lewis, in his History of the Isle of Tenet, 1723 (p. 98.), says:
"The two last bells were cast by the same founder, and the tenor the gift of one of the family of Daundelyon, which has been extinct since 1460. Concerning this bell the inhabitants repeat this traditionary rhyme:
"John de Daundelyon, with his great dog, Brought over this bell on a mill-cog."
This legend is still given to visitors of this fine old church. Will some of your antiquarian correspondents throw some light on the obscurity?
Genealogy of European Sovereigns.
Sir,—Can you or any of your correspondents tell me of one or two of the best works on the "Genealogy of European Sovereigns?" I know of one,—Anderson's Royal Genealogies, London, 1732, folio. But that is not of as late a date as I should wish to see.
Duke of Ashgrove.
At p. 14. of Doctor Simon Forman's Diary (edited by Mr. Halliwell, 1849), mention is twice made of Forman being engaged as "Scholmaster to the Duke of Ashgrove's Sonnes." Who was the person thus alluded to?
P.C.S.S. {93}
Sir William Godbold.
Mr. Editor,—In the Gentleman's Magazine for July, 1842, occurs this:—
"In the parish church of Mendham, Suffolk, is a mural monument bearing an inscription, of which the following is a transcript:
"'M.S.V.Cmi Doctissimique D. Gulielmi Godbold Militis ex illustri et perantiqua Prosapia oriundi, Qui post Septennem Peregrinationem animi excolendi gratia per Italiam, Graeciam, Palaestinam, Arabiam, Persiam, in solo natali in bonarum literarum studiis consenescens morte repentina obiit Londini mense Aprilis Ao. D. MDCXIIIC, aetatis LXIX.'
"One would presume that so great a traveller would have obtained some celebrity in his day; but I have never met with any notice of Sir William Godbold. I have ascertained that he was the only son of Thomas Godbold, a gentleman of small estate residing at Metfield, in Suffolk, and was nephew to John Godbold, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, who was appointed Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely in 1638. He appears to have been knighted previously to 1664, and married Elizabeth daughter and heir of Richard Freston, of Mendham (Norfolk), Esq., and relict of Sir Nicholas Bacon, of Gillingham, Bart., whom he survived, and died without issue in 1687. I should consider myself under an obligation to any of your correspondents who could afford me any further account of this learned knight, or refer me to any biographical or other notice of him."
To the writer of that letter the desideratum still remains unsupplied. Your welcome publication appears to offer a channel for repeating the inquiry.
Ancient motto.
Many years since I read that some pope or emperor caused the following, or a motto very similar to it, to be engraven in the centre of his table:—
"Si quis amiecum absentem rodere delectat ad hanc mensam accumbere indignus est."
It being a maxim which all should observe in the daily intercourse of life, and in the propriety of which all must concur, I send this to "NOTES AND QUERIES" (the long wished-for medium), in the hopes that some kind "note-maker" can inform me from whence this motto is taken, and to whom ascribed.
Works of King Alfred.
Sir,—If any of your readers can inform me of MSS. of the Works of Kings Alfred the Great, besides those which are found in the larger public collections of MSS., he will confer a favour not only on the Alfred Committee, who propose to publish a complete edition of King Alfred's Works, but also on their Secretary, who is your obedient servant,
Bampton, Oxford, Nov. 23. 1849
"Bive" and "Chote" Lambs.
I should be much obliged to any of your readers who would favour me with an explanation of the words "Bive" and "Chote." They were thus applied in an inventory taken Kent.
"27 Hen. VIII. Michaelm. Bive lambes at xvid. the pece. Chote lambes at xiid. the pece."
Anecdote of the Civil Wars.
Horace Walpole alludes to an anecdote of a country gentleman, during the Civil Wars, falling in with one of the armies on the day of some battle (Edgehill or Naseby?) as he was quietly going out with his hounds. Where did Walpole find this anecdote?
A Political Maxim—when first used.
Who first used the phrase—"When bad men conspire, good men must combine"?
Richard of Cirencester
S.A.A. inquires whether the authenticity of Richard of Cirencester, the Monk of Westminster, has ever been satisfactorily proved. The prevailing opinion amongst some of the greatest antiquaries has been that the work was a forgery by Dr. Bertram, of Copenhagen, with a view of testing the antiquarian knowledge of the famous Dr. Stukeley; of this opinion was the learned and acute Dr. Whittaker and Mr. Conybeare. It is also further worthy of mention that some years since, when the late Earl Spencer was in Copenhagen, he searched in vain for the original manuscript, which no one there could tell him had ever existed, and very many doubt if it ever existed at all.
Lord Erskine's Brooms.
When and where was it that a man was apprehended for selling brooms without a hawker's licence, and defended himself by showing that they were the agricultural produce of Lord Erskine's property, and that he was Lord E.'s servant?
John Bell of the Chancery Bar.
When did John Bell cease to practise in the Court of Chancery, and when did he give up practice altogether, and when was the conversation with Lord Eldon on that subject supposed to have take place?
Mr. Editor—Stow, in his Survey of London, with reference to Billingsgate, states, from Geoffrey of Monmouth, "that it was built by Belin, a king of the Britons, whose ashes were enclosed in a vessel of brass, and set upon a high pinnacle of {94} stone over the same Gate." ... "That it was the largest water Gate on the River of Thames." ... "That it is at this day a large water Gate," &c. Can you, Mr. Editor, or any of your respected correspondents, refer me to any drawing or description of the said Gate?
Rood Lane, Nov. 24. 1849.
Family of Pointz of Greenham.
Mr. Editor,—Can any of your readers inform me if that branch of the ancient family of Pointz, which was seated at Greenham, in the parish of Ashbrittle, in Somersetshire, is extinct, and when the male issue failed? Some of them intermarried with the Chichesters, Pynes, and other old Devonshire families.
The Pointzes remained at Greenham after 1600.
Sir,—In the Testa de Nevill appear the following entries:—
P. 237. a "terra Willi de Montellis (read Moncellis) in villa de Cumpton pertinet ad marescauciam domini Regis," &c.
P. 2269. a. "Will's de Munceus tenet Parvam Angram (Little Ongar, in Essex) de Domino Rege de Mareschaucie quae fuit de Baronia Gilberti de Tani."
P. 235. b. "Waleramus de Munceus tenet Cumpton per serjantiam Marescautiae."
If any of your readers can throw any light on the signification of the word "Marescautia," occurring in these extracts, and the tenure referred to, they will greatly oblige
* * * * *
The Work of Walter Mapes, "De Nugis Curialium," respecting which we inserted a Query from the Rev. L.B. Larking, in our last number, is editing for the Camden Society by Mr. Wright, and will form one of the next publications issued to the members.
Messrs. Sotheby and Co., of Wellington Street, Strand, will be occupied during the week commencing on Monday, the 17th instant, with the sale of "the third portion of the stock of the late eminent bookseller, Mr. Thomas Rodd, comprising rare and valuable works of the early English poets and dramatists; facetiae, romances, and novels, and other departments of elegant literature."
Mr. Rodd's knowledge, great in all departments of bibliography, was particularly so in that of our early poetical and dramatical writers; and although the numerous commissions he held for such rarities in it as he secured, necessarily prevented their being left upon his shelves, the present collection exhibits a number of articles calculated to interest our bibliographical friends, as the following specimens of a few Lots will show:—
578 Dedekindus (Fred.) School of Slovenrie, or Cato turned Wrong Side Outward, in Verse, by R.F. Gent. very rare, original binding: sold at Perry's sale for L11 11s. 1605
591 De Soto (Barahona) Primera Parte de la Angelica blue morocco, rare Granada, 1586
No more than the first portion of this poem, which is in continuation of the Orlando of Ariosto, ever appeared. Cervantes notices it with great praise in his Don Quixote.
747 Jests and Jeeres, Pleasant Taunt and Merry Tales (wants all before B 2), VERY RARE.
One of these Jests mentions Shakspeare by name.
1211 MARIE of EGYPT, a sacred Poeme describing the Miraculous Life and Death of the Glorious Convert of, in verse. rare, russia, gilt edges no date (1650)
1212 MARKHAM (Robert), THE DESCRIPTION OF THAT EVER TO BE FAMED KNIGHT SIR JOHN BURGH, fine copy, with port. by Cecill 1628
A POEM OF GREAT RARITY: the Bindley copy, afterwards Mr. Heber's, sold for L15.
1345 SHAKESPEARE (W.), COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES, FIRST EDITION, wanting the title and four leaves at the end, soiled folio, 1623
1451 Polimantcia, or the Means Lawfull and Unlawfull to judge of the Commonwealth, rare 4to. 1595
Notice is made of Shakespeare (R 2), Spenser, Sir D. Lyndsay, Harvey, Nash, &c.
1606 SCOTLAND:—A VERY CURIOUS AND RARE SERIES OF LATIN POEMS (BY ALEXANDER JULIUS) on the Marriage or Deaths of some Scottish Nobles, as the Marchioness of Huntley, Edin. 1607—Countess of Argyle, ib. 1607—Earl Keith, ib. 1609—Earl of Montrose, ib. 1609—Prince Henry, ib. 1612—Fredericke Prince Palatine, ib. 1614—Earl of Lothian; with the author's Sylvarum liber, 1614
Of these rare poetical pieces four are unnoticed by Lowndes; five of them are published anonymously; but their similarity to those with an author's name testifies the source from which the others emanated.
The collection contains a good deal of early Dutch poetry, well deserving attention for the lights which we are sure may be thrown from it upon our own early national literature.
Miller, of 43. Chandos Street, has issued his December Catalogue, comprising, among other articles, "Books on Freemasonry, Poetry, and he Drama, Histories of Ireland and Irish Antiquities," which he states to be "mostly in excellent condition and good binding," and, he might have added, "at reasonable prices."
* * * * * {95}
(In continuation of List in No. 5.)
CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF JOHN HOLME. Vol. IV. 1830 or 1833. In boards.
BRITISH CRITIC for January, February, April, 1823. Uncut.
SPECTATOR, Vol. IV. of the edition in 6 vols. small 8vo., 1826, with Preface by Lynam.
FIELDING'S WORKS. Vol. XI. 1808. The 14 vol. Bookseller's edition.
SWIFT'S WORKS. Vol I. of Edition published by Falconar, Dublin. 1763.
ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY. Vol. I. of 2nd edition in 10 vols. Knapton. 1739.
Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. BELL, publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
The matter is so generally understood with regard to the management of periodical works, that it is hardly necessary for the Editor to say that HE CANNOT UNDERTAKE TO RETURN MANUSCRIPTS; but on one point he wishes to offer a few words of explanation to his correspondents in general, and particularly to those who do not enable him to communicate with them except in print. They will see, on a very little reflection, that it is plainly his interest to take all he can get, and make the most, and the best of everything; and therefore he begs them to take for granted that their communications are received, and appreciated, even if our succeeding Numbers bear no proof of it. He is convinced that the want of specific acknowledgment will only be felt by those who have no idea of the labour and difficulty attendant on the hurried management of such a work, and of the impossibility of sometimes giving an explanation, when there really is one which would quite satisfy the writer, for the delay or non-insertion of his communication. Correspondents in such cases have no reason, and if they understoood an editor's position they would feel that they have no right, to consider themselves undervalued; but nothing short of personal experience in editorship would explain to them the perplexities and evil consequences arising from an opposite course.
* * * * *
COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED.—Naso.—J.I.—W. Robson.—I.F.M.—I.S.— Laicus.—[Omega.]—Marianne.—Q.D.—G.H.B.—J.B.Yates—W.J.B.R—H.C.de St. C.—B.—F.E.—Rev. L.B. Larking (with many thanks).—I.P.L. (Oxford).—A.D.M—W.H.—C.—T.H.T.—L.C.R—I.F.M.
V. who is thanked for his letter, will see by a Note in a former part, that the work of Walter Mapes referred to by the Rev. L.B. Larking, is on the eve of publication by the Camden Society. Mr. Larking's query refers to the transcripts of that and other works made by Twysden.
Articles on "Cold Harbour" and "Parallel Passages in the Poets," in an early number.
MELANION has our best thanks. The Stamp Office affix the stamp at the corner of the paper most convenient for stamping. The last page falling in the centre of the sheet prevents the stamp being affixed to it in that certainly more desireable place.
We have received many complaints of a difficulty in procuring our paper. Every Bookseller and Newsvender will supply it if ordered, and gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition by giving their orders direct to the publisher, Mr. GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a quarter (4s 4d). All communications should be addressed To the Editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
A neat Case for holding One Year's Numbers (52) of NOTES AND QUERIES will be ready next week, and may be had, by Order, of all Booksellers.
* * * * *
CURIOUS AND RARE BOOKS. Just published, a small Catalogue of old Books: will be forwarded on receipt of a postage stamp; or various Catalogues containing numerous Works on the Occult Sciences, Facetiae, &c. may be had on application, or by forwarding six postage stamps, to G. BUMSTEAD, 205. High Holborn.
* * * * *
Just published, Gratis, Postage a single Stamp.
A CATALOGUE OF SOME BOOKS from the Sale at BROCKLEY HALL, Somerset: also some which formerly belonged to BROWNE WILLIS, the Antiquary, full of his Autograph Additions, &c.; and others from Private Libraries. Now selling by THOMAS KERSLAKE, bookseller, at No. 3. Park Street, Bristol: the Nett Cash Price being annexed to each Lot. All warranted perfect.
N.B. These books are all different from the contents of T. Kerslake's recently-published Large Catalogue of upwards of 8000 Lots, which may be examined at the Public Literary Institution of almost all the cities and principal towns of the United Kingdom, where Copies have been deposited.
Libraries and good Old Books, of all kinds and languages, bought for Cash, or valued for Will Probate or other purposes, and no Charge made for such Valuation when the Books are also bought by T. KERSLAKE. Good Prices given for Black Letter Books and Manuscripts.
* * * * * {96}
* * * * *
Published twice a Month.—Subscription, 8s. per Annum, stamped.
* * * * *
The "PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR" was established in 1837 under the Management of a Committee of the principal Publishers of London. It contains an Alphabetical List of every New Work and New Edition published in the United Kingdom; together with a well-selected List of Foreign Works not in the usual abbreviated Form, being a complete Transcript of the Title, with the Number of Pages, Plates, Size, and Price; forming a very useful and comprehensive Bibliographical Companion for all persons engaged in literary pursuits.
All the principal Publishing Houses contribute their early Announcements of New Works and their Advertisements generally.
Subscribers have also the opportunity of inserting in the regular List of "Books Wanted" such works as are out of print, or not easily procurable—the Publisher undertaking to communicate all replies to the parties requiring the books, with a small advance upon the price at which they are offered, so as to cover all expenses.
SAMPSON LOW, Publisher, 169. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
Now ready, Part XII., completing the Work, containing 15 Plates and Letterpress. Large paper, folio, 12s. India paper, 20s. Royal 8vo., price 7s. 6d.
THE MONUMENTAL BRASSES OF ENGLAND: a Series of Engravings on Wood, with descriptive Notices. By the Rev. CHARLES BOUTELL, M.A., Rector of Downham Market, Norfolk. The Volume, containing 147 Plates, will be ready on the 10th. Price, royal 8vo., cloth, 1l. 8s.; folio, cloth, 2l. 5s.; India paper, 4l. 4s.
Subscribers are requested to complete their Sets at once, as the Numbers will shortly be raised in price.
Also, by the same Author, royal 8vo., 15s., large paper, 21s.
MONUMENTAL BRASSES AND SLABS; an Historical and descriptive Notice of the incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. With 200 Illustrations.
"A handsome large octavo volume, abundantly supplied with well-engraved woodcuts and lithographic plates; a sort of Encyclopaedia for ready reference.... The whole work has a look of pains-taking completeness highly commendable."—Athenaeum.
"One of the most beautifully got up and interesting volumes we have seen for a long time. It gives, in the compass of one volume, an account of the history of those beautiful monuments of former days.... The illustrations are extremely well chosen."—English Churchman.
A few copies only of this Work remain for sale, and, as it can never be printed in the same form and at the same price, the remaining copies will be charged 15s. small paper, 21s. large paper. Early application for copies of the large paper edition is necessary.
By the same Author, to be completed in Four Parts.
CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS IN ENGLAND AND WALES; an Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the various classes of Monumental Memorials which have been in use in this country from about the time of the Norman Conquest. Profusely illustrated with Wood Engravings. To be published in Four Parts. Part I. price 7s. 6d., Part II. 2s. 6d.
Also, a well conceived and executed Work, Just published, Part II., containing 10 Plates, 5s. plain; 7s. 6d. coloured; to be completed in three or four Parts.
ANTIQUARIAN GLEANINGS in the NORTH of ENGLAND; being Examples of Antique Furniture, Plate, Church Decorations, Objects of Historical Interest, &c. Drawn and etched by W.B. SCOTT.
"A collection of antiquarian relics, chiefly in the decorative branch of art, preserved in the northern counties, pourtrayed by a very competent hand.... All are drawn with that distinctness which makes them available for the antiquarian, for the artist who is studying costume, and for the study of decorative art."—Spectator.
GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, December 8, 1849.