Oxford, Feb. 23.
* * * * *
Master of Methuen—Ruthven and Gowrie Families.—Colonel Stepney Cowell is desirous of inquiring who was the Master of Methuen, who fell at the Battle of Pinkey, and whose name appears in the battle roll as killed?
Was he married, and did he leave a daughter? He is presumed to have been the son of Lord Methuen by Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII.
Who was the wife of Patrick Ruthven, youngest son of William, first Earl of Gowrie, and where was he married? Any notices of the Gowrie and Ruthven family will be acceptable.
Brooke's Club, St. James's Street, Feb. 18. 1850.
"The Female Captive: a Narrative of Facts which happened in Barbary in the Year 1756. Written by herself." 2 vols. 12 mo. Lond. 1769.—Sir William Musgrave has written this note in the copy which is now in the library of the British Museum:—
"This is a true story. The lady's maiden name was Marsh. She married Mr. Crisp, as related in the narrative; but he, having failed in business, went to India, when she remained with her father, then Agent Victualler, at Chatham, during which she wrote and published these little volumes. On her husband's success in India, she went thither to him.
"The book, having, as it is said, been bought up by the lady's friends, is become very scarce."
Can any of your readers furnish a further account of this lady?
Parliamentary Writs.—It is stated in Duncumb's History of Herefordshire, 1. 154. that "the writs, indentures, and returns, from 17 Edw. IV. to 1 Edw. VI., are all lost throughout England, except one imperfect bundle, 33rd Hen. VIII." This book was published in 1803. Have the researches since that time in the Record Offices supplied this hiatus; and if so, in which department of it are these documents to be found?
W.H.C. Temple.
Portraits in the British Museum.—I have often wished to inquire, but knew not where till your publication met my notice, as to the portraits in the British Museum, which are at present hung so high above beasts and birds, and everything else, that it requires better eyes than most people possess to discern their features. I should suppose {306} that if they were not originals and of value, they would not have been lodged in the Museum, and if they are, why not appropriate a room to them, where they might be seen to advantage, by those who take pleasure in such representations of the celebrated persons of former days? Any information on this subject will be gratefully received.
* * * * *
In reply to the query of the Rev. Dr. Maitland (No. 17. p. 261.), I would remark, that Salting was the ceremony of initiating a freshman into the company of senior students or sophisters. This appears very clearly from a passage in the Life of Anthony a Wood (ed. 1771, pp. 45-50.). Anthony a Wood was matriculated in the University of Oxford, 26th May, 1647, and on the 18th of October "he was entered into the Buttery-Book of Merton College." At various periods, from All Saints till Candlemas, "there were Fires of Charcole made in the Common hall."
"At all these Fires every Night, which began to be made a little after five of the clock, the Senior Under-Graduats would bring into the hall the Juniors or Freshmen between that time and six of the clock, and there make them sit down on a Forme in the middle of the Hall, joyning to the Declaiming Desk: which done, every one in Order was to speake some pretty Apothegme, or make a Jest or Bull, or speake some eloquent Nonsense, to make the Company laugh: But if any of the Freshmen came off dull or not cleverly, some of the forward or pragmatical Seniors would Tuck them, that is, set the nail of their Thumb to their chin, just under the Lipp, and by the help of their other Fingers under the Chin, they would give him a chuck, which sometimes would produce Blood. On Candlemas day, or before (according as Shrove Tuesday fell out), every Freshman had warning given him to provide his Speech, to be spoken in the publick Hall before the Under-Graduats and Servants on Shrove-Tuesday night that followed, being alwaies the time for the observation of that Ceremony. According to the said Summons A. Wood provided a Speech as the other Freshmen did.
"Shrove Tuesday Feb. 15, the Fire being made in the Common hall before 5 of the Clock at night, the Fellowes would go to Supper before six, and making an end sooner than at other times, they left the Hall to the Libertie of the Undergraduats, but with an Admonition from one of the Fellowes (who was the Principall of the Undergraduats and Postmasters) that all things should be carried in good Order. While they were at Supper in the Hall, the Cook (Will. Noble) was making the lesser of the brass pots full of Cawdle at the Freshmens Charge; which, after the Hall was free from the Fellows, was brought up and set before the Fire in the said Hall. Afterwards every Freshman, according to seniority, was to pluck off his Gowne and Band, and if possible to make himself look like a Scoundrell. This done, they were conducted each after the other to the high Table, and there made to stand on a Forme placed thereon; from whence they were to speak their Speech with an audible voice to the Company: which, if well done, the person that spoke it was to have a Cup of Cawdle and no salted Drinke; if indifferently, some Cawdle and some salted Drinke; but if dull, nothing was given to him but salted Drinke or salt put in College Bere, with Tucks to book. Afterwards when they were to be admitted into the Fraternity, the Senior Cook was to administer to them an Oath over an old Shoe, part of which runs thus: Item tu jurabis, quot penniless bench non visitabis, &c.: the rest is forgotten, and none there are that now remembers it. After which spoken with gravity, the Freshman kist the Shoe, put on his Gowne and Band, and took his place among the Seniors."
Mr. Wood gives part of his speech, which is ridiculous enough. It appears that it was so satisfactory that he had cawdle and sack without and salted drink. He concludes thus:—
"This was the way and custome that had been used in the College, time out of mind, to initiate the Freshmen; but between that time and the restoration of K. Ch. 2. it was disused, and now such a thing is absolutely forgotten."
The editors in a note intimate that it was probable the custom was not peculiar to Merton College, and that it was perhaps once general, as striking traces of it might be found in many societies in Oxford, and in some a very near resemblance of it had been kept up until within a few years of that time (1772).
Cambridge, Feb. 23. 1850.
"E.V.," after quoting the passage given by Mr. Cooper from Anthony Wood, proceeds:—
It is clear from Owen's epigram that there was some kind of salting at Oxford as well as at Cambridge; is it not at least probable that they were both identical with the custom described by old Anthony, and that the charge made in the college book was for the cawdle mentioned above, as provided at the freshman's expense; the whole ceremony going under the name of "salting," from the salt and water potion, which was the most important constituent of it? If this be so, it agrees with Dr. Maitland's idea, that "this 'salting' was some entertainment given by the newcomer, from and after which he ceases to be fresh;" or, as Wood expresses it, "he took his place among the seniors."
The "tucks" he speaks of could have been no very agreeable addition to the salted beer; for, as he himself explains it, a few lines above, "to tuck" consisted in "setting the nail of the thumb to their chin, just under the lip, and by the help of their other fingers under the chin, they would give him a mark, which sometimes would produce blood."
Before I leave Anthony Wood, let me mention {307} that I find him making use of the word "bull" in the sense of a laughable speech ("to make a jest, or bull, or speake some eloquent nonsense," p. 34.), and of the now vulgar expression "to go to pot." When recounting the particulars of the parliamentary visitation of the University in 1648, he tells us, that had it not been for the intercession of his mother to Sir Nathan Brent, "he had infallible gone to the pot." If Dr. Maitland or any of your readers can give the history of these expressions, and can produce earlier instances of their use, they would greatly oblige me.
P.S. I ought to mention, that "Penniless Bench" was a seat for loungers, under a wooden canopy, at the east end of old Carfax Church: it seems to have been notorious as "the idle corner" of Oxford.
* * * * *
A comparative statement of the number of those who ask questions, and those who furnish replies, would be a novel contribution to the statistics of literature. I do note mean to undertake it, but shall so far assume an excess on the side of the former class, as to attempt a triad of replies to recent queries without fear of the censures which attach to monopoly.
To facilitate reference to the queries, I take them in the order of publication:—
1. "What is the earliest known instance of the use of a beaver hat in England?"—T. Hudson Turner, p. 100.
The following instance from Chaucer (Canterbury tales, 1775, 8 deg.. v. 272.), if not the earliest, is precise and instructive:
"A marchant was ther with a forked berd, In mottelee, and highe on hors he sat, And on his hed a Flaundrish bever hat."
2. "Has Cosmopoli been ever appropriated to any known locality?"—John Jebb, p. 213.
Cosmopolis has been used for London, and for Paris (G. Peignot, Repertoire de bibliographies speciales, Paris, 1810. 8 deg.. pp. 116, 132.) It may also, in accordance with its etymology, be used for Amsterdam, or Berlin, or Calcutta, etc. As an imprint, it takes the dative case. The Interpretationes paradoxae quatuor evangeliorum of Sandius, were printed at Amsterdam. (M. Weiss, Biographie universelle, Paris, 1811 28. 8 deg.. xl. 312.)
3. References to "any works or treatises supplying information on the history of the Arabic numerals" are requested by "E.N." p. 230.
To the well chosen works enumberated by the querist, I shall add the titles of two valuable publications in my own collection:
DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNE DE DIPLOMATIQUE—par dom de Vaines. Paris, 1774. 8 deg.. 2 vol.
ELEMENTS DE PALEOGRAPHIE, par M. Natalis de Wailly. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1838. 4 deg.. 2 vol.
The former work is a convenient epitome of the Nouveau traite de diplomatique. The latter is a new compilation, undertaken with the sanction of M. Guizot. Its appearance was thus hailed by the learned Daunou: "Cet ouvrage nous semble recommandable par l'exactitude des recherches, par la distribution methodique des matieres et par l'elegante precision du style." (Journal des savants, Paris, 1838. 4 deg.. p. 328.)
A query should always be worded with care, and put in a quotable shape. The observance of this plain rule would economise space, save the time which might otherwise be occupied in useless research, and tend to produce more pertinency of reply. The first and second of the above queries may serve as models.
Bolton Corney.
* * * * *
Old Auster Tenement (No. 14. p. 217.).—I think that I am in a condition to throw some light on the meaning of this expression, noticed in a former Number by "W.P.P." The tenements held in villenage of the lord of a manor, at least where they consisted of a messuage or dwelling-house, are often called astra in our older books and court-rolls. If the tenement was an ancient one, it was vetus or antiquum astrum; if a tenure of recent creation (or a new-take, as it is called in some manors), it was novum astrum. The villenage tenant of it was an astrarius. "W.P.P." may satisfy himself of these facts by referring to the printed Plautorum Abbrevietis, fo. 282.; to Fleta, Comment. Juris. Anglicani, ed. 1685, p. 217.; and to Ducange, Spelman, and Cowel, under the words "Astrum," "Astrarius," and "Astre." In the very locality to which "W.P.P." refers, he will find that the word "Auster" is "Astrum" in the oldest court-rolls, and that the term is not confined to North Curry, but is very prevalent in the eastern half of Somerset. At the present day, an auster tenement is a species of copyhold, with all the incidents to that tenure. It is noticed in the Journal of the Archaeological Institute, in a recent critique on Dr. Evans's Leicestershire words, and is very familar to legal practitioners of any experience in the district alluded to.
E. Smirke.
Tureen (No. 16. p. 246.).—There is properly no such word. It is a corruption of the French terrine, an earthen vessel in which soup is served. It is in Bailey's Dictionary. I take this opportunity of suggesting whether that the word "swinging," applied by Goldsmith to his tureen, should be rather spelt swingeing; though the former is the more usual way: a swinging dish and a swingeing are different things, and Goldsmith meant the latter.
C. {308}
Burning the Dead.—"T." will find some information on this subject in Sir Thomas Browne's Hydriotaphia, chap. i., which appears to favour his view except in the following extract:
"The same practice extended also far west, and besides Heruleans, Getes and Thracians, was in use with most of the Celtae, Sarmatians, Germans, Gauls, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians; not to omit some use thereof among Carthaginians, and Americans."
The Carthaginians most probably received the custom from their ancestors the Phoenicians, but where did the Americans get it?
Henry St. Chad.
Corpus Christi Hall, Maidstone, Feb. 8. 1850.
Burning the Dead.—Your correspondent "T." (No. 14. p. 216.) can hardly have overlooked the case of Dido, in his inquiry "whether the practice of burning the dead has ever been in vogue amongst any people, excepting the inhabitants of Europe and Asia?" According to all classical authorities, Dido was founder and queen of Carthage in Africa, and was burned at Carthage on a funeral pile.
If it be said that Dido's corpse underwent burning in conformity with the custom of her native country Tyre, and not because it obtained in the land of her adoption, then the question arises, whether burning the dead was not one of the customs which the Tyrian colony of Dido imported into Africa, and became permanently established at Carthage. It is very certain that the Carthaginians had human sacrifices by fire, and that they burned their children in the furnace to Saturn.
Ecclesfield, Feb. 8. 1850.
* * * * *
M. de Gournay.—The author of the axioms Laissez faire, laissez passer, which are the sum and substance of the free trade principles of political economy, and perhaps the pithiest and completest exposition of the doctrine of a particular school ever made, was Jean Claude Marie Vincent de Gournay, who was born at St. Malo in 1712, and died at Paris in 1759. In early life he was engaged in trade, and subsequently became Honorary Councillor of the Grand Council, and Honorary Intendant of Commerce. He translated, in 1742, Josiah Child's Considerations on Commerce and on the Interest on Money, and Culpepper's treatise Against Usury. He also wrote a good deal on questions of political economy. He was, in fact, with Dr. Quesnay, the chief of the French economists of the last century; but he was more liberal than Quesnay in his doctrines; indeed he is (far more than Adam Smith) the virtual founder of the modern school of political economy; and yet, perhaps, of all the economists he is the least known!
The great Turgot was a friend and ardent admirer of M. de Gournay; and on his death wrote a pompous Eloge on him.
A Man in a Garret.
Cupid Crying.—"Our readers will remember that some time since (ante, p. 108.) we copied into our columns, from the 'Notes and Queries,' an epigram of great elegance on the subject of 'Cupid Crying;' the contributor of which was desirous of finding through that medium, especially established for such discoveries, the original text and the name of its author. Subsequently, a correspondent of our own [ante, p. 132.] volunteered a translation by himself, in default of the original. The correspondent of the 'Notes and Queries' has now stumbled on what he sought, and is desirous that we should transmit it to the author of the volunteer version, with his thanks. This we take the present means of doing. Under the signature of 'Rufus,' he writes as follows:—'In a MS. book, long missing, I find the following copy, with a reference to Car. Illust. Poet. Ital. vol. i. 229, wherein it is ascribed to Antonio Tebaldeo—
"De Cupidine.
Cur natum caedit Venus? Arcum perdidit. Arcum Nunc quis habet? Tusco Flavia nata solo. Qui factum? Petit haec, dedit hic; nam lumine formae Deceptus, matri se dare crediderat."
"Since printing this communication from 'Rufus' we have received the same original (with the variation of a single word—quid for cur in the opening of the epigram) from a German correspondent at Augsburgh. 'You will find it,' he says, 'in the Anthologia Latina Burmanniana, iii. 236, or in the new edition of this Latin Anthology, by Henry Meyer, Lipsiae, 1835, tom. ii. page 139, No. 1566. The author of the epigram is doubtful, but the diction appears rather too quaint for a good ancient writer. Maffei ascribes it to Brenzoni, who lived in the sixteenth century; others give it to Ant. Tebaldeo, of Ferrara.' Our readers will perceive that the translator has taken some liberties with his text. 'Lumine formae deceptus,' for instance, is not translated by 'she smiled.' But it may be questioned if the suggestion is not even more delicate and graceful in the translator's version than in the original."—The Athenaeum.
* * * * *
(From the Latin of Owen.)
Bella, your image just returns your smile— You weep, and tears its lovely cheek bedew— You sleep, and its bright eyes are closed the while— You rise, the faithful mimic rises too.— Bella, what art such likeness could increase If glass could talk, or woman hold her peace?
* * * * * {309}
Journeyman.—Three or four years since, a paragraph went the round of the press, deriving the English word "journeyman" from the custom of travelling among work-men in Germany. This derivation is very doubtful. Is it not a relic of Norman rule, from the French journee, signifying a day-man? In support of this it may be observed, that the German name for the word in question if Tageloehner, or day-worker. It is also well known, that down to a comparatively recent period, artisans and free labourers were paid daily.
Balloons.—In one of your early numbers you mention the History of Ringwood, &c. Many years since I sent to a periodical (I cannot recollect which) a circumstance connected with that town, which I never heard or read of anywhere, and which, as it is rather of importance, I forward to you in hopes that some of your correspondents may be able to throw some light upon it. When my father was in the Artillery Ground at the ascension of Lunardi's balloon, he remarked to several persons present, "This is no novelty to me; I remember well, when I was at school in Ringwood [about the year 1757], an apothecary in that town that used to let off balloons (he had no other name, I suppose, to give them) on a smaller scale, but exactly corresponding with what he then saw, many a time."
I had several letters addressed to me, requesting further explanation, which, as my father was dead, I was unable to give. It is highly improbable that any persons now living may have it in their power to corroborate the fact, but some of their relations or descendants may. I suppose they must have been fire-balloons, and these of the rudest construction; and my father, being a boy at the time, would have given perhaps little valuable information, except as to the name of the apothecary, which, however, I never heard him mention.
Feb. 6. 1850.
* * * * *
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BELOE'S (W.) ANECDOTES OF LITERATURE AND SCARCE BOOKS, 6 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, a clean uncut copy of a very interesting book, 1l. 4s. 1807-1812.
BILLING'S (ROBERT WILLIAM) ARCHITECTURAL ILLUSTRATIONS AND ACCOUNT OF THE TEMPLE CHURCH. London, 4to., half bound, neat, illustrated with 30 fine plates, 12s. 6d. 1838.
BOSWELL'S (J.) LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON, including his Tour to the Hebrides, to which are added Anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyres, Reynolds, Stevens, &c., edited by J.W. Croker, 10 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 50 plates, 1l. 1s. 1835.
BROOKES' (RALPH, York Herald) CATALOGUE of the Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earls, &c. of this Realm, since the Norman Conquest. Folio, calf, neat, numerous Engravings of Arms; a good clean copy. 12s. 6d. 1619.
BROWN (TOM) THE WORKS OF, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse, with his Remains, the Life and Character of Mr. Brown, by Dr. J. Drake and a Key to the Whole, 4 vols, small 8vo. calf, neat, plates, a good, clean copy. 12s. 6d. 1720.
BRUNET, MANUEL DU LIBRAIRE ET DE L'AMATEUR DES LIVRES. 4 vols. 8vo., half calf, very neat, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1814.
BUCHANAN'S (WM.) HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL ESSAY UPON THE FAMILY AND SURNAME OF BUCHANAN, with a Brief Inquiry into the Genealogy and Present State of Ancient Scottish Surnames, and more particularly of the Highland Clans. Small 4to., front., calf, neat, scarce. 10s. 6d. Glasgow, 1723.
BUCKINGHAM'S ORIENTAL HERALD AND COLONIAL REVIEW, comprising a Mass of Valuable Writings on the Colonies and their Government. Complete in 23 vols. 8vo. Half calf, very neat, 1l., 10s. 1824-1829.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE.—BRYANT'S MAP OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, elegantly Coloured and Mounted, and enclosed in a 4to. case; handsomely bound in russia, 10s. 6d. 1824.
BUCKLAND'S RELIQULAE DILUVIANAE; or Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and of other Geological Phenomena, 4to., fine plates, some coloured, scarce, 1l. 1s. 1824.
BUCKLER'S ENDOWED GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, from Original Drawings with Letterpress Descriptions. 4to., half bound morocco, edges uncut, 60 fine plates, proofs on India paper. 10s. 6d. 1827.
BURKE'S (J.R.) BEAUTIES OF THE COURT OF GEORGE IV. AND WILLIAM IV., being the Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Females, with Memoirs. Imp. 8vo., 36 fine plates. 10s. 6d. 1831.
BURTON'S (T.) CROMWELLIAN DIARY, from 1656 to 1659, published from the Manuscript, with an Introduction, containing an Account of the Parliament of 1654, edited and illustrated with Notes. By J.T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo., front., neatly bound in half calf, gilt. 16s. 1828.
BYRON'S (LORD) LETTERS AND JOURNALS, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore, 3 vols. 8vo., illustrated with 44 Engravings by the Findens, from Designs by Turner, Stanfield, &c., elegantly half bound morocco, marbled edges, in the best style, by Hayday, 1l. 8s. 1833.
CARTER'S (MATT.) HONOR REDIVIVUS, or the Analysis of Honor and Armory, reprinted with many Useful and Necessary Additions. Small 8vo., best edition, elegantly bound in russia, extra, marble edges, fine front., and engraved title, with numerous other engravings, a very choice copy, 10s. 6d. 1673.
CICERONIS OPERA OMNIA QUAE EXTANT IN LECTIONES A LAMBINI. 4 vols., in 2., thick folio; calf, very neat. 10s. 6d. Coloniae, 1616.
CICERO'S WORKS, consisting of his Letters to his Familiars and Friends by Melmoth. Two Last Pleadings Against Verres, by Kelsal, Epistles to Atticus, Essay on Old Age, Essay on Friendship, with Middleton's Life of Cicero. 3 thick vols. royal 8vo., half calf, new, and very neat. 12s. 6d. 1816.
CLARENDON'S (EDWARD EARL OF) HISTORY OF THE REBELLION AND CIVIL WARS IN ENGLAND, begun in the year 1641, 3 vols. folio, calf, very neat, port, 1l. 1s. Oxford, 1702.
COPPER-PLATE MAGAZINE.—A Monthly Treasure for the Admirers of the Imitative Arts, 4to., half bound, uncut, embellished with 125 fine portraits of Eminent English Authors, and celebrated Views of Scenes from Ancient and Modern History, and Men, Antiquities, Public Buildings, and Gentlemen's Seats. 18s. 6d. 1778.
DE REAL (M.) LA SCIENCE DU GOUVERNEMENT, Ouvrage de Morale, de Droit, et de Politique, qui contient les principes du commandment et de l'obeissance. 8 vols. 4to. French calf, gilt., 15s. Aix-la-Chapelle.
DISSERTATION SUR LES STATUES Appartenantes a la Fable de Nobe. Imp. 4to. 18 fine Plates. 10s. 6d. Florence, 1779.
DOW'S HISTORY OF HINDOSTAN, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Akbar, translated from the Persian of Mahommed Casim Perishta, of Delhi, with a Dissertation on the Brahmins. 3 vols, 4to. Map and Plates. Calf, gilt, very neat. 10s. 6d. 1770-72.
DUBOIS (J.P.L.), VIES DES GOUVERNEURS GENERAUX, avec L'Abrege de L'Histoire des Establissements Hollandois, aux Indes Orientales. 4to. Calf, neat, illustrated with nearly 30 Vignette Portraits of Governors of Batavia, and 34 maps and Plans, finely executed; a very scarce Work. 12s. 6d. La Laye, 1763.
DUNLOP'S (J.) HISTORY OF FICTION, being a Critical Account of the most Celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Day. 3 vols. crown 8vo. Calf, gilt, marble edges. 15s. 1815. {312}
EDEN'S (THE HONORABLE MISS) PORTRAITS OF THE PRINCES AND PEOPLE OF INDIA. Drawn on Stone by L. Dickenson, Folio. Half-bound morocco. 24 fine Engravings. 1l. 5s.
FOY'S GENERAL HISTORY OF THE WARS IN THE PENINSULA UNDER NAPOLEON, to which is prefixed a View of the Political and Military State of the four Belligerent Powers. Published by the Countess Foy. 2 vols. 8vo., half calf, extra, marble edges, fine portrait, 10s. 6d. 1827.
FREEMASONS' (THE) QUARTERLY REVIEW, from its commencement in 1834, to the Year 1847, inclusive. 14 vols. 8vo. Newly and elegantly half bound, purple calf, backs emblematically tooled, only 3l. 10s. 1834-47.
GALLERY OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PORTRAITS, with Memoirs by various distinguished Writers. 7 vols. imp. 8vo., cloth, uncut, top edges gilt. 168 fine Portraits. An early copy. 3l. 13s. 6d. Knight, 1833-7.
GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY.—The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, from its Commencement in 1833 to 1843. 12 vols. 8vo. Half calf, gilt, maps, charts, and plans. 3l. 3s. 1833-43.
HALL'S (Mrs. S.C.) MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S EVE, a Fairy Tale of Love. 8vo., bound in richly gilt cloth, elegantly printed, and illustrated by numerous very beautiful engravings, from designs by Maclise, Stanfield, Chreswich, Ward, Frost, Paton, Topham, Kenny Meadows, Fairbolt, Franklin, and other celebrated artists. 14s. 4d. 1848.
HARLEIAN (THE) COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, consisting of Authentic English Writers which have not been collected before. 2 vols. folio. Many Plates. Calf, very neat. 18s. 6d. 1745.
LA LANDE (M. DE) DES CANEUX DE NAVIGATION, et Specialement du Canal de Languedoc, large folio; numerous plates, half bound, uncut. 12s. 6d. Paris, 1778.
LOUTHERBOURG'S (J. DE) ROMANTIC AND PICTURESQUE SCENERY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts in French and English of the several Places of which Views are given. Large folio. 18 Engravings, beautifully coloured in imitation of Water Colour drawings. 1l. 1s. 1805.
MACKINTOSH (SIR JAMES) MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF. Edited by Robert James Mackintosh, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo.; fine port., calf, gilt, very neat. 16s. 1836.
MARKHAM'S (F.) BOOK OF HONOUR, or Five Decades of Epistles of Honour. Folio; half calf, very neat, and curious. 10s. 6d. 1625.
MORGAN'S (SYLVANUS) ARMILOGIA SIVE ARS CHROMOCRITICA—The Language of Arms by the Colours and Metals. Small 4to. Numerous plates of arms. Calf, neat. 10s. 6d. 1666.
NICOLAS' (SIR N. HARRIS) HISTORY OF THE BATTLE OF AGINCOURT, AND OF THE EXPEDITION OF HENRY THE FIFTH INTO FRANCE, to which is added the Roll of the Men at Arms in the English Army. 8vo.; first edition, scarce; coloured Frontispiece of Banners borne at the Battle of Agincourt. 15s. 1827.
NICOLAS' (SIR N. HARRIS) TESTMENTA VETUSTA, being Illustrations from Wills of Ancient Manners, Customs, Dresses, &c., from the Reign of Henry the Second to the Accession of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. royal 8vo., front, &c. 15s. 1826.
NISBET'S ESSAY ON THE ANCIENT AND MODERN USE OF ARMORIES, showing their Origin, the Method of Composing them, with an Index explaining Terms of Blazon. Small 4to., calf, neat, plates. 10s. 6d. 1718.
NOTTINGHAM:—DICKINSON'S (W.) Antiquities, Historical, Architectural, Chorographical and Itinerary in Nottinghamshire and the adjacent Counties, containing the History of Southwell. 4to., half calf, gilt, map, 23 plates, and tables of pedigrees. 12s. 6d. 1801.
OCKLEY'S (SIMON) HISTORY OF THE SARACENS, illustrating the Religion, Rites, Customs, and Manner of Living of that Warlike People. 2 vols. royal 8vo., large and thick paper, old calf, gilt. 12s. 6d. 1718.
This copy appears to have belonged to the Author's family; a note states it to be "Mary Ockley's Book."
SHAKESPEARE ALBUM; a Series of One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations from the Plates to Boydell's Edition of Shakespeare, as published to the Edition edited by Valpy. Fcap. 8vo., cloth, gilt, 12s. 6d.; or elegantly bound in morocco, gilt edges, richly tooled back and sides. 16s. 1834.
But a very small number of copies were printed for sale in this form.
TAYLOR (WM., of Norwich), MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF, containing his correspondence of many Years with R. Southey, Esq. Edited by J. W. Roberts, Esq. 2 thick vols. 8vo., fine port. 10s. 6d. 1843.
Valuable material in aid of the literary history of the nineteenth century.
THIERRY'S (A.) HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF ENGLAND BY THE NORMANS, with its Causes from the Earliest Period, and its Consequences to the Present Time. 3 vols. 8vo., half calf, very neat. 10s. 6d. 1825.
WALSH (R.) WHITELAW, &c., HISTORY OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time, its Annals, Antiquities, Ecclesiastical History, and Charters, with Biographical Notices of its Eminent Men. 2 vols. 4to. Half-calf, gilt. Map, and numerous fine Plates. 15s. 1818.
WELLESLEY (RICHARD, MARQUIS OF), MEMOIRS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF, comprising numerous Letters and Documents now first published from Original MSS. By R. R. Pearce, Esq. 3 vols. 8vo., half calf, full gilt, new, and neat, fine portrait. 16s. 6d. 1845.
WHITE'S (GILBERT) NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE, with the Naturalist's Calendar, and Notes by Capt. Brown. 12mo. Very neatly bound, calf, extra marble edges, numerous Engravings. 4s. 6d. 1845.
WILBERFORCE (WILLIAM), THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF, edited and arranged by his Sons, the Rev. R. T. Wilberforce and the Rev. Sam. Wilberforce. 5 vols. crown 8vo. Portraits, &c. Half calf, neat, full gilt. 1l. 4s. 1838.
WILLIAM III., LETTERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE REIGN OF, from 1696 to 1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury, by James Vernon, Esq., Secretary of State, now first published from the Originals, edited by G.P.R. James, Esq. 3 vols. 8vo. New half calf, full gilt, very handsome copy, fine portrait. 16s. 1841.
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John Miller, 43. Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square.
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Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, March 9. 1850.