* * * * *
"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
* * * * *
NO. 3] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1849. [Price Threepence. Stamped Edition, 4d.
* * * * *{33}
NOTES:— Page Travelling in England .................................... 33 Sanuto's Doges of Venice, by Sir F. Madden ............... 35 Letters of Lord Nelson's Brother, immediately after the Battle of Trafalgar, by the Rev. A. Gatty .............. 36 Misquotations ............................................ 38 Herbert's and Dibdin's Ames—Rowland's Choise of Change—Greene's Royal Exchange ........................ 38 Notes from Fly Leaves, No. 3. ............................ 39 Abdication of James II. .................................. 39 Writers on English History ............................... 40 Queen Elizabeth's Domestic Establishment ................. 41 Register of East Peckham Church, Kent .................... 41 Pawnbrokers' Golden Balls ................................ 42 Lions in the Tower ....................................... 42 Notes on Authors and Books, No. 1, by Belton Corney ...... 42
QUERIES:— Form of Petition ......................................... 43 Query as to Notes—Greene of Green's Norton .............. 43 Busts of Charles I. and James I.—Ancient Tapestry ....... 43 Origin of the term "Factotum" ............................ 43 Inscriptions on ancient Church Plate ..................... 44
MISCELLANEOUS:— Notes of Book-Sales, Catalogues, &c. ..................... 44 Queries still on our List ................................ 45 Books and Odd Volumes wanted ............................. 46 Notices to Correspondents ................................ 46 Advertisements ........................................... 46
* * * * *
I suppose that the history of travelling in this country, from the Creation to the present time, may be divided into four periods—those of no coaches, slow coaches, fast coaches, railways. Whether balloons, or rockets, or some new mode which as yet has no name, because it has no existence, may come next, I cannot tell, and it is hardly worth while to think about it; for, no doubt, it will be something quite inconceivable.
The third, or fast-coach period was brief, though brilliant. I doubt whether fifty years have elapsed since the newest news in the world of locomotive fashion was, that—to the utter confusion and defacement of the "Sick, Lame, and Lazy," a sober vehicle so called from the nature of its cargo, which was nightly disbanded into comfortable beds at Newbury—a new post-coach had been set up which performed the journey to Bath in a single day. Perhaps the day extended from about five o'clock in the morning to midnight, but still the coach was, as it called itself, a "Day-coach," for it travelled all day; and if it did somewhat "add the night unto the day, and so make up the measure," the passengers had all the more for their money, and were incomparably better off as to time than they had ever been before. But after this many years elapsed before "old Quicksilver" made good its ten miles an hour in one unbroken trot to Exeter, and was rivalled by "young Quicksilver" on the road to Bristol, and beaten by the light-winged Hirondelle, that flew from Liverpool to Cheltenham, and troops of others, each faster than the foregoing, each trumpeting its own fame on its own improved bugle, and beating time (all to nothing) with sixteen hoofs of invisible swiftness. How they would have stared if a parliamentary train had passed them, especially if they could have heard its inmates grumbling over their slow progress, and declaring that it would be almost quicker to get out and walk whenever their jealousy was roused by the sudden flash of an express.
Certainly I was among those who rejoiced in the increased expedition of the fast-coach period; not because I loved, but because I hated, travelling, and was glad to have periods of misery abridged. I used to listen with delight to the stories of my seniors, and to marvel that in so short a space of time so great an improvement had been made. One friend told me that in earlier life he had travelled from Gloucester to Hereford in a coach, which performed the journey of about thirty miles between the hours of five in the morning and seven in the evening. I took it for granted that they stopped on the road to dine, and spent a long afternoon in smoking, {34} napping, or playing at bowls. But he would not acknowledge anything of the kind, and the impression on his mind was that they kept going (such going as it was), except during the time necessarily expended in baiting the horses, who, I think, were not changed—unless indeed it were from bad to worse by fatigue. Another friend, a physician at Sheffield, told me that one of the first times (perhaps he may have said, the first) that a coach started for London, he was a passenger. Without setting out unreasonably early in the morning, or travelling late at night they made such progress, that the first night they lay at Nottingham, and the second at Market Harborough. The third morning they were up early, and off at five o'clock; and by a long pull and a strong pull through a long day, they were in time to hear Bow Church clock strike eleven or twelve (I forget which) as they passed through Cheapside. In fact such things have always seemed to me to be worth noting, for you never can tell to what extent, or even in what direction, they may throw some little ray of light on an obscure point of history. On this principle I thought it worth while to copy an original bill which lately fell into my hands. Many such have been reprinted, but I am not aware that this one has; and as what is wanted is a series, every little may help. It is as follows:—
"YORK Four Dayes
"Begins on Monday the 18 of March 1678.
"All that are desirous to pass from London to York, or return from York to London or any other Place on that Road; Let them Repair to the Black Swan in Holborn in London and the Black Swan in Cony-Street in York.
"At both which places they may be received in a Stage-Coach every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which performs the whole journey in Four days (if God permit) and sets forth by Six in the Morning.
"And returns from York to Doncaster in a Forenoon, to Newark in a day and a half, to Stamford in Two days, and from Stamford to London in Two days more.
/ Henry Moulen "Performed by < Margaret Gardner Francis Gardner."
But I cannot deny that, while I have listened to, and rejoiced in, these stories, I have had some doubt whether full justice has been done to the other side of the question. I have always felt as if I had a sort of guilty knowledge of one contradictory fact, which I learned between twenty and thirty years ago, and which no one whom I have yet met with has been able to explain. For this reason I am desirous to lay it before you and your readers.
Just one hundred years ago—that is to say, on Sunday, the 10th of August, 1749—two German travellers landed at Harwich. The principal one was Stephen Schultz, who travelled for twenty years through various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the service of the Callenberg Institution at Halle, of which he was afterwards Director, being at the same time Pastor of St. Ulrich's Church in that city, where his picture is (or was about twenty years ago) to be seen affixed to the great pillar next the organ. It represents him as an elderly divine in a black cap, and with a grave and prediger-like aspect; but there is another likeness of him—an engraved print—in which he looks more like a Turk than a Christian. He is dressed in a shawl turban, brickdust-red mantle, and the rest of the costume which he adopted in his Eastern travels. Our business, however, is with his English adventures, which must, I think, have astonished him as much as anything that he met with in Arabia, even if he acted all the Thousand and One Nights on the spot. As I have already said, he and his companion (Albrecht Friedrich Woltersdorf, son of the Pastor of St. George's Church in Berlin), landed at Harwich on Sunday, August 10. They staid there that night, and on Monday they walked over to Colchester. There (I presume the next morning) they took the "Land-Kutsche," and were barely six hours on the road to London.
This statement seems to me to be so at variance with notorious facts, that, but for one or two circumstances, I should have quietly set it down for a mistake; but as I do not feel that I can do this, I should be glad to obtain information which may explain it. It is no error of words or figures, for the writer expresses very naturally the surprise which he certainly must have felt at the swiftness of the horses, and the goodness of the roads. He was a man who had seen something of {35} the world, for he had lived five-and-thirty years, thirteen of which had elapsed since he began his travels. As a foreigner he was under no temptation to exaggerate the superiority of English travelling, especially to an extent incomprehensible by his countrymen; and, in short, I cannot imagine any ground for suspecting mistake or untruth of any kind.[1]
I have never been at Colchester, but I believe it is, and always was, full fifty miles from London. Ipswich, I believe, is only eighteen miles farther; and yet fifteen years later we find an advertisement (Daily Advertiser, Thursday, Aug. 30, 1764), announcing that London and Ipswich Post Coaches on steel springs (think of that, and think of the astonished Germans careering over the country from Colchester without that mitigation), from London to Ipswich in ten hours with Postillions, set out every morning at seven o'clock, Sundays excepted, from the Black Bull Inn, in Bishopsgate Street.
It is right, however, to add that the Herr Preniger Schultz and his companion appear to have returned to Colchester, on their way back to Germany, at a much more moderate pace. The particulars do not very exactly appear; but it seems from his journal that on the 16th of September they dined with the Herr Prediger Pittius, minister of the German Church in the Savoy, at twelve o'clock (nach teutscher art, as the writer observes). They then went to their lodging, settled their accounts, took up their luggage, and proceeded to the inn from which the "Staets-Kutsche" was to start; and on arriving there found some of their friends assembled, who had ordered a meal, of which they partook. How much time was occupied in all this, or when the coach set out, does not appear; but they travelled the whole night, and until towards noon the next day, before they got to Colchester. This is rather more intelligible; but as to their up-journey I really am puzzled, and shall be glad of any explanation.
Yours, &c.
[1] It is perhaps right to give his words. Speaking of a person who acted as their guide, he says:—"Des folgenden Tages gieng er mit uns 22 engl. Meilen bis Colchester zu Fuss; wo wir uns auf die Land-Kutsche verdungen, mit welcher wir 50 englische Meilen d. i. 10 teutsche Meilen bis London, in solcher Geschwindigkeit endigten, dass wir auf dem ganzen Wege kaum 6 Stunden gefahren sind; so schnell gehen die englischen Pferde; aber auch so schoen sind die englischen Wege." Der Leitungen des Hoechsten, &c. Zw. Theil. Halle, 1772, p.62.
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—Among the well-wishers to your projected periodical, as a medium of literary communication, no one would be more ready to contribute to it than myself, did the leisure I enjoy permit me often to do so. I have been a maker of Notes and Queries for above twenty-five years, and perhaps should feel more inclined to trouble you with the latter than the former, in the hope of clearing up some of the many obscure points in your history, biography, and poetical literature, which have occurred to me in the course of my reading. At present, as a very inadequate specimen of what I once designed to call Leisure Moments, I beg to copy the following Note from one of my scrap-books:—
In the year 1420, the Florentines sent an embassy to the state of Venice, to solicit them to unite in a league against the ambitious progress of Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan; and the historian Daru, in his Histoire de Venise, 8vo., Paris, 1821, has fallen into more than one error in his account of the transaction. Marino Sanuto, who wrote the lives of the Doges of Venice in 1493 (Daru says, erroneously, some fifty years afterwards), has preserved the Orations made by the Doge Tomaso Mocenigo, in opposition to the Florentine proposals; which he copied, according to his statement, from a manuscript that belonged to the Doge himself. Daru states, that the MS. was communicated to him by the Doge; but that could not be, since the Doge died in 1423, and Sanuto was not born till 1466. An abridged translation of these Orations is given in the Histoire de Venise, tom. ii, pp. 289-311.; and in the first of these, pronounced in January, 1420 (1421, Daru), he is made to say, in reference to an ambassador sent by the Florentines to the Duke of Milan, in 1414, as follows: "L'ambassadeur fut un Juif, nomme Valori, banquier de sa profession,", p. 291. As a commentary on this passage, Daru subjoins a note from the Abbe Laugier, who, in his Histoire de Venise, liv. 21., remarks, 1. That it appears strange the Florentines should have {36} chose a Jew as an ambassador; 2. That his surname was Bartolomeo, which could not have been borne by a Jew; 3. That the Florentine historian Poggio speaks of Valori as having been one of the principal members of the Council of Florence. The Abbe thence justly concludes, that the ambassador could not have been a Jew; and it is extraordinary that Daru, after such a conclusive argument, should have admitted the term Jew into his text. But the truth is, that this writer (like many others of great reputation) preferred blindly following the text of Sanuto, as printed by Muratori[2], to the trouble of consulting any early manuscripts. It happens, however, that in a manuscript copy of these Orations of Mocenigo, written certainly earlier than the period of Sanuto, and preserved in the British Museum, MS. Add. 12, 121., the true reading of the passage may be found thus:—"Fo mandato Bartolomio Valori, homo richo, el qual viveva de cambij." By later transcribers the epithet richo, so properly here bestowed on the Florentine noble, was changed into iudio (giudeo), and having been transferred in that shape into Sanuto, has formed the groundwork of a serious error, which has now existed for more than three centuries and a half.
British Museum, Nov. 7. 1849
[2] In the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, tom. xxii. col. 947., the passage stands thus: "Fu mandato Bartolomeo Valori, hom giudeo, el qual vivea di cambi." Two late copies of Sanuto, formerly in the Guildford collection, and now in the British Museum, MS. Add. 8575, 8576, read, "Bartoli Valori, hom iudio."
* * * * *
[The following letters will be best illustrated by a few words derived from the valuable life of our great naval hero lately published by Mr. Pettigrew. Besides his last will, properly so called, which had been some time executed, Lord Nelson wrote and signed another paper of testamentary character immediately before he commenced the battle of Trafalgar. It contained an enumeration of certain public services performed by Lady Hamilton, and a request that she might be provided for by the country. "Could I have rewarded those services," Lord Nelson says, "I would not now call upon my country; but as that has not been in my power, I leave Emma Hamilton, therefore, a legacy to my king and country, that will give her ample provision to maintain her rank in life." He also recommended to the beneficence of his country his adopted daughter. "My relations," he concludes, "it is needless to mention; they will of course be amply provided for."
This paper was delivered over to Lord Nelson's brother, together with his will. "Earl Nelson, with his wife and family, were then with Lady Hamilton, and had indeed been living with her many months. To their son Horatio, afterwards Viscount Trafalgar, she was as attentive as a mother, and their daughter had been almost exclusively under her care for education for six years. The Earl kept the codicil in his pocket until the day 120,000l. was voted for him by the House of Commons. On that day he dined with Lady Hamilton in Clarges Street, and learning at table what had been done, he brought forth the codicil, and throwing it to Lady Hamilton, coarsely said, she might now do with it as she pleased."—Pettigrew's Memoirs of Nelson, ii. 624, 625. Lady Hamilton took the paper to Doctors' Commons, where it stands registered as a codicil to Nelson's will. A knowledge of these circumstances is necessary to the full understanding of our correspondents communication.]
Sir,—The following letters may be found interesting as illustrative of the private history of Lord Nelson, to which public attention has been strongly drawn of late by the able work of Mr. Pettigrew. The letters were addressed by Earl Nelson to the Rev. A.J. Scott, the friend and chaplain of the fallen hero.
18, Charles Street, Berkeley Square,
Dec. 2. 1805.
Dear Sir,—I am this day favoured with your obliging letter of October 27.[3] The afflicting intelligence you designed to prepare me for had arrived much sooner; but I am duly sensible of the kind motive which inducted this mark of your attention and remembrance.
The King has been pleased to command that his great and gallant servant shall be buried with funeral honours suitable to the splendid services he rendered to his country, and that the body shall be conveyed by water to Greenwich, in order to be laid in state. For myself I need not say how anxious I am to pay every tribute of affection and of respect to my honoured and lamented brother's remains. And it affords me great satisfaction to learn your intention of accompanying them till deposited in their last earthly mansion. The coffin made of the L'Orient's mast will be sent to Greenwich to await the arrival of the body, and I hope there to have an opportunity of making my acknowledgments in person.
Believe me, dear Sir,
Your faithful friend, and obedient humble servant,
NELSON. {37} I beg the favour of your transmitting to me by the first safe opportunity such of my dear brother's papers (not of a public nature) as are under your care, and of making for me (with my sincere regards and kind compliments) to Captain Hardy the like request.
Please to let me hear from you the moment you arrive at Portsmouth and direct to me as above, when I will send you any further directions I may have received from ministers.
18 Charles Street, Berkeley Square,
Dec. 6. 1805.
My dear Sir,—I have this moment received your kind letter. I do not know I can add any thing to my former letter to you, or to what I have written to Captain Hardy. I will speak fully to Mr. Chevalier[4] before he leaves me.
Your faithful and obliged humble servant,
It will be of great importance that I am in possession of his last will and codicils as soon as possible—no one can say that it does not contain among other things, many directions relative to his funeral.
18 Charles Street, Berkeley Square,
Dec. 13. 1805.
Dear Sir,—I have been to the Admiralty, and I am assured that leave will be sent to you to quit the ship, and follow the remains of my dear brother when you please. We have determined to send Mr. Tyson with the coffin to the Victory, when we know she is at the Nore. He, together with Captain hardy and yourself, will see the body safely deposited therein. I trust to the affection of all for that. The Admiralty will order the Commissioner's yacht at Sheerness to receive it, and bring it to Greenwich. I suppose an order from the Admiralty will go to Captain Hardy to deliver the body to Mr. Tyson, and you will of course attend. But if this should be omitted by any mistake of office, I trust Captain Hardy will have no difficulty.
There is no hurry in it, as the funeral will not be till the 10th or 12th of January.
We do not wish to send Tyson till we have the will and codicil, which Captain Hardy informed me was to come by Captain Blackwood from Portsmouth on Tuesday last. We are surprised he is not here. Compts. to Captain Hardy. Write to me as soon as you get to the Nore, or before, if you can.
Believe me, yours faithfully,
Excuse this hasty and blotted scrawl, as I have been detained so long at the Admiralty that I have scarce time to save the Post.
Dec. 26, 1805
Dear Sir,—I received your letters of the 23rd and 25th this morning. I am glad to hear the remains of my late dear and most illustrious brother are at length removed to Mr. Peddieson's coffin, and safely deposited in Greenwich Hospital. Your kind and affectionate attention throughout the whole of this mournful and trying scene cannot fail to meet my sincere and grateful thanks, and that of the whole family. I am perfectly satisfied with the surgeon's reports which have been sent to me, that every thing proper has been done. I could wish to have known what has been done with the bowels—whether they were thrown overboard, or whether they were preserved to be put into the coffin with the body. The features being now lost, the face cannot, as Mr. Beatty very properly observes, be exposed; I hope therefore everything is closed and soldered down.
I wrote to Mr. Tyson a few days ago, and should be glad to hear from him. I mean to go towards London about the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of Jan (the day not yet fixed), and call at Greenwich for a moment, just to have a melancholy sight of the coffin, &c. &c., when I hope I shall see you.
I shall be glad to hear from you as often as you have any thing new to communicate, and how the preparations go on. Every thing now is in the hands of government, but, strange to tell, I have not yet heard from the Herald's Office, whether I am to attend the procession or not.
Believe me,
Your much obliged humble servant,
The codicil referred to in these letters proved to be, or at least to include, that memorable document which the Earl suppressed, when he produced the will, lest it should curtail his own share of the amount of favour which a grateful country would be anxious to heap on the representative of the departed hero. By this unworthy conduct the fortunes of Lady Hamilton and her still surviving daughter were at once blighted.
The Earl as tightly held all he had, as he grasped all he could get. It was expected that he would resign his stall at Canterbury in favour of his brother's faithful chaplain and when he "held on" notwithstanding his peerage and riches, he was attacked in the newspapers. The following letter is the last communication with which Dr. Scott was honoured, for his work was done:—
Canterbury, May 28, 1806.
Sir,—I am glad to find, by your letter, that you are not concerned in the illiberal and {38} unfounded paragraphs which have appeared and daily are appearing in the public prints.
I am, Sir, your very humble servant,
The Rev. Dr. Scott.
The above have never been printed, and I shall be glad if they are thought worthy of a place in your very useful and interesting periodical. I am, Sir, &c.,
Ecclesfield, 7th Nov. 1849.
[3] The Battle of Trafalgar was fought October 21.
[4] Lord Nelson's steward in the Victory.
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—The offence of misquoting the poets is become so general, that I would suggest to publishers the advantage of printing more copious indexes than those which are now offered to the public. For the want of these, the newspapers sometimes make strange blunders. The Times, for instance, has lately, more than once, given the following version of a well-known couplet:—
"Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen."
The reader's memory will no doubt instantly substitute such hideous for "so frightful," and that for "as."
The same paper, a short time since, made sad work with Moore, thus:—
"You may break, you may ruin the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang by it still."
Moore says nothing about the scents hanging by the vase. "Hanging" is an odious term, and destroys the sentiment altogether. What Moore really does say is this:—
"You may break, you may ruin the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will cling round it still."
Now the couplet appears in its original beauty.
It is impossible to speak of the poets without thinking of Shakspeare, who towers above them all. We have yet to discover an editor capable of doing him full justice. Some of Johnson's notes are very amusing, and those of recent editors occasionally provoke a smile. If once a blunder has been made it is persisted in. Take, for instance, a glaring one in the 2nd part of Henry IV., where, in the apostrophe to sleep, "clouds" is substituted for "shrouds."
"Wilt thou, upon the high and giddy mast, Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude imperious surge, And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them With deafening clamours in the slippery clouds, That with the hurly death itself awakes?"
That shrouds is the correct word is so obvious, that it is surprising any man of common understanding should dispute it. Yet we find the following note in Knight's pictorial edition:—
"Clouds.—Some editors have proposed to read shrouds. A line in Julius Caesar makes Shakspere's meaning clear:—
"'I have seen Th' ambitious ocean swell, and rage, and foam, To be exalted with the threatening clouds.'"
Clouds in this instance is perfectly consistent; but here the scene is altogether different. We have no ship-boy sleeping on the giddy mast, in the midst of the shrouds, or ropes, rendered slippery by the perpetual dashing of the waves against them during the storm.
If in Shakspeare's time the printer's rule of "following copy" had been as rigidly observed as in our day, errors would have been avoided, for Shakspeare's MS. was sufficiently clear. In the preface to the folio edition of 1623, it is stated that "his mind and hand went together; and what he thought he uttered with that easinesse that wee have scarse received from him a blot in his papers."
8th Nov. 1849.
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—I am induced to mention the following misstatement in Herbert's edition of Ames' Typographical Antiquities, enlarged by Dibdin, not by its importance, but by its supplying an appropriate specimen of the benefits which would be conferred on bibliography by your correspondents complying with Dr. Maitland's recommendations.
"Mr. Bindley," says Dibdin, "is in possession of the original impression of Borde's Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, which was successively in the collection of West and Pearson. This copy, and another in the Chetham Library at Manchester, are the only ones known with the following {39} imprint: 'Copland in Fletestrete, at the signe of the Rose Garland.' In the Selden Collection, in the Bodleian Library, and in the copy from which Mr. Upcott published his reprint, we read on the recto of the last leaf, 'Imprented at London in Lothbury ouer agaynste Sainct Margaryte's Church, by me Wyllyam Copland.'"
The copy in the Chetham Library, now lying before me, corresponds with the description of the latter impression. Dibdin's mistake perhaps originated in the last page of the work preceding Borde, which is bound up with four other works, having the following: "Imprinted at London in Fleetestrete by Henry Wykes."
This volume contains—
"The Choise of Change: Containing the Triplicitie of Diuinitie, Philosophie, and Poetrie, Short for memorie, Profitable for Knowledge, and necessary for Maners; whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generally recreated. Newly set forth by S.R., Gent and Student in the Universitie of Cambridge. Tria sunt omnia. At London, Printed by Roger Warde, dwelling neere Holborne Conduite, at the sign of the Talbot, An. Dom. 1585."
These letters, S.R., are the well known initials of Samuel Rowlands, who appears to have been a Welshman, from his love of Triads, and from the dedications found in this the rarest of his works, and those described by Mr. Collier in his Catalogue of the Bridgewater House Collection. In the same volume is comprised a tract by Greene, with a copy of which Mr. Dyce could never meet, entitled The Royal Exchange, printed in 1590.
* * * * *
The following lines are copied from the fly leaf of a copy of the Necessary Doctrine and Erudition. Are they original?
Anno Dni md 47.
Davyd's seat vnto the we comend Salomon's wysdome god the send Iohnes valiauntnesse in the reste Theys iij in oon be in thy brest.
A Description of a Kyng after Scripture.
Prov. 21 The hart of a kyng is in goddes hande Sap. 6 The strengthe of a realme ys a ryghteouse kyng Deut. 17 The kyng ought to kepe hym in the bande Reg. 20 Of the lawe of God the same readynge Prov. 20 Kyngs be happye in mercy doyng 3 Reg. 3 Askynge wysdome of god omnipotent To discerne good from an evyll thyng Prov. 25 Take away vngodlines from the Kyng And his seat shall be stablyshed with ryght judgmet Let vs pray for the Kyng and hym honour EDWARD the sext our earthlye socour God save ye Kyng.
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—The recent publication of Macaulay's History of England, and the fresh prominence given thereby to the occurrences of the Revolution of 1688, have induced me, joined to a wish for the success of your happily-conceived work, to send you the following "Note." It was drawn up by the late Sir Harris Nicolas, and printed in the Proceedings of the late Record Commissioners. As, however, only fifty copies were printed for the use of the Commissioners, and a copy is rarely met with, perhaps this Note may have sufficient novelty for insertion. Sir Harris Nicolas, as editor of the Proceedings of the Privy Council, would doubtless, had that work been continued to 1688, have used the MSS. if attainable.
"Notice of manuscript in the possession of the Rev. Sir Thomas Miller, Bart., containing the original Minutes of the Assembly of Peers and Privy Councillors that met at Guildhall, upon the flight of James II. from London.
"Extracts from Memorandum of a MS. in the possession of the Rev. Sir Thomas Miller, Bart. shown to Mr. Cooper, Secretary to the Record Commissioners, to Sir Harris Nicolas, and to Mr. Hardy, in May, 1833, at Sir Thomas Miller's lodgings in the Edgeware Road.
"Immediately after the flight of James the Second from London, on the 11th of December, 1688, a tumult arose among the citizens which created considerable alarm; and with the view of preserving the peace, of imparting public confidence, and of providing for the extraordinary state of affairs, all the Peers and Privy Councillors then in the vicinity of the metropolis assembled at Guildhall. Of this important Assembly Bishop Burnet's notice is very brief, and it would appear from his statement that it was called by the Lord Mayor.[5] A more full account of the Convention {40} is, however, given in the Memoir of James the Second published by Dr. Clarke: 'It seems, upon the King's withdrawing from London, the lords about town met at Guildhall to consult what was fit to be done. They looked upon the present state of affairs as an interregnum, that the government was in a manner devolved upon them, and were in great haste to make a present of it to the Prince of Orange.'[6] Other acts of this Assembly are then mentioned; and its proceedings are among the most interesting and important events in English history, not only from their forming a precedent in a conjuncture of affairs for which no express provision is to be found in the constitution, but from the first regular offer of the throne to the Prince of Orange having emanated from this Convention. No Record of its proceedings has, it is presumed, been hitherto known to exist; and the fact that so valuable a Document is extant, cannot be too generally stated, for it is obvious that it has high claims to the attention of historians.
"Sir Thomas Miller possesses the original Minutes of this Assembly of the Peers in the handwriting of a Mr. Glyn, who acted as secretary. His appointment to that situation is also preserved; and, as it is signed by all the Lords who were present, it affords evidence of the names of the Peers who took part in the business of the Assembly, and contains a very interesting collection of autographs.
"The MS. itself is a small folio, but not above fifty pages are filled. It comprises the period between the 11th and the 28th December, 1688, both days inclusive, and appears to be a perfect Record of every act of that memorable Assembly. The indorsement on the cover merits notice: it states with singular minuteness the precise hour of James's abdication, namely at one in the morning of the 11th of December, 1688."
Sir Thomas Miller also possessed a manuscript, containing an "Account of the Earl of Rochester, Captain Kendall, and the Narrator's Journey to Salisbury with King James, Monday, Nov. 19. to Friday, Nov. 23. 1688, inclusive."
In connection with this subject, it may be noticed that there is no entry of any payment in the Issue Books of the clerks of the Pells between Tuesday, 11th December, and Monday, 24th December, 1688. J.E.
[Perhaps some of our correspondents could inform us where the MSS. in question are now deposited.]
[5] After mentioning the excesses committed by the mob, and the arrest of Judge Jefferies, Bishop Burnet says: "The Lord Mayor was so struck with the terror of this rude populace, and with the disgrace of a man who had made all people tremble before him, that he fell into fits upon it, of which he died soon after.
"To prevent the further growth of such disasters, he called a Meeting of the Privy Councillors and Peers, who meet at Guildhall," &c. The pronoun he must relate to the Lord Mayor, but the sentence is obscurely expressed.
[6] Vol. ii. pp. 259, 260.
* * * * *
"Oh, do not read history, for that I know must be false."—SIR ROBERT WALPOLE.
Sir,—I have, from time to time, made a few notes on our historical writers—rather I should say the conflicting opinions of critical writers on their relative value, and the dependence to be placed on them as historical guides. They are so opposite, as would in a great measure confirm the opinion of the celebrated statesman above quoted. I send, as a specimen, the opinions upon Burnet, and should its insertion in your "NOTES AND QUERIES" be deemed advisable, I will from time to time send others which I have in my note-book.
Burnet, "A good historian and an honest man."—Lord Brougham.
"The History of his Own Times, which Burnet left behind him, is a work of great instruction and amusement.... His ignorance of parliamentary forms has led him into some errors, it would be absurd to deny, but these faults do not detract from the general usefulness of his work."—Lord John Russell.
"The most partial, malicious heap of scandal and misrepresentation, that was ever collected for the laudable design of giving a false impression of persons and things to all future ages."—Lord Dartmouth: note in Dr. Routh's edition.
"A rash and partial writer."[7]—Macaulay.
"It is a piece of justice I owe to historical truth to say, that I have never tried Burnet's facts by the tests of dates and of original papers, without finding them wrong."—Sir J. Dalrymple.
"Burnet had all the merits and all the faults of an ardent, impetuous, headstrong man, whose mind was honest, and whose objects were noble. Whatever he reports himself to have heard or seen, the reader may be assured he really did hear and see. But we must {41} receive his representations and conclusions with that caution which must ever be observed when we listen to the relation of a warm and busy partizan, whatever be his natural integrity and good sense."—Smyth's Lectures on Modern History.
"His history is one which the present editor (Dr. Routh) truly says will never lose its importance, but will continue to furnish materials for other historians, and to be read by those who wish to derive their knowledge of facts from the first sources of information. The accuracy of his narrative has often been attacked with vehemence, and often, it must be confessed, with success, but not so often as to overthrow the general credit of his work."—Quarterly Review.
"Rarely polished, I never read so ill a style."—Swift.
[7] Our correspondent should have added exact references to the places where these passages are to be found. Mr. Macaulay may have written these words quoted by our correspondent, in some hasty moment, but his summary of the character of Burnet in his history of England, ii. 175. 2nd Edition—a very noble and well considered passage—gives a very different and far juster estimate of Burnet's character.
* * * * *
Your readers may be curious to see a list of the persons composing the domestic establishment (as it may be called) of Queen Elizabeth in the middle of her reign, and an account of the sums of money severally allowed to them out of the privy purse of the sovereign. The payments will seem remarkably small, even allowing for the great difference in the value of money then and now. What that difference may be, I am not prepared to say; and I will venture here to put it as a "Query," to be answered by some competent person who may read this "Note." I have seen it stated by more than one writer, that the difference in the value of money at the end of Elizabeth's reign was at least five times, i.e. that one pound then would go as far as five pounds now; but I am not aware of the data upon which the calculation was made. I apprehend, besides, that the difference was greater in 1582, to which what follows applies, than afterwards, and I should be glad to have the matter cleared up. The subsequent account is indorsed in the hand-writing of Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, in these words:—"1582. The payment of the Ladies of the Privy Chamber;" but it applies also to the gentlemen.
Wages paid to the Privy Chamber by the Year.
The Bedchamber: L s. d. The Lady Cobham, by the year 20 0 0 The Lady Carewe 33 6 8 Mrs. Blanch Apprye[8] 33 6 8
Gentlewomen of the Privy Chamber: Bridget Cave 33 6 8 The Lady Howard 33 6 8 The Lady Stafford 33 6 8 The Lady Arundell 33 6 8 The Lady Leighton 33 6 8 Frances Howard 33 6 8 Dorothy Edmundes 33 6 8
Chamberers: The Lady Bartlett 20 0 0 The Lady Drury 20 0 0 Mrs. Mary Skydmore 20 0 0 Mrs. Katherine Newton 20 0 0 Mrs. Jane Brucella 20 0 0
Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber: Sir Christopher Hatton, Knight 50 0 0 John Ashley, Esq. 33 6 8
Gentlemen Usher of the Privy Chamber: Sir Drew Drury, Knight 30 0 0
Grooms of the Privy Chamber: Thomas Ashley 20 0 0 Henry Sackford 20 0 0 John Baptiste 20 0 0 Thomas Knevett 20 0 0 Edward Carey 20 0 0 Thomas George 20 0 0 William Killigrew 20 0 0 ————- Summa Totalis 673 6 8 =========
The above 673l. 6s. 8d. was the whole sum paid out of the privy purse; but it is to be borne in mind that these persons were allowed diet and lodging in the Court, so that, after all, the payments were not quite as insignificant as they may at first seem. Whatever also may have been the case with the ladies, it is certain that the gentlemen had other sources of emolument derived from the Crown, such as monopolies, valuable grants of royal domains, leases of customs, &c., which altogether made up an ample income. Sir Christopher Hatton, for instance, could not have built Holdenby out of his 50l. a year as Gentleman of the Privy Chamber.
[8] The names are spelt precisely as they stand in the document itself.
* * * * *
Sir,—In my commonplace book I find the following notes, being extracts from the ancient Registers of East Peckham Church, Kent, which have never (I believe) been published, and which may perhaps be of service to the historian or antiquary.
1637. This yeare was the Communion-table rayled in by the appointment of Dr. Ryves, Dean of Shorham {42} Deanery, and Chancellor to the most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, who commanded this uniformity to be general throughout the kingdom.
1638. This time of lent being to be kept holy by fasting and abstinence from flesh, notwithstanding Sir Roger Twisden, Knt and Baronett and Dame Isabella his wife, being both very sick and weake, in my judgement and opinion [are] to be tolerated for the eating of flesh.
A similar entry occurs for the three following years.
1648. Upon the third of June the following Infants all born in the parish of Brenchley were baptized in this parish Church, by an order granted from Sir John Sedley, Knight and Baronett, Sir John Rayney, and Sir Isaac Sedley, Knights:—
"Whereas complaints have often been made unto us by many of the principal inhabitants of the Parish of Brenchley, that they having desired Mr. Gilbert, minister of the said Parish, to baptize their children, and according to the Directorie offered to present them before the Congregation, he hath neglected or refused so to do; whereby divers infants remain unbaptized, some of them above a year old, expressly contrary to the said Directorie.
"We do therefore order that the parents of such children do bring them unto the Parish Church of East Peckham, where we desire that Mr. Topping, minister of the said Parish, would baptize them according to the sayd Directorie, they acquainting him with the day they intend to bring them beforehand.
"Dated ye 25th of May 1648.
The last extract may illustrate the progress of Anabaptism, under the Parliamentary rule, and serves by way of curious sequel to the preceding excerpta.
In a window of the same church I observed this inscription:—"Here stoode the wicked fable of Mychael waying of [souls]. By the law of Qvene Elizabeth according to God[s] Word is taken away."
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—The Edinburgh Reviewer, cited by your correspondent Mr. W.J. Thoms, seems to have sought rather too far for the origin of a pawnbroker's golden balls.
He is right enough in referring their origin to the Italian bankers, generally called Lombards; but he has overlooked the fact that the greatest of those traders in money were the celebrated and eventually princely house of the Medici of Florence. They bore pills on their shield, (and those pills, as usual then, were gilded,) in allusion to the professional origin from whence they had derived the name of Medici; and their agents in England and other countries put that armorial bearing over their doors as their sign, and the reputation of that house induced others to put up the same sign.
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—Some one of your readers may be interested in knowing that there was a royal menagerie in the Tower of London in the reign of Edward III. In the Issue Roll of the forty-fourth year of his reign, 1370, there are five entries of payments made to "William de Garderobe, keeper of the king's lions and leopards" there, at the rate of 6d. a day for his wages, and 6d. a day for each beast.—pp. 25. 216. 298. 388. 429.
The number of "beasts" varied from four to seven. Two young lions are specially mentioned; and a "lion lately sent by the Lord the Prince from Gascony to England to the Lord the King."
[Greek: Phi]
[Our correspondent's NOTE is an addition to what Bayley has given us on this subject; who tells us, however, that as early as 1252, Henry III. sent to the Tower a white bear, which had been brought to him as a present from Norway, when the Sheriffs of London were commanded to pay four pence every day for its maintenance.]
* * * * *
A lover of literature, and aspiring to promote its extension and improvement, I sometimes form projects for the adoption of others—sensible, be it also said, of the extent of my own engagements with certain learned societies.
One of these projects has been a tabular view of the literary biography of the British Islands. In the midst of my reflections on the plans of Blair, Priestly, Playfair, Oberlin, Tytler, Jarry de Mancy, &c. I received a specimen of a Bibliographie biographique, by Edouard-Marie Oettinger, now in the press at Leipzic.
As books multiply, the inexpediency of attempting general bibliography becomes more {43} and more apparent. Meritorious as are the works of Brunet and Ebert, and useful as they may be to collectors, they are inadequate to the wants of men of letters. Henceforth, the bibliographer who aims at completeness and accuracy must restrict himself to one class of books.
M. Oettinger appears to have acted on this principle, and has been happy in the choice of his subject—
"The proper study of mankind is man."
The work is comprehensive in its object, judicious in its plan, accurate in its details, as far as the specimen proceeds, and an unquestionable desideratum in literature.
Ainsi, vive M. Edouard-Marie Oettinger! Vive la Bibliographie biographique!
* * * * *
When a Petition ends with "Your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c." what form of words does the "&c." represent?
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—I congratulate you on your happy motto, but will you give your readers the results of your own experience and practice, and tell them the simplest mode of making Notes, and when made, how to arrange them so as to find them when required?
I have been in the habit of using slips of paper—the blank turn-overs of old-fashioned letters before note paper came into fashion—and arranging in subjects as well as I could; but many a note so made has often caused me a long hour's looking after: this ought not so to be; pigeon-holes or portfolios, numbered or lettered, seem to be indispensable.
Has any reader a Note whereby to tell who are the present representatives of Greenes of "Green's Norton?" or who was "Richard Greene, Apothecary," who was living 1770, and bore the arms of that family?
[Our answer to our correspondent's first Query is, send your Notes to us, who will print and index them.—ED.]
* * * * *
1. Where is now the bust of Charles I., formerly in Westminster Hall, and engraved by Peter Mazell, for Pennant's London, in which engraving the bust is attributed to Bernini, though Vertue thought differently? (See Dallaway's Walpole, 1826, ii. 109.)
2. Also, where is the correspondent bust of James I., formerly at Whitehall, of which there is an engraving by N. Smith?
3. What has become of the tapestry of the reign of Henry VI. which formerly adorned the Painted Chamber in the ancient Palace of Westminster? It appears that it remained in one of the lower apartments from the time when it was taken down in 1800 until the year 1810; that it was then sold to Charles Yarnold, Esq., of Great Helen's, Bishopsgate Street, for 10l. After his death in 1825, in the auction of his collection at Southgate's (June 11. that year, lot 238), it was sold as "Seven pieces representing the Siege of Troy, for 7l. to Mr. Matheman." Who was Mr. Matheman? and what has now become of his acquisition?
Another piece of tapestry in Mr. Yarnold's possession, but it may be presumed in far better condition, was bought by Mr. Teschmaker, his executor, for 63l. This was described as "The Plantagenet Tapestry, in fine preservation, containing 23 full-sized portraits of the different branches of the Houses of York and Lancaster: among the most prominent are Margaret of Anjou; Cicely, Duchess of York; the Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III.; Edward of Lancaster, Henry VI.; Earl of March, son of Richard (Duke of York and) afterwards Edward IV.; Henry VII.; Clarence [?] Duke of York," &c. This description raises one's curiosity greatly, and query, has this tapestry been elsewhere described? At the meeting of the Archaeological Association at Warwick in 1847, it was supposed to have come from St. Mary's Hall, Coventry; but that idea seems to have arisen merely from its similarity of design to the tapestry which is now there.
* * * * *
Sir,—The following expression in Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, p. 42.—"He was {44} Dominus fac totum with the king"—seems to point us to some ecclesiastical origin for the derivation of our familiar word "factotum." Does any one know the precise whereabouts of such a phrase in the Ancient Service books?
* * * * *
Mr. Editor,—In the parish church in which I officiate are preserved four ancient and curious alms-basins, of latten; They appear to be of Flemish workmanship, and, from inventories of the church goods, made at different times, we may gather that they were given for their present use during the seventeenth century. They represent:—1. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian; 2. The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin; 3. The Temptation in Eden; and 4. The Spies bearing the Grapes. Around each of these subjects is a legend in foreign characters, "DER. INFRID. GEHWART." I have submitted this inscription to antiquaries and German scholars in vain; it still remains a puzzle. It has been suggested that it may have been only an arbitrary mark of the maker. Is this probable? If not, will you, or one of your readers, give the interpretation to
Nov. 8, 1849.
[We have much pleasure in inserting the foregoing QUERY, and trust that many of our correspondents will follow the example of Clericus, by furnishing us with copies of the inscriptions on any ancient church plate in their possession, or which may come under their notice. A comparison of examples will often serve to remove such difficulties as the present, which perhaps may be read DERIN FRID GEHWART, "Therein Peace approved;" Gewaeren being used in the sense of Bewaehren, authority for which may be found in Wackernagel.]
* * * * *
It is our purpose from time to time to call the attention of our book-buying friends to the approaching sales of any collections which may seem to us to deserve their attention; and to any catalogues which may reach us containing books of great rarity and curiosity. Had we entertained no such intention we should have shown our respect for the memory of that intelligent, obliging, and honourable member of the bookselling profession (to whom a literary man rarely addressed a QUERY, without receiving in reply a NOTE of information worth preserving), the late Mr. Thomas Rodd, by announcing that the sale of the first portion of his extensive and valuable stock of books will commence on Monday next, the 19th instant, and occupy the remainder of that week.
The following Lots are among the specimens of the rarities contained in this portion of Mr. Rodd's curious stock:—
189 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, Orders, Declarations, Proclamations, &c. 1657 to 1660, the original Papers and Broadsides collected and bound in 1 vol. calf 1657-60
*** This very important volume contains the Acts, &c. during the period intervening between Scobell's Collection and the recognized Statutes of Charles II. As the laws during this period have never been collected into a regular edition, a series of them is of the greatest rarity.
*** This edition is altogether unknown and undescribed. The present copy commences with signature C1, and extends to sig. S(v) in sixes, on the reverse of which is the colophon, with Pynson's device underneath. It wants sheets A and B, and E (iiii).
380 Cellii (E.) Eques Auratus Anglo-Wirtembergieus; id est, actus admodum Solennis; quo Jacobus Rex Angliae, &c. Regii Garteriorum supremus ac Frid. Ducem Wirtembergicum, per Rob. Spencer Barnoem declaravit, portrait woodcut Tubing. 1605
*** This was Sir Wm. Dethick's copy, Garter King at Arms, who accompanied Lord Spencer in his journey; in it he has written some very curious circumstances respecting the journey, and of the ill-treatment he experienced from Sir Rob. Spencer and Wm. Seager, "a poore paynter, sonne of a base fleminge and spawne of a Jew," with an account of the family of Dethick, or De Dyk, of Derbyshire and Staffordshire.
475 CHRISTINE OF PISA. THE FAYT OF ARMES AND OF CHYVALRYE BLACK LETTER, one leaf inlaid and three or four beautifully fac-similed, otherwise a fine and perfect copy, russia extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis WESTMESTRE, PER CAXTON, MCCCCLXXXIX
*** This work consists of 139 leaves, exclusive of the table, occupying two leaves. The Colophon of the Printer is one of great interest, filling the two last pages. It thus commences:—"Thur endeth this boke, whiche xpyne of pyse made drewe out of the boke named Vegecius de re militari and out of tharbre of bataylles wyth many other thynges sett in to the same requisite to werre and batailles, which boke beyng in Frenshe was delyvered to me Willm Caxton by the most crysten kinge and sedoubted prynce, my naturel and souvrayn {45} Lord Kyng Henry the VII, Kyng of England and of France, in his Palais of Westmestre, the 23 day of Janyuere, the III of his regne, and desire and wylsed me to translate this said boke and reduce it into our enlish natural tonge and to put it in enprynte, &c."
522 ENGLAND:—Copy of a Letter written by a Spanish Gentleman to his Friend in England in refutation of sundry Calumnies there falsely bruited among the People, 1589—An Advertisement written to a Secretarie of my Lord Treasurer of Ingland by an Inglish Intelligencer as he passed through Germanie towards Italie; also a Letter written by the Lord Treasurer, 1592.
*** Two very rare and curious historical pieces, written by a zealous Catholic in defence of Philip II.
944 Neumayr van Ramszla (J.W.) Johann fursten des Jungern Hertzogen zu Sachsen, Reise in Franckreich Engelland und Nederland, port. and plates russia extra, gilt leaves Lips. 1620
*** The volume contains accounts of many of the pictures and curiosities in the royal palaces of Westminster, St. James, &c.
On the following Monday will commence the sale of the theological portion of his collection, which will occupy eight days, and conclude on the 4th of December. The sales are entrusted to the management of Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. of Wellington Street.
We have also received from Mr. Asher of Berlin, a copy of the Bibliotheca Tieckiana—the sale catalogue of the library of Ludwig Tieck, the distinguished German poet, novelist, and critic. The sale will commence at Berlin on the 10th December, with the English portion of the library, which besides the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th folios, is particularly rich in works illustrative of Shakespeare, and of translations of various portions of our great dramatist's writings. The following lot, comprising an edition, we believe, not very generally known, and containing the manuscript notes and comments of so profound a critic as Ludwig Tieck, ought to find an English purchaser.
2152 THE PLAYS OF W. SHAKSPEARE, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Johnson and Steevens. 23 vols. gr. in 8vo. Basil 1800-1802
"Exemplaire unique et de la plus grande importance, contenant des notes sans nombre de la main de M. Tieck. Ces notes renferment les fruits d'une etude de plus de 40 ans sur le grand poete, par son plus grand traducteur et commentateur, et forment le texte du grand ouvrage sur Shakspeare, promis depuis si longtemps."
One of the most curious articles in this catalogue, copies of which may be obtained from the London Agent for the sale, Mr. Nutt, of the Strand, is No. 1965, a copy of Lilly's Sixe Court Comedies, which had belonged to Oliver Cromwell, and appears to contain his autograph.
There are few literary men who have not, in the course of some one or other of their inquiries, experienced the difficulty there is in procuring copies of pamphlets which being for the most part originally published for purposes of temporary interest, are rarely preserved by binding, and consequently when afterwards wanted become extremely difficult of attainment. We all remember the valuable Catalogue published many years since by Mr. Rodd, of Newport Street, the father of Mr. Thomas Rodd, and have often regretted the loss of our copy of that extensive collection; and we record now for the information of our readers the publication by Mr. Russell Smith, of 4. Old Compton Street, of Part I. of a Catalogue of a singular and unique collection of 25,000 ancient and modern Tracts and Pamphlets: containing I. Biography, Literary History, and Criticism; II. Trials, Civil and Criminal; III. Bibliography and Typography; IV. Heraldry and Family History; V. Archaeology; VI. Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture; VII. Music; VIII. Metaphysics.
* * * * *
NO. PAGE The Times, Chronicle, and Herald, when first established I. 7 Lord Chatham's Speech on American Stamp Act, Notes of I. 12 Dorne, the Bookseller I. 12 Henno Rusticus I. 12 The Signe of the End I. 20 Lines in the style of Suckling II. 20 Pedlar's Song, attributed to Shakspeare, and Tradition respecting Hamlet II. 23 Sir William Skipwith II. 23 Thistle of Scotland II. 24 Sermones Sancti Borromaei II. 27 Luther and Erasmus, Lines on II. 27 Tower Royal II. 28 Constitution Hill II. 28 Countess of Pembroke's Letter II. 28 Tennison's Sermon on Nell Gwynne II. 28 Colley Cibber's Apology II. 29 White Gloves at Maiden Assizes II. 29 Flemish Account I. 8 Grog, Origin of Word II. 28 Bishop Barnaby, why Lady-birds so called II. 28
* * * * *{46}
SHAKSPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS—The Fourth Volume of WHITTINGHAM'S Edition, in 7 vols. 24mo. Chiswick. 1814.
NATURE, A POEM. Folio. 1736.
LIVY.—Vol. I. of Crevier's Edition. 6 vols. 4to. Paris. 1739.
*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
The matter is so generally understood with regard to the management of periodical works, that it is hardly necessary for the Editor to say that HE CANNOT UNDERTAKE TO RETURN MANUSCRIPTS; but on one point he wishes to offer a few words of explanation to his correspondents in general, and particularly to those who do not enable him to communicate with them except in print. They will see, on a very little reflection, that it is plainly his interest to take all he can get, and make the most, and the best, of everything; and therefore he begs them to take for granted that their communications are received, and appreciated, even if the succeeding Number bears no proof of it. He is convinced that the want of specific acknowledgment will only be felt by those who have no idea of the labour and difficulty attendant on the hurried management of such a work, and of the impossibility of sometimes giving an explanation, when there really is one which would quite satisfy the writer, for the delay or non-insertion of his communication. Correspondents in such cases have no reason, and if they understood an editor's position they would feel that they have no right, to consider themselves under-valued; but nothing short of personal experience in editorship would explain to them the perplexities and evil consequences arising from an opposite course.
* * * * *
PASQUIN will find his suggestion attended to very shortly.
COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED—W.B.B.—E.H.—R.V.—Philo.—J.B.— Philobiblion.—J.M.W.—W.—Anglo Cambrian (with many thanks for his excellent suggestion).—A.T.—Odo.—J. Miland—L.—G.J.K.—Melanion.
CONTENTS AND INDEX.—Our correspondents will see that their wish for a Table of Contents to each number has been complied with. We are fully aware how much the value of a work like "NOTES AND QUERIES" is enhanced by a good INDEX. It is intended to give a very copious one at the end of each volume, so as to make the work one not merely of temporary interest, but of permanent utility.
BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED. We believe that this will prove one of the most useful divisions of our weekly Sheet. Gentlemen who may be unable to meet with any book or volume, of which they are in want, may be upon furnishing name, date, size, &c., have it inserted in this list, free of cost. Persons having such volumes to dispose of are requested to send reports of price, &c. to Mr. Bell, our Publisher.
We have received many complaints of a difficulty in procuring our paper. Every Bookseller and Newsvendor will supply it if ordered, and gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition by giving their orders direct to the publisher, Mr. GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a quarter (4s. 4d.). All communications should be addressed To the Editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
* * * * *
Vols. I. and II. 8vo. Price 28s. cloth.
THE JUDGES OF ENGLAND; from the time of the Conquest.
"It supplies what was much wanted—a regular and progressive account of English legal institutions. The result is a correction of many errors, in addition of much new information, and a better general view of our strictly legal history than any other jurist, historian, or biographer had hitherto attempted to give."—Examiner.
* * * * *{47}
SIX DAYS SALE of the First Portion of the Extensive and Valuable STOCK OF BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller, Mr. Thos. Rodd, of Great Newport Street.
MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and Co., Auctioneers of Literary property and Works illustrative of the Fine Arts will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 3. Wellington Street, Strand, on MONDAY, Nov. 19 and Five following Days, the First Portion of the extensive and Valuable, STOCK of BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller Mr. Thomas Rodd, of Great Newport Street, London; comprising among other important works, Anselme (P.) Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de France, 9 vols., a fine copy of the best edition, on large paper; Clutterbuck's (R.) History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, 3 vols., large paper, uncut; Christina of Pisa, the Fayt of Armes and of Chyvalrye, by Caxton, in Russia extra, by Lewis; AEsop's Fables, a very rare edition, by R. Pynson, unknown and undescribed; Critici Sacri, a fine copy, in 13 vols.; Dumont et Rousset, Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, a fine copy of this truly important work, on large paper, in 30 vols.; Edmondson (J.) Baronagium Genealogicum, 6 vols. large paper; Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, a fine illustrated copy, in Russia extra; Graevii et Gronovii Thesaurus Antiquitatem, 34 vols.; Holinshed's (R.) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, black letter, a choice copy of the best edition; Grafton's Chronicle at large, fine copy, by C. Lewis, from the Grenville Collection; Monstrelet Chroniques, large paper, very scarce; Pellerin Oeuvres sur les Medailles; Somer's (Lord) Collection of Tracts, by Sir Walter Scott, 13 vols., Russia extra; Surtees' History of Durham, 4 vols.; a large Collection of the Works of Tempesta, in 2 vols.; Bryan's Biographical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, extensively illustrated with an assemblage of 2500 plates; Versions of the Scriptures; various Works relating to America, Private Acts of Parliament, rare and curious Historical Pieces and Tracts, Pageants, &c.
EIGHT DAY'S SALE of highly interesting British Historical PORTRAITS, forming the Second Portion of the very important and valuable Stock of Prints, the Property of Messrs. W. and G. Smith, the long-established, well-known, and eminent Printsellers, of Lisle Street, having retired from Business.
MESSRS.S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and Co., Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works illustrative of the Fine Arts, will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 3. Wellington Street, Strand, on MONDAY, Dec 3, and Seven following Days (Sunday excepted), at One precisely each day, the Second Portion of the important and valuable STOCK of PRINTS, the property of Messrs. W. and G. Smith; comprising one of the most numerous and interesting collections of British historical portraits ever offered for sale, and containing a vast number of extremely rare prints by the most eminent English engravers, generally in the finest condition, and a large number of fine proofs and prints after the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds.
May be viewed four days prior to the sale and catalogues had.
Books recently Published.
A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON, based on the German work of F. Passow, by Henry George Liddell, M.A., and Robert Scott, M.A. Third editions, crown 4to. 2l. 4s. in boards; 2l. 12s. 6d. in Russia.
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Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, November 17. 1849.