By E. A. Riehl, Alton, Ill.
A plate of Rochester nuts and thirty seedlings of it, showing tendency to reversion; eight varieties of shagbark; eight varieties of shellbark; eight plates of Sieboldi; eight plates black walnuts (Thomas); Rush Chinquapin.
Collection of walnuts by Professor Lake, of Washington, D. C.
Royal Hybrid, California x nigra; Paradox, California x regia; Meylan, Glady, Sypherd, Stabler, Milbank, St. Clair.
By A. C. Pomeroy, Lockport, N. Y.
Pomeroy walnuts and seedlings of the original tree.
By T. P. Littlepage, Washington, D. C.
Indiana pecans, six varieties: Warwick, Posey, Major, Kentucky, Indiana, Hodge; Hinton, McCallister hican, Barnes walnut from Washington, D. C., four varieties shagbark.
By W. C. Reed, Vincennes, Ind.
Indiana pecans, thirteen varieties: Luce, Beard, Busseron, Porter, Squires, Kentucky, Hall, Sullivan (2), Warwick, Indiana, Wilson.
By Col. C. K. Sober, Lewisburg, Pa.
Photograph of his chestnut orchard and nursery.
By C. A. Reed, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Exhibition jars of Holden walnut, Warwick pecan, Kentucky pecan, Luce pecan, Hales shagbark, Kirtland shagbark, Weiker shagbark. Exhibition of Squirrel, Perfection and Great Grip nut crackers; White, Jones and Galbreath budding tools.
By Arrowfield Nurseries, Petersburg, Va.
Seedling pecan trees.
That our correspondence with the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture, as published in the annual report, has borne fruit is shown by the calling of a conference at the office of the Commissioner at Albany on February 24th, "to consider methods of control of the hickory bark borer".
Among those present were the following:
Frederick Allien, representing Riverdale Park Association.
H. W. Merkel, Forester, New York Zoological Park; representing Bronx, Valley Parkway Commission.
Dr. W. A. Murrill, Acting Director, New York Botanical Garden.
J. J. Levison, Forester, Department of Parks, Brooklyn.
Wesley B. Leach, Consulting Arboriculturist, Boro of Queens.
Clifford R. Pettis, Superintendent of State Forests, Albany.
Dr. E. P. Felt, State Entomologist, Albany.
Dr. W. C. Deming, Sec., Northern Nut Growers' Ass'n, Westchester.
George G. Atwood, Chief, Bureau of Horticulture, State Dept. of Agriculture, Albany.
B. D. Van Buren, Assistant Chief.
Dr. W. H. Jordan, Director, State Experiment Station, Geneva.
George L. Barrus, Conservation Commission, Albany.
S. H. Burnham, Assistant State Botanist, Albany.
Dr. Donald Reddick, Professor of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Ithaca.
Glenn W. Herrick, Professor of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Ithaca.
W. H. Rankin, Conservation Commission, Albany.
P. J. Parrott, Entomologist, State Experiment Station, Geneva.
F. C. Stewart, Botanist, State Experiment Station, Geneva.
After a prolonged discussion the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the hickory bark borer is at present extremely injurious and destructive to hickory trees in and around New York City, and has already destroyed and is threatening the destruction of thousands of valuable trees; and
WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated in several instances, on a large scale, that the hickory bark borer can be practically controlled; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we hereby respectfully request the commissioner of agriculture to take such steps as may be necessary to bring about the enforcement of the provisions of the agricultural law relative to insect pests and diseases with particular reference to control of the hickory bark borer; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the thanks of the conference are hereby tendered to Commissioner of Agriculture Huson for his courtesies and the calling of the conference.
The following "News Items" of no date, but received in the early part of June, shows what action has so far been taken:
News Items
Commissioner Huson of the State Department of Agriculture is receiving considerable information relative to a serious outbreak of the hickory bark borer in the vicinity of New York and on Long Island. This borer is the principal cause of the death of thousands of hickory trees. The greatest infested area is in the northern part of New York City, in Westchester County, in Queens and Nassau Counties, though much injury has been observed throughout Suffolk County, particularly along the northern shore of the island. The area of infested hickories is about the same as the territory where the chestnut trees have succumbed to the attacks of the chestnut bark disease. Now that the chestnuts have so nearly disappeared and the fact that the hickory trees are also threatened with entire extermination because of the hickory borer, requests have been made by many citizens, that the Commissioner of Agriculture should exercise such authority as the law gives him in the control of this pest. That the hickory trees that have not been attacked may be saved, or in a very large measure protected has been proven in the Zoological Park and in the parks of Brooklyn. The able superintendents of these two parks have for the last two or three years, been cutting out every infested hickory tree and in that way the other trees are found at this time to be free from insects and they have been saved from certain destruction.
The hickory borer eats its way into the bark of the hickory trees in mid-summer. Eggs are laid which hatch and the grubs feed in peculiar galleries in the bark and between the wood and the bark is such a way as to cut off the flow of the sap, thus causing the death of the trees. These grubs are in these galleries at this time of the year and will remain so until about the middle of June. It is, therefore, necessary that the infested trees be cut and destroyed before that time in order to prevent further widespread of the insects. The Commissioner has been promised the hearty cooperation of many influential and interested citizens in this movement and agents of this Department are on the ground with authority to inspect trees to ascertain the limit of infestation and they have been directed to mark such trees as should be removed and destroyed at once.
All persons are requested to inform the Department of the location of infested hickory trees and to extend to the inspectors such assistance as may be desired.
Department Circular Number 64 on "Dying Hickory Trees" will be sent to all applicants.
CALVIN J. HUSON, Commissioner of Agriculture
Albany, N. Y.
Members present:
Dr. R. T. Morris Mr. T. P. Littlepage Dr. W. C. Deming Mr. C. A. Reed Mr. W. N. Roper Prof. E. R. Lake Mr. E. S. Mayo Mr. A. C. Pomeroy Mr. J. F. Jones Mr. J. G. Rush Col. C. A. Van Duzee Prof. J. Russell Smith Prof. W. N. Hutt Mr. G. H. Corsan Mr. C. S. Ridgway Mr. H. N. Gowing Mr. W. C. Reed Mr. W. F. McSparren.
Others present:
Mrs. C. A. Reed Mrs. A. C. Pomeroy Mrs. J. F. Jones Mrs. C. S. Ridgway Prof. F. N. Fagan, Dept. of Horticulture, State College of Pennsylvania Mrs. Fagan Mr. Roy G. Pierce, Tree Surgeon, Penn. Chestnut Blight Commission Mr. Keller E. Rockey, Forester in Charge of Demonstration Work, Penn. Chestnut Blight Commission Col. C. K. Sober, Lewisburg, Pa. Mr. S. V. Wilcox, Rep. Thos. Meehan & Sons, Germantown Mr. H. Brown, Rep. Thos. Meehan & Sons, Germantown Mr. Wilmer P. Hoopes, Forest Hill, Md. Dr. A. H. Metzger, Millersville, Pa. Mr. Amos M. Landis, Lancaster, Pa. Mr. Blair Funk, Pequea Creek, Pa. Mr. David S. Herr, Lancaster, Pa. Mr. Edward Harris, Sr., Cumberland, Md. Mr. Edgar A. Weimer, Lebanon, Pa. Mr. Benj. H. Gochnauer, Lancaster, Pa. Mr. C. G. Reese, Elizabethtown, Pa. And others.
Williams, P. F., Prof. of Horticulture, Ala. Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Alabama Farm Journal, Montgomery, Ala.
Biederman, C. R., Garces, Cochise Co. Huntzinger, H. G., Teviston Rodgers, Robt. A., Forest Service, U. S. Dept, of Agric, Canille
Wilson, B. N., Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Ark., Fayetteville Powers, R. C, 414 So. Trust Bldg., Little Rock, Ark.
McNeil, Anna, 2154 Center St., Berkeley Baker, W. A., Greenfield Leonard Coates Nursery Co., Morgan Hill Smith, R. E., Agric Exp. Sta., Whittier Burbank, Luther, Santa Rosa
Cleugh, H. H., Castlegar, British Columbia Secord, Harper, St. Catherin's, Ontario Porter, W. T., 1520 St. Clair Ave., Toronto Sager, D. S., Dr., Brantford Moyle, Henry, 84 Bedford Road, Toronto Ross, Malcolm N., Dept. Public Works, Regina, Saskatchewan Saunders & Co., W. E., London, Ontario Hubbell, W. S., Spanish River Lumber Co., Little Current, Ontario Peters, E. W., 742 Somerset Bldg., Winnepeg Graham, Wm., Hagensburg, British Columbia
Bell, Bessie, Miss, 156 S. Sherman, Denver Morgan, J. W., Dr., 85 S. Penn. Ave., Denver
Cleveland, E. S., Hampton Buttner, J. L., Dr., 763 Orange Street, New Haven Jewell, Harvey, Cromwell Gorham, Frederick S., 48 Holmes Ave., Waterbury Jenkins, E. H., Agric. Exp. Sta., New Haven Spring, Sam. N., State Forester, New Haven Pratt, C. M., Newtown Hale, Geo. H., Mrs., Glastonbury Miles, H. S., Dr., 417 State St., Bridgeport Ives, E. M., Sterling Orchards, Meriden Cook, Harry B., Orange, Ct. Allen, G. Wilford, M.D., Boardman, Ct. Smith, Geo. W., Elm Fruit Farm, Hartford Lane, W. S., Norfolk Werle, Jos. A., Merwin's Beach, Milford Williamson, Robert, Greenwich Stauffer, W. F., No. 81 S. Burritt St., New Britain Boyd, Wm. A. Dr., Westport Lewis, Elmer H., Central Village Frothingham, Channing, New Canaan Fletcher, Albert E., Box 67, Farmington Morre, R. D., Colchester Wolcott, C. B., P. O. Box 39, Plantsville
Killen, J. W., Felton McCue, C. A., Prof., Newark Cowgill, L. P., Dover Cannon, Miss Lida, Dover Kosa, J. J., Milford Sypherd, C. D., Dover Whitehead, F. Houston, Lincoln Studte, M. H., Houston Knipe, T. E., Delaware City Dunn, Thos. F., Dover Webb, Wesley, Dover
Simpson Bros. Nurseries, Monticello Curtis, J. B., Orange Heights Floyd, W. L., Prof. of Horticulture, University of Florida, Gainesville Baldwin, Ed. S., DeLand
Wight, J. B., Cairo Wilson, J. F., Dr., Waycross McHatton, T. H., Prof. of Horticulture, Athens Edwards, B. H., Macon, Ga. Southern Ruralist, Atlanta
Vincent, C. C., Prof., College of Agriculture, Moscow Ackerman, W. B., P. O. Box 184, Twin Falls Hays, L. H., Mace
Lindholm, E., 9139 Commercial Ave., Chicago Stoll, Wm. Paul, 1264 Glenlake Ave., Chicago Schafer, J. F., Mt. Pulaski Koonce, Geo. W., Greenville Watson, Bloomington Banning, Thos. A., Mrs., Chicago Graham, R. O., Bloomington Karstens, Peter J., Chicago Leslie, A. M., 201 Main Street, Evanston Fisher, Mr., "Cairo Citizen", Cairo Endicott, H. W., Villa Ridge Hektoen, H., Memo. Inst. for Infectious Diseases, Chicago McVeigh, Scott, 1208 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago Evans, Homer W., R. F. D. 6, Plainfield Buckman, Benjamin, Farmingdale Horner, H. Clay, Chester Burt, Frank A., 115 1-2 So. Race St., Urbana Somer, George W., No. 106 N. La Salle St., Chicago Spalding, C. W., No. 1851 Byron St., Chicago Strawbridge, A. N., No. 533 E. 33rd St., Chicago Remley, Mrs. Grace, Franklin Grove Prochnow, I. W., No. 1127 Second Ave., Rock Island McFarlane, H. W., Chicago Graham, W. H., Fort Gage Fink, Wm. H., No. 4030 N. Pauline St., Chicago Crandall, C. S., Urbana Campbell, T. W., Elgin Badgley, B. H., No. 2241 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago Millroy, W. L., Quincy Sweeney, Jno. M., No. 1636 Manadnock Block, Chicago Krossell, C. F. P., Dr., No. 5502 Indiana Ave., Chicago Weeks, E. F., No. 143 N. Dearborn St., Chicago Heald, Prescott, No. 107 So. Glen Oak Ave., Peoria Riddle, F. A., Mrs., No. 1441 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Kennish, F. H., No. 124 East Oak St., Kewanee Finley, J. B., Care of Moline Polo and Shaft Co., Moline Braden, E. S., No. 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago Kemp, E. F., No. 108 S. LaSalle St., Chicago Peterson, Albert J., No. 3448 Hayes St., Chicago Hewitt, R., No. 149 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago Hopkins, A. M., R. 710, 167 W. Washington St., Chicago Hemingway, Geo. R., Oak Park Rut, Z. D., Park Ridge Dietrich, J. J., Arlington Heights Hansell, E. F., No. 5654 W. Lake St., Chicago
Leiber, Richard, Indianapolis Garden, Daniel A., Elnora Cathcart, Alva Y., Bristol Strassell, J. W., Supt. of Schools, Rockport Howard, W. T., R. F. D. 19, Indianapolis Boos, E. M., R. F. D. 2, Milan Boss Co., John C, Elkhart Green, Frank, No. 811 So. St., Newcastle House, M. M., 1664 College Ave., Indianapolis Simpson & Sons, H. M., Vincennes Woodbury, C. G., Lafayette Ray, Elgin H., Winamac, R. F. D. 1 Fellwock, P. B., 3 Up. Fourth St., Evansville Hooke, Ora G., Albany, Delaware Co. Smith, Oren E., Dr., Traction Terminal Bldg., Indianapolis Whetsell, Edward, 107 Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington Swain, W. H., South Bend Knapp, Dr., Evansville Yoder, A. C., Dr., Goshen Knaub, Ben., R. 1, Box 99, North Vernon Lukens, B., Mrs., Anderson
Dennis, A. B., Dr., Cedar Rapids Ruppersberg, E. A., Miss, Charles City College, Charles City Patten, C. G., Charles City Sawyer, L. H., Des Moines Thompson, Harry French, Forrest City "Successful Farming" Des Moines "Kimball's Dairy Farmer" Waterloo
Godfrey, F. M., Holton Skinner & Co., J. H., Topeka
Matthews, Clarence W., State University, Lexington Horine, E. F., M.D., 1036 Bardstown Rd., Louisville "Inland Farming", Louisville Brislin, John A., Cash. Farmers' Bank of Ky., Frankfort Kiefer, Louis W., 901 N. Elm St., Henderson
Hinton, E. G., Weeks
Soule, Sidney S., Mrs., South Freeport Hitchings, Edson F., College of Agriculture, Orono Peardon, J. H., Matinicus Stryker, D. J., Rockland Chase, Dr. Walter G., Wiscasset
Michael, Jesse J., Frederick Little, William E., Westminister Bunting, J. T., Box 137, Marion Station Benkert, George, Baltimore Heron, Benj. F. L., Box 58, Mt. Ranier Coad, J. Edwin, Drayden, St. Mary's Co. Munter, D. M., No. 22 Virginia Ave., Cumberland Daingerfield, P. B. K., Maryland Club, Baltimore Bachrach, Walter K., No. 16 W. Lexington St., Baltimore Hewell, John, No. 2028 W. Lexington St., Baltimore Hays, Amos H., Parkton Stem, C. W., Sabillasville Tyler, John Paul, No. 344 W. Preston St., Baltimore Munter, D. W., No. 1642 Runton Ave., Baltimore Kerr, J. W., Denton Overton, W. S., R. F. D. 2, Silver Spring Harris, Edward, Sr., 31 S. Liberty St., Cumberland Strite, S. M., 52 Broadway, Hagerstown Harrison's Nurseries, Berlin Hoopes, Wilmer P., Forest Hill Irwin, Arthur J., 226 E. Main St., Frostburg McDaniel, Alex H., North East P. O., Cecil Co.
Blood, W. H., Mrs., Jr., 147 Grove Street, Wellesley Reed, Orville, Rev., Granville, Centre Deroo, Frank B., Box 363, Needham Fox, Jabez, 99 Irving Street, Cambridge Hall, James L., Kingston, Box 31 Adams, Norris W., Box 323, Worcester Mass. Agric. Coll., Amherst Crosby, Fred, Bolton Bailey, Thos. W., Kingston Griffin, W. E., Cor. Central St. & B. & M. R. R., Worcester Dawson, Jackson, Mr., Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain Dowse, Granton H., Wrentham Ellsworth, J. Lewis, Sec'y Mass. State Bd. of Agric., Boston Fleming, Charles B., Norwood Brounell, Lewis, 1030 High Street, Fall River Portmore, J. M., 7 Denison Av., So. Framingham Humphrey, F. A., Worcester Waugh, F. A., Prof., Amherst Beebe, E. Pierson, Boston Mead, H. O., Lunenburg Torrey, John P., Dr., Andover Affleck, G. B., 287 Hickory St., Springfield Deming, Grove W., Mt. Hermon School Elder, David, Harwich, Mass. James, Gorton, 492 So. Station, Boston Sturtevant, E. L., Brookline Brown, J. Frank, The Corey Hill Hospital, Brookline Willwerth, A. H., No. 21 Greenwich Park, Boston Day, W. Taylor, No. 313 Main St., Great Barrington Coney, Harriet M., Miss, No. 106 Church St., Ware
Brauer, H. A., 810 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor Cobb, Myron A., Central State Normal School, Mt. Pleasant Ilgenfritz's Sons Co., T. E., Nursery, Monroe Haines, Peter S., Detroit Kidder, Samuel, Ann Arbor Paul, Irwin, Muskegon, R. F. D. 7 Garfield, Chas. W., Hon., Grand Rapids Wermuth, Burt, Assoc. Ed. "Michigan Farmer", Detroit Eustace, H. J., Prof., State Horticulturist, E. Lansing Carmichael, Milton, 281 Yard Bldg., Detroit Richardson, A. H., Dr., The Martha Washington, Mt. Clemens Baker, N. I., Dr., Himebaugh, Clayton D., Sheffield Mfg. Co., Burr Oak Spring, O. L., 728 Wabash Ave., Detroit Reshore, L. T., Dowagiac Adams, Rollo K., Middleville Montgomery, R. H., 46 Jefferson Ave., Detroit "The Gleaner", Detroit Davis, R. J., Lock Box 753, Buchanan Simpson, Wallace N., No. 379 W. Main St., Battle Creek Palmer, A. C., Ellsworth Faurote, Fay L., Lord Bldg., Detroit Andrus, F. P., Almont, Lapeer Co. Gamble, M. D., E. F., Coldwater Horner, E. E., Eaton Rapids Woolen Mills, Eaton Rapids Stryker, F. A., Buchanan Lake, Geo., Northville Hanes, P. S., No. 730 Sheridan Ave., Detroit Handy, J. W., M.D., No. 105 West 1st St., Flint
Fairchild, D. H., St. Paul Husser, Henry, Minneiska Wedge, Clarence, Albert Lea Cutting, Fred, Byron Underwood, Roy, Lake City Alford, E. F., 2390 Woodland Ave., Duluth Latham, A. W., Sec'y State Hortic. Soc'y, 207 Kasota Bldg., Minneapolis Woodbridge, Dwight E., U. S. Bureau of Mines, Duluth Tillinghast, E. G., Leetonia Mining Co., Hibbing Lake Sarah Specialty Farm, Rockford Farm Stock & Home, Minneapolis
Bostwick, Arthur E., 70 Vandeventer St., St. Louis Stark Bros.' Nurseries and Orchards Co., Louisiana Williams, F. V., D.D.S., 3720 Virginia, Kansas City Born, H. H. Dr., Park & Compton Sts., St. Louis Bailey, B. A., Versailles Wallace, E. S., Office of City Chemist, Kansas City Cummings, C. C., Dr., Joplin Wilcox, Walter H., 433 Forth Ave., Webster Groves Mosher, H. G., Schell City
Dillingham, Thos. M., Dr., Marlboro Clement, Ruth E., Miss, E. Deering
Rolder, C. A., Dr., Hedde Bldg., Grand Rapids
Swingle, C. G., Hazen Gregory, E. R., Dr., Reno
Lovett, J. T., Little Silver Pomona Nurseries, Palmyra Bobbink & Atkins, Rutherford Speer, Lester W., 401 Passaic Ave., Nutley Black, Son & Co., Jos. H., Hightstown Chevrier, Chas. S., P. O. Box 579, Trenton Rice, John J., Almonnesson Parry, John R., Parry Totten, A. B., Middlebush Hartt, Wm. S., Box 366 Toms River Dantun, A. P., Walsted Farm, Freehold Shoemaker, Wm. E., Bridgeton Miller, Jessie E., Miss, 204 W. Passaic Ave., Rutherford Hall & Robert Tubbs, Willowwood Farm, Pottersville P.O. Mount, T. S., Hamilton Sq. Schulze, Edward H., Elizabeth Spindler, M., No. 316 Halsey St., Newark Sonders, Geo. B., P. O. Box 204, Mays Landing Palmer, H. C. H., Main Road, Vineland Putnam, G. H., Vineland Parkin, J. W., No. 576 E. 23rd St., Paterson Martin, Geo. W. R., No. 47 Chestnut St., Newark Lintner, Geo A., Summit, New Jersey Kirkpatrick, F. L., No. 35 E. Chestnut St., Merchantville Gilmore, Jr., Thos. J., No. 219 Montgonery St., Jersey City Haddon, Chas. K., Camden Black, Walter C, Hightstown Parkin, John M., No. 576 E. 23rd St., Paterson Bailey, G. W., Kenilworth Eyferth, Adolph, No. 554 Tenth St., N.E., West New York, N. Y. Matlack, C. L., No. 47 Potter St., Haddenfield Wellborn, C. E., Weston Somers, A. F., No. 187 Warren St., Jersey City Turner, H. J., Box 356, Montclair Woodruff, Leon, No. 27 Jefferson St., Bridgeton Davis, H. H., No. 113 Chestnut St., East Orange Butler, F. W., Mrs., Plainfield Kevitt, T. C, Anthonia Maurer, E. H., No. 309 S. Broad St., Elizabeth
Thompson, W. M., Dr. Logan
Hedrick, U. P., Prof., Experiment Station, Geneva Murrill, W. H., Botanical Museum, Bronx Park, New York City Bailey, Liberty H., Cornell Agric. Coll., Ithaca The Rochester Nurseries, Rochester L'Amoreaux Nursery Co., Schoharie Green's Nursery Co., Rochester Lewis, Roesch & Son, Nurserymen, Fredonia Burnette, F. H., Phelps Wheatcroft, S. F., Brooklyn Irwin, Chas., 116 Rosedale St., Rochester Garrison, H. F., Westfield Benney, Wm. H., 30 Church St., N. Y. City Harris, C. F., 211 Blandina St., Utica Thew, Gilmore E., 2006 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City Yoakum, B. F., 71 Broadway, N. Y. City Trimble, J. H., 1255 St. Paul St., Rochester McNair, E. O., Erie Co., Bank Bldg., Buffalo Baruch, H. B., 55 New Street Studley, Frank P., Matteawan Bostwick, Henry J., Clifton Springs Sanitarium, Clifton Springs Wyckoff, C. H., Aurora Slocum, J. F., 29 Park Street, Buffalo Sunnyfield Nursery Co., Poughkeepsie Morgan, H. E., Pittsford Williams & Co., Rose, Miss, Newark Hechler, C. H., Harbor Hill, Roslyn Piccard, L. M., 705 Fulton St., Brooklyn Bardin, A. G., Mr., 29 Brevoort Pl., Brooklyn Townsend, 257 Broadway, N. Y. City, Room 703 Hunter, Wm. T., Jr., 32 Rose St., N. Y. City Gage, Stanley A., 72 Mahlstedt Place, New Rochelle Robertson, C. G., 39 Ormond Pl., Brooklyn Sackman, Karl Bever, 92 Williams Street Younkheere, D., 3320 Bailey Ave., Kingsbridge, N. Y. City Foster, E. W., Central Park, L. I. Hemming, H., Mrs., 59 Walworth St., Brooklyn Powell, E. P., Clinton, Otsego Co. Merkel, Herman W., Forester, Bronx Zoological Park Powell, Geo. T., Pres. Agric. Experts Assoc, 5 E. 42 St., N. Y. City Britton, N. L., Dr., Director Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, N. Y. City Walker, Roberts, 115 Broadway, N. Y. City Sullivan, W. F., 154 E. 74th St., N. Y. City Rosenberg, Max, Pleasantville, Box 91 Bridgman, A. C., The Standard Union, Brooklyn Voorhis, Ernest, Rev., 1047 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. City Buckbie, Annie, Miss, Wisner, Orange Co. Knight, Geo. W., Mrs., 28 Cambridge Pl., Brooklyn Hickox, Ralph, Williamsbridge, N. Y. City Armstrong, M. E., Miss, 10 St. Francis Place, Brooklyn Perry, C. J., 18 Fulton St., Auburn Holden, E. R., Jr., 34 W. 33 Street, N. Y. City Charlton Nursery Co., Rochester Jones, L. V., Miss, St. Luke's Hospital, Newburgh Hichcock, F. H., 105 W. 40th St., N. Y. City Vickers, H. W., Dr., Little Falls Shepard, W. E., New Paltz, Ulster Co. Mendelson, D., 1825 Pilkin Ave., Brooklyn Hopkins, W., 15 Dey St., City Smith, H. P., Center Moricrifs, Suffolk, Co. West, Dr., 51 E. 25th St., N. Y. City Grimmer, John W., Armour Villa Park, Bronxville Leipziger, H. A., Dr., Hotel Empire, Broadway & 63rd St., N. Y. City Engesser, Jas., 513 N. Washington St., Tarrytown Kepke, John, Dr., 488 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn Manning-Spoerl, J. O. O., Dr., 151 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn Langdon, H. P., Maple Ridge, Farm, Constable Wainwright, John W., Dr., 80 Wash. Sq., E., N. Y. City Teele, A. W., 30 Broad St., N. Y. City Grot, Henry, 201 E. 116th St., N. Y. City Graham, S. H., Ithaca Teter, Walter C., 10 Wall St., N. Y. City Jewett, Asabel, Berkshire Thompson, Adelbert, East Avon Wiggin, Thos. H., Scarsdale "Ridgewood Times", Myrtle & Cypress Aves., Brooklyn Schubel, Geo., Lit. Ed., Myrtle & Cypress Aves., Brooklyn Kelly, Julia Z., Miss, College of Agriculture, Ithaca Caldwell, R. J., 374 Broadway, N. Y. City Lincoln, Egbert P., 429 Lincoln Pl., Brooklyn Reynolds, Walter S., Dr., 66 W. 71st St., N. Y. City Davidson, Charles Stewart, 60 Wall St., N. Y. City Slosson, Richard S., 140 Carolina St., Buffalo Leutsch, Nina, Clinton Corners Armstrong, Rob. P., N. Y. State School of Agric., Canton Manning, J. M., 1002 Third Ave., N. Y. City Righter, J. Walter, 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City Reynolds, H. L., 50 Palace Arcade, Buffalo Spencer, W. F., No. 106 Bond St., Brooklyn Sauer, Arthur W., Broadway & Driggs Ave., Brooklyn Mezger, L. K., M.D., No. 186 Clinton Ave., North Rochester Williams, Olive G., Miss, No. 341 Garfield Ave., Troy Austin, Nichols & Co., New York Bearns, J. H., Jr., No. 198 Broadway Dupree, Wm., No. 83 Halsey St., Brooklyn Thomas, A. E., No. 105 Windsor Place, Brooklyn Holt, Frank L., No. 220 Broadway Greffe, Joseph A., Box 105, Boonton Holden, E. R., Jr., No. 34 W. 33rd St Hendrickson, B. W., Care of J. K. Armsby Co., No. 87 Hudson St. Hoyle, Louis C., Middletown Hall, John, Sec'y, Rochester Miller, Francher, L., No. 605 Kirk Block, Syracuse Mitchell, F. J., No. 44 W. 98th St. Leggett & Co., Francis H., Franklin, Hudson & Leonard Sts. Krizan, Jos., No. 521 E. 72nd Street Jaburg Bros., No. 10-12 Leonard St. Mathans, J. A., White Plains Nicholson, J. E., Care of Messrs. Wassermass, No. 42 Broadway Nicholson, J. E., No. 83rd St. & 24th Ave., Bensonhurst Mills, W. M., No. 397 Goundry St., N. Towanda Sullivan, Warren, No. 44 Morningside Drive Sweizer, Karl, No. 40 Exchange Place Shook, F. M., Dept. of Tropical Medicine Randolph, Lewis C., No. 357 Delaware Ave. Riley, R. M., Garden City Rogers, G. M., Apt. 44. No. 605 144th St. Williams & Co., R. C., Fulton & South Sts. Turner, Fred. C., R.F.D. No. 7, Box 115, Schenectady Tuthill, W. C., No. 245 Water St. Sanford, A. E., No. 18 Bowman St., Rochester Smith, Howard K., No. 323 Webster Ave., Brooklyn Hewitt, R., Ardsley on Hudson Evans, J. C., Lockport Hessinger, M. A., No. 102 West 102d St. Wetbeck, J. B., Care of Worcester Salt Co., No. 71 & No. 73 Murray St. Scott, Thomas C., No. 372 Chenango St., Binghamton Dye, Walter A., Garden City Ellison, E. T., No. 1272 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn Brown, Carl W., Ripley, Chautauqua Co. Teran, T. Mrs., Hotel Calvert, New York City Power, Alice B., Miss, No. 203 St. Paul St., Rochester Banks, E. M., No. 342 West 45th St., New York City Anderson, Bryon Wall, No. 79 Franklin Ave., New Rochelle Mesner, E. D., No. 34 Carlton St., Buffalo Gawey, Gerald, No. 347 W. 19th St. Maynard, A. R., Waterloo Johnson, M., No. 540 W. 146th St. Strawn, T. C., No. 355 W. 55th St. Bruce, W. Robert, Brick Church Institute, Rochester Broughton, L. D., No. 304 Lewis Ave., Brooklyn Ouilshan, H. W., N. E. Cor. 125th St. and 8th Ave., Bishop Building, Rooms 207-210, New York City Wadsworth, M. A., No. 423 E. 4th St., Brooklyn
Blair, Wm. A., V. P. People's Nat. Bank, Winston-Salem
Wise, P., Maumee Schuh, L. H., Columbus Rich, E. L., No. 3063 Edgehill Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland Neff, W. N., Martel McEwen, Will J., No. 755 Wilson Ave., Columbus Miller, Wm., Gypsum Marshall, Robert, No. 23 Hollister St., Cincinnati Longsworth, I. R., Lima Kiser, Frank A., Fremont Goetz, C. H., Columbus Draine, F. J., 2411 Detroit Ave., Toledo Cochran, J. H., Napoleon Bundy, C. C., No. 1356 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus Penrod, A. M., Camp Chase Poston, E. M., President, New York Coal Co., Columbus Rodgers, A. S., Springfield Gas Engine Co., Springfield Jeffers, F. A., Monroe Bank Building, Woodsfield Kennedy, C. S., No. 412 Monroe St., East Liverpool Crawford Co., M., Cuyahoga Falls Hoyt, C. H., Cleveland Ashbrook, Wm. A., Hon., Johnstown Johnston, I. B., Station K., Cincinnati Stasel, A. A., No. 25-1/2 S. Third St., Newark Book, G. M., Bloomdale Smith, E. R., No. 132 S. Collett St., Lima Rader, Hal, No. 125 Chestnut St., Nilec Watt, Frank E., No. 116 Show Ave., Dayton Anderson, A. J., "Ohio Farmer", Cleveland Scarff, W. U., New Carlisle Durant, A. T., German-American Ins. Co., Akron Daugherty, U. G., R. D. 13, Dayton Miller, Chas. D., 60 N. Garfield Ave., Columbus Doren, Jane M., Bexley, Columbus Prickett, J. D., 727 Plymouth St., Toledo Zerkey, M. Allen, Justus, R. D. 1 Lohman, E., Greenville Ewart, Mortimer, Mogadore Schumacher, Arlin, Pandora Yunck, Ed. G., 710 Central Ave., Sandusky Nellis, A. S. Byrne, Dr., Cor. Third & Webb Sts., Dayton Rogers, W. B., St. Stanislaus' House of Retreat, Cleveland Parrott, Frances, Miss, R. D. 12, Dayton Rector, J. M., Dr., Columbus Lauder, Ed., Dr., 1012 Prospect Ave., S. E., Cleveland
Robinson, C. A., R.F.D. 1, Carlton, Yamhill Co. Oregon R. R. & Navigation Co., Portland Power, Frank W., Sec'y State Horticultural Society, Orenco Gardener, V. R., Associate Prof, of Horticulture, Corvallis McDonald, M., Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco Magruder, G. M., Medical Building, Portland Fishback, P. L., Monmouth
Deer, G. N., Ancon, C. Z.
Le Fevre, B. W., 251 Elm St., Lancaster Harris, D. S., Williamsburg, P.O. Box 416 Wright, M. H., Penn. Shafting Co., Spring City Hutchinson, Mahlon, 138 South 15th Street, Philadelphia Taylor, C. B., Philadelphia Townsend, C. W., Pittsburg Allen, Carl G., Williamsport Hall, L. C., Avonia Sober, C. K., Lewisburg Foley, John, Forester Penn. R. R. Co., Broad St. Sta., Philadelphia Mann, Chas. S., Hatboro, Montgomery Co., R. D. 1 Springer, Willard, Jr., Forest Asst. Pa. R. R. Broad St. Sta. Philadelphia Peck, Wm. H., Care of Third Nat. Bank, Scranton Riehl, H. F., Manheim Hildebrand, F. B., Duquesne Wolford, C. H., Prin. Duquesne Public Schools, Duquesne Motts, Sarah E., 533 S. Hanover St., Carlisle Watts, R. L., Prof. of Horticulture, State College Hebbin, T. T., McKeesport Ballou, C. S., Potter Co. Marsden, Biddle R., Dr., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Fenstermacher, P. S., Care of Harry C. Tripler, Young Bldg., Allentown Keeler, Asa S., Tunckhannock Hess, Frank P., Jr., 31 N. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel George, W. H., Edgewood, Bucks Co. Scott & Hill, Erie St. Francis, J., 21 Scott Block, Erie Wilt, Edwin M., No. 816 Brooklyn St., Philadelphia Wright, W. J., State College Scott, W. M., No. 824 Centennial Ave., Sewickley Small, Norbert, Edgegrove Schotte, T. B., Kittanning Kirkpatrick, F. L., No. 273 Eleventh St., Philadelphia Gochnauer, Benj. H., Lancaster, R. F. D. No. 7 Engle, E. B., Marietta Cook, Dr., George R., Johnston Chalmers, W. J., Vanport, Beaver Co. Cahalan, Jno. A., No. 1524 Chestnut St., Philadelphia DeWeese, D. M., No. 51 Logan Ave., Sharon Doan, J. L., School of Horticulture, Ambler. Keystone Wood Co., Williamsport Fleming, H. N., No. 410 Downing Bldg., Erie Hassell, H. W., Dr., Medical Department, Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia Pease, H. E., No. 1111 Lamont St., Pittsburgh Palmer, C. L., Dr., P. O. Box, Mt. Lebanon Spear, James, Jr., Wallingford Hoerner, William S., Chambersburg Hazel, Boyd E., Box No. 57, Madisonburg Stover, C. J., Ambler Davis, Thos. D., No. 267 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh Hill, V. J., No. 4215 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Richards, A. C., Schellsburg Stocks, George, No. 1128 Heberton, Pittsburgh Rhoads, Dr., J. N., No. 1635 S. Broad St., Philadelphia Quimby, C. S., R. F. D. 3, Phoenixville
Peckham, F. H., Dr., 6 Thomas St., Providence Collins, Franklin J., Prof., 468 Hope St., Providence Heaton, H. W., M.D., No. 2 Iron's Block, Providence Winslow, Ernest L., Providence Bronsdon, M. H., Chief Engineer, The Rhode Island Co., Providence Pleger, John J., Box 686, Manila
Blair, R. E., U. S. Exper. Farm, San Antonio Edward, Chas. L., Dallas Kyle, E. J., Prof, of Horticulture, College Station Anderson, J. H., Brighton Canada, J. W., Houston
Hansen, O. K., Dr., Provo Hughes, M. A., Dr., Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City
Woodman, J. S., So. Royalton Cummings, M. B., Sec'y State Horticultural Society, Burlington Parrish, John S., Eastham, Albermarle Co. Blue, C. E., Ridgeway, Charlottsville Haynes, I. J., Manakin
Emerson, J. S., Dr., Red Hill Catlett, Carter, Gloucester
Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish Shomaker, Joel, Nellita Moody, Robert, Everett Stuart, John A., Christopher Nurseries, Christopher Davis, Pauline, Miss, Box 415, Pullman May, Walter, 456 Empire Bldg., Okanogan Western Farmer, Spokane March, G. L., Kennewick
Bennett, Louis, Mrs., 148 Court Ave., Weston
Kirr, A. R., Box C, R. D. 6, Fond du Lac Harold, Geo. E., Maiden Rock, R. D. 3
Van Deman, H. E., Washington Swingle, Walter, Prof., Bur. Plant Industry, Washington Coville, Fred. V., Prof., Bur. Plant Industry, Washington Clinton, L. A., Prof., Dept, of Agric., Washington Stabler, Albert, Ins. Agt., Washington Bick, Wm. H., 1403 H. St., Washington Hendrick, A. J., 609, 3rd St., Washington Life & Health, Takoma Park Sta., Washington
A well-known nut grower in Delaware writes: "We have given the filberts a thorough test and found them one of the most unprofitable nuts ever tested. At one time we had under test about 15 distinct varieties. After several years tests they all succumbed to the blight; a blight that attacked the old wood and killed it. Some of our bushes or trees got as much as six inches in diameter before they were entirely killed back. Possibly by thorough spraying from the setting of trees a success might be made. Some varieties tested were very prolific and of fine quality. We succeeded in getting a fine lot of walnuts from the tree southeast of the potato house by applying pollen. They are as fine and as well filled and as large as any I have ever seen. Several of our crosses had a few nuts this year, most of them are rather thick shelled. The trees though seem to be perfectly hardy. We have several Japan walnut trees bearing this year some of which I consider first class, equal to the best shellbarks or pecans in cracking quality; besides they are so very prolific, producing as many as a dozen in a cluster. We can show specimens from several distinct varieties or types. The Cordiformis seems to be one of the best. We also have some very fine black walnuts. One of our seedlings from the select nuts produces the largest walnuts that I have ever seen. The tree did not have very many on it this year. Several of the other seedlings from the same planting produced fine nuts with good cracking qualities. We also had several pecan trees to bear a few nuts this year; most of the nuts were rather small but of fine quality, very thin shells and well filled. Our Japan chestnuts bore quite full.
I think it possible to produce Persian walnuts successfully in our locality. I also think the Japan walnut offers a good field for investigation."
Dec. 11, 1912.
So far as I can learn only two attempts have been made in this state to grow nuts. The first one consists in the setting out of about one hundred Japanese walnuts by the Antlers Orchard Co. Their place is on the western slope in the fruit district and I am informed that the first winter the tops were killed but new shoots put out from the roots and the trees did well this year.
The other attempt is one I made last spring. I set out a few pecan trees as an experiment near Colorado Springs. Six of the seven trees lived and put out some leaves but did not make much growth. If they survive the winter I purpose planting more pecans and some other nuts,—chestnuts, black walnuts and possibly Persian walnuts.
* * * * *
Hilton, N. Y. Nov. 29, 1912.
Dear Sir:
In reply to your inquiry I am inclosing notes on walnut culture in this locality. This noble fruit is not generally known here. I do not know of more than twelve or fifteen bearing trees in my county. Of these all are without doubt seedlings, and are located in places where the peach will thrive. The soil in which they grow is varied: Dunkirk fine sand, Dunkirk silt loam, Ontario fine sand loam, and Ontario loam. (See soil survey of Monroe county, N. Y. U. S. Dept. Agriculture.) The altitude is comparatively low. The highest point in the county is only 682 ft. above lake Ontario, and the average elevation is not more than 300 ft. The "Holden" walnuts are growing at a still lower level. This tree, considering its surroundings and location, had a good crop this year. Standing on the lawn uncultivated and unfertilized, hemmed in on three sides by other trees, it gave us at least three bushels of fine nuts.
The wood showed no injury after last winter's intense cold. Growth started in the spring just as the apple blossoms came out. The catkins are very large, at least much larger than those on the other trees we have, and hang on longer. One of our trees loses its male blossoms before the female bloom appears, but the "Holden" is the last to lose them. About half of the clusters of fruit have two or three nuts in them. We began harvesting the nuts Sept. 15th, just four months from the blossom. The dropping continued for a month, prolonged on account of lack of frost.
Last week the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported the appearance of the first load of English walnuts ever brought on the local market. They were grown on fifteen year old seedlings, at East Avon, N. Y., by Adelbert Thompson. His orchard is said to contain 200 trees. It seems very probable that the next twenty-five years will see the development of Persian walnut growing, to commercial proportions, in those localities in the state where the peach will grow.
I had a little experience last spring with southern grown walnut trees. Last spring I received from Louisiana eleven trees of the "Holden" variety grafted on black walnut stocks. They were fine trees, the largest at least eight feet tall. Six of these I set out in my own orchards and gave them intensive care and cultivation, but alas, growth was weak and at last they died. If I were to deduce any conclusions it would be that there is too great a difference between Louisiana and New York conditions.
Dear Sir:—
I am addressing you as secretary of the Northern Nut Growers' Association in hopes that you can refer me to some one, perhaps a member of your society, in this part of the country to whom we can appeal to take part at the coming annual meeting of this society as champion of nut growing. While in our state we cannot successfully grow pecans, nor perhaps the sweet chestnut and some other nuts, yet some varieties do well with us and a larger interest in their growing should be stimulated.
Yours very truly,
A. W. Latham, Sec'y.