Among the foods rich in protein are the legumes, the cereals, and nuts. Those low in protein are fresh fruits, green vegetables, and roots. Fat is chiefly found in nuts, olives, and certain pulses, particularly the peanut; and carbohydrates in cereals, pulses, and many roots. Fruit and green vegetables consist mostly of water and organic mineral compounds, and in the case of the most juicy varieties may be regarded more as drink than food. We have, then, six distinct classes of food—the pulses, cereals, nuts, fruits, green vegetables, and roots. Let us briefly consider the nutritive value of each.
Pulse foods usually form an important item in a vegetarian dietary. They are very rich in their nutritive properties, and even before matured are equal or superior in value to any other green vegetable. 'The ripened seed shows by analysis a very remarkable contrast to most of the matured foods, as the potato and other tubers, and even to the best cereals, as wheat. This superiority lies in the large amount of nitrogen in the form of protein that they contain.' Peas, beans, and lentils should be eaten very moderately, being highly concentrated foods. The removal of the skins from peas and beans, also of the germs of beans, by parboiling, is recommended, as they are then more easily digested and less liable to 'disagree.' These foods, it is interesting to know are used extensively by the vegetarian nations. The Mongol procures his supply of protein chiefly from the Soya bean from which he makes different preparations of bean cheese and sauce. It is said that the poorer classes of Spaniards and the Bedouins rely on a porridge of lentils for their mainstay. In India and China where rice is the staple food, beans are eaten to provide the necessary nitrogenous matter, as rice alone is considered deficient in protein.
With regard to the pulse foods, Dr. Haig, in his works on uric acid, states that, containing as they do considerable xanthin, an exceedingly harmful poison, they are not to be commended as healthful articles of diet. He states that he has found the pulses to contain even more xanthin than many kinds of flesh-meat, and as it is this poison in flesh that causes him to so strongly condemn the eating of meat, he naturally condemns the eating of any foods in which this poison exists in any considerable quantity. He writes: 'So far as I know the "vegetarians" of this country are decidedly superior in endurance to those feeding on animal tissues, who might otherwise be expected to equal them; but these "vegetarians" would be still better if they not only ruled out animal flesh, but also eggs, the pulses (peas, beans, lentils and peanuts), eschew nuts, asparagus, and mushrooms, as well as tea, coffee and cocoa, all of which contain a large amount of uric acid, or substances physiologically equivalent to it.'
Dr. Haig attributes many diseases and complaints to the presence of uric acid in the blood and its deposits in the tissues: 'Uric acid diseases fall chiefly in two groups: (a) The arthritic group, comprising gout, rheumatism, and similar affections of many fibrous tissues throughout the body; (b) the circulation group including headache, epilepsy, mental depression, anaemia, Bright's disease, etc.' Speaking with regard to rheumatism met with among the vegetarian natives of India, Dr. Haig writes: 'I believe it will appear, on investigation, that in those parts of India where rice and fresh vegetables form the staple foods, not only rheumatism, but uric acid diseases generally are little known, whereas in those parts where pulses are largely consumed, they are common—almost universal.'
The cereals constitute the mainstay of vegetarians all the world over, and although not superior to nuts, must be considered an exceedingly valuable, and, in some cases, essential food material. They differ considerably in their nutritive properties, so it is necessary to examine the worth of each separately.
Wheat, though not universally the most extensively used of the cereals, is the most popular and best known cereal in this country. It has been cultivated for ages and has been used by nearly all peoples. It is customary to grind the berries into a fine meal which is mixed with water and baked. There are various opinions about the comparative value of white and whole-wheat flour. There is no doubt but that the whole-wheat flour containing, as it does, more woody fibre than the white, has a tendency to increase the peristaltic action of the intestines, and thus is valuable for persons troubled with constipation.[4] From a large number of analyses it has been determined that entire wheat flour contains about 2.4 per cent. more protein than white flour (all grades), yet experiments have demonstrated that the available protein is less in entire wheat-flour than in white flour.[5] This is probably due to the fact that the protein which is enclosed in the bran cannot be easily assimilated, as the digestive organs are unable to break up the outer walls of woody fibre and extract the nitrogenous matter they contain. On the other hand whole-wheat flour contains considerably more valuable and available mineral matter than does white flour. The two outer layers contain compounds of phosphorus, lime, iron, and soda. Analyses by Atwater show entire-wheat flour to contain twice as much mineral matter as white flour. It is affirmed by Broadbent and others, that this mineral matter is exceedingly valuable both as a nutrient, and because of its neutralising effect upon proteid wastes, and that it is because of this that flour made from the entire-wheat berry has very superior food value to that made from the berry minus the outer cuticles. Many dietetists look upon whole-wheat bread as one of the most salutary of all foods and strongly advise its use in place of white bread. A well-known doctor states that he has known it a cure for many diseases, and thinks that many nervous complaints due to 'saline starvation' can be cured by substituting whole-meal for white bread.
But in opposition to these views Dr. Haig thinks that as the outer brown husk of all cereals contains some xanthin, it should on this account be removed. He therefore recommends white flour, (not superfine, but cheap-grade), in place of the entire-wheat. Others, however, are of the opinion that the amount of xanthin present in the bran is so small as not to be considered, especially when, by the removal of the xanthin, valuable mineral matter is also removed.
Of course, it is difficult for a layman to form an opinion when experts differ. Perhaps the best thing to do is to use whole-wheat bread if there is any tendency to constipation. If not, then choose that which is the more palatable, or change from one to the other as inclination dictates. This adds to variety, and as digestion is better when the food is better relished, no doubt, in this case, that which pleases the taste best is the best to eat. At least, we can hold this view tentatively for the present.
Wheat flour (entire), ranks the highest of all the cereals in protein, excepting oatmeal, averaging 13 per cent. In fat it exceeds rice and rye, is equal with barley and maize, but considerably below oatmeal: averaging about 1.9 per cent. In carbohydrates it averages about seventy-two per cent., all the cereals being very much alike in quantity of these nutrients. It is a well-balanced food, as indeed, all cereals are, and is palatable prepared in a variety of ways, although, made into unleavened, unsalted bread, the sweet, nutty flavour of the berry itself is best preserved.
Oatmeal is not extensively used, comparatively speaking, although it has an excellent reputation. It is decidedly the richest cereal in protein and fat, especially fat, and this is probably why people living in cold climates find it such a sustaining food. In protein it averages 16.1 per cent.: in fat 7.2 per cent. It is very commonly used as porridge. When well cooked, that is to say, for several hours, this is a good way to prepare it, but a better is to eat it dry in the form of unsweetened oatcakes, scones, etc., these being more easily digested because necessitating thorough mastication. The above remarks regarding the removal of the bran from wheat-flour are precisely as applicable to oatmeal, as well as rye, so no more need be said on that point.
Rye flour is not unlike wheat, and is used more extensively than wheat in many parts of Europe. It has 2 per cent. less protein than wheat and its gluten is darker in colour and less elastic and so does not make as light a loaf; but this does not detract from its nutritive value at all. Being more easily cultivated than wheat, especially in cold countries, it is cheaper and therefore more of a poor man's food.
Indian corn, or maize, or Turkish wheat, is one of the finest of cereals. It is used extensively in America, North and South, in parts of the Orient, in Italy, the Balkans, Servia, and elsewhere. It is used as a green vegetable and when fully matured is ground into meal and made into bread, porridge, biscuits, Johnny-cake, etc., etc. Corn compared to wheat is rich in fat, but in protein wheat is the richer by about 3 per cent. Sugar corn, cooked and canned, is sold in England by food-reform dealers. It is perhaps the most tasty of all the cereals.
Rice is the staple of the Orientals. The practice of removing the dark inner skin in order to give the uncooked grain a white and polished appearance, is not only an expensive operation, but a very foolish one, for it detracts largely from the nutritive value of the food, as considerable protein and other valuable matter is removed along with the bran. We are told that the Burmese and Japanese and other nations who use rice as their principal food-stuff, use the entire grain. As compared to undressed rice, the ordinary, or polished rice is deficient 3 per cent. of protein; 6 per cent. of fat; 5 per cent. of mineral matter. 'Once milled' rice can be procured in this country, but has to be specially asked for. Rice is not nearly so nitrogenous as wheat, but is equal to it in fuel value, this being due to the large amount of starch it contains. It is an excellent food, being easily digested and easily prepared.
Millet, buckwheat, wild rice, sesame, and Kaffir corn, are cereals little known in this country, although where they are raised they are largely used by the natives. However, we need not trouble to consider their food value as they are not easily procurable either in Europe or America.
Nuts are perhaps the best of all foods. There is no doubt but that man in his original wild state lived on nuts and berries and perhaps roots. Nuts are rich in protein and fat. They are a concentrated food, very palatable, gently laxative, require no preparation but shelling, keep well, are easily portable, and are, in every sense, an ideal food. They have a name for being indigestible, but this may be due to errors in eating, not to the nuts. If we eat nuts, as is often done, after having loaded the stomach with a large dinner, the work of digesting them is rendered very difficult, for the digestive apparatus tires itself disposing of the meal just previously eaten. Most things are indigestible eaten under such conditions. Nuts should be looked upon as the essential part of the meal and should be eaten first; bread, salad stuffs and fruit help to supply bulk and can follow as dessert if desired. Another cause of nuts not being easily digested is insufficient mastication. They are hard, solid food, and should be thoroughly chewed and insalivated before being swallowed. If the teeth are not good, nuts may be grated in an ordinary nut-mill, and then, if eaten slowly and sparingly, will generally be found to digest. Of course with a weak digestion nuts may have to be avoided, or used in very small quantities until the digestion is strengthened; but with a normal, healthy person, nuts are a perfect food and can be eaten all the year round. Perhaps it is best not to eat a large quantity at once, but to spread the day's supply over four or five light meals. With some, however, two meals a day seems to work well.
Pine kernels are very suitable for those who have any difficulty in masticating or digesting the harder nuts, such as the brazil, filbert, etc. They are quite soft and can easily be ground into a soft paste with a pestil and mortar, making delicious butter. They vary considerably in nitrogenous matter, averaging about 25 per cent. and are very rich in fat, averaging about 50 per cent. Chestnuts are used largely by the peasants of Italy. They are best cooked until quite soft when they are easily digested. Chestnut meal is obtainable, and when combined with wheatmeal is useful for making biscuits and breadstuffs. Protein in chestnuts averages 10 per cent. Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Filberts, Brazils, Pecans, Hickory nuts, Beechnuts, Butternuts, Pistachio nuts and Almonds average 16 per cent. protein; 52 per cent. fat; 20 per cent. carbohydrates; 2 per cent. mineral salts. As each possesses a distinct flavour, one can live on nuts alone and still enjoy the pleasure of variety. A man weighing 140 lbs. would, at moderately active labour, require, to live on almonds alone—11 ozs. per day. 10 ozs. of nuts per day together with some fresh fruit or green salad in summer, and in winter, some roots, as potato, carrot, or beetroot, would furnish an ideal diet for one whose taste was simple enough to relish it.
Fruits are best left alone in winter. They are generally acid, and the system is better without very acid foods in the cold weather. But fruits are health-giving foods in warm and hot weather, and living under natural, primitive conditions, this is the only time of the year we should have them, for Nature only provides fruit during the months of summer. The fraction of protein fruit contains, 1 per cent. or less, is too small to be of any account. The nutritive value of fruits consists in their mineral salts, grape-sugar and water.
Much the same applies to green vegetables. In cooking vegetables care should be taken that the water they are cooked in is not thrown away as it contains nearly all the nutrient properties of the vegetable; that is to say, the various salts in the vegetable become dissolved in the water they are boiled in. This water can be used for soup if desired, or evaporated, and with flour added to thicken, served as sauce to the vegetable. Potatoes are a salutary food, especially in winter. They contain alkalies which help to lessen the accumulation of uric acid. They should be cooked with skins on: 16 grains per lb. more of valuable potash salts are thus obtained than when peeled and boiled in the ordinary way. The ideal method, however, of taking most vegetables is in the form of uncooked salads, for in these the health-giving, vitalising elements remain unaltered.
If man is to be regarded, as many scientists regard him, as a frugivore, constitutionally adapted and suited to a nut-fruit diet, then to regain our lost original taste and acquire a liking for such simple foods should be our aim. It may be difficult, if not impossible, to make a sudden change after having lived for many years upon the complex concoctions of the chef's art, for the system resents sudden changes, but with proper care, changing discreetly, one can generally attain a desired end, especially when it involves the replacing of a bad habit by a good one.
In the recipes that follow no mention is made of condiments, i.e., pepper, salt, mustard, spice, et hoc genus omni. Condiments are not foods in any sense whatever, and the effect upon the system of 'seasoning' foods with these artificial aids to appetite, is always deleterious, none the less because it may at the time be imperceptible, and may eventually result in disease. Dr. Kellogg writes: 'By contact, they irritate the mucous membrane, causing congestion and diminished secretion of gastric juice when taken in any but quite small quantities. When taken in quantities so small as to occasion no considerable irritation of the mucous membrane, condiments may still work injury by their stimulating effects, when long continued.... Experimental evidence shows that human beings, as well as animals of all classes, live and thrive as well without salt as with it, other conditions being equally favorable. This statement is made with a full knowledge of counter arguments and experiments, but with abundant testimony to support the position taken.... All condiments hinder natural digestion.'
Condiments, together with such things as pickles, vinegar, alcohol, tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, opium, are all injurious, and undoubtedly are the cause of an almost innumerable number of minor, and, in some cases, serious, complaints. Theine, caffeine, and theobromine, all stimulant drugs, are present in tea, coffee, and cocoa, respectively. Tea also contains tannin, a substance which is said to seriously impair digestion.
Alcohol, tea, coffee, etc., are stimulants. Stimulants do not produce force and should never be mistaken for food. They are undoubtedly injurious, as they are the cause, among other evils, of loss of force. They cause an abnormal metabolism which ultimately weakens and exhausts the whole system. While these internal activities are taking place, artificial feelings of well-being, or, at least, agreeable sensations, are produced, which are unfortunately mistaken for signs of benefit. Speaking of alcohol Dr. Haig writes: 'It introduces no albumen or force, it merely affects circulation, nutrition, and the metabolism of the albumens already in the body, and this call on the resources of the body is invariably followed by a corresponding depression or economy in the future.... It has been truly said that the man who relies upon stimulants for strength is lost, for he is drawing upon a reserve fund, which is not completely replaced, and physiological bankruptcy must inevitably ensue. This is what the stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, opium and cocaine do for those who trust in them.'
He who desires to enjoy life desires to possess good physical health, for a healthy body is almost essential to a happy life; and he who desires to live healthily does not abuse his body with poisonous drugs. It may require courage to reform, but he who reforms in this direction has the satisfaction of knowing that his good health will probably some day excite the envy of his critics.
The chemical composition of all the common food materials can be seen from tables of analyses. It would be to the advantage of everyone to spend a little time examining these tables. It is not a difficult matter, and the trouble to calculate the quantity of protein in a given quantity of food, when once the modus operandi is understood, is trifling. As it has not unwisely been suggested, if people would give, say, one-hundredth the time and attention to studying the needs of the body and how to satisfy them as they give to dress and amusement, there is little doubt that there would be more happiness in the world.
The amount of protein in any particular prepared food is arrived at in the following manner: In the first place those ingredients containing a noticeable amount of protein are carefully weighed. Food tables are then consulted to discover the protein percentage. Suppose, for instance, the only ingredient having a noticeable quantity of protein is rice, and 1 lb. is used. The table is consulted and shows rice to contain eight per cent. protein. In 1 lb. avoirdupois there are 7,000 grains; eight per cent. of 7,000 is 70.00 x 8 = 560 grains. Therefore, in the dish prepared there are 560 grains of protein. It is as well after cooking to weight the entree or pudding and divide the number of ounces it weighs into 560, thus obtaining the number of grains per ounce. Weighing out food at meals is only necessary at first, say for the first week or so. Having decided about how many grains of protein to have daily, and knowing how many grains per ounce the food contains, the eye will soon get trained to estimate the quantity needed. It is not necessary to be exact; a rough approximation is all that is needed, so as to be sure that the system is getting somewhere near the required amount of nutriment, and not suffering from either a large excess or deficiency of protein.
[Footnote 4: Entire-wheat flour averages .9 per cent. fibre; high-grade white flour, .2 per cent. fibre.]
[Footnote 5: See United States Dept. of Agriculture, Farmer's Bulletin, No. 249, page 19, obtainable from G. P. O., Washington, D. C.]
The question of when to eat is of some importance. The Orientals eat fewer meals than we do, and in their abstemiousness they set us an example we should do well to follow. Sufficient has already been said to show that it is a mistake to imagine a great deal of food gives great strength. When we eat frequently, and especially when we 'live well,' that is, are accustomed to a large variety of food, we are tempted to eat far more than is good for us. Little and often may work satisfactorily so long as it does not develop into much and often, which, needless to say, it is very likely to do. Most people on this account would probably be much better in their health if they ate but twice daily, at noon, and five or six hours before going to bed. Then there is less chance of over-feeding. If, however, we experimentally determine the quantity of food that our particular system requires in order to be maintained in good health, and can trust our self-command in controlling the indulgence of sense, probably the best method is to eat anyway three times daily, and four, five, or even six times, or doing away with set meals altogether, would be a procedure which, judging from analogy of the anthropoids, ought to be a better method than eating a whole day's supply at once, or at two or three meals.
It is not wise to sit down to a meal when the body is thoroughly fatigued. A glass of hot or cold water will be found reviving, and then, after a short rest, the system will be far better able to assimilate food. When the body is 'tired out,' it stands to reason it cannot perform digestion as easily and as well as when in fit condition.
Also it is unwise to eat immediately before undertaking vigorous muscular work. Strenuous exercise after meals is often the cause of digestive disorders. Starting on exercise after a hearty meal may suspend the gastric digestion, and so prevent the assimilation of protein as to produce a sensation of exhaustion. If, however, rest is taken, the digestive organs proceed with their work, and after a short time recuperation follows, and the exercise can be continued. It is unwise to allow such a suspension of digestion because of the danger of setting up fermentation, or putrefaction, in the food mass awaiting digestion, for this may result in various disorders.
For the same reason it is a bad plan to eat late at night. It is unwise to take a meal just before going to bed, for the digestive organs cannot do their work properly, if at all, while the body is asleep, and the food not being digested is liable to ferment and result in dyspepsia. The 'sinking feeling' sometimes complained of if a meal is not eaten late at night and described as a kind of hunger is probably due to an abnormal secretion of acid in the stomach. A glass of hot water will often relieve this discomfort. This feeling is seldom experienced by vegetarians of long standing. The natives of India, it is said, do not experience it at all, which fact leads us to surmise the cause to be in some way connected with flesh-eating. Farinaceous foods, however, prepared as soup, porridge, gruel, pultaceous puddings, etc., when eaten, as is customary, without proper insalivation, are liable to be improperly digested and to ferment, giving rise to the sensation described as a 'sinking feeling' and erroneously thought to be hunger.
It is an excellent rule that prescribes fasting when without hunger. When there is no appetite do not eat. It is an example of conventional stupidity that we eat because it is 'meal time,' even though there be not the slightest feeling of genuine hunger. Leaving out of consideration the necessitous poor and those who for their living engage themselves in hard physical toil, it is safe to say that hardly one person in a thousand has ever felt real hunger. Yet no one was ever the worse for waiting upon appetite. No one was ever starved by not eating because of having no appetite. Loss of appetite is a sign that the digestive organs require a rest. It is better to go without food for a time than to force oneself to eat against inclination. The forcing of oneself to eat to 'keep up one's strength,' is perhaps the quickest way to bring down one's strength by overworking the system and burdening it with material it does not need. Eat by appetite, not by time. Eat frequently when the appetite demands frequent satisfaction, and seldom when seldom hungry. These rules hold good at all times and for everyone. Loss of appetite during sickness should not be looked upon as anything serious in itself, but as a sign that the system does not require food. A sick man like a well man will feel hunger as soon as food is needed, and the practice of tempting the appetite with rich and costly foods is not only a waste of money but is injurious physiologically. Possibly there may be pathological conditions under which hunger cannot make itself felt, but it would seem contrary to Nature as far as the writer, a layman, understands the matter. At least, leaving abnormal conditions of health out of consideration, we can say this much affirmatively: if a man is hungry enough to relish dry bread, then, and then only, does he really require nourishment.
Hunger is always experienced when nutriment is needed, and will be felt a dozen times a day if the food eaten at each of a dozen meals has supplied only sufficient nutriment to produce the force expended between each meal. If the meal is large and supplies sufficient nutriment to produce the force expended in a whole day, then the one meal is all that is required. Never eat to be sociable, or conventional, or sensual; eat when hungry.
Professor Pavlov says: 'Appetite is juice'; that is to say, the physiological condition existing when the body has run short of food-fuel, produces a psychological effect, the mind thinking of food, thereby causing through reaction a profuse secretion of saliva, and we say 'the mouth waters.' It is true the appetite is amenable to suggestion. Thus, though feeling hunger, the smell of, or even thought of, decayed food may completely take away appetite and all inclination to eat. This phenomenon is a provision of Nature to protect us from eating impure food. The appetite having thus been taken away will soon return again when the cause of its loss has been removed. Therefore the appetite should be an infallible guide when to eat.
There is one further point to be noted. Food should not be eaten when under the influence of strong emotion. It is true that under such conditions there probably would be no appetite, but when we are so accustomed to consulting the clock that there is danger of cozening ourselves into the belief that we have an appetite when we have not, and so force ourselves to eat when it may be unwise to do so. Strong emotions, as anger, fear, worry, grief, judging by analogy, doubtless inhibit digestive activity. W. B. Cannon, M.D., speaking of experiments on cats, says: 'The stomach movements are inhibited whenever the cat shows signs of anxiety, rage, or distress.' To thoroughly enjoy one's food, it is necessary to have hunger for it, and if we only eat when we feel hungry, there is little likelihood of ever suffering from dyspepsia.
In passing, it is appropriate to point out that as when food is better enjoyed it is better digested, therefore art, environment, mental disposition, indirectly affect the digestive processes. We should, therefore, remembering that simplicity, not complexity, is the essence of beauty, ornament our food and table, and be as cheerful, sociable, and even as merry as possible.
The importance of thorough mastication and insalivation cannot be overestimated. The mouth is a part of the digestive apparatus, and in it food is not only broken down, but is chemically changed by the action of the saliva. If buccal (mouth) digestion be neglected, the consequence is that the food passes into the stomach in a condition that renders it difficult for that organ to digest it and any of a great number of disturbances may result.
Mastication means a thorough breaking up of the food into the smallest particles, and insalivation means the mixing of the small particles with the saliva. The mechanical work is done with the jaws and tongue, and the chemical work is performed by the saliva. When the mechanical work is done thoroughly the chemical work is also thorough, and the test for thoroughness is loss of taste. Masticate the food until all taste has disappeared, and then it will be found that the swallowing reflex unconsciously absorbs the food, conscious swallowing, or at least, an effort to swallow, not being called for.
It may take some while to get into the habit of thorough mastication after having been accustomed to bolting food, but with a conscious effort at the first, the habit is formed, and then the effort is no longer a laborious exercise, but becomes perfectly natural and is performed unconsciously.
This ought to be common knowledge. That such a subject is not considered a necessary part of education is indeed lamentable, for the crass ignorance that everywhere abounds upon the subject of nutrition and diet is largely the cause of the frightful disease and debility so widespread throughout the land, and, as a secondary evil of an enormous waste of labour in the production and distribution of unneeded food. Were everyone to live according to Nature, hygienically and modestly, health, and all the happiness that comes with it, would become a national asset, and as a result of the decreased consumption of food, more time would be available for education, and the pursuit of all those arts which make for the enlightenment and progress of humanity.
To become a convert to this new order, adopting non-animal food and hygienic living, is not synonymous with monastical asceticism, as some imagine. Meat eaters when first confronted with vegetarianism often imagine their dietary is going to be restricted to a monotonous round of carrots, turnips, cabbages, and the like; and if their ignorance prevents them from arguing that it is impossible to maintain health and strength on such foods, then it is very often objected that carrots and cabbages are not liked, or would not be cared for all the time. The best way to answer this objection is to cite a few plain facts. From a catalogue of a firm supplying vegetarian specialties, (and there are now quite a number of such firms), most of the following information is derived:
Of nuts there are twelve varieties, sold either shelled, ground, or in shell. Many of these nuts are also mechanically prepared, and in some cases combined, and made into butters, nut-meats, lard, suet, oil, etc. The varieties of nut-butters are many, and the various combinations of nuts and vegetables making potted savouries, add to a long list of highly nutritious and palatable nut-foods. There are the pulses dried and entire, or ground into flour, such as pea-, bean-, and lentil-flour. There are the cereals, barley, corn, oats, rice, rye, wheat, etc., from which the number of preparations made such as breakfast foods, bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc., is legion. (One firm advertises twenty-three varieties of prepared breakfast foods made from cereals.) Then there are the fruits, fresh, canned, and preserved, about twenty-five varieties; green vegetables, fresh and canned, about twenty-one varieties; and roots, about eleven varieties.
The difficulty is not that there is insufficient variety, but that the variety is so large that there is danger of being tempted beyond the limits dictated by the needs of the body. When, having had sufficient to eat, there yet remain many highly palatable dishes untasted, one is sometimes apt to gratify sense at the expense of health and good-breeding, to say nothing of economy. Simplicity and purity in food are essential to physical health as simplicity and purity in art are essential to moral and intellectual progress. 'I may say,' says Dr. Haig, 'that simple food of not more than two or three kinds at one meal is another secret of health; and if this seems harsh to those whose day is at present divided between anticipating their food and eating, I must ask them to consider whether such a life is not the acme of selfish shortsightedness. In case they should ever be at a loss what to do with the time and money thus saved from feasting, I would point on the one hand to the mass of unrelieved ignorance, sorrow, and suffering, and on the other to the doors of literature and art, which stand open to those fortunate enough to have time to enter them; and from none of these need any turn aside for want of new Kingdoms to conquer.'
This question of feeding may, by superficial thinkers, be looked upon as unimportant; yet it should not be forgotten that diet has much more to do with health than is commonly realized, and health is intimately connected with mental attitude, and oftentimes is at the foundation of religious and moral development. 'Hypochondriacal crotchets' are often the product of dyspepsia, and valetudinarianism and pessimism are not unrarely found together. 'Alas,' says Carlyle, 'what is the loftiest flight of genius, the finest frenzy that ever for moments united Heaven with Earth, to the perennial never-failing joys of a digestive apparatus thoroughly eupeptic?'
Our first duty is to learn to keep our body healthy. Naturally, we sooner expect to see a noble character possess a beautiful form than one disfigured by abuse and polluted by disease. We do not say that every sick man is a villain, but we do say that men and women of high character regard the body as an instrument for some high purpose, and believe that it should be cared for and nourished according to its natural requirements. In vegetarianism, scientifically practised, is a cure, and better, a preventative, for many physical, mental, and moral obliquities that trouble mankind, and if only a knowledge of this fact were to grow and distil itself into the public mind and conscience, there would be halcyon days in store for future generations, and much that now envelops man in darkness and in sorrow, would be regarded as a nightmare of the past.
The following table exhibits the percentage chemical composition of the principal vegetable food materials; also of dairy produce and common flesh-foods for comparison.
FOOD MATERIAL Protein Fat Carbo- Salts Water Fuel hydrates Value cals. Vegetable Foods p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. lb.
Wheat Flour (entire) 18.8 1.9 71.9 1.0 11.4 1,675 Oatmeal 16.1 7.2 67.5 1.9 7.3 1,860 Rice 8.0 .3 79.0 .4 12.3 1,630 Barley 8.5 1.1 77.8 1.1 11.5 1,650 Corn Meal 9.2 1.9 75.4 1.0 12.5 1,655 Rye 0.8 .9 78.7 .7 12.9 1,630 Lentils (dried) 25.7 1.0 59.2 5.7 8.4 1,620 Beans (dried) 22.5 1.8 59.6 3.5 12.6 1,605 Peas (dried) 24.6 1.0 62.0 2.9 9.5 1,655 Nuts, various (aver.) 16.0 52.0 20.0 2.0 10.0 2,640 Dates 2.1 2.8 78.4 1.3 15.4 1,615 Figs 4.3 .3 74.2 2.4 18.8 1,475 Potatoes 2.2 .1 18.4 1.0 78.3 385 Apples .4 .5 14.2 .3 84.6 290 Bananas 1.3 .6 22.0 .8 75.3 460
Dairy Foods
Milk, whole (not skim) 3.3 4.0 5.0 .7 87.0 325 Cheese, various (aver.) 24.5 28.4 2.1 4.0 41.0 1,779 Hens' Eggs (boiled) 14.0 12.0 0.0 .8 73.2 765
Flesh Foods
Beef 18.6 19.1 0.0 1.0 61.3 1,155 Mutton (medium fat) 18.2 18.0 0.0 1.0 62.8 1,105 Ham (fresh) 15.6 33.4 0.0 .9 50.1 1,700 Fowl 19.0 16.3 0.0 1.0 63.7 1,045 White Fish (as purchased) 22.1 6.5 0.0 1.6 69.8 700
[The amount of heat that will raise one kilogram of water 1 deg. C. is termed a calorie. Fuel value, or food units, means the number of calories of heat equivalent to the energy it is assumed the body obtains from food when the nutrients thereof are completely digested.]
The following recipes are given as they appear in the English edition of this book and were prepared for English readers. While some of these will be difficult for American readers to follow, we give them as in the original edition, and many of the unusual ingredients called for can be obtained from the large grocers and dealers, and if not in stock will be obtained to order. 'Nutter' is a name given a nut butter used for cooking. It is, so far as we know, the only collection of strictly vegetarian recipes published.
Readers interested in the foreign products referred to, should write to Pitman's Health Food Company, Aston Brook St., Birmingham, England, and to Mapleton's Nut Food Company, Ltd., Garston, Liverpool, England, for price list and literature.
1.—Vegetable Soup
1 large cupful red lentils, 1 turnip, 2 medium onions, 3 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 leek, 1 small head celery, parsley, 1 lb. tomatoes, 3-1/2 quarts water.
Wash and cut up vegetables, but do not peel. Boil until tender, then strain through coarse sieve and serve. This soup will keep for several days and can be reheated when required.
2.—Semolina Soup
4 oz. semolina, 2 chopped onions, 1 tablespoonful gravy essence,[6] 2 quarts water or vegetable stock.[7]
3.—Spinach Soup No. 1
1 lb. Spinach, 1 tablespoonful gravy essence, 1 quart water.
Cook spinach in its own juices (preferably in double boiler). Strain from it, through a hair sieve or colander, all the liquid. Add essence and serve.
4.—Spinach Soup No. 2
1 lb. spinach, 1 lb. can tomatoes, 1 tablespoonful nut-milk (Mapleton's), 1-1/2 pints water.
Dissolve nut-milk in little water, cook all ingredients together in double-boiler for 1-1/2 hours, strain and serve.
5.—Pea Soup
4 ozs. pea-flour, 2 potatoes, 1 large onion, 1 tablespoonful gravy essence, 2 quarts water.
Cook potatoes, (not peeled), and onion until soft. Skin and mash potatoes and chop onion. Mix pea-flour into paste with little water. Boil all ingredients together for 20 minutes, then serve.
Lentil and Haricot Soups
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 5 substituting lentil, or haricot flour for pea-flour.
6.—Tomato-Pea Soup
4 ozs. pea-flour, 1 lb. tin tomatoes, 1 chopped leek, 1 quart water.
Mix pea-flour into paste with little water. Boil ingredients together 30 minutes, then serve.
Tomato-Lentil and Tomato-Bean Soups
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 6, substituting lentil-, or bean-flour for pea-flour.
7.—Rice-Vermicelli Soup
2 ozs. rice-vermicelli, 1 tablespoonful nut-milk, 1 dessertspoonful gravy essence, 1 quart water.
Boil vermicelli in water until soft. Dissolve nut-milk in little water. Boil all ingredients together 5 minutes, then serve.
8.—Pea-Vermicelli Soup
2 ozs. pea-vermicelli, 1 tablespoonful nut-milk, 1 tablespoonful tomato puree, 1 quart water.
Boil vermicelli in water until soft, dissolve nut-milk in little water. Boil all ingredients together 5 minutes, then serve.
9.—Pot-barley Soup No. 1
4 ozs. pot-barley, 1 onion, 1 tablespoonful gravy essence, 2 quarts water, corn flour to thicken.
Cook barley until quite soft; chop onion finely; mix a little corn flour into paste with cold water. Stir into the boiling soup. Boil all ingredients together for 20 minutes, then serve.
Wheat and Rice Soups
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 9, substituting wheat or rice grains for barley.
10.—Pot-barley Soup No. 2
4 ozs. pot-barley, 1 dessertspoonful nut-milk, 1 chopped onion, 1 dessertspoonful tomato puree, 1 quart water.
Cook barley until soft; dissolve nut-milk in little water; boil all ingredients together for 20 minutes, then serve.
11.—Corn Soup
1 lb. tin sugar-corn, 1/2 lb. tin tomatoes, 2 chopped onions, 2 ozs. corn flour, 1 quart water.
Boil onion until soft; mix corn flour into paste with cold water. Place sugar-corn, tomatoes, onions, and water into stew pan; heat and add corn flour. Boil ingredients together 10 minutes, and serve.
[Footnote 6: There are several brands of wholly vegetable gravy essence now on the market. The best known are 'Vegeton,' 'Marmite,' 'Carnos,' and Pitman's 'Vigar Gravy Essence.']
[Footnote 7: Vegetable stock is the water that vegetables have been boiled in; this water contains a certain quantity of valuable vegetable salts, and should never be thrown away.]
12.—Nut Rissoles
3 ozs. mixed grated nuts, 3 ozs. breadcrumbs, 1 oz. nut butter, 1 chopped onion, 1 large cupful canned tomatoes.
Mix ingredients together; mould into rissoles, dust with flour and fry in 'Nutter.' Serve with gravy.
13.—Lentil Cakes
8 ozs. red lentils, 3 ozs. 'Grape Nuts,' 1 small onion, 1 teaspoonful gravy essence, breadcrumbs.
Cook lentils until soft in smallest quantity of water; chop onion finely; mix all ingredients, using sufficient breadcrumbs to make into stiff paste; form into cakes and fry in 'Nutter.' Serve with gravy.
14.—Marrow Roast
1 vegetable marrow, 3 ozs. grated nuts, 1 onion, 1 oz. 'Nutter,' 1 cup breadcrumbs, 2 teaspoonfuls tomato puree.
Cook marrow, taking care not to allow it to break; when cold, peel, cut off one end and remove seeds with spoon. Prepare stuffing:—chop onion finely; melt nut fat and mix ingredients together. Then stuff marrow and tie on decapitated end with tape; sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake 30 minutes. Serve with gravy.
15.—Stewed Celery
1 head celery, 4 slices whole-meal bread, nut butter.
Slice celery into suitable lengths, which steam until soft. Toast and butter bread, place celery on toast and cover with pea, bean, or lentil sauce, (see Recipe No. 39).
16.—Barley Entree
4 ozs. pot-barley, 1 lb. tin tomatoes, 1 chopped onion, 2 tablespoonfuls olive oil.
Cook barley until quite soft in smallest quantity of water (in double boiler). Then add tomatoes and oil, and cook for 10 minutes. To make drier, cook barley in tomato juice adding only 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of water.
Rice, Wheat, Macaroni, Lentil, Bean, Split-pea Entrees
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 16, substituting one of these cereals or legumes for barley.
17.—Savory Pie
Paste (Recipe No. 59), marrow stuffing (Recipe No. 14).
Line sandwich tin with paste; fill interior with stuffing; cover with paste or cooked sliced potatoes; bake in sharp oven.
18.—Baked Bananas
Prepare the desired number by washing and cutting off stalk, but do not peel. Bake in oven 20 minutes, then serve.
19.—Barley Stew
4 ozs. pot-barley, 2 onions, parsley.
Chop onions and parsley finely; cook ingredients together in very small quantity of water in double boiler until quite soft. Serve with hot beetroot, or fried tomatoes or potatoes.
Corn, Rice, Frumenty, Pea-Vermicelli Stews
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 19, substituting one of the above cereals or pulses for barley.
20.—Mexican Stew
1 cupful brown beans, 2 onions, 2 potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 1 oz. sugar, 1 cupful red grape-juice, rind of 1 lemon, water.
Soak beans overnight; chop vegetables in chunks; boil all ingredients together 1 hour.
21.—Vegetable Pie
5 ozs. tapioca, 4 potatoes, 3 small onions, paste, (see Recipe No. 59), tomato puree to flavor.
Soak tapioca. Partly cook potatoes and onions, which then slice. Place potatoes, onions, and tapioca in layers in pie-dish; mix puree with a little hot water, which pour into dish; cover with paste and bake.
22.—Rice Rissoles
6 ozs. unpolished rice, 1 chopped onion, 1 dessertspoonful tomato puree, breadcrumbs.
Boil rice and onion until soft; add puree and sufficient breadcrumbs to make stiff; mould into rissoles; fry in 'Nutter,' and serve with parsley sauce, (Recipe No. 38).
23.—Scotch Stew
3 ozs. pot-barley, 2 ozs. rolled oats, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 2 potatoes, 1 onion, 4 tomatoes, water.
Wash, peel, and chop vegetables in chunks. Stew all ingredients together for 2 hours. Dress with squares of toasted bread.
24.—Plain Roasted Rice
Steam some unpolished rice until soft; then distribute thinly on flat tin and brown in hot oven.
25.—Nut Roast No. 1
1 lb. pine kernels (flaked), 4 tablespoonfuls pure olive oil, 2 breakfastcupfuls breadcrumbs, 1/2 lb. tomatoes (peeled and mashed).
Mix ingredients together, place in pie-dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and bake until well browned.
26.—Nut Roast No. 2
1 lb. pine kernels (flaked), 1 cooked onion (chopped), 1/2 cupful chopped parsley, 8 ozs. cooked potatoes (mashed).
Mix ingredients together, place in pie-dish and cover with layer of boiled rice. Cook until well browned.
27.—Maize Roast
8 ozs. corn meal, 1 large Spanish onion (chopped), 2 tablespoonfuls nut-milk, 1 dessertspoonful gravy essence.
Cook onion; dissolve nut-milk thoroughly in about 1/2 pint water.
Boil onion, nut-milk, and essence together two minutes, then mix all ingredients together, adding sufficient water to make into very soft batter; bake 40 minutes.
28.—Plain Savory Rice
4 ozs. unpolished rice, 1 lb. tin tomatoes.
Boil together until rice is cooked. If double boiler be used no water need be added, and thus the rice will be dry and not pultaceous.
29.—Potato Balls
4 medium sized potatoes, 1 large onion (chopped), 1 dessertspoonful pure olive oil, breadcrumbs.
Cook onion and potatoes, then mash. Mix ingredients, using a few breadcrumbs and making it into a very soft paste. Roll into balls and fry in 'Nutter,' or nut butter.
30.—Bean Balls
4 ozs. brown haricot flour, 1 onion (chopped), 1 dessertspoonful pure olive oil, 1 tablespoonful tomato puree, breadcrumbs.
Cook onion; mix flour into paste with puree and oil; add onion and few breadcrumbs making into soft paste. Fry in 'Nutter.'
31.—Lentil and Pea Balls
These are made in the same way as Recipe No. 30, substituting lentil-or pea-flour for bean-flour.
31.—Lentil Patties
4 ozs. lentils, 1 small onion (chopped), 1 oz. 'Nutter,' or nut butter, 1 teaspoonful gravy essence, paste (see Recipe No. 59).
Cook ingredients for filling all together until lentils are quite soft. Line patty pans with paste; fill, cover with paste and bake in sharp oven.
Barley, Bean, Corn, Rice, and Wheat Patties
These are prepared in the same way as in Recipe No. 31, substituting one of the above cereals or beans for lentils.
32.—Lentil Paste
8 ozs. red lentils, 1 onion (chopped), 4 tablespoonfuls pure olive oil, breadcrumbs.
Boil lentils and onions until quite soft; add oil and sufficient breadcrumbs to make into paste; place in jars; when cool cover with melted nut butter; serve when set.
33.—Bean Paste
8 ozs. small brown haricots, 2 tablespoonfuls tomato puree, 1 teaspoonful 'Vegeton,' 2 ozs. 'Nutter' or nut butter, 1 cup breadcrumbs.
Soak beans over night; flake in Dana Food Flaker; place back in fresh water and add other ingredients; cook one hour; add breadcrumbs, making into paste; place in jars, when cool cover with nut butter; serve when set.
34.—Spinach on Toast
Cook 1 lb. spinach in its own juice in double boiler. Toast and butter large round of bread. Spread spinach on toast and serve. Other vegetables may be served in the same manner.
35.—Clear Gravy
1 teaspoonful 'Marmite,' 'Carnos,' 'Vegeton,' or 'Pitman's Vigar Gravy Essence,' dissolved in 1/2 pint hot water.
36.—Tomato Gravy
1 teaspoonful gravy essence, 1 small tablespoonful tomato puree, 1/2 pint water. Thicken with flour if desired.
37.—Spinach Gravy
1 lb. spinach, 1 dessertspoonful nut-milk, 1/2 pint water.
Boil spinach in its own juices in double boiler; strain all liquid from spinach and add it to the nut-milk which has been dissolved in the water.
38.—Parsley Sauce
1 oz. chopped parsley, 1 tablespoonful olive oil, a little flour to thicken, 1/2 pint water.
39.—Pea, Bean, and Lentil Sauces
1 teaspoonful pea-, or bean-, or lentil-flour; 1/2 teaspoonful gravy essence, 1/2 pint water.
Mix flour into paste with water, dissolve essence, and bring to a boil.
40.—Fig Pudding
1 lb. whole-meal flour, 6 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. 'Nutter,' or nut butter, 1/2 chopped figs, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt 'Nutter,' mix ingredients together with water into stiff batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
31.—Date Pudding
1 lb. breadcrumbs, 6 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. 'Nutter,' 1/2 lb. stoned and chopped dates, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt 'Nutter'; mix ingredients together with water into stiff batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
Prune, Ginger, and Cherry Puddings
These are prepared the same way as in Recipe No. 40, or No. 41, substituting prunes or preserved ginger, or cherries for figs or dates.
42.—Rich Fruit Pudding
1 lb. whole-meal flour, 6 ozs. almond cream, 6 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. preserved cherries, 3 ozs. stoned raisins, 3 ozs. chopped citron, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Mix ingredients together with water into stiff batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
43.—Fruit-nut Pudding No. 1
1/2 lb. white flour, 1/4 lb. whole meal flour, 1/4 lb. mixed grated nuts, 6 ozs. 'Nutter' or nut butter, 6 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. sultanas, 2 ozs. mixed peel (chopped), 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt nut-fat, mix ingredients together with water into stiff batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
44.—Fruit-nut Pudding No. 2
1/2 lb. white flour, 1/4 lb. ground rice, 1/4 lb. corn meal, 4 ozs. chopped dates or figs, 4 ozs. chopped almonds, 6 ozs. almond nut-butter, 6 ozs. sugar, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt butter, mix ingredients together with water into stiff batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
45.—Maize Pudding No. 1
1/2 lb. maize meal, 3 ozs. white flour, 3 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. sugar, 1/2 tin pineapple chunks, 1 teaspoonful baking powder.
Melt fat, cut chunks into quarters; mix ingredients with very little water into batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
46.—Maize Pudding No. 2
6 ozs. corn meal, 3 ozs. white flour, 2 ozs. 'Nutter,' 2 ozs. sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls marmalade, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt 'Nutter,' mix ingredients together with little water into batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
47.—Cocoanut Pudding
6 ozs. whole wheat flour, 2 ozs. cocoanut meat, 2 ozs. 'Nutter,' 2 ozs. sugar, 1 small teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Melt fat, mix ingredients together with water into batter; place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
48.—Tapioca Apple
1 cup tapioca, 6 large apples, sugar to taste, water.
Soak tapioca, peel and slice apples; mix ingredients together, place in pie-dish with sufficient water to cover and bake.
49.—Oatmeal Moulds
4 ozs. rolled oats, 2 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. sultanas, water.
Cook oatmeal thoroughly in double boiler, then mix ingredients together; place in small cups, when cold turn out and serve with apple sauce, or stewed prunes.
50.—Carrot Pudding
4 ozs. breadcrumbs, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 4 ozs. flour, 4 ozs. mashed carrots, 4 ozs. mashed potatoes, 6 ozs. chopped raisins, 2 ozs. brown sugar, 1 dessertspoonful treacle, 1 teaspoonful baking powder.
Mix ingredients well, place in greased pudding basin and steam 2 hours.
51.—Sultana Pudding
1/2 lb. whole meal flour, 1 breakfastcupful breadcrumbs, 4 ozs. ground pine kernels, pignolias or almonds, 1/2 lb. sultanas, 4 ozs. sugar, water.
Mix ingredients together into a stiff batter; place in greased basin and steam 2 hours.
52.—Semolina Pudding
4 ozs. semolina, 1 oz. corn flour, 3 ozs. sugar, rind of one lemon, 1-1/2 pints water.
Mix corn flour into paste in little water; place ingredients in double boiler and cook for 1 hour, place in pie-dish and brown in sharp oven.
53.—Rice Mould
4 ozs. ground rice, 1 oz. sugar, 1/2 pint grape-juice.
Cook ingredients in double boiler, place in mould. When cold turn out and serve with stewed fruit.
54.—Maize Mould
6 ozs. corn meal, 2 ozs. sugar, 1/2 pint grape-juice, 1-1/2 pints water.
Cook ingredients in double boiler for 1 hour; place in mould. When cold turn out and serve with stewed fruit.
55.—Lemon Sago
4 ozs. sago, 7 ozs. golden syrup, juice and rind of two lemons, 1-1/2 pints water.
Boil sago in water until cooked, then mix in other ingredients. Place in mould, turn out when cold.
56.—Lemon Pudding
4 ozs. breadcrumbs, 1 oz. corn flour, 2 ozs. sugar, rind one lemon, 1 pint water.
Mix corn flour into paste in little water; mix ingredients together, place in pie-dish, bake in moderate oven.
57.—Prune Mould
1 lb. prunes, 4 ozs. sugar, juice 1 lemon, 1/4 oz. agar-agar, 1 quart water.
Soak prunes for 12 hours in water, and then remove stones. Dissolve the agar-agar in the water, gently warming. Boil all ingredients together for 30 minutes, place in mould, when cold turn out and decorate with blanched almonds.
58.—Lemon Jelly
1/4 oz. agar-agar, 3 ozs. sugar, juice 3 lemons, 1 quart water.
Soak agar-agar in the water for 30 minutes; add fruit-juice and sugar, and heat gently until agar-agar is completely dissolved, pour into moulds, turn out when cold.
This jelly can be flavoured with various fruit juices, (fresh and canned). When the fruit itself is incorporated, it should be cut up into small pieces and stirred in when the jelly commences to thicken. The more fruit juice added, the less water must be used. Such fruits as fresh strawberries, oranges, raspberries, and canned pine-apples, peaches, apricots, etc., may be used this way.
1 lb. flour, 1/2 lb. nut-butter or nut fat, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, water.
Mix with water into stiff paste. This is suitable for tarts, patties, pie-covers, etc.
60.—Wheatmeal Fruit Cake
6 ozs. entire wheat flour, 3 ozs. nut-butter, 3 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. almond meal, 10 ozs. sultanas, 2 ozs. lemon peel, 2 teaspoonsful baking powder.
Rub butter into flour, mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
61.—Rice Fruit Cake
8 ozs. ground rice, 4 ozs. white flour, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. stoned, chopped raisins, 1 large teaspoonful baking powder, water.
Rub 'Nutter' into flour, mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
62.—Maize Fruit Cake
8 ozs. corn meal, 6 ozs. white flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. nut-butter, 8 ozs. preserved cherries, 2 ozs. lemon peel, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, water.
Rub butter into flour, mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
63.—Apple Cake
1 lb. apples, 1/4 lb. white flour, 1/2 lb. corn meal, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 4 ozs. sugar, 2 small teaspoonfuls baking powder, water.
Cook apples to a sauce and strain well through colander, rejecting lumps. Melt fat and mix all ingredients together with water into stiff batter; bake in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
64.—Corn Cake (plain)
1/2 lb. maize meal, 3 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. sugar, 1 teaspoonful baking powder.
Melt fat, mix all ingredients together into batter; bake in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
65.—Nut Cake
12 ozs. white flour, 4 ozs. ground rice, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' or nut butter, 5 ozs. sugar, 6 ozs. mixed grated nuts, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder.
Melt fat, mix ingredients together into batter, and place in cake tins lined with buttered paper.
66.—Mixed Fruit Salads
2 sliced bananas, 1 tin pineapple chunks, 2 sliced apples, 2 sliced oranges, 1/2 lb. grapes, 1/4 lb. raisins, 1/4 lb. shelled walnuts, 1/2 pint grape-juice.
67.—Fruit Nut Salad
1 lb. picked strawberries, 1/4 lb. mixed shelled nuts, 1/2 pint grape-juice. Sprinkle over with 'Granose' or 'Toasted Corn Flakes' just before serving.
68.—Winter Salad
2 peeled, sliced tomatoes, 2 peeled, sliced apples, 1 small sliced beetroot, 1 small sliced onion, olive oil whisked up with lemon juice for a dressing.
69.—Vegetable Salad
1 sliced beetroot, 1 sliced potato (cooked), 1 sliced onion, 1 sliced heart of cabbage, olive oil dressing; arrange on a bed of water-cress.
The following biscuits are made thus:—Melt the 'Nutter,' mix all ingredients with sufficient water to make into stiff paste; roll out and cut into shapes. Bake in moderate oven.
These biscuits when cooked average 20 grains protein per ounce.
70.—Plain Wheat Biscuits
1/2 lb. entire wheat flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' little chopped peel.
71.—Plain Rice Biscuits
3-4 lb. ground rice, 4 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. 'Nutter,' vanilla essence.
72.—Plain Maize Biscuits
1/2 lb. maize meal, 4 ozs. sugar, 3 ozs. 'Nutter.'
(If made into soft batter these can be dropped like rock cakes).
73.—Banana Biscuits
1/2 lb. banana meal, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter.'
74.—Cocoanut Biscuits
1/2 lb. white flour, 3 ozs. sugar, 2 ozs. 'Nutter,' 4 ozs. cocoanut meal.
75.—Sultana Biscuits
3-4 lb. white flour, 4 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 6 ozs. minced sultanas and peel 2 ozs. almond meal.
78.—Fig Biscuits
1/2 lb. entire wheat flour, 3 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. 'Nutter,' 3 ozs. minced figs.
(If made into soft batter these can be dropped like rock cakes).
Date, Prune, Raisin, and Ginger Biscuits
These are prepared in the same way as Recipe No. 76, using one of these fruits in place of figs. (Use dry preserved ginger).
77.—Brazil-nut Biscuits
8 ozs. white flour, 2 ozs. ground rice, 3 ozs. sugar, 4 ozs. grated brazil kernels.
(If made into a soft batter these can be dropped like rock cakes).
78.—Fruit-nut Biscuits
3/4 lb. white flour, 4 ozs. ground rice, 4 ozs. sugar, 5 ozs. 'Nutter,' 6 ozs. mixed grated nuts, 6 ozs. mixed minced fruits, sultanas, peel, raisins.
79.—Rye Biscuits
1 lb. rye flour, 8 ozs. sugar, 8 ozs. nut butter, 8 ozs. sultanas.
80.—Xerxes Biscuits
3/4 lb. whole wheat flour, 2 ozs. sugar, 1/2 breakfastcupful olive oil.
BREADS (unleavened)
These are prepared as follows: Mix ingredients with water into stiff dough; knead well, mould, place in bread tins, and bake in slack oven for from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours (or weigh off dough into 1/2 lb. pieces, mould into flat loaves, place on flat tin, cut across diagonally with sharp knife and bake about 1-1/2 hours).
81.—Apple Bread
2 lbs. entire wheat meal doughed with 1 lb. apples, cooked in water to a pulp.
82.—Rye Bread
2 lbs. rye flour, 3/4 lb. ground rice.
83.—Plain Wheat Bread
2 lbs. finely ground whole wheat flour.
84.—Corn Wheat Bread
1 lb. whole wheat flour, 1 lb. cornmeal.
85.—Rice Wheat Bread
1 lb. ground rice, 1 lb. whole wheat flour, 1 lb. white flour.
86.—Date Bread
2 lbs. whole wheat flour, 3/4 lb. chopped dates.
87.—Ginger Bread
3/4 lb. whole wheat flour, 3/4 lb. white flour, 1/4 lb. chopped preserved ginger, a little cane sugar.
88.—Cocoanut Bread
1 lb. whole wheat flour, 1 lb. white flour, 1/2 lb. cocoanut meal, some cane sugar.
89.—Fig Bread
1-1/2 lbs. whole wheat flour, 1/2 lb. white flour, 1/2 lb. chopped figs.
90.—Sultana Bread
1/2 lb. ground rice, 1/2 lb. maize meal, 1/2 lb. white flour, 1/2 lb. sultanas.
91.—Fancy Rye Bread
1-1/2 lbs. rye flour, 1/2 lb. currants and chopped peel, a little cane sugar.
92.—Maize, Meal, Rolled Oats, Ground Rice, etc., thoroughly cooked make excellent porridge. Serve with sugar and unfermented fruit-juice.
The following uncooked fruit foods are prepared thus: Mix all ingredients well together; roll out to 1/4 inch, or 1/2 inch, thick; cut out with biscuit cutter and dust with ground rice.
93.—Date Cakes
1-1/2 lbs. stoned dates minced, 1/2 lb. mixed grated nuts.
94.—Fig Cakes
1-1/2 lbs. figs minced, 1/2 lb. ground almonds.
95.—Raisin-Nut Cakes
1/2 lb. stoned raisins minced, 6 ozs. mixed grated nuts.
96.—Ginger-Nut Cakes
1/2 lb. preserved ginger (minced), 1/2 lb. mixed grated nuts. 4 ozs. 'Grape Nuts.'
97.—Prune-Nut Cakes
1/2 lb. stoned prunes (minced), 1/2 lb. grated walnuts.
98.—Banana-Date Cakes
8 ozs. figs (minced); 4 bananas; sufficient 'Wheat or Corn Flakes' to make into stiff paste.
100.—Cherry-Nut Cakes
8 ozs. preserved cherries (minced); 1/2 lb. mixed grated nuts; sufficient 'Wheat or Corn Flakes' to make into stiff paste.
* * * * *
The Health Culture Co.
For more than a dozen years the business of the Health-Culture Co. was conducted in New York City, moving from place to place as increased room was needed or a new location seemed to be more desirable.
In 1907 the business was removed to Passaic, N. J., where it is pleasantly and permanently located in a building belonging to the proprietor of the company.
There has never been as much interest in the promotion and preservation of personal health as exists to-day. Men and women everywhere are seeking information as to the best means of increasing health and strength with physical and mental vigor.
HEALTH-CULTURE, a monthly publication devoted to Practical Hygiene and Bodily Culture, is unquestionably the best publication of its kind ever issued. It has a large circulation and exerts a wide influence, numbering among its contributors the best and foremost writers on the subject.
THE BOOKS issued and for sale by this Company are practical and include the very best works published relating to Health and Hygiene.
THE HEALTH APPLIANCES, manufactured and for sale, include Dr. Forest's Massage Rollers and Developers, Dr. Wright's Colon Syringes, the Wilhide Exhaler, etc. and we are prepared to furnish anything in this line, Water-Stills, Exercisers, etc.
CIRCULARS and price lists giving full particulars will be sent on application.
INQUIRIES as to what books to read or what appliances to procure for any special conditions cheerfully and fully answered. If you have any doubts state your case and we will tell you what will best meet it. If you want books of any kind we can supply them at publisher's prices.
DR. FOREST'S Massage Rollers
Dr. Forest is the inventor and originator of MASSAGE ROLLERS, and these are the original and only genuine MASSAGE ROLLERS made. The making of others that are infringements on our patents have been stopped or they are inferior and practically worthless. In these each wheel turns separately, and around the centre of each is a band or buffer of elastic rubber.
The rollers are made for various purposes, each in a style and size best adapted for its use, and will be sent prepaid on receipt of price.
No. 1. Six Wheels, Body Roller, $2.
The best size for use over the body, and especially for indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, etc. Can also be used for reduction.
No. 2, Four Wheels, Body Roller, $1.50.
Smaller and lighter than No. 1; for small women it is the best in size, for use over the stomach and bowels, the limbs, and for cold feet.
No. 3, Three Wheels, Scalp Roller, $1.50.
Made in fine woods and for use over the scalp, for the preservation of the hair. Can be used also over the neck to fill it out and for the throat.
No. 4, Five Wheels, Bust Developer, $2.50.
The best developer made. By following the plain physiological directions given, most satisfactory results can be obtained.
No. 5, Twelve Wheels, Abdominal Roller, $4.
For the use of men to reduce the size of the abdomen, and over the back. The handles give a chance for a good, firm, steady, pressure.
No. 6, Three Small Wheels, Facial Roller, $2.50.
Made in ebony and ivory, for use over the face and neck, for preventing and removing wrinkles, and restoring its contour and form.
No. 7, Three Wheels, Facial Massage Roller, $1.50.
Like No. 6, made in white maple. In other respects the same.
No. 8, Eight Wheels, Abdominal Roller, $3.50.
This is the same as No. 5, except with the less number of wheels. Is made for the use of women, for reducing hip and abdominal measure.
With each roller is sent Dr. Forest's Manual of Massotherapy; containing 100 pages, giving full directions for use. Price separately 25c.
Rational Methods of Developing Health and Personal Power
By W. R. C. Latson M. D., Author of "Common Disorders," "The Enlightened Life," Etc.
This work by Dr. Latson indicates the avenues that lead to efficient and successful living, and should be read by every man and woman who would reach their best and attain to their highest ambitions in business, professional, domestic or social life. Something of the scope of this will be seen from the following
How to Live the Efficient Life.—Man a Production of Law—Determining Factors in Health and Power—The Most Wholesome Diet—Practical Exercises for Efficiency—Influence of Thought Habits.
Mental Habits and Health.—All is Mind—Seen in Animals—Formative Desire in the Jungle—Mind the Great Creator—Mind the One Cause of Disease—Faulty Mental Habits.
The Conquest of Worry.—Effects Upon Digestion—Anarchy of the Mind—A Curable Disorder.
Secret of Mental Supremacy.—Practical Methods—The Key Note—Mental Power a Habit.
The Nobler Conquest.—Life a Struggle—Who Are the Survivors?—The Art of Conquest—The Struggle with the World—Effects of Opposition.
Firmness One Secret of Power.—Without Firmness no Real Power—How it Grows with Exercise—Gaining the Habit of Firmness.
Self-Effacement and Personal Power.—Growing Older in Wisdom—The Fallacy of Identity—Self-Preservation the First Law.
The Power of Calmness.—The Nervous System—Effects of Control.
How to Be an Efficient Worker.—How to Work—Making Drudgery a Work of Art.
The Attainment of Personal Power.—An Achievement—Know Yourself—Learning from Others.
The Secret of Personal Magnetism.—What is Personal Magnetism?—Effects of the Lack of It—How to Gain It.
The Prime Secret of Health.—What is Essential?—What to Do—How to Do It.
How to Increase Vitality.—The Mark of the Master—What Is Vitality?—Possibility of Increase—Spending Vitality.
The Attainment of Physical Endurance.—Essential to Success—The Secret of Endurance—Working Easily—Economizing Strength—Exercises for Promoting Endurance.
The Attainment of Success.—The Secret of Success—What to Do to Acquire It.
The Way to Happiness.—A Royal Road to Happiness—The Secret of Happiness.
How to Live Long in the Land.—Characteristics—Essentials—Bodily Peculiarities.
The Gospel of Rest.—All Need It—Few get It—The Secret of Rest—Its Effects.
Sleeping as a Fine Art.—Causes of Sleeplessness—The Mind. How to Control It.
Common Sense Feeding.—What is Proper Feeding?—Many Theories—Mental Conditions—The Kind of Food.
Grace and How to Get It.—What is Grace—Hindrances to Grace—Exercises for Grace.
Style and How to Have It.—The Secret of Style—Carriage of the Body—Exercises for Stylishness.
How to Have a Fine Complexion.—What Effects the Complexion?—The Secret of a Good Complexion—Effects of Food.
The Secret of a Beautiful Voice.—What the Voice Is—Easily Acquired.
How to Cure Yourself When Sick.—It is Easy—What is Disease?—Nature's Efforts—Best Remedies.
One of the most practical and helpful works published on personal improvement and the acquiring of physical and mental vigor; a key to efficient manhood and womanhood and a long, happy and helpful life. All who are striving for success should read it.
Artistically bound in Ornithoid covers. Price 50c. An extra edition is issued on heavy paper, bound in fine cloth. Price $1.00.
In Form and Features.
Containing specially written chapters from well-known authorities on the cultivation of personal beauty in women, as based upon Health-Culture; fully illustrated. Edited by Albert Turner. Bound in extra cloth, price; $1.00.
This is the best and most comprehensive work ever published on Beauty Culture, covering the entire subject by specialists in each department, thus giving the work a greatly increased value. It is profusely and beautifully illustrated; a handsome volume. Some idea of the scope of this may be seen from the
Introduction. By ELLA VAN POOLE.
Womanly Beauty: Its Requirements. By Dr. JACQUES.
Why It Lasts or Fades. By Dr. C. H. STRATZ.
Temperamental Types. By SARAH C. TURNER.
Breathing and Beauty. By Dr. W. R. C. LATSON.
Curative Breathing. By MADAME DONNA MADIXXA.
Sleep; Its Effect on Beauty. By ELLA VAN POOLE.
The Influence of Thought Upon Beauty. By Dr. W. R. C. LATSON.
Health and Beauty. By Dr. CHAS. H. SHEPARD.
The Home A Gymnasium. By MRS. O. V. SESSIONS.
Facial Massage. By ELLA VAN POOLE.
The Hair; Its Care and Culture. By ALBERT TURNER.
Care of the Hands and Feet. By STELLA STUART.
Exercising for Grace and Poise. ILLUSTRATED.
A Good Form, and How to Secure It. From HEALTH-CULTURE.
How to Have a Good Complexion. By SUSANNA W. DODDS M. D.
Bust Development; How to Secure It.
Exercise: Who Needs It; How to Take It. EDWARD B. WARMAN.
Perfumes and Health. By FELIX L. OSWALD, M. D.
The Voice as an Element of Beauty. By Dr. LATSON.
How to be Beautiful. By RACHEL SWAIN, M. D.
The Ugly Duckling. A Story. By ELSIE CARMICHAEL.
Dress and Beauty. By ELLA VAN POOLE.
Some Secrets About a Beautiful Neck. By ELEANOR WAINWRIGHT.
Hints in Beauty Culture. COMPILED BY THE EDITOR.
It is an encyclopedia on the subject, covering every phase of the question in a practical way, and should be in the hands of every woman who would preserve her health and personal appearance and her influence. Agents wanted for the introduction and sale of this great work. Sent prepaid on receipt of price, $1.00. Address
Publications of the Health-Culture Co., 45 Ascension St., Passaic, N.J.
The largest and best illustrated monthly magazine published on the preservation and restoration of health, bodily development and physical culture for men, women and children. $1.00 a year; 10c. a number.
The Enlightened Life.
And How to Live It. By Dr. Latson; 365 pages, with portrait of the author. Cloth, $1.00.
This contains the leading editorials from Health-Culture, many of them revised and enlarged.
Common Disorders.
With rational Methods of Treatment. Including Diet, Exercise, Baths, Massotherapy, etc. By Latson. 340 pages, 200 illustrations. $1.00.
The Attainment of Efficiency.
Rational Methods of Developing Health and Personal Power. By Dr. Latson. Paper, 50c.; cloth, $1.00.
The Food Value of Meat.
Flesh Food Not Essential to Physical or Mental Vigor. By Dr. Latson. Illustrated. Paper, 25c.
Walking for Exercise and Recreation.
By Dr. Latson. 15c.
Dr. Latson's Health Chart.
Presenting in an Attractive and Comprehensive Form a Complete System of Physical Culture Exercises, fully Illustrated with Poses From Life, with Special Directions for Securing Symmetrical Development, for Building up the Thin Body, for Reducing Obesity, and for the Increase of General Vitality. 18x25 inches, printed on fine paper, bound with metal, with rings to hang on the wall. 50c.
Uncooked Food.
And How to Live on Them. With Recipes for Wholesome Preparation, Proper Combinations and Menus, with the Reason Uncooked Food Is Best for the Promotion of Health, Strength and Vitality. By Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Christian. Cloth, $1.00.
The New Internal Bath.
An Improved Method of Flushing the Colon or Administering an Enema. For the relief of Acute and Chronic Diseases. By Laura M. Wright, M. D. Illustrated. 25c.
Womanly Beauty.
Of Form and Feature. The Cultivation and Preservation of Personal Beauty Based upon Health and Hygiene. By Twenty Well-known Physicians and Specialists. With 80 half-tone and other Illustrations. Edited by Albert Turner. 300 pages, cloth and gold. Price, $1.00.
In this volume the Editor has brought together the teachings of those who have made a study of special features of the subject, and the result is a work that is unique and practical, not filled with a medley of receipts and formulas, so often found in books on beauty.
Manhood Wrecked and Rescued.
How Strength and Vigor Is Lost and How it may be Restored by Self-Treatment. A Series of Chapters to Men on Social Purity and Right Living. By Rev. W. J. Hunter, Ph. D., D. D. Cloth $1.00.
It contains the following chapters: The Wreck—An Ancient Wreck—A Modern Wreck—A Youthful Wreck—A Wreck Escaped—The Rescue Begun—The Rescue Continued—The Rescue Completed.
Illustrated Hints upon Health and Strength for Busy People.
Text and Illustrations by Adrian Peter Schimdt, Professor of Higher Physical Culture. Price $1.00.
The best System of Physical Culture published.
Courtship Under Contract.
The Science of Selection. A Tale of Woman's Emancipation. By J. H. L. Eager 440 pages, with portrait of the author. Price, $1.20 net. By mail, $1.30.
A novel with a purpose, higher than that of any other ever published, not excepting even "Uncle Tom's Cabin," as it aims to secure more of happiness in Marriage and the doing away with the divorce evil. The author presents, in the form of a clean, wholesome love story, some new ideas on the subject of Love, Courtship, Marriage and Eugenics.
Human Nature Explained.
A new Illustrated Treatise on Human Science for the People. By Prof. N. N. Riddell. Illustrated. 400 pages. Extra cloth binding, $1.00.
Men and women differ in character as they do in looks and temperament; no two are just alike. If you would know these "Signs of Character," read "Human Nature Explained," and you can read men as an open book. It gives the most complete system of reading character ever published.
Human Nature Indexed.
A Descriptive Chart for use of Phrenologists. By N. N. Riddle. 25c.
What Shall We Eat?
The Food Question, from the Standpoint of Health, Strength and Economy. Containing Numerous Tables Showing the Constituent Elements of over Three Hundred Food Products and Their Relations, Cost and Nutritious Values, Time of Digestion, etc., Indicating Best Foods for all Classes and Conditions. By Alfred Andrews. Price, leatherette, 50c.; cloth binding. 75c.
The New Method.
In Health and Disease. By W. E. Forest, B.S., M.D., Fellow of N. Y. Academy of Medicine. Sixteenth Edition. Revised and enlarged by Albert Turner, Publisher of Health-Culture. 350 pp., clo. binding, $1.
It makes the way from weakness to strength so plain that only those who are past recovery (the very few) need to be sick, and the well who will follow its teachings cannot be sick, saving the need of calling a physician and all expenses for medicine.
Or the Use of Massage Rollers and Muscle Beaters in Indigestion, Constipation, Liver Trouble, Paralysis, Neuralgia and Other Functional Diseases. By W. E. Forest, M. D. 25c.
Its Causes and Proper Treatment Without the Use of Drugs. By W. E. Forest, M. D. The only rational method of cure. 10c.
Hygienic Cookery.
Or Health in the Household. By Susanna W. Dodds, M. D. $2.00.
It is unquestionably the best work ever written on the healthful preparation of food, and should be in the hands of every housekeeper who wishes to prepare food healthfully and palatably.
The Diet Question.
Giving Reasons Why—Rules of Diet. By Dr. Dodds. 25c.
The Liver and Kidneys.
With a Chapter on Malaria. Part I. The Liver and Its Functions, Diseases and Treatment. Part II. The Kidneys, Their Healthy Action and How to Secure It. Part III. Malarial Fever, Rational Treatment by Hygienic Methods. By Dr. Dodds. 25c.
Race Culture.
The Improvement of the Race through Mother and Child. By Susanna W. Dodds, M. D. Nearly 500 pages, $1.50.
Dr. Dodds' experience as a physician, teacher and lecturer has given her the preparation needed for the writing of this book. It is certainly safe to say that every woman, especially the mothers of young children and prospective mothers, should read it. No other work covers so completely the subject of health for women and children as in "Race Culture."
Scientific Living.
For Prolonging the Term of Human Life. The New Domestic Science, Cooking to Simplify Living and Retaining the Life Elements in Food. By Laura Nettleton Brown. $1.00.
This work presents new views on the health question, especially as related to food. It treats of the life in food, showing that in the preparation of food by the usual methods the life-giving vitality is destroyed; that is, the organic elements become inorganic. The reason is clearly stated and recipes and directions for cooking, with menus for a balanced dietary, are given.
Cooking for Health.
Or Plain Cookery, With Health Hints. By Rachel Swain, M. D. $1.00.
This book is the outcome of progress in the kitchen, and provides for the preparation of food with direct reference to health. It is not an invalids' Cook Book, but for all who believe in eating for strength, and the use of the best foods at all times.
The No-Breakfast Plan and Fasting Cure.
By Edward Hooker Dewey, M. D. Cloth, $1.00.
Presents his theories in a clear, concise, practical way, together with specific and definite instructions for the carrying out of this method of living and treatment.
Experiences of the No-Breakfast Plan and Fasting Cure.
A letter in answer to the many questions asking for special details as to methods and result. By Dr. Dewey, 50c.
Chronic Alcoholism:
Its Radical Cure. A new method of treatment for those afflicted with the alcohol habit, without the use of drugs. By Dr. Dewey. 50c.
Health in the Home.
A Practical Work on the Promotion and Preservation of Health, with Illustrated Prescriptions of Swedish Gymnastic Exercises for Home and Club Practice. By E. Marguerite Lindley. $1.00.
Unquestionably the best and most important work ever published for the promotion of the health of women and children.
The Temperaments;
Or Varieties of Physical Constitution in Man in Their Relations to Mental Character and the Practical Affairs of Life, etc. By D. H. Jacques, M. D. Nearly 150 Illustrations. $1.50.
The only work published on this important and interesting subject. The author made it the special subject of study and was thoroughly familiar with all temperamental questions.
The Avoidable Causes of Disease;
Insanity and Deformity, Together with Marriage and Its Violations. By John Ellis, M. D. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author, with the Collaboration of Dr. Sarah M. Ellis. $1.00.
This book should be in every library, and if read and its teachings followed nearly all sickness and disease would be avoided with the accompanying suffering and expense—one of the most valuable works ever published.
Facial Diagnosis.
Indications of Disease as shown in the Face. By Dr. Louis Kuhne. Illustrated. $1.00.
For Prolonging term of Human Life
The New Domestic Science, Cooking to Simplify Living and Retaining the Life Elements in Food.
A great truth is emphasized in this book, namely, that in the ordinary processes of cooking the organic elements become inorganic and food values are destroyed. This dietetic idea is most important, and it is claimed by the author that when generally known and made practical it will restore the racial vigor as nothing else can, free woman from the slavery of the cook stove and become a large factor in the solution of the servant problem.
The author does more than inform; she arouses and inspires; she also enters into the practical demonstration of the new way; food tables, recipes and menus are numerous and enlightening and will prove exceedingly helpful not only to busy housekeepers, but also to all persons who desire to get the greatest benefit and fullest enjoyment from the daily meals.
She refrains from urging the exclusive use of uncooked foods, but shows what kind of cooking can be made useful. A most interesting and practical feature of this work is the clear and discriminating instructions given for the application of heat in preparing food. From the author's point of view it becomes evident that the present mode of preparing food is not only unnecessarily laborious, but that it involves great waste of the raw material and puts a severe tax upon the digestive organs of the consumer.
The best thing about the new way to many minds, however, will be that it greatly enhances the appetizing qualities of the viands. It treats of the chemistry of food in a way that is easily understood and made practical. The concluding chapter of the book deals with "Associate Influences," and gives sound advice upon other factors than diet.
The volume is thoroughly sensible and enlightening; original without being cranky; radical without being faddish; withal, practical plain and entirely helpful. No one who is interested in the all-important question of scientific living can afford to be without this book. It will be found of interest to teachers and students of domestic economy. It is very carefully and thoroughly indexed, adding to its usefulness.
Printed on fine paper. Handsomely bound in extra cloth. $1.00 by mail on receipt of price. If not entirely satisfactory, money will be returned. Address
The New Internal Bath
The benefits and great importance of properly flushing the colon is now fully recognized and it has led to a large and increasing demand for syringes used for this purpose. The appliances in general use have one very serious fault, the water is discharged into the lower part of the rectum, which is distended, and thus produces an irritation which often proves injurious, causing and aggravating piles and other rectal troubles. It in frequently a cause of constipation and creates a necessity for continuing the use of enemas indefinitely.
Dr. Wright's New Colon Syringe
Consists of a strong, well made, four quart rubber bag or reservoir with two long SOFT RUBBER FLEXIBLE TUBES, by the use of which the water is easily carried past the rectum and into the sigmoid flexure, and by the use of the longest tube may be carried up to the transverse colon. The water is then discharged where it needed and the cleansing is made much more perfect than it can be in any other way. The tubing and the outlets are extra large, securing a rapid discharge of the water, which reduces the time required to less than one-half that usually taken, which is a very great advantage over other syringes. This new syringe will prove a most important help in the taking of "Internal Baths" in the "New Method" treatment as recommended by Dr. Forest and others, and will prove curative in many cases when all others fail.
Dr. Wright's manual on the taking of the "Internal Bath," containing full directions for its use in Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Convulsions, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza, La Grippe, Diseases of Women, Worms and Constipation in Children and other diseases, price 25c., is given free with each syringe.
Carefully packed in a fine polished wooden case, will be sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price, $5.00, with a copy of Dr. Forest's great work, "The New Method," the very best work on Health and Disease published. (Price, $1.00), both for $5.50.
An Infants' Flexible Rubber Tube will be sent for 75c. extra; New improved Vaginal Irrigator, $1.00; two Hard Rubber Rectal Tubes if desired, 25c extra. Agents wanted to introduce and sell this.
Health Culture Appliances
DR. WRIGHT'S COLON SYRINGE, for taking the New Internal Bath.
This consists of a one-gallon reservoir, one each, long and short flexible rubber colon tube, one box of antiseptic powder, and Dr. Wright's Manual of the New Internal Bath, all packed in a polished wooden case. Price, prepaid, $5.00.
THE PRIMO LADIES' SYRINGE. Price, $2.00. The only properly constructed Vaginal Syringe made.
Every woman should have a good syringe for use in emergencies and for purposes of cleanliness, which is essential to health, comfort and pleasure.
All women, married or single, should have a Primo. With each is sent full directions for use in all emergencies.
These rollers are coming into general use wherever massage is needed and are a cure for many of the functional disorders as Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, Obesity, and wherever there is a lack of a good circulation of the blood; and the developers and facial rollers are used successfully for building up the form and the prevention of wrinkles and age in the face. The rollers consist of wheels about 1-1/2 inches in diameter: around the centre is a band or buffer of elastic rubber.
No. 1, Body Roller, 6 Wheels, $2.—The best size for use over body, and especially for indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, etc.
No. 2, Body Roller, 4 Wheels, $1.50.—Smaller and lighter than No. 1, for small women it is best in size for use over the stomach and bowels, the limbs and for cold feet.
No. 3, Scalp Roller, $1.50.—Made in fine woods, and for use over the scalp, for the preservation of the hair. |