New Latin Grammar
by Charles E. Bennett
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e, as vowel, 2, 1; —— as second member of diphthongs, 2, 1; —— sound of, 3, 1; —— change, to i, 7, 1, a; —— for a, 7, 1, c; —— in voc. sing, of 2d decl., 23; —— in abl. sing, of 3d decl., 31; —— dropped in nom. of neuters of 3d decl., 39; —— -e for -i in abl. of mare, 39; —— alternating w. i in abl. sing. of i-stems, 37, 38; —— for e in gen. sing. of 5th decl., 52, 1; —— in abl. sing. of adjs. of 3d decl., 70, 1; —— in bene and male, 77, 1; —— distinguishing vowel of 3d conj., 98; —— before j, 362, 5; —— for -e in imperatives, 363, 2, b; —— in temere and saepe, 363, 2, c. e, pronunciation, 3, 1; —— by contraction, 7, 2; —— as ending of Greek nouns, 22; —— e-stems, 51; —— ending of dat. of 5th decl., 52, 3; —— distinguishing vowel of 2d conj., 98; —— -e in fame 363, 2, a; —— —— in adverbs, 363, 2, c e, ex, use, 142; see ex. ecquis, 91, 6. edic, 116, 3. Editorial 'we,' 242, 3. edo, 128. educ, 116, 3. efficio ut, 297, 1. efficitur ut, 297, 2. Effort, subjv. w. verbs of, 295, 5. egeo, w. abl., 214, 1, c. ego, 84. egomet, 84, 2. ei, diphthong, 2, 1; 3, 2. -ei, gen. of 5th decl., 52, 1. -eis, 148, 6, b). ejus, as poss., 86, 1; —— quantity, 362, 5. Elegiac distich, 369, 2. Elision, 266, 7. Ellipsis, 374, 1. -ellus (a, um), 148, 1. Emphasis, 349. Enclitics, accent of preceding syllable, 6, 3. —— -met, 84, 2; —— -pte, 86, 3; —— cum as enclitic, 142, 4 End of motion, see Limit. Endings, case endings, 17, 3; —— personal, of verb, 96; —— in formation of words, 147 f. enim, 345. -ensimus (-ensumus), 79, N. -ensis, 151, 2; 152, 3. Envy, verbs of, with dat., 187, II eo, 132; —— cpds., 132, 1. Epexegetical genitive, 202. Epistolary tenses, 265. epistula, spelling, 9, 2. epitome, decl., 22. epulum, epulae, 60, 2. equabus, 21, 2, e). equester, decl., 68, 1. equos, decl., 24. -er, decl., of nouns in, 23; —— adjs., 63; 64; 65; —— adjs. in -er compared, 71, 3. erga, prep. w. acc., 141. ergo, 344, 1, b). -ernus, suffix, 154. -es, gender of nouns in, 43, 1; —— —— exception, 44, 5; —— in nom. plu. of Greek nouns of 3d decl., 47, 2. -es, ending of Greek nouns, nom. sing. in, 22. —— gen. -is, decl. of nouns in, 40, 1, a). esse, conjugation of, 100; —— compounds of, 125; 126; —— esse omitted, 116, 5. est qui, with subj., 283, 2. et, 341, 1, a; —— in enumerations, 341, 4, c). et is, 247, 4. et ... neque, 341, 3. Ethical dative, 188, 2, b). etiam, in answers, 162, 5. et non, 341, 2, c). etsi, 'although,' 309, 2; —— etsi, 'even if,' 309, 2, a. -etum, suffix, 148, 3. -eus, inflection of Greek nouns in, 47, 6; —— adj. suffix, 151, 1. evenit ut, 297, 2. ex, 142, 2; —— with abl., instead of gen. of whole, 201, 1, a; —— compounds of, with dat., 188, 2, d; —— with abl. of source, 215, 1. Exchanging, verbs of, with abl. of association, 222A. Exclamation, acc. of, 183. Exclamatory sentences, 161, 3. Expectancy, clauses denoting, in subjv., 292, 1; 293, III, 2. exposco, constr., 178, 1, a). exsisto, spelling, 9, 2. exspecto, spelling, 9, 2. exteri, xterior, 73, 2. extremus, use, 241, 1. exuo, w. abl., 214, 1, b.


f, pronunciation, 3, 3; —— nf, quantity of vowel before, 5, 1, a. fac, 116, 3; —— with subjv., 295, 5. facile, 77, 3. facilis, comp., 71, 4. facio, 109, 2, a); —— pass. of, 131. —— in imper., 116, 3. falsus, comparison, 73, 3. fame, 59, 2, b). Familiarity, adjs. of, w. gen., 204. 1. familias, 21, 2, a. fari, 136. fas, indeclinable, 58. fauces, decl., 40, 1, d. Favor, verbs signifying, with dat., 187, II. Fearing, verbs of, constr. 296, 2. febris, decl. 38, 1. felix, 70. Feminine, see Gender. Feminine caesura, 368, 3, c. femur, decl. 42, 4. -fer, decl. of nouns in; adjs., 23, 2; —— adjs. 65, 1. fero, and its compounds, 129. -ficus, comparison of adjs. in, 71, 5. fidei, 52, 1. fido, 114, 1; —— with abl., 219, 1, a. fidus, compared, 73, 3. fierem, fieri 362, 1, c; —— fieri potest ut, 298, 2. Fifth decl., 51 f. Figures of rhetoric, 375. —— of syntax, 374. fili, 25, 3. filia, filiabus, 21, 2, e Filling, verbs of, w. abl., 218, 8. Final clauses, see Purpose clauses. Final consonant omitted, 8, 3. Final syllables, quantity, 363, 364. finis, fines, 61. Finite verb, 95. fio, conj., 131. fio, with abl., 218, 6. First conj., 101; —— principal parts of verbs of, 120; —— deponents of 1st conj., 113. First decl., 20 f.; —— peculiarities, 21; —— Greek nouns of 1st decl., 22. fit ut, 297, 2. flagito, constr., 178, 1, a. fodio, conj., 109, 2, a. Foot, in verse, 366, 2. 'For,' its Latin equivalents, 358, 1. fore, 100, footnote 32. fore ut, 270, 3; —— 297, 2. forem, fores, etc., 100, footnote 31. foris, 228, 1, c. Formation of words, 146 f. fors, forte, 57, 2, a. fortior, decl., 69. fortis, 69. fortuna, fortunae, 61. Fourth conj., 107. Fourth decl., 48; —— dat. in -u, 49, 2; —— gen. in -i, 49, 1; —— dat. abl. plu. in -ubus, 49, 3. fraude, abl. of manner, 220, 2. Free, abl. w. adjs. signifying, 214, 1, d. Freeing, abl. w. verbs of, 214, 1, a. frenum, plu. of, 60, 2. Frequentatives, 155, 2. fretus w. abl., 218, 3. Fricatives, 2, 7. Friendly, dat. w. adjs. signifying, 192, 1. fructus, decl., 48. frugi, compared, 72; 70, 6. frugis, 57, 6. fruor, with abl., 218, 1; —— in gerundive constr., 339, 4. fugio, conj., 109, 2, a). fui, fuisti, etc., for sum, es, etc., in compound tenses, 102, footnotes 36, 37. Fullness, adjs. of, w. abl., 218, 8; —— w. gen., 204, 1. fungor, w. abl., 218, 1; —— in gerundive constr., 339, 4. fur, decl., 40, 1, d. furto, abl. of manner, 220, 2. Future tense, 161; —— w. imperative force, 261, 3. —— time in the subjv., 269. —— perfect, 264; —— —— with future meaning, 133, 2; —— —— inf., 270, 4. —— imperative, 281, 1. —— infinitive, 270; —— —— periphrastic fut. inf., 270, 3, and a. —— participle, 337, 4. futurum esse ut, with subjv., 270, 3.


gaudeo, semi-deponent, 114, 1. gemo, w. acc., 175, 2, b. Gender 13-15; —— in 1st decl., 20; 21; —— in 2d decl., 23; —— exceptions, 26; —— in 3d decl., 43 f.; —— in 4th decl., 50; —— in 5th decl., 53; —— determined by endings, 14; —— —— by signification, 15, A; —— heterogeneous nouns, 60. gener, decl, 23, 2. General relatives, 312, 1; —— general truths, 259, 1; 262, B, 1; —— 'general' conditions, 302, 2; 3. Genitive, 17; —— in -i for -ii, 25, 1 and 2; —— of 4th decl., in -i, 49, 1; —— of 5th decl. in -i, 52, 2; —— of 5th decl. in -ei, 52, 1; —— —— in -e, 52, 3; —— of 1st decl. in -ai, 21, 2, b; —— of 1st decl. in -as, 21, 2, a; —— gen. plu. -um for -arum, 21, 2 d); —— —— -um for orum, 25, 6; 63, 2; —— —— -um for -ium, 70, 7; —— gen. plu. lacking, 57, 7; —— syntax of, 194 f. —— of characteristic, 203, 1. —— of charge with judicial verbs, 208. —— of indefinite price, 203, 4. —— of indefinite value, 203, 3. —— of material, 197. —— of measure, 203, 2. —— of origin, 196. —— of possession, 198. —— of quality, 203. —— of the whole, 201. —— appositional, 202. —— objective, 200. —— of separation, 212, 3. —— subjective, 199. —— with adjs., 204; —— —— with participles, 204, 1, a. —— with causa, gratia, 198, 1. —— with verbs, 205 f.; —— —— of plenty and want, 212; —— —— with impers. verbs, 209. —— position of gen., 350, 1. genus, decl. 36; —— id genus, 185, 1. -ger, decl. of nouns in, 23, 2; —— adjs., 65, 1. Gerund, 95, 1; —— 1st conj., 101; —— 2d conj., 103; —— 3d conj., 105; —— 4th conj., 107; —— syntax, 338; —— with object, 338, 5. Gerundive, 95, 1; —— 1st conj., 102; —— 2d conj., 104; —— 3d conj., 106; —— 4th conj., 108; —— in periphrastic conj., 115; 337, 8. Gerundive, const., 339, 1-6; —— in passive periphrastic conj., 337, 8 f.; —— gen. denoting purpose, 339, 6; —— with dat. of purpose, 191, 3; 339, 7. gnarus, not compared, 75, 2. Gnomic present, 259, 1; —— perfect, 262, 1. gradior, conj., 109, 2, c. Grammatical gender, 15. gratia, with gen., 198, 1; —— gratia, gratiae, 61. Greek nouns, 1st decl., 22; —— 2d decl., 27; —— —— exceptions in gender, 26, 1, c); —— 3d decl., 47; —— Greek acc., 180; —— Greek nouns in verse, 365. grus, decl., 41, 2. gu = gv, 3, 3. Guttural mutes, 2, 4. —— stems, 32.


h, pron., 3, 3; —— ph, ch, th, 2, 4; 3, 3. habeo, with perf. pass. partic., 337, 6. Hadria, gender, 21, 1. Happening, verbs of, w. ind., 299, 1, 2; —— w. subjv., 297, 2. Hard consonants, 2, 3, a), footnote 4. Hardening, 367, 4. haud, use, 347, 2, a; —— haud scio an, 300, 5. have, 137, 5. Help, verbs signifying, w. dat. 187, II. Hendiadys, 374, 4. heri, locative, 232, 2. Heteroclites, 59. Heterogeneous nouns, 60. Hexameter, dactylic, 368. Hiatus, 366, 7, a. hic, 87; 246, 1; 246, 2; —— hic, 364, footnote 60. hiems, 35, footnote 13. Hindering, verbs of, with subjv., 295, 3. Historical tenses, 258; —— historical present, 259, 3; 268, 3; —— historical perfect, 262, B; —— historical infinitive, 335. honor, decl., 36. Hoping, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I. Hortatory subjv., 274. hortus, decl., 23. hoscine, 87, footnote 23 hostis, decl., 38. hujusce, 87, footnote 23 humi, locative, 232, 2. humilis, comp., 71, 4. humus, gender of, 26, 1, b. huncine, 87, footnote 23 Hyperbaton, 350, 11, a. Hypermeter, 367, 6. Hysteron proteron, 374, 7.


i, 1, 1; —— in diphthongs, 2, 1; —— pron., 3, 1; —— from e, 7, 1, a; —— from a, 7, 1, b; —— dropped by syncope, 7, 4; —— for u in some words, 9, 1; —— changes to e, 39; —— dropped, 39; —— final i short, 363, 3; —— becomes j, 367, 4. i-stems, 37; 39; —— not always ending in -is, 38, 3. -i, gen. and voc. of 2d decl. nouns in -ius and -ium in, 25, 1 and 2. —— gen. of 4th decl. nouns in -us, 49, 1. —— gen. of 5th decl. nouns, 52, 2. i-stem, vis, 41. i, in abl., 3d decl., 38, 1; 39; —— in adjs., 67, 3, a; 70, 5; —— participles, 70, 3; —— patrials, 70, 5, c); —— nom. plu., of is, 87; —— as characteristic of 4th conj., 98. -ia, 149. Iambus, 366, 2. Iambic measures, 370. —— trimeter, 370. -ianus, suffix, 152, 1. -ias, suffix, 148, 6, b). -ibam, in imperf., 116, 4, b). -ibo, in future, 116, 4, b). Ictus, 366, 5. -icus, suffix, 151, 2; 152, 2. id aetatis, 185, 2. id genus, 185, 1. id quod 247, 1, b. id temporis, 185, 2. Ideal 'you'; see Indefinite second person. idem, 87; 248. idem ac, 248, 2. Ides, 371, 2, c). -ides, suffix, 148, 6, a). -ides, suffix, 148, 6, a). -ido, suffix, 147, 3, c). idoneus, not compared, 74, 2; —— w. dat., 192, 2.; —— w. ad and acc., 192, 2 and N.; —— with rel. clause of purpose, 282, 3. -idus, suffix, 150, 3. Idus, fem. by exception, 50. -ie, in voc. sing. of adjs. in -ius, 63, 1. iens, pres. partic. from eo, 132. -iens, as ending of numeral adverbs, 97 and N. -ier, inf. ending, 116, 4, a. -ies, nouns in, 51. igitur, 344, 1, c). ignis, decl., 38. -ii, in gen, sing. of io-stems, 25, 2. iis, in dat. and abl. plu. of is, 87. -ile, suffix, 148, 3. Ilion, decl., 27. -ilis, suffix, 151, 2. -ilis, suffix, 150, 4. Illative conjunctions, 344. ille, 87; —— 'the following,' 246, 2; —— 'the former,' 246, 1; —— 'the well-known,' 246, 3; —— position, 350, 5, b. illuc, 87, footnote 25. -illus (a, um), diminutive suffix, 148, 1. -im, in acc., 3d decl., 38, 1. -im, -is in subjv., 116, 4, d. impedimentum, impedimenta, 61. Imperative, 281; —— tenses in, 94, 3; 281, 1; —— future indic. with force of, 261, 3. —— as protasis of a conditional sent., 305, 2; —— —— as apodosis, 302, 4. —— sent. in indir disc., 316. Imperfect tense, 260; —— conative, 260, 3; —— inceptive, 260, 3; —— with jam, etc., 260, 4; —— epistolary imp., 265. Imperfect subjv. in conditional sent. referring to the past, 304, 2. Impersonal verbs, 138; —— gen. with, 209; —— dat. with, 187, II, b; —— in passive, 256, 3; —— with substantive clauses developed from volitive, 295, 6; —— of result, 297, 2; —— with infin., 327, 1; 330. impetus, defective, 57, 4. Implied indir. disc., 323. imus, 'bottom of,' 241, 1. in, prep., 143; —— verbs compounded w. in governing acc., 175, 2, a, 2; —— verbs compounded w. in governing dat., 187, III. in with abl. of place, 228; —— with abl. of time, 230, 2; 231. -ina, suffix, 148, 5. Inceptives, 155, 1. Inchoatives, 155, 1. Incomplete action, 257, 1, b; 267, 3. Indeclinable adjs., 70, 6; 80, 6. —— nouns, 58; —— —— gender of, 15, 3. Indefinite price, 225, 1; 203, 4. Indefinite pronouns, 91, 252; —— in conditions, 302, 3. Indefinite second person, 280, 3; 356, 3; 302, 2. Indefinite value, 203, 3. Indicative, equivalent to Eng. subjv., 271. —— in apodosis of conditional sent. of 3d type, 304, 3, a) and b). indigeo, constr., 214, 1, N. 2. indignus, with abl., 226, 2; —— with rel. clause of purpose, 282, 3. Indirect discourse, defined, 313 f.; —— —— mood in, 313 ff.; —— —— tenses in 317-18; —— —— declarative sentences in, 314; —— —— interrog. sentences in, 315; —— —— imperative sentences in, 316; —— —— conditional sentences in, 319-22; —— —— verbs introducing, 331, 1; —— —— verb of saying, etc., implied, 314, 2; —— —— ind. in subord. clauses of indir. disc., 314, 3; —— —— inf. for subjv. in indir. disc., 314, 4; —— —— subj. acc. omitted, 314, 5; —— —— implied indir. disc., 323. —— questions, 300; —— —— particles introducing, 300, 1, a; —— —— deliberative subjv. in indir. quest., 300, 2; —— —— indir. quest. w. si, 300, 3; —— —— double indir. questions, 300, 4; —— —— in indir. quest., 300, 6; —— —— in conditional sents. of 3d type, 322, b. —— reflexives, 244, 2. —— object, 187. inferum, inferior, 73, 2. infimus, 241, 1. Infinitive, gender of, 15, A 3; —— in -ier, 116, 4, a; —— force of tenses in, 270; 326 ff. —— fut. perf. inf., 270, 4; —— —— periphrastic future, 270, 3. —— without subj. acc., 326-328; 314, 5. —— with subj. acc., 329-331. —— as obj., 328; 331, —— as subj., 327; 330. —— with adjs., 333. —— denoting purpose, 326, N. —— in abl. abs., 227, 3. —— in exclamations, 334. —— historical inf., 335. infitias, constr., 182, 5. Inflection, 11. Inflections, 11 ff. infra, prep. w. acc., 141. ingens, comp., 73, 4. injuria, abl. of manner, 220, 2. injussu, defective, 57, 1; —— the abl., 219, 2. inl- = ill-, 9, 2. innixus, w. abl., 218, 3. inops, decl., 70, 2. inquam, conj., 134. Inseparable prepositions, 159, 3, N. insidiae, plu. only, 56, 3. instar, 58. Instrumental uses of abl., 213; 218 ff. Intensive pron., 88. Intensives (verbs), 155, 2. inter, prep. w. acc., 141; —— compounded w. verbs, governing dat. 187, III; —— to express reciprocal relation, 245. interdico, const., 188, 1, a. interest, constr., 210; 211. interior, comp., 73, 1. Interjections, 145. Interlocked order, 350, 11, d. Interrogative pronouns, 90. —— sentences, 162; —— particles, 162, 2; —— —— omitted, 162, 2, d); —— in indir. disc., 315. intra, prep. w. acc., 141. Intransitive verbs, with cognate acc., 176, 4; —— in passive, 256, 3; 187, II, b; —— impersonal intransitives, 138, IV. -inus, suffix, 151, 2; 152, 1; 152, 3. -io, verbs of 3d conj., 109. -ior, ius, comparative ending, 71. ipse, 88; 249; —— as indir. reflexive, 249, 3. ipsius and ipsorum, with possessive pronouns, 243, 3. -ir, decl. of nouns in, 23. Irregular comparison, 72 ff.; —— nouns, 42; —— verbs, 124 f. is, 87; 247; —— as personal pron., 247, 2. -is, as patronymic ending, 148, 6, b); —— nouns in -is of 3d decl., 37 f.; —— adjs. in -is, 69. -is, acc. plu., 3d decl., 37; 40. —— -itis, abl. of patrials in, 70, 5, c). istaec, 87, footnote 24. iste, 87; 246, 4. istic, 6, 4. istuc, 6, 4; 87, footnote 24. ita, in answers, 162, 5. itaque, 344, 1, a). iter, 42, 1. -itia, 149. -ito, frequentatives in, 155, 2, a. -ium, gen. of nouns in, 25, 2; —— ending of gen. plu., 3d decl., 37 f.; 39; 40; 147, 3, b); 148, 2. -ius, gen. and voc. sing. of nouns in, 25, 1 and 2; —— of adjs., 63, a; 151, 2; 152, 2; 152, 3; —— -ius for -ius, 362, 1, a). -ivus, suffix, 151, 2.


j, 1, 2. jacio, conj., 109, 2, a); —— compounds of, 9, 3; 362, 5. jam, etc., with present tense, 259, 4; —— with imperfect, 260, 4. jecur, decl., 42, 3. joco, abl. of manner, 220, 2. jocus, plu. of, 60, 2. Joining, verbs of, construction, 358, 3. jubeo, constr., 295, 1, a: 331, II. judicor, w. inf., 332, c. jugerum, 59, 1. Julian calendar, 371. jungo, w. abl., 222A. Juppiter, decl., 41. juratus, 114, 2. jure, abl. of manner, 220, 2. jus est, with substantive clause, 297, 3. jussu, 57, 1; —— the abl., 219, 2. Jussive subjv., 275; —— equiv. to a protasis, 305, 2. juvat, w. acc., 172, 2, c); —— with inf., 327, 1. Juvenale, abl., 70, 5, b. juvenis, a cons. stem, 38, 2; —— comparison, 73, 4. juvo, with acc., 187, II, N. juxta, prep. w. acc., 141.


k, 1, 1. Knowing, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I. Knowledge, adjs. of, w. gen., 204.


l, pron., 3, 3. Labial mutes, 2, 4. —— stems, 31; —— —— gender of, 43, 3; 46, 1. lacer, decl., 65, 1. lacus, decl., 49, 3. laedo, w. acc., 187, II, N. laetus, w. adverbial force, 239. lapis, decl., 33. largior, 113. Latin period, 351, 5. Length of syllables, 5, B. Length of vowels, 5, A. -lentus, suffix, 151, 3. leo, decl., 35. Liber, decl, 23, 2. liber, adj., decl., 65, 1. libero, constr., 214, 1, N. 1. liberta, libertabus, 21, 2, e). liberum, gen. plu., 25, 6, c). licet, with subjv., 295, 6 and 8; 308, a; —— with inf., 327, 1; 330. licet, adversative, 309, 4. Likeness, adjs. of, w. dat., 192, 1. Limit of motion, acc. of., 182. Lingual mutes, 2, 4. linter, decl., 40. Liquids, 2, 5. —— stems, 34. lis, decl., 40, 1, d). Litotes, 375, 1. littera, litterae, 61. Locative, 17, 1; —— in -ae, 21, 2, c); —— in -i, 25, 5; —— syntax, 232; —— apposition with, 169, 4; —— loc. uses of abl., 213; 228 f. loco, locis, the abl., 228, 1, b. locus, plurals of, 60, 2. Long syllables, 5, B, 1. —— vowels, 5, A, 1. longius = longius quam, 271, 3. longum est = Eng. potential, 217, 1, b. lubet, lubido, spelling, 9, 1. ludis, the abl., 230, 1. -lus, -la, -lum, diminutives in, 148, 1. lux, 57, 7.


m, pron., 3, 3; —— changed to n before d, c, 8, 5, c; —— m-stem, 35, footnote 13; —— m-final in poetry, 366, 10. maereo, w. acc., 175, 2, b. magis, comparison, 77, 1; —— comparison with, 74. magni, gen. of value, 203, 3. magnopere, compared, 77, 1. magnus, compared, 72. Making, verbs of, w. two accusatives, 177. male, comparison, 77, 1. maledicens, comparison, 71, 5, a). malim, potential subjv., 280, 2, a. mallem, potential subjv., 280, 4. malo, 130; —— with inf., 331, IV, and a; —— with subjv., 296, 1, a. malus, comparison, 72. mane, indeclinable, 58. Manner, abl. of, 200. mare, decl., 39, 2; —— mari, 228, 1, c). mas, decl., 40, 1, d). Masculine, see Gender. Masculine caesura, 368, 3, c. Material, abl. of, 224, 3. materies, materia, 59, 2, a). mature, compared, 77, 1. maturus, compared, 71, 3. maxime, adjs. compared with, 74. maximi, as gen. of value, 203, 3. maxumus, 9, 1. Means, abl. of, 218; —— abl. abs. denoting, 227, 2; —— denoted by partic., 337, 2, d. med, for me, 84, 3. Mediae (consonants), 2, 3, b), footnote 5. medius, 'middle of', 241, 1. mei, as objective gen., 242, 2. melior, comparison, 72. melius est = Eng. potential, 271, 1, b). memini, 133; —— constr., 206, 1, a; 2, a. memor, decl., 70, 2. -men, -mentum, suffixes, 147, 4. mensis, 38, 2, footnote 14. mentem (in mentem venire), 206, 3. -met, enclitic, 6, 3; 84, 2. Metrical close of sent., 350, 12. metuo, w. subjv., 296, 2. mi, dat., 84, 1. mi, voc. of meus, 86, 2. Middle voice, verbs in, 175, 2, d). miles, decl., 33. militiae, locative, 232, 2. mille, milia, decl., 80, 5. minime, comparison, 77, 1; —— in answers, 162, 5, b). minimus, comparison, 72. minor, comparison, 72. minoris, gen. of value, 203, 3; —— of price, 203, 4. minus, comparison 77, 1; —— = minus quam, 217, 3; —— quo minus, 295, 3; —— si minus, 306, 2 and a. miror, conj., 113. mirus, comparison, 75, 2. miscere, with abl., 222A; —— with dat., 358, 3. misereor, with gen., 209, 2. miseresco, with gen., 209, 2. miseret, constr., 209. Mixed stems, 40. modium, gen. plu., 25, 6, a). modo, in wishes and provisos, 310. moneo, 103; —— constr., 178, 1, d). months, gender of names of, 15, 1; —— decl. 68, 1; —— abl., of month names, 70, 5, a); —— names, 371, 1. Moods, 94, 2. —— in independent sentences, 271 f. —— in dependent clauses, 282 f. Mora, 366, 1. morior, conj. 109, 2, c); mos, decl., 36; —— mores, 61. mos est, with subjv. clause, 297, 3. muliebre secus, constr., 185, 1. Multiplication, distributives used to indicate, 81, 4, c. multum, 77, 3; —— compared, 77, 1. multus, compared, 72; —— with another adj., 241, 3. mus decl., 40, 1, d). mutare, with abl., 222A. Mutes, 2, 3. Mute stems, 30.


n, pronunciation, 3, 3; —— n-stems, 35. n adulterinum, 2, 6. -nam, appended to quis, 90, 2, d. Names, Roman, 373. Naming, verbs of, w. two accusatives, 117, 1. Nasals, 2, 6. Nasal stems, 35. natu, 57, 1; —— maximus natu, minimus natu, 73, 4, footnotes 20, 21; 226, 1. Natural gender, 14. natus, constr., 215. navis, decl., 41, 4. nd, vowel short before, 5, 2, a. -ne, 6, 3 f; 162, 2, c); 300, 1, b); —— -ne ... an, 162, 4; —— —— in indir. double questions, 300, 4. ne, in prohibitions, 276; —— with hortatory subjv., 274; —— with concessive, 278; —— with optative, 279; —— in purpose clauses, 282; —— in substantive clauses, 295 f., 296; —— in provisos, 310. ne, 'lest,' 282, 1; 296, 2. ne non for ut after verbs of fearing, 296, 2, a. ne ... quidem, 347, 1; 2. Nearness, adjs. of, w. dat., 192, 1. nec, 341, 1, d); —— nec usquam, 341, 2, d). necesse est, w. subjv., 295, 8. necne, in double questions, 162, 4. nefas, indeclinable, 58. Negatives, 347, 2; —— two negatives strengthening the negation, 347, 2. nemo, defective, 57, 3; —— use, 252, 6. nequam, indeclinable, 70, 6; —— compared, 72. neque, 341, 1, d); —— neque in purpose clauses, 282, 1, e. nequeo, conj., 137, 1. ne quis, use, 91, 5. nequiter, compared, 77, 1. nescio an, 300, 5. nescio quis, as indef. pron., 253, 6. Neuter, see Gender. neuter, decl., 66; —— use, 92, 1. neve (neu), in purpose clauses, 282, 1, d. nf, quantity of vowel before, 5, 1, a. nihil, indeclinable, 58. nihil est cur, quin, 295, 7. ningit, 'it snows,' 138, 1. nisi, 306, 1 and 4. nisi forte, 306, 5. nisi si, 306, 5. nisi vero, 306, 5. nitor, constr., 218, 3. nix, decl., 40, 1, d). No, in answers, 162, 5, b. -no, class of verbs, 117, 4. noli, with inf., in prohibitions, 276, b. nolim, potential subjv., 280, 2, a. nollem, potential subjv., 280, 4. nolo, 130; —— with inf., 331, IV and a; 276, 2, a; —— with subjv., 296, 1, a. nomen, decl., 35; —— nomen est, constr., 190, 1; —— nomen, as part of Roman name, 373. Nominative, 17; 170; —— used for voc., 171, 1; —— nom. sing. lacking, 57, 6; —— pred. nom., 168. Nones, 371, 2, b). non, in answers, 162, 5, b); —— with poten. subjv., 280; —— with deliberative, 277. non dubito quin, with subjv., 298; —— non dubito, w. inf., 298, a; b. non modo for non modo non, 343, 2, a. nonne, 162, 2, a); 300, 1, b), N. non quia, with ind., 286, 1, c; —— with subjv., 286, 1, b. non quin, with sujbv., 286, 1, b. non quod, with ind., 286, 1, c; —— with subjv., 286, 1, b. nos = ego, 242, 3. nostri, as objective gen., 242, 2. nostrum, as gen. of whole, 242, 2; —— as possessive gen., 242, 2, a. Nouns, 12 ff.; 353; —— derivation of, 147 f. —— in -is not always i-stems, 38, 1. —— of agency, force, 353, 4. —— used in plu. only, 56. —— used in sing. only, 55. —— used only in certain cases, 57. —— indeclinable, 58. —— with change of meaning in plural, 61. —— syntax, 166 f. —— predicate, agreement of, etc., 167 f. —— appositives, agreement of, etc., 169 f. Noun and adj. forms of the verb, 95, 2. novi, as pres., 262, A. novus, compared, 73, 3. ns, quantity of vowel before, 5, 1, a. -ns, decl. of nouns in, 40, 1, c). nt, quantity of vowel before, 5, 2, a. nubes, decl., 40, 1, a nulla causa est cur, quin, 295, 7. nullus, decl., 66; 57, 3; —— use, 92, 1. num, 162, 2, b); 300, 1, b). Number, 16; 94, 4. Numerals, 78 f.; —— peculiarities in use of, 81. numquis, decl., 91, 5. nuper, compared, 77, 1. -nus, suffix, 151, 2.


o, vowel, 2, 1; —— as element in dipthong oe, 2, 1; —— pron., 3, 1; —— alternating w. u in certain classes of words, 9, 1; 2; 4; —— o-stems, 23; 24; —— in cito, 77, 2, a; —— in duo, 80, 2; —— in ego, 84; 363, 4, a; —— in modo, 363, 4, a; —— in compounds of pro-, 363, 4, c; —— in amo, leo, etc., 363, 4, b. o, pron. 3, 1; —— for au, 7, 1, e; —— by contraction, 7, 2; —— in abl. sing. of 2d decl., 23; —— in nom. sing. of 3d decl., 35; —— in Greek nouns, 47, 8; —— in adverbs, 77, 2; —— in ambo, 80, 2, a; —— in personal endings, 96. ob, prep. w. acc., 141; —— verbs compounded w. governing dat., 187, III. Obeying, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. Object, direct, 172 f.; —— two objects w. same verb, 177; 178; —— indirect, 187 f.; —— inf. as obj., 326; 328; 329; 331. Objective gen., 200. Obligation, verb in expression of, 304, 3, a; —— see also Duty. Oblique cases, 71, 2. obliviscor, constr., 206, 1, b; 2. octodecim (for duodeviginti), 81, 2. odi, 133. oe, 2, 1; —— pron., 3, 2. Old forms, familias, 21, 2, a; —— aulai, 21, 2, b; —— servos, aevom, equos, etc., 24; —— med, ted, 84, 3; —— sed, 85, 3. olle, archaic for ille, 87. -olus (a, um), 148, 1. -om, later -um in 2d decl., 23. -on, Greek nouns, 2d decl. in, 27. Onomatopoeia, 375, 4. opera, operae, 61. Operations of nature, impersonal verbs expressing, 138, 1. opinione with comparatives, 217, 4. opis, 57, 6; —— opes, 61. oportet, 138; —— w. subjv., 295, 6; 8; —— w. inf., 327, 330. oportuit, with pres. inf. 'ought to have', 270, 2; —— with perf. inf., 270, 2, a. oppidum (Genavam ad oppidum), 182, 2, a. Optative subjv., 272; 279; —— substantive clauses developed from, 296. optimates, decl., 40, 1, d. optimus, comp., 72. opto, w. subst. cl. developed from optative, 296, 1. optumus, spelling, 9, 1. opus est, w. abl., 218, 2; —— w. partic., 218, 2, c. -or, nouns in, 34; —— -or for -os, 36; —— gender of nouns in, 43, 1; —— exceptions in gender, 44, 2; —— as suffix, 147, 2. Oratio Obliqua, 313 f. Order of words, 348 f. Ordinals, 78, 1; 79. orior, conjugation, 123, VII. oriundus, constr., 215, 2. oro, with acc., 178, 1, a Orpheus, decl., 47, 6. Orthography, peculiarities, 9. ortus, constr., 215. os, decl., 57, 7. os, decl., 42. -os, later -us in 2d decl., 23. -os, later -or in 3d decl., 36, 1. —— -os, Greek nouns, 2d decl. in, 27. -osus, form of suffix, 151, 3. ovis, decl., 38, 1. Oxymoron, 375, 2.


p, pron., 3, 3; —— by assimilation, 8, 4; —— by partial assimilation, 8, 5. paenitet, 138, II; —— with gen., 209 palam, as prep. w. abl., 144, 2. Palatal mutes, 2, 4. paluster, decl., 68, 1. Parasitic vowels, 7, 3. paratus, with infin., 333. Pardon, verbs signifying, w. dat., 187, II. pario, 109, 2, a). pars, partes, 61. parte, abl. of place, 228, 1, b. partem, adverbially used, 185, 1. Participation, adjs. of, w. gen., 204, 1. Participial stem, 97, III; —— formation, 119. Participles, in -ans and -ens, 70, 3; —— gen. plu. of in -um, 70, 7; —— pres. act. partic., 97, I, 5; 101; 103; 105; 107; 110; 113; —— fut. act. partic., 97, III; —— as one of the principal parts of the verb, 99, footnote 28; 100; 101; 103; 105; 107; 110; 113; —— perf. pass. partic., 97, III; 102; 104; 106; 108; 111; 113;; —— gerundive, see Gerundive; —— fut. act., peculiar formation of, 119, 4; —— perf. pass., w. act. or neuter meaning, 114, 2; —— of deponents, 112, b; —— syntax, 336 ff. Participles, fut. act., 119, 4; —— —— denoting purpose, 337, 4. —— perf. act., how supplied, 356, 2. —— perf. pass. 336, 3; —— —— as pres., 336, 5. —— pres. partic., 336, 2; —— —— with conative force, 336, 2, a. —— perf. pass., with active meaning, 114, 2; —— pred. use of partic., 337, 2; —— participles equivalent to subordinate clauses, 337, 2; —— —— to cooerdinate clauses, 337, 5; —— w. opus est, 218, 2, c; —— with noun, equivalent to abstract noun, 337, 6; —— with habeo, 337, 7. —— with video, audio, facio, etc., 337, 3. Particles, 139 f.; 341 f. Partitive apposition, 169, 5. Partitive gen., so called, 201. Parts of speech, 10. parum, comparison, 77, 1. parvi, gen. of value, 203, 3. parvus, comparison, 72. Passive, verbs in, with middle meaning, 175, 2, d; 256; —— verbs governing dat. used in pass. only impersonally, 187, II, b; —— constr. of passive verbs of saying, etc., 332 and note; —— how supplied when missing, 356, 1. patior, conj., 109, 2, c; 113; —— with inf., 331, III. Patrial adjs., 70, 5, c. Patronymics, 148, 6. paulum, formation, 77, 3. paulus, spelling, 9, 2. pauper, decl.,, 70, 1. pedester, decl., 68, 1. pejor, quantity of first syllable, 362, 5. pelagus, gender of, 26, 2. Penalty, abl. of, 208, 2, b. penates, decl., 40, 1, d). penes, prep. w. acc., 141. Pentameter, dactylic, 369. Penult, 6, 2. per, prep. w. acc., 141; —— with acc. of time and space, 181, 2. Perceiving, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I. Perfect active ptc., how supplied in Latin, 356, 2. Perfect pass. partic., force of w. deponent verbs, 112, b; —— dat. of agency sometimes used w., 189, 2; —— opus, 218, 2, c. Perfect stem, 97, II; —— —— formation, 118. —— in -avi, -evi, -ivi contracted, 116, 1. —— historical perf., 262. —— with force of pres. 262; 133, 2; —— pres. perf. and hist. perf. distinguished, 237, 1 and 2; —— gnomic perf., 262, 1; —— perf. subjv. as historical tense, 268, 6 and 7, b; —— perf. inf. w. oportuit, 270, 2; —— perf. prohibitive, 279, a; —— perf. potential, 280, 1 and 2; —— perf. concessive, 278; —— sequence of tenses after perf. inf., 268, 2. Periodic structure, 351, 5. Periphrastic conj., 115; 269, 3; —— in conditional sentences of the 3d type, 304, 3, b); —— in indir. disc., 322; —— in passive, 337, 8, b, 1. —— fut. inf., 270, 3. Persons, 95, 4; —— 2d sing, of indefinite subject, 356, 3. Personal pronouns 84; 242; —— —— as subject, omission of, 166, 2; —— —— as objective genitives, 242, 2. —— endings, 96. persuadeo, with dat., 187, II, a; —— with subjv., 295, 1. Persuading, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. ph, 2, 3, c; 2, 4; 3, 3. piget, with gen., 209. Pity, verbs of, w. gen., 209, 1 and 2. Place to which, 182; —— whence, 229; —— place where, 228. placitus, force, 114, 2. Pleasing, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II, a; —— w. acc., 187, II, a, N. plebes, heteroclite, 59, 2, d). plebi, gen., 52, 2. Plenty and Want, verbs of, constr., 212; cf. 218, 8. plenus, w. gen., 218, 8, a. Pleonasm, 374, 3. pleraque, 6, 5. pluit, 138, I. Pluperfect tense, formation, 100; —— syntax, 263; 265; 287, 2; 288, 3; —— with imperfect meaning, 133, 2. Plural, 16; —— in 5th decl., 52, 4; —— of proper names, 55, 4, a); —— of abstract nouns, 5, 4, c); —— nouns used in, only, 56; —— with change of meaning, 61; —— stylistic use, 353, 1, 2. Pluralia tantum, 56; 81, 4, b). pluris, gen. of value, 203, 3; —— of price, 203, 4. plus, decl., 70; 70, 4; —— = plus quam, 217, 3. poema, decl., 47, 5. Polysyndeton, 341, 4, b). por-, inseparable prep., 159, 3, e. porticus, gender, 50. portus, decl., 49, 3. posco, constr., 178, 1, a). Position of clauses, 351, 3. —— of words, 348; 350; 351. Possessive dat., 190; —— gen., 198; —— —— contrasted with dat. of poss., 359, 1. Possessive pronouns, 86, 243; —— = objective gen., 243, 2; —— position of, 243, 1, a. Possibility, verbs of, put in indic. in cond. sentences, 304, 3, a. possum, 126; —— with present infin., 'I might,' 271, 1, a; —— in cond. sentences, 304, 3, a. post, prep. w. acc., 144, 1; —— in expressions of time, 357, 1. Post-positive words, 343, 1, c). posteaquam, 287; —— separated, 287, 3; —— with imperf. ind., 287, 4; —— w. pluperf. ind., 287, 3; —— with subjv., 287, 5. posterus, posterior, comp., 73, 2. postremus, use, 241, 2. postridie, with gen., 201, 3, a. postulo, constr., 178, 1, a. Potential subjv., 272; 280. potior, with gen., 212, 2; —— with abl., 218, 1; —— in gerundive constr., 339, 4. —— adj., 73, 1. potius, compared, 77, 1. potui, poteram, in apodosis of conditional sent. of 3d type, 304, 3, a); —— in indir. disc., 322, c. potui, with pres. inf. = 'could have,' 270, 2. potuerim, in dependent apodosis, 322, c. potus, force, 114, 2. prae, prep, w. abl., 142; —— verbs compounded with governing dat., 187, III; —— short in praeacutus, etc., 362, 2. Praenomen, 373. praesens, 125. praesum, w. dat., 187, III. pransus, force, 114, 2. preci, -em, -e, 57, 5, a. Predicate, 163. —— gen., 198, 3; 203, 5. Predicate nouns, 167; 168; —— in acc., 177; —— predicate nouns or adjs. attracted to dat., 327, 2, a; —— —— to nom., 328, 2. —— adjectives, 232, 2; 177, 2. Prepositions, assimilation of, in compounds, 8, 4; 9, 2; —— with acc., 141; —— with abl., 142; —— as adverbs, 144; —— inseparable prepositions, 159, 3, N.; —— position, 350, 7; —— prepositional phrases as attributive modifiers, 353, 5; —— anastrophe of, 144, 3; 141, 2; 142, 3; —— usage with abl. of sep., 214 f; —— with abl. of source, 215. Present tense, 259; —— gnomic, 259, 1; —— conative, 259, 2; —— historical, 259, 3; —— with jam pridem, jam diu, etc., 259, 4; —— with dum, 'while,' 293, I; —— in Repraesentatio, 318; —— pres. subjv., in -im, 127, 2; —— pres. partic., see Participle. —— stem, 97, I; —— —— formation, 117. —— perf., 257, 1 and 2. Preventing, verbs of, w. subjv. clause, 295, 3. Price, indefinite, special words in gen. 203, 4; also 225, 1. —— abl. of, 225. pridie, with gen., 201, 3, a; —— with acc., 144, 2. Primary tenses, see Principal tenses. primus, 'first who,' 241, 2. princeps, decl., 31. Principal parts, 99; —— list, p. 251. —— tenses, 258 f. prior, compared, 73, 1. prius, compared, 77, 1. priusquam, with ind., 291; —— with subjv., 292; —— separated, 292. Privation, verbs of, w. abl., 214, 1, b and c. pro, prep. w. abl., 142. procul, as prep. w. abl., 144, 2. prohibeo, w. abl., 214, 2; —— w. subjv. clause, 295, 3. Prohibitions, method of expressing, 276. Prohibitive subjv., 276. Prolepsis, 374, 5. Pronominal adjs., 253. Pronouns, defined, 82; —— classes, 83; —— personal, 84; —— reflexive, 85; —— possessive, 86; —— demonstrative, 87; —— intensive, 88; —— relative, 89; —— interrogative, 90; —— indefinite, 91; —— pronominal adjs., 92; —— personal, omission of, as subject, 166, 2; —— syntax, 242 f.; —— —— personal, 242 f.; —— —— possess., 243 f.; —— —— reflex., 244 f.; —— —— reciprocal, 245 f.; —— —— demonstrative, 246 f.; —— —— relative, 250 f.; —— —— indef., 252 f.; —— position, 350, 5; 355. Pronunciation, Roman, 3. prope, compared, 77, 1. Proper names, abbreviated, 373. —— nouns, 12, 1. propior, compared, 73, 1; —— with acc., 141, 3. proprius, with dat., 204, 2, a; —— with gen., 204, 2. propter, prep. w. acc., 141. Prosody, 360 f. prosper, decl., 65, 1. prosum, conj., 125, N. Protasis, 301; —— denoting repeated action, 302, 3; —— without si, 305; —— of indef. 2d sing., 302, 2; —— see Conditions. Provisos, 310. proxime, -us, comp., 73, 1; 77, 1; —— with acc., 141, 3. prudens, decl., 70. -pte, 86, 3. pudet, with gen, 209; —— w. inf., 327, 1. puer, decl., 23. pulcher, comp., 71, 3. puppis, decl., 38, 1. Purpose, dat. of purpose, 191; —— with dat. and gerundive, 191, 3; —— w. ad and acc., 192, 2; —— subjv. of purp., 282, 1; —— —— w. quo, 282, 1, a; —— —— w. ut ne, 282, 1, b; —— —— with non in purpose clause, 282, 1, c; —— —— neve (neu) in purpose clauses, 292, 1, d; —— —— neque, 282, 1, e; —— rel. clauses of purpose, 282, 2; —— —— w. dignus, indignus, idoneus, 282, 3; —— independent of principal verb, 282, 4; —— inf., denoting purpose, 326, N.; —— fut. partic., denoting purpose, 337, 4; —— gerund, w. ad, 338, 3; —— gerundive, 339, 2; —— supine, 340.


qu, pron., 3, 3; —— both letters consonants, 74, a. quaero, w. indir. questions, 300, 1, b), N. quaeso, 137, 2. Quality, gen., 203; —— abl., 224. quam, in comparisons, 217, 2; —— with superl., 240, 3; —— ante ... quam, post ... quam, prius ... quam, see antequam, postquam, priusquam; quam qui, 283, 2, a. quam si, 307, 1. quam ut, with subjv., 284, 4. quamquam, with ind., 309, 2; —— with subjv., 309, 6; —— = 'and yet,' 309, 5. quamvis, with subjv., 309, 1; 6; —— denoting a fact, 309, 6. quando, 286, 3, b. quanti, as gen. of price, 203, 4; —— of value, 203, 3. Quantity, 5. —— of syllables, 5, B; 363 f. —— of vowels, 5, A; 362; —— —— in Greek words, 365. quasi, 307, 1. quatio, conj., 109, 2, a). -que, accent of word preceding, 6, 3; 6, 5; 341, 1, b); 2, a); 4, c). queo, 137, 1. Questions, word, sentence, 162 f.; —— rhetorical, 162, 3; —— double (alternative), 162, 4; —— indirect, 300; —— questions in indir. disc., 315. qui, rel., 89; —— interr., 90; —— indef., 91; —— for quis in indir. questions, 90, 2, b; —— with ne, si, nisi, num, 91, 5; —— in purpose clauses, 282, 2; —— abl., 90, 2, a. quia, in causal clauses, 286, 1. quicum, 89. quicumque, decl., 91, 8. quidam, decl, 91; syntax, 252, 3. quidem, post-positive, 347, 1. quilibet, decl., 91, quin, in result clauses, 284, 3; —— in substantive clauses, 295, 3; 298; —— = qui non in clauses of characteristic, 283, 4; —— with ind., 281, 3; —— in indir. disc, 322 and a; —— nulla causa est quin, 295, 7. quinam, 90, 2, d. Quintilis (= Julius), 371. quippe qui, in clauses of characteristic, 283, 3. Quirites, decl., 40, 1, d. quis, indef., 91; —— interr., 90; 90, 2, c.; 252, 1; —— nescio quis, 253, 6; —— with ne, si, nisi, num, 91, 5. quis est qui, 283, 2. quis = quibus, 89. quisnam, inflection, 90, 2, d. quispiam, inflection, 91. quisquam, inflection, 91; —— usage, 252, 4. quisque, inflection, 91; —— usage, 252, 5. quisquis, inflection, 91, 8. quivis, inflection, 91 quo, in purpose clauses, 282, 1, a.. quoad, with ind., 293; —— with subjv. 293, III, 2. quod, in causal clauses, 286, 1; —— in substantive clauses, 299; 331, V, a; —— 'as regards the fact,' 299, 2. quod audierim, 283, 5; —— quod sciam, 283, 5. quod (si), adverbial acc., 185, 2. quom, early form of cum, 9, 1. quo minus, after verbs of hindering, 295, 3. quoniam, in causal clauses, 286, 1. quoque, post-positive, 347. -quus, decl. of nouns in, 24.


r, pron., 3, 3; —— for s between vowels ('Rhotacism'), 8, 1. rapio, conj., 100, 2 a). rastrum, plurals of, 60, 2. ratus, 'thinking,' 336, 5. Reciprocal pronouns, 85, 2; 245; cf. 253, 3. Reduplication in perf., 118, 4, a); —— in pres., 117, 7. Reference, dat. of, 188. refert, constr., 210; 211, 4. Reflexive pronouns, 85; 244; 249, 3. rego, conj., 105. Regular verbs, 101-113. rei, 362, 1, b). reicio, quantity, 362, 5. Relative adverbs, in rel. clauses of purp., 282, 2. —— clauses, of purp., 282, 2; —— —— w. dignus, indignus, idoneus, 282, 3; —— —— of characteristic, 283; —— —— denoting cause or opposition, 283, 3; —— —— restrictive, 283, 5; —— —— introduced by quin, 283, 4; 284, 3; —— —— conditional rel. clauses, 311; 312, 1 and 2; —— —— relative as subj. of inf., 314, 4; —— —— rel. clause standing first, 251, 4, a. —— pronouns, inflection, 89; —— —— use, 250, ff.; —— —— = Eng. demonstrative, 251, 6; —— —— agreement, 250; —— —— not omitted as in Eng., 251, 5; —— —— fondness for subordinate clauses, 355. relinquitur ut, 297, 2. reliqui, use, 253, 5. reliquum est, with subjv., 295, 6. remex, decl., 32. Remembering, verbs of, cases used w., 206. Reminding, verbs of, const., 207. reminiscor, constr., 206, 2. Removing, verbs of, w. abl., 214, 2. reposco, constr., 178, 1, a). Repraesentatio, 318. requies, requiem, requietem, 59, 2, c). res, decl., 51. Resisting, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. Restrictive clauses, 283, 5. Result, acc. of, 173, B; 176; —— clauses of, 284; 297; —— —— in dependent apodosis, 322, and a; —— —— sequence of tense in, 268, 6. revertor, semi-deponent, 114, 3. Rhetorical questions, 162, 3; 277, a; —— in indir. disc., 315, 2. Rhotacism, 8, 1; 36, 1. Rivers, gender of names of, 15, A, 1. rogatu, abl. of cause, 219, 2. rogo, constr., 178, 1, c); 178, 1, a). Roman pronunciation, 3. Root, 17, 3, footnote 12. -rs, decl. of nouns in, 40, 1, c). rure, abl., place from which, 229, 1, b. ruri, abl., place in which, 228, 1, c. rus, 57, 7; —— acc., limit of motion, 182, 1, b.


s, pron., 3, 3; —— changed to r between vowels, 8, 1: —— s, ss from dt, tt, ts, 8, 2. -s, decl. of monosyllables in, preceded by one or more consonants, 40, 1, b). s-stems, 36. sacer, decl., 65; —— comparison, 73, 3. saepe, compared, 77, 1. sal, 57, 7; —— sales, 61. salubris, decl., 68, 3. salutaris, comp., 73, 4. salve, salvete, 137, 4. Samnites, 40, 1, d). sane, in answers, 162, 5. sapio, conj., 109, 2, a). satur, decl., 65, 2. Saying, verbs of, w. inf. of ind. disc., 331, I. scio, quod sciam, 283, 5. -sco-class of verbs, 117, 6; 155. scribere ad aliquem, 358, 2. se, use, 244. se-, compounds of, 159, 3, e. Second conj., 103; —— decl., 23; —— peculiarities, 25; —— second person indefinite, 280, 3; 356, 3; 302, 2. Secondary tenses, see Historical tenses. secundum, prep. w. acc., 141. securis, decl., 38, 1. secus, compared, 77, 1. secus (virile secus), 185, 1; 58. secutus, 'following', 336, 5. sed, se, 85, 3. sed-, compounds of, 159, 3, e. sed, 343, 1, a). sedile, decl., 39. sementis, decl., 38, 1. Semi-deponent verbs, 114. Semivowels, 2, 8. senex, decl., 42; —— compared, 73, 4. Sentences, classification, 160, f.; —— simple and compound, 164; —— sentence-structure, 351; —— sentence questions, 162, 2. sententia, abl. of accordance, 220, 3. Separation, dat. of, 188, 2, d); —— gen., 212, 3; —— abl., 214. Sequence of tenses, 267; 268. sequester, decl., 68, 1. sequitur ut, 297, 2. sequor, conj., 113. Serving, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. servos, decl., 24. sese, decl., 85. Sextilis (= Augustus), 371. Sharing, adjs. of, w. gen., 204, 1. Short syllables, 5, B, 2; —— vowels, 5, A, 2. Showing, verbs of, w. two accs., 177. si, with indir. questions, 300, 3; —— in protasis, 301; —— omitted, 305. signifer, decl., 23, 2. silentio, abl of manner, 220, 2. silvester, decl., 68, 3. similis, with dat., 204, 3; —— with gen., 204, 3; —— comp., 71, 4. si minus, use, 306, 2. Simple sentences, 164. simul, as prep., w. abl., 144, 2. simul ac, w. ind., 287, 1; 2. si non, usage, 306, 1 and 2. sin, usage, 306, 3. sin minus, 306, 2, a. Singular, second person indefinite, 280, 3; 356, 3; 302, 2. sino with inf., 331, III. sitis, decl., 38, 1. Smelling, verbs of, constr., 176, 5. Soft consonants, 2, 3, b), footnote 5. -so, verbs in, 155, 2. socer, decl., 23, 2. socium, gen, plu., 25, 6, c). sol, decl., 57, 7. soleo, semi-dep., 114, 1. solitus, used as present partic., 336, 5. solus, 66; —— solus est qui with subjv., 283, 2. Sonant consonants, 2, 3, b), footnote 5. Soracte, decl., 39, 2. Sounds, classification, 2. —— of the letters, 3. Source, abl., 215. Space, extent of, 181. Sparing, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. Specification, abl. of, 226. spei, quantity, 362, 1, b. Spelling, see Orthography. Spirants, 2, 7. Spondaic verses, 368, 2. Spondee, 368, 1. sponte sua, abl. accordance, 220, 3. spontis, -e, defective, 57, 2, b. Statutes, fut. imperative used in, 281, 1, b. Stem, 17, 3. —— verb, 97; 117. Structure of sentences, see Sentences. Style, hints on, 352 f. su = sv, 3, 3. sub, prep. with acc. and abl., 143; —— compounds of, w. dat., 187, III. Subject, 163; —— nom., 166; —— acc., 184; —— subject acc. of inf., 184; —— omitted, 314, 5; —— clauses as subject, 294; 295, 6; —— inf. as subj., 327; 330. Subjective gen., 199. Subjunctive, tenses in, 95, 3. —— in independent sentences, 272; —— by attraction, 324; —— tenses of, 266 f.; —— method of expressing future time in, 269; —— volitive (hortatory, jussive, probibitive, deliberative, concessive), 273 f.; —— optative (wishes), 279; —— potential, 280; —— in clauses of purpose, 282; —— of characteristic, 283; —— of result, 284; —— of cause, 286; —— temporal clauses with postquam, posteaquam, 287, 5; —— temporal clauses with cum, 288-290; —— with antequam and priusquam, 292; —— with dum, donec, quoad, 293, III, 2; —— substantive clauses, 294 f.; —— indir. questions, 300; —— in apodosis of first type conditions, 302, 4; —— jussive subjunctive as protasis of condition, 305, 2; —— with velut, tamquam, etc., 307; —— with necesse est, opportet, etc., 295, 6 and 8; —— with licet, 309, 4; —— with quamvis, quamquam, etsi, cum 'although,' 309 f. sublatus, 129, N. subm- = summ-, 9, 2. Subordinate clauses, 165. Substantive clauses, 294 f.; —— —— developed from the volitive, 295, 1-8; —— —— developed from the optative, 296; —— —— with non dubito, 298; —— —— indir. questions, 300; —— —— without ut, 295, 8; —— —— of result, 297; —— —— introduced by quod, 299. —— use of adjs., 236-238. subter, prep, w. acc., 143, 1. Suffixes, 17, 3, footnote 12; 147 f. sui, 85; —— as objective gen., 244, 2; —— = possessive gen., 244, 2. sum, conj., 100; —— omitted when auxiliary, 166, 3. summus, 'top of,' 241, 1. sunt qui, with subjv., 283, 2. suopte, suapte, 86, 3. supellex, decl., 42, 2. super, prep. w. acc., 143, 1. Superlative degree; —— of adjs., 71, 1; —— —— in -rimus, 91, 3; —— —— in -limus, 71, 4; —— —— irregular superl., 72; 73; —— —— lacking, 73, 4; —— —— formed w. maxime, 74; —— of adverbs, 76, 2; —— —— irregular, 77, 1; —— force of, 240, 2. superus, compared, 73, 2. Supine, 340. supra, prep. w. acc., 141. -sura, suffix, 147, 3, a. Surd consonants, 2, 3, a), footnote 4. sus, decl., 41. sustuli, 129, N. suus, decl., 86, 1; 244; —— suus quisque, 244, 4, a. Syllaba anceps, 366, 10. Syllables, division, 4; —— quantity of, 5, B. Synapheia, 367, 6. Synaeresis, 367, 1. Synchysis, 350, 11, d. Syncope, 7, 4; 367, 8. Synecdochical acc., 180. Synizesis, 367, 1. Syntax, 160 f. Systole, 367, 3.


t, pron., 3, 3; —— th, 2, 3, c; 3, 3; —— changes, 8, 2; —— dropped, 8, 3. taedet, 138, II; —— w. gen., 209. Taking away, verbs of, w. dat., 188, 2, d. talentum, gen. plu., 25, 5, a. tamen, 343, 1, f. tametsi, 309, 2. tamquam, tamquam si, w. subjv., 307. tanton, 6, 4. -tas, 149; —— gen. -tatis, decl. of nouns in, 40, 1, e). Tasting, verbs of, constr., 176, 5. Teaching, verbs of, constr., 178, 1, b. ted = te, 84, 3. Temporal clauses, w. postquam, ut, ubi, simul ac, 287; —— w. cum, 288; 289; —— w. antequam and priusquam, 291; 292; —— with dum, donec, quoad, 293. temporis (id temporis), 185, 2. Tendency, dat. of, 191. tener, decl., 64. Tenses, 94, 3; 257 ff.; —— of inf., 270; —— of inf. in indir. disc., 317; —— of participles, 336; —— of subjv., 266; —— sequence of, 266-268; —— in indir. disc., 317; 318. Tenues (consonants), 2, 3, a), footnote 4. tenus, position, 142, 3. Terminations, 17, 3. terni, how used, 81, 4, b. -ternus, 154. terra marique, 228, 1, c. terrester, 68, 3. Tetrameter verses, 366, 11. Thematic verbs, 101-113. —— vowels, 117, footnote 39. Thesis, 366, 6. Third conj., 105; 109 f.; —— decl., 28 f.; —— gender in, 43 f. Threatening, verbs of, 187, II. -tim, adverbs in, 157, 2. Time, at which, 230; —— during which, 181; 231, 1; —— within which, 231. timeo ne and ut, 296, 2. -tinus, suffix, 154. -tio, suffix, 147, 3. Tmesis, 367, 7. -to as suffix of verbs, 155, 2. -tor, use of nouns in, 353, 4. totus, 66; —— preposition absent w., in expression of place relations, 228, 1, b). Towns, gender of names of, 15, 2; —— names of, denoting limit of motion, 182, 1, a; —— denoting place where, 228, 1, a; —— place from which, 229, 1, a; —— appositives of town names, 169, 4; 229, 2. traditur, traditum est, w. inf., 332, N. trans, prep, w. acc., 141; —— constr. of verbs compounded with, 179. Transitive verbs, 174. Trees, gender of names of, 15, 2. tres, decl., 80, 3. Tribrach, 370, 2. tribus, decl., 49, 3; —— gender, 50. Trimeter verses, 366, 11. trini, use, 81, 4, b). triumvir, gen. plu. of, 25, 6, b). -trix, suffix, 147, 1. Trochee, 366, 2. -trum, suffix, 147, 4. Trusting, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. tu, decl., 84. -tudo, suffix, 84. tui, as objective gen., 242, 2. -tura, suffix, 147, 3, a). tus, decl., 57, 7. -tus, suffix, 147, 3; 151, 4. tussis, decl., 38. tute, tutemet, tutimet, 84, 2. Two accusatives, 177; 178. Two datives, 191, 2.


u, instead of i in some words, 9, 1; —— instead of a, 9, 1; 9, 4. u, becomes v 367, 4. u-stems, 48. u-stems, 41. -u, dat. sing., 4th decl, 49, 2. uber, decl., 70, 1. ubi, with ind., 287, 1; 2; —— with gen., 201, 3. -ubus, dat., plu., 4th decl., 49, 3. ullus, decl., 66. ulterior, compared, 73, 1. ultimus, use, 241, 2. ultra, prep. w. acc., 141. -ulus, diminutive ending, 150, 2; —— (a, um), 148, 1. -um, 1st decl., gen. plu. in, 21, 2, d); —— 2d decl., 25, 6; —— for -ium, 70, 7. -undus, -undi, in gerund and gerundive, 116, 2. unus, decl., 66; 92, 1; —— unus est qui, with subjv., 283, 2. -urio, ending of desiderative verbs, 155, 3. -urus, ending of fut. act. partic., 101; 103 ff.; —— -urus fuisse in apodosis of conditional sentences contrary-to-fact, in indir. disc., 321, 2; —— -urus fuerim in indir. questions serving as apodoses, 322, b. -us, neuter nouns of 2d decl. in, 26, 2; —— nom. in 3d decl., in -us, 36; —— gender of nouns in -us of 3d decl., 43, 3; —— exceptions in gender, 46, 4. -us, nouns of 3d decl. in, 43, 2. usque ad, w. acc., 141, 1. usus est, with abl., 218, 2. ut, temporal, 287, 1; 2; —— ut, uti, in purpose clauses, 282; —— in result clauses, 284; —— in substantive clauses, 295 f.; —— substantive clauses without, 295, 8; —— with verbs of fearing, 296, 2. ut ne = ne, 282, 1, b; 295, 1, 4, 5. ut non instead of ne, 282, 1, c; —— in clauses of result, 284, 297. ut qui, introducing clauses of characteristic, 283, 3. ut si, w. subjv., 307, 1. uter, decl., 66; 92, 1. uter, decl., 40, 1, d). utercumque, decl., 92, 2. uterlibet, decl., 92, 2. uterque, decl., 92, 2; —— use, 355, 2. utervis, decl., 92, 2. utilius est = Eng. potential, 271, 1, b). utinam, with optative subjv., 279, 1 and 2. utor, with abl., 218, 1; —— in gerundive constr., 339, 4 utpote qui, introducing clauses of characteristic, 283, 3. utraque, 6, 5. utrum ... an, 162, 4; 300, 4.


v, 1, 1; —— pron., 3, 3: —— developing from u, 367, 4. v, becomes u, 367, 5. valde, by syncope, for valide, 7, 4. vale, 363, 2, b). Value, indefinite, in gen., 203, 3. vannus, gender of, 26, 1, b). Variations in spelling, 9. vas, decl., 59, 1. -ve, 6, 3; 342, 1, b). vel, 342, 1, b); —— with superl., 240, 3. velim, potential subjv., 280, 2, a. vellem, potential subjv., 280, 4. velut, velut si, w. subjv., 307, 1. venter, decl., 40, 1, d). Verba sentiendi et declarandi, w. inf. of indir. disc., 331, I; —— passive use of these, 332. Verbal adjs., 150, 1-4. Verbs, 94 f.; —— personal endings, 96; —— deponent, 112; —— archaic and poetic forms, 116, 4; —— irregular, 124; —— defective, 133; —— impersonal, 138; —— with substantive clauses of result, 297, 2; —— omission of, 166, 3; —— transitive, 174; —— —— used absolutely, 174, a; —— passives used as middles, 175, 2, d); —— of smelling and tasting, constr., 176, 5; —— not used in passive, 177, 3, a; —— intransitives impersonal in passive, 187, II, b; 256, 3; —— compounded with preps., constr., 187, III; —— of judicial action, constr., 208; —— derivation of, 155 f.; —— inceptive or inchoative, 155, 1; —— frequentative or intensive, 155, 2; —— desiderative, 155, 3; —— denominative, 156; —— agreement of, 254 f. Verb stems, 97; —— formation of, 117 f. vereor, conj., 113; —— with subst. clause in subjv., 296, 2. Vergilius, gen. of, 25, 1. veritus, with present force; 336, 5. vero, 343, 1, g); —— in answers, 162, 5. Verse, 366, 3. Verse-structure, 366 f. Versification, 361. versus, prep. w. acc., 141; —— follows its case, 141, 2. verum, 343, 1, b). vescor, with abl., 218, 1. vesper, decl., 23, 2. vesperi, locative, 232, 2. vestri, as obj. gen., 242, 2. vestrum, as gen. of whole, 242, 2; —— as possessive gen., 242, 2, a. veto, with inf. 331, II. vetus, decl., 70; —— compared, 73, 3. vi, 220, 2. vicem, used adverbially, 185, 1; —— vicis, vice, 57, 5, b. victor, decl., 34. video, with pres. partic., 337, 3. vigil, decl., 34. violenter, formation, 77, 4, a. vir, decl., 23. —— gen. plu. of nouns compounded with, 25, 6, b). virile seces, constr., 185, 1. virus, gender of, 26, 2. vis, decl., 41. viscera, used in plu. only, 56, 3. Vocative case, 17; 19, 1; —— of Greek proper names in -as, 47, 4; —— of adjs. in -ius, 63, 1; 171; —— in -i for -ie, 25, 1; —— position of, 350, 3. Voiced sounds, 2, 3, a). Voiced consonants, 2, 3, b). Voiceless consonants, 2, 3, a). Voices, 94; 256; —— middle voice, 256, 1. Volitive subjunctive, 272 f. volnus, spelling, 9, 1. volo, 130; —— with inf., 331, IV and a; 270, 2, a; —— with subjv., 296, 1, a. volt, spelling, 9, 1. voltus, spelling, 8, 1. volucer, decl., 68, 1. voluntate, 220, 2. -volus, comparison of adjs. in, 71, 5 Vowels, 2, 1; —— sounds of the, 3, 1; —— quantity of, 5, A; —— contraction of, 7, 2; —— parasitic, 7, 3. Vowel changes, 7. vulgus, gender of, 26, 2. -vum, -vus, decl. of nouns in, 24.


Want, verbs and adjs. of, w. abl., 214, 1, c; d. Way by which, abl. of, 218, 9. We, editorial, 242, 3. Whole, gen. of, 201. Wills, use of fut. imperative in, 281, 1, b. Winds, gender of names of, 15, 1. Wish, clauses with dum, etc., expressing a, 310. Wishes, subjunctive in, 279; —— see Optative subjunctive. Wishing, verbs of, with subst. clause 296, 1; —— with obj. inf., 331, IV. Word-formation, 146 f. Word-order, 348 f. Word questions, 162, 1.


x, 2, 9; —— = cs and gs, 32. -x, decl. of monosyllables in, preceded by one or more cons., 40, 1, b); —— gender of nouns in -x of 3d decl., 43, 2; —— exceptions, 45, 4.


y, 1, 1. Yes, how expressed, 162, 5. 'You,' indefinite, 356, 3; 280, 3; 302, 2.


z, 1, 1; 2, 9. Zeugma, 374, 2, a).

* * * * *


[1] Sometimes also called Aryan or Indo-Germanic.

[2] Cuneiform means "wedge-shaped." The name applies to the form of the strokes of which the characters consist.

[3] The name Zend is often given to this.

[4] For 'voiceless,' 'surd,' 'hard,' or 'tenuis' are sometimes used.

[5] For 'voiced,' 'sonant,' 'soft,' or 'media' are sometimes used.

[6] In this book, long vowels are indicated by a horizontal line above them; as, a, i, o, etc. Vowels not thus marked are short. Occasionally a curve is set above short vowels; as, e, u.

[7] To avoid confusion, the quantity of syllables is not indicated by any sign.

[8] But if the l or r introduces the second part of a compound, the preceding syllable is always long; as, abrumpo.

[9] Only the simplest and most obvious of these are here treated.

[10] Only the simplest and most obvious of these are here treated.

[11] The great majority of all Latin nouns come under this category. The principles for determining their gender are given under the separate declensions.

[12] The Stem is often derived from a more primitive form called the Root. Thus, the stem porta- goes back to the root per-, por-. Roots are usually monosyllabic. The addition made to a root to form a stem is called a Suffix. Thus in porta- the suffix is -ta.

[13] There is only one stem ending in -m:—hiems, hiemis, winter.

[14] Mensis, month, originally a consonant stem (mens-), has in the Genitive Plural both mensium and mensum. The Accusative Plural is menses.

[15] This is practically always used instead of alius in the Genitive.

[16] A Dative Singular Feminine alterae also occurs.

[17] Supplied by vetustior, from vetustus.

[18] Supplied by recentior.

[19] For newest, recentissimus is used.

[20] Supplied by minimus natu.

[21] Supplied by maximus natu.

[22] The final i is sometimes long in poetry.

[23] Forms of hic ending in -s sometimes append -ce for emphasis; as, hujusce, this ... here; hosce, hisce. When -ne is added, -c and -ce become -ci; as huncine, hoscine.

[24] For istud, istuc sometimes occurs; for ista, istaec.

[25] For illud, illuc sometimes occurs.

[26] Sometimes quis.

[27] An ablative qui occurs in quicum, with whom.

[28] Where the Perfect Participle is not in use, the Future Active Participle, if it occurs, is given as one of the Principal Parts.

[29] The Perfect Participle is wanting in sum.

[30] The meanings of the different tenses of the Subjunctive are so many and so varied, particularly in subordinate clauses, that no attempt can be made to give them here. For fuller information the pupil is referred to the Syntax.

[31] For essem, esses, esset, essent, the forms forem, fores, foret, forent are sometimes used.

[32] For futurus esse, the form fore is often used.

[33] Declined like bonus, -a, -um.

[34] The Imperfect also means I loved.

[35] For declension of amans, see Sec. 70, 3.

[36] Fui, fuisti, etc., are sometimes used for sum, es, etc. So fueram, fueras, etc., for eram, etc.; fuero, etc., for ero, etc.

[37] Fuerim, etc., are sometimes used for sim; so fuissem, etc., for essem.

[38] In actual usage passive imperatives occur only in deponents (Sec. 112).

[39] Strictly speaking, the Present Stem always ends in a Thematic Vowel (e or o); as, dic-e-, dic-o-; ama-e-, ama-o-. But the multitude of phonetic changes involved prevents a scientific treatment of the subject here. See the author's Latin Language.

[40] But the compounds of juvo sometimes have -juturus; as, adjuturus.

[41] Used only impersonally.

[42] So impleo, expleo.

[43] Compounds follow the Fourth Conjugation: accio, accire, etc.

[44] Fully conjugated only in the compounds: exstinguo, restinguo, distinguo.

[45] Only in the compounds: evado, invado, pervado.

[46] It will be observed that not all the forms of fero lack the connecting vowel. Some of them, as ferimus, ferunt, follow the regular inflection of verbs of the Third Conjugation.

[47] For the Predicate Genitive, see Sec. 198, 3; 203, 5.

[48] Many such verbs were originally intransitive in English also, and once governed the Dative.

[49] This was the original form of the preposition cum.

[50] Place from which, though strictly a Genuine Ablative use, is treated here for sake of convenience.

[51] Especially: moneo, admoneo; rogo, oro, peto, postulo, precor, flagito; mando, impero, praecipio; suadeo, hortor, cohortor; persuadeo, impello.

[52] Especially: permitto, concedo, non patior.

[53] Especially: prohibeo, impedio, deterreo.

[54] Especially: constituo, decerno, censeo, placuit, convenit, paciscor.

[55] Especially: laboro, do operam, id ago, contendo, impetro.

[56] Exclamations, also, upon becoming indirect, take the Subjunctive, as considera quam variae sint hominum cupidines, consider how varied are the desires of men. (Direct: quam variae sunt hominum cupidines!)

[57] Tradituri fuerint and erraturus fueris are to be regarded as representing tradituri fuerunt and erraturus fuisti of Direct Discourse. (See Sec. 304, 3, b.)

[58] Except in Sallust and Silver Latin.

[59] So named from a fancied analogy to the strokes of the Greek letter (chi). Thus:—

multos laesi chi defendi neminem

[60] The pronouns hic, hoc, and the adverb huc, probably had a short vowel. The syllable was made long by pronouncing hicc, hocc, etc.

[61] Ictus was not accent,—neither stress accent not musical accent,—but was simply the quantitative prominence inherent in the long syllables of fundamental feet.

[62] For explanation of the abbreviations, see p. 257.


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