MINSTREL'S SHOAL (see Horsburgh's Supp. page 52) its north-east end is in 17 degrees 14 minutes South, and 118 degrees 57 minutes East, or 5 degrees 28 minutes East by chronometer, from the coast of New Holland in latitude 23 degrees 10 minutes South. The longitude of that part of the coast by my survey, is 113 degrees 42 minutes; this will make the Minstrel's Shoal in 119 degrees 10 minutes, which agrees very well with Clerke's Reef, the centre reef of Rowley's Shoals, of which it is certainly the north end; so Captain Horsburgh also supposes.
A ship called the LIVELY was wrecked on a coral reef in about 16 degrees 30 minutes South, and 119 degrees 35 minutes East.
RITCHIE'S REEF, or the Greyhound's Shoal. The situation of this reef is recorded by Captain Horsburgh (see Supp. page 38) to be in latitude 19 degrees 58 minutes, and longitude 114 degrees 40 1/4 minutes; but, by a letter published in the Sydney Gazette by Lieutenant Ritchie, R.N., the commander, it would appear to be in 20 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds, longitude by lunars 114 degrees 46 minutes 6 seconds.
The Russian ship RURICK, in 1822, saw a dry rock above water off the south-east coast of Van Diemen's Land, in latitude 44 degrees, and longitude 147 degrees 45 minutes.
A rock was also seen by the ship LORD SIDMOUTH in 1819, in latitude 43 degrees 48 minutes, and longitude 147 degrees 15 minutes.
The passage recommended by Captain Flinders for passing through Torres Strait us by entering the reefs at Murray's Island; by which route a two-days' passage will carry a ship past all danger: but, as the space between Wreck Reef and Murray's Island is strewed with dangers, many of which have been discovered since the publication of his charts, and of which the greater number have only been recently seen, it cannot be called a safe navigation. The dangers consist of low coral islands, surrounded by extensive reefs, upon which in long and dark nights a vessel is in momentary danger of striking; the result of which must be the certain destruction of the vessel, and the probable loss of the crew. The Inner Route was first pursued by Mr. Cripps in the brig Cyclops, bound from Port Jackson to Bengal, in 1812. It was subsequently followed by Lieutenant C. Jeffreys, R.N., in the command of the hired armed vessel Kangaroo, on her passage from Port Jackson to Ceylon, in 1815.* This officer drew a chart, with a track of his voyage up the coast; which, considering the shortness of his time, and other circumstances that prevented his obtaining the necessary data to lay down with accuracy so intricate and dangerous a passage, does him very great credit; he filled up the space between Endeavour River and Cape Direction, which Captain Cook did not see; the only part that had previously been left a blank upon the chart of New South Wales; his outline was found to be tolerably correct, and my alterations have only been caused by better opportunities, and by the greater detail of my operations. The general feature of the coast has scarcely required correction; the principal corrections have been in the number, size, and relative bearings of the coral reefs and islands that front it.
(*Footnote. Horsburgh's Indian Directory volume 2 page 514.)
In describing this route, the whole of the bearings are magnetic; and the courses are freed from the effect of tide or current, since they are only temporary, and often of trifling importance.*
(*Footnote. In following these directions, reference should be made to the description of the coast contained in this Appendix.)
Having hauled round Breaksea Spit (see Flinders' chart sheet 3) in the evening, it would perhaps be dangerous to steer on through the night; after running, therefore, to the West-North-West for five or six leagues, bring to until daylight: but, if the day is before you, the course from the extremity of the spit is West-North-West 1/4 West for about a hundred miles. You will then be about twenty miles from Cape Capricorn: on your way to which you should pass about three miles within Lady Elliot's Island, and also within the southernmost islet of Bunker's Group, by which you will see how the current has affected your course, and you can act accordingly: if it has set you to the northward, you may pass on either side of or through the islands without danger. After making Cape Capricorn, you may leave it at a convenient distance, and, directing your course about North West by North, pass either within or without the Peaked and Flat Islands off Port Bowen; then, steering for the Percy Group, pass between the 2nd and 3rd Northumberland Islands.
After passing the latter, avoid a low dangerous rock, that bears from it North 8 degrees East five miles and three-quarters, and from 1st Peak South 85 degrees West. To avoid this in the night, pass close round Number 3, when, its situation being known, you can easily avoid it.
The channel is safe on either side of the Percy Isles, but that to the westward of them, being better known, is therefore recommended as the safest. Then steer either over the Mermaid's or Bathurst's tracks, which will carry a ship round the projections of the coast as far as Cape Grafton, as far as which, if the weather is fine, there can be no danger of proceeding through the night; but it must be recollected, that at Cape Grafton the coral reefs approach the coast, and, consequently, great care must be used.
On reaching Fitzroy Island, round it at a mile off shore, and, when its north end bears West, steer North-West 1/2 North for thirty-five miles; you will then be a league to the South-East of a group of low isles; if it should be night when you pass them, come no nearer to them than fourteen fathoms. In steering this course, great care should be taken, not to go too much to the eastward to avoid the reef which the Tamar saw. (See above.)
If the moon is up the islets will be readily distinguished, but otherwise it would be more prudent to wait for daylight. This course will carry a ship over two of my tracks, and the soundings will be in seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen fathoms. From the low isles direct your course for the Hope Islands, which bear from the former North 18 degrees West thirty-eight miles, but the course had better be within that line, to avoid some reefs in latitude 15 degrees 51 minutes: pass, therefore, within five miles of Cape Tribulation, when a direct course may be steered either to the eastward or westward of the Hope Isles. The better route will be within the western Hope, and along its reef at the distance of three-quarters of a mile, by which you will avoid reef a. When you are abreast of its north end, steer North by West westerly for twenty-eight miles; this will carry you to Cape Bedford which you may round at from one to three or four miles. You will see in your way, at three miles and a half from the north end of the Hope Reef, reef b; and at fifteen miles from it you will be abreast of e; and five miles farther on you will pass Captain Cook's Turtle Reef, which has a dry sand at its north end. These three reefs will be to the eastward of your course.
The current sets to the North-West, so that your course must be directed accordingly. In coasting along the shore, you will discern the summits which are marked on the chart. The high conical hill, on the south side of the entrance of Endeavour River, is Mount Cook, bearings of which, crossed with the summit of Cape Bedford, or any of the particularized summits or points will give the vessel's place, by which the effects of the current, which is generally very slight, will be perceived: on one occasion we found a current in the space between the Endeavour Reef and Turtle Reef of two miles an hour to the North-West.
Being off Cape Bedford, and steering to the North 1/2 West, you will see the Three Isles ahead: steer between them and the low wooded island; and direct your course round Cape Flattery and Point Lookout, to anchor under the Turtle Group, unless you have time before dark to reach the islands 4, 5, or 6, of Howick's Group. Under which anchorage may be found. In rounding Point Lookout, do not come within two miles and a half of it, to avoid a reef that is on Captain Cook's chart, but which we did not see; it lies a mile and a half north from the peaked hill at the extremity of the point. You may pass without the Turtle Group, or you will find anchorage under Lizard Island, but this is not recommended, both because the wind is generally fresher as you increase your distance from the shore, and because it lengthens the distance.
From the Turtle Group steer North West by West 1/2 West until you see the hillock at the south-east end of Number 1 of Howick's Group: then pass inside and within a mile of 2 and 3, and between islet 4 and Cole's Islands, and inshore of 6 and the dry sands s, t, and u. The Mermaid's track will direct the course to Cape Melville. If the day is late when abreast of 6, of Howick's Group, anchorage had better be secured under it, as there is none to be recommended between it and Cape Flinders.
Upon rounding Cape Melville, the Islands of Flinders' Group will be seen; and as soon as you have passed round the stony reef that projects off the Cape (the extremity of which bears from it by compass North West by North, and from Pipon's Island South-West by West 1/4 West nearly) in doing which steer within the reef that surrounds Pipon Island, direct the course for the extremity of the islands, which is Cape Flinders; the course and distance being West 3/4 South nearly thirteen miles: on this a low woody island will be left on the starboard hand.
His Majesty's sloop Satellite, in 1822, grounded upon a small reef, bearing North by East (easterly) from the extremity of the cape, distant about two miles; but, as a ship may pass within a stone's throw of the cape, this danger may be easily avoided. The best anchorage here is under the flat-topped hill, at a third of a mile from the shore, in ten fathoms, muddy bottom. In hauling round the cape, avoid a shoal which extends for a short distance from the shore on its western side.
If the day is not far advanced, and you have time to run fifteen miles further, the ship may proceed to the reef d; but, indeed, anchorage may be obtained under any of the reefs or islets between this part and Cape Grenville, for the bottom is universally of mud; and by anchoring with the body of a reef, bearing South-East, the vessel is sufficiently sheltered from the sea, which is generally smooth.
On leaving Cape Flinders, steer West 3/4 North for about twenty-three miles, leaving the reefs c and g to seaward, and d, e, and f to the southward, of the course; then haul up about North-West 3/4 North, and steer within the reef l and Pelican Island, and to seaward of the Claremont Islands 1 and 2, which are low and woody.
When abreast of 2, the south-west end of the reef m will be seen, which should be passed at from one to two miles, and the course North by West 1/4 West will carry you to 4 and 5, which you may pass on either side of, the channel between them being quite safe. If you take the latter course, steer north, within the reef o, and then close within 6, to avoid the low rock that covers with the tide. Having passed this rock, steer for 7, and pass within one mile of it, to avoid the shoals that extend off Cape Sidmouth. Hence the course is North-North-West towards Night Island; and, when abreast of it, steer North 1/2 West until near the covered shoal v, when the course may be directed within Sherrard's Islets and reef 10 (on which there is a sandy islet covered with some bushes) and then steer round Cape Direction.
Hence the course North-North-West 1/4 West will carry you within the reefs y, z, a, b, and c, and without the rocky islet that lies off Restoration Island: continuing this course you will, at about five miles beyond the cape, see the long reef e; steer North-West parallel with its edge, which extends until you are abreast of Fair Cape, where it terminates with a very narrow point. Then steer North-West 1/2 North, and pass between the two easternmost Piper's Islands and the reefs h, i, and k; then pass on either side of l and m, inshore of Haggerston's Island, and round the outermost of Sir Everard Home's Group.
The anchorages between Cape Flinders and this are so numerous as not to require particular mention: the north-west end of every reef will afford shelter; but the anchor should not be dropped too near, because the tide sweeps round the edge with greater strength than it does at half a mile off, within which distance the bottom is generally deeper. If the day is advanced and the breeze fresh, Night Island should not be passed: because the anchorages between it and Piper's Islands are rather exposed; and a vessel getting underweigh from Night Island at daylight will easily reach Piper's Islands, or Margaret Bay, before dark.
The latter bay is round Cape Grenville; it is fronted by Sunday Island, which affords good shelter from the wind: it is a safe place to stop at.
In passing round Sir Everard Home's Islands, steer wide from them, to avoid the tide drifting you towards the group, for it sets to the North-West across the course. The course is then about North-West 1/4 West to the Bird Isles, and thence, to the reef v, about North West by North; the better and more direct plan is to pass within v and w (there is, however, a safe channel between them) and when abreast of the west end of the latter, the course to Cairncross Island is North by West 1/2 West, and the distance about eighteen miles.
There not being any very good anchorage between this and Cape York, it would be perhaps better to anchor under it for the night, in about fourteen or fifteen fathoms, mud, the island bearing South-East, but not nearer than half a mile, because, within that distance, the bottom is rocky.
Leaving Cairncross Island, steer North-North-West 1/4 West until Escape River is abreast of you, when look out for reef x: steer within it about North West by North, which will take you inside the covered reef z. Your course then must be round the Albany Islands, and hence North West by North for a, which is a rocky islet that may be seen from abreast the Albany Isles.
The passage through the Possession Isles and Endeavour Strait is not to be recommended for a large ship, on account of the shoal water that extends from Wallis' Isles towards Shoal Cape; but the route round the north end of Wednesday and Hammond's Islands is preferable. Upon passing reef a, Wednesday Island will be seen: in steering towards it, avoid standing too close to the rocky islet that is abreast of the strait between it and Horned Hill, as some sunken rocks stretch off it for about a quarter of a mile: steer round the north point of Wednesday Island at half a mile, and then West by South 1/4 South which will carry you to the northward of the rock off Hammond's Island. Having passed this rock, steer South-West by West; and when abreast of the south-west end of Hammond's Island, haul towards a reef, to the southward of the course, on which you will see some dry rocks, which you may pass within half a mile of: you will then avoid reef d, which is generally, if not always, covered: the fairway of this channel is seven and eight fathoms deep.
When the summit of Good's Island bears South-West by West, steer West by South southerly for Booby Island, by which you will avoid Larpent's bank, and when you have passed it, you are clear of the strait. Hence you may steer West 3/4 South through the night, on which course you will very gradually deepen your water.
1817. October 9, November 28 : Port Jackson, East Coast : 33 51 : 151 15 : 62 1 30 : South : 8 42 East : Observed on shore, on the north side of Sydney Cove.
1819. January : Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land : 42 54 : 147 27 : 70 7 00 : South : 9 00 East : Observed on shore.
June 16 : Cleveland Bay, East Coast : 19 10 : 146 56 : 44 6 40 : South : 5 12 1/2 East : Two observations made at the extremity of the cape.
July : Endeavour River, East Coast : 15 27 : 145 11 : 38 00 00 : South : 5 27 East : Taken at the tent.
1818. April : Goulburn Island, North Coast : 11 38 : 133 20 : 27 32 30 : South : 2 0 East : Taken on Bottle Rock, in South-west Bay.
1820. October : Careening Bay, North-west Coast : 15 6 1/4 : 125 0 : 38 44 36 : South : 0 43 1/2 West : Taken at the tent.
Dip of the Needle at Port Louis, Simon's Bay, and various parts of the Atlantic Ocean, observed upon the Bathurst's return to England.
1821. November : Port Louis, Mauritius : 20 10 : 57 29 East : 51 42 : South : 12 00 West : On shore.
1823. February : Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope : 34 11 2/3 : 18 28 1/2 : 48 23 1/2 : - : 28 to 30 : On shore.
February 9 : False Bay 5 minutes East-South-East of Simon's Bay : - : - : 48 48 : - : 28 to 30 : On the binnacle.
February 14 : At Sea : 27 18 : 8 50 : 37 57 1/2 : - : 24 00 : On the binnacle.
February 16 : At Sea : 23 47 : 4 2 : 30 10 : - : 24 00 : This observation is correct to 3/4 degree.
The situation for the above observation bears East 5 degrees North from the place where the same dip was observed by M. Perouse on the Coast of Brazil.
February 20 : At Sea : 17 7 : 4 57 West : 15 42 1/2 : - : 21 9 : Correct to 1/2 degree.
The above situation bears East 16 1/2 degrees North from the place where Commodore Baudin observed the dip of 15 degrees; and East 14 degrees North from the observation of 14 degrees by M. Perouse.
February 24 : At Sea, four leagues North-North-West from St. Helena : - : - : 11 45 : - : 20 35 : Correct to 1/2 degree.
February 26 : At Sea : 14 25 : 7 53 : 7 56 1/4 : - : 18 54 : Correct to 1/2 degree.
1823. February 27 : At Sea : 12 42 South : 9 21 West : 3 6 3/4 : South : 18 28 West : -.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 45 degrees East the needle dipped 4 30.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 67 East the needle dipped 11 30.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 78 East the needle dipped 14 30.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 85 East the needle dipped 18 15.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 88 East the needle dipped 20 0.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 91 East the needle dipped 25 0.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 92 1/2 East it was vertical.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of North 95 East the needle shifted on the opposite side to 65 0.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of South 45 East the needle shifted on the opposite side to 3 40.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction of South 45 West the needle shifted on the opposite side to 3 0.
Upon placing the instrument with the end marked 180 degrees in the direction North 45 West the needle shifted on the opposite side to 5 30.
The mean of the observation, on placing either end North and South was 3 6 3/4 degrees.
The mean of the observation, on placing either end North-East and South-West was 3 45.
The mean of the observation, on placing either end South-East and North-West was 4 35.
1823. February 28 : At Sea : 11 44 South : 10 12 West : 1 25 : South : 17 to 18 West : -.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 45 East the needle dipped 2 10.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 60 East the needle dipped 2 50.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 70 East the needle dipped 4 25.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 80 East the needle dipped 5 15.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 90 East the needle dipped 8 15.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 92 East the needle dipped 14 00.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of South 60 East the needle shifted.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of South 45 East the needle shifted 2 20.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of South 45 West the needle shifted 1 40.
Upon placing the instrument in the direction of North 45 West the needle shifted 1 00.
Mean when placed at North-East and North-East 1 55.
Mean when placed at North-West and South-East 1 40.
February 28 : At Sea : 11 30 1/2 : 10 20 : 0 45 : South : 17 to 18 West : -.
February 28 : At Sea : 11 5 1/2 : 10 34 : 0 15 : North : 17 to 18 West : -.
From the above observations, it would appear that the Magnetic Equator crosses the meridian of 10 1/2 degrees West, in 11 degrees 12 minutes South latitude. At the latter observation—when the direction of the instrument was changing, the needle remained quite stationary, the south end of the needle pointing to the north, until the change was effected; it remained in this position for two seconds of time, and then suddenly shifted to the opposite, its proper, direction; its movements were, however, very sluggish and irregular in its shifting end for end. The day was so rainy that no observation could be made for the variation of the compass.
March 1 : At Sea : 10 1 South : 11 31 West : 3 32 1/2 : North : 17 44 West : -.
March 2 : At Sea : 8 21 South : 12 57 : 6 50 : North : 18 00 : -.
March 5 : At Sea : 7 3 South : 15 42 : 11 22 1/2 : North : 16 5 : -.
March 7 : At Sea : 4 17 South : 18 50 : 19 15 : North : 13 18 : -.
March 9 : At Sea : 0 0 1/3 South : 22 6 1/4 : 27 45 : North : 12 51 : -.
March 24 : At Sea : 17 4 North : 35 40 : 54 23 3/4 : North : 11 3 : Correct to 3/4 degree.
March 31 : At Sea : 29 33 North : 38 35 : 65 25 : North : 10 59 : Correct to 1 degree.
The observations for determining the longitudes of the various parts of the coast were taken with a circle and a sextant by Troughton: besides these valuable instruments we had three chronometers of Arnold's make, namely, 413 (box) 2054 (pocket) and 394 (pocket); of which the two first were supplied by the Admiralty. At the end of the fourth year, in consequence of 394 having stopped, a fourth chronometer, made by Parkinson and Frodsham (Number 287 box) was purchased in the colony, and proved to be a most excellent watch.
The situations of the following places, which were either fixed by us or adapted from other authorities, served as the basis of the chronometrical determination of the longitudes of the intermediate parts.
The flagstaff of FORT MACQUARIE on the north-east head of Sydney Cove in PORT JACKSON (the Cattle Point of Flinders, and otherwise Bennelong Point) is in latitude 33 degrees 51 minutes 28 seconds South and longitude 151 degrees 15 minutes 26 East, being, according to the ensuing table, the mean of all the observations that have been taken.
Latitude (in degrees minutes seconds) observed by:
Captain Flinders, in 1795 and 1802: 33 51 45.6. De Freycinet in 1802: 33 51 21. King (reduced) 1817: 33 51 18. Sir T. Brisbane (reduced) 1822: 33 51 30.
Mean Latitude of Fort Macquarie 33 51 28.
Longitude (in degrees minutes seconds) observed by:
Captain Cook, reduced from his observations at Botany Bay, 1770: 151 11 32. Captain Hunter, 1788: 151 19 43. Lieutenant Dawes 1788: 151 18 50. Lieutenant Bradley: 151 20 38. Malespina: 151 17 53. Messrs. Broughton and Crosley, 1795: 151 9 3. Captain Flinders, 1795-6: 151 17 12. Ditto 1802: 151 11 49. Captain De Freycinet, 1802: 151 8 32. M. D'Espinosa by an eclipse of sun and occultation of Jupiter 1st and 2nd Satellites, 1793: 151 12 45. Governor Bligh, 1806, eclipse of sun: 151 17 49. Captain P.P. King, 1817, eclipse of sun, calculated by Mr. Rumker: 151 17 29. Sir Thomas Brisbane, 1822 (the mean of six eclipses places his observatory in 151 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds): 151 15 32. Mr. Rumker, eclipse of sun at Parramatta, reduced to Fort Macquarie: 151 17 30.
Mean Longitude of Fort Macquarie 151 15 26.
PERCY ISLAND (Number 2). The longitude of the south-west end of this island is by Captain Flinders' observation in 150 degrees 13 minutes East.
ENDEAVOUR RIVER. The observatory, which was placed within a few yards of the shore on the south side of the entrance (the summit of the highest bush near the extremity of the opposite sandy beach, bearing by compass West 3 degrees 40 minutes South) was found to be situated in latitude 15 degrees 27 minutes 4 seconds, and longitude 145 degrees 10 minutes 49 seconds. (See note, Appendix A.)
GOULBURN ISLANDS. The observations were taken upon Bottle Rock, the largest of two rocky islets at the north end of South-west Bay; but the results were so doubtful and unsatisfactory, that the longitude determined by the chronometers was preferred. The following are the observations that were taken to fix its situation, namely:
Latitude by fourteen meridional altitudes of the sun l. l. on the sea-horizon, taken in various parts of the bay, and reduced by survey to Bottle Rock 11 37 24.
The difference of longitude between Bottle Rock and Cassini Island by chronometers, taken in:
1819: 7 40 47. 1820: 7 40 00. 1821: 7 38 28.
Mean difference between Cassini Island and Bottle Rock: 7 39 45.
Longitude of Cassini Island from Careening Bay, by survey: 125 38 46.
Longitude of Bottle Rock, by chronometer, from Cassini Island: 133 18 31.
The mean of the results of the lunar distances that were taken during the years 1818 and 1819, gave for the longitude of the rock 133 degrees 31 minutes 58 seconds East. On our last voyage the mean of the Bathurst's and Dick's watches made it 133 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds, which was finally adapted, since it accorded better with the chronometrical difference between its meridian and that of Cassini Island. I have never been able to account for this extraordinary disagreement between the results of the lunar distances and the chronometers, since the former were taken with the sun on both sides of the moon, and seemed to be very good.
CAREENING BAY. This place was fixed by a series of observations, in latitude 15 degrees 6 minutes 18 seconds South, and 125 degrees 0 minutes 46 seconds East. (See Appendix A. in a note.)
KING GEORGE THE THIRD'S SOUND. The longitude of this place was adapted from the observations and survey of Captain Flinders, as follows; namely:
The tent on the east shore of the entrance of Oyster Harbour. Latitude 35 degrees 0 minutes 17 seconds, and longitude 117 degrees 56 minutes 22 seconds.
The sandy beach under the low part of the land of Bald Head (the first sandy bay round the head) is in latitude 35 degrees 6 minutes, and longitude 117 degrees 58 minutes 6 seconds.
COEPANG, in the Island of Timor. The situation of the flag-staff of FORT CONCORDIA, where our chronometers were rated, is in latitude 10 degrees 9 minutes 6 seconds, and longitude 123 degrees 35 minutes 46 seconds, according to the observations of Captain Flinders.
Previously to the establishment of the British Colony at Port Jackson, in the year 1787, the shores of this extensive continent had been visited by very few navigators who have recorded any account of the productions of its Animal Kingdom. The first authentic report that we have, is that of Vlaming, who is celebrated as the first discoverer of that rara avis, the black swan: next to him followed Dampier, who has handed down to us in his intelligent, although quaint, style, the account of several of the productions of the North-western and Western Coasts; but the harvest was reserved for Banks and Solander, the companions of Cook, whose names are so well and widely known in the fields of science. These distinguished naturalists were the first collectors upon the Coast of New South Wales; and although their labours were not confined to any particular branch of Natural History, yet Botany appeared to be their chief object, of which the Banksian Herbarium yields ample proof.
Among the collectors of Natural History, in the neighbourhood of the colony, since the year 1787, may be recorded the names of White, Paterson, Collins, Brown, Caley, Lewin, Humphreys, and Jamison; and in this interval the coasts have been visited by two English and two French expeditions of discovery; namely, those commanded by Admiral D'Entrecasteaux, Captains Vancouver and Flinders, and Commodore Baudin. The first merely touched upon the south coast at the Recherche's Archipelago, and on the south shores of Van Diemen's Land; and the second only at King George the Third's Sound, near the South-west Cape; but these opportunities were sufficient to celebrate the names of Labillardiere and Menzies as Australian Botanists, notwithstanding they have been since eclipsed by the more extensive discoveries of Mr. Brown, whose collections of Natural History upon the voyage of Captain Flinders, and his pre-eminent qualifications, have justly raised him to the pinnacle of botanical science upon which he is so firmly and deservedly elevated.
Peron and Lesueur, in Baudin's voyage, extended their inquiries chiefly among the branches of zoological research; but in that expedition each department of Natural History had its separate collector, and the names of Leschenault de la Tour, Riedle, Depuch, and Bailly, will not be forgotten. Unfortunately, the Natural History of this voyage has never yet been given to the world, the death of M. Peron having put a stop to its publication; a few of the subjects, however, have been taken up by MM. Lacepede and Cuvier, and other French naturalists, in the form of monographs, in their various scientific journals; but the greater part is yet untouched, probably from the want of the valuable information which died with its collector. M. Peron, in his historical account of that expedition, notices a few subjects of zoology that were collected by him, but in so vague a manner, that it is with very great doubt that the specimens which we procured, and suspect to be his discoveries, can be compared with his descriptions.
Of the Natural History collections of Captain Flinders and Mr. Brown, no account has been published, excepting the valuable botanical works of the latter gentleman.
With respect to the collection which has been formed upon this expedition, it is to be regretted that the gleanings of the Animal Kingdom, particularly of quadrupeds and birds, should have been so trifling in number; and that the students of Natural History should have suffered disappointment in what might, at first view, be fairly considered to have arisen from neglect and careless attention to the subject; but as the principal, and almost the only, object of the voyage was the survey of the coast, for which purpose a small vessel was justly considered the most advantageous, accommodation for a zoological collection was out of the question. The very few specimens that are now offered to the world were procured as leisure and opportunity offered; but many interesting and extremely curious subjects were in fact obliged to be left behind from want of room, and from our not possessing apparatus for collecting and preserving them.
A botanical collector for the Royal Garden, Mr. Allan Cunningham, was attached to the expedition; and this gentleman did not fail to make a very extensive and valuable collection in his department, the whole of which is preserved at Kew.
In making out the Appendix, every species brought home (excepting three or four fishes) has been mentioned, for the sake of furnishing materials for the students of Geographical Zoology. The distribution of animals is a branch of study that has been very much neglected, which is to be lamented, as it appears likely to offer a very great assistance to the systematic Physiologist; and for this reason the species found at the Isle of France have been added to the list.
For the catalogue and descriptions of the quadrupeds, reptiles, and shells, I am under obligation to Mr. J.E. Gray, of the British Museum. Mr. Vigors has kindly assisted me with the use of his collection, and his valuable advice with respect to the few specimens of birds that were preserved; and Mr. W.S. MacLeay has furnished me with a very valuable description of my entomological collection. I am also indebted to Mr. Cunningham for his remarks upon the botany of the country; to Mr. Brown, for his description of a new tree from King George the Third's Sound; and lastly to Dr. Fitton, for his kindness in drawing up for me a very interesting geological notice from the specimens that have been presented to the Geological Society of London, of which he is one of the most active and scientific members.
1. Pteropus edwardsii, Desm. Mamm. 109. Madagascar Bat, Edwards' Birds, t. 108. Vespertilio vampyrus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 1 45. Flying Fox, Colonists of Port Jackson.
This specimen, caught at Point Cunningham on the North-west Coast, appears to agree with Edwards' figure, and with the specimen preserved in the British Museum. There is also one in the collection of the Linnean Society from Port Jackson. Large flights of these animals were observed at Port Keats and in Cambridge Gulf, on the North-west Coast. This bat seems also to be very abundant on the Friendly Islands, for Forster describes having seen five hundred hanging upon one casuarina tree. Forster, page 187.
2. Canis australiae. Canis familiaris australasiae, Desmarest, Mamm. 191. Australasian Dog, or Dingo, Shaw's Zool. 1 278, t. 76.
This animal is common in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson, and dogs, to all appearance of the same species, are found on all parts of the coast. Captain King presented a living specimen to Sir Everard Home, Bart., who sent it to Exeter Change.
In considering this species as distinct from the common dog, I am supported by the opinion of Mr. William MacLeay*. (See Linnean Transactions 13.)
(*Footnote. No such opinon has been expressed by Mr. W. S. Macleay in the place alluded to.—P.P.K. [added in "errata"])
Captain King informs me that these dogs never bark, in which particular they agree with the Linnean account of the American dog; that, in their appearance and cunning disposition, they resemble the fox; and although occasionally domesticated in New South Wales, they never lose the sly habits peculiar to their breed, nor can be prevented from killing poultry or biting sheep.
This dog, however, seems to be quite a distinct species from that found in the South Sea Islands, which Forster describes as being "of a singular race: they mostly resemble the common cur, but have prodigious large heads, remarkably little eyes, prick ears, long hair, and a short bushy tail. They are chiefly fed with fruit at the Society Isles; but in the Low Isles and New Zealand, where they are the only domestic animals, they live upon fish. They are exceedingly stupid, and seldom or NEVER BARK, only howl now and then." Forster's Observations, page 189.
3. Otaria cinerea, Peron et Lesueur. Voyage aux Terres Austral. ij. 75.
The head of a species, agreeing with the short description of Peron, was brought home by the expedition, but that it is the one intended by these authors, there is great room to doubt. I am informed that specimens of Peron's animal are in the Paris Museum, but Desmarest and Frederic Cuvier, who have both lately written upon seals, have only copied the very short specific character given by Peron. The head of our specimen is gray, covered with rather short, rigid, hairs, and without any woolly fur. The ears are short, conical.
It is very distinct from the Otaria Falklandica of Desmarest (the Phoca falklandica* of Shaw) by the want of the woolly substance under the hair (called fur by the seal-fishers) and by the length of the ear, which in the latter species, described by Shaw, is long and awl-shaped.
(*Footnote. The specimen in the Museum, which I take for this species, was brought by Captain Peake from New South Shetland: it differs from Pennant's, and consequently from all succeeding descriptions that are taken from him, in having five instead of four claws and toes to the hind foot.)
Captain King in his manuscript observes, that this seal is found at Rottnest Island on the West Coast, and at King George the Third's Sound. It appeared also to be the same species that frequents Shark's Bay; and, if it is M. Peron's Otaria cinerea, it is also found as far to the eastward as Kangaroo Island.
The head is deposited in the Linnean Society's collection.
4. Petaurista sciurea, Desm. N. Dict. H.N. 25 403. Didelphis sciurea, Shaw's Zool. 1 t. 113. Sugar Squirrel, Colonists of Port Jackson.
A well preserved natural skeleton of this animal was brought home and deposited in the British Museum.
5. Acrobata pygmaea, Desm. Mamm. 270. Didelphis pygmaea, Shaw's Gen. Zool. 1 t. 114. Phalangista pygmaea, Geoffr. manuscripts. Petaurus pygmaeus, Desm. N. Dict. H.N. 25 405. Opossum Mouse, Colonists at Port Jackson.
This little animal, the smallest and most beautiful of the opossum tribe, is exceedingly numerous in the vicinity of Port Jackson. It was first described by Dr. Shaw in his Zoology of New Holland. There are several specimens in the Linnean Society's collection. The above is placed in the British Museum.
6. Delphinorhynchus pernettensis ? Delphinus pernettensis, Blainville. Delphinus delphis, var. Bonnaterre, Ency. Cetol. 21. Dauphin, Pernetty, Voyage aux Isles Malouines, 99. t. 2. f. 1.
A head, apparently belonging to this species, was brought home and deposited in the collection of the British Museum. This animal is very common upon the northern coasts of New Holland.
Captain King, in his manuscript, remarks, that the coasts of New South Wales, and the north-western side of New Holland, abound in cetaceous animals. Upon the North-east Coast, within the reefs, the sea is crowded with Balaena physalis, Linn., or fin-backed whales, as they are called by the whalers, who pay little attention to them, on account of the danger of approaching them. His boats were sometimes placed in critical situations from these animals suddenly rising to the surface of the water close to them, and lashing the sea with their tremendous fins, and their occasionally leaping out of the water, and falling down with a crushing weight. Their colour is generally of a cinereous hue, but a few were noticed that were variegated black and white. The whales of the North-west Coast appeared to be of the same species, but of a darker colour. At one of the anchorages, near Cape Leveque (volume 2 page 91) the brig was for a whole night surrounded by these enormous fish, and the crew in momentary dread of their falling on board, the consequence of which would have been very disastrous. The noise of their fall in the water, on a calm night, was as loud as the report of a cannon.
1. Halcyon sacra. Swainson. Alcedo sacra, Ind. Orn. 1 250. Sacred Kingfisher, Latham, 4 25.
This bird was taken at sea, in the neighbourhood of Cambridge Gulf, on the North-west Coast, having probably been blown off by a strong land wind.
2. Barita tibicen. Cuvier. Coracias tibicen, Ind. Orn. sup. 27. Piping roller, Latham, 3 86.
3. Barita varia. Cuvier. Coracias varia, Ind. Orn. 1 173. Pied roller, Latham, 3 86.
This appears to be a young specimen.
4. Centropus phasianus. Illiger. Cuculus phasianus, Ind. Orn. Sup. 30. Polophilus phasianus, Leach, Zool. Misc. plate 46. Pheasant Cuckoo, Latham, 3 240.
This bird is found upon all parts of the coast of New South Wales north of Port Jackson, as well as upon the eastern part of the North-west Coast. Its habitat in Australia is known to extend as wide as twenty-four degrees of latitude, and twenty-six degrees of longitude. This specimen was taken at Endeavour River, on the East Coast. There is also another specimen of this bird in the Linnean Society's collection, that was taken in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson.
5. Meliphaga corniculata. Lewin. Merops corniculata, Ind. Orn. 1 276. Knob-fronted Honey-eater, Latham, 4 161.
This bird is found upon the whole extent of the Eastern Coast.
The next bird in the collection has been arranged by Dr. Latham in the Linnean genus Gracula, but appears to me to agree in no respect with that genus, as originally characterized by Linnaeus, much less with it as it has been modified by modern ornithologists. Whether we consider, according to M. Cuvier,* that the type of Gracula is the Paradisea tristis, Linn., or, according to M. Temminck, that it is the Gracula religiosa, Linn.,** in which latter opinion I feel rather disposed to acquiesce, my bird agrees with the group in none of its essential characters. In fact, the Linnean genus Oriolus is that to which it bears the closest resemblance in its general appearance; particularly by a similar disposition of its colours, and in the structure of its bill, wings, and legs. I would at once refer it to that genus, but that I have some reason to think that it belongs to the meliphagous birds, which are so abundant in New Holland, and which have been observed to assume the appearance of almost every group in the Insessores. Indeed, some birds of that country, which have been decided to be meliphagous, such as the Meliphaga cyanops, Lewin,*** [Graculine Honey-eater, Lath. Syn. 4 166. sp. Ed. 2da.] and others allied to it, and which differ little from the bird before us, have so many external relations with the Orioles, that they probably would be found to arrange themselves in the same family with them, were it not for the totally different structure of their tongue, and the consequent difference in their habits of life. Of the tongue, or mode of feeding of the bird at present before us, I can myself say nothing decisively, not having had leisure or opportunity, as I have already observed, of attending to the more interesting details of Natural History during the expedition. But general opinion places this bird among the groups that feed by suction; and as I have a second species hitherto undescribed, which is closely allied to it, I prefer forming both provisionally into a new genus, to referring them to one, from which, although they agree with it in external appearance, they may be totally remote, in consequence of their internal anatomy and habits of life. The error at least will not be so great, and may be easily retrieved. If the tongue of my birds be found to accord with that of the Orioles, and not of the Honey-suckers, my group of course must fall.
(*Footnote. Regne Anim. 1 360.)
(**Footnote. Analyse d'un Syst. Gen. d'Orn. page 52.)
(***Footnote. Birds of New Holland plate 4.)
(*Footnote. Mimetes, from Greek, imitator; [assuming the appearance of a different group.])
Rostrum forte, subarcuatum, subcultratum, mandibulis utrisque apice emarginatis; naribus basalibus, lateralibus, subovalibus, membrano partim tectis.
Lingua ad sugendum idonea ?
Alae mediocres, rotundatae; remige 1ma brevissima; 2da et 6ta aequalibus; 3tia et 4ta fere aequalibus; longissimis; 5ta his paulo breviori: remigum 3tiae ad 6tam inclusam pogoniis externis in medio gradatim productis.
Pedes subbreves; acrotarsiis scutellatis, scutis quinque; paratarsiis integris.
Cauda mediocris, fere aequalis.
6. VIRIDIS. M. olivaceo-viridis, subtus albidus nigro guttatim striatus; alis caudaque nigro-fuscis, illis albido-marginatis, hac apice albo.
Gracula viridis. Lath. Ind. Orn. supp. page 28.
Caput dorsumque olivaceo-viridia, plumis in medio longitudinaliter fusco-lineatis. Tectrices superiores nigro-fuscae, ad apicem albido-marginatae; inferiores albido nigroque variegatae. Remiges supra fuscae, ad marginem externum apicemque leviter albido-notatae; subtus pallide fuscae. Rectrices nigro-fuscae, subtus pallidiores, omnibus, duabus mediis exceptis, apice albo-maculatis. Rostrum flavum. Pedes nigri. Longitudo* corporis, 10 1/4; alae a carpo ad remigem 3tiam, 5 7/10; caudae, 4 4/5; tarsi, 17/20; rostri ad frontem, 1 2/10, ad rictum, 1 3/10.
(*Footnote. My measurement is in inches, and their component parts.)
7. FLAVO-CINCTUS (n.s.) M. flavo-viridis, subtus pallidior, capite dorsoque fusco-lineatis, alis caudaque nigris viridi flavoque variegatis.
Capitis, gulae, dorsique plumae flavo-virides, in medio fusco-lineatae, hujus lineis latioribus. Tectrices superiores nigrae, apice flavo-marginatae, pteromatum margine flavo, alis clausis, fasciam conspicuam formante; inferiores flavee, ad basin nigro-notatae. Remiges supra nigrae, subtus fuscae; primariis anguste, secondariis late, apice flavo-marginatis; pogoniis externis anguste, internis late, flavo-marginatis. Rectrices supra nigrae flavo-viridi marginatae; subtus pallidiores, omnibus, duabus mediis exceptis, macula flava lata apicali notatis. Rostrum flavum, paulo altius, et magis carinatum, quam rostrum M. viridis. Pedes nigri.
The dimensions of this bird are nearly the same as those of M. viridis: the bill only slightly differing in being somewhat higher, and more carinated. The above descriptions will point out the specific differences between the two birds, which are strongly apparent, not merely by the M. flavo-cinctus being marked with yellow where the other bird is white, but by the general distribution of the colours. In this respect, M. flavo-cinctus resembles more closely the true Orioles, particularly in the yellow fascia which is formed on the wing, when closed by the junction of the apical spots on the quill coverts.
8. Rallus philippensis. Lin. Syst. 1 263.7. Ind. Orn. 756. Bris. 5 163. t. 14. f. 1. Plate Enl. 774.
This bird was found upon Booby Island, near Cape York (the north extremity of New South Wales) and agrees with a specimen already in the Linnean Society's collection, that was taken in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson. My bird, being of smaller size than most of those with which I have compared it, is probably a young specimen. The rufous band on the breast is narrower than is usual in the species, originating probably from the same circumstance: otherwise it agrees precisely.
Rallus philippensis was originally found in the Philippine Islands. It appears to have a very extensive range, as it inhabits lands both in the North and South Pacific, as well as in the Indian Ocean.
9. Haematopus picatus (n.s.)
H. ater; corpore subtus, fascia alarum, uropygio, caudaeque basi, albis; remigibus primoribus totis nigris.
Rostrum pedesque rubri; collum totum nigrum; tectrices inferiores primores fuscae, secondariae albae, ad carpum et ad marginem exteriorem nigro-variegatae; fascia alarum angusta; remiges primores supra nigrae, subtus fuscae; uropygium album parce nigro variegatum.
Longitudo corporis ab apice rostri ad apicem caadae, 22; alae a carpo ad remigem primam, 11; rosri, 3 3/10; tarsi, 2 3/10; caudae, 5.
Besides the common Oyster-Catcher of Europe, two species have lately been added to the genus, namely, H. palliatus, Temm., a native of Brazil, and H. niger, Cuv., from New Holland. The bird above described approaches more closely to the European species (H. ostralegus) than to the other two; but may be distinguished from it by the following characters, namely:
In its dimensions it exceeds the length of the European bird by six inches, and the other parts in proportion; it wants the white collar round the neck, which is a very distinctive character of H. ostralegus; the fascia on the wing is confined to the extremity of the secondary quill feathers alone, whilst in the other bird it extends to some of the wing coverts: the primary quill feathers also are entirely black; whereas the other has them partially variegated with white: the under wing coverts also differ, the primary ones being fuscous, and the outer secondary partially marked with black; whilst the whole of the under wing coverts in H. ostralegus are white. The uropygium also, which in the European bird is entirely white, is in our specimen partially variegated with black. The marginal webs of the toes are much more dilated. The whitish lunular mark under the eye of H. ostralegus, is entirely wanting in our species, of which the margin of the eye seems to be of a reddish tinge, of the same colour as the bill. This bird is common upon the shores of the continent generally; it is called by the colonists the Red Bill.
10. Aptenodytes minor. Gmel. Syst. 1 558. The Little Penguin, Latham.
This bird is common in all parts of the Southern Ocean. The above specimen was found at King George the Third's Sound near the south-west extremity of New Holland. There are two specimens in the collection marked 9 a, and 9 b.
11. Tachypetes aquila. Vieillot. Pelecanus Aquila, Gmel. Lin. 1 572. Frigate Bird.
This specimen was obtained at Ascension, and is common in all parts of the Atlantic within or near the Tropic.
12. Sterna fuliginosa. Gmel. Lin. 1 605. Ind. Orn. 2 804. Egg Bird, Forst. Voyage 1 115. Cook, Voyage 1 66, 275. Noddy, Dampier, 3 pt. 1 99., table page 85. figure 5. Hawkesworth's Coll. of Voyages, 3 652. Sooty Tern, Gen. Syn. 6 352. Arc. Zool. 2 Number 447.
There are two specimens of this bird in the collection, marked 12 a, and 12 b.
13. Sterna pelecanoides (n.s.) S. alba; capitis vertice nigro albo-variegato; dorso, alis, caudaque canis; remigibus fusco-atris, rhachibus albis.
Colli latera parce cano-maculata; tectrices secundariae primoribus obscuriores; remiges fusco-atrae, pogoniis internis fere ad apicem albo-marginatis; rectrices externae fuscae basi apiceque albis; rostrum subflavum; pedes nigri.
Longitudo corporis, 19 1/4; alae a carpo ad remigem primam, 13 1/2; caudae, 6 3/4; rostri, ad frontem, 2 1/3, ad rictum, 3 1/6; tarsi, 1 1/6.
The hallux, or hind toe, of this bird appears to be more closely united to the fore toes, and to be situated more in front than is usual among the Terns: it is also to be observed, that the side of the nail of the middle toe is considerably dilated, although not serrated, similar to what is observed among the Pelecanidae. These characters offer a corroboration of the affinity of the Sternae to the family of the Pelecanidae, and particularly to the genus Phaeton, which approaches the Terns more closely than any other group of that family, in the smaller size of the membrane that unites the toes (see Linnean Transactions 14 505). It may also be stated on the other hand, that the same membrane of the Sterna pelecanoides deviates from its own genus, and approaches the Pelecanidae, in its being more dilated than usual. The wings are longer than the tail for a considerable extent, by which our bird also evinces another character, in common with the long-winged Tachypetes, or Frigate bird.
14. Larus georgii (n.s.)
L. albus, dorso alisque nigris; rectricibus albis, fascia media atra.
Rostrum flavum, apice rubro; mandibulae inferioris gonide maxime angulata; remiges primores atrae, secundariae supra nigrae apice albo, infra albae; tectrices inferiores albae; pedes flavi.
Longitudo corporis, 28; alae, a carpo ad remigem primam 18 3/4; mandibulae, superioris ad frontem, 2 1/3, ad rictum, 3 1/6; tarsi, 2 11/12; caudae, 8 1/2.
This bird was found at King George the Third's Sound, on the South-west Coast, in the vicinity of Seal Island.
Capite depresso; membrana tympani aperta. Gula pennulis plicatis ornata. Pedibus quatuor. Digitis quinque, elongatis, simplicibus. Cauda elongata, subcylindrica.
Animal scaly; the head depressed; the nostrils placed on the side, midway between the eyes and the end of the head; the drum of the ear naked; the front teeth conical, awl-shaped (eight in the upper, and four in the lower jaw); the hinder ones largest; the side or cheek teeth compressed, short, forming a single ridge, gradually longer behind; tongue short, fleshy, with an oval smooth disk at each side of the lower part of its front part; neck rather long, furnished on each side with a large plaited frill, supported above by a crescent-shaped cartilage arising from the upper hinder part of the ear, and, in the middle, by an elongation of the side fork of the bone of the tongue; body compressed; legs rather long, especially the hinder ones; destitute of femoral pores; feet four, with five toes, the first having two, the second three, the third four, the fourth five, and the little finger and toe three joints; claws compressed, hooked; tail long, nearly round, scaly.
This genus appears to be nearly allied to the Agamae, but differs from them in the peculiar frill that is appended to the neck.
1. Chlamydosaurus kingii (n.s.)
C. corpore luteo, nigro, variegato; squamis carinatis; pennula antice serrata; cauda corpore duplo longiore. Chlamydosaurus kingii, Gray manuscripts. Icon. Table A. Natural size.
Inhabits Port Nelson, north-west coast of Australia.
The colour yellowish-brown variegated with black: the head depressed, with the sides erect, leaving a blunt ridge on the upper part, in which the eyes are placed: the ridge over the eyes covered with larger scales than those over the head; eyes rather small, with a fleshy ridge above them; eye-lids covered with minute, and surrounded by a delicate serrated ridge of small upright scales: the lips surrounded by a row of oblong, four-sided scales, arranged lengthways, the front scale of the upper lip being the largest: the chin covered with narrow mid-ribbed scales, with a five-sided one in the centre, and several of larger size just over the front of the fork of the lower jaw: nostrils, surrounded by rather a large orbicular scale, situated nearly mid-way between the eye and the end of the upper jaw, the tubes pointing forwards: the side of the face has a very obscure ridge extending from the angle of the mouth to the under part of the ear: neck covered with small scales: frill arising from the hinder part of the head, just over the front of the ears, and attached to the sides of the neck and extending down to the front part of the chest, supported above by a lunate cartilage arising from the hinder dorsal part of the ear, and in the centre by a bone, which extends about half its length: this bone appears to be an elongation of the side fork of the bone of the tongue, but it could not be determined with certainty without injuring the specimen; each frill has four plaits, which converge on the under part of the chin, and fold it up on the side, and a fifth where the two are united in the centre of the lower part of the neck; the front part of its upper edge is elegantly serrated, but the hinder or lower part is quite whole; the outer surface is covered with keeled scales, which are largest towards its centre; the inner surface is quite smooth. The scales of the back are oval, smoothish; those of the lower part of the body and upper part of the legs acutely mid-ribbed, and of the sides and joints of the limbs minute. The tail is twice as long as the body, roundish, covered with acutely mid-ribbed scales, which towards the end form six rows, so as to render it obscurely six-sided; the end is blunt: the toes long, very unequal, varying in joints, as stated in the generic character (which includes also the claw joint) compressed, scaly; the claws hooked, horn-coloured.
Length of the tail: 12 inches. Length of the body: 5 inches. Length of the head: 5 1/2 inches. Breadth of the head over the eyes: 1 inch. Length of the thigh: 1 9/10 inches. Length of the foot and sole: 2 2/10 inches. Length of the outer edge of the frill: 10 inches.
This interesting lizard was found by Mr. Allan Cunningham, who accompanied the expedition as His Majesty's Botanical Collector for Kew Gardens, on the branch of a tree in Careening Bay, at the bottom of Port Nelson. (See volume 1.) It was sent by him to Sir Everard Home, by whom it was deposited in the Museum of the College of Surgeons,* which precluded my examination of its internal structure.
(*Footnote. Upon application to the Board of Curators of the College, I was permitted to have a drawing made of this curious and unique specimen for the Appendix of my work. The plate was engraved by Mr. Curtis, from an exceedingly correct drawing made by my friend, Henry C. Field, Esquire. P.P.K.)
Respecting this remarkable Lizard, Mr. Cunningham's journal contains the following remarks. "I secured a lizard of extraordinary appearance, which had perched itself upon the stem of a small decayed tree. It had a curious crenated membrane like a ruff or tippet round its neck, covering its shoulders, and when expanded, which it was enabled to do by means of transverse slender cartilages, spreads five inches in the form of an open umbrella. I regret that my eagerness to secure so interesting an animal did not admit of sufficient time to allow the lizard to show by its alarm or irritability how far it depended upon, or what use it made of, this extraordinary membrane when its life was threatened. Its head was rather large, and eyes, whilst living, rather prominent; its tongue, although bifid, was short and thick, and appeared to be tubular." Cunningham manuscripts.
Captain King informs me, that the colour of the tongue and inside of the mouth was yellow.
2. Uaranus varius, Merrem. Lacerta varia, White, Journal of a Voyage to New Holland, 253, t. 38. Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 83. Tupinambis variegatus, Daud. Rept. iij. 76. Monitor bigarre, Cuv. Reg. Anim. ij. 24.
This species, better known to English Dealers under the name of The Lace Lizard, is peculiar in having the two series of the scales, placed on the upper part of the centre of the tail, raised into a biserrated ridge, and in the outer toe, or rather thumb, of the hinder-foot being long, and reaching to the penultimate distal joint of the first or longest toe; the claws are compressed, sharp.
Genus PHELSUMA. Gray.
Pedes quatuor, digitis fere aequalibus, totis lobatis, muticis; poris femoralibus distinctis.
Caput et truncus supra tesserulis minutis, infra squamis minimis, tecti.
This genus, which appears to be confined to the Isle of France, differs from the rest of the Geckonidae, by the toes being dilated the whole length, and entirely clawless, and covered beneath with transverse scales; by the thumb being very small and indistinct, and by the thighs being furnished with a series of minute pores.
3. Phelsuma ornata (n.s.). P. supra plumbea macula, fasciaque rufa ornata, subtus albida. Icon. — Inhabits Isle of France.
Head depressed, truncated in front, covered with minute ovate scales; the front of the upper part lead-coloured, with a rather broad red band a little before the eyes, and a white crescent-shaped spot on each side immediately behind it, and then some obscure red shades just behind that; the back lead-coloured and blue, with six longitudinal series of irregular-sized red spots; belly whitish; tail rather longer than the body. Body one inch and five-eighths, head half an inch, tail two inches and a half long.
This animal is very interesting, as being the second species of a genus recently established, which only consisted of P. cepedia, the Gecko cepedien of Peron; Cuv. Reg. Anim. 2 46. and 4 t. 5. f. 5.; which has somewhat the manner of colouring, but is very distinct from the Gecko ocellatus of Oppel.
Genus TILIQUA. Gray.
Pedes quatuor pentadactyli, poris femoralibus nullis. Caput scutatum; dentes in palato nulli. Truncus regulariter squamosus.
This genus is distinguished from the true Skinks by the want of Palatine teeth, the shorter body, and the holes of the ears being furnished on their front part with a fringe. It differs from the succeeding Genus, Trachysaurus, in the head being covered with distinct flat plates, and the whole of the body with cut hexangular scales; the scales are harder than those of the true Skink, but not so distinctly bony as those of the Trachysaurus.
4. Tiliqua tuberculata. Gray. Lacerta scincoides. Shaw, Nat. Misc. Lacerta occidua. var. Shaw, Zool. iij. 289. Scincus tuberculatus, Merrem. Syst. Amph. 73. Scincoid, or Skink-formed Lizard, White, Journal 242. Icon. White, l. c. t. 30. Shaw, N. M. t. 179; Zool. iij. t. 81.
This Lizard, which was first described in the excellent journal of Mr. White, does not appear to be uncommon on the coast of Australia, as there are several specimens both in the British Museum and in the collection of the Linnean Society, that were probably taken in the neighbourhood of the colony; the specimen before me was caught at Seal Island, in King George the Third's Sound.
The scales of the whole of the body are broad, hexangular, with five or six longitudinal, slightly-raised ridges, which gradually taper, and are lost just before they reach the margin. The legs are short, thick; the toes of the fore-feet are rather short, the outer reaching to the middle of the second, the second and third equal; the fourth reaching to the last joint of the third, and the little one to the second joint of the fourth finger. In the hind foot the first and third toe are nearly equal, and only half as long as the second; the fourth only half as long as the third; and the fifth about half the length of the fourth toe.
Pedes quatuor pentadactyli. Caput sub-scutatum, dentes in palato nulli. Truncus supra sqoamis crassis elongatis subspinosis, infra hexagonis membranaceis imbricatis, tectus. Cauda brevis, depressa.
This genus is at once distinguished from the former, and indeed from the whole of the Scincidae, by the large hard scales that cover the back of the body and head; which are formed of distinct triangular long plates, rough on the outside, and covered with a membranaceous skin. The body shields of the head pass gradually into the dorsal plates. The teeth short, thick, and conical; the palate toothless. The belly and lower surface of the tail are covered with large six-sided scales, like the other genera of the family. The head is rather large, triangular. The legs short, weak; the toes very short, covered only with as many scales as there are joints; the outer and innermost being about half as long as the three central toes, which are nearly of equal length; claws short, conical, channelled beneath. The tail short, depressed.
5. Trachysaurus rugosus (n.s.) T. squamis dorsi rugosis, caudae subspinosis; cauda brevissima.
The body nearly uniform, chestnut brown; the head depressed with the scales convex, and more nearly of an equal size than usual: those round the eyes and mouth large; the three anterior scales on the edge of the lower jaw larger than those which cover the lower surface of the head, body, and tail, which are uniform, distinct, large, and membranaceous: the scales of the back are nearly of equal size with those covering the commencement of the tail; they are furnished with a prominent midrib, and end in a point. The legs very short, compressed, covered with nearly smooth, rather thin, scales. The toes very short; claws rather thick, and short. The tail about half the length of the body.
Head, three inches long. Body, seven inches. Tail, four inches.
Only one specimen of this exceedingly interesting animal was brought home by Captain King, but the spirits in which it had been preserved had unfortunately evaporated, so that it was considerably injured; there is, however, a specimen, apparently of the same animal, in the collection of the Linnean Society, which wants the end of its tail.
The above specimen was found at King George the Third's Sound, and is preserved in the Museum.
6. Agama muricata. Daud. Lacerta muricata, Shaw, in White's Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, 244. Lacerta Agama, var. ? Shaw, Gen. Zool. iij. 211. Muricated Lizard, Shaw. Icon. Shaw, Gen. Zool. t. 65, and White's Journal t. 31. f. 2.
This lizard was first described in Mr. White's Journal, by the late Dr. Shaw, who paid particular attention to that class of animals; but he was afterwards inclined to consider it as only a variety of the common Lacerta agama, or American Galeote, from which, however, it is quite distinct.
It appears to be a young specimen, since its length is only seven inches, whilst that described by Dr. Shaw was more than a foot in length; and some have been caught even of a much larger size. The Doctor's figure is remarkably good, but rather more spinous than the specimen under examination, which is probably another proof of its youth. It was taken and preserved by Mr. James Hunter, R.N., who accompanied Captain King as surgeon during the Mermaid's third voyage, and has been presented by him to the British Museum.
7. Disteira doliata. Lacepede, Ann. de Museum, D'Hist. Nat. 4 199. 210. Enhydris doliatus, Merrem, Syst. Amph. 140. Icon. Lacep. Ann. Mus. 4 t. 57. f. 2.
The series of small hexagonal shields on the abdomen of this curious animal appears to be formed of two series of scales united laterally. The length of the specimen brought home by Captain King exceeds four feet. The figure by M. Lacepede seems to be too short, but his description agrees admirably with our specimen, which has been presented to the British Museum.
8. Leptophis* punctulatus (n.s.). N. squamis laevibus apice uni-indentatis, spinae dorsalis triangularibus; cauda quadrantali, tenui, squamis aequalibus.
(*Footnote. I have adopted Mr. Bell's manuscript name for this genus since his paper was read at the Zoological club of the Linnean Society, before the publication of my genera of Reptiles in the Annals of Philosophy, where I erroneously considered it as synonymous with Dr. Leach's genus Macrosoma instead of my Ahaetulla. J.E.G.)
Scales uniform, pale brown, with a minute black dot impressed on the apex: body slender, compressed: abdominal scutae rather broad. The series of scales on the side next to the ventral plates ovate and blunt; those on the sides narrow, linear, in five series; the series of scales along the centre of the back long, triangular. This arrangement of the scales gradually assumes a uniform appearance on the neck close to the head, where they are ovate. Head rather long with nine plates, frontal plate being divided; the snout very blunt, truncated; the upper central labial scale octangular, with a deep concavity on the labial margin; the anterior and posterior mental scales long. The tail one-fourth the length of the body, covered with uniform ovate quadrangular scales. Length, four feet.
This species appears to have a considerable affinity to the genus named Macrosoma by Dr. Leach, but not described by him, and is very much like Coluber decorus of Shaw. It belongs to the group called by English Zoologists, Whip Snakes.
The specimen above described was taken by Mr. James Hunter, at Careening Bay, on the north coast, and presented by him to the British Museum.
9. Leptophis spilotus. Coluber spilotus, Lacepede, Ann. Mus. iv 209.
A specimen of this snake was brought home by Captain King, agreeing very well with the short description given by Lacepede, in his account of some new species of animals from New Holland. It has not been taken notice of in the modern works on Reptiles. It may, perhaps, be distinct from it; but upon considering that upwards of two hundred species of this genus have been already described, I thought it best not to increase the number without very good reason. This species forms a second section in the genus Leptophis, on account of the form of its scales, particularly those of the throat.
Captain King has informed me that turtles of two or three kinds are common on the coasts of Australia, particularly within the tropic; and Alligators were seen, in great abundance, in the rivers of the northern and north-western coasts, particularly in those that empty themselves into the bottom of Van Diemen's Gulf; but as no specimens of either of these animals were preserved, no further notice can be taken of them.*
(*Footnote. The turtle that frequents the North-east Coast, in the neighbourhood of Endeavour River, is a variety of the Testudo mydas. See Banks and Solander manuscripts.)
1. Tetraodon argenteus. Lacepede, Ann. Mus. 4 203. Icon. Ann. Mus. l.c. t. 58. f. 2.
2. Chironectes tuberosus, G. Cuvier, Mem. Mus. 3 432. Icon. —
There are two other species of this genus in Captain King's collection, which appear to be new.
3. Balistes australis. Donovan. Naturalist. Repos. 26. Icon. l.c.
4. Teuthis australis (n.s.). T. fusca, fasciis sexta transversis nigro-fuscis, cauda truncata. Icon. —
Body brown, paler beneath, with six transverse blackish-brown bands; the first placed across the eye and front angle of the gill flap; the second obliquely across the pectoral fin, and the three next, nearly equidistant, straight across the body, the last band placed between the spine and the base of the rays of the tail; and with a black longitudinal line between the eyes. Teeth flat, rather broad, rounded at the end, and denticulated. The gills flat, unarmed; pectoral fin subacute, triangular; ventral fin triangular, supported by a very strong first ray; dorsal and anal fins rounded. Tail truncated, spine on the side of the tail very distinct, imbedded in a sheath.
Pectoral fin, fifteen rays, first very short: Ventral fin, five rays, one very strong, short. Dorsal fin, thirty-one; anterior very strong, first short. Anal fin, twenty-three; two first very strong and short. Caudal fin, sixteen rays, divided.
Body 3; tail 1 1/4 inches long. Body 2 3/4 high; dorsal fin 3/4; pectoral fin 1 1/4 inches long.
This fish belongs to the Genus Acanthurus of Bloch, adopted by Shaw (Harpurus, of Forster) but as that genus is apparently formed from the type of Linnaeus' Genus, Teuthis, I have adopted the latter name for those Chetodons which have one spine on each side of the tail, and Acanthurus for those that have two. They are usually called Lancet-fish, from the curious structure of the sub-caudal spines.
Captain King has presented to the Museum seven or eight other sorts of fish, in spirits, and several interesting drawings, which I have not hitherto been enabled to find in any of the works on Ichthyology, but so little is known of the genera and species of this department of Natural History, that I am not inclined to describe them as new, for fear of increasing the confusion at present existing.
Among the unnamed fish, there is one exactly similar to a species found by my late friend Mr. Cranch, in the South Atlantic.
5. Squalus ocellatus. Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1494. Squalus oculatus. Banks and Solander, manuscripts.
6. Squalus glaucus.
Captain King observes, this fish is frequently found in the neighbourhood of the coast.
7. Squalus. Captain King in his manuscripts observes, that a species of shark was observed commonly near the shores, having a short nose, with a very capacious mouth; the body was of an ash grey colour, marked with darker spots, of a round shape, and about two inches in diameter. This shark was usually ten or eleven feet long.
1. Leodice gigantea. Savigny Syst. des Annel. page 49. Lam. 5 322. Eunice gigantea, Cuv. Reg. Anim. 2 524. Nereis aphroditois, Pall. Nov. Act. Petrop. 2 229. table 5. figure 1.7. Terebella aphroditois, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 3114.
The specimen brought by Captain King is nearly five feet long, and was procured at the Isle of France.
The collection consists of one hundred and ninety-two species, of which one hundred and thirty belong to the class Mandibulata, fifty-eight to Haustellata, and four to the Arachnida. Eighty-one of the species are new, and the extent to which each order of winged insects has been collected, will be best understood from the following summary.
108 Coleoptera : 40 Lepidoptera. 8 Orthoptera : 2 Homoptera. 5 Neuroptera : 8 Hemiptera. 9 Hymenoptera : 8 Diptera.
Total 188 Species.
This number is, of course, not sufficient to allow any general remarks to be founded on the collection, and the following Catalogue is, therefore, merely descriptive.
1. Panagaeus quadrimaculatus. Oliv. Enc. Meth. Hist. Nat.
Obs. There is a wretched figure of this insect given in the fourth volume of Cuvier's Regne Animal.
2. Paecilus kingii (n.s.) P. atronitidus, antennis tomentosis obscuris, basi et apice piceis, labri margine antico palpisque rufo-piceis, thorace linea media longitudinali vix marginem posticum attingente fossulaque utrinque postica, elytris striatis vix atro-aeneis tibiis ad apicem tarsisque atro-piceis.
3. Gyrinus rufipes. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. page 276. 13.
Obs. The description of this species, as given by Fabricius is very vague; but as it applies tolerably well to the insect collected by Captain King, I have not thought proper to give it a new name.
4. Silpha lacrymosa. Schreiber, in Linnean Transactions 6 194. t. 20, f. 5.
5. Creophilus erythrocephalus. Staphylinus erythrocephalus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 593. 19.
6. Hister cyaneus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 1 page 88. 13.
7. Hister. speciosus. Dej. Cat. page 48.
8. Passalus polyphyllus (n.s.) P. ater depressiusculus, antennis sex-lamellatis, vertice tuberculis tribus, intermedio majore compressa linearum superiorem duarum elevatarum transversarum dissecante, thoracis lateribus rufo-ciliatis, elytrorum striis lateralibus punctatis.
9. Passalus edentulus (n.s.) P. ater convexiusculus antennis triphyllis, verticis cornu elevato incurva canaliculato apice emarginato, tuberculo utrinque acuto, elytrorllm striis subpunctatis, mandibulis concavis extus dentatis.
Obs. This insect is much less in size than the former, and is more convex.
10. Lamprima aenea. Horae Entom. 1 page 101. 3.
11. Dasygnathus dejeanii. Horae Entom. 1 page 141. 1.
12. Trox alternans (n.s.) T. capite antice linea angulati elevata marginato, thorace lineis quatuor mediis elevatis, exterioribus interruptis tuberculisque utrinque duobus inaequalibus, elytris tuberculis striatim dispositis, striis alternatim majoribus.
13. Melolontha festiva. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 171. page 63.
Obs. This most beautiful insect ought to be considered as the type of a new genus near to Serica.
14. Diphucephala sericea. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 463.
Obs. This genus I had named Agrostiphila in my manuscripts, but M. Dejean has since published it under the name of Diphucephala.
15. Diphucephala splendens (n.s.). D. viridis nitidissima antennis palpisque nigris, capite antice thoracisque lateribus subpunctatis, media canaliculato, elytris punctis rugosis seriatim dispositis, corpore subtus hirsutie incano.
An Melolontha colaspidoides, Schon. App. 101. ?
16. Cetonia variegata. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 157. 112. C. luctuosa. Lat. in Cat. Mus. Gall.
Obs. This insect is an inhabitant of the Isle of France, and was probably collected by Captain King during his stay in that island.
17. Cetonia australasiae. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, table 1.
18. Cetonia dorsalis. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, table 1.
19. Anoplognathus viridiaeneus. Horae. Ent. 1 page 144. 1.
20. Anoplognathus viriditarsis. Leach. Zool. Miscel. 2 44.
21. Anoplognathus rugosus. Kirby, Linnean Transactions 12 405.
22. Anoplognathus inustus. Kirby, Linnean Transactions 12 405.
23. Repsimus aeneus. Melolontha aenea. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 166. 30.
24. Repsimus dytiscoides. Horae. Entom. 1 page 144. 2.
25. Buprestis macularis. Buprestis macularia. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 8.
26. Buprestis imperialis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 204. 98.
27. Buprestis suturalis. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 8.
28. Buprestis variabilis. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 7.
29. Buprestis kingii (n.s.) B. elytris striatis nigro-violaceis testaceo-quadrifasciatis haud bidentatis, thorace punctato nigro-aeneo lateribus testaceis.
Obs. This species comes perhaps too near to some of the darker varieties of B. variabilis, of the true appearance of which scarcely any idea can be formed from the figures of Donovan. Our insect bears a remarkable similarity to a Surinam Buprestis, with serrated elytra.
30. Buprestis bimaculata. Lin. Syst. Nat. 2 662. 16. Oliv. Ins. 2 32, table 12, figure 140.
Obs. This is an East Indian Insect; and, as Captain King collected a few species in the Isle of France, this is probably one of them.
31. Buprestis fissiceps. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 458, table 23, figure 4.
32. Buprestis lapidosa (n.s.) B. cuprea scabrosa thorace lineis duabus parallelis longitudinalibus elevatis, elytris integris subacuminatis substriatis inter tuberculos punctatis, corpore subtus aeneo.
33. Elater xanthomus (n.s.) E. ater antennis apicem versus dilatatis serratis, thorace punctato canaliculato, elytris punctatis striatis pubescentibus basi late auratis dimidiatis.
Obs. This insect is about four lines long, and entirely black, except the upper half of the elytra.
34. Elater nigro-terminatus (n.s.) E. luteus cavite antennisque atris, thorace convexo macula longitudinali sub-acuminata a margine antico ultra medium attingente, elytris punctato~striatis apice late nigris, anoque nigro.
Obs. This insect is about the same length with the former, having its feet and underside entirely yellow, excepting the head and a black anal spot, something like the letter V.
35. Lycus serraticornis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. volume 2 1ll. 6.
36. Lycus septemcavus (n.s.) L. ater thorace parabolico fossulis septem, quatuor anticis fere aequalibus, posticarum media angusta lanciformi, duabus lateralibus latis antice emarginatis. Scutello quadrato nigro; elytrls rubris marginatis lineis quatuor elevatis, interstitiis duplici serie punctorum transversorum crenatis.
37. Lycus rhipidium (n.s.) L. ater antennis fiabellatis; thorace angulis porrectis obtusis, fossulis septem, posticarum trium media longitudinali lanciformi; scutello quadrato nigro; elytris rubris marginatis lineis novem elevatis, quatuor alternatim majoribus, interstitiis crenatis.
38. Telephorus pulchellus (n.s.) T. capite thoraceque nigro-nitidis, hujus margine postico late rufo, elytris viridi-caeruleis tomentosis punctatis ad suturam marginatis, corpore pedibusque nigris abdomine subtus rufo.
39. Malachius verticalis, (n.s.) M. rufo-testaceus vertice antennisque apice nigro-nitidis, thorace testaceo. elytris fascia humerali mediaque violaceis, postpectore pedibus anoque nigris.
40. Clerus cruciatus (n.s.) C. testacea tomentosa, capite thoracis lateribus elytrorumque maculis duabus longitudinalibus, quarum postica latiori, nigris, elytris striato-punctatis apice rufescentibus, antennis piceis. pedibus palpisque pallidis.
41. Oedemera livida. Oliv. Ins. 50, table 1 figure 2. Dryops livida. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 68. 3.
42. Oedemera lineata. Oliv. Ins. 50, table 1 figure 4. Dryops lineata. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 68. 4.
Obs. I suspect this insect to be merely a variety of the former species.
43. Oedemera punctum (n.s.) Oe. flavo-nitida antennis obscuris, fronte puncto atro-nitido impresso, thorace lunula utrinque atro-nitida impresso, scutello flavo, elytris nigro-fuscis limbo et sutura testaceis, geniculis tibiis tarsisque nigris.
44. Lagria tomentosa. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. volume 2 page 70. 9.
45. Lagria rufescens. Dej. Cat. 72.
46. Cistela securigera (n.s.) C. subtus picea supra brunnea pubescens, antennis apice palporumque articulo ultimo securiformi nigris, elytris punctis crenatis striatis.
47. Amarygmus tristis. Cnodulon triste. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 page 13. 4.
Obs. The characters of this genus are given by Fabricius under the head of Cnodulon, but the true Cnodulon of M. Latreille is a native of St. Domingo, and a different genus of which the characters are to be found in the Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum. The genus has, however, been of late more accurately investigated by Dalman, in his Analecta Entomologica, and he has given it the name of Amarygmus.
48. Amarygmus viridicollis (n.s.) A. convexiusculus capite thoraceque viridi-caeruleis, elytris cupreis striato-punctatis, corpore subtus chalybeo pedibusque nigris.
49. Amarygmus velutinus (n.s.) A. atro-nitidus glaberrimus labri margine rubro, elytris nigro-aeneis punctorum striis minutissimis.
Obs. This beautiful insect is one of the largest of a genus which contains a great number of species.
50. Adelium calosoioides. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 420. 57. table 22. figure 2.
51. Adelium caraboides. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 466. 17.
52. Phalidura mirabilis. Curculio mirabilis. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 469. 21. table 23, figure 9.
Obs. The characters of this most singular genus Phalidura are chiefly to be found in the broken clavate antennae, short thick rustrum, connate elytra, and singular anal forceps of the male.
53. Phalidura kirbii (n.s.) P. nigro-fusca clypeo subfurcato utrinque canaliculato, thorace confertim noduloso, elytris lineis elevatis interstitiis crenatis lateribusque punctato-striatis.
54. Phalidura draco (n.s.) P. atrofusca vertice concavo cruce impresso, clypeo emarginato, thorace depresso utrinque dilatato dentato margine antico tuberculato tuberculourmque lineis quatuor duabus mediis longitudinalibus, elytris punctis elevatis scabrosis utrinque dentibus acutis seriatim armatis, lateribus seriatim nudulosis medioque linea tuberculorum sub-duplici instructo.
Obs. This and the following species are not true Phalidurae; at least neither appears to have the anal forceps, but as they come close in affinity to the genus Phalidura, I have not for the present ventured to give them a new generic name.
55. Phalidura marshami. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 436. 77.
Obs. This insect appears to be a Chrysolopus in M. Dejean's Catalogue.
56. Hybauchenia nodulosa (n.s.) H. atra capite laevi vel punctis minutissimis impresso, clypeo canaliculato, thorace irregulariter noduloso, elytris sutura laeviori punctis que elevatis striatis striis duabus a sutura alternatim majoribus.
Obs. I regret that I am not able to give the detailed characters of this genus at present. I shall merely, therefore, say that it has the broken clavate antennae of Phalidura, only they are here longer than the head and thorax taken together. The body is very convex:, having the thorax as wide as the abdomen, subquadrate, with very convex sides. Abdomen joined to thorax by a distinct peduncle. Elytra very convex, with almost perpendicular sides. Feet long, with rather incrassated femora.
57. Chrysolopus spectabilis. Curculio spectabilis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 537. 184.
58. Chrysolupus echidna (n.s.) C. atrofuscus vertice trilineato, thorace punctis scabro medio concavo subcarinato lineis utrinque elevatis, elytris crenatis seriebus spinarum duabus interiori anum versus abbreviata; spinis anticis depressis obtusis, posticis acutis. C. echidna. Dej. Cat. 88.
59. Chrysolopus tuberculatus (n.s.) C. fuscus vertice lineato, thorace punctis scabro medio canaliculato, elytris punctis seriatim impressis, tuberculorumque seriebus tribus minutis interiori abbreviata; tuberculo postico suturali maximo.
60. Chrysolopus quadridens. Curculio 4-dens. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 536. 175.
Obs. The three last species can scarcely be considered to belong to the same genus with C. spectabilis; but I follow M. Dejean until the whole family be more accurately investigated.
61. Gastrodus crenulatus. Curculio crenulatus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 518. 64.
62. Gastrodus albolineatus (n.s.) G. niger thorace scabriusculo rugis transversis duabus lineaque laterali alba, elytris nigris striato-punctatis sutura striaque media elevatis laevibus linea laterali alba haud apicem attingente, apice rufescente albo-punctato.
63. Festus rubripes (n.s.) F. niger capite linea transversa constricto; vertice lineis quatuor elevatis clypeoque tribus, antennis piceis clava obscura, thorace punctis elevatis scabro: elytris punctis impressis striatis, punctis conspicuis argenteo-squamigeris pedibus rufis geniculis obscuris.
Obs. I am doubtful whether this insect truly belongs to Megerle's genus Festus. The antennae are much shorter than in Pachygaster.
64. Cenchroma lanuginosa. Dej. Cat. page 95.
65. Cenchroma obscura (n.s.) C. nigra squamis cinereis asperga clypeo lineis duabus mediis approximatis elevatis lateribus albis, thorace canaliculato, elytris punctis impressis striatis squamisque cinereis subaureis praesertim ad latera aspersis, corpore subtus ad latera pedibusque albo-squamosis.
66. Curculio cultratus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 586. 173. Oliv. Ins. 83. figure 157.
Obs. This is a new genus of the Curculionidae, but as I am not able in this place to give the characters of it, I prefer to cite the insect under its Fabrician title.
67. Rhynchaenus cylindrirostris. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 463. 125. Oliv. Ins. 83, figure 128.
Obs. This insect is altogether as different from the true Rhynchaeni, as the preceding one is from the true Curculiones.
68. Rhynchaenus bidens. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 457. 96. Oliv. Ins. 83. figure 113.
Obs. This is also not a true Rhynchaenus, but is a very singular insect in appearance, as the acute spine, which rises from each elytron, appears to be its peculiar defence against entomological collectors.
69. Eurhinus scabrior. Kirby. in Linnean Transactions 12 page 428. 65.
70. Rhinotia haemoptera. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12 page 426.
71. Orthorhynchus suturalis (n.s.) O. nigro-fuscus punctis impressus vertice ad oculos albo-bilineato, thorace fossula postica media alba, elytris ad suturam linea pilis alba, corpore subtus lateribus albis.
72. Carpophagus banksiae (n.s.) C. nigro-fuscus pilis albis aspersus capite thoraceque punctatis linea media glabra divisis, scutello cinereo, elytris rugosis lineis quatuor subelevatis, corpore subtus pedibusque cinereo-sericeis.
Table B. figure 1.
Obs. This curious insect is said to be found on the Banksia, and would probably, with Linnaeus, have been a Bruchus. The following are the characters of this new genus.
CARPOPHAGUS (novum genus.)
Antennae ante oculos insertae filiformes articulo basilari crassiori, secundo subgloboso brevissimo, ultimo apice conico acuto,
Labrum semicirculare margine antico integro rotundato ciliato.
Mandibulae validae corneae arcuatae, intus apicem versus subsinuatae edentulae basin versus ciliatae vel submembranaceae.
Maxillae basi corneae processubus duobus membranaceis apicem versus instructae, lobo externo vel apicali ovali extus ciliato; interno tenuiori lanciformi apice acuto.
Palpi maxillares breves crassi vix ultra maxillarum apicem extensi, quadriarticulati articulo stipitali vix conspicuo secundo obconico tertio subgloboso breviori ultimo ovali obtuso.
Palpi labiales triarticulati articulo stipitali minimo, secundo obconico longiore, ultimo crassiori ovato, apice truncato.
Labium obcordatum basi corneum angustius apice membranaceum medio emarginatum ciliatum lobo utrinque rotundato.
Mentum semicirculare antice rotundatum medio emarginato sive edentulo.
Caput porrectum oculis prominulis thorace angustiua clypeo quadrato vertice inter oculos fossulis duabus antice convergentibus. Thorax haud marginatus lateribus haud rotundatis subcylindricus antice angustius, postice sublobatus. Scutellum tuberculare mucronatum. Abdomen thorace duplo latius. Elytra convexa humeris eminentibus postice divergentia rotundata. Pedes pentameri articulis tribus tarsorum primis ciliatis pulvillatis dilatatis, tertio bilobo, quarto brevissimo et quinto tenuibus obconicis, hoc biunguiculato. Femora postica valde incrassata intus unidentata; dente magno. Tibiae posticae compressae apice dilatatae.
73. Megamerus kingii (n.s.) M. nigro-fuscus labro palpisque piceis thorace vix punctato postice rugoso, elytris rugis vel punctis confluentibus substriatis fossula ad humeros profunda lineaque suturali impressis, corpore subtus pilis sub-sericeo pedibusque concoloribus.
Table B. figure 2.
Obs. This singular insect has an affinity to Sagra, but differs from that genus in having setiform antennae, porrect mandibles, and securiform palpi. Its habit is also totally different from that of a Sagra, and more like that of some of those insects which belong to the heterogeneous magazine called Prionus. It is, undoubtedly, the most singular and novel form in Captain King's collection, and forms a new genus, of which the characters are as follow.
MEGAMERUS (novum genus).
Antennae inter oculos insertae filiformes vel potius setaceae articulo basilari crassiori secundo subgloboso brevissimo apicali acuto.
Labrum transverso-quadratum antice submembranaceum tomentosum subemarginatum.
Mandibulae exertae porrectae supra convexiusculae lunulatae vel falciformes dorso subsinuatae apice vel extus oblique truncatae acutissimae.
Maxillae basi corneae processubus duobus submembranaceis apicem versus instructae, lobo externo vel apicali ovali extus ciliato, interno tenuiori apice subacuto margineque interno vix unidentato.
Palpi maxillares quadriarticulati, articulo stipitali minimo inconspicuo, secundo obconico longo duobus ultimis simul sumptis longitudine fere aequali, tertio obconico crassiori, ultimo securiformi compressa.
Palpi labiales triarticulati articulo stipitali minimo inconspicuo, secundo longo obconico setis quibusdam ad apicem instructo, tertio triangulari compresso vel securiformi.
Labium membranaceum cordatam antice bilobum, lobis elongatis ciliatis interno latere rectilineari extus ad apicem rotundatis.
Mentum semicirculare antice rotundatum margine antico emarginato.
Caput porrectum oculis prominentibus thorace haud angustius. Thorax convexus antice posticeque marginatus lateribus rotundatis haud marginatis. Scutellum triangulare subacutum. Abdomen thorace fere duplo latius. Elytra humeris eminentibus marginatis, lateribus parallelis. Pedes pentameri articulis tribus tarsorom primis ciliatis pulvillatis dilatatis, penultimo bilobo, ultimo tenui biunguiculato. Femora postica valde incrassata intus unidentata. Tibiae posticae compressae apice dilatatae angulo externo acuto.
Obs. The structure of the tarsus in this genus, so near in affinity to Carpophagus and Sagra, has led me to investigate more minutely the tarsus in the tetramerous and trimerous insects of the French entomologists, and the result has been that the arrangement given in the third volume of M. Cuvier's Regne Animal, is discovered to be as erroneous in point of description, as it is inconsistent with natural affinities.
74. Prionus bidentatus. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 6.
75. Prionus fasciatus. Don. Ins. of New Holland, table 6.
76. Prionus spinicollis (n.s.) P. piceus antennis filiformibus basi nigris articulo ultimo vix crassiore, capite fusco tomentoso, thorace nigro-fusco punctis scabroso, lateribus spinulosus, in medio postice carina laevi tuberculoque utrinque magno compressa scabro; scutello piceo nigro-marginato, elytris testaceis punctulatis substriatis apice unidentatis, pectoris lateribus rufo-tomentosis.
77. Distichocera maculicollis. Kirby, in Linnean Transactions 12.
78. Distichocera ? rubripennis (n.s.) D. rufo-testacea subtomentosa, capitis lateribus oreque nigris, vertice canaliculato, antennis nigris articulis vix biramosis ramis sinistris brevissimis, thorace atro vitta utrinque rufotestacea, scutello nigro, elytris rufo-testaceis tomentosis apice obtusis dehiscentibus, corpore cuneiformi subtus villo argenteo micante, abdomine utrinque nigro maculato, pedibus nigris.
Obs. This insect may be considered a Molorchus with elytra as long as its wings; and it, therefore, evidently connects this genus with Distichocera.
79. Clytus thoracicus. Don. Sys. of New Holland, table 5.
Obs. This insect leaves the typical form of Clytus, so much as to make me hesitate in placing it in the genus.
80. Callidium bajulus. Fab. Syst. Eleulh. 2 333. 2.
Obs. This insect answers perfectly well to the specific description as given by Fabricius, but is rather larger than the European insect, and has eight obsolete white spots disposed in two parallel bands on the back of the elytra.
81. Callidium erosum (n.s.) C. nigrum capite punctato, ore testaceo, antennis apice fuscis, thorace tomentoso punctato vel potius punctis confluentibus eroso disco rufo medio subtuberculato, elytris acuminatis apice deflexis lineis duabus elevatis interstitiis punctis confertissimis pulcherrime erosis sutura margineque rufis, corpore subtus pedibusque tomentosis.
Var. B. Major, cavite rufo antennis fuscis, elytris rufis litura inter lineas duas elevatas solum nigricante, pedibus nigropiceis.
82. Callidium solandri. Lamia solandri. Oliv. Ins. 67. 133. Plate 16. figure 118. Fab. Ent. Syst. 2. 292. 97.
Obs. I place Olivier's Synonym in this case first; because the Fabrician description is so erroneous, that did we not know the original insect in the Banksian Collection, there would be no possibility of making it out.
83. Stenochorus semipunctatus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. 2 306, 8.
Obs. This and the three following species belong to the Stenochori Callidiiformes of Schonnher.
84. Stenochorus acanthocerus (n.s.) S. fusco-ferrugineus capite punctato, antennis rubris articulo tertio quarto quinto et sexto apice spinosis, ore rubro, maxillis elongatis apice ciliatis membranaceis, palpis securiformibus, thorace obscuro utrinque unispinoso margine antico tuberculisque dorsalibus utrinque duobus posticoque semicirculari rubris, scutello rubro; elytris rubris fasciis tribus nigris undatis, ad basin inter lineas elevatas subcrenatis apicemque versus punctatis apice bidentatis; corpore subtus nigro-nitido tomentoso pedibus rubris. |