On the day after our arrival at Cape York the vessel from Sydney with our supplies anchored beside us, and besides provisions and stores, we had the additional pleasure of receiving five months' news from home.
On October 16th, a startling incident occurred to break the monotony of our stay. In the afternoon some of our people on shore were surprised to see a young white woman come up to claim their protection from a party of natives from whom she had recently made her escape, and who, she thought, would otherwise bring her back. Of course she received every attention, and was taken on board the ship by the first boat, when she told her story, which is briefly as follows. Her name is Barbara Thomson: she was born at Aberdeen in Scotland, and along with her parents, emigrated to New South Wales. About four years and a half ago she left Moreton Bay with her husband in a small cutter (called the America) of which he was owner, for the purpose of picking up some of the oil from the wreck of a whaler, lost on the Bampton Shoal, to which place one of her late crew undertook to guide them; their ultimate intention was to go on to Port Essington. The man who acted as pilot was unable to find the wreck, and after much quarrelling on board in consequence, and the loss of two men by drowning, and of another who was left upon a small uninhabited island, they made their way up to Torres Strait, where, during a gale of wind, their vessel struck upon a reef on the Eastern Prince of Wales Island. The two remaining men were lost in attempting to swim on shore through the surf, but the woman was afterwards rescued by a party of natives on a turtling excursion, who, when the gale subsided, swam on board, and supported her on shore between two of their number. One of these blacks, Boroto by name, took possession of the woman as his share of the plunder; she was compelled to live with him, but was well treated by all the men, although many of the women, jealous of the attention shown her, for a long time evinced anything but kindness. A curious circumstance secured for her the protection of one of the principal men of the tribe a party from which had been the fortunate means of rescuing her, and which she afterwards found to be the Kowrarega, chiefly inhabiting Muralug, or the Western Prince of Wales Island. This person, named Piaquai, acting upon the belief (universal throughout Australia and the Islands of Torres Strait so far as hitherto known) that white people are the ghosts of the aborigines, fancied that in the stranger he recognised a long-lost daughter of the name of Giaom, and at once admitted her to the relationship which he thought had formerly subsisted between them; she was immediately acknowledged by the whole tribe as one of themselves, thus ensuring an extensive connection in relatives of all denominations. From the headquarters of the tribe with which Giaom thus became associated being upon an island which all vessels passing through Torres Strait from the eastward must approach within two or three miles, she had the mortification of seeing from twenty to thirty or more ships go through every summer without anchoring in the neighbourhood, so as to afford the slightest opportunity of making her escape. Last year she heard of our two vessels (described as two war canoes, a big and a little one) being at Cape York—only twenty miles distant—from some of the tribe who had communicated with us and been well treated, but they would not take her over, and even watched her more narrowly than before.
On our second and present visit, however, which the Cape York people immediately announced by smoke signals to their friends in Muralug, she was successful in persuading some of her more immediate friends to bring her across to the mainland within a short distance of where the vessels lay. The blacks were credulous enough to believe that as she had been so long with them, and had been so well treated, she did not intend to leave them—only she felt a strong desire to see the white people once more and shake hands with them; adding, that she would be certain to procure some axes, knives, tobacco, and other much prized articles. This appeal to their cupidity decided the question at once. After landing at the sandy bay on the western side of Cape York, she hurried across to Evans Bay, as quickly as her lameness would allow, fearful that the blacks might change their mind; and well it was that she did so, as a small party of men followed to detain her, but arrived too late. Three of these people were brought on board at her own request, and as they had been instrumental in saving her from the wreck, they were presented with an axe apiece, and other presents.
Upon being asked by Captain Stanley whether she really preferred remaining with us to accompanying the natives back to their island, as she would be allowed her free choice in the matter, she was so much agitated as to find difficulty in expressing her thankfulness, making use of scraps of English alternately with the Kowrarega language, and then, suddenly awaking to the recollection that she was not understood, the poor creature blushed all over, and with downcast eyes, beat her forehead with her hand, as if to assist in collecting her scattered thoughts.
At length, after a pause, she found words to say: "Sir, I am a Christian, and would rather go back to my own friends." At the same time, it was remarked by everyone that she had not lost the feelings of womanly modesty—even after having lived so long among naked blacks; she seemed acutely to feel the singularity of her position—dressed only in a couple of shirts, in the midst of a crowd of her own countrymen.
When first seen on shore our new shipmate presented so dirty and wretched an appearance that some people who were out shooting at first mistook her for a gin, and were passing by without taking further notice, when she called out to them in English: "I am a white woman, why do you leave me?" With the exception of a narrow fringe of leaves in front, she wore no clothing, and her skin was tanned and blistered with the sun, and showed the marks of several large burns which had been received from sleeping too near the fire on cold nights; besides, she was suffering from ophthalmia, which had previously deprived her of the sight of one eye. But good living, and every comfort (for Captain Stanley kindly provided her with a cabin and a seat at his table) combined with medical attention, very soon restored her health, and she was eventually handed over to her parents in Sydney in excellent condition.
Although perfectly illiterate, Mrs. Thomson had made good use of her powers of observation, and evinced much shrewdness in her remarks upon various subjects connected with her residence among the blacks, joined to great willingness to communicate any information which she possessed. Much of this will be found in another part of this volume, incorporated with the result of my own observations. Several hundred words of the Kowrarega language, and a portion of its grammar, were also obtained from time to time, and most of these were subsequently verified. And, although she did not understand the language spoken at Cape York, yet, as some of the Gudang people there knew the Kowrarega, through its medium I was usually able to make myself tolerably well understood, and thus obtain an explanation of some matters which had formerly puzzled me, and correct various errors into which I had fallen. It was well, too, that I took an early opportunity of procuring these words, for my informant afterwards forgot much of her lately-acquired language, and her value as an authority on that subject gradually diminished.
Giaom was evidently a great favourite with the blacks, and hardly a day passed on which she was not obliged to hold a levee in her cabin for the reception of friends from the shore, while other visitors, less favoured, were content to talk to her through the port. They occasionally brought presents of fish and turtle, but always expected an equivalent of some kind. Her friend, Boroto, the nature of the intimacy with whom was not at first understood, after in vain attempting by smooth words and fair promises to induce her to go back to live with him, left the ship in a rage, and we were not sorry to get rid of so impudent and troublesome a visitor as he had become. Previous to leaving, he had threatened that, should he or any of his friends ever catch his faithless spouse on shore, they would take off her head to carry back with them to Muralug; and so likely to be fulfilled did she consider this threat, being in perfect accordance with their customs, that she never afterwards ventured on shore at Cape York.
During the period of our stay at Cape York, the Bramble, Asp, and Rattlesnake's pinnace were sent away to the western entrance of Torres Strait to finish the survey, and returned after a month's absence.
The boats had held no intercourse with any of the natives, except a small party of Kowraregas, the inhabitants of Mulgrave and Banks Islands having carefully avoided them. Hopes had been entertained prior to starting of seeing something of a white man of the name of Wini, who had lived with the Badus for many years. Giaom had seen and conversed with him during a visit to Muralug which he had made in hopes of inducing her to share his fortunes. She supposed him to be a foreigner, from his not appearing to understand the English she used when asked by him to speak in her native tongue. He had reached Mulgrave Island in a boat after having, by his own account, killed his companions, some three or four in number. In course of time he became the most important person in the tribe, having gained an ascendancy by procuring the death of his principal enemies and intimidating others, which led to the establishment of his fame as a warrior, and he became in consequence the possessor of several wives, a canoe, and some property in land, the cultivation of which last he pays great attention to. Wini's character appears from the accounts I have heard—for others corroborated part of Giaom's statement—to be a compound of villainy and cunning, in addition to the ferocity and headstrong passions of a thorough savage—it strikes me that he must have been a runaway convict, probably from Norfolk Island. It is fortunate that his sphere of mischief is so limited, for a more dangerous ruffian could not easily be found. As matters stand at present, it is probable that not only during his life, but for years afterwards, every European who falls into the hands of the Badu people will meet with certain death.*
(*Footnote. In further illustration of this assertion I give the following note with which I have lately been furnished by Mr. J. Sweatman, R.N., who served in the Bramble at the time of the occurrence of the murder to which it alludes. In June 1846 the supercargo and a boat's crew of a small vessel from Sydney procuring trepang and tortoise-shell in Torres Strait, landed upon Mulgrave Island (the vessel being about seven miles off) in order to barter for tortoise-shell. The natives appeared at first to be friendly enough, but, towards evening some circumstances occurred which induced the boat's crew to re-embark, and they then went to a small sandbank about a mile off to pass the night there. The supercargo and three men landed, leaving two men in the boat at anchor; about midnight the latter were alarmed at hearing shouts and yells on shore, and, landing in haste, found that the natives had attacked their comrades, whose muskets being damp, were quite useless. The supercargo and two men were killed—a shot from the boat however dispersed the natives sufficiently for the two men to drag their surviving comrade into the boat, but he had an arrow through the body, and his hands were partially severed, and he soon died. The bodies of the three people on the sandbank could not be recovered, the natives returning to the attack with showers of arrows, nor could the small force on board the schooner attempt to punish the perpetrators of this unprovoked murder.)
The inhabitants of the neighbouring Banks Island are described by Giaom as evincing the same hostility towards Europeans. Only a few years ago the Italegas, one of the two tribes inhabiting that island, murdered two white men and a boy, who had reached their inhospitable shores in a small boat, probably from a wreck. Such savage outrages committed by the inhabitants of the north-western islands would probably be completely prevented were they oftener visited by Europeans; such was the case with the people of Darnley Island, once dangerous savages, now safely to be dealt with by taking the usual precautions, and where, as at the Murray Islands, I believe strangers in distress, without valuable property, would now be kindly treated.
We remained nine weeks at our anchorage in Evans Bay. The natives, of whom there were usually a number encamped in the neighbourhood, attracted by the presence of the ship, as vultures by a carcass, continued on perfectly friendly terms, assisted the wooding and watering parties, brought off fish and portions of turtle to the ship, and accompanied us on our walks on shore. The usual remuneration for their services was biscuit, and, next to that, tobacco, besides which axes and knives were highly prized and occasionally given them. Immediately on landing for the purpose of an excursion, each of us looked out for his kotaiga* from among a crowd of applicants surrounding the boat, the haversack was thrown across his shoulders, and away we started for the bush. It was often difficult for the possessor of a good stock of biscuit to shake off other useless volunteers; these hangers-on, with few exceptions, were more remarkable for their capacity for food than for their powers of endurance, showing a deeply rooted antipathy to any exertion not actually necessary, and for every trifling additional service asking for bisiker muro, choka muro, neipa, or some such thing. Still a few of these same blacks make a very agreeable addition to a shooting party, as besides their services as guides, and in pointing out game, they formed amusing companions and enlivened many a noonday bivouac or dull thirsty march in the hot sun with their songs, jokes, and mimicry.
(*Footnote. Derived from the Kowrarega word Kutaig (younger brother); here in the jargon used between us it signified friend, associate, companion, etc.)
One evening I was asked to join a party made up for the purpose of witnessing a native dance. Many strange blacks were then encamped on the margin of the beach, and altogether about 150 people belonging to four or five tribes had collected. Not being apprised of our coming they showed much surprise and suspicion at our landing after dark, but, with some trouble, a number were induced by the promise of a quantity of biscuit to get up a dance round a large fire on the sand to the music of a drum which we had taken with us to announce our approach. The dance after all was a very poor affair—none of the performers were painted and decorated, there was little scenic effect, and they seemed glad when it was over. The bag containing the promised biscuit was most injudiciously handed over to an old woman named Baki, or queena woman Baki, as someone had taught her to call herself, for distribution among the party. She doled out a few handfuls to some women and children who had not been at all concerned in the matter, and would have marched off with the remainder had she not been prevented. The appointment of a woman to this office gave great offence to the men who had been dancing—while not one among them would have scrupled forcibly to deprive her of the whole on the very first opportunity, yet every man there scorned the idea of having to ASK a woman for anything—the consequence was that the performers were not rewarded, and naturally imagined that we had broken faith with them. The discontent increased, some of the men left in a state of great excitement, and went for their spears and throwing sticks. One or two rockets were sent up soon after to amuse them, on which the few remaining women and children hurried to their sheds of bark and hid their faces in terror. When a blue light was burned, and lit up the gloomy shadows of the neighbouring bush, it disclosed the spectral figures of many armed men among the trees, singly and in groups, intently watching our motions. Paida, who with other native allies of ours still remained with us, was very urgent for us to be off, telling me that spears would be thrown immediately (kaibu kalaka muro); being a kotaig of mine, he considered himself bound to attend to my safety, so conducted me to the boat which he assisted in shoving off, nor did he retire from the beach until we had got into deep water.
I have alluded to this occurrence, trivial as it may appear, not without an object. It serves as an illustration of the policy of respecting the known customs of the Australian race, even in apparently trifling matters, at least during the early period of intercourse with a tribe, and shows how a little want of judgment in the director of our party caused the most friendly intentions to be misconstrued, and might have led to fatal results.
I must confess that I should have considered any injury sustained on our side to have been most richly merited; moreover, I am convinced that some at least of the collisions which have taken place in Australia, between the first European visitors and the natives of any given district, have originated in causes of offence brought on by the indiscretion of one or more of the party, and revenged on others who were innocent. As a memorable instance I may give that which happened during Leichhardt's overland journey to Port Essington, when his camp was attacked one evening, and Mr. Gilbert lost his life. Long afterwards the undoubted cause of this apparently unaccountable attack transpired in the acknowledgment, while intoxicated, by one of the persons concerned, that a gross outrage had been committed upon an aboriginal woman a day or two previously, by the two blacks belonging to the expedition.
One day I witnessed a native fight, which may be described here, as such occurrences, although frequent enough in Australia, have by Europeans been witnessed only in the settled districts. It was one of those smaller fights, or usual modes of settling a quarrel when more than two people are concerned, and assumed quite the character of a duel upon a large scale. At daybreak, I landed in company with six or seven people who were going out on different shooting parties. The natives came down to the boat as usual, but all carried throwing-sticks—contrary to their usual practice of late; and at the place where they had slept, numbers of spears were stuck up on end in the sand. These preparations surprised me, but Paida would not explain the cause and seemed anxious to get me away. The shooters marched off—each with his black—but I loitered behind, walking slowly along the beach.
About 200 yards from the first camping-place, two groups of strange natives, chiefly men, were assembled with throwing-sticks in their hands and bundles of spears. While passing them they moved along in twos and threes towards the Evans Bay party, the men of which advanced to meet them. The women and children began to make off, but a few remained as spectators on the sands, it being then low water. A great deal of violent gesticulation and shouting took place, the parties became more and more excited, and took up their position in two scattered lines facing each other, extending from the margin of the beach to a little way in the bush, and about twenty-five yards apart. Paida, too, partook of the excitement and could refrain no longer from joining in the fight; he dropped my haversack and bounded away at full speed to his camping-place, where he received his spears from little Purom his son, and quickly made his appearance upon the scene of action.
The two parties were pretty equally matched—about fifteen men in each. The noise now became deafening; shouts of defiance, insulting expressions, and every kind of abusive epithet were bandied about, and the women and children in the bush kept up a wailing cry all the while rising and falling in cadence. The pantomimic movements were of various descriptions; besides the singular quivering motion given to the thighs placed wide apart (common to all the Australian dances) they frequently invited each other to throw at them, turning the body half round and exposing the breech, or dropping on one knee or hand as if to offer a fair mark. At length a spear was thrown and returned, followed by many others, and the fighting became general, with an occasional pause.
The precision with which the spears were thrown was not less remarkable than the dexterity which with they were avoided. In nearly every case the person thrown at would, apparently, have been struck had he stood still, but, his keenness of sight enabled him to escape by springing aside as required, variously inclining the body, or sometimes merely lifting up a leg to allow the spear to pass by, and had two been thrown at one person at the same moment he could scarcely have escaped, but this I observed was never attempted, as it would have been in war, here each individual appeared to have a particular opponent. I had a capital view of the whole of the proceedings, being seated about fifty yards behind and slightly on the flank of one of the two contending parties. One spear thrown higher than usual passed within five yards of me, but this I was satisfied was the result of accident, as I had seen it come from Paida's party. Soon afterwards I observed a man at the right extreme of the line next me, who had been dodging round a large scaevola bush for some time back, make a sudden dart at one of the opposite party and chop him down the shoulder with an iron tomahawk. The wounded man fell, and instantly a yell of triumph denoted that the whole matter was at an end.
Paida rejoined me five minutes afterwards, apparently much refreshed by this little excitement, and accompanied me on my walk, still he would not explain the cause of the fight. The wounded man had his arm tied up by one of our people who landed soon afterwards, and, although the cut was both large and deep, he soon recovered.
The frequent excursions of our shooting parties being more extended than during our last visit became the means of adding considerably to our knowledge of the surrounding country. One of the immediate consequences was the discovery of several small streams of fresh water. The principal of these, which we named Mew River (after its first finder, the sergeant of marines on board) has its mouth in a small mangrove creek three quarters of a mile to the eastward of Evans Bay. About five miles further up its source was found to be a spring among rocks in a dense calamus scrub. It waters a fine valley running nearly east and west behind the range of hills to the southward of Evans Bay, and its line is marked by a belt of tangled brush exceeding in luxuriance anything of the same description which I had seen elsewhere. The variety of trees in this dense brush is very great, and many were quite new to me. The Seaforthia palm attained the height of 60 to 80 feet, and the rattan was very abundant, and from the recurved prickles catching and tearing the clothes, it was often no easy matter to penetrate the thickets. Among the plants along the river the most interesting is an indigenous species of banana or plantain, probably the same as that found at Endeavour River during Cook's first voyage. The fruit is of small size with numerous hard seeds and a small quantity of delicious pulp; cultivation would, doubtless, wonderfully improve it. Another remarkable plant found on the grassy borders of the jungle and characteristic of rich damp soil is a beautiful species of Roscoea (?) (one of the Scitamineae or ginger family) about a foot high, with a solitary leaf and large bracteae, the lower green and the upper ones pink, partially concealing handsome yellow flowers. From its succulent nature I failed in preparing specimens for the herbarium, but some roots were preserved and given to the Botanical Garden at Sydney.
The lower part of the valley is open forest land, or nearly level and thinly wooded country covered with tall coarse grass. Further up it becomes more beautiful. From the belt of wood, concealing the windings of the river, grassy sloping meadows extend upwards on each side to the flanking ridges which are covered with dense scrub occasionally extending in straggling patches down to the water, and forming a kind of imperfect natural fence. The soil of these meadows is rich sandy loam, affording great apparent facilities for cultivation from their proximity to what is probably a never-failing supply of fresh water. Here, at the end of the dry season, and before the periodical rains had fairly set in, we found the stream at halfway up to be about six feet in average breadth, slowly running over a shallow, gravelly, or earthy bed, with occasional pools from two to four feet in depth.
I have alluded to this subject at greater length than under ordinary circumstances I would have done, in the belief that, should a settlement ever be established at Cape York, the strip of good land that runs along the upper part of Mew River may hereafter be turned to good account. Several other valleys watered by small and apparently permanent streams were discovered by our shooting parties, chiefly by Wilcox and the sergeant of marines; these were afterwards visited by me, and my opinion of the productiveness of the country about Cape York almost daily became more and more favourable the further I extended my excursions.
I need scarcely repeat the arguments which have been adduced in favour of the expediency, I may almost say necessity, of establishing a military post, or small settlement of some kind, in the vicinity of Cape York, simply because, while perfectly agreeing with Mr. Jukes* and several other persons who have drawn the public attention to the subject, I have little in addition to offer. Still a few words on the question may not be out of place.
(*Footnote. Voyage of the Fly volume 1 page 302.)
The beneficial results to be looked for were such a settlement to be formed would be:
1. A port of refuge would be afforded to the crews of vessels wrecked in Torres Strait, and its approaches, who otherwise must make for Booby Island, and there await the uncertainty of being picked up by some passing vessel, or even attempt in the boats to reach Coupang in Timor, a distance of 1100 miles further. And now that the settlement at Port Essington has been abandoned the necessity for such a place of refuge is still greater.
2. Passing vessels might be supplied with water and other refreshments, also stores, such as anchors, etc., which last are frequently lost during the passage of the Strait.
3. The knowledge of the existence of such a post would speedily exercise a beneficial influence over our intercourse with the natives of Torres Strait, and induce them to refrain from a repetition of the outrages which they have frequently committed upon Europeans; the little trade in tortoiseshell which might be pushed in the Strait (as has frequently been done before by small vessels from Sydney and even from Hong Kong) would no longer be a dangerous one—and protection would be afforded to the coaling depot for steamers at Port Albany.*
(*Footnote. I adduce this last advantage on the presumption, which now assumes a greater degree of probability than before—that the steam communication before alluded to will be established, and that the Torres Strait route, the one which is almost generally advocated, will be the one adopted.)
4. In a military point of view the importance of such a post has been urged upon the ground, that in the event of war, a single enemy's ship stationed in the neighbourhood, if previously unoccupied, could completely command the whole of our commerce passing through the Strait.
5. From what more central point could operations be conducted with the view of extending our knowledge of the interior of New Guinea by ascending some of the large rivers of that country, disemboguing on the shores of the Great Bight?
6 and last. But on this point I would advance my opinion with much diffidence—I believe that were a settlement to be established at Cape York, missionary enterprise, JUDICIOUSLY CONDUCTED, might find a useful field for its labours in Torres Strait, beginning with the Murray and Darnley Islanders, people of a much higher intellectual standard than the Australians, and consequently more likely to appreciate any humanising influence which might be exercised for their benefit.
Several kangaroos or wallabies, the largest of which weighed forty pounds, were killed during our stay at Cape York. A kangaroo dog belonging to Captain Stanley made several fine runs, all of them unsuccessful however, as the chase was seldom upon open ground, and there was little chance of overtaking the kangaroo before it got into some neighbouring thicket where the dog could not follow it. This wallaby proved to be the Halmaturus agilis, first found at Port Essington, and afterwards by Leichhardt in Carpentaria. A singular bat of a reddish-brown colour was shot one day while asleep suspended from a branch of a tree; it belonged to the genus Harpyia, and was therefore a contribution to the Australian fauna.
Among many additions to the ornithological collections of the voyage were eight or nine new species of birds, and about seven others previously known only as inhabitants of New Guinea and the neighbouring islands.* The first of these which came under my notice was an enormous black parrot (Microglossus aterrimus) with crimson cheeks; at Cape York it feeds upon the cabbage of various palms, stripping down the sheath at the base of the leaves with its powerful, acutely-hooked upper mandible. The next in order of occurrence was a third species of the genus Tanysiptera (T. sylvia) a gorgeous kingfisher with two long, white, central tail-feathers, inhabiting the brushes, where the glancing of its bright colours as it darts past in rapid flight arrests the attention for a moment ere it is lost among the dense foliage.
(*Footnote. Many of these have since been figured and described, with accompanying notes on their habits, etc., in the recently published Supplement to Mr. Gould's Birds of Australia.)
I may next allude to Aplonis metallica—a bird somewhat resembling a starling, of a dark glossy green and purple hue, with metallic reflections—in connection with its singular nest. One day I was taken by a native to the centre of a brush, where a gigantic cotton-tree standing alone was hung with about fifty of the large pensile nests of this species.
After I had made several unsuccessful attempts to shoot down one of the nests by firing with ball at the supporting branch, the black volunteered to climb the tree, provided I would give him a knife. I was puzzled to know how he proposed to act, the trunk being upwards of four feet in diameter at the base, and the nearest branch being about sixty feet from the ground. He procured a tough and pliant shoot of a kind of vine (Cissus) of sufficient length to pass nearly round the tree, and holding one end of this in each hand and pressing his legs and feet against the tree, he ascended by a series of jerks, resting occasionally, holding on for half a minute at a time with one end of the vine in his mouth. At length he reached the branches and threw me down as many nests as I required. He afterwards filled the bag which he carried round his neck with the unfledged young birds, which on our return to the native camp on the beach were thrown alive upon the fire, in spite of my remonstrances, and when warmed through were devoured with great apparent relish by himself and his friends.
Two days before we left Cape York I was told that some bowerbirds had been seen in a thicket, or patch of low scrub, half a mile from the beach, and after a long search I found a recently constructed bower, four feet long and eighteen inches high, with some fresh berries lying upon it. The bower was situated near the border of the thicket, the bushes composing which were seldom more than ten feet high, growing in smooth sandy soil without grass.
Next morning I was landed before daylight, and proceeded to the place in company with Paida, taking with us a large board on which to carry off the bower as a specimen. I had great difficulty in inducing my friend to accompany me, as he was afraid of a war party of Gomokudins, which tribe had lately given notice that they were coming to fight the Evans Bay people. However I promised to protect him, and loaded one barrel with ball, which gave him increased confidence, still he insisted upon carrying a large bundle of spears and a throwing-stick. Of late Paida's tribe have taken steps to prevent being surprised by their enemies. At night they remove in their canoes to the neighbouring island Robumo, and sleep there, returning in the morning to the shore, and take care not to go away to a distance singly or unarmed.
While watching in the scrub I caught several glimpses of the tewinya (the native name) as it darted through the bushes in the neighbourhood of the bower, announcing its presence by an occasional loud churrrr, and imitating the notes of various other birds, especially the leatherhead. I never before met with a more wary bird, and for a long time it enticed me to follow it to a short distance, then flying off and alighting on the bower, it would deposit a berry or two, run through, and be off again (as the black told me) before I could reach the spot. All this time it was impossible to get a shot. At length, just as my patience was becoming exhausted, I saw the bird enter the bower and disappear, when I fired at random through the twigs, fortunately with effect. So closely had we concealed ourselves latterly, and so silent had we been, that a kangaroo while feeding actually hopped up within fifteen yards, unconscious of our presence until fired at. My bowerbird proved to be a new species, since described by Mr. Gould as Chlamydera cerviniventris, and the bower is exhibited in the British Museum.
Among the gamebirds of Cape York, the emu is entitled to the first rank. Only two or three, however, were seen, and we were not fortunate enough to procure one. One day an emu allowed me to approach within fifty yards by stalking it cautiously, holding up a large green bough before me, when, becoming alarmed, it darted in its fright into a thicket and was lost to view.
Many brush turkeys (Talegalla lathami) were shot by our sportsmen, and scarcely a day passed on which the natives did not procure for us some of their eggs. The mode in which these and other eggs are cooked by the blacks is to roll them up in two or three large leaves, and roast them in the ashes; the eggs burst, of course, but the leaves prevent the contents from escaping. Both bird and eggs are excellent eating; the latter, averaging three and a half inches in length, of a pure white colour, are deposited in low mounds of earth and leaves in the dense brushes in a similar manner to those of the megapodius, and are easily dug out with the hand. I have seen three or four taken out of one mound where they were arranged in a large circle, a foot and a half from the surface. The laying bird carefully effaces any mark she may have made in scooping out a place for the eggs, but the keen eye of a native quickly detects the slightest sign of recent disturbance of the mound, and he seldom fails to hit upon the eggs.
As at Port Essington, the year at Cape York is divided into two seasons,* the dry and the rainy. From personal observation and other sources of information, it would appear that the limits and duration of these admit of so much variation that it is impossible to determine with certainty, even within a month, when one ceases and the other begins. It would appear however that the dry season, characterised by the prevalence of the south-east trade, usually terminates in November, the change having for some time previous been indicated by calms, light winds, sometimes from the westward, a gloomy unsettled appearance in the weather, and occasional showers—violent squalls of wind and rain are frequent about this time until the westerly breezes set in, when the weather becomes moderate with frequent rain, occasionally very heavy, and intervals, often of many days duration, of dry weather. In the month of March the south-east trade usually resumes its former influence, the change being often attended with the same thick squally weather, and perhaps a gale from the north-west, which ushered in the westerly monsoon.
(*Footnote. The natives of the neighbouring Prince of Wales Island distinguish the dry season (aibu or the fine weather) the wet (kuki or the North-West wind which then prevails) and the period of change (malgui) equivalent to our Spring and Autumn.)
Our own experience of the winds during our last stay at Cape York, at the period when the change of the monsoon was to be expected, may be summed up as follows. During the month of October the trade-wind prevailed, keeping pretty steady at East-South-East, and generally blowing rather strongly, with hazy weather and an occasional shower. For three days in the middle of the month we experienced light north-westerly winds dying away again in the evening, and on the 25th a violent squall from the same quarter accompanied by very heavy rain rendered it expedient that the ship should next day be moved a cable's length further offshore. During the four last days in the month we had calms and light winds from the northward of east, as if the trade were about to cease, but it commenced afresh and continued until the 26th of November, generally very moderate, with fine weather. During the last six days of our stay we had light airs from about North-West, succeeded in the evening by a slight puff of south-easterly wind followed by a calm lasting all night. Last year, during the month of October, we experienced no northerly or westerly winds, but a moderate trade prevailed throughout, pretty steady at East-South-East, but varying much in strength.
In a place situated like Cape York, only about 640 miles distant from the equator, the atmospheric temperature may be expected to be very high; still the heat, although occasionally very oppressive for a time, caused very different sensations from those experienced during the almost stifling calms of Port Essington. At Cape York, however, calms seldom lasted above a few hours, as from its peninsular position the land receives the full influence of nearly every breeze. An abstract of the thermometrical observations made on board the Rattlesnake shows the following results:
October 1848 : 81 : 85 : 77 5. October 1849 : 81 : 83 8 : 78 7. November 1849 : 81 9 : 84 8 : 79.
During the above period, the highest and lowest temperatures recorded by the self-registering maximum and minimum thermometer are, for October 1848, 88 and 73 degrees; for October 1849, 83.8 .and 77 degrees; and for November 1849, 88 and 76 degrees.
1846 December 17 : 34 52 N : 16 24 W : 59 : 61 : 61 132. December 28 : 28 34 : 18 38 : 66 : 67 : 63 130. December 30 : 23 22 : 20 58 : 68 : 69 : 66 66 : 61 190. December 31 : 21 13 : 22 1 : 66 : 71 : 61 193. 1847 January 1 : 18 40 : 23 18 : 68 : 73 : 70 78 : 57 178. January 2 : 15 28 : 23 22 : 72 : 73 : 53 180. January 3 : 8 55 : 22 38 : 78 : 82 : 59 191. January 5 : 6 28 : 22 39 : 82 : 84 : 51 185. January 6 : 5 54 : 22 34 : 79 : 82 : 50 361. January 7 : 5 8 : 22 19 : 82 : 83 : 49 340. January 12 : 1 5 : 22 32 : 77 : 83 : 52 335. January 14 : 2 37 S : 26 15 : 79 : 80 : 53 268. January 15 : 5 9 : 27 51 : 78 : 80 : 54 153 : 60 293. January 16 : 7 55 : 29 11 : 79 : 80 : 53 183 : 47 273. January 17 : 12 49 : 32 23 : 79 : 81 : 80 59. January 19 : 15 5 : 34 44 : 79 : 80 : 59 226 : 62 317. January 20 : 17 48 : 36 20 : 80 : 81 : 67 132. January 21 : 20 10 : 37 58 : 78 : 80 : 59 146 : 50 306. February 4 : 26 7 : 40 30 : 66 : 77 : 60 231 : 51 351. February 5 : 27 21 : 38 1 : 73 : 76 : 65 182 : 51 342. February 8 : 30 52 : 36 48 : 71 : 73 : 61 200 : 51 360. February 9 : 33 22 : 36 54 : 68 : 70 : 60 184 : 50 324. February 10 : 35 21 : 35 31 : 68 : 68 : 62 168 : 49 309. February 12 : 37 20 : 30 58 : 69 : 66 : 57 205 : 45 355. February 13 : 36 50 : 27 50 : 66 : 66 : 62 215 : 45 370. February 15 : 36 31 : 24 7 : 63 : 64 : 58 194 : 45 339. February 16 : 36 7 : 21 4 : 59 : 66 : 55 196 : 47 336. February 17 : 35 30 : 19 34 : 64 : 69 : 58 215 : 51 366. February 18 : 36 47 : 18 47 : 64 : 68 : 57 128 : 50 257. February 19 : 38 7 : 16 43 : 65 : 63 : 48 370. February 21 : 37 54 : 10 28 : 59 : 62 : 53 205 : 43 345. February 23 : 36 54 : 4 53 : 62 : 67 : 61 205 : 48 345. February 24 : 34 42 : 4 15 : 69 : 70 : 51 364 : 44 650. February 25 : 35 28 : 3 6 : 68 : 69 : 54 195 : 46 335. February 26 : 36 57 : 1 31 : 65 : 67 : 53 195 : 49 335. February 27 : 38 22 : 0 28 : 64 : 62 : 55 192 : 45 338. March 1 : 38 25 : 4 1 E : 56 : 55 : 48 195 : 44 335. March 3 : 36 47 : 10 24 : 63 : 66 : 54 208 : 46 348. March 4 : 36 41 : 12 1 : 66 : 64 : 55 188 : 46 328. March 5 : 36 22 : 13 40 : 66 : 68 : 52 217 : 46 367. March 6 : 36 24 : 14 42 : 71 : 70 : 65 147 : 56 284. April 13 : 36 17 : 26 43 : 61 : 68 : 62 215 : 60 360. April 14 : 36 53 : 27 49 : 66 : 69 : 65 215 : 56 360. April 15 : 38 10 : 29 39 : 67 : 69 : 67 205 : 58 350. April 16 : 38 8 : 32 54 : 69 : 69 : 64 128 : 60 278. April 19 : 37 49 : 39 50 : 64 : 59 : 51 266 : 53 316. April 21 : 38 13 : 45 36 : 66 : 60 : 55 158 : 52 293. April 24 : 34 24 : 54 14 : 60 : 64 : 60 157 : 58 287. April 26 : 30 13 : 56 50 : 65 : 71 : 61 162 : 60 283. April 27 : 28 16 : 57 18 : 70 : 73 : 60 210 : 57 360. April 28 : 26 56 : 57 31 : 70 : 74 : 60 200 : 57 350. May 1 : 25 48 : 61 6 : 74 : - : 62 165 : 59 320. May 3 : 20 42 : 58 47 : 76 : 77 : 74 140 : 57 300. May 18 : 21 53 : 56 45 : 77 : 77 : 63 182. May 19 : 24 16 : 56 58 : 76 : 75 : 71 182. May 20 : 26 9 : 58 45 : 74 : 71 : 63 140 : 73 360. May 21 : 27 36 : 61 9 : 69 : 73 : 54 333. May 22 : 28 6 : 63 30 : 68 : 69 : 53 300. May 24 : 28 1 : 67 28 : 67 : 69 : 54 286. May 25 : 29 49 : 67 14 : 66 : 66 : 54 360. May 26 : 32 4 : 68 6 : 65 : 65 : 55 340. May 27 : 33 48 : 70 11 : 63 : 63 : 54 350. May 28 : 35 33 : 72 6 : 61 : 60 : 55 350. May 29 : 36 6 : 74 15 : 60 : 59 : 52 350. June 1 : 35 0 : 80 56 : 61 : 59 : 55 346. June 6 : 36 42 : 97 54 : 55 : 56 : 51 320. June 12 : 39 57 : 118 0 : 48 : 54 : 45 320. June 14 : 40 46 : 123 26 : 49 : 53 : 48 380. July 9 : 15 miles East of Cape Pillar, Van Diemen's Land : 53 : 55 : 48 375.
The following pages contain abstracts of the meridian distances measured in H.M. Surveying Ship Rattlesnake and her tender the Bramble, in the survey of the Inner Route through Torres Strait, the Louisiade Archipelago, and the South-east Coast of New Guinea, during the years 1847, 1848, 1849 and 1850, under the command of the late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N. F.R.S.
The first three columns require no explanation.
The fourth (interval of days) is the elapsed time between the last day at the first station and first day at the second.
The seventh (meridian distance in arc) is the result of the particular measurement specified between the two places named.
The eighth (mean meridian distance from Sydney) is that deduced by a mean value of two or more distances by the same T.K.'s, and in some instances of ONE ONLY, in some of the principal stations connected with the survey.
The times throughout these abstracts have been determined by equal altitudes of the sun, excepting in those instances where the contrary is specified by A.A. The interpolations in the Rattlesnake's distances have been calculated by Owen's method: those of the Bramble by a method of Lieutenant Yule's.
In the Rattlesnake's distances interpolation has been employed throughout; in the Bramble's only where an intermediate distance is measured between two rates.
The asterisks point out the place to which the mean meridian from Sydney refers.
1846 : Greenwich and Madeira : 14 : 10 : 7.7 : - : 16 53 22 W : - : Mr. Veitch's Garden, Funchal : 32 37 42 N : 16 53 22 West of Greenwich : -.
1847 : Madeira and Rat Island Rio de Janeiro : 12 : 31 : 31.6 : - : 26 14 38 W : - : Rat Island Rio de Janeiro : 22 53 30 S : 43 8 0 West of Greenwich : -.
1847 : Rat Island Rio de Janeiro and Simon's Bay : 12 : 36 : 50 : - : 61 32 52 E : - : North-west end of Dockyard, Simon's Bay : 34 11 28 S : - : -.
1847 : Simon's Bay and Mauritius Island : 13 : 28 : 20 : - : 39 1 6 E : - : West side of Tonnelier's Island : - : - : -.
1847 : Mauritius Island and Hobart, Van Diemen's Land : 14 : 40 : 40 : - : 89 45 43 E : - : Ross Bank Observatory : 42 52 10 S : - : AA.
1847 : Hobart and Sydney : 11 : 11 : 5 : - : 3 52 39 E : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : AA.
1847 : Sydney and *Parramatta : 10 : 1 : 0.6 : - : 0 13 13 W : *0 13 13 W : Parramatta Observatory : 33 48 50 S : *By the Bramble's T.K.'s : -.
1847 : Sydney and *Twofold Bay : 9 : 3.5 : 3 : - : 1 17 53 W : *1 17 53 W : Jetty at Eden, Twofold Bay : 37 4 20 S : *By the Bramble's T.K.'s mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1847 : Twofold Bay and *Gabo Island : 8 : 5 : 2.1 : - : 0 00 37 W : *1 18 35 W : Landing-place on West side : 37 34 0 S : *By the Bramble's T.K.'s mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1847 : Gabo Island and Fort Macquarie : 8 : 4 : 9.5 : - : 1 18 40 E : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : *By the Bramble's T.K.'s mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1847 : Twofold Bay and Fort Macquarie : 9 : 9 : 12.6 : - : 1 17 54 E : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : *By the Bramble's T.K.'s mean of 2 measurements : -.
1847 : Fort Macquarie and Moreton Island : 16 : 8 : 8 : 60 to 81 : 2 9 59 E : *2 9 30 E : Watering-place near the North-west end : 27 5 44 S : - : AA.
1847/8 : Moreton Island and Fort Macquarie : 15 : 10 : 10 : - : 2 8 25 W : *2 9 30 E : Fort Macquarie, Sydney : 33 51 33 S : *Mean of 3 measurements : -.
1849 : Sydney and Moreton Island : 17 : 7.5 : 15 : 62 to 75 : 2 10 7 E : *2 9 30 E : Watering-place near the North-west end : 27 5 44 S : - : -.
1847 : Moreton Island and *Port Curtis : 16 : 12 : 14 : 71 81 : 1 59 59 W : *0 8 37 E : West side of Facing Island, Port Curtis : 23 51 45 S : *Mean of 2 measurements : -.
1847 : Port Curtis and Port Molle : 15 : 11 : 8.3 : 64 84 : 2 30 48 W : - : 1/10th mile North of Sandy Bay, East side of harbour : 20 19 48 S : - : -.
1847 : Port Molle and Cape Upstart : 16 : 2.4 : 1.5 : - : 1 5 42 W : - : Sandy Bay, near the Cape : 19 42 3 S : - : AA.
1847 : Cape Upstart and *Port Molle : 16 : 4 : 1.5 : - : 1 5 42 E : *2 21 53 W : 1/10th mile North of Sandy Bay, East side of harbour : 20 19 48 S : *Mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1847 : Port Molle and Moreton Island : 15 : 22.5 : 28 : - : 4 31 59 E : - : Watering-place near the North-west end : 27 5 44 S : - : AA.
1848 : Sydney and *Port Phillip : 15 : 11 : 6.4 : - : 6 18 14 W : *6 19 48 W : Lighthouse, Point Gellibrand : 37 52 31 S : *Mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1848 : Point Gellibrand and Shortlands Bluff : 16 : 3 : 2.6 : - : 0 14 18 W : - : Lighthouse, Shortlands Bluff : 38 16 0 S : - : -.
1848 : Point Gellibrand and Port Dalrymple : 16 : 9 : 12.5 : - : 1 55 30 E : - : North point of Lagoon Bay : 41 5 0 S : Latitude from Chart : -.
1848 : Port Dalrymple and Sydney : 16 : 14 : 14.2 : - : 4 25 53 E : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : -.
1848 : Sydney and *Rockingham Bay : 16 : 31 : 28.9 : 64 to 84 : 5 3 27 W : *5 3 27 W : Summit of Mound Islet : 17 55 25 S : *One measurement : AA.
1848 : Sydney and *Cape Upstart : 16 : 22 : 25.8 : 64 to 79 : 3 27 00 W : *3 27 37 W : Sandy Bay, near the Cape : 19 42 3 S : *Mean of 2 measurements : AA.
1848 : Rockingham Bay and Cape Upstart : 16 : 9 : 8.2 : 73 to 84 : 1 36 32 E : - : Sandy Bay, near the Cape : 19 42 3 S : - : -.
1848 : Mound Islet and Number 3 Barnard Group : 16 : 4 : 3.8 : 71 to 84 : 0 2 18 E : - : Sandy beach, West extreme : 17 40 20 S : - : AA.
1848 : Number 3 Barnard Group and Number 4 Frankland Group : 16 : 5 : 5.5 : 72 to 78 : 0 6 4 W : - : Sandy beach, West side : 17 12 22 S : - : -.
1848 : Number 4 Frankland Group and Fitzroy Island : 16 : 7 : 6.1 : 72 to 79 : 0 5 34 W : - : Sandy beach, West side : 16 55 57 S : - : -.
1848 : Mound Islet and *Fitzroy Island : 15 : 16 : 7.9 : 84 to 72 : 0 9 28 W : *5 12 55 W : Sandy beach, West side : 16 55 57 S : - : -.
1848 : Fitzroy Island and Islet Trinity Bay : 16 : 6 : 4.4 : 73 to 79 : 0 18 25 W : - : Centre of North side of Islet : 16 43 26 S : *One measurement : AA.
1848 : Islet Trinity Bay and Low Isles : 16 : 4 : 2.4 : 73 to 77 : 0 7 23 W : - : North-east point of Western Isle : 16 22 56 S : - : AA.
1848 : Low Isles and East Hope Island : 16 : 10 : 5.4 : 72 to 78 : 0 6 2 W : - : Beach on West side of Island : 15 43 45 S : - : -.
1848 : Fitzroy Island and *East Hope Island : 16 : 20 : 9.1 : 73 to 79 : 0 31 57 W : *5 44 52 W : Beach on West side of Island : 15 43 45 S : - : -.
1848 : East Hope Island and *Lizard Island : 15 : 9 : 3.7 : 73 to 79 : 0 00 7 E : *5 44 45 W : South end of Sandy Bay on West side : 14 39 56 S : *One measurement : -.
1848 : Lizard Island and Number 1 Howick Group : 16 : 3 : 1.4 : 73 to 79 : 0 29 49 W : - : North-west extreme of Island : 14 29 46 S : - : -.
1848 : Number 1 Howick, and Number 6 Howick Group : 16 : 3.5 : 1.3 : 76 to 79 : 0 8 56 W : - : Middle of West side of Island : 14 26 0 S : - : -.
1848 : Number 6 Howick Group and *Pipon Island : 16 : 3.5 : 2.5 : 76 to 82 : 0 17 45 W : - : South-West side of West Island : 14 7 9 S : *One measurement : -.
1848 : Pipon Island and Pelican Island : 16 : 2 : 1.4 : 76 to 83 : 0 41 00 W : - : South-West side of Island : 13 54 21 S : - : -.
1848 : Pelican Island and Night Island : 16 : 12 : 6.9 : 78 to 84 : 0 16 14 W : - : Coral patch, North-west end of Island : 13 9 58 S : - : AA.
1848 : Night Island and C. Reef : 16 : 9 : 9.4 : 78 to 83 : 0 4 32 W : - : Dry sand, North-west end of reef : 12 34 50 S : - : AA.
1848 : Pipon Island and *C. Reef : 16 : 23 : 9.7 : 76 to 84 : 1 1 25 W : *7 42 24 W : Dry sand, North-west end of reef : 12 34 50 S : *One measurement : -.
1848 : C. Reef and Piper's Island : 16 : 4 : 5.6 : 80 to 84 : 0 17 19 W : - : North-east extreme of West Island on large reef : 12 14 30 S : - : -.
1848 : Piper's Island and Sunday Island : 16 : 4 : 4.8 : 80 to 84 : 0 1 4 W : - : South-west side on sandy beach : 11 55 54 S : - : -.
1848 : Sunday Island and Cairncross Island : 16 : 3 : 1.6 : 81 to 84 : 0 17 37 W : - : North-west extreme on sandy beach : 11 14 34 S : - : -.
1848 : Cairncross Island and Z reef : 16 : 2 : 2.5 : 81 to 84 : 0 12 7 W : - : Dry sand on North-west end : 10 48 50 S : - : -.
1848 : Z reef and Cape York : 16 : 4 : 3.7 : 81 to 85 : 0 10 22 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay: 10 48 50 S : - : -.
1848 : C reef and *Cape York : 16 : 17 : 13.5 : 78 to 86 : 0 58 33 W : *8 42 8 W : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay: 10 41 31 S : *The mean of 3 measurements. : -.
1848 : Cape York and *Port Essington : 16 : 10 : 8.5 : 81 to 90 : 10 23 50 W : *19 5 58 W : Government House, Victoria : 11 22 2 S : *One measurement : -.
1848/9 : Port Essington and Sydney : 15 : 71 : 60 : 62 to 90 : 19 00 18 W : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : *Useless (interval being too long) : -.
N.B. The distances in the Louisiade and New Guinea are calculated with the meridian distance of the Sextant Rock, Cape York, assumed to be 8 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds West of Sydney, to adapt them to the original delta of the North-east Coast of Australia.
1849 : Sydney and Moreton Island : 17 : 7.5 : 15.0 : 62 to 75 : 2 10 7 E : - : Watering-place near the North-west end : 27 5 44 S : - : -.
1849 : Moreton Island and Number 1 Obs. Reef C. Haven : 17 : 21.5 : 24.8 : 66 to 85 : 0 4 46 W : - : Dry sand, West extreme of reef : 11 18 39 S : - : -.
1849 : Number 1 Obs. Reef and Number 2 Obs. Reef C. Haven : 17 : 12 : 11.5 : 81 to 85 : 0 12 7 W : - : Dry sand, East extreme of reef : 11 21 30 S : - : -.
1849 : Number 2 Obs. Reef and *Duchateau Isles : 17 : 14 : 10.9 : 81 to 87 : 0 43 30 W : *1 9 7 E : Centre of Middle Island, North side : 11 16 51 S : - : -.
1849 : Duchateau Isles and *Brumer Island : 17 : 14 : 9.3 : 79 to 87 : 2 1 56 W : *0 53 9 W : At the ship's anchorage : 10 45 30 S : - : AA.
1849 : Brumer Island and *Dufaure Island : 17 : 16 : 20.7 : 79 to 85 : 0 37 7 W : *1 29 58 W : At the ship's anchorage : 10 30 36 S : - : AA.
1849 : Brumer Island and Redscar Bay : 17 : 30 : 14.3 : 79 to 86 : 3 32 8 W : - : At the ship's anchorage : 9 16 14 S : - : AA.
1849 : Redscar Bay and Cape York : 17 : 12 : 12.3 : 82 to 86 : 4 20 4 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : - : AA.
1849 : Brumer Island and Cape York : 17 : 42 : 22.7 : - : 4 20 4 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : - : AA.
1849 : Cape York and *Mount Ernest : 17 : 3 : 6.9 : 83 to 88 : 0 4 12 W : *8 45 2 W : North-west end of Island : 10 14 58 S : *One measurement : -.
1849 : Middle Duchateau and Cape York : 17 : 61 : 45.1 : - : 9 51 56 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : - : -.
1849 : Cape York and *Bramble Cay : 15 : 16 : 17.4 : 82 to 88 : 1 19 55 E : *7 20 55 W : Centre of Bramble Cay : 9 8 38 S : *One measurement : -.
1849 : Cape York and *Redscar Bay : 15 : 21 : 16.7 : 82 to 88 : 4 19 51 E : *4 21 51 W : Sandy point, North extremity Pariwara Island : 9 14 21 S : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Middle Duchateau : 17 : 9.5 : 6.6 : 83 to 88 : 5 29 55 E : - : Centre of Middle Island, North side : 11 16 51 S : - : -.
1850 : Middle Duchateau and Sydney : 16 : 29.5 : 43.4 : - : 1 5 59 W : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Sydney : 16 : 39 : 52.4 : 73 to 88 : 4 22 47 E : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : -.
1850 : Sydney and Bay of Islands New Zealand : 15 : 18.5 : 16.6 : 63 to 77 : 22 54 20 E : - : Kairaro Island, Kororareka Bay : 35 16 0 S : - : -.
1850 : Bay of Islands and Port Stanley, East Falkland : 15 : 56.5 : 90.5 : 44 to 67 : 128 3 9 E : - : In front of Chaplain's House : 51 41 19 S : - : -.
1847 : Fort Macquarie and Port Stephens : 9 : 3 : 2 : 9 : 0 47 15 E : *2 9 25 E : In the Garden, Tahlee House : 32 40 18 S : - : -.
1847 : Port Stephens and *Moreton Island : 9 : 12 : 6.2 : 5 : 1 22 24 E : *2 9 25 E : Watering-place near North-west end of Island : 27 5 44 S : - : -.
1848 : Moreton Bay and Sydney : 9 : 10 : 8.5 : 13.5 : 2 9 9 W : *2 9 25 E : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : The mean of 4 measurements : -.
1849 : Moreton Bay and Sydney : 10 : 18 : 15.8 : 3.5 : 2 9 41 W : *2 9 25 E : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : -.
1849 : Fort Macquarie and Moreton Bay : 10 : 10.5 : 16.2 : 8 : 2 9 10 E : *2 9 25 E : Watering-place near North-west end of Island : 27 5 44 S : - : -.
1847 : Moreton Bay and Port Curtis : 10 : 8 : 2.6 : 6.5 : 2 0 7 W : *0 8 35 E : At the Observation spot West side of Facing Island : 23 51 45 S : - : -.
1848 : Sydney and *Port Curtis : 9 : 19 : 24 : 11 : 0 7 19 E : *0 8 35 E : At the Observation spot West side of Facing Island : 23 51 45 S : Measured to Sail Rocks and reduced to Observation spot by charts : -.
1847 : Port Curtis and Moreton Bay : 10 : 17 : 18 : 10 : 2 0 16 E : *0 8 35 E : Watering-place near North-west end of Island : 27 5 44 S : Mean of 3 measurements : -.
1848 : Sydney and *Kent's Group, Lighthouse : 10 : 9.5 : 5.0 : 9 : 3 55 11 W : *3 55 11 W : At the Lighthouse : 39 29 58 S : One measurement : -.
1848 : Sydney and *Hobson's Bay, Port Phillip : 10 : 16.5 : 4.8 : 9 : 6 18 56 W : *6 19 00 W : Near the Lighthouse, Point Gellibrand : 37 52 31 S : - : -.
1848 : Hobson's Bay and Sydney : 10 : 17 : 7 : 10.5 : 6 19 4 E : *6 19 00 W : Fort Macquarie : 37 52 31 S : - : -.
1848 : Sail Rocks, Point Curtis, and Rockingham Bay : 10 : 4 : 3.8 : 7 : 5 20 3 W : - : Rocky point, 1/2 mile South of North-west extremity of Goold Island : 18 9 33 S : - : -.
1848 : Goold Island (Rockingham Bay) and *Fitzroy Island : 10 : 15 : 5.6 : 4 : 0 9 50 W : *5 14 19 W : The same as Rattlesnake's : 16 55 57 S : One measurement : -.
1848 : Fitzroy Island and a rocky Islet, Cape Melville : 10 : 36 : 23.5 : 4 : 1 38 00 W : - : On its summit : *14 15 13 S : *By Captain King's Sextant : -.
1848 : A rocky Islet, Cape Melville, and Pelican Island : 10 : 7 : 8.3 : 3.5 : 0 31 38 W : - : South-west side of Island : 13 54 21 S : - : -.
1848 : Pelican Island and *Cape York : 10 : 15 : 10.8 : 2.5 : 1 17 3 W : *8 40 52 W : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : Mean of 4 measurements : -.
1848 : Cape York and Booby Island : 10 : 2 : 0.7 : 1.5 : 0 38 18 W : - : North-west end of Island : none observed : - : -.
1849 : Booby Island and Cape York : 10 : 2.5 : 3.4 : 2.5 : 0 38 19 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : 2 measurements : -.
1848 : Cape York and Moreton Island : 10 : 38 : 23.4 : 6 : 10 49 10 E : - : Watering-place, North-west end of Island : 27 5 44 S : - : -.
1849 : Moreton Island and North Solitary Island : 10 : 7 : 4.2 : - : 0 1 7 E : - : Summit of Island : *29 56 8 S : *Captain King's Sextant Sea horizon : -.
N.B. The distances in the Louisiade and New Guinea are calculated with the meridian distance of the Sextant Rock, Cape York, assumed to be 8 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds West of Sydney, to adapt them to the original delta of the North-east Coast of Australia.
1849 : Moreton Island and Number 1 Observation Reef Coral Haven : 10 : 21 : 41 : 20 : 0 4 29 W : - : Dry sand, West extremity of reef : 11 18 39 S : - : -.
1849 : Number 1 Observation Reef and Number 2 Observation Reef : 10 : 13 : 8.2 : 3.5 : 0 1 14 W : - : Dry sand, East extremity of reef : 11 21 30 S : - : -.
1849 : Number 2 Observation Reef and Green Island : 10 : 6 : 5.2 : 3 : 0 26 49 W : - : On Coral Islet, near Green Island (South side) : 11 8 36 S : - : -.
1849 : Number 2 Observation Reef and Green Island : 10 : 6 : 3.2 : 3 : 0 26 48 W : - : On Coral Islet, near Green Island (South side) : 11 8 36 S : Repeated : -.
1849 : Green Island and Duchateau Isles : 10 : 3 : 4.6 : 3 : 0 15 53 W : - : On the North-east extremity of Eastern Duchateau : 11 16 45 S : Repeated : -.
1849 : Green Island and *Middle Duchateau : 10 : 1 : 1.1 : 1 : 0 16 43 W : *1 8 34 E : Rattlesnake's Observation spot : *11 16 51 S : *By triangulation : -.
1849 : Middle Duchateau and Duperre sandbank : 10 : 3 : 1.9 : 3.5 : 0 19 54 W : - : On sandbank East of Duperre Isles : 11 10 48 S : - : AA.
1849 : Middle Duchateau and Lejeune Isle : 10 : 5 : 3.4 : 4 : 0 33 26 W : - : On North-west extreme of the Island : 11 10 38 S : - : AA.
1849 : Lejeune Island and Kosmann Island : 10 : 2 : 2 : 3 : 0 16 52 W : - : On middle of North side of Island : 11 4 20 S : - : AA.
1849 : Lejeune Island and East Sable Island : 10 : 2.9 : 2.8 : 3 : 0 25 47 W : - : Centre of Island : 11 10 6 S : - : AA.
1849 : Lejeune Island and West Barrier Island : 10 : 3 : 2.7 : 3 : 0 40 28 W : - : East end of Island : 11 5 36 S : - : AA.
1849 : Lejeune Island and West Dumoulin Island : 10 : 5 : 4.5 : 3 : 1 4 18 W : - : North-west end, on a detached rock : 10 54 20 S : - : AA.
1849 : Middle Duchateau and *Brumer Island : 10 : 14 : 15.6 : 4 : 2 1 13 W : *0 52 40 W : Rattlesnake's anchorage : 10 45 30 S : - : AA.
1849 : Brumer Island and *Dufaure Island : 10 : 17 : 5.0 : 2.5 : 0 35 20 W : *1 27 43 W : Rattlesnake's anchorage : 10 30 36 S : - : AA.
1849 : Brumer Island and Cape York : 10 : 43 : 17.9 : 4 : 7 48 19 W : - : Sextant Rock, Evans Bay : 10 41 31 S : - : AA.
1849 : Cape York and Darnley Island : 10 : 12.5 : 7 : 2 : 1 13 39 E : - : East end of Treacherous Bay : *9 35 0 S : *From chart : -.
1849 : Cape York and Bramble Cay : 10 : 16 : 10.3 : 1.5 : 1 20 34 E : - : On the centre of the Cay : 9 8 38 S : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Bramble, off Round Island : 10 : 8 : 7 : 3 : 0 37 45 E : - : On board the Bramble, at anchor : 9 58 53 S : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Bramble, off Cape Rodney : 10 : 16 : 8.4 : 3 : 1 35 25 E : - : On board the Bramble, at anchor : 10 16 20 S : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Bramble, off Dufaure : 10 : 21 : 14.2 : 3 : 2 48 41 E : - : On board the Bramble, at anchor : - : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Bramble, off Brumer Island : 10 : 23 : 17.9 : 3 : 3 27 34 E : - : On board the Bramble, at anchor : - : - : -.
1850 : Redscar Bay and Middle Duchateau Island : 10 : 31.5 : 24.7 : 3 : 5 29 46 E : - : On centre of North side of Island : 11 16 51 S : - : -.
1850 : Middle Duchateau Island and Sydney : 8 : 28 : 41.3 : - : 1 7 30 W : - : Fort Macquarie : 33 51 33 S : - : -.
1850 : Sydney and Bay of Islands, New Zealand : 7 : 18.5 : 7.1 : - : 22 55 24 E : - : Kairaro Island Kororareka Bay : 35 16 0 S : - : -.
1850 : Bay of Islands and Falkland Island : 7 : 57 : 95 : - : 128 3 9 E : - : Near Chaplain's House, Stanley, East Falkland : 51 41 19 S : - : -.
The following is a summary of the results obtained from the Chronometric measurements of H.M.S. Rattlesnake and Bramble, giving a proportionate value to each, according to the number of T.K.'S employed.
O.S.: Captain Owen Stanley. C.B.Y.: Lieutenant C.B. Yule. J.D.: Lieutenant J. Dayman. W.H.O.: Mr. Obree.
Parramatta Observatory : 0 13 13 : W : 151 1 34 : 33 48 50 : From Nautical Almanac : -.
Eden Jetty, Twofold Bay : 0 17 53 : W : 149 56 54 : 37 4 20 : Circle : O.S.
Gabo Island : 1 18 13 : W : 149 56 12 : None observed : - : -.
Lighthouse, Point Gellibrand, Port Phillip : 6 19 29 : W : 144 55 18 : 37 52 31 : Az. and Alt. : O.S.
Lighthouse, Kent's Group : 3 55 11 : W : 147 19 36 : 39 28 58 : Sextant : C.B.Y.
Rossbank Observatory, Hobart : 3 52 39 : W : 147 22 8 : 42 52 10 : Circle and Az. Alt. : O.S.
Tahlee House, Port Stephens : 0 47 15 : E : 152 2 2 : 32 40 18 : - : Captain King.
North point of Lagoon Bay, Port Dalrymple : 4 24 56 : W : 146 49 51 : None observed : - : -.
North Solitary Island : 2 10 35 : E : 153 25 22 : 29 56 8 : Sextant : C.B.Y.
Moreton Island watering-place, North-west end : 2 9 28 : E : 153 24 15 : 27 5 44 : Sea horizon Circle and Az. Alt. : O.S.
Observation spot, West side Facing Island, Port Curtis : 0 8 36 : E : 151 23 23 : 23 51 45 : Az. and Alt. and Sextant : O.S., C.B.Y. and J.D.
Port Molle, near Sandy Bay, East side of harbour : 2 21 53 : W : 148 52 54 : 20 19 48 : Az. and Alt. : O.S.
Cape Upstart, Sandy Bay near Cape : 3 27 37 : W : 147 47 10 : 19 42 3 : Az. and Alt. : O.S.
Mound Islet, Rockingham Bay : 5 3 27 : W : 146 11 20 : 17 55 25 : Circle : O.S.
Fitzroy Island beach, West side : 5 13 27 : W : 146 1 20 : 16 55 57 : Circle : O.S.
East Hope Island, beach on West side : 5 44 52 : W : 145 29 55 : 15 43 45 : Circle : O.S.
Lizard Island, sandy beach West side : 5 44 45 : W : 145 30 2 : 14 39 56 : Circle : O.S.
West Pipon Island, South-west side : 6 40 59 : W : 144 33 48 : 14 7 9 : Circle : O.S.
C reef dry sand, off Restoration Island : 7 42 24 : W : 143 32 23 : 12 34 50 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
Sextant Rock, Evans Bay, Cape York : 8 41 33 : W : 142 33 14 : 10 41 31 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
Port Essington, Government House : 19 5 23 : W : 132 9 24 : 11 22 2 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
Booby Island : 9 19 51 : W : 141 54 56 : 10 35 56 : delta n : -.
Bramble Cay : 7 21 23 : W : 143 53 24 : 9 8 38 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
Pariwara Island (North side) Redscar Bay : 5 9 25 : W : 146 5 22 : 9 14 25 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
Middle Duchateau Island : 1 7 50 : E : 152 22 37 : 11 16 51 : Circle : O.S.
Number 1 Observation Reef, Coral Haven, Louisiade : 2 4 48 : E : 153 19 35 : 11 18 39 : Circle : O.S.
Kairaro Island, Bay of Islands, New Zealand : 22 54 40 : E : 174 9 27 : 35 16 0 : Sextant. : W.H.O.
Chaplain's House, Stanley, East Falkland : 150 57 49 : E : 57 47 24 : 51 41 19 : Az. Alt. : W.H.O.
The following tables contain the absolute determinations of the magnetic inclination and declination made in the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake on shore. A very large series made almost daily at sea with Fox's instrument and the Azimuth Compass require several corrections before they are fit for publication.
In degrees, minutes and seconds.
In Mr. Veitch's verandah, Funchal, by Robinson's Needle, A: 59 41 7 N. In Mr. Veitch's verandah, Funchal, by Fox's Needle, A: 60 40 2 N. On the summit of the Pico dos Bodes, by Fox's Needle, A: 64 10 5 N. Ther. 64. on the summit of the Pico dos Bodes, angle of deflection, 2 grains by Fox's Needle, A: 33 13 6. Ther. 59. Funchal angle of deflection, 2 grains by Fox's Needle, A: 38 8 8.
By Robinson's Needle, A1: 12 15 1 S. By Robinson's Needle, A2: 12 19 1 S. Mean: 12 17 1 S.
In the dockyard near the Observation spot of Erebus and Terror, by Fox's Needle A, with index error applied : 53 40 0 S.
By Robinson's Needle, A1: 53 48 9 S. By Robinson's Needle, A2: 53 48 8 S. Mean: 53 48 8 S.
At the Magnetic Observatory, Ross bank, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 70 36 0 S. At the Magnetic Observatory, Ross bank, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 70 41 5 S. Mean: 70 38 7 S.
On Garden Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 62 45 3 S. On Garden Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 62 47 7 S. Mean: 62 46 5 S.
On Facing Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 51 28 9 S. On Facing Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 51 30 9 S. Mean: 51 29 9 S.
In a sandy Bay, on North side of Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 49 3 5 S. In a sandy Bay, on North side of Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 49 0 2 S. Mean: 49 1 8 S.
In a small Bay, on North side, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 50 46 6 S. In a small Bay, on North side, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 50 49 6 S. Mean: 50 48 0 S.
Near the North-west end of Moreton Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 55 20 1 S. Near the North-west end of Moreton Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 55 13 5 S. Mean: 55 16 8 S.
Near Captain Bunbury's House, Williamstown, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 67 12 7 S. Near Captain Bunbury's House, Williamstown, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 67 16 7 S. Mean: 67 14 7 S.
In Lagoon Bay, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 69 29 0 S. In Lagoon Bay, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 69 19 5 S. Mean: 69 24 2 S.
Near the Lighthouse, by Fox's Needle B, with index error applied: 68 56 1 S.
On Garden Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 62 48 9 S. On Garden Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 62 39 1 S. April 1848 Mean: 62 44 0 S.
On Mound Islet, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 44 15 5 S. On Mound Islet, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 44 10 6 S. Mean: 44 13 0 S.
On the West Point of the Island, with Fox's Needle C, with index error applied: 44 8 8 S.
On the North Point of North Low Islet, with Fox's Needle C, with index error applied: 42 22 4 S.
On the West side of the Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 39 32 9 S. On the West side of the Island, by Robinson's Needle, A2: 39 31 8 S. Mean: 39 32 3 S.
On the North side of the Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 38 11 9 S.
In Evans Bay, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 33 10 2 S. In Evans Bay, with Fox's Needle C, with index error applied: 33 8 4 S. Mean: 33 9 3 S.
In Proa Bay, 1 mile west of Settlement, with Fox's Needle C, with index error applied: 35 14 6 S. On board the ship, at anchor at Port Essington, same needle corrected for local attraction and index error: 33 48 0 S.
Note: The observations on board the ship at this station are the nearest to the truth, there being much ironstone strewed over the country about the observation spot onshore.
Garden Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1, March 1849: 62 44 2 S.
On the North-west side of Moreton Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 55 21 3 S.
On a patch of Coral near Pig Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 32 35 2 S. On a patch of Coral near Pig Island, by Fox's Needle, with index error applied: 32 33 0 S. Mean: 32 34 1 S.
DUCHATEAU ISLANDS, LOUISIADE ARCHIPELAGO. On the Middle Island, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 32 48 6 S. On the Middle Island, by Fox's Needle B, with index error applied: 32 56 4 S. Mean: 32 52 5 S.
In Evans Bay, by Robinson's Needle, A1: 33 22 4 S.
By Fox's Needle B, with index error applied: 31 49 2 S.
By Fox's Needle A, corrected for index error etc.: 62 44 9 S. By Fox's Needle B, corrected for index error etc.: 62 44 9 S. By Fox's Needle C, corrected for index error etc.: 62 44 9 S.
Near Kororareka Bay, by Fox's Needle A, corrected for index error: 59 37 6 S. Near Kororareka Bay, by Fox's Needle B, corrected for index error: 59 44 2 S. Near Kororareka Bay, by Fox's Needle C, corrected for index error: 59 28 1 S. Mean: 59 36 6 S.
Near the Chaplain's House at Stanley, by Fox's Needle A, corrected for index error: 52 19 6 S. Near the Chaplain's House at Stanley, by Fox's Needle B, corrected for index error: 51 43 3 S. Near the Chaplain's House at Stanley, by Fox's Needle C, corrected for index error: 50 58 8 S. Mean: 51 40 6 S.
Zh Observation spot of the Erebus and Terror near the old settlement, Berkeley Sound, by Fox's Needle B, corrected for index error: 51 25 6 S.
In the Consul's garden, Horta, by Fox's Needle B, corrected for index error: 66 58 4 N. In the Consul's garden, Horta, by Fox's Needle A, corrected for index error: 67 26 9 N. Mean: 67 12 6 N.
The following absolute determinations of the magnetic disinclination were made with a declinometer, and A.M. and P.M. azimuths of the sun:
William Town, Port Phillip: 9 10 52 E.
Lagoon Bay, Port Dalrymple, Van Diemen's Land: 10 29 16 E.
Garden Island, Port Jackson, March and April 1848: 9 6 43 E.
Mound Islet, Rockingham Bay, North-east Coast of Australia: 6 19 43 E.
Lizard Island, North-east Coast of Australia: 5 46 7 E.
Evans Bay, Cape York, North coast of Australia: 4 42 31 E.
Garden Island, Port Jackson,March and April 1849: 10 9 10 E.
Moreton Island, East coast of Australia: 9 21 14 E.
Coral Haven, Louisiade Archipelago: 7 44 17 E.
Duchateau Isles, Louisiade Archipelago: 7 44 17 E.
Bramble Cay, South-east Coast of New Guinea: 4 22 37 E.
Kororareka Bay, Bay of Islands, New Zealand: 13 27 20 E.
Stanley, East Falkland Island, July 1850: 16 54 46 E.
This collection includes about eighty-five species, distributed in twenty-nine genera, and may perhaps be regarded as the largest and most interesting of the kind ever brought to this country.
When it is stated that seventy-eight of the species are new or undescribed, the number will appear extraordinarily great, but when the comparatively neglected state of exotic Zoophytology is considered the wonder will be much diminished, and still further, as it may safely be assumed, that many of the species here given as new have been previously noticed, though so insufficiently described, as in the absence of figures not to admit of correct identification.
Making, however, a considerable deduction on this account, the remainder will still stamp the present collection with extreme value. As an instance, may be cited the genus Catenicella, of which this collection affords about fifteen species, and of which certainly not more than three have been previously noticed in any way, and of these no sufficient descriptions or figures are extant by which even that small number could be identified. The explanation of this is perhaps to be sought in the circumstance that the species of Catenicella are deepsea forms, and only to be obtained by dredging in deep water—very few being apparently found on the shores.
Though the number of new or supposed new species is so great, the number of new genera is comparatively small, not amounting to more than four. It has, however, been found necessary considerably to modify the characters of several other established genera, so as to include new species.
With respect to the geographical distribution of the species, my means of comparison have been pretty extensive. They have been derived from the examination of Mr. Darwin's and Dr. Hooker's collections, placed at my disposal by the kind liberality of Mr. Darwin—a considerable collection of South African species mainly procured from Mr. Bowerbank—and from the Collection of British and exotic Zoophytes in the British Museum, for the freest opportunities of examining which I have to thank Mr. Gray. From these various sources, and others of less account, I have been able to examine species from a very considerable extent of the earth's surface—more especially in the Southern hemisphere, and to arrive perhaps at as fair a view of the geographical distribution of species as the present imperfect state of Zoophytology will allow.
The number of species of Polyzoa is about fifty-four—belonging to twenty-four genera. Of these genera it is believed that four will be found to be new, or hitherto undescribed, and it has been deemed requisite to modify the characters of several others upon the more extended survey of species afforded mainly by the present collection. The new genera here instituted are:
Calpidium. Diachoris. Didymia. Dimetopia.
And the genera whose characters it has been found requisite to modify are:
Catenicella. Salicornaria. Cellularia. Scrupocellaria. Bicellaria. Canda. Emma. Acamarchis. Caberea.
Of the twenty-four genera, three, or perhaps four, appear to be peculiar to the Australian seas. These are:
Calpidium. Canda ? Didymia. Dimetopia.
All the rest, excepting two, Emma and Diachoris, appear to be distributed over the globe in both hemispheres. The above two are perhaps limited to the southern.
Of the fifty-three species, about thirty-three seem to be new, or to have been so imperfectly described as not to admit of precise identification, and five others have synonyms more or less doubtful applied to them.
Six species only are common to the seas of Europe, namely:
Tubulipora phalangea ? Crisia denticulata. Eucratea chelata. Anguinaria spatulata. Acamarchis neritina. Retepora cellulosa.
Sixteen others are met with in other parts of the Southern hemisphere, namely:
Catenicella elegans ? Catenicella ventricosa. Eschara lichenoides, occurring in Algoa Bay. Caberea zelanica. Acamarchis tridentata, in Algoa Bay and New Zealand. Caberea lata. Catenicella hastata. Catenicella cribraria. Catenicella cornuta. Cellularia monotrypa. Bicellaria tuba, in New Zealand and Emma crystallina. Emma tricellata, in New Zealand and Campbell's Island.
Thus of the fifty-four species, about thirty-four would seem to be peculiar to the Australian seas. Ten of these belong to the genus Catenicella, and one to the closely-allied Calpidium, three to Didymia and Dimetopia, and one to Diachoris, of which genus two other species are found in the Straits of Magellan.
The method according to which the Polyzoa are arranged, is, in the primary divisions at least, pretty nearly identical with that indicated in the Synopsis of the Families and Genera of Polyzoa Infundibulata, given in Dr. Johnston's British Zoophytes.*
(*Footnote. Volume 1 page 263 2nd Edition.)
A few words, however, will be necessary to explain more particularly the subsequent subdivisions here adopted.
The order, Polyzoa infundibulata, is divided into three suborders, coinciding very nearly with the Tubuliporina, Celleporina, and Vesicularina of the work above referred to, but as the characters of these suborders are derived from the conformation of the opening of the cell, I have thought it more convenient to name them accordingly. The first suborder, having a round, simple opening to the cell, is here termed the Cyclostomata; the second, with the opening of the cell filled up by a usually thin, membranous or calcareous velum, and with a crescentic mouth provided with a movable lip, the Cheilostomata; and the third suborder, which might perhaps include the Halcyonellea of Ehrenberg, as well as the Vesiculariadae, distinguished by the existence of a more or less well-marked fringe of setae (sometimes only rudimentary) around the opening of the cell when the animal is protruded, the Ctenostomata.
The following synoptical arrangement—which it must be remarked, includes only the genera occurring in the Rattlesnake collection—will serve to indicate the subsequent divisions.
Suborder 1. CYCLOSTOMATA (Tubuliporina).
Fam. 1. TUBULIPORIDAE. Gen. 1. Tubulipora. Sp. 1. T. phalangea ? 2. Pustulipora. 2. P. australis, n. sp. 3. Idmonea. 3. I. radians.
Fam. 2. CRISIADAE. 4. Crisia. 4. C. denticulata. 5. C. acropora, n. sp.
Suborder 2. CHEILOSTOMATA (Celleporina).
Fam. 1. CATENICELLIDAE. 5. Catenicella. a. fenestratae. 6. C. hastata, n. sp. ? 7. C. amphora, n. sp. 8. C. margaritacea, n. sp. 9. C. ventricosa, n. sp. 10. C. plagiostoma, n. sp. 11. C. lorica, n. sp. 12. C. cribaria, n. sp. b. vittatae. 13. C. formosa, n. sp. 14. C. gibbosa, n. sp. 15. C. elegans, n. sp. 16. C. cornuta, n. sp. 17. C. umbonata, n. sp. c. inermes. 18. C. carinata, n. sp. 6. Calpidium, n. g. 19. C. ornatum, n. sp.
Fam. 2. EUCRATIADAE. 7. Eucratea. 20. E. chelata. 8. Anguinaria. 21. A. spatulata.
Sec. 2. MULTISERIALARIA. 1. Articulata. a. internodes elongated, multicellular.
Fam. 1. SALICORNARIADAE. 9. Salicornaria. 22. S. punctata, n. sp. ? 23. S. bicornis, n. sp. 24. S. dichotoma, n. sp. 25. S. marginata, n. sp.
Fam. 2. CELLULARIADAE. 10. Cellularia. 26. C. monotrypa, n. sp. 11. Scrupocellaria. 27. S. cervicornis, n. sp. 28. S. diadema, n. sp. 29. S. cyclostoma, n. sp. 30. S. ferox, n. sp. 12. Canda. 31. C. arachnoides. b. internodes short, 2-4 celled. 13. Emma. 32. E. crystallina. 33. E. tricellata, n. sp.
2. Inarticulata.
Fam. 3. BICELLARIADAE. 14. Bicellaria. 1 34. B. tuba, n. sp. 35. B. gracilis, n. sp. 36. B. grandis, n. sp. 37. B. flexilis, n. sp. 15. Acamarchis. 38. A. neritina. 39. A. tridentata.
Fam. 4. CABEREADAE. 16. Caberea. 40. C. rudis, n. sp. 41. C. zelanica. 42. C. lata, n. sp. ?
Fam. 5. FLUSTRADAE. 17. Flustra. 43. F. pyriformis ? 44. F. denticulata, n. sp. 18. Retepora. 45. R. cornea, n. sp. ? 46. R. cellulosa. 47. R. ctenostoma, n. sp. 19. Eschara. 48. E. lichenoides. 20. Diachoris, n. g. 49. D. crotali, n. sp.
Fam. 6. CELLEPORIDAE. 21. Cellepora. 50. C. bilabiata, n. sp. ?
Fam. 7. GEMELLARIADAE. 22. Didymia, n. g. 51. D. simplex, n. sp. 23. Dimetopia, n. g. 52. D. spicata, n. sp. 53. D. cornuta, n. sp.
Suborder 3. CTENOSTOMATA. (Vesicularina, etc.)
Fam. 1. VESICULARIADAE. 24. Amathia. 54. A. biseriata.
1. TUBULIPORA, Lamarck.
1. T. phalangea, Couch. Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
A small, imperfect specimen, which may be referred to the variety noticed in British Zoophytes, and figured Plate 46, figures 3, 4.
2. PUSTULIPORA, Blainville.
1. P. australis, n. sp. P. deflexa ? Couch.
Branched dichotomously; branches short, incrassated, truncate. Cells wholly immersed, or about half free, numerous; surface minutely papillose, summits of papillae of a dark brown or black colour.
Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms; and elsewhere in the Australian seas.
About half an inch high. The stem becomes thicker as it ascends, and divides into two equal short branches, each of which again subdivides into two short truncate branches, in a plane at right angles to the primary division. The cells in the upper part of the stem appear free for nearly half their length, and are gently curved outwards. The surface is covered with pretty regularly and quincuncially arranged minute papillae, the apex of each of which is flattened or rounded, and of a dark brown or black colour. The mode of subdivision of the polyzoary, and the truncated ends of the branches, and the more numerous cells, suffice to distinguish this species from P. proboscidea. The cells in the figure of P. deflexa appear to be much more slender in proportion, and the branches in that species are not truncated, but attenuated at the extremity.
3. IDMONEA, Lamouroux.
1. I. radians, M. Edwards. Ann. de Sc. N. tome 9 page 25 plate 12 figure 4. Retepora radians, Lamarck. Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
One minute specimen, but very perfect, has been examined; but it is undoubtedly the one described and figured by M. Edwards, and noticed by Lamarck as inhabiting the seas of New Holland. M. Edwards' doubt therefore as to this locality is now removed.
4. CRISIA, Lamouroux.
1. C. denticulata, Fleming. Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
Parasitic upon a species of Salicornaria. The only difference, if there be any, between this form and the British, consists in the rather greater projection or freedom of the extremities of the cells, which are curved towards the front.
2. C. acropora, n. sp.
Cells 9 to 13 in each internode; lateral branches given off between the first and second, or between the second and third cells above a joint. A small conical tooth, sometimes bifid, above and behind the mouth.
Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
A small parasitic species, distinguished from C. denticulata, which it much resembles, by the less average number of cells in each internode, and the less number intervening between the origin of a branch and the joint below it, and by the small conical tooth or tubercle above and behind, or to the outer side of the mouth.
Sec. 1. Uniserialaria. Cells disposed in a simple series.
Fam. 1. CATENICELLIDAE. Cells connected by flexible joints.
5. CATENICELLA, M. Edwards (Lamarck An. s. Vert. tome 2 page 181.)
Cells arising one from the upper and back part of another by a short corneous tube, and disposed in a linear series, all facing the same way, and forming dichotomously divided branches of a phytoid polyzoary; cells geminate at the bifurcation of the branches; each cell furnished with two lateral processes usually supporting an avicularium. Ovicells either subglobose and terminal, or galeriform and placed below the mouth of a cell in front.
This interesting and important genus may be regarded as characteristic, not only of the present collection, but perhaps also of the Australian seas, as far as the Polyzoa are concerned. Thirteen species are here described, and as it has been found extremely difficult in most cases to identify any of them with the very few hitherto noticed forms, the synonyms given must be regarded as at least extremely doubtful.
Each cell arises from the upper and back part of another, with the intervention of a short corneous tube which is prolonged from the interior of one cell to that of the one above. The cell is furnished on each side at the top with a usually well-developed avicularium, in some species of huge size, and in some very minute, or entirely aborted. This avicularian process in most cases supports above a hollow process, which is sometimes closed and more or less elongated, constituting a conical or acerose spine, sometimes open above and assuming the form of a shallow cup or receptacle. In some species both modifications of this portion of the lateral process are met with in the same specimen. This form of spine or cup—as the case may be, is always distinctly separated by a septum from the cavity of the avicularium itself. Below the avicularium there is also in many cases a third distinct cavity which is usually widely open, the opening being covered in very frequently by a convex transparent membrane, and its bottom apparently perforated by several minute foramina—from this part of the lateral process there is in many species a prominent ala or keel prolonged to the bottom of the cell—which ala not unfrequently divides into two branches, which, again coalescing at the bottom of the cell, circumscribe a more or less oval space, the bottom of which is also perforated by minute foramina or apparent foramina, and which is often covered over by a transparent convex membrane. This membrane, however, as well as that which covers in the subavicularian space, is more usually broken off and wanting.
The inferior oval space above described is here termed the lateral area, and it is employed in the specific characters. It would thus be correct to say—that each cell is furnished with two lateral processes, each of which in the fully developed state consists of three distinct compartments—one superior, a cup or spine: a middle one, which is the avicularium: and an inferior; and it would appear that one or more of these elementary compartments of the lateral process may be more developed than the next, or sometimes entirely aborted. The mouth of the cell is situated at the upper part in front, and is of the same conformation as in the rest of the Cheilostomatous suborder. An important generic character consists in the gemination of the cell at each bifurcation.*
(*Footnote. Table 1 figures 1 and 2.)
These characters are common to all the species included in the genus, which furthermore admits of being subdivided into two extremely natural sections or subgenera (or perhaps into three). These subdivisions are named respectively the fenestratae, and the vittatae.
In the fenestrate division, in the whole of which the cells are of larger size and stronger than in the other, the wall of the cell appears to be constituted of at least two distinct laminae. The external lamina, on the front of the cell, is perforated by a certain number of holes, is wanting rather in a certain number of spaces, for which spaces the term fenestrae is employed. These apparent openings do not, therefore, penetrate into the cavity of the cell. But besides the fenestrae, there is, in some cases, a small central opening which does penetrate through the wall. In most cases the fenestrae are arranged in a crescentic, or rather horseshoe-shaped line, indicative, as it were, of the limits of a regular oval space, in the front wall of the cell, the upper part of which oval would be formed by the mouth, and the remainder filled up by the deposition of calcareous matter, as happens for instance in the older cells towards the bottom of the polyzoary in certain Cellulariae, etc.
A further characteristic of the fenestrate Catenicellae is the terminal position of the ovicells. These organs are clearly transformed cells, or cells dilated to considerably more than their natural bulk, and assuming a subglobose form. And what is worthy of remark, these terminal ovicells always have a sessile avicularium on the summit.
In the Vittatae the cell is smaller, and usually more delicate and transparent. They probably want the outer lamina, or have it very thin, and consequently present no fenestrate spaces, and the front of the cell is beset (sometimes very sparingly) with more or less prominent, minute, acuminate papillae. On each side, sometimes on the anterior aspect, sometimes quite laterally, is a narrow elongated band or vitta, as it is here designated, from which the distinctive sectional appellation is derived. This band or stripe varies in width and proportionate length and position in different species; it is slightly elevated, and marked with larger, or small circular discoid, or acuminated eminences. This subdivision is further distinguished by the situation of the ovicells, which are not terminal, but occur at irregular intervals on cells in the course of the series. They are of the same galeate form as in many others of the Escharinae, but are not as in them placed above the mouth of the cell, but below it in front: and in all cases the shape of the ovicell-bearing cell is much altered from the rest, and in all the vittate species the cell upon which the ovicell is produced arises from its predecessor, not with the intervention of a short tube, but is immediately sessile upon it, by a broad base.
a. Fenestratae.
Cells large, fenestrate in front; ovicells terminal.
1. C. hastata, n. sp. ?
C. bicuspis ? Gray. Dieffenbach's New Zealand, Volume 2 page 293.
Fenestrae, 7 to 9, disposed in a crescent, and with elongated fissures radiating towards them from the median line. Avicularia supporting a large pyramidal pointed hollow process, compressed, and perforated before and behind by five or six small circular pores.
Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms, dead shells.
Of a yellowish white colour, sometimes reddish. Forms fine bushy tufts, with long wavy branches, arising from a short common stem, and it attains a height of five or six inches. It appears sometimes to be parasitic upon other polyzoa, and is then much smaller. Its peculiar characteristics are the perforated and striated scutiform area on the front of the cell and the perforated, or apparently perforated pyramidal lateral processes above each avicularium; these processes are much developed, and give the cell the form of a broad inverted shear-head. It seems to be an abundant species in Bass Strait, and it occurs also in New Zealand. (Dr. Hooker's Collection.)
2. C. amphora, n. sp.
Cellaria catenulata ? var. B. Lamarck. Anim. sans Vert. Volume 2 page 180 2nd edition.
Cells oval, sides rendered straight upwards by the broad avicularia which are prolonged upwards into an acute spinous angle, and support a shallow cup. Front of cell with nine pyriform fenestrae, with fissures proceeding from their pointed ends towards an oval central perforation. An elevated band, extending from the sides of the mouth to the upper angular processes of the avicularia. An elevated flattened band along the middle of the back, which at the top sends off a narrower lateral band to each avicularian spine.
Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
A fine species of a bright reddish brown, and in the younger cells very transparent. Forms small, irregularly branched bushes, four to six inches high and wide. It is peculiar by its extremely regular vase-like form of cell, which is given by the continuation upwards of the broad avicularia in nearly a straight line, and their prolongation into a sharp angular spine, on the inner side of which is a shallow cup-like cavity, whose sides are usually more horny than calcareous. The number of fenestrae appears to be very constant.
The length of the branches before their dividing, and their straightness, together with the colour of this species, render it not improbable that it is the form intended by Lamarck (l.c.).
3. C. margaritacea, n. sp.
Cellaria vesiculosa ? Lamarck.
Cells oval or sub-globular, much compressed; avicularia short and broad, supporting a deep cup-like cavity. Fenestrae 5, large. Lower margin of mouth notched in the middle; back of cell minutely sulcated; sulci short, interrupted, and irregular. A small lateral area.
Habitat: Swan Island, Banks Strait.
A very beautiful species, the branches resembling strings of minute pearls. The pearly lustre (in the dry state) owing without doubt to the minute sulci on the backs of the cells. These sulci are not, however, consequent upon the drying, because they are equally apparent and constant when the specimen has been immersed in fluid. The species may almost at once be distinguished by the notch in the lower margin of the mouth, which notch represents the central suboral opening present in some other species.
4. C. ventricosa, n. sp. Table 1 figure 1.
Cells oval, compressed, rather wide below; avicularia wide, supporting sometimes a cup-like cavity, sometimes a closed broad conical spine. The prehensile part of the avicularium itself small, seated in a deep notch below the acuminate summit; lateral area large and well defined. Fenestrae 7, with fissures radiating to a rounded central opening. Anterior surface of cell studded with minute acuminate papillae; posterior surface smooth, sometimes spotted.
Habitat: Bass Strait, 45 fathoms.
Colour dirty white or brown. Habit stiff, stem strong, straight, branches short and crowded—probably attains a height of four or five inches. The only other species with which it can be confounded is C. amphora, from which it differs in the greater size and more irregular form of the lateral processes, in the presence of the minute papillae on the surface, and in the absence of the narrow longitudinal band on the back; instead of which the older cells in C. ventricosa exhibit a sort of broad scutum, almost covering the back of the cell and sending off two lateral bands on the sides of the cell, one passing below the avicularium and above the lateral area, and the other towards the acuminated apex of the avicularium. It also wants the raised bands which in C. amphora pass from the sides of the mouth to the apex of the avicularium in front. One large specimen presents a variety worthy of note—in this the backs of all the cells, except one here and there, exhibit (internally ?) numerous irregular-sized leopard-like spots.
5. C. plagiostoma, n. sp.
Cells short-ovoid; avicularia very large and long, ascending from near the bottom of the cell into an acute spinous point, and supporting a deep cupped cavity; mouth placed obliquely; front of cell divided into five large subtriangular fenestrae by four broad bands. Back of cell with a broad central band and two narrower bands branching from it on each side; surface of spaces left uncovered by the bands on the back beset with scattered, long setose spines. |