Finger or sandwich rolls, 17
Fish, 229 baked, 230 cakes, 316 creole fried, 231 cutlet, 306 fillet (Southern style), 316 fried, 232 (English style), 447 tartare sauce for, 173 grilled, 313 loaf, 304, 314 sauce, 231 shell, 165 souffle, 304 soup, 242, 243, 244 to barbecue, 432 to boil, 229 to broil, 231 to prepare for frying, 313 tuna a la king, 371, 471
Flour, to prepare corn, 407
Fluffy omelet, 280
Flukes, 17
Fondant icing, 56
Food value of bread, 6
For eight couples, 484 menu No. 1, 371 No. 2, 472
Fore quarters, the, 308
Fowl, brown emince, 354
Frappe oysters, 411
French bread, famous, to make, 10 butter, 296 dressing, 300 fried onions, 223 sweet potatoes, 416 pancake, 34 pea soup, 152 seasonings, 179
Fresh country shoulder of pork, 468
Fricassee chicken, 255 of rabbit, 77 bananas, 225 crab meat, 166 crabs, 167 eggs, 278 fish, 232 fish (English style), 447 mush, 435 noodles, 104 oysters, 406 pies, 444 pig's feet, 274 rabbit, 78
Fritters, banana, 84, 226 clam, 268 (Red River boathouse style), 267 corn, 75 orange, 119 oyster, 413 tomato, 143, 426
Frozen cherry custard, 397 lemon custard, 129 marshmallow pudding, 398 pineapple custard, 397 strawberry custard, 396
Fruit cake, 50, 62, 336 cheap, 65 white, 65 centre, doughnuts with, 48 cup custards, 102 custard sauce, 82 dried, 251 pudding, 233 salad, 131 sandwiches, 461 sauce, 79 soup, 154 whip, 83
Fruits, 250
Frying, 215 deep-fat, 215 to prepare fish for, 313
Galatin a la melba, 86
Garlic, 180
Garnish, vegetable, 298
Gelatine, mince, 86 rhubarb, 125
Gems, sour milk, 39
Giblet gravy, 345
Giblets, emince of, 200
Ginger ale cup, 391 salad, 129 cake, 52 cream, 126 crystals, 454 delicacies, 127 jelly, 126
Gingerbread, 373 soft, 57 Tom Tiddle, 464
Gloucester cod a la king, 336
Gnocchi di lemolina, 105
Golden brown, 449
Goodies, Christmas, 361
Goose, roast, 467
Goulash, 161
Goulash, Hungarian, 469
Graham bread, 11
Grandma Perkins's spicy filling, 357
Grandmother's fruit cake, 462
Grape-juice cocktail, 339 tapioca blanc mange, 340
Gravy, filling of, 344 giblet, 345
Green tomato and apple mince, 277 mince, 364 for pie, 428
Griddle cakes, 28, 36
Grilled fish, 313 oysters, 368 on half shell, 169 potatoes, 260
Gue, lum gum, 460
Guinea hen Marie, 367 pot pie, 254
Gumbo, oyster, 239
Gutney run potato cake, 423
Haddie, cream finnan, 315
Hallowe'en, 332
Ham, baked, 269 slice of, 322 sugar-cured, 473 Virginia, 317, 476 barbecue of boiled, 271 loaf, 269 roast fresh, 319
Haphazard measuring, 393
Haricot, lamb, 327
Hash, corn beef, 317 Tennessee turkey, 206
Hashed-brown potatoes, 423
Havana banana pastry, 225
Head cheese, 271
Heart, calf's a la mode, 291
Hen, breast of guinea (terrapin style), 254
Herb sauce, 198
Herbs, soup, fagot of, 152
Hind quarters, 308
Hollandaise, mock, 382 sauce, 173, 199
Home-made yeast, 8
Honey and nut bran muffins, 40
Honey and raspberry ade, 212 apple pudding, 212 cakes, 211 cookies, 210 custard, 209 icing, 208 raisin tapioca, 210 recipes, 208 rice pudding, 208
Horseradish sauce, 384
How to bake the pancake, 32 brew a cup of tea, 386 cook corn beef, 264 eggs, 278 rice American style, 108 distinguish between lamb and mutton, 324 fry crullers or doughnuts, 48 make fruit soup, 154 the cider cup, 335 this delicious rice cake, 112 yeast-raised cake, 23 a fagot of soup herbs, 179 a stock pot, 147 chicken for chicken salad or cold cuts, 202 chocolate, 385 ice cream, 393 recipes, 329 the menu, 367 use leftover lamb, 326
Huckleberry shortcake, 98
Hungarian goulash, 469
Ice cream, 394 how to prepare, 393 water, 397
Icing, butter cream, 57 chocolate, 57 cocoanut, 22 fondant, 56 honey, 208 orange water, 58 plain water, 58 water, 25 White Mountain, 59
If necessary to keep meat three or four days, 261
Indian griddle cakes, 28 rice, 108
Individual lamb potpies, 327
Irish pancakes, 35 scones, 47
Italian butter, 297 canape, 271, 274 dressing, 283 polenta, 439 rice, 109
Jack o' Lantern cakes, 335
Japanese rice, 108
Jellied potato salad, 422
Jelly, cranberry, 84, 358 ginger, 126 orange, 85 prune and nut, 121 quince, 450 roll, 51
Jerusalem artichoke, 220
Jewish or kosher mince-meat, 365
Juice, orange, 115
Just a pig's head and set of feet, 452
Kidney, old Philadelphia stewed, 264 pie, 329
La Brete canape, 273
Lace cookies, 461
Lamb and mutton, accompaniments for, 323 how to distinguish between, 324 baked emince of, in green peppers, 325 Bengal curry of, 325 boiled with ravoli, 326 bone and stuffed shoulder of, 324 cutlets, Mentone, 475 haricot, 327 how to use left-over, 326 roast shoulder of, 322
Lancaster apple butter, 430
Large pound cake, 67
Leftover turkey, 346
Lemon custard pie, 92 dumplings, 98 marmalade, 84 pudding, 235 sauce, 80
Lemonade, egg, 390
Lettuce, try this dressing on plain, 302
Lima bean croquettes, 182
Liver and bacon, creole, 321 dumplings, 76
Loaf cake, 55 (one-egg), 51 cheese, 270 chicken, 202, 356 fish, 304, 314 ham, 269 meat, 163 oyster, 408 to prepare, 9
Lobster, 171 a la Newburg, 171
Lobsters, to boil, 172 to broil, 172
Loin, to roast, 158
London butter, 297
Long Island deep-sea pie, 174 Sound cocktail, 315
* * * * *
They contain nothing but GRANULATED SUGAR and NATURALLY RIPENED FRUIT—as named on label.
Only the most clean and sanitary methods are employed in their making.
* * * * *
Louisiana corn bread, 43 crullers, 53
Lum gum gue, 460
Lunn, Sally, 19
Luncheon rolls, 16
Lyonnaise potatoes, 472
Macaroni and cheese, 105 au gratin, 258 custard, 257 cutlets, 103 mileuse, 256 Neapolitan, 102 olives and cheese, 190 souffle, 106 to prepare, 256
Mackerel, broiled, 471 salt (Flemish style), 307
Maintenon sauce (for au gratin dishes), 195
Making a chocolate sauce using cocoa, 82 scrapple and hogshead cheese, 433
Malvern cream, 211
Mangoes, stuffed pepper, 443
Marmalade, fancy quince, 449 lemon, 84 pudding, 184 Roman quince, 450 Scotch orange, 116 sweet red pepper, 440 tomato, 439
Mayonnaise, eggless, 128
Meal eliminates, 405 pudding, 263
Measure, dry, 283
Measuring haphazard, 393
Measurements, 281
Meat, correct method of boiling, 156 crab, 166 fried, 166 if necessary to keep three or four days, 261 loaf, 163 puddings, 265 roll, 347 time for roasting in gas broiler, 157 when boiling or stewing, 312
Meatless mincemeat, 362
Meats, 154, 208 roasting and baking, 155
Menu, fall, 328, 337
Menu for family of four, 457 of six, 457 just us two, 458 how to prepare, 367 New Year's, 474 No. 1, 371, 477 No. 2, 477 suggestive Colonial, 480 winter, 338
Menus for six persons for Christmas Day, 469 the New Year's party, 476
Menus, selection of, for family of ten persons, 456 some suggestive, 333 suggestive, 465
Method, sponge, 5
Mexican chill sauce, 385
Midnight repast, 485
Mileuse, macaroni, 256
Mince gelatine, 86 green tomato, 364 and apple, 277 how to prepare, 360 onion and potato, 222 pie, 359
Minced giblets on toast, 345
Mincemeat, 275 for two, 364 Jewish or kosher, 365 meatless, 362 New England, 276 orange, 276 ye-olde-tyme, 363
Miniature codfish balls, 473
Mint cup, 391 sauce, 199
Mock cherry pie, 216 hollandaise, 382 turtle soup, 150
Molasses cake, 58
Moravian fruit cake, 463 omelet, 135 spice cake, 54
Mountain buttermilk rye muffins, 261
Mousse, chicken, 204 pineapple, 127
Muffins, 37 banana, 228 bran, 39 corn, 41 English, 39 honey and nut bran, 400 mountain buttermilk rye, 261 nut ginger, 40 oatmeal, 38 rice, 42, 375 whole wheat, 378
Mulligatawny, 349 soup, 151
Mush, fried, 435 Yankee, 437
Mushroom sauce, 197
Mushrooms, creamed, 75 to prepare, 372
Mustard sauce, 196, 445
Mutton, 159 curry of, 161 roast, 160
My ideal apple sauce, 114
Neapolitan, macaroni, 102
Neck chops in casserole, 433 of beef (Polish style), 444
Nests, sweet potato, 415
New England filling, 460 mincemeat, 276
New method of making French fried potatoes, 420
New Year's breakfast, 474 dinner, 474
New Year's menu, 474 punch, 484 supper, 474
Noodles, 104 fried, 104 to make, 240
North Carolina peach custard pie, 92
Nut and pepper croquettes, 181 ginger muffins, 40 honey cake, 209
Oatmeal drops, 69 muffins, 88
O'Brien potatoes, 260
Okra, chicken gumbo, 204
Old English mustard dressing, 285 Philadelphia stewed kidney, 264 Virginia shortcake, 97
Olive canape, 189 cheese balls, 189 filling for meat and poultry, 190 salad, 189 sandwiches, 191 sandwich filling, 191 sauce, 191
Olives, 189
Omelet, 133, 279 baked, 134 fluffy, 280 in tomato cases, 141 Moravian, 134 oyster, 414 plain, 279 Spanish, 178, 280 tomato, 425
Onion and potato mince, 222 cream of, 246 custard, 224 relish, 357 sauce, 194
Onions, 222 baked, 223 braised, 75, 446 French fried, 223 fried in butter, 222 in ramekins, 222
Orange and rice custard, 118 Betty, 119 cream pie, 117 dressing, 119 fritters, 119 ice cream, 395 jelly, 85 juice, 115 mincemeat, 276 preserve in syrup, 116 pudding, 330 salad, 116 sauce, 83 shortcake, 332 souffle, 117 syrup, 116 water icing, 58
Oranges, 115
Ottawa dressing, 287 Oven temperature, 6
Ox tail soup, 151
Oyster broth, 243 cocktail, 169 sauce, 370 farci, 413 fritters, 413 gumbo, 239 loaf, 408 omelet, 414 pan, dry, 375 pie, 170 puree of, 243 sauce, 197 timbale, 414
Oysters a la Newburg, 414, 485 au gratin, Italienne, 407 broiled, 412 a la Maryland, 412 Virginia, 412 deviled, 409 en brochette, 409 frappe, 411 fried, 406 grilled, 368 on half shell, 169 on the half shell, 169 spiced, 408 steamed, 414 salt clams or, 266 tripe and, 168
Pan a la Suisse, 412 a la crouton, 411 dry oyster, 411
Pancake, French, 34 how to bake, 32
Pancakes au fait, 34 banana, 228 Belgian, 35 for two, 33 Irish, 35 plain, 33 potato, 377 Swiss onion and potato, 224 Yankee, 380
Paprika dressing, 301 potatoes, 472
Pardue, tomatoes and eggs, 425
Parfait, chocolate, 399 strawberry, 398
Parisian celery, 303 tea, 389
Parisienne, deviled eggs, 133
Parker house rolls, 15
Parsley butter, 225, 471 sauce, 197
Pastry, 86 for custard pie, 89 two, 368 Havana banana, 225
Patties, sweetbreads, 162
Pea pudding, 137 shore pie, 304 souffle, 137 soup, 468
Peach cake, 99 crumb pudding, 184
Peach cup, 393 custard pie, 91 dumplings, 99 ice cream (1 gal.), 394 roll, 218 shortcake, 96
Pear bread pudding, 250 sauce, 250 tarts, 250
Pears, baked, 250 stewed, 252
Peas, puree of, 136
Pepper pot, 153 English, 446
Pickled eggs, 132 red cabbage, 431 tripe, 292, 317
Pie, apple custard, 95 banana custard, 226 buttermilk cheese, 381 butterscotch, 219 chocolate, 218 cider jelly, 93 Congress, 94 custard, 91 English ham, 270 green apple, country style, 93 Guinea hen pot, 254 kidney, 329 lemon custard, 92 Long Island deep-sea, 174 mince, 359 mock cherry, 216 North Carolina peach custard, 92 orange cream, 117 oyster, 170 pea shore, 303 peach custard, 91 rabbit, 78 raisin, 475 squash, 140 turkey pot, 348 Yankee oyster, 409 ye olde-tyme pork, 445
Pies, fried, 444 green tomato mince for, 428 potato crust for meat pies, 421 to cook rhubarb for, 123
Pig's feet, fried, 274
Pimento cream sauce, 194 dressing, 301
Pimento sandwiches, 111, 486
Pineapple mousse, 127 sweet potato, 418
Pineappleade, 390
Pinwheels, 22
Plain buns, 19 omelet, 279 pancakes, 33 water icing, 58
Planked shad, 174 squab, 367 steak, 320
Plum pudding (Romany style), 234
Poached eggs, 279 on French toast, 132
Points for successful baking, 3
Polaska, sweetbreads, 164
Polenta a la Naples, 103 Italian, 439
Polish corn dish, 436
Pone, Carolina corn, 437 sweet potato, 358
Popovers, 47, 329
Pork, 157 boiled, 157 fresh country shoulder of, 468 roast loin of, 479 tenderloin, 319
Pot, pepper, 153 roast beet, Spanish, 339 shin beef (English style), 311 the stock, 238
Potato cakes, 259 candied sweet, 417 croquettes, 419 crust for meat pies, 421 cup for salad, 420 custards, 420 dishes, 259 dumplings, 421 pancakes, 377* salad, 422 souffle, 419
Potatoes, 258 au gratin, 419 baked, 421 boiled, 260 broiled sweet, 416 candied sweet, 459 French fried sweet, 416 grilled, 260 hashed-brown, 423 Lyonnaise, 472 new method for making French fried, 420 O'Brien, 260 paprika, 472 sweet, 415 white, 419
Pot pies, individual lamb, 327
Poultry, 205
Pound cake, large, 67 small, 67 white, 66
Prepared filling, 351
Preparing the turkey, 460
Prune and nut jelly, 121 bread, 11 Charlotte, 122 delicacies, 122 salad, 180 sauce, 122
Prunes, baked, 120, 249 spiced, 118
Pudding, banana rice, 188 blackberry, 183 cabbage, 349 caramel, 236 chocolate corn starch, 188 rice, 234 cocoanut, 232 corn, 265 cottage, 56 cream tapioca, 102 Pudding, frozen marshmallow, 398 fruit, 233 honey apple, 212 rice, 208 lemon, 285 marmalade, 184 meal, 268 orange, 330 pea, 137 peach crumb, 184 pear bread, 250 plum (Romany style), 234 pumpkin, 237 raisin, 236 raspberry crumb, 186, 187 rhubarb and tapioca, 125 rice, 233 roast beef Yorkshire, 481 sauce, 82 snow, 232, 435 spinach, 144 steamed roly-poly, 101 Swedish rice, 110 sweet potato (Kentucky style), 417 vanilla, 187 Welsh cheese, 263 West Indies sweet potato, 416 Yorkshire, 442
Puddings, meat, 265 plum, to prepare individual, 472
Puffs, cream, 217 rhubarb, 124
Pumpkin pudding, 237
Punch, New Year's, 487 raspberry, 392
Puree, celery, 242 of oysters, 243 of peas, 136 spinach Alsace, 146 tomato, 247 vegetable, 248
Pye, ye old-time oyster, 341-342
Quarters, hind, 308
Quick breads, 36
Quince chips, 451 jelly, 450
Quinces, 448
Rabbit, Chelsea, 272 fricassee of, 77 fried, 78 pie, 78 Scotch, 375 sour, 78
Rabbits, 77
Raisin biscuits, 44 cake, 343 pie, 475 pudding, 236
Ramekins, onions in, 222
Ravigotte sauce, 167, 200 crab, 168
Rabbit, Welsh, 272
Ravoli, lamb boiled with, 326
Raspberry crumb pudding, 186 cup custard, 188 fruit betty, 185 punch, 392
Rasp rolls, 16
Real old Vermont oyster soup, 352
Recipes, 394 for twelve persons, 480 honey, 208 how to prepare, 329
Relish, Bohemian, 274 corn, 483 onion, 357
Rhubarb, 123 and raisin conserve, 123 tapioca pudding, 125 cocktail, 124 dumplings, 126 fruit sauce, 123 gelatine, 125 puffs, 124 shortcake, 124
Rice, 106 and apple custard, 113 balls, Belgian, 110 bananas and poached eggs, 228 batter cakes, 44 boiled salad dressing, 286 creole, 109 griddle cakes, 30 Indian, 108 Italian, 109 Japanese, 108 muffins, 42, 375 pudding, 233
Rich Parker house rolls, 16
Roast beef Yorkshire pudding, 481 chicken, 203 (split style), 255 duck, 255 fresh ham, 319 goose, 467 loin of pork, 479 mutton, 160 shoulder of lamb, 322 veal, 290 tomatoes, 427
Roasting and baking meats, 155
Rocks, English, 62
Roe, broiled shad, 173
Roll, chicken, 351 cranberry, 216, 432 jelly, 51 meat, 347 peach, 218
Rolls, finger or sandwich, 17 luncheon, 16 Parker house, 15 rasp, 16 rich Parker House, 16
Roly-poly, cherry, 68
Roman quince marmalade, 450
Roquefort dressing, 300
Round, 310 steak, 295
Rumanian fruit cake, 63
Rump, 309, 310 steak, 295
Rusk, Anise seed, 28 or tea biscuits, 18 Russian, 26
Russian dressing, 299 rusk, 26
Rye bread, 10
Saboyon sauce, 81
Salad, asparagus and celery, 287 beet and cabbage, 482 cucumber, 131 deviled egg, 288 dressing, 130 cooked, 128 egg, 130 English water-cress, 285 fruit, 131 ginger ale, 129 jellied potato, 422 olive, 189 orange, 116 potato, 422 cup for, 420 prune, 120 salmon, 132 sardine and potato, 335 shrimp, 293 spinach, 146 stuffed tomatoes with chicken, 429
Sally Lunn, 19, 41
Salmon a la king, 474 chartreuse, 306 salad, 132 sandwiches, 114
Salt, 4 chowder, 266 cod, Vermont, 307 pork, baked beans with, 76
Salted beans, 442 corn, 424
Salting cauliflower, 442
Sandwiches, bacon and onion, 373 century cheese, 461 cheese, 136 and pepper, 373 chicken and green pepper, 252 chicken salad, 205 country cheese, 135 fruit, 461 olive, 191 pimento, 111, 485 salmon, 114 sardine, 113 tiger-eye, 280 toasted cheese, 272, 465
Sardine and potato salad, 335 canape, 473 sandwiches, 118
Sausage, bean, 340 cakes, 159
Sausages, cornmeal, 438
Sauce, admiral, 194 American, 383
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
Sauce, apple, my ideal, 114 artichoke, Hollandaise, 220 banana, 229 batardi, 382 Bearnaise, 195 blackberry, sweet spiced, 81 Bohemian, 384 brown, 383 Canadian, 384 caramel, 79 celery, 194 cheese, 196, 272 cherry, 81 chili, 438 chocolate, 82, 83 cider (champagne sauce), 382 cream, 384 horseradish, 195 creole, 198 cucumber, 197 custard, 79 English mustard, 199 fish, 231 fruit, 79 custard, 82 herb, 198 Hollandaise, 173, 199 horseradish, 384 lemon, 80 Maintenon (for au gratin dishes), 195 Mexican chili, 385 mint, 199 mushroom, 197 mustard, 196, 445 olive, 191 onion, 194 orange, 83 oyster, 197 cocktail, 370 parsley, 197 pear, 250 pimento cream, 194 prune, 122 pudding, 82 ravigotte, 167, 200 rhubarb-fruit, 123 saboyon, 81 supreme, 194 sweetened cream, 80 tartare, 198, 459 tomato, 383, 476 to serve with fish (boiled fish), 172 vanilla, 80 Virginia, 319
Sauces, 193, 382
Sauerkraut, 440 to can, 441
Sauteing, 215, 232
Scallions a l'italienne, 303
Scalloped corn, 77
Scones, 45 English, delicious, 45 Irish, 47 Scotch, 46
Scotch oat bread, 14 orange marmalade, 116 rabbit, 375 scones, 46
Scrapple, the, 434
Seasonings, French, 179
Selection of menus for family of ten persons, 456
Series of dinners, 404-405 menus for one week (breakfasts), 401 (luncheon), 402
Shad, baked, 174 planked, 174
Shake, cream coffee, 391
Shank, 309
Shell fish, 165
Shortcake, 95 apricot, 97 banana, 96 huckleberry, 98 old Virginia, 97 peach, 96 rhubarb, 124
Shoulder clod, 309
Shrimp, 294 salad, 293
Sirloin, 310 steak, 295
Sling, currant, 390
Small fruit cake, 463 pound cake, 67
Snapper, stewed, 294 turtle and, 292
Snow pudding, 232, 435
Soft chocolate cookies, 70 cookies, 60 gingerbread, 57 shell crabs, 171
Some soups using the turkey stock, 348 suggestive menus, 338
Souffle, fish, 304 macaroni, 106 of spinach, 145 orange, 117 pea, 137 potato, 419 squash, 139
Soup, 237 bean, 148 cabbage, 248 celery, 245 clear, 241 tomato, 472 fish, 242, 244 French pea, 152 fruit, 154 herbs, fagot of, 152 how to prepare fagot of, 179 mock turtle, 150 mulligatawny, 151 ox tail, 151 oyster, real old Vermont, 352 pea, 468 turkey (Italian), 348 vegetable, 240
Soups, cream, 246 fish, 243
Sour cream cucumber dressing, 284 milk gems*, 39 rabbit, 78
Southern spoon bread, 42 style cobbler, 68
Spanish bun, 27, 376 kidney stew, 158 macaroni, 328 omelet, 178, 280 pot roast beef, 339 steak, 452
Spiced apples, 112 oysters, 408 prunes, 118
Spinach, 143 a la bourgeois, 147 a la mode, 144 balls, 146 nests, 145 pudding, 144 salad, 146 (Scotch style), 147 souffle of, 145 with Hollandaise sauce, 145
Sponge cake (one egg), 49 (three eggs), 50 (two egg), 49 method, 5
Squab, planked, 367
Squash, 138 au gratin, 138 baked, 140, 206 biscuit, 141 cakes, 139 Italienne, 140 pie, 140 souffle, 139
Steak, 295 braised rolled flank, 320 broiled hamburg, 295 planked, 320 round, 295 rump, 295 sirloin, 295
Spanish, 452
Steamed oysters, 414 roly-poly pudding, 101 salt oysters or clams, 266
Stew, beef, 312 dumplings for, 100
Spanish kidney, 158 to prepare a, 244
Stewed pears, 252 snapper, 294
Sticky cinnamon buns, 20
St. Nazaire buns, 21
Stock pot, how to prepare, 147 some soups using turkey, 348 to make the, 238
Straight dough Vienna, 9
Strawberry custard tart, 217 ice cream, 395 parfait, 398
String beans, Italian style, 74
Stuffed pepper mangoes, 443 tomatoes with chicken salad, 429
Suey, chop, 321
Sugarless candy, 455
Suggestive Colonial menu, 480 menu for family home wedding, 25 persons, 7 o'clock dinner, 369 menus, 465
Summer drinks, 389
Sunshine sauce for vegetables, 144
Supper, 328, 337, 338 buffet, 370 country, 478 for evening affair, 372 New Year's, 474
Supreme sauce, 194
Swedish rice pudding, 110
Sweet biscuits, 45 doughs, 26 potato biscuit, 417 cakes (Georgia style), 418 cookies, 416 croquettes, 415 nests, 415 pineapple, 418 pone, 358 pudding (Kentucky style), 417 potatoes, 415 red pepper marmalade, 440 spiced blackberry sauce, 81
Sweetbread patties, 162
Sweetbreads, braised, 158 polaska, 164
Sweetened cream sauce, 80
Swiss butter, 297 crumb cake, 53 onion and potato pancakes, 224
Syrup, orange, 115 preserve in, 116
Talls, braised ox, 377
Tamales, chicken, 207
Tapioca, honey raisin, 210
Tartare sauce, 198, 459 for fried fish, 173
Tart, strawberry custard, 217
Tarts, pear, 250
Tea, how to brew a cup of, 386 Parisian, 389
Temperature, oven, 6
Tenderloin, pork, 319
Tennessee turkey hash, 206
Terrapin, 294
The batter, 120 canape, 176 fore quarters, 308 real secret, 87 stock pot, 238
Thousand Islands dressing, 130
Tiger-eye sandwiches, 280
Time for roasting meat in gas broiler, 157
Toast, cinnamon, 406 French, poached egg on, 132 minced giblets on, 345 tomato, 429
Toasted cheese sandwiches, 372, 465
To barbecue fish, 432 boil fish, 229 lobsters, 172 broil fish, 231 lobster, 172
To can sauerkraut, 441 cook rhubarb for pies, 123 turtle and snapper, 293 veal, 289 dry corn (Lancaster County recipe), 424 make a cocktail, 411 brioche using bread dough, 25 noodles, 105, 204 the famous French bread, 10 meringue, 90 stock, 238 melt chocolate for dipping, 454 pan broil, 157 prepare a stew, 244 brains, 290 breaded cutlets, 289 corn flour, 407 fish for frying, 313 individual plum puddings, 472 loaf, 9 macaroni, 256 the mushrooms, 372 roast loin, 158 stuff dates with ginger, 128 use fondant for dipping, 455
Tomato canape, 273 cases, omelet in, 141 cream of, 247 dumplings, 428 egg custard, 425 fritters, 143, 426 marmalade, 439 omelet, 425 puree, 247 sauce, 383, 476 toast, 429
Tomatoes, 425 and eggs, pardue, 425 string beans, 427 au gratin, 426 baked, 426 Chelsea, 142 (cold), 429 eggplant and, 427 country style, 142 roast, 427
Tom Tiddle gingerbread, 464
Tongue, cold spice, 316
Tripe and oysters, 168 creole, 292 fried in batter, 291 pickled, 292, 317
Try this dressing on plain lettuce, 302
Tuna fish a la king, 371, 471
Turkey, 343 au gratin, 346 croquettes, 346 meat biscuits, 345 pot pie, 348 preparing the, 460 soup (Italian), 348 stocks, some soups using, 348 (terrapin style), 347 utilising the leftover, 346
Turkish coffee, 389
Turtle and snapper, 292 to cook, 293
Two-layer cake, 54
Utilizing the leftover turkey, 346
Vanilla ice cream, 396 pudding, 187 sauce, 80
Veal, 288 croquettes, 289 roast shoulder of, 290 to cook, 289
Vegetable garnish, 289 puree, 248 soup, 240
Vegetables, 72 a few pointers about, 136 a la jardiniere, 376
Vermont rhubarb griddle cakes, 125
Vienna, dough, straight, 9
Vinaigrette, artichoke, 221 asparagus, 286
Virginia broiled oysters, 412 griddle cakes, 341 sauce, 319 style baked ham, 476
Waffle batter, 37
Waffles, 35
Wassail, an English, 477
Water ice, 397 icing, 25
Weight, diet to reduce, 399
Welsh cheese pudding, 263 rarebit, 272
West Indies sweet potato pudding, 416
What these breakfasts eliminate, 402
Wheat bread, entire, 11
Whip, fruit, 83
White fruit cake, 65 mountain icing, 59 potatoes, 419 pound cake, 66
Whole wheat muffins, 378
Why dough falls, 2
Wild game filling, 344
Winter menu, 338
Yankee mush, 437 oyster pie, 409 pancakes, 380
Yearling, 323
Yeast, home-made, 8
Yeast-raised cake, how to make, 23
Ye Kentucky corn dodgers, 436 olde-tyme mincemeat, 363 pork pie, 445 old-time oyster pye, 341-342 Virginia batter bread, 436
Yesterday's bran bread, 379
Yorkshire pudding, 442
- - 1/4 pk. 1 qt. 1 pk. 1 bu. - - Apples 3 lbs. 1 lb. 8 oz. 11-1/4 lbs. 45 lbs. - - Beans, Lima 3 lbs. 8 oz. 1 lb. 12 oz. 14 lbs. 56 lbs. - - Beans, String 1 lb. 8 oz. 12 oz. 6 lbs. 24 lbs. - - Beans, Wax 1 lb. 8 oz. 12 oz. 6 lbs. 24 lbs. - - Carrots 3 lbs. 2 oz. 1 lb. 9 oz. 12-1/2 lbs. 50 lbs. - - Cranberries 2 lbs. 1 lb. 1 oz. 10 lbs. 40 lbs. - - Kale 12 oz. 6 oz. 3 lbs. 12 lbs. - - Onions 3 lbs. 9 oz. 1 lb. 12 oz. 12-1/2 lbs. 50 lbs. - - Parsnips 3 lbs. 2 oz. 1 lb. 9 oz. 12-1/2 lbs. 50 lbs. - - Peas, dried 3 lbs. 12 oz. 1 lb. 14 oz. 11-1/4 lbs. 45 lbs. - - Peas, green, unshelled 3 lbs. 8 oz. 1 lb. 12 oz. 14 lbs. 56 lbs. - - Potatoes, Irish 3 lbs. 12 oz. 1 lb. 14 oz. 15 lbs. 60 lbs. - - Potatoes, Sweet 3 lbs. 4 oz. 1 lb. 10 oz. 13-1/2 lbs. 54 lbs. - - Tomatoes 3 lbs. 12 oz. 1 lb. 14 oz. 15 lbs. 60 lbs. - - Turnips - - Cherries 3 lbs. 8 oz. 1 lb. 12 oz. 14 lbs. 56 lbs. - - Peanuts 1 lb. 6 oz. 10 oz. 5-1/2 lbs. 22 lbs. - -
The law provides that apples, cucumbers, cabbage, pears, peaches may be sold by numerical count.
+ MEATS VEGETABLES + Time Time + Mutton per pound, 20 minutes. Potatoes 20 to 30 min. + - - Corned Beef " " 30 " Asparagus 20 to 25 " - -+ Ham " " 20 " Peas 15 to 20 " + - - Turkey " " 25 " String Beans 20 to 30 " - -+ Chicken " " 20 " Lima Beans 30 to 40 " + - - Fowl " " 20 " Spinach 15 to 20 " - -+ Tripe " " 40 " Turnips 30 minutes. + - - Beets 1 hour. - FISH Cabbage 20 minutes. - Time Cauliflower 20 " - -+ Codfish " " 15 to 18 min. Brussels Sprouts 25 " + - - Halibut " " 15 to 18 min. Onions 30 " - -+ Bluefish " " 15 to 18 min. Green Corn 20 " + - - Lobster " " 30 to 40 min. Rice 20 " -
- MEATS + Time + Beef, ribs, rare per pound, 15 minutes. + Beef, ribs, well done " " 20 " + Round of Beef " " 20 " + Mutton, leg, rare " " 18 " + Mutton, leg, well done " " 20 " + Mutton, loin, rare " " 15 " + Lamb, well done " " 20 " + Veal, well done " " 25 " + Pork, well done " " 25 " + Chicken " " 20 " + Goose " " 25 " + Fillet, hot oven 45 minutes. + Braised Meats 1-1/2 hours. + Turkey, 8 pounds 2 hours + Birds, small, hot oven 15 to 20 min. + Ducks, tame 1 hour. + Ducks, wild, very hot oven 25 minutes. + FISH + Large Fish 1 hour, about + Small Fish 20 to 30 mins. +
- Time - Steak, 1 inch thick 8 to 10 min. + Steak, 1-1/2 inch thick 10 to 15 " + Mutton Chops, French 8 minutes. + Mutton Chops, English 10 " + Spring Chicken 20 " + Quail 8 to 10 min. + Grouse 15 minutes. + Squabs 10 to 15 min. + Shad, Bluefish, Trout 15 to 25 " + Small Fish 5 to l0 " +
4 gills = 1 pint. 2 pints = 1 quart. 4 quarts = 1 gallon. 16 ounces = 1 pound.
1/2 kitchen cupful = 1 gill. 1 kitchen cupful = 1/2 pint or 2 gills. 4 kitchen cupfuls = 1 quart.
2 cupfuls of granulated sugar } = 1 pound 2-1/2 cupfuls of powdered sugar } 1 tablespoonful of sugar = 1/2 oz. 1 tablespoonful of butter = Butter size of an egg = 2 oz. 1 cupful of butter = 1/2 pound. 4 cupfuls of flour } = pound 1 quart } 16 tablespoonfuls of dry material = 1 cupful. 16 tablespoonfuls of liquid = 1 cupful.
5 to 8 eggs to 1 quart of milk for custards. 3 to 4 eggs to 1 pint of milk for custards. 1/2 teaspoonful of salt to 1 quart of milk for custards. 1 teaspoonful of vanilla to 1 quart of milk for custards. 2 ounces of gelatine to 1-3/4 quarts of liquid. 8 level tablespoonfuls of cornstarch to 1 quart of milk. 8 level teaspoonfuls of baking-powder to 1 quart of flour. 2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder to 1 cupful of flour.
* * * * *
You are not always to blame when a roast goes bad in the oven—when a cake falls in the centre—the fault may be with your gas range—your oven does not heat uniformly or you have to use too much gas to get the results you are after.
The Fortune gas range was designed to help you cook. The Fortune is not merely our conception of what a good gas range should be.
The Fortune gas range is, on the other hand, the result of exhaustive scientific study—stands today without a peer. The Flex-o-tuf iron used in its construction insures long life and continued good service—you can depend upon it. You know that it does not waste fuel, and because domestic science teachers and lecturers have endorsed it, that it is the one and most practical range for you.
Send for descriptive circulars.
Makers of Novelty Hot Water, Steam and Vapor Systems. Warm Air Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces. Coal and Combination Ranges. Laundry Stoves, Hot Water Supply Boilers. Fortune Gas Range and Gas Water Heaters.