General Tonic 475 General Tonic (Herb Remedies) 424, 428, 432, 435, 444, 445 Genital Organs, Female, Anatomy of 490 Genuine White Oil Liniment 476 Genu Valgum 370 Genu Varum 370 German Measles 179 Germicides 625 Germs, The 625 Gin Drinkers' Liver 131 Ginger (Medical Use) 672 Glanders 233 Causes 233 Symptoms 233 1. Acute Glanders 233 2. Chronic Glanders 233 3. Acute Farcy 233 Treatment of Glanders 233 Glands of Bartholin, The 491 Gland, Thyroid, Diseases of 258 Glasses, Fitting 355 Gleet (Herb Remedies} 435, 438 Glottis, Oedema of the 26 Glottis, Spasm of the 26 Glottis, Swelling of the 26 Symptoms 26 Gluten Gruel 652 Goitre (Bronchial) 258 Causes 258 Symptoms 258 Recovery 258 Mothers' Remedies 258 1. Three Ingredient Remedy for 258 2. Simple Remedy for 259 3. Inexpensive Remedy for 259 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified} 677 1. A Good Remedy for 677 2. Iodine for 677 Physicians' Treatment 259 1. Locally Tincture of Iodine 259 2. Use the Comp, tincture of Iodide 259 Externally 259 3. An Ointment 259 4. Other Medical Remedies 259 5. Colorless Iodine 259 6. This is Very Good 259 Goitre, Exophthalmic 260 Gonorrhea 235 Gonorrhea (Herb Remedies) 411, 413, 417, 425, 429, 432, 438, 442 Gonorrheal Rheumatism 236 Inflammation of the Joints 236 Symptoms 236 Treatment 236 Good Samaritan Liniment 476 Gout 315 Causes 315 Symptoms, Acute Type 315 Retrocedent Gout 316 Chronic Gout—Causes, etc 316 Treatment, Preventive 316 Diet in Gout 316 Dr. Osler of England says 316 Diet from a Prominent Hospital for Gout Patient 317 May Take 317 Must Not Take 317 Treatment 317 Dr. Hare of Philadelphia says 317 Gout (Herb Remedies) 435, 442 Grandmother's Own Cough Remedy 476 Grape Juice 650 Gravel (Herb Remedies) 424, 438, 441, 442 Green Mountain Salve 477 Gruel, Farina 652 Gunn's Rheumatic Liniment 478
Haematuria 156
Haematuria (Herb Remedies) 419, 432 Haemorrhagic, Purpura 253 Haemophilia 254 Causes 254 Condition 254 Symptoms 254 Treatment 254 Hair's, Dr. B. W. Cure 478 Haines's Golden Specific for Opium Habit 478 Hall's Hair Renewer 479 Hamburg Breast Tea 488 Hamburg Drops 479 Hamlin's Wizard Oil 480 Hard Liver 131 Hare Lip 369 Symptoms 369 Operations 369 Harter's Wild Cherry Bitters 487 Hay Asthma 17 Hay Fever 17 Causes 17 Symptoms 17 Mothers' Remedies 17 1. Quick Relief from 17 2. Remedy Worth Trying 17 3. Our Canadian Remedy for 18 4. Medicine that Helps 18 Physicians' Treatment for Hay Fever 18 1. The following gives relief from 18 2. Pill Blennostasin 18 3. The following solution gives temporary Relief 18 4. After using the above Spray 18 5. In Some Cases 18 6. Dr. Ball of London gives the following 18 7. Another from Dr. Ball 18 Headache 268 Sick Headache 268 Nervous Headache 208 Catarrhal Headache 268 Congestive Headache 268 Neuralgia or Gastric (Stomach) Headache 268 Bilious Headache 268 Bowel Headache 268 Womb Headache 268 Rheumatic Headache 268 Headache Sick (Herb Remedies) 413, 414, 427 Headache, Nervous (Herb Remedies) 427 Headache, Bilious. (Herb Remedies) 414 Headache (Rare Prescription) 476 Head, Injuries to 302 Symptoms 302 Treatment 303 What to do First 303 Head Louse 78 Haemoptysis 38 Haematemesis 107 Heartburn (Rare Prescription) 476 Heart Disease 337 Heart Disease (Herb Remedies) 419 Heart Disease, Fluttering, etc. (Rare Prescription) 477 Heat and Chemicals 624 Heat Stroke 375 Hellebore, White and Green, Poison by 404 Hemorroids 137, 145 Hemorrhage, Post-Partum (Bleeding after Delivery) 540 Hepatic Abscess 132 Hepatitis (Herb Remedies) 429 HERB DEPARTMENT (Over 100 Herbs) 408 Common Names 408 Internal and External Use 408 Part of Herb Used 408 When to Gather 408 Flowers When 408 Grows Where 408 Prepared How 408 Diseases, Dose, etc 408
Drying and Preserving Roots, Barks, Herbs, etc 408 Roots 409 Barks 409 Flowers and Seeds 409 Preparation of the Herbs for Medicine 409 Infusion of Tea, to make 409 Decoction, to make 409 Essence, to make 409 Fomentations, to make 409 Ointments or Salve, to make 409 Plasters, to make 409 Poultices, to make 410 Powder, to make 410 Syrups, to make 410 Tincture, to make 410 Achillea Millefolium 446 Acorus Calamus 442 Adiantum Pedantum 428 Ague Root 444 Ague Weed 414 Albany Beechdrops 420 Alder, Spotted 410 Aletris Farinosa 444 Allium Cepa 431 Allium Sativum 423 Altheae Officinalis 429 Alum Root 420 American Valerian 427 Amygdalus Persica 432 Anthemis Nobilis 417 Apple Pern 442 Aralia Racemosa 440 Arbutus, Uva Ursi 411 Arctium Lappa 415 Aristolochia Serpentaria 441 Artemisia Absinthium 446 Arum Triphyllum 444 Asclepias Syriaca 430 Asclepias Tuberosa 434 Asthma Weed 428 Balmony 411 Bayberry 411 Bearberry 411 Bed Straw 417 Beech Drops 412 Bee's Nest 416 Bethroot 412 Bird's Nest 416 Birthroot 412 Bitter Herb 411 Blackberry 413 Black-berried Elder 422 Black Cohosh 418 Black Haw 413 Black Root 421 Black Snake Root 418 Blazing Star 422 Bloodroot 413 Blood Staunch 423 Blue Berry 418 Blue Cohosh 418 Blue Flag 414 Blue Pimpernel 439 Boneset 414 Brooklime 415 Buchu 415 Burdock 415 Burning-bush 445 Calamus 442 Calendula Officinalis 430 Cancer Root 412 Candleberry 411 Carrot 416 Caryophyllus 418 Catch Weed 417 Catmint 416 Catnip 416 Catwort 416 Caulophyllum Thalietroides 418 Celandine 416 Chamomile 417 Checker Berry 432 Chelidonium Majus 416 Chelone Glabra 411 Chenopodium Anthelminticum 446 Chicken Toes 420 Chimaphila Umbellata 435 Cimicifuga Racemosa 418 Cistus Canadensis 437 Cleavers 417 Clivers 417 Cloves 418 Coakum 434 Cock-up-hat 436 Colic Root 444 Collinsonia Canadensis 441 Colts Tail 423 Comfrey 419 Corallorhiza Odontorhiza 426 Coral Teeth 420 Corn Silk 419 Corydalis Formosa 444 Corvallaria Multifiora 441 Cramp Bark 420 Cranberry (Upland or Wild) 411 Cranberry (High) 420 Cranesbill (Spotted) 420 Crawley 420 Cross Wort 414 Crow Foot 420 Crow Corn 444 Cypripedium Pubescens 427 Cucurbita Pepo 436 Culver's Physic 421 Culver's Root 421 Dandelion 421 Datura Stramonium 442 Daucus Carota 416 Deerberry 432 Devil's Bit 422 Dewberry 413 Dioscorea Villosa 445 Dracontium 439 Dragon's Claw 420 Dragon Root 444 Drooping Starwort 422 Elder (Black-berried) 422 Elder Sweet 422 Elecampane 423 Emetic Herb 428 Epigea Ripens 425 Epiphegus Virginiana 412 Equisetum Hyemale 438 Erigeron Canadensis 423 Euonymus Atropurpureus 445 Eupatorium Perfoliatum 414 Eupatorium Purpureum 436 False Unicorn Root 422 Female Regulator 428 Fetid Hellebore 439 Fever Root 420 Fever Wort 414 Fireweed 423 Fish Mouth 411 Five Fingers 423 Flag Lily 414 Flag Root 442 Fleabane 423 Flower de Luce 414 Fragaria Vesca 442 Frost Plant 437 Frost Wort 437 Galium Aparine 417 Garget 434 Garlic 423 Gentian 423 Gentiana Lutea 423 Geranium Maculatum 420
Ginger 423 Ginseng 423 Golden Seal 425 Goose Foot 446 Goose Grass 417 Gravel Plant 425 Gravel Root 436 Gravel Weed 425 Ground Holly 435 Ground Laurel 425 Ground Lily 412 Ground Raspberry 425 Gum Plant 419 Hard Hack 441 Hamamelis 410 Healing Herb 419 Hedeoma Pulegoides 433 Helonias Dioica 422 Hoarhound 426 Hoodwort 439 Hops 426 Horse Balm 441 Horse Chestnut 426 Horse Tail 438 Humulus Lupulus 426 Hydrastis Canadensis 425 Hypericum Perfoliatum 443 Ictodes Foetida 439 Indian Apple 429 Indian Arrow Wood 445 Indian Balm 412 Indian Sage 414 Indian Tobacco 428 Indian Turnip 444 Inula Helenium 423 Iris Versicolor 414 Jack-in-the-Pulpit 444 Jimson Weed 442 Joe-Pye Weed 436 Juniper 427 Juniper Communis 427 Knob Root 441 Lady's Slipper 427 Lamb's Quarter 412 Laurus Sassafras 438 Leontodon Taraxacum 421 Leonurus Cardiaca 430 Leptandra Virginica 421 Life Root 428 Liver Lily 414 Lobelia 428 Lobelia Inflata 428 Madweed 439 Maiden Hair 428 Mandrake 429 Mare's Tail 423 Marigold 430 Marrubium Vulgare 426 Marshmallow 429 May Apple 429 May Flower 425 Meadow Cabbage 439 Mentha Piperita 433 Mentha Viridis 440 Milfoil 446 Mitchella Pepens 432 Milkweed 430 Milk Wort 438 Mortification Root 429 Motherwort 430 Mountain Box 411 Mountain Flag 438 Mountain Pink 425 Mustard 431 Myrica Cerifera 411 Nepeta Cataria 416 Nerve Root 427 Noah's Ark 427 Oak Bark (Red and White) 431 One Berry 432 Onion 431 Orange Root 425 Orange Swallow Wort 434 Panax Quinquifolium 424 Papoose Root 418 Parsley 432 Partridge Berry 432 Peach Tree 432 Pennyroyal 433 Peppermint 433 Petroselinum Sativum 432 Pettymorrel 440 Phytolacca Decandra 434 Pigeon Berry 434 Pigeon Weed 440 Plantain 434 Plantago Major 434 Pleurisy Root 434 Podophyllum Peltatum 429 Poke 434 Polecat Weed 439 Polyagla Senega 438 Polygonum Punctatum 440 Prickly Ash 435 Pridewood 423 Princes Pine 435 Prunus Virginianus 445 Puke Weed 428 Pumpkin 436 Purple Boneset 436 Queen's Delight 436 Queen of the Meadow 436 Queen's Root 436 Quercus Alba 431 Raccoon Berry 429 Rag Wort 428 Rattle Root 418 Red Berry 411 Red Clover 437 Red Elm 439 Red Puccoon 413 Red Raspberry 413 Red Root 413 Rheumatism Weed 435 Rhus Glabra 442 Rich Weed 418 Rock Parsley 432 Rock Rose 437 Roman Chamomile 417 Rumex Acetosa 439 Rumex Crispus 447 St. John's Wort 443 Sage 437 Salt Rheum Weed 411 Salvia Officinalis 437 Sambucus Canadensis 422 Sanguinaria Canadenisis 413 Sassafras 438 Scoke 434 Scouring Rush 438 Scutellaria Latcriflora 439 Senecio Gracilis 428 Seneca Snake Root 438 Shave Grass 438 Sheep Sorrel 439 Silkweed 430 Sinapis Alba 431 Skunk Cabbage 439 Skull Cap 439 Slippery Elm 439 Smartweed 440 Snakehead 411 Snake Lily 414 Snake Root Virginia 441 Snapping Hazelnut 410 Solomon's Seal 441 Spearmint 440 Spignet 440 Spikenard 440
Spindle Tree 445 Squaw Mint 433 Squaw Root 418 Squaw Weed 428 Squaw Vine 432 Stagger Weed 444 Star Grass 444 Stillingia Sylvatica 436 Stinkweed 442 Storkbill 420 Stone Root 441 Strawberry 442 Stramonium 442 Sumach 442 Swamp Cabbage 439 Sweating Plant 414 Sweet Flag 442 Sweet Rush 442 Tall Speedwell 421 Tanacetum 443 Tansy 443 Tetter Wort 416 Thorn Apple 442 Thoroughwort 414 Thousand Leaf 446 Three Leaved Night Shade 412 Tickweed 433 Toothache Tree 435 Tormentil 420 Trailing Arbutus 425 Trifolium Pratense 437 Trillium Purpureum 412 True Unicorn Root 444 Trumpet Weed 436 Tuber Root 434 Tumeric Root 425 Turkey Corn 444 Turnip, Indian 444 Turtle Bloom 411 Ulmus Fulva 439 Vegetable Antimony 414 Veronica 421 Veronica Beccabunga 415 Viburnum Opulus 420 Viburnum Prunifolium 413 Wahoo 445 Wake Robin 413 Water Pepper 440 Waxberry 411 Wax Myrtle 411 White Hoarhound 426 Wild Cherry 445 Wild Carrot 416 Wild Lemon 429 Wild Tobacco 428 Wild Turkey Pea 444 Wild Turnip 444 Wild Yam 445 Wind Root 434 Winterbloom 410 Winter Clover 432 Wintergreen 435 Witch-Hazel 410 Wormseed 446 Wormwood 446 Xanthoxylum Fraxineum 435 Yarrow 446 Yellow Dock 447 Yellow Moccasin Flowers 427 Yellow Puccoon 425 Yellow Umbel 427 Zea Mays 419 Zingiber Officinale 423 Hereditary Ataxia 306 Hernia 122 Herpes Zoster 74 Hesperidin (Medical Use) 669
Hiccoughs 301, 619 Causes 302 Mothers' Remedies 302 1. Vinegar for 302 2. Sugar and Vinegar Stops 302 3. Sugar Win Relieve 302 4. Simple Remedy for 302 5. Home Remedy to Stop 302 6. Vinegar Stops 302 7. Cinchona Bark in Peppermint Stops 302 Physicians' Treatment 302 Hiccoughs (Herb Remedies) 431 Hinkley Bone Liniment 480 Hip Joint Disease 236 Causes 236 Symptoms of the First Stage 236 Second Stage 236 Treatment 236 Hives 89, 620 Causes 89 Medicines 89 Mothers' Remedies 89 1. Slippery Elm for 89 2. External and Internal Home Medicines 89 3. Tea and Powder 90 4. Catnip Tea for 90 5. Mother from Buckhorn, Florida, says 90 6. From a Mother at New Milford, Pa. 90 7. Buttermilk for 90 8. Baking Soda for 90 9. Canada Blue Clay for 90 Physicians' Treatment for Hives 90 For the Itching 90 Hoarseness 24 Causes 24 Symptoms 24 Mothers' Remedies 24 1. Borax for 24 2. Egg and Lemon for 25 3. Horseradish for 25 4. Successful Remedy for Adults 25 5. Lemon and Sugar for Children 25 Physicians' Treatment for Hoarseness 25 1. Rest the Voice 25 2. An Ice Bag 25 3. Tincture of Aconite 25 4. Citrate of Potash 25 5. Full Dose of Ten Grains of Dover's Powders 25 6. For a Cough 25 Hoarseness (Herb Remedies) 423, 426, 428, 429 Hobnail Liver 131 Holloway's Ointment 481 HOMEOPATHY DEPARTMENT 448 Medicines 448 List of Remedies 448 Fluids for External Use 448 Care of Medicines in the Sick Room 448 Directions for using Homeopathic Medicines 448 Chronic Cases, For 449 Acne 459 Ague 460 Aphthae 449 Apoplexy 461 Appendicitis 454 Asiatic Cholera 455 Bilious Attacks 456 Bilious Diarrhea 456 Biliousness, Liver 456 Bladder, Inflammation of 459 Boils 460 Bowel Falling 455 Brain, Congestion of 461 Brain, Inflammation of 461 Bright's Disease 458 Bronchitis, Acute and Chronic 457
Catarrh, Chronic 456 Carbuncle 460 Chicken Pox 460 Cholera, Asiatic 455 Cholera Infantum 453 Cholera Morbus 454 Chorea 462 Cold, Common, Beginning of 449 Colic 454 Constipation 454 Convulsions, in Children 462 Cord, Inflammation of 461 Croup 457 Cystitis (Inflammation of the Bladder) 459 Diabetes Mellitus 458 Diarrhea 453 Diphtheria 451 Diseases of Women 463 Dropsy 455 Dysentery 453 Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation) 464 Ears Boils in the Canal 463 Ear Inflammation of 463 Eczema 460 Endocarditis 458 Enteritis 452 Erysipelas 459 Esophagus, Inflammation of 451 Eyes, Simple Inflammation of 463 Eyes, Stye on Lids 463 Eyes, Weak and Watery 463 Fever, Inflammatory 460 Fever, Intermittent 460 Fever, Spotted 461 Fever, Typhoid 461 Fever, Yellow 461 Gastralgia (Cardialgia) 452 Gastritis, Acute 451 Gastritis, Chronic 451 Glossitis 450 Gout 459 Gums, Diseases of 450 Headache 461 Headache, Sick 462 Heartburn 452 Hematuria 459 Hives 459 Impetigo 460 Influenza 457 Intestine, Large, Inflammation of 453 Itch 459 Jaundice 456 Kidney, Nephritis 458 La Grippe 449 Laryngitis 456 Laryngitis, Chronic 456 Leucorrhea 464 Liver, Enlarged 455 Liver, Inflammation of 455 Lumbago 463 Measles 460 Menorrhagia (too much flow) 464 Menses, Suppression of 463 Metritis (Inflammation of the Womb) 463 Mumps 464 Nerves, Inflammation of 462 Neuralgia 462 Neuritis (Inflammation of the Nerves) 462 Night Sweats 464 Ovary, Inflammation of 464 Painter's Colic 454 Palpitation 458 Palpitation of the Heart 463 Pemphigus 460 Peritonitis 455 Pharyngitis 451 Piles 454 Pleurodynia 458 Pleurisy 458 Pneumonia 457 Psoriasis 460 Pulse, Intermittent 458 Quinsy 451 Renal Calculi 459 Rheumatism 459 Scarlet Fever 460 Sciatica 463 Scurvy 460 Sick Headache 462 Smallpox 460 Spleen, Enlargement 458 Spotted Fever 462 St. Vitus' Dance 462 Stomatitis 449 Stye 463 Teeth, Diseases of 450 Throat feels raw and sore 449 Throat, Inflammation of 450 Tonsils, Tonsilitis and Quinsy 451 Tonsilitis 451 Tonsil, Enlarged 451 Toothache 462 Typhoid Fever 461 Uvula, Inflammation of 450 Veins, Varicose 458 Vomiting 452 Water on the Brain 461 Whites 464 Whooping Cough 457 Worms 455 Yellow Fever 461 Honey (Medical Use) 672 Hordeolum 348 Hot Bath, Hot Air, Vapor and Steam Bath 630 Hot Pack, The 631 Hot Springs of Arkansas 666 Army and Navy Hospital 666 Privileges of Ex-Soldiers 666 Free Baths for Indigent People 667 Physicians' and Medical Regulations 667 Cost of Living at Hot Springs 667 Additional Information 668 Household Articles, their Medical Uses 668 Humid Tetter 63 Hydrochloric Acid, Poison by 404 Hydroperitoneum 135 Hydrophobia 241 Comparative Danger 248 Immediate Treatment of the Wound 248 When to Send Patients to Institutes 248 What to Send for Examination 248 Protection 249 Cities where Pasteur Institutes are located 249 Hydrothorax 43 Causes 43 Physicians' Treatment 44 Hymen, The 491 Hyperaemia of the Brain 295 Hyperaemia of the Kidney 155 Hyperaemia of the Liver 131 Hyperidrosis 75 Hypertrophy of the Prostate 164 Symptoms 164 Treatment, Preventive 164 Hypochondria 427 Hysteria 283 Causes 283 Education 284 Direct Influence 284 Symptoms 284 Symptoms of the Paroxysms 285 During the Convulsion 286 The first thing to do 286 Preventive Treatment of Hysteria 286 Physicians' Treatment 287 1. The Following is Recommended by Dr. Goodell 287 2. Fowler's Solution of Arsenic 287
3. Asafoetida 287 4. Sumbul or Musk Root 287 5. The Following is Good 287 6. Tincture of Hops 288 7. General Cautions 288 Hysteria (Herb Remedies) 420, 426, 430, 439, 443
Ice Bags (India Rubber) 632 Ice Cream 647 Ice Poultice 633 Ice Water Coils 633 Indigestion, Chronic 103 Causes 103 Symptoms 103 Mothers' Remedies 104 1. Spice Poultice for 104 2. Oil of Hemlock for 104 3. Ginger and Soda for 104 4. Oil of Peppermint for 104 5. Mustard Poultice and Eggs for 104 6. Hot Plate for 104 Physicians' Treatment 104 Diet 105 Home Treatment 105 1. Drink Cold Water 105 2. Do Not Eat Much Meat 105 3. If the Stomach Wants Tone 105 4. Charcoal in Small Doses 105 5. If a Bitter Tonic is Needed 105 Indigestion, Chronic (Herb Remedies) 411, 414, 425 Indigestion in Older Children 602 Imperial Drink 650 Infantile Paralysis 307 Causes 307 Symptoms 307 Treatment 307 Infantum, Chlora 112 Inflammations (Herb Remedies) 431, 444 Inflammation, Douche to Allay 641 Inflammation of the Bladder 162 Causes 162 Symptoms 162 Bladder Trouble 162 1. English Oil of Sandal Wood for 162 2. Effective Herb Tea for 163 Treatment 163 Diet 163 Inflammation of the Bladder (Herb Remedies) 425 Inflammation of the Bladder, Chronic 163 Causes 163 Treatment, Preventive 163 Inflammation of the Bowels 118 Mothers' Remedies 118 1. An Excellent Remedy for 118 2. Red Beet Poultice for 118 3. Hop poultice for 118 4. Griddle Cake poultice for 118 5. Spice Poultice for Child or Adult 118 6. Simple Remedy Always at Hand 118 7. A Rather Unique Remedy for 118 8. Marshmallow Leaves, A Canadian Remedy for 118 9. Syrup of Rhubarb for 118 Inflammation of the Bowels 678 Inflammation of the Smaller Bronchi and Lungs 40 Inflammation of the Brain 296, 617 Inflammation of the Bronchial Tubes 30 Inflammation, Simple, of the Eustachian Tubes 360 Inflammation of the Eyes at Birth, Diagnosis of 4 Inflammation of Eyes of Newly-Born 350 Inflammation of the Iris 352 Inflammation of the Kidneys, Acute 156 Inflammation of the Larynx 24 Inflammation of the Middle Ear 365 Inflammation of the Nail 78 Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic 14 Inflammation of the Nerves 276 Inframaxillary Neuralgia 265 Inflammation of the Peritoneum 133 Inflammation of the Pharynx 21 Inflammation of the Pleura 41 Inflammation of the Retina from Bright's Disease 355 Inflammatory Rheumatism, Diagnosis of 4 Inflammation of the Skin 62 Varieties 62 Physicians' Treatment 62 Inflammation of the Thyroid Gland 258 Inflammation of the Veins 345 INFECTIOUS DISEASES 166 Infection and Contagion 166 Infectious Diseases, Table of 167 Influenza 192 The Onset 192 Mothers' Remedies 193 1. Red Pepper or Cayenne for 193 2. An Easy Remedy for 193 3. Pleasant and Effective Remedy for 193 4. To Allay Fever in 193 5. Poor Man's Herb Vapor Bath 193 6. Red Pepper Treatment from Canada 193 Physicians' Treatment 194 Corn Sweat 194 Fever 194 Irritating Cough 194 Sore Throat 195 Medicines 195 Aspirin 195 Diet 195 Influenza (Herb Remedies) 414, 428 Ingrowing Toe-Nail 395 Causes 395 Treatment 395 Mothers' Remedy for 395 1. Popular Remedy for 395 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 677 1. Home Treatment for 677 2. A Good Canadian Remedy for 677 3. Camphor for 678 Injuries to the Head 302 Symptoms 302 Treatment 303 Injuries to the Spinal Cord 303 Insane, General Paralysis of 298 Softening of the Brain 298 Symptoms 298 Treatment 299 Insanity 308 History 308 Causes or Insanity 309 Other Causes of Insanity, Imperfect Nutrition 311 Blows end Falls Upon the Head 311 Fright is Another Cause 311 Insanity is most Prevalent among the Working Classes 311 Social Pleasure 312 Classification 312 Ischio-Rectal Abscess 151 Insects and Other Bites 378 Insects and Other Bites (Herb Remedies) 434 Insomnia 299 Definition 299 Causes 299 Primary Causes 299 Nervous or Simplest Causes 299 Sleeplessness 299 Mothers' Remedies 299 1. Hop Pillow Stops 299 2. Easy and Simple Remedy for 299
3. Ginger at Bedtime for 300 4. Milk Will Stop 300 Physicians' Treatment 300 Treatment of the Congestive Insomnia 300 1. Hot or Warm General Baths 300 2. Cold Spongings 300 3. The Patient Should Stand in Water 300 4. The Cold Abdominal Pack is Valuable 300 5. Exercise 300 Diet 300 Medicines if you must use them 301 Insomnia (Herb Remedies) 426, 430, 439 Intercostal Neuralgia 265 Internal Piles 149 Interstitial Nephritis, Chronic 159 Intestinal Colic 124 Intestinal Obstruction 121 Causes 121 1. Strangulation 121 2. Intussusception 121 3. Twists and Knots 121 4. Strictures and Tumors 121 5. Abnormal Contents 121 Symptoms and Obstruction 121 Recovery 122 Treatment 122 Diet 122 INTOXICANTS AND SUNSTROKES 371 Intubation, Operation of 664 Iodine, Poison by 404 Iritis, Diagnosis of 3 Iris, The 347 Iritis (Inflammation of the Iris) 352 Causes 352 Symptoms 352 Course and Recovery 352 Mothers' Remedies 353 1. Sensible Remedy for 353 Treatment—What to do first 353 Local Treatment 353 The Diet 353 Cautions 353 Injuries to the Iris 353 Iron Tonic Bitters (Rare Prescription) 477 Icterus 127 Itch, Common 81 Cause 81 Mothers' Remedies 81 1. Mustard Ointment for 81 2. Grandmothers' Cure for 81 3. Herb Ointment for 81 4. Elecampane Root Ointment for 81 5. Oatmeal for 82 6. A Mother at Parma, Michigan, sends the following 82 7. Kerosene for 82 8. Splendid Ointment for Itch 82 Physicians' Treatment for Itch 82 First thing to do 82 Ointments 82 1. Simple Sulphur Ointment Alone 82 2. For Itch 82 3. For Itch 82 4. For Children 83 5. The Following for Adults 83 Second 83 Third 83 Itch, Common (Herb Remedies) 447 Itch, Disease 79 Symptoms 79 Definitions 79 Course of Disease 79 Causes 80 Physicians' Treatment 80 Arsenic 80 1. Local Treatment 80 2. Good Application 80 3. Tar Remedy 80 4. Tar and Sulphur for 80 5. A Good Combination 80 6. Another Good Local Application 81 Itching of the Anus 143 Causes 143 After Operation 144 Symptoms 144 Physicians' Treatment 144 Preventive and Palliative 144 Diet 144 May Take 144 Must Not Take 144 Remedies for Bath 144 1. Separate the Buttocks with Gauze 144 2. Dr. Allingham Recommends 144 3. Local Applications Soothing Remedies 145 4. The Following is Good to Dust the Parts 145 5. The Following is Good for Raw Parts 145 6. The Following is good for the Itching 145 7. For Constipation 145 8. For Injections 145 9. For the Same Purpose 145 Itch Ointment (Rare Prescription) 478 Itching Piles 143 Ivy Poisoning 92 Symptoms 92 Mothers' Remedies 92 1. Buttermilk and Copperas for 92 2. Cure for 93 Ivy Poisoning (Herb Remedies) 410, 434
Jacket Poultice, The 632 Jaundice 127 Causes 127 Symptoms 127 Mothers' Remedies 127 1. Sweet Cider Sure Cure for 127 2. Lemon Juice for 127 3. Peach Tree Bark for 127 4. Mandrake Root for 127 5. Dandelion Root Tea for 127 6. Boneset Tea for 128 7. Mandrake Leaves for 128 8. Mullein Leaf Tea for 128 Physicians' Treatment for Liver Trouble 128 1. For Liver Trouble 128 2. The Following is Good 128 3. Severe Type and Epidemic Form 128 4. The Common, Simple Kind of Jaundice 128 Jaundice (Herb Remedies) 411, 441, 446 Jaundice, Catarrhal 128 Causes 128 Symptoms 128 Physicians' Treatment 129 1. Sodium Phosphate for 129 2. Calomel for 129 Jaundice, Malignant 131 Jaw, Bandage for Broken 382 Jaw, Big 234 Jaw, Dislocation of 379 Jaw, Lump 234 Johnson's Liniment 484 Joint, Shoulder Dislocation 380 June Cold 17
Kelly's Tonic 486 Kellog's Red Drops 481 Kickapoo Indian Oil 481 Kidneys 152 Kidney Trouble 154 Mothers' Remedies 154 1. Cornsilk for 154 2. Flaxseed and Lemons for 154 3. Temporary Relief for 154 4. Buchu Leaves for 154 5. Common Rush Root for 154
6. Effective and Easy Cure for 154 7. Sheep Sorrel Excellent for 154 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 678 1. An Easily Prepared Remedy for 678 Kidneys (Herb Remedies) 411, 415, 416, 417, 419, 422, 426, 435, 446 Kidneys, Acute Inflammation of the 156 Kidneys, Chronic Congestion of 155 Kidneys, Acute Congestion of 155 Treatment 155 Kidneys, Diseases of 152 Kidney, Floating 154 Kidneys, Hypeaemia of the 155 Kidney and Liver Cure (Rare Prescription) 478 Kidney, Movable 154 Causes 154 Symptoms 155 Treatment 155 Diet for Movable Kidney 155 Kidneys, Plate of 153 Kidneys, Stomach, Prostate, etc., Operation for 665 Kidney Stones, Diagnosis of 3 Kidney Stone 161 Symptoms 161 Treatment 161 Diet 162 Queen of the Meadow 162 Kidney Stone (Herb Remedies) 435 Knee Joint Disease 236 Treatment 236
Labia Majora, The 490 Labia Minora, The 490 Labor 528 Laceration of the Brain 302 La Grippe, Diagnosis of 3 La Grippe 192 The Onset 192 Mothers' Remedies 193 1. Red Pepper or Cayenne for 193 2. An Easy Remedy for 193 3. Pleasant and Effective Remedy for 193 4. To Allay Fever in 193 5. Poor Man's Herb Vapor Bath 193 6. Red Pepper Treatment from Canada 193 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 678 1. Red Pepper Treatment from a Canadian Mother 678 Physicians' Treatment 194 Corn Sweat 194 Fever 194 Irritating Cough 194 Sore Throat 195 Bowels 195 Medicines 195 Aspirin 195 Diet 195 Lard (Medical Use) 672 Laryngeal Diphtheria 181 Laryngitis, Acute 26 Diet in Laryngitis 26 Laryngitis, Oedamatous 26 Larynx, Inflammation of 24 Laudanum, Poison by 404 Laxatives (Herb Remedies) 431, 445 Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets 468 Lead Poisoning 374 Causes 374 Symptoms of Acute Case 374 Chronic Case 374 Symptoms 371 Treatment 374 For Chronic Poisoning remove the cause 374 Constipation 374 For Pain 374 Lemonade 649, 650 Lemonade Albuminized 650 Lemon Jelly 646 Lemon (Medical Use) 669 Lemon Velvet 647 Length of Time to Cook Cereals 651 Lens, for Glasses 335 Lentigo 75 Lepra Anesthetica (Nerve Leprosy) 240 Lepra Maculosa 240 Lepra Trophomenrotica 240 Lepra Tuberosa (Tuberculated, Nodulated or Tegumentary Skin Leprosy) 238 Leprosy 236 Definition 236 History 237 Cause 237 Symptoms 238 Leprosy, Atrophic 240 Leprosy, Skin 238 Leucorrhea (The Whites) 510 Leucorrhea (Herb Remedies) 411, 412, 413, 419, 420, 422, 425, 431, 432, 441, 442, 446 Leukaemia 252 1. Spleen and Bone-Marrow (Spleen-Medullary type) 252 2. Lymphatic type 252 Causes 252 Symptoms 252 Treatment 252 Leukaemia, False 252 Causes 252 Symptoms 253 Treatment 253 Light 624 Lime Water 648 Liniment 678 Liniment (Rare Prescription) 479 Linseed Meal Poultice 631, 635 Lip, Hare 369 Liquid, Diet 644 Liver, Abscess of the 132 Liver, Chronic Congestion of the 131 Liver, Circulatory Disturbances of 131 Causes 131 Symptoms 131 Abscess 132 Recovery 132 Treatment 132 Diet in Liver Troubles 132 May Take 133 Must Not Take 133 Liver, Circulatory Disturbances of (Herb Remedies) 414, 416, 421, 425, 429, 445 Liver, Cirrhosis of the 131 Liver (Description of) 125 Liver, Hard 131 Liver, Hobnail 131 Liver, Gin Drinkers' 131 Liver Pills (Rare Prescription) 479 Liver, Sclerosis of the 131 Liver Spots 61 Causes 61 Physicians' Treatment 61 Local Treatment 61 Local Baths and Packs 630 Local Peritonitis 134 Lochia, The 540 Lochia, The (Herb Remedies) 420, 430, 132 Lockjaw, Diagnosis of 3 Lockjaw 231 Causes 231 Symptoms 231 Recovery 232 1. Successful Remedy for 232 2. Smoke as a Cure for 232 Physicians' Treatment 232 Locomotor Ataxia 305 Lombard Secret Cancer Remedies 471 Loss of Appetite 587
Lotions 633 Louse, Body 78 Louse, Diseases of the Skin Produced by 78 Treatment 78 Louse, Head 78 Lumbago 323 Mothers' Remedy 678 1. Ointment for 678 Lump Jaw 234 Lungs, Abscess of the 43 Lungs, Acute Inflammation of 40 Lungs, Acute Inflammation of (Herb Remedies) 419, 427 Lungs, Bleeding from 38 Lungs, Bleeding from (Herb Remedies) 412, 446 Lungs, Tuberculosis of the, Diagnosis of 5 Lung Fever 218 Lurschkas Tonsil 8 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 469 Lye, Poison by 404
Madame Rupert's Face Bleach 473 Malarial Fever, Diagnosis of, 3 Malarial Fever 228 Causes 228 Intermittent Malarial Fever 228 (a) Tertian 228 (b) Quartian 228 (c) Quotidian 228 Symptoms 228 Remittent or Continuous Malarial Fever 228 Pernicious Malarial Fever 229 Treatment—Prevention 229 Malarial Fever (Herb Remedies) 414 Malignant Anthrax 231 Malignant Jaundice 131 Malnutrition (Marasmus) 615 Malta Fever 230 Mania 312 Mastoiditis, Chronic 365 Mastoid, Operation for 663 Matches, Poison by 406 Measles, Diagnosis of 4 Measles 175 Incubation 176 Symptoms and description of ordinary type 176 Eyes 177 Mortality in Measles 177 Diagnosis 177 Treatment—Prevention 177 Mothers' Remedies 177 1. Lemon Remedy from a Canadian Mother 177 2. Elder Blossom Tea to drive out 177 General Treatment 178 Cold Drinks 178 Cough in Measles 178 1. For Measles 178 2. For Measles 178 3. For Irritation of the Skin 178 4. For Scaling 178 Diet 178 Teas 178 Caution 179 Measles, German, Diagnosis of 4 Measles, German 179 Incubation period runs 179 Rash 179 Treatment 179 Medicine Chest 637 Melancholia 312 Causes 312 Acute Melancholia 312 Chronic Melancholia 312 Membranous Croup 184 Meningitis 210 Treatment 210 Meningitis, Basilar 210 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 1 MOTHERS' DIAGNOSIS 1 Meningitis, Cerebro-Spinal 209 Cause 209 Conditions 209 Symptoms, Ordinary Form 209 Malignant type 210 Spinal Meningitis 210 Meningitis, Tubercular 210 Menopause (Change of Life) 513 Menorrhagia 505 Menorrhagia (Herb Remedies) 420, 441, 443, 446 Menstrual Headache 271 Menstruation 494 Menstruation (Herb Remedies) 415, 428 432 Menstruation Delayed 504 Menstruation Delayed (Herb Remedies) 428, 432, 440 Menstruation Difficult 507 Menstruation Difficult (Herb Remedies) 415, 443 Menstruation and Its Disorders 504 Menstruation and Its Disorders (Herb Remedies) 430 Menstruation Premature 504 Menstruation Vicarious (in place of) 505 Mercuric Chloride, Poison by 405 Midwifery, or Obstetrics 515 Migrane, Hemicrania 272 Mild Plaster for Children 634 Milk Leg 542 Milk of Lime, to Prepare 625 Milk Porridge 647 Milk Poison, Popular Remedy for 680 Miscarriage 524 Miscarriage (Herb Remedies) 413, 422, 444 Mitchell's Eye Salve 482 Mitral Insufficiency or Incompetency 343 Symptoms 343 Mitral Stenosis 343 Moist Heat, for 631 Mole 77 Physicians' Treatment 77 Causes 77 Mons Veneris 490 Morbus Coxarius 236 Morphine Habit 373 Symptoms 373 Treatment 373 Morphinism 373 Morphine, Poison by 405 Mosquito Bite 377 Mothers' Flour and Water Poultice 634 Mothers' Remedies Unclassified 674 Mother Seigel's Syrup 482 Moth Patch 61 Mountain Dew 647 Mouth, Sore 97, 551 Mouth, Sore (Herb Remedies) 410, 420, 442, 444 Mouth and Teeth, Care of 628 Spongy and Sore Gums 628 Cloths for Washing the Teeth and Mouth 628 Mouth Wash, Antiseptic 120 Antiseptic Mouth Wash 120 Simple and Unsurpassed 121 Mouth Wash (Herb Remedies) 410 Mulled Wine 650 Multiple Neuritis 278 Mumps, Diagnosis of 4 Mumps 180 Treatment 180 Muscular Rheumatism 323 Causes 323 Symptoms 323 Lumbago 323 Torticollis (Stiff or Wry Neck) 323 Pleurodynia, Pain in the Chest Muscles, etc 323
Diet for Rheumatism from a Head Nurse of a Prominent Hospital 324 May Take 324 Must Not Take 324 Treatment for Stiff Neck 324 Mothers' Remedies for Stiff Neck 324 1. Hot Salt and Oil of Sassafras 324 Physicians' Treatment, Preventive 324 Liniment 325 Menthol Liniment for Lumbago 325 Mothers' Remedies 325 1. Vinegar and Salt for Weak Back 325 2. Simple Remedy for Weak Back 325 3. Good Liniment for Weak Back 325 4. Chloroform Liniment for Lameness 325 5. Plaintain Leaves and Cream for 325 Mothers' Remedies for Rheumatism 325 1. Salt Petre Good In Cases of 325 2. Rochelle Salts for 325 3. Flowers of Sulphur will Relieve Pain of 325 4. Three Simple Ingredient Liniment for 326 5. Sulphur Good for 326 6. Horse Radish for 326 7. Simple Remedy to Relieve pain of 326 8. Liniment for Chronic 326 9. Herb Remedy for 326 10. Three Things that will Help 326 11. Good Liniment for 326 12. Camphor and Alcohol for 327 13. Sweet Fern Tea Excellent for 327 14. Well-known Celery Remedy for 327 15. Flowers of Sulphur Relieves 327 16. Poultice for 327 17. Novel Relief for 327 18. Snake Root and Lemons for 327 19. Another Good Liniment for 328 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 680 1. Mountain Leaf Tea for 680 2. Beef Gall for 680 Mustard Leaves or Sinapisms 633, 635 Mustard (Medical Use) 673 Mustard Plaster 633, 634, 635 Mustard Poultice 633 Mustard Stupe 634 Myelitis 304 Causes 304 Symptoms 304 Recovery 305 Treatment 305 Myocarditis 345 Myxoedema 260 Causes of Cretinism 260 Symptoms 260 (a) Cretinism 260 (b) Myxoedema proper 261 Operative Type 261 Symptoms 261 Treatment 261
Naevus 77 Nail, Enlarged 77 Nail, Inflammation of the 78 Nail Wound, Rusty 393 Mothers' Remedies 394 1. Iodoform and Vaselin Salve 394 2. Turpentine Good 394 Tincture of Myrrh for Fresh 394 Nasal Catarrh, Acute 10 Nasal Growths 8 Nasal Polypus 19 Nausea (Herb Remedies) 424, 433, 440 Neonatorum Ophthalmia 4 Nephritis, Acute 156 Nephritis, Chronic (Diffuse Desquamative) 158
Nephritis, Chronic Interstitial 159 Causes 159 Arteria-Sclerotic Form 159 Symptoms 159 Recovery 160 Treatment 160 Diet as Followed by a Prominent Hospital 160 May Take 160 Must Not Take 160 Nephritis, Chronic (Parenchymatous) 158 Ncphritis, Chronic (Parenchymatous) (Herb Remedies) 419 Nephritis, Tubal 158 Nephro-Lithiasis 161 Nephroptosis 154 Nerves, Inflammation of 276 Nerve Leprosy 240 Nerve Tumors 276 Varieties, True and False Nerve Tumors 276 Symptoms 276 Physicians' Treatment 276 Nervousness 261 Mothers' Remedies 267 1. Catnip Tea for 267 2. Hops will Stop 267 3. Effective Remedy for 267 4. Five-Ingredient Remedy that Relieves 268 5. Lady's Slipper Breaks up 268 Nervousness (Herb Remedies) 416, 423, 426, 430, 439 Nervous Dyspepsia 105 Nervous Exhaustion 280 Nervous Headache 269 Treatment 269 Nervous Prostration 280 Causes 280 1. Hereditary Causes 280 2. Acquired 280 Symptoms 280 Physicians' Treatment 281 First, then, is Rest 282 Nervousness (Rare Prescription) 480 Nervous System, Plate of 262 NERVOUS SYSTEM, Diseases of (Chapter) 261 Nettle Rash 89 Nettle Rash (Herb Remedies) 442 Neuralgia 261 Causes 261 Symptoms 261 Nervous System, Plate of 262 Varieties 263 Mothers' Remedies 263 1. Lemon Juice as Liniment for 263 2. Salt and Vinegar Will Relieve 263 3. Quinine Will Cure 263 4. Four-Ingredient Remedies for 263 5. Good Liniment for 263 6. Menthol Liniment for 263 7. Belladonna Plaster for 263 Physicians' Treatment for 263 1. Cure for 264 2. Antipyrine 264 3. If Caffeine in First Prescription Causes Nervousness 264 Neuralgia (Herb Remedies) 439 Neuralgia (Rare Prescription) 481 Neuralgia of the Fifth Pair of Cranial Nerves 265 Neuralgia and Earache 631 Mothers' Remedy (Unclassified) 679 1. Soothing Ointment for 679 Neuralgia, Facial 265 Treatment 265 Neuralgic Headache 270 Neuralgia, Intercostal 265 Causes 265
Symptoms 266 Physicians' Treatment 266 Local Treatment 266 Neuralgia of the Rectum 137 Neuralgia of the Stomach 107 Causes 107 Symptoms 107 Physicians' Treatment 107 Neuralgia of the Trigeminus 265 Neuralgia Trifacial 265 Neurasthenia 230 Neuritis 276 Causes 277 Neuritis, Simple 277 Neuritis, Multiple 278 Neuroma 276 New York Sun Cholera Cure 480 Night Sweats 44 Mothers' Remedies 44 1. Salt Bath for 44 2. Cold Sage for 44 Physicians' Treatment 44 1. Atropine for 44 2. Tonics to Keep up the Appetite 44 Nitric Acid, Poison by 405 Normal Salt Solution 626 Nose, Anatomy of the 6 Nose-Bleed 19 Mothers' Remedies 19 1. Remedy sent us by a Public School Teacher 19 2. Alum as a Cure for 19 3. Remedy that Succeeded in a Severe Case 19 4. Simple Remedy for 20 5. Another Home Remedy for 20 6. Puff-Ball for 20 7. Vinegar and Water for 20 Physicians' Treatment for Nose-Bleed 20 Nose-Bleed (Herb Remedies) 420 Nose, Broken 383 Nose, Chronic Inflammation of the 14 Nose, Things in the 396 Nose, Tumor of the 10 Physicians' Treatment 19 Nursing 565 NURSING DEPARTMENT, Including Care of Sick and Sick Room) 123 Albumin Water 649 Alcohol Sponge Bath 631 Almond Milk 649 Appendicitis, for 633 Apple Water 649 Arrowroot Custard 647 Arrowroot Gruel 652 Baked Custard 647 Barley Gruel 652 Barley Water 647 Baths 629 Bed Pan, How to Use 641 Bed Sores, Prevention and Care of 628 Treatment, Preventive 628 Treatment of Sore Proper 628 Blistered Skin, to Dress 635 Boric Acid 626 Bran Bath 630 Brandy and Egg Mixture 649 Brown Bread 653 Capsicum and Belladonna Plasters 635 Carbolic Acid 625 Care and Disinfection of an Infected Room 626 Care of Discharges (Excreta) 624 Sputum Cups 624 Bed Pans and Urinals 624 Soiled Dressing and Linen 624 Caudle 649 Cereals and Cereal Gruels 651 Chestnut Puree 652 Chicken Broth 648 Chloride of Lime 625 Cinnamon Tea 647 Common Tables of Measures, Apothecaries' Weight 636 Convalescent Diet 644 Cold 632 Cold Compresses 632 Contents of Medicine Chest 637 Cold Pack, The 631 Cornmeal Gruel 652 Corrosive Sublimate or Dichloride of Mercury 625 Counter-Irritants 633 Coughs of Long Standing, Syrup for 650 Cracker Gruel 652 Cream of Celery Soup 653 Cream of Potato Soup 653 Cream Soup 647 Cream Toast 646 Cream of Tomato Soup 653 Crust Coffee 647 Cupping, Wet and Dry 635 Currant Juice 649 Daily Care of the Room by the Nurse 620 Dead, How to Care for the 638 Diabetic Bread 648 Diet 643 Diet in Debility sent us from one of our Leading Hospitals May Take 646 Soups, Fish, Meats, Eggs, Farinaceous Vegetables, Desserts, Drinks 646 Must Not Take 646 Diets in Fevers, Furnished us by a Trained Nurse in Hospital May Take 645 Food, Drinks—Must not Take 645 Dishes for the Sick Room 646 Disinfection 624 Disinfectants 625 Disinfecting the Room 626 Dose for Children, How to Determine 636 Dose in Drops for Different Ages 636 Rule Usually Followed 636 Douches 641 Dry Cupping 635 Dry Salt Bath sent us with Mothers' Remedies 630 Ear (Aural) Douche 641 Egg Broth 649 Eggnog, Hot 649 Eggnog, Cold 649 Egg Cordial 649 Eggs, Dainty Way to Serve on Toast 648 Egg Gruel 648 Enemata 638 A High 638 A Low 639 Position 639 Amount 639 What Material 639 Syringe 639 Laxative Enema, Sometimes is Necessary 639 Laxative Enema for Infants and Children 639 Formula No. 1 640 Formula No. 2 640 3. Molasses and Laxative Enema 640 Enemata, Astringent 611 Enemata, Nutritive 640 Formula No. 1 640 Formula No. 2 640 Enemata, Salt 641 Enemata, Stimulating 641 Black Coffee 641 Enemata, Turpentine 641
External Applications 631 Farina Gruel 652 Fever Cases and to Disguise the Taste of Bad Medicines, Syrup of Lemon for 650 Fever Drinks for 648 Flaxseed Tea 650 Fomentations 634 Foods for Different Meals for Those Who Can Eat But Who Do not Have Much Appetite 645 Breakfast, Dinner, Supper 645 Foods that May Be Taken Together 645 Foods That Should Not be Taken Together 645 Foods and Drinks for the Sick Room 643 Food, the Kind of 643 Foot Baths in Bed 629 Fruit Juices, How to Albuminize 644 Germicides 625 General and Local, For Dry Heat 631 Germs, The 625 Gluten Gruel 652 Grape Juice 650 Heat and Chemicals 624 Hot Bath, Hot Air, Vapor and Steam Bath 630 Hot Pack, The 631 Ice Bags (India Rubber) 632 Ice Cream 647 Ice Poultices 633 Ice Water Coils 633 Inflammation, To Allay 641 Imperial Drink 650 Jacket Poultice, The 632 Lemonade 649, 650 Lemonade Albuminized 650 Lemon Jelly 646 Lemon Velvet 647 Length of Time to Cook Cereals 651 Light 624 Lime Water 648 Linseed Meal Poultice 635, 631 Liquid Diet 644 Local Baths and Packs 630 Lotions 633 Medicine Chest 637 Mild Plaster for Children 634 Milk of Lime to Prepare 625 Milk Porridge 647 Moist Heat, For 631 Mothers' Flour and Water Poultice 634 Mountain Dew 647 Mouth and Teeth, Care of 628 Spongy and Sore Gums 628 Cloths for Washing the Teeth and Mouth 628 Mulled Wine 650 Mustard Leaves or Sinapisms 635 Mustard Plaster 634, 635 Mustard Poultice 633 Mustard Stupe 634 Neuralgia and Earache, For 631 Normal Salt Solution 626 Nursing Department 623 Oatmeal, Barley or Rice Water, From the Grain 650 Oatmeal Gruel 646, 648, 652 Odors 647 Omelet 648 Orangeade 650 Oyster Stew 653 Peptonized Milk, Cold Process 653 Plasters, Capsicum and Belladonna 635 Poultices of Peach Tree Leaves from Our Mothers' List 634 Pulse 642 Raspberry Shrub 646 Raspberry Vinegar 647 Rectal Douche 641 Respiration (Breathing) 642 Root Beer 646 Sago Custard 647 Salt Water Bath, Tonic Action 630 Soft Diet 644 Soiled and Stained Linen 624 Spice Plaster 634, 635 Spice Poultice 634 Spice Poultice from a Stanlyton, Va., Mother 634 Sponge Bath 630 Starch Bath 630 Starch and Laudanum 641 Starch Poultice 632 Sterilization 624 Sterilizing, A Simple method of 625 Summer Complaint, Prepared Flour for 648 Table 636 Tapioca Jelly 652 Temperature (Fever) Under the Tongue and Arm-pit 612 Temperature of the Room 624 Tongue, The 642 Ulcers 643 High Fevers 643 Dark Brown or Blackish Coating 643 Strawberry Tongue 643 Cankered Tongue 643 Cholera Infantum 643 Constipation 643 Biliousness 643 Tub Bath (Common) 631 Tuberculous Patients, How to Treat Sputum from 627 In Diphtheria 627 Bed Pans 627 Sheet and Clothing 627 Turpentine and Mustard Stupes, for see above 635 Turpentine Stupes 634 Vaginal Douche the, For Cleansing 641 Vanilla Snow 648 Ventilation 623 Warm Baths (90 to 100 F.) 630 Wet Cupping 635 Whole Wheat Bread 653 Yeast Poultices 633 Nutmeg Liver 131 Nux Vomica, Poison by 405
Oatmeal, Barley or Rice Water, from the Grain 650 Oatmeal Gruel 648,652, 646 Obesity 330 Treatment 331 Diet 331 For Breakfast 331 Noon Meal Dinner 331 Supper 331 Before Going to Bed 331 Obesity—(Herb Remedies) 434 OBSTETRICS, OR MIDWIFERY 515 Obstruction, Intestinal 121 Odors 647 Oedema of the Glottis 26 Oedematous Laryngitis 26 Olive Oil (Medical Use) 672 Omelet 648 Onion (Medical Use) 669 Onychia 78 Onychauxis 77 Operations 662 Operations, Special 663 Opium, Poison by 405 Ophthalmia Neonatorum 350 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Diagnosis of 4 Orangeade 650 Organs, Diseases of the Digestive 97
Organic Diseases of the Spinal Cord 304 Symptoms 304 Treatment 304 Organs of Generation, The Internal 491 Osteopathy 661 Ovaries, The 493 Ovaries, Inflammation of 503 Ovaries, Tumors of 504 Ovaries, Tumors of the Operation for 663 Ovaritis 503 Ovary, Diseases of 503 Oxalic Acid, Poison by 405 Oxyuria Vermicularis 46 Oyster Stew 653 Ozena 16 Causes 16 Physicians' Treatment 16 Home Treatment 16 1. Solution for 16 2. The Following Ointment 16 3. Dr. Ferguson of New York uses the Following 17
Pain or Rheumatism 679 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 679 1. Tansy and Smartweed for 679 2. Horseradish Poultice for 679 3. Liniment to Relieve 679 4. Vinegar and Pepper for 679 Paine's Celery Compound 488 Pain Killer, External 481 Palate, Cleft 369 Palpitation of the Heart 337 Causes 337 Symptoms 337 Mothers' Remedies 338 1. Tea of Geranium Root for 338 2. Hot Foot Bath and Camphor for 338 3. Valuable Herb Tea for 338 Mothers' Remedies for Heartburn 338 1. Home Remedy for 338 2. Soda a Popular Remedy for 338 3. Excellent Remedy for 338 4. Remedy for Stout Person 338 Physicians' Treatment for Palpitation 338 When Caused by the Stomach 338 Difficult Breathing 339 Physicians' Cautions 339 Diet 339 The Heart 339 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 679 1. Salt Baths for 679 Palsy 294 Causes 294 Symptoms 294 (a) Paralysis of the Ocular (eye) Muscles 294 (b) Paralysis of the Muscles of Mastication (eating) 294 (c) Paralysis of the Facial (Face) Muscles 295 (d) Paralysis of the Muscles of the Upper Extremity 295 (e) Paralysis of the Muscles of the Lower Extremities 295 (f) Toxic (Poison) Paralysis, Lead Paralysis 295 Physicians' Treatment 295 Palsy, Shaking 291 Paralysis 294 Paralysis Agitans 291 Paralysis, General of the Insane 298 Paralysis, Infantile 307 Paralysis, Diseases Caused by Animal 44 Paresis, General 298 Paretic Dementia 298 Parotitis 180
Parry's Compound Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier 483 Parry's, Grave's Disease 260 Pasteur Institutes, Location of 249 Patch, Moth 61 PATENT MEDICINES AND RARE OLD PRESCRIPTIONS 465 Ague, Chills and Fever (Rare Prescription) 467 Allen's World's Hair Restorer 465 Anti-Constipation Pad 465 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 466 Ayer's Hair Vigor 466 Ayer's Sarsaparilla 467 Barker's Bone and Nerve Liniment 467 Blood and Liver Regulator (Rare Prescription) 466 Blotches and Pimples (Rare Prescription) 473 Brinkerhoff System of Treating Piles 468 British Oil 488 Brodie's Liniment for Asthma 484 Bull's Blood Syrup 470 Burns and Scalds (Rare Prescription) 466 California Liniment 470 Cancer Paste 471 Carter's Little Liver Pills 472 Castoria 472 Catarrh Ointment (Rare Prescription) 468 Cathartic and Sure Cure for Constipation 468 Catarrh of Long Standing 467 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy 473 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea (Rare Prescription) 469 Colic in Infants 471 Constipation 471 Corns 472 Coughs 468 Croup 459 Cuticura Ointment 474 Cuticura Resolvent 474 Diarrhea, Flux and Dysentery (Rare Prescription) 472 Dyspepsia Tonic 473 Earache (Rare Prescription) 470 Edward's Alterative and Tonic Bitters 487 Ely's Cream Balm 474 Fellow's Hypophosphites 475 Female Regulator (Rare Prescription) 474 Fever, For (Rare Prescription) 474 Flux (Rare Prescription) 474 General Tonic 475 Genuine White Oil Liniment 476 Good Samaritan Liniment 476 Grandmother's Own Cough Remedy 476 Green Mountain Salve 477 Gunn's Rheumatic Liniment 478 Haines's Golden Specific for Opium Habit 478 Hair's, Dr. B. W., Cure 473 Hall's Hair Renewer 479 Hamburg Breast Tea 488 Hamburg Drops 479 Hamlin's Wizard Oil 480 Harter's Wild Cherry Bitters 487 Headache (Rare Prescription) 476 Heartburn (Rare Prescription) 476 Heart Diseases, Fluttering, etc, (Rare Prescription) 471 Hinkley's Bone Liniment 480 Holloway's Ointment 481 Iron Tonic Bitters (Rare Prescription) 477 Itch Ointment (Rare Prescription) 478 Johnson's Liniment 484 Kellog's Red Drops 481 Kelly's Tonic 486 Kickapoo Indian Oil 481 Kidney and Liver Cure (Rare Prescription) 478
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets 468 Liniment (Rare Prescription) 479 Liver Pills (Rare Prescription) 479 Lombard's Secret Cancer Remedies 471 Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 469 Madame Rupert's Face Bleach 473 Mitchell's Eye Salve 482 Mother Siegel's Syrup 482 Nervousness (Rare Prescription) 480 Neuralgia (Rare Prescription) 481 New York Sun Cholera Cure 480 Pain Killer, External 481 Paine's Celery Compound 488 Parry's Comp. Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier 483 Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin Seeds 483 Perry Davis's Pain Killer 484 Pierce's Compound Extract of Smartweed 488 Poison Oak and Ivy (Rare Prescription) 481 Radway's Pills 488 Relief from Asthma (Rare Prescription) 465 Rheumatism, Internal Use (Rare Prescription) 482 Royal Catarrh Cure 467 Sage's Catarrh Cure 484 Salve for Boils and Old Sores (Rare Prescription) 466 Saul's Catarrh Remedy 485 St. Jacob's Oil 485 Scald Head (Rare Prescription) 482 Scrofula (Rare Prescription) 482 Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower 485 Skinner's Dandruff Mixture 485 Smith's Electric Oil 470 Sore Eyes (Rare Prescription) 470 Sore Throat (Rare Prescription) 475 Southern Cholera Cure 483 Syrup of Figs 485 Tape Worm (Rare Prescription) 483 Thomas's Electric Oil 486 Tonic, General (Rare Prescription) 475 Toothache (Rare Prescription) 483 Van Buskirk's Fragrant Sozodont 486 Watt's Anti-Rheumatic Pills 487 White's Cough Syrup 487 Whooping Cough (Rare Prescription) 484 Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin Seeds 483 Pediculus Capitis 78 Pediculus Corporis 78 Pediculus Pubis 78 Pelvis, The 490 Pemphigus 79 Peptonized Milk 594 Peptonized Milk 653 Cold Process 653 Pericarditis 341 Primary or First Cause 341 Symptoms 341 Treatment of Pericarditis 341 Periproctitis 137, 151 Perineum and Cervix, operation for 664 Peritoneum, Inflammation of the 133 Peritonitis, Acute; General 133 Causes 133 Symptoms 133 Recovery, Prognosis, etc 134 Peritonitis, Local, 134 Symptoms 134 Treatment of Acute Peritonitis 134 For Vomiting 134 Diet 134 Peritonitis, Tubercular 134 Symptoms 134 Treatment 134 Permanent Teeth, Usual Order 619
Pernicious Anaemia 250 Condition 250 Symptoms 250 Treatment 250 Pernicious Malarial Fever 229 Perry Davis's Pain Killer 484 Pertussis 180 Pterygium 352 Pruritus Ani 143 Pharyngitis, Acute 21 Pharyngeal Catarrh, Acute 21 Pharyngeal Diphtheria 184 Pharyngeal Tonsil 8 Pharynx, Inflammation of 21 Phlebitis 345 Causes 345 Symptoms 345 Treatment 345 Pierce's Comp. Extract of Smart weed 488 Piles 145 Varieties 146 Causes 146 External Piles 146 Skin Piles, (Cutaneous) 147 Mothers' Remedies 147 1. Sulphur and Glycerin for 147 2. Strongly recommended remedy for 147 3. Good Salve for 147 4. Smartweed Salve for 147 5. Cold Water Cure for 147 6. Simple Application and Relief from 147 7. Steaming with Chamomile Tea for 147 Physicians' Treatment for Piles 148 What to do first 148 Lead and Laudannm Wash 148 1. Soothing Ointment for 148 2. Salve for 148 3. For External Piles 148 4. If there is much Itching 148 5. I Use quite frequently 148 Operation for Piles 149 Cutaneous Skin Piles Operated upon 149 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 679 1. Prescription for 679 Piles (Herb Remedies) 410, 420, 423, 426, 442 Piles, Internal 149 Symptoms 149 Recovery, Pain, etc 150 Physicians' Treatment for Piles 150 1. For Inflamed piles 150 2. For Bathing the Piles 150 3. When there is Slight Bleeding 150 4. If the Protruded Piles are Inflamed 150 5. An Ointment 151 6. Tea of White Oak Bark for 151 7. Take a rectal Injection 151 Preventive, Treatment 151 For Constipation 151 Habits 151 Diet 151 Foods Allowed 151 Piles, Itching 143 Pile, Operation for 664 Pimples 61 Pinworms 46 Placenta Praevia 527 Plague 225 Causes 225 Bubonic Plague 225 Septicemia type 225 Pneumonia type 225 Symptoms 225 Pneumonic Plague 226 Septicemic Plague 226 Treatment, Prevention 226 Plague, Bubonic 225 Plasters, Capsicum and Belladonna 635
Pleura, Inflammation of the 41 Pleurisy Diagnosis of 4 Pleurisy, Acute 41 Causes 42 Diet and Nursing 42 Physicians' Treatment 42 1. Home Treatment 42 2. Other Home Remedies 42 3. Fomentations 43 4. Camphorated Oil for 43 5. Adhesive Plaster 43 6. Tincture of Aconite 43 7. Hypodermic of Morphine 43 Pleurisy, Acute (Herb Remedies) 420, 428, 434, 444 Pleurisy, Operation for 664 Pleurodynia 323 Plumbism, Saturnism 374 Pneumonia, Diagnosis of 4 Pneumonia 218 Causes of pneumonia 218 Symptoms 218 Mothers' Remedies 219 1. Salt Pork for Inflammation for 219 2. Raspberry Tincture for Inflammation of 219 3. Herb Ointment 219 4. Mullein for 219 5. Salve for Weak 219 Physicians' Treatment for Lungs 219 Fomentations 220 Pneumonia (Herb Remedies) 434 Pneumonia, Brancho 40 Poisoning 621 POISONS, ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES (Chapter) 376 Poisoning, Bland Drink After 438 Poisoning, Food 374 Poisoning, Ivy 92 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 679 1. Buttermilk and Salt Heals 679 2. Lead Water and Laudanum 679 3. Excellent Cure for 679 Poisoning, Lead 374 Poison Oak and Ivy, (Rare Prescription) 481 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 680 1. Gunpowder and Lard for 680 POISONS, SYMPTOMS, TREATMENTS, ANTIDOTES AND STIMULANTS 400 Poisoned Wounds 377 Polypus, Nasal 19 Posterior Spinal Sclerosis 305 Post Nasal Growths 8 Poultice (Herb Remedies) 424, 429 Poultice of Peach Tree Leaves from our Mothers' List 634 Pregnancy, Accidents of 524 Pregnancy, Cramps during (Herb Remedies) 420, 439 Premature Labor 524 Prevention of Conception 494 Prickly Heat Rash 76 Symptoms 76 Cause 76 Mothers' Remedies 76 1. Soda Water for 76 2. Relief from pain of 76 3. Burnt Cornstarch for 76 4. Soothing Ointment for 76 Physicians' Treatment for Prickly Heat 77 Chafing 77 Mothers' Remedies for Chafing 77 1. Fuller's Earth Eases 77 2. Good Home Remedy for 77 3. Borax and Zinc stops 77 4. Common Flour Good to Stop 77 Proctitis 137 Podogra 315 Prolapse 137 Proprietary Foods 622 Prostate, Diseases of the 163 Prostate, Hypertrophy of the 164 Symptoms 164 Treatment, Preventive 164 Prostration, Nervous 280 Pruritis 495 Pseudo-Leukaemia 252 Psoriasis 79 Pulse 642 Purifier, Blood (Herb Remedies) 422 Purpura 253 Symptoms 253 1. Symptomatic Purpura 253 2. Type Arthritic Purpura 253 Purpura Haemorrhagic 253 Symptoms 253 Treatment 254 Pyelitis 160 Symptoms 161 Treatment 161 Diet 161 Pyemia 223 Symptoms 223 Local Treatment 223 General Treatment 223 Quinsy 190 Radway's Pills 488 Rash, Nettle 89 Rash, Nettle (Herb Remedies) 442 Rash, Prickly Heat 76 Raspberry Shrub 646 Raspberry Vinegar 647 Rectal Douche 641 Rectocele 514 Rectum, Abscess around the 151 Rectum, Diseases of the 136 Rectum. Neuralgia of the 137 Relief for Asthma (Rare Prescription) 465 Remittent Fever 228 Renal Calculus 161 Respiration (Breathing) 642 RESPIRATORY DISEASES 6 Resuscitate the Drowned, To 397 Retina 347 Retina, Inflammation of the 355 Retinitis, Albuminuric 355 Rheumatism 678 Liniment sent us from a Gentleman in Canada 678 Rheumatic Arthritis 314 Rheumatism Articular 317 Rheumatism Chronic 321 Rheumatism, Chronic (Herb Remedies) 414, 434, 435, 440 Rheumatic Fever, Diagnosis of 4 Rheumatic Rever (Articular Rheumatism) 317 Causes 317 Predisposing 318 Condition 318 Symptoms 318 Fever 318 Mothers' Remedies 318 1. Salicylate of Soda Treatment 319 2. Cotton Excellent for Inflammatory 319 Prevention 319 1. Physicians' Causes 320 2. Hot Fomentations 320 3. The Following is Good 320 4. A Prescription 320 5. A Layer or Two of Gauze Saturated with Methylsalicylate 320 6. Internal 320
7. Dr. Hare Recommend 320 Nursing 321 Diet 321 Rheumatism, Gonorrheal 236 Rheumatism, Gonorrheal (Herb Remedies) 429, 430 Rheumatic Gout 314 Rheumatic Anthritis 314 Arthritis Deformans 314 Causes 314 Conditions 314 Symptoms 314 Acute 314 Chronic Type 315 Monarticular or One Joint Type 315 Recovery 315 General Treatment 315 Local 315 Rheumatic Headache 268 Rheumatism, Diagnosis of Inflammatory 4 Mothers' Remedy (Unclassified) 677 1. Salt Petre and Sweet Oil for 677 Rheumatism, Internal Use (Rare Prescription) 482 Rheumatism, Muscular 323 Rheumatism, Muscular (Herb Remedies) 415, 426, 434 Rhinitis, Acute 10 Rhinitis, Chronic 14 Ribs, Broken 382 Rickets 614 Ringworm 86 Varieties 86 Ringworm of the Body 86 Mothers' Remedies 86 1. Gunpowder and Vinegar for 86 2. Cigar Ashes for 86 3. Kerosene for 86 4. Ontario Mother Cured Boy of 86 5. Another from a Mother at Valdosta, Georgia 86 6. Egg Skin Remedy for 86 7. From a Mother at Owosso, Michigan 86 Physicians' Treatment 86 1. For Infants and Children 86 2. Corrosive Sublimate 87 3. Ammoniated Mercury 87 4. For Ringworm 87 5. For Ringworm 87 Ringworm (Herb Remedies) 413 Ringworm of the Beard 87 Ringworm of the Scalp 87 Cautions and Treatment 87 1. Carbolic Acid 87 2. Oleate of Mercury 87 3. Sulphur Ointment 87 4. Tincture of Iodine 87 Root Beer 646 Rose, Cold 17 Rough on Rats, Poison by 406 Round Worm 44 Royal Catarrh Cure 467 Rupture 122 Location 123 Symptoms 123 Mothers' Remedies 123 1. Poultice for 123 Physicians' Treatment 123 Irreducible Ruptures 123 Strangulated Hernia or Rupture 124 Symptoms 124 Mothers' Remedies 124 1. Hop Poultice 124 Physicians' Treatment 124 To Reduce 124 Caution 124 Mothers' Remedy (Unclassified) 680 1. Herb Remedy for 680 Rupture in a Baby 620 Rupture of the Spleen 256
St. Jacob's Oil 485 Sad Mania 312 Sage's Catarrh Cure 484 Sago Custard 647 Salpingitis 502 Salt (Medical Use) 668 Saltpetre, Poison by 406 Salt Rheum 67 Mothers' Remedies 67 1. Alum Wash and Cathartic for 67 2. Ammonia and Camphor 68 3. Cactus Leaf Cure for 68 4. Pine Tar for 68 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 680 1. Well Tried Remedy for 680 Salt Rheum (Herb Remedies) 416, 434 Salve for Boils and Old Sores (Rare Prescription) 466 Salve, Splendid General 681 Santonin, Poison by 407 Saul's Catarrh Remedy 485 Scalds, Mothers' Remedies for 387 Scalds (Herb Remedies) 420 Scald Head 617 Scald Head (Rare Prescription) 482 Scalding Urine (Herb Remedies) 440 Scalp, Care of 550 Scalp, Ringworm of the 87 Scarlet Fever, Diagnosis of 5 Scarlet Fever 167 Definition 167 Modes of Conveying 167 Remains in the Room, How Long? 168 Age, Occurrence, Susceptibility 168 How Often? 168 Incubation 168 Contagion 168 Onset 168 Rash 168 Fever 168 Sore Throat 169 Tongue 169 Scaling 169 Complications, Nose 169 Ear 169 Eye 169 Kidneys 170 Heart 170 Joints 170 Chorea 170 Diagnosis 170 From Measles 170 Recovery 170 Sanitary Care of Room and Patient 170 City and State Supervision 171 How to Prevent and Avoid Scarlet Fever 171 Sanitary Care of Infected and Sick Persons and Rooms 172 The Room in Which One is Sick with this Disease 172 Soiled Clothing, Towels, Bed Linen, etc 172 The Discharges 173 All Cups, Glasses, Spoons, etc 173 Foods and Drinks 173 Persons Recovering from Scarlet Fever 173 Diet and Nursing 173 During the Sickness 174 Special Treatment 174 Dropsy in Scarlet Fever 175 How Soon May a Convalescent Person Associate with the Healthy 175 Caution 175 Scarlet Fever (Herb Remedies) 422 Scarlatina, Diagnosis of 5 Schaefer Method of Artificial Respiration 397
Sciatica 266 Schools at Medicines 660 Sclerosis of the Liver 131 Scrofula 212 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. A Good Remedy for 681 Scrofula (Herb Remedies) 415, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 444, 445, 447 Scrofula (Rare Prescription} 482 Scurvy 615 Scurvy (Herb Remedies) 434, 444, 447 Sebaceous Cyst 85 Seborrhea 83 Secretion, Lessened Sweat 57 Senile Cataract 354 Symptoms of Senile (Old Age) Cataract 354 Course 354 Septicemia 222, 223 Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower 485 Shingles 74 Definition 74 Symptoms 74 Causes 74 Mothers' Remedies 74 1. Herb Remedy for 74 2. Mercury Ointment for 74 Physicians' Treatment 75 Shocked, Electrically 397 Shoulder Joint Dislocation 380 Sick Headache (Herb Remedies) 413, 414 Simple Acne 53 Simple Angina 21 Skin, Diseases of the 52 Macule Spots (Patches) 53 Papule (Pimple) 53 Tubercle (Node Lump) 53 Tumors 53 Wheel 53 Vesicle 53 Bleb 53 Pustule 53 Scale 53 Crust 53 Excoriation 53 Fissures 53 Ulcer (Sores) 53 Scar 53 Pigmentation 53 Skin, Diseases of the (Herb Remedies) 415, 430, 435, 436, 438, 447 Skin Diseases Produced by Lice 78 Skin, Inflammation of the 62 Skin, Inflammation of the (Herb Remedies) 412 Skinner's Dandruff Cure 485 Sleep 603 Sleeplessness 299 Sleeplessness (Herb Remedies} 426, 430, 439 Smallpox, Diagnosis of 4 Smallpox 201 Causes 201 Symptoms 201 Eruptions 201 Confluent Form 201 Varioloid 201 Treatment 202 Diet 202 Nursing 202 General Rule for Disinfection 203 Hands, Body, etc 203 Vaccination and Re-vaccination and its Prevention of Smallpox 203 A Good Time to be Vaccinated 203 Why Vaccinate? 203 Smallpox entirely prevented by re-vaccination 204 Who Should Be Vaccinated 204 Who Should Not Be Vaccinated 205 When Should a Person be Vaccinated? 205 Vaccination after Exposure to Smallpox 205 With what should one be vaccinated? 206 Where Vaccination Should Be Performed? 206 After Vaccination 206 Common Appearances after Vaccination 206 What to do during and after Vaccination? 207 Make a Record of your Vaccination? 207 Lives Saved from Smallpox in Michigan 207 Smith's Electric Oil 470 Smooth Tonsilitis, Diagnosis of 5 Snake Bites 377 Symptoms of a Snake Bite 378 Treatment 378 First thing to do 378 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 680 1. Simple Poultice for 680 2. Onions and Salt for 681 Snake Bite (Herb Remedies) 434 Soda (Medical Use) 669 Salt Water Bath, Tonic Action 630 Softening of the Brain 298 Soft Diet 644 Soothing Syrup, Overdose of 622 Sore Eyes (Rare Prescription) 470, 549 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Camphor and Breast Milk for 681 Sore Mouth, Canker 97 Sore Mouth, Canker (Herb Remedies) 410, 420, 442, 444 Sore Throat 21 Symptoms 21 Chronic 21 Prevention of the Chronic Kind 21 Prevention of the Acute Kind 21 Mothers' Remedies 21 1. Used for Years Successfully 21 2. Splendid Liniment for 22 3. Simple Gargle for 22 4. Home Made Salve for 22 5. Cold Packs Sure Cure for 22 6. Ointment for 22 7. Remedy from a Mother in Johnson City, Tenn 22 8. Gargle and Application for 23 9. Vinegar Gargle for 23 10. Alum and Vinegar for 23 11. Kerosene for 23 12. Remedy always at hand 23 13. Simple Remedy for 23 Physicians' Treatment for Sore Throat 23 1. Inhalation of Steam 23 2. Sulphur and Cream for 23 3. Good Old Mothers' Remedies 23 1. Physicians' Local Treatment 24 2. When the Attack is Mild 24 3. I like the following at the beginning 24 4. For Chronic Catarrh 24 5. Other Gargles 24 6. Snuff 24 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Mustard Plaster for 681 Sore Throat (Herb Remedies) 418, 420, 431, 434, 442 Sore Throat (Rare Prescription) 475 Sores or Ulcers 72 Sores or Ulcers (Herb Remedies) 410, 412, 413, 416, 431, 434, 447 Southern Cholera Cure 483 Spasms 542, 616 Spasms (Herb Remedies) 420, 432 Spasmodic Asthma 37 Spasm of the Glottis 26 Special Diseases 265 Spice Plaster 635 Spice Poultice 634 Spice Poultice from a Stanlyton, Va., Mother 634
Spinal Cord, Injuries of 303 Causes 303 Symptoms 303 Treatment 303 Traumatism of the Cord 303 Symptoms 303 Recovery 304 Treatment, Immediate 304 Spinal Cord, Organic Diseases of 304 Spine, Concussion of the 303 Splinters 621 Splinter, to Extract 682 Splints 381 Spoiled Foods, Poison by 407 Sponge Bath 630 Spots, Liver 61 Spotted Fever, Diagnosis of 4 Sprains 383 Sprains (Herb Remedies) 410 Squint 356 Internal or Convergent Squint 356 External or Divergent Squint 356 Causes of Convergent (Internal) Squint 356 Treatment 356 External (Divergent Squint) 356 Squint, Operation for 664 Stab Wounds 303 Stammering 301 Mothers' Remedies 301 1. Easy Cure for 301 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Canadian Mother's Treatment for 681 Physicians' Treatment 301 Starch Bath 630 Starch and Laudanum 641 Starch Poultice 632 Steatoma 85 Sterilization 624 Sterilized Milk 593 Sterilizing, A Simple Method of 593 Stiff Neck 324 Stimulant (Herb Remedies) 433 Stings 379 Mothers' Remedies 379 1. Leaves of Geranium Good for Bee or Wasp 379 2. Simple Remedy for 379 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Old Tried Canadian Remedy for 681 2. From Nettles 681 Stings (Herb Remedies) 412, 443 Stomach, Bleeding from 107 Stomach, Cancer of the 106, 334 Stomach Headache 270 Stomach, Neuralgia of the 107 Stomach, Operation for 665 Stomach, Acute Inflammation of the 111 Stomach Trouble 103 Stomach Trouble (Herb Remedies) 439, 442, 443 Stomach, Diagnosis of Ulcer of the 5 Stomatitis Aphthous 97 Stomatitis, Gangrenous 99 Strabismus 356 Strychnine, Poison by 407 Stye 348 Causes 348 Symptoms 348 Course 348 Mothers' Remedies 348 1. Home Method to Kill 348 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Common Tea Leaves for 681 Treatment 349 Suffocated, Treatment of 397 Sugar, Kind to Use 578 Sulphuric Acid, Poison by 407 Sulphur (Medical Use) 670 Summer Complaint, Prepared Flour for 648 Sunburn 90 Mothers' Remedies 91 1. Lemon Juice and Vinegar for 91 2. Ammonia Water for 91 3. Relief from Pain and Smarting of 91 4. Preparation for 91 Physicians' Treatment 91 1. For Sunburn 91 2. For Sunburn 91 3. The following is a good combination 91 Sunstrokes 375 Symptoms 375 Prognosis 376 Mothers' Remedies 376 1. Quick Method to Relieve 376 Treatment 376 For Severe Cases 376 Medicine 376 Sunstrokes and Intoxicants (Chapter) 371 Superficial Felons 70 Suppurative Tonsilitis 190 Sweating, to Cause (Herb Remedies) 441, 443, 444 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 681 1. Sweating, to Cause 681 2. Another 682 Sweating, Excessive 75 Symptoms 75 Causes 75 Treatment 75 Application for the Local Treatment 75 White Oak Bark for 75 Sweating, Excessive (Herb Remedies) 426, 432, 434 Sweating, Foul 57 Symptoms 57 Mothers' Remedies 57 1. Alum Water for 57 2. Borax and Alcohol for 57 3. Simple Home Remedy for 57 Physicians' Treatment 57 1. Dressing Powders 57 2. Boric Acid, powdered, may also be used 57 3. Dusting Powder 57 4. One per cent Solution 58 Sweat, Lessened Secretion of 57 Sweats, Night 44 Swellings (Herb Remedies) 429, 443 Swelling of the Glottis 26 Symptoms 26 Sympathetic Inflammation of the Eye 334 Sympathetic Ophthalmia 354 Syphilis 415 Syphilis (Herb Remedies) 415, 429, 434, 435, 436, 438, 440 Syrup of Figs 485
Table 636 Taenia Saginata 48 Taenia Solium 48 Talipes 370 Tape Worm 48 Tape Worm (Rare Prescription) 483 Tapioca Jelly 652 Tartar Emetic, Poison by 407 Taste 307 Taste Buds 307 Taste Buds, Plate of 308 Teeth 563 Teething 560, 618 Tegumentary (Skin) Leprosy 238 Temperature (Fever) Under the Tongue, Arm-pit 642 Temperature of the Room 624 Tetanus 231 Tetter, Dry 63
Tetter, Humid 63 Things in the Ear 395 Things in the Nose 396 Thomas's Electric Oil 486 Thread Worm 46 Throat, Sore 21 Throat, Sore (Herb Remedies) 418, 420, 425, 431, 434, 437, 442, 444 Thrush 551 Thumb, Dislocation 380 Thyroid Gland, Diseases of 258 Symptoms 258 Treatment 258 Thyroiditis 258 Tic Doloureux 265 Tickling in Throat 25 Tinea Trichophytina 86 Tobacco, Poison by 407 Toe-Nail, Ingrowing 395 Tongue, The 642 Ulcers 643 High Fever 643 Dark Brown or Blackish Coating 643 Strawberry Tongue 643 Cankered Tongue 643 Cholera Infantum 643 Constipation 643 Biliousness 643 Tonic (Herb Remedies) 424, 425, 428, 432, 444, 445 Tonic, General (Rare Prescription) 475 Tonsilitis, Diagnosis of 5 Tonsilitis, Acute 187 Follicular, Inflammation of 187 Causes 187 Symptoms 187 Diagnosis Between Acute Tonsilitis and Diphtheria 188 Mothers' Remedies 188 1. Raw Onion for 188 2. Peppermint Oil good for 188 3. Borax Water for 188 4. Salt and Pepper with relieve 188 5. Peroxide of Hydrogen will cure 188 6. A Remedy Effective for 188 Physicians' Treatment for Tonsilitis 189 1. Home Treatment 189 2. Smartweed 189 3. Salt Pork for 189 4. Liniment 189 5. Internally 189 6. Hot Water 189 7. Thyme 189 8. Steaming with Compound Tincture of Benzoin 189 9. For the Pain 189 10. Medicines, Parke, Davis & Co., Anti-Tonsilitis Tablet No. 645 is very good 190 11. Aspirin 190 12. Dr. Hare of Philadelphia 190 Tonsilitis, Suppurative 190 Tonsils, Operation for 665 Tonsil, Pharyngeal 8 Toothache 119 Mothers' Remedies 119 1. Dry Salt and Alum for 119 2. Oil of Cloves quick relief for 119 3. Home Made Poultice for 119 4. Clove Oil and Chloroform 119 5. Sure Cure for 119 6. Salt and Alum Water for 119 7. Oil of Cinnamon for 119 8. Reliable Remedy for 119 9. From Decoyed Teeth 120 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 682 1. Benzoin for 82 2. Oil of Cinnamon for 682 Physicians' Treatment 121 Toothache (Herb Remedies) 418 Toothache (Rare Prescription) 483 Tooth Powders 120 Mothers' Tooth Powders 120 1. The Ashes of Burnt Grape Vine 120 2. Tooth Powder 120 3. Tooth Powder 120 4. Tooth Powder 120 5. Tooth Wash 120 6. Commonly Used 120 Torticollis 323 Tracheotomy and Intubation, Operation for 664 Traumatism of the Cord 303 Symptoms 303 Recovery 304 Treatment, Immediate 304 Tremens, Delirium 372 Trichiniasis 50 Modes of Infection 51 Symptoms 51 Physicians' Treatment 52 Tricuspid Stenosis (narrowing) 344 Recovery 344 Treatment: (a) While Compensated 344 (b) The Stage of Broken Compensation 344 Tricuspid (Valve) Insufficiency 344 Cause 344 Trifacial Neuralgia 265 Tub Bath (common) 631 Tuberculosis of the Lungs, Diagnosis of 5 Tuberculosis 211 Forms-The Lungs 211 Ordinary Consumption 211 1. Acute Miliary Tuberculosis 211 (a) Acute General Miliary Tuberculosis 211 (b) Pulmonary (Lung) Type 211 (c) Tubercular Meningitis 211 2. Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes (glands) 212 3. Tuberculous Pleurisy 212 4. Tuberculous Pericarditis 212 5. Tuberculous Peritonitis 212 6. Tuberculosis of the Larynx 212 7. Acute Pneumonia (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) or Galloping Consumption 212 8. Chronic Ulcerative Pulmonary Tuberculosis 212 9. Chronic Miliary Tuberculosis 212 10. Tuberculosis of the Alimentary Canal 212 11. Tuberculosis of the Brain 212 12. Tuberculosis of the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, etc 212 13. Tuberculosis of Joints 212 Mesenteric Kind 212 Mothers' Remedies 212 1. Simple Home Method to Break Up 212 2. Physicians' Treatment 212 Physicians' Treatment for Consumption 213 Sanitary 213 Prevention of Tuberculosis 213 Second 213 Individual Prevention 213 General Measures 214 At Home 214 Diet-Treatment 214 Diet in Tuberculosis Furnished by a Hospital 214 May Take 214 Must Not Take 214 What every person should know about Tuberculosis, whether he has had the disease or not 214 Tuberculosis (Herb Remedies) 437 Tuberculosis Patients, How to Treat the Sputum from 627 Tuberculosis, Cervical 212
Tuberculated Leprosy 238 Tubercular Meningitis 210 Tubercular Peritonitis 134 Tuberculous Tumors 297 Tumors 336 A Benign Tumor 336 A Malignant Tumor 336 Some Varieties 336 Malignant Sarcoma (Sarcomata) 336 Diagnosis 337 Treatment 337 Tumors (Herb Remedies) 412, 434, 447 Tumors of the Brain 296 Causes-Predisposing 296 Gumma 296 Tuberculous Tumors 297 Glioma 297 Sarcoma and Cancer 297 Symptoms 297 Treatment 297 For Headache 297 For Vomiting 297 Tumor of the Nose 19 Turpentine (Medical Use) 670 Turpentine and Mustard Stupes 635 Turpentine Stupes 634 Typhoid Fever, Diagnosis of 5 Typhoid Fever 195 Cause 195 Symptoms 196 Time 196 Incubation 196 First Week 196 Second Week 196 Third Week 196 Fourth Week 197 Special Symptoms and Variations 197 Walking Type 197 Digestive Symptoms 197 Diarrhea 107 Perforation of the Bowel 197 Treatment 197 Prevention 197 Sanitary Care 197 Sanitary Care of the Household Articles 198 Diet and Nursing in Typhoid Fever 198 Cold Sponging 199 The Bath 199 Medical Treatment 199 Management of the Convalescent 199 Typhus Fever 200 Symptoms 200 Eruptions 200 Fever 201 Treatment like Typhoid 200
Ulcers 72 Causes 72 Treatment 72 Chronic Ulcer 72 Mothers' Remedies 72 1. The Potato Lotion for 72 2. Chickweed Ointment for 72 3. Healing Ointment for 72 4. Excellent Salve for 72 5. An Old German Remedy for 72 6. An Antiseptic Wash for 72 7. Chickweed and Wood Sage Poultice for 73 8. Blood Root and Sweet Nitre for 73 9. A Good Combination for 73 10. A Four Ingredient Remedy for 73 11. Carrots will heal 73 12. A Remedy that Cures 73 13. Bread and Indian Meal for 13 Physicians' Treatment for Ulcers 73 Balsam of Peru is good for 74 A Salve 74 Poultice 74 Indolent Sluggish Ulcer 74 Poultice for 74 Ulcers (Herb Remedies) 410, 412, 413, 416, 431, 434, 447 Ulcer of the Cornea, Diagnosis of 5 Ulcer of the Cornea 351 Ulcer of the Stomach, Diagnosis of 5 Ulcer of the Stomach and Duodenum 106 Symptoms 106 Physicians' Treatment 106 1. Rest 106 2. Feed by the Rectum 106 Uraemia, Acute 156 Uraemia, Acute (Herb Remedies) 435 Uraemia, Chronic 156 Uraemia, Toxaemia 166 Urethritis 235 Urethritis (Herb Remedies) 415 Urinary Passage 164 Mothers' Remedies 164 1. Dandelion Root win clean 164 Urinary Passage (Herb Remedies) 411, 415, 432, 436, 443 Urine, Blood in the 156 Urine, Scalding (Herb Remedies) 440 Urticaria 89 Uterus, Cancer of the 334
Vaccination 208 Symptoms 208 Vagina, The 491 Vaginal Douche, for Cleansing the 641 Vagina, Inflammation of 496 Vaginismus 497 Vaginitis 496 Van Buskirk's Fragrant Sozodont 485 Vanilla Snow 648 Varicella 179 Varicose Veins 345 Predisposing Causes 346 Exciting Causes 346 Physicians' Treatment 346 Palliative 346 Varicose Veins (Herb Remedies) 410 Variola 201 Varix 345 Vaselin (Medical Use) 670 Venereal Diseases 494 Ventilation 623 Verucca 80 Vestibule, The 491 Vinegar (Medical Use) 673 Vomiting 115 Mothers' Remedies 115 1. Spice Poultice to Stop 115 2. Mustard Plaster to Stop 115 3. Parched Corn, Drink to Stop 115 4. Peppermint Application for 115 5. Mustard and Water for 115 6. Warm Water for 115 Physicians' Treatment 115 1. For Vomiting 115 2. For Nervous Vomiting 115 3. A Little Brandy 116 4. Oil of Cloves 116 5. Lime Water 116 6. Vinegar Fumes 116 7. Seidlitz Powder 116 8. Mustard Plaster 116 9. One-tenth drop of Ipecac 116 10. One-half drop of Fowler's Solution 116 Vomiting (Herb Remedies) 423, 433, 440 Vulva, Cysts of 406 Vulva, Inflammation of 491 Vulva, Itching of 495 Vulvitis 494
Warm Baths (90 to 100 F.) 630 Wart 89 Mothers' Remedies 89 1. An Application for 89 2. Match and Turpentine for 89 3. Muriate of Ammonia for 89 4. Turpentine for 89 5. Warts, to Remove 89 6. Milkweed Removes 89 7. For Warts 89 Warts (Herb Remedies) 413, 416 Watt's Anti-Rheumatic Pills 487 Weak Back 682 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 682 1. Liniment for 682 2. Turpentine, and Sweet Oil for 682 Weaning 569 Wen 85 Treatment 85 Wet Cupping 635 Whites, The 510 White's Cough Syrup 487 White Swelling 236 Whitlow 69 Whole Wheat Bread 653 Whooping Cough, Diagnosis of 5 Whooping Cough 180 Symptoms 181 The First Stage 181 Spasmodic or Second Stage 181 Stage of the Decline 182 Complications 182 Diagnosis 182 Mortality 182 Mothers' Remedies 182 1. Chestnut Leaves for 182 2. Chestnut Leaves and Cream for 182 3. Mrs. Warren's 182 4. Raspberry Tincture for 182 Physicians' Treatment for Whooping Cough 183 Medical Treatment 183 1. Good Powder 183 2. Tincture of Aconite 183 3. The Best Treatment 183 Diet 183 Whooping Cough (Herb Remedies) 437, 439 Whooping Cough (Rare Prescription) 484 Wine of Antimony (Poison by) 407 Wind-pipe, Bleeding from 38
WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT 489 Abortion (Accidents of Pregnancy) 524 Causes 525 Causes—Due to the Father—Paternal 525 Foetal Causes 525 Symptoms 525 Threatened Abortion 526 Inevitable Abortion 526 Treatment—Preventive 526 Treatment of Threatened Abortion 526 Treatment of the Inevitable Abortion 527 Placenta Praevia 527 Treatment 527 Amenorrhea 505 Causes 505 Symptoms 505 Treatment 505 Bleeding after Delivery 540 Breast Broken, Abscess 538 Breasts, Care of 538 Breasts, Inflammation of 538 Abscess, Broken Breast 538 Treatment-Preventive 538 Mothers' Remedies for Sore Breasts 539 1. A Never Failing Remedy for 539 2. An Herb Treatment for 539 3. A Hot Poultice for 539 4. Fresh Hops for 539 5. A Poultice of Peach Leaves for 539 Mothers' Remedies for Sore Nipples 539 1. A Good Wash for 539 2. A Good Family Ointment for 539 Cervix, Diseases of 497 Tear of the Cervix (Laceration) 497 Causes 497 Symptoms, Immediate and Remote 497 Remote Symptoms 497 Treatment 498 Cervix, Inflammation of the 498 Cause 498 Symptoms 498 Treatment 498 Cervix, Tear of 497 Childbirth 494 Clitoris, The 491 Convulsions (Eclampsia) 542 Treatment 542 Criminal Abortion 494 Cystocele 514 Causes 514 Symptoms 514 Treatment 514 Diseases of Women, Causes of 493 Menstruation 494 Dress 494 Prevention of Conception 494 Criminal Abortion 494 Childbirth 494 Venereal Diseases 494 Dress 494 Dysmenorrhea 507 Eclampsia 542 Endometritis 498 Endometritis, Putrid 500 Symptoms 500 Treatment 500 Diet 500 Endometritis, Septic, Puerperal 499 Symptoms 499 Treatment 499 Fallopian Tubes, Diseases of 502 Fallopian Tubes, Inflammation of 502 Fibromata 501 Genital Organs, Female, Anatomy of 490 Glands of Bartholin, The 401 Hemorrhage, Post-Partum (Bleeding After Delivery) 540 Causes 540 Symptoms 540 Treatment 540 Pulse and Temperature 541 Treatment 541 Diet 542 Hymen, The 491 Labia Majora, The 490 Labia Minora, The 490 Labor 528 Premonitory Signs of Labor 528 Stages of Labor 529 The First Stage 529 Second Stage 529 Third Stage 530 Management of Labor 530 Preparation of the Bed 530 Preparation of the Patient 530 Examination of the Patient 531 Management of the Second Stage 532 Dr. Manton, of Detroit, Says: 532 Management of the Third Stage 534 The Child 534 Another Method 535 The Mother 535 Rest 537 After-Pains 537
The Bladder 537 The Bowels 533 Leucorrhea (The Whites) 510 Causes 510 From a Torn Cervix 510 In Inflammation of the Canal of the Cervix 510 Inflammation of the Body of the Womb 510 If the Inflammation Is Caused by Gonorrhea 510 Symptoms 510 Mothers' Remedies 510 1. Slippery Elm for 510 2. Glycerin for 511 3. Common Tea for 511 4. Witch-Hazel for 511 5. White Oak Bark for 511 6. A Good Herb Remedy for 511 7. Common Vinegar for 511 8. An Easily Prepared Remedy for 511 9. Home-Made Suppositories for 511 10. A Good Home Remedy for 512 11. A New York Doctor's Remedy for 512 Physicians' Treatment 512 Local 512 1. One Ounce of White Oak Bark 512 2. Tannic Acid and Glycerin 512 3. Lloyd's Golden Seal 512 4. This Combination Gives Good Service 512 5. Witch-Hazel in Warm Water 512 6. Many other Simple Remedies 512 Lochia, The 540 Diet 540 Menorrhagia 505 Causes 505 Local Causes 505 Symptoms 506 Physicians' Treatment for Profuse Menstruation 506 1. An Easily Prepared Remedy for 506 2. In Young Girls 506 3. Blaud's Pills Will Do Well 506 4. If the Appetite Is Poor 506 5. Tincture of Nux Vomica 506 6. Golden Seal Root 506 7. Oil of Erigeron or Flea-bane 506 8. Oil of Cinnamon 506 9. Cranesbill (Geranium Maculatum) 507 Menopause (Change of Life) 513 Symptoms 513 Mothers' Remedies 513 1. A Useful Herb Remedy for 513 2. An Old Tried Remedy for 513 3. Good Advice From an Experienced Mother 513 Physicians' Treatment 513 Menstruation 494 Menstruation, Delayed 504 Causes 505 Mothers' Remedies, Obstruction of Monthly Flow 503 1. An Herb Remedy for 505 2. Smartweed for 505 Menstruation, Difficult 507 Causes 507 Symptoms 507 Mothers' Remedies for Painful Menstruation 507 1. A Good Tonic for 507 2. A Home Remedy for 507 Physicians' Treatment 507 1. For the Attack 507 2. If the Patient's Nervous System Is Run Down 508 3. Fluid Extract of Blue Cohosh 508 4. Tincture of Pulsatilla 503 5. Tincture of Cocculus 508 Menstruation, Premature 504 Treatment 504 Menstruation, Vicarious (In Place of) 505 Midwifery, or Obstetrics 515 Milk Leg 542 Symptoms 542 Treatment 543 Diet 543 Miscarriage 524 Mons Veneris 490 Obstetrics, or Midwifery 515 Small Bodies 515 The Embryo or Impregnated Egg 515 Development of the Different Months 515 First Month 515 Second Month 515 Third Month 515 Fourth Month 516 Fifth Month 516 Sixth Month 516 Seventh Month 516 Eighth Month 516 Ninth Month 516 Nausea and Vomiting 517 Breasts 517 Bladder 517 Abdominal Changes 518 Pigmentation 518 Quickening 518 The Blood 518 Nervous System 518 Constipation Is the Rule 518 The Foetal Heart-beat 518 Pelvic Signs 519 Duration of Pregnancy 519 How to Determine Date of Confinement 519 Position of the Womb 519 Twins 519 Sex 519 Diagnosis 519 Hygiene of Pregnancy 519 Clothing 520 Food 520 Bathing 520 The Bowels and Bladder 520 Exercise, Rest and Sleep 521 The Vagina 521 The Breasts and Nipples 521 Nervous System 521 Disorders of Pregnancy 521 Mothers' Remedies 522 1. A Great Aid for 522 2. Nausea of Pregnancy, Menthol and Sweet Oil for 522 3. Bouillon or Broth for 522 4. Indigestion and Heartburn 522 Teeth 523 Constipation 523 Difficult Breathing 523 Varicose Veins and Piles 523 Piles 523 Albumin in the Urine (Albuminuria) 524 Treatment 524 Organs of Generation, The Internal 491 Ovaries, The 493 Ovary, Diseases of 503 Ovaries, Inflammation of the 503 Causes 503 Symptoms 503 Treatment 503 Physicians' Treatment 503 Ovaries, Tumors of the 504 Symptoms 504 Treatment 504 Ovaritis 503 Pelvis, The 400 Placenta Praevia 527 Pregnancy, Accidents of 524 Premature Labor (Accidents of Pregnancy) 524
Prevention of Conception 494 Pruritis 495 Rectocele 514 Causes 514 Symptoms 514 Treatment 514 Salpingitis 502 Causes 502 Symptoms 502 The Symptoms of the Chronic Variety 502 Treatment of the Acute Kind 503 For the Chronic Variety 503 Vagina, The 491 Vagina, Inflammation of 496 Varieties 496 1. Catarrhal or Simple Form 496 2. Granular 496 3. Gonorrheal Form 496 4. Diphtheritic 497 5. Senile Type 497 Symptoms 497 Treatment (In Acute Cases) 497 In Chronic Cases 497 Vaginismus 497 Treatment 497 Vaginitis 496 Venereal Diseases 494 Vestibule, The 491 Vulva, Cyst of 496 Cause 496 Symptoms 496 Condition 496 Treatment 496 Vulva, Inflammation of the 494 Causes 494 Other Causes 494 In Infants 495 Symptoms and Condition of the Parts 495 Treatment 495 1. If There Is Much Pain 495 2. For Chronic Form 495 Vulva, Itching of the 495 Causes 495 Parts Irritable 495 Symptoms 495 Treatment 496 Local 496 Vulvitis 494 Whites, The 510 Womb, Cancer of the Body of 500 Treatment 500 Womb, Displacements 508 Causes 508 Symptoms 508 Treatment 509 Operations 509 Womb, Falling or Prolapse of 509 For the Incomplete Falling 509 For the Complete Falling 509 Mothers' Remedies 509 1. Unicorn Root for 509 2. A Fine Herb Combination for 509 3. A Physician's Treatment for 509 4. A Never-Failing Remedy for 510 5. White Oak Bark for 510 Womb, Fibroid Tumors of 501 1. Interstitial 501 2. Sub-Mucus (Under the Mucous Membrane) 501 3. Sub-Peritoneal 501 Causes 501 Symptoms 501 Mothers' Remedy 501 1. Common Wood Cactus for 501 Treatment 501 Symptoms Calling for an Operation 501 Womb, Inflammation of the Lining of the 498 Causes 498 Acute Variety 498 Gonorrheal Variety, Symptoms 498 Mothers' Remedy 499 1. A Good Tonic for 499 Physicians' Treatment 499 Womb, Malignant Diseases of 500 Causes 500 Symptoms 500 Treatment 500 Womb, Subinvolution 501 Causes 501 Symptoms 501 Results 502 Treatment 502 Womb, Bleeding from the (Herb Remedies) 412, 413, 423 Womb, Cancer of the Body of 500 Womb, Displacements of 508 Womb, Falling or Prolapse 509 Womb, Fibroid Tumors of 501 Womb Headache 271 Womb, Inflammation of the Lining of 498 Womb, Malignant Disease of 500 Womb, Subinvolution 501 Wool Sorters' Disease 230 Worms, Flesh 61 Worms, Pin 46 Worm, Round 44 Symptoms 45 Mothers' Remedies 45 1. Sage Tea for 45 2. Tansy Remedy for 45 3. Peach Leaf Tea for 45 Physicians' Treatment 45 1. Dr. Osler of Oxford, England, recommends as follows 45 2. Dr. Ritter's Santonin Remedy 45 3. Dr. Douglas, of Detroit, Michigan 46 4. The Following Is from Professor Stille 46 Worm, Round (Herb Remedies) 414, 432, 446 Worm, Tape 48 Symptoms 48 Treatment, Preventive 49 Mothers' Remedies 49 1. Pumpkin Seed Tea for 49 2. Another Good Remedy for 49 3. Ontario Mothers' Remedy for 49 4. Successful Remedy for Children or Adults 49 Physicians' Treatment 49 Preparing the Patient 49 Giving the Remedy and Receiving the Worm 49 1. Light Diet 50 2. Pelletierine Remedy for 50 3. Infusion and Emulsion for 50 4. An Old-Time Remedy for 50 Worm, Thread 46 Mothers' Remedies 46 1. Aloes Treatment for 46 2. Pink Root for 46 3. Quassia Chips for 47 4. Lime Water Injection for 47 5. Salt Water Remedy for 47 Physicians' Treatment 47 1. Santonin in Small Doses and Mild Purgative Like Rhubarb 47 2. Santonin for 47 3. Dr. Tooker of Chicago, Illinois 47 4. Dr. Tooker Gives Another Method 47 5. Another Remedy for 47 6. Spearmint Treatment for 47 7. Internal Treatment for 48 8. Tincture of Cina, to Accompany Injection 48
Worm, Thread (Herb Remedies) 423, 432, 446 Wounds 621 Wounds, Punctured 393 Wounds, Rusty Nail 393 Wounds, Stab 392 Wounds, Torn 393 Wounds, Torn (Herb Remedies) 430, 434, 443 Writer's Cramp 292 Causes 292 Symptoms 292 Recovery 292 Physicians' Treatment 292 Wry Neck 324 Yeast Poultice 633 Yellow Fever 224
MANNERS' AND SOCIAL CUSTOMS 683 Afternoon Wear 768 Incongruity in Dress 768 Appropriate Dress for Women 768 Bachelor Hospitality 704 Bachelor and the Chaperon, The 764 Cheaper Ways of Entertaining 765 Bachelor's Chafing Dish, The 765 Village Society, In 766 Should He Offer His Arm? 766 The Outside of the Walk 766 Minor Matters of Men's Etiquette 766 Cards and Calls 766 Bad Habits 767 Car Fare Question, The 767 Balls, the Etiquette of 722 Calls, the Etiquette of 690 Time and Manner 690 Men's Demeanor 690 "Pour Prendre Conge" 691 Girls' Manners 691 First Calls 691 Calls After Wedding 740 Card, Calling, Etiquette 688 For Women 688 A General Rule 688 After Social Functions 688 After Absence 688 For Men 689 Letters of Introduction 689 At a Hotel 689 Styles in Cards 689 Uses of Names 689 Carriage Etiquette 777 Minor Items 778 Children's Parties 727 Games 727 Supper 727 Games for Older Children 727 Christening Ceremonies 747 Ceremony, The 747 Sponsors 748 Church Christenings 748 Church Etiquette 776 Friendly Advances 776 Demeanor 776 Civility in Public 778 Rude Tourists 778 Telephone Etiquette 779 Concerning Introductions 685 Women and Introductions 685 When Calling 685 General Introductions 686 Men and Introductions 686 A Few Things Not to Do 686 In Company 687 School Girls' Etiquette 687 Cook's Work, The 781 Should Understand Duties 781 Nurse, The 782 Debutante, The 721 A Grave Mistake 721 Her Dress 721 If Not a Belle 722 Decollette Gowns Are Worn When? 769 Wearing the Hat 769 Ornaments 769 Debutante's Dress, The 769 Dressing on Modest Allowance 770 Dinner, The Informal 700 Family Dinners 701 Requirements 701 Setting the Table 702 Dinners and Luncheons 698 Formal Dinners 698 Serving the Dinner 698 The Help Required 699 Precedence 700 Be Prompt 700 Dress for Elderly Women 770 Suitable, The 770 Duties of a Chaperon 771 Mothers as Chaperons 771 Chaperon's Lot Not Easy 771 Chaperon a Social Help 771 Chaperon of the Motherless Girl, The 772 Avoid Espionage 772 Girls and the Chaperon, The 772 Chaperon in Middle Class Society, The 772 Duties and Dress of Servants 779 Maid, The One 779 Instructing the Maid 780 Maid's Serving, the 780 Duties of Waitress and Cook 781 Engagements, Announcement of 729 How Disclosed 729 After the Announcement 730 Girl's Behavior, The 730 Length of Engagement 730 Breaking Off 731 Wedding Trousseau, The 731 Engagements, Concerning 728 Parental Wishes 728 Entertainments, At Small 723 Card Parties 724 At the Party 724 Etiquette for Children 726 First Lessons 726 Etiquette of Correspondence, The 755 Essentials, The 756 Letter Forms 756 Abbreviations 757 What Not to Do 757 Placing the Stamps 758
When to Write 758 Care in Writing 758 Keeping Letters 759 Letters of Congratulation and Condolence 759 Etiquette of Dress, The 767
Garden Parties 723 Refreshments 723 Guests, What is Expected of the 712 Dress at Week-End Visits 712 Men's Wear 712 Guests, The Obligations of 715 About Being Thoughtful 715 Outside Acquaintance 716 Other Points to Observe 716 Concerning Departure 716 At Home Again 717
Hat, The Etiquette of the 761 Coachman's Salute, The 762 Hat, When to Raise the 762 At Other Times 762 Hat and Coat When Calling 763 Home Wedding, The 740 Correct Attire 740 After the Wedding 742 Wedding Gifts 742 What to Give 742 Acknowledgments 743 Wedding Decorations 743 Hospitality in the Home 708 Real Hospitality 703 Short Visits 709 The Unexpected Visit 709 The Inopportune Arrival 709 Visits that Save Expense 710 Hostess, The Duties of 713 The Visitors' Comfort 713 Preparing for Company 713 The Hostess's Invitations 714 The Visitor's Entertainments 714
Invitations 692 Invitations, Formulas for 692 Replies 693 Must Not Ask Invitations 694 Other Particulars 694 Informal Invitations 694 Afternoon Tea 695 The Verbal Invitation 695
Luncheons 703 Formal Luncheons 703 Minor Particulars 703 Large Luncheons 704
Manners for Men 760 Value of Courtesy 760 Manners of the Gentleman, The 760 Training, A Matter of 761 Politeness an Armor 761 Manners and Social Customs 683 Importance of Knowledge 684 A Matter of Habit 634 Men's Dress 767 Mourning Garments 751 Expense of Mourning, The 752 Mourning Wear 752 Period of Mourning, The 753 French Mourning 753 Mourning for Men 754 Duties of Friends, The 754 Mourning Etiquette 749 Funerals, Conduct of 749 Undertaker, The 749 Duties of the Next Friend, The 750 House Funeral, The 750 Church Funerals 751 Flowers 751
Neighborhood Etiquette 777 Borrowing 777 Receptions 707 Receiving 707 Decorations 707
Rules for Precedence 763
Smoking, About 763 Smoke, Where not to 764 Expectoration, About 764 Social Affairs, The Young Girl's 718 Girl and the Chaperon 719 Girl and the Young Men, The 719 About Gifts 720 Telephone, The 720 Speech, Good Form in 773 Use of Slang and Colloquialisms 773 Form of Address 774 Courtesy of Conversation 774 "Stag" Dinners 725 Subjects of Conversation 775 Discourtesies 778 Some Things to Avoid 775 The Speaking Voice 776 Summary 782
Table Etiquette 704 At the Table 705 Using the Fork 705 Vegetables, Fruits, etc 705 The Spoon 706 Finger Bowls 707 Tea, the Musical and Informal 725 Visiting Etiquette for Girls 717 Deference to Age 718 Wedding-Anniversaries 745 Wedding, The 745 Silver Wedding, The 745 Golden Weddings, The 746 Courtesies of the Occasion, The 746 Gifts 747 Wedding Festivities 732 Engagement "Showers" 732 How Presented 732 Refreshments 733 Wedding Invitations and Announcements 696 Correct Form 696 The Bridegroom's Family 697 Other Items 697 Wedding Preparations 738 The Expense of the Wedding 733 Bride's Privileges, The 734 Who Pays? 735 Wedding Gown, The, 735 Later Wear of the Wedding Gown 735 Bridal Flowers 736 Widow's Bridal Attire 786 Man's Wedding Garments, The 736 Bride's Mother, The 737 Church Wedding, The Formal 737 Bride's Father, The 738 Another Form 738 Best Man's Duties, The 738 Duties of the Ushers 739 Wedding Reception, The 739 Refreshments 739 Going Away 739 Weddings, The Simplest of 744 Week-End Visits 710 Invitation, The 710 Amusements 711 Hostess's Arrangements 711 Young Girls' Parties 724 Birthday Party 725
MISCELLANEOUS INDEX PAGES 790 TO 908 Including Chapters on "Beauty and the Toilet," "Nursery Hints and Fireside Gems," "Domestic Science," "Canning and Pickling," "Candy" "General Miscellaneous" and "Glossary"
Acid or Lye, Burns from 858 Account Book, Kitchen 867 "Affection" (Quotation) 808 "After the Burial," from Lowell 809 "All Girls and Boys" (Quotation) 808 Almonds, Salted 830 Ants, Troubled With 886 Apples, The Quickest Way to Core 877 Awkwardness Due to Eyes 811
Baby, Amusing 814 "Baby-Class Tree, The" (Poem) 805 Baby's Fine Dresses 803 Baby's Kimona 802 Baby's Layette 801 Baby's Meals 807 Baby's Nerves 803 Baby's Nose 814 Baby's Outing 802 Baby's Petticoats 811 Baby, Pretty Things for 802 "Baby's Purpose" (Quotation) 808 Baby (Quotations) 801, 802 Baby, Rather Hard On 810 Baby's Sleeves 813 Baby's Veil 814 Baking, Apples Cored for 874 Baking Dishes, Discolored China 877 Baking Help 868 "Barefoot Boy" (Quotation) 804 Barefoot, Going 803 Basting Thread, To Save 885 Bathing the Baby, Hints for 866 Bathrobe, A 812 Bathtub, Folding 816 BEAUTY AND THE TOILET 790 "Be Discreet" (Quotation) 813 Bed Sheeting 872 Bed Time 815 Beef, Creamed 829 Beef-Tea, Preparing, A Way of 866 Bindings, Book With Delicate 890 Black Ants, How to Kill 861 Blacking, Soap With Stove 857 Blackheads 790 Blankets, To Remove Stains from 858 Blankets, To Wash White Woolen 889 Bowl, Finger 883 Boy's Garments 802 "Boys" (Quotation) 802 Bread, To Freshen 865 Breakfast Food, Cooking 884 Breakfast Food, To Open Packages 871 Broom Bags 864 Broom, How to Preserve the Household 880 Bruise or Cut, For 858 Brush, To Sweep Stairs With Paint 859 Bunions 799 Bureau Drawers That Stick 891 Buttons for Future Use 885 Buttonhole, To Make a Neat 876 Buttons, Sewing on 888
Cake Tins, Greasing 873 Cake Tins, Non-Sticking 860 Cake Tins, To Prevent Sticking 865 Canary Seed, To Keep Mice Away from 879 Candle Grease, To Remove 863 Candle Grease, To Take Out of Linen 881 Candles, To Keep in Warm Weather 879 CANDY MAKING 848 Candy Making at Home 848 Chocolate Candy, Plain 851 Chocolate Candies 850, 851 Chocolate Caramels 851 Chocolate Fudge 851 Chocolate Nut Caramels 851 Chocolate Peppermint Wafers 852 Chocolate Creams 850 Chocolate Creams, No. 2 851 Cocoanut Caramels 852 Cocoanut Cream Bars 851 Cocoanut Snow Balls 852 Confectioners' and Common Candy 848 Cream Dates 854 Crystallized Fruits 854 Bonbons, Making the 850 Butter Scotch 853 Flavor and Color 849 Fondant, French or Boiled 849 Fondant, Making the 849 Hints, A Few 855 Hoarhound Candy 854 Maple Balls 852 Maple Candies 852 Maple Creams, No. 2 852 Maple Creams 852 Marron Glaces 854 Marshmallows 854 Molasses Candies 852 Molasses Taffy 852 Molasses Taffy No. 2 853 Nougat 853 Nut Bars 853 Nut Loaf 853 Other Candies 854 Peanut Candy 853 Popcorn Baskets 853 Popcorn Candy 853 Sour Drops 853 School Girl's Delight 854 Stick Candy 854 Sugar, Boiling the 848 Wafers 852 CANNING 831 Apples 832 Apples and Quinces 831 Apple Sauce 832 Butter, Apple 832 Canning Fruits, Table for 833 Corn 833 Grapes 833 Peaches 832 Peaches, Brandy 832
Flowers, Wild 814 Fly Paper Stains, To Remove 866 Fondue, Cheese 829 Food, Scorched 875 Forbearance (Quotation) 807 Forming Habits 815 Foulard Dress, Have You been Hoarding? 876 Four Things (Quotation) 815 Freckles 791 Freshen Nuts, How to 868 Friendship (Quotation) 813 Friends, Making (Quotation) 814 Fruit After Cutting, To Keep Grape 868 Fruit Cans, When the Top Cannot Be Removed 873 Fruit Stains, To Remove from the Hands 867 Furniture Brush, A Serviceable 890 Furniture, Clean Gilt 801 Furniture, Paint Wicker 801 Furniture Polish, A Good 880 Furniture, To Remove White Marks On 881 Furniture, To Wash 890
Gas, How to Economize on 886 Gas, Save the 865 Gilded Surfaces, To Clean 891 Gilt Frames, Cleaning 888 Gingham Apron for the Housewife 887 Glass, Paint That Sticks to 890 Gloss, To Give Starch a 874 Glass Stopper, How to Remove 866 Gloves, To Clean Kid 888 Gnawing Holes, If the Mice Are 872 Gowns, Afternoon 810 Gravies, Making 875 Gray Hair 795 Grease from Silk, To Remove 870 Grease, To Take Out Wagon 889 Greatness of Love, The (Quotation) 806
Hair, The 793 Hair, Care of the 794 Hair, Clipping the 794 Hair, Color of the 795 Hair, Dyed 795 Hair Brushes, Washing 859 Hair, Gray 795 Hair and Health 796 Hair Tonic, A 796 Hair, Washing the 795 Hands, The 797 Hand Churn, Small 878 Handkerchiefs, Uses for Men's Old Silk 889 Hands and Nose, Red 792 Hangers, Hat 864 Harsh Commands 813 Health as an Aid to Beauty 790 Hem, Putting in a Temporary 885 Hemstitching 871 Hems of Table Linen, To Turn Easily and Accurately 889 Hints, House-Cleaning 888 Homes, Summer 881 Honesty (Quotation) 814 Hot Water Bottle, To Preserve 859 House Account, Keeping a 874 House, A Spotless 879 Household, A Convenience for 889 Household, A Handy Disinfectant for the 892 House Key, How to Carry 862 Housekeeping, Systematic 868 Housewife, Hints for the 892 Housewife, Systematic, A 879 Human Face, The (Quotation) 806
Ice Box, Borax as a Purifier for 891 Idleness (Quotation) 804 Indulgence 807
Intemperance (Quotation) 803 Ironing Day, Conveniences for 877 Ironing Board, Conveniences for 861 Iron Holders Made from Asbestos 884 Iron Rust, To Remove 877 Iron Sink, To Keep in Good Condition 886
JAMS AND JELLIES 845 Apple 845 Blackberry Jam 846 Blackberry 845 Crab Apple 845 Cranberry 845 Gooseberry Jam 847 Grape 846 Orange Marmalade 846 Peach 847 Plum and Apple Jam 846 Raspberry Jams 847 Rhubarb 846 Rhubarb and Apple 846 Spiced Grape 846 Strawberry and Red Currant Jam 847 Tomato Marmalade 846 JAMS AND JELLIES (DOMESTIC SCIENCE METHOD) 822 Glasses for Jelly, To Prepare 822 Jelly Glasses, To Cover 823 Jelly Bag, To Make 823 Good Fruits for Making Jelly 823 General Directions for Making Jelly 823 Apple Jelly 823 Barberry Jelly 824 Crab Apple Jelly 823 Currant Jelly 824 Grape Jam 824 Grape Jelly 824 Quince Jelly 824 Raspberry Jam 824 Raspberry Jelly 824 Strawberry Jam 824 Keep Dainties Away from the Beginning 809 Kerosene Lamps, Paint Smoked from 857 Kettles, Burned 867 Kitchen Apron 877 Kitchen Apron, How to Attach Holder to 863 Kitchen Apron, Making a 875 Kitchen, Convenient Addition to 862 Kitchen, Drop Table for 877 Kitchen, A Useful Article in 886
Lace, Sewing 876 Laces, To Wash 858 Lamp Burners, To Clean 858 Lamps, Kerosene 868 Lap-Board, When Using 876 Last Step, The 868 Laugh, The Value of (Quotation) 812 Learning to Sew 804 Learning Wisdom (Quotation) 810 Leather Furniture, Clean 861 Lemons, How to Obtain More Juice 858 Lemons, Washing 872 Life (Quotation) 816 Linen Collars, Use of Old 859 Linen, To Make Easier to Write on 878 Linoleum, Clean 862 Linoleum or Oilcloth That Is Cracked 891 Little Minds 815 Liquid Whiteners 793 Living Room, Attractive 882 Long Seams, Basting 885 Love (Quotation) 805 Love, The Two Symptoms of 813 Lunches, Putting Up 891
Maidenhood (Quotation) 813
Machine Grease, To Remove 879 Market, Going to 890 MARMALADES AND BUTTERS (DOMESTIC SCIENCE METHOD) 825 Apple 825 Crab Apple 825 Peach 825 Pineapple 825 Rhubarb 825 Marred, If Tour Paint Has Been 881 Massage 792 Matrimony, Cares of (Quotation) 811 Meals, Airing House After 888 Meals, Cheerfulness at 871, 883 Meat, Broiling 870 Meat, The Color Should Be 873 Meat, Larding a Piece of 878 Medicine Cupboard 865 MEDICAL DICTIONARY 893 Medicine (Quotation) 811 Method 807 Methods of Cooking Eggs 813 Mildew, To Remove 874 Milk Vessels, Never Pour Scalding Water Into 872 Mittens, Kitchen 875 Moulding by Circumstances (Quotation) 815 Moulding, To Prevent Fruits from 891 Mop Handles, Uses of 884 Money to Children 812 Mother (Quotation) 801 Motherhood 801 Moths 871 Moths in Carpet 890 Mould, To Keep Free From 859 Mouth Breathing 812 Mouth and Teeth 797 Muddy Skirt, To Make Wash Easily 871 Mud Stains, To Remove 876 Music, To Pack 863 Mutton Chops, To Make Tender 875 Mysterious Future, The (Quotation) 808
Nails, Care of the 797 Finger Nail Powder 797 Implements 797 The Process 797 Nails, Ingrowing 799 Nail Powder, Finger 797 Needles, For Broken 862 Needle Holder, A 857 Needle Sharpener 867 Needles, Threading 885 Nicknames (Quotation) 803 Night Petticoats 812 Night Lamp, A New 864 Noon of Life, The (Quotation) 812 Now or Never (Quotation) 811 Nursery 810 NURSERY HINTS' AND FIRESIDE GEMS 800 Obedience 812 Oil Cloth, Buying a New 874 Old Velvet, Uses for 858 Oranges as Medicine 806 Oven, After Cake is Removed from 873 Oysters, Creamed 829 Oysters, Raw 883 Paint and Varnish, Cleaning 860 Pancakes, Sour Milk 869 Pantry, Closed Cupboards in the 874 Peaches, Left Over 870 Pea-Pods, Uses for 878 Peas Cooking 886 Petticoats, Children 867 Petticoat, making over a Heatherbloom 887
Petticoats, Making Children's 873 Piano Keys, To Clean 881 PICKLES 835 Beet 835 Blackberries, Mothers' 836 Brocoli 836 Cabbage 836 Cantelope, Sweet 836 Catsup, Aunt Mary's 838 Catsup, Grape 839 Catsup, Gooseberry 838 Catsup, Pepper 839 Catsup, Tomato 838 Cauliflower 835 Celery Sauce, Mother Used to Make 837 Cherries 839 Chili Sauce 837, 840 Cucumber, Ripe 837 Cucumber, Sliced 838 Currants, Spiced 840 Dill Pickles, Grandmother's 838 Grapes, Spiced 840 Green Beans 841 Green Tomato 839 Mustard 836, 838 Oyster Catsup 839 Peaches, Sweet 836 Pears, Ginger 840 Pickles, Bottled 838 Pickles, Mustard 839 Pickles, Mixed 836 Pickles, Spanish 840 Pickles, Sweet Mixed 839 Prunes, Sweet 836 Relish, Corn 839 Relish, Tomato 837 Sauce, Green Tomato, for Meats or Fish 837 Soye Tomato 840 Spiced Vinegar for Pickles 838 Tomato 837 Tomato, Green 837, 840 Tomato Relish 837 PICKLES (Domestic Science Method) 826 Chili Sauce 826 Cucumber, Sweet 827 Olive Oil Pickles 826 Pickled Pears or Peaches, Sweet 826 Tomato, Green 827 Picnic Supplies 808 Pie Crust, How to Make 863 Pillows, to Air 878 Pillow Slips, Changing 859 Pillows, Separate Night and Day 886 Pimples 791 Pinafore, The 810 Pineapple, To Preserve 884 Pincushion, A Brick 867 Pitchers, To Prevent Dripping 865 Plaster-of-Paris, To Clean 881 Playground for Boys 808 Plaited Skirt, Pressing a 873 Poison Bottle, To Mark 865 Poison, Let the Bottle Tinkle 863 Politics and Veracity (Quotation) 813 Pomades, Use of 794 Potatoes, To Improve Baked 875 Potatoes, Boiled 869 Potatoes, Browning 872 Powder, To Use 793 Praying of a Child (Poem) 800 PRESERVES 841 Apple 841 Apricot 842 Brandied Peaches 844 Cherries 841 Citron 842