Diathesis (di-ath'es-is). Natural or congenital predisposition to a special disease.
Dietetics (di-ct-et'iks). The science or study and regulation of food.
Dilatation (di-la-ta'shun). Stretched beyond the normal dimension.
Diluent (dil'u-ent). Makes less irritant; an agent that makes less irritant.
Discutients (dis-ku'te-ent). Remedies that scatter.
Disinfectant (dis-in-fek'tant). Agent that destroys disease germs or renders ferments inactive.
Dislocation (dis-lo-ka'shun). The displacement of any part, especially a bone.
Diuretic (diu-ret'ik). Agent to increase secretion of the urine.
Dorsal (dor'sal). Pertaining to the back or back of any part.
Drastic (dras'tic). Powerful acting remedy or agent.
Dyspepsia (dis-pep'se-ah). Difficult digestion. Impairment of the power or function of digestion.
Dysuria (dis-ur'e-ah). Painful or difficult passing of urine.
Dyspnoea (disp-ne'ah). Difficult or labored breathing.
Dyspragia (dys-pra'je-ah). Difficulty in swallowing.
Dyscrasia (dis-kra'ze-ah). A depraved state of the humors; abnormal composition of the blood and humors.
Ebullition (eb-ul-ish'un). The process of boiling.
Ecstacy (ek'stas-i). A kind of trance or state of fixed contemplation, with mental exaltation, partial abeyance of most of the functions and rapt expression of the countenance.
Edema (e-de'mah). Swelling due to the accumulation of serous fluid in the tissues.
Effervesce (ef-fer-ves'). To bubble; sparkle.
Efflorescence (ef-flo-res'sens). A rash or eruption.
Effluvium (ef-flu've-um). An ill-smelling exhalation, especially of a noxious character.
Effusion (ef-fu-zhun). The escape of fluid into a part or tissue.
Electrization (e-lek-tri-za'shun). The act of charging with, or treatment by, electricity.
Electuary (e-lek'tu-a-re). A medicinal preparation consisting of a powdered drug made into a paste with honey, syrup, etc.
Elimination (e-lim-in-a'shun). The act of expulsion from the body.
Emaciation (e-ma-se-a'shun). Leanness, or a wasted condition of the body.
Embryo (em'bre-o). The foetus (unborn child) in its earlier stages of development, especially before the end of the third month.
Emesis (em'e-sis). Vomiting.
Emetic (e-met-ik). Any substance that causes vomiting.
Emmenogogue (em-men'ogog). Any agent stimulating or favoring the monthly flow.
Emollient (e-mo'le-ent). Soothing or softening.
Emphysema (em-fis-e'mah). A swelling or inflation due to the presence of air in the interstices of the connective tissues.
Emulsion (e-mul'shun). An oily or resinous substance divided and held in suspension through the agency of an adhesive, mucilaginous, or other substance.
Enamel (en-am'el). The white substance that covers and protects the dentine of the crown of the teeth.
Empirical (em-pir-ic-al). Based on experience.
Encephalon (en-sef'al-on). That portion of the central nervous system which is contained within the skull or cranium.
Encysted (en-sis'ted). Enclosed in a sac, or cyst.
Endermically (en-der-mik'ally). Absorption through the skin.
Enema (en'em-ah). An injection thrown into the rectum.
Enervation (en-er-va'shun). Languor; lack of nervous energy.
Enteritis (en-ter-i'tis). Inflammation of the intestine, usually the small intestine.
Enteric (en-ter'ik). Pertaining to the intestines or bowels.
Epidemic (ep-id-em'ik). A disease which attacks many people in any district at the same time.
Epidermis (ep-id-er'mis). Outer skin; scarf skin; cuticle.
Ephemeral (ef-em'er-al). Transient; for one day or less.
Epigastrium (cp-a-gas'tre-um). The upper middle portion of the abdomen belly); over or in front of the stomach.
Epigastric (ep-e-gas'trik). Pertaining to the epigastrium.
Epileptic (ep-e-lep-tik). A person troubled with epilepsy.
Epiglottis (ep-e-glot'tis). The lid-like structure covering the entrance into the larynx (upper windpipe),
Epiphora (e-pif-o-rah). An abnormal overflow of tears down the cheek, usually due to lachrymeal stricture.
Epispastic (ep-e-spas-tik). A congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum (back) of the penis. On the female, a fissure of the upper wall of the female urethra.
Epistaxis (ep-e-stax'is). Nose-bleed.
Epithelium (ep-ith-ele'um). The covering of the skin and mucous membrane consisting wholly of cells of varying form and arrangement.
Erethism (er'e-thizm). Excessive irritability or sensibility.
Erosion (er'o-zhun). An eating or gnawing away; a kind of ulceration.
Eructation (e-ruk-ta'shun). The act of casting up wind from the stomach; belching.
Eruption (erup'shun). A visible lesion on the skin due to disease and marked by redness, etc.
Errhine (er'rin). A medicine that promotes a nasal discharge.
Erysipelations (er-is-ip'el-a-shuns). Pertaining to or of the nature of erysipelas.
Eschar (e's-kar). A slough produced by burning or by a corrosive application.
Escharotic (es-kar-ot'ik). A caustic substance capable of producing a slough.
Esophagus (e-sof 'a-gus). Gullet, extends from pharynx to stomach.
Eustachian Tube (u-sta'ke-an). The bony cartilaginous canal that extends from the middle ear to the throat.
Evacuation (e-vak-u-a'shun). The act of emptying, especially of the bowels.
Evacuant (e-vak'u-ant). A medicine that causes the evacuation.
Exacerbation (eks-as-er-ba'shun). An increase in the symptoms of a disease.
Exanthema (ex-an-the'mah). An eruption upon the skin; An eruptive disease.
Excision (ex-sizh'on). The cutting out of a part.
Excitant (ek-si-tent). Stimulating.
Excoriated (ex-ko-re-ated). Any superficial loss of substance, such as that produced on the skin by scratching.
Excrement (eks-kre-ment). Fecal matter; matter cast out as waste from the body.
Excretion (eks-kre'shun). The discharge of waste products.
Excrescence (ex-kres'ens). An abnormal outgrowth upon the body.
Exfoliate (ex-fo-le-ate). A falling off in scales or layers.
Exhalation (cx-ha-la'shun). The giving off of matters in a vapor form.
Expectorate (ex-pec'to-rat). The act of coughing up and spitting out materials from the lungs and wind-pipe.
Expectorant (ex-pec-to'rant). A remedy that promotes or modifies expectoration.
Exostosis (cks-os'to-sis). A bony outgrowth from the surface of a bone or tooth.
Expiration (eks-pi-ra'shun). The act of breathing out or expelling air from the lungs.
Extravasation (eks-trav-as-a'shun). The passing of fluid (blood, etc.) outside of the cavity or part normally containing it.
Extremities (eks-trem'it-ies). Pertaining to an extremity or end.
Exudation (eks-u-da'shun). The passing out of serum or pus in or upon the tissues.
Facial (fa'shal). Pertaining to the face.
Facet (fa'set). A small plain surface on a bone or hard body.
Fauces (faw'sez). The passage from the mouth to the pharynx (throat).
Faeces. Same as feces.
Fecal (fa'kal). Pertaining to, or consisting of feces.
Fascia (fa'she-ah). A sheet or band of tissue which invests and connects the muscles, or the areolar tissue, forming layers beneath the skin or between muscles.
Farinaceous (far-in-a'se-us). Of the nature of flour or meal.
Febrifuge (feb'rif-ug). A remedy that allays fever.
Febrile (feb'ril). Feverish; pertaining to fever.
Femur (fe'mur). The thigh-bone. The bone from the hip to the knee.
Ferruginous (fer-ru'gin-us). Containing iron or iron-rust.
Fetid (fe'tid). Having a rank or foul smell. Fetor (fe'tor). Stench or offensive odor.
Fibrin (fib'rin). A whitish proteid from the blood and serous fluids of the body.
Filtration (fil-tra'shun). The passage of a liquid through a filter.
Fistula (fis'tu-lah). A narrow canal or tube left by the incomplete healing of abscesses or wounds and usually transmitting some fluid, either pus or the secretions or contents of some organ or body cavity.
Flaccid (flak'sid). Weak, lax and soft.
Flatulence (flat'u-lense). Distended with gas in stomach or bowels.
Flatus (fla'tus). Gas, especially in the stomach and bowels.
Flexible (flex'ib-l). That which may be bent without breaking.
Flocculent (flok'u-lent). Flaky, downy, or wooly.
Flooding (flud'ding). A copious bleeding from the womb.
Flush (flush). A redness of the face or neck.
Flux (flux). An excessive flow of any of the excretions of the body, especially feces.
Foetus (fe'tus). Same as fetus, The child in the womb after the end of third month, called embryo before that time.
Fomentations (fo-men-ta'shun). Treatment by warm and moist applications to a part to relieve pain or inflammation.
Formula (for'mu-lah). A prescribed method of preparing a medicine.
Fracture (frak'tur). The breaking of a part, especially of a bone.
Friction (frik'shun). The act of rubbing.
Fumigation (fu-mig-a'shun). Disinfection by exposure to the fumes of a vaporized disinfectant.
Fungus (fung'gus). Anyone of a class of vegetable organisms of a low order of development, including mushrooms, toadstools, moulds, etc.
Function (funk'shun). The normal, special or proper action or office of any part or organ.
Fundament (fun'da-ment). The foundation or base of a thing.
Fungous (fung'us). Of the nature or resembling a fungus.
Galvanization (gal-van-iz-a'shun). Treatment by galvanic electricity.
Ganglion (gang'le-on). Any mass of gray nervous substance that serves as a center of nervous influence.
Gangrene (gang'gren). The mortification or non-molecular death of a part.
Gargle (gar'gle). A solution used for rinsing the mouth and throat.
Gastric (gas'tric). Pertaining to the stomach.
Gestation (ges-ta-shun). Pregnancy.
Gelatinous (gel-at'in-us). Like jelly or softened gelatine.
Genital (gen'it-al). Pertaining to the organs of generation or reproduction.
Gland. An organ that separates any fluid from the blood; or an organ which secretes something essential to the system or excretes waste materials the retention of which would be injurious to the body.
Glottis (glot'is). The space between the vocal cords, together with the larynx, which is concerned in voice production.
Gluteus (glu-te'us). One of the large muscles of the buttock.
Glandular (glan'du-lar). Pertaining to the nature of a gland.
Granular (gran'u-lar). Made up of, or containing granules or grains.
Granulation (gran-u-la'shun). The formation in wounds of small rounded fleshy masses.
Grumous (gru'mus). Clotted. Lumpy.
Guttural (gut'tur-al). Pertaining to the throat.
Habit (hab'it). The tendency to repeat an action or condition.
Hallucination (hal-lu-sin-a'shun). Perception of an object, etc., which has no external existence, as by sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch.
Hectic (hek'tik). Associated with consumption and with septic poisoning. Due to absorption of toxic substances.
Hematemesis (hem-at-em'es-is). The vomiting of blood.
Hemorrhage (hem'-or-rej). Bleeding. An escape of blood from the vessels.
Hepatic (hep-at-ik). Pertaining to the liver.
Hereditary (her-ed'-it-a-re). Derived from ancestry or obtained by inheritance.
Heredity (he-red'-it-e). The inheritance of qualities or of diseases from a ncestry.
Hematuria (hem-at-u'-reah). The discharge of urine containing blood.
Hematosis (hem-at-o'sis). The process of the formation of blood; also its arterialization in the lungs.
Hemiplegia (hem-e-ple'jeah). Paralysis of one side of the body.
Hernia (her'neah). Rupture. Breach.
Hydragogue (hi'drag-og). A purgative that causes copious liquid discharges.
Hydrargyrum (hi-drar'gir-um). Mercury or quicksilver.
Hydrogen (hi'-dro-gcn). A light inflammable gaseous element, odorless and tasteless.
Hydrothorax (hi-dro-tho'rax). The presence of a serous fluid in the pleural cavity.
Hydrophobia (hi-dro-pho'bia). Acute infectious disease communicated to man by the bites of an animal suffering from rabies.
Hygiene (hi'-gen). The science of health and its preservation.
Hyperesthesia (hi-per-es-the'zeah). Excessive sensibility of the skin or of a special sense.
Hypochondrical (hi-po-kon'-dri-kal). Affected with hypochondriasis, morbid anxiety about the health.
Hymen (hi'men). The fold of mucous membrane that partially occludes the vaginal orifice.
Hypnotic (hip-not'-ik). Inducing sleep.
Hypertrophy (hi-per'tro-fe). An increase in the size of a tissue or organ independent of the general growth of the body.
Hypodermic (hi-po-der'mik). Applied or administered beneath the skin.
Hypogastrium (hi-po-gas'treum). The lower median anterior region of the abdomen.
Hysterical (his-ter'ikal). Pertaining to or affected by hysteria.
Ichor (ikor). An acrid thin puriform discharge. [transcriber's note: pus]
Idiopathic (id-eo-path'ik). Not dependent upon another disease or upon a known or recognized cause.
Idiosyncrasy (id-eo-sin'kras-e). A habit or quality of body or mind peculiar to any individual.
Ileum (il'-e-um). The tower portion of the small intestine terminating in the cecum.
Ileus (il'-e-us). Severe colic due to intestinal obstruction.
Iliac (il'-e-ak). Pertaining to the ilium or to the flanks.
Iliac Region. One of the regions into which the abdomen is divided. Flank region.
Illuminant (il-lu'min-ant). That which aids in lighting up a part, cavity or organ for inspection.
Impotence (im'-po-tens). Lack of power. Especially of sexual power in the man.
Imbecility (im-bes-il'-it-e). Feebleness of mind, congenital or acquired.
Immersion (im-mer'shun). The plunging of the body into a liquid.
Inanition (in-an-ish'un). Emptiness; wasting of the body from starvation.
Incontinence (in-kon'tin-ens). Inability to restrain natural discharges like the urine, feces, etc.
Incubation (in-ku-ba'shun). The period between the implanting of an infectious disease and its manifestation.
Incisor (in-sis'-or). Any one of the four front teeth of either jaw.
Incubus (in'-ku-bus). A heavy mental burden.
Indigenous (in-dij'-en-us). Native; originating or belonging to a certain locality or country.
Indigestible (in-dij-es'tibl). Not susceptible of digestion.
Indisposition (in'-dis-po-zish'-un). Slight illness.
Induration (in-du-ra'shun). Hardening. The process of hardening.
Infection (in-fek'-shun). The communication of disease from one person to another, whether by effluvia or by contact, mediate or immediate.
Infiltration (in-fil-tra'-shun). The accumulation in a tissue of substances not normal to it.
Inflammation (in-flam-ma'shun). A morbid condition characterized by pain, heat, redness and swelling, etc.
Infusion (in-fu'shun). Steeping; to extract the active principles of substance by means of water, but without boiling.
Ingestion (in-gcs'-shun). The act of taking food, etc., into the body.
Inguinal (in'gwin-al). Pertaining to the groin.
Injection (in-jek'-shun). The act of throwing a liquid into a part, such as the rectum or a blood vessel.
Inoculation (in-ok-u-la'shun). The insertion of a virus into a wound or abrasion in the skin in order to communicate the disease.
Inspiration (in-spi-ra'shun). The act of drawing air into the lungs.
Inspissation (in-spis-sa'shun). To make thick by evaporation or absorption of fluid.
Integument (in-teg'um-ent). The covering of the body; the skin.
Intercostal (in-ter-kas'tal). Situated between the ribs.
Intermittent (in-ter-mit'-ent). Occurring at intervals.
Intestines (in-tes'-tins). The bowels.
Ischuria (is-ku're-ah). Suppression or retention of the urine.
Joint. An articulation between two bones; more especially one which admits of more or less motion in one or both bones.
Jugular (ju'gu-lar). Pertaining to the neck.
Labia (la'beah). Two folds of skin, etc., of the female genital organs; lips.
Labium (la'-bi-um). A lip or lip-shaped.
Lacerated (las'er-a-ted). Torn; of the nature of a rent.
Laceration (las-er-a'shun). The act of tearing; a wound made by tearing.
Lactation (lak-ta'shun). Suckling. The period of the secretion of milk.
Lachyrmal (lak'ri-mal). Pertaining to the tears or to the organs secreting and conveying tears.
Lacinating (la'sin-a-ting). Tearing; darting or sharply cutting.
Lacteal (lak'-te-al). Pertaining to milk
Larynx (lar'inx). The organ of the voice, situated between the base of the tongue and the trachea.
Larva (lar'-vah). The first stage of the insect development after leaving the egg and in which the organism resembles a worm.
Laxative (lak'-sat-iv). Mildly cathartic. Loosening.
Laryngoscope (lar-in'-go-skop). A mirror attached to a long handle for examining the interior of the larynx.
Laryngotomy (lar-in-got'ome). The operation of cutting into the larynx (incising the larynx).
Lesion (le'zhun). An injury, wound or morbid structural change.
Lethargy (lith-ar-gi). A condition of drowsiness or stupor that cannot be overcome by the will; also a hypnotic trance.
Leucorrhea (lu-kor-re'-ah). A white, muco-purulent discharge from the vagina and womb, popularly called "the whites."
Ligature (lig'-at-ur). A thread or wire for tying a vessel, etc.
Ligament (lig'-am-ent). Any tough fibrous band which connects bones or supports viscera (internal organs).
Linctus (link'-tus). A thick syrupy medicament to be taken by licking.
Liniment (lin'-im-ent). Any oily preparation to be rubbed upon the skin.
Lithontriptic (lith-on-trip'-tik). An agent that dissolves renal stones.
Lithotomy (lith-ot'o-me). The removal of a stone by cutting into the bladder (cystotomy).
Lithotrity (lith-ot'ri-te). The crushing of a calculus (stone) within the bladder by a lithotrite (instrument).
Livid (li'vid.) Discolored from the effects of congestion or contusion.
Lochia (lo'keah). The discharge from the vagina that takes place during the first week after child-birth.
Lumbago (lum-ba'go). Neuralgia of the loins.
Lumbar (lum'bar). Pertaining to the loins.
Lymph (limf). A transparent slightly yellow liquid of alkaline reaction which fills the lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatic (limfat'-ic). Pertaining to or containing lymph.
Maceration (mas-er-a'shun). The softening of a solid by soaking.
Macula (mak'-u-lah). A stain or spot; especially one upon the skin not elevated above the surface.
Malaria (mah-la'riah). A fever disease, now known to be caused by a blood parasite.
Malarial (mal-a'real). Pertaining or due to malaria.
Malformation (mal-for-ma'shun). Deformity. An abnormal development or formation of a part of the body.
Malignant (mal-ig'nant). Bad. Threatening life.
Malleolus (mal-le'o-lus). A hammer-headed process of bone.
Mania (ma'ne-ah). A variety of insanity characterized by wild excitement, hallucinations, delusions and violent tendencies.
Mamma (mam-mah). The breast. Mammary gland.
Marrow (mar'o). The fatty substance contained in the medullary canal of long bones and in the interstices of the cancellous bone.
Mastication (mas-tik-a'shun). The chewing of food.
Maturation (mat-u-ra'shun). The formation of pus.
Matrix (ma'trix). The womb. The groundwork in which anything is cast.
Meatus (me-a'tus). A passage or opening.
Medulla Oblongata (med-ul-lah oblong-at'-a). An organ or ganglion of the brain which connects the spinal cord with the pons.
Menses (men'sez). Monthly flow from the womb.
Menstrual (men'stru-al). Pertaining to menstruation.
Menstruum (men'stru-urn). A solvent.
Metastasis (met-as'tas-is). The transfer of a diseased process from a primary focus to a distance by the conveyance of the causal agents through the blood vessels or lymph channels, like mumps from face to the scrotum.
Metatarsus (met-ah-tar'-sus). The bones of the foot—situated between the (instep) tarsus and toes.
Miasm (mi'asm). Anything harmful contaminating the air.
Micturition (mik-tu-rish'-un). The act of passing urine.
Midwife (mid'wif). A female nurse who attends women in childbirth.
Minim (min'-im). About a drop.
Mitral valves (mit'ral). The valves that control the opening from the left auricle to the left ventricle.
Morbid (mor'bid). Pertaining to disease or diseased parts.
Morbific (mor-bif 'ik). Producing disease.
Morbus (mor'bus). Disease.
Mucous Membrane (mu'kus). A membrane that secretes mucus.
Mortification (mor-tif-ik-a'shun). See gangrene.
Mucilage (mu-cil'ij). A solution of gum in water.
Mucus (mu'kus). A viscid liquid.
Narcotic (nar-kot'-ik). A drug that produces stupor.
Nausea (naw'sheah). Sickness at the stomach with an inclination to vomit.
Navel (n-a'vet). The umbilicus.
Nauseant. (naw'she-ant). Nauseating; producing nausea.
Necrosis (nek-ro'sis). The death of cells surrounded by living tissue.
Nephritic (nef-rit'-ik). Pertaining to nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).
Nervine (nur'-vin). Acting upon the nerves.
Neuralgia (nu-ral'-jeah). Severe pain along a nerve without any demonstrable structural changes in the nerve.
Neurasthenia (nu-ras-then-iah). A group of symptoms resulting from debility or exhaustion of the nerve centers.
Nocturnal (nok'-tur-nal). Pertaining to the night.
Node (nod). A knob. Protuberance.
Normal (nor'-mal). Conforming to natural law or order.
Nostalgia (nos-tal'-je-ah). Homesickness.
Nostrum (nos'trum). A quack; secret medicine.
Nutritious (nu'trish'us). Nourishing.
Obtuse (ob-tus'). Dull.
Obesity (obes'it-e). An excessive development of fat.
Oedema (e-de'mah). An infiltration of serum in a part; watery swelling.
Obstetrics (ob-stet'-riks). Care of women during pregnancy, confinement and after.
Occipital (ok-sip'it-al). Pertaining to the back part of the head (occiput).
Olfactory Nerves (ol-fak'-to-re). Nerves of smell.
Omentum (o-men'tum). An apron. A fold of the peritoneum connecting the abdominal organs with the stomach.
Ophthalmia (off-thal'-meah). Inflammation of the eye.
Opiates (o'-pe-ats). A preparation of opium.
Optic (op'tik). Pertaining to vision or to the science of optics.
Optic nerve. Nerve of sight.
Orthopnea (or-thop-ne'ah). A condition marked by quick and labored breathing and relief is only had by remaining in an upright position.
Ossific (os-if '-ik). Producing bone.
Ossification (os'if-ik-a'shun). The formation of bone.
Ovary (o'var-e). One of a pair of glandular organs giving rise to ova (eggs).
Ovariotomy (o-va-re-ot'-o-me). Removal of an ovary.
Ovum (o'vum). An egg; the reproductive cell of an animal or vegetable.
Oxygen (oks'e-gen). A colorless, tasteless, odorless gas.
Palate (pal'-at). The roof of the mouth.
Palpitation (pal-pit-a'shun). A fluttering or throbbing, especially of the heart, of which a person is conscious.
Palliative (pal'-e-a-tiv). An agent that relieves or soothes the symptom of a disease without curing it.
Panacea (pan-a-se'ah). A cure-all.
Papilla (pap-il'-ah). A small nipple-like eminence.
Paracentesis (par'-ah-sen-te'-sis). Puncture of the wall of a cavity of the body, such as the chest, drum membrane, etc.
Paralytic (par-ah-lit'ik), Affected with paralysis.
Paralysis (par-al'-is-is). "Palsy." A loss of motion or of sensation in a part.
Paraplegia (par-ah-ple'jeah). Paralysis of the lower half of the body or of the lower extremities.
Parasite (par'ah-sit). An animal or vegetable living upon or within another organism, termed the host.
Paroxysm (par'oks-izm). The periodic increase or crisis in the progress of a disease.
Patella (pat-el'-ah). The knee cap.
Pathology (path-ol'-oje). The branch of medical science that treats of the modifications of functions and changes of structures caused by disease.
Pathognomonic (path-og-no-mon'ik). Characterized by a disease distinguishing it from other diseases.
Parturient (par-tu're-ent). Giving birth; being in labor.
Parturition (par-tu-rish'-un). The act of giving birth to young.
Pediculus (pe-dik'-u-lus). The louse.
Pelvis (pel'-vis). A basin or basin-shaped cavity. The bony ring formed by sacrum and coccyx and innominate bones.
Pepsin (pep'-sin). A ferment found in the gastric juice, and capable of digesting proteids in the presence of an acid.
Percussion (per-kush'-in). Striking upon a part to ascertain the condition of the underlying organs.
Pericardium (per-e-kar'de-um). The closed membranous sac enveloping the heart.
Pericarditis (per-e-kar'-di-tis). Inflammation of the pericardium.
Perineum (per-e-ne'um). That portion of the body included in the outlet of the pelvis, bounded in front by the pubic arch, behind by the coccyx, and ligaments and on the sides by the projections of the ichium.
Periodicity (pcr-e-o-dis'ite). Recurrence at regular intervals.
Periosteum (per-e-os'teum). Covering of parts of the bone except where the tendons and ligaments are attached to the joint surfaces.
Peristaltic (per-e-stal'tik). Pertaining to peristalsis, an wave-like motion seen in the tubes, like bowels, etc.
Perflation (per-fla-shun). To blow through.
Petechia (pet-e-keah). A small spot beneath the epidermis due to an effusion of blood.
Permeate (per'me-at). Passing throughout.
Permeable (per'me-able). Capable of affording passage.
Phagedenic (fag-ed-en'ick). Relating to phagedena, a rapidly spreading destructive ulceration of soft tissues.
Phalanges (fa-lan'ges). Plural of phalanx. Bones of the fingers or toes.
Pharynx (far'-inx), The throat.
Phlegmatic (fleg-mat'-ik). Indifferent, apathetic.
Phlebotomy (fleb-ot'o-me). Opening of a vein for blood letting.
Phlegmon (fleg'mun). An inflammation characterized by the spreading of a purulent or fibro-purulent exudate within the tissues.
Phthysical (tiz'ik-al). Pertaining to consumption (phthisis).
Physiognomy (fiz-e-og'no-me). The countenance.
Plethoric (pleth'o-rik). A state characterized by an excess of blood in the vessels and marked by a reddish color of the face, full pulse, etc.
Pleura (plu'rah). The serous membrane enveloping the lung and lining the inner surface of the chest cavity.
Pleurisy (plu'rise-e). Inflammation of the pleura (pleuritis).
Plexus (plex-us). A network, especially an aggregation of vessels or nerves forming an intricate network.
Polypus (pol'e-pus). A tumor having a pedicle, found especially on mucous membranes, as in the nose, etc.
Pregnancy (preg'nan-se). Woman with child; state of being pregnant.
Prescription (pre-skrip-shun). A formula written by a doctor to the druggist, designating substances to be administered.
Post-mortem (post-mor'tem). An examination of a body after death.
Potable (po'ta-bl). Drinkable.
Prognosis (prag-no'sis). A judgment in advance concerning the duration, course and termination of a disease.
Prophylactic (pro-fil-ak'tik). An agent that prevents the development of disease.
Prolapsus (pro-lap'sus). Falling downward.
Pruritus (pru-ri'tus). Intense itching.
Pseudo (sudo). A prefix meaning false.
Ptyalism (ti'-al-izm). Salivation.
Puberty (pu'ber-te). The period at which generative organs become capable of exercising the function of reproduction.
Purperal (pu-ur'per-al). Pertaining to, caused by, or following childbirth.
Pulmonary (pul'mon-are). Pertaining to the lungs.
Pulmonitis (pul-mon'itis). Inflammation of the lungs. Better term is pneumonia.
Pulp. The soft part of fruit.
Pungent (pun'jent). Acrid, penetrating, producing a painful of prickling sensation.
Purgative (pur'ga-tiv). A drug producing copious discharges from the bowels.
Purulent (pu'rul-ent). Having the character of or containing pus.
Pus (pus). A liquid inflammation product made up of cells (leukocytes) and a thin fluid called liquor pures.
Pustules (pus'tuls). Small circumscribed elevations of the skin containing pus.
Putrid (pu'trid). Rotten.
Putrefaction (putre-fak'shun). The decomposition of animal or vegetable matters effected largely by the agency of nucro-production of various solid, liquid and gaseous matters.
Pylorus (pi-lo'rus). The circular opening of the stomach into the duodenum.
Pyrosis (pir'os-is). Heartburn; a burning sensation in the gullet and stomach with sour eructation, due to acid dyspepsia.
Rectum (rek'tum). The lower part of the bowel (of the large intestine).
Recurrent (re'kur'ent). Returning.
Refrigerant (re-frig'er-ant). Coating, lessening fever.
Regimen (rej'im-en). The systematic regulation of the diet and habits for some special purpose.
Regurgitate (re-gur-je'-tat). Flowing back or against a normal direction.
Resolution (rez-o-lu'shun). The return of a part to a normal state after a pathologic (disease) process.
Resolvents (rez-ol'vent). An agent that causes resolution.
Respiration (res-pir-a'shun). The act or function of breathing; the act by which air is drawn in and expelled from the lungs, including inspiration and expiration.
Restorative (res-tor'a-tiv). Prompting a return to health or consciousness.
Resuscitation (re-sus-sit-a'shun). The bringing back to life of one apparently dead.
Retina (ret'in-ah). The delicate innermost tunic and perceptive structure of the eye, formed by the expansion of the optic nerve and covering the back part of the eye as far as the "ora serrata."
Revulsion (re-vul'shun). The diverting of disease from one part to another by the sudden withdrawal of the blood from the part.
Rheum (rum). Any watery or catarrhal discharge.
Rubefacient (ru-be-fa'shent). An agent that reddens the skin.
Rigor (rigor). The rigidity or stiffening which follows after death, due to congestion of the "muscle plasm."
Saccharine (sak'kar-in). Sugary; of a sweet taste.
Salvia (sal've-ah). Sage.
Salutary (sal'u-ta-re). Favorable to the preservation and restoration of health.
Sanative (san'at-iv). Promoting health; health.
Sanies (sa'ne-ez). A fetid, ichorous discharge from a wound or ulcer, containing serum, pus and blood.
Scab (scab). The crust of a superficial sore.
Sanitary (san'it-are). Promoting or pertaining to health.
Sanitation (san-it-a'shun). The establishment of conditions favorable to health.
Sanguine (sang-gwine). Abounding in blood. Ardent; hopeful.
Scarf-skin (scarf-skin). The epidermis.
Scirrhus (skir'rus). A hard cancer.
Sciatic (si-at'ik). Pertaining to the ischium (bone).
Scorbutic (skor-bu'tik). Pertaining to or affected by scurvy.
Scrotum (skro'tum). The pouch which contains the testicles and their accessory organs.
Scrofulous (skrof 'u-lous). Affected with or of the nature of scrofula.
Sebaceous (se-ba'shus). Pertaining to sebum or suet.
Sedative (sed'at-iv). A remedy that allays excitement.
Sedentary (sed'en-ta-re). Sitting habitually; of inactive habits.
Seminal (sem'in-al). Pertaining to seed or semen.
Serum (se'rum). The clear portion of any animal liquid separated from its more solid elements; especially the clear liquid which separates in the clotting of blood from the clot and the corpuscles.
Serous (si'rus). Pertaining to or resembling serum.
Semiflexion (sem-e-flek'shun). The position of a limb midway between bending and extension.
Senile (se'nil). Of or pertaining to old age.
Septic (sep'tik). Produced by or due to putrefaction.
Sialagogues (si-al'-ag-og). An agent that produces a flow of saliva.
Sinapism (sin'ap-izm). A mustard plaster.
Sinew (sin'yu). The tendon of a muscle.
Slough (sluf). A mass of dead tissue in or cast out from living tissue.
Sewerage (su'er-ej). Drainage.
Solution (so'lu'shun). A liquid containing dissolved matter.
Solvent (sol'vent). Capable of dissolving.
Sordes (sor'dez). The dark brown foul matter which collects on the lips and teeth in low fevers (typhoid, etc.).
Spasm (spazm). A sudden, violent, involuntary rigid contraction due to muscular contraction.
Speculum (spek'u-Ium). An instrument for dilating the opening of a passage or cavity of the body to view the interior.
Specific (spe-sif 'ik). A remedy especially indicated for any particular disease.
Sphincter (sfingk'ter). A ring-like muscle which closes a natural orifice.
Spinal Cord (spi'nal). The cord-like structure contained in the spinal canal.
Spleen (spleen). One of the so-called ductless glands.
Sporadic (spo-rad'ik). Occurring here and there, scattered.
Squamous (skwa'-mus). Scaly or plate-like.
Stertorous (ster'torus). Snoring. breathing.
Sternum (ster'num). Breast bone.
Stertor (ster'tor). Snoring or sonorous breathing, especially that of sleep or of coma.
Stethoscope (steth'o-skop). An instrument for ascertaining the condition of the organs of circulation and respiration.
Stimulant (stim'u-lant). Producing stimulation. Increasing the heart's action.
Stool (stool). The fecal discharge from the bowel.
Stomachic (stom'ak-ik). Pertaining to the stomach.
Strangury (stran-ju-re). Slow and painful discharge of the urine.
Stricture (strik-tur). Abnormal narrowing of a canal, duct or passage.
Strumous (stru'mus). Scrofulous.
Struma (stru'mah). Scrofula.
Stupor (stu-por). Partial or nearly complete unconsciousness.
Styptic (stip-tik). Astringent. To arrest hemorrhage by means of astringent quality.
Subcutaneous (sub-ku-ta'neus). Beneath the skin.
Submaxillary (sub-max'il-la-ri). Situated beneath the jaw.
Sudor (su'dor). Sweat or perspiration.
Sudorifics (sudor-if-iks). Sweaters.
Suppurate (sup'pu-rat). To produce pus.
Suture (su'tur). A surgical stitch or seam; an unmovable joint.
Symptom (simp'tom). Any evidence of disease or of a patient's condition.
Synocha (sin'-o-kah). A continued fever.
Syncope (sin'-co-pe). A swoon, fainting, or a faint. Sudden failure more or less of the heart's action.
Syphilis (sif'i1-is). A venereal disease (pox).
Syringe (sir'inj). All instrument for injecting liquids into any vessel or cavity.
Tepid (tep'id). Luke warm.
Tetanic (tet'an-ik). Pertaining to or of the nature of tetanus.
Tertian (tur'shan). Recurring every third day.
Tetanus (tet'an-us). An acute disease due to the bacillus tetani, in which there is a state of more or less persistent tonic spasm of some of the voluntary muscles.
Tibia (tib'eah). The inner bone of the leg (below the knee).
Therapeutics (ther-ap-u'tiks). The science and art of healing.
Thorax (tho'raks). The chest.
Testicles (tes'tik-kl). The two glands which produce semen.
Tendon (ten'don). A band of dense fibrous tissue forming the termination of a muscle and attaching the latter to a bone.
Tense (tens). Stretched.
Tension (ten'shun). The act of stretching.
Tincture (tink'tur). A solution of the medicine principle of a substance in a fluid other than water or glycerol.
Tonsils (ton'sils). Small almond-shaped masses between the pillars of the fauces on either side.
Torpid (tor'pid). Not acting with normal vigor and facility.
Torpor (tor'por). Sluggishness.
Tormina (tor'minah). Griping pains in the bowels.
Trachea (tra-ke-ah). The wind-pipe.
Tracheotomy (trake-ot'o-me.) The formation of an artificial opening into the trachea, cutting into the trachea.
Transpiration (tran-spi-ra'shun). The discharge of air, sweat or vapor through the skin.
Tubercles (tu'ber-kl). Any mass of small, rounded nodules produced by the bacillus of tuberculosis.
Transudation (trans'-u-da'tion). The passing of liquid through a membrane.
Tumefaction (tu-me-fak'-shun). A swelling. Puffiness.
Tumor (tu'mor). Morbid enlargement.
Tympanum (tim'pa-num). The middle ear.
Typhoid (ti'foid). Resembling typhus.
Typhus (ti'-fus). A contagious fever characterized by a petechial (spotted) eruption, high fever and great prostration.
Ulcer (ul'-ser). An open sore other than a wound.
Ulna (ul'nah). A bone of the forearm on the side opposite that of the thumb.
Urea (u-re'ah). A white, crystallizable substance from the urine, blood and lymph.
Ureter (u-re'-ter). The tube that conveys the urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Urethra (u-re'thra). A membranous canal extending from the bladder to the surface.
Urine (u'rin). The fluid secreted by the kidneys, stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra.
Uric Acid (u'rik a'sid). One of the nitrogenous end products of metabolism, found in the urine and spleen.
Uterus (u'ter-us). The womb.
Uvula (u'vu-lah). The pendulum (tip) of the soft palate.
Vaccine (vak'sin). The virus used in vaccinating.
Variolus (va-ri'o-lus). Pertaining to or of the nature of smallpox.
Varicose (var'ik-os). Swollen, knotted and tortuous blood vessels.
Vagina (vaj-i'-nah). A sheath. The canal from the slit of the vulva.
Vaginismus (vaj-in-iz'-mus). Painful spasm of the vagina due to local oversensitiveness.
Valetudinarian (val'e-tu-din-a-re-an). A person of infirm or feeble habit of body.
Vascular (vas'ku-lar). Pertaining to or full of vessels.
Venery (ven'er-e). Sexual intercourse.
Venous (ve'nus). Of or pertaining to the veins.
Venesection (ven-a-sek'shun). The opening of a vein for the purpose of bleeding.
Ventilation (ven-til'a-shun). The act or process of supplying fresh air.
Vermifuge (ver'mif-uj). Having the power to expel worms.
Ventral (ven'-tral). Pertaining to the belly side.
Ventricle (ven'trik-l). Any small cavity.
Vertebra (ver'te-brah). Anyone of the thirty-three bones of the spinal column.
Vertigo (ver'tig-o). Giddiness; dizziness.
Virulent (vir'u-lent). Exceedingly noxious or deleterious.
Virus (vi'rus). Any animal poison; especially one produced by and capable of transmitting a disease.
Viscus (vis'-kus). Pl.-Viscera (vis'-er-a). Any large interior organ in either of two great cavities of the body, especially the abdomen.
Vesiccant (vis'ik-ant). Causing blisters.
Vesication (ves-ik-a'shun). The process of blistering.
Vesicle (ves'ik-al). A small sac containing fluid.
Veterinary (vet'-er-in-a-re). Pertaining to domestic animals and their diseases.
Vitreous Humor (vit'-re-us yu'-mor). The transparent jelly-like substance filling the posterior chamber of the eye.
Volatile (vol'-at-il). Tending to evaporate rapidly.
Vulnery (vul-ne-ra-re). Pertaining to or healing wounds.
Vulva (vul'-vah). The external fleshy part of the female organs of generation.
Whites (whitz). Leucorrhea or leukorrhea.
Zymotic (zi'mot'ik). Caused by or pertaining to zymosis.
Zymosis (zi-mo'sis). Fermentation. The propagation and development of an infectious disease known by the growth of bacteria and their products. Any infectious or contagious disease.
Abortion (Herb Remedies) 413, 422, 444 Abortion (Accidents of Pregnancy) 524 Abscess 69 External Abscess 69 Mothers' Remedies 69 1. Beech Bark Poultice for 69 2. Milk and Salt Poultice for 69 3. More Good Poultices for 69 Abscess, Ano-Rectal 151 Abscess Around the Anus and Rectum 151 Abscess of the Brain 296 Abdominal Dropsy 135 Abscess, Hepatic 132 Abscess, Ischio-Rectal 151 Abscess of the Liver 132 Causes 132 Symptoms 132 Abscess 132 Recovery 132 Treatment 132 Diet in Liver Troubles 132 May Take 133 Must Not Take 133 Abscess of the Lungs 43 Causes 43 Symptoms 43 Physicians' Treatment 43 Accidents 376 Acne 63 Causes 64 Physicians' Treatment for Acne 54 Tincture of Nux Vomica 54 Calomel 54 Diet 54 Local Treatment 54 External Medication, Ointments and Lotions 54 1. Soothing Ointment 54 2. The Following Used as a Soothing Lotion 54 3. Dr. Duhring's Lotion 55 4. Kummerfield's Lotions 55 5. Stimulating Preparation's 55 6. Ointment of White Precipitate 55 7. The Following Hebra Lotion 55 Caution 55 Aconite, Poison by 401 Actinomycosis 234 Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis 307 Acute Bright's Disease 156 Acute Bronchitis 30 Acute Bronchitis, Diagnosis of 2 Acute Catarrhal Angiocholitis 128 Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis 349 Acute Congestion of the Kidneys 155 Acute Dyspepsia 100 Acute Gastritis 100 Acute General Peritonitis 133 Acute Indigestion 100 Acute Inflammation of the Kidneys 156 Acute Inflammation of the Smaller Bronchi and lungs 40 Acute Inflammation of the Stomach and Upper Bowel 111 Acute Laryngitis 24-26 Acute Melancholia 312 Acute Nasal Catarrh 10 Acute Nephriti 156 Acute Pharyngitis 21 Acute Pharyngeal Catarrh 21 Acute Pleurisy 41 Acute Rhinitis 10 Acne, Simple 53 Acute Tonsilitis 187 Acute Uraemia 156 Acute Yellow Atrophy 131 Addison's Disease 255 Causes 255 Symptoms 255 Treatment 256 Addison's Disease, Diagnosis of 1 Adenoids 8 Symptoms 8 Treatment 10 Adenoid Vegetation 8 Aestivo-Autumnal Fever 228 Agitans, Paralysis 291 Ague 229 Mothers' Remedies 229 1. Dogwood Good for 229 2. Menthol and Alcohol Effective Remedy for 229 3. Simple Remedy for 229 Ague, Chills and Fever (rare prescription) 467 Albuminuric Retinitis 355 Albumin Water 649 Alcoholism 371 Alcohol (Medical Use) 670 Alcohol, Poison by 401 Alcohol Sponge Bath 631 Anenoids, Operations for 663 All about Baby 544 Allen's World's Hair Restorer 465 Allopathy 660 Almond Milk 649 Alopecia 55 Alopecia Areata 56 Alum (Medical Use) 671 Amenorrhea 505 Amenorrhea (Herb Remedies) 418, 419, 420, 422, 424, 430, 442, 444, 446 Ammonia, Poison by 401 Anaemia 249 Causes 249 Symptoms 249 Treatment 250 1. Blaud's pills are very much used 250 2. Fowler's Solution of Arsenic 250 Diet 250 Anaemia, Diagnosis of 1 Anaemia, Pernicious 250 Anaemia, Secondary 251 Anaesthetica Lepra 240 Anatomy of the Nose 6 Anaemic Congestion 301 Diet 301 Medicines 301
Aneurism 845 Treatment 345 Angina Pectoris 344 Angina, Simple 21 Angiocholitis, Acute Catarrhal 128 Anidrosis 57 Treatment 57 Animal Parasites, Diseases Caused by 44 Anthrax 59, 230 Symptoms 231 Malignant Anthrax (Swelling) 231 Internal Anthrax 231 Charbon or Wool Sorter's Disease 231 Treatment 231 Ano-rectal Abscess 151 Anti-Constipation Pad 465 Antimony, Poison by 401 Anus, Diseases of the 136 Anus, Fistula in 152 Anus, Itching of the 143 Aortic Stenosis 343 Aortic Insufficiency 343 Symptoms 343 Aphasia 291 Varieties 291 Causes 291 Symptoms of the Motor Aphasia 291 Recovery 292 Treatment 292 Appendicitis 116 Symptoms 116 Local Signs 116 Recovery 117 Operations 117 Diet 117 Mothers' Remedies 117 1. Home Treatment found Good for 117 Physicians' Treatment 117 Caution 117 Appendicitis, Diagnosis of 1 Appendicitis, Operations for 663 Appetizer (Herb Remedy) 424 Apple Water 649 Apoplexy 292 Causes 292 Direct Causes 293 Symptoms 293 Subsequent Symptoms 293 What Can I Do at Once? 293 Mothers' Remedies 293 1. Simple yet Effective Remedy for 293 2. Simple Injection for 294 Medical Treatment 294 Caution 294 Arkansas, Hot Springs of 666 Arm, Plate of Bandage 386 Arrowroot Custard 647 Arrowroot Gruel 652 Arsenic, Poison by 402 Arsenical Poisoning, Chronic Case 402 Arteriosclerosis 345 Treatment 345 Arthritis, Rheumatic 314 Articular Rheumatism (Rheumatic Fever) 317 Arthritis, Gonorrheal 236 Ascariasis Lumbricoides 44 Ascites 135 Local Causes 135 General Causes 135 Symptoms 135 Physicians' Treatment 135 Ascites caused by an Ovarian Tumor 135 Asiatic Cholera 223 Asphyxiation, Gas 395 Aphthous Stomatitis 97 Asthma, Bronchial 37 Causes 37 Symptoms 37 Mothers' Remedies 37 1. Raspberry Tincture for Adults 37 2. Simple but Effective Remedy for 37 3. Lobelia Tea for 37 Physicians' Treatment for Asthma 38 1. Inhale Chloroform 38 To Prevent Recurrence 38 2. Vapo-Cresolene burned in a room 38 3. Tartar Emetic 38 Asthma, Bronchial, (Herb Remedies) 420, 426, 439, 442 Asthma, Hay 17 Asthma, Spasmodic 37 Asthma, Spasmodic (Herb Remedies) 427, 438 Ataxia Hereditary 306 Ataxia, Locomotor 305 Atrophic Leprosy 240 Atrophy, Acute yellow 131 Atropine, Poison by 402 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 466 Ayer's Hair Vigor 466 Ayer's Sarsaparilla 467
BABY, ALL ABOUT (DEPT.) 544 (The following items are divisions and sub-divisions of the 400 questions and over in the Baby's Department.)
Adding other Food to Milk 586 All about Baby 544 Average Weight 547 Baby's Bed 562 Baby's First Meal 562 Baby's Second Summer 598 Band for Baby 552 Barley and Oatmeal Gruels 574 Bed Wetting 619 Bath 548 Bottle-Fed Babies 612 Bottle-Fed Baby, Special Monthly Rules for 571 Brain, Inflammation of 617 Bread, Crackers and Cheese 600 Bruises 621 Burns 621 Caked Breasts, Prevention of 566 Canker Sore Mouth 551 Cap for Baby's Ears 554 Cereals 600 Chafing 552 Circumcision 549 Clothing for Baby 553 Colds in Babies 620 Colic 608 Condensed Milk, How Shall I Use? 589 Constipation in Babies 611 Convulsions 542, 616 Cow's Milk 575 Cow's Milk, Modified 577 Cracked Nipples 566 Croup 27 Cry, How to Distinguish It 561 Cuts 621 Desserts 601 Diapers, Care of 552 Diarrhea (For Older Children) 611 Diet of Older Children-Fourth to Tenth Year 598 Dressing for Different Seasons, General 554 Drooling 554 Earache 610 Eggs 599 Enlarged Glands 619 Exercise 605 Eyes, Sore, Treatment of 549 Feeding During the Second year 595 Feeding Directions 592 Feeding Intervals 592
Feeding and Nursing, Special Rules and Formula for Each Month 574 First Series of Formulas 581 Fly (Carrying Disease) 564 Food Healthy Infants, For Early Months 580 Food for Healthy Infants During the Latter Months 583 Foods for Special Conditions 588 Foreign Bodies in Throat, Ear or Nostrils 608 Fourth Series 588 Fruits 601 Genital Organs 549 Healthy Child Twelve Months, For 596 Hiccoughs 619 Hives 620 How to Lift a Child 606 Indigestion in Older Children 602 Infant Feeding 565 Inflammation of the Brain 617 Kissing 607 Loose Stools in Nursing Babies 569 Loss of Appetite 587 Malnutrition (Marasmus) 613 Meat and Fish 599 Milk and Cream 598 Milk and Cream, Care of 576 Mosquito Bites 564 Mouth, Care of 550 Mouth, Sore, Canker 551 Navel and Cord 549 Nervousness 607 Nipples, Cracked 566 Nursing 556, 565 Over-Feeding 587 Over-Nursing 587 Peptonized Milk 594 Permanent Teeth, Usual Order 619 Poisoning 621 Pregnancy (40 Questions and Answers) 544 Proprietary Foods 622 Regular Feeding 593 Rickets 614 Rocking Baby 604 Rubber Rings, or Ivory 560 Rules for Using Formulas 584 Rupture in a Baby 620 Scald Head 617 Scalp, Care of 550 Schedule for Three-Year-Old Child 597 Scurvy 615 Second Series of Formulas 581 Sickness, Early Signs of 621 Sleep 603 Soft Spot 548 Soothing Syrup, Overdose of 622 Sore Eyes, Treatment of 549 Sore Mouth, Canker 551 Special Care of the Baby 561 Splinters 621 Sprue 551 Sterilized Milk 593 Stools and Urine, Appearance of 547 Sugar, Kind to Use 578 Teeth 563 Teething 560, 618 Temperature 606 Third Series of Formulas 583 Thrush 551 Toys 607 Urine, Disappearance of 547 Ventilation and Airing 557 Weaning 569 Weighing Baby Frequently 558 Wardrobe, Baby's First 553 Washing Baby 547 Wounds 621 Baby's Second Summer 598 Bald Patches 56 Causes 57 Physician's Treatment 57 Local Treatment 57 Baldness 55 Causes 55 Mothers' Remedies 55 1.—Well Recommended for 55 2.—Vaselin and Quinine for 55 3.—Good Canadian Remedy for 55 Physicians' Treatment 55 1.—Dr. Schalek 56 2.—For Baldness 56 3.—For Baldness 56 4.—Ihle's Mixture 56 5.—Bulkley's Lotion 56 6.—Lassar's Ointment 56 Bandage of the Jaw, Plate of 380 For Fractures 381 Hospital Method, Plate of 394 Spiral Bandage of Foot, Plate of 384 Spiral Bandage of the Finger, Plate of 384 Borsch's Eye, Plate of 386 Spiral Reversed Bandage of Arm, Plate of 386 Barbers' Itch 87 Mothers' Remedies 87 1.—Standard Remedy for 87 2.—Healing Ointment for 88 3.—Reliable Remedy for 88 4.—Sulphur and Lard for 88 5.—Cuticura Ointment for 88 Physicians' Treatment 88 Barker's Bone and Nerve Liniment 467 Barley Gruel 652 Barley Water 647 Basedown Disease 260 Basilar Meningitis 210 Bathing in Polluted Waters 400 Baths 629 Beard, Ringworm of the 87 Bed Pan, How to Use a 641 Bed Sores, Prevention and Care of 628 Treatment, Preventive 628 Treatment of Sore Proper 629 Bed-Wetting 619 Belladonna, Poison by 402 Beri-Beri 230 Bites, Dog (Not Rabid) 377 Bites, Insect and Other 378 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 674 1.—Simple Remedy for 674 Bites, Mosquito 377 Bites, Snake 377 Big-Jaw 234 Alimentary Canal Type 234 In the Lungs 234 Symptoms 234 The Skin 234 Diagnosis 234 Treatment 235 Biliary Calculi 129 Bile Ducts, Cancer of the 130 Biliousness 125 Causes 125 Prevention 125 Diet 126 Mothers' Remedies 126 1.—Lemons for 126 2.—Salt and Water for 126 3.—Dandelion Tea for Chronic 126 4.—A Cheap and Very Safe Plan 126 5.—Salt Lemonade for 126 6.—Boneset Tea for 126 Physicians' Treatment 126 1.—Medicines 126 2.—Twenty Drops of Fluid Extract of Queen's Root 126 3.—The Following Combination 126 4.—For the Attack 127
Biliousness (Herb Remedies) 421 Blackheads 61 Symptoms 61 Causes 61 Mothers' Remedies 61 1.—Effective Yet Harmless Remedy for 61 2.—Alum Water for 62 3.—Cream of Tartar and Sulphur for 62 4.—Healing Cream for 62 Physicians' Treatment for Pimples 62 Local Treatment 62 1.—Precipitated Sulphur and Rosewater 62 2.—A Good Combination 62 Bladder, Inflammation of the 162 Bladder, Inflammation of (Herb Remedies) 419-429 Bladder Trouble 162 Mothers' Remedies 162 1.—English Oil of Sandalwood for 162 2.—Effective Herb Teas for 163 Treatment 163 Diet 163 Bladder Trouble (Herb Remedies) 417, 425, 432, 435, 441, 442, 444 Bleeders 254 Bleeding 394 Mothers' Remedies 394 1.—Unusual Way to Stop 394 2.—Cobwebs to Stop 394 3.—Powdered Alum and Hot Water Stops 394 4.—Salt and Flour Successful 394 5.—Boracic Acid Is Excellent for 394 6.—Tobacco Will Stop 395 Bleeding (Herb Remedies) 420 Bleeding After Delivery 540 Bleeding From the Nose 19 Bleeding from the Stomach 107 Causes 107 Symptoms 107 Physicians' Treatment 107 Caution 107 Bleeding from the Wind-pipe and Lungs 38 Symptoms 38 Quantity 38 Mothers' Remedies 39 1.—Salt Water for 39 2.—Herb Tea for 39 3.—Effective Remedy for 39 4.—Tannin and Sugar for 39 Physicians' Treatment for Bleeding from the Wind-pipe and Lungs 39 1.—First Thing to Do 39 2.—If Caused by the Coughing 39 3.—Alum for 39 4.—White Oak Bark Tea for 39 5.—Hot Water and Salt for 40 6.—Other Easily Obtained Remedies 40 Cautions 40 Thirst 40 Diet 40 Bleeding from the Wind-pipe and Lungs (Herb Remedies) 412, 446 Blepharitis Marginalis 348 Causes 348 Symptoms 348 Treatment 348 Local Treatment 348 Blister 92 Mothers' Remedies 92 1.—Linseed Oil for 92 2.—A Method of Raising a Blister 92 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 674 1.—White of Egg for 674 Blister Disease 79 Symptoms 79 Causes 79 Physicians' Treatment 79 Elixir Quinine, Iron and Strychnine 79 Local Treatment 79 Blistered Skin, to Dress 635 Blood and Ductless Glands, Diseases of 249 Blood and Liver Regulator (Rare Prescription) 460 Blotches and Pimples (Rare Prescription) 473 Blood Purifier (Herb Remedies) 437 Blood in the Urine 156 Causes 156 Treatment 156 Blue Stone, Poison by 402 Blue Vitriol, Poison by 402 Boil 68 Causes 68 Mothers' Remedies 68 1.—My Mother's Poultice for 68 2.—Soap and Sugar Poultice for 68 3.—Vinegar and Camphor for 68 4.—Bean Leaf Poultice for 68 5.—Another Remedy for 68 Physicians' Treatment for Boils 69 Boil (Herb Remedies) 431 Borax (Medical Use) 671 Boric Acid 626 Bottle-Fed Babies 612 Bowels, Bleeding from (Herb Remedies) 423 Bowels, Inflammation of 118 Bowels, Inflammation of (Herb Remedies) 413,439 Bow-Legs 370 Treatment 371 Brain, Concussion or Laceration of 302 Brain Diseases, General and Functional 280 Brain Hemorrhage 202 Brain, Softening of 298 Brain, Syphilis of 297 Causes 297 Symptoms 297 Symptoms When Arteries Are Diseased 298 How to Tell What the Disease Is 298 Recovery 298 Treatment 298 Brain, Tumors and Inflammation of 296 Bran Poultice 631 Brandy and Egg Mixture 649 Breakbone Fever 208 Breast, Broken Abscess 538 Breasts, Caked (Herb Remedies) 434, 443 Breast, Cancer of 335 Breasts, Care of 538 Breasts, Inflammation of 538 Breasts, Inflammation of (Herb Remedies) 434 Breathing, Difficult 339 Bright's Disease, Diagnosis of 1 Bright's Disease, Acute 156 Symptoms 157 Diagnosis 157 Recovery 157 Treatment 157 Diet and Nursing 157 Bowels, Attention to 157 Bright's Disease, Chronic 158 Causes 158 Conditions 158 Symptoms 158 Treatment; Diet 158 Brinkerhoff System of Treating Piles 468 Brodie's Liniment for Asthma 484 Bromidrosis 57 Bromototoxismus 374 Bronchial Asthma 37 Bronchial Asthma (Herb Remedies) 438 Bronchitis, Acute, Diagnosis of 2 Bronchitis, Acute (Herb Remedies) 420 Bronchitis, Acute 30 Causes 30 Symptoms 31 Mothers' Remedies 31 1.—Camphor and Lard for 31 2.—Grandmothers' Remedy for 31 3.—Antiphlogistine Plaster for 31
4.—One of the Best Home Remedies 32 5.—Camphorated Oil and Steaming for 32 6.—General Relief for 32 7.—Lard Poultice for 32 8.—Mustard Plaster for 32 9.—Well-Known Remedy for 33 10.—Remedy and General Tonic for 33 Physicians' Treatment for 33 1.—Sweating Remedy for 33 2.—Steaming Remedy for 33 3.—Steaming With Pitcher 33 4.—Rub the Chest 33 5.—For Adults 34 Diet in Bronchitis (Similar to Laryngitis) 34 Bronchitis, Acute (Herb Remedies) 422, 426, 444 Bronchitis, Chronic 34 Causes 34 Symptoms 34 Physicians' Treatment 34 Preventive 34 1.—Ammonium Chloride 34 2.—Combination of Ammonium Chloride, Licorice and Water 34 3.—If the Cough Is Troublesome 34 Bronchitis, Chronic (Herb Remedies) 438 Bronchial Goitre 258 Bronchial Tubes, Inflammation of the 30 Brancho-Pneumonia 40 Causes 40 Symptoms 40 Secondary Cases 40 Prevention 40 Mothers' Remedies 41 1.—Herb Tea and Poultice for 41 2.—Home Remedy for 41 3.—Hot Vinegar Applications for 41 Physicians' Treatment 41 Diet 41 Bruises 621, 391 Mothers' Remedies 391 1.—Cold Water Prevents Coloring 391 2.—Kerosene Relieves the Pain of 391 3.—Turpentine to Keep Proud Flesh from 391 4.—Bread and Vinegar Quick Relief for 391 5.—Good Liniment for 391 6.—Liniment used in Ohio for 391 Physicians' Treatment for Bruises 391 1.—Tincture of Arnica 392 2.—Alcohol for 392 3.—Cold or Hot Water Applied With Cloths 392 4.—Raw Beefsteak (lean) is Excellent 392 5.—Lead and Landanum Wash 392 Bruises (Herb Remedies) 410, 429, 443, 446 Bubonic Plague 225 Bunions 95 Mothers' Remedies 95 1.—Remedy from Your Flower Garden 95 2.—A Cure for 95 3.—Iodine for 96 4.—Tested Remedy for 96 Physicians' Treatment 96 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 674 1.-Pulverized Saltpetre for 674 Burns 387,621 Causes 387 Burns 387 First Degree 387 Second Degree 387 Third Degree 387 Mothers' Remedies for Burns 387 1.—Linseed Oil for 387 2.—Common Soda 387 3.—Apply Crushed Onion Poultice for 387 4.—Molasses Takes Pain from 387 5.—Butter a Relief for 387 6.—Oil of Peppermint Draws Fire Out of 387 7.—Sweet Oil and Cotton Batting Relieves 381 8.—Vinegar Prevents Blistering from 387 For a Severe Case 390 For Third Degree Burns 390 Warm Baths 390 Burns from Acid 391 Burns from Alkali (Like Potash or Strong Ammonia) 391 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 674 1.—Lime Water and Sweet Oil for 674 2.—Charcoal for 674 3.—Grated Onion for 674 4.—Easily Prepared Remedy for 674 Burns (Herb Remedies) 429 Burns and Scalds (Rare Prescription) 466
Calculi, Biliary 129 Caisson Disease 304 Caked Breasts 566 Caked Breasts (Herb Remedies) 434, 443 California Liniment 470 Calculus, Renal 161 Calculi or Stones, Operation for 665 Callositas 58 Callosity 58 Causes 58 Symptoms 58 Physicians' Treatment 58 Calvus 58 Camphor (Medical Use) 671 Cancer of the Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts 130 Causes 130 Cancer of the Breast 335 Cancers, Operation for 664 Cancer 332 Cancer is curable if it be operated upon in its early stages 332 Have Operations Failed to Cure? 332 What is Cancer? 333 When to Suspect Cancer and What to Do 333 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 675 1.—Yellow Dock Root for 675 Cancer Paste 471 Cancer of the Stomach, Diagnosis of 2 Cancer of the Stomach 106, 334 Symptoms 106 Course 106 Physicians' Treatment 106 Diet 107 Cancer of the Uterus 334 Canker Sore Mouth 97, 551 Causes 97 Symptoms 97 Mothers' Remedies 98 1.—Raspberry Leaf for 98 2.—Oak Bark Tea for 98 3.—Boracic Acid for 98 4.—Canker Weed Tea for 98 5.—Honey and Borax for 98 6.—Wild Turnip for 98 7.—Alum for 98 8.—Borax Water for 98 9.—Common and Effective Remedy for 98 10.—Shoemaker Root and Borax for 98 Physicians' Treatment for Sore Mouth 99 1.—For Canker Sore Mouth 99 2.—Burnt Alum 99 3.—Nitrate of Silver 99 4.—A Wash of Sage Tea 99 5.—The Juice of a Ripe Tomato 99 Canker Sore Mouth (Herb Remedies) 410, 420 Capsicum and Belladonna Plasters 635 Carbolic Acid 625 Carbolic Acid, Poison by 403 Carbuncle 59 Symptoms 59 Causes 60
Mothers' Remedies 60 1.—Poppy Leaves to Draw and Ripen 60 2.—Slippery Elm and Sassafras Root for 60 3.—Sheep Sorrel Poultice for 60 4.—Bread and Milk Poultice for 60 5.—The Common Scabious for 60 6.—Snap Bean Poultice for 60 Physicians' Treatment 60 Local 60 Cardialgia 107 Care of Discharges (Excreta) 624 Care and Disinfection of an Infected Room 626 Care of the Room by the Nurse 626 Carter's Little Liver Pills 472 Castoria 472 Castor Oil (Medical Use) 671 Cataract, Operation for 663 Cataract 353 Senile Cataract 354 Symptoms of Senile (Old Age) Cataract 354 Course 354 Cataract, Senile 354 Catarrh 14 Causes 14 Symptoms and Course 14 Mothers' Remedies 14 1.—Successful Remedy for 14 2.—Cleansing Antiseptic Remedy for 14 3.—Witch Hazel for 14 4.—Cure for 15 5.—Mullein Leaves, Treatment for 15 6.—Milk and Salt Wash for 15 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 674 1.—Burnt Alum for 674 2.—Bad Case Cured by the Following 674 3.—Borax and Camphor for 675 4.—Pure Lard for 675 Physicians' Treatment for 15 Local 15 1.—Spray for 15 2.—Powders for 15 3.—Solution for 16 4.—Spray for 16 Catarrh (Herb Remedies) 431, 434 Catarrh, Acute Nasal 10 Catarrh Acute Pharyngeal 21 Catarrhal Angiocholitis, Acute 128 Catarrhal Headache 268 Catarrhal Jaundice 128 Catarrh of Long Standing 467 Catarrh Ointment (Rare Prescription) 468 Cathartic and Sure Cure for Constipation 468 Cathartic (Herb Remedy) 429 Cereals and Cereal Gruels 651 Cerebral Anemia 296 Cerebral Hemorrhage 292 Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis 209 Cervical Tuberculosis 212 Cervix, Diseases of 497 Cervix, Inflammation of 498 Cervix, Tear of 497 Chafing 552 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy 473 Chapped Hands and Face 93 Mothers' Remedies 93 1.—Quince Seed Cream for 93 2.—Soothing Lotion for 93 3.—Glycerin for 93 4.—Carbolic Salve for 93 5.—Glycerin and Lemon Juice for 93 6.—Camphor Ice for 93 7.—Remedy from a New York Lady 93 8.—Rose Cream for 93 9.—Preventive for 93 10.—From a Twin Falls, Idaho. Mother 93 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1.—An Inexpensive Remedy for 676 Physicians' Treatment far Chapped Hands 94 1.—For Chapped Hands 94 2.—Powdered Camphor 94 3.—Ointment of Water of Roses 94 4.—Powdered Zinc Oxide 94 Charbon (Wool Sorter's Disease) 230 Cheese, Poison by 403 Chest, Cold in 30 Chestnut Puree 652 Chicken Broth 652 Chicken Broth 648 Chicken Pox, Diagnosis of 2 Chicken Pox 179 Mothers' Remedies 179 1.—Catnip Tea and Soda Water for 179 Physicians' Treatment 180 Chilblains 96 Mothers' Remedies 96 1.—A Cure for 96 2.—Witch-Hazel for 96 3.—Ointment for 96 4.—Vinegar Cure 96 5.—Home-Made Salve for 96 6.—Common Glue 96 7.—The Onion Cure for 97 8.—The Hemlock Remedy for 97 Physicians' Treatment for Chilblains 97 Internal 97 External 97 1.—Alum as a Wash 97 2.—Ointment of Ichthyol 97 3.—Rosin 97 4.—Lard and Iodine Ointment 97 5.—The Following Is Good 97 Childbirth 494 Child Crowing 26 Cause 27 Symptoms 27 Physicians' Treatment 27 Preventive 27 Cold Sponging 27 Chills and Fever 229 Mothers' Remedies 229 1.—Peruvian Bark and Rhubarb for 229 2.—Horseradish for 230 3.—Dogwood Known to Be Good for 230 Treatment 230 Choking (Foreign Bodies in the Larynx) 396 Mothers' Remedies 396 1.—Fish Bone to Stop 396 2.—Simple Remedy to Stop 396 3.—Pennyroyal Tea and Lard Relieves 396 4.—Grease and Meat Common Remedy for 396 In the Gullet (Foreign Bodies) 396 Chloasma 61 Chloral Habit 374 Chloride of Lime 625 Chloral, Poison by 403 Cholelithiasis 129 Chorea (Herb Remedies) 419, 427, 439 Cholera, Asiatic 223 Causes 223 Symptoms 223 Treatment 224 Cholera Infantum 112 Symptoms 112 Cautions 113 Mothers' Remedies 113 1.—Castor Oil and Warm Applications for 113 2.—First Thing to Do 113 3.—White of Egg and Cathartic for 113 4.—Olive or Sweet Oil for 113 5.—Spice and Whisky for 113 6.—Cabbage Leaf Poultice for 114 7.—Herb Remedy for 114 8.—Tomatoes Will Relieve 114 9.—Injection for 114
Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1.—Chickweed for 676 Diets and Drinks 114 Physicians' Treatment for Cholera Infantum 114 1.—Washing Out the Bowel 114 2.—For Vomiting 114 3.—Subcarbonate of Bismuth 114 4.—Castor Oil 115 5.—Mustard Poultice for 115 Cholera Morbus, Diagnosis of 2 Cholera Morbus 111 Symptoms 111 Mothers' Remedies 111 1.—Castor Oil for 111 2.—Blackberry Root and Boiled Milk for 111 3.—Blackberry Cordial for 111 4.—Tincture of Cayenne Pepper for 111 5.—Nutmeg and Jamaica Ginger for 111 6.—Home Remedy for 111 7.—Old Reliable Remedy for 112 8.—Common Remedy for 112 Physicians' Treatment for Cholera Morbus 112 1.—Heat 112 2.—Morphine by Hypodermic Method 112 3.—For Cholera Morbus 112 Cholera Morbus (Herb Remedies) 418 Chordee (Herb Remedies) 426 Choroid, The 347 Chlorosis (Herb Remedies) 444 Chronic Bright's Disease 158 Chronic Desquamative or Tubal Nephritis 158 Chronic Diffuse Nephritis 158 Chronic Dyspepsia 103 Chronic Gastritis 103 Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder 163 Chronic Indigestion 103 Chronic Melancholia 312 Chronic Inflammation of the Nose 14 Chronic Parenchymatous Nephritis 158 Chronic Rheumatism 321 Chronic Rheumatism (Herb Remedies) 414, 434, 435, 440 Chronic Rhinitis 14 Chronic Splenitis 256 Chronic Uraemia 156 Ciliary 347 Cinnamon Tea 647 Circulatory Disturbances of the Liver 131 Circulation, Poor, Alcohol Rub for 680 Circulatory System, Diseases of 337 Circumcision 509 Cirrhosis of the Kidneys 159 Cirrhosis of the Liver 131 Cleft Palate 368 Clitoris, The 491 Club Foot 371 Cocaine Habit 373 Colds 9, 632 Causes 10 Symptoms 10 Mothers' Remedies 10 1.—Borax for Cold Settled in Throat 10 2.—Valuable Caution and Treatment for 11 3.—Molasses-Vinegar Syrup for 11 4.—Quinine and Ginger for 11 5.—Boneset Tea for 11 6.—Cold or Threatened Consumption 11 7.—Rock Candy Syrup for 11 8.—Skunk's Oil for 11 9.—Lemons and Mustard for 11 10.—Hops or Catnip Poultice 12 11.—Honey for 12 12.—To Break Up at the Onset 12 13.—Mutton Tallow and Red Pepper for 12 14.—Lard and Turpentine for 12 15.—Milk and Cayenne as a Preventive 12 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 675 1.—Capsules for 675 2.—Mullein Remedy 675 3.—An Easily Prepared Remedy for 675 Physicians' Treatment for Colds 12 Preventive 12 1.—Camphor and Vaselin Mixed or Camphor and Cream 12 2.—Camphor Taken Internally 13 3.—Aconite 13 4.—The Following Is Good 13 5.—Lard and Camphorated Oil 13 6.—To Restore Loss of Voice 13 7.—Benzoin Teas for 13 8.—Herb Teas for 13 9.—Dr. Ball, a London, England, Specialist 13 10.—When the Disease Is Rather Marked 14 Colds (Herb Remedies) 414, 423, 426, 437, 440 Colds in Babies 619 Cold in Chest 30 Cold Compresses 332 Cold, June 17 Cold Pack, The 631 Cold, Rose 17 Colic 608 Colic in Infants 471 Colic, Intestinal 124 Causes 124 Symptoms 124 Physicians' Treatment 124 1.—For Colic 124 2.—Severe Case 124 3.—Tincture of Colocynth 124 Colic Intestinal (Herb Remedies) 416, 417, 418, 432, 441, 442, 445 Collapse 376 Comedones 61 Common Itch 81 Common Tables of Measure-Apothecaries' Weight 636 Concussion of the Brain 302 Concussion of the Spine 303 Condensed Milk, How Shall I Use? 589 Condiment (Herb Remedies) 43 Congestion of the Brain 295 Congestive Headache 269 Congestion of the Kidneys, Acute 155 Kidney 155 Treatment 155 Congestion of the Kidney, Chronic 155 Congestion of the Liver, Acute 131 Congestion of the Liver, Chronic 131 Conjunctivitis 349 Constipation 136, 471 Causes 136 1.—Mechanical Obstruction 136 2.—Defective Motion of the Bowels 136 3.—Deficient Bowel Secretions 136 4.—Other Causes-Mechanical Obstruction 136 Defective Worm-Like Bowel Movement 136 Deficiency of the Secretions 136 Sundry Causes 136 Symptoms 137 Fissure 137 Hemorrhoids 137 Prolapse 137 Proctitis 137 Neuralgia of the Rectum 137 Mothers' Remedies for Constipation 137 l.—A Good Substitute for Pills and Drugs 138 2.—Substitute for Castor Oil 138 3.—Hot Water for 138 4.—Excellent Nourishment for Old People 138 5.—Salt and Water for 138
6.—Water Cure for 138 7.—Tonic and Standard Remedy for 138 8.—Glycerin and Witch-Hazel for 138 9.—Well-known Remedy for 138 10.—Effective Remedy in the Most Stubborn Cases of 139 11.—Remedy from a Mother at Lee, Mass 139 12.—Fruit and Hot Water Cure for 139 13.—Herb Tea for 139 14.—Purshiana Bark Tea Without an Equal 139 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 675 1.—Bran as a Cure for 675 2.—An Old Tried Remedy for 675 3.—An Effective Remedy for 675 4.—Juice from Prunes for (Baby) 675 Physicians' Treatment 139 1.—Stretching of the Sphincter 139 2.—Frequent Rectal and Abdominal Massage 139 3.—Copious Injection of Warm Water (in the beginning only) 139 4.—Applications of Electricity 139 Abdominal Massage (Kneading, Rubbing, etc.) 140 Copious Warm Water Injections 141 Electricity 141 Rules 141 Correction of Errors in Diet 142 May Take 142 Must Not Take 142 Drinks 142 Outdoor Exercise 143 Bathing 143 Clothing 143 Physicians' Treatment 143 1.—One Year to Three years 143 2.—Smaller Children 143 3.—Older Children 143 4.—Fluid Extract of Cascara Sagrada 143 5.—The Aromatic Cascara 143 6.—The Compound Licorice Powder 143 7.—Capsule Dose 143 Constipation (Herb Remedies) 421, 429, 432, 439 Constipation in Babies 609 Constipation, Headache From 270 Consumption 211 Consumption (Herb Remedies) 437 Contagion 166 Contents of the Medicine Chest 637 Continuous Malarial Fever 228 Contracted Kidney 159 Convalescent Diet 644 Convulsions 542 Convulsions (Herb Remedies) 420-439 Copper, Poison by 403 Cord, Traumatism of 303 Cornea, The 347 Cornea, Diagnosis of Ulcer of the 5 Cornea, Ulcer of 351 Cornmeal Gruel 652 Corns 58, 472 Cause 58 Mothers' Remedies 58 1.—One of the Surest Remedies 58 2.—Turpentine and Kerosene for 58 3.—To Remove 'Without Pain 58 4.—Onion a Cure for 58 5.—Castile Soap an Effective Remedy for 59 6.—Iodine a Successful Remedy for 59 7.—Castor Oil for 59 8.—Vinegar and Bread for 59 Physicians' Treatment for Corns 59 1.—For Corns 59 2.—A Good But Weaker Remedy 59 3.—When the Corns Are Soft 59 Ulcerating Corns 59 Corns (Herb Remedies) 416 Corrosive Sublimate or Bichloride of Mercury 625 Corrosive Sublimate, Poison by 403 Coryza 9 Cough of Long Standing, Syrup for 650 Coughs 34, 468 Causes 34 Mothers' Remedies 34 1.—Raspberry Tincture 34 2.—Honey and Vinegar for 35 3.—Excellent Syrup for 35 4.—Reliable Mixture in Severe Cases 35 5.—Mullein Leaf Tea for 35 6.—Lemon Juice and Sugar for 35 7.—Standard Remedy for 35 8.—Ipecac Syrup for 35 9.—Remedy for Adults (Not for Children) 36 10.—Very Simple Remedy for 36 11.—Glycerin, Brandy and Paregoric With Lemon 36 Physicians' Treatment for Coughs 36 1.—A Combination 36 2.—A Good Combination Is the Following 36 3.—A Prescription 36 4.—Another Prescription for 36 5.—Many Other Combinations Could Be Given 37 6.—Onion Syrup 37 Coughs (Herb Remedies) 419, 423, 426, 428, 431, 437, 438, 439 Cough, Diagnosis of Whooping 5 Cough, Whooping 180 Counter-Irritants 633 Counter-Irritants (Herb Remedies) 431 Cracked Nipples 566 Cracker Gruel 652 Cramps (Herb Remedies) 424-430-433-441 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1.—Turpentine for 676 Cramp, Writers' 292 Cranial Nerves, Neuralgia Fifth Pair 265 Cream of Celery Soup 653 Creams, Face 94 Cream of Potato Soup 653 Cream Soup 647 Cream of Tartar (Medical Use) 673 Cream Toast 646 Cream of Tomato Soup 653 Criminal Abortion 494 Crooked Feet 370 Croup, Diagnosis of 2 Croup 27 Symptoms 27 Treatment-Preventive 27 Mothers' Remedies 27 1.—Cold Application for 27 2.—Sure Cure for 28 3.—Immediate Relief from Steaming 28 4.—For Baby and Older Child 28 5.—Remedy That Never Fails 28 6.—Coal Oil (Kerosene) and Sugar for 28 7.—Pork and Onion Poultice for 28 8.—Blood Root for 29 9.—Time Honored Remedy for 29 10.—Ipecac for 29 11.—Vaselin for 29 12.—Ice Application for 29 13.—Salt for 29 14.—Castor Oil Breaks Up 29 15.—Coal Oil, Turpentine and Snuff, a Canadian Remedy 29 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1.—Quick Cure for 676 2.—Salt Water for 676 Physicians' Treatment for Croup 30 1.—Dr. Douglas says 30 2.—Place the Child in a Hot Bath 30
3.—Dr. Hoit of New York Says 30 4.—The Home Treatment 30 5.—Goose Grease 30 6.—Steam Is Very Useful 30 Croup (Herb Remedies) 469, 474, 608 Croup, Spasmodic 27 Croup, Spasmodic (Herb Remedies) 423, 427, 431 Crowing Child 26 Crust, Coffee 647 Cupping, Wet and Dry 635 Currant Juice 649 Cuticura Ointment 474 Cuticura Resolvent 474 Cuts 392, 621 Cuts (Herb Remedies) 430 Cyst, Sebaceous 85 Cystitis 162 Cystitis (Herb Remedies) 411-419 Cystocele 514
Dandruff 83 Definition 83 Varieties 83 1.—Oily Seborrhoea 83 2.—Dry Sehorrhoea 83 3.—Mixed Type of Both 83 Causes 84 Local 84 Mothers' Remedies 84 1. Home Preparation from New York Mother 84 2. A Barber's Shampoo for 84 3. Lemon Juice for 84 4. A Brook, Ontario, Lady Prevents 84 5. Simple and Harmless 84 6. Talcum Powder an Excellent Remedy for 84 Physician's Treatment for Dandruff 84 Local 85 Remedies 85 1. For Dandruff 85 2. For Dandruff 85 3. A Good Combination 85 4. For Dandruff 85 Dangue 208 Symptoms 208 Physicians' Treatment 208 Deadly Night Shade, Poison by 403 Dead, How to Care for the 638 Deafness 307 Treatment 367 Mothers' Remedies 367 1. Quick and Effective Remedy for 367 2. Often Tried Remedy for 307 3. My Mother, in Galt, Found Good for 367 Deformities 369 Delirium Tremens 372 Symptoms 372 Treatment 372 Chronic Alcoholism 373 Mothers' Remedies 373 1. Effective as Cure for 373 Treatment 373 Delirium Tremens (Herb Remedies) 427, 439 Dementia 313 Primary Dementia 313 Secondary Dementia 313 Senile (old age) Dementia may be primary 313 Chronic Dementia 313 Dermatitis 62 Deviation of the Nasal Septum 19 Causes 19 Physicians' Treatment 19 Diabetes, Diagnosis of 2 Diabetes, Insipidus 330 Causes 330 Symptoms 330 Treatment 330 Diabetes, Mellitus 328 Causes 328 Symptoms 328 Recovery 329 Treatment, Preventive 329 Diet 329 The following is a list of articles which a Diabetes patient may take 329 Must Not Take 330 Medicines, Codeine 330 Diabetic Bread 648 Diagnosis, Mothers' 1 Diarrhea 108 Causes 108 Symptoms 108 Mothers' Remedies 108 1. Wild Sage Tea for 108 2. Egg and Nutmeg for 108 3. Scorched Flour and Sugar for 108 4. Excellent Compound for 108 5. Spice Poultice for 108 6. Blackberry Tea for 108 7. Hot Milk for 109 8. Castor Oil for 109 9. Former Canadian's Remedy for 109 10. A Goderich Lady found this good 109 11. Inexpensive Remedy for 109 12. Fern Root Good to Relieve 109 13. Milk and Pepper a Common Remedy for 109 Physicians' Treatment for 109 1. Rest in Bed 109 2. Dose of Castor Oil for 109 3. For Children an Infusion of pathweed 109 4. For Infants an Infusion of Chamomile 109 5. Another for Infants 110 6. Ginger is Frequently of Good Service 110 7. Infants of Six Months 110 Diet in Diarrhea from the Head Nurse of a Large Hospital 110 May Take 110 Must Not Take 110 Infants 110 Diarrhea (Herb Remedies) 410, 411, 412, 413, 417, 418, 420, 422, 424, 429, 431, 434, 439, 442, 443 Diarrhea (Older Children) 613 Diarrhea, Flux and Dysentery (Rare Prescription) 472 Diet 643 Diet in Older Children, fourth to tenth year 598 Diet in Debility sent us from one of our Leading Hospitals May Take 646 Soups, Fish, Meats, Eggs, Farinaceous 646 Vegetables, Desserts, Drinks, must not take 646 Diets in Fevers—Furnished us by a Trained Nurse in a Hospital May Take 645 Foods, Drinks—Must Not Take 645 DIGESTIVE ORGANS, DISEASES OF 97 Diphtheria, Diagnosis of 2 Diphtheria, Diagnosis between Acute Tonsilitis and 188 Causes 184 Symptoms 184 Pharyngeal Diphtheria 184 Laryngeal Diphtheria (formerly called Membraneous Croup) 184 Diagnosis of 185 Recovery 185 Mothers' Remedies 185 1. Cure and Preventive for 185 2. Kerosene for 185 3. Hops and Hot Water Relieves 185 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1. A Marine City Mother Gives the Following Cure for 676 Physicians' Treatment 185 Local Treatment 186
When in the Larynx 186 Diet 186 Cautions 186 Diphtheria, Laryngeal 184 Diphtheria, Pharyngeal 184 Dishes for the Sick Room 646 Diseases of Women, Causes of 493 Disinfectants 625 Disinfection 824 Dislocations 379 General Causes 379 General Symptoms 379 General Treatment 379 Dislocation, Finger or Thumb 380 Dislocation of the Jaw 379 Treatment 380 Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint 380 Divergent, Squint 356 Dog Bites (Not Rabid) 377 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 676 1. Home Treatment for 676 Dose for the Children, How to Determine 636 Dose in Drops for Different Ages 636 Rule usually followed 636 Douches 641 Drink, Bland after Poisoning 438 Drooling 554 Dropsy 165 From Heart Disease 165 Mothers' Remedies 165 1. Juniper Berries for 165 2. Wild Milkweed for 165 3. White Bay Buds 165 4. Canada Thistle for 165 5. Very Effective Remedy for 165 6. Common Herb Remedy for 165 7. Queen of the Meadow 166 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 677 1. Chestnut Leaves for 667 Physicians' Treatment for Dropsy 166 Dropsy (Herb Remedies) 416, 426, 429, 432, 438, 440 Dropsy, Abdominal 135 Drowned Persons, How to Find 400 Drowning, How to Keep from 399 Drowned, Treatment of 397 Drunkenness 676 Chocolate for 676 Dry Cupping 635 Dry Salt Bath Sent us with Mothers' Remedies 630 Dry Tetter 63 Ductless Glands 249 Duodenum, Ulcer of the Stomach and 106 Dyspepsia, Diagnosis of Acute 2 Dyspepsia, Acute 100 Causes 100 Symptoms—In Mild Cases 100 Severe Cases 100 Mothers' Remedies 100 1. Mustard and Molasses for 100 2. Wormwood Tea for 100 3. Dry Salt for 100 4. Chicken Gizzard Skin for 101 5. An Excellent Tonic for 101 6. Fruit Diet for 101 7. Hickory Ashes for 101 8. Salt and Water for 101 9. Slippery Elm for 101 10. Cold Water for 101 11. Hot Water for 101 12. Yolk of Egg and Salt for 101 13. Lemon Remedy for 101 14. Hops Excellent for 102 15. Tested Remedy for 102 16. Chamomile Tonic for Aged Persons and Children 102 Physicians' Treatment in Severe Forms 102 Diet 103 May Take 103 Must Not Take 103 Dyspepsia, Acute (Herb Remedies), 411, 417, 421, 425, 445, 446 Dyspepsia, Chronic 103 Causes 103 Symptoms 103 Mothers' Remedies 104 1. Spice Poultice for 104 2. Oil of Hemlock for 104 3. Ginger and Soda for 104 4. Oil of Peppermint for 104 5. Mustard Poultice and Eggs for 104 6. Hot Plate for 104 Physicians' Treatment for Chronic Gastritis 104 Diet 105 Cautions 105 Home Treatment 105 1. Drink Cold Water 105 2. Do Not Eat Much Meat 105 3. If the Stomach Wants Tone 105 4. Charcoal in Small Doses 105 5. If a Bitter Tonic is Needed 105 Dyspepsia, Chronic (Herb Remedies) 423, 424, 445 Dyspepsia, Nervous 105 Dyspepsia, Tonic 473 Dysentery, Diagnosis of 2 Dysentery 226 Acute Catarrhal Dysentery 226 Symptoms 226 Mothers' Remedies 226 1. Sweet Cream for 226 2. One Ounce Dewberry Root for 226 3. Colts Tail Remedy for 227 4. Sugar and Brandy for 227 5. Herb Remedy for 227 6. New Method to Cure 227 7. Starch Injection for 227 8. To Cure Bloody 227 Physicians' Treatment 227 1. Remain in Bed 227 2. Bismuth Subnitrate 227 3. Irrigation of the Colon 227 4. Ipecac 227 Nursing and Diet 228 Dysentery (Herb Remedies) 411, 420, 422, 424, 429, 432, 434, 439, 442, 446 Dysmenorrhea 507 Dysmenorrhea (Herb Remedies) 417, 419, 420, 422, 423, 428, 435, 443, 444 Ear, Diseases of 358 Membrana Tympani 358 Membrana Tympani (the Drum) Membrane 358 The Tympanum or Middle Ear 358 The Eustachian Tube 359 Ear, Diseases of (Herb Remedies) 410 Earache, Diagnosis of 3 Earache 367, 610 Treatment 368 Mothers' Remedies for Earache 368 1. Hot Raisin for 368 2. Flax and Cornmeal for 368 3. Soothing Home Remedy for. 368 4. Horse Radish Leaves for 368 5. Onion Sure Cure for 368 6. Temporary Relief for 368 7. Sweet Oil and Pepper for 368 8. Steaming with Hot Water for 368 9. Castor Oil for 369 10. Fresh Warm Milk for 369 Earache (Herb Remedies) 431 Earache (Rare Prescription) 470 Ear (aural) Douche 641 Ear, Things in 395
Eclampsia 542 Eclecticism 661 Electrically Shocked 397, 400 Eczema 63 Definition 63 Varieties 63 Symptoms 63 Eczema Vesiculosum (Vesicular Eczema) 63 Eczema Pustulosum (Pustules) Pustular Kind 63 Eczema Papulosum (Papular Variety) 63 Eczema Rubrum (Red) 64 Eczema Squamosis (Scaling) 64 Recovery 64 Causes 64 Mothers' Remedies 64 1. Lemon or Vinegar for 64 2. Olive Oil and Powder for 64 3. Herb Tea for 64 4. Potato and Camphor for 64 5. Sulphur and Lard for 64 6. Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for 64 7. Blood Purifier for 65 8. Reliable Remedy for 65 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 677 1. Lard and Sulphur for 677 2. Gasoline for 677 Physicians' Treatment 65 In Chronic Sluggish Cases 65 Local Treatment 65 1. Black Wash 65 2. Lead and Laudanum Wash 65 3. A Solution of Boric Acid 65 4. Soothing Application for 65 5. Dusting Powders 66 6. Oxide of Zinc 66 7. McCall Anderson's Ointment 66 The Black Wash Should be Used 66 8. Pastes 66 9. For the Itching 66 External Treatment of Chronic Cases 66 1. Tincture of Green Soap 66 2. Tar 66 3. Salicylic Acid 66 4. Dr. Schalek Uses 66 Glycoge1atin Dressing 67 Special Varieties of Eczema and what to do for them 67 Eczema of Children 67 Physicians' Treatment for Eczema 67 Eczema of the Scalp, Milk Crust 67 Eczema of the Face 67 Eczema of the Scrotum 67 Eczema of the Hands in Adults 67 Diet in Eczema 67 Eczema (Herb Remedies) 416 Edward's Alterative and Tonic Bitters 487 Egg Broth 649 Eggnog, Cold 649 Egg Cordial 649 Eggs, Dainty Way to Serve on Toast 648 Egg Gruel 648 Eggnog, Hot 649 Ely's Cream Balm 474 Emetic 431 Emphysema 43 EMERGENCIES, ACCIDENTS AND POISONS 376 Endocarditis 341 Simple Kind, Cause 341 Symptoms 341 Treatment 341 Diet 341 Caution 341 Endocarditis, Chronic 342 Endometritis 498 Endometritis, Putrid 500 Endometritis, Septic Puerperal 499 Enemata 638 A High 638 A Low 639 Directions 639 Position 639 Amount 639 What Material 639 Syringe 639 Enemata, Astringent 641 Enema, Laxative for Infants and Children 639 Formula No. 1 640 Formula No. 2 640 3. Molasses and Laxative Enema 640 Enemata, Nutritive 640 Formula No. 1 640 Formula No. 2 640 Enemata, Stimulating No.1, Black Coffee 641 Enemata, Salt No. 2 641 Enemata, Turpentine 641 Enlarged Glands 619 Enlarged Nail 77 Treatment 77 Inflammation of the Nail 78 Enteralgia 124 Epilepsy 288 Causes 288 Symptoms 288 Characteristic Paroxysm of Major Attacks 288 Clonic Spasm Stage 289 The Minor Attack or "Petit Mal" 289 Recovery 289 Physicians' Treatment 290 What to do during the Attack 290 Preventives and General Treatment 290 Diet 290 Causes 290 Medicines 290 Caution 290 Epithelial Cancer 335 Eruptions (Herb Remedies) 442 Erysipelas, Diagnosis of 3 Causes 220 Symptoms 220 Mothers' Remedies 221 1. Slippery Elm Bark for 221 2. Bean Poultices for 221 3. Soda Wash for 221 4. Easy Remedy for 221 5. Copperas Liniment for 221 6. Cranberry Poultice for 221 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 677 1. Antiseptic Wash for 677 Physicians' Treatment for Erysipelas 221 1. Local Treatment 221 2. Paint thoroughly with Tincture of Iodine 222 3. The following is a splendid application 222 4. Tincture of Chloride of Iron 222 Diet 222 Nursing 222 Erysipelas (Herb Remedies) 420, 422, 428, 432 Erythema Pernio 96 Excessive Sweating 75 Exophthalmic Goitre 260 Causes 260 Symptoms Acute Cases 260 Chronic Cases 260 Treatment 260 Expectorants (Herb Remedies) 434, 444 External Applications 631 EYE AND EAR, Diseases of 346 Eye, Bandage of 386 Eyelids, Sore (Herb Remedies) 434 Eyes, Sore (Baby's) 549
Face Creams 94 Mothers' Preparations 94 1. Cream of Pond Lilies 94
2. When facing our North Winds in Canada 94 3. Lanolin Cream for 94 4. Cucumber Lotion 94 5. Almond Lotion to Whiten and Soften the Skin 95 6. The Cold Ontario Wind Harmless When using this 95 Facial Neuralgia 265 Fainting 376 Falls 396 Falling of the Bowel 137 Falling of the Bowel (Herb Remedies) 410 Falling Sickness 288 Fallopian Tubes, Diseases of 502 Fallopian Tubes, Inflammation of 502 False Leukaemia 252 Fatty Heart 344 Fattiness 330 Fattiness (Herb Remedies) 434 Fibromata 501 Film on the Eye 352 Filth Disease 200 Finger and Thumb Dislocation 380 Fire in Clothing 396 Fistula in Anus 152 Physicians' Treatment 152 Fish Bone in Throat 677 Mothers' Remedies (Unclassifed) 677 1. Choking from 677 Fits 395 Fitting Glasses 355 Feeding During the Second Year 595 Fellow's Hypophosphites 475 Felon 69 How to open the Felon 70 If in the Palm 70 Felon, Superficial 70 Mothers' Remedies 70 1. A Cure if Taken in Time 70 2. Treatment until Time to Lance 70 3. Strong Remedy for 70 4. Lemon to Draw Inflammation from 70 5. Hot Water Cure for 70 6. Soap and Cornmeal Poultice for 70 7. Smartweed Poultice for 71 8. Hot Application for 71 9. An Old Tried Remedy for 71 10. Turpentine Cure for 71 11. Weak Lye Application for 71 12. Rock Salt and Turpentine for 71 Physicians' Treatment for Superficial Felon 71 1. Some Hold the Finger in Hot Lye 71 2. Yolk of Egg and Salt 71 3. The Membrane of Egg Shell 71 Felon, Superficial (Herb Remedies) 434 Female Regulator (Rare Prescription) 474 Fever, Aestivo-Autumnal 228 Fever, Breakbone 208 Fever Cases and to Disguise the Taste of Bad Medicines- Syrup of Lemons for 650 Fever, Continuous Malarial 228 Fever Drinks 648 Fever, Hay 17 Fever, Intermittent Malarial 228 Fever, Malarial, Diagnosis of 3 Fever, Malaria 228 Fever, Malaria (Herb Remedies) 414 Fever, Malta 230 Fever, Pernicious Malarial 229 Fever, For (Rare Prescription) 474 Fever, Remittent 228 Fever, Rheumatic, Diagnosis of 4 Fever, Rheumatic 317 Fever, Scarlet, Diagnosis of 5 Fever, Scarlet 167 Fever, Scarlet (Herb Remedies) 428 Fever, Spotted, Diagnosis of 4 Foul Sweating 57 Fever, Typhoid, Diagnosis of 5 Fever, Typhoid 195 Fever, Typhus 200 Fever, Yellow 224 Flatulency (Herb Remedies) 424, 432, 442 Flaxseed Tea 650 Flesh Worms 61 Floating Kidney 154 Flux (Rare Prescription) 474 Fomentations 634 Foods and Drinks for the Sick Room 633 Foods for different meals for those who can eat but do not have much appetite 645 Breakfast, Dinner, Supper 645 Foods that may be taken together 645 Food for Healthy Infants 583 Food, the kind of 643 Food Poisoning 374 Foods, Spoiled, Poison by 407 Foods that should not be taken together 645 Follicular Tonsilitis, Diagnosis of 5 Foot Baths in Bed 629 Forearm, Bandage for 381 Foreign Bodies in the Gullet 396 Foreign Bodies in the Larynx 396 Foreign Bodies in the Throat, Ear or Nostril 608 Fowler's Solution, Poison by 404 Fractures 380 Fractures, Bandage far 381 Freckles 75 Causes 75 Mothers' Remedies 75 1. Buttermilk for 75 2. To Remove 75 3. Alcohol and Lemon Juice for 75 4. Excellent Lotion for 76 5. Borax Water for 76 6. Canadian Remedy for 76 Physicians' Treatment for Freckles 76 Friedrich's Disease 306 Frost Bites 95 Mothers' Remedies 95 1. Remedy from Northern New York 95 2. Roasted Turnips for 95 Fruit Juices, How to Albuminize 644 Functional Brain Disease 280 Furunculus (Furuncle) 68
Gall Bladder, Cancer of 130 Gall Stones, Diagnosis of 3 Gall Stones 129 Gangrene 91 Dry Gangrene 91 Mothers' Remedies 91 1. Remedy from New York 91 Physicians' Treatment 92 Moist Gangrene 92 Causes 92 Physicians' Treatment for Moist Gangrene 92 Gangrenous Stomatitis 99 Causes 99 Symptoms 99 Treatment 99 Salivation 99 Chlorate of Potash Solution, Soda Solutions 100 Boracic Acid Solutions 100 Gas from Wells, Cisterns, Mines, etc 395 Treatment 395 Gastralgia 107 Gastric Headache 270 Gastritis, Acute 100 Gastritis, Chronic 103 Gastrodynia 107 General Brain Diseases 280 General Paralysis of the Insane 298 General Paresis 298, 314 Softening of the Brain 298 Symptoms 298, 314 Treatment 299, 314 |