Navajo, Savoia, RAMAH—in N. M., 22 m. n. of Zuni, 80 m. ne. of St. Johns Navajo Spring—on Mormon road, 8 m. s. of Lee's Ferry Navajo Wells—16 m. e. of Kanab, in Utah, foot of Buckskin mts. Nephi, Johnsonville—was successor of Tempe ward, 3 m. w. of Mesa NUTRIOSO—17 m. se. of Springerville
Obed—was on Little Colorado r., 3 m. sw., across river, from St. Joseph Omer and Amity, Union, EAGAR—in lower Round Valley, Apache Co. OVERTON, Patterson's Ranch—8 m. nw. of St. Thomas, Nevada ORAIBI—Indian village, about 40 m. se. of Moen Copie Orderville—was United Order ward in Long Valley, n. of Kanab, in Utah
PAPAGO—Indian ward on both sides of Salt r., just nw. of Mesa. Paria River—enters Colorado r. from n., just above Lee's Ferry Patterson's Ranch, OVERTON—8 m. nw. of St. Thomas, Nevada PAYSON—in upper Tonto Basin, 75 m. w. of Showlow Peach Springs—10 m. ne. of station of same name on Santa Fe, 58 m. w. of Ash Fork Pearce's Ferry—Colorado r. crossing at mouth of Grand Wash Penrod, PINETOP—12 m. se. of Showlow Percheron, Mortensen, PINEDALE—15 1/2 m. w. of Showlow PHOENIX—Capital of Arizona, in Salt River Valley PIMA, Smithville—in Gila Valley, 6 m. nw. of Thatcher PINE—on Pine Creek, Tonto Basin, 70 m. w. of n. of Roosevelt dam PINEDALE, Percheron, Mortensen—15-1/2 m. w. of Showlow Pine Springs—near Pine Creek in Tonto Basin PINETOP, Penrod—12 m. se. of Showlow PIPE SPRINGS, Winsor Castle—on Mormon road, 20 m. sw. of Kanab PLEASANTON—in Williams Valley, N. M., 36 m. s. of Luna Valley PLEASANT VALLEY—location of sawmill and dairy, 25 m. se. of Flagstaff POMERENE—4 m. n. and e. of Benson
RAMAH, Navajo, Savoia—in N. M., 80 m. ne. of St. Johns RAY—25 m. sw. of Globe Redlands, ASHURST, Cork—about 15 m. nw. of Thatcher REIDHEAD, Beaver Ranch, Woolf Crossing, Lone Pine Crossing—10 m. s. of Taylor RICHVILLE, Walnut Grove, 18 m. s. of St. Johns RIOVILLE, Junction (City)—junction of Muddy r. with Virgin r. Round Valley, EAGAR—35 m. s. of St. Johns
ST. JOHNS, Salem—St. Johns Stake hdqrs., 60 m. se. of Holbrook ST. JOHNS STAKE—Embraces eastern Arizona, n. of Graham Co. ST. DAVID—on San Pedro r., 7 m. se. of Benson in se. Arizona ST. JOSEPH—5 m. n. of Overton, n. side of Muddy r., now in Nevada ST. JOSEPH, Allen Camp, Cumorah—on Little Colorado r., 10 m. w. of Holbrook ST. JOSEPH STAKE—embraces se. Arizona, hdqrs. at Thatcher ST. THOMAS—w. side of Muddy, 1-3/4 m. above junction with Virgin r. SAFFORD—3 m. e. of Thatcher Salem, ST. JOHNS—St. Johns Stake hdqrs., 60 m. se. of Holbrook Salt Lake—33 m. e. of St. Johns; is in New Mexico Salt Mountains—Salt deposits on Virgin r., below St. Thomas San Francisco Mountains—n. of Flagstaff SAN BERNARDINO, Cal.—about 50 m. e. of Los Angeles San Bernardino Ranch—in extreme se. comer of Arizona San Pablo, Hayden's Ferry, TEMPE—9 m. e. of Phoenix San Pedro—river and valley in se. Arizona Savoia, Navajo, RAMAH—Savoia was 6 m. e. of present Ramah SHOWLOW—22 m. s. of Snowflake SHUMWAY—ward on Silver creek, 7 m. s. of Snowflake Simonsville—was mill location, 6 m. nw. of St. Thomas Smithville, PIMA—6 m. nw. of Thatcher, once St. Joseph Stake hdqrs. SNOWFLAKE—Snowflake Stake hdqrs., 30 m. s. of Holbrook SNOWFLAKE STAKE—embraces practically Navajo County Soap Creek (Springs)—on Mormon road, 16 m. sw. of Lee's Ferry SOLOMONVILLE—e. end of Gila Valley SPRINGERVILLE—35 m. se. of St. Johns Stinson Valley—former name of valley in which Snowflake is located STONE'S FERRY, Bonelli's—Colorado r. crossing, w. of mouth of Virgin r. Strawberry Valley—in n. Tonto Basin Sulphur Springs Valley—in se. Arizona Sunset, Sunset Crossing—Little Colorado r. settlement, 25 m. w. of St. Joseph Sunset Sawmill—was 7 m. s. of Mormon Dairy Surprise Valley—10 m. nw. of Hunt, along Surprise Creek, 27 m. nw. of St. Johns Surprise Valley—near mouth of Kanab Canyon
Taylor—was settlement across Colorado r., 3 m. w. of St. Joseph TAYLOR, Bagley, Walker—on Silver Creek, 3 m. s. of Snowflake TEMPE, San Pablo, Hayden's Ferry—9 m. e. of Phoenix Tenney's Camp, WOODRUFF—on Little Colorado r., 12 m. ne. of Holbrook THATCHER—St. Joseph Stake hdqrs., in Gila Valley Tonto Basin—in central Arizona TUBA (CITY)—on Mormon road, 60 m. se. of Lee's Ferry TUBAC—on Santa Cruz r., 42 m. s. of Tucson Turkey Tanks—about 10 m. ne. of Flagstaff
Union, Omer, Amity, EAGAR—ward embraced Round Valley settlements Utahville, Fort Utah, LEHI, Jonesville—3 m. ne. of Mesa Ute Ford, Vado de los Padres, CROSSING OF THE FATHERS—on Colorado r., just n. of Arizona line
Vermilion Cliffs—w. of Colorado r., extending into both Arizona and Utah VERNON—ward includes Concho and Hunt branches VIRDEN—just over New Mexico line on Gila r., 8 m. ne. of Franklin
Walker, Bagley, TAYLOR—on Silver Creek, 3 m. s. of Snowflake Walnut Grove, RICHVILLE—18 m. s. of St. Johns on Little Colorado r. West Point, LOGAN—s. of Muddy r., 15 m. w. of St. Joseph, Nevada Whitewater—22 m. e. of Tombstone. Wilford—6 m. sw. of Heber, 56 m. sw. of Holbrook Williams Valley—in New Mexico, 36 m. s. of Luna Valley Willow Springs—on Mormon road, 7 m. nw. of Tuba Winsor, Mt. Carmel—was United Order ward in Long Valley n. of Kanab Winsor Castle, PIPE SPRINGS—on Mormon road, 20 m. sw. of Kanab WOODRUFF, Tenney's Camp—ward on Little Colorado r., 12 m. se. of Holbrook Woolf Crossing, ranch, Beaver ranch, Lone Pine, Reidhead—10 m. s. of Taylor Woodland, Fairview, LAKESIDE—3 m. nw. of Pinetop
Zenos, Hayden, Mesaville, MESA—16 m. e. of Phoenix
1846—Feb. 4, Chas. Shumway first to cross Mississippi in exodus from Nauvoo; Feb. 4, "Brooklyn" sailed from New York, with 235 L. D. S.; July 29, arr. San Francisco; July 20, Mormon Battalion left Council Bluffs; Aug. 1, arr. Ft. Leavenworth; 12, left Leavenworth; 23. Col. Allen died; Oct. 9, 1st detachment at Santa Fe; 13, Cooke in command; Sept. 16, families sent to Pueblo; Oct. 19, left Sant Fe; Nov. 21, turned to west; 28, at summit Rockies; Dec. 18, at Tucson; 22, arr. Pima villages.
1847—Jan. 8, Battalion at mouth of Gila; 10, crossed Colorado r.; 29, arr. near San Diego; July 16, discharged; 24, Pres. Young and Utah pioneers reached Salt Lake Valley.
1848—Jan. 24, gold discovered at Sutter's Fort, Cal.
1851—June, Lyman and Rich and about 500 from Utah located San Bernardino, Cal.; fall, Mormons located at Tubac.
1853—First missionaries in Las Vegas district.
1855—May 10, 30 missionaries left Salt Lake for Las Vegas.
1857—Ira Hatch and Dudley Leavitt among Paiutes; Hamblin sees Ives steamer "Explorer;" Sept. 11, Mountain Meadows massacre.
1858—Jan., Ira Hatch sent to Muddy; Feb., Col. Kane treaty with Paiutes; San Bernardino vacated; spring, Hamblin to Colorado r.; first trip across Colorado r.
1859—Oct., Hamblin to Hopi.
1860—Oct., Hamblin to Hopi; Nov. 2, Geo. A. Smith, Jr., killed by Indians near Tuba.
1862—Nov., Hamblin to Hopi.
1863—Feb. 24, Arizona Territory organized from New Mexico; Mar. 18. Hamblin to Hopi; Pipe Springs located by Dr. J. M. Whitmore.
1864—Mar., Hamblin party parleys with Navajos; Moccasin Springs settled; United Order established in Brigham City. Utah, by Lorenzo Snow; Oct., Anson Call directed to establish Colorado r. port, Beaver Dams settled by Henry W. Miller; Dec. 2. Call party at site of Call's landing; 18, work begun at Call's Landing.
1865—Jan. 8, first settlers at St. Thomas on Muddy r., settlement of St. Joseph on Muddy r.; settlement on Paria Creek; Dec., Muddy section organized as Pah-ute County, Arizona.
1866—Jan. 8, Whitmore and McIntire killed by Indians near Pipe Springs; June 4, conference with Indians on Muddy r.; Moccasin vacated through Indian troubles; Nov., steamer "Esmeralda" on upper Colorado r.
1867—Jan. 18, Pah-ute county claimed by Nevada; spring, floods caused abandonment of Beaver Dams; Oct. 1, county seat of Pah-ute moved from Callville to St. Thomas.
1868—Feb. 10, trouble with Paiutes on Muddy r.; August 18, destructive fire at St. Joseph; Nov. 1, Andrew S. Gibbons and O.D. Gass started from Callville to Ft. Yuma by boat.
1869—Feb. 8, Junction City (Rioville) established; Feb. 15, Utah organized Rio Virgen County, including Muddy settlements; May 29, Powell started first trip down Canyon; June 12, Davidson family died of thirst on desert near Muddy r.; June 16, Callville abandoned; August, 3 of Powell's men killed by Indians; 29, Powell ended trip below Canyon; Oct., Hamblin at Hopi.
1870—Mar., Brigham Young party visited Muddy settlements; June 14, settlement on Kanab Creek; Sept., Hamblin to Mt. Trumbull with J.W. Powell; Nov. 5, Hamblin peace talk with Navajos at Ft. Defiance; took Chief Tuba to Utah; Dec., determination to abandon Muddy settlements.
1871—Spring, abandonment Muddy district; Pah-ute County abolished by Arizona Territory; Aug., Hamblin, with Powell, on second Colorado r. trip; Moccasin Springs re-settled; Moen Copie made mission post;
1872—John D. Lee located at mouth of Paria; June 28, J.H. Beadle at Lee's Ferry.
1873—Mar. 8, Brigham Young instructed Arizona colonists in Salt Lake; spring, L.W. Roundy and Hamblin at Moen Copie; May 1, H.D. Haight party left Utah for Little Colorado Valley; May 22, Haight party on Little Colorado r.; June 30, Haight party turned back.
1874—Jan., Hamblin to Hopi to prevent war; Aug., Hamblin to Ft. Defiance on peace mission.
1875—Feb. 20, Orderville established; Sept. 16, D.W. Jones exploration party left Salt Lake; Oct. 27, Jones party crossed Colorado r.; 30, Jas. S. Brown exploring party left Salt Lake; Dec. 4, Brown party at Moen Copie; 14, Jones party at Tucson.
1876—Jan., Jones party in Mexico; Feb. 3, Little Colorado settlers left Salt Lake; Mar. 23, advance company at Sunset; 24-31, locations of Allen City, Obed, Sunset, Ballenger; 28, work commenced on St. Joseph dam; Apr., location of Tenney's (Woodruff) Camp, on Little Colorado r.; 17, United Order established on Little Colorado r.; Daniel H. Wells and party on Little Colorado r.; May, Boston party passed Little Colorado settlements; June 24, L.W. Roundy drowned in Colorado r.; 27, Obed moved to new location; June, D.W. Jones party returns to Utah; first L.D.S. settlers on Showlow Creek; July 17, exploration of Tonto Basin; 17, first child born in Allen City; 19, Allen City dam washed away; Aug., Lorenzo H. Hatch located at Savoia; Oct. 18, Pratt-Stewart part left Utah for Arizona; Nov. 7, Mt. Trumbull sawmill re-established near Mormon Lake; Dec. 23, Pratt party reached Phoenix; Dec., Harrison Pearce established ferry at mouth of Grand Wash; Hamblin located new route to Sunset, via Grand Wash.
1877—Jan. 6, Jones settlement party organized at St. George by Brigham Young, Bunkerville located, first L.D.S. school in Arizona, at Obed; 17, Jones party left St. George; Mar. 6, arr. Salt River, founded Lehi; Mar. 23, J.D. Lee executed; May 20, first Indian baptism on Salt r.; Aug., Merrill company left Lehi; 29, death of Brigham Young, Hamblin at Hopi; Sept. 14, start of Idaho-Salt Lake party that founded Mesa; 14, Merrill company on San Pedro r.; Nov. 12, Arkansas L.D.S. arr. on Little Colorado r.; 29, Merrill party location on San Pedro r.
1878—Jan., C.I. Robson and others selected Mesa location; 20, Colorado r. frozen over at Lee's Ferry; 22, location of Taylor on Little Colorado r.; 23, James Pearce first L.D.S. settler on Silver Creek; 27, Little Colorado Stake organized, name of Ballenger changed to Brigham City, name of Allen changed to St. Joseph; Feb. 5, Robson party at Fort Utah; 9, naming of Woodruff; 18, settlers at Forest Dale; May 15, first L.D.S. locations in Tonto Basin; July 21, Flake and Kartchner moved the site of Snowflake; Sept.-Dec., Erastus Snow and party travel in Arizona; Sept. 27, Erastus Snow party located and named Snowflake, selected Jesse N. Smith as President Eastern Arizona Stake; Oct. 26, first settlers on Mesa townsite; Dec., re-settlement of Beaver Dams.
1879—Jan. 16, arr. at Snowflake of Jesse N. Smith; Feb., L.D.S. explorers at Smithville on Gila r.; Mar., L.D.S. settlement in Concho; Apr. 8, Showlow company located at Smithville; Completion of J. W. Young woolen factory at Moen Copie; settlement at Shumway; first session of court in Apache County; Nov. 16, purchase of Barth claims at St. Johns.
1880—Mar. 29, St. Johns townsite selected by Wilford Woodruff; Sept. 19, re-location of St. Johns townsite; Sept. 26, naming of Alpine; fall, re-settlement of Overton; Oct. 6, arr. at St. Johns of D. K. Udall; Nov., land at Graham on Gila r. bought by Brigham City settlers; Dec., settlement of Matthews on Gila r.
1881—Jan., location at Graham; Mar., settlement at Curtis (Eden), trouble with Indians; location of Holbrook; name of Smithville changed to Pima.
1882—Jan. 28, re-location of Holbrook townsite; June 1, N.B. Robinson killed by Indians, Indian troubles in mountain settlements; June 24, N. C. Tenney killed at St. Johns; July, establishment of first paper in Apache County; July 19, L.D.S. settlement at Tempe; Dec. 10, Maricopa Stake organized; Dec. 25, naming of Thatcher.
1883—Jan. 4, location party in Mexico from St. David; 13, settlement of Layton; Feb. 25, establishment of St. Joseph Stake at St. David; spring, Forest Dale abandoned; Aug. 25, Wilford and Heber organized; Nov., naming of Lehi.
1884—Mar., land jumping in St. Johns; Nov., Young and Grant party visit Yaqui Indian country.
1885—Feb. 9, departure of first L.D.S. Mexican colony; Nov.-Dec., Indian depredations in Gila Valley; Dec. I, killing of Lorenzo and Seth Wright on Gila r.; Wilford abandoned.
1886—Feb. 9, Andrew S. Gibbons died at St. Johns; Aug. 31, death of Jacob Hamblin at Pleasanton; Sept. 8, Isaac C. Haight died at Thatcher.
1887—Jan. 24, first donation to Arizona temple; May 3, earthquake at St. David; Fredonia settled; July 24, St. Johns Stake organized; Dec. 4, C.I. Robson president of Maricopa Stake; Dec.18, Snowflake Stake organized.
1889—Jan. 14, St. Johns Stake Academy established; 21, Snowflake Academy established; Apr. 2, Brigham Young Jr., and Jesse N. Smith purchased Little Colorado Valley lands in New York; May 11, Wham robbery, near Ft. Grant.
1890—Feb., Great floods on Little Colorado r. and Silver Creek.
1891—Feb., large damage done by Salt r. floods.
1892—June 20, Lot Smith killed by Indians near Tuba City; July 3-4, general conference of Arizona Stakes at Pinetop; Dec. 8, Chas. L. Flake killed at Snowflake.
1893—Feb. 19, artesian flow struck at St. David.
1894—Feb. 24, C.I. Robson died at Mesa; May 10, C.R. Hakes president of Maricopa Stake.
1898—Jan. 29, St. Joseph Stake reorganized under Andrew Kimball; May 21, death of Chas. Shumway; Sept. I, St. Joseph Stake Academy opened at Thatcher.
1903—Feb., Tuba settlers sell to Indian Bureau.
1904—Sept. 15, death of P.C. Merrill.
1905—May I, breaking of St. Johns reservoir.
1906—June 5, death of Jesse N. Smith.
It is notable that few were the Mormons who have met untimely death by violence in the Southwest. It is believed that the following brief record is, very nearly, complete:
George A. Smith, Jr.—Nov. 2, 1860. Killed by Navajos near Tuba City.
Dr. J.M. Whitmore and Robert McIntire—Jan. 8, 1866. Killed by Navajos near Pipe Springs.
Elijah Averett—Jan. 1866. Killed by Navajos near Paria Creek. Averett had been with the Capt. James Andrus expedition after the Whitmore-McIntire murderers and had been sent back, with a companion, with dispatches from about the Crossing of the Fathers. He was killed on this return journey and his companion wounded.
Joseph Berry, Robert Berry and the latter's wife, Isabella—April 2, 1866. Killed by Paiutes at Cedar Knoll near Short Creek, west of Pipe Springs. The three were in a wagon and had attempted to escape by running their horses across country, but the Indians cut them off. They fought for their lives and one dead Indian was found near their bodies. In the woman's body was a circle of arrows.
Joseph Davidson, wife and son—June 12, 1869. Perished of thirst on Southern Nevada desert, in Muddy Valley section.
Lorenzo W. Roundy—May 24, 1876. Drowned in Colorado River.
Nathan B. Robinson—June 1, 1882. Killed by Apaches near Reidhead.
Nathan C. Tenney—June 24, 1882. Unintentionally shot by Mexicans in course of riot at St. Johns.
Jacob S. Ferrin—July 19, 1882. Killed by Apaches 12 miles east of San Carlos.
Mrs. W.N. Fife—Sept. 11, 1884. Murdered at her home in the Sulphur Springs Valley. She had given a Mexican dinner and was rewarded by a shot in the back. A 13-year-old daughter was saved by the timely arrival of a Mexican employee. The murderer, only known as Jesus, was captured the following day by a posse of settlers and, after full determination of guilt, was hanged to a tree. The murderer's skull now is in possession of Dr. Ezra Rich of Ogden, Utah.
Lorenzo and Seth Wright—Dec. 1, 1885. Ambushed by Apaches in Gila Valley.
Frank Thurston—May 23, 1886. Killed by Apaches six miles west of Pima.
Lot Smith—June 20, 1892. Killed by Navajos near Tuba.
Chas. L. Flake—Dec. 8, 1892. Killed by fugitive criminal at Snowflake.
Horatio Merrill and 14-year-old daughter, Eliza—Dec. 3, 1895. Killed by Apaches at Ash Springs, 30 miles east of Pima. This crime has been charged to the infamous Apache Kid.
Isaac Benj. Jones—May 12, 1897. Killed at El Dorado Canyon, near the Colorado River. While freighting ore to a mill, he was ambushed and shot from his wagon by a Paiute, Avote, who murdered several other whites before being run down and killed by Indians on Cottonwood Island, where he had taken refuge.
John Bleak—Jan. 26, 1899. Killed by Mexicans, near Hackberry, Mohave County. The body was found with many knife thrusts, with indications of a desperate resistance of two assailants.
Frank Lesueur and Augustus Andrew Gibbons—Mar. 27, 1900. Killed by outlaws near Navajo, eastern Apache County. They had been deserted by six Mexican members of a posse trailing American cattle thieves, who were fleeing northward from near St. Johns, and were ambushed in a mountain canyon. Lesueur was killed instantly by a shot in the forehead and Gibbons, already shot through the body, was killed by a shot in the head at very short range. The murderers were not apprehended.
Wm. T. Maxwell—1901. Killed by outlaws near Nutrioso. He was the son of a Mormon Battalion member.
Wm. W. Berry—Dec. 22, 1903. Murdered in Tonto Basin. John and Zach Booth, goat owners, were arrested for the crime. The latter was hanged and the former released after disagreement of the jury. The crime also embraced the murder of a 16-year-old boy, Juan Vigil, son of a herder. Berry at the time was in charge of a band of sheep.
Hyrum Smith Peterson—Nov. 12, 1913. Killed near Mesa. Peterson, city marshal, was shot down by thieves whom he was trying to arrest.
Frank McBride and Martin Kempton—Feb. 10, 1918. Killed 60 miles west of Pima. McBride was sheriff of Graham County and Kempton was deputy. The two sought arrest of the Powers brothers and Sisson, draft evaders, who were in a cabin in the Galiuro Mountains. With them was killed another deputy, Kane Wootan. In a following special session of the Legislature, the families of the three were given $17,500, to be invested for their benefit.
See Chronology, Mormon Settlement Place Names
Adair Named for early resident Adair, Samuel N. Photo. Adair, Wesley Battalion member, photo. Agriculture Mormon pioneers in, first in N. Ariz. Allen, Lt.-Col. Jas. Commander Battalion, died Allen, Rufus C. Battalion member, to S. America, in Las Vegas section Allen, W.C. Heads L. Colorado party, photo. Alma Est. Allred, Mrs. R.W. With husband on Battalion march, photo. Allred, Reuben W. Battalion member, photo. Alpine Burial place of Jacob Hamblin, est. Ancient Races Canal at Mesa, in Arizona, canals of, in Gila Valley Andrus, Capt. Jas. Led party against Indians Apaches Encroachments on Forest Dale, attack on Col. Carr's command, attack on Camp Apache, experiences with in Gila Valley, Chiricahua outbreaks, murders in Gila Valley Arkansas Immigrants At Taylor, on L. Colorado Artesian Water At St. David, wells in Gila Valley Asay, Joseph Aids Powell exp. Atlantic & Pacific R.R. Land grant
Ballenger, Jesse O. Heads L. Colorado settlement Ballenger's Camp (Brigham City) Est. Banta, A.F. Arizona pioneer Barbenceta Navajo Chief Barrus, Lt. Ruel Battalion officer at San Luis Rey Barth, Sol On L. Colorado Bartlett, John R. At Tubac, in Texas Bass, Willis W. Grand Canyon guide Beadle, J.H. Visit to Lonely Dell and J. D. Lee Beale, E.F. At San Pascual, camel survey, carried dispatches east, advised Washington of discovery of gold Beaver Dams—Early occupation, settlement Beebe, Nelson P.—Leader of Arkansas party Bees—First in Utah Bellamy, Edward—Study of United Order Bennett, Capt. Frank F.—In great Navajo council Berardo—At Horsehead Crossing Berry, Mrs. Rachael—State legislator Berry, Wm. Wiley—Killed by outlaws, photo. Bibliography Biggs, Thos.—Lehi settler, photo. Bigler, Henry W.—At gold discovery, photo. Bluewater N. M—Settlement Blythe, John L.—Launched boat at Lee's Ferry, at Moen Copie, at Le Roux Spring, photo. Bonelli, Daniel—Early ferryman, photo. Boston Party—In L. Cotorado Valley Boyle, Henry G.—Battalion member, outlined Mormon road, first president S. States Mission, photo. Brannan, Samuel—Head of "Brooklyn" exp., Wyoming conference with Brigham Young, died in Mexico Brigham City, Ariz.—Est., naming, abandonment, photo. of old fort Brigham City, Utah—Experiences in United Order Brinkerhoff, Hyrum—Muddy r. and Gila v. pioneer, photo. Brinkerhoff, Margaret—Muddy r. and Gila v. pioneer, photo. Brizzee, H. W.—Battalion member, in Arizona, photo. "Brooklyn"—Mormon immigrant ship Brown, Capt. Jas.—Led at Pueblo, Colo., battalion officer, arr. Salt Lake, to Cal. for pay Brown, Jas. S.—On Muddy r., at Cal. gold discovery, head of 1875 scouting party, battalion member, photo. Bryce—Est. Bryce, Ebenezer—Early Gila settler, photo. Bushman, John V.—N. E. Ariz, settler, photo.
Call, Anson—Founded Callville, photo. Callville—Port on Colorado r., est., abandonment, county seat of Pah-ute Co. Camels—Brought by Beale survey Campbell, Gov. T. E.—Assistance in work, circumtoured Grand Canyon, Prest. League of the Southwest Cannon, Angus M.—At Callville, on Colorado r. Cannon, David H.—Baptism of Shivwits at St. George, photo. Carson, Kit—Guide of Kearny exp., carried dispatches east, campaign against Navajo Carson Valley, Nev.—Settled by Mormons Casa Grande—Ancient ruin Cataract Canyon—Home of Hava-supai, entered by Hamblin, by Garces, by Ives Central—Est. Chemehuevis Indians—War band in Muddy r. district Chronology Chuichupa, Colonia—Mexican settlement Claridge, Rebecca—Photo Claridge, Samuel H.—Muddy and Gila r. pioneer, photo. Cluff, Benjamin—At Las Vegas Coal—Dug at San Diego by G. W. Sirrine Cocheron, Augusta Joyce—Description of Yerba Buena Cocopah Indians—Colorado r. deck hands Colorado City—Est. on site of Yuma Colorado River Reached by Battalion, watershed embraced within State of Deseret, ferries of, frozen over, transportation, efforts to utilize water and power, drainage area, flow, water storage, navigation, watershed now barred for navigation Colter, J. G. H—At Round Valley Concho Hard living conditions, est., naming Cooke, Lt.-Col. P. St. George Commander Mormon Battalion, congratulatory order, story of march, left Santa Fe, crossed Colorado r., led Johnston's cavalry to Utah, resignation, photo. Cooley, C. E.—Won Showlow in card game, sold Cooperative Stores—Est. in many communities Co-quap—Paiute killed at St. Thomas Cotton—Raised by Maricopas, Pima long-staple Crismon, Chas.—At San Bernardino, took first bees to Utah, at founding of Mesa, photo. Crosby, Geo. H. Sr.—Photo. Crosby, Jesse W.—In re-settlement of Muddy Crosby, Taylor—At Hopi Crossing of the Fathers—Passed by Escalante and Dominguez, Hamblin's was first crossing by white men since Spanish days, early use of, photo. Curtis—Est. Curtis, Elizabeth Hanks—Photo., in Gila Valley Curtis, Josephine—Photo., in Gila Valley Curtis, Martha—Photo., in Gila Valley Curtis, Moses M. Gila Valley pioneer, at Eden Curtis, Virginia—Photo., in Gila Valley Cushing, Frank H.—Southwestern ethnologist Cutler, R. J. Muddy settler, Rep. Pah-ute Co. in Ariz. 3d and 4th legislatures, clerk Rio Virgen Co.
D Davidson, Jas.—Death of family of thirst Davis, Capt. Daniel C.—Battalion officer Davis, Durias—Visit to Hopi Day, Henry—In charge at Moen Copie Defiance, Fort Est., great council with Navajo, settlement by Hamblin of Indian troubles Dellenbaugh, F. S. Estimate of Mormon settlements, wrote of Navajo council Deseret State of, map, origin of name, boundaries, organization, legislature Diaz, Colonia—Mexican settlement Dixie, Utah's—Brigham Young in, ref. to Dobson, Thos. F.—First settler at Fredonia Dodge, Enoch—Fight with Navajos Dominguez and Escalante—On Spanish Trail Dublan, Colonia—Mexican settlement Dykes, Geo. P.—Battalion officer, photo., death
Eagar—Est. Earthquake—At St. David Eastern Arizona Stake—Est. Eden—Est. Ehrenberg—Military depot El Dorado Canyon—At Cottonwood Island Ellsworth, Edmund—Salt Lake Pioneer Emory, W. H.—With Kearny exp. Engelhardt, Father Z.—Estimate of Battalion members Escalante-Dominguez—On Spanish Trail, at Crossing of the Fathers "Explorer"—Ives' steamboat on Colorado r., photo.
Farish, Thos. E.—Former Arizona Historian Ferrin, Jacob S.—Killed by Apaches, photo. Fife, Diana Davis—Killed by Indians, photo. Fife, J. D.—Sulphur Springs Valley pioneer, photo. Fife, Wm. N.—Sulphur Springs Valley pioneer, photo. Fish, Joseph—Early historian, photo. Flagstaff—Naming of Flake, Chas. L.—Killed by outlaw, photo. Flake, Wm. J.—Land purchases at Snowflake, at Showlow, at Concho, at Springerville, at Nutrioso, photo. Follett, Wm. A.—Battalion member, to Arizona, photo. Foote, Jos. Warren—At St. Joseph, Nevada Forest Dale—Est., Indian encroachments, abandonment, claims for damages Foreword Foutz, Joseph—Photo. Franklin—Est. Fredonia—Visited by Gov. Campbell, est., naming, description of, view Fremont, John C.—Dissension in American forces, arrest and trial, on Spanish Trail
Garces, Father Francisco—Early Spanish priest, at Hopi Garcia, Colonia—Mexican settlement Gass, Octavius D.—Represented Mohave Co. in 2d legislature and Pah-ute Co. in 3d and 4th Legislatures, in 5th Legislature, floated down Colorado r. Genoa—First American settlement in Nevada Gibbons, Andrew S.—Investigated Welsh legend, took Hopi visitors home, shown sacred stone of Hopi, Salt Lake Pioneer, interpreter on Muddy, trip down Colorado r., in Ariz. Legislature from Pah-ute Co., photo. Gibbons, Mrs. A. S—Photo. Gibbons, Augustus A.—Killed by Indians, photo. Gibbons, Richard—At Hopi village Gibbons, Wm. H.—At Hopi village Gila River—Barge made by Battalion, route of Battalion, land erosion, trouble with mill tailings Gold—Battalion party present at discovery Goodwin, Camp—In Gila Valley, abandonment Graham—Est. Graham County—Est. Grand Canyon—Visited by Escalante-Dominguez, circumtoured by Hamblin, by Gov. Campbell, expl. by Powell, to be bridged Grand Falls—Haight party at, view Grand Wash—Ferry site, crossed by Hamblin Grant—Early name of Luna Grant Camp—Old and new, south of Gila Grant, Heber J.—Church President in, photo., visit to St. Johns Mexican trips Greeley, Lewis—With 1863 Hamblin party Greer—Est.
Haight, Horton D.—Crossed river at Paria, first attempt at Arizona colonization, photo. Hakes, Collins R.—At San Bernardino, President Maricopa Stake, at Bluewater, death, photo. Hall, Miss S. M.—Description of Lee's Ferry, of Fredonia Hamblin, Frederick—At Hopi, at Alpine, fight with bear, photo. Hamblin, Jacob—Frontier guide, missionary to Indians, entry in Muddy section, Mountain Meadows massacre, saves wagon trains, photo., at Las Vegas lead mines, encounter with Ives party, at Colorado r., trips to Hopi, took Hopi visitors home, with Powell at Shivwits council, guide for Powell, council with Navajo, error in date of great Navajo council, took provisions to second Powell exp., visited Fort Defiance, 1871-2-3 trips, ambassador to Navajo, in danger of death, located Grand Wash road, wagon route to Sunset, guide for D. H. Wells 1876 party, ordained Apostle to the Lamanites, moved to Arizona, death, monument inscription, first Colorado r. crossing at Ute ford, 1858, crossed at Paria on raft, located road to San Francisco mountains, in 1862 crossed river at Ute ford, in 1863 crossed at Grand Wash Hamblin, Wm.—At Hopi, at naming of Pipe Springs Hancock, Levi—Battalion poet Hardy's Landing—Visited by Call, Callville visited by Hardy Harris, Llewellyn—Welsh legend Haskell, Thales—Investigated steamer on Colorado r., at Hopi, left Hopi, in Muddy district, with Paiutes, photo. Hatch, Ira—With Paiutes, with Hopi, at Meadows, photo. Hatch, Lorenzo—Escape from drowning, at Taylor Hava-supai Indians—See Cataract Canyon Hawkins, Wm. R.—With Powell exp. Hayden, C. T.—Visited by Jones party, assistance to settlers, est. Hayden's Ferry Head, W. S.—Post trader at Verde Heaton, Jonathan—Resident of Moccasin, photo, with sons Heber—In Mogollons, in New Mexico Holbrook—Naming Holmes, Henry—Description of L. Colorado valley Hopi—Visited by Father Garces, by Escalante, by Jacob Hamblin, Welsh legend, composite language, snake dance, tribesmen taken to Salt Lake, threw Navajos from cliff, Tuba taken to Utah, sacred stone, southern origin Hortt, Henry J.—Fredonia settler Hubbard—Est. Hubbell, J. L.—Investigated Utah Indian troubles Hulett, Schuyler—Battalion member, photo. Hunt—Est. Hunt, Capt. Jefferson—Battalion officer Hunt, John—Battalion member, Mormon road mail carrier, at Snowflake, photo. Hunt, Marshall—Battalion member Hunter, Capt. Jesse B.—Battalion officer
Idaho—Agricultural settlement Index—To book Irritaba—Mohave chief Iverson, Alma—At LeRoux Spring Ives, J. C.—Colorado r. exploration Ivins, Anthony W.—Indian warfare, crossed Colorado r. on the ice, agent for Mexican lands, photo.
Jenson, Andrew—Assistant Church Historian, data on Callville, in Muddy Valley, in L. Colorado Valley, at Tuba City, photo. Johnson, B. F.—At Tempe, at Nephi, death, photo. Johnson, Warren M.—Escape from drowning, photo, of Lee's Ferry home Johnson, W. H.—In charge of Virgin salt mines Johnston, Capt. A. R.—Killed at San Pascual Johnston, Gen. A. S.—Exp. to Utah Johnston, Capt. Geo. A.—Ferried Beale camel exp. across river, offered to handle Salt Lake freight Johnston, W.J.—Batt. member, gold disc., photo. Jones, D.W.—First exp. to Mexico, foundation of Lehi, death, photos. Jones, Nathaniel V.—Battalion member, photo. Jonesville—See Lehi Jones, Wiley C.—With Jones party, photo. Juarez, Colonia—Mexican settlement Judd, Hyrum—Battalion member, photo. Judd, Zadok K.—Battalion member, photo. Junction City—On Colorado r.
Kaibab Plateau—Visited by Powell, view Kanab—Passed in 1920 by Gov. Campbell, Powell exploration at, est. Kane, Col. Thos. L.—Introduction to Tyler history, conference with Paiutes Kapurats—Paiute name for Maj. Powell Kearny, Gen. S.W.—In command California invasion Kempton, Martin—Killed by outlaws, photo. Kimball, Andrew—Prest. St. Joseph Stake, photo. Kimball, Heber C.—Chief Justice of Deseret Klineman, Conrad—Salt Lake Pioneer
Laguna Dam—Bars Colorado navigation Lake, George—Leader on L. Colorado, to Gila Valley, photo. Land Grants—Atlantic & Pacific, Reavis fraud, Texas-Pacific claim Las Vegas, Nev.—Visited by P.P. Pratt, station on Mormon road, detail of missionaries, visited by Call Las Vegas County—Creation asked "Latter-day Saints"—Designation of Layton—Est. Layton, Christ.—Battalion member, instructions to, biography, photo. Layton, Elizabeth—Photo. Lead mines—In Nevada League of the Southwest—Water storage plans Leavitt, Dudley—Smelted lead ore in Nevada, at Hopi, at naming of Pipe Springs LeBaron, David T.—Tempe settler Lee, John D.—Location on Paria, messenger for Battalion, residence on Canyon, capture, in Utah, execution, experience of wife with Indians, photo, of home at Moen Avi Lee's Ferry—Visited by Gov. Campbell, passage of Roundy party, early crossings by Hamblin, Powell at, John D. Lee's residence at, ferry bought by Church, description of, river frozen, Stanton exp., main route into Arizona Lehi—Map, est., floods, arr. of Mesa party Leithead, Jas. In charge of Muddy settlements, built boat, supplied Powell exp. Lemhi, Fort Early settlement in Idaho LeRoux, Antoine Guide to Battalion, Arizona places named for, guide for Bartlett party LeRoux Springs History Lesueur, Frank Killed by outlaws, photo. Lesueur, Jas. W. President Maricopa Stake, photo. Lesueur, John T. President Maricopa Stake, photo. Lewis, Samuel Battalion member, photo. List of Illustrations Little Colorado River Irrigation difficulties, floods, view of crossing Little Colorado Stake Org. Little Colorado Valley Haight exp., settlement, Arizona experiences, drought Littlefield Northwestern Arizona settlement, visited by Gov. Campbell Lonely Dell Lee's name for mouth of Paria Los Angeles Battalion experiences, Standage's description of, name, muster-out of Battalion Los Muertos Ancient city Luna Est. Lund, A.H. Church Historian Lund, A. Wm. Church Librarian Lyman, Amasa M. San Bernardino experiences, in Arizona, with Col. Kane on Muddy r. Lyman, Francis M. Exp. near St. Johns, at St. David
Macdonald Est. Macdonald, A.F. Director of cattle company at Pipe Springs, President Maricopa Stake, transfer to Mexico, death, named St. David, in Mexico, photo. Malaria At Obed, on San Pedro and Gila Maps State of Deseret, Pah-ute County, Northeastern Arizona, Plat of Lehi, Prehistoric canals, Southeastern Arizona, Arizona and Roads Maricopa Indians Maricopa Stake Org. Matthews Est. Maxwell, Wm. B. Battalion member, at Moccasin Springs, photo. Mazatzal City Tonto Basin settlement McBride, R. Franklin Killed by outlaws, photo. McClellan, Almeda Photo. McClellan, Wm. C. Battalion member, photo. McIntire, Robert Killed by Indians McIntyre, Wm. Battalion surgeon McConnell, Jehiel At Hopi, McMurrin, Jos. W. At LeRoux Spring, photo. Meadows Purchase, occupied Meeden, C.V. Early Colorado r. pilot Merrill, Eliza Killed by Indians, photo. Merrill, Philemon C. Adjutant Battalion, custodian of Utah stone, pioneer on San Pedro, photos., in Lehi party, separation from Jones, est. of St. David Mesa Org. of "The Mesa Union", est., canal digging, building of first house, civic est., naming Mesquite Settlement on Virgin Mexico Jones party trip, exploration for settlement, exploration, est. of colonies, flight from, repopulation Mill Point Est. on Muddy r. Miller, Henry W. At Beaver Dams, photo. Miller, Jacob Sec'y to Haight exp., photo. Milligan, Fort Est. Moabi Near Moen Copie Moccasin Springs Occupation of, view Moen Copie Visited by Hamblin, Blythe location, mission post, Indian experiences, land bought by government, view Mohave County Embraced Nevada point Mohave, Fort Est. Moody, Elizabeth Photo. Moody, John M. First settler of Thatcher, photo. Morelos, Colonia Sonora settlement Mormon Battalion Reason for formation, muster at Council Bluffs, at San Bernardino ranch, arr. Tucson, arr. Pima villages, left San Bernardino, experiences, muster-out, gold discovery Mormon Battalion Monument Arizona contributes, photo. Mormon Dairy Est. Mormon Road Broken by Boyle party, early travel, mail service, stations on Moroni, Fort Est., use by John W. Young, named Fort Rickerson, photos. Mountain Meadows Massacre, Hamblin resident in Mount Trumbull Powell and Hamblin at Indian council, sawmill Mowrey, Harley Last Battalion survivor Muddy Valley Settlement, population, Arizona Legislature protested separation, return of settlers Munk, Dr. J. A. Library of Arizoniana
Naraguts Paiute guide Navajo Indians Fight near Pipe Springs, stole stock in Utah, great council with Powell and Hamblin, captured by Hopi, agreement to remain south of river, killing of three tribesmen in Utah Nephi Est. Nevada First American settlement by Mormons, jurisdiction over Muddy district, old mapping, Muddy abandoned, protest against separation from Arizona New Hope Early California colony Northeastern Arizona Map Nutrioso Est. Nuttall, L. John Exper. in crossing Colorado r.
Oaxaca, Colonia Sonora settlement Obed Est. abandonment Ogden Site bought with Battalion pay Onate, Juan de First New Mexican governor Orderville United Order settlement Osborn's Cave In Muddy section Overton Muddy settlement
Pace, Lt. Jas. Photo., Battalion officer, brought wheat to Utah, at Thatcher Pace, Wilson D. Battalion member, photo. Pace, W. W. At Nutrioso Pacheco, Colonia Mexican settlement Pah-ute Early Arizona county, map, created by Arizona Legislature, boundaries, county seat, abandoned by Arizona, representation in Legislature Paiutes Danger from, missionary efforts, threatened Muddy settlers Paria Visited by Escalante exp., settlement near mouth, photo., view of ranch and ferry Parke, Lt. A. J. Survey party Patrick, H. R. Map of ancient canals Pearce, Harrison Photo. Pearce, James At Hopi, brought Indians to be baptized, at Taylor, photo. Pearce's Ferry Crossed by Hamblin, at Grand Wash Perkins, Jesse N. Head of Mesa colony Peterson, Hyrum S. Killed by outlaws, photo. Pettegrew, "Father" David Advice to Battalion Phoenix Visited by Jones party, by Pratt-Trejo exp., by Lehi settlers Pima Est. Pima Indians Visited by Battalion Pinedale Est. Pinetop Est. Church conference, view Pipe Springs Settlement and naming, first telegraph office in Arizona, view Place Names of the Southwest Pleasanton, N. M Settlement, death of Hamblin Pleasant Valley War Polhamus, Isaac Early Colorado r. pilot Pomeroy, Francis M. Salt Lake Pioneer, at founding of Mesa, photo. Population Latter-day Saints in Arizona Porter, Sanford Battalion member, photo. Powell, Maj. J. W. Visited Paiutes, met Hamblin, in council with Navajo, first exp. reached mouth of Paria, to Moqui towns, to Salt Lake, explorations from Paria, at Kanab Wash, Mormon assistance at end of first voyage Pratt, Helaman Capt. of Muddy militia 109, in second southern exp., photos. Prescott Founded Prows, Wm. C. Battalion member, photo. Pueblo First Anglo-Saxon settlement in Colorado, Company ordered to winter at, Battalion sick sent to, departure of detachment Pulsipher, David Battalion member, photo.
Railroads Construction northern Arizona, Atlantic & Pacific grant, construction through Gila Valley Ramah, N.M. Settlement Ramsey, Ralph Utah artist, moved to Ariz. Reidhead Est. Reidhead, John Woodruff settler Richards, Joseph H. L. Colorado settler, photos. Richards, Mary Photos. Rioville At mouth of Virgin Roberts, B. H. Story of Battalion, Utah historian Robinson, Nathan B. Killed by Apaches, photo. Robson, Chas. I. At founding of Mesa, President Maricopa Stake, death, photo. Rogers, Henry C. In Lehi party, Church officer, photo. Rogers, J.K. Leader in Gila settlement, photo. Rogers, Josephine Wall Photo. Rogers, Samuel H. Battalion member, photo. Roundy, Lorenzo W. Led party across Colorado r., drowned, photo. Rusling, Gen. J.F. Recommended use of Colorado r. as waterway
Safford Est., outlawry, first school house photo. Safford, Gov. A. P. K. At Tombstone, on Gila Salt From Virgin r. mines, description of deposit, Zuni salt lake, Hopi source of supply, central Arizona deposits Salt Lake Pioneers Later Arizonans Salt River Valley Visited by Jones party, Trejo description San Bernardino (Cal.) Settlement, est., abandonment, Bartlett account of purchase San Bernardino Ranch Reached by Battalion, Standage reference San Diego On route of Battalion, Standage reference to, arr. Kearny exp., post of Battalion company, Battalion experiences San Francisco Arr. "Brooklyn" party San Jose, Colonia Sonora settlement San Pedro Valley Battalion march, Standage description, settlement Santa Cruz Valley Earliest Spanish settlement Santa Fe On Battalion route San Xavier Early mission in southern Arizona Savoia (N.M.) Est. Savoietta (N.M.) Est. Scanlon's Ferry View Schools Gila Normal College, Thatcher, photo., St. Johns Academy, St. Johns, photo., Snowflake Academy, photos, (old and new), Academy at Colonia Juarez Shivwits Indians Whole tribe baptized, in council with Powell and Hamblin, photo. Showlow Won in a card game, settlement Shumway Est. view Shumway, Chas. Salt Lake Pioneer, leader in Nauvoo exodus, resident of Shumway, death, photo. Simonsville Muddy settlement Sirrine, Geo. W. Brooklyn pioneer, at San Bernardino, carried gold payment, developed coal, at founding of Mesa, Church officer, photo. Skinner, G.W. Gila River pioneer Smallpox Brought to L. Colorado Smith, Lt. A.J. Battalion officer, army record Smith, Azariah Gold discoverer, photo. Smith, Geo. A. Account of Tuba's visit, in Arizona, on the Muddy Smith, Geo. A. Jr. Killed by Navajos, photo. Smith, J.E. With Hamblin to Navajo Smith, Jedediah Early trapper Smith, Jesse N. Location at Snowflake, President of Eastern Arizona and Snowflake Stakes, railroad contracts, photo. Smith, Joseph Assassination of, photo. Smith, Joseph F. At St. David, photo. Smith, Lot Battalion member, remained in California, head of Sunset party, killed by Indians, President of L. Colorado Stake, photos. Smith, Samuel F. President Snowflake Stake, photo. Smith, Thos. S. In charge of first Muddy migration Smithville Est. Smoot, W.C.A. Salt Lake and Las Vegas Pioneer Snow, Erastus Visited Arizona settlements, named Fredonia, conference with Paiutes, promoted cotton factory at St. George, selected site of Snowflake, photo. Snow, Erastus B. Description of ice bridge at Lee's Ferry Snow, LeRoi C. Assistance in this work Snow, Lorenzo Reference to Brannan, founded United Order at Brigham City, Utah, photo. Snowflake Cooperative store, est., naming, early experiences, photos, of Academy Snowflake Stake Est. Solomon, I.E. In Gila Valley Solomon, W.H. Clerk of 1874 Blythe exp. Southeastern Arizona Map Spaneshanks Navajo Chief Spanish Trail Route of, map, use of eastern end Springerville Est. Standage, Henry Journal of Battalion march, Battalion experiences, settler at Alma, photo. Stanislaus City Early California colony Stanton Expedition Down Colorado r. Steele, Geo. Battalion member, photo. Steele, John Battalion member, in Arizona, photo. Stephens, Alexander Gold discoverer Stewart, Isaac J. Photo. Stewart, Jas. Z. In southern Arizona, photos. Stewart, Levi At Moccasin Springs Stoneman, Lt. Geo. Battalion quartermaster, recognition of service, record of Stone's Ferry On Colorado r. St. David Est. St. George Cotton factory, claimed by Arizona St. Johns Made county seat of Apache Co., est., Barth ownership, sold to Mormons, townsite est., first newspaper, street battle, killing of Nathan C. Tenney, land title dispute, irrigation difficulties, state aids dam construction, grasshopper plague, photo. first school, photo. Stake Academy, early view St. Johns Stake Est. St. Joseph (Nev.) Mormon settlement, damaged by fire St. Joseph (Ariz.) Formerly Allen's Camp, naming, est., view of dam, photo. of pioneer group St. Joseph Stake Creation, St. Thomas (Nev.) Est. Summary of Subjects Sunset Est. abandonment Sutter's Fort Gold disc. Batt. members at
Taylor On L. Colorado est. abandoned Taylor On Silver Creek, est. Taylor, President John Introduction to Tyler's Battalion history, directed est. of Arizona Stakes, visited Arizona, death, Mexican trip, photo. Teeples, Wm. R. Photo. photo, of home Teeples, Mrs. W.R. Frontier experiences, photo. Telegraph First in Arizona Tempe Johnson party arr., removal to Nephi Temple Arizona, at Mesa, other Temples of the Church, photo. Tenney, Ammon M. First visit to Hopi, fight with Navajos, in Powell party, account of great council with Indians, with Hamblin to Oraibi, at Las Vegas, on site of Woodruff, purchase of St. Johns, at Zuni, railroad contracts, with first Jones exp. photo. Tenney, Nathan C. Fight with Navajos, killed at St. Johns, photo. Terry, George In second Mexican exp., photo. Thatcher, Moses In Mexico Thatcher Est. photo, normal college Thomas, Camp In Gila Valley Thompson, Samuel Battalion member photo. Thurston, Frank Killed by Apaches To-ish-obe Paiute Chief Tombstone Mining history Tonto Basin Settlement abandonment authorized Tragedies of the Frontier List of Latter-day Saints killed by Indians or outlaws Trejo, M. G. Spanish missionary photo. Trueworthy, Thos. E. Early Colorado r. pilot steamboat trip up Colorado r. Trumbull, Mount Indian council sawmill to Arizona Tuba Oraibi chief, with Hamblin to Utah shows sacred stone returns to Oraibi at Tuba City Tuba City Est. woolen factory killing of Lot Smith sold to government Tubac Map Mormon colony visited by second Mexican exp. Tucson Settlement taking of by Battalion Standage reference Tumacacori Est. of mission Tyler, Daniel Battalion history Tyler, Frank N. Photo.
Udall, D. K. Arr. at St. Johns President St. Johns Stake photo, first home photo. United Order Est. in Muddy settlements development not a general Church movement in Lehi on L. Colorado r. at Woodruff Utah Creation of Territory seeks land north of Colorado r. Utah, Camp See Lehi Utahville See Lehi Ute Ford See Crossing of the Fathers
Vado de los Padres See Crossing of the Fathers Virden Est. Virgin River Settlements on
Wallapai Indians Visited Muddy Valley Walnut Grove Settled Walpi Hopi village, view Weaver, Pauline Principal guide to Battalion, gold discoveries, death Wells, Daniel H. Visited Arizona settlements on L. Colorado r. photo. Welsh Legend of the Hopi West Point Muddy settlement Wham robbery Near Gila settlements Whipple Expedition Whitmore, Dr. Jas. M. At founding of Callville, killed by Indians, at Pipe Springs, with Anson Call on Colorado r., photo. Wilford Mountain settlement Winsor, A. P. At Pipe Springs Winsor Castle Pipe Springs, photo. Woodruff Est., irrigation, view Woodruff, Wilford In Arizona, in northeastern Arizona, photo. Woods, J. A. Early teacher Woolen Factory At Tuba City, photo. Wright Brothers Killed by Apaches, photos. Wyoming First Mormon settlement
Yerba Buena Early Spanish name of San Francisco Young, Brigham Arr. Salt Lake, authorized "Brooklyn" exp., extended Church influence southward, San Bernardino colonization, conception of Deseret, first governor of Deseret, photo, sent party to investigate Welsh legend, sent Hamblin to Indians, death, ordained Hamblin as Apostle to the Lamanites, bought Whitmore estate, detailed missionaries to Las Vegas, visit in 1870 to Muddy section and Paria, directed first L. Colorado exp, order for Blythe 1874 exp, photo, with party, received report of Jones party, directed exploration of Sonora, plans for Mexican settlement, Arizona Temple idea Young, John R. Sent to rescue missionaries Young, John W. Led party of southern settlers, at Holbrook, directed occupation of LeRoux Spring, Tuba City woolen factory, railroad contracts Young, John Wm. At Hopi Young, Joseph W. Estimate of Paiutes Yuma Indians Colorado r. deck hands
Zodiac Settlement in Texas Zuni Indians Welsh legend