Bunsen, Copley medal awarded to. -mentioned.
Burbidge, F.W., on Malaxis.
Burleigh, Lord.
Busk, G., visit to the Continent with Falconer. -on caves of Gibraltar.
Butler, A.G., identification of butterflies.
Butler, Dr., Darwin at Shrewsbury School under. -mentioned.
Butterflies, attracted by colours. -and mimicry. -tameness of. -colour and sexual selection. -description by Darwin of ticking.
Butterfly-orchis, (see also Habenaria.)
Cabbage, Darwin's work on. -effect of salt water on. -Pinguicula and seeds of. -sleep-movements of cotyledons. -waxy secretion on leaves.
Caddis-flies, F. Muller on abortion of hairs on legs of.
Caenonympha, breeding in confinement.
Caird, on Torbitt's potato experiments.
Calcutta, J. Scott's position in Botanic Garden.
Callidryas philea, and Hedychium.
Callithrix Sciureus, wrinkling of eyes during screaming.
Calluna vulgaris, in Azores.
Cambrian, piles of unconformable strata below.
Cambridge, Darwin and Henslow. -Honorary LL.D. given to Darwin. -mentioned. -Darwin's recollections of. -Owen's address. -Philosophical Society meeting. -Darwin visits. -specimens of Darwin's plants in Botanical Museum.
Camel, Cuvier's statement on teeth. -in N. America.
Cameroons, commingling of temperate and tropical plants. -Hooker on plants of. -plants of.
Campanula, fertilisation mechanism. -C. perfoliata, note by Scott on.
Campanulaceae, crossing in.
Campbell Island, flora.
Campodea, Lord Avebury on.
Canada, Sir William Dawson's work.
Canaries, fertility of hybrids. -plumage. -wildness of hybrids.
Canary Islands, flora. -Humboldt on. -insects of. -Madeira formerly connected with. -relation to Azores and Madeira. -d'Urville on. -African affinity of eastern. -elevation of. -Von Buch on. -Trunks of American trees washed on shores of.
Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus De (1806-93): was the son of Augustin Pyramus, and succeeded his father as Professor of Botany at Geneva in 1835. He resigned his Chair in 1850, and devoted himself to research for the rest of his life. At the time of his father's death, in 1841, seven volumes of the "Prodromus" had appeared: Alphonse completed the seventeenth volume in 1873. In 1855 appeared his "Geographie botanique raisonnee," "which was the most important work of his life," and if not a precursor, "yet one of the inevitable foundation-stones" of modern evolutionary principles. He also wrote "Histoire des Savants," 1873, and "Phytographie," 1880. He was lavish of assistance to workers in Botany, and was distinguished by a dignified and charming personality. (See Sir W. Thiselton-Dyer's obituary in "Nature," July 20th, 1893, page 269.) -on influence of climate. -on Cupuliferae. -on extinction of plants in cultivated land. -"Geographie botanique." -letters to. -on introduced plants. -on naturalised plants and variation. -review by Asa Gray of. -on relation of size of families to range of species. -on social plants. -mentioned.
Candolle, C. de, on latent life in seeds.
Canestrini, on proportion of sexes in Bombyx.
Canna, fertilisation of.
Cape of Good Hope (see also Africa). -Australian flora compared with that of. -flora. -variable heaths of. -Darwin's geological observations on metamorphism at. -European element in flora. -Meyer and Doege on plants of.
Cape Tres Montes, the "Beagle's" southern limit.
Caprification, F. Muller in "Kosmos" on.
Capsella bursa-pastoris, cross-fertilisation of.
Carabus, origin of. -in Chili. -A. Murray on.
Carbon dioxide, percentage in atmosphere.
Carboniferous period, glacial action. -subsidence during.
Cardamine, quasi-bulbs on leaves.
Carduelis elegans, length of beak.
Carices, of Greenland.
Carlisle, Sir A., on Megatherium.
Carlyle, Mrs., remark on Owen.
Carmichael, on Tristan d'Acunha.
Carnarvonshire, Darwin on glaciers of.
Caroline Islands, want of knowledge on flora.
Carpenter, Dr., on influence of blood in crossing.
Carrier-pigeon (see Pigeon), preference for certain colours in pairing.
Carrot, flowers of.
Carruthers, W., on potato experiments.
Carter, H.J., on reproduction of lower animals and foreshadowing of Chemotaxis.
Carus, Professor Victor: translated several of Mr. Darwin's books into German (see "Life and Letters, III., page 48). -letters to.
Casarea, a snake peculiar to Round Island.
Case, G., Darwin at school of.
Cassia, Darwin's experiments on. -sleep-movements of leaves. -two kinds of stamens. -Todd on flowers of.
Cassini, observations on pollen. -on ovaries of Compositae.
Cassiope hypnoides.
Castes, Galton on.
Catasetum, fertilisation of. -Huxley's scepticism as to mechanism of. -morphology of flower. -aerial roots. -sexual forms of. -C. saccatum, flower of. -C. tridentatum, three sexual forms.
Caterpillars, colour and protection. -experiments by Weir.
Cats, Belgian society to encourage homing of. -habits of.
Cattell, on crossing sweet peas.
Cattleya, Darwin suggests experiments on. -self-fertilisation.
Caucasus, wingless insects of.
Cauquenes, baths of.
Cave-fish, reference in the "Origin" to blind.
Caves, animals in Australian.
Cavia, specimens collected by Darwin.
Ceara Mountains, L. Agassiz on glaciers of.
Cebus, expression when astonished.
Cecidomyia, ancestor of.
Cedars, Hooker on.
Celebes, geographical distribution in.
Celosia, experiment on.
Celts, Bree on.
Centipedes, luminosity of.
Centradenia, two sets of stamens in. -position of pistil.
Cephalanthera, flower. -single pollen-grains. -C. grandiflora, fertilisation mechanism.
Cephalopods, Hyatt on embryology of. -Hyatt on fossil.
Cervus campestris, of La Plata.
Cetacea, Lyell on.
Ceylon, Malayan types in. -plants. -former connection with Africa. -dimorphic plants of.
Chaffinch, courtship of.
Chalazal fertilisation, Miss Benson on. -foreshadowed by Darwin. -Treub on.
Chalk, occurrence of Angiosperms in. -as oceanic deposit.
"Challenger" (H.M.S.), reports reviewed by Huxley. -account of sedimentation in.
Challis, Prof.
Chambers, Robert (1802-71): began as a bookseller in Edinburgh in 1816, and from very modest beginnings he gradually increased his business till it became the flourishing publishing firm of W. & R. Chambers. After writing several books on biographical, historical and other subjects, Chambers published anonymously the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" in 1844; in 1848 his work on "Ancient Sea Margins" appeared; and this was followed by the "Book of Days" and other volumes. ("Dict. Nat. Biog." 1887; see also Darwin's "Life and Letters," I., pages 355, 356, 362, 363.) -announced as author of "Vestiges of Creation." -on derivation of marine from land and fresh-water organisms. -Darwin visits. -on Glen Roy. -on land-glaciation of Scotland. -letters to. -letter to Milne-Home from. -on scepticism of scientific men. -mentioned.
Chance, use of term.
Chandler, S.E. (see Farmer, J.B.)
Changed conditions, Schmankewitsch's experiments on effect of.
Charles Island, Darwin's plants from.
Charlock, germination of old seeds.
Chatham Island, Darwin's collection of plants from. -Travers on.
Checks, use of artificial.
Chemotaxis, foreshadowed by Carter.
Chiasognathus Grantii.
Childhood, Charles Darwin's.
Children, Darwin on. -experiment on emotions of. -colour-sense. -coloured compared with white. -comparison between those of educated and uneducated parents. -expression. -development of mind. -intelligence of monkeys and.
Chili, elevation of coast. -geology of. -plants common to New Zealand and. -Carabus of. -Darwin on earthquakes and terraces in.
Chillingham cattle, Darwin and Hindmarsh on.
Chiloe, description of. -forests. -geology. -plants on mountains. -boulders.
China, expedition to.
Chinese, explanation of affinities with Mexicans.
"Chips from a German Workshop," Max Muller's.
Chloeon dimidiatum, Lord Avebury on.
Chlorite, segregation of.
Chlorophyll, Darwin's work on action of carbonate of ammonia on.
Chonos Islands, Darwin's collections of plants from. -Darwin's account of. -geology of. -potato.
Christy, H.
Christy, Miller, on oxlip.
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium.
Chthamalus, in the chalk.
Cicada, experiments on eggs. -Muller on rivalry of. -Walsh on. -C. septendecim, Sharp's account of.
Cinchona, Hooker on different rates of growth in seedlings.
Circumnutation, F. Muller's observations on.
Cirripedes, see Barnacles.
Cistus, hybridism of.
Citrus, unequal cotyledons. -polyembryonic seeds.
Civilisation, effect on savages.
Claparede, convert to Darwin's views. -and Mdlle. Royer.
Clapperton's "Scientific Meliorism," letter of Gaskell in.
Clark, on classification of sponges.
Clark, Sir James (1788-1870): was for some years a medical officer in the Navy; he afterwards practised in Rome till he moved to London in 1826. On the accession of Queen Victoria he was made Physician in Ordinary and received a baronetcy; he was elected into the Royal Society in 1832. ("Dict. Nat. Biog." 1857; article by Dr. Norman Moore.) -on Glen Roy.
Clarke, W.B., "Wreck of the 'Favourite.'"
Clarkia, two kinds of stamens. -C. elegans.
Classification, Bentham on. -Cuvier on. -Dana on mammalian. -Darwin on. -Darwin and Huxley on. -genealogy and. -value of reproductive organs in.
Clay-slate, metamorphism of.
Cleavage and foliation. -Darwin on his work on. -history of work on. -parallelism of foliation and. -relation to stratification. -relation to rock-curves. -Rogers on. -Sedgwick on. -uniformity of foliation and. -result of chemical action. -metamorphic schists. -lines of incipient tearing form planes of. -Tyndall on Sorby's observations.
Cleistogamic flowers, fertilisation. -of grass. -of Oxalis and Viola. -pollen of. -comparison with Termites.
Clematis, Darwin's error in work on. -Darwin's experiments on. -irritability.
Clematis glandulosa, identified at Down by power of feeling.
Cleodora, specific differences in.
Clethra, absence in Azores. -remnant of Tertiary Flora.
Clift, William (1775-1849): Conservator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. -on fossil bones from Australia. -Owen assistant to.
Climate, changes in. -effect on species. -effect on species of birds. -migration of organisms and change in. -relation to distribution and structure of plants. -extinct mammals as evidence of change in. -and sexual differentiation. -variation and. -Lyell on former. -mild Miocene.
Climbing Plants, Darwin's work on. -circumnutation of. -F. Muller's work on.
Clivia, Scott's work on.
Clodd's memoir of Bates.
Close species, absence of intermediate forms between. -definition of. -Asa Gray on. -in warm temperate lands of N. and S. hemispheres. -relation to flora of N. America.
Clover, relation between bees and.
Club, dinner at Linnean. -Philosophical.
Coal, Darwin on origin of. -Lesquereux on the flora of. -marine marshes and plants of. -ash of.
Coal period, higher percentage of CO2 during.
Coast-lines, parallelism with lines of volcanoes.
Cobbe, Miss, article in "Theological Review" on "Descent of Man."
Cockburn Island, boulders from.
Cochin hen, experiments on.
Coelogyne, fertilisation mechanism.
Coffea arabica, seeds with two embryos.
Cohn, F., notice in "Cornhill" of his botanical work.
Coldstream, Dr.
Colenso, on Maori races of New Zealand.
Coleoptera, apterous form of Madeira. -colonisation of ants' nests by.
Colias edusa, wings of.
Collecting, Darwin's early taste for.
Collier, Hon. John: Royal Academician, son-in-law to Professor Huxley. -Art primer by. -letter to. -portrait of Darwin by.
Collingwood, Dr., on mimetic forms.
Colonies, Barrande's.
Colonisation, conditions of.
Coloration, Walsh on unity of.
Colour, butterflies attracted by. -mimicry in butterflies by means of. -of dioecious flowers. -and fertilisation of flowers. -in grouse, and Natural Selection. -in birds. -in male birds, not simply due to Natural Selection. -Darwin's work on. -Darwin differs from Wallace in views on. -evolution of. -experiments on birds. -Hackel on lower animals and. -Krause on. -Magnus on. -protection and. -relation to sex. -in seeds and fruits. -and Sexual Selection. -sense of, in children. -Wallace on.
Columba aenas, habits of. -C. livia, descent of pigeons from.
Combs, bees', (see also Bees).
Comparative anatomy, Huxley's book on.
Compensation, belief of botanists in.
Compiler, Darwin's opinion of a.
Compositae, Harvey on. -Masters' reference to. -monstrosities in. -morphological characters. -Schleiden on. -Darwin on crossing. -fertilisation mechanism. -Hildebrand on dispersal of seeds. -viscid threads of seeds.
Comte, Huxley on.
Concepcion Island, geology of. -Darwin's account of earthquake.
Conchoderma, in reference to nomenclature.
Concretions, origin of.
Conditions of life, effect on animals and plants. -effect on elephants. -effect on reproductive system. -hybrids and. -importance in maintaining number of species. -species and changes in. -and sterility. -variability depends more on nature of organisms than on.
Confervae and sexuality.
Coniferae, abundant in humid temperate regions.
Connecting links. -Gaudry on.
Conscience, Morley on Darwin's treatment of.
Conspectus crustaceorum, Dana's.
Constancy, in abnormally developed organs.
Contemporaneity, Darwin on.
Continental elevation, volcanic eruptions and.
Continental extension, Darwin on. -evidence in favour of. -Hooker on. -Lyell on. -and means of distribution. -New Zealand and.
Continental forms, versus insular.
Continents, inhabitants of islands and. -movements of. -Wallace on sinking imaginary.
Controversy, Darwin's hatred and avoidance of.
Convallaria majalis, in Virginia.
Convolvulus, supposed dimorphism of.
Cooling of crust, disagreement among physicists as to rate.
Cope, Edward Drinker (1840-97): was for a short time Professor at Haverford College; he was a member of certain United States Geological Survey expeditions, and at the time of his death he held a Professorship in the University of Pennsylvania. He wrote several important memoirs on "Vertebrate Paleontology," and in 1887 published "The Origin of the Fittest." -style of. -and Hyatt, theories of.
Copley medal, Darwin and the. -Falconer, and Darwin's. -Lindley considered for the. -awarded to Lyell. -awarded to Bunsen. -Darwin describes letter from Hooker as a.
Coquimbo, Darwin visits. -upraised shells.
Coral islands, and subsidence. -plants of.
Coral reefs, Darwin's work on. -Bonney's edition of Darwin's book on. -A. Agassiz on. -Dana on. -fossil. -Murray on. -conditions of life of polyps. -solution by CO2 of. -subsidence of.
Coral tree, (see Erythrina).
Corallines, nature of.
Cordiaceae, dimorphism in.
Cordilleras, glaciers of. -high-road for plants. -plants of. -birds of. -comparison between Glen Roy and terraces of. -Darwin on earth-movements of. -Forbes on. -submarine lava-streams. -volcanic activity and elevation.
Coronilla, Lord Farrer on. -C. emerus. -C. varia.
Coryanthes, "beats everything in orchids."
Corydalis, Hildebrand shows falsity of idea of self-fertilisation of. -C. cava, Hildebrand on self-sterility of. -C. claviculata, tendrils of. -C. tuberosa, possible case of reversion in floral structure.
"Cottage Gardener," Darwin offers reward for Hyacinth grafts.
Cotyledons, Darwin's experiments on.
Counterbalance, Watson on divergent variation and.
Cowslips, Primroses and. -Darwin's experiments on artificial fertilisation. -homomorphic seedlings. -loss of dimorphism.
Craig Dhu, shelves of.
Craters, in Galapagos Island. -of denudation, Lyell on. -of elevation. -Darwin on.
Crawford, John (1783-1868): Orientalist, Ethnologist, etc. Mr. Crawford wrote a review on the "Origin," which, though hostile, was free from bigotry (see "Life and Letters," II., page 237).)
Creation, acts of. -doctrine of. -of species as eggs. -Owen on. -Romanes on individual.
Creation-by-variation, doctrine of.
"Creed of Science," Graham's.
Cresy, E., letters to.
Cretaceous flora, Heer on Arctic.
Crick, W.D., letter to.
Crinum, crossing experiments on. -C. passiflora, fertility of.
Crocker, W., work on hollyhocks.
Croll, James (1821-90): was born at Little Whitefield, in Perthshire. After a short time passed in the village school, he was apprenticed as a wheelwright, but lack of strength compelled him to seek less arduous employment, and he became agent to an insurance company. In 1859 he was appointed keeper in the Andersonian University and Museum, Glasgow. His first contribution to science was published in the "Philosophical Magazine" for 1861, and this was followed in 1864 by the essay "On the Physical Cause of the Change of Climate during the Glacial Period." From 1867 to 1881 he held an appointment in the department of the Geological Survey in Edinburgh. In 1876 Croll was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. His last work, "The Philosophical Basis of Evolution," was published in the year of his death. ("Nature," Volume XLIII., page 180, 1891.) -Darwin on his theory. -on icebergs as grinding agents. -letters to. -Lyell on his theory. -on sub-aerial denudation. -on time.
Crookes, Sir W., on spiritualism.
"Cross and Self-fertilisation," Darwin's book on.
Cross-fertilisation, Darwin's experiments on self- and. -check to endless variability. -Darwin states that as a rule flowers described as adapted to self- fertilisation are really adapted to. -of inconspicuous flowers. -all plants require occasional. -small advantages when confined to same plant.
Crosses, fertility and sterility of.
Crossing, agreement between Darwin's and breeders' views. -counterbalance of. -Darwin's views on. -effects of. -experiments on. -Hooker's views. -in animals and plants. -influence of blood in. -intermediate character of results. -Natural Selection and disinclination towards. -offspring of. -of primroses and cowslips. -and sterility. -Westphalian pig and English boar. -botanists' work on. -importance of. -pains taken by Nature to ensure. -in Pisum. -in Primula. -in individuals of same species. -F. Muller compliments Darwin on his chapter on. -and separate sexes in trees.
Cruciferae, action of fungus on roots.
Cruciferous flower, morphology.
Cruger, Dr., on cleistogamic fertilisation of Epidendrum. -death of. -on fertilisation of figs. -on pollinia of Acropera. -on Melastomaceae. -on fertilisation of orchids.
Crustacea, comparison of classification of mammals and. -Darwin on. -F. Muller on. -sex in.
Crying, action of children in. -physiology of. -wrinkling of eyes in.
Crystal Palace, Darwin's visit to.
Crystals, separation in lava-magmas.
Cucurbita, seeds and seedlings of.
Cucurbitaceae, Dr. Wight on.
Cudham Wood.
Cultivated plants, Darwin's work on.
Cultivation and self-sterility.
Cuming, on Galapagos Islands.
Cupuliferae, A. de Candolle on.
Curculionidae, Schoenherr's catalogue.
Currents, as means of dispersal.
Cuvier, on camels' teeth. -on classification. -mentioned.
Cybele, H.C. Watson's.
Cycadaceae, supposed power to withstand excess of CO2.
Cyclas cornea.
Cyclops (H.M.S.) dredging by.
Cynips, dimorphism in. -Walsh on.
Cypripedium, fertilisation mechanism. -C. hirsutissimum.
Cyrena, range and variability.
Cytisus Adami, Darwin on. -note on. -C. alpinus. -C. laburnum, graft-hybrids between C. purpureus and. -J.J. Weir on.
Cyttarogenesis, suggested substitute for pangenesis.
Dallas, W.S., translator of F. Muller's "Fur Darwin."
Dampiera, Hamilton on fertilisation mechanism.
Dana, James Dwight (1813-95): published numerous works on Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. He was awarded the Copley Medal by the Royal Society in 1877, and elected a foreign member in 1884. -Darwin's opinion of. -health. -letters to. -mentioned. -on classification of mammalia. -Darwin's criticism of. -on Kilauea. -Lyell on his claims for Royal Society foreign list. -volume on geology in Wilkes' Reports.
Dareste, C., letter to.
Darwin, Annie: Charles Darwin's daughter.
Darwin, Bernard: Charles Darwin's grandson, observations on, as a child.
Darwin, Caroline (1800-99): Charles Darwin's sister. -Charles Darwin's early recollections of. -letter to.
Darwin, Catherine (1810-66): Charles Darwin's sister. -death. -letter to.
Darwin, Charles, boyhood. -went to Mr. Case's school. -went to Shrewsbury School. -abused as an atheist. -Collier's picture of. -complains of little time for reading. -contribution to Henslow's biography. -Copley medal awarded to. -engagement to Miss Emma Wedgwood. -Falconer's list of scientific labours of. -first meeting with Hooker. -friendship with Huxley. -on Gray's work on distribution. -growth of his evolutionary views. -health. -honorary degree at Cambridge. -intimacy with Hooker. -Judd's recollections of. -Lamarck and. -letters to "Nature." -marriage. -friendship with F. Muller. -prefatory note to Meldola's translation of Weismann. -recollections of Cambridge. -relation between J. Scott and. -review on Bates. -attends meeting of Royal Society. -slowness in giving up old beliefs. -tendency to restrict interest to Natural History. -and the "Vestiges." -visits London. -Wallace and. -and Weismann. -working hours. -book on S. American Geology. -pleasure in angling. -on making blunders. -slight knowledge of Botany. -visits Cambridge. -love of children. -on cleavage and foliation. -on origin of coal. -his theory of Coral reefs supported by Funafuti boring. -large correspondence. -on danger of trusting in science to principle of exclusion. -death of his child from scarlet fever. -on difficulty of writing good English. -feels need of stimulus in work. -subscribes to Dr. Ferrier's defence. -on flaws in his reasoning. -follows golden rule of putting adverse facts in strongest light. -"Geological Instructions." -geological work on Lochaber. -visit to Glen Roy. -bad handwriting. -idleness a misery. -on immortality and death. -on lavas. -letter to "Scotsman" on Glen Roy. -indebtedness to Lyell. -on Lyell as a geologist. -on Lyell's "Second Visit to the U.S.A." -work on Man and Sexual Selection. -on mountain-chains. -offer of help to F. Muller. -never afraid of his facts. -an honorary member of the Physiological Society. -pleasure in discussing Geology with Lyell. -reads paper before Linnean Society. -A. Rich leaves his fortune to. -on satisfaction of aiding fellow-workers in Science. -reminiscences of school-days. -visits Sedgwick. -sits to an artist. -on speculation. -style in writing. -gives testimonial in support of Hooker's candidature for Botanical Chair in Edinburgh. -theological abuse in the "Three Barriers." -visits to Abinger. -visit to Patterdale. -on vitality of seeds. -on volcanic phenomena. -on Welsh glaciers. -work on action of carbonate of ammonia on plants.
Darwin, Mrs. Charles, impressions of Down. -letter to. -passage from Darwin's autobiography on. -mentioned. -illness.
Darwin, Emma, see Mrs. Charles Darwin.
Darwin, Erasmus Alvey (1804-81): elder brother of Charles Darwin. -death of. -letters to. -mentioned. -visit to.
Darwin, Dr. Erasmus: Charles Darwin's grandfather. -Charles Darwin's preliminary notice to Krause's memoir of. -Charles Darwin and evolutionary views of.
Darwin, Francis: Charles Darwin's son. -on bloom and stomata. -on Dipsacus. -on Huxley's speech at Cambridge. -on the Knight-Darwin law. -on lobing of leaves. -experiments on nutrition. -experiments on plant-movements. -lecture at Glasgow (British Association, 1901) on perceptions of plants. -suggestion for Romanes' experiments on intelligence. -on vivisection. -on Vochting's work. -on Wiesner's work.
Darwin, George: Charles Darwin's son. -success at Cambridge. -criticism of Wallace. -elected Plumian Professor at Cambridge. -suggested experiments with magnetic needles and insects. -on Galton's work on heredity. -article in "Contemporary Review" on origin of language.
Darwin, Henrietta (Mrs. Litchfield): Charles Darwin's daughter. -criticism of Huxley.
Darwin, Horace: Charles Darwin's son. -remark as a boy on Natural Selection. -mentioned.
Darwin, Leonard: Charles Darwin's son.
Darwin, Robert W.: Charles Darwin's father. -letter to.
Darwin, Susan: Charles Darwin's sister. -alluded to in early recollections of Charles Darwin. -illness. -sends Wedgwood ware to Hooker.
Darwin, William Erasmus: Charles Darwin's eldest son. -on fertilisation of Epipactis palustris. -letter to.
"Darwin and after Darwin," Romanes'.
"Darwiniana," Asa Gray's. -extract from Huxley's.
"Darwinsche Theorie," Wagner's book.
"Darwinism," Wallace's.
Darwinismus, at the British Association meeting at Norwich (1868).
Daubeny, Prof. Charles Giles Bridle, F.R.S. (1795-1867): Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford; elected Professor of Chemistry in the University 1822; in 1834 he became Professor of Botany, and in 1840 Professor of Rural Economy. -invites Darwin to attend British Association at Oxford. -mentioned.
David, Prof. Edgeworth, and the Funafuti boring.
Dawn of life, oldest fossils do not mark the.
Dawson, Sir J. William, C.M.G., F.R.S. (1820-99), was born at Pictou, Nova Scotia, and studied at Edinburgh University in 1841-42. He was appointed Principal of the McGill University, Montreal, in 1855,—a post which he held thirty-eight years. See "Fifty Years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational," by Sir William Dawson, 1901. -antagonism to Darwinism. -criticism of "Origin" by. -criticism of Hooker's arctic paper. -Hooker on.
Dayman, Captain, on soundings.
De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas (1796-1855): was appointed Director of the Ordnance Geological Survey in 1832; his private undertaking to make a geological survey of the mining districts of Devon and Cornwall led the Government to found the National Survey. He was also instrumental in forming the Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street.
Death, Darwin on immortality and.
Decapods, Zoea stage of.
Dedication of Hackel's "Generelle Morphologie" to Darwin.
Dedoublement, theory of.
Deep-sea soundings, Huxley's work on.
Degeneration, in ammonites. -of culinary plants. -and parasitism.
Deification of Natural Selection.
Deinosaurus, and free-will.
Delboeuf's "La Psychologie," etc.
Delpino, F., on Asclepiadeae and Apocyneae. -on crossing. -on dichogamy. -on fertilisation mechanism. -letter to. -praises Axell's book. -mentioned.
Demosthenes, quoted by Darwin.
Denudation, Dana on. -Darwin on marine. -comparison of subaerial and marine. -Ramsay and Jukes overestimate subaerial.
Deodar, Hooker on the.
Deposition and denudation as measure of time.
Derby, Lady, letter to.
Descent, Falconer on intermediate forms. -from single pair. -Owen's belief in doctrine of. -resemblance due to.
Descent of Man.
"Descent of Man," reference in, to effect of climate on species. -reviewed by John Morley. -transmission of characters dealt with in. -Darwin's work on. -Sir W. Turner supplies facts for. -Wallace on.
Descent with modification, Wallace on.
Desert animals, and protective colouring.
Design, Darwin on. -examples of. -Lord Kelvin on.
Deslongchamps, L., on fertilisation of closed flowers.
Desmodium gyrans, Darwin's experiments on. -leaf movements.
Development, acceleration and retardation in. -floral. -importance of, in classification. -rate of. -sudden changes during.
Devonshire Commission, report on physiological investigation at Kew.
Devonshire, flora of.
Dewar, Prof., and Sir Wm. Thiselton-Dyer, on vitality of seeds in liquid hydrogen.
Diaheliotropism, F. Muller's observations.
Dialogue, title of paper by Asa Gray.
Diatomaceae, beauty of. -conjugation in.
Dicentra thalictriformis, morphology of tendrils.
Dichaea, fertilisation mechanism.
Dichogamy, Delpino on. -ignorance of botanists of, prior to publication of "Fertilisation of Orchids."
Dick, Sir T. Lauder, Survey of Glen Roy by.
Dickens, quotation from.
Dickson, Dr.
Dickson, W.K.
Dicotyledons, Heer on oldest known. -sudden appearance.
Digestion, beneficial effect on plants.
Dillwyn, paper in "Gardeners' Chronicle."
Diluvium, tails of.
Dimorphism, in Cynips. -Darwin on. -difficult to explain. -and mimicry. -in parasitic plants. -Wallace on. -Walsh on. -Weismann on Sexual. -in Cicadas. -flowers illustrating. -Darwin knows no case in very irregular flowers. -in Melastomaceae. -in Linum. -in eight Natural Orders. -in Primula. -apparent cases due to mere variability. -explanation of.
Dioeciousness, origin of.
Dionoea, experiments on. response to stimuli. Curtis' observations on.
Dipsacus, F. Darwin on.
Dipterocarpus, survival during glacial period.
Direct action, arguments against. -Darwin led to believe more in. -Darwin's desire not to underestimate. -Darwin's underestimates. -facts proving. -Falconer on. -and hybridity. -importance of. -of pollen. -variation and.
Direction, sense of, in animals.
Disease, Dobell on "Germs and Vestiges" of.
Dispersal, (see also Distribution), of seeds. -of shells.
Distribution, Forbes on. -Hooker on Arctic plants. -of land and sea in former times. -of plants. -factors governing. -of shells. -Thiselton-Dyer on plant-. -Wallace on. -Blytt's work on.
Disuse, Darwin on. -effect of. -Owen on.
Divergence, Hooker on. -principle of.
Diversification, Darwin's doctrine of the good of.
Dobell, H., letter to.
Dogs, descent of. -experiment in painting. -expression. -habits. -rudimentary tail inherited in certain sheep-.
Dohrn, Dr., visits Darwin. -serves in Franco-Prussian war. -extract from letter to.
"Dolomit Riffe," Darwin on Mojsisovics'.
Domestic animals, crossing in. -Darwin's work on. -Settegast on. -variability of. -treatment in "Variation of Animals and Plants."
Domestication, effects of. -and loss of sterility.
Domeyko, on Chili.
Dominant forms.
Don, D., on variation. -mentioned.
Donders, F.C., on action of eyelids. -letters to.
Dorkings, power of flight.
Down, description of house and country. -Darwin's satisfaction with his house. -instances of vitality of seeds recorded from. -method of determining plants at. -Darwin on geology of. -observations on regular lines of flight of bees at.
Down (lanugo), on human body.
Drosera, F. Darwin's experiments. -"a disguised animal." -Darwin's observations on. -Darwin's pleasure on proving digestion in. -effect of inorganic substance on. -experiments on absorption of poison. -Pfeffer on. -J. Scott's paper on. -response to stimuli. -D. filiformis, experiments on. -D. rotundifolia, experiments on.
Drosophyllum, vernation of. -Darwin's work on. -Drosophyllum lusitanicum, sent by Tait to Darwin. -used in Portugal to hang up as fly-paper.
Druidical mounds, seeds from.
Drummond, J., on fertilisation in Leschenaultia formosa.
Duchesne, on atavism.
Ducks, period of hatching. -skeletons. -hybrids between fowls and.
Dufrenoy, Pierre Armand: published "Memoires pour servir a une Description Geologique de la France," as well as numerous papers in the "Annales des Mines, Comptes Rendus, Bulletin Soc. Geol. France," and elsewhere on mineralogical and geological subjects. -geological work of.
Duncan, Rev. J., encourages J. Scott's love for plants.
Dung, plants germinated from locust-.
Dutrochet, on climbing plants.
Duval-Jouve, on leaf-movement in Bryophyllum.
Dyer, see Thiselton-Dyer.
Dytiscus, as means of dispersal of bivalves.
Ears, loss of voluntary movement. -in man and monkeys. -rudimentary muscles. -Wallis's work on.
Earth, age of the.
Earth-movements, cause of. -in England. -relation to sedimentation. -subordinate part played by heat in.
Earthquakes, coincidence of shocks in S. America and elsewhere. -connection with elevation. -connection with state of weather. -Darwin on. -in England. -frequency of. -Hopkins on. -in Scotland.
Earthworms, Darwin's book on. -geological action of. -influence of sea-water on. -F. Muller gives Darwin facts on. -Typhlops and true.
Echidna, anomalous character of.
Edentata, migration into N. America.
Edgeworth, mentioned.
Edinburgh, Darwin's student-days in. -Hooker's candidature for Chair of Botany.
"Edinburgh Review," article on Lyell's "Antiquity of Man." -reference to Huxley's Royal Institution Lectures. -Owen's article.
Education, effect of. -influence on children of parents'.
Edwardsia, seeds possibly floated from Chili to New Zealand. -in Sandwich Is. and India.
Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas Grey- (1806-81): devoted himself to the study of fossil fishes, and published several memoirs on his collection, which was acquired by the British Museum.
Eggs, creation of species as. -means of dispersal of molluscan.
Ehrenberg, Ascension I. plants sent to. -on rock-building by infusoria. -Darwin's wish that he should examine underclays.
Eichler, A.W., on morphology of cruciferous flower. -on course of vessels as guide to floral morphology. -reference to his Bluthendiagramme.
Eildon Hills, need of examination of.
Elateridae, luminous thorax of.
Elective affinity.
Electric organs of fishes, the result of external conditions.
Electricity, and plant-movements.
"Elements of Geology," Wallace's review of Lyell's.
Elephants, Falconer's work on. -rate of increase of. -and variation. -found in gravel at Down. -manner of carrying tail. -shedding tears.
Elephas Columbi, Falconer on. -Owen's conduct in regard to Falconer's work on. -E. primigenius, as index of climate. -woolly covering of. -E. texianus, Owen and nomenclature of.
Elevation, in Chili. -lines of. -New Zealand and. -continental extension, subsidence and. -connection with earthquakes. -equable nature of movements of subsidence and. -evidence in Scandinavia and Pampas of equable. -Hopkins on. -large areas simultaneously affected by. -d'Orbigny on sudden. -rate of. -Rogers on parallelism of cleavage and axes of. -sedimentary deposits exceptionally preserved during. -subsidence and. -vulcanicity and.
Elodea canadensis, successful American immigrant.
Emberiza longicauda, long tail-feathers and Sexual Selection.
Embryology, argument for. -succession of changes in animal-. -Darwin's explanation of. -of flowers. -of Peneus. -Balfour's work on comparative.
Embryonic stages, obliteration of.
Endlicher's "Genera Plantarum."
Engelmann, on variability of introduced plants in N. America.
England, former union with Continent. -men of science of Continent and.
Entada scandens, dispersal of seeds.
Entomologists, evolutionary views of.
"Entstehung und Begriff der naturhistorischen Art," Nageli's Essay. -Darwin on.
Environment, and colour protection.
Eocene, Anoplotherium in S. America. -monkeys. -mammals. -co-existence with recent shells.
Eozoon, illustrating difficulty of distinguishing organic and inorganic bodies.
Ephemera dimidiatum, Lord Avebury on.
Epidendreae, closely related to Malaxeae.
Epidendrum, Cruger on fertilisation of. -self-fertilisation of.
Epiontology, De Candolle's term.
Epipactis, fertilisation mechanism. -F. Muller on. -pollinia of. -E. palustris, fertilisation mechanism.
Epithecia, fertilisation mechanism.
Equatorial refrigeration.
Equus, Marsh's work on. -geographical distribution. -in N. and S. America.
Erica tetralix, Darwin on.
Erigeron canadense, successful immigrant from America.
Erodium cicutarium, introduced from Spain to America. -range in U.S.A.
Erratic blocks, in Azores. -in S. America. -Darwin on transport. -of Jura. -Mackintosh on. -on Moel Tryfan.
Errera, Prof. L., letter to. -and S. Gevaert, on cross and self-fertilisation.
Eruptions, parallelism of lines of, with coast-lines.
Eryngium maritimum, bloom on.
Erythrina, MacArthur on. -of New S. Wales. -sleep movements of.
Erythroxylon, dimorphism of sub-genus of.
Eschscholtzia, crossing and self-fertility. -Darwin's experiments on self-sterility. -F. Muller's experiments in crossing.
Eschricht, on lanugo on human embryo.
Escombe, F., on vitality of seeds. -see Brown, H.T.
Esquimaux, Natural Selection and.
"Essays and Reviews," attitude of laymen towards.
Eternity, Gapitche on.
Etheridge, Robert, F.R.S.: President of Geological Society in 1880-81.
Etna, Sir Charles Lyell's work on. -map of.
Eucalyptus, species setting seed. -mentioned.
Euonymus europaeus, dispersal of seeds.
Euphorbia, Darwin on roots of. -E. peplis, bloom on.
Euphrasia, parasitism of.
Europe, movement of.
Eurybia argophylla, musk-tree of Tasmania, an arborescent Composite.
Evergreen vegetation, connection with humid and equable climate.
Evolution, Darwin's early views. -Fossil Cephalopods used by Hyatt as test of. -Huxley's lectures on. -of mental traits. -F. Muller's contributions to. -Nageli's Essay, "Entstehung und Begriff der Naturhistorischen Art." -Palaeontology as illustrating. -Romanes' lecture on. -Saporta's belief in. -unknown law of. -of Angiosperms. -of colour. -and death. -Heer opposed to. -of language. -Lyell's views (see also Lyell). -Turner on man and. -Wallace on.
Ewart, Prof. C., on Telegony.
Exacum, dimorphism of.
Experiments, botanical. -Tegetmeier's on pigeons. -time expended on.
Expression, queries on. -Bell on anatomy of. -Darwin at work on.
"Expression of the Emotions," Wallace's review.
External conditions, Natural Selection and. -See also Direct Action.
Extinction, behaviour of species verging towards. -contingencies concerned in. -Hooker on. -races of man and. -Proboscidea verging towards. -St. Helena and examples of.
Eyebrows, use of.
Eyes, behaviour during meditation. -contraction in blind people of muscles of. -children's habit of rubbing with knuckles. -gorged with blood during screaming. -contraction of iris. -wrinkling of children's.
Fabre, J.H.: is best known for his "Souvenirs Entomologiques," in No. VI. of which he gives a wonderfully vivid account of his hardy and primitive life as a boy, and of his early struggles after a life of culture. -letters to.
"Facts and Arguments for Darwin," translation of F. Muller's "Fur Darwin." -delay in publication. -sale. -unfavourable review in "Athenaeum."
Fairy rings, Darwin compares with fungoid diseases in man and animals.
Falconer, Hugh (1809-65): was a student at the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and went out to India in 1830 as Assistant-Surgeon on the Bengal Establishment. In 1832 he succeeded Dr. Royle as the Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens at Saharunpur; and in 1848, after spending some years in England, he was appointed Superintendent of the Calcutta Botanical Garden and Professor of Botany in the Medical College. Although Falconer held an important botanical post for many years, he is chiefly known as a Palaeozoologist. He seems, however, to have had a share in introducing Cinchona into India. His discovery, in company with Colonel Sir Proby T. Cautley, of Miocene Mammalia in the Siwalik Hills, was at the time perhaps the greatest "find" which had been made. The fossils of the Siwalik Hills formed the subject of Falconer's most important book, "Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis," which, however, remained unfinished at the time of his death. Falconer also devoted himself to the investigation of the cave-fauna of England, and contributed important papers on fossils found in Sicily, Malta, and elsewhere. Dr. Falconer was a Vice-President of the Royal Society and Foreign Secretary of the Geological Society. "Falconer did enough during his lifetime to render his name as a palaeontologist immortal in science; but the work which he published was only a fraction of what he accomplished...He was cautious to a fault; he always feared to commit himself to an opinion until he was sure he was right, and he died in the prime of his life and in the fulness of his power." (Biographical sketch contributed by Charles Murchison to his edition of Hugh Falconer's "Palaeontological Memoirs and Notes," London, 1868; "Proc. R. Soc." Volume XV., page xiv., 1867: "Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc." Volume XXI., page xlv, 1865.) Hugh Falconer was among those who did not fully accept the views expressed in the "Origin of Species," but he could differ from Darwin without any bitterness. Two years before the book was published, Darwin wrote to Asa Gray: "The last time I saw my dear old friend Falconer he attacked me most vigorously, but quite kindly, and told me, 'You will do more harm than any ten naturalists will do good. I can see that you have already corrupted and half spoiled Hooker.'" ("Life and Letters," II., page 121.) The affectionate regard which Darwin felt for Falconer was shared by their common friend Hooker. The following extract of a letter from Hooker to Darwin (February 3rd, 1865) shows clearly the strong friendships which Falconer inspired: "Poor old Falconer! how my mind runs back to those happiest of all our days that I used to spend at Down twenty years ago—when I left your home with my heart in my mouth like a schoolboy. We last heard he was ill on Wednesday or Thursday, and sent daily to enquire, but the report was so good on Saturday that we sent no more, and on Monday night he died...What a mountainous mass of admirable and accurate information dies with our dear old friend! I shall miss him greatly, not only personally, but as a scientific man of unflinching and uncompromising integrity—and of great weight in Murchisonian and other counsels where ballast is sadly needed." -article in "Natural History Review." -Darwin's Copley medal and. -Darwin's criticism of his elephant work. -Darwin's regard for. -Forbes attacked by. -his opinion of Forbes. -goes to India. -Hooker's regard for. -letter to Darwin. -letter to Sharpey. -letters to. -letter to "Athenaeum." -Lyell and. -on Mastodon andium. -on Mastodon of Australia. -on elephants. -Owen and. -on phyllotaxis. -on Plagiaulax. -speech at Cambridge. -"Memoirs."
Falkland Islands, Darwin visits. -Polyborus sp. in. -brightly coloured female hawk. -effect of subsidence. -streams of stones.
Fanciers, use made of Selection by.
Fantails, see Pigeons.
Faraday, memorial to.
Faramea, dimorphism.
Farmer, Prof. J.B., and S.E. Chandler, on influence of excess of CO2 on anatomy of plants.
Faroe Islands, Polygala vulgaris of.
Farrer, Canon, lecture on defects in Public School Education. -letter to.
Farrer, Lady.
Farrer, Thomas Henry, Lord (1819-99): was educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. He was called to the Bar, but gave up practice for the public service, where he became Permanent Secretary of the Board of Trade. According to the "Times," October 13th, 1899, "for nearly forty years he was synonymous with the Board in the opinion of all who were brought into close relation with it." He was made a baronet in 1883; he retired from his post a few years later, and was raised to the peerage in 1893. His friendship with Mr. Darwin was of many years' standing, and opportunities of meeting were more frequent in the last ten years of Mr. Darwin's life, owing to Lord Farrer's marriage with Miss Wedgwood, a niece of Mrs. Darwin's, and the subsequent marriage of his son Horace with Miss Farrer. His keen love of science is attested by the letters given in the present volume. He published several excellent papers on the fertilisation of flowers in the "Ann. and Mag. of Natural History," and in "Nature," between 1868 and 1874. In Politics he was a Radical—a strong supporter of free trade: on this last subject, as well as on bimetallism, he was frequently engaged in public controversy. He loyally carried out many changes in the legislature which, as an individualist, he would in his private capacity have strenuously opposed. In the "Speaker," October 21st, 1899, Lord Welby heads his article on Lord Farrer with a few words of personal appreciation:— "In Lord Farrer has passed away a most interesting personality. A great civil servant; in his later years a public man of courage and lofty ideal; in private life a staunch friend, abounding as a companion in humour and ripe knowledge. Age had not dimmed the geniality of his disposition, or an intellect lively and eager as that of a boy—lovable above all in the transparent simplicity of his character." -interest in Torbitt's potato experiment. -letters to. -on earthworms. -observations on fertilisation of Passiflora. -recollections of Darwin. -seeds sent to.
Fawcett, Henry (1833-84): Professor of Political Economy at Cambridge, 1863, Postmaster-General 1880-84. See Leslie Stephen's well-known "Life." -defends Darwin's arguments. -letter to. -letter to Darwin.
Fear, expression of.
Felis, range.
Fellowships, discussion on abolition of Prize-.
Felspar, segregation of.
Females, modification for protection.
"Fenland, Past and Present," by Miller and Skertchley.
Fergusson on Darwinism.
Fernando Po, plants of.
Ferns, Scott on spores. -Darwin's ignorance of. -variability "passes all bounds."
Ferrier, Dr., groundless charge brought against, for infringement of Vivisection Act.
Fertilisation, articles in "Gardeners' Chronicle." -of flowers. -H. Muller's work on. -and sterility. -Darwin fascinated by study of. -different mechanisms in same genus. -travelling of reproductive cells in.
Fertilisation of orchids, Darwin's work on. -paper by Darwin in "Gardeners' Chronicle" on.
"Fertilisation of Orchids," Asa Gray's review. -Hooker's review. -description of Acropera and Catasetum in. -H. Muller's "Befruchtung der Blumen," the outcome of Darwin's.
Fertility, Natural Selection and. -and sterility. -Primula. -Scott on varieties and relative.
Figs, F. Muller on fertilisation of.
Finmark, Bravais on sea-beaches of.
Fir (Silver), Witches' brooms of.
"First Principles," Spencer's.
Fish, Pictet and Humbert on fossil.
Fiske, J., letter to.
Fitton, reference to his work.
FitzRoy (Fitz-Roy), Captain, and the "Beagle" voyage. -writes preface to account of the voyage. -Darwin nearly rejected by. -letter to "Times."
Flagellaria, as a climber.
Flahault, on the peg in Cucurbita.
Fleeming Jenkin, review of "Origin" by, see Jenkin.
Flinders, M., voyage to Terra Australis by.
Flint implements found near Bedford.
Flints, abundance and derivation of, at Down. -Darwin on their upright position in gravel.
Floating ice, Darwin on agency of. -J. Geikie underestimates its importance. -transporting power of.
Flora, Darwin's idea of an Utopian. -Hooker's scheme for a. -Hooker's work on Tasmanian.
"Flora antarctica," Hooker's.
"Flora fossilis arctica," Heer's.
Floras: N. American. Arctic. British. Colonial. European. French. Greenland. Holland. India. Japan. New Zealand. -distribution of. -of islands. -local. -tabulation of.
Florida, A. Agassiz on Coral reefs. -Coral reefs.
Flourens, experiments on pigeons.
Flower, Sir William H., Letter to. -on muscles of the os coccyx.
Flowering plants, possible origin on a Southern Continent. -sudden appearance of.
Flowers, at Down. -Darwin's work on forms of. -monstrous. -morphological characters. -regular and irregular. -cross-fertilisation in inconspicuous. -ignorance of botanists on mechanism of.
"Flowers and their unbidden Guests," Dr. Ogle's translation of Kerner's "Schutzmittel des Pollens."
Flying machine, Darwin on Popper's proposed.
Folding of strata.
Foliation and cleavage, reference by A. Harker to work on.
Foliation, aqueous deposition and. -Darwin considers his observations on cleavage less deserving of confidence than those on. -Darwin on. -parallelism with cleavage. -relation to rock-curvature.
Food, as determining number of species.
Forbes, D., on the Cordilleras. -on elevation in Chili. -on nitrate of soda beds in S. America.
Forbes, Edward, F.R.S. (1815-1854): filled the office of Palaeontologist to the Ordnance Geological Survey, and afterwards became President of the Geological Society; in 1854—the last year of his life—he was appointed to the chair of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. Forbes published many papers on geological, zoological, and botanical subjects, one of his most remarkable contributions being the well-known essay "On the Connexion between the Distribution of the Existing Fauna and Flora of the British Isles and the Geological Changes which have affected their area" ("Mem. Geol. Surv." Volume I., page 336, 1846). (See "Proc. Roy. Soc." Volume VII., page 263, 1856; "Quart. Journl. Geol. Soc." Volume XI., page xxvii, 1855, and "Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist." Volume XV., 1855. -on flora of Azores. -on Chambers as author of the "Vestiges." -on continental extension. -Darwin opposed to his views on continental extension. -Darwin's opinion of. -Article on distribution. -on continuity of land. -on plant-distribution. -introductory lecture as professor in Edinburgh. -on former lower extension of glaciers in Cordillera. -lecture by. -letter to Darwin from. -on Madagascar insects. -on post-Miocene land. -Polarity theory. -on British shells. -too speculative. -on subsidence. -visits Down. -mentioned. -royal medal awarded to. -essay on connection between distribution of existing fauna and flora of the British Isles and geological changes.
Forbes, H.O., on Melastoma.
Force and Matter, Huxley on.
Forel, Auguste: the distinguished author of "Les Fourmis de la Suisse," Zurich, 1874, and of a long series of well-known papers. -on ants and beetles. -author of "Les Fourmis de la Suisse." -letter to.
Forfarshire, Lyell on glaciers of.
"Forms of Flowers," De Candolle's criticism of Darwin's. homomorphic and heteromorphic unions described in.
Forsyth-Major, zoological expedition to Madagascar.
"Fortnightly Review," Huxley's article on Positivism. Romanes on Evolution.
Fossil Cephalopods, Hyatt on.
Fossil corals.
Fossil plants, small proportion of. of Australia. sudden appearance of Angiosperms indicated by.
Fossil seeds, supposed vivification of.
Fossils as evidence of variability.
Fournier, E., De la Fecundation dans les Phanerogames.
Fowls, difference in sexes. -purred female.
Fox, tails of, used by Esquimaux as respirators.
Fox, Rev. W. Darwin.
Foxglove, use of hairs in flower.
France, edition of "Origin" in. -opinion favourable to Darwin's views in. -birth-rate.
Franco-Prussian war, opinion in England. -Science retarded by.
Frank, Albert Bernhard (1839-1900): began his botanical career as Curator of the University Herbarium, Leipzig, where he afterwards became Privatdocent and finally "Ausserordentlicher Professor." In 1881 Frank was appointed Professor of Plant-Physiology in the Landwirthschaftliche Hochschule, Berlin. In 1899 he was appointed to the Imperial Gesundheits-Amt in Berlin, and raised to the rank of Regierungsrath. Frank is chiefly known for his work on "The Assimilation of Free Nitrogen, etc.," and for his work on "The Diseases of Plants" ("Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen," 1880). It was his brilliant researches on growth-curvature ("Beitrage zur Pflanzen-physiologie," 1868, and "Die Naturlichen wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzen-theilen," 1870) which excited Darwin's admiration. -Darwin's admiration for his work.
Franklin, Sir J., search expedition.
Fraser, G., letter to.
"Fraser's Magazine," article by Hopkins. -article by Galton on twins. -Huxley on review in.
Freemasons' Tavern, meeting held at.
Freewill, a preordained necessity.
Freke, Dr., paper by.
Freshwater, Bee-orchis at.
Freshwater fauna, ocean faunas compared with. -poverty of. -preservation of.
Friendly Islands, rats regarded as game.
Fringillidae, colour and sexual selection.
Frogs, article on spawn of. -F. Muller on. -salt water and spawn of. -frozen in glaciers.
Fruits, bright colours of.
Fucus, variation in.
Fuegia, plants of, (see also Tierra del Fuego).
Fumaria (Corydalis) claviculata, Mohl on tendrils.
Fumariaceae, cross- and self-fertilisation. -morphology of tendrils.
Funafuti, Darwin's theory supported by results of boring in coral island of.
Fungoid diseases, Darwin on.
Fungus, effect on roots and shoots.
"Fur Darwin," F. Muller's (see "Facts and Arguments for Darwin). -Darwin quotes. -Hooker's opinion of. -publication of.
Furze, seeds and seedlings.
Galapagos Islands, visited during the "Beagle" voyage. -birds of. -character of species of, the beginning of Darwin's evolutionary views. -distribution of animals. -distribution of plants. -flora of. -Hooker on plants of. -insects. -craters. -fissure eruptions in. -restricted fauna. -Sandwich Islands and. -subsidence in the.
Galashiels, terraces near.
Galaxias, distribution of.
Gallinaceae, Blyth on. -colour of.
Galls, artificial production of. -Cynips and. -hybrids and. -Walsh on willow-.
Gallus bankiva, colour of wings. -colour and environment. -wings of.
Galton, F., experiments on transfusion of blood. -letters to. -letter to Darwin from. -on twins. -on variation. -on heredity. -on human faculty and its development. -on prayer. -proposal to issue health certificates for marriage.
Game-cock and Sexual Selection.
Gamlingay, lilies-of-the-valley at.
Ganoid fishes, preservation in fresh water.
Gapitche, A., letter to.
"Gardeners' Chronicle," Darwin's article on fertilisation. -Darwin's opinion of. -Darwin's experiment on immersion of seeds in salt water. -article on Orchids. -Harvey on Darwin. -Rivers' articles. -Wallace on nests. -Darwin's index.
Gardner, G., "Travels in the Interior of Brazil."
Gartner, on Aquilegia. -experiments on crossing and variation. -on Primula. -on Verbascum. -Darwin's high opinion of his "Bastarderzeugung." -Beaton's criticism of. -on self-fertilisation in flowers. -mentioned.
Gaskell, G.A., Letter to.
Gatke, on "Heligoland as an Ornithological Observatory."
Gaudry, Albert: Professor of Palaeontology in the Natural History Museum, Paris, Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London, author of "Animaux Foss. et Geol. de l'Attique." -letter to. -on Pikermi fossils.
Gay, on lizards.
Gegenbauer, Karl: Professor of Anatomy at Heidelberg. -as convert to Darwinism. -views on regeneration.
Geikie, Sir A., on age of the Earth. -edition of "Hutton's Theory of the Earth." -memoir of Sir A.C. Ramsay.
Geikie, Prof. J., "Ice Age." -on intercrossing of erratics. -Letters to. -"Prehistoric Europe." -Presidential address, Edinburgh British Association meeting.
Geitonogamy, Kerner suggests term.
Gemmation and dimorphism.
Gemmules, in reproductive organs. -and bud-variation.
Genealogy and classification.
Genera, aberrant. -range of large and small. -variation of. -Wallace on origin of.
"Genera Plantarum," work on the.
Generalisations, evil of. -easier than careful observation. -importance.
"Generelle Morphologie," Darwin on Hackel's.
"Genesis of Species," Mivart's
Geographical distribution, L. Agassiz on. -Darwin on. -Darwin's high opinion of value of. -Darwin's interest in. -E. Forbes on. -Huxley on birds and. -proposed work by Hooker on. -relation of genera an important element in. -Humboldt the founder of.
"Geographical Distribution of Animals," Darwin's criticism of Wallace's.
"Geographical Distribution of Mammals," A. Murray's.
Geographical regions, Darwin on.
Geological Committee on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy.
"Geological Gossip," Ansted's.
"Geological Instructions," Darwin's manual of.
"Geological Observations in S. America," Darwin's. -Darwin on his.
Geological record, imperfection of the. -Morse on the.
Geological Society, award of medal to Darwin. -Darwin signs Hooker's certificate. -museum of. -Darwin attends Council meeting.
Geological Survey, foundation of. -investigation of the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy.
Geological Time, article in "N. British Review."
Geologist, Darwin as.
Geologists, evolutionary views of.
Geology, arguments in favour of evolution from. -chapter in "Origin" on. -practical teaching of. -English work in. -Hooker talks of giving up. -Lyellian school. -progress of.
Geotropism, Darwin on.
German, Darwin's slight knowledge of.
Germany, converts to evolution in. -opinion on the "Origin" in. -Englishmen rejoice over victory of.
Germination of seeds, Darwin's experiments on effect of salt water.
"Germs and Vestiges of Disease," Dobell's.
Gesneria, Darwin on dimorphism of.
Gestation of hounds.
Gibraltar, elevation and subsidence of.
Gilbert, Sir J.H.: of Rothamsted. -letter to. -on nitrogen in worms' casting. -and Sir J. Lawes, Rothamsted experiments.
Glacial period, absence of phanerogams near polar regions in N. America during. -Bates on. -climatic changes since. -conditions during. -continental changes since. -Darwin's views on geographical changes as cause of. -destruction of organisms during. -destruction of Spanish plants in Ireland. -distribution of organisms affected by. -duration of. -effect on animals and plants. -and elephants. -S.E. England dry land during. -Greenland depopulated during. -introduction of Old World forms into New World subsequent to. -migration during. -mundane character of. -subsidence of Alps during. -Croll on. -existence of Alpine plants before. -Hooker on. -Glen Roy and. -Lyell on. -extinction of mammals during. -Wallace on. -movement of Europe since and during.
Glaciers, Agassiz on. -Lyell on. -Tyndall's book on. -as agents in the formation of lakes. -Darwin on structure of. -Hooker on Yorkshire. -Moseley on motion of. -physics of. -Parallel Roads of Glen Roy formed by. -rock-cavities formed by cascades in. -in S. America. -in Wales.
Gladstone, Herbert Spencer on criticisms by.
Glass, Dr., on grafting sugar-canes.
Glen Collarig, absence of terminal moraines. -terraces in.
Glen Glaster, absence of terminal moraines. -barriers of detritus. -Milne on. -shelves of.
Glen Gluoy, shelves of.
Glen Roy, Parallel Roads of. -L. Agassiz on. -Darwin on. -Darwin's mistake over. -Darwin on ice-lake theory of Agassiz and Buckland. -glacier theory of. -history of work on. -Hooker on. -marine theory of. -Milne-Home's paper on. -investigated by Geological Survey. -coincidence of shelves with watersheds. -measurement of terraces.
Glen Spean.
Glen Turret, MacCulloch on.
Gloriosa, Darwin's experiments on leaf-tendrils.
Glossotherium Listai.
Gloxinia, peloric forms of.
Gneiss, Darwin on.
God, Darwin on existence of personal.
Godron, on Aegilops.
Godron's "Flora of France."
Goethe, Darwin's reference to. -Owen on.
Goldfinch, difference in beaks of male and female.
Gongora, and Acropera. -Darwin on. -G. fusca (see Acropera luteola). -G. galeata (see A. Loddigesii).
Gondwana Land.
Goodenia, Hamilton on fertilisation of.
Gordon, General, Huxley on Darwin and.
Gosse, E., "Life of P.H. Gosse" by.
Gosse, Philip Henry (1810-88): was an example of that almost extinct type— a naturalist with a wide knowledge gained at first hand from nature as a whole. This width of culture was combined with a severe and narrow religious creed, and though, as Edmund Gosse points out, there was in his father's case no reconcilement of science and religion, since his "impressions of nature" had to give way absolutely to his "convictions of religion," yet he was not debarred by his views from a friendly intercourse with Darwin. He did much to spread a love of Natural History, more especially by his seaside books, and by his introduction of the aquarium— the popularity of which (as Mr. Edmund Gosse shows) is reflected in the pages of "Punch," especially in John Leech's illustrations. Kingsley said of him (quoted by Edmund Gosse, page 344) "Since White's "History of Selborne" few or no writers on Natural History, save Mr. Gosse and poor Mr. Edward Forbes, have had the power of bringing out the human side of science, and giving to seemingly dry disquisitions...that living and personal interest, to bestow which is generally the special function of the poet." Among his books are the "Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica," 1851; "A Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast," 1853; "Omphalos," 1857; "A Year at the Shore," 1865. He was also author of a long series of papers in scientific journals. -letter to.
Gould, on sex in nightingales.
Gower Street, Darwin's house in.
Gradation in plants.
Graft-hybrids, experiments on. -of Cytisus. -Hildebrand on. -of potatoes. -of sugar-canes.
Grafting, Darwin on. -difficulty of. -in hyacinth bulbs.
Graham's "Creed of Science."
Gramineae, Darwin on crossing.
Granite, explanation of association with basalt.
Grasses, range of genera. -cleistogamous. -fertilisation of. -F. Muller on Brazilian.
Gratiolet, on behaviour of eyes in rage.
Gravity, comparison between variation and laws of.
Gray, Asa (1810-88): was born in the township of Paris, Oneida Co., New York. He became interested in science when a student at the Fairfield Academy; he took his doctor's degree in 1831, but instead of pursuing medical work he accepted the post of Instructor in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Botany in the High School of Utica. Gray afterwards became assistant to Professor Torrey in the New York Medical School, and in 1835 he was appointed Curator and Librarian of the New York Lyceum of Natural History. From 1842 to 1872 he occupied the Chair of Natural History in Harvard College, and the post of Director of the Cambridge Botanical Gardens; from 1872 till the time of his death he was relieved of the duties of teaching and of the active direction of the Gardens, but retained the Herbarium. Professor Gray was a Foreign Member of the Linnean and of the Royal Societies. The "Flora of North America" (of which the first parts appeared in 1838), "Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, the Botany of Commodore Wilkes' South Pacific Exploring Expedition" are among the most important of Gray's systematic memoirs; in addition to these he wrote several botanical text-books and a great number of papers of first-class importance. In an obituary notice written by Sir Joseph Hooker, Asa Gray is described as "one of the first to accept and defend the doctrine of Natural Selection..., so that Darwin, whilst fully recognising the different standpoints from which he and Gray took their departures, and their divergence of opinion on important points, nevertheless regarded him as the naturalist who had most thoroughly gauged the "Origin of Species," and as a tower of strength to himself and his cause" ("Proc. R. Soc." Volume XLVI., page xv, 1890: "Letters of Asa Gray," edited by Jane Loring Gray, 2 volumes, Boston, U.S., 1893). -articles by. -as advocate of Darwin's views. -Darwin's opinion of. -on Hooker's Antarctic paper. -on large genera varying. -letters to Darwin from. -letters to. -on Darwin's views. -plants of the Northern States. -on variation. -book for children by. -on crossing. -visits Down. -on dimorphism. -on Agassiz. -extract from letter to G.F. Wright from. -on fertilisation of Cypripedium. -on Gymnadenia tridentata. -on Habenaria. -on Passiflora. -on relative ranges of U. States and European species. -on Sarracenia. -mentioned.
Gray, Mrs.
Gray, Dr. John Edward, F.R.S. (1800-75): became an assistant to the Natural History Department of the British Museum in 1824, and was appointed Keeper in 1840. Dr. Gray published a great mass of zoological work, and devoted himself "with unflagging energy to the development of the collections under his charge." ("Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist." Volume XV., page 281, 1875.) -and British Museum.
Greatest Happiness principle.
Grebes, as seed-eaters.
Greenland, absence of Arctic Leguminosae. -connection with Norway. -flora of. -introduction of plants by currents. -as line of communication of alpine plants. -migration of European birds to.
Greg, W.R.: Author of "The Enigmas of Life," 1872. -Darwin on his "Enigmas of Life." -letter to.
Grey, Sir G., on Australian Savages.
Grinnell expedition, reference to the second.
Grisebach, A.
Grisebach, A.W.
Grouse, Natural Selection and colours of. -Owen describes as distinct creation.
Grypotherium Darwini. -G. domesticum.
Guiana, Bates on.
Gulf-weed, Darwin on.
Gully Dr.
Gunther, Dr., visit to Down.
Gurney, E., articles in "Fortnightly" and "Cornhill." -"Power of Sound."
Gymnadenia, course of vessels in flower of. -Asa Gray on. -penetration by pollen of rostellum.
Gynodioecism in Plantago.
Haast, Sir Julius von, (1824-87): published several papers on the Geology of New Zealand, with special reference to glacial phenomena. ("Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc." Volume XXI., pages 130, 133, 1865; Volume XXIII., page 342, 1867.) -on glacial deposits.
Habenaria, Azorean species (see also Peristylus viridis). -course of vessels in flower. -Lord Farrer on. -morphology of flower. -H. bifolia, flowers. -a subspecies of H. chlorantha. -H. chlorantha, considered by Bentham a var. of H. bifolia. -structure of ovary.
Hackel, E., convert to Darwin's views. -"Generelle Morphologie." -Die Kalkschwamme. -"Freedom in Science and Teaching." -letters to. -on pangenesis. -proposed translation of his book. -on reviews of "Origin" in Germany. -on sponges. -substitutes a molecular hypothesis for pangenesis. -visits Down. -on absence of colour-protection in lower animals. -on change of species. -on Linope. -on medusae.
Haematoxylon, bloom-experiments on. -sleep-movements.
Halictus, Fabre's paper on.
Halimeda, Darwin's description of.
Halleria, woody nature of.
Hallett, on varieties of wheat.
Hamilton, on fertilisation of Dampiera.
Hamilton, Sir W., on Law of Parsimony.
Hancock, Albany (1806-73): author of many zoological and palaeontological papers. His best-known work, written in conjunction with Joshua Alder, and published by the Ray Society is on the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. The Royal Medal was awarded to him in 1858. -on British shells. -and Royal medal.
Hanley, Dr., Darwin's visit to.
Harker, A., note on Darwin's work on cleavage and foliation.
Hartman, Dr., on Cicada septendecim.
"Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders," Moggridge's.
Harvey, William Henry (1811-66): was the author of several botanical works, principally on Algae; he held the botanical Professorship at Trinity College, Dublin, and in 1857 succeeded Professor Allman in the Chair of Botany in Dublin University. (See "Life and Letters," II., pages 274-75.) -criticism of "Origin." -Darwin's opinion of his book. -letter to. -mentioned. -on variation in Fucus.
Haughton, Samuel (1821-97): author of "Animal Mechanics, a Manual of Geology," and numerous papers on Physics, Mathematics, Geology, etc. In November 1862 Darwin wrote to Sir J.D. Hooker: "Do you know whether there are two Rev. Prof. Haughtons at Dublin? One of this name has made a splendid medical discovery of nicotine counteracting strychnine and tetanus? Can it be my dear friend? If so, he is at full liberty for the future to sneer [at] and abuse me to his heart's content." Unfortunately, Prof. Haughtons' discovery has not proved of more permanent value than his criticism on the "Origin of Species." -on Bees' cells. -on depth of ocean. -review by. -mentioned.
Hawaiian Islands, Hillebrand's Flora. -plants.
Hawks and owls as agents in seed-dispersal. -bright colours in female.
Head, expression in movement of.
Hearne, on black bear.
Heat, action on rocks.
Heathcote, Miss.
Heaths, as examples of boreal plants in Azores. -and climate.
Heberden, Dr., mentioned.
Hedgehog, movements of spines.
Hedychium, Darwin's prediction as to fertilisation of. -paraheliotropism.
Hedyotis, dimorphism of.
Hedysarum, Darwin's experiments on (see Desmodium gyrans).
Heer, Oswald (1809-83): was born at Niederutzwyl, in the Canton of St. Gall, Switzerland, and for many years (1855-82) occupied the chair of Botany in the University of Zurich. While eminent as an entomologist Heer is chiefly known as a writer on Fossil Plants. He began to write on palaeobotanical subjects in 1841; among his most important publications, apart from the numerous papers contributed to scientific societies, the following may be mentioned: "Flora Tertiaria Helvetiae," 1855-59; the "Flora Fossilis Arctica," 7 volumes, 1869-83; "Die Urwelt der Schweiz," 1865; "Flora Fossilis Helvetiae," 1876-7. He was awarded the Wollaston medal of the Geological Society in 1874, and in 1878 he received a Royal medal. (Oswald Heer, "Bibliographie et Tables Iconographiques," par G. Malloizel, precede d'une Notice Biographique" par R. Zeiller; Stockholm.) -on continental extension. -on plants of Madeira. -on origin of species from monstrosities. -Darwin sends photograph to. -"Flora fossilis arctica." -letter to.
Heeria (see also Heterocentron). -F. Muller on.
Heifers, and sterility.
Helianthemum, Baillon's observations on pollen.
Heligoland, birds alight on sea near.
Heliotropism, experiments on. -of roots.
Hemsley, W.B., mentioned.
Henry, I.A. (see Anderson-Henry) -letter to.
Henslow, Prof. J.S., life of. -Darwin's affection for. -Darwin's Cambridge recollections of. -death of. -letters to. -mentioned. -on Mus messorius. -visits Down. -Darwin on his parish work. -work on crossing.
Henslow, Miss, mentioned.
Herbaceous orders, in relation to trees.
Herbert, Dean, on heaths of S. Africa. -on Polygala. -on Cytisus Adami. -on self-fertility of Hippeastrum. -mentioned.
"Hereditary Genius," Francis Galton's.
Hereditary Improvement, Francis Galton on.
Heredity, Darwin's criticism of Galton's theory.
Hermaphroditism, in trees. -Weir on Lepidoptera and. -and nature of generative organs.
Herminium monorchis.
Heron, Sir R., on peacocks and colour.
Herons, as fruit-feeders.
Herschel, Sir J.F.W., edits "Manual of Scientific Enquiry." -on Natural Selection. -on the "Origin." -"Physical Geography." -on providential laws. -on heating of rocks. -on importance of generalising. -on study of languages. -versus Lyell on volcanic islands. -mentioned.
Heteranthera, two kinds of stamens. -H. reniformis.
Heterocentron, experiments on. -seeds of. -two kinds of stamens. -H. roseum, fertilisation mechanism of.
Heterogeny, Owen on.
Heteromorphic, use of term.
Heterosmilax, de Candolle on.
Heterostylism, Darwin's experiments on. -example in monocotyledons of.
Hewitt, on pheasant-hybrids. -mentioned.
Hicks, H., on pre-Cambrian rocks.
Hieracium, American species. -Nageli on. -variability of.
Highness, lowness and.
Hilaire, A. St., see St. Hilaire.
Hildebrand, F., article in "Botanische Zeitung." -experiments on direct action of pollen. -"Die Lebensdauer der Pflanzen." -letter to. -crossing work by. -on Delpino's work. -on dispersal of seeds. -self-sterility in Corydalis cava. -"Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen." -on orchids. -on ovules formed after pollination. -experiment on potatoes. -on Salvia. -mentioned.
Hilgendorf, controversy with Sandberger.
Hillebrand's Flora of the Hawaiian Islands.
"Himalayan Journals," dedicated by Hooker to Darwin.
"Himalayan Plants, Illustrations of."
Himalayas, British plants in. -commingling of temperate and tropical plants. -tortoise of. -ice-action in. -mixed character of the vegetation.
Hinde, Dr., examination of Funafuti coral-reef cores by.
Hindmarsh, L., letter to.
Hippeastrum, Herbert on self-sterility of.
Hippopotamus, fossil in Madagascar.
Historic spirit, J. Morley's criticism of Darwin's lack of.
Hitcham, collection of Azorean plants made near.
Hobhouse, Sir A., Darwin meets.
Hochberg, K., letter to.
Hofmann, A.W., receives royal medal.
Holland, evolutionary opinions in. -flora of.
Holland, Sir H., on pangenesis. -mentioned. -on influence of mind on circulation.
Holly, effective work of insects in fertilisation of.
Hollyhock, Darwin's crossing experiments.
Home, see Milne-Home.
Homing experiments.
Homo, Pithecus compared with.
Homology, analogy and. -course of vessels in flowers as guide to.
Homomorphic, use of term.
Honeysuckle, oak-leaved variety.
Hooker, Mrs., assists Sir J.D. Hooker.
Hooker, Sir J.D., addresses at British Association meetings. -on Arctic plants. -Australian Flora by. -botanical appointment. -C.B. conferred upon. -on coal plants and conditions of growth. -criticism on Lyell's work. -on Darwin's MS. on geographical distribution. -Darwin's admiration for letters of. -Darwin assisted in his work by. -Darwin on good gained by "squabbles" with. -Darwin on success of. -enjoyment of correspondence with Darwin. -expedition to Syria. -extract from letter to. -Falconer and. -first meeting with Darwin. -on Insular Floras. -introductory essay to Flora of Tasmania. -lecture at Royal Institution. -letters to. -letters to Darwin from. -on new colonial flora. -on New Zealand flora. -on Natural Selection. -on naturalised plants. -on the "Origin." -and Owen. -on pangenesis. -on plants of Fernando Po and Abyssinia. -on preservation of tropical plants during cool period. -and reviews. -royal medal awarded to. -and J. Scott. -on species. -on Torbitt's potato experiments. -on use of terms centripetal and centrifugal. -on variation in large and small genera. -on Welwitschia. -on Cameroon plants. -Darwin on his address at Belfast. -Darwin writes testimonial for. -Darwin values scientific opinion of. -Darwin receives encouragement from. -Darwin's pleasure at visits from. -on Glacial period. -on Glacial deposits in India. -on glaciers in Yorkshire. -notice in "Gardeners' Chronicle" on. -photograph by Mrs. Cameron. -Primer of Botany by. -review of Darwin's "Fertilisation of Orchids." -scheme for Flora. -represents "whole great public" to Darwin. -use of structure in plants. -visits Down. -opinion of "Fur Darwin." -mentioned.
Hooker, Sir William Jackson (1785-1865): was called to the Chair of Botany at Glasgow in 1820, where by his success as a teacher he raised the annual fees from 60 pounds to 700 pounds. In 1841 he became Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, which under his administration increased enormously in activity and importance. His private Herbarium, said to be "by far the richest ever accumulated in one man's lifetime," formed the nucleus of the present collection. He produced, as author or editor, about a hundred volumes devoted to Botany ("Dict. of Nat. Biog."). -Herbarium at Kew belonging to. -letters to. -mentioned.
Hopkins, William, F.R.S. (1793-1866) entered Peterhouse, Cambridge, at the age of thirty, and in 1827 took his degree as seventh wrangler. For some years Hopkins was very successful as a mathematical tutor; about 1833 he began to take a keen interest in geological subjects, and especially concerned himself with the effects of elevating forces acting from below on the earth's crust. He was President of the Geological Society in 1851 and 1852 ("Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc." Volume XXIII., page xxix, 1867). -Article in "Fraser's Magazine." -on elevation and earthquakes. -on mountain-building. -researches in physical geology. -mentioned.
Horner, Leonard, F.R.S. (1785-1862): was born in Edinburgh, at the age of twenty-one he settled in London, and devoted himself more particularly to Geology and Mineralogy, returning a few years later to Edinburgh, where he took a prominent part in founding the School of Art and other educational institutions. In 1827 Mr. Horner was invited to occupy the post of Warden in the London University,a position which he resigned in 1831; he also held for some years an Inspectorship of Factories. As a Fellow of the Royal Society, Mr. Horner "took an active part in bringing about certain changes in the management of the Society, which resulted in limiting to fifteen the number of new members to be annually elected..." In 1846 Horner was elected President of the Geological Society; and in 1860 he again presided over the Society, to the interests of which he had long devoted himself. His contributions to the Society include papers on Stratigraphical Geology, Mineralogy, and other subjects.—"Memoirs of Leonard Horner," edited by his daughter, Katherine M. Lyell (privately printed, 1890). -letters to. -memoirs of. -address to Geological Society. -on coal. -on Darwin's "Geological Observations." -visits Down. -mentioned.
Horner, Mrs. L.
Horse, ancestry. -Arab-Turk and English race-. -hybrids between Quagga and. -in N. and S. America. -equality of sexes in race-.
Horsfall, W., letter to.
Hottonia, dimorphism of.
Hounds, gestation of.
Howard, L.O.
Hoya carnosa, Darwin's work on.
Humble-bees, as agents of fertilisation of orchids.
Humboldt, Bates' description of tropical forests compared with that by. -conversation with. -on heath regions. -on migration and double creation. -"Personal Narrative." -on violet of Teneriffe. -Darwin's opinion of. -on elevation and volcanic activity. -mentioned.
Humboldt and Webb, on Zones on Teneriffe.
Hume, Darwin on Huxley's "Life" of.
Humming-birds, agents of fertilisation.
Hunger, expression by sheldrakes of.
Husbands, resemblance between wives and.
Hutton, Frederick Wollaston, F.R.S., formerly Curator of the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand, author of "Darwinism and Lamarckism, Old and New," London, 1899. -letter to. -review of "Origin."
Hutton, James, (1726-97): author of "Theory of the Earth."
Huxley, L., reference to his "Life of T.H. Huxley." -information given by.
Huxley, Prof. T.H., biographical note, Volume I. -Article in "Annals and Magazine" in reply to Falconer. -on Aphis. -on automatism. -catalogue of collections in Museum of Practical Geology. -comparative anatomy by. -on Comte. -on Cuvier's classification. -Darwin's value of his opinion. -election to the Athenaeum. -friendship with Darwin. -on growth of Darwin's views. -lectures at the Royal Institution. -lectures on evolution by. -lectures to working men. -legacy and gift to. -letters to. -"Life of Hume." -"Man's Place in Nature." -marriage. -misrepresented by Owen. -founds "Natural History Review." -obituary notice of Darwin. -on the "Origin of Species." -on Owen's archetype book. -president of the British Association meeting at Liverpool (1870). -on Priestley. -quoted by Lord Kelvin as an unbeliever in spontaneous generation. -reviews by. -review of "Vestiges of Creation" by. -on Sabine's address. -on saltus. -prefatory note to Hackel's "Freedom in Science and Teaching." -address to Geological Society (1869). -on classification of man. -on contemporaneity. -on Catasetum. -on deep-sea soundings. -legacy from A. Rich. -on Lyell's "Principles." -on use of term physiological species. -on vivisection. -and H.N. Martin, "Elementary Biology" by. -mentioned.
Huxley, Mrs. T.H., queries on expression sent by Darwin to. -observations on child crying. -mentioned.
Hyacinth, experiment on bulbs.
Hyatt, Alpheus (1838-1902): was a student under Louis Agassiz, to whose Laboratory he returned after serving in the Civil War, and under whom he began the researches on Fossil Cephalopods for which he is so widely known. In 1867 he became one of the Curators of the Essex Institute of Salem, Mass. In 1870 he was made Custodian, and in 1881 Curator of the Boston Society of Natural History. He held professorial chairs in Boston University and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and "was at one time or another officially connected with the Museum of Comparative Zoology and the United States Geological Survey." See Mr. S. Henshaw ("Science," XV., page 300, February 1902), where a sketch of Mr. Hyatt's estimable personal character is given. See also Prof. Dall in the "Popular Science Monthly," February 1902. -and Hilgendorf. -letters to. -letters to Darwin from. -on tetrabranchiata.
Hyatt and Cope, theories of.
Hybridism, chapter in "Origin" on. -Bentham's address on. -treatment by Darwin in "Variation of Animals and Plants."
Hybrids, and adaptation. -Darwin's views on. -evidence in favour of pangenesis from. -experiments on. -fertility of. -intermediate character of. -primrose and cowslip. -article in "Quarterly Review" on. -sterility of. -Max Wichura on. -Bronn on. -F. Muller's work on. -and heterostyled plants. -rarity of natural. -J. Scott's work on. -tendency to reversion.
Hydra, sexuality of.
Hydropathy, Darwin and.
Hydrozoa, alternation of generations in.
Hymenoptera, affinities of. -H. Muller on.
Hypericum perforatum, a social plant in U.S.A.
Hyracotherium cuniculus, Owen on.
Iberis, mucus in seeds of.
Ice, as agent in dispersal of boulders. -agent in dispersal of plants. -Forbes on transport by. -agent in lake-formation. -cleavage in. -work of, a new factor in geology.
Ice-action, on land and sea.
Icebergs, as factor in explaining European plants in Azores. -Croll on action of. -Darwin on. -evidence in S. America of. -Hopkins on action of.
Ice-cap, of Arctic regions.
Iceland, importance of records of volcanic phenomena in.
Ignorance, Darwin on immensity of man's.
Ilkley, Darwin's visit to.
Illegitimate offspring, need for repetition of Darwin's experiments on plants'.
Immortality, Darwin on.
Immutability of species. -Falconer disbelieves in. -Darwin on.
Imperfection of the Geological Record, see Geological Record.
Impotence in plants. -see also Self-sterility.
India, British rule in. -flora of. -Hooker in. -varieties of domestic animals in. -H.F. Blanford on. -Darwin on origin of lakes in. -evidence of colder climate in. -J. Scott accepts post in.
Infants, Mrs. E Talbot on development of mind in. -observations on ears of.
Infusoria, possible occurrence in underclays of coal.
Inglis, Sir R., Darwin at breakfast party.
Inheritance, atavism and. -conservative tendency of long. -Hackel on. -hypothesis on. -Jager on. -and Natural Selection. -power of. -J.C. Prichard on. -and variability. -Darwin on. -Galton on.
Insanity, concealment of.
"Insect Life," Howard's.
Insectivorous plants, Darwin's work on.
Insects, alpine. -Lord Avebury on. -Bates on. -fossil. -luminous. -of Madeira. -F. Muller on metamorphosis of. -Sharp's book on. -study of habits more valuable than description of new species. -wingless. -Wollaston on. -antiquity of stridulating organs in. -colour and Sexual Selection. -H. Muller's work on adaptation to fertilisation of flowers. -metamorphosis of. -music as attraction to. -observation on fertilisation of flowers by. -Ramsay on. -Riley's work on. -tropical climate and colours of.
Instinct, Darwin and. -in nest-making. -selection of varying.
Insular floras. -Hooker's lecture on.
Insular forms, in Galapagos, Canaries and Madeira. -beaten by continental forms.
Intelligence, meaning of. -Romanes on Animal. -in worms.
Intercrossing, in pigeons. -Darwin on effects of. -and sterility.
Interglacial periods, Darwin on evidence for.
Intermediate forms. -Bates' paper on. -S. American types as. -crossing and frequent absence of. -extinction of. -Falconer on existence of. -as fossils. -Asa Gray on. -Plagiaulax as evidence of. -Wollaston on rarity in insects.
Introduced plants, Sonchus in New Zealand as example of. -in N. America and Australia. -variability of. -Darwin on.
Introductory Essay to Tasmanian "Flora," Hooker's.
Ipswich, British Association meeting (1851).
Iquique, nitrate of soda beds at.
Ireland, Spanish plants in.
Iris, flowers of. -nectar secretion of.
Islands, comparison between species of rising and sinking. -fauna of. -introduction of plants. -products of. -plants with irregular flowers on. -subsidence of coral. -survival of ancient forms in. -volcanic. -comparison of age of continents and. -former greater extension of.
"Island Life," Darwin's criticism of Wallace's.
Isle of Wight, occurrence of Bee-orchis in.
Isnardia palustris, range of.
Isolation, Bentham underestimates importance of. -Darwin's opinion of. -importance of. -Wagner exaggerates importance of. -Weismann on effects of.
Itajahy, F. Muller's narrow escape from flood of.
Italy, flora of.
Ivy, difference in growth of flowering and creeping branches.
Jaeger, G., letter to. -on pangenesis and inheritance.
James', Sir H., discussion in "Athenaeum" on change of climate. -map of the world.
James Island, Darwin's plants from.
Jamieson, W., on S. America. -Darwin converted to glacial theory of Glen Roy after publication of paper by. |