Trinity, 575-l. Universal Soul the source of all living things, 666-m. Universal: the first person, Ani, I, is used by the second, 793-l. Universal: the third person, Hua, He, is used by the first, 793-l. Universals: all things are equally one in each of the two, 794-u. Universals have each a wisdom, one above, one below, 794-m. Universals, or four, Worlds, are Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, Asiah, 759-u. Universals, or four Worlds, defined, 759-u. Universals, the Unities out of which manifoldness flows, 755-u. Universe: a combination of contraries the cause of the harmony of the, 660-l. Universe a harmony, not a discord, the eighth Truth of Masonry, 536-l. Universe a point half way upon the infinite line of eternity, 849-u. Universe always existed in the Divine Mind, 849-m. Universe an emanation from God to the Fellow-Craft, 640-u. Universe an immense Being with an inherent activity, 665-u. Universe and all the succession of events present to the infinite before Creation, 769-u. Universe and God were one, according to the Kabalistic view, 765-m. Universe and Soul separate, yet omnipresent, in the Universe, 672-u. Universe and World synonymous terms to the ancients, 302-m. Universe assigned a double sex by the Egyptians, 655-l. Universe became so by the manifestation of the Thought of Deity outwardly, 700-m. Universe: Benignity poured into the Autocracy of Deity ensures the succession of the, 769-m. Universe came from the Orphic egg issued from the mouth of Kneph, 585-u. Universe can not be viewed today from the ancient standpoint, 595-l. Universe communicated its eternal life to animated beings, 665-l. Universe composed of the Active, or Divine, and the Passive, or changing, 654-m. Universe conceived by God's Thought and its creation willed, 575-u. Universe controlled by the Word, God's Thought, 575-m. Universe created by Deity through the agency of an infinite will, 684-l. Universe created by God's Thought uttered in His Word, 576-l. Universe emanating from Deity symbolized by the triangle, 827-m. Universe: every particle is related to each other particle in the, 828-l. Universe evolved from the Word, 582-m. Universe existed in the first divine idea, yet unexpanded, 608-m. Universe-God adored by the Ancients as Supreme Cause, God of Gods, 666-u. Universe governed by fixed laws or special Providences, 684-l. Universe has no more a beginning than Deity himself, 849-u. Universe has no voids or empty space, 845-m. Universe having perpetuity of movement and life, the Supreme Cause, 667-l. Universe in action is God's mode of operation, 710-u. Universe in idea and actuality contained in Deity to be developed, 849-u. Universe in its totality and its parts was filled with intelligences, 669-l. Universe in potence followed the Idea of Creation in Deity, 767-u. Universe in the beginning but one Soul, the All, alone with Time and space, 582-m. Universe intelligent and wise because man, a part of it, is so, 670-m. Universe is dissolved and renewed in endless succession, 607-l. Universe is God, atheistic at bottom is the statement that the, 707-l. Universe is One, developing itself into the manifold, 765-m. Universe is one Harmony, 737-m. Universe: Laws and forces of the, 526-m. Universe made by Ahura Mazda in 365 days, 613-l. Universe made of fire, water, earth and all-nourishing ether, 611-l. Universe moves, changes, exists by the Eternal Law of Harmony, 826-m. Universe must have been coexistent with Deity because—, 684-u. Universe never began to exist; created by the Word, 575-u. Universe not an immense machine forced into movement, 664-l. Universe not only animated, but intelligent, 669-m. Universe of necessities, sequences of cause and effect, of life evolved from death, 831-u. Universe of the Egyptians a living, animated being, like man, 665-l. Universe of things is the stream that flows from Deity; His energy without cessation, 763-l. Universe, or God, likened to the Ocean by the Egyptians, 665-m Universe, or productive Earth, symbolized by the Square, 851-m. Universe outformed in the form of Male and Female, 763-m. Universe plunged into chaos by a single effect without a cause, 735-l. Universe preserved by Eternal Laws, the expression of God's Thought, 577-u. Universe proceeded forth from Deity; not created by Him out of nothing, 764-m. Universe put in movement by the power of the name of Adonai, 787-l. Universe: questions concerning the creation or self-existence of the, 648. Universe regarded as an intelligent being by some philosophers, 670-u. Universe supplied the first model of the Temple, 408-l. Universe sustained by the Divine Mercies, 800-u. Universe, symbolism indicating the Power, Wisdom, Harmony of the, 209-l. Universe, symbolized by a cave, displayed in the Mysteries, 417-u. Universe symbolized by an egg, 254-m. Universe symbolized by the Temple of Solomon, 208-l. Universe symbolized by Zoroaster by a serpent, 496-l. Universe the aggregate of the ideas of all things that exist, 670-m. Universe the great Bible of God, 715-m. Universe, the Infinite utterance of one of an infinite number of Infinite Thoughts, 100-m. Universe the result of the creative Thought of God, 582-l. Universe, the Thought of God pronounced, always was, 303-u. Universe the utterance of the Divine Thought, 849-u. Universe, the uttered Word of God, is infinite in extent, 303-u. Universe to the ancients was a living thing, 596-m. Universe to us a machine, a great clockwork, 595-l. Universe vivified by a great Soul diffused everywhere, 414-l. Universe void of God is an impossible abstraction, 707-l. Universe was comprehended in Deity before it became, 700-m. Universe was planned by Deity and was of Himself, though not His Very Self, 764-m. Universe, whether governed by reason or chance, of little account if misunderstood, 694-m. Universe will not conform to any absolute principle or arbitrary theory, 831-u. Universe with Soul inherent, an ancient idea, 672-u. Universe would be a failure without the reconciliation of Good and Evil, 767-m. Upanischads asserts and develops the doctrine of the Mantras, 672-l. Uriel, the face of an Eagle, on the East and forward, with Vau and Air, 798-m. Urn, symbolism of the, 519-m. Uschas and Mitra are Medie as well as Zend Deities, 602-u. Uschas, the Dawn, leads forth the Gods in the morning, 602-m. Utopia not possible with men having bodily wants and human passions, 835-m. Utterance of the name of the Great God unlawful, 619-l.
Vacant space for Worlds formed by the recession of the Primal Light, 747-750. Vacant space formed by the contraction of Deity within Himself at Creation, 766-u. Vacant space, the Primal Space, called in the Kabalah Auira Kadmah, was square, 750-m. Valentinians distinguished three orders of existence; described, 560-l. Valentinians venerated the generative organs, symbols of fruitfulness, 656-m. Valentinus defined God as exalted above all possibility of designation, 555-u. Valentinus published the Materia Prima containing an Hermetic symbol, 850-m. Valentinus, reared a Christian at Alexandria, held God was an Abyss, 559-l. Value of little things and humble efforts, 230. Van Helmont asserts spiritual beings possess limited divine power, 684-l. Varouna, the "All Encompasser," almost as extensive as Indra, 602-m. Vase of water in Mysteries to symbolize purification by water, 412-m. Vau and He comprehend all things; all are one system, 800-m. Vau, in the triliteral word, denotes the six members of the Microprosopos, 793-l. Vau is Beauty and Harmony, 798-m. Vau is denoted Microprosopos and is composed of the six parts that follow Hakemah and Binah, 794-l. Vau is Tepharth considered as Unity, in which are the six members; itself is one, 799-l. Vau is Yod moved lengthwise, as communication is from above to below, 792-l. Vau moved sideways produces superfices, which is Daleth, 792-l. Vaults, subterranean, represent—, 208-l. Vav gave light to Yod by which great energy was conferred on Hakemah, 756-u. Vav, in the middle of the three Yods, denotes Hakemah, 763-m Vav is both male and female, 763-m. Vav is Tephareth, 758-u. Vav of the Tetragrammaton in Adam Kadmon as Ruach, 757-u. Vav with Yod and He completes the Triliteral Name, 323-m. Veda apostrophized as living beings the physical objects of worship, 602-m Veda contains the most ancient religious effusions, 602-m. Vedanta and Myaya philosophy regarding God and the Soul, 607-u. Vedanta philosophy maintained the divine unity, 673-u Vedas detail the creation of the world, 609-l. Vedas the voice of the universal organism called Pooroosha, 673-u. Vedic book, Antareya A'ran'ya, gives an account of the creation, 609-u Vedic Gods, their origin and signification, 602-612. Vedic spirit a pantheist monotheism, 672-l. Vegetable Kingdom symbolized by Schib; studied by the Fellow-Craft, 632-u. Veil; noises, lightning, thunder preceded the lowering of the, 433-u. Veil removed revealed the image of the Goddess of the Mysteries, 433-u. Veils of four colors represented the four elements, 409-m. Venus inspires the soul with desires while passing through, 439-m. Venus represents Charity, 727-l. Venus, the name of the second gate of the ladder; material, tin, 414-u. Verity: there is a method of knowing the incontestable, 842-m. Vernal Equinox brought soft winds and warmth, 444-m. Vernal Equinox most fully develops the creative or demiurge energy, 473-u. Vernal Equinox; Principle of Good overcomes that of Evil at the, 664-m. Vernal Equinox; Sun 4,500 years ago in Gemini at the, 401-l. Vernal Equinox: the demiourgic action and energy most active at the, 664-m. Vernal Equinox: the Israelites marched out of Egyptian bondage at the, 466-m. Very Deity is all that may possibly be besides all that is, was, shall be, 819-m. Vessels comparable to the Kings produced by Binah, 797-u. Vessels contain within themselves the light of the sphere, 755-m. Vessels of the Sephiroth below Binah broken that evil might be created, 791-l. Vessels somewhat opaque and not so splendid as the light, 755-m. Vessels were partitions between the greater and lesser Splendor, 755-m. Vestige of His Light remains in the vacant space formed by Deity's contraction, 766-u. Vestige of the Sublime Brilliance exists in a spherical shape, termed splendor, 751-u. Vestiges of the Light, 747-750. Vestiges of the seven Numerations formed by the light flowing down from Binah, 797-u. Vestments of the High Priest and furniture described, 409-u. Vice, condemnation for an undeserved reputation for, 131-l. Vice generally rewarded with contempt and infamy, 705-l. Vice only degrades men who are ennobled by virtue, 622-l. Vice punished in this life, 101-u. Victory: God's Will is not defeated nor thwarted, and that is the Divine, 848-l. Victory is one of the last four of the Sephiroth of the Kabalah, 848-l. Victory, one of the Sephiroth, the column Jachin, 267-l. Victory over the human in man by the Divine the true Holy Empire, 855-u. Vingolf or Gimli the Heaven of the Icelanders, 619-m. Virgil enunciated the doctrine of the preexistence of souls in eternal fire, 399-l. Virgil, in the Georgics, states that life returns to the Universal life, 666-l. Virgil's verse borrowed from the ceremonies of initiation, 381-m. Virgin mother idea among ancients, 104-u. Virgin of the Zodiac bitten in the heel by the Serpent, 497-l. Virgin: Spica Virginis and Arcturus heralded the coming of the Sun, 507-u. Virgin: the march of time, seasons and epochs of the year connected with the, 507-u. Virgo and Bootes at the Autumnal Equinox introduce the serpent, 455-l. Virgo at the Winter Solstice rose with the Sun in her bosom, 455-l. Virgo becomes Isis with Horus in her arms, 455-m. Virgo in the domicile of Mercury, the device of Napthali, 462-u. Virgo: Mercury was the companion and counsellor of Isis or the, 507-m. Virgo named because of the Gleaning Virgin at Harvest, 446-m. Virgo represented by Isis and Ceres at the Vernal Equinox, 506-m. Virgo takes the name of Isis, or the Moon, and appears in all the fables, 507-m. Virtue and Wisdom, only, defend and perfect man, 803-l. Virtue as necessary to happiness a fundamental principle of the Hindu religion, 604-m. Virtue assailed gains strength from resisted temptations, 194-l. Virtue, credit given for an undeserved reputation for, 131-l. Virtue ennobles men and vice only degrades them, 622-l. Virtue exists in the perception and thought of a mind, 201-l. Virtue in man shown in respect and love of others—justice, charity, 703-u. Virtue in this world the condition of happiness in another life, 716-l. Virtue is equilibrium in the Affections, 845-u. Virtue is the truest liberty; the best example, 181-l. Virtue means manliness chiefly, and includes patient endurance, 803-l. Virtue not always rewarded, nor vice punished, in this life, 705-l. Virtue rewarded in this life, 101-u. Virtue: Sir Launcelot thought no chivalry equal to that of, 803-l. Virtue the highest good and aim and purpose of man's life, 226-l. Virtue the prize of the hard-fought battle or race, 181-m. Virtue the surest road to happiness, 705-l. Virtue, the work of genius less noble than that of, 349-l. Virtue, Truth, Honor, and fidelity to vows prove the true Knight, 808-u. Virtue, Truth is the foundation of, 184-l. Virtue, unfortunate, hopes to be rewarded in another life, 717-u. Virtue without happiness is a contradiction and a disorder, 724-m. Virtues, by labor will man continually learn the, 342-m. Virtues of man are God's attributes, 704-u. Virtues of Masonry, four cardinal, 21-m. Virtues turned into offenses against a forced, impractical law, 831-m. Vishnu, the Preserver, manifested by his avatars or impersonations, 603. Vishnu, the Preserving Power of the Hindu Trinity, 550-m. Vishnu to judge the world at the last day: new Universe created, 623-m. Vishnu, with Bramah and Seeva, manifestations of the One Deity, 205-u. "Visible is for us the proportional measure of the invisible", 769-l. Visible the measure of the invisible, 222-u. Vital force of some persons absorbed by others, 735-u. Vitellius, 3-u. Vitellius, horrors of despotism under, 27-u. Void does not exist in the Universe, nor does empty space, 845-m. Void into which the Sun and Stars went on setting, 595-m. Volatile applied to everything that more readily obeys the law of movement, 778-l. Voltaire, throughout the ages will ring the words of, 43-u. Vote of the People expresses the Active Energy of the Will of the Present, 860-u. Vows and obligations to be well considered and kept, 111-l. Vows of obedience, chastity, poverty, taken by the Hospitallers and Templars, 802-u.
War, for great principle, noble; for commercial supremacy, despicable, 70-m. War, prevalence and effects of, 297-298. War, results of, 124-l. Washington adored because of his constant effort to be practically just, 836-l. Water, a test representing the purifying of the soul in the march of years, 397-u. Water and the vessel that produced it the primitive principle of things, 495-m. Water formed by the action of a force of God on two invisible gases, 845-l. Water gives the elements and principles of compounds nutriment, 784-m. Water, the source of all things, one of the symbols of regeneration in the Mysteries, 357-l. Waters and great rivers symbolized by a Dragon, 498-l. Waters first created by a thought of the Sole, Self Existing Power, 608-l. Waters of forgetfulness, Rivers Ameles and Lethe, 439-u. Wealth, degeneration of the families of, 347-l. Wealth, evils of thirst for, 68-m. Wealth, laudable methods of employing, 348-u. Webb, explanations and improvements of, 105-m. Wellington, saved by Blucher, defeats Napoleon, 42-m. Well being, that wealth is to be acquired in a short time is against human, 345-m. West, faith of the people of the East connected with that of the, 247-l. "What is above is like what is below and what is below is like what is above," Hermetic Dogma, 790-m. White and black in juxtaposition a symbol of the two Principles, 818-m. White stone promised the faithful in the Apocalypse, 775-l. White was of the nature of the Good Principle, or light, 662-m. Wicked, according to the Edda, shall go to Hel and then to Nifthel, 619-m. Wicked ultimately pardoned and admitted to endless bliss, 624-u. Will action independent or outside the body not understood, 733-l. Will and Capacity which unite to produce the Act of Intellection is always in conjunction, 766-l. Will concentration necessary to success, 733-m. Will is a Force, 91-u. Will is the faculty that directs the forces of the Intellect, 738-u. Will, like Thought, seems spontaneous; both Powers, 574-u. Will, Man distinguished from the brute by the mastery of his, 192-l. Will of Deity as Wisdom and the Capacity are Father and Mother of all that is, 766-l. Will of Deity caused the Power in Him to exist, the intellectual faculty to exercise, 766-m. Will of Deity determined Him to frame the idea of the Universe, 766-m. Will of Deity flows forth as the Generative Power to beget intellectual action, 766-m. Will of Deity is Kether, Crown, in which are included all other Emanations, 766-u. Will of God and his perfect Freedom difficult of comprehension, 689-u. Will of God is the Soul of all things that are, 755-u. Will of God not defeated nor thwarted and that is the Divine Victory, 848-l. Will of God only works in the material world, no secondary finite will, 828-m. Will power and influence little understood, 733-m. Will, strong and determined, can attain complete independence, 790-l. Will to create was Creation; to plan was to will and create, 766-l. Wills of others subject ours or are subjected by ours, 735. Wind the breath of the universal organism called Pooroosha, 673-u. Winter became emblematic of sin, evil and suffering, 447-l. Winter: fallen angels ruled by a chief controlled the hemisphere of, 449-u. Winter Solstice brought frost and long nights, 445-u. Winter Solstice, Sun was said to die and be born again at the, 464-l. Winter's continuance betokened by Prometheus chained in his cavern, 592-m. Wisdom: a serpent extended at length was a symbol of Divine, 496-m. Wisdom an attainable idea, 693-u. Wisdom and Intellectual Generative Energy is male, 305-m. Wisdom and Love, in Infinity, orders and does all that is, 859-u. Wisdom and Power in equilibrium gives the principles of Truth, Justice, Right, 859-u. Wisdom and Power of Deity are in equilibrium, 7-l. Wisdom and Understanding are in Equilibrium in the Sohar, 305-m. Wisdom and Understanding in the Kabalah are male and female, 305-m. Wisdom and Will of Deity act simultaneously, 766-u. Wisdom called Nous and Logos, Intellect or the Word, 267-l. Wisdom communicated to Jesus the perfect Knowledge, Gnosis, 563-l. Wisdom conjoined with Intelligence generates and are expanded in the Truth, 800-u. Wisdom, Force, Harmony, the Great Attributes of the Essence of Deity, 531-m. Wisdom in aiming at the best and being content with the best possible, 835-u. Wisdom in each Universal, one above, one below, 791-m. Wisdom in Hebrew writings is the Word of God, 323-l. Wisdom in Kabalistic books is the creative agent of God, 323-l. Wisdom, Infinite, rules in the Divine nature and in its Emanations, 768-m. Wisdom is equilibrium in the Thoughts, 845-u. Wisdom is the All, and contains the All, and the summary is the Holy Name, 793-u. Wisdom is the Logos that creates, 323-m. Wisdom is the principle of all things; in it beginning and end are found, 762-m. Wisdom is the Principle of the Universe and from it thirty ways diverge, 794-m. Wisdom issuing and shining from the Ancient shines as male and female, 800-u. Wisdom, made fruitful by the Divine Light, produced Christos and Sophia-Achamoth, 563-u. Wisdom must be possessed in the Absolute before Hermetic work can be thought of, 776-u. Wisdom, Occult, conformed into male and female, Rigor and Love, 796-u. Wisdom of God is His Will; His Will includes His Wisdom, 323-m. Wisdom of God the mother of Creation, 251-l. Wisdom of man a reflection of that of God, 251-l. Wisdom of the daughter, or inferior, distinguished from the Superior Wisdom, 565-u. Wisdom of the Divine limits the Divine Will; the result Beauty or Harmon, 846-l. Wisdom of the Stoic and Epicurean contrasted, 694-m. Wisdom, or the Infinite Divine Intelligence, a side of the Masonic triangle, 826-m. Wisdom, pregnant with all that is, shone under the form of male and female, 763-m. Wisdom represented by the Master of a Lodge, 7-l. Wisdom, Strength, Harmony represented by the Triple Tau, 503-l. Wisdom, Supernal, is Yod and all things are included in Yod, 793-u. Wisdom synonymous with the Word, Son, Einsoph, the Nous, Sophia, 565-u. Wisdom taught by consequences of erring, 181-u. Wisdom the first produced and the Mother of all that exists. 553-u. Wisdom the Mother of Creation, 552-l. Wisdom, when expanded by flowing forth, is called the "Father of Fathers", 762-m. Wisdom which thought the plan, 531-m. Wolf chased by Sagittarius the emblem of Benjamin, the hunter, 461-l. Woman in the constellation at the end of Autumn seems to crush the head of the Serpent, 376-m. Woman is man's creation, 772-u. Woman's perversity devised to account for moral evil, 690-m. Word, a symbol is the pronunciation of the, 205-m. Word, an allegory is made out of the loss of the True, 205-l. Word and Secret; an understanding of the Hermetic necessary to an understanding of the, 777-l. Word and the Sacred Name synonymous, 204-l. Word, as Brahma, communicated to man the revelations to himself, 604-u. Word became flesh, dwelt with us, and in Him were Pleroma, Truth, Grace, 559-l. "Word becomes flesh and dwells among men;" communicates itself to men, 575-m. Word, Christ proclaims a new God's, 309-u. Word communicated living Power to man, 598-m. Word created by God to give existence to men; the Ensoph of the Kabalah, 565-u. Word created the Universe which, like Him, never began to exist, 575-u. Word evolved the Universe, 582-m. Word, examples of the personification of the, 268-l. Word, found in the Phoenician creed, 268-m. Word from the Father, by its power, brought the Light of Existence, 581-l. Word given to initiate of Chinese and Japanese Mysteries, 429-u. Word given to the initiate of the Indian mysteries, 428-m. Word, God reveals Himself to us by His uttered, 324-u. Word, Hebrews not permitted to pronounce now the, 204-m. Word, in verity, of a Master Mason, 861-l. Word Incarnate adored by three Magi, guided by a star, bearing gifts, 730-l. Word is Light and the Life of Humanity, 849-l. Word is lost when it ceases to be understood, 731-m. Word is the First and Only begotten of the Father, 849-l. Word is the First Begotten, not the first created Son of God, 772-m. Word is Two: Principle is One, 772-u. Word, Jehovah not the Ineffable, 205-m. Word, Light and Life are emanations from the Primal Deity, 568-l. Word, Logos, dwells in God in whom all his powers and attributes develop, 552-l. Word, Logos, through which God acts on the Universe, 552-l. Word, meaning of superstitious notions concerning the, 205-u. Word not only Creator, but occupies the place of the Supreme Being, 251-l. Word of a Mason found in the meaning of the ineffable Name, 697-m. Word of a Master Mason, the true knowledge of God, 209-u. Word of a Master supposed to be lost symbolizes the Christian faith after—, 641-l. Word of God the universal invisible Light, cognizable by the senses, 742-u. "Word" of Masonry a symbol of Ormuzd, 256-l. Word of Plato and the Gnostics: the unuttered word within the Deity, 552-m. Word or Thought expressed the third in the Masonic Trinity, 575-l. Word, out of original truths misunderstood grew fables of the, 205-u. Word, representing the Absolute, the reason for strange rites of initiation, 840-m. Word, Sacred, written by Isis, but effaced by Typhon as soon as written, 376-l. Word said to be a personified object of prayer, revealed and manifested, 613-l. Word; "symbolism of the Alexandrian" unspeakable, 728-u. Word, symbolism of the ignorance of the True, 223-m. Word symbolizes the Saviour himself, 642-u. Word, synonymous with Son, Wisdom; the Ormuzd of Zoroaster, 565-u. Word that is the utterance and expression of being and life is that of the Absolute, 841-l. Word, The, appears in ancient sects, 271-l. "Word," the ever living emanation of the Deity, by virtue of which the world exists, 613-u. Word, the highest conception of Deity we can form is the True, 223-m. Word, the Image of the Supreme Being, Logos, 251-u. Word, The, in the Phoenician Cosmogony, 278-m. "Word," the instrumentality through which the warfare against death is carried on, 613-u. Word, The, is Ormuzd, Ainsoph, Nous, Sophia, or Demiourgos, 271-l. Word, The, is the reason of belief; the source of Logic: Jesus is the Word incarnate, 323-l. Word, the manifestation and expression of God's Thought, 575-l. Word, the manifestation and mode of communication of God's Thought, 575-u. Word, the powers and attributes of God act through the, 251-l. Word the protector of men and their Shepherd, 251-l. Word, The, spoken of by Philo as being the same with God, 269-u. Word, the statement of Arius concerning the, 279-l. Word, the synonym for Wisdom, Intellect, 267-l. Word, the True, is ineffable because—, 223-m. Word, the utterance of the thought of God, 552-m. Word, The, various assertions concerning, 280-281. Word, triple, of Pythagoras, 97-m. Word united itself with Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, 564-l. Word was in common use and written, 204-m. Word was in the beginning with God and was God, 849-m. Word, when lost, 205-l. Word which was lost found after Christ's ascent from the tomb, 642-u. Word with man at the beginning and that Word from God, 598-m. Word worn on the person as an amulet, 204-m. Words formed by the reversion of letters of former words; examples, 699-m. Words inadequate to express conception of Deity, hence personification, 672-l. Words nothing but letters and their combinations, 749-m. Words refer to things and are images of what is material, 569-u. Work done worthy of Masonry and acceptable to God, 351-u. Work, from first to last Masonry is, 340-u. Work is noble; ease for neither God nor man, 340-l. Work is prayer; is life, 342-u. Work, not wholly in vain is any good, 230-m. Work of lowly and uninfluential important; instances—, 41-42. Work, there is a nobleness and sacredness in, 341-l. Workman of the Deity is Yod, according to the Kabalah, 792-l. Workingman, condition of the, 179. Workingman, the hero of Masonry is a, 340-u. Works, Doubt, Sorrow, Remorse, Indignation shrink away when man, 342-u. World a great plain to the ancients, 593-l. World and all its parts in God, the Supreme Cause, 667-m. World and its modes will ever exist by the eternal qualities of the Active and Passive, 654-l World and its spherical envelope represented by the mystic egg, 400-u. World and Man made in the image of Ialdaboth in order to—, 563-m. World cognizable by the Intellect has the Hermetic Theology and the Kabalah, 785-m. World compared to man, 667-l. World consumed by the comet, Gurzsher, 623-l. World created by Fear did not subsist until Compassion was adjoined, 796-l. World created by Ormurzd in six periods of 500 years each, 258-u. World created by the Logos (Word), 252-l. World declined into idolatry and barbarism, 599-l. World, different views of by different men, 193. World first created by Judgment, but it could not subsist, 800-u. World formed by the creative principle out of matter, the Triad, 631-m. World good enough if men will do the best they know how, 696-m. World is a whole which has its harmony, for God could make none other, 707-l. World judged by Vishnu; consumed by fire; new Universe created, 623-m. World not merely a material and mechanical machine, 414-l. World of action produces clashing of passion and conflict of interests, 696-u. World of Ideas created by God; material world by His Logos, 251-l. World of Inanity, the first World, could not continue because it had no human conformation, 795-u. World of matter a revelation of fear to the Northern savages, 713-l. World of restitution formed throughout in the human form, 794-l. World of restitution instituted after evil was made possible, 794-l. World of restitution instituted after the fashion of the Balance, 794-l. World of the Balance refers to the other World, 762-l. World of the covering, or garment, is the inmost, nearest his substance, 749-m. World of the garment has a name which includes all things: Ihuh, 750-u. World peopled by Christs would be relieved of the ills of society, 718-l. World perfect and good because God made it, 705-m. World-producing egg figures in all cosmogonies, 771-l. World represented by a blue circle, flames and a serpent with a hawk's head, 495-m. World represented by the number five: earth, water, air, fire, ether, 634-U. World, the germ of creation communicated to Wisdom brought forth the, 251-l. World, the great and appointed school of industry is the, 344-m. World, the necessary logical condition of God; His necessitated consequence, 708-l. World; the Sephiroth were points, one below the other in the first, 795-u. World, the visible World the image of the invisible, 252-l. World, unimportance of the Universe and importance of our, 302-m. World what we make it by character and adaption, 193. World will end when the Redeemer has attracted to Himself the Light or Soul of Matter, 566-l. World-wonder all around us, 244-m. World worth living in, 140-m. World would be a Paradise if all men were true Masons, 530-l. Worlds could not be framed in the Primal Ether because of—, 750-l. World's disorder seems to impugn the justice and goodness of God, 705-m. Worlds, four, represented by Yod, He, Vau; He, 798-m. Worlds in actuality produced from the Sepiroth Malakoth, 754-u. World's mystery remains but sufficiently cleared to inspire confidence, 696-m. Worlds of the Kabalah are four: Emanation; Creation; Formation; Fabrication, 768-m. Worlds produced by the potentialities of the Sephiroth becoming actualities, 755-l. Worship, a teaching, should be magnificent, not mean, 102-u. Worship of an abstraction not possible, must have some form, 514-l. Worship of nature seems to have emanated from Iranian races, 601-l. Worship of the Active and Passive divisions of the Great First Cause widespread, 653-l. Worship of the Heavenly Bodies by different peoples, 457. Worship of the things symbolized superseded that of God, 601-m. Worship of Zoroastrians principally hymns and prayers, 617-l. Worship, only those initiated were admitted to the private, 352-u. Worship, the Mysteries constituted the private, 352-u. Worships, among ancient nations were public and private, 352-u. Wreaths of laurel as a reward for—, 157-m. Writing in hieroglyphs revived to hide the true meaning of the doctrine, 732-l. Written human speech gives power and permanency to human thought, 54-m. Wrong conflicts with justice and falls, 830-u. Wrong done to another an injury to our own Nature, 127-m. Wrong, evil, suffering but temporary and discords, 577-u. Wrong in human nature yields to the divine in us, 133-l. Wrong is surely unsuccessful; the Knave deceives himself, 837-l. Wrongdoer often does more injury to himself, 134-u. Wrongdoer who exults in his acts, no benedictions for the, 134-u. Wrongdoers, without revenge or anger should come the punishment of, 75-m. Wrongful acts, no remittance of the natural effects of, 127-l.
Xenophanes acknowledged the unsatisfactory results of Philosophy, 093-l. Xenophanes advocated Monotheism, 678-m. Xenophanes called the universal being spherical, 676-u. Xenophanes used material imagery to illustrate an indefinite meaning, 676-u.
Y, alludes to the Triune God and is the ineffable name in Chinese, 429-m. Yahveh, see Iahaveh, 104-m. Yazata a personified object of prayer, 613-l. Year of the Romans commenced at the Winter Solstice, 464-l. Year's commencement fixed by different nations at one of four periods, 464-l. Yesod characterized as the Generative member of the symbolic human figure, 767-m. Yesod is stability and permanence from which flows Malakoth, Empire, Rule, 767-m. Yesod, one of the Sephiroth; Foundation or Basis; by which all worlds are upheld, 753-m. Yesod, the male organ of Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Yesod, the result of Victory and Glory, Netsach and Hod, in the Kabalah, 767-u. Yesirah, the World of Formation of the Sephiroth Theology, 99-m. Yod, a smaller receptacle than Crown, but filled from that source, 753-u. Yod, added to the ternary name of Eve, gives the Kabalistic word Jehova, 771-m. Yod and He represent the Male and Female principles in equilibrium, 323-m. Yod comprehends the principle called Father (the Male or Generative Principle), 763-l. Yod created the becoming world; for Yod includes two letters, 763-l. Yod descended into the vacant space to lessen the Light, 754-l. Yod of the Tetragrammaton as Neschamah Leneschamah in Adam Kadmon, 757-u. Yod, He, denotes Hakemah and Binah, 789-m. Yod, He, of the anterior or male, and Vav He, of the posterior or female, 750-u. Yod, He, or Jah, is bi-sexual, 849-m. Yod, He Vau, denotes Gedulah, Geburah, Tephareth, 798-m. Yod, He, Vau, He, is the name of Deity manifested in the act of Creation, 849-u. Yod impregnated the letter He, and begets a son, 763-l. Yod in the triangle is the initial of the last word of the Trinity, 782-l. Yod, in the Kabalah, is the opifex, workman of the Deity, 792-l. Yod, in the Kabalah, the Creative energy of God, 16-l. Yod is Hakemah, 758-u. Yod is male; in it are three Yods, the upper and lower apex and the middle, 763-m. Yod is primal, like one, first among numbers; like a point, first before all bodies, 792-l. Yod is the beginning and end of all things that are; the Father of all, 763-l. Yod is the beginning and end of all things which are contained in Yod, 793-u. Yod is the symbol of Wisdom and of the Father, the Principle, 792-l. Yod lost its brilliancy when it descended from the Shekinah, 751-m. Yod moved lengthwise produces a line, which is Vau, 792-l. Yod not as brilliant as the Primal Ether, 751-u. Yod, on his ascension left behind him the productive light of the letter He, 751-l. Yod placed in a pit of shadow made by the Creator, 772-u. Yod produced by Emanation by the Creator, 772-u. Yod, symbol of Unity; symbolism of—, 15-m. Yod, the Father, approaches He, the Mother, according to the Siphra de Zeniutha, 793-u. Yod, "The Fountain gushing with Wisdom", 753-u. Yod, the image of the Kabalistic Phallus, represents the human Tetragram, 771-m. Yod uttered by Wisdom creates worlds, first as an Idea, 323-m. Yod's light increased when the letter He communicated to him her light, 751-m. Yod's middle is Hakemah; Hakemah is Father, 763-m. Yod's number is ten; Vau is six, Daleth is four, equal to that of Yod, 792-l. Yod's plenitude, the name of the letter spelled, is—, 792-l. Yods sometimes compose the Tetractys of Pythagoras, 60-l. Yod's upper apex denotes the Supreme Kether; the lower apex Binah, 763-m. York Rite explanation of Lodge and ladder, 9-l. York Rite explanation of symbolic meaning of Ashlars, 5-u. York Rite explanation of symbols, 16-m. Yn and Yang signify repose and motion amongst Chinese, 630-l.
Z, the initial of Zeus because of its resemblance to the figure seven, 635-l. Zagreus dismembered; protected by the dance of the Curetes, 585-l. Zagreus the same as Dionusos; entrusted with the thunderbolt, 585-l. Zayo, is the third Sephirah, the intellectual producing capacity, 741-u. Zebulon dwelt on the sea shore, his device is Capricorn, the tail of a fish, 461-l. Zechariah, visions of; symbolism of numbers, 58-u. Zend-Avesta, borrowed from and added to the Jewish doctrine, 256-u. Zend-Avesta, Doctrines and teachings of the, 256-258. Zend-Avesta, God's nature in the, 256-m. Zend-Avesta, Kabalists and Gnostics adopted doctrines of the, 282-l. Zend-Avesta, many doctrines of Revelations found in the, 273-m. Zend-Avesta, Persian faith and doctrines as taught in the, 282. Zend-Avesta, the Creator called the Ancient of Days in the, 266-l. Zend-Avesta, the Word created the World, 282. Zeruane-Akherene, Unlimited Time, above all of the Persian Gods, 598-u. Zetesis or search of Osiris or Adonis, that is of Bootes, 484-u. Zeus, King of the Gods, 13-u. Zeus of Homer an array of antitheses, 689-l. Zeus put an end to the Golden Age for beneficent reasons, 691-u. Zeus, the God of Gods, the Son of Time; the Beginning, the Middle, the All, 619-l. Zodiac and signs on coins, medals, seals, 462-l. Zodiac assigned to six male and six female Great Gods by Astrologers, 658-u. Zodiac crossed by the Sun at two opposite points which change, 437-l. Zodiac is an existence, organized by the universal soul, 669-u. Zodiac; Plato in his Republic adopted the divisions of the planets and, 462-u. Zodiac, six signs were male and six female in the, 402-m. Zodiac the cause of all sublunary effects, 663-m. Zodiac, the path along which the Sun traveled, 446-l. Zodiac, veils of the Royal Arch have reference to the signs and stars of the, 409. Zodiacal signs are unchanged, 437-l. Zodiacal signs; characteristics of Jacob's sons compared with those of the, 461. Zodiacal signs, commencing with Aries, are those of Light, 663-u. Zodiacal signs, commencing with Libra, are those of Darkness, 663-u. Zodiacal signs divided in three Decans of ten degrees each, 470-m. Zodiacal signs represented by the twelve Deities of the Persians, 663-u. Zohak, conquered by Pheridoun, lamented by the Persians, 594-l. Zohar, is Nestar, Concealed, the intellectual potency of Deity, 741-u. Zoroaster; Magism was the science of, 839-l. Zoroaster asks Ormuzd what to do to combat Evil and make men holy, 613-m. Zoroaster claimed to have conversed, man to man, with Deity, 424-l. Zoroaster discourses on the old Fire and Light Idea, 611-m. Zoroaster drew his doctrines from the Mysteries, 373-m. Zoroaster, from Bactria came the doctrines of, 258-l. Zoroaster, Hindu and Buddists elements in the doctrines of, 258-l. Zoroaster, Masonry reiterates the maxims of, 221-m. Zoroaster, Pharisees and Jews borrowed the doctrines of, 238-l. Zoroaster possessed a true knowledge of Deity, 207-l. Zoroaster received the Primitive Truth from the Indians, 017-m. Zoroaster speaks of the Sun and Stars, 611-l. Zoroaster taught the Primitive Truth to Pythagoras, 617-m. Zoroaster, the Aions, Ideas, Angels, correspond to the Ferouers of, 256-u. Zoroaster's sayings to the Persians, 170-u. Zoroaster's disciples used the symbolism of the Mystic Egg, 403-u. Zoroaster's doctrine more ancient than Kuros, 256-u. Zoroaster's doctrines carried by Jews into Syria and Palestine, 256-u. Zoroaster's doctrines taught, 167-l. Zoroaster's doctrines the best the Persians were fitted to receive, 38-u. Zoroastrian doctrines suggested the worship of the Supreme God, 617-l. Zoroastrian oracles give a Triad of Fire, Light and Ether, 549-u. Zoroastrian Two Principles symbolized by white and black in juxta-position, 818-m. Zoroastrians rejected Temples, Altars, Statues, 617-l. Zoroastrians religiously exterminate serpents, etc, 497-m. Zoroastrianism an innovation on an older religion, 602-u. Zorobabel's Warrior-Masons the model of the Templars, 816-m.