Science rests on reason and experience, 776-u. Science substitutes Forces for God's supervision of the Universe, 809-m. Science teaches the magnitude of the Universe, 711-m. Science teaches that man is not the central point of the Universe, 711-m. Science, the higher, known as the Knowledge of the Word, 253-l. Science, which is the reflection of God's glory, receives the Seal of His Eternity, 842-l. Sciences: Astrology generally practiced and deemed the mother of, 463-u. Sciences originally concealed in Sanctuaries opened up by the Sohar, 843-l. Scientific footprints discovered in the Symbolism of the Ancients, 842-l. Sclavono-Vendes typified the Trinity by the three heads of Trigtav, 551-l. Scorpio named because hot winds were venomous like reptiles, 446-m. Scorpio, Osiris loses his life and virility under the sign, 478-l. Scorpio: red Antares, one of the Stars marking Solstitial points, etc, 456-u. Scorpio, the reign of Typhon began when the Sun entered, 456-u. Scorpion bites the Equinoxial Bull on which sits Mithras, 478-l. Scorpion or Serpent stings the Bull and Orion at Autumnal Equinox, 466-l. Scorpion represented by a Snake, generally, a Scorpion, a sign accursed, 456-u. Scottish Elder Master and Knight of St. Andrew, the 4th Degree of Ramsay, 779-l. Scottish Knight of St. Andrew, the 29th Degree, 801. Scottish Rite a teacher of great Truths, 328-l. Scottish Rite Degrees, meanings of pompous titles, 327-u. Scottish Rite Degrees were insignificant and merely communicated, 326-m. Scottish Rite, in any country, under any opinion, are conferred the degrees of the, 329-l. Scottish Rite intended to be a Teacher of Mankind, 332-l. Scottish Rite philosophy, teachings in reference to the soul and Deity, 855-u. Scottish Rite teaches humanity where domestic slavery exists, 330-u. Scottish Rite teaches to its initiates in all its degrees—, 329-l. Scottish Rite teachings concerning the employed and employer, 330-m. Scottish Rite, the five principal divisions of the, 202-u. Scottish Rite the Preacher of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, 329-l. Scriptures, first written by God on the Earth and Heavens, 25-l. Scriptures have an inner and an outer meaning, 266-u. Scriptures, the Essenes believed in the Esoteric and Exoteric meaning of the, 265-l. Scriptures, the literal meaning for the vulgar only, 250-l. Scythia: Hercules begets with a Dragon the three ancestors of, 498-m. Scythian name for the Sun was Arcaleus or Hercules, 587-u. Scythians lamented the death of Acmon, 594-l. Scythians made the earth the wife of Jupiter, 658-m. Seal of the Templars, originally two Knights on a single horse, changed to the device of a Lamb, 802-u. Seals, coins, medals impressed with Zodiac and signs, 462-l. Second day of Greek Mysteries initiates were purified in the sea, 433-m. Second day of the second month dedicated to the manes of the dead, 630-m. Second Degree, Fellow-Craft, 22-u. Second month in the year dedicated to Pluto, God of Hell, 630-m. Secrecy enjoined on the Initiates very strict; penalties for violation, 384-u. Secrecy indispensable in a Mason of whatever Degree, 109-m. Secrecy of the Christian Mysteries, 544-547. Secrecy required to be pledged before giving dogmas, 432-m. Secret Discipline traced to the commencement of the Christian Era, 547-u. Secret Doctrine superior to that of the Gospels claimed by the Gnostics, 542-l. Secret knowledge of the Grand Scottish Master relates to the transmutation of substances, 780-u. Secret, Masonic, revealed as Degrees are taken, 219-u. Secret Master, 4th Degree, 106-u. Secret of Masonry discovered in its symbols and work, 218-.u Secret of the Grand Arcanum, Royalty of Sages, Crown of Initiate, 101-l. Secret of the great work sought by the aspirants, 733-u. Secret of the Occult Sciences is that of Nature itself, 844-u. Secret of the Sohar necessary to enable one to make use of it, 843-l. Secret of the Stone is the extraction of salt from all matter, 779-u. Secret of the Universal Equilibrium is the Royal Secret, 859-u. Secret Orders and Associations had two doctrines, one concealed, 817-l. Secret: the Mystery of the Balance is the Royal, 858-l. Secret traditions of the Kabalah contain a perfect Theology, 843-l. Secret, Triple, of the Great Work represented by—, 104-l. Secrets of a brother to be kept if Law warrants, 109-l. Secrets of Ancient Masons concealed under enigmas and parables, 785-l. Secrets of Masonry; Religions, Mysteries, Hermeticism, concealed, 104-l. Secrets of the Kabala contained in the ternarys of the Evangelic Symbols, 730-l. Secrets of the Temple, the revolution of the earth around the Sun one of the, 843-u. Sect, Masonry neither a political nor a religious, 220-l. Sects, Masonry embraces all parties and sects to form—, 220-l. Seers living in the hope of being crowned, rend crowns and tread on them, 844-l. Seeva, with Bramah and Vishnu, manifestations of the One Deity, 205-u. Seir Aupin or Microprosopos, Arik Aupin, or Macroprosopos, 799-m. Self consciousness leads to consciousness of God, 709-m. Self-denial, patience, humility, essential qualities of a Knight of St. Andrew, 801-l. Self limitation the first passing of a hidden Deity to manifestation, 555-m. Self preservation may, in cases, be the just and right thing to do, 836-u. Self restraint does not imply self sacrifice, 696-m. Selfishness the great stumbling block in the way of doing good, 720. Senary applied to the physical man; the septenary to his spirit, 634-l. Seneca compared Philosophy to Initiation, 384-l. Senses and appetites incite to great deeds, give strength, are useful servants, 860-l. Senses are mysteries to us, 528. Senses are not the witnesses that bear testimony to the loftiest Truths, 569-u. Sentence written against the unjust in the nature of the Universe, 837-l. Sentiment, deficiencies and inefficiency of mere, 148-149. Sentiment warms and inclines to action; truth enlightens and illumines, 725-m. Sentiments play an important part in morality, 725-m. Sephar Yezirah, one of the completest embodiments of Occultism, 321-m. Sephiroth, according to the Kabalistic idea, 765-u. Sephiroth are a triple triangle and a circle, 769-l. Sephiroth are Attributes of God by which He reveals Himself, 267-l. Sephiroth are Ideas and Rays of the Infinite not separated from It, 759-m. Sephiroth are the cause of existence of everything through certain media, 759-m. Sephiroth arranged in three columns according to the book Omschim, 757-m. Sephiroth changed from the spherical form to the form of a person, 757-m. Sephiroth described and their modes and actions explained, 761-m. Sephiroth diagrammatically arranged, 770. Sephiroth emanate from the First Cause, and are the media which manifest It, 761-u. Sephiroth emanating from Deity were the rays of His Splendor, 742-u. Sephiroth, explanation of the last nine, 323-m. Sephiroth figured as constituting a human form, 322-l. Sephiroth from whose equilibrium results eternal permanency and Stability, 736-l. Sephiroth of the Kabala constituted the Ancient of Days, 727-m. Sephiroth of the Kabalah, significance and numbers of the, 322-323. Sephiroth or Emanations, names of the ten, 267-m. Sephiroth or Emanations of Deity symbolized by lights, 202-l. Sephiroth or rays the emanations or outflowings of Deity, names, 552-m. Sephiroth: seven metals represented by the seven lower, 798-l. Sephiroth so constituted that it was not necessary to frame worlds from the first nine of them, 754-u. Sephiroth, sometimes called the Persons of the Deity, are His Rays, 748-m. Sephiroth: Splendor or Perfection of Deity represented by the eighth, 736-l. Sephiroth, ten, proceed from Malakoth of the several worlds, 784-l. Sephiroth, the means through which Deity is the Single Cause of All, 759-m. Sephiroth, Theology of the, 99-m. Sephiroth: unlimited Power represented by the seventh, 736-l. Sephiroth: Victory, Glory, Stability, Dominion, are the last four, 848-l. Sephirothic tables contain a numeration called Daath, cognition, 757-l. Sephiroths, seven and eight, in equilibrium, cause the ninth and. tenth, 736-l. Septenaries, there is silence in Heaven after each of the, 321-u. Septenary philosophy of Initiation may be summed up as—, 322-u. Septenary unites the triangle of Idea to the square of Form, becoming the Crown, 321-l. Septenary universally in repute, 635-u. Serapis represented with a human head and serpentine tail, 500-m. Serapis, the name of the Sun to his adorers on the Nile, 587-l. Serpent an emblem of eternity and immortality, 496-l. Serpents and Dragons have something divine in their nature, 494-m. Serpent and the bull used as symbols in Bakchian Mysteries, 420-u. Serpent, brazen, erected by Moses, a good genius, 278-l. Serpent called Agathodemon, the good Spirit, 495-u. Serpent, considered a good genius; symbolism of the, 278-l. Serpent devouring its own tail a symbol of the Life principle, 734-m. Serpent engenders the Bull and the Bull the Serpent; explanation, 493-494-u. Serpents entwined around and suspended from winged Globe, 492-m. Serpents fed in Temples and were immortal, 494-m. Serpents figure in Mysteries and at Feasts, 494-m. Serpent form assumed by Typhon, Ahriman, Satan, 661-l. Serpents held by goddesses in Egypt and Assyria, 495-l. Serpent in connection with astronomical observations, 492-l. Serpent known to Orientals under generic name of "Eva", 494-u. Serpent legends and references, general, 492-502. Serpent represents Typhon; it is also a symbol of winter, 376-m. Serpent the author of the fate of Souls; Hebrews and Gnostics, 492-m. Serpent the peculiar symbol of the 25th Degree, 492-m. Serpent was Oesculapius, God of Healing; Feast of—, 493-m—496. Serpent with a globe or circle found on all ancients' monuments, 492-l. Servius states that when beings die life returns to the Universal Soul, 666-l. Seth, a power set up as an adversary of Osiris, 588-u. Seth's descendants preserved the primitive religion, 599-m. Seven a peculiarly sacred number; symbolism of, 58-l. Seven Archangels assigned to the government of the Seven Planets, 727-u. Seven as a symbolic number in the Kabalah, 322. Seven as composed of three and four in a word of four letters, symbolic meaning of, 728-m. Seven circular walls of the palace of Deioces in Ecbatana, each colored, 729-u. Seven composed of six and unity, 635-u. Seven composed of three and four; the magical power in full force, 727-m. Seven concentric spheres the residence of the Universal Soul, 668-u. Seven connected with the number of the Planets, 635-u. Seven ears of wheat in Pharaoh's dream interpreted by Joseph, 729-u. Seven expresses all the elements of the Magical Mystery symbolized by the Sphinx, 728-u. Seven Genii of the Ancient Mythologies, 727-l. Seven golden candlesticks, symbol in Revelations, 53-l. Seven great nations prayed three times a day turning toward the North Pole, 457-l. Seven immersions alluded to the seven spheres a soul plunged through, 506-l. Seven jewels on neck and limbs of woman who died during famine, 729-m. Seven metals, one each assigned to the planets; Gold to the Sun, Silver to the Moon, 728-l. Seven, mysteries, difficulties, trumpets, cups in the Apocalypse, 321-u. Seven notes in the musical octave corresponded with the Sephiroth, 727-m. Seven planets designated by the seven vowels of the Greek language, 728-m. Seven, references to the number, 233-m. Seven rivers of the Punjaub gave the Veda, 602-m. Seven seals on the Kabalistic book of the Apocalypse, 727-l. Seven Secondary Causes governed the World; the universal forces, 727-u. Seven Sephiroth constituted Atik Yomin and corresponded with the seven colors, 727-m. Seven Sephiroth projected from Binah by the energy of Hakemah, 756-l. Seven spheres of Borsippa or pyramid of Bel, at Babylon, each colored, 729-u. Seven stages of the Babylonish pyramid represents—, 234-m. Seven stars, symbol in Revelations, 53-l. "Seven Stars" the familiar name of the Pleiades, connected with Orion, 489-l. Seven Stars the prison of the disobedient Stars and Heavenly Host, 511-u. Seven Stars, Ursa Major, Great Bear, circle around the North Pole, 456-m. Seven steps of Solomon's Temple symbolize the sevenfold purification of the Masters, 780-l. Seven steps of the Mithraic ladder, 233-l. Seven symbolized life for the Egyptians, 635-m. Seven, the Holy Empire of the clavicules of Solomon, 727-m. Seven, the number of the Master's Degree, from the Pleiades, 487-u. Seven, the sacred number in all theogonies and symbols, 727-m. Seven, the Spirit assisted by the elemental powers, 727-m. Seven, the Soul served by Nature, 727-m. Seven vices and seven virtues, 727-l. Seven virtues symbolized by the then known planets, 727-l. Seven vowels in the Greek language designated the seven planets, 728-m. Seven Wonders of the World; seven lines that composed the Pyramids; seven gates of Thebes, 322-u. Sevenfold light symbolized by the seven steps leading to the Outer Court of the Temple, 782-m. Sevenfold manipulation and purification in the transmutation of metals, 780-l. Seven-stepped ladder represents the seven planetary spheres, 851-l. Seventeenth Degree, doctrines and teachings of the, 274-l. Seventeenth Degree, Knight of the East and West, first of the Philosophical Degrees, 246-l. Seventh day of Greek Mysteries gymnastic exercises, etc, 434-u. Seventh letter of the Egyptian alphabet, a serpent standing on its tail, 500-m. Severities of Microprosopos are the Evil, 795-m. Severity the mystery of pleasure and warmth of generative appetite, 797-m. Sex form of primitive man was that of both; "right and left" refers to it, 771-u. Sexes assigned to the causes of nature, 655-m. Sexual characteristics are not assigned to Deity by the Kabalah, 765-m. Sexual characteristics symbolically assigned to some of the Emanations, 766-u. Sexual: meaning of obscure language of the Kabalah, revealed by the Name being bi-, 849-m. Shadai, Supreme Power, one of the names of Deity on the Delta, 532-u. Shadow carried with every planet or sphere not a center of Light, 845-m. Shadow follows from visible light in direct proportion, 847-l. Shadow of God is immortality: "Whose shadow is death," Sanscrit stanza, 741-m. Shadow, the absence of Divine Light in a soul causes the awful, 300-u. Shadow which accompanies the light representing Hule, 556-u. Shadow, without Light there can be no, 307-l. Shadows effaced the Light is annulled, 848-u. She and He in Aramtic, Hebrew and Arabic, 700-u. Shekinah, God in-dwelling, the place where Yod He, Vav-He, dwelt, 750-u. Shekinah, the garment which by the third retraction was left empty of the light, 750-u. Shepherd Kings had Crux Ansata for a symbol of royalty, 502-l. Shew Bread, the twelve months represented by the 12 loaves of, 409-m. Ship, in Hebrew, is Ani; the same word means I, Me or Myself, 781-m. Ship: in the transmutation of metals a vessel is used having the form of a, 781-u. Sicilian Mysteries known as the Academy of Sciences, 625-u. Sicilian Vespers referred to, 49-l. Sign of the 8th Degree expressive of—, 137-m. Significance of words not known till things are taken away, 190-u. Signs, symbols, watchwords used by early Christians, 544-m. Silence regarding the Holy Spirit due to the awe of the Highest Mysteries, 849-l. Silence, otherwise the Thought of God, produced the Spirit, 563-u. Silenus, "The preceptor of the Soul," a characteristic Bacchic Sage, 392-l. Silver assigned to the Moon, 729-u. Simeon and Levy had for device the two fishes of Pices, 462-u. Simon Magus advanced the theory of Existences to solve the origin of things, 553-u. Simon Magus, founder of the Gnostics, on the manifestations of God, 270-m. Simon Magus taught that the Supreme Being produced three couples of—, 552-l. Simon of Cyrene crucified instead of Christ, 554-u. Simple life of our ancestors preferable to the showy, loud, of today, 806-l. Simplicius held that in each Star there is an immortal Soul, 671-m. Sin and evil reconciled with the wisdom and beneficence of God, 686-u. Sin being congenital with Humanity, God's Justice would have annihilated man, 846-u. Siphra de Zeniutha contains reference to the Book of the Abstruse, 762-m. Siphra de Zeniutha states that Yod is the symbol of Wisdom, 792-l. Siphra de Zeniutha, the Commentary of Rabbi Chajun Vital, 794-m. Sipra de Zeniutha states that the Active and Passive are always in conjunction, 766-l. Sirius made sentinel of the heavens by Ormuzd, 662-l. Sirius or the Dog Star, the friend of Osiris was—, 376-l. Sirius rose before the Sun previous to the swelling of the Nile, 454-l. Sirius, the Dog Star, named because it gave warning of the overflow, 446-m. Sisyphus, Pausanias claimed that contempt for the Mysteries caused the punishment of, 381-l. Siva, the Destroying or Renovating power of the Hindu Trinity, 550-m. Six a symbol of the terrestrial globe animated by a divine spirit, 636-l. Six, an emblem of nature, presenting the six dimensions, 634-l. Six chief Spirits the progeny of the Supreme God in many theogonys, 728-l. Six good and six evil spirits typify the months, 635-u. Six superior and six inferior signs, references to Stars, 490-m. Six the first perfect number and a symbol of justice, 634-l. Sixteenth Degree, Prince of Jerusalem; characteristics of the, 241-u. Sixth day of Greek Mysteries, procession of lakchos, 434-u. Sixth Degree, Intimate Secretary (Confidential Secretary), 119-u. Skull, initiate in Druidical Mysteries seals obligation by drinking out of a, 430-l. Sky a solid, concave arch, along which journeyed the Sun, etc., 443-l. Slander and calumny of modern journalism, 334. Slavery, domestic, considered by the Scottish Rite, 330-u. Snake; a new world will emerge from the waters when Odin kills the great, 593-u. Social problems, most important of all, 180-u. Social state, God has ordained that life shall be a, 197-l. Societies and ancient theogonies have a common concealed doctrine, 729-l. Society a creation of Heaven, 196-l. Society and social state, teachings of, 183-m. Society, minuteness of regulation required by refined, 44-l. Society, religion of, 213-u. Society, the unobserved and invisible the most beautiful in, 141-m. Socrates accused of Atheism, 384-l. Socrates assumed the title of a "lover of truth", 691-l. Socrates believed in a Universal Reason pervading all things, 693-u. Socrates claimed that the Initiates had glorious hopes of eternity, 379-l. Socrates confessed to the failure of philosophy, 693-l. Socrates expounded the higher Greek religious ideas, 617-m. Socrates, Masonry revives the wise teachings of, 221-m. Socrates prostrated himself before the rising Sun, 678-m. Socrates, the Grecian philosopher, saying of, 170-u. Socrates writes: "The initiated will attain the company of the Gods", 373-m. Sohar and Jezirah, knowledge of the Kabalistic doctrines in the books, 266-l. Sohar declares the mystery of the "Balance" or Equilibrium, 305-u. Sohar expresses Ainsoph as Light because unable to express it by any other word, 740-m. Sohar incomprehensible and almost illegible without the Secret Key, 843-l. Sohar's Introduction states that Deity determined to create Good and Evil, 796-u. Sohar one of the completest embodiments of Occultism, 321-m. Sohar, references concerning Creation in the Introduction to the, 748-l. Sohar says "Everything proceeds according to the Mystery of the Balance", 552-m. Sohar says the Ten Sephiroth have their root with the Substance of Him, 754-u. Sohar terms the Royal Secret the Mystery of the Balance, 858-l. Sohar, the Key of the Holy Books, opens up the Sciences of the Sanctuary, 843-l. Sol derived from Solus, the One, Only God, 630-m. Solid number is twelve; the foundation of our happiness, 629-u. Solomon, Lodge represents the Temple of King, 7-m. Solomon represented by a Lion, 210-m. Solomon's clavicules refer to the Holy Empire; symbolized, 727-m. Solomon's double triangle explained by St. John, 792-u. Solomon's philosophy the basis on which Masonry is founded, 785-l. Solomon's Star formed by the meeting of the lines of the Compass of Science with those of the triangle, 841-u. Solomon's Temple a symbol of the ninth and tenth Sephiroth, 736-l. Solomon's Temple, after the model of Ezekiel, to be rebuilt by the Templars, 816-u. Solomon's Temple, ground floor of, 14-u. Solomon's Temple rebuilt, the secret dream of Patriarchs of the Orient, 816-u. Solomon's Temple rebuilt would give Constantinople the Romish power, 816-u. Solomon's throne like that of the Egyptian Har-oeri, 79-m. Solon declares man's destruction comes from himself, 690-l. Solon quoted, 37-u. Solstice, Winter, Mother-night, the longest night in the year, festival of the, 368-u. Solstices, Cancer and Capricorn, the Pillars of Hercules, in a Lodge, 506-u. Solstices celebrated by all civilized nations, 595-m. Solstices represented by Jachin, Boaz, parallel lines, point in a circle, 506-u. Solstices: tables giving entrances of the Sun into the Solstices, 450-u. Solstices, the Essenes observed the festivals of the, 265-l. Soma of nature's offertory imitated by the Priests from simples, 602-m. Son, Issue or products; Universe proceeding from the two principles, 87-m. Son of Man, Soul of the World, enters into darkness and softens its savage nature, 566-m. Son: the first Utterance of the Father, a perfect Only begotten, 564-m. Sons of God and the Stars are identified in Job, 509-m. Sophia-Achamoth an inferior wisdom, produces Ialdaboth, 563-m. Sophia-Achamoth caused the Spiritual Principle to pass into man, 563-m. Sophia-Achamoth communicated movements to Chaos, 563-u. Sophia-Achamoth in contest with Ialdaboth, 563-m. Sophia-Achamoth the companion of Christos, 560-m. Sophia or Demiourgos of the Gnostics corresponds to The Word, 271-l. Sorrow, no tongue utters thoughts that come in, 189-m. Sorrow, Sin, Evil, Suffering, is consistent with Infinite Goodness and Wisdom, 859-l. Sorrow, the dog of the shepherd who guides the flock of men, 101-m. Sosiosch, the Persian Redeemer, to annihilate evil and judge the. world, 623-l. Sosiosch, the principal of the Three Prophets, to regenerate the. earth, 258-m. Sothis, the Dog Star, fixed the beginning of the Egyptian New Year, 467-m. Souciet, a Chinese book, describes palace; Emperor sacrifices a lamb, 462-m. Soul a fragment of the Universal Mind, lapse and reunion, 685-l. Soul a number containing the quaternary, 633-u. Soul, a ray of perfect wisdom, the inextinguishable light, 606-l. Soul, a simple substance struggling to return to the Great Soul, 417-m. Soul, all, is part of the Universal Soul whose totality is Dionusos, 393-m. Soul alone gives value to the things of this world, 201-m. Soul an emanation from the Supreme Being, but distinguished from Him, 607-l. Soul an external and independent existence, yet omnipresent, 672-u. Soul, an immaterial spark of God's Infinite Being, 582-l. Soul and God are distinct, according to the Naya philosophers, 852-u. Soul ascends to its Infinite Source through seven spheres, 10-m. Soul attaining unto the place of the Eternal retains its individuality, 852-l. Soul, being imperfect, must be purified before rejoining its source, 622-m. Soul, by comparison with Fire and Light the ancients explained the nature of the, 65-u. Soul, by study, attains unto the place of the Eternal, 852-u. Soul can not know its creation nor comprehend its own individuality, 852-m. Soul can reascend only after purification and freedom from the body, 521-u. Soul capable of improvements, of becoming wiser and better, 852-l. Soul capable of seeing more clearly as it draws nearer to Deity, the Light, 855-l. Soul; categorical questions concerning the, 649-u. Soul claimed to be considered a part of the Divine, 684-l. Soul compared to Heat and Light, which neither lessens nor divides its own essence, 852-m. Soul considered by Plato as a principle of movement, 681-m. Soul contains, potentially, that which becomes the body of the child, 755-l. Soul descends to matter, by doing and suffering it frees itself and reascends, 417-l. Soul desiring to animate a body, descended and was imprisoned in matter, 436-m. Soul differs essentially from the body, 706-m. Soul does not lose the sense of the Eternal and Infinite, 190-l. Soul, doubts and despair torture the human, 292-299. Soul emancipated by reabsorbtion into the infinite, 686-u. Soul exiled on earth; birthplace in Heaven, 520-m. Soul, fired by Love, uniting with Nature and itself engendering new productions, 658-l. Soul forgetful of celestial origin in material fascinations, 518-m. Soul freed from its debasements will be seen again in its true glory, 858-l. Soul freed from the body by deeds and suffering reascends to source, 439-l. Soul gives back to each sphere through which it passes in returning—, 440-u. Soul had its origin in Heaven, according to the Ancient Philosophers, 436-m. Soul, human, is itself God within the mind, 393-m. Soul illumined by Truth, the shadow of which is Error, 845-m. Soul in descent receives new material and faculties from each sphere, 439-m. Soul in nature, yet not a part of it, but its Cause and Creator, 672-u. Soul in progress changes from monad to duad; results, 438-m. Soul in the beginning had a thought to create and the worlds were created, 609-u. Soul incessantly turns its eyes to Heaven and longs to return, 520-m. Soul inherent in the Universe thought out by the ancients, 672-u. Soul, interest in speculations concerning the fate of the soul, 232-m. Soul is capable of remorse, 199-u. Soul is divine, an emanation of the Spirit of God, but not a portion of that Spirit, 852-m. Soul is of Divine nature; emanation from Deity, 76-l. Soul is the image of God and existed before the body, 252-l. Soul is the One emanation from Deity to return to Him, 539-l. Soul likened to exhalations or vapor, 518-l. Soul loses its felicity by means of the Balance; regains it by the Lamb, 490-m. Soul, Masonry teaches the existence and immortality of the, 221-m. Soul must pass through a series of trials and migrations, 518-l. Soul, no obsequies for the lost, 200-u. Soul not a mere abstraction, but a reality including in itself life and thought, 397-l. Soul not condemned to eternal banishment because imprisoned in the body, 392-l. Soul of everything that breathes a fraction of the universal soul, 610-u. Soul or Intelligence pre-existing given by God to the Body, 251-l. Soul of Macroprosopos, the internal part, is the Ancient of Days, 758-u. Soul of man an emanation from God's spirit, 239-l. Soul of man, breathed into him by God, is immortal as God's Thoughts are, 577-u. Soul of man compared to the Soul of the World, 667-l. Soul of man emanated from God, of the same substance with God, 567-l. Soul of man immortal, according to the Edda, 619-m. Soul of Nature everywhere inherent in the Universe, 668-u. Soul of nature possessed intelligence and to this soul divinity belonged, 670-u. Soul of the Universe does not act equally or in the same manner, 667-l. Soul of the Universe entered man through a separation of the suture of the cranium, 609-m. Soul of the Universe idea sprung from the two Principles doctrine, 664-m. Soul of the Universe supposed to be intelligent; source of intelligence, 669-m. Soul of the Universe, the Supreme Being is the, 251-u. Soul of the World exercises its creative energy through the medium of the Sun, 473-m. Soul of the World produced the first man, Adam Kadmon, 566-m. Soul of the World, the Primal Ether, 748-m. Soul only existed in the beginning, 609-u. Soul, opinions concerning pre-existence, descent and return of the, 438-441. Soul, or Spirit, in different degrees contained in Adam Kadmon, 757-u. Soul, origin, fall of and return to place of its origin taught by mysterious ceremonies, 385-u. Soul part of the Universal Soul whose totality is Dionusos, 586-m. Soul parted from its source lapsed from its preeminence, 685-l. Soul passes through various states till, purified, it rises to God, 567-l. Soul pervades and is within the body, 755-l. Soul plunges through seven spheres to take up its abode in the body, 506-l. Soul recollects its source and longs to return, but must do and suffer, 436-l. Soul, relations of the march of light and darkness to the, 404-l. Soul represented by Psyche had an earthly and an immortal lover, 519-l. Soul, represented by Psyche, of whom Dionusos was the suitor, 586-l. Soul sent into the embryo, which is to become an infant, at conception, 755-l. Soul separated from the Universe the next step in philosophy, 672-u. Soul, Spirit, Intellect, the immaterial threefold part of man, 781-m. Soul survives the body and is capable of immortality, 852-l. Soul that is impure can not reunite with God until purified, 582-u. Soul the envelope of the intelligence that attached itself to it, 669-m. Soul: the minds or intellect of all are portions of the Universal, 604-l. Soul the motionless center from which motion radiates, 681-m. Soul to advance towards perfection and see Deity more clearly, 855-u. Soul to attain its prior condition, its individuality must cease, 686-u. Soul, to disengage itself from the body is the object of the earthly life of the, 252-l. Soul to return to the Supreme Soul the body of the dust, 605-l. Soul, to satisfy itself of its immortality is a characteristic of a, 301-u. Soul vexed itself with spiritual problems, 583-m. Souls which contemplate the Higher Unity superior to deities and religions, 562-l. Soul, while embodied in matter, is in a state of imprisonment, etc, 852-u. Soul will ascend to Heaven whenever purified, 253-u. Soul will rise from the material through the seven spheres, 858-l. Soul would reascend when extricated from matter, 520-m. Souls and nature of men are great or small as it pleases themselves, 813-m. Souls are all equal, 565-l. Souls are the sparks of the Influence of the shattered vases descending through the elements and—, 797-u. Souls at death return to the Universal Soul, 664-m. Souls at their birth receive an emanation from the Universal Soul, 664-m Soul's attributes not the Soul, 573-u. Souls: by fire, water, air was accomplished the purification of; symbolism of, 400-u. Souls change their forms by passing successively into different bodies, 610-u. Soul's disfigurement commented on by Plato, 858-m. Souls emanate from the Light principle and return to it, 740-l. Souls emanating from God descended a ladder to their bodies, 851-l. Soul's emancipation completed by the transformation of death, 686-u. Soul's existence and nature one of the highest questions, 642-m.. Soul's existence proved by our consciousness of being a thinking soul, 674-u. Souls, fragments or sparks of the Universal Intelligence, 518-m. Soul's immortality a doctrine considered certain among old nations, 622—? Soul's immortality defined by Chrishna as never being non-existent, 518-u. Soul's immortality proven, 706-l. Soul's immortality the essence and consummation of all imagination, 517-m. Souls influenced by the Sun, 492-u. Souls, intelligence, life, emanate from the Universal Soul, 666-m. Souls know God only through Mind, 582-m. Soul's life the result of Harmony and movement, 859-l. Souls, men-accepted literally Pythagoras' allegory of the transmigration of, 398-m. Souls must reascend through the seven planetary spheres to God, 851-l. Souls of men formed from a substance divine, active, luminous, 398-u. Soul's origin and home the bosom of Deity, 851-l. Souls pass into terrestrial frames; process; reascension, 518-m. Souls passed into animals, plants, other human bodies, the Sun, 399-l. Soul's perfection necessitated perfection of morals and society, 520-m. Soul's perfection the object of the Mysteries, 520-m. Soul's personification as Jupiter, Bakchos, etc., explainable by the—, 473-m. Souls pre-existed in eternal fire from whence they emanated, 399-l. Soul's progress from Heaven to association with an earthly body, 437. Souls purified by ascending through Seven Spheres, 781-m. Souls reascend after purification in forms of life, 518-m. Soul's relations with the rest of nature the chief object of Mysteries, 400-u. Souls: Religion is the revelation of a necessity of, 822-u. Soul's spirituality the necessary foundation of immortality, 706-l. Soul's striving for Light and Knowledge of itself, 583-u. Souls, the Supreme Being the Source of the rays which illuminate, 251-u. Souls, ultimate disposition of, 252-m. Soul's universal medicine is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice, 773-m. Souls, when purified, become a part of the Universal Soul, 623-m. Soura-Parama slain by Soupra-Muni, lamented by the Hindus, 595-u. Souras, the particular devotees of Surya, 587-u. Source of the Spring called Kether, Corona, Crown, 752-l. Source of worlds in Maia, Nature's loveliness, 683-l. Sovereign Power to whom belongs the maintenance of the order of the Universe, 512-m. Space formed for Worlds by the recession of the Primal Light, 747-750. Space in which worlds were created surrounded by an interspace, 748-u. Space made for the creation of worlds called Aor Penai-Al, 747. Spain, ambitions and attempts of, 74-m. Spark of fire, on the left hand, issued from the sphere of Severity, 795-m. Sparks of the great Influence of the shattered vases eventually became Souls, 797-u. Special Providences as a result of prayer, 684-l. Speculations of Philosophers, etc.; object of teaching the, 329-m. Speculations of today reproduce the ancient thought, 697-u. Speech enchained is speech terrible, 48-u. Speech, shallowness of much; abused in Republics, 45-m. Speusippus taught that the heavens and spheres were part of the Universal Soul, 669-m. Sphere constituted by the productive light of the letter He, called Kether Ailah, 751-l. Sphere constituted within the sphere of Splendor by the light of the letter He, 751-l. Sphere the emblem of Athom-Re, worshipped at Thebes, 584-l. Sphere used as an expression for Deity by Xenophanes and Parmenides, 676-u. Spheres of Borsippa, represented by seven stories of different colors, 729-u. Sphinx, armed, represents the Magical Mystery expressed in the number seven, 728-u. Sphinx the symbolic Key to a Knowledge of Nature, 321-l. Sphinxes, white and black, symbolized the Holy Empire, 727-m. Sphynx, great enigmas of the, 8-l. Sphynx was a symbol, 148-l. Spinoza's Infinity of Infinite Attributes of God, 566-u. Spirit, as applied to God, synonymous with nothing, 739-m. Spirit assisted by the elemental powers; Soul served by Nature, represented by Seven, 727-m. Spirit can only be defined by some sublimized species of matter, 513-m. Spirit, Mother of the Living and Wisdom of God, 563-u. Spirit of life breathed into Man by God, 572-m. Spirit, or Generative Power, and Matter originally were in Deity, 700-m. Spirit personified by the Goddess of Neith, conceived by Power, the Divine Intelligence, 254-m. Spirit represented by the quaternary; symbolism of four to nine, 633-m. Spirit, the active principle, generative power, one of the Egyptian Triad, 548-l. Spirit: the number five symbolizes the vital essence, the animating, 634-m. Spirit the same in kind with the Supreme Spirit, a ray of it, 605-l. Spirit Universal, the home of the Light inclosed in the seeds of species, 783-m. Spirit within man a spark of God himself, 609-m. Spirits of Carpocrates originate the different religions, 562-m. Spirit's relations with the material Universe one of the highest questions, 642-m. Spiritual, affections, hopes, interests of life center in the, 195-m Spiritual and material natures in equilibrium; Good and Evil, 784-l. Spiritual beings possess limited divine will power, 684-l. Spiritual forces of man act according to ideal modes of action, 829-u. Spiritual instincts infuse into the mind—, 226-l. Spiritual life touched by every phenomenon, 242-l. Spiritual meditation or self mortification promotes reabsorbtion, 686-u. Spiritual nature in conflict with our material where the greatest glory is won, 854-u. Spiritual Principle passed from Demiourgos into Man, 563-m. Spiritual purity shown through the efficaciousness of the will, 684-l. Spiritual victory over the earthly nature symbolized by the Master's Compass, 854-l. Spiritual world, the world of human consciousness, has a law, 828-l. Spiritualist doctrine denied by Pythagoras, 667-m. Spiritualistic doctrine separated God from the Universe, 667-m. Spirituality of the person its identity, indivisibility, absolute unity, 706-m. Splendor Excelsus in contradistinction to Simple Splendor, 748-u. Splendor, termed Teheru in the Sohar, is styled The First Matter, 751-u. Splendor, the eighth Sephiroth, is Boaz, one of columns of the Temple, 736-l. Splendor, the sphere in the centre of the space Malakoth; First' Adam, 754-m. Spring Equinox a period of general joy, 588-l. Spring Equinox, Mysteries celebrated the triumph of light at the, 405-u. Spring's return heralded by Mithras, the rock-born hero, 592-m. Spy, dishonorable is the occupation of a, 336-l. Square, a Hermetic symbol of the productive Earth or Universe, 851-m. Square, a symbol of the Earth and the things that belong to it, 850-m. Square, an instrument adapted for plane surfaces only, 850-u. Square and Compass; unsuccessful work follows a departure from the center of the, 786-l. Square, being the second perfection, does not represent God, 631-l. Square, Compass, Plumb, Level, have peculiar meanings to a Judge, 826-u. Square containing an equilateral triangle a symbol of the Divine and Human, 858-m. Square, definition of; belongs to plane trigonometry, 11-l. Square held in the hand on the male side of the Hermetic figure, 850-m. Square is the symbol of the four elements of the triangle, 629-m. Square, Level, Plumb, Balance used to prepare the rough Ashlar, 787-m. Square of the Form united to the Triangle of the Idea becomes the Crown of Numbers, 321-l. Square represents the four elements into which Chaos was resolved, 783-u. Square represents the material, sensual, baser portion of Humanity, 851-l. Square, symbol of what concerns earth and the body, 11-l. Square turning upon itself produces the circle equal to itself, 771-m. St. George of England fights the Dragon, a form of Mithras, 499-m. St. John assigns the Creation to the Word, and asserts Christ was that Word, 568-m. St. John avers Christ was the Word by which everything was made, 559-m. St. John explains the double triangle of Solomon, 792-u. St. Louis, Falkland, Tancred, Castiglione would give their friendship to a true Knight, 808-m. St. Paul discourses concerning the flesh, spirit, good, evil, 853-u. St. Paul quoted as writing to the Christians at Rome, 853-u. Stability is the Intellectual Capacity to produce, or female, 305-m. Stability of the Universe a result of the equilibrium between Wisdom and Power, 859-u. Stability, one of the last four Sephiroth of the Kabalah, 848-l. Stability symbolized by the rough stone, 776-m. Standards depicting a serpent borne by Assyrians, Danes, etc, 500-u. Star guided the Magi from the East to adore the Saviour in his cradle, 841-l. Star, magical adored under name of Remphan, 103-u Star of five points originated from the Pentalpha of Pythagoras, 634-m. Star of Knowledge advises the Magi of the birth of Truth, 843-m. Star of Solomon formed the lines of the Celestial triangle meeting those of the Compass, 841-u. Star worship a middle point between Heathen and Christian, 511-m. Star worship: certain ordinances of the Christian religion related to, 511-m. Star worship looked on with indulgence by Jewish and Christian writers, 511-m. Star worship; Maimonides explains origin of, 435-l. Star worshippers established feasts for planets at their "exhaltation", 463-m. Stars and Sun, magnitude and extent of the, 303-u. Stars animated by a living principle a part of the universal intelligence, 473-l. Stars are divine as animated beings, by the logic of Cicero, 670-l. Stars are Gods, active Causes, sharing the universal divinity, 671-u. Stars considered intelligent beings causing effects on the earth, 473-l. Stars directed by an intelligence, an emanation of the Universal Intelligence, 670-u. Stars distinguished by terrestrial phenomena with which they seemed to be connected, 445-m. Stars divided into good and bad, beneficent and malevolent, 472-m. Stars, emblematic meaning of the North and Morning, 202-m. Stars in the hand disappeared three days during the search for Osiris, 485-l. Stars moved of themselves, directed by their own special intelligence, 671-m. Stars' movements supposed to be voluntary by the ancients, 597-u. Stars named by the Ethiopians of Thebes, 446. Stars observed by primitive people to be more regular than the Sun, 445-m. Stars part of the Universal Soul and Intelligence, the opinion of many Christian philosophers, 671-m. Stars possess an immortal Soul and Intelligence, held by many philosophers, 671-m. Stars preceding event mistaken for cause, 450-m. Stars rise and set cosmically, achronically, heliacally with the Sun, 471-m. Stars seen in Taurus at new-born year, 453-u Stars, signs of the Zodiac, reference to in Royal Arch Degree, 409-l. Stars, so many animated and intelligent beings, the cause of effects, 669-l. State, making and executing laws interests the citizens of a free, 51-m. State, sovereignty of the Individual in the, 43-l. State, tendency towards centralization in a Democratic, 51-l. State, three departments of, 6-u. States, creation of caste the tendency of free, 51-m. Stature of men is great or small as it pleases God, 813-m. Stauros of the Gnostics the image of generative power, 771-l. Steps of the Master Mason Degree; origin of the, 428-u. Stoic School retained a secondary divinity in the eternal spheres, 678-m. Stoics' ascetic fatalism proceeds from a little knowledge, 694-l. Stoics held that each Star contained an immortal Soul and Intelligence, 671-m. Stoics' wisdom a dogged submission to the arbitrary behests of one, 694-m. Stone, colored black, adored a white stone promised the Faithful, 775-l. Stone, in the rough, the symbol of Stability, 776-m. Stone of philosophy the foundation of Absolute philosophy, the Supreme Reason. 775-l. Stone of the Philosophers explained and analyzed, 779-m. Stone, say the Alchemists, is the true Salt of the Philosophers, 775-l. Strabo says the one Supreme Essence embraces us all, 283-u. Strength and Force in the service of Intelligence the true meaning of Necessity, 696-m. Strength is the Intellectual Energy or Activity, or male, 305-m. Strength of the Christian Mason represented by the column Jachin, 641-m. Strength or Force represented by the Senior Warden in a Lodge, 7-l. Strength or Power, the Infinite Divine Will, a side of the Masonic triangle, 826-m. Struggle between the Divine and the natural will, 599-m. Stuart dynasty runs out, 49-u. Sublunary bodies received nourishment and increase from Sun and Moon, 475-m. Sublimation the important operation in the Great Work, 777-m. Sublime Elect (Elu) of the Twelve, 11th Degree, duties of, 176-u. Sublime number is nine; religion and nature are exalted by it, 628-l. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, Master of the Royal Secret, 32d Degree, 839. Sublimity of natural phenomena, 244-l. Substance known only by its attributes, 572-l. Substance of the Soul of Man same as that of God, 567-l. Success attends the plan of Equilibrium adopted everywhere by Deity, 767-u. Success, the accumulation of many small efforts, 174-l. Suffering a condition of virtue in this world, 716-l. Suffering appointed by Zeus to be the parent of instruction, 691-u. Suffering, evil, wrong, are but temporary and discords, 577-u. Suffering is good because favorable to virtue and moral development, 717-u. Suffering is not the worst condition of man on earth, 717-u. Suffering is the discipline of virtue, 181-m. Suffering necessary to virtue and morality, 716-l. Sulla in a period of convulsion, 80-l. Sulla, reference to the Dictatorship of, 3-m. Sulphur and Salt prepares the Mercury for assimilation with the magnetic agent, 775-m. Sulphur corresponds, with the Alchemists, with the elementary form of the Fire, 773-l. Sulphur expressed by the letter G, the initial letter of the Hebrew word Geparaith, 780-m. Sulphur, Mercury, Salt, volatilized and fixed, compose the Azoth, 773-l. Sulphur of philosophy represents the vital energy and ardor of the will, 790-u. Sulphur, one of the great symbols of the Alchemists, 57-l. Sulphur, resin and the laurel served for purification, 431-l. Sulphur, the Baphomet of the Temple, given a goat's head, 779-l. Summary of all the doctrines of the Old World by Hermes, 324-m. Summer and Winter, in equal proportion, produce Spring and Autumn, 662-m. Summer: good angels ruled by a King controlled the hemisphere of, 449-u. Summer Solstice beginning of Egyptian New Year, 467-m. Summer Solstice brought heat and exhaustion, 444-l. Summer Solstice marked the rising cf the Nile, 467-u. Sun a great globe of fire to the ancients, 443-l. Sun and Moon and Horus form the Equilateral Triangle, 14-u. Sun and Moon, Blazing Star or Horus the offspring of the, 14-u. Sun and Moon considered the cause of the generations of earth, 475-m. Sun and Moon correspond to the columns of the Temple, Jachin and Boaz. 776-m. Sun and Moon emblems of the two Divine sexes, 305-l. Sun and Moon impress a force by which generation is effected, 469-m. Sun and Moon in lodge emblems of—, 252-l. Sun and Moon, King and Queen, symbolized by the Hermetics as gold and silver, 774-m. Sun and Moon of Alchemists give stability to the Philosophal Stone, 776-m. Sun and Moon, represent the principles of all generation, 13-l. Sun and Moon the eyes of the Universal organism, 673-u. Sun and Stars rising and sinking typify the Soul's movement, 518-m. Sun appeared under the image of the Sign at the commencement of the season, 465-u. Sun, Archimagus, worshipped as Mithras, the Mediator, the Invincible, 612-m. Sun at the Vernal Equinox communicates to the earth his warmth, 475-u. Sun, at Vernal Equinox, enters triumphant into the beneficent Sign, 664-m. Sun, by his beneficent influences identified with the Principle of Good, 594-u. Sun called Heliogabalus and adored under the form of a black stone, 775-l. Sun called Osiris, husband of Isis, God of Cultivation, 475-u. Sun called Sura or Surya, the Heavenly, or Khur, 602-u. Sun, center of the Active principle, offered by the male of the Indian Statue, 656-u. Sun changes his place in the Zodiac at each vernal equinox, 449-m. Sun dragged down to his death by the scorpion, Archer, He Goat, 447-m. Sun enters Taurus at the Vernal Equinox 2,455 years B.C., 446-l. Sun entering his twelve houses should be received by the four elements, 786-m. Sun gives the Soul the senses and imagination as it passes through, 439-m. Sun God finally victorious over the Serpent, 496-l. Sun God rides on the winged horse, but the Serpent bites the horse's heels, 499-u. Sun Gods of the Veda, Adityas, Savitri, Pashan, Mitra, 602-l. Sun Gods were mostly carried off in their strength and beauty, 589-l. Sun hesitates at Winter Solstice whether to descend or retrace, 445-u. Sun: in all religions linger traces of the worship of the. 483-m. Sun in Taurus personified in Dionusos, 585-u. Sun, in the region of Light is the sphere of the, 76-m. Sun, Moon and Mercury represented by officers of Mysteries of Eleusis, 411-m. Sun, Moon and Mercury symbolized in the three great lights, 486-l. Sun now in constellation Pisces when he is in the sign Aries, 449-m. Sun, observations of the ancients regarding the movement of the, 444-m. Sun originally feminine and Moon masculine, 700-u. Sun personified as Brahma, Mithras, Osiris, Bel, Adonai, Apollo, etc, 594-u. Sun personified by—, 77-m. Sun personified in connection with the ancient worships, 583-l. Sun, Planets and Zodiac represented in the Mithraic cave of initiation, 424-l. Sun remained stationary three days, then began to rise, 447-l. Sun represents Faith, 727-l. Sun reverenced by the Essenes as a symbol of light and fire, 265-l. Sun said to die and be born again at the Winter Solstice, 464-l. Sun said to have been slain at the Winter Solstice, 447-l. Sun, symbolism of the; manifestation and visible image of God, 13-u. Sun symbolized by the point within the circle, 486-l. Sun termed by an inscription on an obelisk as "Apollo," etc, 460-u. Sun, the festival of May day of Druidical origin and in honor of the, 367-l. Sun, the great symbol of the Mysteries, purified Souls, 408. Sun, the moderator in the celestial harmony; fourth in musical scale, 410-m. Sun the name of the seventh gate of the ladder; material, gold, 414-m. Sun, the source of light, the hieroglyphic sign of Truth, 776-m. Sun, to the ancients, the all-sufficient Cause of all, Author of all, 594-u. Sun typified by Mithras; the Parent of the Universe, the Mediator, 424-m. Sun variously named by different peoples, 586-l. Sun, with names beginning with Kur many places are sacred to the, 78-m. Sun worship not the Primitive religion, 584-u. Sun, worship of the, 77-m. Sun worship the basis of all the religions of antiquity, 593-l. Sun worshipped as the manifestation, but not as the type of dominion, 740-l. Sun worshipped by Egyptians under the name of Osiris, 406-u. Sun worshipped by the Persians; light an emanation from Deity, 572-m. Sun's course made to typify the contest between Good and Evil, 594-m. Sun's "exhaltation" was in Aries, hence feasts of the Lamb; reason, 463-l. Sun's image changed with the precession of the equinoxes, 465-m. Sun's journey across the sky, 442-l. Sun's journey through the twelve Signs gives rise to legends, 448-u. Sun's journey through the twelve Signs origin of murder of Khurum, 448-u. Sun's journeys supposed to be voluntary by the ancients, 597-u. Sun's movements watched anxiously by primitive people, 447. Sun's path through the constellations called Ecliptic, 447-u. Sun's primary metal holds within itself the Principle of the germ, 788-u. Superior Intelligence of eight Eons, a Gnostic modification, 553-u. Super-naturalists mix free action with the service of petition, 695-u. Superstitions and fables used as symbols and allegories, 508-l. Supper of bread a symbol of man's redemption and regeneration, 539-u. Supper of bread and wine symbolic of Passover or the Lord's Supper, 540-u. Supper of bread and wine; theory and teachings of the, 539-u. Supreme Being a center of light, 252-m. Supreme Being, at the intercession of Wisdom, sent Christ to redeem Man, 563-l. Supreme Being discussed in Hermetic books quoted by Iamblichus, 614-l. Supreme Being, Kabalistic idea of the attributes of the, 266-l. Supreme Being, Philo's conception of the, 251-u. Supreme Being, Primitive Light, Archetype of Light, 552-l. Supreme Being represented by the number three, 209-u. Supreme Being, the Soul of the Universe, 251-u. Supreme Being the source of the rays which illuminate Souls, 251-u. Supreme Being, the Word, Logos, is the image of the, 251-m. Supreme Being, the Word occupies the place of the, 251-l. Supreme Being uniting with Wisdom acts upon the Universe through. the Word, 552-l. Supreme Being uniting with Wisdom forms in himself the type of. all things, 552-l. Supreme Council, So. Jur., revised its thirty degrees, 328-m. Supreme Entity of the New Platonists known only by the Spirit, 284-u. Supreme God created the Universe through agents or manifestations, 568-m. Supreme Intelligence of the Universe the source of all Intelligences, 665-u. Supreme Lord or Being of the old Chinese creed is Chang-ti, 615-u. Supreme Ruler of the Universe beyond human comprehension, 605-u. Sura or Surya, the Heavenly, a name of the Sun, 602-u. Surya descended upon earth in human form and left a race of renown, 587-m. Surya is preceded by Arun, the Dawn, and he has twelve powers, 587-u. Surya styled King of the Stars and Planets, 587-m. Surya the Hindu name for the Sun, 586-l. Surya's car drawn by seven green horses, or one horse with twelve heads, 587-u. Swedenborgianism explained somewhat through the Kabala, 741-u. Swedenborg's system is the Kabalah minus the Hierarchy, 823-m. Swedenborg's system the Temple without Keystone and foundation, 823-m. Sword; initiate in Druidical Mysteries obligated on a naked, 430-l. Sword of persecuted Templars, after being broken became a poniard, 820-l. Sword piercing the heart represents the sting of conscience, 639-m. Sword, symbol of speech in the Bible, 53-l. Sword, symbol of war and of the soldier, 57-u. Sword, symbolism of the, 54-u. Swords, symbols of Honor and Duty, taught you Masonry as a Knight, 854-m. Sydyc, or Tsadok, the Supreme God in Phoenicia, was the Heptaktis, 728-m. Syene, exile of, 48-u. Symbol a more efficacious instrument of instruction than didactic language, 355-m. Symbol and allegory a method of indirect suggestion, 355-m. Symbol confounded with the thing symbolized is idolatry, 516-m. Symbol of a principle confounded with object symbolized, 600-u. Symbol of an object unknown the most abstract expression for Deity, 513-u. Symbol of Deity appropriate only in a relative or moral sense, 513-m. Symbol of the disc and crescent on the Bull and Ram, 452. Symbol of the Hermetics from a Frankfurt treatise dated 1613, 850-m. Symbol of the right angle triangle found in the Apprentice Degree, 861-m. Symbol of the 31st Degree is the Tetractys of Pythagoras, 826-m. Symbol, pronunciation of the Word a, 205-l. Symbol: to bring the idea before the mental eye vividly and truthfully the task of the, 515-m. Symbolic and philosophic systems intimately allied, 372-u. Symbolic character of the Hebrew Bible and writings, 745-u. Symbolic figures to represent the essence and operations of the Deity, 625-l. Symbolic imagery may give ideas as adequate as words, 515-l. Symbolic imagery of Deity defended by Maximus Tyrius, 515-m. Symbolic instruction recommended by the uniform usage of antiquity, 372-m. Symbolic meaning of Pyramids unknown, 148-m. Symbolic meaning of the left hand with palm opened and expanded, 388-u. Symbolic meaning of the Rose to be looked for in Kabalistic Commentaries, 821-l. Symbolic reference of air, fire, water, 357-l. Symbolic Triad of Salt, Sulphur, Mercury, or Body, Soul, Spirit, 792-m. Symbolism becomes complicated and can not be explained, 514-m. Symbolism, earliest instruments of education, 62-m. Symbolism expounded by philosophy, 356-u. Symbolism is nature's method of instruction, 355-m. Symbolism, misinterpretation of, 64-u. Symbolism of ceiling, border, brazen sea in lodge, 209-m. Symbolism of Masonry, 250-l. Symbolism of Nature, 64-m. Symbolism of number Seven with several references, 233-m. Symbolism of numbers, 626-638. Symbolism of Solomon's Temple in its stately symmetry, 736-l. Symbolism of Temples and Mithraic cave, 234-l. Symbolism of the Alchemists only understood by children of Science, 792-u. Symbolism of the Ancients bears the footprints of Science, 842-l. Symbolism of the Apartments of the 18th Degree, 288-u. Symbolism of the Blue Degrees according to the Christian interpretation, 639-642. Symbolism of the Cherubim according to Clemens and Philo, 409-l. Symbolism of the circle in the Druidical Mysteries, 367-m. Symbolism of the Clasped Hands, 88-m. Symbolism of the colors, white and black, in juxtaposition, 818-m. Symbolism of the columns Jachin and Boaz, 270-l. Symbolism of the Compass and Square to guide the Knight, 808-u. Symbolism of the double sex of the Universe and Orphic egg, 655-l. Symbolism of the egg; borrowed from the Egyptians; found in Japan, 400. Symbolism of the Fellow-Craft obligation, 639-l. Symbolism of the figure four, 633-m. Symbolism of the Hermaphroditic figure, square, compass, Sun, Moon, 851-m. Symbolism of the Hermetic Rose Croix and the decorations, 786-u. Symbolism of the luminous pedestal, 210-u. Symbolism of the ladder of Mithraic initiations, 233-l. Symbolism of the language of the Hermetics and Alchemists, 774-m. Symbolism of the Lion, the Hawk, the Eagle, the Bull, 254-l. Symbolism of the Mountain of Meru, 234-m. Symbolism of the Mysteries to aid explanation, 434-l. Symbolism of the number four, 209-u. Symbolism of the number three, 209. Symbolism of the number twelve, 209-m. Symbolism of the Ocean and its sources or springs, 752-m. Symbolism of the point within the circle in the Mysteries, 401-l. Symbolism of the "Recovery of the Word", 252-l. Symbolism of the Rose Croix Degree, 290-292. Symbolism of the sacred vessels in Solomon's Temple, 409-m. Symbolism of the Scriptures, 250-l. Symbolism of the serpent, 278-l. Symbolism of the serpent, 376-m. Symbolism of the Sphinx or Bull with a blazing sword at the gate of Eden, 728-u. Symbolism of the Square, Compass, Plumb, Level, for a Judge. 826-u. Symbolism of the Sun; origin of his mediation, 519-u. Symbolism of the Templars misunderstood and deemed pantheistical, 818-l. Symbolism of the tests of water, air and fire, 397-u. Symbolism of the three divisions of the Temple; sevenfold light; Brazen Sea, 782-m. Symbolism of the tower, the fire, the basin of purification, 787-l. Symbolism of the triangle, 87—. Symbolism of the triangle, 826-827. Symbolism of the two columns and parallel lines, 252-l. Symbolism of the two columns at the entrance of the Temple, 305-m. Symbolism of the weeping woman at the broken column and Time, 379-u. Symbolism of two edged sword in Revelations, 53-l. Symbolism of washing hands by Initiates of Eleusinian Mysteries, 357-l. Symbolism of words, example of, in "I hail", 63-m. Symbolism originated in the efforts of the mind to communicate with Nature, 650-m. Symbolism: religious feeling evaporated with the stripping away of, 678-m. Symbolism, results obtained notwithstanding the vagueness of, 22-u. Symbolism tends to complication, 63-l. Symbolism: the mistaking of names for the things named a danger in, 516-u. Symbols attempted to be explained by words generally lose their meaning, 513-u. Symbols conceal from the Profane and preserve to the Elect the Truth, 840-u. Symbols constituted, chiefly, the first learning, 436-u. Symbols conveyed in the Mysteries what is now given in books, 354-m. Symbols derived from Pythagoras, 366-l. Symbols eloquent to Adepts are meaningless to the mass of Initiates, 819-m. Symbols: epithets applied to God either visible or intellectual, 516-m. Symbols explained according to the capacity of the multitude, 37-l. Symbols given a broad interpretation, 329-m. Symbols have wider meaning, 24-m. Symbols in the Mysteries to represent life rising out of death, 395-m. Symbols in time mistaken for the thing symbolized, 516-u. Symbols, medium of conveying knowledge, 22-m. Symbols, misunderstood, 62-l. Symbols, more than one interpretation have the ancient, 205-l. Symbols, motions of stars and the passage of the Soul represented by, 233-l. Symbols multiplied by the Hierophants to conceal absolute science, 321-l. Symbols necessary to express ideas above and beyond the senses, 512-m. Symbols none the less impressive because known to be symbols, 396-l. Symbols of a Masonic lodge of astronomical origin, 486-l. Symbols of ancients wore encircled by imagination, reason, religion, 593-m. Symbols of Degrees used to conceal, not reveal, 106-m. Symbols of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness and resultant Beauty, 792-m. Symbols of Masonry appear in the Kabalah, 267-l. Symbols of Masonry are its instructions; lectures an explanation, 356-m. Symbols of Masonry date beyond the monuments of Egypt, 311-l. Symbols of Masonry displayed in the outer court of the Temple to mislead, 819-u. Symbols of Masonry have more than one meaning; they conceal the Truth, 148-l. Symbols of Masonry: only to the adepts are known the real meanings of the, 819-u. Symbols of Masonry reveal no new secret to those incapable of interpreting them, 356-l. Symbols of Mysteries not always explained, meanings lost, 423-l. Symbols of purification, redemption and regeneration, 538-l—539. Symbols of purity mistaken for the causes, 520-l. Symbols of religion mistaken for realities, 22-u. Symbols of 17th Degree refer to the ancient doctrines, 254-l. Symbols of the Active and Passive, the Male and Female, 784-m. Symbols of the end and perfection of the Great Work, 790-l. Symbols of the Kabalah, Apocalypse, Ezekiel's visions, are little. understood, 321-l. Symbols of the old world and its images lost, 731-l. Symbols of the wise became the idols of the ignorant multitude, 818-l. Symbols represented the metaphysical ideas of the Mysteries, 385-u. Symbols, signs, doctrines of ancients should not be disparaged by us, 522-m. Symbols the almost universal language of ancient theology, 371. Symbols the earliest, instruments of education, 512-l. Symbols: the Incarnate Word adored by three Magi depicted in the Evangelic, 730-l. Symbols transmuted into realities, 674-m. Symbols used in the Mysteries; ceremonies referred to agriculture and astronomy, 382-u. Symbols with material things made the imagination teach the Intellect, 397-u. Sympathy a force analogous to that of electricity, 89-l. Sympathy for suffering and misery exists, 214-m. Synesius, Bishop, held the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, 399-l. Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais, a Kabalist, saying of, 103-m. Synesius composed hymns fitted for the liturgy of Swedenborg's church, 731-l. Synosius concealed Science under a Christian disguise, 732-l. Syrians abstain from fish out of dread and abhorrence, 456-m.
Taaut of the Phoenicians the same as Hermes, 586-l. Taaut the author of serpent worship among the Phoenicians, 501-u. Taaut the first to represent the Stars by symbols, 501-u. Tabernacle and Temple; seven lamps in the great candlestick of the, 59-m. Tabernacles, Feast of, lasted seven days, 59-l. Tabernaculum, the Zodiac, the Great Tent, symbolism of the, 409-l. "Tablet of Emerald," words engraven by Hermes on the, 324-m. Tabunah, Intelligence represented by the Hebrew letters, 800-m. Tacitus held no office, 47-l. Tacitus, writings of, 27-u. Tages, the Etruscan Tamet or Thoth, the giver of laws, 551-m. Talismans given to candidates for the Mysteries of the Basilideans, 542-m. Talmud, personification of the elements in the, 270-l. Talmudists transpose letters to conceal secret meanings, 699-u. Tamerlane's conquest less important than the invention of Faust, 314-u. Tarot contains the Kabalistic alphabet, 777-l. Taro, of the Kabalists, corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. Tartarus, allegorical to the Initiates, the ceremonies depicted horrors of, 396-m. Tartarus, physical tortures of, were but a symbol of the consequences of sin, 383-u. Tartarus, Virgil describes the punishments of the wicked in, 381-m. Tatian adopted the theory of the Emanation of Eons, 564-u. Tatius, Achilles, held that each Star is an immortal Soul, 671-m. Tau cross in various forms and applications, 503-505. Tau, the last letter of the Sacred Alphabet, signifies the end of the Great Work, 790-l. Taurus and Scorpio figure in history of Osiris, being the two equinoxes, 478-m. Taurus opening the new year was the Creative Bull, 448-u. Taurus or Bull: after Sun advanced to Aries reverence was paid to, 450-m. Taurus, the Bull, a symbol in the Mithraic case of initiation, 424-l. Taurus, the Bull, named because it was time to plow, 446-m. Teacher, Death is the great, 183-l. Teachings of Gnosticism, 248-l. Teachings of Masonry are—, 221-u. Teen is the universal principle and prolific source of all things, 616-m. Tehiru, Splendor, the First Matter, a Vestige of the Sublime Brilliance, 751-u. Temperance, the antipodes of Gluttony, represented by Saturn, 727-l. Templar ambitions and aims were to be rulers over the Masters of the World, 817-l. Templar Chiefs: hints in the degrees and symbols indicate the real beliefs of the, 819-u. Templar Chiefs studied the Hermetic science, 840-l. Templar doctrines were two—Johannism for the Masters, and Roman Catholics, 817-l. Templar efforts all directed against the Pope after the execution of the King, 824-u. Templar fall coincided with the period of manifestations of Occultism, 823-u. Templar Order professed orthodoxy, but the chiefs only knew the aim of the Order, 817-m. Templar secret object the rebuilding of the Temple on the model of Ezekiel, 816-u. Templar Secret Order had princes as Grand Masters, 823-l. Templarism lived under other names, governed by unknown chiefs, 821-u. Templars accused of impiety, obscenity and the worship of Baphomet, 820-m. Templars and Hospitallers took vows of obedience, chastity, poverty, 802-u. Templars arrested and imprisoned by Clement the Fifth and Philip le Bel, 820-m. Templars, at the origin, were opposed to the tiara of Rome and the crown of kings, 817-m. Templars' avowed object was to protect pilgrims visiting Holy places, 815-l. Templars became a menace to Church and Society, 815-l. Templars concealed themselves under the name of Brethren Masons, 816-m. Templars, dead long ago, haunt the Vatican and disturb the Papacy, 814-l. Templars' decay due to inherent weakness, haughty ambition, ignorance, 819-m. Templars disappeared at once and their wealth confiscated, 821-u. Templars' dogma connected with Oriental philosophy by symbols used, 235-m. Templars encouraged new worship, promising liberty of conscience, 818-l. Templars initiated in the mysterious doctrines of the Kabalah, 815-l. Templars: occult science of the Magi guessed at under the obscurities of the, 839-m. Templars of modern days have no right to the title, 821-m. Templars, or Poor Fellow-Soldiery of the Holy House of the Temple, 816-m. Templars perished in their fatal victory, 824-u. Templars preserved or profaned the remembrance of the Absolute, 840-m. Templars saved the French King, to afterwards, ensure the scaffold, 823-l. Templars succeeded by the Knights of the East and of the East and West. 816-m. Templars the dream of sects of Gnostics or Illuminati, 815-l. Templars' trowel has triangular plates arranged in the form of a cross, 816-m. Templars united with Rose Croix Adepts and formed a Mystic Sect, 821-m. Templars, when rich, became insolent and overbearing, 820-u. Temple an abridged image of the world, furniture, symbolism, 410. Temple built by Wisdom has at its portal Jachin and Boaz, 860-m. Temple built painfully slowly, destroyed very quickly, 320-m. Temple gates opened but once a year for ceremonies of initiation, 421-u. Temple of Jerusalem a symbol, 241-u. Temple of Mecca an Iona surrounded by 330 stones, 236-u. Temple of Paestum had fourteen pillars on each side, 235-l. Temple of Saba Zeus at Thrace, on mount Zelmisso, form, 410-l. Temple of Solomon a symbolic image of the Universe, resembled—, 208-l. Temple of Solomon and ornaments referred to the order of the World, 408-l. Temple of Solomon represented World, Sea, Earth, Heaven, 409-m. Temple of Solomon symbolic of the Universe, 304-l. Temple of Solomon, symbolism of the, 235-m. Temple, one object of the early Christians was the building of the Symbolic, 369-l. Temple represented the world in miniature, 234-l. Temple, spirit of the Divine law at the rebuilding of the, 241-l. Temple, the whole world one grand; Plato Macrobius, 235-u. Temples everywhere, 241-u. Temples have for roofs the starred vault of Heaven, 235-l. Temples in the shape of a cross built by the Druids, 337-m. Temples of Chilminar, Baalbeck, Tartary, had forty pillars, 235-l. Temples of Hindus and Druids built in the form of a cross, 504-m. Temples, Persians, Celts, Scythians, disliked roofed, 235-u. Temples, reason for burning the Grecian, 235-u. Temples surrounded by pillars a representation of—, 235-l. Temples, the most ancient, were roofless, 235-u. Temples, thick groves were planted to produce gloom in the, 383-l. Temptation, evils of yielding, even in slight matters, to, 217. Temptation, reason for not falling may be freedom from, 130-l. Ten Commandments, Masonic, 17-l. Ten, concludes the Abacus or Table of Pythagoras, 638-m. Ten, in its relation to the Ocean, as a conception of God, 752-l. Ten includes all the other numbers; represented by—, 60-l. Ten numerations or Sephiroth contained in each other, 753-l. Ten represented God, Man, the Universe, 638-m. Ten the number of Perfection, 60-l. Ten, the Perfect number, corresponds with the Tetractys, 323-m. Ten, the perfect number of the Cabalists, denotes Heaven, etc, 505-u. Ten written as Unity in the center of Zero; a symbol of Deity, 638-m. Tenth Degree, Illustrious Elect (Elu) of the Fifteen, devoted to—, 160-l. Tenth Degree members should lead in enlightening, 171-l. Tenets of Mason's profession, 21-u. Tepharet, Harmony and Beauty, produced by Geburah and Gedulah, 764-l. Tepharet, one of the Sephiroth; Beauty, 753-m. Tephareth degree concealed and contained in Malakoth, Haikal, 799-m. Tephareth including numerations from Khased or Gedulah to Yesod, is a person, 799-m. Tephareth is a person called Seir Aupin, or Microprosopos, 799-m. Tephareth represented by Vau, Beauty, the column which supports the world, 799-l. Territorial extension, injustice of, 73-l. Ternaries form a part of the Evangelic Symbols, 730-l. Ternary conceals the great Mysteries of God and the Universe, 791-l. Ternary explained by the balance and multiplied by itself, 769-l. Ternary formed by the relation of equality between Above and Below, 771-m. Ternary hidden in Masonry and the Hermetic Philosophy, 791-l. Ternary is the bringing back of duality to unity, 760-l. Ternary is the first odd number having in itself the beginning, middle, end, 760-l. Ternary teaches the equilibrium of Contraries and resultant Harmony, 792-u. Ternary the first of the unequal numbers, 631-m. Tertullian states that none were admitted to the Mysteries without an oath, 544-u. Tessel, description and symbolism of the Indented, 14-u. Tessellated pavement and bicolored handle of the dagger a reminder of the two principles, 818-u. Tessera, a square piece of metal or wood; meanings and application, 547-m. Tessera, a symbol to distinguish between the Faithful and Profane, 548-u. Tessera Hospitalis, a piece of wood cut in two as a pledge of friendship, 547-m. Tessera in the shape of a fish used as a mark by early Christians, 547-l. Tessera inscribed with a Greek word, the initials signifying—, 547-l. Tesserated, not tessellated, floor of white and black lozenges, denticulated, 818-m. Testament: human nature is the new, 715-m. Testament: material nature is the old, 715-m. Tests of water, air and fire, symbolism of the, 397-u. Tetractys composed of three times three smaller triangles, 826-l. Tetractys, Hebrew formation of: cut of, 88-m. Tetractys leads to study of numbers, Kabalah, True Word, 88-m. Tetractys of Pythagoras corresponds to the ten Sephiroth, 323-m. Tetractys of Pythagoras, how composed, 60-l. Tetractys of Pythagoras represents the ten, 638-m. Tetractys of round dots revered by the Essenes, 264-l. Tetractys of the Pythagoreans by which they swore their oaths, 633-l. Tetractys should be replaced among symbols of Master's Degree, 88-m. Tetractys, suspended in the East in the 31st Degree, represents Deity, 826-m. Tetractys, symbol borrowed by Pythagoras from Egyptians, 88-m. Tetractys the symbol of the generative power of the Universe, 826-l. Tetrad expresses the first mathematical power, 632-l. Tetragram of the Hebrews is Azot, Thot, Taro; it contains everything, 732-m. Tetragram, signification of the four letters of the Sacred, 104-l. Tetragram the last word of Science and the key of Divine Power, 732-m. Tetragram understood only by those who know the necessity of secrecy, 732-m. Tetragrammaton expressed triangularly a symbol of Creation, 698-l. Tetragrammaton forbidden to be pronounced except once each year, 620-u. Tetragrammaton in Adam Kadmon by its letters, 757-u. Tetragrammaton of the Hebrews the four-lettered word, 633-l. Tetragrammaton of three Hebrew letters, one repeated, 323-m. Tetragrammaton or the Ineffable Name is I, H, U, H, 698-m. Tetragrammaton sometimes expressed triangularly, 698-l. Tetragrammaton: the Elder Most Holy is the name, 795-u. Tetragrammaton's meaning and pronunciation concealed, 700-l. Thales learned that the Earth revolved around the Sun in Egypt, 843-u. Thartae, a god with the head of an ass, Christianity said to be the reign of, 103-u. Theater of Scaurus surrounded by 360 columns, 236-u. Thebes, seven gates of, 233-m. Theism of Anaxagoras subversive of the religion of outward nature, 679-u. Theism of the Hebrews involved in symbols and image worship, 514-m. Theoclet, Johannite Pontiff, initiated de Payens into the Gnostic Mysteries, 817-u. Theodoret, Bishop of Cyropolis, speaks of the secrecy of Christian Mysteries, 547-u. Theodorus gives Iabe as the Samaritan name of Deity, 700-l. Theologers preceded Greek Philosophy, 683-m. Theological ideas expressed by allegory by philosophers, 678-u. Theological system formed on the doctrine of the two principles, 661-l. Theology, at first an abstract idea, grows into all our relations, 643-m. Theology based on writings of Aristotle and Lombard purely scholastic, 847-u. Theology of the Kabalah like that which is best explained by the Fathers, 843-l. Theology of the Kabalah is consistent and harmonious, 843-l. Theopmatus held that each Star is a part of the Universal Soul, 671-m. Theopompus declares the two principles shall alternate in victory, 663-u. Theoretical principles of right may work practical injustice, 834-l. Theories advanced to explain the independent existence of Good and Evil, 682-u. Theorists, the Mason should have no alliance with impracticable, 338-m. Theosophy, in Greek traditions were found the mysteries of, 250-u. Therapeutae were Christians, their writings our Gospels, 265-m. Therapeuts, Persian and Pythagorean opinions in the creed of the, 259-l. Therapeuts reside in Egypt in the vicinity of Alexandria, 260-u. Thibet, Pythagorean doctrine of numbers preserved by monks of, 235-m. Thibet: the great Chinese dragon ornamented the Temples of, 500-l. Things and beings, marvelous relations between; instances—, 41-m. Things material and things of the intellect, 41-l. Things the progeny of one fire; the Soul a bright fire, is immortal, 611-m. Think as the Old Lords of Thought command us, 315-m. Third day of Greek Mysteries devoted to sacrifices, religious rites, etc, 433-l. Third Degree, Master, 62-u. Thirteen robes presented to initiates represent Heavens and signs, 506-l. Thirteenth Degree, legend of; an allegory representing—, 208-l. Thirteenth Degree, Royal Arch of Solomon; legend and history of, 204-u. Thirty-second Degree, Master of the Royal Secret, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 839. Thomas, Christian General at the battle of Damascus, 53-m. Thor and Odin fight with Dragons, 499-m. Thor, Odin, Frea, the Scandinavian Trinity, 552-u. Thor, son of Odin and Frea, one of the Northern triune Deity, 13-l. Thor was the Sun, a counterpart of Osiris and Bel, 368-u. Thot, of the Bohemians, corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. Thoth named by other nations Taaut, Hermes, Trismegistus and Adris; doings of, 364. Thoth of the Egyptians the same as Hermes, 586-l. Thoth or Phtha, an Egyptian skilled in the Mysteries of India, Persia, Ethiopia, 364-u. Thoth, the Egyptian God of Healing, leans on a stick with coiled snake, 501-m. Thoth the terrestrial repetition of the first Hermes, 255-u. Thought, a Force, 2-u. Thought in the Soul: the second in the Masonic Trinity, 575-l. Thought is a Power; not matter or spirit; lives after a man, 573-m. Thought is all repose and Nature all movement, 680-l. Thought is eternal, is an actual existence, a Force and Power, 573-l. Thought: nothing can compare with the grandeur of a, 201-m. Thought of God a Power, 573-u. Thought of God, Being of his Being, manifested in Intelligence, 560-u. Thought of God, immortal as Himself, uttered itself in the Word, 575-u. Thought personified by the Goddess Neith, a divinity of Light, 254-u. Thought the only reality, 676-u. Thought unlocks all the treasures of the Universe, 201-l. Thoughts are the scintillations and rays of Intellect, 845-u. Thoughts of dead legislators govern our present deeds, 315-l. Thrace, passion, death and resurrection of Bakchos represented at, 411-u. Three appears in all the ancient Philosophies, 548-m—552. Three degrees of generation, Birth, Life, Death; beginning, middle, end, 631-u. Three essential degrees in Masonry because of the sacred Triad, 631-m. Three figures constantly in Masonry; instances—, 548-m. Three in One of a Trinitarian Ecossais, 575-l. Three lights at the Altar represented the Sun, Moon, Mercury, etc, 548-m. Three means Father, Son, Spirit; the triangle within the square, 629-l. Three, or Triad, expressed by a triangle, 57-l. Three, peculiar to Apprentices, from the three Kings of Orion, 487-u. Three, Pythagoras on the number, 97-m. Three represented by the Supreme Being, 209-u. Three revered by all antiquity and consecrated in the Mysteries, 631-m. Three, symbolism of the number, 209. Three symbolizes the Earth; it is a figure of the terrestrial bodies, 632-m. Three, the number of the triangle, measures the base, 861-m. Three times three in a symbolic sense, 827-u. Three was called perfect harmony by the Pythagoreans, 632-m. Three worlds of the Philosophy of the Sephiroth, 99-m. Threefold alliance of day and night; the luminous image of the dogma, 848-u. Threes form the triple progression, Past, Present, Future, 631-u. Throne and Church mutually sustain each other, 33-u. Throne of France to be overthrown upon the tomb of de Molai, 824-u. Throne of Solomon, bulls on arms, lions supporting, symbolism, 410-l. Tiara of Rome opposed by the Templars at their origin, 817-m. Tiberius as Emperor to be opposed by Masonry, 20-l. Tiberius, reference to the reign of, 47-l. Timaeus explains the symbolism of the pyramid, 460-u. Timacus, of Locria, wrote of the Pythagorean doctrine, Soul of the World, 667-u. Timacus regarded the Universe as an intelligent being, 670-u. Time; evolution of the ancient division of, 445-m. Time; seeking a revelation from the busy ant-hill of, 191-u. Time symbolized by a serpent ring, 497-l. Time, waste of, 115-m. Tipharet, the Son, or issue, Beauty or Harmony, the sixth Sephiroth, 552-m. Tiphe, wife of Re, clad in blue and gold, the type of Wisdom, 254-l. Titans tore Dionusos in pieces, assisted by Heri, 585-l. Toil, a part of the spiritual instrumentality is every implement of, 243-l. Toil is worship—the noblest thing beneath the Stars, 342-l. Toil of brain or hand or heart the only true manhood, 344-u. Toil, religion of, 212-u. Toleration a component part of Charity, 166-l. Toleration enemy of that fanaticism which persecutes for opinion's sake, 160-l. Toleration holds that every other man has the same right of faith as ourselves, 160-m. Toleration, in early Christianity were evidences of the spirit of, 247-l. Toleration, Masonic creed and view of, 167-m. Toleration taught as one of the chief duties of a Mason, 166-l. Tomb a part of the paraphernalia of the Mysteries of Isis at Sais, 405-m. Tools and implements of Masonry are symbols, 330-l. Tower, Temple of Bal at Babylon was a, 234-m. Towers surmounting Pagodas, 234-m. Towers symbolize the two furnaces for the fire, 783-u. Tracingboard displays a luminous triangle with a Yod in the center,782-l. Transcendental philosophy reposed on comparatively shallow bases, 674-l. Transcendental philosophy, that of a Deity both eminent and transcendent, 614-m. Transmigration of souls a doctrine of the Hindu religion, 604-m. Transmigration of souls according to Pythagoras and disciples, 622-623. Transmigration of souls, explanation of the doctrine of the, 398-m—399. Transmigration of souls held by the Druids, 618-u. Transmigration of souls involved a noble element of truth, 622-m. Transmigration of souls taught by Pythagoras as an allegory was accepted literally, 398-m. Transmigration of souls, the early Christians held the doctrine of the, 399-l. Transposition of the letters of a word common amongst Talmudists, 698-m. Transposition used to conceal secret meanings, 699-u. Tree of Knowledge became the Tree of Death, 844-u. Tree of Life represented by the branch of Acacia, 786-l. Tree under which Atys died was a pins and held sacred to him, 423-l. Triad includes in itself the properties of the first two numbers, 631-m. Triad of the Druids inscribed on a cruciform tree, 504-u. Triad of Plato, explanation and symbolism of the, 87-l. Triad plays an important part in the philosophy of Plato; the image of Deity, 631-m. Triad produced by the union of the Monad and Duad, 631-m. Triad signifies the world formed by a creative principle out of matter, 631-m. Triad venerated by Masons in the symbol of the triangle, 631-m. Triads, Egyptian deities arranged in, 87-m. Triads formed of the old Gods, often called a Trinity, 548-549. Triads of ancient religions, 548-m—552. Triads of the Egyptians, of Thebes. Philae, the Cataracts, 548 m. Trials of candidates during Initiations were very severe, 385-m. Triangle consecrated whose sides are emblems of the three Kingdoms, or God, 632-u. Triangle: Deity symbolized by the double equilateral, 634-l. Triangle, description and symbolism of Kabalistic, 104-m. Triangle, Divine, the Trinity, the Triliteral Name, composed of—, 323-m. Triangle, equilateral, one of the symbols of Chinese Mysteries, 429-m. Triangle, equilateral, reversed, inscribed in double circle, Kabalistic, 104-m. Triangle figures to the Masonic, Judge the Pyramids, firm and unshaken, 826-l. Triangle has for its center the Hebrew Jod, the generative principle, 632-u. Triangle in connection with the Compass forms the Star of Solomon, 841-u. Triangle in a Lodge indicates—, 209-l. Triangle, infinite, above equaling what is below, 34-l. Triangle, mystic and interlaced, found in India, 292-m. Triangle of Perfection: One is three and three are one in each, 861-l. Triangle of Solomon explained by St. John, 792-u. Triangle of the Greeks the initial of the Latin or French word for God, 631-l. Triangle of the Idea united to the Square of the Form becomes the Septenary, 321-l. Triangle represents one God in three persons; the Yod the initial of the last word, 782-l. Triangle represents the eternal because it is the first perfect figure, 631-l. Triangle surmounted by a cross symbolizes the perfection of the Great Work, 790-l. Triangle, symbolism of a right-angled, 87—. Triangle symbolizes action and reaction and the result, 861-u. Triangle, the chief symbol in Masonry, formed by the points of the Tetractys, 826-m. Triangle, three great words names of the three sides of the Kabalistic, 104-m. Triangle to all the Sages the symbol of Deity, 861-u. Triangle upon a square within a circle part of an Hermetic symbol, 850-m. Triangle with right angles in a diagram and described, 789-m. Triangles, Kabalistic and Divine, 738-u. Triangles represented in the Stars, 487-m. Triangle's sides offered for the study of the Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, Master, 632-u. Triangle's sides represent Wisdom, Strength, Beauty or Harmony, 826-m. Triangular plate sunk in cube; teachings of the name of Deity engraved on a, 209-u. Triangulation, measurement by, 34-m. Triglav, the three-headed God of the Sclavo-Vendes, 551-m. Triliteral A, U, M gives initiate of the Indian Mysteries, 428-m. Triliteral Iao was the sacred name of the Supreme Deity, 701-u. Trimalcion as Legislator to be opposed by Masonry, 20-l. Trimurti or Brahmin Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, 550-m. Trinitarian, Scottish, or Prince of Mercy, the 26th Degree, 524. Trinities of the Ancient Religions, 576-m. Trinities of the Kabalists the origin of the Christian Trinity, 552-m. Trinity, article in all creeds, 57-l. Trinity believed in by Julian; also one God, 731-l. Trinity of attributes of Deity, Justice, Wisdom, Mercy, the ninth Truth of Masonry, 537-u. Trinity of attributes of God, Wisdom, Strength, Harmony, 525-u. Trinity of God's attributes are Perfect and do not conflict, 537-u. Trinity of God's attributes represented by the Triple Tau, 503-l. Trinity of Power, Wisdom and Harmony, 209-l. Trinity of the Chaldean oracles, Light, Fire, Flame, 740-l. Trinity of the Christians; origin of the, 552-m. Trinity of the Druids, significance of names of the, 103-l. Trinity of the Father, the Spirit, the Word, 564-m. Trinity, philosophical dissertation on the, 99-m. Trinity represented by the three sides of the Delta, 531-m. Trinity, the three principles of the, 210-u. Tripartite division of the Good principle, a dogma of the Hindus, 604-m. Triple progression of threes has foundation in the three ages of nature, 631-u. Triple progression, three; three times three; three times nine; three times twenty-seven, 631-u. Triple Tau cross in center of a circle and triangle typifies the Sacred Name, 503-m. Triple Tau represents the creating, preserving, destroying powers, 503-m. Triple Tau represents the three great lights of Masonry, 503-m. Triple triangle, a Pythagorean emblem of Health, 634-m. Triple triangle, a symbol of the Triple Covenant and—, 533-m. Triple triangle among all nations a symbol of Deity, 826-l. Triple triangle and a circle are the Sephiroth, 769-l. Triple triangle found in the number of the offspring of Heaven and Earth, 728-l. Tripod of Pythian Priestess embodied a triple-headed serpent, 501-l. Triptolemus gave initiation to Hercules, 586-u. Trismegistus engraved on stone the dogmas of the science of Magism, 839-l. Trismegistus, Hermes, supposed to have written "Minerva Mundi", 790-m. Triune Deity represented by the cord of the initiate, our cable tow, 361-u. Triune Deity symbolized by the three officers, lights, jewels, pillars, 361-u. Triune God of Chinese alluded to by the symbol Y, 429-m. Trowel an emblem of the Degrees of Prince of Jerusalem, 242-m. Trowel and Sword the emblem of the Templars, 816-m. Trowels of the proscribed Templars built tombs for its persecutors, 821-u. Trowel of the Templars is quadruple, making the Kabalist pantacle, 816-m. True God, only religious requisite is a virtuous life and belief in one, 164-u. "True Mason" styled the twenty-third or the twelfth of the fifth class, 782-l. True name of God to be revealed at the coming of the Messiah, 621-m. True Royal Secret which makes possible the Holy Empire, 861-l. True, the Beautiful, the Good, are but revelations of one and the same Being, 708-u. True things refer themselves to a Unity which is Absolute Truth, 702-m. True Word discovered by the aid of the Tetractys, 88-m. True Word found, without naming, in Hu of the Druids, and Fo-Hi, 702-u. True Word of a Mason finds a meaning in the Ineffable Name of Deity, 697-m. True Word of a Master Mason, 727-u. True Word of a Master Mason, 861-l. True Word said to be lost because its meaning was lost, 701-l. Truth a divine attribute, the foundation of virtue, 184-l. Truth and Intelligence are attributes of God, but not of the individual Soul, 607-l. Truth and Intelligence not the eternal attributes of the individual Soul, 852-u. Truth and Intelligence the eternal attributes of God, not of the individual Soul, 852-u. Truth and loyalty needed now as in days of old, 578-m. Truth and morality were virtues practiced by the Druids, 619-u. Truth: amelioration and improvement effected by dissemination of, 218-m. Truth as a basis of all religions, 311-l. Truth at the foundation of the old Heathenism, 599-u. Truth, Christ proclaims the old primitive, 309-u. Truth comes to us tinged and colored with our prejudices, 166-m. Truth concealed from the Profane preserved to the Elect by symbols, 810-u. Truth deposited in a sacred place to be searched for, 785-l. Truth, Divine, given to the first men preserved by Masonry, 136-m. Truth, Divine, symbolized by the Star blazing in the distance, 136-m. Truth hidden under symbols and allegories, 246-l. Truth, incapacity to grasp, prevalent, 77-l. Truth: Indians taught Zoroaster, who taught Pythagoras Primitive, 617-l. Truth is a Divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue, 852-u. Truth is in God and is God under one of His phases, 707-l. Truth, Justice, Right in principle a result of the equilibrium of Wisdom and Power, 859-u. Truth known concerning the nature of Deity contained in the True Word of a Mason. 697-m. Truth, mathematical and practical, the Hermetic universal medicine of the mind, 773-m. Truth, not acceptable to the mass of mankind is the highest, 37-u. Truth, not attainable anywhere is perfect, 223-u. Truth of a less metaphysical and more applicable kind sought after, 682-m. Truth, our duty to press forward in search of, 223-u. Truth overlaid with fictions after the Divine Word became obscured, 599-l. Truth put in practice is the Good, 725-u. Truth represented by symbols and hidden images, 436-u. Truth separable into kinds, 148-l. Truth sometimes reaches us on the borrowed wings of Error, 224-m. Truth sought in general opinion by Socrates, 693-u. Truth symbolized by Light, 148-l. Truth symbolized by the Sun, 776-m. Truth the object of worship of a Masonic Knight, 579-m. Truth, the outflowing of the conjunction of Hakemah and Binah, 763-l. Truth the Sun and Light of the intellectual and visible Universe, 606-u. Truth to the Philosopher not Truth to the Peasant, 224-m. Truth which creates the Future heralded by the Star of Knowledge at its birth, 843-m. Truths, Astronomical details and natural operations in the Mysteries veil great, 375-m. Truths fitted to make earth a Paradise revealed to man, 227-u. Truths have been hated as errors at times by public opinion, 218-l. Truths hidden by symbols and allegories of old fables and superstitions, 508-l. Truths, Masonry teaches all, 148-l. Truths must be committed to the few to preserve their purity, 624-l. Truths of Masonry, 533-538. Truths of Masonry not inculcated, but hinted, 218-u. Truths of primitive revelation veiled from the knowledge of the people, 624-m. Truths of religion inculcated by Masonry, 576-l. Truths of the Period as good as men were capable of receiving, 37-u. Truths: the great fundamental primitive, 609-m. Truths which are concealed are not lost; those discovered are not new, 842-l. Truths which have been and are the law in every age, 227-m. Tsaboath, with Alohayim; symbolism of, 104-m. Tsadoc, Hebrew name for Jupiter, meaning and symbol of, 202-m. Tsadok, the Supreme God of Phoenicia, the Heptaktis, 728-m. Tsemsum the term applied to the first contraction, 746-u. Tsur, Tyre, celebration of the festival of Dec. 25th at, 78-l. Tuscan order of architecture is emblematic of—, 202-u. Twelfth Degree; Grand Master Architect; duties of the, 189-u. Twelfth Degree, teachings of the, 202-l. Twelve chief Eons were the Genii of the Constellations, called Olamin 566-u. Twelve divisions adopted by Plato, Lycurgus, Cecrops, Chun, Romulus, 462-u. Twelve fellowcrafts in search of body and assassins; reference to Stars, 489. Twelve Gods recognized by most ancient peoples, 460-m. Twelve-inch rule and common gavel, 1-m. Twelve is celebrated in the worship of Nature, 638-l. Twelve, number of oxen under Brazen Sea; of stones in the breastplate of the H.P., 61-u. Twelve represents the Articles of Faith; twelve Apostles, etc., 628-u. Twelve signs of the Zodiac related to the Master's legend, 488-u. Twelve signs of the Zodiac represented in the Labyrinth, 459-l. Twelve the image of the Zodiac and the Sun, which rules over it, 638-l. Twelve, the number of lines of equal length that form a cube, 61-u. Twentieth Degree, Master of the Symbolic Lodge, duty of the, 325-u. Twenty-eighth Degree, Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept, 581. Twenty-fifth Degree, Knight of the Brazen Serpent, teachings, 435-m. Twenty-first Degree, Noachite or Prussian Knight; lessons of the, 334-u. Twenty-fourth Degree, Prince of the Tabernacle, 371-u. Twenty-ninth Degree, Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew, 801-u. Twenty-second Degree, Prince of Libanus, Knight of the Royal Axe, 340-u. Twenty-seventh Degree, Knight Commander of the Temple, 578-u. Twenty-sixth Degree, Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian, 524. Twenty-third Degree, Chief of the Tabernacle, 352-u. Two expresses disorder, the Bad principle, 630-m. Two independent, hostile Gods, according to the Manicheans, 565-l. Two is the Word; One is the Principle, 772-u. Two principles, Good and Evil, acknowledged by philosophers, 660-m. Two principles the basis of the religion of the Magi and of Egypt, 661-l. Two principles whereof heaven and earth are forms, 655-l. Two, symbol of Antagonism; Good and Evil; Light and Darkness, 57-l. Two, with the Chinese, signified disorder, duplicity, 630-l. Typhon, a power set up as an adversary of Osiris to account for Evil, 588-u. Typhon: all stormy passions, etc., that agitate material man come from, 476-m. Typhon, born of the earth, comparable to Python, slain by Apollo, 376-u. Typhon, brother of Osiris, slew him and cut his body in pieces, 475-l. Typhon compared to ignorance by Plutarch, 521-l. Typhon derived from Tupoul, signifying a tree producing apples, 376-m. Typhon, in morals, signifies Pride, Ignorance, Falsehood, 376-l. Typhon is the personification of Winter, the desert, the ocean, 447-l. Typhon put Osiris to death in the Mysteries of Isis at Sais, 405-m. Typhon, Scorpion, ruled over evil genii of the hemisphere of winter, 449-u. Typhon signifies serpent, life which circulates through all nature, 376-m. Typhon signifies the human passions which expel wisdom, 376-m. Typhon slew Osiris when the Sun was in the sign of Scorpion, at the Autumn, 377-l. Typhon, the brother of Osiris, threw his body into the Nile, 589-m. Typhon the principle and source of all evil, confounded with Matter, 255-u. Typhon, the principle of corruption, darkness, evil, 478-u. Typhon, the principle of Evil or Darkness, from the union of earth and Tartarus, 659-l. Typhon, toward autumn the Woman's heel seems to crush the head of, 376-m. Tyrannies of Rome, 3-u. Tyrants use the force of people to enyoke the people, 3-l. Tyre: description and symbolism of the furniture of the Temple at, 410-m. Tyre, location of the Temple of Malkarth; old form, Tsur, 9-m. Tyre, the seat of the celebration of the Phoenician Mysteries, 363-m. Tyrian coins represented serpents in many attitudes, 501-u. Tyrius, Maximus, says God did not spare his son, Hercules, 592-l. Tyrius: Symbolic imagery of Deity defended by Maximus, 515-m.
Ultimate nature of things probably never will be known, 712-u. Unbelief of the many, 296. Understanding, the Capacity to be impregnated by the Active Energy, 305-m. Unchanging nature of Deity compared with his perfect Freedom, 689-u. Uniformity of plan among endless varieties of operation and form, 673-l. Union of Deity with his creatures expressed by the Hebrew letter "He", 698-l. Union of the Universe with itself termed "the Great Secrets of Nature", 659-u. Union of True, Beautiful, Good in the Being from whom they emanate, 702-l. Union with Deity the aspiration of the religious sentiment in man, 652-m. Unit in number ten signifies God creating matter, the 0, 627-u. Unit, in the fecundity of the Ternary, forms the Quaternary, the Key of all numbers, 771-m. Unit is the symbol of identity, existence, harmony, point within the circle, 629-l. Unit means a spirit embodied in the virgin earth—nature, 627-m. Unit means a Word incarnate in the bosom of a virgin, or religion, 627-u. Unit, or monad, a figure of the cube, 5-l. Unity a necessary sequence from the conception of the Absolute, 702-l. Unity and duality termed the first principles of all existence, 630-l. Unity in which the many are and out of which all flow is Ihuh, 764-u. Unity itself and the Idea of Unity are two; Unity manifested by the Binary, 771-u. Unity measured by the Binary, 771-l. Unity of Aristotle's First Mover follows from His immateriality, 679-l. Unity of Force underneath the lives, wishes, wills of the people of the earth, 829-l. Unity of God taught in the Orphic hymn quoted by Aristobulus, 415-u. Unity of God taught in the Kabalah, 625-l. Unity of Nature blended with a dim perception of Spiritual Essence, 687-m. Unity of the Universe represented by the symbolic egg, 415-u. Unity: the links that bind all created things together are the links of a single, 765-m. Unity, the pivot, source, center, the august Idea of Pythagoras, 626-u. Universal agent adored in the rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, 734-m. Universal agent adored under figure of Baphomet or goat of Mendes, 734-m. Universal agent is a force which if controlled would be infinite in power, 734-m. Universal agent is the Life, principle, 734-l. Universal Cause that was termed God; ancient ideas in reference to, 666-u. Universal forces called the Seven great Archangels, 727-u. Universal forces which govern the world create equilibrium by their contrasts, 727-u. Universal: His ways are divided and judgment is on our side in the second, 794-u. Universal idea felt rather than understood, 674-m. Universal is an Idea abstracted from all considerations of individuals, 764-u. Universal Laws of God: we strive to enact our notions into the, 830-u. Universal medicine required for the Soul, Mind, Body, by the Hermetic practice, 773-m. Universal Mover identified with the fluctuations of the Universe, 588-l. Universal Nature worship a kin to that of the Universal Soul, 593-u. Universal Principle is Wisdom, the Father of Fathers, 791-m. Universal Reason believed in by Socrates and Heraclitus, 693-u. Universal Seed represented under the figure of the Caduceus of Hermes, 775-u. Universal Soul a Pythagorean doctrine from the Egyptians, 666-m. Universal Soul comprised in Dionusos; all soul is a part of the, 586-m. Universal Soul disseminated throughput the world in active operation, 474-m. Universal Soul embraces all, is all, and to it all will return, 604-l. Universal Soul idea sprung from doctrine of the Active and Passive, 661-m. Universal Soul moves the immortal bodies that form the harmonious system of the heavens, 668-u. Universal Soul organizes the Zodiac which gathers the varied. emanations, 669-u. Universal Soul, the first of the Masonic |