a great moral truth veiled with fable, 395-l. Mysteries, instructions in morals and as to future life given in the, 382-u. Mysteries kept man from lapsing into barbarism, 373-u. Mysteries, knowledge of hieroglyphics and other information only obtained in the Greater, 359-m. Mysteries, like Socrates, seek to awaken the ideas already in the mind, 356-m. Mysteries, like the Symbols of Masonry, are eloquent analogies of Nature, 356-l. Mysteries, life to the Greeks would be insupportable if deprived of the, 373-m. Mysteries, male and female were the prominent Deities in the, 377-u. Mysteries meant to strengthen religion and console men in their sorrows, 378-u. Mysteries, mode of death varied with the nationality of the different, 375-u. Mysteries modified after leaving Egypt by the habits of the different nations, 624-l. Mysteries modified by habits of the different nations, 23-u. Mysteries, morals, sciences, traditions, taught in the, 373-u. Mysteries, names of the prominent Deities in the different, 377-m. Mysteries, nature-gods were the Powers revered in the, 354-l. Mysteries, Nero, after murdering his mother, dared not be present at, 353-m. Mysteries, no arrests, no suits brought, no rival displays during the, 434-m. Mysteries, object of, 382-l. Mysteries, objects of, were to lead men to piety and—, 381-l. Mysteries of Apollo celebrated at Delos, provided with a lake, 405-m. Mysteries of Bakchos described, 420-421. Mysteries of Bakchos of Oriental origin; worshipped in India, 419-l. Mysteries of Ceres and Proserpine celebrated at Autumn, 491-m. Mysteries of Dionusos proscribed impurity, 381-u. Mysteries of Dionusos taught the Doctrine of Divine Unity, and—, 585-m. Mysteries of Eleusis, description, officers, symbolism, 411-412. Mysteries of Eleusis established at Athens in 1423 B.C., 418-u. Mysteries of Eleusis exhibited the generative organs as symbols, 656-m. Mysteries of Eleusis, spread of and opinions concerning the, 352-m. Mysteries of Eleusis swallowed most of the others, 352-m. Mysteries of God and the Universe are hidden in the Ternary, 791-l. Mysteries of Greece established by Pythagoras with three degrees, 366-u. Mysteries of Greece taught that matter existed from all eternity, and—, 400-l. Mysteries of Isis, processions, description, symbolism, 412. Mysteries of Isis, similarity to the death of Khur-om, 405-m. Mysteries of India were divided into four degrees, 361-m. Mysteries of Ism Abla instruct in the secret name of Deity, 621-l. Mysteries of Magism have a religious, philosophical and natural signification, 773-u. Mysteries of Mithra, a cave represented the arrangement of the World, 413-m. Mysteries of Mithras, a corpse restored to life a part of the ceremony of the, 406-l. Mysteries of Mithras celebrated in Greece under the name of Bakchos, 406-l. Mysteries of Osiris sought by the most eminent men, 363-u. Mysteries of Samothrace adored heaven and earth as male and female, 659-u. Mysteries of the Ancients concealed the occult science of the Ancient Magi, 839-m. Mysteries of the Christian Gnostics; their secret doctrine, 542-l. Mysteries of the Christians, 541-547. Mysteries of the Divine nature are beyond finite comprehension, 306-u. Mysteries of the Druids conform to those of other nations, 367-u. Mysteries of the early Christians divided into two Masses, 541-l. Mysteries of the Goths carried North from the East by Odin, 367-l. Mysteries of the Indians celebrated in caves and grottos, 361-u. Mysteries of the Kabala open to those who seek, 772-m. Mysteries of the Universe are all around us and common, 526-u. Mysteries, opinions of Cicero and Aristophanes in respect to the, 353-m. Mysteries, opinions of Pausanias and Aristotle concerning the, 379-m. Mysteries, opinions of Plato and Epictetus as to the objects of the, 353-u. Mysteries, origin unknown; suppositions concerning, 353-l. Mysteries originally the beginning of a new life of reason and virtue, 359-m. Mysteries, penalties for violations of the laws and usages of the, 374-l. Mysteries, pain and sorrow as consequences of sin shadowed forth in, 397-u. Mysteries, Phallus and Cteis as emblems of generation appear in the, 401-l. Mysteries, Plato into philosophy translated the language of the symbols of the, 398-m. Mysteries possessed a language known only to the initiates, 373-l. Mysteries practiced in all ancient nations; many claim invention, 353-l. Mysteries practiced in Athens until the 8th century; in Wales to the 12th century, 360-l. Mysteries, prescription of those not initiated into the, 359-m. Mysteries preserved their purity up to the time of Cicero, 374-l. Mysteries, privileges and advantages of Initiates into the, 352-l. Mysteries probably originated in India teaching primitive Truths, 360-l. Mysteries, purposes of the ceremonies of the, 383-m. Mysteries represented by symbols the invisible forces of the Universe, 414-l. Mysteries required purity and elevation of soul in its Initiates, 353-u. Mysteries revealed by Dante in the Divine Comedy, 822-m. Mysteries, statements of Cicero, Socrates, Aristides, regarding the, 379-l. Mysteries taught a division of the Universal Cause into an Active and a Passive, 401-m. Mysteries taught candidates in Druidical initiations, 429-l. Mysteries taught concerning the Universe and—, 352-l. Mysteries taught doctrine of the nature of the soul and its longings to return, 436-l. Mysteries taught how to enfeeble the action of matter on the Soul, 520-l. Mysteries taught initiates in Indian ceremonies, 428-429. Mysteries taught the existence of One Great Being, 624-m. Mysteries taught the incarnation, death, resurrection, etc., of Logos, 415-u. Mysteries taught the study of the perfection of the soul, 520-u. Mysteries taught true ideas in respect to Deity, 208-m. Mysteries, teachings and essence of the, 354-l. Mysteries, the first magistrate of Athens superintended the, 380-u. Mysteries, the Greater of Eleusinia, ceremonies of initiation into the, 394-m. Mysteries: the invisibility, oneness, infinity of God, the first Truth of the, 533-m. Mysteries, the legend of the Master's degree a form of that of the, 375-u. Mysteries, the mythical person uniting the Divine and Human found in all, 356-l. Mysteries: the Soul of Man is immortal, the second Truth of the, 533-m. Mysteries, the true spirit and secret doctrines were hidden in Greater, 359-m. Mysteries, those who came short of their duties as men were excluded from the, 391-l. Mysteries, to inspire men and console them in their misery the object of the, 379-l. Mysteries, to prove his innocence Antony sought Initiation into the, 353-m. Mysteries treated of God, Man and Nature; Ancient Theosophy, 357-u. Mysteries, true knowledge of Deity taught by the Greater, 207-l. Mysteries used by the Priests to extend their power, 360-u. Mysteries went from Egypt to Phoenicia, thence elsewhere, 363-m. Mysteries were a Sacred Drama exhibiting—, 355-m. Mysteries were funereal in character, celebrating the death, etc., of some hero, 375-u. Mysteries were not closed in the year 364, notwithstanding a law to that effect, 360-u. Mysteries were the private worships of ancient nations, 352-u. Mysteries, while slight offenses could be expiated, grave crimes were mortal sins in the, 397-m. Mysteries widely disseminated; names of some, 352-u. Mysterii or books of occultation sum up the Sephiroth, 758-u. Mysterious number is four; it contains the mysteries of nature, 628-m. Mystery and secrecy used to attract and impress the people, 384-u. Mystery, Demetrius Phalereus gives definition of the word, 383-l. Mystery of the Balance, the equilibrium of opposites, 552-m. Mystery of the Ineffable Name and arrangement of its letters, 700-l. Mystery of the phenomena of nature are unexplainable to us, 526-530. Mystery of the world remains, but sufficiently cleared up to inspire confidence, 696-m. Mythical beings presiding over nature developed into Saints, etc, 653-u. Mystical religion succeeded mystical philosophy, but in name only, 694-u. Mythological references to the number seven, 728-l. Mythologies: Sohar clears up the obscurities of the Ancient, 843-l.
Name, all ancient nations held the sanctity of the Sacred, 204-l. Name, Divine, or Creative Word, 204-l. Name, in exorcising priests the Jews used the Sacred, 262-l. Name not applied to the Very God in His unmanifested Essence, 849-u. Name of Deity a sign and confession of our ignorance, 651-l. Name of Deity communicated by God to Moses, 697-m. Name of Deity conceals the True Word of a Mason, 697-m. Name of Deity contained a meaning which was lost, 697-m. Name of Deity engraven on the triangular plate on the cube teaches—, 209-u. Name of Deity has four letters, three different ones, 761-u. Name of Deity, Tetractys in the Cabala composed of the letters of the, 60-l. Name of God and God alone existed before the world of vacant space, 750-u. Name of God forgotten when—, 205-l. Name of God, in the Kabalah, only expresses the human ideal of his divinity, 97-l. Name of God lost when—, 205-l. Name of God written in Samaritan characters in Hebrew books, 621-m. Name of Great God not to be uttered, an article of general belief, 619-621-l. Name of Jehovah given credit for the redemption of the souls, 561-l. Name of the Kabalists' Idea of God contains all others and all things, 98-m. "Name of Truth" appears in the formula of pneumatical baptism, 561-l. Name of Yod, He, Vau, He, applied to Deity as manifested in the act of Creation, 849-u. Name, signification and meaning of the Ineffable, 104-m. Name: study of the Pentagram led the Magi to a knowledge of the New, 842-u. Name, the summary of all things is the Holy, 793-u. Name, two Hebrew words appended to the Ineffable, 104-m. Names have a natural potency and sanctity according to origin, 620-m. Names of Deity met with in all Degrees, 137-u. Names of Deity on the Delta are Syrian, Phoenician, Hebrew, 531-l. Names of the Hebrew and Greek Deity express abstract existence, 651-l. Napoleon reigns because the ablest, 49-u. Napoleons follow period of convulsion, 30-l. Napoleon's influence on the destinies of France, 313-m. Napoleon's injustice exiled him to a rock, a warning to bid men be just, 835-m. Napthali, the eloquent and agile, has for device Virgo in the domicile of Mercury, 462-u. National Gods' history describes the Sun's career through the seasons, 591-m. Nationalizing of creeds and peoples a tendency of Masonry, 625-l. Nations, commercialism and territorial aggrandizement of, 69. Nations, luxury, extravagance, ostentation, the peril of, 348-m. Nations, sanctity of the Name held by the ancient, 204-l. Natural Forces in action and opposition result in movement and Harmony, 859-l. Natural law, a constant mode of action, seems to belong to the nature of things, 827-l. Natural objects surrounded the initiate in the Mysteries, 414-l. Natural phenomena and things appeal to men, 714-u. Natural phenomena depends on a single immutable law, 732-u. Natural religion reveals to us God as the Infinite parent of all, 714-m. Nature and discord dwelt below the Moon, according to Lucanus, 654-m. Nature as free from dogmatism as from tyranny, 355-u. Nature divided between the Good and Evil principles, 664-u. Nature enslaved to common notions and notions to words, 693-l. Nature gives evidences of immortality, found everywhere, 517-m. Nature God's prose; man his poetry, 715-l. Nature Gods represented by Amun, worshipped in Egypt, 584-l. Nature Gods secondary to a higher Deity, incomprehensible, supreme, 597-l. Nature in its pure and simple forms the foundation of the Persian religion, 610-l. Nature is all movement, and Thought all repose, 680-l. Nature itself is the soul of the world which acts through the spheres, 668-l. Nature itself the secret of the Occult Sciences, 844-u. Nature mastered by applying to matter the light of life, 779-u. Nature not a fortuitous concourse of atoms, 646-l. Nature not deified in the primitive religion, 610-l. Nature of Deity and the beginning of the Universe are questions Man has always studied, 738-l. Nature of man is double, though he is one, 861-l. Nature possessed a soul and intelligence and divinity belonged to this soul, 670-u. Nature reveals a mighty wisdom and points to God, 713-l. Nature revives as surely as it declines, 592-m. Nature, the mythologies a leaf in the book of, 216-u. Nature the Revelation of God; symbolism of, 64-m. Nature, visible on earth, is man's domain, 736-m. Nature worship akin to that of a universal Soul, but not instinctive, 598-u. Nature worship combining conceptions of a Universal Presence and action, 602-u. Nature worship usurped that of God, 600-m-601-m. Nature's Forces little known; man controlled and governed by them, 733-l. Nature's great book interpreted in the doctrines of Masonry, 625-m. Nature's immutable Law, the Eternal Will of the Justice which is God, 847-l. Nature's magnificences are an algebra of graces and splendors, 845-u. Nature's problems unanswered; the problems unsolved, 647-l. Nature's regularity suggested by common appearances very early, 699-m. Nature's single and absolute law, the equipoise of contrary forces, 848-u. Nature's Soul released at the end for a brighter existence, 614-u. Naya philosophers declare the individual Soul and God are distinct, 852-u. Necessity and Chance giving way to Law permits the moral Freedom of Man, 695-m. Necessity and Fatality a consequence of Stability and Permanence, 768-u. Necessity and Liberty possible for Infinite Power and Wisdom, 848-m. Necessity and Liberty seemingly antagonistic, 848-m. Necessity and Liberty, the essence of Deity, counterbalanced, produce equilibrium, 778-l. Necessity and Liberty the two columns of the Universe, 848-m. Necessity can not be unjust, or the Great lawgiver would be unjust, 831-l. Necessity: Deity contains the incorruptible and unwearying force of, 658-m. Necessity environs the laws that govern the Universe, 831-l. Necessity in its true meaning is not arbitrary Power, 696-m. Necessity in its true meaning is Strength and Force in the service of Intelligence, 696-m. Necessity is Law perceived, but not understood, 691-m. Necessity neglected in striving for the right is the folly of a dreamer, 835-u. Necessity of man, his own necessity, made often a plea for injustice, 832-u. Necessity of the physicists more oppressive than fables of tradition, 691-m. Necessity, or the omnipotent Will of God, which nothing can disobey, 818-m. Necessity rules in all the affairs of men, requiring the sacrifice of life, 833-l. Necessity, the Director of the atoms, external to themselves, 676-m. Negative notion of God the only way to apprehend him, 651-m. Nephesch, from the world Asiah, one letter, He, of the Tetragrammaton, 757-u. Nephesch, Psyche, the lowest spiritual part of man, Soul, 757-u. Nero, reference to the reign of, 47-l. Neschamah, from the world Briah, the other letter He, 757-u. Nescamah, Leneschamah, from the world Atsiluth, the Yod of the Tetragrammaton, 757-u. Neschamah, the highest spiritual part, anima superior, 757-u. Netsach and Hod, the thighs of Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Netsakh, one of the Sephiroth; Victory, 753-m. Netsach, the seventh Sephiroth, is perfect Success, same as Hod, 767-u. Neuroz, a Persian Feast, celebrated when the Sun was in Aries, 463-l. New Heaven and Earth after the burning of the present Universe, 623. New Year's Day fixed on one of four periods; reason—, 464-468. Newton, painstaking methods of, 174-m. Nifthel, which is below in the ninth world, the final place for the wicked, 619-m. Night the time fixed for the celebration of the Mysteries, 383-l. Nile held to be fertilized from the connection of the Sun and Moon in Taurus, 477-l. Nile overflows in the sign of Leo, 455-m. Nile, Sirius deemed to cause the rising of the waters of the, 450-m. Nile, Sirius heralded the inundation of the, 15-u. Nile, source, inundations, formation of land, 442-m. Nile waters experienced its earliest movement at the Vernal Equinox when—, 477-l. Nile waters measured by the representation of a cross with a circle over it, 503-m. Nile's annual inundation the cause of the fertility of Egypt, 589-u. Nine, consecrated to the Spheres and the Muses, 636-m. Nine considered by the ancients as a bad presage, 636-l. Nine external points of the Tetractys form the Masonic triangle, 826-m Nine found in the three Fates, Centimanes, Cyclopes, 728-l. Nine: singular properties of the number, 637-l. Nine, square of three, represented by the triple triangle, 60-l. Nine symbolized the earth under the influence of the Evil principle, 636-l. Nine symbolizes the generative egg, 636-l. Nine, the first square of unequal numbers, the Ennead, 636-l. Nineteenth Degree, Grand Pontiff, 312-u. Ninth day of Greek Mysteries, the libation for departed souls, 434-m. Ninth Degree, Elu of the Nine, purpose and lessons of the, 149-u. Ninth Degree is devoted to—, 159-u. Ninth envelope, a term given to matter, 636-u. Nisan, at the Vernal Equinox, the beginning of the year, 466-m. Noachite or Prussian Knight, the 21st Degree, lessons of the, 334-u. Noble actions, in ordinary paths of life are occasions for, 245-m. Noetius termed the Son of the first Utterance of the Father, light. from the Light, 564-m. North of a Lodge devoid of Lights because—, 592-u. North Pole: Merak and Dubhe always point to the, 456-m. North Pole: the Great Bear or Seven Stars, circle around the, 456-m. North Star represents the point in the circle; symbol of duty and faith, 202-m. North the goal and commencement of the Sun's career, 592-u. North the region of gloom and darkness, 592-u. Northern Gods more virile than the effeminate Southern ones, 591-u. Northern nation had a Senate of twelve gods, Odin the chief, 460-m. Nous of Platonism corresponds to The Word, 271-l. Nous synonymous with Logos, representing a manifestation, 555-l. Novary, or triple ternary, celebrated amongst the ancient sages, 636-u. Number sacred in all theologies is Seven, 727-m. Numbers an example of the Gnostic emanation doctrine, 249-u. Numbers an important part of Pythagorean science, 34-l. Numbers contained in the Primitive Word, 249-u. Numbers had significance to the Druids in a religious sense, 618-l. Numbers having reference to Deity especially employed, 208-l. Numbers held sacred among the Etruscans, Jews, Egyptians, Hindus, 632-m. Numbers, many philosophies and religions preserve the doctrine of, 235-m. Numbers, Mysteries connected with the system of, 208-l. Numbers of Stars possessed peculiar and divine powers, 487-u. Numbers of the degrees had their origin in the Stars, 487-u. Numbers of the Pythagoreans, signification and meaning, 626-638. Numbers regarded as sacred being expressions of—, 209-u. Numbers represent all grandeur, all proportions, the Absolute, 626-u. Numbers symbolic, 87-l, 88-m, 618-m. One, 5-l, 87-l, 88-m, 789, 861. Two, 5-l, 57-l, 87-l, 88, 410, 429, 632-m, 664-m, 789, 860. Three, 5-l, 10-u, 57-l, 87-l, 88, 97-l, 209, 233-m, 234-m, 321-u, 322-m. 361-u, 364-m, 409-m, 410, 429, 431, 448-u, 487-u, 489-m, 548-554, 631-u, 632, 728-u, 728-l, 780-m, 782-m, 786, 788, 789, 796, 861. Four, 57-l, 87-l, 88, 209-u, 322-m, 409-m, 410, 462-m, 560-m, 632-m, 728-u, 732-m, 783-m, 786, 788, 789, 861. Five, 5-l, 87-l, 88, 429, 462-m, 487-u, 782-u, 789, 790, 861. Six, 5-l, 87-l, 409-m, 489-u, 611-l, 786-u, 796. Seven, 5-l, 10-m, 11-u, 58-l, 87-l, 88-m, 233-m, 234-m, 257-l, 321-u, 322, 364-l, 409-m, 410, 429, 431, 460-m, 462-m, 474-u, 487-u, 489-m, 506-l, 563, 602-u, 611-l, 668-u, 727-9, 728-u, 752-l, 780-l, 781-m, 782-m, 797, 798. Eight, 5-l, 60-l, 87-l, 507-l. Nine, 5-l, 10-u, 60-l, 87-l, 88-m, 209-u, 429, 448-u, 489-u, 631-u, 728-l, 789, 861. Ten, 60-l, 87-l, 88-m, 233-m, 506-u, 560-m, 632-m, 752-l, 786. Eleven, 87-l. Twelve, 5-l, 58-l, 60-l, 209-m, 233-m, 235-l, 409-m, 410-m, 448-u, 459-l, 460-m, 462-u, 462-m, 474-u, 485-u, 489-u, 506-l, 560-m, 566-u, 619-u, 632-m, 728-u, 786. Fourteen, 484-l, 485-m. Sixteen, 861. Twenty-five, 789, 861. Twenty-six, 484-l, 485-m. Twenty-seven, 631-u. Thirty, 257-u, 462-m, 560-m. Thirty-six, 486-u. Forty, 486-u. Three hundred and sixty, 462-m. Three hundred and sixty-five, 354, 613-l. Numbers: the Pythagoreans held a connection between the gods and, 633-u. Numbers, the Septenary is the Crown of, 321-l. Numbers, three, four, seven, twelve, unlock the Apocalypse, 728-u. Numerations from Khased or Gedulah to Yesod included in Tephareth, 799-m. Numerations, or six members of Microprosopos, denoted by Vau, 793-l. Numerations proceed from potence into act with the first Adam, 795-u. Numerations, six, are Geburah; Gedulah; Tephareth; Netsach; Hod; Yesod, 793-m. Numerations, six, represented by interlaced triangle, Seal of Solomon, 799-m. Numerations, ten, compose the person termed Arik Aupin, 799-m. Nyaya and Vedanta philosophy regarding God and the Soul, 607-m. Nyaya philosophers differ in some matters from the Vedantic, 607-m.
O, I, W expressed the Druids' name of Deity, 622-u. O, I. W, the Druidic symbol of Deity, 618-u. Oath of Secrecy a requisite to admission to the Christian Mysteries, 544-u. Oath of the original nine Templars taken between the hands of the Patriarch, 815-l. Oaths of Pythagoreans sworn on the Tetractys. 633-l. Obedience to law, 111-m. Obelisk at the tomb of the buried deity as a symbol of resurrection, 393-l. Obelisks and Pyramids erected to the Sun and Fire. 460-u. Object of the ceremonies of the ancient Mysteries. 407-l. Object of Masonry is—, 218-m. Object of Masonry is—, 220-l. Object, our inspiring thought should not be ourselves, but our, 229-l. Object symbolized mistaken for the symbol and idolatry followed, 600-u. Objection sufficient to exclude man from society of Masons, 121-m. Obligation founded on the Good, 722-m. Obligation of morals are absolute, 722-u. Obligation taken on a naked sword and sealed by drinking from a skull, 430-l. Obligation taken on the sacred books of the religion of the candidate, 11-m. Obligation the foundation of liberty: involves free will, 723-u. Obligations and vows to be well considered and kept, 111-l. Oblong square formed by Stars, 487-m. Occult manifestations coincide with period of the Fall of the Templars, 823-u. Occult Mysteries revealed under the form of levity by the Roman de la Rose, 823-u. Occult number is five, enclosed in the center of the series, 628-m. Occult philosophy controlled nations, ruled the minds, knows everything, 730-u. Occult philosophy reigned in Persia with the Magi, 730-u. Occult philosophy synonymous with Magic, 730. Occult philosophy the godmother of religions, the key of obscurities, 729-l. Occult philosophy, the Universal Synthesis, ought to explain the phenomena of being, 821-l. Occult science of the Magi found in the Mysteries and doctrines of the Templars and Masonry, 839-m. Occult science of the Magi imperfectly revealed by the Gnostics, 839-m. Occult sciences explain the cabalistic clavicles, Ezekiel and the Apocalypse, 731-u. Occult sciences explained by the Kabalah, 626-u. Occupation the same as manifestation, 795-l. Occultism embodied in Sephar Yezirah, Sohar, Apocalypse, 321-m. Ocean a symbol of Deity or the Universe for the Egyptians, 665-m. Ocean as a conception of God, called Binah, Understanding, 752-m. Octateuch, a book written in the time of the Emperor Justin, 671-l. Od, according to the Hebrews, the grand agent of Hermetic science, 774-l. Odd numbers traced backward ended in Unity or Deity, 618-l. Odin destined to kill the snake when all nature will be destroyed, 593-u. Odin, Frea, Thor, the Scandinavian Trinity, 552-u. Odin, maxims from the Hava Maal, the Sublime Book of, 168-m. Odin sunk the Midgard Serpent beneath the sea, encircling the earth, 499-u. Odin, the Almighty Father, one of the Northern Triune Deity, 13-l. Odin, the Scandinavian name for the Sun God, 587-u. Odin was the Apollo of the Scandinavians, 593-u. Office, Mason not over-anxious for, 39-u. Officers of Isiac Mysteries practically the same as the Eleusinian. Official mediocrity, development of, 66-75. Officials of the Mysteries of Eleusis, functions and clothing, 411-412. Olen: one of the earliest symbols of Grecian religion was the Hyperborean, 683-u. Olive brought by Hercules from the Hyperboreans to Olympia, 592-m. Om, in India it was forbidden to pronounce the Sacred Name, 205-u. Om, the Sacred Name of the One Deity, manifested as—, 205-u. Omega and Alpha are the last and first letters of the Greek alphabet, 701-u. Omith, or Amida, the Japanese God, without beginning or ending, 616-u. Omnific letter of the Kabalah: Creation effected by the, 14-u. Omnipotence is the most absolute liberty, 736-l. Omniscience symbolized by the Blazing Star and All Seeing Eye, 506-u. Omschim, a book giving the arrangements of the Sephiroth, 757-m. Omschim, the Kabalistic book, meaning "Introduction to the Kabalah", 740-u. One Absolute Being embodying Truth, Beauty, Good, 702-l. One Being only, a fundamental principle of the Hindu religion, 604-m. One designated Harmony, the Good Principle, 630-m. One Father: the many gods are His Children, says Tyrius, 687-m. One First Cause of the existence of the Universe, 626-m. One God the primitive idea, 687-m. "One in Many," a mystery of the Vedanta philosophy, 673-u. One is the Principle, Two is the Word, 771-l. One is three and three are one in each triangle of Perfection, 861-l. One signifies the living man standing upright, 630-u. One Supreme God whose name it was unlawful to utter a general belief, 619-l. One: though of a double nature, man is, 861-l. One True God, and a moral and virtuous life the only religious requisite, 164-u. One, with the Chinese, signified unity, harmony, God, 630-l. Onias, the High Priest, erected the sanctuary at Leontopolis, 253-u. Ophites, a Gnostic sect, Spirits of the, 271-l. Ophites: development of the system of the, 552-l-553. Ophites' system predicated an unknown Supreme Being, 552-l. Opinion, difficulty in obtaining agreement in matters of mere, 38-m. Opinions of ancients concerning the earth and heavens, 442. Opinion, public, rarely right on any point, 218-m. Opposing principles in nature, by their contrariety, produce good and evil, 661-u. Orai, name of one of the seven Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Oral tradition transmitted by generations of initiates, 259-l. Orator in our Bodies represents Hermes, 586-l. Orators of the Bodies, qualifications and duties of, 332-m. Orders of Chivalry displayed lofty virtues and noble heroism, 579-m. Organs of generation symbols of the generative and productive powers, 656-m. Origin, all men are of the same, 221-u. Origen declares some names have a natural sanctity and potency, 620-m. Origen defends the Christian concealed doctrine, 544. Origen gives information concerning the Mysteries of the Ophites, 542-l. Origen held that in each Star was an immortal Soul, 671-m. Origen held that the Gospels were not to be taken literally, 266-m. Origin of things according to Anaxagoras, 495-m. Origin of the Truth taught by Deity to the first men, 687-l. Origination of matter from spirit incapable of expression, 673-m. Orion killed by the sting of the Scorpion, 454-m. Ormuzd and Ahriman: antagonism of Good and Evil typified by the contest between, 594-l. Ormuzd and Ahriman each created twenty-four Deities, 662-l. Ormuzd and Ahriman each gave six emanations, 662-l. Ormuzd and Ahriman ever at war; Light and Darkness contest, 662-l. Ormuzd and Ahriman represented by two serpents contending for the mundane egg, 500-u. Ormuzd conceived thoughts before creating things, 257-m. Ormuzd concurred with Ahriman in the creation of Man, 258-u. Ormuzd created Spirits, Genii, Izeds, 257-u. Ormuzd created the World pure by the "Word", 256-l. Ormuzd eclipsed by Mithras, 257-m. Ormuzd, final triumph and reign of, 258-m. Ormuzd, King of Light from Light, the first emanation, 256-l. Ormuzd, nature and attributes of; the "Word" of Masonry, 256-l. Ormuzd, or Ahura Mazda, claims to have created all things, 612-u. Ormuzd or Osiris the beneficent principle personified by the Sun, 479-u. Ormuzd placed in Man a pure principle from the Supreme Being, 258-u. Ormuzd represented the primal light, 612-u. Ormuzd, the Persian God of Good, of the nature of light, 661-m. Ormuzd, the Persian Light God, to conquer Darkness and—, 466-u. Ormuzd was Light adored by the Persians, 443-l. Ornaments of a Lodge, 14-u. Orpheus founded the Grecian Mysteries bringing them from Egypt, 400-l. Orpheus in his hymn taught the Unity of God, 415-u. Orpheus initiated in the Egyptian Theology and Physics; carried the fables into Greece, 365. Orpheus: Magism was the science of, 839-l. Orpheus received Mysteries of Samothrace while visiting there, 427-u. Orpheus studied in Egypt and borrowed ideas regarding nature, 655-l. Orpheus: the first dogma of, 443-l. Orphic Triads, 549-m. Orthodox Church accepted the doctrines of the Egyptians and Greeks, 625-l. Orthodox traditions carried from Chaldea by Abraham, 843-l. Orthodoxy carried out of Egypt by Moses, 843-l. Osirian fable of his history the basis of Egyptian religion, 589-m. Osirian legend adopted to symbolize the destruction of the Templars, 820-l. Osirian legend advanced by Landseer in his Sabean Researches, 483-487. Osiris as Hades, Serapis, Rhadamanthus, the Monarch of the Dead, 588-u. Osiris and Isis gave civilization, law, arts, to men, 475-l. Osiris and Isis: Har-oeri, Master of Light and Life, from, 861-u. Osiris and Isis, inscriptions on the columns at Nysa, near the tombs of, 378-u. Osiris and Typhon: antagonism of Good and Evil typified by the contest between, 594-l. Osiris' body went ashore sixty miles above Tsur, at Byblos, 80-u. Osiris, Christians adopted as a sign the staff of, 292-m. Osiris claimed by India as one of their great gods, 475-l. Osiris conquers Typhon at the Vernal Equinox, 664-m. Osiris cut into fourteen pieces according to Plutarch, 484-l—485-m. Osiris cut into twenty-six pieces, the number of visible stars in Bootes, 484-l. Osiris, declaration of Osiris concerning himself, 378-m. Osiris died at the Autumnal Equinox and rose in the Spring, 478-u. Osiris: everything good in nature comes from, 476-m. Osiris, in figurative style is depicted the annual journey of the Sun in the history of, 375-l. Osiris is the personification of the Sun, 447-l. Osiris, killed by Typhon, found by Isis in a coffin and buried at Philae, 375-l. Osiris killed by Typhon when the Sun was in the Constellation Scorpion, 479-m. Osiris known as Bacchus, Dionusos, Seraphis, 477-m. Osiris, legend concerning the body of, 80-m. Osiris married his sister, Isis, and labored with her for the public benefit, 377-l. Osiris mutilated by Typhon and parts thrown into the River Nile, 412-l. Osiris mutilated by Typhon signified that drouth caused the Nile to retire, 477-l. Osiris: Mysteries of Isis included a statue, tomb and a representation of the sufferings of, 405-l. Osiris, Mysteries of, the model of all subsequent Initiations, 377-m. Osiris; Night and Day were two Gods adored in the Mysteries of, 404-m. Osiris put to death by Typhon, restored to life, 405-m. Osiris, representative of the Sun, becomes Adonai, Dionusos, Bacchus, 363-m. Osiris resurrected when the Solstitial Sun brings the inundation, 589-m. Osiris said to be the inventor of agriculture, 588-u. Osiris: Seth, Babys, Typhon, powers set up as adversaries of, 588-u. Osiris slain by Typhon sought by Isis; story of the search, 480-483. Osiris supposed to be dead or absent fifty days each year, 451-l. Osiris, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Osiris: the conception of a Being purely good developed in, 588-u. Osiris, the Egyptian name for the Sun God, 587-u. Osiris the image of generative power, 476-l. Osiris, the image of the Supreme Being; Source of Good, 281-l. Osiris, the name of the Sun, gives earthly blessings, 475-m. Osiris the name of the Sun to his adorers at Memphis, 587-l. Osiris, the Saviour, perished in the twenty-eighth year of his life, 589-m. Osiris, the son of Helios (Phra), an incarnation of the Good Spirit, 587-l. Osiris, the Sun, communicated generative principles to the Moon, 476-m. Osiris to judge the world, according to the Egyptians, 623-l. Osiris was the eldest son of Saturn, his substance the same nature as that which composes light, 378-m. Ouranos and Gea sung as Deities by Hesiod, 850-l. Ouranos and Ghi by their union had many children, the later Deities, 658-u. Ouranos and Kronos were before Zeus, 597-l. Ouranos, or Heaven, one of the first divinities, the husband of Ghi, 658-u. Oviparous the type of all animal production, 771-l. Ox a symbol of purification by earth, 412-m.
Pagodas of Tanjore and Deogur, construction of the, 234-m. Pain and suffering a part of the scheme of the Universe, 229-m. Pain used to illustrate the relation of Hakemah, Binah, Daath, 758-l. Palestine and the ancient empires are wrecks, but Masonry survives, 315-l. Pan represented by the horned form of the Evil Force or Devil, 102-l. Pangenitor, the Father of all things, a name given to Heaven, 658-m. Pantacle expressing the esoteric part of Science is a Rose of light, 822-m. Pantacle of the Kabalists commands the spirits of the elements, 787-u. Pantacle of the Kabalists formed by the triangular plates of the Templar trowel, 816-m. Pantacles invented to disguise the meanings of magical science, 732-l. Pantheism and Atheism reduced to simplest terms seem the same, 672-u. Pantheism and Materialism avoided by a separate ruling power, 677-m. Pantheism, or that all is God, and God is all and in all, 672-u. Pantheism teaches that God is in all and all in God, 565-m. Pantheism, the dominant idea of the doctrine of Manes, 565-m. Pantheism under the Ionian revival was materialistic, 675-m. Pantheistic monotheism marks the spirit of the Indian Vedas, 672-l. Pantheon an allegory of phenomena and Heavenly Bodies, 508-u. Papal hostility against the Templars which flourished in spite of it, 815-u. Paracelsus advocated strongly the initiation into the magic of the ancients, 791-u. Parcelsus discovered magnetism before Mesmer, 791-u. Parcelsus treats of Hermetic Science, 774-l. Parallel lines enclosing a circle a symbol of the equilibrium of nature, 548-m. Parallel lines, point in a circle, two columns represent the Solstices, 506-u. Parallel lines supporting the circle in our Lodges; origin of, 429-m. Paranatellons or stars outside of Zodiac, 471-u. Parakletos, the Comforter, claimed by Manes, 565-m. Parmenides compared Deity to a sphere, heat, a continuity, an aggregate, 676-u. Paropismus or Hindukusch inhabited by Irania races, 601-l. Parsees' definition of God in their catechism, 620-u. Pashan, the Nourisher, a Vedic Sun God, 602-l. Passions clash and interests conflict in a world of action, 696-u. Passion's germ in Maia, Nature's loveliness, 683-l. Passive Principle analogous to Darkness or Shadow, 305-l. Passive Principle, by nature, collects and makes fruitful; the Active diffuses, 772-u. Passive Stability of the Will of the Past expressed in constitutions of government, 860-u. Passover celebrated when the Sun was in Aries, 463-l. Passover of the Magi, the annual sacrifice of Mithras, 613-l. Paternalism, in free States there is a tendency towards, 51-53. Patient, Good Knight and True enjoined to work and be, 320-l. Patriarch of Constantinople administered the first Templar oath, 815-l. Patriarchal worship of Deity common to Arabians and Hebrews, 616-l. Patriarchs, primitive religion as taught by the, 540-l. Patriarchs taught the true religion by God, 582-u. Patriotism a Force, 91-u. Patrons of Masonry are St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist, 818-u. Paul of Samosata taught that Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary, 564-l. Paul, St., similarity of the doctrines of Philo to the Epistles of, 252-m. Paul's idea of Law and Grace agrees with Kabalistic idea of Leniency, 769-u. Paul's opinion on the second coming of Christ, 263-l. Pauperism and misery in the world, 297-u. Pausanias claimed that those showing contempt for the Mysteries. were punished, 381-l. Pausanias' opinion concerning the Mysteries, 379-m. Pavement, description and symbolism of the Mosaic, 14-u. Payens, Hugh de, one of the founders of the Templars, 816-l. Peace, campaign of, 177. Pedestal, symbolism of the luminous, 210-u. Pelican an emblem of the beneficence of Nature, 291-u. Pelican and Phoenix symbols of the Great work, 774-m. Pelasgi, ancient Grecians, settled Samothrace, 407-m. Pelasgi had a Deity whose name it was not permitted to pronounce, 621-u. Pelasgian name for the Sun God was Arkaleus or Hercules, 587-u. Pen and printing press a power against the Demagogue and Tyrant, 47-l. Pendragon. Uther, serpents referred to in elegy of, 592-u. Pentagram or Star with five points symbolizes human intelligence, 790-l. Pentagram: the Blazing Star symbolized, to the Kabalists, the Sacred, 842-u. Pentalpha of Pythagoras, the origin cf the five-pointed star, 634-m. Pentangle of Solomon, the emblem of Fellowship, 634-m. People in error who think it a wise policy to—, 178-u. People to be governed for the common weal, a striking feature of the will of the, 141-l. Perfect Elu, essential belief of a, 233-u. Perfect Master, 5th Degree; virtues belonging to the, 114-u. Perfect number is ten because it includes Unity and—, 628-l. Perfection Degrees urge the subjugation of our material nature, 855-l. Perfection of all things is Wisdom and Intelligence coupled, 800-u. Perfection of God implies creation, and the preservation of the created, 708-l. Perfection of the Soul and knowledge of its origin and destiny objects of the Mysteries, 415-l. Perfection, step by step is advancement made toward, 136-l. Perfection symbolized by the number eight, 635-l. Perfections of God produced the intellectual world, 559-l. Peripatetic School retained a secondary divinity in the eternal Spheres, 678-m. Perkoun, Pikollos, Potrimpos, the Trinity of the Pruczi, or Prussians, 551-l. Perpendicular of a right angle triangle represents Earth, the Human, 861-m. Perpendicular of the right angle triangle is Male, 789-m. Persecute, for his belief no man has a right to, 166-m. Persecution, better any error or any opinion than, 161-u. Persecutions for religion's sake, 164—. Persecutions warded from the early scientists by alleged folly, 733-u. Perseus brought down fire consecrated in Persian Temple, taught—, 466-u. Persian conquests familiarized them with China, Egypt, Judae, 610-u. Persian deities subordinate to Zeruane-Akherene, 598-u. Persian ideas of God and Religion resembled that of the Hebrews, 610-u. Persian legend concerning the end of the World, 623-l. Persian name for the Sun God was Mithras, 586-l. Persian name of Deity consists of three letters, H, O, M, 632-l. Persian philosopher, sayings of Zoroaster, the, 170-u. Persian religion framed by H, O, M, 621-l. Persian religion spiritual, fire and sacrifice being emblems, 610-m. Persian religious ideas and doctrines, 610-613. Persian Supreme Being is Time without limit, 281-l. Persian triad, the Lords of Light, of Fire, of Splendor, 549-m. Persian triad was Bahman, Ardibehest, Shariver, 549-m. Persians abhorred Egyptian idolatry and sought to extirpate it, 610-m. Persians among earliest emigrants from Northern India, 204-l. Persians began the new year when the Constellation Perseus rose, 466-u. Persians built no temples, but worshipped on hills in stone enclosures, 424-m. Persians burned incense to the seven Planets on Pyrea, 459-m. Persians changed Hindu doctrines to a struggle between the Good and the Evil, 550-m. Persians held that the utterance of Hom created the Word, 205-u. Persians lamented the death of Zohak, conquered by the Pheridoun, 594-l. Persians regard the Sun as the Soul of the Universe and adore Fire, 424-u. Persians resembled the Hindus in language and poetic legends, 610-u. Persians under Xerxes destroyed Grecian Temples and erected fire chapels, 610-m. Persians worshipped the Sun as Mithras; also the Moon, etc, 459-m. Persians worshipped the Heavenly Host, 459-m. Person, none so debased but they have something of sacredness, 191-m. Personal Divinity remains a mystery; personification but a symbol, 672-m. Personal God seemingly leaned to by Aristotle, 679-l. Personal God suited to human sympathies and free from mystifications, 672-m. Personification assumed to supply deficiencies of language, 672-l. Personification of Absolute Reason determines the Divine Ideal, 738-u. Personification of the attributes of God, 270-m. Personification of Deity infinitely inadequate, 672-m. Personification of Evil through error continued by the worship of abstractions, 694-u. Personification of God's attributes that man might commune with Him, 652-l. Personification of Man long recognized as Deity, 697-l. Personification of Stars into gods brought worship of them, 508-m. Personification of the attributes of God by the Hindus, 605-u. Personification of the great Cause, 674-m. Personification of the operations of nature worshipped, 601-m. Peruvians: old-world legends of the Sun found among the, 594-l. Peter, the Hermit, held no office, but accomplished much, 43-m. Peter, the Hermit, referred to, 31-u. Phallic symbols, consisting of stone pillars, at Mysteries of Isis, 405-m. Phallus and Cteis conveyed no idea of indecency, 401-l. Phallus and Cteis symbolized the Active and Passive Principles of the Universe, 401-l. Phallus and Cteis worn by innocent and virtuous women, 402-m. Phallus appears on monuments a symbol of life-giving power, 427-m. Phallus consecrated in the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis in Egypt, 656-m. Phallus of the Kabalah represented by Yod, type of human Tetragram, 771-m. Phallus, probable origin of the symbol of the, 402-l. Phallus, the symbol of the creative and generative Power, 402-u. Pharaoh's dream, interpreted by Joseph, referred to the number seven, 729-u. Pharisaic Jews, doctrines of Zoroaster borrowed by the, 258-l. Pharisee, Hillel, gives summary of the law of Moses, 170-m. Pharisees' belief, system, costumes, were all foreign, 259-l. Pharisees' doctrine similar to that of the Persians, 259-m. Pharisees lost the doctrine of the Kabalah at the advent of Christ, 727-l. Pharisees styled themselves Interpreters of the Holy Writings, 259-m. Pharisees the dominant Jewish system after the captivity, 259-u. Phenomena connected with the will little understood, 733-m. Phenomena of nature are unexplained mysteries to us, 526-530. Phenomena of nature, beauty and sublimity of the, 244-l. Phenomena of nature but symbols of greater things, 244-l. Phenomena perpetually folded back on themselves, 42-u. Phenomena of the physical and astronomical nature explained in Masonry, 625-m. Philanthropic, Masonry is, 221-u. Philip le Bel and Pope Clement the Fifth destroyers of Templarism, 820-m. Philo, a Jew, one of the chiefs of the School of Alexandria, 250-m. Philo, Apostle Saint John read the language of, 100-u. Philo, declarations of, concerning the Hebrew writings, 250-l. Philo, doctrines of, 252-l. Philo Judaeus on the symbolism of the seven lamps, 10-m. Philo of Alexandria borrows his doctrine from Plato, 552-l. Philo the contemporary of Christ; doctrines similar to Epistles, 252-m. Philo, the Greek Jew, admonition to Initiates, 311. Philo, the Greek Jew, initiated in the Mysteries; sayings of, 311. Philo's conception of the Supreme Being, 251-u. Philosophal gold, in philosophy, is Truth, 773-u. Philosophal gold, in religion, is the Absolute and Supreme Reason, 773-u. Philosophal gold, in visible nature, is the Sun; in the subterranean world, pure gold, 773-u. Philosophal Stone found indicates the discovery of the Absolute, 776-l. Philosophal Stone must be concealed; the key carried on the person, 777-u. Philosophal stone symbolized by a cube, 732-u. Philosopher, work of, 7-m. Philosophers chose allegory as vehicles for theological ideas, 678-u. Philosophers, maxims of ancient, 167-170. Philosophers of Egypt and Phoenicia the authors of old cosmogonies, 667-m. Philosophers of Greece, except the Epicureans favored Platonism, 247-l. Philosophers, true knowledge of Deity possessed by the ancient, 207-l. Philosophic sentiment under the name of Love, 691-l. Philosophical Degrees urge the dominion of our spiritual nature, 856-u. Philosophical false gods or "idols" are theories and notions. indiscriminately formed, 693-u. Philosophical ideas in Alchemy reduced to the Absolute; the Fixed; the Volatile, 791-l. Philosophical, Masonry is, 221-u. Philosophical realization of Hermeticism is the establishment of the Holy Doctrine, 840-l. Philosophical truth considered most dangerous of heresies by Rome, 820-m. Philosophies, the Mason should avoid vain, 388-u. Philosophy, a journey never arriving at the ideal of truth, 691-l. Philosophy acknowledged its utter incapacity through Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Socrates, 693-l. Philosophy becomes Religion when—, 20-l. Philosophy bowed down before a reflection of the Divine in inquirer's mind, 693-l. Philosophy coincides with true religion, 710-m. Philosophy compared to Initiation by Seneca, 384-l. Philosophy connected with humanity by religion, 708-m. Philosophy contains the basis of all religious beliefs, 708-m. Philosophy, Death is the consummation of all, 393-u. Philosophy, definition of, 25-u. Philosophy directed by metaphysics ends in visionary extravagance, 693-m. Philosophy, end of, 23-l. Philosophy from Aristotle to Hegel ends with a difficulty, 708-l. Philosophy given a definite aim and method by Bacon, 710-l. Philosophy in its purest forms expounded in the doctrines of Masonry, 625-m. Philosophy of Lucanus regarding the Grand Whole, 653-l-654. Philosophy of Plato changed the nature of Deity, 692-u. Philosophy of St. John, Philo and Plato from the same source, 99-l. Philosophy of the Hermetics that of the schools of Alexandria and the theories of Pythagoras, 774-l. Philosophy of the Hindus materialistic only in appearance, 673-m. Philosophy of the Indians gave birth to the Egyptian Mysteries, 372-l. Philosophy of the Kabala simple, profound, infinite as the Word, 745-m. Philosophy of the occult crushed by the anathemas of Christianity, 730-l. Philosophy of the occult godmother of religions; the key of obscurities, 729-l. Philosophy of the Rite, Light and Truth sit enthroned on the heights of the, 136-l. Philosophy of the Rite, when prepared to receive its instructions, 136-l. Philosophy reasserted the Unity which poetry had lost, 675-u. Philosophy: religion became arrogant and fantastical when separated from, 650-m. Philosophy restored the Divine Activity as an external Intelligence, 675-m. Philosophy, Templars connected with the Oriental, 235-m. Philosophy that is certain and religion of the infallible united in Magic, 842-m. Philosophy, the analogy of contraries solves problems of modern, 306-u. Philosophy, the grip of a Fellowcraft, fails to raise the candidate, 640-l. Philosophy's object is the divine order of the Universe, 710-m. Philosophy's task was to fill the chasm separating Deity from man, 652-l. Phoenecian Cosmogony of interest to Masons, 278-m. Phoenician creed, principles and doctrines, 268-m. Phoenician Deity called Heptakis, God of seven rays, 58-l. Phoenician faith, emanation from the worship of the Stars, 268-m. Phoenician Mysteries in honor of death and resurrection of Adonis, 406-m. Phoenician Mysteries passed into Greece, 406-m. Phoenician name for the Sun God was Adonai or Adon, 587-u. Phoenician Nature-God, the principle of Light, called Al, 727-u. Phoenician Trinity was Ulomos, Chusoros and the Egg of the Universe, 549-u. Phoenicians considered Light divine, and thought it a God, 582-u. Phoenicians held that Light, Fire, Flame, were the sons of Kronos, 740-l. Phoenicians probably carried Sun legends to the New World, 594-l. Phoenicians regarded Sun, Moon and Stars as the cause of generation, 469-l. Phoenix and Pelican symbols of the Great Work, 774-m. Phoenix, Dove, Raven, are symbols of Good, Evil and Beauty, 792-m. Phosphor, or Light Bearer, represents the Evil Force or Devil, 102-l. Phrygia suffered famine while Sun God was with the Hyperboreans, 592-u. Physical realization of Hermeticism is the discovery of the creative law, 841-u. Pices, a malignant sign; Syrians abstained from eating fish, 456-m. Pillars of a Lodge for a Christian symbolize Faith, Hope, Charity, 641-l. Pillars of temples, mystical; representative of—, 235-l. Pillars, Triple Tau represents the three Masonic, 503-l. Pindar and others declare sufferings proceed from a beneficent object, 691-u. Pisces the device of Simeon and Levy, 462-u. Pison, a stream of the Edenic river, 58-u. Plague from remote India sweeps over Asia and Europe unchecked, 811-812. Plan of the Universe emanated from Deity, was of Himself, though not His Very Self, 764-m. Planetary motive force a mechanical law, so considered now, 671-m. Planetary spheres represented by the seven steps of the Mystic Ladder, 851-l. Planets distinguished by a cross and solar or lunar symbols, 505-l. Planets, numbers and motions of the, 233-m. Planets, seven, 10-m. Plato, commentator of Timaeus, wrote of the Soul of the World, 667-u. Plato's Deity the essence of Goodness, "The Good" itself, 682-l. Plato declares absolute truth is in God; it is God under one of His phases, 707-l. Plato developed beautifully the higher Greek religious ideas, 617-m. Plato discourses on the disfigurement of the Soul, 858-m. Plato drew his doctrines from the East and the Mysteries, 398-m. Plato expresses his idea of the love of God, 704-l. Plato, greatest of human Revealers, 100-u. Plato, in part, conceived the progressive mediation between ignorance and wisdom, 711-u. Plato in the Alexandrian School helps bring Christianity and Magic together, 731-l. Plato installed the creations of his own mind among the gods, 678-u. Plato, Masonry revives the Academy of, 221-m. Plato on the nature of the First Principle, 99-u. Plato recognizes Love as the highest and most beneficent of the Gods, 682-l. Plato taught the distinction between the initiated and profane, 249-l. Plato terms unity and duality the first principles of all existence, 630-l. Platonic doctrine of Hule recognized by Alexandrian Gnostics, 555-l. Platonic doctrines favored by philosophers of Greece, 247-l. Platonic triads, Thought, Matter, Kosmos, 549-l. Platonism, doctrines of, 249-l. Platonism, in Gnosticism were found the doctrines of, 249-l. Platonism, in Symbolic degrees are found the doctrines of, 250-u. Platonists borrowed the idea from Egypt or Persia that—, 255-m. Platonists, the Absolute substituted for the Supreme Essence by the new, 284-u. Plato's doctrine concerning the return of the Soul to Heaven, 440-u. Plato's observation on the origin of the conception of a general Cause, 674-m. Plato's philosophy a mediation of Love, 692-u. Plato's science consummated in the contemplation of the Divine, 692-l. Plato's theory concerning Deity, Soul, Force, Good, 681-m. Pleiades signifies to sail; names of stars, 453-m. Pleiades were for eight centuries the leading stars of the Sabean year, 451-l. Plenitude of Yod, the name of the letter spelled is Yod, Vau, Daleth, 792-l. Pleroma, Plenitude, Fullness, a favorite term of the Gnostics, 559-l. Pleroma, the storehouse of the endless circle of phenomenal change, 675-l. Pliny advises his friend Maximus, to revere the ancient glory and old age, 804-l. Pliny's character of Domitian, 47-l. Plutarch admits the Two Principles as the basis of the Mysteries, 404-m. Plutarch claims the Mysteries were established to—, 378-u. Plutarch says "the better and diviner nature consists of three", 549-m. Plutarch speaks mysteriously of Holy Doctrines in "Iside et Osiride", 841-u. Pneumatica Kabalistica, the Beth Alohim or Domus Dei, a Kabalistic book, 772-l. Pneumatica Kabalistica states that in the world Yezirah Yod denotes Kether, 798-m. Poetical personifications of Deity neither wholly moral or purely beneficent, 690-u. Poetry continued a veneration for Sun, Stars, Fire, or Ether, 678-u. Poetry obscured by symbolism the idea of Divine unity, 674-l. Poetry personified Deity as man, 693-m. Poetry's task was to fill the chasm separating man from Deity, 652-l. Point in a circle parallel lines, two columns, represent the Solstices, 506-m. Point in the center of a circle a symbol of a point in the center of the Great Light, 748-u. Point in the center of a circle represents the Light of the Vestige of the Garment, Yod, 750-m. Point in the center of the Great Light is called Auir, Ether, Space, 750-m. Point within a circle expresses the union of the two great Causes, 401-l. Point within a circle a symbol of the Sun, 486-l. Point within a Circle; symbolism of the, 14-l. Point within a circle, two parallel lines and single Tau Cross gives the Triple Tau, 503-m. Point within a circle symbolizes the union of the Active and Passive Principles, 401-l. Point within the circle represented by Unity, 629-l. Point within the circle, symbolism of the, 401-l. Points of the Scottish Master's Degree relating to the transmutation of metals, 780-782. Poisons are sovereign remedies given in due proportions, 846-l. Pole star in Egyptian times was Alpha Draconis, not Cynosura, 485-m. Political degeneration, 66-75. Political point of view, but a single principle of Liberty, 43-l. Political science, 51-56. Political theories, state brutalized by false and slavish, 50-l. Pompadour reigns in the name of Louis the Fifteenth, 49-m. Pontiff of the Johannites initiated de Payens into Gnostic Mysteries, 817-l. Poor man, school of life teaches lessons to the, 182-l. Poor men, almost all the noblest things have been achieved by, 347-m. Pooroosha, the universal organism; Fire, Air, Sun, the chief members, 673-u. Pope Clement the Fifth and Philip le Bel the accusers of the Templars, 820-m. Populace has two Stepmothers, Ignorance and Misery, 2-l. Popular heart detests the greedy, the selfish, the cruel, even if successful, 838-m. Porta Coelorum, a book which gives information concerning the Sephiroth, 759-m. Porta Coelorum defines Yod as the first among numbers and before all bodies, 792-l. Porphyry says the ancients represented God by images, 283-l. Porphyry says the soul must flee from sensuality to live with God, 521-m. Porphyry states Egyptians recognize as Gods the Stars of the Zodiac, 458-m. Possibility of the actual not to be neglected for the impossible ideal, 835-u. Potentiality of the Universe had to exist before it was evolved, 704-m. Power begotten by Genius, 30-m. Power delegated for the good of the people, 155-l. Power, never satisfied is the thirst for; examples of, 74-m. Power of God has no bounds, 581-m. Power, the wise use of the will which makes fatality its servant, 736-m. Powers of Nature, in the Mysteries were personified the Active and Passive, 435-l. Powers proceeding from Deity are perfectly submissive to His will, 768-u. Practicability of a moral rule necessary to its being beneficial, 831-m. Prayer an essential part of our ceremonies, 6-m. Prayer as a means of changing the laws of the Universe, 684-l. Prayer is a Force; is sublime, 6-l. Prayer promotes the magnetic sympathy of spirit with spirit, 685-u. Prayer seeks some outward beneficial result, 685-u. Prayer takes the form of incantation as we ascend in antiquity, 684-l. Prayer, the aspiration of the Soul toward the Infinite Intelligence, 6-m. Prayers are vain things, according to a learned archbishop, 695-u. Precession of the Equinoxes, a little over fifty seconds, 449-l. Precession of the Equinoxes is 30°, or a Sign, in 2,155.6 years, 499-l. Preparation to receive the lessons of the Mysteries, 431-m. Present my only care if I am to perish utterly, 714-l. Present, our scene of action, a part of immortality, 139-m. Press is a sower of falsehood, 579-u. Preston, explanations and improvements of, 105-m. Pride not the heritage of man, 39-u. Priesthood and Royalty, naturally identical are the interests of, 98-l. Priesthood, the King of Egypt often exercised the functions of the, 380-u. Priests change the altar to a throne where they seek to reign, 360-u. Priests honest and sincere before the time of Christianity, 102-m. Priests in the festival of Isis were clothed in white linen and bore—, 388-u. Priests invented display of rites and exhibitions, 22-m. Priests not willing to invest common people with philosophical Truth, 23-u. Priests, powers of government and all knowledge in hands of Hebrew, 625-u. Prima Materia of the Great Work defined, 773-l. "Prima Materia," the magical agent of the Hermetic philosophers, 773-l. Primal Ether extends everywhere, but is not perceptible to the senses, 750-l. Primal Ether of the Chaldean Oracles was Fire, 742-m. Primeval times recognized in modern Degrees, 625-m. Primitive happy condition remembered and preserved by the poets and legends, 599-l. Primitive Man, Adam Kadmon, perfected by the Supreme God, 562-l. Primitive man received the pure religion from God, 598-m Primitive man recognized the Deity under a variety of appearances, 513-l. Primitive man recognized the invisible God without losing faith, 514-u. Primitive people feared the non-return of the Sun when—, 447-m. Primitive people lamented when Sun seemed to be dragged down, 447-m. Primitive people personified the Moon as Isis, 447-l. Primitive people personified the Sun as Osiris, 447-l. Primitive people personified Winter as Typhon, 447-l. Primitive people rejoiced when the Sun reascended—, 447-m. Primitive philosophy of the Indians the basis of that of Pythagoras, 372-l. Primitive religion a veneration, pure and simple, of nature, 610-l. Primitive religion as taught by Christ and the Patriarchs, 540-l. Primitive religion not a deification of nature or denial of the sovereignty of God, 610-l. Primitive Religion the glorious images of Divinity, 508-m. Primitive revelation of God gives place to nature worship among—, 600-m. Primitive revelation seen through the idolatry of nature worship, 601-m. Primitive simplicity of revelation overlaid with poetic ornament, 600-m. Primitive Truth faded from men's Souls as time went on, 583-u. Primitive Truth falsified and confused during the ages, 599-u. Primitive Truths passed from the Egyptians to the Jews, preserved by the Essenes, 369-l. Primitive Truth taught Pythagoras by Zoroaster, 617-l. Prince of Jerusalem, 16th Degree; characteristics of, 241-u. Prince of Libanus, Knight of the Royal Axe, 22d Degree, 340-u. Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian, the 26th Degree, 524. Prince of the Tabernacle, 24th Degree, 371-u. Principle called Father is comprehended in Yod, according to the Idra Suta, 792-l. Principle is One; the Word is Two, 772-u. Principle, man is possessed of an irrational principle origin, 252-u. Principle of Active and Passive very important in ancient philosophy, 653-664. Principle of all things is called the House of all things, 793-u. Principle of Existence made Himself Creator, 772-u. Principle of Light manifested himself in Man to deliver the Soul, 567-m. Principles, adherence to political, 85-l. Principles and attributes personified, 270. Principles and laws fixed for man as a spiritual being, 197-m. Principles, Being is Being; Being is Real; Being is Logic were the three, 322-u. Principles, but One are the Three Absolute, 322-u. Principles, Father, Son or Word, Holy Spirit, are the three, 322-u. Principles in Alchemy represented by Air, Earth, Fire, Water, 791-l. Principles, Mercury, Salt, Sulphur, given a philosophical meaning, 783-l. Principles of Divinity and of Primitive Matter and Darkness each eternal, 567-l. Principles of generation, Active and Passive, basis of the Mysteries, 404-m. Principles of Good and Evil each triumphed for three thousand years, 663-m. Principles of Light and Darkness proceed from the Active and Passive, 659-l. Principles of Male and Female in highest and most profound sense, 700-m. Principles of Manes adopted by the Gnostics in some numbers, 818-u. Principles of the justness of God and the law of merit and demerit necessary to faith, 706-u. Principles of the Universe; organs of generation symbols of the Active and Passive, 401-l. Principles of the Universe, the Active and Passive symbolized by—, 401-l. Principles, the generative parts of man and woman symbolized the, 401-l. Principles, three result from the four qualities of the four Elements, 783-l. Printing, power and art of, 54-m. Priscillianists believed in two principles, Divinity and Matter and Darkness, 567-l. Prismatic separation of seven colors correspond to the Sephiroth, 727-m. Problem of the Hermetics to transmute metals and possess the elixir of life, 772-l. Problems, most important, are social, 180-u. Problems of populous and wealthy country, 178-179. Problems solved by the ancient poetic and philosophic mind, 653-m. Proclus held that each Star contained an immortal Soul and Intelligence, 671-m. Proclus states Deity changed himself into the form of Love in the work of creation, 683-m. Production, capacity of, 305-m. Productive capacity of the Letter He left behind when Yod reascended, 751-l. Profane applied to strangers to the early Christians, 544-m. Progress of man must be accompanied by doubt, 712-l. Progress the normal condition of man, 691-l. Projection accomplished by the understanding of a single word, 777-m. Prometheus chained in his cavern betokened the continuance of Winter, 592-m. Pronunciation and meaning of Ineffable Name lost to all but a few, 700-l. Pronunciation of the name of Deity involves the secret of its meaning, 697-m. Prophet of the Jews announced to the Magi by the Star of Initiation, 840-u. Proposition, Forty-seventh, 85-l. Proserpina represents the seed decaying and destroyed, 395-u. Proserpine and Adonis in wanderings represent—, 404-m. Proserpine overcome by Pluto in the form of a Serpent, 492-m. Providence of God enfolds the whole Universe, 715-l. Providence of God rules directly in all the affairs and changes of material things, 809-l. Providence: several Mysteries taught the administration of the Universe by Intermediaries of, 416-l. Provost and Judge, 7th Degree; lessons inculcated, 126-u. Pruczi, or Prussians, typified the Trinity by the tri-une God, 551-l. Prudence symbolized by the Blazing Star, 506-u. Prudence, the opposite of indolence, represented by Mercury, 727-l. Prussian Knight or Noachite, the 21st Degree, lessons of the, 334-u. Psalms of David indicate a loftier knowledge of Deity than the common, 617-u. Psyche represented the Soul; her suitor was Dionusos, who awakened her, 586-l. Psyche, representing the Soul, had an earthly and an immortal lover, 519-l. Public not a vague abstraction, 198-u. Public Opinion a Force; in free governments omnipotent, 90-l. Public service only justly entered through door of merit, 47-u. Punishment and reward are the satisfaction of demerit and merit, 724-u. Punishment for sins a part of the Masonic Doctrine, 577-u. Punishment of Vice in this life, 101-u. Punishment of wrongdoers without anger or revenge, 75-m. Punishment the occurrence of an effect, 127-m. Purity of heart security for purity of life, 227-m. Purity of no religion continues long after it casts off simplicity, 360-u. Purity of the Initiate indicated by fasting, continence, initiation, 520-l. Purification by air, water and earth; symbols of, 412-m. Purification preparatory to initiation, 431-l. Pyramid, no Hebrew word to designate a, 234-u. Pyramid of Borsippa, near Babylon; seven stages of the, 11-u. Pyramid, the universal symbol of immortality, 633-u. Pyramids and Obelisks consecrated to the Sun and Fire, 460-u. Pyramids built to the four cardinal points, 366-l. Pyramids, firm and unshaken, figured to Masonic judges by a triangle, 826-l. Pyramids of Bal had seven stages of different colors, 234-m. Pyramids represented metaphysics founded on a knowledge of nature, 321-l. Pythagoras a pupil of Zoroaster, 424-l. Pythagoras attached importance to the Science of Numbers, 34-l. Pythagoras became an Egyptian initiate, 365-m. Pythagoras borrowed the Tetractys, 88-m. Pythagoras chose philosopher as a title rather than sage, 626-m. Pythagoras, conception of God by, 285-u. Pythagoras declares "God is One," the Soul of all Beings, the Father, 667-u. Pythagoras, definitions of, 97-u. Pythagoras did not ascribe to numbers any special virtue, 626-l. Pythagoras dwelt twelve years at Babylon studying with the Magi, 662-u. Pythagoras enveloped doctrine with symbols, 97-m. Pythagoras established the Grecian Mysteries with three degrees, 366-u. Pythagoras explained the transmigration of Souls, 622-l. Pythagoras expounded the higher Greek religious ideas, 617-m. Pythagoras, Fellowcraft Degree a reproduction of the teachings of, 366-l. Pythagoras, 47th proposition older than, 86-l. Pythagoras: Heirocles and Timaeus of Loeri disciples of, 623-u. Pythagoras' idea regarding numbers, 88-m. Pythagoras journeyed to learn the secrets of ancient Initiations, 96-l. Pythagoras learned from a Magus at Babylon the two principles, 662-u. Pythagoras learned from the Egyptians the idea of the Universal Soul, 666-m. Pythagoras learned from Zoroaster, who was taught in India, 617-m. Pythagoras learned in Egypt that the earth revolved around the Sun, 843-u. Pythagoras learned much from the Egyptian priests, 362-l. Pythagoras made the Universe an intelligent Being, 667-l. Pythagoras, Masonry reiterates the maxims of, 221-m. Pythagoras, mysterious Pentalpha of, 58-l. Pythagoras, mystic numbers of, 233-m. Pythagoras nor Thales made generally known the revolution of earth, 843-u. Pythagoras obtained true knowledge of Deity in the Mysteries, 208-m. Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, mentioned with Christ, 562-l. Pythagoras, Plato developed the philosophy of, 366-l. Pythagoras recognized two principles of all things, in equal proportion, 662-u. Pythagoras represented the world by the right angled triangle, 631-m. Pythagoras taught the esoteric doctrine, 249-m. Pythagoras taught the transmigration of souls as an allegory, 398-m. Pythagoras, teachings of, 366-m. Pythagoras tried by Egyptian Priests before communicating secrets, 385-l. Pythagore de Crotone corrupted into Peter Gower of Groton in England, 816-m. Pythagorean doctrine of numbers preserved by—, 235-m. Pythagorean ideas as to particular numbers, 626-630. Pythagorean ideas on Unity, 626-m. Pythagorean opinions in the creeds of the Essenes and Therapeuts, 259-l. Pythagorean "Sons of Apollo" took up the service of Dionusos when dispersed, 586-u. Pythagorean symbol of Tetractys revered by the Essenes, 264-l. Pythagorean triad was Idea, Matter and the Demiourgos, 549-l. Python the Serpent Deity esteemed oracular, 496-m.
Quadrature of the circle indicates the knowledge of the four vulgar elements, 629-m. Quadrature of the circle produced by movements of four equal angles, 771-l. Qualities we call God, not the name of the sum total is the essential, 644-u. Quarternary formed by the Ternary acting with Unity, 771-m. Quarternary, the Key of all numbers, movements, forms, 771-m. Quaternary a symbol of the Eternal and Creative Principle, 632-l. Quaternary the first solid figure, the pyramid, a symbol of immortality, 633-u. Quaternary the most perfect number and the root of all things, 632-l. Questions concerning God, the Universe, Man, his destiny, 648-649. Questions which are presumed to be solved by the "Fall" of man, 685-l. Questions which have produced all the religions, philosophy, 649-l. Quintessence, a combination of light and gold, in Alchemical work, 773-m. Quintessence symbolized to the Alchemists by the Blazing Star, 842-u. Quintessence: the number five designated the universal, 634-u. Quintessence, the universal medicine of the Hermetic for the body, 773-m.
Rab Banaim, Chief of the Architects in 12th Degree, 202-l. Rahab means a sea monster; smitten by God, 510-l. Rainbow, three principal, seven by mixture, are the colors of the, 57-l. Raising of Khurum a symbol of the spiritual regeneration of man, 519-l. Raising of Khurum symbolical of the attraction of the constellation Leo, 488-m. Ram, device of Gad, characterized by Jacob as a warrior, 461-l. Rama, one of the impersonations of Vishnu, the Epic Hero, 603-m. Ramayan defines what the word Aum represents, 620-l. Ramsay's fourth Degree, Scottish Elder Master Knight of St. Andrew, 779-l. Raphael, the face of a Man on the West and backward, with He and Earth, 798-m. Raven, Dove, Phoenix, are symbols of Good, Evil and Beauty, 792-m. Re, the son of Phtha, and his wife, Tiphe, the celestial firmament, 254-m. Re, the Sun, whose symbol was the point within the circle, 254-m. Reabsorbtion of the Soul into the Infinite, 686-u. Real and unreal relative terms, 673-m. Reality, what is; reality of dreams while they last, 572-l. Reason and experience the bases of Science, 776-u. Reason and sentiment the bases of Faith, 776-u. Reason and the Moral Sense keep appetites and passions for our benefit, 860-l. Reason at fault when it deals with the infinite, 28-m. Reason, Infinite, the Soul of Nature, immortal, 280-u. Reason is because it is; reason is by means of itself, 737-l. Reason is necessity, Law, the direction of every initiative, 737-l. Reason is powerless before Authority, 315-m. Reason is the Absolute; it is not an hypothesis; it is essential to existence, 737-u. Reason is where nothing exists; nothing could exist without it, 737-l. Reason leads us away from Truth under certain conditions—, 301-l. "Reason leaps into the throne of God and waves her torch over the ruins of the Universe", 810-u. Reason, light of; symbolized by—, 210-u. Reason must have company of loving kindness in morals or political science, 29-l. Reason: Necessity, Liberty, are synonyms of the Absolute; the Fixed; the Volatile, 791-l. Reason of man compared with the Instinct of animals, 304-u. Reason of man possesses something of the Absolute by participation in the Divine reason, 708-u. Reason proves the existence and attributes of God, 226-l. Reason reconciled with Faith in the Kabala, 744-l. Reason sinking exhausted gives place to Faith, 841-m. Reason: Socrates believed in a Universal, 693-u. Reason Supreme and Absolute Justice, the Hermetic universal medicine for the soul, 773-m. Reason, Supreme and unalterable, is the Philosophal Stone of the Hermetics, 775-l. Reason, the designation of the Supreme Being, by Lao-Tseu, 278-l. Reason: the Divine Reason is beyond the human, 841-m. Reason: the great Absurdity to our feebleness is the Divine, 841-m. Reason, unalterable, the touchstone of Truth, 776-u. Reason's great aim is to generalize, to discover unity in multiplicity, 673-m. Reasoning principle comes from God through the Word, 252-u. Rebuilding of the Temple of the Eternal advocated by Cagliostro to Masons, 823-m. Reconciliation of faith and reason, science and creed by Magic, 842-m. Reconciliation of Good and Evil through the plan of Equilibrium, 767-u. Reconciliation of Light and Darkness; Free Will and Necessity and the harmonious result of all, 767-m. Redeemer placed in the region of the Sun and Moon to attract the Light or Soul, 566-l. Redeemer, theory of and necessity for a, 274-m. Redeemer to end the reign of evil is The Word, 274-m. Redeemer to overcome the Principle of Evil; names of the, 277-m. Redemption of mankind through the death of a Mediator believed by the Druids, 618-u. Redemption will be accomplished, and end of the world occur when—, 564-u. Reflections inhabited seven different regions and were named—, 563-m. Reflections: the Angels proceeding from Ialdaboth were called, 563-m. Reformation, a monk wrote anti-papal doctrines previous to the, 95-l. Reformation and repentance necessary to obtain forgiveness, 435-m. Reformers who are impatient generally fail to reclaim the erring, 133-l. Regeneration, air, fire, water, the symbols of, 357-l. Regnum has more nearly perfect knowledge when she turns face to face, 799. Regnum is given the name of the Word of the Lord and superinvests Heaven, 795-m. Regnum, or Malakoth, the wife of Seir Aupin, Microprosopos, 799-l. Regnum, the cornerstone, crushed into a formless mass, 796-l. Regnum, the last Numeration, was empty and inane; needed Love, 798-u. Regnum, the seventh King, produced by Binah, is called a stone, 796-l. Reign of Evil ends when Fallen Angels are restored to God, 686-u. Religion and duty, which are accepted by Masons, 226-m. Religion and science, when progressive, are identical in aims, 710-m. Religion, as a physiological fact, is the revelation of a necessity of souls, 822-u. Religion, connected with philosophy was the ancient Oriental, 22-u. Religion connects philosophy with humanity, 708-m. Religion, every Masonic lodge a temple of, 213-l. Religion for the mass of mankind must contain some errors, 224-u. Religion gives man a Father, a Witness, a Consoler, a Judge, 708-m. Religion, humanity has but one, 102-u. Religion in Egypt and the East more or less a mystery, 354-u. Religion is a recognition of duty in harmony with goodness, 717-m. Religion labored to establish the universal triumph of the Cross, 821-l. Religion, Masonry is the universal, eternal, 219-m. Religion may be founded on an intellectual basis, 710-l. Religion: men figuratively saw God face to face in the Primitive, 508-m. Religion natural to man; he turns to God instinctively, 647-l. Religion not in inaction, but in activity and exertion, 342-m. Religion of Christianity imposed silence on lying oracles, 841-l. Religion of Christianity put an end to the prestiges of the false Gods, 841-l. Religion of each age suited to its capacity, 105-u. Religion of Love a Religion of Hate for seventeen centuries, 294-m. Religion of Moses borrowed from all creeds with which it came in contact, 247-m. Religion of the ancient Orientals was more or less a Mystery, 22-u. Religion of the Ancient Patriarchs taught by God, 582-u. Religion of the Hermetics that of the Magi and ancient Initiates, 774-l. Religion of the infallible and the certainty of Philosophy united in Magic, 842-m. Religion of the Patriarchs as practiced by the early Christians, 540-l. Religion of toil, Masonry, society, 212-213. Religion originally an attempt to interpret the unknown by mind, 650-m. Religion revealed by God to the primitive man, 598-m. Religion revealed to the patriarchs taught by Masonry, 214-u. Religion separated from philosophy became arrogant and fantastical, 650-m. Religion, sole purpose an Ethic, 35-u. Religion, the crown of Morality, 726-u. Religion, the truest, would not be comprehended by the ignorant, 224-m. Religions, a basis of Truth and Morality in all, 311-l. Religions, ancient, which once ruled the minds of men, 247-u. Religions and Faiths antagonized by Science, 809-l. Religions and sciences based on the idea of equilibrium, 769-l. Religions based on the doctrine of the two Principles, 661-l. Religion's existence is a scientific fact, 822-u. Religion's history that of the human mind, 651-m. Religions, maxims of ancient, 167-170. Religions, Mysteries arose from the insufficiency of the ancient, 354-u. Religions of antiquity all based on the worship of the Sun, 593-l. Religions of the North partook of the manly character of the people, 591-u. Religions owe their life to the proposition of the direct Providence of God, 809-l. Religion's task is to fill the chasm separating man from Deity, 652-l. Religious belief a matter of birth, place and education, 165-m. Religious belief not acceptable to all men on same evidence, 165-l. Religious belief, sure foundation for, 226-l. Religious belief, the deductions of intellect and convictions of the heart furnish a foundation for, 226-l. Religious conceptions concerning the Trinity by the Ancients, 576-m. Religious convictions as a result of the study of—, 226-l. Religious doctrine of India and Persia at first a veneration of Nature, 610-l. Religious dramas exhibited to the initiates as initiations, 383-m. Religious expression is symbolism; objects of religion unseen, 512-l. Religious Faiths of ancients could not have been believed if they knew as we do, 302-u. Religious feeling evaporated with the stripping away of symbolism, 678-m. Religious history that of the human mind, 651-m. Religious ideas may be the same, but their expressions are various, 512-l. Religious lessons taught to a thoughtful man by nature, 714-m. Religious metaphysics discussed by Hebrews after Persian captivity, 617-u. Religious Orders desired to make Kings and Pontiffs, 815-m. Religious realization of Hermeticism is the foundation of the true Empire and—, 840-l. Religious requisites are—, 164-u. Religious systems approximating towards each other; when—, 247-m. Religious teachings conveyed through "exhibition", 355-m. Religious Truths inculcated by Masonry, 576-l. Repining because we are not angels in a world of no changes is folly, 696-m. Repose unbalanced by an analogous movement will not be happiness, 847-l. Republic, danger of government by party, 83-u. Republic, for services to be rendered in the future is one entitled to office in a, 81-u. Republic governed by agitators, 82-l. Republic, hollow, heartless and shallow politicians in a, 84-l. Republic, only in consideration of public services is one entitled to office in a, 83-l. Republic saved by principle, "The tools to the workmen", 47-m. Republic, the world but one; each nation a family, 220-m. Republic, those competent to serve refuse to enter into struggle, 85-u. Republic will be immortal, when—, 21-l. Republics, decay of, 86-m. Republics of old perished by the conflicts of liberties and franchises, 815-m. Republics, rule of Speech and Imposture, 45-l. Republics, to the unworthy often go offices in, 46-m. Requisites, religious, are—, 164-u. Resignation more noble in proportion as it is less passive, 39-m. Responsibility of Man for his acts a part of the Masonic Doctrine, 577-u. Results, an aggregate of many exertions produces great, 175-u. Results commanded by selection, 695-l. Results, great, if Masonry and Masons are true to their missions, 175-l. Results of the actions of certain women on their country, 312-l. Results of universal law may be beneficial, though limitedly prejudicial, 695-l. Results, the product of constant assiduity, 174-m. Resurrected; after being held by the chains of the grave, Hercules was, 593-u. Resurrection, death, passion of Bakchos at Thrace, 411-u. Resurrection of a God who associates Souls with Him, 408-m. Resurrection or revival of the Sun Gods continuous, 590-m. Retirement, morbid selfishness, 39-m. Retribution bars retaliation, even in words, 813-u. Retribution, law of, 216-217. Reuben answers, to Aquarius, his ensign a man, 461-u. Revelation of God by his attributes, 267-m. Revelation: Infinite Being worshipped without superstition by primitive, 624-m. Revelation of primitive times forms the basis of all religions and Masonry, 625-m. Revelation of the Creative Agency in the ten emanations or Sephiroth, 267-m. Revelation of the primitive religion made to the Hebrews in fragments, 616-l. Revelation of the Primitive Word of Divine Truth to mankind, 598-m. Revelations and Inspirations in traditions, 321-u. Revelations, Doctrines of all creeds found in the book of, 272-l. Revelations: men united astronomy and religion, forgetting the Original, 508-l. Revelations paints the struggle between Good and Evil, 272-l. Reverence for ourselves as immortal Souls, 861-u. Reverence for the organs of generation came from the ancient idea, 771-l. Reversion of letters of a word to form a new name was common, 699-m. Revision of the thirty degrees by the Supreme Council, So. Jur, 328-m. Revivification of dead matter from its ashes the great work, 786-l. Revolutionibus Animarum, of Rabbi Jitz-chak Lorja, a Kabalistic book, 772-l. Revolutions have long roots in the past, 90-u. Reward and assistance of humble workers in life's progress, 158-m. Reward comes rarely to those who prepare the way, 230-u. Reward, for eminent services ingratitude is often the only, 316-m. Reward for good work rarely obtained in lifetime, 316-m. Reward of those who assail hoary abuses or vested wrongs, 157-m. Reward, who entitled in the future to, 172-m. Rewards and punishment, merit of righteousness follow from the presence of evil, 797-m. Rig Veda Sanhita contains Hymns addressed to the Heavens and Earth, 850-l. Right agrees with justice and stands, 830-u. Right and left completes human Unity; primitive man of both sexes, 771-u. Right angle triangle has its angles indicated by the columns, 861-m. Right angle triangle in diagram and described, 789-m. Right angle triangle represents man as a union of the spiritual and material, 861-m. Right angled triangle of Pythagoras represented the world, 631-m. Right angled triangle, the G. Master's square; the 47th problem, in the Stars, 487-m. Right doing better than right thinking, 35-m. Right has a continual and progressive march of triumph, 835-l. Right to be done because it is right, 219-l. Right to dictate what shall be believed belongs to no man or men, 29-m. "Right to govern" vested in the ablest, wisest, best, 203-l. Right, under Necessity, to slay; no right to torture, because not necessary, 832-u. Righteous shall dwell in Gimli or Vingolf with God, according to the Edda, 619-m. Rightfulness of many actions difficult to prove from our standpoint, 830-m. Rights, inalienable, 24-u. Rights of man must be respected by God, the essence of justice, 704-m. Rigor impregnated by Love through Benignity produced the brain of Microprosopos, 796-u. Rigor, perfect, denoted by the Mother, female. 795-l. Ring given as a symbol of Divine protection and an emblem of Perfection. 431-u. Rings and Globes encircled by serpents common on ancient monuments, 500-m. Rishis: Patriarchs of the primitive world known as the seven great, 623-l. Rites and ceremonies of Mysteries invented by the Priests, 354-m. Robe; candidate in the Indian Mysteries invested in a white, 428-m. Robes of white are symbols of candor, purity, truth, 539-u. Robes presented to candidates alluded to the Heavens and starry signs, 506-l. Robes, the initiates were clothed in linen, 387-l. Robespierres in period of convulsion, 30-l. Rod of Bakchos cast on the ground becomes a serpent, 422-u. Rod of Bakchos divided the waters of rivers and he crossed dry, 422-u. Roman de la Rose and Dante's Commedia are two opposite forms of the one work, 823-u. Roman de la Rose borrowed from the High Kabalah, 733-u. Roman de la Rose completed by Chopinel, begun by de Lorris, 823-u. Roman de la Rose expresses the mysterious meaning of Dante's poem, 733-u. Roman de la Rose is the Epic of Old France; a profound book, 823-u. Roman de la Rose: the accomplishment of the Great Work the Key of the, 821-l. Roman Games represented the course of the Sun, from East to West, seven of them, 464-m. Roman, words of the great, 171-l. Roman year began at the Vernal Equinox; also that of the Persians, 466-u. Rome: early Christians fled from persecution to the Catacombs of, 542-u. Rome more intolerant of heresy than of vice and crime, 820-m. Root above is represented by the needle of the Balance, 798-m. Rose anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun, symbol of Dawn, 291-u. Rose, as a symbol, explained in Kabalistic Commentaries on the Canticles, 821-l. Rose conquered by Science; the Cross established by Religion, 821-l. Rose Croix Adepts respected the dominant and revealed religion, 822-u. Rose Croix Adepts united with Templars and founded a Mystic Sect, 821-m. Rose Croix associations; the Absolute became the reason for the rites of the, 840-m. Rose Croix Degree, meaning of the symbols of the, 308-u. Rose Croix Degree not closed to any good man of any faith, 290-u. Rose Croix Degree, opinion of Christ as propounded in the, 308-m. Rose Croix Degree symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, 307-l. Rose Croix Degree teaches belief in no particular creed, 308-m. Rose Croix Degree teaches that notwithstanding Evil all is right, 307-l. Rose Croix Degree, the 18th; application of the symbols of the, 276-m. Rose Croix, lamentations and doubts expressed in the Degree of, 292-299. Rose Croix, obligations, rules, philosophy of the ancient, 289-m. Rose Croix, of no importance are differences of opinion regarding the Degree of, 290-u. Rose Croix of the Hermetics and Kabalists, 785-790. Rose Croix, only those instructed in Symbolic Degrees admitted to the Degree of, 290-u. Rose Croix secrets in allegory in the Roman de la Rose and Divine Commedia, 823-u. Rose Croix symbol first publicly expounded by Dante, 822-l. Rose Croix, symbolism of the Degree of, 290-292. Rose Croix, various interpretations, and ceremonies of the degree of, 289-l. Rose Cross established by Science and Religion, 821-l. Rose of Flamel, that of Jean de Meung, that of Dante, grew on the same stem, 823-u. Rose of Jericho, propagation of the, 96-m. Rose of light in the center of which a human form extends its arm in the form of a cross, 822-m. Rose, the emblem of beauty, life, love, pleasure; the sign of the accomplishment of the Great Work, 821-l. Rose, the living symbol of the revelation of the harmonies of being, 821-l. Rose united to the Cross the problem proposed by High Initiation, 821-l. Rouge-Croix vows demanded giving aid, support, succor, 802-l. Rough Ashlar prepared by aid of the Square, Level, Plumb, Balance, 787-m. Rousseau, through the ages will ring the words of, 43-u. Royal Arch Degree, symbolism of veils, colors, banners of the, 409-l. Royal Arch figures, Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle; origin of, 461-m. Royal Arch Masonry, explanation of the figures on the banner of, 448-m. Royal Arch of Solomon, 13th Degree, allegory or history of, 204-u. "Royal Art," a name given by the Adapts to Magism, 842-u. Royal Secret makes possible the Holy Empire of Masonic Brotherhood, 861-l. Ruach, from the world Yezirah, the Vav of the Tetragrammaton, 757-u. Ruach, the next higher spiritual part, or Spirit, 757-U. Rule, Law and Order symbolized by the 24-inch, 5-u. Ruler of the Universe found by attention to the world of self, 508-l.
Sabaoth, one of the seven Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Sabbat, brother of the Serpent, represents the Evil Force or Devil, 102-l. Sabean Researches by Landseer suggests an Osirian theory, 483-487. Sabeans recognized the Sun as the outshining, but not as the type of power, 740-l. Sabeans taught that the heavens and spheres were part of the Universal soul, 669-m. Sabeans, worshippers of Stars, held a great feast at the Vernal Equinox, 458-u. Saduceeism arose from opposition to foreign teachings of the Pharisees, 259-l. Sacrament of three Degrees, purification, initiation, perfection, 543-l. Sacramental observances commemorate—, 393-l. Sacraments of the Catholic church found in Mysteries of Mithra, 541-l. Sacred Name, Hebrews forbidden to pronounce; substitute, 201-m. Sacred name represented by the triple tau with circle and triangle, 503-m. Sacred Name, true pronunciation of the, 204-m. Sacred number three called the perfect number, 5-l. Sacred Numbers always appear together in the Heavens, 487-u. Sacred numbers among the Etruscans, Jews, Egyptians, Hindus, 632-m. Sacred numbers contained in the nine Sephiroth, 323-m. Sacred numbers included in the faces and lines of a cube, 5-l. Sacred traditions flowed through the most ancient nations, 599-l. Sacred Triad represented by the triple tau with circle and triangle, 503-m. Sacrifice of self may be an act of justice, 833-l. Sacrifice of self not implied by self restraint, 696-m. Sacrifices accounted for by preponderance of God's sternness over mercy, 687-l. Sacrifices made, skins of victims trampled on, 432-m. Sage, work of the, 7-m. Sages, barbarian and Greek, conveyed their meanings in visible symbols, 371-m. Sages of Alexandria had an "unspeakable word" pronounced Ararita, 728-u. Sagitarius chasing the Wolf, the emblem of Benjamin, the hunter, 461-l. Saint Bartholomew, Eve of, 49-l. Saint John, Apostle, read the language of Philo, 100-u. Saint John said Christ was the Light that was the life of men, 743-l. Saint John the father of the Gnostics, 817-m. Saint Thomas declares in reference to the moral laws, 737-m. Saints and martyrs developed out of previous mythical beings, 653-u. Sakya of the Hindus called Gautama, Somonkodom, Chy-Kia or Fo, 551-m. Salam, meaning of word; similarity to Salaa, a rock, 234-u. Sallust defines and explains the objects of the Mysteries, 415-l. Sallust, the philosopher, remarks on the relation of the soul to the Mysteries, 404-l. Salsette, Initiations consummated in the three hundred apartments of, 361-u. Salt and Sulphur serve in Hermetic work only to prepare the mercury, 775-m. Salt and water used for purification, 431-l. Salt expressed by the letter M, the initial letter of the Hebrew word, Malakh, 780-m. Salt of Philosophy is Wisdom, 790-u. Salt, one of the great symbols of the Alchemists, 57-l. Salt, Sulphur, Mercury, separated from the rough Ashlar by Masonic implements, 787-m. Salt, Sulphur, Spirit, produce Solidity; Softness, spiritual, vaporous particles, 780-u. Salt represented by the Hermetics under the form of a cubical stone, 775-l. Salt represents to Hermeticists Absolute Matter, regenerated by Azoth, 778-m. Salt, with the Hermetics, corresponds with the Earth, 773-l. Salutary number is six, contains the source of our happiness, 628-m. Samaneans, a Society of Buddhist Prophets, belief of, 277-l. Samaritan invented the accusation of Christians worshipping an ass, 103-u. Samothrace, Mysteries of Cabiri celebrated at, 407-u. Samothrace settled by ancient Pelasgi, Asiatic Colonists, 426-u. Samothrace the location of celebrated Mysteries, 426-427. Sandalphon, one of the Chiefs of the Kabalistic Angels, 784-l. Sanscrit stanzas in reference to the nature of God, 741-m. Sapientia, Hakemah, "The Head of that which is non-existent" as applied to Kadmon, 758-u. Satan, by consent, made Adam, his soul of Divine Light, his body of matter, 567-u. Satan confounded by the Jews with Ahriman and the Dragon, 258-u. Satan created and governs the visible world, 567-l. Satan means in Hebrew simply "The Adversity", 661-m. Satan of Gnosticism confounded with Matter, 255-u. Satan, the Evil God, the Genius of matter alone, 565-l. Satan, the negation of God; true name of, Yahveh, reversed, 102-l. Satan the result of the reflection of Ialdaboth on matter, 563-m. Satan, the son and lord of matter; demons the children of matter, 567-l. Satan, Yahveh reversed the true name of, 102-l. Satan's Eons, or Demons, were divided among themselves, 566-u. Saturn gives the Soul the logical and contemplative faculty as it passes through, 439-m. Saturn represents Temperance, 727-l. Saturn, the name of the first gate of the ladder; material, lead, 414-m. Saviour died upon the cross of expiation to redeem man in pledge, 567-l. Saviour is the Logos made man, 848-u. Saviour of the Soul represented by Dionusos, 519-u. Saviour symbolized by the Word of a Master, 642-u. Saviour, the first of creatures, created by the direct will of God, 564-l. Saviour united with his Sister, Wisdom, descended through the regions of the seven angels, 563-l. Saviour with Wisdom entered into Jesus at his baptism, 563-l. Savitri, the Progenitor, a Vedic Sun God, 602-l. Scandinavian deities, Thor and Odin, subordinate to Alfader, 598-u. Scandinavian name for the Sun was Arkaleus or Hercules, 587-u. Scandinavian three-lettered name of Deity, I, O, W, 632-l. Scandinavians believed in the Author of everything that existed, 618-m. Scandinavians lamented the death of Balder torn in pieces, 595-u. Scandinavians typified the Trinity by Odin, Frea, Thor, 552-u. Schimeon Ben Jochai, Rabbi, describes the mysterious chariot, 798-l. School of life, hard lessons in; be faithful in, 184-u. Science a progressive mediation between ignorance and wisdom with happiness as the object, 711-u. Science and Religion, when progressive, are identical in interests and aims, 710-m. Science at the bottom of Magic, 730-l. Science became concealed under Christian disguises after Hypatia, 732-l. Science concealed itself to avoid the aggressions of a blind love, 730-l. Science consists of—, 25-m. Science consists of matured inferences from confirmed experience, 711-u. Science deals only with phenomena and does not know what light or sound is, 810-u. Science has its New Testament and Philosophy its beatitudes, 714-m. Science is moral as well as intellectual, 711-l. Science, Masonry the lineal descendant of the higher, 253-l. Science, Moses, High Priests, Solomon, Prophets, in possession of the higher, 253-l. Science, object of political, 26-l. Science of Magism engraved on stone by Enoch and Trismegistus, 839-l. Science of the discovery of Truth the most sublime to which mortal can aspire, 785-l. Science of the Hermetics given by Paracelsus, Flamel, Raymond Lulle, 774-l. Science overcome in Alexandria by the fanaticism of Christians, 732-l. Science powerless against the forces of nature, 810-812. |