Kabala consecrates the alliance of the Universal Reason and Divine Word, 744-l. Kabala contains a doctrine logical, simple, absolute, 745-u. Kabala contains a source of many doctrines, 741-u. Kabala establishes by the counterpoises of opposite forces the balance of being, 744-l. Kabala furnished the material for the Roman de la Rose, 733-u. Kabala gives to Masonry secrets and symbols, 744-n. Kabala struggles hard to understand and explain process of creation, 758-n. Kabalah, an entire, perfect, unique Theology in the Secret Traditions of the, 843-l. Kabalah; Creation effected by the omnific letter of the, 14-u. Kabalah designates Leniency as Light and Whiteness, 769-u. Kabalah, doctrines of Persians, Gnostics, and in the Zend Avesta, similar to the, 266-l. Kabalah, doctrines of the, 267-269. Kabalah ignored by the scholastic theology of Aristotle and Lombard, 847-u. Kabalah in active realization, the Magic of Works, is Hermeticism, 840-l. Kabalah is the primitive tradition and rests on a dogma of Magism, 759-l. Kabalah minus the principle of the Hierarch forms Swedenborgianism, 823-m. Kabalah, origin and development of the Holy (See also Cabala), 97-m. Kabalah, representation of the mysterious pantacles of the, 104-m. Kabalah states, in reference to the Justice and Mercy or Benignity of God—, 846-u. Kabalah, study of, aided by the Tetractys, 88-m. Kabalah, symbolism of lights according to the, 202-l. Kabalah taught the unity of God and embodied a pure philosophy, 625-l. Kalabah teaches the emanation of all from Infinite Light, 266-l. Kabalah, the Ancient of Days existed before everything in the, 266-l. Kabalah, the Hebrew traditional philosophy, 552-u. Kabalah the heritage of Israel and the secret of its priests, 839-l. Kabalah the key of the occult sciences and gave birth to the Gnostics, 626-u. Kabalah, the primary tradition of the single revelation, 841-l. Kabalah, the Supreme Being is the "Unknown Father" in the, 266-l. Kabalah, visions of Ezekiel veiled by enigmatic dogmas of the, 321-l. Kabalist doctrines known to the Templars, 815-m. Kabalist is a man who has learned the Sacredotal and Royal Art, 627-u. Kabalist pantacle, the Cross of the East, made by the plates of the. Templar trowel, 816-m. Kabalistic alphabet in the Tarot indicates the order to be followed, 777-l Kabalistic and Hermetic Rose Croix, 785-l. Kabalistic book of the Apocalypse closed by seven seals, 727-l. Kabalistic books furnished the doctrines of the Hermetic Philosophers, 772-l. Kabalistic Commentaries contain the meaning of the Rose Symbol, 821-l. Kabalistic doctrine based on Deity without limitation or conformation, 765-l. Kabalistic doctrine concealed under its emblems in the Apocalypse, 727-l. Kabalistic Doctrine contained in the Sepher Yetsairah, Sohar, Talmud, 841-l. Kabalistic doctrine, like Masonry, tends toward spiritual perfection, 625-l Kabalistic doctrine lost by the Pharisees at the advent of Christ, 727-l. Kabalistic Doctrine, the dogma of the Magi and Hermes, 841-l. Kabalistic doctrine the religion of the Sage and Savant, 625-l. Kabalistic doctrines of emanations, the origin of the Christian Trinity, 552-u. Kabalistic doctrines; sources of our knowledge of the, 266-l. Kabalistic four Worlds alluded to in the four elements of the Ritual, 784-m. Kabalistic Gnosticism: in the chiefs of the Templars was vested the Apostolate of, 817-m. Kabalistic idea of the Infinite Deity and His emanations, 552-u. Kabalistic ideas concerning the Sephiroth, 765-u. Kabalistic interpretation of the Seven Sephiroth is Atik Yomin, 727-m. Kabalistic number four furnished the mysteries of the Tetragram of the Hebrews, 732-u. Kabalistic process of creation, 766-769 Kabalistic secrets contained in the ternarys of the Evangelic Symbols, 730-l. Kabalistic significance of Yod, type of the human Tetragram, 771-m. Kabalistic statement in regard to the Infinite Light, 742-u. Kabalistic "Taro" corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. Kabalistic theory of the four worlds, Emanation, Creation, Formation, Fabrication, 768-l. Kabalistic triangle. Necessity, Liberty, Reason, 738-u. Kabalists consider God as the Intelligent, Animating, Living, Infinite, 97-l. Kabalists have chiefly studied the questions of the Nature of Deity and the beginning of the Universe, 738-l. Kabalists' opinion concerning Souls is Platonism and came from the Chaldeans, 440-l. Kabalists regarded Deity as the Primordial Ether-Ocean from which light flows, 739-l. Kabalists wrote the "unspeakable word, Ihuh," translated by Ararita, 728-u. Karobim on the Propitiatory was misunderstood, 818-l. Kether Ailah synonymous with the Supreme Crown; Cause of Causes, 751-l. Kether, Corona, existent in the Corona of the World of Emanation, 758-u. Kether, Crown, has no configuration nor can there be any cognizance of it, 753-u. Kether denoted by Yod, according to the Pneumatica Kabalistica, 798-m. Kether is the Will of Deity, or Deity as Will, 758-m. Kether, Kabalistic meaning of, 202-l. Kether, the cranium of Adam Kadmon, 757-l. Kether, the Crown, is treated of as a person composed of the ten numerations, 799-m. Kether, the Crown, the Divine Will or Potency, the first Sephiroth, 552-u. Kether, the will, remains in Macroprosopos, the first Universal, 793-l. Kether was the aggregate of the ten Sephiroth, 755-u. Kether's sphere opened and thereout proceeded Hakemah, 756-m. Key of the Holy Books is the Sohar which opens all the depths and lights, 843-l. Key to the pantacles of the Apocalypse are three, four, seven, twelve, 728-u. Khairum, or Khur-um, misrendered into Hiram, 816-m. Khaled, "The sword of God," at the battle of Damascus, exhorts soldiers, 53-m. Khur, correspondence to Egyptian Har, 78-m. Khur from the Zend word, Huare, the Sun, 602-u. Khur-om Abi, meaning of, 81-m. Khur-om, personification of Light and the Sun, Saviour, 79-l. Khur-om, Phoenician artificer, meaning of the name of, 81-u. Khur-om, similarity in the Mysteries to the death of the Master, 405-m. Khurum assailed at the three gates by Capricornus, Aquarius, Pices, 448-u. Khurum assaulted at the East, West and South Gates, 488-u. Khurum, improperly called Hiram, is Khur-om, 79-l. Khur-um, King of Tsur, first performed annual ceremony, 25th Dec, 78-l. Khurum laid several days in the grave and was raised by the powerful attraction of Leo, 488-m. Khurum legend connected with more ancient ones; variants of them, 435-m. Khurum, name of Evil God, Bal, found in name of each murderer of, 80-u. Khurum obtained true ideas of Deity in the Mysteries, 208-m. Khurum, or Khairum, derivation and meaning of, 78-u. Khurum raised by the Lion's grip after that of Aquarius and Cancer had failed, 461-u. Khurum represents the Sun killed by the three Winter Signs, 448-u. Khurum, The Master, received no wages not his due, 114-u. Khurum, the Master, the symbol of human freedom, 211-u. Khurum, the Tyrian artist of the columns Jachin and Boaz, 9-m. Khurum's assassins, origin of names, relation to Stars, 488-u. Khurum's body searched for by the other nine signs of the Zodiac, 448-u. Kingdom of Christ, which, though not of this world, would govern all its grandeurs, 815-m. Kings: not successively, but altogether, Binah produced the seven, 796-l. Kings; shattered into fragments were the first six, 796-l. Kings of the World are those knowing the incontestable verity, 842-m. Kings, when they died, had no root in Adam Kadmon, nor was Wisdom their root, 798-u. Kneph or Agathodaemon, the Good Spirit, represented by Osiris, 587-l. Kneph, the Serpent God of the Egyptians, 495-u. Knight Commander of the Temple, first Chivalric Degree, 578-u. Knight Commander of the Temple, the 27th Degree, 578-u. Knight Kadosh Degree, the 30th, 814. Knight must be ardent in the practice of the virtues he has professed, 807-l. Knight of the Brazen Serpent, the 25th Degree, 435. Knight of the Brazen Serpent, the 25th Degree, explains symbols, 435-m. Knight of the East and West, 17th Degree, philosophical, 246-l. Knight of the East or of the Sword, 15th Degree, lessons of, 237-u. Knight of the Royal Axe, Prince of Libanus, the 22nd Degree, 340-u. Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept, the 28th Degree, 581. Knight Templarism originated in the East in 1118, 815-l. Knight worthy of being called so if true to vows and possessing Virtue, Truth, Honor, 808-u. Knighthood's crosses are symbols of the nine qualities of a Knight of St. Andrew, 801-l. Knightly attributes and qualities found in men in those days, 805-u. Knightly character requires mercy, clemency, a forgiving temper, 813-l. Knightly plumage, dress, gaudy habiliments incompatible with Order, 807-m. Knightly professions and duties, 808-m. Knightly qualities of Generosity, Clemency, Charity, are more essential, 803-u. Knightly qualities of Humility, Patience, Self-denial, essential qualities, 801-l. Knightly qualities of Virtue, Truth, Honor, are most essential qualities, 803-m. Knightly spirit revived by the 27th Degree, 579-m. Knights Crusaders, nine in number, consecrated themselves Templars, 815-l. Knights incited to imitate the old Knights and Bayard, Sydney, S. Louis, 804-l. Knights incited to look to the ancient days for examples of Virtue, Truth, Honor, 804-l. Knights of St. Andrew vowed to defend the innocent and bring the oppressors to justice, 802-l. Knights of the East and of the East and West successors of Templars, 816-m. Knights of the East and West so called because—, 275-m. Knights of the 15th and 16th Degrees, duties of the, 332-u. Knight's boast to be consistent with our profession as Masons; retain our dignity and—, 804-m. Knowledge alone not sufficient to fit men to be free, 26-m. Knowledge convertible into power, 25-l. Knowledge convertible into power and axioms into rules of utility and duty, 711-l. Knowledge imparted to initiates of Mithraic Mysteries, 425-m. Knowledge: in the Ancient Symbolism may be rediscovered the Mysteries of, 842-l. Knowledge is Light, the development of the soul, 107-l. Knowledge is profitable, moral, and will be religious, 713-u. Knowledge of Deity and Soul because we feel their existence, 674-u. Knowledge of God's existence through the Power communicated to man by the Word, 598. Knowledge of good and evil commenced, 630-m. Knowledge of Life limited to its developments, 572-m. Knowledge, Masonic, little use unless it adds to our Wisdom and Charity, 26-u. Knowledge of natural things through our senses, 738-l. Knowledge of the Absolute itself possible only through his manifestations, 738-l. Knowledge of the effects of things, the attributes, possible, 570-571-572. Knowledge of the essence of things impossible, 570-571-572. Knowledge of Truth and of the Nature of the Gods the most precious gift, 521-l. Knowledge of the value of many things comes when we lose them, 190-u. Knowledge, the forerunner of liberty and toleration, 171-m. Kosmos, a word signifying Beauty and Order; Universe, 87-l. Krishna, called Heri, Shepherd and Saviour, 81-l. Krishna, Hindu Sun God, 78-u. Kronos and Ouranos were above Zeus, 597-l.
L, P, D on Cagliostro's seal were the initials of "Tread under foot the Lilies", 823-m. Labor a blessing, not a curse, 691-u. Labor has produced all that is glorious in the world, 346-m. Labor is a more beneficent ministration than man admits, 344-m. Labor is Heaven's great ordinance for human improvement, 343-l. Labor is man's great function, distinction, privilege, 344-l. Labor is noble and ennobling, not a disgrace nor a misfortune, 242-m. Labor necessary to develop the energies, 243-u. Labor not a curse or a doom, but a blessing, 342-l. Labor, the lessons of the 22d Degree inculcate respect for, 340-u. Labor, three kinds of, manual, in arms, intellectual, 331-u. Labor, wide as Earth, has its summit in Heaven, 342-l. Labor yet to be the King of Earth is the noblest emblem of God, 341-m. Laborers alone survive in the solitudes of Time, 343-u. Laboring man, condition of the, 179. Labors of Hercules depict the varying fortunes of the Solar Power, 591-l. Labors of Hercules, Peter the Great, Cromwell, Napoleon, 341-l. Labyrinth built in honor of the Sun, its twelve palaces consecrated to—, 459-l. Lactantius believed soul existed before the body, 440-m. Lactantius ridiculed the earth's revolution around the Sun, 843-u. Ladder, Faith, Hope, Charity, the three principal rounds of the, 10-u. Ladder in Jacob's dream; translation of the word, 234-u. Ladder, nine rounds, 10-u. Ladder of seven steps a symbol of the passage of souls through Stars, 414-u. Ladder of the Mithraic Initiations, with its seven steps, a symbol, 851-l. Ladder reached from Heaven to Earth, each step had a gate, 414-u. Ladder, seven rounds; symbolism, 10-u. Ladder, symbolism of Mithraic, 233-l. Ladder, theological, which Jacob saw, 10-u. Lamaism teaches final judgment before Eslik Khan and punishment, 624-u. Lamb, and two Knights on one horse taught humility and self-denial, 802-l. Lamb eaten by Israelites at Vernal Equinox, 466-m. Lamb or Ram adored when he opened the Equinox, 448-m. Lamb of Vernal Equinox marks defeat of Serpent, 407-m. Lamb sacrificed by initiates of Heliopolis and its flesh eaten, 431-l. Lamb used instead of Ram by Persians, 465-m. Landseer's theory concerning the legend of Osiris, 483-487. Language fell into confusion after man's connection with the Creator ceased, 600-u. Language inadequate to express idea of Deity, hence personification, 672-l. Language inadequate to express the origination of matter from spirit, 673-m. Language not adequate to express our ideas, 569-u. Latitude and Longitude of Egyptian cities, 442-u. Laurel wreaths for the Greek and Romans who fought for the love of Liberty, 157-m. Law as applied to the Universe means—, 695-m. Law displacing Chance and Necessity permits man to be morally free, 695-m. Law Eternal by which all the operations of Nature proceed without clash, 826-m. Law, fundamental, the keystone of the Temple of Liberty, 211-u. Law, obedience to, 110—. Law of attraction and radiation, the principle of Creation and cause of Life, 843-u. Law of Attraction has no exceptions; attraction is the common bond, 828-m. Law of God a part of the law of Harmony dictated by Infinite Wisdom, 240-u. Law of God relating to our conduct, 240-u. Law of justice claimed to be our notions of right adopted by God, 830-u. Law of matter, law of mind, law of morals, the mode in which those forces act, 827-l. Law of matter, learned only by experience, is imperative, 828-u. Law of natural phenomena expressed in the Kabala by the number four, 732-u. Law of natural phenomena furnished the Hebrews with the mysteries of the Tetragram, 732-u. Law or principle of chemical attraction; destruction would follow the repeal of the, 846-m. Law of Retribution, 216-217. Law of sympathy and harmony inflexible as the law of gravitation, 244-u. Law of the Divine an analogical inference of human law, 694-m. Law perceived, but not understood, becomes Necessity, 694-m. Law superior over capricious interference, 696-m. Law, that mind gives character to all is one impartial, 192-m. Law unacknowledged goes under the name of Chance, 694-m. Law unknown is not obligatory, 695-m. Laws and Constitution in a free government above incapables, 49-l. Laws and principles as a spiritual being, 197-m. Laws governing the Universe by necessity, 831-l. Laws governing the Universe changed by prayer questionable, 684-l. Laws of God obligatory on us because they express His infinite Wisdom, 8-u. Laws of God produce wrong and injustice according to our standards, 830-l. Laws of movement and life known to the priests of Egypt, 842-l. Laws of nature not known to ancients to be immutable, 447-m. Law of natural phenomena represented by a cube, 732-u. Laws of our own nature unchangeable, 239-l. Laws of Solon, the best his countrymen were capable of receiving, 37-u. Laws, the Mason should not attempt to change God's inflexible, 338-l. Laws, the Universe preserved by eternal, 577-u. Laws which seem harsh may be beneficial if looked on from a broader view, 695-l. Le Verrier, painstaking methods of, 174-m. Leaders of men, not the acutest thinkers, 55-l. Legislators should be thinkers, not gabblers, 55-m. Legend of Hiram Abif but a variant of an universal one, 435-m. Legend of the Master, Khurom, differently interpreted, 267-m. Legend of the Mysteries practically the same in all countries, 377-u. Legends of the Degrees considered as allegories, not taught as truths, 329-m. Legislators whose laws we obey now long dead, 313-u. Leniency designated as Light and Whiteness, the Substance of Deity symbolized, 769-u. Leniency of the Kabalah coincides with Paul's ideas as to Law and Grace, 769-u. Leniency the essence of the Stability of Creation and part of the nature of Deity, 769-u. Leo named because the Lion came to the Nile athirst, 446-m. Leo the device of Judah by whose grip Khurum was raised, 461-u. Leo the first sign into which the Sun passed below the Summer Solstice, 455-m. Leo the Third, Kabalistic pantacle contained in the Enchiridion of, 104-m. Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, tells of those who saw St. Andrew's Cross, 801-l. Lesser Mysteries a preparation for the Greater, 432-u. Lessons learned in the school of life, 182-l. Letter He, resolved into Daleth and Vau, 794-l. Letters and names constitute the worlds, 749-m. Letters fashioned from points by the Infinite at Creation, 749-m. Letters (the Sephiroth) changed from the spherical form into the form of a person, 757-m. Letters Yod, He, Vav-He, dwelt in the Shekinah, 750-u. Level inverted marked on the breast of the Indian initiate, 428-m. Levy and Simeon had for device the two fishes of Pisces, 462-u. Liberality teaches that possibly a contrary opinion may be true, 160-m. Liberties of the people guaranteed by—, 211-m. Liberty a curse to the ignorant and brutal, 26-m. Liberty and Necessity apparently antagonistic, 848-m. Liberty and Necessity, the columns of the Universe, symbolized by the Temple, 848-m. Liberty and Necessity, the essence of Deity, counterbalanced, produce equilibrium, 778-l. Liberty, Angels commissioned to aid man to exercise his, 252-m. Liberty can not exist without perfect equilibrium, 736-l. Liberty, chief foes of human, 148-m. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, foundations of Free Government, 860-u. Liberty, imagined, may be the worst of slavery, when—, 177-m. Liberty of the people must not be entrusted to any one man, 211-u. Liberty of Thought proclaimed by Christ, 309-u. Liberty, or the free will of God's creatures, 848-m. Liberty, the basis of our existence, we assign to God as His nature, 704-u.. Liberty, the keystone of the Arch of the Temple of, is—, 211-u. Liberty; the sovereignty of one's self over one's self is called, 43-l. Liberty, the wise Mason is a votary of, 156-u. Liberty with obedience to Law an immutable foundation of Free Government, 860-u. Libra named because of the balance of the length of day and night, 446-u. Life, a social state ordained by God, 197-l. Life, an imploring call for revelation from visible, 191-l. Life analogous to fire and heat, 664-l. Life and Light abiding in the First Born or Creative Agency, 267-m. Life and Light considered by the Persians as one, 572-m. Life and Light in the Creator or Demiourgos, 575-u. Life and movement result from a continual conflict of Forces or Impulses, 846-u. Life, as air and fire, was associated with the material machinery, 675-m. Life belongs to nature as much as matter does, 664-l. Life comes from Death; reconstruction out of dissolution, 768-u. Life given for moral and spiritual training, 182-u. Life, Heat, Light, centers of gravitation, 843-u. Life in its relationships is like—, 198-m. Life is a battle, to fight which well is the purpose of man's existence, 853-l. Life is a blessing, 142-l. Life is a school; comparison to a school, 182-u. Life is real and full of duties to be performed, 231-m. Life is the beginning of immortality, 231-m. Life, Light, Soul, from the inherent Light of the Emanative principle, 755-l. Life made worthy and glorious by—, 143-l. Life, more than life are the duties of, 151-l. Life of a community depends on—, 197-l. Life of Humanity is the Word, the Light, 849-l. Life of the embryo maintained by the activity of the mother's life, 668-l. Life of the Universe and Soul alike the result of Harmony and movement, 859-l. Life of things from the vital fire that blazes in the Sun, 664-l.. Life perpetually caused by the double law of fixedness and movement, 843-u. Life principle familiar to the ancients and Alchemists, 734-l. Life principle is the universal agent, 734-l. Life-principle of the world a universal agent, two natures, a double current, 734-l. Life principle penetrates everything; a ray detached from the Sun, 734-l. Life Principle that moves the world, compared to that which moves Man, 667-l. Life proceeding from the hidden Deity, 555-m. Life represented by a simple Tau; eternal life when circle was added, 505-u. Life rises out of the grave; the soul can not be held by the fettering flesh, 714-m. Life rising out of death an important doctrine of the Mysteries, 395-m. Life, teachings of the dread realities of, 199-l. Life, the blessings of life proceed often from the trials of, 307-l. Life, the creation of God, 143-l. Life well regulated results from the equilibrium between our appetites and Moral Sense, 860-l. Life what we make it by character and adaptation, 193. Life's length measured by what we have done for others,158-l. Light, a name applied to Ainsoph, because unable to express it by any other, 740-m. Light a pure emblem of and first emanation from the Etenal God, 617-l. Light a symbol of Hope to the candidate, 639-m. Light, Ahriman second born of the Primitive, 257-m. Light, all things caused by an emanation of a ray of, 286-u. Light an example of the emanation doctrine of the Gnostics, 248-l. Light, ancient symbols of, meaning, 77-m. Light and Darkness a marked feature of the Eleusinian Mysteries, 403-m. Light and Darkness, a prominent feature in the Mysteries, 402-l. Light and Darkness are the world's eternal ways, 581-m. Light and Darkness contesting for possession of the lunar disk, 468-l. Light and Darkness proceed from the idea of the Active and Passive, 659-l. Light and Darkness, the basis of Ancient Theology according to Plutarch, 402-l. Light and Fire; references to, 285-l. Light and Life emanations from Deity, the archetype of light, 572-m. Light and Whiteness a designation of Leniency, 769-u. Light as applied to Deity is the Substance from which Light flows, 740-m. Light became the first Divinity of the ancients, 443-l. Light coexistent with God; questions concerning, 739-l. Light comes from the etherial substances that compose the active cause, 659-l. Light defined in the book, Omschim, or Introduction to the Kabala, 740-u. Light, Fire, Flame, the Aor of the Deity, manifested in flame, out of the fire, 740-l. Light, Pire, Flame, the sons of the Phoenician Kronos, 740-l. Light, Pire, Flame, the Trinity of the Chaldean oracles, 740-l. Light, Fire not a pure, 251-u. Light for which all Masonic journeys are a search, 252-l. Light forthshone from Deity not severed or diverse from Him, 748-m. Light from above constituted three brains for Microprosopos when the letter He was born, 794-l. Light from the shattered vessels reascended to Binah then flowed down, 797-u. Light has no characteristics of matter, 744-u. Light, Human but a reflection of a ray of the Divine Light, 246-l. Light in excess, being veiled, may be received by those below, 795-l. Light inclosed in the seeds of species has its home in Universal Spirit, 783-m. Light initiates in Bacchian Mysteries cry Hail new-born, 522-u. Light is the creative power of Deity, 267-l. Light is the equilibrium of Shadow and Lucidity, 845-u. Light is the Father and Mother of all, 267-u. Light, modern and ancient conception of, 76-l. Light not Spirit, but the instrument of the Spirit, 98-l. Light not the body of the Protoplastes, but first physical manifestation, 98-l. Light of Ainsoph inheres in the Vessel as their Life, Light, Soul, 755-l. Light of Fire the symbol of the Divine Essence, 742-l. Light of the Countenance of God, the inmost Covering, Aur Penial, 749-m. Light of the Lodge a symbol of—, 240-l. Light of the Substance and that of the Garment in the Primal Ether, 750-m. Light of the Substance of the Infinite a Kabalistic expression, 743-l. Light of the Sun at midnight revealed to the Initiate, 389-m. Light of the Vessels is the Soul of the vessel and is active in them, 755-m. Light of the vestige of garment different from that of the Substance, 750-m. Light of the vestige of the Garment termed a point, Yod, a point in the center of Light, 750-m. Light (or knowledge) of God's existence came from the Power communicated to man by the Word, 598-u. Light, Ormuzd existed in the beginning in the primitive, 256-l. Light, perception of, is the Dawn of the Eternal Life, in Being, 100-l. Light, period of termination of the struggle between Darkness and, 257-l. Light Principle did its work, but the Evil Principle caused Him to be crucified, 567-m. Light-principle one of the ancient conceptions of Deity, 739-m. Light Principle put on the appearance of a human body, 567-m. Light Principle suffered in appearance only, 567-m. Light Principle took the name of Christ in the Messiah, 567-m. Light referred to in the Kabalah, 286-u. Light represented Ormuzd or Ahura Mazda, 612-u. Light seems an emanation from the Creator unfolding all things, 660-u. Light Substance in the Deity, 741-l. Light, symbol of truth and knowledge, 76-m. Light, symbolism of being brought to, 252-l. Light synonymous with Good, 660-m. Light that is the visible manifestation of God active throughout the Universe, 845-m. Light, the cause and principle of all that exists is a Divine Ray of, 267-u. Light the creature of the Unseen God who taught the True religion, 582-u. Light, the final revelation in the Eleusinean Mysteries was, 394-l. Light, the first divinity worshipped because it made known the Universe, 660-u. Light, the head of the universal organism, called Pooroosha, 673-u. Light the Life of the Universe, 575-u. Light, the object of Masonic search, brings us to the Kabala, 741-u. Light the principle of the real existence of primitive men, 443-m. Light the reason of being of the Shadow, 307-l. Light the symbol of most of the Indian and Persian Deities, 601-l. Light, to the Ancients, was the cause of life; flowed from God, 13-u. Light towards which all Masons travel, 256-l. Light, visible, is attended by a shadow proportional to that light, 847-l. Light wanted by the candidate wandering in darkness, 361-u. Light was divine to the Chaldeans and Phoenicians, 582-u. Light was the life of men, said St. John, 743-l. Light was the Life of the Universe, the substance of God and the Soul, 443-l. Light will return into the Plenitude when redemption is accomplished, 564-u. Light worshipped by Sabaeans, 13-u. Lighting and lights of Temples, meaning and reference, 411-u. Lights, Great, 11-m. Lights, Lesser, 12-u. Lights not seen in the North of a Lodge room because—, 592-u. Lights represent Sun, Moon and Mercury, 411-u. Lights, symbols in 12th Degree of the three great, 202-l. Lights: the initiate became an Epopt when admitted to the see the Divine, 521-l. Lights, the three great, represent in the lodge—, 210-u. Lily, a Masonic medal had upon it a sword cutting off the stalk of a, 823-m. Limitation modified by grace, which relaxes it, 764-l. Line being but the extension of a point, an emblem of Unity, 487-u. Line, duality or evil represented by the broken or divided, 487-u. Line, the first principle of Geometry is the straight line, 487-u. Lingham revered in Indian Temples; an emblem of the sexes, 656-u. Lingham, the union of Active and Passive principles, 401-l. Lion holding key in his mouth represents—, 210-m. Lion of the House of Judah furnishes the strong grip, 641-u. Lion, the symbol of Athom-Re, God of Upper Egypt, 254-l. Lions of different colors a symbol of metals in ebullition, 774-m. Lips of a King impressed by a Tau cross at initiation, 505-u. Literal reading of Oriental writings leads into gross errors, 818-m. Live, not all of life to, 191-l. Lodge, a symbolic Temple modeled from the Universe, 7-u. Lodge ceiling, border, brazen sea, symbolism of, 209-m. Lodge, Christian, must have Christian bible, 11-m. Lodge, definition of a, 7-m. Lodge, dimensions of a, 9-l. Lodge, East of American and English, 15-m. Lodge, Hebrew letter Yod in triangle in the East of a; symbolism, 15-m. Lodge, Hebrew, must have Pentateuch, 11-m. Lodge inaugurated by Rousseau became the revolutionary center, 823-l. Lodge, Mohammedan, must have Koran, 11-m. Lodge represents the Universe, 209-l. Lodge supported by three great columns, 7-l. Lodge supported by Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, 7-l. Lodge, symbolism of lights of the, 209-l. Lodge, symbolism of the triangle in the, 209-l. Lodges extend to Heaven from practice of having Temples without roofs, 366-l. Logic of Cicero proving the divinity of the Stars, 670-l. Logos, a name for the Wisdom of the Kabalah, 267-l. Logos dwells in God; is the vehicle by which God acts, 251-u. Logos may be compared to the speech of man, 251-u. Logos personified by Simon Magus and Gnostics, 323-m. Logos produced by the words of the Supreme Deity, 560-m. Logos, the material world created by the, 251-l. Logos; the powers and attributes of God act through the, 251-l. Logos, the word; Mysteries taught incarnation, death, etc., of, 415-u. Logos, the Word through which God acts upon the Universe, 552-l. Logos, the World of ideas; Chief of Intelligence; Adam Kadmon, 251-m. Long Parliament, in periods of convulsion, 30-l. Lord, Rev. W.W., writes concerning present-day materialism, 808-813. Lorja, Jitz-chak, author of the Treatise De Revolutionibus Animarum, 772-l. Lorris, Guillaume de, did not complete the Roman de Rose, 822-l. Lost meaning of the name of Deity the True Word of a Mason, 697-m. Loss of the meaning of the True Word considered loss of the Word itself, 701-l. Louis the Fifteenth, condition of society under, 27-m. Louis the Fifteenth forbade Masonic Lodges in 1737, 50-m. Love, a mythologic image of the grand secret and the grand agent, 732-m. Love a power between the human and the divine, 692-m. Love and Mercy impregnating Rigor and Severity by Benignity, 796-u. Love and Rigor must temper each other to produce creation, 798-l. Love at the bottom of Christianity, 730-l. Love became the universal parent when—, 684-u. Love carries to the gods the prayers of men and brings down the gifts, 692-m. Love, Christ the expounder of the new Law of, 309-m. Love emerging from the Bacchic egg, with Night, organizes Chaos, 663-l. Love, interest in the virtue of those we, 198-m. Love is the attribute of Compassion or Mercy, 796-l. Love of God according to Plato and Christianity, 704-l. Love one another the whole law enunciated by Christianity, 705-u. Love, perfect, denoted by the Father, male, 795-l. Love received scanty homage before the birth of philosophy, 691-l. Love scarcely recognized in the old days of ignorance, 692-u. Love the best pilot, supporter, saviour of all things, 692-u. Love, the highest and most beneficent of the Gods, according to Plato, 682-l. Love, the physician of the Universe, the first born of Nature, 683-u. Love the solution of the problems of the contradictions of existence, 683-l. Loving better than hating, even by Deity Himself, 859-u. Loving Kindness is greater than Hope or Faith; the only thing God requires, 808-m. Loving kindness of the Father enfolds and blesses everything, 715-l. Lowly and uninfluential, importance of the work of the; instances, 41-m. Loyola referred to, 31-u. Lucanus, Ocellus, after Pythagoras, opened a school in Italy, 653-l. Lucanus recognized the eternity of the Universe and the Active and Passive, 653-l. Lucifer, the Evil Force or Devil represented by the false, 102-l. Lucifer, the Lightbearer, Son of the Morning, Spirit of Darkness, 321-u. Lukewarmness to be anathematized, 138-m. Lulle defines mercury, meaning either electricity or astral light, 775-m. Lulle, Raymond, says to make gold must first have gold, 777-l. Lulle, Raymond, treats on Hermetic Science, 774-l. Luther referred to, 31-u. Luther with his sermons worked great results, 43-u. Luxury, extravagance, ostentation, the peril of nations and men, 348-m.
Macrobius in the Sacred Fables explains theory of the Two Principles, 404-l. Macrobious taught that the heavens and spheres were part of the Universal Soul, 669-m. Macrocosmos, the universal organism called Pooroosha, 673-u. Macroprosopos, Arik Aupin, a person composed of ten Numerations, 799-m. Macroprosopos is called in the third person, Hua, He, 793-l. Macroprosopos is the Idea of the Universe when yet Deity was unmanifested in the Absolute, 758-m. Macroprosopos, or Adam Kadmon, constituted with three heads, 758-u. Macroprosopos, the first prototype or Universal, 793-l. Magdol, the sacred Babylonian tower, description of, 234-m. Magi advised by Star of Knowledge when Truth comes into the World, 843-m. Magi came from the East, guided by a Star, to adore the Saviour, 841-l. Magi, Daniel the Chief of the College of the, 255-l. Magi guided to Jerusalem by the Star; the Blazing Star, 842-u. Magi led to a knowledge of the New Name by a study of the Pentagram, 842-u. Magi, many ideas of the Jewish sects were obtained from the, 256-u. Magi: Mysteries concealed the occult science of the, 839-m. Magi of Babylon were expounders, astronomers, divines, 256-u. Magi of the Persians similar to the Druids of Britain, 617-l. Magi received the title of Kings, and Magism is called the "Royal Art", 842-u. Magi saluted Christ in his cradle as hierartic ambassadors, 731-m. Magian dogma the basis of the Kabalah, or primitive tradition, 769-l. Magian Mysteries have a religious, philosophical and natural signification, 773-u. Magian traditions symbolized the law of the equilibrium by Columns, 843-u. Magic: an Absolute Deity independent of Reason is the Idol of Black, 737-l. Magic and occult philosophy of the ancients synonymous, 730-l. Magic at the base was science, 730-l. Magic, High, in Egypt, Greece and Rome, 98-l. Magic, High, styled the "Sacredotal" and the "Royal" Art, 98-l. Magic is that which it is; it is by itself, like the mathematics, 841-l. Magic is the exact and absolute science of nature and its laws, 841-l. Magic is the science of the Ancient Magi, 841-l. Magic, or Magism, reconciles faith and reason, authority and liberty, 842-m. Magic reconciles what are seemingly opposed to each other, 842-m. Magic unites in one science what of Philosophy and Religion is certain, 842-m. Magical agent makes possible the transmutation of metals and the universal medicine, 773-l. Magical Agent of the Hermetics disguised under the name of "Prima Materia", 773-l. Magical ternary which, in human things, corresponds with the Divine Triangle, 738-u. Magism known as the Holy Empire, Realm, or Sanctum Regnum, 842-u. Magism, the science of Abraham, Orpheus, Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, 839-l. Magism under a new veil in the Holy Kabalah, 839-l. Magnet of Paracelsus the chief dependence of the Great Work, 777-m. Magnum-Opus, the Great Work of the Sages, to find the Absolute, 776-l. Mahaatma, the Great Soul; One God; Universal Element; Mind, 673-u. Mahomet adopted the primeval faith and taught the one God idea, 616-l. Mahomet not recognized as an inspired prophet by the Templars, 818-l. Mahomet still governs one-fourth of the human race, 313-l. Mahomet the Second broke a triple-headed serpent of brass at Constantinople, 502-u. Mahometan, in the Orient, more trustworthy than the Christian, 35-l. Maia, Nature's loveliness, the germ of passion, source of worlds, 683-l. Maimonides explains the origin of the worship of Stars, 435-l. Majestic number is Three, denoting the triple divine essence, 628-m. Majority of men have an ideal justice, juster than the law, 834-l. Malakoth gives ten Sephiroth to each of the four Worlds, 784-l. Malakoth is a person, the wife of Microprosopos, 799-l. Malakoth is female and the matrix out of which all creation is born, 769-m. Malakoth is Perpetuity and Continuity without solution, 768-u. Malakoth, one of the Sephiroth; Rule, Reign, Royalty, Dominion, Power, 753-m. Malakoth, Regnum, a separate person behind and in conjunction with Microprosopos, 794-l. Malakoth represents the field wherein are to be sown the seeds of the Secret Minerals, 799-u. Malakoth represents the metallic woman and Morn of the Sages, 799-u. Malakoth (says the Apparatus) is called Haikal, Temple or Palace, 799-u. Malakoth unites with her husband, Microprosopos, when face is turned to face, 799-l. Male agents: Heavens and Sun have been regarded as the, 851-m. Male and Female; all things are constituted, 763-m. Male and Female are in equilibrium as Hakemah and Binah, 763-m. Male and Female are the Active and the Passive symbols, 784-l. Male and Female created he them, 698-l. Male and Female created He them; in the image of Deity, 849-l. Male and Female formed; the anterior and posterior adhering to one another, 749-l. Male and Female Force designated by I.H.U.H.; First Born of—, 267-u. Male and female God created things that they might continue, 800-u. Male and Female mutually tempering each other are Benignity and Severity, 768-l. Male and Female principles; most profound idea of the, 700-m. Male and Female was the form of the Universe, 763-m. Male and female was the person into the form of which the Circles were changed, 757-m. Male and female were the prominent Deities of the Mysteries, 377-u. Male and Female, within the occult Wisdom the Supreme Crown is fashioned, 762-l. Male, in the Idra Rabla, is right; female is left, 763-u. Male is Yod, He is female, Vav is both, 763-m. Male on one side, female on the other; the Supreme Will holding the Balance, 769-l. Male principle of the Alchemists represented by Air and the Earth, 791-l. Male represented by the perpendicular of a right angle triangle, 789-m. Male side of Hermetic figure has a Sun; the hand holding a Compass, 850-m. Malkarth, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Malkarth, Temple of, in the city of Tyre, 9-m. Malkuth, the female organ of generation of Adam Kadmon, 758-m. Man, a free agent, responsible and punishable for his sins, 577-u. Man, a thing to be thankful for is to be a, 140-m. Man an effect of the world and eternal like it, 654-l. Man an intelligent and free being, the fifth Truth of Masonry, 534-l. Man and the World created in the image of Ialdaboth, 563-m. Man assumes his rank as a moral agent with consciousness of freedom, 668-m. Man attains the purposes of his being when his two natures are in equilibrium, 861-l. Man becomes a part of God when disengaged from his senses, 610-u. Man becomes immortal in the influences that survive him, 312-m. Man but an animal until God's immaterial spark penetrated his brain, 582-l. Man but an intelligent animal if there he nothing Divine in him, 857-l. Man by taking thought can enlarge his soul, 813-m. Man called a "macrocosm" because possessing in miniature the qualities of the Universe, 667-l. Man can bend circumstances to the purposes of his nature, 192-l. Man can not always find work and food, 179. Man capable of a higher Love which lifts him beyond himself, 692-m. Man capable of respect and love for others: justice and charity, 703-u. Man: categorical questions concerning, 649-u. Man: characteristics of a generous, 121-l. Man communing with God, his vision eternity, abode infinity, 245-u. Man compared to the World or Universe; called a "microcosm", 667-l. Man created by God, Male and Female created he them, 849-l. Man created for the sake of man, 120-m. Man creates God in the heaven of human conceptions, 736-u. Man created in the image of Alhim, Male and Female, 698-l. Man created pure and received Truth and Light from God, 582-u. Man dependent on the heavens and the genii that there inhabit, 474-u. Man descended from the elemental forces or Titans commemorates—, 393-l. Man disappointed when he realizes he has fallen, 652-l. Man disputes with and kills his neighbor in matters of opinion, 530-m. Man distinguished from animals by the use of Thought, 738-m. Man, effects of generosity in a, 122-u. Man, evil thoughts and occasions come to the corrupt, 194-m. Man formed of the dust of the earth by Yehouah, who breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, 851-l. Man, free and subject to obligation, is a moral person with rights, 725-m. Man had the Word in the beginning, and the Word was from God, 581-l. Man has a noble work to perform in himself, 349-m. Man has fallen; may be raised by following the directions of Wisdom, 252-u. Man has natural empire over all institutions, 23-l. Man has power to commune with God, 199-m. Man in the 17th Degree, symbolism of, 256-l. Man is a moral person, one endowed with reason and liberty, 703-u. Man is both human and divine, the antagonisms of his nature are—, 765-u. Man is one, though of a double nature, 861-l. Man is Free because he can modify nature's laws in regard to himself, 696-m. Man is by nature cruel, like the tigers, 49-m. Man lost a knowledge of God, the Absolute Existence, 583-m. Man made in the image of God and placed in Asia, cradle of the race, 598-m. Man makes Deity in his own image, 652-u. Man makes God in his own image and thinks God created them in His, 736-u. Man must be a worker; the Earth and Air his laboratory, 344-l. Man most dogmatizes on the inconceivable, 222-l. Man most nearly approaches the Divine perfections, 610-u. Man not a spiritual, but a composite being, 232-u. Man not a terrestrial plant; his roots are in Heaven, 520-m. Man not the central point of the Universe, 711-m. Man, on earth, performs God's work, 736-u. Man or the animal dying the Universe withdraws its eternal spirit, 666-u. Man partakes of the Divine nature as well as elementary nature, 667-l. Man, relative unimportance of; effect on the Soul, 303-m. Man requires something tangible to exalt his mind to a due conception of Deity, 617-l. Man sees evidences of design and God in Nature, 647-l. Man should not be angry at animal characteristics in men, 76-u. Man struggles to place himself in communion with Deity, 652-653. Man successively under the influence of the Stars, Sun and Moon, 255-m. Man, the Divine, is the beginning of all creation, 760-m. Man, the Divine, is the principle of Direct Light, 760-m. Man, the Divine, supplies all things to all, 760-m. Man, the Material, is the end and completion of all creation, 760-m. Man, the Material, is the principle of reflected light, 760-m. Man, the Material, receives all things from all, 760-m. Man, the name for Malakoth, Regnum and Microprosopos jointly, 794-l. Man, the present condition not the same as that of primitive, 252-u. Man the result of the Creative Thought of God, 582-l. Man, the unit of Humanity, is a microcosm, 760-m. Man, though insignificant, seeks to know God and His methods, 530-m. Man unites the Divine and the Human, 858-m. Man venerable or formidable but to a small part of his fellow creatures, 120-u. Man-Woman, crowned with flames, on a cube, winged, bearded symbol of Mercury, 774-m. Man, worldly, covetous, sensual, must change before being a good Mason, 122-m. Man's desire to do something that will live after him, 312-u. Man's destruction comes not from the Gods, but from himself, 690-l. Man's domain is corporeal nature, visible on earth, 736-m. Man's existence in the infinite being of God, 707-m. Man's faculties change not the Divine nature, 652-m. Man's life a success when it is a harmony and beautiful, 861-l. Man's life should be like the Great Harmony of God and the Universe, 861-l. Man's material and mortal portion comes from the earth, 851-l. Man's moral responsibility affected by the question of Evil 684-m. Man's morality is the instrument of God's justice, 838-m. Man's normal condition is progress, 691-l. Man's soul a part of the intelligent Soul of the Universe, therefore intelligent, 670-u. Man's Soul breathed into him by God is immortal as God's Thoughts are, 577-u. Man's soul is immortal, but its mode of existence Masonry does not settle, 525-u. Man's soul is man himself, 668-l. Man's spiritual and immortal portion comes from the Heavens, 851-l. Man's supreme object, the Good; his law, Virtue, 725-l. Man's true unhappiness is that he can not get his destiny fulfilled, 341-u. Man's union with Deity the aspiration of the religious sentiment, 652-m. Man's Very Self is his Soul, which is not subject to decay, 852-l. Man's virtues are God's attributes, 704-u. Mandaites recognized 365,000 emanations, 568-u. Manes claimed to be the Parakletos or Comforter, organ of the Deity, 565-m. Manes derived his doctrine from Zoroasterism, Christianity, Gnosticism, 565-m. Manes' dominant idea was Pantheism from India and China, 565-m. Manes, founder of the Manicheans, lived among the Persian Magi, 565-m. Manes, two Principles symbolized by white and black in juxtaposition, 818-m. Manifestation is the same as occultation, 795-l. Manifestation theory of the Gnostics, 555-l. Manifestations of God as Father, Son, Holy Ghost, how considered, 270-m. Manifestations of God fill all so-called empty space and void, 845-l. Manifestations of God received the germ of His creations, 559-l. Manifestations of Man and the Church were twelve, 560-u. Manifestations of the Eons were the Word and Life, 560-u. Manifestations of the numerations potentially in Kether, 756-u. Manifestations of the Word and Life were Man and the Church, 560-u. Manifold and particulars evolved from the One General source, 765-m. Manilius sings of the invisible and potent Soul of Nature, 668-u. Mankind flowed into India, China, Persia, Arabia, Phoenicia, 598-m. Mankind held in pledge by the principle of Evil until ransomed, 567-l. Mantras' idea asserted and developed in the Upanischadas, 672-l. Marats in period of convulsion, 30-l. Marcion, the Gnostic, says concerning the Soul—, 287-m. Marcosians taught that Deity produced by His words the Logos, 560-m. Marcus, the disciple of Valentinus, spun the idea of a Word into subtile details, 56l-m. Marius in period of convulsion, 30-l. Mark, in the shape of a fish, used by early Christians as a pledge of friendship, 547-l. Marriage of heaven and earth sung by Virgil and Columella, 658-l. Marriage of man and woman an image of the union of Nature with herself, 656-l. Marriage represented by the number five, which reproduces itself, 634-u. Mars gives the Soul valor, enterprise, impetuosity, as it passes through—, 439-m. Mars represents Force, 727-l. Mars the name of the fifth gate of the ladder; material, copper, 414-m. Mars: the religious Mysteries of the Gauls were called the School of, 625-u. "Marseillaise," value of, to revolutionary France, 92-m. Martin Luther: anti-papal doctrines written previous to, 95-l. Mary and Joseph, parents of Jesus, to whom the Word had united itself, 564-l. Masaniello's fall referred to, 33-m. Mason a votary of Liberty and Justice, 156-u. Mason at first entrance assumes new duties, 176-l. Mason deceived who thinks there is nothing to be done in Masonry, 185-l. Mason, definition of, 219-l. Mason, duties of, 219-l. Mason, duties of, if he wishes to imitate the Master Khurum, 116-m. Mason entitled to be called a perfect Elu; when—, 228-l. Mason, good, does good naturally and because he longs to, 163-m. Mason has not lived in vain, when—, 155-m. Mason held by his promises to a purer life, to toleration, charity, generosity, 726-l. Mason, honest business dealings of a, 116-118. Mason, moral courage of a, fostered and encouraged, 154-u. Mason must be convinced that he has a soul capable of progressive development, 855-u. Mason not only a moralist and philosopher, but a soldier, 578-u. Mason of nobler mould reaches a reward through pain and work, 229-m. Mason, precepts to be followed by, 185-m. Mason required to kneel only in prayer or to receive Knighthood, 326-l. Mason should assume the title of a "lover of wisdom", 691-l. Mason should be—, 113-m. Mason should be humble and modest before God, 338-u. Mason should be satisfied there is a real God, infinitely wise, 338-l. Mason should have no alliance with impractical theorists, 338-m. Mason should live while he lives and enjoy life, 345-l. Mason should steer away from vain philosophies, 338-u. Mason should treat his brother who goes astray with charity, 133-m. Mason, sympathy is the great distinguishing characteristic of a, 176-m. Mason, that all men shall form one family is the hope of the, 233-u. Mason: the only good Mason is—, 162-u. Mason, the true, 27-l. Mason, the True, is a Philosopher; his aims as such, 325-u. Mason, thoughtful, looks on fallen beings and offenses as solemn things, 132-m. Mason to look beyond calamity to the end that rises bright, 181-m. Mason, to sow that others may reap is the true office of a, 317-m. Masonic belief in—, 220-l. Masonic beliefs, effects of, 195-l. Masonic Brotherhood made possible by the Royal Secret, 861-l. Masonic burial, eulogies at, 187-m. Masonic citizenship creates a new bond, 220-m. Masonic Creed, Believe, Hope, be Charitable, 531-u. Masonic culture, to find sublime devotion a part of, 192-u. Masonic Degrees cheapened, overdone pomp and display due to Anti-Masons, 814-m. Masonic doctrine in religious Truths, 576-l. Masonic doctrine that God is One; that His Thought—, 576-l. Masonic duties, first of, 137-u. Masonic idea of God and his creations and acts, 524-l. Masonic ideas in some measure analogous to those of Plato and the Gnostics, 250-m. Masonic implements used symbolically, 787-m. Masonic juror, position to be taken by the, 135-u. Masonic Knight must devote himself to the worship of Truth, 579-m. Masonic Light, meaning of, 287-m. Masonic Lodge should resemble a bee hive, 138-m. Masonic lodge, teachings inculcated in a, 213-l. Masonic Lodge, what it can do, 173-m. Masonic Lodges, ceremonies explained in, 186-m. Masonic Lodges, great problems and useful instruction in, 186-m. Masonic lodges should be temples of knowledge, 170-l. Masonic moral code more extensive than that developed by philosophy, 726-m. Masonic morality that of the primitive religions, 541-m. Masonic obligations a contract with every other brother, 726-m. Masonic obligations; mature and effect of, 726-m. Masonic obligations taken upon the Compass, Square, Books, 854-m. Masonic Order, name of, titles and degrees, not known in the past, 207-l. Masonic philosophical Cross an image of generative power, 771-l. Masonic philosophy and morality; the True Word of a Master, 727-u. Masonic secret manifests itself without speech, 218-l. Masonic secret partially revealed in Apprentice Degree, 219-u. Masonic sense, religious tendency in the, 212-l. Masonic studies, true objects of, 25-u. Masonic symbolism of the three great lights, 202-u. Masonic symbols become lessons of wisdom when understood, 597-m. Masonic teachings concerning a life of action, 243-m. Masonic Titles, qualified to enlighten should be the wearers of, 186-l. Masonic Trinity: the Universal Soul; Thought in the Soul; the Word, 575-l. Masonic True Word finds a meaning in the ineffable name of Deity, 697-m. Masonic unbeliefs, effects of, 196-u. Masonic work along charitable and educational lines, 186-u. Masonic work yet to be done, 187-l. Masonry, a Sphinx nearly buried in the sands, 819-m. Masonry a struggle toward the Light of Virtue, Manliness, Liberty, Intelligence, 32-u. Masonry, a succession of allegories and lessons in morality and philosophy, 106-u. Masonry acknowledges the good and true in all creeds, 718-l. Masonry adopted St. John, the Evangelist, and John the Baptist, 818-u. Masonry an imperfect image of the Ancient Mysteries, 624-l. Masonry and Hermetic philosophy contain the Ternary, 791-l. Masonry and philosophy have the same object, 325-u. Masonry and the French Revolution, 24-m. Masonry apart from all sects and creeds, same everywhere, 153-m. Masonry approves or disapproves of—, 161. Masonry assumes the mask of Stone Masonry, 24-m. Masonry believes Evil will be overcome finally, but does not determine how, 525-m. Masonry believes that ills and suffering are means to purify the heart, 718-m. Masonry believes the Truth in every creed, 525-l. Masonry belongs to no one creed or school, 311-l. Masonry, Blue, as at present, not traceable earlier than 1700 A.D, 208-u. Masonry but qualifiedly identical with the Mysteries, 624-l. Masonry can do much if each Mason does his share, 175-m. Masonry can not cease laboring for social progress, 188-u. Masonry, chief object of, 137-u. Masonry, chief obstacles to the success of, 237-m. Masonry constantly warring against the evil principle, 221-m. Masonry: De Molai said to have instituted an occult, Hermetic, Scottish, 820-l. Masonry declines to dogmatize in the details of faith or religion, 576-u. Masonry, degeneration of; simplicity of former organization, 325-m. Masonry defined; its purposes, essence, spirit, stated, 854-m. Masonry denies the right of any man to assume the prerogative of Deity, 161-u. Masonry, device of; motto of, 220-l. Masonry, devotees of all religions accepted by, 226-u. Masonry does not exist where there is strife and hatred, 124-u. Masonry does not meddle with the subtleties of philosophy, 525-u. Masonry, dogma of, 220-l. Masonry enforces the lessons of Him who died on the Cross, 221-m. Masonry engaged in a crusade against—, 237-m. Masonry forced by despotism and superstition to invent symbols, 221-l. Masonry, forms, as at present not the same as in past ages of, 207-l. Masonry, foundation and superstructure, 23-m. Masonry founded on the philosophy known and practiced by Solomon, 785-l. Masonry gathers the Truths of the old religions and philosophies, 275. Masonry, Great Apostle of Peace, Harmony, Good Will, Liberty,. Equality, Fraternity, 112-l. Masonry grows through the wreck of empires, 315-l. Masonry has appropriated the Solstices and Sts. John, 595-m. Masonry has become a science, 540-m. Masonry has developed the advantages to be reaped from Mysteries, 540-m. Masonry has eternal duties, 20-l. Masonry has helped cast down some idols from their pedestals, 95-l. Masonry has her mission to perform, 311-l. Masonry has preserved the Divine Truth given to the first men, 136-m. Masonry hopes and longs for the elevation of mankind, 154-m. Masonry in England "purged" from revolutionary ideas, 50-u. Masonry in France gave as its secret Equality and Liberty, 50-u. Masonry in heart traceable centuries previous to Solomon, 208-u. Masonry, in the higher degrees, contains the Hermetic science, in. certain symbols, 840-l. Masonry, inactivity and superficiality of, 150—. Masonry invites all men of all religions to war against wrong, 311-l. Masonry is a continual struggle toward the light, 223-u. Masonry is a Worship in which all civilized men may unite, 526-u. Masonry is continual effort to exalt the nobler nature over the ignoble, 813-m. Masonry is not a religion, 161-m. Masonry is philanthropic, 221-u. Masonry is philosophical because—, 221-m. Masonry is the apotheosis of Work, 340-u. Masonry is the great Peace Society of the world, 124-m. Masonry is the subjugation of the Human that is in Man by the Divine, 854-l. Masonry is the universal morality suitable to every man, 161-l. Masonry is work and the laboring man the peer of any, 242-m. Masonry is Worship; declaration in Apprentice Degree, 219-u. Masonry, labors of, that excite zeal, 138-m. Masonry labors to equilibrate in us the Human and the Divine, 860-l. Masonry labors to improve the social order by—, 219-u. Masonry leaves each to the practice of his own religion, 226-m. Masonry leaves to others the inquiry into methods and creeds, 524-525. Masonry: Man is an intelligent and free being, the fifth Truth of, 534-l. Masonry marches on towards the day when Evil is overcome, 287-l. Masonry, morality and virtue the bases of, 185-u. Masonry, multiplication of Degrees and additional ceremonials in, 326-u. Masonry must do all in its power to inform and protect the people, 180-m. Masonry, need for activity in its labors, 93-m. Masonry neither a political nor a religious sect, 220-l. Masonry not a cold metaphysical proposition, 331-u Masonry not for cold souls and narrow minds, 138-m. Masonry not infallible; should not dictate what others should believe, 642-m. Masonry not "speculative," but experimental, 149-m. Masonry now retains its ancient symbols, 221-l. Masonry, object of, 220-l. Masonry: Occult science of the Magi found in the enigmas of the high degrees of, 839-m. Masonry, or Free or Frank-Masonry, 207-l. Masonry ordained to bestow manhood, science, philosophy, 25-u. Masonry, orders of architecture representing divisions of, 202-u. Masonry perpetuates a Truth in imparting the True Word, 642-l. Masonry philanthropic, philosophical, progressive, 220-l. Masonry prescribed, dates, and by whom, 50-m. Masonry properly expounded is the interpretation of nature, philosophy and—, 625-m. Masonry, questions concerning doings in, 185-l. Masonry recognizes the important position of necessity, 154-u. Masonry reiterates the maxims of the philosophers, 221-m. Masonry reiterates the moral precepts of all religions, 718-l. Masonry rejects no religious belief; is of no one religion, 524. Masonry, religion and philosophy of, 275. Masonry represents the Good principle and its prototypes, 221-m. Masonry requires every man to do something, 173-u. Masonry requires nothing impracticable, 172-l. Masonry resorted to by the Alchemists who invented Degrees, 731-u. Masonry reverences all reformers, but does not define their Divinity, 525-l. Masonry reveres the character of the Great Master, 718-721. Masonry same today as at the birth of the race, 153-m. Masonry seeks to be the beneficent guide in the Progress towards. Freedom, 95-m. Masonry seeks to ennoble common life, 350-l. Masonry stands for the nobility of Labor, 343-l. Masonry, study and reflection necessary for an understanding of, 107-m. Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, teaches by symbols, 22-l. Masonry symbolized and taught by the Compass and Square, 854-m. Masonry, sympathies of, are with a people striving to be free, 154-m. Masonry sympathises and inculcates respect for labor, 340-u. Masonry taught by the Balance, the symbol of all Equilibrium, 854-m. Masonry taught by the Cross, symbol of devotedness and self-sacrifice, 854-m. Masonry taught to the Knight by the Swords, symbols of Honor and Duty, 854-m. Masonry, traditions and symbols of, antedates Egypt, 311-l. Masonry, teachings of, eminently practical, 138-l. Masonry, teachings of; where learned, 316-u. Masonry teaches Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, 23-m. Masonry teaches that all actions are foreseen by God, 239-m. Masonry teaches that all Power is delegated for the good of the people, 155-l. Masonry teaches that every idler should engage in some labor, 343-l. Masonry teaches that God is a Paternal Being, 239-u. Masonry teaches that God is, of necessity, good, 717-l. Masonry teaches that it is better to love than to hate, 813-u. Masonry teaches that the Present is our scene of action, 139-m. Masonry teaches that the pursuits of this life tend to—, 211-l. Masonry teaches that the soul of man is an emanation, 239-l. Masonry teaches the old primitive Truths, 161-l. Masonry teaches the rights, duties and interests of men, 25-u. Masonry teaches the soul of man is made for virtue, 239-l. Masonry teaches the wisdom of Plato and Socrates, 221-m. Masonry teaches Toleration and rebukes abuse of power, 74-l. Masonry teaches truths written by the finger of God on the heart, 139-u. Masonry teaches us to appreciate this life and world, 142-u. Masonry teaches we are not all mortal; that the Spirit is our Very Self, 852-l. Masonry: that good men are tending to the realm of Perfection is the one great Truth of, 538-u. Masonry: that the Justice, Wisdom and Mercy of God are infinite is the ninth Truth of, 537-u. Masonry: that the laws of the Universe are those of motion, etc., is the eighth Truth of, 536-m. Masonry: the absoluteness of moral truth, the fourth Truth of, 534-u. Masonry the actual Worker, the Toiler, 346-l. Masonry the child of the Kabalah and Essenism together, 818-u. Masonry: the history of Philosophy is the history of, 540-m. Masonry: the impulse which directs to right conduct, third Truth of, 533-m. Masonry the interpreter of the true knowledge of God, 209-u. Masonry the lineal descendant of the higher science of Egypt, 253-l. Masonry: the necessity of practicing the moral truths, the sixth Truth of, 535-m. Masonry, the practical object of, 218-m. Masonry, the primitive Christianity organized into, 325-l. Masonry, the universal character of, 276-l. Masonry the universal, eternal, immutable religion, 219-m. Masonry: to be charitable in the broadest sense, the seventh Truth of, 536-u. Masonry to exert itself in the cause of humanity, 27-l. Masonry, to live happily we must embrace the great truths of, 196-m. Masonry took the place of the school of Pythagoras, 625-u. Masonry Trusts, Believes, Waits, 526-u. Masonry under the banner of Charity preserves religious feeling, 138-u. Masonry, usefulness of, 113-u. Masonry, what constitutes, 207-l. Masonry within must be Morality without, 162-l. Masonry, work and mission, 152-155. Masonry, work is the duty of 185-l. Masonry writes on its banners its principles displayed in every country, 221-l. Masonry's best friends and worst enemies were the Anti-Masons, 814-m. Masonry's creed that taught by nature and reason, 718-l. Masonry's examples and teachings neglected outside the Lodge, 151-m. Masonry's obligations little regarded; political elections; empty pomp, 807-m. Masons accept the views of religion and duty that are—, 226-m. Masons and Masonry true to their mission bring great results, 175-l. Mason's belief tends to the highest eminence in virtue, 228-l. Mason's belief that his individual good is in God's consideration, 228-l. Mason's belief that pain is ordained for his chastening, 228-m. Masons' belief that sorrows are the result of the operation of laws, 228-m. Masons believe in great minds in all ages speaking by inspiration, 225-u. Masons believe that God has arranged this world with a plan, 225-m. Mason's business is to read the book of Nature, 216-u. Mason's conception and belief in God, 224-l. Masons form uncharitable opinions of Masons, 186-u. Masons ignorant of the Clavicles and their contents and the Pantacle of Solomon, 789-u. Masons, in all religions and countries are found good, 162-l. Masons, knowledge made known to Perfect, 207-l. Masons may help deepen the channel in which God's justice runs, 838-l. Masons may lawfully and earnestly desire a fortune when—, 346-u. Masons-Militant of Zorobabel the model of the Templars, 816-m. Masons, not tolerant of religious and political opinions of Masons, 186-u. Masons of old concealed important points of their Art under hieroglyphic characters, 785-l. Masons' relations to God, 227-l. Mason's rule is to speak of the virtues and be silent as to the vices, 337-l. Masons should do what is possible and practicable and enforce justice, 838-l. Masons still go to Law, unnecessarily, with Masons, 185-l. Masons taught square of wisdom, level of humility, plumb of justice, 641-l. Masons taught to—, 221-u. Masons venerate in the triangle, the mystery of the Sacred Triad, 631-m. Masons who comprehend it are ministers of the universal religion, 219-m. Mason's Word, the true knowledge of God, 209-u. Masoretic points invented after beginning of our era, 205-m. Mass of the Catechumens and that of the Faithful parts of Christian Mysteries, 541-l. Mass: the celebration of the Mysteries of Mithras, 541-l. Master a symbol of the Redeemer when bringing candidate to light, 639-m. Master, Masonry reveres the character of the Great, 718-721. Master Mason studies the animal kingdom, symbolized by Maeh, 632-u. "Master of Life," to the ancients, was the Supreme Deity, 13-u. Master of Light and Life, Sun and Moon, symbols of, 13-m. Master of the Lodge and Wardens, duty of, 13-m. Master of the Lodge substituted for Mercury as one of the Lights, 411-u. Master of the Royal Secret, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 32d Degree, 839. Master of the Symbolic Lodge, 20th Degree, duty of a, 325-333. Master, place of Light where the name of Deity hangs over the, 287-l. Master, Third Degree, 62-u. Master works with Chalk, Charcoal and a vessel of Clay, 548-m. Master's Compass has both the points above; symbolizing the rule of the spiritual, 854-l. "Materia Prima" of Valentinus contains an Hermetic symbol, 850-m. Maternal agency, the subjective world, generally a phantasm, 673-m. Material and Spiritual natures in equilibrium; Light and Darkness, 764-l. Material existence evolved from the Pythagorean Monad, 675-l. Material, result of seeking the mere, 12-m. Material the element of communion between man and God, 714-u. Materialism and Pantheism avoided by an independent mind, 677-m. Matter and mind dual from the idea of an independent mind, 677-l. Matter and Spirit originally were in Deity, 700-m. Matter: categorical questions concerning, 648. Matter created by God by a thought; after matter, worlds and man, 609-m. Matter dead to the world revivified by vegetation of the Tree of Life, 786-l. Matter deemed the female amongst the ancients, 700-m. Matter existed eternal like the Spiritual Principle, 563-u. Matter is not eternal; God the only original Existence, 701-l. Matter makes no encroachment on the Divine Life, 556-u Matter not coexistent with Deity, 700-m Matter: one of the two eternal principles is Darkness and Primitive, 567-l. Matter opposed to the beneficent force which gives it organization, 664-u. Matter possesses virtues, qualities and powers, 414-l. Matter represented by nine, or three times three; symbolism of nine to four, 633-m. Matter, the Mother, the receptacle and place of generation, one of a Triad, 548-l. Matter the origin of Satan and his demons, 567-l. Matter, the passive principle, reproductive power, one of the Egyptian Triads, 548-l. Matter, the principle of all the passions, etc, 520-m. Matter, when operated on by the Word, became the Universe, 607-l. Maximin, horrors of despotism under, 27-u. Maxims of ancient philosophers and religions, 167-170. Maximus Taurinus defines the tessera as a sign and symbol, 548-u. Maya, Mother of All, sprung from Brahm, the Source of All, 849-l. Meaning and pronunciation of Ineffable Name lost to all but a few, 700-l. Meaning of the Active and Passive powers of male and female principles, 701-l. Meaning of the True Word of a Mason involves its proper pronunciation, 697-m. Media which manifest the First Cause are the Sephiroth, 761-u. Mediaeval occult associations brought into disrepute by the symbol of Baphomet, 779-l. Mediator, a name given by the Persians to the Sun, Archimagus, 612-m. Medical science has made great strides, but plague and pestilence destroy yet, 811.. Melampus introduced the veneration of the generative organs from Egypt, 656-m. Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, says that the mind is God's likeness, 857-l. Men are ever on the side of justice and humanity, 834-l. Men are the instruments of God's principles, 838-m. Men, as a mass, are looking for what is just, 834-u. Men converted from the worship of Ahriman by prophets, 613-u. Men, different effects of the business of the world on, 194-l. Men do not perceive the worth of their minds, 200-m. Men, good in general, but bad in particular, 151-l. Men, good, prone to pass by fallen brother with lofty step, 133-u. Men, greatest, not acceptable to the mass of mankind, 37-m. Men in every country of the old heroic strain and stamp, 805-l. Men, in literature, look for practical justice, 834-l. Men often gloat and exult over the faults of neighbors, 133-m. Men, Temples not built with hands the meeting place of primitive, 277-u. Men tend to become distinguished for other than heroic, knightly deeds, 805-m. Men, the automata of Providence, used to effect that they do not dream of, 814-m. Men, the great works of man due to individual, 238-u. Men's difference in faculty of communication, 200-m. Men's respect for themselves, measure of, 200-m. Menander speaks of God, Chance, Intelligence, as undistinguishable, 694-m. Mendes: the universal agent represented by hermaphroditic goat of, 734-u. Menou, the Hindu lawgiver, adored the divine light and, 609-m. Mental principle instead of a physical one deified by man, 652-u. Mercury fecundated by Sulphur becoming the Master and regenerator of Salt, explained, 778-u. Mercury gives the Soul the faculty of expressing and enunciating, 439-m. Mercury in philosophy represents personal aptitude and labor, 790-u. Mercury, one of the great symbols of the Alchemists, 57-u. Mercury, personified as Hermanubis in Egypt, given a dog's head, 779-l. Mercury represents Prudence, 727-l. Mercury, Salt, Sulphur, but accessories of the Great Work, 777-m. Mercury the constant companion and counsellor of Isis or Virgo, 507-m. Mercury, the name of the fourth gate of the ladder; material iron, 414-m. Mercury, with the Hermetics, corresponds with the Air and Water, 773-l. Mercy conjoined with Judgment and the Divine Mercies sustain the Universe, 800-u. Mercy or Compassion mediating between Benignity and Judicial Rigor, 799-u. Merit and demerit law absolute, 706-u. Merit is the natural right which we have to be rewarded, 723-l. Meru, pyramids and artificial hills were imitations of the mountain, 234-u. Mesmer's partial guess at the great force known to the ancients, 734-u. Metals were deemed to be seven in number and assigned to a planet, 728-l. Metals which contain the principles of the great work are six, 788-u. Metaphysical ideas of the Mysteries represented by symbols, 385-u. Metaphysical name of Deity not understood by common people, 700-l. Metatron, the Cherub, one of the Chiefs of the Kabalistic Angels, 784-l. Meung, Jean de, completed Lorris' Roman de Rose, 823-u. Mexican legends probably carried by the Phoenician voyagers, 594-l. Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon, 501-u. Michael, the face of the Lion, on the South and right hand with Yod and Water, 798-m. Microcosm, a little world, a Pythagorean name for man, 667-l. Microprosopos afterwards raised to the Aziluthic sphere, 793-m. Microprosopos and Malakoth, Regnum, are jointly called man, 794-l. Microprosopos composed of the six Numerations, 793-m. Microprosopos configured in the form of the Most Holy, 794-u. Microprosopos first occupied the place afterwards filled by the world, Briah, 793-m. Microprosopos formed like Macroprosopos, but without Kether, the will, 793-l. Microprosopos given three brains by Light from above when the letter He was born, 794-l. Microprosopos has for wife Malakoth, who is behind him; explanation, 799-l. Microprosopos invested with a portion of the Divine Intellectual Power, 793-l. Microprosopos is called Alohim, 795-u. Microprosopos is second garment with respect to the Elder Most Holy, 795-u. Microprosopos issued forth back to back and yet cohering, 795-l. Microprosopos issued from the Father and was intermingled with the Mother, 794-l. Microprosopos, like the letter Vau in the letter He; without a head, 794-l. Microprosopos, or Seir Aupin, produced by conjunction of Vau and He, 793-u. Microprosopos represented under the form of man, 793-m. Microprosopos, the second Universal, speaks in the first person, Ani, I, 793-l. Microprosopos was the beginning, the numerations proceeding to act, 795-u. Middle ground between Atheism and Pantheism, 672-u. Midgard Serpent sunk beneath the sea by Odin, 499-u. Military power, independent of the Rule, an armed tyranny, 3-l. Milky Way or Galaxy crosses the Zodiac at tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, 437-l. Milky Way, the pathway of souls, passes near the Equinoxes, 413-l. Milton expresses the Hebraic doctrine concerning Light and God, 739-l. Mimansa interprets the meaning of the Manthras, 672-l. Mimansa proclaims "Nothing was but Mind", 672-l. Mind: all things directed, known, seen by the Supreme External, 677-u. Mind and matter dual from the idea of an independent mind, 677-l. Mind early conceived the Unity of Nature and a pervading Spiritual Essence, 687-m. Mind happy in proportion to its fidelity and wisdom, 195-u. Mind has supreme empire over all things, 677-u. Mind, in metaphysics, can not advance beyond self-deification, 678-u. Mind is all which man permanently is, 200-u. Mind is God's likeness, according to Meliton, 857-l. Mind may believe and know that which is unexplainable, 569-u. Mind picture of God, if false, as much an idol as a wooden one, 693-m. Mind the Macrocosmos, the Universal Organism, Pooroosha, 673-u. Mind the material as well as the efficient cause, 673-u. Mind the self conscious power of thought extended to the Universe, 677-u. Mind the Universal Element; One God; Great Soul; Mahaatma, 673-u. Mind the web and the weaver of the world, 673-u. Mind, Virtue, Heaven, Immortality, exist in the thought of a, 201-l. Mind's misery principally its own fault, 195-u. Mind's universal medicine is mathematical and practical Truth, 773-m. Mineral Kingdom symbolized by Tub, studied by the Apprentice, 632-u. Minerva, a woman in armor, born of the brain of Jove, 849-l. "Minerva Munde," attributed to Hermes' Trismegistus, 790-m. Minerva of the Greeks was the Isis of Egypt, 380-m. Minucius Felix, a lawyer of Rome, defends the secrecy of Christianity, 547-m. Miracles are the natural effects of exceptional causes, 735-l. Miracles effected by the absolute in reason and will, 736-m. Miracles in the phenomena of the Universe, 526-527. Miracles of Moses performed in virtue of the name engraved on his rod, 621-m. Miracles wrongly regarded as effects without causes, 735-l. Misery, principle of, not an evil one, 181-u. Mithraic cave displayed the Zodiacal and other constellations and—, 413-l. Mithraic feast day the 25th of December, 587-m. Mithraic initiations practiced in caves; a ladder erected, 233-l. Mithraic initiations required the death of a human victim, 424-u. Mithraic Initiations used a seven-step ladder, 851-l. Mithraic ladder, Faber's opinion of the, 234-l. Mithraic Mysteries, 10-m. Mithraic Mysteries belonged to Persia; description, 424-u. Mithraic Mysteries connected with the Heavenly Bodies, 507-l. Mithraic Mysteries flourished in the Roman Empire, 424-u. Mithraic Mysteries, gates marked at points of the Zodiac, 10-l. Mithraic Mysteries, ladder in the ceremony of initiation, 11-u. Mithras a symbol of the Sun, the Archimagus, 612-m. Mithras, a Tau cross inscribed on the forehead of the initiate of, 505-u. Mithras adored under different names by different peoples, 587-l. Mithras bearing a sword, seated on a Bull presides over the Equinoxes, 413-l. Mithras by reason of his death and sufferings secured salvation, 406-l. Mithras: celebration and ceremonies of the Mysteries of, 541-l. Mithras created and at the end will bring all before God as a sacrifice, 613-l. Mithras dispels darkness and conquers death, 613-u. Mithras, Mystic Egg appears in the Mysteries of, 403-u. Mithras not only light, but intelligence, 613-u. Mithras, on 25th December was celebrated the birth of, 406-l. Mithras, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Mithras, the "eye of Ormuzd," strikes down the dragon foe, 612-l. Mithras, the rock-born hero, heralded the Sun's return in Spring, 592-m. Mithras, the Sun God, eclipsed Ormuzd himself, 257-m. Mithras, the Sun God of the Persians, born in a cave at Winter, 587-m. Mithras, the Sun of Spring and God of Generation, seated on the Bull, 478-l. Mitra and Uschas are Medic as well as Zend Deities, 602-u. Mitra, the Friend, a Vedic Sun God, 602-l. Mohammed, doctrines of, the best the Arabs were fitted to receive, 38-u. Mohammedans believe in a secret name of Deity, 621-l. Molai, de, said to have created four Metropolitan Lodges, 820-l. Molai, de, said to have organized an occult, Hermetic, Scottish Masonry, 820-l. Molai, Jacques de, the last Grand Master of the Templars, burned, 820-l. Moral rules to be beneficial must be practical, 830-m. Moloch or Malek, as applied to Deity, represents—, 208-m. Moloch, significance of passing children, through the fires of, 205-l. Monad or unit, a figure of the cube, 5-l. Monad of Pythagoras the source of material existence, 675-l. Monad was male and represented the creative energy, 631-u. Monastery, fraternity and equality, but no liberty in a, 23-m. Monotheism declaims; against the making of gods in human form, 678-m. Monotheism with Pantheistic tendencies the spirit of the Indian Vedas, 672-l. Monuments built to the world's patriots, 836-m. Moon a mass of softer light than the Sun, 444-u. Moon, ancients observed the regularity of the, 444-u. Moon and Sun emblems of the two Divine sexes, 305-l. Moon and Sun impress a fecundating force, 469-m. Moon appeared in Heavens principally visible at night, 443-u. Moon becomes Isis, the wife of Osiris, 447-l. Moon believed to have fertilized the Nile by reason of her communication with the Sun, 477-l. Moon communicates the force of generation and growth, 439-m. Moon considered to have great influence on vegetation and animals, 469-u. Moon, Egyptians assigned the demiourgic or creative force to the, 469-u. Moon gave activity to universal vegetation, 476-m. Moon originally masculine and the Sun feminine, 700-u. Moon, once in 18 years and a fraction the new Sun coincides with the first New, 453-m. Moon represents Hope, 727-l. Moon, symbolism of the, 13-u. Moon, the cone of shadow which produces night ends above the, 468-l. Moon the name of the sixth gate of the ladder; material, silver, 414-m. Moon the passive cause relatively with Osiris; the active with earth, 477-m. Moon, the passive portion of nature, offered by the female, 656-u. Moon united with Osiris in the spring and received the principle of generation, 469-u. Moon when Sun and Moon opened the year in Taurus, the Festival of the New, 451-u. Moon with its silvery lustre follows the Sun, 787-u. Moral, all the relations of life are, 243-l. Moral and Inexorable, combined, personified separately in Zeus, 689-u. Moral bonds, result to society of severing, 196-l. Moral choice would not exist unless its preferences were determined, 695-m. Moral convictions of the mind could not deceive if rightly interpreted, 693-u. Moral existence included in the words; Duty and Hope, 717-m. Moral law: categorical questions concerning the, 649-m. Moral law has God for its first principle, 725-l. Moral law is the obligatory good, 725-u. Moral law is universal and necessary, 702-m. Moral law of necessity has as an author a being composed of justice and charity, 702-m. Moral law springs from God's Wisdom and Essential Justice, 701-l. Moral laws are the decisions of Absolute Wisdom and Reason, 737-m. Moral laws are the decisions of Wisdom and the Revelations of the Divine, 737-m. Moral laws are the enactments of the Divine Will, 737-m. Moral maladies of man and society, treatment of, 218-l. Moral principles center in a single principle, which is the Good, 702-m. Moral sense given as for wise and beneficent purposes, 832-l. Moral truth supposes a Being that conceives and constitutes it, 702-u. Moral truths necessary to be practiced, the sixth Truth of Masonry, 535-m. Moral truths are absolute; the fourth Truth of Masonry, 534-u. Moral truths as certain as mathematical truths, 721-l. Moral truths, as soon as perceived, appear to us the rule of our conduct, 722-u. Moral Universe not understandable, 838-u. Moral will, new faculty in the development of a child, 192-l. Morality a Force; the magnetic attraction of the heart pointing towards Truth and Virtue, 89-m. Morality, absolute or divine, comprehended by faith rather than speculation, 695-l. Morality as a basis of all religions, 311-l. Morality influenced by Sentiment which warms and incites to action, 725-m. Morality is the recognition of duty, as duty, 717-m. Morality of all peoples appear in modern Degrees, 625-m. Morality of Masonry similar to that of every pure creed of antiquity, 541-m. Morality, the Apprentice's grip, fails to raise the candidate, 640-l. Morality touches religion, 725-l. Mordecai Prime Minister at Babylon, 256-u. Morning Star, name and emblematic meaning of, 202-m. Moses an initiate in the mysteries of Egypt, 253-m. Moses assisted in shaping the destinies of the World, 313-u. Moses carried Orthodoxy out of Egypt, 843-m. Moses closely imitated Egyptian Institutions among the Hebrews, 369-m. Moses, effects of the Egyptian education on, 253-l. Moses heard God revealed as I Am that which Is, Was, Shall Be, 848-l. Moses initiated in the Egyptian Mysteries, 368-l. Moses obtained true ideas of Deity in the Mysteries, 208-m. Moses purified and re-veiled the dogmas of Magism, 839-l. Moses received the name of Deity from God, Ihuh, 697-l. Moses received the Name of God in the wilderness; lost through wickedness 621-m. Moses received the Law while Aaron made false gods, 206-m. Moses recognized the Active and Passive, the Active residing in the Mind 657-l. Moses sought for the Cause of All outside that All, 667-m. Moses the adopted son of the daughter of Sesostris-Rameses, 253-m. Moses, the first dogma of, 443-l. Mother, Binah, denoting perfect Rigor, averted her face from Hakemah, 763-u. Mother is rigor and severity, impregnated by the Father, produces the brain of Microprosopos, 796-u. Mother, Matter, passive principle, conceptive power, 87-m. Mother-night, name given by Goths to Festival of the Winter Solstice, 368-u. Mother: the first emanation of the Eternal Being was a Universal, 602-l Motives the special jurisdiction of morality, 244-u. Motto of Masonry is—, 220-l. Mountain of Meru with three peaks a symbol of the Trimurti, 234-m. Mountain tops chosen as places for sacrifices, 617-l. Mourning for Osiris extends over forty days, 486-u. Movement and Harmony the life of the Universe and Soul alike, 859-l. Movement in absolute repose would be a cessation of life, 847-l. Movement is the equilibrium of Inertia and Activity, 845-u. Multiplying number is eleven because of the possession of two units, 629-u. Murderers of Khir-Om symbolizes Pilate, Caiaphas, Judas, 641-l. Music of the spheres the image of the harmony of creation, 250-u. "Music of the Spheres," understanding of meaning aided by Tetractys, 88-m. Musical notes of the octave correspond to the seven Sephiroth, 727-m. Mysteries a Sacred Drama, subjects of, 64-m. Mysteries a series of symbols, 371-l. Mysteries, aids of gloom, secrecy, mystery taken advantage of in the, 383-m. Mysteries, all persons were initiated into the lesser, 359-m. Mysteries, Aristotle, Socrates and others accused of violations of laws of the, 384-l. Mysteries at first moral and political, but became more religious, 624-l. Mysteries, beneficent modification in religion due to the, 373-u. Mysteries carried to every country; non-interference with local beliefs, 624-m. Mysteries celebrated at Autumnal Equinox, why, 404-l. Mysteries celebrated at the Temple of Osiris at Philae, on the Nile, 360-u. Mysteries celebrated in the Spring, Vernal Equinox, 419-m. Mysteries change from religious to moral and political, 354-m. Mysteries changed by the religious systems of the several countries, 625-u. Mysteries civilized savage hordes; was greatest of benefits, 380-l. Mysteries closed against Nero and Constantine for grave crimes, 397-m. Mysteries connected with astronomy and physics, 414-l. Mysteries contained lessons calculated to elevate and improve. 355-l. Mysteries continued pure for ages, but ultimately became degraded, 358-l. Mysteries, decline of the Roman Empire attributed to a neglect of the, 360-m. Mysteries degenerated owing to the arrogance of the Priests, 360-m. Mysteries develop the origin of the Soul, condition, destination, fate, 418-u. Mysteries, development and growth of the, 354-m. Mysteries, Dionusos one with Hermes and heroes of other, 357-u. Mysteries, distinction between Greater and Lesser, 432-u. Mysteries, doctrine of One God, theory of death and eternity, etc., taught in the, 359-m. Mysteries, doctrines and representations of the, 374-m. Mysteries, doctrines of immortality and retribution taught in the, 392-u. Mysteries, Egyptian, depicted Osiris, Good, and Typhon, Evil, in conflict, 375-m. Mysteries, esoteric were the teachings of the Greater, 207-l. Mysteries explain the descent of Intelligence into matter and return, 415-m. Mysteries forbidden to bastards, slaves, materialists and—, 390-m. Mysteries, from the Egyptians the Hebrews received their knowledge of the, 375-u. Mysteries gave Egyptian priests much of their influence, 374-m. Mysteries' great object was a grand and truly politic one, 382-m. Mysteries, Grecian, originated by Orpheus, brought from Egypt, 400-m. Mysteries have same general features and show Egyptian origin, 418. Mysteries, Heroditus gives reasons for reticence concerning the, 380-m. Mysteries in many cases derived from the Egyptians, 352-u. Mysteries in symbolic forms exhibited the One, 357-m. Mysteries in the lapse of time degenerated and the symbols were misunderstood, 382-l. Mysteries inculcated |