of manufacture, the world of, 768-l. Fabrications, World, embraces the six members contained in Malakoth, 795-l. Faith, a great moral Force, is the only true Wisdom, 91-m. Faith, a necessity, 28-l. Faith and Reason, domain of each, 28-m. Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted, 841-m. Faith, blind, sets Reason at defiance and leads to—, 304-m. Faith enables us to see that Evil is consistent with Infinite Goodness and Mercy, 859-l. Faith has for its bases sentiment and reason, 776-u. Faith, Hope, Charity, replace the three pillars of the old Temple, 287-u. Faith, Hope, Charity, the old pillars under new names, 288-u. Faith, man only responsible for the uprightness of his, 166-u. Faith must have a foundation in Reason or consciousness, 301-m. Faith necessary for guidance of man, 197-u. Faith reared on the foundations of God's justice and the law of merit, 706-u. Faith, the converse of arrogant confidence, represented by the Sun, 727-l. Faith, the Light by which the human soul is enabled to see itself, 809-l. Faith will stumble and sentiment mislead unless knowledge directs, 710-l. Faithful held meetings in private places at night to avoid persecution, 543-m. Faithful instructed in the grand mysteries of Christianity, 541-l. Faithful only were admitted to the Christian Mysteries, 544-u. Faithful, the second Mass of the Christian Mysteries called that of the, 541-l. Faithful, the third degree of the Christian mysteries, 541-l. Faithfulness to family, friends, country, 112-m. Faithfulness to Masonic vows and pledges, 112-u. Faiths, excellent moral precepts in all, 167-l. Fall of Man, cause and remedy for the, 281-m. Fall of Man, Jewish origin of the, 376-m. "Fall" of Man necessary to account for the imperfections of work of a Perfect Being, 685-l. Fall of Man, process of redemption, 287-u. Fall of Man symbolizes a universal allegory of science, 100-l. Fall of Man, symbolism and meaning of the, 305-l. "Fall" of Man, the Hebrew mode of explaining the great moral mystery, 685-m. Fallacy of general propositions of man's right to this or that, 835-l. Falsehood a part of campaigns and controversies, 337-m. Falsehood and Dishonesty, vices of the age, 578-l. Falsehood is crime in words; Injustice the essence of, 100-l. Falsehood sowed by the Press, 579-u. Fan, purification of air and water symbolized by vase and winnowing, 412-m. Fasting an indication of moral purity, 520-l. Fatality is the linking together of effects and causes in a given order, 738-u. "Father," a name for Deity even amongst the rudest nations, 683-u. Father and Mother were face to face after the state of equilibrium was established, 795-l. Father as Wisdom, the Mother as Intelligence, are in equilibrium, 800-u. Father, Hakemah, denoting perfect Love, did not look Binah in the face, 763-u. Father is Love and Mercy who impregnates the Mother with Benignity, 796-u. Father of All, the world unanimous in the belief of one King and, 512-u. Father Principle (the Male or Generative) comprehended in Yod, 763-l. Father, the Spirit, active principle or generating power, 87-m. Fathers Benignity, Severity, Beauty, proceed from the Father of Fathers, 794-l. Father's First and Only begotten is the Word, 849-l. Faust ascends to Heaven by stepping on the head of Mephistopheles, 822-l. Faust, John, influence of printing, the invention of, 314-u. Faust with his types worked great results, 43-u. Favors must not be forgotten, 123-u. Fear is always cruel, and Rome feared the heresy of the Templars, 820-m. Fear of Wisdom that it would ascend to Kether or descend into Binah, 796-m. Feast Day of Mithras, according to the Roman Calendar, Dec. 25th, 587-m. Feasts established in honor of each planet at "exhaltation", 463-m. Feasts fixed by risings, settings, conjunction of the fixed stars, 464-u. Feasts marked the annual crises, the solstices and equinoxes, 714-u. Feasts of Passover, Neuroz, of Fire and Light, when Sun was in Aries, 463-l. Fellow-Craft compass has one point above and one below the Square, 854-l. Fellow-Craft Degree, the 2nd, 22-u. Fellow-Craft, Reason, Love, Faith, must guide the studies of a, 28-m. Fellow-Craft studies the vegetable kingdom, symbolized by Schib, 632-u. Fellow-Craft taught not to become wise in his own conceit, 38-l. Fellow-Craft's grip, Philosophy, fails to raise the candidate, 640-l. Fellow-Crafts in search of assassins, number, reference to Stars, 489. Fellow-Crafts in search of the body represent the twelve Apostles, 641-l. Fellowship, points of, first among the ordinances of Masonry, 137-u. Fellowship symbolized by the five-pointed star or Pentangle, 634-m. Female and male coupled are the Perfection of all things, 800-u. Female characteristics given to Malakoth, in the Kabalah, 769-m. Female is He, is left; male is Yod, is right; Vav is male and female, 763-m. Female principle in Alchemy represented by Fire and Water, 791-l. Female represented by the base of a right angle triangle, 789-m. Female side of Hermetic figure has a Moon; a hand holding a Square, 850-m. Ferouer, a pre-existing soul, the Idea of Plato, 256-l. Ferouers, the third order of spirits, Thoughts of Ormuzd, 257-m. Festival of the Winter Solstice, the Yuletide, became our Christmas, 368-u. Festivals of the Druidical and Gothic Mysteries, 367-368. Fidelity of man, everything that exists around us centers upon the, 199-m. Fidelity to obligation a leading lesson in the 15th Degree, 237-u. Fifteenth Degree an allegory based on historical truth, 237-u. Fifth day of Greek Mysteries, procession of torches, 433-l. Fifth Degree, Perfect Master, 114-u. Figurative and allegorical language in Oriental books, 818-m. Figurative language used by the ancients to describe secrets of nature, 659-m. Finite beings impressed by illusions according to Hindu dogma, 604-l. Finite man desires to see and talk to Infinity, 530-m. Finite minds comprehend only by division, 702-l. Finite minds conceive Truth, Beauty and Good as three essences, 702-l. Finite minds, God can not infuse infinite conceptions into, 222-u. Finite, no correct idea of the Infinite can be formed by the, 222-u. Fire and heat have an analogy with life, 664-l. Fire and light according to the old Persian idea, 611-m. Fire and light represent attributes of Divinity in Hebrew writings, 611-u. Fire animates the stars and circulates in nature and includes all souls, 399-l. Fire gives the elements and principles of compound movement, 784-m. Fire invoked as "Son of Ormuzd", 612-m. Fire, its splendor, light, their relative effects and relations, 741-u. Fire of the Hermetics, secret, living, philosophical, spoken of reservedly, 775-u. Fire of the Sun the principle of organization and life of things, 644-l. Fire, one of the symbols of spiritual regeneration in the Mysteries, 357-l. Fire, Ptha, the principal agent of the creative and productive, 254-m. Fire, sacred, representing the soul returned to its origin when—, 385-u. Fire, soul of the world and universal principle likened to the celestial, 417-m. Fire the Primal Ether, according to the Chaldean Oracles, 742-m. Fire used as a test to represent the possible purification of the soul, 397-u. Fire would not warm if it could not also burn human flesh, 846-l. First Begotten Son of God was the Word, not the first created, 772-m. First Born, the Creative Agent emanated from Male and Female Force, 267-m. First Born, the Primitive Man, Adam Kadmon, Light of Lights, 267-m. First Cause a necessity; the Intelligent Soul of the Universe, 574-m. First Causes which flow from the First Cause are resulting and finite. in mode, 760-u. First day of Greek Mysteries the initiates assemble; time, 433-m. First Degree, Apprentice, 1-m. First principles of all existences are unity and duality, 630-l. First Principle, Plato on the nature of, 99-u. Fish: early Christian mark shaped like a, 547-l. Fish painted on monuments to express hatred by Egyptians, 456-m. Five a mysterious number, compounded of Binary and Ternary, 633-l. Five circuits in 8th Degree allude to points of fellowship, 137-u. Five expressed by five-pointed or blazing star, 58-m. Fire expresses the state of imperfection we see on earth, 633-l. Five is the Duad added to the Triad; symbolism of numbers, 58-m. Five, measures the hypothenuse, obtained from the three and four, 861-m. Five offers the image of the Bad principle, bringing trouble, 633-l. Five points, or rules, observed by the Scottish Masters, 782-u. Five primitive powers, elements, recognised by Indians and Chinese, 469-l. Five, the emblem of marriage; Juno's hieroglyph was five, 634-u. Five, the number of the Fellow-Craft Degree, from the Hyades, 487-u. Fixed, applied to everything that tends to central repose and immobility, 778-l. Flamel made the Rose the sign of accomplishment of the Great Work, 821-l. Flamel, Nicholas, treats of Hermetic Science, 774-l. Flamel, the Book of the Jew, Abraham, 821-l. Flaming Star, a symbol of the Ramsay Degree of Grand Scottish Master, 782-u. Flaming Star the emblem of the Shekinah or presence of God, 782-l. Flood, the number seven in connection with accounts of the, 233-m. Fo, the Chinese name for the Hindu God, Sakya, 551-m. Fo, the Indian Buddha, the Great Deity himself, 429-m. Follies of the Alchemists to save them from persecution, 733-u. Folly to repine because we are not angels, 696-m. Fomalhaut near Pisces, malignant influence of Sign, 456-m. Force and strength subordinate to mildness and goodness, 681-l. Force described in the Hermetic tablets of emerald is the grand agent of the operations, 774-l. Force, harmony of the world maintained by the Soul of Nature; Divine, 668-m. Force, Harmony, Wisdom, the Great Attributes of the Essence of Deity, 531-m. Force, if possessed, enables man to revolutionize the world, 734-u. Force, Intellect, must regulate the people's blind, 1-m. Force of God exerted on two invisible gases forms water, 845-l. Force of the people must be limited, restrained, 4-l. Force of the people symbolized by the gavel, 5-u. Force, stronger than rage, represented by Mars, 727-l. Force, unregulated or ill-regulated, a menace, 1-m. Force which animates all emanates from the Heavenly eternal fire, 666-l. Force, the Executing and Creating Power, 531-m. Force which repels a Planet from the Sun no more evil than the other, 860-u. Forces analogous and contrary the one to the other produce equilibrium, 727-u. Forces at man's disposal, his Working Tools, 88-92. Forces: Faith, Hope, Charity, the greatest moral, 91-m. Forces, First Born, emanated from generative and conceptive, 267-m. Forces in action and opposition result in Harmony and movement, 859-l. Forces mechanical and materiality of agents of Divinity explain nothing, 729-m. Forces of Divinity, Light, Spirit and Life, Primitive, 267-m. Forces of nature man's slaves or masters, 734-u. Forces of the Universe the forces of God, 707-m. Forces opposing one another in action are not necessarily antagonistic, 860-u. Forces or Impulses in continual conflict cause Life and Movement, 846-u. Forces, or "Working Tools"; importance of appreciating the value of, 91-l. Forces, the centrifugal and centripetal, 671-m. Forces, the science of the equilibrium or the balancing of, 843-u. Forgiveness is wiser than Revenge or punishment, 859-u. Forgiveness more noble than revenge, 76-u. Form into which Deity conformed himself the likeness of His form, 794-u. Form is the Light inclosed in the seeds of all species, 783-m. Form of the human is the form of all above and below and includes it, 794-u. Formation, the first forms, souls or physical natures, is the world of, 768-l. Formations, World, embraces the six members contained in Tephareth, 795-l. Formless Deity present in all forms an idea of the Hindu philosophy, 673-m. Formula of baptism among the Gnostics, 561-l. Fortune deified by error continued by the worship of abstraction, 694-u. Fortunate number is seven; leads to the perfect number, 628-l. Forty days of mourning for Osiris, then the Vernal Equinox, 486-u. Forty-seventh Proposition, explanation and numbers of, 87-u. Forty-seventh Proposition of the first book of Euclid in diagram, 789-m. Forty-seventh Proposition stated, 86-l. Foundation of all religions and sciences, the primary and immutable idea of things is—, 769-l. Four a divine number, the number of letters in the name of Deity, 633-l. Four devices of the Degree; hear, see, silence, enjoyment, 629-l. Four expressed by the square; symbolism of the number, 58-u. Four horses of different colors drew the chariot of the Sun at the games, 464-m. Four, in the Kabalah, expresses the law of natural phenomena, 732-u. Four letters in the Hebrew Ineffable name, 632-l. Four letters of the Tetragram contain everything, 732-m. Four represented Nature, 209-u. Four represents the generative power, an emblem of the Infinite, 632-l. Four symbolizes a man bearing with himself a Divine principle, 633-m. Four, the number of the Square, the measure of the perpendicular, 861-m. Fourteenth Degree, Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason, 218-u. Fourteenth Degree, Perfect Elu, 218-u. Fourth day of Greek Mysteries, mystic wreath of flowers in procession, 433-l. Fourth Degree, Secret Master, 106-u. Fraternity, Christ proclaimed a universal, 309-u. Fraternity fruitful of good works preserved by Masonry, 137-l. Fraternity, the protection of each by all, 43-l. Fraternity with subordination to the Wisest and Best a foundation of Free Government, 860-u. Frea, Odin, Thor, the Scandinavian Trinity, 552-u. Frea, wife of Odin, one of the Northern triune Deity, 13-l. Free agency and our will are forces, 6-l. Free agency of man, or is he controlled by necessity, 684-m. Free agency of man to do evil or choose good, 577-u. Free government by people themselves a hard problem, 33-m. Free government can not long endure when—, 203-u. Free government constituted by equilibrium between Authority and Individual Action, 860-u. Free government grows slowly, 33-m. Free Government requires foundations of Liberty. Equality, Fraternity, 860-u. Free governments promoted by disciplines of war, monarchy, priesthood, 92-l. Free popular power only known in hour of adversity, 33-l. Free, to be, the same thing as to be—, 180-m. Free will and election a necessity since good and evil are in the world, 797-l. Free will and inexorable Law difficult of comprehension, 689-u. Free Will and Omnipotence in equilibrium gives the Law of right and wrong, 859-m. Free will, categorical questions concerning man's, 649-u. Free will consistent with God's Omnipotence and Omniscience, 855-u. Free will coupled with Chance, or Fatalism coupled With Omniscience, 694-l. Free will of God can not formulate an effect without a cause, 736-u. Free will of man influences his life and conversation, 643-u. Free will the essential attribute of the will itself, 723-m. Freedom, civil and religious, must go hand in hand, 33-u. Freedom determined by an agency external to us, 686-m. Freedom, great need for guides who will not seek to be tyrants, 95-u. Freedom, human, symbolized by Khurum, the Master, 211-u. Freedom morally comes when Chance and Necessity give place to law, 695-m. Freedom of man connected with his freedom of thought, 686-m. Freedom of man lies in his reason, 94-m. Freedom sensed when the individual independence develops itself according to its own laws, 695-m. Freemasonry is the subjugation of the Human that is in man by the Divine, 854-l. Freres Macons, Brethren Masons, corrupted into Free Masons, 816-m. Friends and Home more than offset sufferings and desolations, 141-u. Friendship and sympathy, a Force, 88-l. Fruit will come in the due season if we plant the seed, 317-u. Fruit of "Knowledge of good and evil"; Adam forbidden to eat of the, 567-u. Furniture of a Lodge, 11-m. Future, a scene for speculation, 139-m. Future, best preparation for, make best use of Present, 139-l. Future existence in which injustices will be remedied, 830-l. Future life and rewards and punishments there taught in the Mysteries, 392-u. Future life, doctrine of a, clothed in the pomp of mysterious ceremony, 385-u. Future, light let in on the present by the contemplation of the, 232-l. Future punishments described in the Mysteries to impose the lesson—, 395-l. Future punishments in Tartarus depicted, 396-m. Future punishments were real to the Profane, though allegorical to the Initiate, 396-m. Future reward and punishments a fundamental principle of the Hindu religion, 604-m.
"G" in the Fellow-Craft Degree represents God and Geometry, 640-m. "G," represents the Hebrew Jod or Yod, the generative principle, 632-u. "G" said to signify Geometry, 40-m. "G," initial letter of the Hebrew word Geparaith, signifying Sulphur, 780-m. Gabriel, the face of the Ox, on north and left hand, with He, and Fire, 798-m. Gad, as a warrior, has for device the Ram, domicile of Mars, 461-l. Gain, necessity of shaking off the love of; effects of, 40-u. Galen states that differing schools of study were equally important, 711-u. Gamaliel, the Rabbi, taught Paul the Kabalah, 769-u. Games of the circus in honor of the Sun, Nature, Planets, Elements, 461-u. Garment is an interposed medium, 795-u. Garment nearest His substance is the vacant space of creative acts, 748-u. Gate of Men through which souls descended was called Cancer, 438-u. Gate of the Gods through which souls reascended was called Capricorn, 438-u. Gates at the steps of the ladder, names, material, symbolism, 414-u. Gates of the Sun, Souls descended from Heaven to earth through the, 438-u. Gates through which souls descended and reascended used in Mysteries, 412-413. Gautama, the Hindu God, Sakya, so called by the Ceylonese, 551-m. Gavel, hieroglyphic picture of a Master's, 80-l. Gea and Ouranos, Grecian Deities of Earth and Heaven, 850-l. Geburah, in the Kabalah, is called Judgment, which includes limitation, 764-l. Geburah, Mother, Severity or Strict Justice, the fifth Sephiroth, 552-m. Geburah, one of the Sephiroth; Austerity, Rigor or Severity, 753-m. Geburah represents, or is, the Ox, 798-m. Geburah, the Sephiroth, conjoined sexually with Gedulah to produce Tepareth, 764-l. Gaber, an Arab, cultivated the Hermetic Science, 840-l. Gedulah and Geburah, the two arms of Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Gedulah, Geburah, Tepareth denoted by Yod, He, Vau, 798-m. Gedulah, one of the Sephiroth; magnificence or Benignity, 753-m. Gedulah or Khased, Father, Benignity or Mercy, the fourth Sephiroth, 552-m. Gedulah represents or is the Lion, 798-m. Gemini, Castor and Pollux, the Dioscuri, the Cabiri, 454-m. Generation begins with the vegetable kingdom, hence "G" is displayed, 632-u. Generation constituted the process of Creation, to the ancients, 771-l. Generation is the meaning of the letter G, or Jod or Yod, in triangle, 632-u. Generation of Angels and Worlds the secret of the Occult Sciences, 844-u. Generation primarily by the action of the Sun, secondarily by the Moon, 657. Generation solely caused by the Sun, Moon and Stars, 469-l. Generation symbolized by Gemini, the Twins, at remote period, 401-l. Generation the effect of the union of the Active and Passive, 657. Generation, the Power of, 305-m. Generative and Productive are always in conjunction, 766-l. Generative number, the Unit, and two, 628-m. Generative organs carried in procession; mutilation of, 412-l. Generative organs venerated by all ancient people as symbols, 656-m. Generative Power or Spirit and Matter originally in Deity, 700-m. Generative power seated in the Sun, 669-u. Generative power symbolized by the Stauros and the Cross, 771-l. Generative Power to beget intellectual action in Binah, the Intellectual Faculty, 766-m. Generative principle represented by the letter G, initial of the name of Deity, 632-u. Generous Mason regrets dissensions and disputes, 123-m. Genesis assigns the formation of the world to the Alhim, 568-m. Genesis in a second fragment ascribes; creation to Ihuh-Alhim, 568-m. Genii dispensed the Good and the Evil, six on each side, 416-u. Genii intermediaries between Gods and men, the Universal Providence, 416-u. Genii of Decans had names, characteristics; aid in effects produced, 470-m. Genii of the Gnostics, 271-l. Genii or Angels differed in character; some good, some evil, 416-u. Genii, six, created by Ormuzd, prototypes of Archangels, 256-l. Genii the media of communication between man and the Gods, 441-m. Genii were the Intelligences that reside in the planets, 441-m. Genii were the powers and faculties of nature, part of the science of initiation, 415-l. Genitals of the Vernal Bull bitten by the Scorpion represents—, 412-l. Genius gets Power, its lieutenants are Force and Wisdom, 30-m. Genius, the strenuous application of commonplace faculties, 174-m. Geometry does not sufficiently express the science of numbers, 34-m. Germans adored God without daring to name Him, 621-l. Ghe, the Earth, one of the first divinities, the wife of Ouranos, 658-u. Gihon, a stream of the Edenic river, 58-u. Gimli or Vingolf, the Heaven of the Icelanders, 619-m. Globe, ancients had no idea the earth was a, 442-l. Globes, celestial and terrestrial, on columns, 17-m. Gloria Dei est celare verbum. Amen, 861-l. Glory and ambition in the highest degree is to strive to benefit others, 853-u. Glory: God does not tempt or constrain men to do evil, and that is the Infinite, 848-l. Glory is one of the last four Sephiroth of the Kabalah, 848-l. Glory of Deity displayed in the Universe as a reflection, 673-m. Gnosis expresses the idea of cognizance by intuition, 771-m. Gnosis of Carpocrates consists of one Deity and spirits ruling Earth, 562-m. Gnosis proscribed by Christians; Sanctuary closed against initiation, 840-m. Gnostic doctrine, rise and explanation of, 248-256. Gnostic Julian infected with the allegories of Grecian Polytheism, 732-u. Gnostic Mysteries made known to the heads of the Templars, 817-m. Gnostic seals and abraxae adopted by Templars, 235-m. Gnostic sects had Mysteries and an initiation, 542-l. Gnostic seven Spirits adopted by the Elxaites, 564-m. Gnostic science rested on a square whose angles were—, 633-u. Gnostic Simonians had a Priesthood of the Mysteries, 542-m. Gnostic Stauros an image of generative power, 771-l. Gnostic theories and ideas of Deity, 554-567. Gnostic Valentinians imitated the Mysteries of Eleusis, 542-l. Gnosticism developed into heretical forms, 818-u. Gnosticism imperfectly revealed the disfigured occult science of the Magi, 839-m. Gnosticism, Jews of Syria and Judea the direct precursors of, 255-m. Gnostics all agreed on a creation directly out of the Divine Essence, 557-m. Gnostics agreed that the Demiurge was the framer of this lower world, 557-m. Gnostics all agreed that the Father was not the framer of this lower world, 557-m. Gnostics, analogy between the doctrines of Alexandria and those of the, 249-m. Gnostics and Disciples of Christ held the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, 399-l. Gnostics and Philo, the Supreme Being was the Light to the, 280-l. Gnostics born of the Kabalah, 626-u. Gnostics connected their faith with the Christianity of St. John, 815-m. Gnostics, derivation of their leading doctrines and ideas, 248-m. Gnostics, doctrines of Zoroaster borrowed by the, 258-l. Gnostics, fundamental doctrines of, 248-m. Gnostics held the universal agent composed the body of the Holy Spirit, 734-m. Gnostics introduced theosophical speculations, 248-m. Gnostics made Souls ascend and descend through eight Heavens, 441-u. Gnostics may have received something from the Chinese; saying of Lao-Tseu, 259-u. Gnostics received from Platonists the idea that—, 255-m. Goat's head given to Sulphur by the Hermeticists, 779-l. God, a Mason's conception of and belief in, 224-l. God a mystery, as everything surrounding us is, 574-m. God, a perfect being, an Abyss, the Primitive Father, always has been, 559-l. God a Perfect Cause, everywhere as Perfect Providence, 716-m. God, a pure spirit, indivisible, omniscient, all powerful, one, 608-u. God, a Somewhat with Power, Wisdom, Intelligence, 739-m. God. According to capacities, so vary the conceptions of, 206-l. God, afflictions and calamities lead the mind to, 189-m. God, all names are contained in the Kabalistic name for the Idea of, 98-m. God an hypothesis imposed by good sense on Human Reason, 738-u. God, an infinite, eternal Soul or Spirit, 609-m. God, an undiscoverable Being known only in proportion to the understanding, 516-l. God and Light before creation; the coexistence of, 739-l. God and the individual Soul are distinct, 852-u. God and the Universe were one according to the Kabalistic view, 765-m. God and Truth are inseparable, 713-u. God as a mind picture may be as much of an idol as a wooden one, 693-m. God as an actuality imagined to be a most occult light by the Kabalists, "Aur", 740-m. God as an Infinite Being comes to us from our consciousness of—, 703-m. God, as infinite justice, must respect the rights of man, 704-m. God, as the world develops it outgrows its ancient idea of, 643-m. God, attributes and ideas of the nature of, 279-286. God beyond human comprehension, 605-u. God called Alfadir in the Edda; is the Creator, 619-m. God can do whatever he wills, being Omnipotent, 705-m. God can not be known in His work but in his mode of manifesting Himself, 267-l. God can not do impossibilities, 737-m. God can will nothing but what is good and just, 705-m. God, categorical questions concerning, 648. God caused Himself to shine forth; is his own father; is prior to substance, 615-u. God, Chance and Intelligence undistinguishable by Menander, 694-m. God, conception of, varies with man's mental cultivation and powers, 223-l. God confronted, felt, known when we reverence mighty cosmic force, 707-m. God confounded with the Demiurge by the mass of the Jews, 558-u. God created man in the image of Deity, Male and Female, 849-l. God created the ideal world only, Logos the material, 251-l. God defined in the Icelandic prose Edda, in a dialog, 619-u. God defined in Sanscrit stanzas, 741-m. God does not tempt nor constrain men to do evil, 848-l. God dying, an inference from a literal interpretation of nature-worship, 588-m. God, 18th Degree taught the unity of, 287-l. God embraces tho principles of reality and cognizance, 707-l. God, existing of Himself, alone, desired to manifest his perfections, 609-l. God first created a Being he called the Word, 565-u. God gives things their existence and their intelligibility, 708-u. God governs by wise and inexorable laws, 228-u. God has an infinite tenderness for his creatures, 704-m. God has created things visible through the Logos, 251-m. God, Hindu dogma of the existence of one, 604-m. God, Idea of, grandest, most holy, most useful, 98-u. God in communion with all material things, 710-u. God in His manifested essence and as Alone has no name, 849-u. God, in Latin and French, has for an initial the Delta or Greek triangle, 631-l. God in men, animals, plants, 565-l. God, in the Masonic creed, is Truth, Beauty, Goodness in Infinity, 706-l. God incapable of anger, 718-u. God, incarnate, submits to all conditions of visible existence, 588-m. God indwelling in matter makes the world a revelation of Him, 710-u. God is a Father in Heaven, a Monarch, a Human Being to the unlearned, 743-m. God is a hypothesis; Absolute Reason is not one, 737-u. God is a Paternal Being as taught by Masonry, 239-u. God is Good and what he does is right, 240-u. God is Good, the belief in a Devil proceeds from a conviction that, 324-u. God Is, if a self-existent Force and its Intelligence are admitted, 100-m. God is Illimitable Time in the Zend-Avesta, 256-l. God is inconceivable; to investigate Him is but to perplex ourselves, 650-u. God is life itself, eternal and perfect, 681-u. God is not the Universe, though everywhere present in spirit and truth, 707-l. God is Omnipotent, but effects without causes are impossible, 846-m. God is one, a part of the Masonic old doctrine, 876-l. God is One, extending through all the Universe; a single substance, 667-m. God is our Father and we are brethren, 227-l. God is silent, consents with Mind and is known to Souls through Mind, 582-m. God is the reflected image of man as conceived by man himself, 223-m. God Is, the studies which convince a man that, 226-l. God keeps watch over the little and the great, producing variety from Unity of Force, 829. God known only through his attributes, 555-m. God known to us only by his Attributes, 575-l. God, laws of, 8-u. God loves his creatures, 717-l. God loves us all, so we can look complacently on evils, 715-u. God made the world and, of necessity, it is good and perfect, 705-m. God manifested Himself by His Thought; source of His manifestations, 559-l. God manifested in Binah characterized himself Intelligent, 753-u. God manifested in the several Sephiroth displayed their characteristics, 753-m. God manifested in Yod called himself Wise; the vessel of Hakemah, 753-u. God may be called Ihuh after the conception of Creation, 752-u. God must be free, if man is, possessing infinite liberty, 703-l. God must be omnipresent in space and time, 709-l. God, nature of the Supreme; references to Egyptian Gods, 431-u. God never reveals himself in the sensible world but through the Demiurge, 558-u. God not a logical being to be explained by deductions, 703-m. God not able to perform some miracles, 736-u. God not an abstract God, but an intelligent, free person, 707-u. God not an Abstraction, but a real Being, a moral person, 703-l. God not inert and uncreative during the eternity behind the Universe, 849-u. God not separated from the Universe, attested by Eusebius, 667-m. God not to be made into any mode or like to the Sons of Men, 752-u. God not to be represented by any figure or image or letters He or Yod, 752-u. God not yet having created, and as alone, has no name, 848-l. God, nothing can be imagined more excellent than, 224-u. God now compared to Light deemed unphilosophical, if not Atheistic, 739-m. God of Good and a God of Evil, each independent, eternal, 565-l. God of Good must in the end overcome the God of Evil, 565-l. God of many Christians but the old heathen gods, 296-u. God of the New Platonists was one simple Original Essence, 284-l. God only Wise, Man's wisdom but a reflection, 251-l. God penetrates the man and becomes a living spirit within him, 609-m. God perfect and infinite in his attributes, 574-l. God preordained suffering and calamity, 228-l. God, philosophers taught to but few the true knowledge of, 207-l. God possesses a secondary Intelligence which descends to matter, 415-m. God possesses Charity, the supreme virtue of man, 704-m. God possesses infinite intelligence and infinite liberty, 704-u. God, prayer to, 6-l. God, prior even to the first God and King, conceived things by his intellect 614-l. God produced all things by His Intellect, Will, Free Determination, 759-l. God, Pythagoras' definition of, 285-l. God regarded as that from which Light flows by the Sabeans, Kabalists, 739-l. God regarded by the Masons as a Moral Governor, as well as an Original Creator, 224-l. God, relations of a Mason to, 227-l. God, religious requisite of a Mason is a belief in one True, 164-u. God represented by the Demiurge on the lower stage of existence, 557-l. God represented by the Gnostics as an unfathomable Abyss, 555-n. God represented by the hieroglyphic of a horned serpent, 495-u. God, result of a low conception of, 223-l. God revealed in the True, the Beautiful, the Good, 708-u. God reveals Himself by His attributes, 267-l. God reveals Himself in our convictions, conscience, instinct, 324-u. God reveals Himself to us by His uttered Word, 324-u. God said to Moses: "I am that which Is, Was and Shall Be", 848-l. God, single Tau represent one, 503-l. God, Spirits of, ascent and descend on the ladder, 10-l. God sums up in himself perfect Beauty, Truth and Good, 703-u. God Supreme, from whom all other gods emanate or are by Him created, 597-l. God, Temple of 7-l. God, that the mass shall lack work and food seems to be a law of, 179-180. God the Almighty Father and Source of All, 575-u. God, the author of everything, the Eternal, the Supreme, the Living, 581-m. God, the believing Mason conscious of being a co-operator with, 228-l. God, the capacity of the mind to receive positive truth limits man's view of, 221-l. God, the Cause, by whatever qualities known, 644. God, the earliest exertion of thought resulted in the idea of, 511-l. God, the first emanation, was Light, then Ormuzd, 256-l. God, the First Supreme, Infinite Unity; All and One flowed forth from, 759-l. God, the formal, efficient and final cause, 680. God, the highest view we can form is the nearest to a true conception of, 223-l. God, the Holy of Holies, as author of the moral law, 706-l. God, the individual good of the Mason is considered by, 228-l. God, the Infinite Parent, revealed by natural human religion, 715-m. God, the Light principle from which souls emanate and return, 740-l. God the Living Soul of the Universe, 574-l. God, the Logos, dwells in, 251-u. God, the Master Mason's Word is a knowledge of, 209-u. God the necessary logical condition of a world; its necessitating cause, 708-l. God, the Omnipotent Legislator, the source of the moral law, 701-l. God the only original Existence, the Absolute, Author of all, 701-l. God the Principle of Liberty, Justice, Charity, 706-l. God the Principle of Moral Truth and of personal morality, 703-u. God. The protest of Masonry against belief in a cruel God is Trust in, 196-l. God, the sole, Self-existing Power, expanded his idea and appeared, 608-m. God, the Soul of the Universe and coexistent with it, 709-u. God, to Ancients, manifested by the Sun, 13-u. God to be loved under the forms of Truth, Justice, Nobility of Soul, 707-u. God too sublime to be known; displayed by Intelligences, 564-u. God united to Wisdom communicated the germ of Creation, 251-l. God was alone, formless, before he formed a conception of Creation, 752-u. God was the Phos-Nocton, the Light cognizable only by the Intellect, 740-l. God willed to produce beings, and from that which is produced Brahma, 608-l. God wills a thing because it is just; it is a necessity for Him to do so, 737-u. God wills a thing because it is just; it is not just because God wills it, 847-u. God: Zoroastrians addressed hymns and prayers to the Supreme, 017-l. Goddesses holding serpents are figures in Egypt and Assyria, 495-l. God's actualities seem less lofty than our ideal of justice, 832-m. Gods and Idols of Gods were symbols of truth to the ancient Sages, 302-l. God's attention imagined to be continually centered on man, 302-l. God's attributes are man's virtues, 704-u. God's attributes are not God, 573-u. God's attributes known only through their manifestations, 739-u. Gods, Astronomical details and operations of Nature in histories of, 375-m. God's character makes a difference in the conduct of people, 043-u. Gods composing the Trinities of the Ancient religions, 576-m. Gods created by personification of Stars and phenomena were worshipped, 508-m. God's creations coexisting with Himself, 708-l. God's Essence includes Wisdom, Justice, Truth, Harmony, Love, Eternity, 582-m. God's existence and nature one of the highest questions, 642-m. God's existence as comprehensible as the existence of a Soul, 573-l. God's existence, every thinking creature must be conscious of, 605-u. God's existence evidenced by our consciousness of the fact, 709-u. God's existence ploughed deeply into Nature, 647-l. God's existence taught by Reason, 743-u. God's goodness seems to be impugned by disorder in the world, 705-m. God's goodness the foundation of Truth, 142-l. God's justice and the law of merit and demerit the foundations of faith, 706-u. God's Justice, which is Severity, the Female, 846-u. God's law consistent with His justice whether it corresponds with our notions or not, 830-u. God's law of justice can not be measured by our standards, 830-l. God's love governs our acts of charity; His justice governs our justice, 707-u. God's love not inconsistent with the evils of existence, 718-u. God's love takes care of all to the end, 240-m. God's love the same as that in man, but in an infinite degree, 705-u. God's Mercy, or Benignity, alone reigning, sin would go unpunished, 846-u. God's mode of action a conception beyond our reach, 832-l. God's modes of operation are the action of the Universe, 710-u. God's nature and attributes, 680. God's nature and attributes in the Zend-Avesta, 258-l. God's nature, attributes, essence, wholly beyond us, 568-l. God's nature is not conceivable by the human mind, 743-u. God's nature, it is impious to assume or explain, 605-u. Gods of the Veda, their origin and signification, 602-612. God's Omnipotence the secret of Occult Sciences, 844-n. Gods, one of the bases of initiation was the providence and superintendence of the, 415-l. God's Perfections produced the intellectual world by development, 559-l. Gods personified, of secondary rank, falsely credited with Creator's work, 624-u. God's poetry is man; his prose is nature, 715-l. God's power provided for all the evils of existence, 716-u. God's relations to a Mason, 227-l. God's Thought conceiving the Universe and willing its creation, 575-u. God's thought confronted when we, in our studies, attain a truth, 707-m. God's Thought manifested and expressed in the Word, 575-l. God's Thought uttered in His word created the Universe, 577-u. God's Universe a mystery incomprehensible by man, 530-m. God's varied actions are the Forces of Nature, 809-m. Gods were mortal men who deserved to have their souls elevated after death, 398-m. God's will controls every happening in the Universe, 859-m. God's will has no moral authority except as it is just, 726-u. God's will learned when we learn the right, 707-m. God's wisdom foresaw all the evils of existence, 716-u. God's Wisdom foresees what each will do and uses it as an instrument, 848-l. God's Wisdom the mother of Creation, 251-l. God's Word uttering His Thought becomes the Creator, 575-u. God's work, in heaven, is done by angels; on earth, by men, 736-u. Gold assigned to the Sun, 729-u. Gold is all Spirit and incorruptible; the emblem of the Sun which presides over light, 788-u. Gold of the Hermeticists is a true dogma, light, truth, but also material gold, 778-u. Gold produced from Salt under the combined action of Sulphur and Mercury, 778-m. Gold, to the eyes of the Initiate is Light condensed, 103-u. Golden Age longed for when man communed with Deity, 653-u. Golden calf of Aaron was one of the oxen under the bronze laver, 818-l. Golden Fleece of Aries guarded by a serpent, 498-m. "Golden Numbers," "golden verse," "golden Ass", 103-u. Golden Rule should have the words "under the same circumstances" added, 836-u. Good actions not always followed by happiness nor evil ones by misery, 705-l. Good and Evil, belief concerning, 272-u. Good and Evil, categorical questions concerning, 648. Good and Evil coexisting, more active question than all others, 684-m. Good and Evil coexisting, only staved off by inventions of theories, 687-u. Good and Evil contests personified by the course of the Sun, 594-m. Good and evil deities among Chaldeans, Greeks, etc, 661-m. Good and Evil in the world necessitates Free will and election, 797-m. Good and evil influences of the planets flowed from the Zodiac, 663-m. Good and Evil principles by their equilibrium produce harmony, 549-u. Good and Evil principles, ancient thought regarding, 221-m. Good and Evil problems not solved by a Redeemer who shall end Evil, 847-l. Good and Evil reconciled or the Universe would be a failure, 767-m. Good and Evil, Revelations depict the struggle between, 272-l. Good and Evil, Stars divided into the, 472-m. Good and Evil symbolized by the contest between Ialdaboth and his mother, 563-m. Good and Evil, the invisible Intelligences divided into the, 474-l. Good and Light synonymous because Light multiplied man's enjoyments, 660-m. Good, belief in a Devil an attempt to explain the existence of Evil and, 324-u. Good can not cause Evil; it must have had another cause, 661-u. Good counterbalances Evil; Light in equilibrium with Darkness, 764-l. Good has as an inseparable shadow the Evil, 846-l. Good implies its opposite, Evil, 681-l. Good, in the Absolute, an attribute of the Absolute Being, 702-l. Good, in the Absolute, is Good itself, superior to all particular duties, 702-l. Good is beyond man himself; not so God's Good, 680-l. Good is known by the evil, 797-m. Good is not a consequence; it is first or nothing, 722-l. Good men are tending to the realm of Perfection, 538-u. Good men of every nation superior to popular deities, 562-l. Good never separated from the evil; the two must mingle, 660-l. Good, period of the final triumph of, 258-m. Good principle divided into Creation, Preservation, Renovation, 604-m. Good Principle identified with the Sun, 594-u. Good principle represented by Masonry, 221-m. Good principle urged men towards—, 221-m. Good realized in nature, according to Plato, 681-m. Good resigned for the disinterested and universal, 696-m. Good, the foundation of obligation, 722-m. Good, the great speculations of antiquity forecast the victory of, 274-m. Good, the object of the Absolute Thought is the Absolute, 680-l. Good, the single principle in which centers all moral principles, 702-m. Good the ultimate end of Nature, according to Aristotle, 681-m. Good to reign in eternity and Evil to cease is but a poet's dream, 847-l. Good will prevail and Evil be overthrown by a Redeemer, 274-m. Goodness the first feature of Charity, 705-u. Gospel of John, a passage from an older work begins the, 280-u. Gospel of John, explanation and objects of the, 280-m. Gospel of St. John a Polemic against, the Gnostics, 559-m. Gospel of St. John the basis of rites proper to complete the initiation, 821-m. Gothic Festival of the Winter Solstice, Yuletide, became Christmas, 368-u. Gothic Mysteries, festivals, initiations, symbols, 368-u. Gothic Mysteries introduced from the East by Odin, 367-l. Gothic Mysteries similar to others; description of, 430-m. Gothic Mysteries taught the destruction of the world and the rising of a new one, 431-m. Govern In ablest, wisest, best is vested the Divine right to, 203-u. Government by incapables or merely respectables comes to nought, 31-m. Government, defects in a Democratic form of, 44-m. Government, Democratic, and Imperial Rome compared, 47-l. Government, Free, cannot long endure, when—, 203-u. Government, free, depends on the virtue and intelligence of common people, 177-u. Governmental machinery and laws in the interest of justice, 834-m. Government, Masonry not hostile to civil, 153-m. Government tends to become a conspiracy against liberty, 805-m. Government, those who reap the benefits should bear the burdens of, 176-u. Gracchi replaced by aroused indignation, 48-u. Grand Arcanum confers great power on the Adept, 101-m. Grand Master Architect, 12th Degree, duties of, 189-u. Grand Pontiff, the 19th Degree, 312-u. Gravitation around the centers of Life, Heat and Light, 843-u. Great Lights symbolize the Sun, Moon and Mercury, 486-l. "Great Work" a creation of the human word initiated into the power of the Word of God, 775-u. "Great Work" assures man of the empire of Azoth and power over the Magical Agent, 773-l. Great Work benefits the Body by bringing health and wealth, 785-u. Great Work benefits the Soul by causing it to know God, Nature, ourself, 785-u. Great Work comprehended and executed brings great knowledge, 786-l. "Great Work" depends chiefly on the internal Magnet of Paracelsus, 777-m. Great Work in perfection expressed by a cross over a triangle in alchemy, 790-l. "Great Work" is the conquest of man over his faculties and future, 773-l. "Great Work" itself is the work of the Sun, 773-u. "Great Work" of Hermes is magical and supposes the Absolute in Science and Will, 775-l. "Great Work" secrets have a threefold significance, 773-u. "Great Work" symbolized by the Rose in Flamel's book, 821-l. Great Work, the purification of the Soul has a hidden meaning, 792-m. Great Work, the universal agent is the elementary matter of the, 734-m. Greater Mysteries, five years' probation between the Lesser and the, 432-l. Greatest good of greatest number can legitimately affect ideal justice, 836-l. Grecian Choruses, the Strophe and Ante-Strophe connected with the Stars, 462-m. Grecian philosopher, saying of Socrates, the, 170-u. Grecian Temples destroyed by Persians under Xerxes and fire chapels erected, 610-m. Greed, commercial, deadens the nerves of sympathy, 298-l. Greek history shows the One God and then a worship of Nature, 619-l. Greek name of Deity consists of three letters, I, A, O, 632-l. Greek Philosophers expounded the loftier ideas and nobler doctrines, 617-m. Greek Philosophy embraced a belief in an Infinite and—, 617-m. Greek philosophy preceded by the Mystic Theologers, 683-m. Greeks consecrated the generative organs as symbols of fruitfulness, 656-m. Greeks, the scholars of the Egyptians, showed vestiges of an old faith, 617-u. Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop of Constantinople, speaks of the Christian Mysteries, 545-m. Grip, hieroglyphic picture of the Lion's, 80-l. Grip of the Lion of the House of Judah clasps the human race, 641-u. Grip of the Lion raised Khurum after that of Aquarius and Cancer failed, 461-u. Grip of a Master raises the candidate, 640-l. Grip of a Master represented by the figure ten, 638-m. Gurzsher, the Persian comet, consumes the world, 623-l. Gymnosophist Priests came from the Euphrates to Ethiopia, 362-m. Gymnosophists, at the Temple of Amun were celebrated the Mysteries of the, 362-m.
Habit is a Force, a second nature, 90-l. Hades, Hercules under the guidance of Minerva descended to, 592-l. Haikal denotes the place in which all things are contained, 799-u. Haikal, Temple or Palace; the name of Malakoth, 799-u. Haikal, the Palace of the degree Tephareth, which is concealed in it, 799-u. Hair of the women at the festival of Isis was flowing; the men shaven and bald, 387-l. Hakemah and Binah denoted by Yod, He, 798-m. Hakemah and Binah imperfectly joined with averted faces, 796-l. Hakemah and Binah in the Head as the two hemispheres of the brain, 768-l. Hakemah and Binah, the two lobes of the brain of Adam Kadmon, 757-l. Hakemah and Binah, whom it impregnates, quantitatively equal, 763-u. Hakemah and Bainah, Wisdom and Intelligence, the second Sephiroth, 552-u. Hakemah, Binah and Daath illustrated by comparison with pain, 758-l. Hakemah communicated potency and increase to Binah, 756-l. Hakemah is a person and termed Abba, or Father, 799-m. Hakemah is Father, Binah is Mother, the two in equilibrium as male and female. 763-m. Hakemah is the generative power of producing Thought, yet in Deity, 758-m. Hakemah is the Generator of all things; he and Binah conjoin, 763-l. Hakemah proceeded from Kether through the energy of Yod, 756-m. Hakemah represents, or is, the Man, 798-m. Hakemah Sapientia, existent in the Corona of the World of Emanation, 758-u. Hakemah, the Father, the active power or energy of the Deity, 552-m. Hakemah, Wisdom, Sapientia; wise by means of Binah, 753-u. Hand open pouring milk from vessel in shape of heart, symbolism, 412-m. Hand, the left, open and expanded, symbolic meaning of the, 388-u. Hannibal, results of Faust and Luther's work excelled that of, 43-u. Hansa (the Sun) dwelling in light; the Truth, 741-m. Hansavati Rich, a Sanscrit stanza says, "He is Hansa" (the Sun), 741-m. Happiness and satisfaction greater as ends in view are lofty and noble, 349-u. Happiness, as an effect of the Good, completes and crowns moral order, 724-u. Happiness dependent on the relations of the outer world, 686-m. Happiness in virtue the object of existence in man, 716-l. Happiness promoted by thought and purpose being in conformity with Divine rule, 713-u. Happiness will not result from repose unless balanced by a contrary movement, 847-l. Harmonies of Heaven correspond to those of Earth, 101-l. Harmony and Beauty should be the result of the equilibrium in man of the—, 855-m. Harmony and movement the Life of the Universe and Soul alike, 859-l. Harmony as represented by the three among the Pythagoreans, 632-m. Harmony consisting of the six parts of Seir Aupin represented by Vau, 799-l. Harmony finally led up to and it will reign forever, 577-u. Harmony necessary in Government and natural laws, 306-l. Harmony of life and action; of virtue and perfection, 765-u. Harmony of the Universe, 209-l. Harmony of the Universe, a combination of contraries, 660-m. Harmony of the Universe belongs to and is a part of it, 665-u. Harmony of the Universe broken by a single effect without a cause, 735-l. Harmony of the Universe responds to the unity of God, 707-l. Harmony of the world maintained by a Divine Force, can Soul of Nature, 668-u. Harmony only from the analogy of contraries. 848-u. Harmony or Beauty, the eternal law, a side of the Masonic triangle, 826-m. Harmony, Power of Deity in equilibrium with his Wisdom, 2-u. Harmony result of equilibrium of Justice and Mercy of God, 17-u. Harmony result of equilibrium of the sympathy and opposite action of contraries, Wisdom holding the scales, 8-m. Harmony resulting from equilibrium of Contraries taught by Ternary, 792-u. Harmony resulting from the equilibrium of the Spiritual and Material natures, 764-l. Harmony the result of the equilibrium of contrary forces, 306-u. Harmony the result of the equipoise of Necessity and Liberty, 848-l. Harmony, Wisdom, Force, the Great Attributes of the Essence of Deity, 531-m. Harmony which upholds and preserves, 531-m. Harmony with Wisdom and Power, one Masonic Triad, 8-u. Har-oeri, the Creative Word, from the action and reaction of Osiris and Isis, 861-m. Har-oeri, Son of Osiris and Isis; throne supported by lions, 79-m. Har-oeris, the elder Horus, Egyptian Sun God, festival of, 79-u. Hava Maal, The sublime Book of Odin; maxims from, 168-m. Hawk the symbol of Ra or Phre, 254-l. He and Yod represent the female and male principles in equilibrium, 323-m. He, approached by Yod, becomes imbued with a luminous influence, 793-u. "He" considered to be the agent of Almighty Power, 698-l. He of the Tetragrammaton in Adam Kadmon as Neschamah, 757-u. He, impregnated by Vau, produced Microprosopos, or Seir Aupin, 793-u. He, impregnated by Yod, begets a son, and thus pregnant brings forth, 763-m. He is Binah and the other He is Malkuth, 758-u. He, is female and He, is hidden on every side, 763-u. He is impregnated by Yod and begets a son which she brings forth, 763-l. He is the wife of Yod, the second He is the wife of Vav, 761-u. He, the female letter, communicates to Yod her light, 751-m. "He," the letter expressing the union of Deity with his creatures, 698-l. He-She, the meaning of the masculine-feminine Hua and Hia, 698-m. He-She, in Aramtic, Hebrew, Arabic, 700-u. Head, Kether, the Crown, ring or circlet, first Sephiroth, 768-l. Heads of Macroprosopos, Adam Kadmon, explained, 758-u. Health symbolized by the triple triangle, 634-m. Heathenism had a foundation in Truth, 599-u. Heaven and Earth, as Divinities, regarded as being male and female, 401-m. Heaven and earth composed of the two principles, Active and Passive, 656-u. Heaven and earth gifted with a life and soul, 668-l. Heaven and Earth, regarded as Divinities, were worshipped, 401-m. Heaven and Earth the first and most ancient divinities, 658-u Heaven exists in the perception and thought of a glorious mind, 201-l. Heaven, none for those who desire to go thither alone, 152-u. Heaven of Dante composed of a series of Kabalistic circles, 822-l. Heaven rules the condition of the earth by the action of Divine Force, 668-m. Heaven the birthplace of the Soul; its home, to which it looks, 520-m. Heaven to the Initiate is the World manifest to the Intelligences, 785-u. Heaven will, at last, aggrandize Hell is but a poet's dream, 847-l. Heavenly bodies act only with the activity of the Soul of the Universe, 671-m. Heavenly Bodies and the ceremonies of initiation closely connected, 507-l. Heavenly Bodies worshipped by different peoples, 457-l. Heavenly Hosts and Stars imprisoned for disobedience, 511-u. Heavenly Host appears as an organized Angelic Army, 509-l. Heavenly Hosts include not only emissaries of Jehovah, but Stars, 509-u. Heavenly Host worshipped by Turks, Scythians, Tartars, Persians, 459-m. Heavens a living existence from which, through earth, existences proceed, 668-m. Heavens and the Earth personified as Deities even among the Aryans, 850-l. Heavens and the Sun as Procreative and Generative agents; male, 851-u. Heavens divided by seven planets and twelve signs, 460-m. Heavens, the Father, impregnating the earth with its rains, 656-l. Hebraic doctrine of God and Light expressed by Milton, 739-l. Hebraic ideas favorable to physical pleasures, 260-u. Hebrew belief concerning the pre-existence of souls, 440-u. Hebrew books written in symbols unintelligible to the Profane, 744-l. Hebrew camp in the desert arranged from Stars, etc, 460-l. Hebrew conceptions of God varied, 206-m. Hebrew form of Tetractys, 88-m. Hebrew forms of the personal pronouns He-She, 700-u. Hebrew God, Ihuh, superior to Al or the Alohayim, 598-u. Hebrew God overcomes monstrous Leviathans, 498-l. Hebrew Law, maxims from, 169-l. Hebrew Mythology alludes to a feud among the spiritual powers, 510-l. Hebrew popular notions of Deity, 207-m. Hebrew religion imbued with Star worship, 509-511. Hebrew religion placed the government and all knowledge with Priests, 625-u. Hebrew Theism involved in symbolism and image worship, 514-m. Hebrew Tribes, characteristics of signs of the Zodiac compared with those of the, 461. Hebrew writings use light and fire as emblems of the attributes of Divinity, 611-u. Hebrew word in the East in 12th Degree is Adonai; meaning of, 201-l. Hebrew word, pronunciation of, not known from its character before—, 205-m. Hebrews, belief in the existence of One God not accepted by early, 206-u. Hebrews borrowed from the Persians some religious doctrines, 610-u. Hebrews devout worshippers of false gods, 206-m. Hebrews, esoteric knowledge communicated to but few, 207-l. Hebrews had their good Deity and the Devil, an angel of Darkness, 661-m. Hebrews held each nation had its own guardian angel and Star, 510-u. Hebrews held Nakhustan, brazen serpent, as a token of healing power, 497-u. Hebrews, intellectual, possessed true knowledge of God, 207-m. Hebrews, Jehovah the national God of the, 206-u. Hebrews transferred to Satan everything immoral to account for moral evil, 690-m. Hebrews, True nature of God and His name unknown to the, 206-u. Hel, the place to which the wicked go first, then to Nifthel, 619-m. Heliacally, Star seems to be touched by the Sun when it rises or sets, 471-l. Heliogabalus, reference to the reign of, 471-l—3-u. Hell, become useless, will be closed by the aggrandizement of Heaven, 847-l. Hell is impassable for those only who know not how to turn back, 822-l. Hell of Dante is but a negative Purgatory, 822-l. Heptakis, Phoenician God of the seven rays, 58-l. Heptaktis, God of seven rays, the Supreme God of Phoenecia, Tsadok, 728-m. Heracles or Arkaleus, the Etruscan, Scythian, Pelasgian name for the Sun God, 587-u. Heraclitus advocated monotheism, 678-m. Heraclitus acknowledged the unsatisfactory result of philosophy, 693-l. Heraclitus believed in a Universal Reason pervading all things, 693-u. Heraclitus of Pontus held that each Star was a portion of the Universal Soul, 671-m. Hercules, a descendant of Perseus, the luminous child of darkness, 591-m. Hercules and Juno, antagonism of good and evil typified by the contest between, 594-l. Hercules as a God to the Celts, Teutons, Scythians, Etruscans, Lydians, 591-m. Hercules begets with the Dragon the three ancestors of Scythia, 498-m. Hercules died, raised from the grave, and is received in heaven, 592-l. Hercules, Har-acles, worshipped at Tsur, 79-u. Hercules Ingeniculus, one of the varieties of the declining Sun, 591-l. Hercules, journey of the Sun the origin of the twelve labors of, 448-u. Hercules obtained initiation from Triptolemus, 586-u. Hercules performs his first labor with Nemean lion, 455-m. Hercules suffered the ills of humanity, according to Maximus Tyrius, 592-l. Hercules' Temple at Tyre built 2,300 years before Heroditus, 591-m. Hercules, the patron of navigators, who spread his altars from coast to coast, 591-m. Hercules well known in Egypt and the East, 591-m. Here persecuted Dionusos and helped the Titans to kill him, 585-l. Here, the wanton or irrational power of nature, 682-l. Hereafter, as we are pure here so we will be just as happy, 216-u. Heresy of philosophical truth considered the most dangerous by Rome, 820-u. Hermaphroditic Being, which comprehends all existence, 653-l. Hermaphroditic figure a symbol of Deity as Generator and Producer, 851-m. Hermaphroditic figure emerges from the Orphic egg, symbolizing the two causes, 655-l. Hermaphroditic figure of Valentinus a symbol of the double nature, 851-m. Hermaphroditic God-World, ancient dogma of philosophy and theology, 653-l. Hermaphroditistic conceptions from the idea of the Active and Passive principles, 655-l. Hermes' canonical rolls contain transcendental lore, 614-m. Hermes communicated secrets in alchemy, astrology, magism, 365-u. Hermes, in writings of Dionysius is found the dogma of, 731-l. Hermes instituted hieroglyphics, taught the sciences and arts, revered One God, 364-l. Hermes, inventor of letters, winged messenger bearing the Caduceus, 586-l. Hermes represented in our Bodies by the Orator, 586-l. Hermes taught men arts, science, and ascended to Heaven, 255-u. Hermes taught the priests and they studied the Hermetic science, 362-l. Hermes, the creed of the old Buddhists contained in the dying words of, 364-l. Hermes, the Egyptian Hierophant, summarizes the ancient doctrines, 324-m. Hermes, the first, was the Intelligence or Word of God, 254-l. Hermes, the Mercury of the Greeks, Thoth of the Egyptians, Taaut of the Phoenecians, 586-l. Hermes, the Sacredotal Art was the name given to the secrets of, 365-u. Hermes the same as Enoch, 363-m. Hermes, Thoth, the incarnation or repetition of the first, 255-u. Hermes Trismegistus, a Greek name for the Egyptian Thoth; doings of, 364. Hermetic Agent is the magical power, spiritual power, Astral Light, 774-l. Hermetic and Kabalistic Rose Croix, 785-l. Hermetic Arcanum, 775-u. Hermetic Art is a religion, a philosophy, a natural science, 774-l. Hermetic books discuss the Supreme Being, 614-l. Hermetic disciples used jargon as a living language, 731-u. Hermetic dogma engraven on a tablet of Emerald, 774-u. Hermetic Dogma, "What is above is like what is below," etc, 790-m. Hermetic fables show, in their interpretation, the principal Gods of the ancients, 631-u. Hermetic operations, spiritual and material, dependent on one another, 774-u. Hermetic or Alchemical philosophical doctrine, 772-792. Hermetic Philosophers drew their doctrines from the Kabalah, 772-l. Hermetic philosophy concealed by the Alchemists under symbols, 772-l. Hermetic philosophy given consideration in the Kabalah, 741-u. Hermetic philosophy, that of the schools of Alexandria and Pythagoras, 774-l. Hermetic Philosophy under the mask of Alchemy, 792-l. Hermetic religion is that of the Magi and the ancient initiates, 774-l. Hermetic Science applied to the operating of the Great Work, 785-m. Hermetic Science cultivated by Arabs and studied by Chief Templars, 840-l. Hermetic science, like all real science, is mathematically demonstrable, 777-l. Hermetic science real only for those who understand its religion and philosophy, 774-l. Hermetic secret is to find the bases of faith, truth, transmutation, 776-l. Hermetic Symbol from the "Materia Prima" of Valentinus, 850-m. Hermetic tablet of Emerald contains the Key to their allegories, 777-l. Hermetic tablet of emerald explained, 776-u. Hermetic universal medicine for soul, mind, body, 773-m. Hermetic work symbolized by the Pelican and Phoenix, 774-m. Hermeticism is the Kabalah in active realization; the Magic of Works, 840-l. Hermetics speak with reserve of secret fire, living and philosophical, 775-u. Hero, less noble to describe than be a, 349-l. Heroditus described Bal's temple at Babylon, 590-l. Heroditus excuses himself for reticence concerning the Mysteries, 380-m. Heroditus testifies concerning the doctrines of Zoroaster, 617-l. Herodotus speaks reservedly of the Mysteries of Isis, 405-m. Hieroglyphics believed to have been taught the Priests by the deities, 359-l. Heroic acts performed by the basest and lowest, 201-u. Heroism the loftiest feature of Charity, 705-u. Herta, the German name for the earth; adored by them, 658-m. Hesiod and others declare all virtue is a struggle, 691-u. Hesiod sings of Heaven and Earth as Ouranus and Gea, 850-l. Hexagon images a cube, not visible at the first glance, 827-u. Hia, the feminine form, sometimes means It, 698-m. Hiddekel, a stream of the Edenic river, 58-u. Hildebrand referred to, 31-u. Hierarchical Order, intelligence, figures, 97-m. Hierocles defines the great work of initiation, 521-m. Hierocles, one of the zealous disciples of Pythagoras, 622-l. Hieroglyphic picture of Lion's grip and Master's gavel, 80-l. Hieroglyphics, Hermes gave the Key to the, 365-u. Hieroglyphics in one degree had a different meaning in another, 374-u. Hieroglyphics, meaning of, so carefully guarded that meaning became lost, 374-u. Hieroglyphics preceded by symbols of Indians, Persians, and Chaldeans, 372-l. Hierophant of Eleusis, Motive God of nature, veiled on throne, 411-l. Hierophants in concealing knowledge multiplied symbols, 321-l. Hierophants of the Gothic Mysteries ruled over the celebrations, 367-l. Hierophants sought by every means to impress the candidates, 383-m. High Places, idolaters sacrificed to foreign gods on, 234-u. High Priest uttered the Tetragrammaton on the 10th of Tisri, 620-u. High Priest's vestments and furniture described, symbolism, 409-u. Hillel, the Pharisee, gives summary of the law of Moses, 170-u. Hindoo divinities, the attributes of the One God, 672-l. Hindu creed from extracts from their books, 605-m—606. Hindu deities, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, subordinate to Brehm, 597-l. Hindu Kusch, or Paropismus; Iranian races on Eastern and Southern slopes of the, 601-l. Hindu Mythology abounds in images of serpents, 500-m. Hindu Mythology preserves the legend of the fall of Spirits, 623-l. Hindu name of Deity consists of three letters, A, U, M, 632-l. Hindu religious dogmas epitomized, 604-m. Hindu religion embodied as fundamental principles—, 604-u. Hindus have veneration for the Lingham, a symbol of everproductive nature, 656-u. Hindus lamented the death of Soura-Parama, slain by Soupra-Muni, 595-u. Hindus, seed vessels of lotus a sacred symbol to the, 9-u. Hindus' Trinity became three distinct Deities, 550-m. Hiram, a type of humanity in its highest phase, 225-m. Hiram said by Josephus to have built a Temple to Astarte, 410-l. Hiramic legend represents a murder, restoration, and teaches—, 435-l. Hiram's murder, burial, etc., symbols of the Redeemer, 640-l. History not a fortuitous concourse of events, 646-l. Hoam-ti, third Chinese Emperor, erected a Temple to the Great Architect of the Universe, 615-l. Hobbes says God is inconceivable, 651-u. Hod and Netsach, the thighs of Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Hod, one of the Sephiroth; Glory, 753-m. Hod, with Netsach, is the Perfection of Deity manifested in his Idea of the Universe, 767-m. Holland, Masonry in 1735 prescribed by the states of, 50-m. "Holy Doctrine," the absolute Doctrine of the Hermetics, 840-l. Holy Empire, Holy Realm, Sanctum Regnum, names for Magism, 842-u. Holy Empire is the victory of the spiritual over the human in man, 855-u. Holy Empire of Masonic Brotherhood made possible by the Royal Secret, 861-l. Holy Empire spoken of in the clavicules of Solomon and symbolized, 727-m. Holy Ghost of the Christians corresponds to the Wisdom of the Kabalah, 267-l. Holy House of the Temple, Haikal Kadosh, 816-m. Holy of Holies formed a cube; symbolic meaning, 209-u. Holy Spirit composed of the universal agent, 734-m. Holy Spirit enveloped in silence from the awe of the Mysteries, 849-l. Holy Spirit, the companion of Christ, produced by the Intelligence, 560-m. H, O, M, the three-lettered Persian name of Deity, 632-l. H, O, M, the framer of a new Persian religion; his name was Ineffable, 621-l. Homer makes Zeus resent the accusation that evil comes from the Gods, 690-l. Homer's Zeus an array of antitheses, like that of Hesiod, 689-l. Honor and Duty, a Force; the Polestars of a Mason, 89-l. Honor given to those who stand up for truth and right, 836-m. Honor of a Mason's country identified with his own, 156-m. Hope, a great moral Force, is Strength which ensures success, 91-m. Hope, enemy of avarice, represented by the Moon, 727-l. Hope, for the exceptions to the law that attaches happiness to virtue, 725-l. Hope for the triumph of Good over evil a part of the Masonic creed, 531-u. Hope, no man can struggle and conquer without, 196-l. Hope of a Mason, that all men shall form one family, 233-u. Hope of immortality the aim of ancient wisdom, Mysteries, Masonry, 517-m. Hope of man overcame the terrors of the grave, 653-u. Hope of success, not hope of reward, our stimulus, 229-l. Horace and others declare Zeus ordained evil for beneficent purposes, 691-u. Horus, buried three days, regenerated, 81-l. Horus, Master of Life, 13-u. Horus, one of the Egyptian Triad, was the Son, the Light, 548-l. Horus, son of Isis, died and was restored to life, 406-m. Horus, son of Isis, slew Typhon, aided by Isis, 376-u. Horus, the God of Time, pours ambrosia on the hair of Isis, 379-m. Horus, the younger, the point in a circle, the hieroglyphic of, 79-u. Hospitallers and Templars vowed obedience, poverty, chastity, 802-u. Hospitallers' Houses despoiled by Elizabeth, Queen of England, 802-m. Hospitallers' Houses were Almshouses, Dispensaries, Inns, 802-m. House of all things the name for the Principle of all things, 793-u. House of God may be found everywhere, 241-m. Houses of the Planets, mythological emblems and fables, 470-u. Hu, in Druidical mysteries was represented the death of, 429-l. Hu, the British God, called the Dragon; his car drawn by serpents, 502-u. Hua and Hia, the personal pronoun He, She, masculine and feminine, 698-m. Hua, He, the designating personal pronoun of the Most Holy Ancient, 794-m. Hua, He, the totality of all things; the totality of the Ancient is male, 763-u. Hua means the Male, Creative Principle or Power, 699-u. Hua often used by itself to express Deity, "He", 698-l. Hu-Hi proper for Hua-Hia by omitting the "a", 698-m. Hu-Hi transposed into Ih-Uh, 698-m. Hule limits the progression towards Perfection, 555-l. Hule represented as darkness, a void, shadow, 555-l. Human action foreseen, but not controlled, 848-l. Human action not controlled so as to annihilate its freedom, 848-l. Human and Divine intermingled in every Human being, 853-u. Human body with male and female heads standing on a dragon, 850-m. Human Deity an incarnate divinity, 222-l. Human existence, permanent conditions of; result of, 93-l. Human form but the analog of the form taken by Deity, 791-u. Human form is the form of all above and below, 791-u. Human frailty can not bear to suffer for nought, 199-u. Human heart beats for beggar and prince alike, 245-u. Human intellect imposes its own limitations on the Illimitable, 222-l. Human life is a great and solemn dispensation, 199-m. Human Light but a reflection of a ray of the Infinite Light, 246-l. Human mind has no conception of God's nature or modes, 743-u. Human nature not satisfied with a denial of God, 645-l. Human nature possesses an inherent loftiness of ideal, 832-l. Human power, affliction or pain can not be kept out by, 180-l. Human race one great family, 176-m. Human Tetragram is Adam; it is Yod of the Kabalah, image of Phallus, 771-u. Human Thought, Speech, Action, combined, irresistible in results, 320-u. Human understanding does not vacillate at hazard, 842-m. Human Unity made complete by the right and left; primitive man of both sexes, 771-u. Human wisdom intermediate between ignorance and knowledge, 691-l. Humanity, a beauty and glory in, 214-l. Humanity afflicted by prosperity, 307-l. Humanity, as a Unit, existed in Deity, 764-m. Humanity aspires to God, believes in God, hopes in God, 708-m. Humanity, duties of a Mason towards, 176-l. Humanity exalted the highest conception of human thought, 652-u. Humanity has had but one religion and one worship, 102-u. Humanity in its highest phase typified by Hiram, 225-m. Humanity, in the humblest abodes are worked out the problems of, 245-u. Humanity, no one above the trials and frailties of, 180-l. Humanity of Christ, more than his Divinity, which brings him worship, 743-m. Humanity, slow is the advance of, 93-m. Humanity's material, sensual, baser portion represented by the Square, 851-l. Humanity's spiritual, intellectual, moral nature represented by the Compass, 851-l. Humility, patience, self-denial, symbolized by the Cross of Christ, 801-l. Hungus reigned over the Picts in the ninth century; saw St. Andrew's Cross, 801-m. Hyades are five stars in the form of a V, 435-l. Hyperborean regions visited by the Sun Gods, 592-m. Hypocrisy, the homage paid by vice and wrong to virtue and justice, 73-m. Hypothenuse of a right angle triangle represents the nature produced by union, 861-m. Hypothenuse of the right angle triangle is product of Male and Female, 789-m. Hypothenuse represents that nature which is produced by the union of the Divine and Human, 861-m. Hypotheses scientifically are the last shadows of knowledge, 841-m.
I, A, O, the three-lettered Greek name of Deity, 632-l. I am alpha and omega, the omnipotent, 701-u. I signified unity, 701-u. Iahaveh, Father, Kabalah ascribes Creation to, 104-m. Ialdaboth caused the Jews to hate and crucify Jesus, 563-l. Ialdaboth made the world and man in his own image, 563-m. Ialdaboth of the Ophites, the Demiourgos, produced an angel, 563-m. Ialdaboth's Sons, by Eve, had children, angels like themselves, 563-m. Iamblichus defines the Egyptian idea of existence, 614-u. Iamblichus taught that the heavens and spheres were part of the Universal Soul, 669-m. Iao, name of one of the Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Iao, the sacred name of the Supreme Deity, 700-u. Icelandic Prose Edda, has a dialogue concerning God, 619-m. Idea of Ancient Art is—, 164-u. Idea in Deity was the Universe in potence; the sequence was involved, 767-u. Idea of infinity and spirituality eludes us, 222-u. Idea of the Universe existing in Deity as real as Deity himself, 764-m. Ideal justice which men look up to is true, but is not of this world, 835-u. Ideal world, at first, preferred to the real, 674-m. Ideas of Plato correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster, 256-u. Idleness is perpetual Despair, 342-u. Idlers and drones not respected by Masonry, 14-u. Idol made of a mind picture same as one of wood, 693-m. Idol of black magic is an Absolute Deity outside of Reason, 737-l. Idol worship the root of all evil, according to the iconoclasts, 691-m. Idolaters make Atheism possible, 737-l. Idolatry did not gain much foothold among the Arabians till—, 616-l. Idolatry forbidden by the early Scandinavians, 618-m. Idolatry grew out of the confounding of the symbol with the object symbolized, 600-u. Idolatry not practiced by Chinese till after Confucius, 615-l. Idolon means "image", 693-m. Idra Rabba, Synodus Magna, a book of the Sohar, says the Deity is in Microprosopos, 793-l. Idra Rabla contains the statement that the left is female; the right, male, 763-u. Idra Suta contains the statements that God coheres with all and all with Him, 761-l. Idra Suta says the continuance of things depended on their being male and female, 800-u. Idra Suta states that the Principle called Father is comprehended in Yod, 792-l. Ignorance is Darkness, 107-m. Ignorance of the causes of phenomena of daily occurrence, 526-530. Ignorance of the essence of Magnetism, heat, light, etc, 570-571. Ignorance self-abandoned to a power tyrannical, 694-l. I, H, U, H designates the generative and conceptive Forces, 267-u. I, H, U, H, The First Born, the Creative Agent, emanated from, 267-u. Ihuh, Abstract Existence above the Alohayim or Al, for the Hebrews, 598-u. Ihuh-Alhim is the Absolute Existence, 701-m. Ihuh-Alhim: the Substance or Very Self, Alohayim, are manifestations, 568-l. Ihuh, as applied to Deity, represents—, 208-m. Ih-Uh obtained from Hu-Hi by transposition, 698-m. Ihuh, Self-existence, one of the names of Deity on the Delta, 531-l. Ihuh, the name assumed by Deity in his communication with Moses, 697-l. Ihuh, the name that includes all things, the name of the world of. the garment, 750-u. Ih-Uh, the Tetragrammaton or Ineffable Name, 698-m. Ihuh, the Unity in which the many are and out of which all flow, 764-u. Ills of society would be relieved if the world was peopled with Christs, 718-l. Illuminati; The Absolute became the reason for the rites of the, 840-m. Illumination carries its cone of shadow, 847-l. Illusions satisfying the vulgar were coarse forms of—, 653-u. Illustrious Elect (Elu) of the Fifteen, 10th Degree, 160-l. Image successful if it conveys the idea vividly and truthfully, 515-m. Imagery of Orientals a desire to express the Infinite by symbols, 514-l. Imma and Aba; Mother and Father, 757-u. Immortality a natural feeling, an adjunct of self-consciousness, 517-u. Immortality admitted by the Druids; also man's responsibility, 618-u. Immortality and happiness symbolized by Spring, Summer, 447-l. Immortality: categorical questions concerning, 649-m. Immortality concurrent with a belief in an infinite Spirit, 517-u. Immortality demonstrated by the law of merit and demerit, 706-l. Immortality exists in the perception and thought of a mind, 201-l. Immortality; nature full of phenomena used as evidences of, 517-m. Immortality not impossible if required by absolute justice, 706-l. Immortality of the Soul taught in the 18th Degree, 287-l. Immortality of the Soul a fundamental principle of the Hindu religion, 604-m. Immortality of the Soul acknowledged by the Vedanta and Myaya philosophers, 607-u. Immortality of the soul based on the necessary foundation of its spirituality, 706-l. Immortality of the Soul taught in the 18th Degree, 287-l. Immortality of the Soul the second Truth of the Sacred Mysteries, 533-m. Immortality proven by the tendency of the powers of the soul toward the Infinite, etc, 706-l. Immortality symbolized by a serpent, 496-l. Immortality symbolized by the sprig of Acacia, 642-u. Immortality the shadow of God, whose shadow is death, 741-l. Imperfection not possible if God's Justice alone reigned, 846-u. Impossibilities can not be done by God, 737-m. Imposture commonly rules in Republics, 45-l. Impulse which directs to right conduct the third Truth of Masonry, 533-l. Incantation developed out of prayer, 685-u. Incarnations of Vishnu and Buddha represents the journey of the Sun, 448-u. Indented tessel, should be tessera, or indented border, 818-m. India claimed Osiris as one of their great gods, 475-l. India gave Zoroaster much of the Primitive Truth, 617-l. India, the Patriarchal religion originally practiced by the people of, 360-l. Indian books, maxims from the, 169-m. Indian Mysteries, ceremonies and description of the, 428. Indian or Great Plague claimed to have originated from the English tax on salt, 812-m. Indian philosophy gave birth to the Egyptian Mysteries, 372-l. Indian philosophy spread through Persia and Chaldea to Egypt, 372-l. Indian Sacred Name of the One Deity manifested as—, 205-u. Individual comfort and convenience can not be consulted, 696-u. Individuality an illusion according to the Hindu dogma, 604-l. Indra, Ormuzd, Ahura-Mazda is the bright firmament, 601-l. Indra, the God of the glittering firmament, Father of the Devas or Powers, 602-m. Industry never wholly unfruitful, 152-m. Inertia and immobility of Forces or Impulses cause Death, 846-u. Ineffable Name, by reversion and division, becomes bi-sexual, 849-m. Ineffable name embodies the idea of the Absolute Existence, 700-m. Ineffable name embodies the idea of the Male and Female principle, 700-m. Ineffable Name given its esoteric or inner meaning, 697-l. Ineffable Name is not that of the Very Essence, but of the Absolute, 849-m. Ineffable Name is that of the Absolute manifested as Existence, 849-m. Ineffable name of Deity represented by the symbol Y, 429-m. Ineffable Name of Deity upon the Delta known to the Ameth alone, 531-m. Ineffable Name of God given to the initiate into the Mithraic Mysteries, 425-u. Ineffable Name or Tetragrammaton is IH-UH, 698-m. Ineffable name of the manifested Deity, Yod and Ho, two letters of the, 323-m. Ineffable Name, signifying source of all things, has four letters, 632-l. Infinite, a change in conditions of our being necessary to conceive the, 222-U. Infinite as well as Finite present in everything, 764-l. Infinite Being must of necessity create and preserve the Finite, 708-l. Infinite combined the points until letters were formed, 749-u. Infinite divisibility of the triangle teaches the infinity of Deity, 827-m. Infinite first limits Himself by flowing forth in the shape of Will, 766-u. Infinite, limitations to man's knowledge of the, 222—. "Infinite" of Anaximander an ideal chaos, 675-m. Infinite Power and Wisdom can harmonize Necessity and Liberty, 848-m. Infinite space and infinite time are two primary ideas, 569-l. Infinite, the living principle of a living Universe must be, 222-m. Infinite time and space inconceivable; ends in nothing, 595-u. Infinite Time, Infinite Space, uncomprehendable to us, 529-l. Infinite, we are unfolded by the, 190-l. Infinite was moved within Himself during Creation, 749-u. Infinity not comprehensible, only indefiniteness, 569-l. Infinity of God the first Truth of the Sacred Mysteries, 533-m. Infinity of Space and Time known, but the idea eludes us, 222-u. Influence and works live after us, 108-u. Influence of mind over mind; man over man, 31-u. Influence of the great dead on the present, 312-315. Influences live and the great Future will obey, 316-m. Informatio, Binah, "The very Head of Macroprosopos," as applied to Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Iniquity seems to prosper, but its success is its defeat and shame, 837-l. Initiate after a year prepared for initiation into the Greater Mysteries, 389-l. Initiate after instruction forbidden to eat animal food or drink wine, 388-l. Initiate after ten days was led to the Sanctuary, approached the abode of death and—, 389-m. Initiate after three days participated in a consummation of ceremonies, 389-m. Initiate bathed, the Priests implored forgiveness, sprinkled him, 388-l. Initiate clothed, crowned, and celebrated the next day as his birthday, 389-m. Initiate invited to see Christ who will shine with greater glory, etc, 521-l. Initiate of Bakchic Mysteries purified his soul of passion, 420-l. Initiate of Mithraic Mysteries crowned, purified by fire and water, 425-u. Initiate of Mithraic Mysteries received on point of sword at left breast, 424-l. Initiate presented with thirteen robes representing the Heavens, etc, 506-l. Initiate regarded as the favorite of the Gods, 386-u. Initiate required to be free from stain, 390-l. Initiate taught his place in the Universe and dignified him in his own eyes, 416-u. Initiate to the degree of Scottish Master traverses Heaven and Earth, 785-u. Initiated, great philosophers and legislators were, 372-l. Initiates, admonition of Philo, the Greek Jew, to the, 311. Initiates, after Cambyses, dispersed to Greece and taught enigmatically, 365-l. Initiates, apostrophe of Euripides and Aristophanes to the, 357-l. Initiates clothed in linen robes, 387-l. Initiates of Bakchic Mysteries followed rules of Pythagoras, 420-m. Initiates of Bakchic Mysteries practiced contemplation and peace, 420-l. Initiates of Christian Mysteries received three degrees, 541-l. Initiates of Druidical Mysteries arranged in threes, fives, sevens, 429-l. Initiates of Druidical Mysteries placed in a boat, referring to Osiris, 430-l. Initiates of Eleusis believed the Sun blazed with splendor for them, 386-m. Initiates of Mysteries invested with cord of three times three; our cable tow, 361-u. Initiates of Mysteries regarded as fortunate men, 353-m. Initiates of Orpheus were considered as released from evil, 386-m. Initiates of the Mysteries, ecstatic condition of the, 358-u. Initiates required to be pure as indicated by fasting, continence, etc, 520-l. Initiates supposed to be favored by storms and evils, 386-u. Initiates taught the nature and objects of the Mysteries and—, 421-l. Initiates, "Teach me to respect Justice and the Gods" the great lesson taught the, 381-m. Initiates were given few explanations, but left to make inferences, 355-m. Initiates wrote mysteriously concerning the Mysteries, 365-l. Initiate's soul lighted by the blaze of the sacred doctrine, 521-l. Initiation a serious matter; qualifications for, 388-m. Initiation, according to Clemens, was a real physiology, 401-u. Initiation an indication of moral purity; intended to effect the same as philosophy, 520-l. Initiation but introductory to the great change of death, 392-l. Initiation ceremonies and Heavenly Bodies closely connected, 507-l. Initiation ceremonies became complicated, pompous, secret, 358-l. Initiation, ceremonies of the Indian, 361-m. Initiation changed fellow citizens to brothers closely bound, 386-u. Initiation compelled the performance of duties and the rules of justice, 391-m. Initiation dissipated errors and gave hopes at death, 386-l. Initiation, effects of, requirements, results, 520-522. Initiation: Hercules applied to Eumolpos for, 592-l. Initiation: Hierocles defines the great work of, 521-m. Initiation in Mysteries represents the death and resurrection of the Sun, 408-u. Initiation into Mysteries at dead of night with appalling ceremonies, 359-l. Initiation into the Mysteries of Eleusis, 403-m. Initiation into the Mysteries as necessary as—, 353-m. Initiation lights up the Soul with rays of Divinity, 522-m. Initiation probably took place in pyramids, labyrinths, etc, 359-l. Initiation propounded to science the problem of the Conquest of the Rose, 821-l. Initiation, signs, tokens, degrees, developed from the original, 359-u. Initiation, Socrates and Aristides state benefits of, 386-l. Initiation termed Light, 521-l. Initiation, the Epopt said to be regenerated after the ceremonies of, 373-l. Initiation, the first principles of life learned through, 353-l. Initiation, the increase and decrease of the moon regulated the periods of the, 361-m. Initiation the Knowledge of Deity who was the Light of the Mysteries, 522-u. Initiation was a school in which were taught the truths of—, 372-l. Initiation was, as it were, to suffer death and be born again, 388-m. Initiation was considered to be a mystical death, 373-l. Initiations, ancient, objects of the; tended to perfection, 397-l. Initiations consummated in Temples of Elephanta and Salsette, 361-u. Initiations into the Mysteries took place generally at night, 383-l. Initiations, Souls tried in the Sanctuary of, 518-l. Initiations, the Equinoxes were connected with ancient, 404-l. Initiations withdrew souls from mortal life and reunited them to the Gods, 520-l. Injunction to Masons, "Judge not," etc, 135-m. Injustice, loss results from the gain of, 73-u. Injustice of England lost her America, 835-m. Injustice, two kinds of, 127-u. Injustices and inequalities of this life compensated for in a future one, 830-l. Injustices, difficulty in finding compensations for seeming, 829-u. Inquisition, references to the tortures of the, 49-l. Inquisitorial duties of a member of the 31st Degree, 827-m. Inri, various meanings of, 291-m. Inspector Inquisitor, Grand Inspector, Inquisitor Commander, 825. Inspector Inquisitor, the 31st Degree, 825. Inspiration given to every faithful child of God, 226-u. Inspiration not limited by race, or sect; still exists, 225-l. Inspiration of one age or creed; Philo and Plato inspired, 321-u. Inspired minds ordered by God, 225-u. Instinct of animals compared with the Reason of man, 303-l. Instinct is inspiration, either the animal itself or God in the animal, 304-u. Instincts and life of animals come from the Universal Soul, 666-l. Instructors, attempt to reach understanding through the eye by early, 355-m. Instructors or Masons from the 4th to the 8th Degrees; duties of, 331-m. Instructors to perfect, explain, expound to the younger Masons, 331-m. Instrument of the Hermetics to separate the gross from the volatile; Intelligence, 790-l. Intendant of the Building, 8th Degree, lesson of, 136-u. Intellect ever struggling to pass the bounds of its limitations, 696-l. Intellect has always sought to explain the nature of Deity, 738-m. Intellect, only sure mode of perpetuating Freedom is the franchise of, 31-l. Intellect placed above and beyond the Universe by the Egyptians, 614-u. Intellectual force of some persons absorbed by others, 735-u. Intelligence active as the soul became disengaged from gross matter, 669-l. Intelligence and Life communicated to man by Supreme Intelligence, 665-u. Intelligence and Wisdom conjoined and one shines in the other, 800-u. Intelligence: categorical questions concerning, 648. Intelligence complete as the world and accurate as mathematics, 790-l. Intelligence corresponds to the Holy Ghost of the Christian Faith, 267-l. Intelligent Deities necessary for worship, 665-m. Intelligence directing Strength and Force is true meaning of necessity, 696-m. Intelligence enveloped in the soul in which it reposed, 669-m. Intelligence existed wherever the Divine soul acted as a cause, 669-m. Intelligence filled the Universe, emanations from the Universal, 669-m. Intelligence, God, Chance, undistinguishable, according to Menander, 694-m. Intelligence great as the soul directs the movements of the Universe, 415-u. Intelligence impossible without a soul, 669-m. Intelligence of God perceives where the Good is and his liberty accomplishes it, 704-u. Intelligence of man an emanation from the soul of nature, 670-u. Intelligence overruling the principle of necessity, 681-l. Intelligence produced Christ and the Spirit to restore the Eons to—,560-m. Intelligence source of the oil of anointing, 267-l. Intelligence supreme is necessarily rational, 733-u. Intelligence, Supreme, type of that manifested in man, 254-m. Intelligence symbolized by the Pentagram or five-pointed Star, 790-l. Intelligence, Tabunah, represented by the Hebrew letters, 800-m. Intelligence, the commencement, revelation cf Divinity, the first Eon, 560-u. Intelligence the Supreme Being of Plato, 678-u. Intelligences emanated from a Primary Intelligence, 249-u. Intelligences: God displays Himself by, 564-u. Intelligences: God's Spirit emanating from His bosom the first of the, 564-u. Intelligences, like the Stars, divided into the Good and the Evil, 474-l. Intelligences: Logos, the Word, Creative Utterances, the second of the, 564-u. Intelligences of the Stars have dominion over all Nature, 474-u. Intendant of the Building, 8th Degree, lessons of the, 136-u. Interests, all men have common, 221-u. Interests conflict and passions clash in a world of action, 696-U. Interests of the many requiring the sacrifice of others may be just, 833-l. Intermediary powers between Gods and men accorded to Genii or angels, 416-m. Intimate Secretary, 6th Degree, special duties of, 119-u. Intolerance of religious belief, a great evil; effect of—, 166-l. Inundation of the Nile affected by Aquarius as well as Sirius, 468-m. Inventions to account for moral evil, 690-m. Invisible becomes the Visible at the will of God, 845-l. Invisible God, visible in Eden, Sinai, Burning Bush, no incongruity, 514-u. Invisible measured by the visible, 222-u. Invisible only cognizable through the visible, 267-l. Invocation to Ormuzd to combat Evil and make men pure and holy, 613-m. I, O, W, the three-lettered Scandinavian name of Deity, 632-l. Ionic order of architecture represents degrees of the Second Temple, 202-u. Iranian objects of worship those of nature, especially fire and light, 601-l. Iranian races seem to have originated nature worship, 601-l. Ireland and Scotland; Cross on ancient Buddhist ruins of, 505-m. Ireland, serpents carved on Buddhist crosses in, 496-m. Ireland, the Buddhists supposed to have erected the round towers of, 278-u. Irira, Abraham Cohen, author of Pneumatica Kabalistica, or Beth Alohim, 772-l. Isaiah quoted in reference to the creation of evil by God, 796-m. Isiac Mysteries required tomb, pillars, and lake, 405-m. Isiac tablet is charged with serpents, 501-m. "Iside et Osiride," by Plutarch, speaks mysteriously of the Holy Doctrines, 841-u. Isin Abla, a Mohammedan Mystery teaching the name of God, 621-l. Isis accompanied on her journey by animals representing Constellations, 506-m. Isis addressed by Lucius according to Apuleius, 387-u. Isis addresses Lucius and promises her favor, 387-m. Isis aided in her search for Osiris by Anubis in the shape of a dog, 376-l. Isis and Osiris gave civilization, laws, etc., to men, 475-l. Isis appears to Lucius as a beautiful female with graceful ringlets, 387-u. Isis, as the Moon, seeks Osiris; her allegorical wanderings, 480-483. Isis collected all parts of the body of Osiris except generative organs, 475-l. Isis compared to Knowledge by Plutarch, 521-l. Isis, declaration concerning herself on columns at Nysa in Arabia, 378-m. Isis; description of a procession of the initiates of, 412-u. Isis, doctrines of the Mysteries judged by the prayer to, 389-l. Isis extracted the body of Osiris from a column of the palace, 379-u. Isis found the body of Osiris at Byblos marked by a shrub of tamarisk, 376-l. Isis in her search had with her Anubis and Nepthe, sisters of Osiris, 378-l. Isis in the procession was attended by women combing her hair, 387-l. Isis is Nature, the Queen, 279-u. Isis of Gaul, called Hertha or Wertha, Virgin to bear a child, 104-u. Isis, sister before she was the wife, of Osiris, 849-l. Isis: the Egyptians deemed it unlawful to utter the name, 620-u. Isis the Goddess of Sais, the Feast of Lights in her honor celebrated there, 380-u. Isis, the personification of the Moon, 447-l. Isis, was engaged as nurse to the child of Queen Astarte, 379-u. Isis was the daughter of Saturn, the most ancient of Gods, 378-m. Isis, weeping at a fountain, dressed the hair of the women of the court, 378-l. Israel, allegory of Jacob concerning the twelve Tribes of, 460-l. Iraelite, by nature a servant to the Stars, relieved by Law, 509-l. Israelites in Desert worshipped a Star God, according to Amos, 509-l. Israel's daughters looked to the north for the return of Thammuz, 592-u. Issachar, compared to an ass, has for a device Cancer, 461-l. Ivy over East window of old churches is the Hedera Helix of Bakchos, 483-m. Izeds, created by Ormuzd, offices of the twenty-eight, 257-u.
Jachin and Boaz explain the mysteries of political and religious antagonisms, 772-u. Jachin and Boaz, parallel lines, point in circle, represent Solstices, 506-u. Jachin and Boaz symbols of the bi-sexuality of the Ineffable Name, 849-m. Jachin has set on it the celestial globe symbol of the spiritual part of man, 860-m. Jachin is Binary; Boaz is Unity, 772-u. Jachin, name of the column on the right of the entrance; meaning of, 9-l. Jachin, one of the columns of the Temple of Wisdom, represents the Active Principle, 860-m. Jachin referred to symbolically, 202-l. Jachin represents Victory, one of the Sephiroth, 267-l. Jachin, the seventh Sephiroth, is unlimited Power, 736-l. Jacob saw the souls descending a seven-stepped ladder, 851-l. Jacob's dream, the ladder in, 234-u. Jainas, a sect in India, say the ancient religion consisted in a belief in—, 608-u. James the Second, silly song helped to unseat, 43-u. Jargon of a rude chemistry utilized by the Alchemists to conceal their philosophy, 772-l. Jargon of alchemy created to deceive the vulgar herd, 731-u. Japanese believe in a Supreme Invisible Being not to be represented by images or—, 616-u. Japanese had seven ancient gods and five added, 460-m. Japanese Mysteries; twenty years probation for highest degree, 429-m. Japanese Supreme Being styled Amida or Omith, 616-u. Jay and Marshall revered for their justice as judges, 836-l. Jealousy of Deity instanced, 688-u. Jefferies, as Judge, to be opposed by Masonry, 20-l. Jefferies, reference to trials before, 49-l. Jehovah, anthropomorphism of, 207-u. Jehovah at the outset in the character of the Sun, 510-m. Jehovah conquers the Dragons, 499-m. Jehovah had a distinct astrological character, 509-l. Jehovah leads forth the Hosts of Heaven, naming them, 509-l. Jehovah more powerful than the Gods of other nations, 206-l. "Jehovah" of the Hebrews expresses abstract existence, 651-l. Jehovah the Author of all things, prosperity and evil, 687-u. Jehovah, the direct author of evil, commissions evil spirits, 687-l. Jehovah, the Divine Tetragram, formed by adding the ternary name of Eve to Yod, 771-m. Jehovah, the name by which all things are redeemed, 561-l. Jehovah the national God of the Hebrews, 206-l. Jehovah transfixes the Crooked Serpent, 498-u. Jehovah's jealousy against the infringement of autocratic laws, 688-u. Jemsheed, one of the Persian Sun Heroes, cut off by Zohak, 589-m. Jemsheed sawn asunder by a fish bone, 589-l. Jericho, Rose of, grows in Arabian desert; propagation of, 96-m. Jerusalem often prostituted to the gods of Syria and Babylon, 840-u. Jerusalem, prophesy by Isaiah concerning, 13-m. Jerusalem, the 16th Degree; emblems of the Prince of, 241-m. Jesus caused to be born of a Virgin by Ialdaboth, 563-l. Jesus Christ, the living Spirit, assists Adam Kadmon against the Evil Principle, 566-m. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour, inscribed on Christian Mark, 547-l. Jesus, born of a virgin, united to Christos, with Sophia redeemed the world, 560-m. Jesus, in person, having disappeared, a cross of Light appeared in His place, 567-m. Jesus received from Wisdom the perfect knowledge, Gnosis, 563-l. Jesus restored to life and given an etherial body by Christos and Wisdom, 563-l. Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, to whom the Wisdom of God had united itself, 564-l. Jesus takes from Ialdaboth the Souls of Light, 564-u. Jewel of the Kabalistic pantacle commands the spirits of the elements, 787-u. Jewels of the Order, six in number, movable and immovable, 16-u. Jewish intimate relations with the Oriental doctrines, 255-m. Jewish Scriptures allegories concealing profound meanings, 250-l. Jewish Teachers of Alexandria; writings of, 253-u. Jews borrowed the idea of God in the form of fire from the Persians, 424-m. Jews confounded Satan with Ahriman and the Dragon, 258-u. Jews considered the True Name of God lost and its pronunciation a mystery, 621-m. Jews enunciated the policy of exclusion, but yielded to the Greeks, 247-l. Jews familiar with the doctrine of Zoroaster, 256-l. Jews fixed the New Year in the month Nisan, Vernon Equinox, 466-m. Jews, great many remained in Babylon, established school, 256-u. Jews influenced by long residence in Assyria and Persia, 255-m. Jews lost the Holy Word, the veil of the Temple rent asunder, 840-u. Jews of Egypt, difference between the Jews of Palestine and the, 260-m. Jews of Egypt jealous of those of Palestine, 253-u. Jews of Egypt made doctrines harmonize with the traditions of Greece, 260-m. Jews of Palestine imbibed the Oriental doctrines, 260-m. Jews, reason of Lodges for the exclusion of, 11-m. Jezirah and Sohar, our knowledge of the Kabalistic doctrines in the books of, 266-l. Jizchak Lorja says all things consist in Binah, 753-l. Joab strikes Abner under the fifth rib; application, 36-u. Jod, or Yod, as an initial of Yod, He, is placed in center of a triangle, 632-u. Johannism of the Adepts, the Kabalah of the earlier Gnostics, 818-u. Johannite Christians claimed to be the only true initiates, 816-l. Johannite Pontiffs assumed the title Christos, Anointed, Consecrated, 817-u. Johannites claimed uninterrupted succession of pontifical powers, 816-u. John declares concerning the Gnostic doctrines, 559-m. John gives the key to the allegories of the Evangel, 816-l. John, Solstices appropriated to the Two Saints, 595-m. John the Baptist, 261. John the Baptist adopted by Masonry to avoid the suspicions of Rome, 818-u. John the Baptist; parents of; teachings of, 260-l. John the Baptist preached in the desert near where the Essenes lived, 201-u. John the Baptist, religious systems approximating each other in the time of, 247-m. John the Baptist, religious thought at the time of, 259-m. John the Baptist taught some creed older than Christianity, 261-l. John's declaration concerning Christ, the Word, 559-m. Joseph and Mary, parents of Jesus, to whom Wisdom had united itself, 564-l. Joseph initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, 368-m. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream of the seven ears of corn, 729-u. Josephus describes the vestments of the High Priest, etc, 409-u. Journalism, slander and calumny of modern, 334-m. Journalistic spying is dishonorable, 336-l. Judah has Leo for a device whose grip after others failed raised Khurum, 461-u. Judas Iscariot, "Brother," playing the part of, 36-u. Judge, a member of the 31st Degree alluded to as a, 825-l. Judge cautiously and charitably, 132-u. Judge's duties are to hear patiently, weigh deliberately, decide impartially, 825-m. Judgment hereafter as you judge here below, 825-m. Judgment of God infallible, because all things and motives are known, 825-l. Judgment of God seen in the Indian plague, 812-m. Judgment of the world by Vishnu, Osiris, Sosiosch, 623. Judgment on the acts, faults or crimes of others, 130-135. Judgment proceeded from the Mother towards whom the Father did not turn, 793-u. Judgments too rigorous prevent the process of creation from being carried on, 798-u. Julian an Illuminatus and initiate of the first order, 731-l. Julian believed in one God and the Trinity; was no Pagan, but a Gnostic, 731-l. Julian, Emperor, discovery during the rebuilding of the Temple by, 280-m. Julian gives reasons why the Mysteries were celebrated in the Autumn, 491-u. Julian; why Mysteries were celebrated at the Equinox, opinion of, 404-l. Junior Warden's column represents Tephareth, Beauty, 800-u. Juno holds in her right hand the head of a serpent, 499-l. Jupiter Ammon represents the Sun in Aries, 452-l. Jupiter, meaning and emblem of, 202-m. Jupiter represents Justice, 727-l. Jupiter, the name of the third gate of the ladder, material, brass, 414-u. Jurors, attitude and duty of, 126-m. Juror, position to be taken by a Masonic, 155-u. Just things are beautiful; everything beautiful ought to be just, 845-u. Just thoughts have on their side Power, Wisdom and Justice of God, 838-m. Justice a universal human debt, a universal human claim, 833-m. Justice and equity characteristics of a Prince of Jerusalem, 241-l. Justice and Love in equilibrium in Deity, 769-l. Justice and Mercy in equilibrium give Infinite Equity or Harmony, 859-u. Justice as between man and man is that which it is right to do, 831-m. Justice as the law paramount; all affairs must be subject to, 830-u. Justice divorced from sympathy is selfish indifference, 70-71-l. Justice has a law as universal as that of attraction, 829-u. Justice, ideal and absolute, may be affected for the greater good of the greatest number, 836-l. Justice indispensable to nations, 72-l. Justice instinctively understood better than it can be depicted, 835-l. Justice is the Angel of God flying from East to West, 838-u. Justice is the constitution or fundamental law of the moral Universe, 829-l. Justice is the object of the conscience, 833-u. Justice keeps just relations between men, 833-u. Justice, Masonry seeks to enforce the laws of, 127-m. Justice may require self sacrifice, 833-l. Justice not a consequence; there is no principle above it, 723-u. Justice not departed from though an ideal rule of justice may be, 836-m. Justice of a thing decides whether or not God wills it, 847-u. Justice of God alone reigning the creation of man would have been impossible, 846-u. Justice of God and the law of merit and demerit the foundations of human faith, 706-u. Justice of God, in human affairs, must work by human hands, 838-m. Justice of God not to be impeached because we do not understand, 829-m. Justice of God not to be measured by our standard of justice, 829-m. Justice, Power and Wisdom of God are on the side of every just thought, 838-m. Justice, the opposite of envy, represented by Jupiter, 727-l. Justice the rule of right, a rule of conduct for man in his moral relations, 830-u. Justice, the well informed Mason is a votary of, 156-u. Justice; to human nature, and a part of it, belongs a sense of, 833-u. Justice to oneself is fidelity to our faculties and trust in their convictions, 837-l. Justice toward men is a life in obedience to our faculties and their convictions, 837-l. Justice, uncertainty of human, 131-m. Justice, which is God, 847-l. Justice will not fail, though wickedness seems strong, 838-u. Justin Martyr quotes Pythagoras as declaring "God is One", 667-u Juvenal held no office, 47-l. Juvenal under the Caesars, 48-u. |