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Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
by Albert Pike
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Chinese Emperor sacrificed a Lamb in the palace of four buildings, 462-m Chinese Ethics twenty-four centuries ago, 169-l. Chinese Fo-Hi contains the True name of Deity, 702-u. Chinese had no false gods, but observed a pure worship of God, 615-l. Chinese have a Temple called the "Palace of the Horned Bull", 450-m. Chinese invented writing within four generations after the flood, 601-u. Chinese Mysteries came from India, similar rites, 429-m. Chinese palace whose four gates looked towards the four corners, 462-m. Chinese preserved the primitive revelation longer than other nations, 600-l. Chinese Sabeans represented the Supreme Deity as composed of three, 551-l. Chinese sacred book says the Great Principle produced Yn and Yang, 630-l. Chinese symbolized the world by a ring between two serpents, 496-l. Chinese Trinity, Chang-ti, Tien, Tao; explanation of creation, 551-l. Chinese, under their third emperor, erected a Temple to the Great Architect of the Universe, 615-l. Chinese were not idolaters until within two centuries of Christ, 615-l. Chivalric degrees co-operate with those that teach lessons of morality, 813-l. Chivalric degrees represented by—, 202-u. Chivalric Degrees urge the victory of the spiritual over the material, 856-m. Chivalric principles, as in former days the world needs the exercise of, 578-m. Chivalry, a Spaniard said, is a religious Order, and there are Knights in Heaven, 808-m. Chochmah, Kabalistic meaning of, 202-l. Chopinel, or Jean de Meung, flourished at the court of Philip Le Bel, 823-u. Chrishna assumes human form, still is Divine, 603-m. Chrishna declares the soul never was non-existent, 518-u. Chrishna-Govinda, the Divine Shepherd, Messenger of Peace, 603-m. Chrishna manifest from age to age as vice prevails over virtue, 603-m. Christ a manifestation of Divinity; Divinity under another form, 568-u. Christ an object of gratitude and veneration to all, 308-l. Christ and the Holy Spirit produced by Intelligence, 560-u. Christ applied for baptism as a sacred rite, 262-u. Christ baptized in the river Jordan on Jany. 10th, 543-u. Christ, condition of the world at the coming of, 308-l. Christ, doings and acts of, 309-l. Christ, great similarity between doctrines of the Essenes and those of, 260-l. Christ is the expounder of the new Law of Love, 309-m. Christ, John, Paul, spoke in enigmatical language, 249-u. Christ, Masonry enforces the sublime lessons of, 221-m. Christ not unfortunate by being nailed to the cross, 316-l. Christ of the Apocalypse likened to Ormuzd, 273-m. Christ proclaims a new Gospel, a new God's Word, 309-u. Christ saluted first by the three Magi; meaning of the act, 731-m. Christ sealed the Gospel of Love with His life, 310-m. Christ taught a lofty morality, simple truths—no abstruse theology, 540-m. Christ taught by symbols and parables, 372-m. Christ teaches Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, 309-u. Christ teaches the old Primitive Truth uttered once again, 309-u. Christ, the Gnostic Eon, never really clothed with a human body, 559-l. Christ, the life of Chrishna similar to that of, 277-m. Christ the Word, Only Begotten, the Life, the Light, 559-m. Christ was not crucified according to the Basilideans, 554-u. Christ was "The Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World", 748-l. Christ's advent announced by a Star in the East, 511-m. Christ's birthplace resounded with acclamations of the Hosts, 511-l. Christ's commandment to love one another, 310-u. Christ's for inhabitants would relieve the world of the ills of life, 719-m. Christ's name less sonorous to some Gnostics than Orpheus, 732-u. Christ's nativity celebrated on the day Mithras or Osiris were found, 511-m. Christ's religious teachings the same as that of the Patriarchs, 541-m. Christ's teachings bequeathed to man included in our Masonry, 310-m. Christ's teachings in the light of the Rose Croix Degree, 308-m. Christ's teachings nobler and purer than those of any other moralist, 719-720-l. Christ's unselfish acts should be our emulation and example, 720. Christian antiquity did not decide whether the stars were animated beings, 671-l. Christian Basilideans practiced Mysteries of Egyptian origin, 542-u. Christian Fathers quote Orphic hymn teaching Unity of God, 415-u. Christian Initiates divided into Auditors, Catechumens, Faithful, 541-l. Christian interpretation of the Blue Degrees, 639-u. Christian Lodge must have Christian Bible, 11-m. Christian Mysteries conferred three degrees on Initiates, 541-l. Christian philosophers held that each star contains a part of the Universal Soul, 671-m. Christian Trinity, origin of the, 552-m. Chrishna's life and doings similar to that of Christ, 277-m. Christianity and Philosophy mingled under the spirit of toleration, 247-l. Christianity at the bottom was love, 730-l. Christianity begins from the burning of the false gods by the people themselves, 40-u. Christianity crushed out the occult philosophy, 730-l. Christianity did not discover the love of God, 704-l. Christianity in its early days taught in Mysteries, 541-m. Christianity led astray by substitution of faith for science, 732-u. Christianity reveres the Magi who came to adore the Saviour, 841-l. Christianity teaches Fraternity but not political equality, 23-m. Christians called Atheists and put to death as such, 643-l. Christians, contentions among early, 263-m. Christians do not explain Ezekiel or the Apocalypse, 731-u. Christians have made the Solstices feast days of St. John, 595-m. Christians held their Mysteries in the Catacombs, 542-u. Christians, in Masonic degrees appear some of the teachings of the early, 369-l. Christians; Jewish traditions, Talmud and pretended history claimed by the Johannite, 816-l. Christians of Syria embraced the doctrines of Bardesanes, 553-m. Christians, peculiarities and characteristics of the early, 540-l. Christians, teachings of the early, 369-l. Christians, the primitive truths of the Egyptians were taught by early, 369-l. Christians, the simple and sublime teachings of Christ were practiced by the early, 540-l. Christians took refuge in the Catacombs when persecuted, 542-u. Christians worship Christ more for his Humanity than for his Divinity, 743-m. Christos and Wisdom ascended to Heaven before Jesus was crucified, 563-l. Christos, the title assumed by the Johannite Pontiffs, 817-u. Christos united to the Eon Jesus by baptism, 560-m. Christos with Sophia-Achamoth redeemed the world, 560-m. Church and Throne mutually sustain each other, 33-u. Church of Rome, pretensions and doings of the, 74-m. Church received new set of symbols to conceal from the profane the Truth, 840-u. Churches not needed but for expressing religious homage, 211-l. Chrysippus, a subtile Stoic, moved the world by the Universal Soul, 670-u. Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, speaks of secrecy of Mysteries, 546-m. Cicero claimed that Initiation made life agreeable and death hopeful, 379-l. Cicero declares Pythagoras thought God is the Universal Soul, 667-u. Cicero held that we expiate below the crimes committed in a prior life, 399-m. Cicero states that the Soul must exercise itself in the practice of virtue, 521-u. Cicero writes and argues for the intelligence of the Universe, 670-m. Ciceronian period referred to, 48-m. Ciceros in a period of convulsion, 30-l. Cimbrians carried brazen bull with them into Spain and Gaul, 450-m. Circle a symbol in the Druidical mysteries, 367-m. Circle and Serpents found in Persia, China, Java, Athens, Mexico, 496-m. Circle between two parallel lines connecting them a symbol of—, 548-m. Circle between two serpents a symbol of the World with the Chinese, 496-l. Circle enclosing a point between parallel lines, a Kabalistic figure, 105-m. Circle enclosing a point between two parallel lines; Bible added, 105-m. Circle enclosing a point, parallel lines, columns, represent the Solstices 506-u. Circle enclosing a point, two parallel lines and single Tau gives Triple Tau, 503-m. Circle equal to the Square which turns on itself, 771-l. Circle formed of Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, different faces and letters, 798-m. Circle or ring, supported by two serpents; explanation of, 429-m. Circle representing the Universe bounded by two parallel lines, 252-l. Circle, the Sohar and the Kabalists form the mysterious, 798-m. Circle the special symbol of the first Sephiroth, 267-l. Circles of the Kabalah divided by a rose cross compose Dante's Heaven, 822-l. Circles, ten, under the mystery of the ten Sephiroth, 754-m. Circuits, explanation of the meaning of the three, 427-l. Circuits in 8th Degree allude to points of fellowship, 137-u. Circular form of the Temple at Thrace, image of the Sun in the Sanctuary, 410-l. Circular movement of four equal angles around one point; the quadrature of the circle, 771-l. Circumstances, men bring different results from same, 192-l. Citizenship, Masonry tends to create a new, 220-m. City a scene of moral action, 243-l. Civilization's evils long tolerated, 837-m. Civilizations have risen and perished by despotism or anarchy, 844-m. Civilization of Ethiopia preceded that of Egypt; had a theocratic government, 362-m. Civilizations, Masonry prospers on the decay of ancient, 315-m. Clarian Oracle declared that Iao is the Great God Supreme, 621-u. Claudius, Caracalla, Commodus, Caesar, 3-u. Clavicules of Solomon are lost for Christians, 731-m. Clemens and Philo hold views on symbolism of Cherubim, 409-l. Clemens descants on light and baptism, 521-l-522-u. Clemens of Alexandria in his Stromata speaks of the Mysteries, 544-u. Clemens of Alexandria refers to the seven lamps of the candelabrum, 10-m. Clemens of Alexandria says of the Mysteries, "Here ends all instruction", 373-u. Clemens refers to the early church and Mysteries, 543. Clemens refers to the emblems and symbols of the Temple, 408-l. Clement the Fifth howls at the Templars through later excommunications, 814-l. Clement, 12th Pope, issued a Bull against Masonry in 1738, 50-m. Cleanthes, a disciple of Zeno, regarded the Universe as the Great Cause, 670-u. Co-existence of the principle of generation in another and in itself, 654-m. Cognition, a priori and a posteriori explained by Malakoth behind Seir Aupin, 799-l. Coins, medals and seals contained the Zodiac and signs, 462-l. Cold, like absence of motion, characteristic of death, 664-l. Colors, analogy in the moral and intellectual world of the, 322-m. Colors and symbolism of the furniture and vestments of the Temple, 409. Colors in the Light only exist by the presence of the shadow, 848-u. Colors of rainbow, three principal, seven by mixture, 57-l. Column, broken, 17-u. Column in form of a cross with circle over it measured the waters of the Nile, 503-m. Column of the Junior Warden symbolizes Tephareth, 800-u. Columns at entrance to the Temple, explanation of the meaning of, 305-m. Columns at entrance to the Temple, material, names, meaning, 304-l. Columns at entrance to the Temple of Solomon were symbolic, 304-l. Columns, Boaz and Jachin, explain all the mysteries of antagonism, 772-u. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, are symbols of the bi-sexuality of the name, 849-m. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, at the entrance to the Temple, 202-l. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, represent angels of fire and water, 270-l. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, represent two of the Sephiroth, 267-l. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, symbolize the equilibrium of Nature, 548-m. Columns, Jachin and Boaz, symbols of faith and trust, 641-m. Columns, meaning of Strength and Wisdom, our two, 252-l. Columns of Seth, Enoch, Solomon, Hercules, symbolize the law of Equilibrium, 843-u. Columns of 17th Degree represent Spirits of Fire, 270-l. Columns of the Temple at Tyre consecrated to the winds and fire, 410-l. Columns of the Temple, Jachin and Boaz, Sun and Moon, 776-m. Columns of the Temple that symbolize the Universe, 848-m. Columns, or lights of a Lodge, indicate angles of a right angle triangle, 861-m. Columns that support the Lodge are Wisdom, Power, Harmony or Beauty, 861-m. Columns that support the Lodge stand at the three angles of a triangle, 61-m. Columns, two, customarily surmounted by globes, 9-m. Columns, two, imitations of those at Temple of Malkarth, 9-m. Columns, two, in the porch of the Temple, 8-l. Columns, two, size, description, names, 8-l. Commentary of the Rabbi Chajun Vital, the Siphra de Zeniutha, 794-m. Commentary states that the Kings died because equilibrium did not yet exist, 797-l. Commodus, horrors of despotism under, 47-l, 27-u. Common people, must learn thoughts of, 44-u. Communion with Deity the great desire of man, 652-653. "Companion" originated from Mithraic Mysteries, 425-l. Compass a symbol of the Heavens and celestial things, 850-m. Compass, an instrument adapted to spherical trigonometry, 850-u. Compass and Square rest on the Scriptures and form the Star of Truth, 841-m. Compass and Square teaches all that is contained in other symbols, 854-l. Compass, deals with spherical trigonometry, 11-l. Compass, emblem of what concerns the heavens and the soul, 11-l. Compass held in the hand on the female side of the Hermetic figure, 850-m. Compass is the Hermetic symbol of the Creative Deity, 851-m. Compass of Faith is above the Square of Reason, 841-m. Compass of Science in connection with the Celestial Triangle forms Solomon's Star, 841-u. Compass points beneath the Square for the Apprentice, 854-l. Compass points for the Fellow Craft, one above, one below, 854-l. Compass points, for the Master, both dominant, 854-l. Compass, points of, under Square; symbolism of, 12-u. Compass represents the spiritual, intellectual, moral nature of the double Humanity, 851-l. Compass surmounted by a crown signifies—, 291-m. Compensation for seeing injustices hard to reconcile, 829-u. Composite order of architecture is emblematic of—, 202-u. Compounds have movement, sensation, nutriment, subsistence, 784-m. Comprehension of the consistency and harmoniousness of the Kabalah, 843-l. Compression of the removed Primal Light into Points, 748-l. Compressions in their relation to Creation, 748-l. Concealed doctrine, common to all, found in the ancient dogmas, 729-l. Conception of the base of philosophy long in development, 674-m. Conception of Deity corresponds to man's moral and intellectual attainments, 650-m. Conception of God arrived at by a study of our own souls, 703-l. Conception of God impossible except as He manifests Himself, 752-m. Conception of infinity impossible; or of immateriality, 570. Conception of ourselves as a limited Being leads to God as a limitless one, 703-l. Conception precedes the entering of the Soul into the embryo, 755-l. Conceptions of God are idolatrous in so far as they are imperfect, 516-l. Condorcet, through the ages will ring the words of, 43-u. Conflagration of the funeral of Hercules the setting of the Sun in glory, 592-m. Conflict between Good and Evil, 660-664. Conflict between Good and Evil continual in Soul of Man, 474-l. Conflict between the Divine Principles and the natural, 556-l. Confidence gives the loftiest character to business, 141-l. Conformation and constitution effected by means of veiling, 795-l. Conformations, seven, descend and all things become in equilibrium, 798-m. Confucius, best doctrines Chinese were fitted to receive were those of, 38-u. Confucius defines Chang-ti and the Teen, 616-m. Confucius drew his doctrines from the Mysteries, 373-u. Confucius forbade making images or representations of the Deity, 616-u. Confucius, Magism was the science of, 839-l. Confucius, Masonry reiterates the maxims of, 221-m. Confucius, maxims of, 169-l. Confucius possessed true Knowledge of Deity, 207-l. Confucianism did not include idolatry, 615-l. Confused figure is Zero, the emblem of chaos, 629-l. Conjunction of the Generative Power and Productive Capacity necessary for Creation, 772-m. Conjunction of heaven and earth engender all beings, 655-l. Conjunction of male and female when Hakemah and Binah were side by side, 757-u. Conjunction of the Will and capacity to produce the Act of Thought, 766-l. Conscience, a moral faculty, which enables us to perceive the moral law of justice, 832-u. Conscience, a rule of conduct higher than what we have ever attained, 832-u. Conscience faithfully used and developed enables us to learn justice, 832-l. Conscience the voice of Deity, 226-u. Consciousness of a thinking soul other than our body a proof of the soul's own existence, 673-m. Consciousness of God the highest evidence of His existence and our existence, 709-l. Consciousness of many things in us, 189-l. Consciousness of mystery beneath the commonplace, 190-m. Consciousness of self a gift like instinct, 673-l. Consciousness of self coexistent with our existence, 673-l. Consciousness of the individual reveals itself alone, 222-m. Consciousness the only real proof of the verity of certain things, 301-l. Constantinople See hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius, 815-l. Constantine's Cross, 292-u. Constellations and divisions of Zodiac Stars, 409. Constellations, Capella, Pleiades and others celebrated, 466-u. Constellations figured on Mithraic monument at Rome, 507-l. Constitution, what kind of, will guarantee liberty, 211-m. Constitutions of government express the Passive Stability of the Will of the Past. 860-u. Constraint sensed when independence is confined by other natures, 695-m. Contented spirit a remedy for all the evils in the world, 144-m. Contentedness of Mason must not be mere contented selfishness, 147-m. Contest between good and evil concentrated in the breast of man, 563-m. Contest between Good and Evil typified by the course of the Sun, 594-m. Contraction of Deity within Himself effects a quasi-vacant space, 766-u. Contraction of God at the emanation process termed Tsemsum, 746-u. Contractions in relation to Creation, 748-750. Contraries in combination causes the harmony of the Universe, 660-l. Contraries in equilibrium and resultant Harmony taught by the Ternary, 792-U. Contraries in nature represented by the Binary number, 630-m. Contraries, philosophical meaning of the doctrine of, 305-m. Contraries, the second principle of the Kabalah deals with, 305-u. Contraries, the solution of the most difficult problems given by the analogy of, 306-u. Contrary forces in the universal equipoise, 818-u. Coral insects, formation of Continents by the slow work of the, 318-l. Corinthian order of architecture is emblematic of—, 202-u. Cornerstone, a name of the seventh King produced by Binah, 796-l. Corona, Crown, contained in potence the ten numerations, 754-l. Corona, Kether, "The Head whereof is no cognition," applied to Adam Kadmon, 758-u. Corpses of Egyptians duly embalmed were called "Osiris", 588-m. Correct ideas of Deity only obtained by inspiration or philosophy, 674-u. Cortices, the envelopes of the Philosophers' Stone, 779-m. Corruption, degeneracy, falseness of public and private life, 806-m. Cosma, the Monk, held that every star was under the guidance of an Angel, 671-l. Cosmic force: God felt and known when we reverence the mighty, 707-m. Cosmically, when a star rises or sets simultaneously with the Sun, 471-m. Cosmogonic chants of the Ancients testify to the ideas of the origin of the world, 655-u. Cosmogonies of ancient nations preserved by different writers, 655-u. Country, beauty and glory of, enhanced by—, 156-l. Country, honor of a true Mason identified with that of his, 156-m. Country, human speech must be free in a free, 56-m. Country in its dotage when the—, 56-m. Country populous and wealthy, great problems of, 178-179. Country's safety to be preferred to the lives of her enemies, 836-u. Course of circuits in Lodge, chariots in games, from East to West, 464-m. Covenant, the Triple Triangle, the symbol of the Triple, 533-u. Covenants, explanation of the Three, 532. Cradle of Gnosticism in Syria or Palestine, 249-m. Created things born of Malakoth, designated in the Kabalah as female, 769-m. Creation a result of the animation of matter by Divine Life, 556-m. Creation according to the Emech Hammelech, 747-748-750. Creation according to the Sohar and other Kabalistic works, 748. Creation according to Zoroaster, 611-l. Creation as detailed in the Vedas, 609-l. Creation begins with the Divine Man, and ends with the Material Man, 760-m. Creation, categorical questions concerning, 648. Creation claimed by Ormuzd, or Ahura Mazda, 612-u. Creation conceived and willed by God's Thought, 575-u. Creation directly out of the Divine Essence through the Demiurge, 557-m. Creation, forms of, change, but the Universe is eternal, 303-u. Creation implies the conjunction of Generative Power and Productive capacity, 772-m. Creation, inscrutable; mysteries of, 215-m. Creation is Mechanism to us; to the Ancients it was Generation, 771-l. Creation is the habitation of the Creator-Word, 772-m. Creation not by God directly, 269-l. Creation not only accomplished, but preserved, 575-m. Creation not the instant production of things, 607-m. Creation of a material Universe by an immaterial Deity through agents, 568-u. Creation of Man concurred in by Ormuzd and Ahriman, 258-u. Creation of man impossible if God's justice alone had reigned, 846-u. Creation of Male and Female, 749-l. Creation of Power to protect the Realm of Light from Satan's Eons, 566-u. Creation of the Universe ascribed to the Word, by St. John, 568-m. Creation of the world by Judgment explained to mean by fear, 796-l. Creation of Universe assigned to Ihuh-Alhim by a fragment of Genesis, 568-m. Creation of the World by Ormuzd and Ahriman concurrently, 258-u. Creation of Worlds according to the Kabalah, 286-l. Creation, process of, 251. Creation, real idea of the Ancient Nations concerning, 575-u. Creation, reason advanced to account for the, 683-l. Creation required the Infinite to form in Himself an idea of what He willed, 766-l. Creation represented as a marriage in Veda, 602-l. Creation represented by a triangle because it is the first perfect figure, 631-l. Creation symbolized by the Tetragrammaton expressed triangularly, 698-l. Creation that results from the accord of two forces, 790-m. Creation, the first Entities of Spirits and Angels, the world of, 768-l. Creation the result of the accord of Necessity and Liberty, 790-m. Creation the result of the accord of the Fixed and the Volatile, 790-m. Creation, theories concerning, 270-u. Creation through the agency of an intermediary, 269-l. Creation, universal, is the female of the First Principle, 772-u. Creation's act gave Deity a name, 849-u. Creation's first step was providing a vacant space within Deity, 766-u. Creation's idea was followed by development and evolution, 767-u. Creation's mode concealed by an impenetrable veil, 852-m. Creation's primary law, the equipoise of contrary forces, 848-u. Creation's principle, the double law of attraction and radiation, or of—, 843-u. Creation's process sought to be explained in the Kabala, 758-m. Creation's World embraces the six members contained in Binah, 795-l. Creative Agency of Heaven developed most fully at the Vernal Equinox, 473-u. Creative Agency revealed as the ten emanations or attributes, 267-m. Creative Deity symbolized by the Compass, 851-m. Creative energy of the Soul of the World exercised through the medium of the Sun, 473-m. Creative Power through Thought produced the Universe with its Word, 254-m. Creative principle the meaning of the personal pronoun "He", 699-u. Creative process according to Menou, the Hindu law given, 608. Creative process according to the Sohar; section of the letter Yod, 750-751. Creative process according to the Vedas, 609-u. Creative space illuminated by the Light of Wisdom, 762-u. Creative Thoughts of God, Worlds and Man the result of the, 582-l. Creator becomes so through utterance of God's Thought by the Word, 575-u. Creator degraded by sects which lower him to the level of humanity, 624-m. Creator hollowed out a pit of shadow, 772-u. Creator in triple, according to Aurelius; explanation, 550-u. Creator made room for Yod in the plentitude of uncreated Light, 772-u. Creator possesses all the essential attributes of the creature, 703-u. Creator produced by emanation an ideal Yod, 772-u. Creator, the Principle of Existence Himself, 772-u. Creator, the Word is the, 251. Creator-Word habits Creation, 772-m. Creature possesses no essential attribute not possessed by Creator, 703-u. Creature worshipped instead of the Creator, 508-l. Creed, no Sage believed the popular, 302-m. Creed of Masonry a simple and sublime one, a universal religion, 718-l. Creed of Masonry, Belief, Hope, Charity, 531-u. Creed, religious, political, masonic, little influence on conduct, 35-l. Creed, Sages in Chaldea, Egypt, India, China, had esoteric, 302-m. Creeds express an idea calculated to explain the Mysteries of Being, 650-m. Crescent and Disc symbols of the Sun and Moon in conjunction, 452-u. Crete, Dionusos appears as Iasius or even Zeus in, 585-m. Crete, Jupiter Ammon, the Sun in Arius, had an initiation at, 407-l. Crimes of men, in judgment God may consider the temptations, 134-l. Cromwell reigns because the ablest, 49-u. Cromwells follow period of convulsion, 30-l. Cross a symbol of Humility, patience, Self-denial, 801-l. Cross appropriated to Thoth or Mercury in its simple form, 503-u. Cross associated with the serpent on ancient monuments, 502. Cross assumed an improved form, the arms became wings, etc, 503-u. Cross, Druids built Temples in the shape of a, 367-m. Cross formed of a column with a circle over it measured the Nile, 503-m. Cross has an astronomical origin, 483-m. Cross having a rose in its center dividing circles representing Heaven, 822-l. Cross, in building the Temples of India they imitated the shape of a, 361-l. Cross in the shape of the capital letter T called the Tau cross, 503-m. Cross in various forms, 502-505. Cross, initiate in Druidical Mysteries marked with a, 430-l. Cross like Teutonic or Maltese represented the Tropics and Colures, 502-l. Cross marked on forehead of initiate into Indian Mysteries, 428-m. Cross of Light, a celestial voice was heard over the, 567-m. Cross of Light appeared in place of Jesus crucified, 567-m. "Cross of Light is called the Word, Christ," etc., spoken by a celestial voice, 567-m. Cross of St. Andrew seen by several kings the night before a battle was fought, 801-l. Cross of St. Andrew seen in the sky before battle by Hungus, 801-m. Cross of St. Andrew worn by the Picts in war time for their badge, 801-m. Cross of the East the Kabalistic pantacle adopted by the Templars, 816-m. Cross of the philosophers an image of generative power, for Masons, 771-l. Cross surmounted by a circle and crescent an emblem of Deity, 503-u. Cross surmounting a triangle symbolizes the end of the Great Work, 790-l. Cross surmounting two vases, nature and art, 783-u. Cross, symbol of devotedness and self sacrifice, taught Masonry—, 854-m. Cross, symbolism of the, 290-l. Cross, symbolism of the, 291-l. Cross symbolized the active and passive power of production, 503-u. Cross united to the Rose the problem proposed by High Initiation, 821-l. Cross, various forms and meaning of the, 292-u. Cross venerated thousands of years before Christ, 504-m. Cross with a serpent on it was an Egyptian Standard, 502-m. Cross within the circle represents the light antecedent to Chaos, 782-l. Crown called the Cause of Causes, the Ancient of the Ancients, 755-u. Crown, Kether, involves the idea of circularity and is endless, 753-u. Crown, Kether, termed Arik Aupin, Macroprosopos, 799-m. Crown, Male and Female, within the occult Wisdom, is fashioned the Supreme, 762-l. Crown of Kings opposed by the Templars at their origin, 817-m. Crucifixion of the Light Principle enfranchised all souls, 567-m. Crux Ansata, a Tau cross with a circle over it, means life-giving, 290-u. Crux Ansata found at Khorsabad and the Assyrian monuments, 503-m. Crux Ansata the form of tether pins for young animals, 502-m. Crux Ansata the peculiar emblem of Osiris, 504-l. Crux Ansata the symbol of Royalty to the Shepherd Kings, 502-l. Crux Ansata was a Cross with a coiled serpent above it, 502-m. Cube a symbol of faith in things invisible essential to salvation, 827-u. Cube, faces and lines include the sacred numbers, 5-l. Cube of agate supporting triangular plate of gold teaches—, 209-u. Cube of Perfection connected with Taus within two circles, 503-m. Cube on a plane surface delineated, 5-m. Cube represents the form of the philosophal stone, 732-u. Cube, symbol of the Force of the People, expressed as a Law of the State, 5-l. Cube, symbol of perfection, 5-l. Cube, the emblem of Odin, 431-u. Cube, the first perfect solid, teaches justice, accuracy, consistency, 827-u. Cube, theological and physical, represented by the number six, 627-l. Cubical Stone a symbol of the Grand Scottish Master's Degree, 781-l. Cubical stone represents the Hermetic symbol of their Salt, 775-l. Cubical stone that sweated blood, 827-u. Cup, or waters of forgetfulness; symbolism of the, 438-m. Cup used in the Mysteries represents the Constellation Crater, 506-l. Curetes encircled Zagreus in the Constellation Serpent, 585-l. Curiosity of ths candidate excited by suspense and obstacles, 385-m. Cybele, Atys represented the Sun God in the Phrygian Mysteries of, 407-u. Cybele with the Phrygian Sun God goes to the Hyperboreans, 592-u. Cybele worshipped in Syria under the name of Rhea, 423-u. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, speaks of the secrecy of the Christians, 545-u. Cyril of Alexandria speaks of the secrecy of the Mysteries, 546-l.


Daath is the Act, the Thought, the Intellection producing the idea, 766-l. Daath, the Intellect flowing from Hakemah and Binah, 552-m. Daath, the result of the conjunction of Hakemah and Binah, 757-l. Daath, the Word of Plato and the Gnostics, 552-m. Dagger, with hilt black and white, an emblem of light and darkness, 506-m. Dagon or Oannes, the Sea God, the Leviathan overcome by Jehovah, 498-l. Damascus, Bishop exhibited a Testament at the battle of, 53-m. Dan has for device a Scorpion changed to an Eagle or Vulture, 461-m. Dante Alighieri, the Ghibellin, born in 1265, 822-l. Dante applied figures and numbers of the Kabalah to Christian Dogma, 822-m. Dante, Divine Comedy of, sketched in Plato's time, 101-m. Dante publicly expounded the symbol of the Rose Croix Adepts, 822-l. Dante reascends to light by using the Devil as a ladder, 822-m. Dante's Divine Comedy is a declaration of war against the Papacy, 822-m. Dante's journey resembles initiation into the Mysteries of Eleusis, 822-m. Dante's work boldly reveals the mysteries; is Johannite Gnostic, 822-m. Darkness a source of fear and dread to the ancients, 443-m. Darkness an enemy, a dread, to the ancients, 595-m. Darkness, Sun driven further to the south by the Powers of, 445-u. Darkness and Light features of the Mysteries of Eleusis, 403-u. Darkness and Light prominent features of the Mysteries of Isis, 404-u. Darkness comes from the gross matter which composes the passive cause, 659-l. Darkness considered older than light by some Parsee sects, 613-u. Darkness has no home in the Universe, 845-m. Darkness hides the Universe and reduces all nature to nothingness, 660-u. Darkness on one side consequent on illumination on the other, 845-m. Darkness synonymous with Evil, 660-m. Darkness the embodiment of the Evil principle, 595-m. Daun, as Arun, the charioteer, precedes Surya, 587-u. Deacons in early Christian Mysteries kept the door, 543-l. Dead govern, the Living obey, 315-u. Death, but one question, "Has he lived well," after, 184-u. Death caused by the inertia or immobility of Forces on Impulses, 846-u. Death completes the transformation necessary for soul's reabsorption, 686-u. Death, for the Egyptians, but renovation and union, 588. Death is the Great Teacher, 183-l. Death is the true initiation; sleep the introductory mystery, 392-m. Death, like absence of motion, distinctively characteristic of cold, 664-l. Death, mysteries of, to be sought in Life itself, 101-u. Death, no evil, but that which life has made, 184-u. Death of deities not inconsistent with their Immortality, 590-m. Death of seed to give birth to the new plant a symbol in all religions, 395-u. Death, the grand mystery of existence, the secret of the Mysteries, 586-l. Death, the great mystery of existence, precedes the second birth, 393-m. Death, the shadow of God: whose shadow is immortality, 741-l. Decalogue, Masonic, 17-l. Decan, a God or Genius, assigned to each, 470-m. Decay of Templars due to their ambition, lack of education, haughtiness, 819-m. December the 25th, the date of the Great Feast of Mithras, 587-m. December 25th celebrated at Tsur and Rome, 78-l. Decorations of the degrees dispensed with if thought expensive, 329-u. Deeds are nobler and greater than words, 341-m. Deeds, great results from humble, 230. Definitions of Deity, 651-l. Definition of Freemasonry, its purposes, its essence, its spirit, 854-m. Degeneration of Nations by opulence and luxury, 348-l. Degradation of popular notions of Deity of later growth, 689-l. Degeneration of the families of wealth, 347-l. Degree, a step toward Perfection is each Masonic, 136-l. Degree, Apprentice, the 1st, 1-m. Degree, Fellowcraft, the 2nd, 22-u. Degree, Master, the 3rd, 62-u. Degree of contribution not so important as the purpose, 231-u. Degree of Perfection, doctrines taught in the, 432-l. Degree, the development of a particular Duty in each Masonic, 136-l. Degree which is closed against any religious faith is not Masonic, 290-m. Degrees, Allegories from old religions, mysteries used in revision of, 328-m. Degrees; excellency of the virtues of Honor and Duty taught by the Chivalric, 856-u. Degrees, 4th to 14th, the ineffable degrees, 202-u. Degrees have three essential features, 625-m. Degrees of Hermeticism are three, religious, philosophical, physical, 840-l. Degrees, in the Indian Mysteries were several, 428-l. Degrees, in the Mithraic Mysteries were several, 425-l. Degrees invented by Alchemists within Masonry, 731-u. Degrees misunderstood, corrupted and disfigured, 106-m. Degrees, 19th to 32nd, philosophical, 202-u. Degrees of Blue Lodge given a Christian interpretation, 639-u. Degrees of Lodge Perfection teach the practical morality of Masonry, 855-l. Degrees of Masonry contain hints and symbols of real beliefs of Templar Chiefs, 819-u. Degrees of Perfection urge the subjugation of the appetites by the spiritual nature, 855-l. Degrees of Pythagoras contain heiratic intelligence, 97-m. Degrees of the Blue Lodge but the outer court of the Temple, 819-u. Degrees of the Christian Mysteries three in number, 541-l. Degrees of the Druidical Mysteries were three in number, 367-l. Degrees of the Gnostics, Material, Intellectual, Spiritual, 542-l. Degrees of the Sacrament referred to by St. Dionysius, 543-l. Degrees of the Scottish Rite teach the necessity of the mastery of the spiritual in man over the material, 855-m. Degrees, only those qualified to discuss philosophy should receive the, 332-l. Degrees, primitive masonry represented by the first three, 202-u.. Degrees, 17th and 18th, New Law, 202-u. Degrees, symbolic, contain some Platonic ideas, 250-u. Degrees teach more than morals, 148-u. Degrees, the 15th and 16th, Second Temple, 202-u. Degrees; the value of knowledge, the excellence of truth taught by the philosophers, 855-l. Deification of a mental principle instead of a physical one, 652-u. Deification of Fortune through error continued by the worship of abstractions, 694-u. Deified, Heroditus speaks of the reason why animals were, 380-m. Deioces, a palace in Ecbatana having seven differently colored walls, 729-u. Deities enclosed in the egg are the forty-eight constellations, 663-l. Deities, names of Good and Evil, contained in names of Assassins, 82-m. Deities of India and Persia mostly symbols of celestial light, 601-l. Deities of Ormuzd placed in an egg broken by Deities of Ahriman, 662-l. Deities, prominent, of the Mysteries represented the Sun and Moon, 377-u. Deities, prominent, of the Mysteries were Male and Female, 377-u. Deities, to explain the existence of Good and Evil the Persians assumed two, 300-m. Deity, a symbol or representative hieroglyphic was the name of, 208-u. Deity abstractly expressed is but a symbol of an object unknown, 513-m. Deity, according to Aristotle and Plato, in relation to Good, 681-m. Deity acts by general laws for general purposes, 688-l. Deity acts by universal laws and constant modes of operation, 688-m. Deity, after creating the idea, might be called by the name of Tetragrammaton, 746-u. Deity, among the fundamental teachings of Gnosticism were emanations from, 248-l. Deity as manifested in Seir and the Universe are one when Regnum turns to her husband, 799-l. Deity as incomprehensible as ever, notwithstanding advances, 697-u. Deity at first looked up to with unquestioning reverence, 690-u. Deity, before He created any Ideal, was alone, without form, 745-l. Deity beyond human intellect, without name, form, limitation, 552-u. Deity causing good; demon causing evil, 661-u. Deity changed Himself into the form of Love in the work of Creation, 683-l. Deity; chief object of Masonry is the perpetuation of the character and attributes of, 137-u. Deity comprehended in Himself all that is, 700-m. Deity comprehended the generative Spirit and productive matter, 700-m. Deity conformed himself into a form that contains all forms, 793-l. Deity, Conscience the voice of, 226-u. Deity considered as a Principle pervading all nature by the Confucians, 616-u. Deity contained within Himself the whole Universe to be developed, 849-u. Deity contains all that moves, lives, exists or has being, 700-m. Deity contains the incorruptible and unwearying force of necessity, 658-m. Deity contracted Himself on all sides from a point within Himself, 766-u. Deity created Nature, 700-m. Deity defined by the Hindu Vedas, 279-m. Deity defined today no clearer than in the definition of the ancients, 513-m. Deity dethroned and changed into a Dev to account for moral evil, 690-m. Deity developed Himself in order to create in ten Saphiroth, 552-u. Deity did not create the Universe directly, but through agents, 568-m. Deity divided into two classes to account for moral evil, 690-m. Deity emits His emanations into the quasi-vacant space of contraction, 766-u. Deity enacts moral laws because they are Revelations and decisions of the Divine, 737-m. Deity, everywhere in the old faiths is the idea of a Supreme, 512-u. Deity first recognized in the heavenly bodies and the elements, 652-u. Deity first restored the universality of the seven Kings of the World, Aziluth, then the others, 797-u. Deity forbidden to be represented by Idea, figure or letters He or Yod, 745-l. Deity forbidden to be represented by the early Scandinavians, 618-m. Deity formed all things in the form of male and female, 800-u. Deity in his revelations adopted the use of material images, 372-m. Deity, in Isiac Mysteries was carried an effigy of the Supreme, 412-l. Deity in its entirety actuates the planet and the rotifer, 671-m. Deity incapable of being defined or expressed, 513-m. Deity; instances of the envy, jealousy and malignity of, 688-u. Deity invested with human attributes, 515-u. Deity is all in all; the cause and effect, 701-u. Deity is imbued with Benignity, 769-m. Deity is Infinite, without limitation, without conformation, 765-l. Deity is the Absolute Existence and the Male and Female Principle, 700-m. Deity is the impulse and the result; the beginning, the ending, 701-u. Deity long known as Al Schadai, Alohayim, Adonai, etc, 697-l. Deity long known as Nature, a man personified, with human passions, 697-l. Deity made after man's own image, 652-u. Deity, manifestations of the Supreme, 13. Deity, Masonry teaches the nature and existence of one Supreme, 221-m. Deity most perfectly manifests Himself by His Rays, the Sephiroth, 748-m. Deity, Mysteries taught true ideas of, 208-m. Deity neither moved nor unmoved, limited nor unlimited, 676-u. Deity never could not have existed, 700-m. Deity never Thought not nor never was not, 849-u. Deity not an object of perception but—, 222-m. Deity not the author of vice, sin and suffering, but his ministers, 416-u. Deity not only infinite in power and wisdom, but in mercy and pity, 855-u. Deity not the cause of evil; there must be another cause, 660-m. Deity of Aristotle the perfection of man's intellectual activity in the Universe, 681-m. Deity of Chaldeans, Father of Light, was termed Araor, 742-l. Deity of each star a portion of the Universal Deity; Soul of Nature, 671-m. Deity of Nature reflects the changeful character of the seasons, 689-l. Deity of our Northern ancestors was triune, 13-l. Deity of Plato, a Being proportioned to human sympathies; Father, 682-l. Deity of Plato could not be more than the Wise and the Good, 681-m. Deity of Plato creates, superintends, rejoices, 681-m. Deity of Plato, the Author of Good only; the Good itself, 682-u. Deity of the Universe likened to the Ocean by the Egyptians, 665-m. Deity often expressed by the personal pronoun "He", 698-l. Deity only apprehended by negative notions, says Philo, 651-m. Deity originally contained All, 764-m. Deity; Ormuzd, in the body, resembled light; in the soul, truth, 662-m. Deity present in each of four worlds as in and through the Sephiroth, 768-l. Deity produces nine lights which shine forth from His outforming, 762-u. Deity, questions in reference to, 648. Deity supposed to possess the feelings of envy and jealousy, 688-u. Deity, Supreme, above all Gods, author of everything, 13-l. Deity, Supreme, was the same to the intellectual of all nations, 208-u. Deity symbolized by the hieroglyphical senary, 634-l. Deity symbolized by the One, or Unity, 625-m. Deity symbolized by the triangle in all ages, 861-u. Deity symbolized by the Urn, 519-l. Deity, tangible and personal, only one comprehended generally, 700-l. Deity, the first three Universals, or Worlds, are wholly within the, 759-u. Deity, "The Good," because Evil is excluded from his attributes, 681-l. Deity the incorporeal light in which live causes of created natures, 521-m. Deity, the Light of the Divine Presence, seen more clearly by the soul, 855-m. Deity, the One, Sacred Name of the Indian, 205-u. Deity, the Universe, having perpetuity of movement and life, Supreme Cause 667-l. Deity, through the Sophiroth, is extended to the production of all, 759-m. Deity, Trinity of; creates, preserves, destroys, 57-l. Deity uses the Sephiroth as a workman uses his tools, 759-m. Deity was and is all that was, that is and that shall be, 700-m. Deity, when separated ideally into the loving and beloved, 684-u. Deity with the Kabalists has no name, but terms are applied, 745-l. Deity worshipped in lonely forests by the early Scandinavians, 618-m. Deity's attributes personified that man could commune with God, 652-l. Deity's bosom the origin and home of human souls, 851-l. Deity's essence, Necessity and Liberty, counterbalanced, produce equilibrium, 778-l. Deity's first utterance was a syllable of four letters; each became a being, 560-m. Deity's first utterance was Logos, or Plenitude of Eons, 560-l. Deity's habitation above the Moon, according to Lucanus, 654-m. Deity's intellectual nature affected by the question of Evil, 684-m. Deity's intention was that His creatures should recognize his existence, 797-l. Deity's manifested creative powers united are the Alhim, 701-m. Deity's name consists of four letters among many nations, 633-l. Deity's name consists of three letters among many nations, 632-l. Deity's names according to Diodorus, Philo, Clemens, Clarian, etc, 700-l. Deity's nature expressed by describing Him as Light filling all space, 766-u. Deity's nature included in the meaning of the True Word of a Mason, 697-m. Deity's oldest notions were rather indefinite than repulsive, 689-l. Deity's Omnipotence and Beneficence and the existence of Evil contradictory, 686-l. Deity's proximity more remote as man's conception became exalted, 652-m. Deity's self-imposed limitations the safeguards of human freedom, 689-m. Deity's Thought outwardly manifested in the Universe which so became, 700-m. Deity's union with his creatures expressed by the Hebrew letter "He", 698-l. Deity's Unity and Supremacy and the separate existence of Evil, 681-l. Deity's wisdom and beneficence reconciled with the existence of Evil, 686-u. Delaulnaye on the symbolism of the Sun and the Moon, 13-l. Delphi and Delos awaited the return of Apollo from the north, 592-m. Delphi, a triple-headed serpent of gold was the tripod at, 496-u. Delta, the initial of the Latin or French word for God, 631-l. Delta, signification of the three Greek letters on the, 531-l. Delta, signification of the three sides of the, 531-m. Deluge, the number Seven in connection with a, 233-m. Demagog the predecessor of the Despot, 48-m. Demerit, the natural right which others have to punish us, 723-l. Demetrius received the Lesser and Greater Mysteries at the same time, 432-l. Demiourgos and his mother contest in man, 563. Demiourgos of the Gnostics corresponds to The Word, 271-l. Demiourgos, or laldaboth, of the Ophites, produced an angel, 563-m. Demiourgos, the Agent of Material Creation, produced by Chaos, 563-m. Demiurge, the Artificer and Governor of the World, 557-l. Demiurge, the framer of this lower world, 557-l. Demiurge regarded as hostile to God by some Gnostics, 558-m. Demiurgic energy most fully developed at the Vernal Equinox, 473-u. Demiurgic ideas of some Gnostics not of the Mosaic religion, 558-m. Demiurgical Intelligence descends into matter and returns, 415-m. Democracy and Despotism favorable to the prevalence of falsehood and deceit, 66-u. Demons, or Eons of Satan, involved in war, arrived at Realm of Light, 566-u. Demons of the Greeks correspond to the Ferouers of Zoroaster, 256-u. Demosthenes, methods of, 174-m. Denmark, serpent, boy and signs on sacrificial vessels of, 501-l. Denary, the number ten, the measure of everything, 638-m. Depths determined by height; valleys filled, mountains disappear, 848-u. Design of organized beings graven in the Intelligence of the Universe, 665-u. Desirable number is eight, because of the Elus and Sages, 628-l. Desires should be measured by fortune and conditions, 146-m. Despot, spiritual or temporal, is a crowned anarchist, 822-u. Despots, aids to thinkers, 48-u. Despots will be cherished at home if people do not—, 177-l. Despotism, horrors of, 27-u-m. Despotism, progress of free people towards, 32-m. Destiny, a name by which the theological problem was cast back, 689-l. Destiny of Man, to attain the Truth and serve others, 109-u. Deus, the four-lettered name of the Latin Deity, 633-l. Deva, God, is derived from the root, "div," to shine, 601-l. Devas, the elemental Powers, progeny of Indra, 602-m. Development symbolized by the use of the Mallet and Chisel, 30-l. Devil not a person but a Force misdirected, 102-l. Devil, or evil force, personified by—, 102-l. Devil, Personification of Atheism or Idolatry, 102-l. Devil used as a ladder by Dante to reascend to light, 822-m. Device of Masonry is—, 220-m. Devotion to duty and acts of heroism distinguished the Knight, 580-l. Devs and Archdevs opposed to the good spirits of Ormuzd, 257-l. Devs are six of the Zodiacal signs under the banner of darkness, 663-u. Diagoras accused of divulging the Secret of the Mysteries, 384-l. Dialectic and Ethic harmoniously blended evolve perfect discipline, 35-u. Diana the Mistress in the Constellation Sagittarius, 461-l. Diodonis gives lao as the name given by Moses to Deity, 700-l. Diodorus held that each star was a part of the Universal Soul, 671-m. Diodorus Siculus states the Egyptians recognized two great Divinities, 458-m. Diodorus speaks of the columns near the tombs of Osiris and Isis, 378-m. Dionusos and Apollo, representing Nature and Art, from one common source, 585-l. Dionusos, born of a mortal mother, a son of God, 585-u. Dionusos, Creator, guardian, liberator, Saviour of the Soul, 519. Dionusos esteemed as Healer, Saviour, Author of Life and Immortality, 586-u. Dionusos, identical with lacchus, presiding genius of the Mysteries, 585-u. Dionusos in his second birth a type of spiritual regeneration, 519-l. Dionusos is the totality of the Universal Soul, 393-m. Dionusos, or Bacchus, Author of Light and Life and Truth, 13-l. Dionusos-Orpheus descended to the Shades to secure the perpetuity of Nature, 394-u. Dionusos, Orpheus said to have founded the Mysteries of, 357-u. Dionusos, personification of the senuous world, guide of the soul, 518-l. Dionusos, symbols of the second birth of man were the death and passion of, 393-l. Dionusos, the earth is rent asunder at the death of, 393-l. Dionusos, the God of Nature, one with heroes of other Mysteries, 357-u. Dionusos the leader of the Muses, the God of Nature and of Art, 585-l. Dionusos, the Liberator, like Osiris, frees the soul and—, 393-u. Dionusos, the "Liberator," the Totality of the "Universal Soul"; he dies and rises, 586. Dionusos, the Nature God of the Greeks, as Amun was to the Egyptians, 585-u. Dionusos the personification of the Sun in Taurus, 585-u. Dionusos the same as the dismembered Zagreus, 585-l. Dionusos, the spiritual regeneration of man typified by the second birth of, 357-m. Dionusos, the Sun, suggested the spiritual mediator, 519-u. Dionusos torn in pieces by the Titans represented the Soul mixed with matter, 561-l. Dionusos was Creator, guardian, liberator, saviour of the soul, 357-m. Dionysius, or author of his books, concealed science under the disguise of Christianity, 732-l. Dionysius, the Areopagite; Dogma of Hermes found in writings of, 731-l. Dionysius, the Areopagite, the first Bishop of Athens, 543-l. Dionysius, the Younger, written to by Pluto, on the First Principle, 99-u. Dioscuri patrons of sailors and navigation, 427-u. Dioscuri sailed with Jason for the golden fleeced Ram, the Sun, 466-l. Dioscuri, the Tunis Castor and Pollux, deities of Samothrace, 426-l. Directors of the Work or Masons of the 9th to 11th degrees; duties of the, 331-l. Disagree in matters of opinion and both be sane and honest, 166-u. Disc and Crescent denote Taurus; used as our Orators' sign, 452-u. Disc and Crescent on the head of the Bull represents—, 452-m. Disc and Crescent on Ram instead of Bull represent the Sun in Aries, 452-l. Disc and Crescent symbols of the Sun and Moon in conjunction, 452-u. Disciples first called Christians at Antioch, 262-l. Disciples of Christ, secret meaning to the number of the, 233-m. Discipline of the Secret compared to the Heathen Mysteries, 544-u. Discipline of the Secret was the concealment of certain tenets, 543-m. Discords, wrong, evil, suffering, are—, 577-u. Discovery of the sacred place in which Truth is hidden reveals the True Light, 785-l. Discovery of Truth the most Sublime Science to which a mortal can aspire, 785-l. Divine and human relations received dramatic form in ancient views, 372-n. Divine and human united symbolized by an equilateral triangle, 858-m. Divine and the Human intermingled in every human being, 853-u. Divine attributes contrasted with human littleness, 651-m. Divine Dynasty which governed the early world, 508-m. Divine Essence symbolized by Light or Fire, 742-l. Divine in man makes him more than an intelligent animal, 857-l. Divine Intellect as an Idea, the Universe invested with form after being in the, 323-m. Divine Intellect evolved all Souls and intellects of men, 582-m. Divine law an analogical inference from human law, 694-m. Divine Life animates dead matter, creation begins, 556-m. Divine Life by evolution approaches dead matter, 556-m. Divine mingles with human in all affairs, 12-u. Divine Nature, a theme on which man is not entitled to dogmatize, 222-m. Divine Nature, Power and Justice the same, Wisdom and Mercy the same in the, 552-m. Divine not encroached on by dead matter, 556-u. Divine Original; the consummation of Plato's science is the contemplation of the, 692-l. Divine perfection nearest approached by Man, 610-u. Divine Power, or Word, unfolded the Intellect, 582-m. "Divine right to govern" vested in the ablest, wisest, best, 203-l. Divine Soul, acting as a cause, produced intelligence, 669-l. Divine symbolized by the Human in the creation of woman, 849-l. Divine Tetragram, Jehova, formed by adding Yod to the ternary name of Eve. 771-m. Divine Triangle, Fatality, Will and Power; the magical ternary. 738-u. Divine Will enacts the moral laws. 737-m. Divine Will or Power limited by the Divine Wisdom; the result, Beauty, Harmony. 846-l. Divine will struggles with the natural will in the souls of men, 599-m. Divine Word allied with Universal Reason in the Kabalah, 744-l. Divinity ascribed to Heavenly bodies by Phoenicians and Egyptians, 456-l. Divinity ascribed to the stars by the logic of Cicero, 670-l. Divinity belonged to the soul of nature, 670-u. Divinity designated by the Chinese by the name of the Divine Reason, 616-u.. Divinity held to be invisible by Druids, hence could not worship idols, 618-u. Divinity, numbers expressed the utterances of, 209-u. Divinity severed from the Universe by the Spiritualists, 667-m. Divinity, the "Great Whole," was male and female, 658-u. Division of the Heavens by seven, planets and twelve signs, 460-m. Doctrine enveloped with symbols by Pythagoras, 97-m. Doctrine of Lucanus one of the most ancient and widely accepted, 654-l. Doctrine of Masonry in reference to religious Truths, 576-l. Doctrine of the Decans regarded as important, secret, august, 470-l. Doctrine secret and superior to that of the Gospels, 542-l. Doctrine; through all the ancient dogmas is found a common concealed, 729-l. Doctrine, to unite man with the World and Deity the object of the, 415-m. Doctrines of Druids taught—, 168-m. Doctrines of Odin, 168-m. Doctrines of the degrees of the Indian Mysteries, 428-l. Doctrines of the Greeks, 250-u. Doctrines of the Templars misunderstood by the mass of them, 819-m. Doctrines of Zoroaster taught—, 167-l. Doctrines, to but few did intellectual Hebrews teach the esoteric, 207-l. Dog leads nine Elus to the cavern; significance and origin, 489-l. Dog Star, Sirius, 490-u. Dog supposed to have aided Isis in her search for Osiris represents, 376-l. Dog's head given to Mercury to express prudence, 779-l. Dogma, a belief in the existence of God, the basis of its, 220-m. Dogma of Orpheus, Moses and the Theologians, 443-l. Dogma of widespread application was the division of the First Cause into the Active and Passive, 653-l. Dogmas of ancient religions and mysterious societies have a doctrine in common, 729-l. Dogmas of the Hindus, 604-m. Dogmatism of man on subjects beyond his comprehension, 651-u. Doketes held that Christ only took the appearance of a body, 564-m. Dominion of the spiritual nature over the material urged in the Degrees, 855. Dominion, one of the last four Sephiroth of the Kabalah, 848-l Domitian, horrors of despotism under, 27-u. Domitian, reference to the reign of, 47-l, 3-u. Domitian, "that most savage monster", 49-m. Doric order of architecture represents the ineffable degrees, 202-u. Double nature of man, though he is one, 861-l. Doubt and question must accompany man's onward progress, 712-l. Doubt, who shall decide in honest, 166-u. Dove, Raven, Phoenix, are symbols of Light, Darkness and Beauty, 792-m. Draco made the astronomical cincture of the Universe, 498-m. Draco or Jefferies as Judge to be opposed by Masonry, 20-l. Dragon finally absorbed by and united with the Principle of Good, 499-l. Dragon foe struck down by Mithras, 612-l. Dragon the image of Ahriman, 257-l. Dragon, winged, a symbol of Matter or Salt, 774-m. Dragons and Serpents, something divine in the nature of, 494-l. Dragons figure in other than astronomical legends, 499-m. Drama of Hiram and the Mysteries teach the victory of Good over Evil, 435-l. Dream phenomena are mysteries little understood, 733-l. Dreams are realities while they last, 166-u. Dresden Reformed or Rectified Rite, that of Ramsay, 779-l. Druidic Temples and Chapters, 235-l. Druidic Temples recording the meteoric cycles, 236-u. Druidical ceremonies came from India; originally Buddhists, 367-u. Druidical Hu contains the True name of Deity, 702-u. Druidical initiate called thrice born when ceremony completed, 430-m. Druidical Mysteries conform to those of other nations, 367. Druidical Mysteries explained the primitive truths, 430-l. Druidical Mysteries, initiate placed in a tomb in the, 430-l. Druidical Mysteries, Initiations performed at midnight in the, 367-l. Druidical Mysteries, periods of the festivals of the, 367-l. Druidical Mysteries resembled those of the Orient; description of, 429-m. Druidical religion's idea and doctrines, 618-u. Druidical rites refer to astronomical phenomena, 502-u. Druidical sacred Triad inscribed on a cruciform tree, 504-u. Druidical subterranean grotto at New Grange in Ireland, 504-m. Druidical Temple in the Island of Lewis, Scotland, 504-m. Druids admitted immortality, judgment, man's responsibility, 618-u. Druids asserted the Unity of the God-head and invoked One Power, 618-u. Druids considered the cross a sacred symbol, 504-u. Druids cut a tree in the shape of a Tau cross and inscribed it, 504-u. Druids did not worship idols, holding Divinity to be invisible, 618-u. Druids' doctrines taught—, 168-m. Druids exercised considerable secular as well as religious power, 618-l. Druids expressed Deity by the symbol O.I.W, 618-u. Druids expressed the name of Deity by the letters O.I.W, 622-u. Druids, first, children of the Magi; initiation from Egypt and Chaldea, 103-l. Druids had sacred regard for the odd numbers, 618-m. Druids had some idea of redemption and a Redeemer, 618-u. Druids held the doctrine of transmigration, 618-u. Druids imparted secrets without the use of audible language, 372-m. Druids of Britain similar to the Magi of the Persians, 617-l. Druids studied astronomy and practiced the Masonic virtue, Truth, 619-u. Druids, uniformity between the Persian Magi and the, 367-u. Druids, worship of; their dogma and symbolism, 103-l. Druids worshipped Hu and Ceridwen, male and female, 618-u. Duad, a figure of the cube, 5-l. Duad, the origin of contrasts, the imperfect condition, 630-u. Duad, the symbol of diversity, inequality, division, vicissitudes, 630-u. Duad was female and represented matter capable of form, 631-u. Dual Sovereignty of the Universe acknowledged by philosophers, 660-m. Dualism, belief in two adverse principles or, 272-275. Dualism of Good and Evil adverse to the doctrine of Unity, 687-u. Dualism of mind and matter the result of the idea of an independent mind, 677-l. Du Barry governing in the name of Louis the 15th, 49-m. Duties grow out of all the relations of life, naturally, undeniably, 832-u. Duties of a Mason are—, 219-l. Duties of a Master of the Symbolic Lodge, 325-333. Duties of life more than life, 151-l. Duties of life still remain to be done and errors combated, 163-l. Duties of Mason not confined to Masons alone, 176-185. Duties of 9th Degree, 159-u. Duties of a Prince of Jerusalem the same as of old in substance, 241-m. Duties of the Knight Royal Axe, 351-u. Duty escaped is a gain avoided, 837-l. Duty, even if there be no reward, a Mason's obligation, 119-m. Duty forbids us to be idle, 343-m. Duty of a Knight Commander of the Temple, 578-580. Duty of a Mason in reference to our activities, 342-m. Duty of a Mason, not the result or the reward to be considered, 239-u. Duty of a Mason when he hears of a fallen man, 335-l. Duty of a Mason with his superiors, his equals, his inferiors, 336-m. Duty of Masonry, eternal, persistent, 18-21. Duty, not Heaven or bliss, to be toiled for, 229-l. Duty practiced because it is right and just, is good, 722-l. Duty recognized by morality and religion, 717-m. Duty supposes a rule both intelligible and certain, 695-m. Duty to press forward in the search for Truth, 223-u. Duty written on the volume of Masonic life, 350-l. Dying Nature Gods in every country, 590-u. Dynasties speedily decay and run out, 49-u.


Eagle flying, a Hermetic symbol of Sulphur, 774-m. Eagle or Vulture sometimes substituted for the Scorpion, 448-m. Eagle or Vulture substituted for Serpent on account of its malign influence, 461-m. Eagle, the symbol of Egyptian God, Mendes, 291-m. Eagle, the symbol of Mendes, 254-l. Earth and heaven composed of the two Causes, the Active and Passive, 656-u. Earth and Heavens personified as Deities even among the Aryans, 850-l. Earth, by its union with Ouranos, engenders Gods, the power of light, 660-u. Earth caused by the Sun to beget and be prolific; to fructify, 851-u. Earth considered by the Phrygians as the mother of all things, 658-l. Earth gives the elements and principles of Compounds subsistence, 784-m. Earth, opinion of the ancients regarding the shape of the, 442-l. Earth, or Rhea, the Mother of the effects of which Heaven is the father. 657. Earth regarded as one of the two first Divinities, Heaven the other, 401-m. Earth rent asunder at the death of Dionusos, 393-l. Earth revolving around the Sun known to Thales and Pythagoras, 343-u. Earth symbolized by the figure three, 632-m. Earth the center of the Universe to the ancients, 593-l. Earth to the Initiate is the World manifest to the senses, 785-u. Earth, by its union with Tartarus, engenders Typhon, the power of darkness, 659-l. Earth, the matrix of the world; of beings engendered by the heavens, 668-l. Earth, the Mother, impregnated by Heaven, becomes fruitful, 656-l. Earth, the Producer, the Mother, a female; Mother Earth, 851-u. Earth the Soul's place of exile; not its home, 520-m. Earth, the wife of heaven, a part of the ancient mythologies, 658-m. Earthly nature subjugated by the spiritual symbolized by the Master's Compass, 854-l. East, faith of people of the West connected with the faith of the, 247-l. Eastern nations early substituted Nature worship for the primitive faith, 600-l. East, the place of Light, because the name of Deity is displayed, 287-m. East, the seat of Mithras in the sacred cave, 413-m. East would prevail over the West if the Templars rebuilt the Temple, 816-u. Ecbatana, seven different colors in the enclosures of, 233-m. Ecbatana, the site of the palace of Deioces with seven circular walls, 729-u. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon caused by a dragon, 498-501-u. Ecliptic, the path of the Sun through the Constellations, 447-u. Edda of Icelanders in a dialog defines God, 619-u. Edenic river divided into four streams, 58-u. Edifice of good proportions built by philosophical use of Masonic tools, 787-l. Educated mind appreciates the superiority of law, 696-m. Education and enlightenment opposed to—, 160-l. Education may quicken the intellect, but leave the heart hollow, 39-l. Education one of the chief missions of Masonry, 153-u. Edward the Second, election of officers in statutes of, 34-u. Egean Islands, Dionusos was Butes, Dardanus, Imbros in the, 585-m. Egg a symbol of the Greeks, Coresians, Egyptians, Japanese, Magi, etc, 472-m. Egg and a serpent a common symbol, 496-l. Egg at feet of Bacchus gives up Love, who, with Night, organized Chaos, 663-l. Egg borrowed from the Egyptians and carried to Greece, 655-l. Egg divided between the good and evil Constellations and Angels, 472-l. Egg, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, symbolized by the, 402-l. Egg issued from the mouth of the Egyptian God, Kneph, 472-m. Egg made use of as a symbol by disciples of Zoroaster and Mithra, 403-u. Egg of generation symbolized by the figure nine, 636-l. Egg of philosophy enclosed in a mould of oak, 783-u. Egg, Phanes, the luminous God, issues from the Sacred, 404-m. Egg, Phtha, image of the Supreme Intelligence in the World, comes from an, 254-m. Egg producing worlds figures in all cosmogonies, 771-l. Egg represented the concavity of the celestial sphere enclosing all things, 663-l. Egg represented the world and its spherical envelope; symbolism, 400. Egg, symbol of the Universe, issues from the mouth of Kneph, 254-m. Egg symbolizes the double power, the active and the passive, 655-l. Egg symbolizes the two Unities, the Soul and the Intelligence, 415-u. Egg: various references to the sacred, 663-l. Egypt, judgment on the dead in, 187-m. Egypt; orthodoxy carried by Moses out of, 843-l. Egypt; orthodox traditions reigned in the time of Joseph in, 843-l. Egyptian conception of Deity and the creation of things, 281-m. Egyptian entombed considered as on his way to a reunion with his Deity, 653-u. Egyptian god, Apis, made by Aaron, 206-m. Egyptian God, Kneph, the egg issued from the mouth of the, 472-m. Egyptian Gods, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Amun, subordinate to Athom, 597-l. Egyptian great Divinities, the Sun and the Moon, Osiris, Isis, 458-m. Egyptian idolatry abhorred by Persians, who sought to extirpate it, 610-m. Egyptian method of dealing with the day short each year, 467-m. Egyptian Mysteries, summary of the legend of the, 375-380. Egyptian Mysteries, teachings of, 369-m. Egyptian new year fixed by the Dog Star or Sothiac Period, 467-m. Egyptian or Oriental elements not incorporated by Philo, 253-u. Egyptian Priests knew how to temper action by action, 842-l Egyptian sanctuaries taught that the earth revolved around the Sun, 843-u. Egyptian Supreme Being; all other gods manifestations of the, 281-m. Egyptian priests studied abstract sciences, cultivated the fine arts, 362-l. Egyptian Temples decorated at portals with circle and serpents, 496-m. Egyptian Tetractys borrowed by Pythagoras and the Hebrews, 88-m. Egyptian Triad, Osiris, Isis, Horus, principles of the, 87-m. Egyptians a religious people; their views of the Universe, 665-m. Egyptians adored the Sun as an infant at the Winter Solstice, 465-u. Egyptians deemed the name Isis sacred and incommunicable, 620-u. Egyptians, God conceived the Universe before he created it, according to the, 369-m. Egyptians had but three seasons, 549-u. Egyptians held the soul immortal and Osiris was to judge the world 623-l. Egyptians paint a fish to express hatred, 456-m. Egyptians place intellect and reason first as self existent, 614-u. Egyptians recognized more than one Triad, 548-l. Egyptians recognized as gods the stars of the Zodiac, 458-l. Egyptians regarded the Universe as a great Deity composed of a. number of Gods, 459-u. Egyptians, seed vessel of the lotus a sacred symbol to the, 9-u. Egyptians taught reverence for One Supreme God 1,500 years before Moses, 364-l. Egyptians the tutors of the Greeks in religious dogma, 617-u. Egyptians worshipped fire, the river Nile and other elements, 459-u. Eight stars of the Gnostic ogdoade represent the angles of the cube, 635-l. Eight symbolizes perfection, 635-l. Eight, the first cube, and represents friendship, justice, 635-l. Eight, the first cube, that of two, 60-l. Eight, the octary, composed of the sacred numbers, three and five, 635-l. Eighteenth Degree, Prince (Knight) Rose Croix, 276-u. Eighteenth Degree replaces the three old pillars with others, 287-l. Eighteenth Degree teaches three things—, 287-l. Eighth day of Greek Mysteries, the feast of Aesculapius, 434-m. Eighth Degree: Intendant of the Building, 136-u. Eighth Degree, teaching of the, 137-u. Eleatic philosophers treated conceptions as entities, 675-l. Elect (Elu) of the Nine, 9th Degree, lessons and purposes, 149-u. Elect; when the searcher discovers the place in which Truth is hidden he is a True, 785-l. Elements and essences a natural and true symbol of Divine Power, 611-u. Elements, animals, principles of the Hermetic Masons described, 791-m. Elements, four, and Principles, three, reside in all compounds, 784-u. Elements, four, engender the Stone in proper combination and weight, 784-m. Elements, when first created, were in confusion, but God brought order, 609-l. Elephanta, Initiations consummated in the Temple of, 361-u. Eleusiniae, the Greater, celebrated in the month of seed time, 394-m. Eleusiniae, the Greater, ceremonies of initiation into the, 394-m. Eleusinian Mysteries in honor of Ceres celebrated at Athens, 352-m. Eleusinian Mysteries of two kinds, the great and the small, 352-m. Eleusinian Mysteries, officers, description, symbolism, 411-412. Eleusinian Mysteries preserved some symbols of Magism, 840-u. Eleusinian Mysteries presided over by an officer called King, 354-l. Eleusinian Mysteries, the lesser, a preparation for the greater, 352-l. Eleusis, description of the ceremonies of initiation, 403-m. Eleusis, representation of Sun, Moon and Mercury, in the Temple of, 13-l. Eleusis, Temple of, regarded as the common sanctuary, 379-m. Eleusis, Universe represented by the Temple of, 13-l. Eleventh Degree, Sublime Elu of the Twelve, duties of, 176-u. Elizabeth and Cromwell protectors of Protestants, 70-u. Elohim not only winged messengers of God, but the Starry Host, 509-m. Elohim, the Hebrew name for the universal forces governing the world, 727-u. Eloi, one of the seven Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Eloquence a Force, 91-u. Eloquence the faculty of making other hearts respond, 201-u. Elu of the Fifteen should lead in enlightening, 171-l. Elu, Perfect, 14th Degree, 218-u. Elu, Perfect; when a Mason is entitled to be called a, 228-l. Elus, or Elect, the name of the Initiates of highest class of Gnostics, 542-l. Elxaites adopted the seven spirits of the Gnostics and named them—, 564-m. Elysium depicted in Eleusinian Mysteries, 403-l. Emanation, at the beginning, gave forth from the Father Microprosopos, 794-l. Emanation; Divinity limited, but not manifested into entities; world of, 768-l. Emanation doctrine fundamental among Gnostics, 248-l. Emanation is a more imperfect, diminished mode than His Perfection, 760-u. Emanation of a ray of light the cause and principle of everything, 286-l. Emanation, the Thought of the Supreme Deity the first, 562-l. Emanation theory of the Kabalahists takes the form of Sephiroth, 552-u. Emanations are all included in the First Sephiroth; Deity as Will, 766-u. Emanations are portions of God's Light or nature, 766-u. Emanations designate God as manifested, but not the Supreme, 271-m. Emanations from the Universal Intelligence filled the Universe, 669-m. Emanations, Gnostic expression for the 365, 271-m. Emanations, God reveals Himself only by His, 267-u. Emanations, names of ten, 267-m. Emanations, names of the Basilidean or Gnostic, 554. Emanations not beings, but sources of life, types of creation, 267-u. Emanations of Deity are his manifested Creative Forces, 701-m. Emanations of Deity symbolized by lights, 202-l. Emanations of the Empire of Light make the Deity manifest, 565-l. Emanations of the Kabalah or Sephiroth, 267-m. Emanations of the powers that make up Divinity in Zodiacal existence, 669-u. Emanations or Sephiroth are attributes of God, 267-m. Emanations produced from Kether by the descent of Yod, 756-u. Emanations, sexual characteristics are symbolically assigned to some, 766-u. Emanations, ten in number, three of one class, seven of another, 233-m. Emanations, theory of the Basilidean or Gnostic, 554. Emblems a part of the language of Masonry, 241-l. Emblems and names of Deity met in all Degrees, 137-u. Emblems are veils that cover the Truth; are often misunderstood, 331-m. Embryo receives the Soul immediately after conception, 755-l. Emerald tablet of Hermes describes the grand agent, the force, 774-m. Empedocles asserted the moving force to be Mind, 676-l. Empire of Light, a chain of emanations making manifest the Deity, 565-l. Empire of Light alone is eternal and true, 565-l. Employed and employer, teachings of Scottish Rite in regard to, 330-m. Endeavor, Human, likened to the effects of evaporation, 320-u. Endeavor, success and happiness come from thorough—, 195-u. Enemies often bring us more profit than our friends, 814-m. Energy, Wisdom is the Intellectual Generative, 305-m. Enigmas of Masonry hide the dogmas of Magism, 839-l. Enigmas of the Sphynx, 8-l. Enigmatical language used in speaking of the secrets of Nature, 659-m. Ennead, an aggregate of nine things or persons, 636-l. Ens, of the Kabalists, was possibility of potentiality before existence, 764-m. Envy of Deity instanced in the healing skill of Aesculapius, 688-u. Enoch, age, and meaning of the name of, 210-m. Enoch deposited a cubical stone, teaching justice, accuracy, consistency, 827-u. Enoch engraved on stone the dogmas of the science of Magism, 839-l. Enoch invented books and writings; was the same as Hermes, 363-m. Enoch, Manetho from certain pillars in Egypt extracted the history of, 363-l. Enoch, near Thebes in a winding apartment underground were found the pillars of, 363-l. Enoch, symbolism of the columns of, 210-m. Enoch, Thoth, or the first Mercury, or Hermes, made inscriptions on the pillars of, 363-l. Eon Christ Jesus never really clothed with a human body, 559-l. Eon, Intelligence, commencement, first revelation of Divinity, the first, 560-u. Eon Jesus, born of a virgin, united to Christos, with Sophia, redeemed the world, 560-m. Eons, or Demons of Satan, sought to conquer the Realms of Light, 566-u. Eons struggling to be united with God were restored to happiness, 560-m. Eons, Truth and Grace were the Gnostic, 559-l. Ephraim compared to an Ox, his device the Celestial Bull, 461-m. Epicureans' wisdom and advantage—, 694-m. Epicurus prefers the fables of tradition to the necessity of physicists, 694-m. Epopt becomes a Seer after initiation, 522-u. Equality of all men in the eye of God proclaimed by Christ, 309-u. Equality of the relation between Above and Below forms the ternary, 771-l. Equality, the concession which each makes to all, 43-l. Equality with subjection to Authority a foundation of Free Government, 860-u. Equator, the path between the equinoxes, 447-u. Equilateral triangle enters into the composition of the Pyramids, 460-u. Equilateral triangle, formation of the onmific letter in the center of the, 14-u. Equilateral triangle formed by stars, 487-m. Equilateral triangle inscribed within a Square a symbol of the Divine and Human, 858-m. Equilateral triangle of the Pyramid symbolizes fire, 460-u. Equilibrium, a universal law, symbolized by columns, 843-u. Equilibrium adopted by Deity will be attended with perfect success, 767-u. Equilibrium, between Authority and individual Action, 860-u. Equilibrium between Divine Omnipotence and Free Will, 859-m. Equilibrium between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, 859-m. Equilibrium between Necessity and Liberty, 859-m. Equilibrium between our Passions and Moral Sense gives a well regulated life, 860-l. Equilibrium did not exist when the seven Kings died, 797-l. Equilibrium exists between Evil and Good in the Spiritual World, 782-l. Equilibrium, in Deity, of apparently opposing properties, 769-l. Equilibrium in ourselves between the Spiritual and Human in man, 860-l. Equilibrium in the Deity between Infinite Justice and Infinite Mercy, 859-u. Equilibrium in the Deity between Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Power, 859-u. Equilibrium is in physics the universal law, 769-l. Equilibrium is the Harmony that results from the analogy of contraries, 844-u. Equilibrium led the Initiates to the law of gravitation, 843-u. Equilibrium necessary for absolute liberty, 736-l. Equilibrium of contraries and resultant harmony taught by the ternary, 792-u. Equilibrium of contraries produces Light, Wisdom, Virtue, 845-u. Equilibrium of infinite wisdom and force, Harmony the result of the, 8-u. Equilibrium of Jachin and Boaz brings eternal permanence and stability, 736-l. Equilibrium of Law and Equity; Divine Infinite Nature and the Human Finite, 768-l. Equilibrium of Light and Darkness brings resultant Beauty, 792-m. Equilibrium of Mercy and Justice produce the Harmony of the Universe, 552-m. Equilibrium of opposites exemplified in the Kabalist Trinity, 552-m. Equilibrium of Power and Wisdom produce Harmony, as the Son, the Word, 552-m. Equilibrium of spiritual and material to produce Harmony and Beauty, 855-m. Equilibrium of the apparent antagonism in man's nature, 765-u. Equilibrium of the Balance referred to in the Siphra de Zeniuta, 762-m. Equilibrium of the Sephiroth or Divine Emanations, 305-u. Equilibrium of the seventh and eighth Sephiroth brings Success and Dominion, 736-l. Equilibrium of the Spiritual and Material natures, Good and Evil, 764-l. Equilibrium of things produced by the counterbalancing of fixedness and movement, 778-l. Equilibrium of Wisdom and Intelligence, as male and female, 800-u. Equilibrium preceded the turning of face to face by the Father and Mother, 795-l. Equilibrium produced by the contrasts of the universal forces, 727-u. Equilibrium restored upon the descent of the seven Conformations, 788-m. Equilibrium results from the apparent opposition of two forces, 769-l. Equilibrium; the balancing of Forces, or the science of, 843-u. Equilibrium, the mystery of "the Balance" in the Sohar, 305-u. Equilibrium, the supreme law of a Force which, if controlled, is infinite power, 734-u. Equilibrium which explains the Mysteries of Nature symbolized by—, 548-m. Equilibrium, with the Supreme Will holding the balance is the foundation of religion and science, 769-l. Equilibrium's laws forgotten in the plans for the end of Evil, 847-l. Equinox, season for celebrating the Mysteries of the Autumnal, 404-l. Equinoxes, reference to the struggle between Light and Darkness in the, 404-l. Equinoxes, tables giving entrances of the Sun at the, 450-u. Equinoxes, the ancient initiations connected with the, 404-l. Equinoxes the gates through which souls passed to and fro, 413-l. Equinoxes, 25,856 years constitutes a revolution of the, 449-l. Equipoise; distinction and harmonious ponderation of contrary forces in the universal, 848-u. Equipoise, exemplification three times of the universal law of, 322-l. Equipoise of Necessity and Liberty can not be understood by Reason, 848-l. Equity and Justice characteristics of a Prince of Jerusalem, 241-m. Equity the result of the equilibrium of Infinite Justice and Mercy, 859-u. Erring brother to be spoken kindly to, 134-u. Erring, wisdom taught by the consequences of, 181-u. Error is the Shadow of Truth with which God illumines the Soul, 845-m. Errors and prejudices, Truth to be substituted in public opinion for, 218-m. Errors have seemed to be truths at times in public opinion, 218-l. Eslik Khan the final judge in the doctrine of Lhamaism, 624-u. Esoteric and exoteric doctrines, a distinction purely Masonic, 250-u. Esoteric and exoteric doctrine, difference between, 248-u. Esoteric meaning of the Ineffable Name, 697-l. Esoteric meaning of the generation and production ideas, 701-l. Essence of God includes Wisdom, Justice, Truth, Mercy and—, 582-m. Essence: the Truth, Beauty, the Good, but one, 702-l. Essenes adopted the doctrines of John the Baptist, 262-u. Essenes, abstinence and maceration practiced by the, 260-u. Essenes, belief and practices of the, 265-u. Essenes believed in the esoteric as well as the exoteric meanings, 265-l. Essenes believed in the resurrection of the soul alone, 265-m. Essenes connected by the Tetractys with Pythagoreans, 264-l. Essenes, Forms, ceremonies, Orders and principles of the, 263-l. Essenes, in their devotions, turned towards the rising Sun, 264-l. Essenes, mysticism and allegories found in the writings of the, 265-l. Essenes not mentioned by Christ; doctrines nearly similar, 260-m. Essenes observed the festivals of the Solstices, 265-l. Essenes, Persian and Pythagorean opinions intermingled by the, 259-l. Essenes required the tests of several degrees before admittance, 386-u. Essenes resided in Palestine in the vicinity of the Dead Sea, 260-u. Essenes spoken of by Josephus, Eusebius and Pliny as an ancient sect, 264-m. Essenes, tenets of Confucius and Zoroaster resembled those of the, 264-l. Essenes, the Eclectic Sect of Philosophers, esteemed Plato, 265-m. Essenes, the faith of John, so nearly Christianity was that of the, 263-m. Essenes, the 17th Degree, particularly concerned with the, 259-l. Essenes were distinguished by simplicity and moral practices, 259-l. Essenes, Zend Avesta prescribes observances similar to those of the, 260-u. Essenes, Zoroastrian principles prevailed in the moral practices of the, 260-u. Essential laws of fixedness and movement, counterbalanced, produce equilibrium, 778-l. Establishment, for the Christian Mason, represented by Boaz. 641-m. Eternal Laws which preserve the Universe the expression of God's Thought, 577-u. Eternal life represented by a Tan cross with a circle over it. 505-u. Eternal Mover, wholly in act, implied by Aristotle, 679-u. Eternity enthroned amid Heaven's starry heights, 190-l. Eternity, openings in the curtains of Time give glimpses of, 199-m. Eternity symbolized by a serpent with its tail in its mouth, 496-m. Ether, Electricity, Heat, fill and permeate the Universe, 845-l. Ether extends everywhere, called the Soul of the World, 748-m. Ethics of Confucius and the Chinese, 169-l. Ethiopians changed Hindu Trinity to Creative Power, Goodness, Wisdom, 550-l. Etruscan gate at Volterra has three heads on it, upon keystone and over side pillars, 551-m. Etruscan name for the Sun God was Arkaleus or Hercules, 587-u. Etruscans, a race from the Rhaetian Alps, acknowledged one God, 551-u. Etruscans had images for the One God's attributes, 551-u. Eucharist and other Holy Sacraments kept in secrecy, 541-l. Euclid's forty-seventh, proposition in diagram and described, 789-m. Euphrates, a stream of the Edenic river, 58-u. Euresis, or the finding, was the recovery of the body of Osiris by Isis, 377-u. Euripides concludes that men act wrongly through neglect, 690-l. Eusebius asserts that God is not separate from the Universe, 667-m. Eusebius gives names of principal officers of Eleusis, 411-m. Eusebius' statements concerning Therapeutae and Gospels, 265-m. "Eva," the generic Oriental name of the Serpent, 494-u. Evangelic symbols depict the Magi guided by a Star and bearing gift, 730-l. Evaporation, mighty effects of the slow, invisible process of, 319-m. Eve, created by Ialdaboth, had children, evil angels, 563-m. Eve, created by the Demons, seduced Adam and bound him to matter, 567-u. Eve issues from the chest of Adam, 771-m. Eve signifies a serpent and life circulating through all Nature, 376-m. Eve's ternary name, added to Yod, gives Jehovah, Divine Tetragram, 771-m. Even numbers traced backwards ended in nothing, 618-l. Evidence of the Templar origin of modern Free Masonry, 820-l. Evil, a Principle of Evil assumed to account for the existence of, 277-u. Evil affects Deity's intellectual nature and man's moral responsibility, 684-m. Evil, all in the world is not, 214-u. Evil and Darkness synonymous because Darkness despoils man of enjoyments, 660-m. Evil and Good, as independent existences, explained by theories, 682. Evil and Good, categorical questions concerning, 648. Evil and Good, coexisting, not explained, but staved off by theories, 687-u. Evil and prosperity; light and darkness caused by Jehovah, 687-m. Evil and Sorrow necessary in Humanity, 847-l. Evil at first occult and could not be brought forth till Adam sinned, 796-m. Evil created by Deity, according to the Sohar and Isaiah, 796-m. Evil created from the fragments of the broken vessels of the Sephiroth, 794-l. Evil coexistent with the wisdom, goodness, omnipotence of Deity, 684-m. Evil demon in eternal controversy with God does not exist, 859-l. Evil did not include the three numerations first emanated, 796-m. Evil Force, or Devil, personified by—, 102-l. Evil Genii and Signs were the Balance, Scorpion, Serpent, Dragon, 664-u. Evil; God does not tempt or constrain men to do, 848-l. Evil implied by the contemplation of the Good, 681-l. Evil is temporary and for beneficent purposes, 274-u. Evil is the shadow of the Good, and inseparable from it, 846-l. Evil; laws of equilibrium forgotten in the dreams of the end of, 847-l. Evil, matter at feud with the spirit from Deity is the Genius of, 281-l. Evil must have preceded man's moral development, 680-m. Evil, overthrow of, by a Redeemer taught in the 18th Degree, 287-l. Evil, Persians imagined two Principles to explain the existence of Good and, 300-m. Evil personified by error continued by the worship of abstractions, 694-u. Evil principle a necessary existence, a Hindu dogma, 604-m. Evil principle itself becomes Good, according to the Chaldeans, 549-u. Evil principle formed from the darkness, 595-m. Evil principle the motive power of brute matter, 474-l. Evil principle to be overcome by a Redeemer or Mediator, 277-m. Evil principle triumphant represented by Second Apartment, 288-m. Evil principle urges men towards—, 221-m. Evil results from idol worship, 691-m. Evil sought to be explained by the Hebrew "Fall" of man, 685-m. Evil spirits at war with the Pure Intelligences, 286-l. Evil spirits seduced Man and caused his Fall, 286-l. Evil symbolized by Winter and Typhon, 447-l. Evil, the serpent held to be the symbol of malevolence and all, 497-u. Evil to end and Good reign in eternity but a poet's dream, 847-l. Evil will be overthrown by an emanation from God, 274-u. Evil will disappear when Odin kills the great snake, 593-u. Evil with an independent existence creates a dilemma, 681-l. Evil would not have been if Deity had not created worlds and then destroyed them, 797-m. Evil, wrong, suffering, but temporary discords in a great Harmony, 577-u. Evils came from the fragments of the vessels, the Kings from Binah, 797-u. Evils created by Deity to afflict men when they sin; blessing to reward the just, 797-l. Evils foreseen by God are provided for and consistent with his love, 716-u. Evils occur because God wills them to afford occasion for resignation, 717-u. Evils to be warred against now as in former days, 578-m. Evil's worlds created from the shattered numerations from Benignity, 796-m. Evolution and development followed the Idea of Creation in Deity, 767-u. Examples are the most lasting lectures, 181-l. Exceptions to the rule that virtue is rewarded and vice punished, 705-l. Excommunication of Church of Rome, 74-m. "Exhalation," definition of term in astrology, 463-l. "Exhalation" of planets made the occasion of a feast, 463-l. Existence of God known through the Power communicated to man by the Word, 598-u. Existence, the Gnostics distinguished three orders of, 560-l. Existence, the Supreme Being the only Real, 266-l. Existence without a beginning, self-existence, inconceivable, 570-m. Existence without consciousness is an abstract being, 706-m. Existences and Superior Intelligence the basis of doctrines, 553-u. Exultation at deserved fall shrinks abashed at God's chastisement, 813-u. Ezekiel directs a Tau cross placed on the people of Jerusalem who—, 503-l. Ezekiel, symbolism of the number four in the vision of, 58-u. Ezekiel's prophecy not explained by Christians, 731-u. Ezekiel's visions are mysterious expressions, 321-l.


Fabrication, matter and bodies, as it were

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