On the other hand, it is the light and heat of the Sun in the Heavens, and the rains that seem to come from them, that in the Springtime make fruitful this bountifully-producing Earth, that restore life and warmth to her veins, chilled by Winter, set running free her streams, and beget, as it were, that greenness and that abundance of which she is so prolific. As the procreative and generative agents, the Heavens and the Sun have always been regarded as male; as the generators that fructify the Earth and cause it to produce.
The Hermaphroditic figure is the Symbol of the double nature anciently assigned to the Deity, as Generator and Producer, as BRAHM and MAYA among the Aryans, Osiris and Isis among the Egyptians. As the Sun was male, so the Moon was female; and Isis was both the sister and the wife of Osiris. The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe.
From the Heavens come the spiritual and immortal portion of man; from the Earth his material and mortal portion. The Hebrew Genesis says that YEHOUAH formed man of the dust of the Earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Through the seven planetary spheres, represented by the Mystic Ladder of the Mithriac Initiations, and it by that which Jacob saw in his dream (not with three, but with seven steps), the Souls, emanating from the Deity, descended, to be united to their human bodies; and through those seven spheres they must re-ascend, to return to their origin and home in the bosom of the Deity.
The COMPASS, therefore, as the Symbol of the Heavens, represents the spiritual, intellectual, and moral portion of this double nature of Humanity; and the SQUARE, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material, sensual, and baser portion.
"Truth and Intelligence," said one of the Ancient Indian Sects of Philosophers, "are the Eternal attributes of God, not of the individual Soul, which is susceptible both of knowledge and ignorance, of pleasure and pain; therefore God and the individual Soul are distinct:" and this expression of the ancient Nyaya Philosophers, in regard to Truth, has been handed down to us through the long succession of ages, in the lessons of Freemasonry, wherein we read, that "Truth is a Divine Attribute, and the foundation of every virtue."
"While embodied in matter," they said, "the Soul is in a state of imprisonment, and is under the influence of evil passions; but having, by intense study, arrived at the knowledge of the elements and principles of Nature, it attains unto the place of THE ETERNAL; in which state of happiness, its individuality does not cease."
The vitality which animates the mortal frame, the Breath of Life of the Hebrew Genesis, the Hindu Philosophers in general held, perishes with it; but the Soul is divine, an emanation of the Spirit of God, but not a portion of that Spirit. For they compared it to the heat and light sent forth from the Sun, or to a ray of that light, which neither lessens nor divides its own essence.
However created, or invested with separate existence, the Soul, which is but the creature of the Deity, cannot know the mode of its creation, nor comprehend its own individuality. It cannot even comprehend how the being which it and the body constitute, can feel pain, or see, or hear. It has pleased the Universal Creator to set bounds to the scope of our human and finite reason, beyond which it cannot reach; and if we are capable of comprehending the mode and manner of the creation or generation of the Universe of things, He has been pleased to conceal it from us by an impenetrable veil, while the words used to express the act have no other definite meaning than that He caused that Universe to commence to exist.
It is enough for us to know, what Masonry teaches, that we are not all mortal; that the Soul or Spirit, the intellectual and reasoning portion of ourself, is our Very Self, is not subject to decay and dissolution, but is simple and immaterial, survives the death of the body, and is capable of immortality; that it is also capable of improvement and advancement, of increase of knowledge of the things that are divine, of becoming wiser and better, and more and more worthy of immortality; and that to become so, and to help to improve and benefit others and all our race, is the noblest ambition and highest glory that we can entertain and attain unto, in this momentary and imperfect life.
In every human being the Divine and the Human are intermingled. In every one there are the Reason and the Moral sense, the passions that prompt to evil, and the sensual appetites. "If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die," said Paul, writing to the Christians at Rome, "but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." "The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh," he said, writing to the Christians of Galatia, "and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." "That which I do, I do not willingly do," he wrote to the Romans, "for what I wish to do, that I do not do, but that which I hate I do. It is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. To will, is present with me; but how to perform that which is good, I find not. For, I do not do the good that I desire to do; and the evil that I do not wish to do, that I do. I find then a law, that when I desire to do good, evil is present with me; for I delight in the law of God after the inward man, but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members ... So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."
Life is a battle, and to fight that battle heroically and well is the great purpose of every man's existence, who is worthy and fit to live at all. To stem the strong currents of adversity, to advance in despite of all obstacles, to snatch victory from the jealous grasp of fortune, to become a chief and a leader among men, to rise to rank and power by eloquence, courage, perseverance, study, energy, activity, discouraged by no reverses, impatient of no delays, deterred by no hazards; to win wealth, to subjugate men by our intellect, the very elements by our audacity, to succeed, to prosper, to thrive;—thus it is, according to the general understanding, that one fights well the battle of life. Even to succeed in business by that boldness which halts for no risks, that audacity which stakes all upon hazardous chances; by the shrewdness of the close dealer, the boldness of the unscrupulous operator, even by the knaveries of the stock-board and the gold-room; to crawl up into place by disreputable means or the votes of brutal ignorance,—these also are deemed to be among the great successes of life.
But that which is the greatest battle, and in which the truest honor and most real success are to be won, is that which our intellect and reason and moral sense, our spiritual natures, fight against our sensual appetites and evil passions, our earthly and material or animal nature. Therein only are the true glories of heroism to be won, there only the successes that entitle us to triumphs.
In every human life that battle is fought; and those who win elsewhere, often suffer ignominious defeat and disastrous rout, and discomfiture and shameful downfall in this encounter.
You have heard more than one definition of Freemasonry. The truest and the most significant you have yet to hear. It is taught to the entered Apprentice, the Fellow-Craft, and the Master, and it is taught in every Degree through which you have advanced to this. It is a definition of what Freemasonry is, of what its purposes and its very essence and spirit are; and it has for every one of us the force and sanctity of a divine law, and imposes on every one of us a solemn obligation.
It is symbolized and taught, to the Apprentice as well as to you, by the COMPASS and the SQUARE; upon which, as well as upon the Book of your Religion and the Book of the law of the Scottish Freemasonry, you have taken so many obligations. As a Knight, you have been taught it by the Swords, the symbols of HONOR and DUTY, on which you have taken your vows: it was taught you by the BALANCE, the symbol of all Equilibrium, and by the CROSS, the symbol of devotedness and self-sacrifice; but all that these teach and contain is taught and contained, for Entered Apprentice, Knight, and Prince alike, by the Compass and the Square.
For the Apprentice, the points of the Compass are beneath the Square. For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. For the Master, both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol of the earthly and the material.
FREEMASONRY is the subjugation of the Human that is in man by the Divine; the Conquest of the Appetites and Passions by the Moral Sense and the Reason; a continual effort, struggle, and warfare of the Spiritual against the Material and Sensual. That victory, when it has been achieved and secured, and the conqueror may rest upon his shield and wear the well-earned laurels, is the true HOLY EMPIRE.
To achieve it, the Mason must first attain a solid conviction, founded upon reason, that he hath within him a spiritual nature, a soul that is not to die when the body is dissolved, but is to continue to exist and to advance toward perfection through all the ages of eternity, and to see more and more clearly, as it draws nearer unto God, the Light of the Divine Presence. This the Philosophy of the Ancient and Accepted Rite teaches him; and it encourages him to persevere by helping him to believe that his free will is entirely consistent with God's Omnipotence and Omniscience; that He is not only infinite in power, and of infinite wisdom, but of infinite mercy, and an infinitely tender pity and love for the frail and imperfect creatures that He has made.
Every Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, from the first to the thirty-second, teaches by its ceremonial as well as by its instruction, that the noblest purpose of life and the highest duty of a man are to strive incessantly and vigorously to win the mastery of everything, of that which in him is spiritual and divine, over that which is material and sensual; so that in him also, as in the Universe which God governs, Harmony and Beauty may be the result of a just equilibrium.
You have been taught this in those Degrees, conferred in the Lodge of Perfection, which inculcate particularly the practical morality of Freemasonry. To be true, under whatever temptation to be false; to be honest in all your dealings, even if great losses should be the consequence; to be charitable, when selfishness would prompt you to close your hand, and deprivation of luxury or comfort must follow the charitable act; to judge justly and impartially, even in your own case, when baser impulses prompt you to do an injustice in order that you may be benefited or justified; to be tolerant, when passion prompts to intolerance and persecution; to do that which is right, when the wrong seems to promise larger profit; and to wrong no man of anything that is his, however easy it may seem so to enrich yourself;—in all these things and others which you promised in those Degrees, your spiritual nature is taught and encouraged to assert its rightful dominion over your appetites and passions.
The philosophical Degrees have taught you the value of knowledge, the excellence of truth, the superiority of intellectual labor, the dignity and value of your soul, the worth of great and noble thoughts; and thus endeavored to assist you to rise above the level of the animal appetites and passions, the pursuits of greed and the miserable struggles of ambition, and to find purer pleasure and nobler prizes and rewards in the acquisition of knowledge, the enlargement of the intellect, the interpretation of the sacred writing of God upon the great pages of the Book of Nature.
And the Chivalric Degrees have led you on the same path, by showing you the excellence of generosity, clemency, forgiveness of injuries, magnanimity, contempt of danger, and the paramount obligations of Duty and Honor. They have taught you to overcome the fear of death, to devote yourself to the great cause of civil and religious Liberty, to be the Soldier of all that is just, right, and true; in the midst of pestilence to deserve your title of Knight Commander of the Temple, and neither there nor elsewhere to desert your post and flee dastard-like from the foe. In all this, you assert the superiority and right to dominion of that in you which is spiritual and divine. No base fear of danger or death, no sordid ambitions or pitiful greeds or base considerations can tempt a true Scottish Knight to dishonor, and so make his intellect, his reason, his soul, the bond-slave of his appetites, of his passions, of that which is material and animal, selfish and brutish in his nature.
It is not possible to create a true and genuine Brotherhood upon any theory of the baseness of human nature: nor by a community of belief in abstract propositions as to the nature of the Deity, the number of His persons, or other theorems of religious faith: nor by the establishment of a system of association simply for mutual relief, and by which, in consideration of certain payments regularly made, each becomes entitled to a certain stipend in case of sickness, to attention then, and to the ceremonies of burial after death.
There can be no genuine Brotherhood without mutual regard, good opinion and esteem, mutual charity, and mutual allowance for faults and failings. It is those only who learn habitually to think better of each other, to look habitually for the good that is in each other, and expect, allow for, and overlook, the evil, who can be Brethren one of the other, in any true sense of the word. Those who gloat over the failings of one another, who think each other to be naturally base and low, of a nature in which the Evil predominates and excellence is not to be looked for, cannot be even friends, and much less Brethren.
No one can have a right to think meanly of his race, unless he also thinks meanly of himself. If, from a single fault or error, he judges of the character of another, and takes the single act as evidence of the whole nature of the man and of the whole course of his life, he ought to consent to be judged by the same rule, and to admit it to be right that others should thus uncharitably condemn himself. But such judgments will become impossible when he incessantly reminds himself that in every man who lives there is an immortal Soul endeavoring to do that which is right and just; a Ray, however small, and almost inappreciable, from the Great Source of Light and Intelligence, which ever struggles upward amid all the impediments of sense and the obstructions of the passions; and that in every man this ray continually wages war against his evil passions and his unruly appetites, or, if it has succumbed, is never wholly extinguished and annihilated. For he will then see that it is not victory, but the struggle that deserves honor; since in this as in all else no man can always command success. Amid a cloud of errors, of failure, and shortcomings, he will look for the struggling Soul, for that which is good in every one amid the evil, and, believing that each is better than from his acts and omissions he seems to be, and that God cares for him still, and pities him and loves him, he will feel that even the erring sinner is still his brother, still entitled to his sympathy, and bound to him by the indissoluble ties of fellowship.
If there be nothing of the divine in man, what is he, after all, but a more intelligent animal? He hath no fault nor vice which some beast hath not; and therefore in his vices he is but a beast of a higher order; and he hath hardly any moral excellence, perhaps none, which some animal hath not in as great a degree,—even the more excellent of these, such as generosity, fidelity, and magnanimity.
Bardesan, the Syrian Christian, in his Book of the Laws of Countries, says, of men, that "in the things belonging to their bodies, they maintain their nature like animals, and in the things which belong to their minds, they do that which they wish, as being free and with power, and as the likeness of God"; and Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, in his Oration to Antoninus Cæsar, says, "Let Him, the ever-living God, be always present in thy mind; for thy mind itself is His likeness, for it, too, is invisible and impalpable, and without form.... As He exists forever, so thou also, when thou shalt have put off this which is visible and corruptible, shalt stand before Him forever, living and endowed with knowledge."
As a matter far above our comprehension, and in the Hebrew Genesis the words that are used to express the origin of things are of uncertain meaning, and with equal propriety may be translated by the word "generated," "produced," "made," or "created," we need not dispute nor debate whether the Soul or Spirit of man be a ray that has emanated or flowed forth from the Supreme Intelligence, or whether the Infinite Power hath called each into existence from nothing, by a mere exertion of Its will, and endowed it with immortality, and with intelligence like unto the Divine Intelligence: for, in either case it may be said that in man the Divine is united to the Human. Of this union the equilateral Triangle inscribed within the Square is a Symbol.
We see the Soul, Plato said, as men see the statue of Glaucus, recovered from the sea wherein it had lain many years—which viewing, it was not easy, if possible, to discern what was its original nature, its limbs having been partly broken and partly worn and by defacement changed, by the action of the waves, and shells, weeds, and pebbles adhering to it, so that it more resembled some strange monster than that which it was when it left its Divine Source. Even so, he said, we see the Soul, deformed by innumerable things that have done it harm, have mutilated and defaced it. But the Mason who hath the ROYAL SECRET can also with him argue, from beholding its love of wisdom, its tendency toward association with what is divine and immortal, its larger aspirations, its struggles, though they may have ended in defeat, with the impediments and enthralments of the senses and the passions, that when it shall have been rescued from the material environments that now prove too strong for it, and be freed from the deforming and disfiguring accretions that here adhere to it, it will again be seen in its true nature, and by degrees ascend by the mystic ladder of the Spheres, to its first home and place of origin.
The ROYAL SECRET, of which you are Prince, if you are a true Adept, if knowledge seems to you advisable, and Philosophy is, for you, radiant with a divine beauty, is that which the Sohar terms The Mystery of the BALANCE. It is the Secret of the UNIVERSAL EQUILIBRIUM:—
—Of that Equilibrium in the Deity, between the Infinite Divine WISDOM and the Infinite Divine POWER, from which result the Stability of the Universe, the unchangeableness of the Divine Law, and the Principles of Truth, Justice, and Right which are a part of it; and the Supreme Obligation of the Divine Law upon all men, as superior to all other law, and forming a part of all the laws of men and nations.
—Of that Equilibrium also, between the Infinite Divine JUSTICE and the Infinite Divine MERCY, the result of which is the Infinite Divine EQUITY, and the Moral Harmony or Beauty of the Universe. By it the endurance of created and imperfect natures in the presence of a Perfect Deity is made possible; and for Him, also, as for us, to love is better than to hate, and Forgiveness is wiser than Revenge or Punishment.
—Of that Equilibrium between NECESSITY and LIBERTY, between the action of the DIVINE Omnipotence and the Free-will of man, by which vices and base actions, and ungenerous thoughts and words are crimes and wrongs, justly punished by the law of cause and consequence, though nothing in the Universe can happen or be done contrary to the will of God; and without which co-existence of Liberty and Necessity, of Free-will in the creature and Omnipotence in the Creator, there could be no religion, nor any law of right and wrong, or merit and demerit, nor any justice in human punishments or penal laws.
—Of that Equilibrium between Good and Evil, and Light and Darkness in the world, which assures us that all is the work of the Infinite Wisdom and of an Infinite Love; and that there is no rebellious demon of Evil, or Principle of Darkness co-existent and in eternal controversy with God, or the Principle of Light and of Good: by attaining to the knowledge of which equilibrium we can, through Faith, see that the existence of Evil, Sin, Suffering, and Sorrow in the world, is consistent with the Infinite Goodness as well as with the Infinite Wisdom of the Almighty.
Sympathy and Antipathy, Attraction and Repulsion, each a Force of nature, are contraries, in the souls of men and in the Universe of spheres and worlds; and from the action and opposition of each against the other, result Harmony, and that movement which is the Life of the Universe and the Soul alike. They are not antagonists of each other. The force that repels a Planet from the Sun is no more an evil force, than that which attracts the Planet toward the central Luminary; for each is created and exerted by the Deity, and the result is the harmonious movement of the obedient Planets in their elliptic orbits, and the mathematical accuracy and unvarying regularity of their movements.
—Of that Equilibrium between Authority and Individual Action which constitutes Free Government, by settling on immutable foundations Liberty with Obedience to Law, Equality with Subjection to Authority, and Fraternity with Subordination to the Wisest and the Best: and of that Equilibrium between the Active Energy of the Will of the Present, expressed by the Vote of the People, and the Passive Stability and Permanence of the Will of the Past, expressed in constitutions of government, written or unwritten, and in the laws and customs, gray with age and sanctified by time, as precedents and authority; which is represented by the arch resting on the two columns, Jachin and Boaz, that stand at the portals of the Temple builded by Wisdom, on one of which Masonry sets the celestial Globe, symbol of the spiritual part of our composite nature, and on the other the terrestrial Globe, symbol of the material part.
—And, finally, of that Equilibrium, possible in ourselves, and which Masonry incessantly labors to accomplish in its Initiates, and demands of its Adepts and Princes (else unworthy of their titles), between the Spiritual and Divine and the Material and Human in man; between the Intellect, Reason, and Moral Sense on one side, and the Appetites and Passions on the other, from which result the Harmony and Beauty of a well-regulated life.
Which possible Equilibrium proves to us that our Appetites and Senses also are Forces given unto us by God, for purposes of good, and not the fruits of the malignancy of a Devil, to be detested, mortified, and, if possible, rendered inert and dead: that they are given us to be the means by which we shall be strengthened and incited to great and good deeds, and are to be wisely used, and not abused; to be controlled and kept within due bounds by the Reason and the Moral Sense; to be made useful instruments and servants, and not permitted to become the managers and masters, using our intellect and reason as base instruments for their gratification.
And this Equilibrium teaches us, above all, to reverence ourselves as immortal souls, and to have respect and charity for others, who are even such as we are, partakers with us of the Divine Nature, lighted by a ray of the Divine Intelligence, struggling, like us, toward the light; capable, like us, of progress upward toward perfection, and deserving to be loved and pitied, but never to be hated nor despised; to be aided and encouraged in this life-struggle, and not to be abandoned nor left to wander in the darkness alone, still less to be trampled upon in our own efforts to ascend.
From the mutual action and re-action of each of these pairs of opposites and contraries results that which with them forms the Triangle, to all the Ancient Sages the expressive symbol of the Deity; as from Osiris and Isis, Har-oeri, the Master of Light and Life, and the Creative Word. At the angles of one stand, symbolically, the three columns that support the Lodge, itself a symbol of the Universe, Wisdom, Power, and Harmony or Beauty. One of these symbols, found on the Tracing-Board of the Apprentice's Degree, teaches this last lesson of Freemasonry. It is the right-angled Triangle, representing man, as a union of the spiritual and material, of the divine and human. The base, measured by the number 3, the number of the Triangle, represents the Deity and the Divine; the perpendicular, measured by the number 4, the number of the Square, represents the Earth, the Material, and the Human; and the hypothenuse, measured by 5, represents that nature which is produced by the union of the Divine and Human, the Soul and the Body; the squares, 9 and 16, of the base and perpendicular, added together, producing 25, the square root whereof is 5, the measure of the hypothenuse.
And as in each Triangle of Perfection, one is three and three are one, so man is one, though of a double nature; and he attains the purposes of his being only when the two natures that are in him are in just equilibrium; and his life is a success only when it too is a harmony, and beautiful, like the great Harmonies of God and the Universe.
Such, my Brother, is the TRUE WORD of a Master Mason; such the true ROYAL SECRET, which makes possible, and shall at length make real, the HOLY EMPIRE of true Masonic Brotherhood.
Published by
The Supreme Council, 33°
A. & A.S.R. for the
Southern Jurisdiction, U. S. A.
* * * * *
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1909, by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
The following Digest of the contents of Brother Albert Pike's monumental work, "Morals and Dogma," the text book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the southern jurisdiction, issued by the Supreme Council, grew out of the desire of the writer to have an index of the contents for his own personal use as the presiding officer, for twenty years, of each of the Scottish Rite Bodies in Duluth, Minnesota, and it can be imagined that in that time, dating from the first organization, many questions have been propounded which could only be properly answered by reference to that epitome of Scottish Rite Free Masonry; the book referred to.
From the very nature of "Morals and Dogma," different subjects are hard to find; the book is very naturally divided under the headings of Degrees; there are no sub-headings; and as most of the important subjects are touched on, to a greater or lesser extent, in all the Degrees it meant a perusal of the entire book if all the information on any of those subjects was desired.
The writer started to compile an Index (in the ordinary acceptation of the term), giving the pages where such and such words would be found, but he had not progressed very far before it became evident that was only half a solution of the problem; so many references were found that it would have been necessary to spend a great length of time looking up the several pages to see if that particular reference was to what the searcher was after; the procedure was entirely changed and it was decided, although it would consume very much more time, and entail more arduous labor, to digest the contents and then Index that, so that when a person wanted to find out what, for instance, the Egyptians understood by "The Universe," it was not necessary to look in "Morals and Dogma," at all the pages on which "Universe" was mentioned but by following down the column, under the heading "Universe," come to "Universe of the Egyptians a living, animated being like man, page 665-l;" if that is not enough in detail turn to page 665, and in the lower third of the page will be found the paragraph of which the line just quoted is the boiled down meaning; most of the time it will not be necessary to consult the "Morals and Dogma" at all.
When the Digest (so called for want of a better name) was completed, a meeting of the Duluth Brethren was called to secure the assistance of some of them in making a few copies on the typewriter, but they decided that each of them wanted a copy and the only thing to do was to print; hence the book.
In the opinion of the writer no one who has not carefully studied "Morals and Dogma," or the several subjects of which it is the epitome, is or can be a Master of the Royal Secret in the true meaning of the term, no matter how many patents he may have, nor how completely they are countersigned by distinguished Masons of the Thirty-third Degree, and it is for those who do not wish to sail along under false colors and assume titles of which they know not the meaning that this volume is prepared, believing it will assist them to acquire an interest in the subject which they otherwise would be much slower in gaining, if not deterred altogether by the apparent difficulty in following up the several subjects.
Honored with the personal friendship and confidence of the author of "Morals and Dogma," receiving the highest honors at his hands and cherishing a lively recollection of his many splendid qualities of mind and heart, the writer can conceive of no higher ambition than that of shewing by deeds that he has appreciated the privileges of that friendship and has absorbed some of the inspiration which personal intercourse with Brother Pike made possible therefore.
This volume is dedicated in grateful memory of the Prince Adept, Albert Pike, 33°, Mystic, Poet, Scholar, who through his researches and his study of the Symbolism of Free Masonry has raised that Institution far above the commonplace and enthroned it on the lofty plane of a sublime system of Philosophy, embracing the accumulated Wisdom of the ages fitted to make men wiser, happier, better.
No attempts have been made to standardize the spelling of some words, nor make any changes in phraseology; for instance, "Cabala," "Kabalah," "Kabala," are different spellings of the one word; "Deity" and "God" are used indiscriminately, etc., etc.; this volume is a Digest of "Morals and Dogma" as it is, and nothing else.
Duluth, Minn., October 1st, 1909.
In explanation of the characters used in the Index; the letters "u," "m," "l" after a number signifies that the subject mentioned will be found on the page represented by the number and in the upper, middle, or lower thirds of that page, respectively; thus "Unity of God taught in the Kabalah, 625-l," means that on the lower third of page 625 will be found the paragraph of which the notation in question is a shortened statement.
Where no final letter is given it means that the notation refers to the entire page, as "Universe, questions concerning the creation or self existence of, 648," means that all of page 648 refers to that notation just quoted.
Where a dash (—) appears at the end of the words, it means that for the completion of the sentence reference must be made to the page whose number follows; for instance, "Universe must have been co-existent with Deity because—, 684-u," means that the reader must consult page 684-u, and complete the sentence, as it is of such a nature that it could not be boiled down very well and preserve the true sense.
Where a dash (—) appears between two numbers of pages it means that both of those pages and the intervening ones refer to the subject matter of the notation opposite those numbers.
Aaron made an image of a false god while Moses received the Law, 206-m. Aaron restored the worship of Apis when he made the golden calf, 369-m. Aaron's golden calf was one of the oxen under the laver of bronze, 818-l. Ab, Father, as well as Athah, the name of the Ancient in Microprosopos, 794-u. Aba and Imma, Father and Mother, 757-u. Abacus, the Table of Pythagoras, concluded by the number ten, 638-m. Ablutions, baths, baptisms before initiation, explanation of, 431-m. Above exists by reason of what is below, 848-u. Abraham carried the orthodox traditions from Chaldea, 843-l. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah the peculiar God of, 206-l. Abraham; Magism was the science of, 839-l. Abraxas, the plentitude of the Divine Emanations, a Gnostic idea, 554. Absolute conceived by reference to some substantial things, 702-u. "Absolute" defined is but a collection of negations, 651-l. Absolute Deity is in Microprosopos, 793-l. Absolute discovered by the science of numbers, 626-u. Absolute existence embodied in the Ineffable Name, 700-m. Absolute existence is Ihuh-Alhim, 701-m. Absolute existence, the essence of the creative forces of Deity, 701-m. Absolute in matters of Intelligence and Faith, 842-m. Absolute is the Being in which the Word Is, according to the Kabalah, 841-l. Absolute is the fixed from the volatile; is that which is, 776-l. Absolute is the immutable Law of Reason and Truth, 776-l. Absolute is the Truth, Reality, Reason, of the universal equilibrium, 844-u. Absolute manifested as Being or Existence forms the Ineffable Name, 849-m. Absolute necessarily implies absolute Unity, 702-l. "Absolute" no longer explains the problem of Good and Evil, 682-u. Absolute sought in the Infinite, Indefinite; the Finite is the "Great Work", 776-l. Absolute summed up in the Word alternately lost and found, 840-m. Absolute summed up in the Word transmitted in Initiations, 840-m. Absolute, the Fixed, the Volatile, are synonymous with Reason, Necessity, Liberty, 791-l. Absolute, the Principle or First Cause of all Things, 626-u. Absolute; the pursuit of the "Great Work" is the Search for the, 773-u. Absolute, the very necessity of Being; That which Is; Reason, 736-l. Absolute Truth, Beauty, Good, emanates from God, 702-l. Absurd, Infinite, which confounds and which we believe is the Divine Reason, 841-m. Abury, all the cycles reproduced at the Druidic Temple at, 235-l. Abyss; God, according to Valentinus, was an unfathomable, 559-l. Abyss, the Gnostics represented God as an unfathomable, 555-u. Abyssinians changed the Hindu Trinity to Creator, Matter, Thought, 550-l. Acacia, a sacred tree of the Arabs, the idol Al-Uzza, 82-m. Acacia branch represents the Tree of Life to the Hermetic Rose Croix, 786-l. Acacia is an emblem of resurrection and immortality, 642-u. Acacia, made into the "crown of thorns", 82-m. Acacia, origin of the idea of the sprig of, 376-l. Acacia, the thorny tamarisk, grew around Osiris, 82-m. Acacia, type of immortality, 82-m. Achaius, King of the Scots, saw the St. Andrew's Cross the night before a battle, 801-l. Achilles fights with Scamander, 499-m. Acmon's death lamented by the Scythians, 594-l. Acorn planted before the Norman conquest grows into importance, 317-l. Achronically; when Stars rise or set in opposition to the Sun, 471-m. Acts, unknown secret, 131-l. Action an essential part of Masonry; work required, 152-l. Action greater than writing, 350-u. Actions, importance of small, 173-m. Actions, in ordinary spheres are opportunities for the noblest, 350-m. Actions, more apparent than real, are the criticised rewards of Good or Evil, 705-l. Action and opposition of contrary forces bring Harmony, 859-l. Active and Passive; Great First Cause divided into the, 653-l. Active and Passive Principles gave birth to the Universal Soul idea, 664-m. Active and Passive Principles, Light and Darkness symbols of, 404-l. Active and Passive Principles symbolized by generative parts, 401-l. Active and Passive principles symbolized by Jachin and Boaz, 860-m. Active and Passive Symbols; the Male and Female, 784-m. Active energy of the Will of the Present expressed by vote of People, 860-u. Active life has spiritual ends, 243-m. Active Principle diffuses; Passive, collects and makes fruitful by nature, 772-u. Active principle represented by Light, 305-l. Active principle resides in the mind, external to matter, 657-l. Adam belonged to both the Empire of Light and that of Darkness, 567-u. Adam conformed into male and female and a state of equilibrium established, 795-l. Adam forbidden to eat of the fruit so he would not know—, 567-u. Adam is the human Tetragram, summed up in the Yod, 771-m. Adam Kadmon assisted by the living Spirit, Jesus Christ, 566-m. Adam Kadmon commenced the contest with the powers of evil, 566-m. Adam Kadmon, containing all the Causates of the First Cause, is a Macrocosm, 760-m. Adam Kadmon created after the Vestiges of the Lights had been removed by God, 751-u. Adam Kadmon emanated from Absolute Unit and so is himself a unit, 760-l. Adam Kadmon fashioned into Male and Female when equilibrium was introduced, 763-u. Adam Kadmon flows downward into his own nature and so is duality, 760-l. Adam Kadmon had in him Nephesek, Ruach, Neschamah, Neschamah Leneschamah, 757-u. Adam Kadmon is designated in the third person, Hua, He, 763-u. Adam Kadmon is the Idea of the Universe unevolved in the manifested Deity, 758-m. Adam Kadmon made up as to limbs by the nine Sephiroth, 757-l. Adam Kadmon, Primitive Man, made by the Demiourgos, 562-l. Adam Kadmon returns to the Unity and to the Highest and so is ternary and quaternary, 760-u. Adam Kadmon, the First Born, the Primitive Man, 267-m. Adam Kadmon, the Idea of the Universe, assigned a human form, 757-l. Adam Kadmon, the Logos, man-type, primitive man, 251-m. Adam Kadmon, the Primal Man, emitted into the evacuated Space, 746-u. Adam Kadmon was not formed male and female when the Kings died, 797-l. Adam, the first, was Microprosopos; Macroprosopos first Occult Adam, 795-u. Adept, the 28th Degree, Knight of the Sun or Prince, 581. Adepts bound to Ancient Mysteries, 50-u. Adityas, or Solar Attributes, a Vedic Sun God, 602-l. Adityas, the distinct powers of Surya, each with a name, 587-m. Adonai, applied to Deity, represents, 208-m. Adonai, meaning of; substituted for True Name, 201-l. Adonai, Son, Kabalah ascribes redemption to, 104-m. Adonai, the most potent of the names of Deity; moves the Universe, 787-l. Adonai, one of the seven Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Adonai of the Phoenicians is a personification of the Sun, 594-u. Adonai or Adon, the Phoenician name for the Sun God, 587-u. Adoniram, Joabert, Satolkin, the three Masters, represent, 210-u. Adonis and Apollo of the Greeks are personifications of the Sun, 594-u. Adonis and Proserpine in wanderings represent—, 404-m. Adonis or Thammuz, death and resurrection in Mysteries, 406-m. Adonis, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Adonis, the Sun, as adored by the Phoenician Byblos, 587-l. Adonis wounded in private parts by boar; emblem of, 412-l. Adon signifies Lord and Master, 591-l. Adoration of Deity requires something tangible to exalt the mind, 617-l. Advancement in the Rite, depends on, 136-m. Advancement in the Rite, those entitled to, 136-m. Adversity, blessings and advantages of, 145-m. Aeschylus accused of representing the Mysteries on the stage, 384-l. Aeschylus and others declare life is not a scene of repose, 691-u. Aesop and others declare the object of suffering is beneficial, 691-u. Aesch Mezareph says the seven lower Sephiroth represent seven metals, 798-l. Affliction, a loneliness in, 189-m. Affliction, words go but little way into the depths of, 189-m. Agathodaemon, or Kneph, represented by Osiris, 587-l. Age we represent is not enlarged by our discoveries, 808-l. Ages of the Sun represented by the four ages of man, 465-u. Ages passed before reason was preferred to imagination, 674-m. Agla, Hieroglyphics of, indicate the Triple Secret of the Great Work, 104-l. Agni lives on the fire of the sacrifice, on the hearth, of the sky, 602-m. Agni, the Mediator between God and man, 602-m. Agricultural phenomena connected with Egyptian religion, 588-u. Agricultural, primitive people of Orient were wholly, 445-m. Ahih Ashr Ahih, I am what I am, the meaning of the name assumed by Deity, 697-l. Ahriman and ministers of Evil to be reconciled to Deity and Evil end, 847-l. Ahriman called "the old serpent, Prince of Darkness," etc., by Persians, 498-m. Ahriman concurred with Ormuzd in the creation of Man, 258-u. Ahriman condemned to dwell in darkness 12,000 years, 257-l. Ahriman considered older than Ormuzd by some Parsee sects, 613-u. Ahriman destroyed the pure principle of Man, 258-u. Ahriman not a malevolent being in the early ages of the world, 613-u. Ahriman origin of all evils, represented Darkness, 443-l. Ahriman produces Deos and Deities to equal those of Ormuzd, 662-l. Ahriman, second born of the Primitive Light, ambitious, 257-m. Ahriman, the Persian demon of Evil, of the nature of darkness, 661-m. Ahriman the evil principle of the religion of Zoroaster, 449-u. Ahriman to be triumphant during three latter periods, 258-m. Ahriman to rule the world till the end of time, 623-l. Ahriman's worship considered as the cause of the Fall of man, 613-u. Ahura Mazda, by the power of the Word, made the Heaven and Earth, 613-l. Ahura Mazda claims to have created the Universe and man, 612-u. Ahura Mazda, Indra, Ormuzd is the bright firmament, 601-l. Ahura Mazda is called the First Born of all things, very light of—, 613-l. Ahura Mazda represented the primal light, 612-u. Ahura Mazda, Supreme, whose Soul is the Excellent Word, 613-m. Ainsoph and His garmenting were alone before the world of the vacant space, 750-u. Ainsoph called Light because it is impossible to express it by any other word, 740-m. Ainsoph is the title of the Cause of Causes, its meaning being "endless", 747-u. Ainsoph, King of the Sephiroth Theology; Being Supreme and Absolute, 99-m. Ainsoph of the Kabalah corresponds to the Word, 271-l. Ainsoph sometimes applied to the first emanation, Kether, the Crown, 747-u. Aions of the Gnostics correspond to the 28 Izeds, 257-u. Aions of the Gnostics corresponded to the Ferouers of Zoroaster, 256-u. Air and Fire, white and red, Mercy and Judgment do not intermix, 795-m. Air gives the elements and principles of compound sensation, 784-m. Air, one of the symbols of spiritual regeneration in the Mysteries, 357-l. Air used as a test to represent the possible purification of the soul, 397-u. Air, Water, Fire, denote Benignity, Judicial Rigor; Mercy as mediator, 799-u. Al, a name of Deity, represents, 208-m. Al, Al Schadai, Alohayim, Adonai, long known names of Deity, 697-l. Al Shadai, applied to Deity, represents, 208-m. Al, Soul of the Universe, one of the names of Deity on the Delta, 532-u. Al, the first Phoenician Nature God, the Principle of Light, 727-u. Alchemical Azot corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. Alchemical jargon created to deceive the vulgar herd, 731-u. Alchemical or Hermetic philosophical doctrine, 772-792. Alchemical philosophy receives some explanation in the Kabala, 741-u. Alchemical teachings conceal their meaning in many cases, 792-m. Alchemists claimed the Magical Agent determined the form of the modifiable Substance, 773-l. Alchemists dream of being always young, rich, never die, 772-l. Alchemists resorted to Masonry and invented Degrees, 731-u. Alchemists, salt, sulphur, mercury, great symbols of the, 57-l. Alchemists writing of the Great Work use symbolic and figurative expressions, 774-m. Alchemy reduces the four ideas to the Absolute; the Fixed; the Volatile, 791-l. Alchemy, the mask of the Hermetic Philosophy, 791-l. Aldebaran, the leader, preceded the Sun in the sign of the Bull, 451-u. Aleph is the Man; Beth, the Woman; One the Principle; Two, the Word, 771-l. Alfader over the Scandinavian Deities, Thor and Odin, 598-u. Alfadir, the Icelandic name for God, but he has twelve names in Asgard, 619-u. Alfarabius, an Arab, cultivated the Hermetic science, 840-l. Alexander of Macedon said, "Nothing is nobler than work.", 40-l. Alexander, result of wars of, 247-m. Alexander, results of work of Faust and Luther exceeded that of, 43-u. Alexandria, teachings of the Jewish-Greek school of, 250-m. Alexandrian school brought Magic and Christianity almost together, 731-l. Alexandrian School, Doctrine taught in, 170-u. Alcibiades accused of the crime of divulging secrets of the Mysteries, 384-l. Alhim assigned to the modeling of the Universe in Genesis, 568-m. Alhim, the aggregate unity of manifested Creative Forces of Deity, 701-m. Alhim were subordinate Deities among the Phoenicians, 568-m. Alkahest's composition described, 788-m. Alkahest has the generative virtue of producing the Triangular Cubical Stone, 787-m. Alkahest is the principle of life in the profundity of matter, 787-l. "All" is termed Wisdom, and in it The All is contained, 793-u. All things summed in One when the Son is in Wisdom and Intelligence, 800-u. All was, is, will be; there neither will be, is, nor has been, mutation, 793-l. Allegories breed errors by being literally accepted, 205-m. Allegories of Masonry become lessons of wisdom when understood, 597-m. Allegories of Scriptures contain profound truths, 250-l. Allegories of the Hermeticists explained by their single dogma, 777-l. Allegories, Truth hidden under a succession of, 246-l. Allegorical analogies represented metaphysical ideas of the Mysteries, 385-u. Allegorical expression chosen by philosophers to express theological ideas, 678-u. Allegory and symbol efficacious instruments of instruction, 355-m. Allegory invites research and rewards the inquirer, 355-l. Allegory of the loss of the True Word represents, 205-l. Allegory, the simplest facts of the Old Testament are an, 266-u. Allegory used by the Sages to conceal the operations of Nature, 659-m. Alohayim, with Tsabaoth, symbolism of, 104-m. Alohim, a name for Microprosopos, 795-u. Alohim, applied to Deity, represents, 208-m. Alohim; the five letters of the name of the spark from Severity give the name, 795-m. Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, 701-u. Alpha and Omega, Zoroaster's definition of Deity, 273-m. Alps, the great altar of Europe; Autumn a long All Saint's Day, 713-l. Altar in the East has an astronomical reference, 483-m. Altar of Perfumes indicates the Fire that is to be applied to Nature, 783-u. Alternatives between which the human mind has vacillated, 694-l. Alva-butcheries in Netherlands, 49-l. Amas composed of the initials of the words that signify Air, Water, Fire, 799-u. Ambition, highest object of human, 74-l. Ambrose and Augustine, Saints, division of their day, 115-u. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, speaks of the Christian Mysteries, 545-l. Ambrose, the Saint, held the Stars have souls, 672-u. Ameth, duties of a Prince, 176-u. Amida became the Redeemer; will judge and sentence men, 616-u. Amida, or Omith, the name of the Japanese Supreme Being, 616-u. Ammon, the Sun, as adored in Phrygia, Atys, Libya, 587-l. Ammonius concealed Science under Christian disguises, 732-l. Ammomus Saccos and Plato brought Christianity and Magic close together, 731-l. Amos accuses the Hebrews of the worship of false gods, 206-m. Amshaspands are six of the Zodiacal signs under the banner of Light, 663-u. Amshaspands correspond to the Aor, Zohar, Zayo, of the Kabalah, 740-l. Amshaspands, names of the, 257-u. Amshaspands of the Persians, Light, Fire, Splendor, 740-l. Amshaspands, or Genii, six created by Ormuzd after his own image, 256-l. Amshaspands recognized in the Kabalah by Light, Splendor, Brightness, 740-l. Amschaspands of the Zend Avesta compared with the seven Rishis, 602-u. Amschaspands presided over special departments of nature, 612-u. Amun, a concealed God, the Supreme Being of the Egyptians, 281-l. Amun, Athom, Phtha, Osiris, of the Egyptians, are personifications of the Sun, 594-u. Amun created nothing, but everything emanated from him, 254-u. Amun or Amun Kneph, the Spirit or Breath of Nature, 614-m. Amun-Re, the Libyan Jupiter, represented intelligent forces of Nature, 584-l. Amun-Re, the same, with Kneph from whose mouth issued the egg, 585-u. Amun styled "who sheds light on hidden things", 253-l. Amun, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Amun, the creation by the Thought issuing as the Word caused by, 254-u. Amun, the Ram lying on the book in the 17th Degree, the symbol of, 254-u. Amun, the Supreme God, at first that of Lower Egypt, 253-l. Amun was the Nature God worshipped at Memphis, Lower Egypt, 584-l. Amun's name pronounceable only by the Egyptian Priests, 621-l. Analogy gives the Sage the forces of Nature; it is the science of Good and Evil, 737-l. Anarchy given no countenance by Masonry, 153-l. Anaxagoras admitted the existence of ultimate elementary particles, 676-l. Anaxagoras expounded the higher Greek religious ideas, 617-m. Anaxagoras gives an account of the origin of things, 495-m. Anaxagoras includes in Mind moral principles as well as life and motion, 677-l. Anaxagoras' "Intelligence" principle possessed the defects of "Necessity", 677-l. Anaxagoras' Theism subversive of Mythology and outward religion, 679-u. Anchises, in the Aenid, taught Aeneas the doctrine of Universal Soul, 666-m. Ancient Hidden One contains no female; His totality is male; Hua, He, 763-u. Ancient Knightly virtues and deeds to be revered, 804-l. Ancient, Most Holy, called Hua, He; not Athah, Thou, 794-u. Ancient, Most Holy, Hidden of the Hidden, is the Supreme Crown, 762-l. Ancient of Days, Atik Yomin, constituted by the seven Sephiroth, 727-m. Ancient of Days is the internal part, or Soul, of Macroprosopos, 758-u. Ancient of days, title given to the Creator in the Kabalah, 266-l. Ancient opinions concerning earth and heaven, 442—. Ancient poetic and philosophic solution of the great problems, 653-m. Ancient religion based on the pure and simple veneration of Nature, 610-l. Ancient religious effusions of the Veda, 602-m. Ancient thought reproduced in the speculations of today, 697-u. Ancients believed the planet's motive force was an intelligent one, 671-m. Andocides accused of the crime of divulging secrets of the Mysteries, 384-l. Andrew's Cross; Hungus, in the ninth century, saw in the sky St, 801-m. Angels, called Reflections, proceeded from Ialdabaoth, 563-m. Angels commissioned to aid man to exercise his liberty, 252-u. Angels, fallen stars are, in Hebrew Mythology, fallen, 510-l. Angels of Evil fell, as men did; to be restored, then reign of evil ends, 686-u. Angels of the Jews corresponded to the Ferouers of Zoroaster, 256-u. Angelic Army composed of Heavenly Host, 509-l. Anger not responsible for God's dispensations of suffering, 718-u. Anger, results of, 123-l. Animal and spiritual natures of mankind, 857-l. Animal Kingdom symbolized by Mach, studied by the Master Mason, 632-u. Annals, under the Caesars there is the Author of the, 48-u. Anointing, a symbol of dedication to the True and Good, 538-l. Anointing, Intelligence the source of the oil of, 267-l. Antareya A'ran'ya, one of the Vedas, gives an account of creation, 609-u. Anthropopathism of Jewish Scriptures opposed by Alexandrians, 285-u. Antiquity of the doctrine that gave living souls to the heavens, etc, 669-m. Antagonisms of man's nature may be in equilibrium, if he will it so, 765-u. Anti-Masons caused the cheapening of Masonry; its pomp, its display, 814-m. Anti-Masons of 1826, in America, the best friends and worst enemies of Masonry, 814-m. Anti-Masons purified Masonry by persecution, 814-m. Antipathy and Sympathy, inaction and opposition result in Harmony, 859-l. Anubis in the shape of a dog aided Isis in her search and represents—, 376-l. Aoom, the symbol of the Lord of all things, 621-m. Aor Mupala, Wonderful or Hidden Light undisplayed, the Will of Deity, 740-l. Aor of the Deity manifested in flame issuing out of the invisible fire, 740-l. Aor Pasot, "Most simple light"; Ayen Soph, Infinite before Emanation, 745-l. Aor Penai-Al, Light of the countenance of God, 748-u. Apartment, Fourth, 18th Degree, represents freedom from Evil, 289-u. Apartment, Fourth, 18th Degree, typifies the rule of Masonry, 289-m. Apartment, Second, 18th Degree, represents reign of Evil, 288-m. Apartment, Second, 18th Degree, represents various scenes, 288-l. Apartment, Third, 18th Degree, represents materialized consequences, 289-u. Apartment, Third, 18th Degree, represents the consequences of sin, 288-l. Apartments in Mysteries passed by degrees, 432-l. Apathy and faithlessness great obstacles to Masonic success, 237-m. Aphanison or the disappearance was the nailing of Osiris in the chest, 377-u. Aphanison represented disappearance of the Sun at Winter Solstice, 377-u. Aphanison, the disappearance of Osiris, Bootes, Adonis, 484-u. Aphrodite, the Principle of Unity and Universal Harmony, 683-m. Apis, Aaron made an image of the Egyptian god, 206-m. Apis reproduced by Aaron in the desert as the Golden Calf, 448-u. Apocalypse, a Kabalistic book, sealed by seven seals, 727-l. Apocalypse, a Kabalistic summary of the occult figures, divides—, 321-u. Apocalypse, a wonderful epic explained by numbers as the Key, 728-u. Apocalypse as obscure as the Sohar; appeals to the Initiate, 321-m. Apocalypse, cabalistic clavicule not explained by Christians, 731-u. Apocalypse completes the Science of Abraham and Solomon, 321-l. Apocalypse, derivation of the four creatures of the, 461-l. Apocalypse's doctrine, the pure Kabala, lost by the Parisees, 727-l. Apocalypse embodies Occultism; not written for the many, 321-m. Apocalypse paints the struggle between Good and Evil, 272-l. Apocalyptic pictures are pantacles with numbers as the Key, 727-l. Apocalypse shows Kabalistic meaning of the Temple, 235-m. Apocalypse, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which—, 321-u. Apollo and Dionusos, Nature and Art, from one common source, 585-l. Apollo, at Delphi the tomb held the body of, 407-m. Apollo fights with Python, the scaly snake, 499-m. Apollo, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Apollo triumphs over Python on March 25th, 407-m. Appollonius of Tyana says God must be expressed by the spirit, 282-l. Apollos of Alexandria, reference to the baptism of John, 262-u. Apostles, early Christians deemed incomplete the writings of the, 248-u. Apostles of Christ, secret meaning of the number of the, 233-m. Apostolic Constitutions speak of the Christian Mysteries, 543-l. Apparatus states that Malakoth is called Haikal, 799-u. Apparatus used in the Great Work, 785-u. Appetites and Senses are Forces given us for Good, 860-l. Apprentice Degree, declaration that Masonry is worship in the, 219-u. Apprentice, 1st Degree, 1-m. Apprentice, meaning of preparation, tests, purifications in Degree of, 253-u. Apprentice studies the mineral Kingdom symbolized by Tub, 632-u. Apprentices' Compass has both points under the Square, 854-l. Apprentice's Grip, Morality, fails to raise the candidate, 640-l. Apron of white sheepskin, origin of, 407-l. Apulesius represents Lucius initiated into the Mysteries, 387-390. Apulius describes an effigy of the Supreme Deity, 412-l. Aquarius, the first of the four royal signs, characterizes Reuben, 461-u. Arab wisdom not slighted by the Mediaeval Church, 625-l Arabian traditions much in common with those of the Hebrews, 616-l. Arabians never possessed a finely wrought system of Polytheism, 616-l. Arabians taught the primeval faith of one God by Mahomet, 616-l. Aramtic forms of the personal pronouns, He-She, 700-u. Arabs embraced many Kabalists, 625-l. Arabs, such as Geber and Alfarabius, cultivated the Hermetic science, 840-l. Aramtic forms of the personal pronouns, He-She, 700-u. Araor, the Chaldean Supreme Deity, Father of Light, 742-l. Areanum; to the Magists the Blazing Star symbolized the Grand, 842-u. Arch rests on a column on either side, 846-l. Archangels numbered seven, 233-m. Archelaus, Bishop of Mesopotamia, speaks of early Christian secrecy, 544-l. Archetype of the Universe did never not exist in the Divine Mind, 849-m. Archetype of things united with the Infinite by the Divine Ray, 267-u. Archimagus, the Sun, the noblest agent of Divine power, 612-m. Architect of the Universe; Chinese Emperor erected a Temple to the, 615-l. "Architects" among names of Gnostic initiates into their Mysteries, 543-m. Architects, or Masons of the 12th to the 14th Degrees; duties of the, 332-u. Architects, symbolism in 12th Degree of the Chief of the, 202-l. Architectonica, Symbola, found on ancient edifices, 235-m. Architecture, symbolism of the five orders of, 202-u. Argonautic expedition; Orpheus received Mysteries of Samothrace on, 427-u. Argument not equally convincing to different men, 166-m. Arian theory of Creation of the Human race, 565-u. Arik Aupin, one of the appellations of Adam Kadmon, Macroprosopos, 758-u. Arik Aupin or Macroprosopos; Seir Aupin or Microprosopos, 799-m. Aristobulus, a Jew, of the school of Alexandria, 250-m. Aristobulus, declaration concerning Jewish Scriptures, 250-l. Aristotle accused of impiety for a breach of laws of worship of Ceres, 384-l. Aristotle held that each Star was a portion of the Universal Soul, 671-m. Aristotle, opinion of, concerning the Mysteries, 379-m. Aristotle, sayings of, regarding the nature of God, 283-m. Aristotle showed how religion may be founded on an intellectual basis, 710-l. Aristotle seemingly leaned towards an Intelligent Personal God, 679-l. Aristides claimed the Initiation brought consolation and hope, 379-l. Aristotle's Act was first, the Universe has existed forever, 679-l. Aristotle's doctrine implies an eternal mover wholly in act, 679-u. Aristotle's system tends to prove that Nature makes toward final good, 681-m. Arithmomancy, a species of Divination of the Pythagoreans, 633-u. Arius declared the Saviour of a nature analogous to God and Man, 565-u. Arius declared the Saviour was really created, 564-l. Arius, the Word made by God according to, 279-l. Ark; image of organs of generation contained in Isaac, 412-l. Ark or chest containing genitals of youngest Cabiri in Mysteries, 427-m. Arkaleus or Hercules, the Scythian, Etruscan, name for the Sun God, 587-u. Artemis Proserpina, the saviour who leads spirits to Heaven, 395-u. Artemis represents the principle of the destruction of the seed, 395-u. Artificer, the Demiurge, was the Governor of the world and the, 557-m. Artist or author merely portrays what man should be or do, 349-l. Aryan emigration from the slopes of the Himalayas, 714-u. Ashlar, perfect, connected with the double cube of Perfection, 503-m. Ashlar, perfect, typifies the State, 5-m. Ashlar, rough, changed in form from triangular to cubic, 787-m. Ashlar, rough, to be prepared for the work, is a shapeless stone, 787-m. Ashlar, rough, typifies People rude and unorganized, 5-m. Asp, dedicated to Isis, worn on her head and on others', 501-m. Ass, Christians accused of worshipping an; origin of, 103-u. Assassins, fate of, foreshadows that of the enemies of liberty, 148-m. Assassins, Hindu Word formed by the three final syllables of names of, 82-m. Assassins, names of Good and Evil Deities contain the names of the, 82-m. Assassins of Khurum, names and relations to Stars, 488-l. Assassins of Khurum, symbols of foes of liberty, 148-m. Assistance of the humble worker in life's progress, 158-m. Astarte had a Temple built to her at Tyre by Hiram, 410-l. Astral light is the grand agent of the Hermetic operations of the Sun, 774-l. Astrology fixed the place of exaltation of the planets, 463-l. Astrology practiced among all nations; mother of sciences, 463-u. Astaphal, one of the seven Reflections of the Ophites, 563-m. Astronomy of Pythagoras was Astrology, 626-m. Astronomy studied by the Druids, computations made by nights, 619-u. Astronomy the most important of Sciences to the ancients, 597-u. Assyrian name for the Sun God was Bel, 587-u. Athanasius admonishes not to take sacred writ literally, 266-m. Athah, Thou, was not applied to the Most Holy Ancient, but Hua, He, 794-u. Athelstane, King of England, saw the St. Andrew's Cross while praying, 801-l. Atheist may be applied to a man having a higher conception, 643-l. Atheism and Pantheism, reduced to simplest terms, seem the same, 672-u. Atheism at bottom to say the Universe is God, 707-l. Atheism impossible with a belief in the Reason of God, 737-l. Atheism is formal which denies God in terms, but not in reality, 643-l. Atheism, or all is nature and there is no other God, 672-u. Atheism, really, is the denial of the actuality of any ideas of God, 644-m. Atheist's belief or unbelief to be real, 644-647. Atheists' Creed would make a Pandemonium of this world, 646-l. Atheistic conception would not content man, 647. Atheistic theory stated, does not satisfy human longing, 646-u. Athom, Amun, Phtha, Osiris of the Egyptians, are personifications of the Sun, 594-u. Athom-Re was superior to all Nature Gods, was symbolized by Light, 584-l. Athom, the Being that was, is and is to come, the Great God, 584-l. Athom, the Supreme God of the Egyptians, above Amun, 597-l. Athom, the Supreme God of Upper Egypt, same as Om and Brehm, 584-l. Atik Yomin, the Ancient of Days of the Kabala, 727-m. Atika Kadischa, the name for the three heads of Adam Kadmon in the Sohar, 758-u. Atomic school made variety proceed from combinations of atoms, 676-m. Attributes do not exist without substance, 572-l. Attributes, God only revealed by his, 267-l. Attributes of Deity personified, 271-m. Attributes of Deity symbolized in order to give an idea of God, 513-l. Attributes of God are man's virtues, 704-u. Attributes of God are the Adjectives of One Great Substantive, 574-l. Attributes of God presents the whole Divine Essence under one aspect, 555-m. Attributes of God presents the whole Divine Essence of one aspect, 555-m. Attributes of One God become separate divinities, 672-l. Attributes of the Soul, or God, are not God or the Soul, 573-u. Attributes, the title of God may be applied to each, 555-m. Atys and his priests mutilated, symbol of, 412-l. Atys, mutilated, dies and is restored to life in Mysteries, 422-l. Atys, the Sun God of Phrygia in Mysteries of Cybele, 407-u. Auditors, the first of the degrees of the Christian Mysteries, 541-l. Auditors were novices being prepared to receive Christian Dogma, 541-l. Augustin held that every visible thing was superintended by Angelic power, 671-l. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, speaks of the sublime mysteries of Christianity, 546-u. Augustine, St., on the Christian religion before Christ, 262-m. Augustine, the Saint, defines the faith given to Novices, 547-l. Auir Kadmon, the Primal Space, effected by retraction, 749-l. A.U.M., the three-lettered name of Deity among the Hindus, 632-l. Aum, if pronounced, would make the earth tremble and Angels quake, 620-m. Aum, meaning of the Hindu sacred word, 82-m. Aum of the Hindoos, whose name was unpronounceable, 584-l. Aum only pronounced by its letters; meaning of the word, 620-m. Aum, represented by mystic character, 82-m. Aum represented the three Powers combined in the Deity of Hindus, 620-m. Aum, the Indian Sacred Name of the One Deity; manifested as, 205-u. Aupin, Arik, or Macroprosopos; Aupin Seir, or Microprosopos, 799-m. Aur, Light, the name of the light of the Vestige of Ainsoph, 750-m. "Aur," the Substance out of which Light flows; the fire relative to heat, 740-m. Aurelius, Marcus, taught that the heavens and spheres were part of the Universal Soul, 669-m. Authority is the equilibrium of Liberty and Power, 845-u. Autumnal Equinox a period of general mourning because of—, 588-l. Autumnal Equinox brought harvest and falling leaves, 444-l. Autumnal Equinox, reason for celebrating Mysteries at the, 404-l. Autumnal Equinox, reasons for celebrating Mysteries at the, 491-m. Ayen Soph, Infinite before any emanation, a Kabalistie term for Deity, 745-l. Azes, Genii from the marriage of Heaven and Earth, 658-m. Aziluth; Deity first restored the universality of the seven Kings of the World, 797-u. Aziluth, emanation or the system of emanants, from Atsil, 746-l. Aziluth means specifically the first system of the four worlds or systems, 746-l. Aziluth, the Divine World of the Sephiroth Theology, 99-m. Aziluth, the world within the Deity, 552-u. Azoth composed of Sulphur, Mercury, Salt, 773-l. Azoth, fecundated by intellectual energy, Master of Absolute Matter, 778-m. Azoth, the Astral Light, magnetism understood by the ancients, 791-u. Azoth, the universal magnetic force, the light of life, the magical agent, 778-m. Azot, of the Alchemists, corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. "Azoth," a treatise in the Materia Prima of Valentinus, 1613, 850-m.
B is the passive, A the active; Unity is Boaz; the Binary is Jachin, 772-u. Baal or Bal signifies Lord and Master, 591-u. Babylon, a great, live serpent worshipped by the people of, 500-u. Babylon, images of serpents at Temple of Bel in, 499-l. Bacchus led by a Lamb, or Ram, to Springs, etc, 466-m. Bacon gave philosophy a definite aim and method, 710-l. Bactria, the doctrines of Zoroaster came originally from, 258-l. Bad Principle represented by the number five, 630-u. Babylonish God, Bal, the Power of heat, life, generation, 590-l. Babys, a power set up as an adversary of Osiris, 588-u. Bagha, the Felicitous, a Vedic Sun God, 602-l. Bainah and Hakemah, Intelligence, Wisdom, the second Sephiroth, 552-u. Bainah, Mother, the passive capacity from which the Intelligence flows, 552-m. Bakchic initiation, emblems of generation principal symbol at the, 421-m. Bakchic initiation, raw flesh ate by the initiate at a, 421-u. Bakchos, at initiation, sufferings, death, resurrection, represented, 421-u. Bakchos' cup between Cancer and Leo, a symbol, 438-m. Bakehos, or Bacchus, the Sun, adored in Thrace as Saba Zeus, 410-l. Bakchos, slain by Titans, went to Hell; restored to life, 406-l. Bal, one of the Gods of Syria, Assyria, Chaldea, etc, 590-l. Bal or Bala, applied to Deity, represents, 208-m. Bal, seated on a Bull, with the Sun for symbol, was the Power of Life, 590-l. Bal, the Supreme Deity of the Moabites, Amonites, Carthagenians, 591-u. Balance and the human form the pattern of the world of restitution, 794-l. Balance, equilibrium the mystery of the, 305-u. Balance, everything in the Universe proceeds by the mystery of the, 305-u. Balance, explanation of the Soul losing its felicity by means of the, 490-l. Balance had Gedulah on one side, Geburah on the other, Tepharet over, 757-m. Balance had Hakemah on one side, Binah on the other, Kether over, 757-m. Balance has the Sephiroth arranged around it, 762-l. Balance held by Absolute Reason, above the male and female on each side, is the primary idea of things, 769-l. Balance instituted that judgments might be restored and not die, 798-m. Balance, symbol of all Equilibrium, taught the definition of Masonry, 854-m. Balance, the symbol of the male and female person, 757-m. Balance, the symbol of the person into whose form the Sephiroth were changed, 757-m. Balance; the root above is represented by the needle of the, 798-m. Balance; the Royal Secret is what the Sohar calls the Mystery of the, 858-l. Balance used to explain the Ternary, 769-l. Balder killed by Lok, Evil Principle, in the Mysteries of the Druids, 430-m. Balder, torn to pieces by Hother, lamented by the Scandinavians, 595-u. Balder's body placed in a boat by Lok and set adrift on the water, 430-m. Ballot for membership, objection sufficient to exclude, 121-m. Banners of Royal Arch Degree represent Constellations, 409-l. Baphomet adored as an idol by the Templars is an absurdity, 818-l. Baphomet of the Temple, representing Sulphur, or a goat's head, 779-l. Baphomet, the hieroglyphic figure representing the universal agent, 734-m. Baptist, religious systems approximating in the time of John the, 247-m, Baptism, a symbol of purification, 538-l. Baptism among the Gnostics refers to the Name Hidden, 561-l. Baptism as a sacred rite applied for by Christ, 262-u. Baptism, Christos united to the Eon Jesus by, 560-m. Baptism is a preparatory symbol preceding death, 392-l. Baptism of John the original rite, 263-u. Baptism, one of the important Gnostic ceremonies, 542-l. Bardesanes doctrines explained, 553-m. Bardesanes, the Syrian Christians embraced the doctrines of, 553-m. Bardesanes, the Syrian Christian, quoting from his "Book of the Laws", 857-l. Barruel, Abbe, Memoirs for the History of Jacobinism, 49-l. Base habit to defame a worthy man, 337-m. Basilidean ceremonies were varied and somewhat fantastic, 543-u. Basilideans, a Christian sect, practiced Mysteries, 542-m. Basilideans celebrated Jan. 10, date of Christ's baptism in the Jordan, 543-u. Basilideans gave talismans to every candidate, 542-m. Basilides, conception of God by, 271-u. Basilides doctrines embraced 365 emanations, 554-u. Basilides, personified attributes of God in the theory of, 271-m. Basilides, the Christian Gnostic, taught the seven emanation idea, 553-l. Basilik, the royal ensign of the Pharaohs, 413-u. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, speaks of the secrecy of the early Christian Mysteries, 545-m. Base of a right angle triangle represents Deity and the Divine, 861-m. Base of the right angle triangle is Female, 789-m. Bases of true religious faith, of philosophical truth, metallic transmutation, 776-l. Basic ideas at the foundation of the great Religious Orders, 815-m. Basis of true Brotherhood; its duties and obligations, 856-l—857-m. Battery of 8th Degree, allusion to, 137-u. Bathing seven times in the sea, symbolism of, 431-l. Battle between our spiritual and material natures the greatest, 854-u. Battle of life; greatest glory won in the conflict between our own natures in the, 854-u. Beacon on the mountain top represented the Persian divinity, 592-m. Beauty and Harmony represented by Vau, 799-m. Beauty is harmonious proportions in forms, 845-u. Beauty of natural phenomena, 244-l. Beauty, or the Divine Harmony, the Eternal Law, a side of the Masonic triangle, 826-m. Beauty or Harmony produced by the equilibrium of Justice and Mercy, 859-m. Beauty or Harmony the result of the Divine Will limited by the Divine Wisdom, 846-l. Beauty represented by the Junior Warden of a Lodge, 7-l. Beauty represented in the Kabalah by green and yellow, 267-l. Beauty results from the equilibrium of Good and Evil, 782-m. Beauty, Severity, Benignity are Fathers proceeding from the Father of Fathers, 794-l. Beauty, the column which supports the world; that of Junior Warden, 800-u. Beautiful, in the Absolute, emanates from God, 702-l. Beautiful lives are the accurate ones, 845-u. Beautiful should be just; everything just is beautiful, 845-u. Beautiful things refer themselves to Absolute Beauty, 702-m. Beethos and His Thought made Wisdom fruitful by Divine Light, 563-u. Beethos Profundity, Source of Light and Adam-Kadmon, 562-l. Beginning of things was a single God who created matter, 609-l. Beginning, the Word is, was, will be in the, 323-l. Being and Existence, modes of, balance each other, 98-u. Being, Existence, is by itself; reason of Being is Being itself, 97-l. Being from whom emanates the True, Beautiful, Good, is triple and one, 702-l. Being; how the mind may receive intuition of the Absolute, 285-u. Being is Being the first Principle, 322-u. Being, Philosophy of, 98-m. Being: Vedanta and Nyaya philosophers acknowledge a Supreme, 607-u. Being's phenomena ought to be explained by Occult Philosophy, 822-u. Bel of the Chaldeans is a personification of the Sun, 594-u. Bel, symbol of the Sun, 77-m. Bel, the Assyrian and Chaldean name for the Sun God, 587-u. Bela, one of the Celtic deities upon the ancient monuments, 591-u. Belief concerning spiritual and material existence, 232-u. Belief, essential, of a Perfect Elu, 233-u Belief in a future existence from a desire to remedy injustices of this, 830-l. Belief in Deity and Immortality a natural feeling, 517-u. Belief in Divinity in danger because of misinterpretation, 652-m. Belief in God's benevolence, wisdom, justice, a part of Masonic Creed, 531-u. Belief in Nature as all sufficient not real Atheism, 644-u. Belief in the Father of All, Masonry wisely requires a; why, 166-l. Belief of a Mason regarding pain and suffering, 228—229-u. Belief of Masonry, 220-l. Belief of the Patriarchs did not exclude symbolic representations, 512-m. Belief, result of rejection of moral and religious, 197-m. Belief without understanding applied to the Word of a Master, 697-m. Beliefs of the Templar Chiefs indicated by hints and symbols of Masonic degrees, 819-u. Beliefs must be separated from our certainties, 776-u. Bellerophon fights with the Chimera, 499-m. Belin or Belinus: Gauls worshipped the Sun under the name of, 591-u. Benares temple represents Surya drawn by a horse with twelve heads, 587-u. Benedict, the Fourteenth Pope, renewed Bull of Clement the Twelfth, 50-m. Benefits of the Great Work to the Soul and to the Body, 785-u. Benefactor must look for apathy in those he benefits, 317-u. Benefactors enjoy reward hereafter, 172-u. Benefactors, to do all, be hindred, have others reap reward the lot of, 238-u. Beneficent operations are slow; those destructive are rapid, 317-m. Benignity or Mercy of God, the Male, 846-u. Benignity poured into the Autocracy of Deity determines the continuance of the Universe, 769-m Benignity tempering Justice enabled Deity to create, 769-u Berne, Masons in 1743 proscribed by the council of, 50-m Beth Alohim states that before God formed a conception he was alone, 752-u. Beth is the woman; Aleph, the man; One the Principle; two the Word, 771-l. Bible added to a point within a circle, vapid interpretation of the, 105-m. Bible, doctrines of, clothed in language fitting the understanding of the rude, 224-l. Bible expresses incompletely the religious science of the Hebrews, 744-l. Bible, Holy, one of Great Lights; part of the furniture of the Lodge, 11-m. Bible speaks of Deity as Light; also the Isabeans and Kabalists, 739-l. Binah and Hakemah denoted by He, Yod, 798-m. Binah and Hakemah, the two lobes of the brain of Adam Kadmon, 758-m. Binah, by Hakemah's energy and the second Yod, projected the seven Sephiroth, 756-l. Binah conjoins with Hakemah and shines within Him, 763-l. Binah, female, placed itself on the left side of Hakemah, 756-l. Binah, illuminated within Hakemah by a second Yod, issued forth, 756-m. Binah in conjunction with Hakemah conceives and the outflow is Truth, 763-l. Binah, In formatio, existent in the Corona of the World of Emanation, 758-u. Binah is a person and termed Mother, Imma, 799-m. Binah is imbued by Wisdom with a luminous influence, 793-u. Binah is the lower apex of the three Yods composing the Yod, 763-m. Binah is the productive intellectual capacity which is to produce the Thought, Daath, 758-m. Binah, Kabalistic meaning of, 202-l. Binah produced the seven Kings all together, 796-l. Binah represents or is, the Eagle, 798-m. Binah, the Mother, Hakemah, the Father, in equilibrium as male and female, 763-m. Binah, the Mother, quantitatively equal to Hakemah, 763-u. Binah, Understanding, sends all things into the worlds of—, 753. Binah's seven sons were perfect rigors not connected with a root in the Holy, 795-l. Binah's sons placed in equilibrium when Wisdom was conformed Male and Female, 796-u. Binary, a measure of Unity, 771-l. Binary become Unity by conjunction of Generative Power and Productive Capacity, 772-m. Binary is Jachin; Unity is Boaz, 772-u. Binary is Unity multiplying itself by itself to create, 771-m. Binary manifests Unity; Unity itself and the idea of Unity are two, 771-u. Binary number stands for everything false, double, 630-m. Binary number, two, expresses the contraries in nature, 630-m. Binary, the generator of Society and law, the number of the Gnosis, 771-m. Birth of Mithras celebrated on Dec. 25th, 406-l. Black Eagle, the King of Birds, can fire the Sun, 787-u. Black of the nature of the Evil Principle, or Darkness, 662-m. Blazing Star a symbol of Sirius, 486-l. Blazing Star an emblem of Prudence, Omniscience, All Seeing Eye, 506-u. Blazing Star an emblem of the Sun to our ancient English brethren, 506-u. Blazing Star (an Ornament of a Lodge), symbolism of the, 15. Blazing Star announces the birth of the Sun, 787-u. Blazing Star, emblem of the Divine Truth, 136-m. Blazing Star of Truth formed by Faith above Reason resting on Revelation, 841-m. Blazing Star or an image thereof found in every initiation, 842-u. Blazing Star, or Horus, offspring of Sun and Moon, 14-u. Blazing Star the sign of the Grand Arcanum to the Magists, 842-u. Blazing Star the sign of the Quintessence to the Alchemists, 842-u. Blazing Star the sign of the Sacred Pentagram to the Kabalists, 842-u. Blessing, notwithstanding its evils, life is a, 142-l. Blessings of trials, pain, sorrow, will be understood, 240-l. Blindness, misery, bondage, symbolized by the condition of candidate, 639-u. Blows symbolize Christ's betrayal, refusal of protection, condemnation, 641-l. Blucher, guided by peasant boy, saves Wellington from rout, 42-m. Blue Masonry, mistaken explanation of symbol of the weeping virgin in, 379-u. Boaz and Jachin explain the mysteries of natural antagonisms, 772-u. Boaz and Jachin, parallel lines, point in circle, represent Solstices, 506-u. Boaz and Jachin, symbols of the bi-sexuality of the Ineffable Name, 849-m. Boaz has set on it the terrestrial globe, a symbol of our material part, 860-m. Boaz is Unity; the Binary is Jachin, 772-u. Boaz, name of the column at the left of the entrance; meaning of, 9-l. Boaz, one column of the Temple of Wisdom, represents the Passive, 860-m. Boaz, referred to symbolically, 202-l. Boaz represents Glory, one of the Sephiroth of the Kabalah, 267-l. Boaz, the eighth Sephiroth, is Splendor or Perfection of the Deity, 736-l. Bodies animated by a portion of God's own being, 609-l. Bodies return to the elements—a perpetual Genesis, 540-u. Body: Doketes believed that Christ took upon Himself only the appearance of a, 564-m. Body, Soul and Spirit the Hermetic Triad, 792-m. Body's universal medicine is the Quintessence, a combination of light and gold, 773-m. Bohemian "Thot" corresponds to the Hebrew Tetragram, 732-m. Bolingbroke, Lord, activity and usefulness in retirement, 39-l. Bootes is the great Star, Arcturus, 454-m. Bootes plays a leading part in Landseer's Osirian legend, 483-487. Bona Dea, the name of the Mysteries of Rome, 625-u. Border around the columns of the lodge, symbolism of the, 209-m. Borsippa, seven stages of the pyramid of, 233-m. Borsippa: the pyramid of Bel at Babylon contained seven spheres of, 729-u. Bounds set to the scope of our human reason by Deity, 852-m. Boundehesch, an ancient sacred writing concerning Zoroastrianism 612-u. Bourbon dynasty runs out with Bomba, 49-u. Brahm, Source of all, Very God, without sex or name, 849-l. Brahma, as incarnate Intelligence, communicated knowledge to man, 604-u. Brahma, having created the Universe, was absorbed in the Supreme Spirit, 608-l. Brahma of the Hindus, a personification of the Sun, 594-u. Brahma shared the corruption of an inferior nature, 603-l. Brahma, the creating agent of the Veda, interwoven with the Universe, 603-l. Brahma, the creating power of the Hindu Trinity, 550-m. Brahma, the divine male, produced from that which is, 608-l. Brahmins expressed the Active and Passive idea, by a statue, of both sexes, 656-u. Brahmins' Trinity the oldest, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, 550-m. Brain of Microprosopos produced by Love impregnating Rigor, 796-u. Bramah, symbol of Sun, 77-m. Bramah, Vishnu, Seeva, manifestations of the One Deity, 205-u. Brazen Sea, a symbol of purification before we can contemplate the Flaming Star, 782-m. Brazen sea, description and symbolism, 410-l. Brazen Serpent, Nakhustan, a token of healing power, 497-u. Breath of Life, vitality, perishes with the mortal frame, 852-m. Brehm, similar to Athom and Aum, was the Supreme God, 584-l. Brehm, the Hindu Supreme God, above Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, 597-l. Briah, the World of Creation of the Sephiroth Theology, 99-m. Brihim or Brehm given no emblem or visible sign, 605-u. "Brother" a mockery when we malign one another, or defraud them, 808-u. "Brother," characteristics necessary to be a true, 122-l. Brother discovered by the Mason in the flame and smoke of battle, 57-m. Brother, erring, to be spoken kindly to, 134-u. Brother, praise a; refrain from disparagement, 120-l. Brotherhood of man a tendency of Kabalistic philosophy, 625-l. Brotherhood of Masonry made possible by the Royal Secret, 861-l. Brotherhood possible only among those who have mutual regard and—, 856-l. Buddha comprehended the essence of the Trimurti, 82-u. Buddha, meaning of the names of, 82-u. Buddha or Fo religion introduced idolatry into China, 615-l. Buddha represented to have been crucified, 505-l. Buddha, the first Masonic legislator, doctrines of, 277-l. Buddha, the Gymnosophists came from the religion of, 278-u. Buddha to raise all men up to the perfect state, 623-m. Buddhist Crosses and ruins in Ireland and Scotland, 505-l. Buddhist idea was matter subjugating the intelligence, 258-l. Buddhist Trinity of Buddha, Dharma, Sanga, signifies—, 551-m. Buddhists hold that Sakya of the Hindus constituted a Trinity, 551-m. Buddhists supposed to have reached Ireland, 278-u. Buddhism, an innovation on an older religion, 602-u. Buddhistic doctrines exterminated by Brahmaism, 278-u. Building is slow; destruction swift—example, 320-m. Bull and afterwards the Ram regarded as the regenerator of Nature, 465-l. Bull carried into Spain and Gaul by the Cimbrians, 451-m. Bull held sacred by Hindus, Japanese, Egyptians, because—, 448-u. Bull; in the ceremonies, covered with black crape, was a golden, 479-l. Bull of Pope Clement against Masons, title and penalties, 50-m. Bull of Mithras dies from sting of Scorpion in Autumn, 466-l. Bull, opening the new year, breaks with his horn the egg out of which the world is born, 448-u. Bull, or Taurus, religious reverence for Zodiacal Bull, 450-l. Bull, the symbol of Apis, 254-l. Bull; the symbols of the Sun and Moon appear on the head, neck, back of the, 451-l. Bulls, symbolism of, 404-410. Burning bush of the Scriptures, 286-u. Burdens of Government borne by those who reap the benefits, 176-u. Burials, eulogies at, 187-m. Burke, members of Commons left when he rose to speak, 37-l. Buthos and His Thought made Wisdom fruitful by Divine Light, 563-u.
Cabala, composition of immaterial man, according to the, 57-l. Cabala, Tetractys composed of letters of the name of Deity in the, 60-l. Cabalistic clavicules, Ezekiel and the Apocalypse, have occult explanations, 731-u. Cabalists expressed Heaven, the Tetractys, the name of God, by number ten, 505-u. Cabalists expressed the perfect number ten by a Tau cross, 505-u. Cabiric, Divinities worshipped at Samothrace, names of, 426-l. Cabiri, in Samothrace were celebrated the Mysteries of, 407-u. Cabiri, the seven sons of Tsadok, the Supreme God of Phoenicia, 728-m. Cable-tow of man's natural and sinful will, 639-u. Caduceus borne by Hermes, Mercury, Cybele, Ogmius the Celt, 502-l. Caduceus of Hermes represents the Universal Seed, kept a secret, 775-u. Caduceus originally symbolized the equator and equinoctial Colure, 503-u. Caduceus was a winged wand entwined by two serpents, 502-l. Caesar, Julius, reigns because the ablest, 49-u. Caesars follow period of convulsion, 30-l. Caesars, no insurrection, but the exile of Syene under the, 48-u. Cagliostro introduced the Egyptian Rite of Masonry, 823-m. Cagliostro was the agent of the Templars and wrote to London Masons, 823-m. Cagliostro's seal had three letters on it, L.P.D., 823-m. Caiaphas, as bishop, to be opposed by Masonry, 20-l. Cain slew Abel and peopled the earth with the impious, 599-m. Calamity, in Providence is sought the solution of, 189-m. Calendars regulated by rising, setting, conjunction of the Fixed Stars, 464-u. Calf, Aaron reproduced the Bull, Apis, in the Golden, 448-u. Caligula, horrors of despotism under, 47-l, 27-u. Caligula made his horse a Consul, 49-m. Call of honor or virtue responded to by the basest and lowest, 201-u. Cama or Sita, slain by Iswara, put in the waters in a chest, 428-u. Cancer and Capricorn, the Gates of the Sun were the tropical points of, 437-l. Cancer includes the stars Aselli, little asses, device of Issachar, 461-l. Cancer, the Crab, named because Sun began to retreat southward, 440-u. Candelabrum, golden, ID Temple; seven lamps, 10-m. Candidate first brought to the door in a condition of blindness, 639-u. Candidate for baptism among Gnostics repeats formula, 561-l. Candidate in India listened to an apostrophe to the God of Nature, 361-l. Candidate in India, neither barefoot nor shod, made three circuits, 362-u. Candidate in India, required to make a vow, was sprinkled with water, 362-u. Candidate in Indian Mysteries clothed in a linen garment, 361-l. Candidate in Indian Mysteries received name, cross, level and Word, 428-m. Candidate in Indian Mysteries sanctified by the sign of the cross, 361-l. Candidate in Indian Mysteries slain and raised, 428-u. Candidate in Indian Mysteries takes three steps at right angles, 428-u. Candidate in Mysteries after initiation became free, 421-l. Candidate in Mysteries confined in dark cell three days and nights, 421-m. Candidate in Mysteries died, raised, witnessed search and discovery, 421-m. Candidate, nothing inconsistent to feelings of a gentleman required of, 328-u. Candidate obliged to wait for years between the lesser and greater Mysteries, 385-l. Candidates for Initiation were required to undergo severe trials, 385-m. Candlestick represented twelve signs through which seven planets run, 409-m. Candlestick with seven branches, meaning and symbolism, 410-m. Capability for better things than we know, 192-u. Capacity to possess adequate ideas of Deity limited by our faculties, 674-u. Capella announces the commencement of annual revolution of Sun, 464-m. Capella, Martianus, in his hymn to the Sun, gives many names, 587-l. Capella never sets to the Egyptians, 456-m. Capet dynasty dwindles out, 49-u. Capricorn represented by the tail of a fish, Son of Neptune, device of Zebulon, 461-l. Caracalla, horrors of despotism under, 47-l, 27-u. Caracallas succeed the Julius Caesars, 49-u. Carpocrates enunciated a doctrine of existence, 562-u. Cashmere people worshipped serpents, 500-l. Catacombs under Rome supposed to have been of Etruscan origin, 542-u. Catechumens Mass, the first of the two of the Christian Mysteries, 541-l. Catechumens, the second degree of the Christian Mysteries, 541-l. Catechumens were baptized and were instructed in some of the Dogma, 541-l. Catholic Church sacraments found in Mysteries of Mithras, 541-l. Catholic Temples, meaning of the serpent surrounding the Terrestrial Globe in, 376-m. Cause contains in itself what is essential in the effect, 703-u. Cause, inconceivability of a Great First, 570-l. Cause of All divided into the Active and Passive, 653-l. Cause of all given a name and personified, 674-m. Cause of all is the Universe, an intelligent Being, 667-l. Cause of all that exists is a Ray of Light from Deity, 267-u. Cause of all things and the Causes which flow from Him compared, 760-u. Cause of the Universe recognized in Modern Degrees, 625-m. Cause, the Universal First, divided into the Active and Passive Causes, 401-m. Causes of all created things were two—Active and Passive, 657. Causes of nature, the elements as Passive principles, 655-m. Causes of nature, the heavenly bodies as Active principles, 655-m. Causes of nature were assigned sexes, 655-m. Causes, the Active and the Passive, were two great Divinities, 401-m. Cave and the most ancient Temples symbolize the Universe, 234-l. Cave used in Mysteries for the reception of candidates, 413-m. Cebes, allegorical picture of, 101-m. Ceiling of lodge, symbolism of starred, 209-m. Celebration of Greek Mysteries continued nine days, 433-m. Celsus objected to the concealed doctrines of the Christians, 544-m. Censure upon men's acts often undeserved, 335-m. Censure of a man often falls heaviest on his family, 336-u. Center of the circumference signifies the Universal Spirit, 629-m. Center of the Square and Compass governs successful work, 786-l. Centers of Life, Heat, Light, points around which gravitation acts, 843-u. Centralization, free states tend to, 51-l. Ceremonies of initiation into the Mysteries of Mithra, 425. Ceremonies of Masonry have more than one meaning, 148-l. Ceremonies of the Mysteries conducted in caverns dimly lighted, 383-l. Ceres, at Autumnal Equinox was celebrated the Mysteries of, 491-m. Ceres isolated by Jupiter, 494-u. Ceres the name of the religious Mysteries of Greece, 625-u. Chaermon not warranted in stating that Egyptians were Epicureans, 665-m. Chain of life from the Hidden Deity, 555-m. Chaldea; Abraham carried the orthodox traditions from, 843-l. Chaldean name for the Sun God was Bel, 587-u. Chaldean Triad, Bel, Orosmades, Ahriman, 549-u. Chaldean Universals part of the perfect Generative Power, 742-m. Chaldeans considered Light divine and thought it a god, 582-u. Chalk, charcoal and a vessel of clay materials for the work of a Master, 548-m. Chance and Necessity giving way to Law permits man to be morally free, 695-m. Chance, coupled with Free Will, or Necessity coupled with Law, 694-l. Chance, God, Intelligence, undistinguishable by Menander, 694-m. Chance is Law unacknowledged, 691-m. Chance or accident absent in the plan of the Universe, 768-m. Chandos, Sir John, might give his hand to a true Knight, 808-u. Changes in nations and the earth proceed slowly and continuously, 90-m. Chang-ti, the name of the Hindu God, Sakya, given by the Chinese, 551-m. Chang-ti is the Universal Principle of Existence, 616-m. Chang-ti, or Xam-ti, the Chinese Sovereign Lord of the World, 616-u. Chang-ti represented by the firmament, Sun, Moon, Earth, 616-m. Chang-ti, the Supreme Lord or Being of the old Chinese creed, 615-u. Chaos means universal matter, formless, but susceptible of forms, 783-m. Chaos, moved by Sophia-Aohamoth, who produced the Demiourgos, 563-m. Chaos perfected by God, nature, art, 783-u. Chaos represented by a dark circle, 782-l. Character, moral and mental, is the habit of our minds, 216-u. Characteristic of a Mason, sympathy is the great distinguishing, 176-m. Characteristics, prototype found in lower animals of man's moral, 76-u. Chariot whose wheels are Netsach and Hod, is described, 798-l. Charlemagne reigns because the ablest, 49-u. Charity, a great moral Force, makes united effort possible, 91-m. Charity, channel through which God passes his mercy, 147-l. Charity, Clemency, Generosity, essential qualities of a Knight, 803-u. Charity for others like ourselves lighted by a ray of Divine Intelligence, 861-u. Charity in its broadest sense an obligation, seventh Truth of Masonry, 536-u. Charity known, described, practiced by antiquity, 704-l. Charity, opposed to luxury, represented by Venus, 727-l. Charity presupposes Justice, 705-u. Charity, the supreme virtue of man, must be possessed by God, 704-m. Charity towards the faults of men a part of the Masonic Creed, 531-u. Charity's first feature is goodness; its loftiest one is heroism, 705-u. Charles the Sixth, the lunatic, follows the Charlemagnes, 49-u. Chastisements by God are for our profit, 718-u. Chemistry analyses the constituents, but can not explain life, 526-527. Cherub-Metatron one of the Chiefs of the Angels in the Kabalah, 784-l. Cherub, or Bull, at the Edenic gate is a Sphinx; symbolism of the, 728-u. Cherubim represents the two hemispheres, etc., symbolism, 409-l. Cherubim set by Solomon represented the Celestial Bull, 448-u. Chest or Ark, the body of Osiris placed by Typhon in a, 377-l. Chief of the Tabernacle, first one of the degrees of the Mysteries, moral lesson of, 370-u. Chief of the Tabernacle, 23d Degree, 352-u. Children of tender years received into the Mysteries of Samothrace, 427-m. China, the Dragon was the stamp and symbol of royalty in, 500-l. Chinese based their philosophy on one and two lines, 630-l. Chinese built Temples to Heaven and Earth, genii, dragon, etc, 459-l. Chinese contribution to Gnosticism; saying of Lao-Tseu, 259-u. Chinese, controlled by reason, did not become idolaters until after Confucius, 615-l. Chinese creed declares Chang-ti is the principle of everything that exists, 615-u. |