Montcalm and Wolfe
by Francis Parkman
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Bedford, Duke of, 610

Belcher, Governor of New York, 276

Belleisle, Marechalde, French war minister (1758), 376 forced to abandon Canada, 468

Berkeley, Sir William, Governor of Virginia, 44

Bernes, officer with Montcalm, 418

Berniers, Commissary-General, Quebec, 523, 567

Berry, with Montcalm at Ticonderoga, 411 defends fort, 422

Berryer, French Colonial Minister (1758), 375 accuses Bigot of fraud, 375-376 orders him to report to Montcalm, 378 refuses help to Canada, 466

Biddle, Edward, reports on Indian attacks, 244

Bienville, Celeron de (See Celeron de Bienville)

Bigot, Francois, Intendant of Canada, 265, 322, 356, 535 his corruption, 76, 80, 178-179, 320, 366-377 reports on Le Loutre's work, 88 helps Le Loutre incite Indians, 89 appearance and personality, 365 investigation of his frauds, 377 at siege of Quebec, 485 votes to fight, 553 collects provisions, 558 returns to France, 604 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

Blanchard, Colonel, on Crown Point expedition, 212, 214

Blodget, Samuel, 220

Boishebert, Sieurde, French officer in Acadia, 87 sets Indians on British, 88 attributes misery of Acadians to priests, 193 attacks British in Acadia, 200 at siege of Louisbourg, 396 tried for fraud, 463-464, 605

Bonnecamp, Father, 49-50, 53, 58

Boscawen, British Admiral, 142 sails for Halifax with troops, 386-387 lands troops at Louisbourg, 390-391 takes part in siege, 400-401

Bougainville, aide-de-campe to Montcalm, 255ff., 263, 265, 304-305, 316ff., 589, 593 joins Indian war party, 299-300 his horror at Indian cruelties, 300, 356, 360 comments on Vaudreuil's treatment of Montcalm, 322 attends Indian feast, 329, 329n. comments on Indians, 330, 331, 333-334, 345 carries terms to Monro at Fort William Henry, 346 sent to Montreal, 349 comments on official corruption, 371-372 comments on Vaudreuil's plans, 410 sent to France for help to Canada, 465-467 arranges marriage for Montcalm's son and daughter, 467 returns to Canada, 468 guards Quebec shores, 525, 533-534 is deceived by Wolfe's feint, 535-536, 538 despair at army's retreat, 552 sends troops to Quebec, 558 help arrives too late, 559

Bouquet, Colonel Henry, at Fort Duquesne, 440ff. his difficulties on the march, 442, 445 his tact with Indian allies, 444

Bourlamaque, Chevalier de, third in command to Montcalm, 255, 315ff. tries to stop Fort William Henry massacre, 350 Montcalm's letters to, 358-359 at Ticonderoga, 411, 416, 418, 426, 481 retires from Ticonderoga, 509, 516 hears from Montcalm, 532-533 Levis asks him to hold on, 558 at defense of Montreal, 592 half his force deserts, 592 forced to retreat, 594 negotiates Montreal surrender, 597

Braddock, Major-General, 140-173, 174, 207 secret orders, 141 Shirley's opinion of, 144 Walpole's comments on, 144-148 Benjamin Franklin's opinion of, 144 anecdotes about, 145-146 meets with Colonial governors, 146-147 plans attacks on Fort Duquesne, 148-149 his fury at Colonial apathy, 150-151 Benjamin Franklin helps, 151-152 march on Fort Duquesne, 152-160 his ability, 152 George Washington's comments on, 152-153 his opinion and treatment of Indians, 154 hardships of march, 155-156 ambushed and defeated, 161-164, 165n. horrors of massacre, 163 casualties of his forces, 164 and n. his personal courage, 164 fatally wounded, 164 his retreat, 164-168 his death, 168 reports of massacre, 168-170 disastrous results of defeat to settlers, 230, 234-248 bones of his men found, 457 Contrecoeur's report on rout, 628-630

Bradstreet, Lieutenant Colonel John, 276-279 convoys stores to Oswego, 277 repels French attack, 278-279 some of his boatmen sent to Oswego, 284 in Ticonderoga campaign, 415, 417-418, 422 his plan to take Fort Frontenac, 436 his success, 437 prevents massacre of prisoners, 437 destroys Fort Duquesne supplies, 454

Breard, naval comptroller at Quebec, 368 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

British Colonial troops, organization and pay, 271-272 discipline of, 272

British Colonies (See English Colonies)

Brown, Lieutenant, carries mortally wounded Wolfe to rear, 546

Bull, Fort, destroyed by French, 264

Bullitt, Captain, 452-453

Burd, Colonel, in Duquesne expedition, 441, 443ff.

Burke, Captain, escapes Fort William Henry massacre, 351

Burney, Thomas, fur trader, escapes from French, 79

Burton, Lieutenant-Colonel, with Braddock, 163 reports on Winslow's camp, 281-282 with Wolfe at Quebec, 537, 541, 542 receives Wolfe's last order, 546

Bury, Viscount, comments on Massachusetts, 408

Bussy, M. de, French envoy to London, 611

Bute, Earl of, Secretary of State (1761), 610

Byng, Admiral, 384 defeat at Minorca, 48 death of, 48

Cadet, Joseph, Commissary-General of Canada, frauds of, 368-374 famine caused by, 370 sends supplies to Quebec, 482 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

Campbell, Major Duncan, at Ticonderoga, 414, 424 legend about his death, 635-637

Campbell, Captain John, killed at Ticonderoga, 424

Canada, 25 census of 1754, 38 census of 1755 and 1760, 38n. Catholic influence in, 38-39 her military position, 40-41, 47 Indian tribes of, 40 power of Church (See Acadia and Acadians) officials incite Indians to raid, 137 military life in, 267-268 social life in, 366-368 official corruption in, 365-374 Church fails to check corruption, 373 financial straits of, 374 loyalty of her people, 463 treatment of her people by officials, 463-464 dark days of 1758-1759, 460-470 France cannot help, 467-468 warned of attack on Quebec, 468 mobilizes for defense, 481 passes to British Crown, 598 people assured religious freedom, 598 people protected from Indians, 598

Captain Jacobs, Delaware Indian Chief, 296 killed, 297

Carleton, Sir Guy, Wolfe's friend, 476, 500

Carlos III of Spain, 612

Carter, Landon, 236

Carver, Jonathan, escapes Fort William Henry massacre, 351

Catawba Indians, 112, 444

Catherine of Russia, 614

Catholicism, influence on growth of New France, 38-39

Caughnawaga's Indians, 157

Cayuga Indians, 275

Chandler, Chaplain, 225

Celoron de Bienville, expedition to the Ohio (1749), 48-64 travel difficulties, 49-50, 57-58 hostility of Indians, 52-58 claims the Ohio for France, 52-55 warns English traders, 53-56, 58 sent to command Fort Detroit, 73 refuses to attack Pickawillany, 76

Charles VI of Austria, 37

Chesterfield, Lord, comment on Lord Albemarle, 139 reconciles Pitt and Newcastle, 380-381 his worry over England's future, 383

Cherokee Indians, 112, 323, 444

Chickasaw Indians, 112

Choiseul, Duc de, French minister (1761), 610 his character, 610-611 proposes European peace conference, 611 proposes negotiations with England on colonies, 611-612 negotiates secretly with Spain, 612

Choctaw Indians, 323 William Henry, 428, 430, 432, 436

Clerk, British engineer, 420-421

Clermont, Comte de, 384

Clinton, George, New York governor (1752), 63-64 complains French violate peace treaty, 75

Clive, victory at Plassey, 383

Connecticut, votes troops for Crown Point, 207 her sacrifices for Canadian campaigns, 409

Connor, James, scout, 290

Contrecoeur, Commandant at Fort Duquesne, 115, 118, 122, 157 awaits success of Braddock ambush, 159 his report on Braddock's rout, 628-630

Cope, Jean-Baptiste, Indian chief, treachery of, 90-91, 100

Corflans, French Admiral, his fleet crippled by British, 615

Cornwallis, Edward, Governor of Acadia (1749), 83 Wolfe's opinion of, 83 Walpole's comments on, 83 his patience and moderation, 83, 85, 94-96 asks pledge of allegiance from Acadians, 86 discovers treachery of French clergy, 92-93 sends troops to Beaubassin, 98

Corpron, accomplice of Cadet, 368, 373 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

Courserac, Chevalier de, 401

Crawford, Rev. William, comments on conditions in British camp, 283-284

Croghan, George, trader, 52, 59-60, 62-63 French offer reward for his scalp, 75-76 brings Indians to help Braddock, 154

Crown Point Expedition, 207-226 William Johnson named commander, 207 French prepare defense, 209 Johnson marches, 210ff. battle at Lake George, 217-226 French routed, 221 British losses, 223 expedition a failure, 224 fort abandoned by French, 510 occupied and rebuilt by British, 511

Cumberland, Duke of, 30, 139, 294, 380, 383, 384

Cumberland, Fort, prepared for Braddock's expedition, 152

Cummings, Colonel, at site of Fort William Henry, 428


Dalling, Major, 573

Dalquier, Colonel, 551, 581

Dalzel, Captain, killed at Detroit, 433

De Cosne, British embassy secretary, 142

Delancey, New York Governor (1754), 132n., 226 asked for help against French in the Ohio, 114 attends Braddock's conference, 146 sides with William Johnson, 234 his cabal against Shirley, 270

Delancey, Oliver, British soldiers quartered on, 306

Delaware Indians, 50, 53, 54, 62-63, 101, 122, 154, 234, 275, 276, 296-298

Delouche, sends fire ships against Wolfe, 491

Demoiselle, Miami Chief, 57, 60-61, 78 killed by French Indians, 79

Desandrouin, French engineer, 418

Desauniers, Demoiselles, Canadian traders, 66

Desgouttes, naval commander at Louisbourg siege, 396, 400

Desherbes, harasses British in Acadia, 88ff. Detroit, early days as French fort, 72 French try to build it up, 73 small-pox in, 77

Diderot, 35

Dieskau, Baron, commander of French regulars, 209 reaches Crown Point, 214 sends expedition toward Fort Lyman, 215-216 attacks William Johnson's forces, 218-220 wounded and captured, 220-221 his expedition routed, 221 Johnson protects him from Mohawks, 222 sent as prisoner to England, 222 returns to France and dies, 223

Dinwiddie, Robert, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia his opinion of Indian traders, 51 comments on Ohio Valley boundary dispute with Pennsylvania, 63 protests French invasion of the Ohio, 108-110 warns England, 111 ordered to drive French out, 112 difficulties with his Assembly, 112-114 failure of first expedition 115-116 his letter to Colonel Innes, 128 Assembly votes funds for Ohio defense, 130 his opinion of colonists' good sense, 131 advises war levies on colonies 133, 148 letter to Granville on number of French in the Ohio, 137 makes difficulties for George Washington defending Virginia borders, 236-237 his dislike of Washington, 439

Dobbs, North Carolina governor, 144 attends Braddock's conference, 146

Doreil, French Commissary of War, reports on official corruption, 464-465 sent to ask France for help, 465

Douville, French officer, 295

Drucour, Louisbourg governor, prepares defense, 390 his brave defense of Louisbourg, 395ff., 403 negotiates for surrender, 400-402 well-treated by Amherst, 403

Drucour, Mme., bravery of, 396, 403

Duchat, French, Captain, describes life at Ticonderoga, 267-268

Duchesnaye, 367

Dumas, French Captain at Fort Duquesne, 157, 158n., 161-162, 165, 235, 589 sets Indians on English settlers, 235ff. reports destruction of Indiantown, 298 at defense of Quebec, 496, 499, 502 at defense of Montreal, 592

Dumas, M., tutor to Montcalm, 252-253

Dunbar, Colonel Thomas, with Braddock, 152 destroys supplies after ambush, 168 starts retreat, 168 reaches Fort Cumberland, 169 abandons frontier to its fate, 172-173 Dinwiddie calls conduct "monstrous," 173 and n. disastrous results of retreat to settlers, 234-248

Duquesne, Fort, established, 115 garrison reinforced, 121 site of, 156 strength of, 156-157 Braddock ambushed from, 161 Washington urges capture of, 439 Forbes marches on, 439-459 its supplies cut off, 454-455 garrison destroys it and retires, 457 British occupy site, 457 its name changed to Pittsburg, 457 its conquest opens the West, 459

Duquesne, Marquis, Governor of Canada (1753), 51n. sends expedition to occupy the Ohio, 79-80, 106ff. recalled to France, 209

Durell, Admiral in Wolfe's Quebec fleet, 478 fails to intercept French ships, 482 arrives in Canada, 483, 486


Edwards, Jonathan, 42

Elder, John, reports Indian attacks, 244

Elizabeth of Russia, 36 her hatred of Frederic the Great, 250 her death, 614

England in the mid 1700's, 29-31 effect of Seven Years War, 26 political aspects, 29, 31 social aspects, 30 her military status, 31 her American colonies, 25, 38-47 her rule in Nova Scotia (See Acadia) her difficulties in Acadia, 82-102 extent of her claims in Acadia, 104n. urges colonies to make joint treaties with Indians, 134 her naval strength, 139 her military strength, 139 her leadership weakness, 139 her bad faith toward France, 139-143 and n. her policy of attack, 140 sends Braddock and troops to Virginia, 140 attacks French troop ships, 142-143 declares war on France (1756), 250 makes treaty with Frederic the Great, 250 loses Minorca, 380 William Pitt takes power, 380-381 her gloomy prospects in 1757, 383 Clive's victory in India, 383 fresh power under Pitt, 384-387 her joy at the fall of Louisbourg, 403 her celebrations on Quebec's surrender, 565 regains Minorca, 618

English colonies in the mid-1700's, 41-47 confined to Atlantic coast, 38 their population, 38 political differences, 41, 43-46 racial strains, 41, 44-45 Puritanism in New England, 42 religious differences, 42, 44 slavery in, 44, 236 jealousy between, 47

Esteve, Montcalm's secretary, 255, 257

Europe in the mid 1700's, 31-38, 379-380, 619 the Seven Years War, 25-26 the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 31, 38, 102 France, 31-36 Germany, 36 Prussia, 36 Russia, 36 Austria, 37 the treaty of Utrecht, 75, 102 political aspects, 250-252 the Peace of Paris, 620-623

Eyre, Captain, 219 winters at Fort William Henry, 305-307 repulses French attack, 311-313


Ferdinand Prince of Brunswick, English commander, 384 his successes in Europe and Africa, 384-385

Ferdinand VI of Spain, death of, 612

Fitch, at Ticonderoga, 417

Five Nations (See Iroquois)

Folsom, Captain at Fort Lyman, 221

Forbes, John, brigadier in charge of Fort Duquesne expedition, 385 his slow advance, 438-441 445 his character, 439-440 refuses Washington's advice, 441 his opinion of provincials, 441 his illness, 442-443, 455-456, 458 his ignorance of French strength, 444-445 builds Fort Bedford, 445 arranges Indian convention, 446-450 his peace overtures accepted, 451 occupies Fort Duquesne, 458 his death, 459

Forbes, Eli, 600-601

Foxcroft, Thomas, 600

France, in the mid 1700's, 31-36 her power, 31-32 signs of decay, 31, 34-35 Louis XV and Mme. Pompadour, 25, 34-35 her philosophers, 35 American colonies claimed, 25-26, 38-40, 50 Commission on Acadia boundaries fails, 102 threatens growth of English colonies, 133 her naval strength, 139 her military strength, 139 her leadership weakness, 139 need for time, 139 her policy of diplomacy, 139-140 bad faith toward England, 139-143 sends troops and ships to Canada, 140 ships intercepted by British, 142-143 French losses, 143 incites Indians to massacre British, 141-142, 234-248 (See Piquet, Le Loutre, and Acadia) declares war on England, 250 war in colonies subordinated, 252 Montcalm sent to Canada, 255 few troops allowed him, 257 victory at Oswego, 289-290 defeat at Rosbach, 380 Pompadour's role in ruin of, 383 Fort Frontenac falls, 437 importance of its loss, 437 her finances ruined, 466 her navy crippled, 466 she abandons Canada, 468 her need for peace, 610 the Peace of Paris, 620-623

Franklin, Benjamin, 42, 617 his project of colonial union, 136 his opinion of Braddock, 144 helps Braddock get supplies, 150-152 leader in Pennsylvania Assembly, 240, 247n., 248-249 defends Shirley on loss of Oswego, 294 comments on General Loudon, 325

Franquet, engineer, 365 at siege of Louisbourg, 359-360 his stories of Bigot, 366-368

Fraser, trader, 109n., 111

Frederic the Great of Prussia, 36, 606-609 begins Seven Years War, 379 his defeats and victories, 379-380 his letter to Voltaire, 607 his letters to D'Argen, 607-608 Pitt's resignation a blow, 613 signs a peace with Russia and Sweden, 614 French army in Canada, camp conditions, 282

Frontiersmen, life of, 238 frequent fate of, 235-248

Frontenac, Fort, Piquet's reception at, 72 Bradstreet attacks, 436 fort surrenders, 437 prisoners protected from Indians, 437 fort leveled, 437 importance of loss to France, 437

Fry, Colonel Joshua, 114 illness and death of, 120 with Winslow in Acadia, 200 survives Fort William Henry massacre, 349-351 his reports on Fort William Henry massacre, 632-633


Gage, Lieutenant-Colonel, with Braddock, 159, 160-161 wounded in ambush, 164 takes over command from William Johnson at Niagara, 516

Galissoniere, Marquis de la, Governor of Canada (1749), 103-104 asks for colonists from France, 38-39, 48 his character and appearance, 48 his plans to link Canada and Louisiana, 48 his recall to France, 74

Gardiner, Captain of the Monmouth, his historic fight, 386

Gates, officer wounded in Braddock ambush, 164

George II of England, 29 Acadians refuse oath of allegiance to, 83, 86 his comment on Wolfe, 477 his death, 609

George III of England, 609, 615, 616

Germain, French missionary in Acadia, 88 (See also Piquet, and Le Loutre) incites Indians to attack British, 90

Germany in the mid 1700's, 36

German Flats, massacre at, 357

Girard, Acadian priest, 92

Gist, Christopher, trader, 52 explores land for the Ohio Company, 58-60 guides Washington in the Ohio. 109ff. his settlement, 117 brings news of Fry's death, 120

Gladwin, defends Fort Detroit, 164 wounded in Braddock ambush, 164

Glen, South Carolina governor, his correspondence with Dinwiddie, 177

Gorham, Captain, reconnoitres Louisbourg, 325

Graham, Rev. John, describes conditions in British camp, 282-284

Grant, Major reconnoitres Fort Duquesne, 451-452 his blunders, 452-453 captured by French, 453, 454n. Forbes upset by reverse, 454

Granville Stockade, burned by French, 295

Gray, Sergeant James, 229

Great Meadows, Washington's camp at, 116-117 French victory at, 125 French and British losses, 125 and n. named Fort Necessity, 120 significance of British defeat, 127

Gridley, Colonel, 282


Haldimand, Colonel, rebuilds Oswego, 511-512

Half-King, Indian Chief, 107 friend of Washington, 109, 116, 117, 120, 121 French try to win, 110 his comments on English and French, 126 his comments on Washington, 126n.

Halifax, Lord, 139 Halifax, Nova Scotia, founding of, 84 harassed by Indians, 87

Halket, Sir Peter, 152, 162 killed with his son in Braddock ambush, 164

Halket, Major, finds father's and brother's skeletons, 457

Hamilton, James, Pennsylvania Governor (1753) opinion of traders, 51 tries to strengthen Indian friendship, 62-63 his battles with Assembly for defense funds, 114, 130-131

Hanbury, John, 58, 150n. Dinwiddie's letter to, 115-116

Hancock, Boston merchant, 181

Handfield, Major, 194, 200

Hardy, Sir Charles, New York Governor (1756), 270, 325

Harris, John, reports on Indian raids, 244

Harris, Mary, 60

Harris, Thomas, British scout, 290

Haviland, Colonel, at Fort Edward, 361 sets out for Montreal, 590 captures Canadian naval force, 594 makes contact with Murray, 594

Hawke, Sir Edward, intercepts French troop ships, 386-387

Hawley, Captain Elisha, 217

Hazan, Moses, British Captain at Beausejour, 183, 299 routs French raiding party, 574 wounded at Sainte-Foy, 582

Hebecourt, French Captain at Ticonderoga, 360 Roger's Rangers plague him, 360 his revenge, 360-362 blows up the fort, 509-510 escapes with his men, 509

Heights of Abraham (See Abraham, heights of)

Henderson, British volunteer, helps carry mortally wounded Wolfe to rear, 546

Hendrick, Mohawk Chief, complains of wrongs, 134 conference at Onondaga, 134-136 speech on joint treaty with Britain, 135 advises William Johnson, 217 killed in battle, 217

Hensey, Florence, French spy, 324

Hobbs, Captain, 196, 198

Hocquart, Captain, 142-143 and n.

Hodges, Captain, ambushed by French, 299

Holbourne, Admiral, 142, 324-325 gale shatters his fleet, 326

Holdernesse, Earl of, 130 letter from Wolfe, 530

Holland, Lieutenant, 81

Holmes, Admiral of Wolfe's Quebec fleet, 478, 525, 526, 531, 532, 535, 536

Hopson, Governor of Acadia, 96

Houliere, French officer, 400

Howe, Captain Edward, 99 murder of, 100

Howe, Captain of H.M.S. Dunkirk, 143 and n.

Howe, Colonel, with Wolfe at Quebec, 537-538, 542

Howe, Lord, 358 assigned to Ticonderoga campaign, 385, 415 Abercromby's praise of, 412 Pitt's opinion of, 412 Wolfe's praise of, 412 his character, 412-413 stories about, 413 his death a great blow, 420 approves plan to take Fort Frontenac, 436

Huguenots, persecution in France, 34, 39

Hugues, officer with Montcalm, 418

Huron Indians, 51, 104, 122, 157, 262, 335

Hutchins, Ensign, 531


Indian tribes: Abenakis, 50, 122, 157, 262 Algonquins or Algonkins, 72, 122, 262 Catawbas, 112 Cherokees, 112, 323, 444 Chickasaws, 112 Choctaws, 323 Caughnawagas, 157 Delawares, 50, 53-54, 62-63, 107, 122, 154, 234, 296-298, 446-447, 451 Hurons, 51, 104, 122, 157, 262, 335 Illinois, 50, 77, 104 Iowas, 300, 335 Iroquois, 53, 54, 59, 112, 122, 154, 217, 262, 335 Miamis, 50, 57, 61, 63, 77, 107, 157, 335 Michillimackinacas, 328 Micmacs, 98, 100, 335 Mingoes, 50, 54, 63, 157, 235, 451 Mohawks, 81, 134-136, 208-209, 217, 220, 276, 323 Mohecans, 275, 276 Nipissings, 50, 72, 122, 335 Ojibwas, 78, 107, 157, 335 Oneidas, 276, 357 Onondagas, 134, 276 Osages, 77 Ottawas, 50, 61, 78, 122, 157, 333, 335 Piankishaws, 77 Pottawattamies, 107, 157, 305, 335 Senacas, 53, 134, 447 Shawanoes, 50, 55-56, 60, 62, 107, 157, 234, 275, 276, 446-447, 451 Wabash, 77 Winnebagoes, 335 Wyandot, 59

Indians, atrocities of, 79, 155, 158, 166, 214, 235-248, 267, 300, 333-334, 348-352, 353n., 356, 362, 434-435, 471, 519, 521

Innes, Colonel James, 236 Dinwiddie's letter to, 128 notifies Lord Fairfax of Braddock's defeat, 168-169


James II of England, 46

Jefferson, Thomas, 128

Jervis, John, Wolfe's friend, 538

Joannes, mayor of Quebec, negotiates terms of surrender, 559

Johnson, Sergeant John, 575 comments on men's love for Wolfe, 536 reports on battle of Sainte-Foy, 581, 583-584

Johnson, Sir William, his influence with the Five Nations, 63-64, 134-136, 208-209, 446-447 protests French violations, 75 in command of Crown Point expedition, 207-226 his appearance and character, 208 advances on Crown Point, 210 manners and morale of his troops, 211 his Mohawks report French near, 212 names Lake George for King, 213 wounded, 219 routs French attack, 220-221 saves Dieskau from Mohawks, 222 gives up attack on Crown Point, 224 his men disperse, 225 he is knighted by King, 226 his dispute with Shirley, 233-234 fails to save Fort Bull, 264 effects of Crown Point failure, 269 persuades the Five Nations to fight for British, 274-275 fails to gain other tribes, 276 joins Webb at Fort Edward, 354 takes command at Siege of Niagara, 513 defeats reinforcements, 514 captures Niagara, 515 protects prisoners from Indians, 516 Brigadier Gage sent to take his command, 516

Johnstone, Chevalier de, Aide-de-camp to Levis, 495, 496, 504, 543 his report on rout of French forces at Quebec, 550-551 his comments on Vaudreuil's behavior, 551 his grief over Montcalm's loss, 551

Joncaire-Chabert, 52, 54, 56, 62, 64, 69, 109 reports on Ohio Indians with British, 77 wins to France, 134 his influence with Indians, 447

Jonquiere, Marquis de la, Governor of Canada (1749), 74ff. his intrigues against British, 75-76, 85, 87, 90 his death, 77

Jumonville, Ensign Coulon de, killed in the Ohio, 118-119, 121


Kanon, 482, 485

Kaunitz, Austrian Minister, 251

Kennedy, Adjutant, 197

Kennedy, Lieutenant, on scouting party, 298-299 killed, 308

Keppel, English Commodore, 144 lends Braddock men, 152

Kikensick, Nipissing Chief, 336

Killick, in Wolfe's Quebec fleet, 487-488

Kittanning, Delaware Indian stronghold, 296 burned by Armstrong, 297

Knox, Captain John, 404 winters in Fort Cumberland, 471 describes New England troops, 472 sails to join Wolfe, 472 describes ascent of British fleet up the St. Lawrence to Quebec, 487-489 reports on Siege of Quebec, 492, 493, 497, 498-499, 501, 505, 527, 535 describes Quebec under British rule, 568-569, 572, 574 reports on defence of Quebec, 585-586 voyage to Montreal, 591-592


La Clue, French Admiral, 386

La Corne, Saint Luc de, French officer in Acadia, 90, 335-336, 343, 589 destroys British wagon train, 432 attacks camp at Oswego, 512 repulsed and wounded, 512 sails for France, 604 shipwrecked, 605 gets back to Quebec, 605

Lake George, battle of, 217-226

La Motte, French Admiral, 140ff., 551 helps defend Louisbourg, 326, 327n.

Langlade, Charles, 157, 336 leads French against Pickawillany, 78-79 at defense of Quebec, 495

Langly, French officer, 415ff.

La Perade, Chevalier de, 158

Lawrence, Major, lands British troops at Beaubassin, 98

Lawrence, Governor of Nova Scotia, proposes attack on Beausejour, 177 serves in Louisbourg expedition, 391-393

Le Boeuf, Fort, 108

Le Guerne, French priest describes removal of Acadians, 204

Le Loutre, Abbe Louis Joseph, French missionary in Acadia, 174 sets Indians on British, 87ff. receives pension, 91 his Indian mission, 96 his character, 97 terrorizes Acadians, 179-180 authority at Beausejour, 179 escapes after fort surrenders, 185 captured and imprisoned, 185 cost of his intrigues, 626-627

Le Mercier, Chevalier, 122, 312, 367 his frauds, 377 at Ticonderoga, 410

Lery, destroys Fort Bull, 264

Levis, Chevalier de, Montcalm's second in command, 265, 322, 330, 526 his opinion on Jumonville killing, 120 pleases Montcalm, 267 describes social life of Montreal, 315-317 marches on Fort William Henry, 338-340 tries to stop massacres at fort, 350 Vaudreuil praises him, 359 quells Montreal riots, 360 his report of Roger's defeat, 364n. at Ticonderoga defense, 410, 421, 426 he defends Quebec, 495-496, 503 is sent to reinforce Montreal, 517 profits from Amherst's blunders, 518 his horror at army's retreat from Quebec, 557 urges Vaudreuil to march back, 558 hopes to retake Quebec, 576 attacks outposts, 577-578 battle joined at Sainte-Foy, 580-582 his losses, 583 besieges Quebec, 584-585 British fleet forces his retreat, 586-587 prepares to defend Montreal, 589-590 tries for better surrender terms, 597-598 returns to France, 604

Lewis, Major, 452-453

Ligneris, French commander at Fort Duquesne, 157, 162, 165, 445ff., 513 dismisses troops for lack of food, 455 severely wounded, 515

Livingstone, William, 293

Longueil, Baron de, Governor of Canada (1752), 77-78, 122, 329 encourages hostility to British, 92 defends Ticonderoga, 410

Loudon, Earl of, Commander of British forces in America, 270 his difficulties with Colonial troops, 272, 281 his character, 280 gets poor reports of Colonial camps, 281-282 blames Shirley for loss of Oswego, 293 at Fort Edward, 294 his orders to Winslow, 305 demands quarters for British regulars, 306 plans attack on Louisbourg, 324-325 abandons attempt, 326 threatens reprisals for Fort William Henry, 354 is recalled by Pitt, 385 Massachusetts shares cost of his campaign, 408 his blunders, 439

Louis XIII of France, 34

Louis XIV of France, orders dispersal of New York Colony population, 206n.

Louis XV of France, 25, 34 Celoron de Bienville declares him lord of the Ohio, 52 his government's policy toward Acadians, 206 joins Austria against Prussians, 251-252

Louisbourg, Fortress of, 388-407 (See also Drucour) conquered by Nicholson (1710), 82 restored to France, 83

Loudon plans to attack, 324 plans abandoned, 326 its geography, 388 its strengths and weaknesses, 389-390 British fleet arrives, 390-391 British succeed in landing troops, 392-393 siege and defense of, 394-400 its surrender, 401-403 its garrison sent to England, 403 its civilians sent to France, 403 effect of its fall, 403-405 leveled by order of George II, 591

Loppinot, French officer at Louisbourg, 400

Loring, British naval commander, 511, 517

Lotbiniere, engineer, strengthens Ticonderoga defenses, 263-266, 410

Lowendal, Marshal of France, 32

Lowther, Katherine, Wolfe's fiancee, 476, 477 Wolfe's last message to, 538

Lusignan, Commandant at Ticonderoga, 309

Lydius, Dutch trader, 303 suspected French spy, 303n.

Lyman, General Phineas, with Crown Point expedition, 210, 281, 282 builds Fort Lyman, 212 takes command after Johnson is wounded, 219 Johnson's jealousy of, 224, 226 at Fort Ticonderoga campaign, 417

Lyman, Fort, name changed to Fort Edward, 226


Machault, d'Arnouville, Comptroller-General of France (1750), taxes clergy, 33 becomes Minister of Marine, 35 Pompadour has him dismissed, 383

Macnamara, French Admiral, 141

Macdonald, Captain Donald, 452 captures French post, 574 death of, 453, 582

Mackellar, engineer with Wolfe, 294n., 489 reports weakness of Oswego, 279

Mackay, Captain, with Washington, 121, 125

Mackenzie, Captain, 452-453

MacVicar, Anne, life in Albany, 228-229

Maillard, French missionary, 91, 100

Maria Theresa of Austria, 37 her hatred of Frederick the Great, 251 sides with Russia and France, 251

Marin, French officer, 229-300, 367, 515 commander of Ohio expedition, 80, 106ff. his successful raid on Fort Edward, 334-335 ambushes Roger's Rangers, 433 his defeat, 434, 436n. rescues Israel Putnam from Indians, 435

Martel, King's Store-keeper, 367

Martin, Ranger Sergeant Joshua, 309

Martin, Abraham, heights and plains of Abraham named for, 541

Maryland, votes defense funds, 132 Indian massacres in, 295

Maurin, Francois, 367-368

Massachusetts in 1750's, 42 votes funds for Ohio Valley expedition, 132 sends volunteers to fight French, 207 her war debts, 408 her economy, 409 celebrates Montreal victory, 600

Massey, British Colonel, 515

Mathevet, French missionary, 336

Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan, predicts growth of Colonies, 565

McBryer, Andrew, trader, 79 McGinnis, Captain, death of, 221

McCartney, Captain, 578

McMullen, Ranger Lieutenant, 519

Meech, Lieutenant with Wolfe, 489

Mellen, John, 600

Mercer, Lieutenant Colonel, left to hold Fort Duquesne, 458

Miami Indians, 50, 57, 61, 63, 77, 107, 157, 335

Micmac Indians, 98, 100, 335

Michillimackinaca Indians, 328

Mingoes (English traders' name for Iroquois Indians), 50, 54, 63, 157, 235, 451

Mirepoix, French Ambassador to London (1754), 139

Mohawk Indians, 43, 81, 134-136, 208-209, 212-213, 217, 220, 276, 323

Moltke, von, 602

Monckton, British Lieutenant Colonel, in Acadia, 177ff., 527 besieges Beausejour, 182-184 declares Acadians rebels, 186-187 ordered to remove Acadians, 194 his insolence to Colonials, 195 as Brigadier with Wolfe, 478, 493, 504, 532, 542 takes Martinique, 615

Monro, Lieutenant Colonel commanding Fort William Henry, 341 (See also William Henry, Fort) attacked by French, 341 asks for reinforcements, 342 Webb fails to support him, 343 his brave defense, 343-347 his surrender, 347

Montcalm, Marquis de, Commander of French Army in Canada, 252, 255 his childhood, youth, and marriage, 252-254 letters to his family, 255-256, 257-258, 262-263, 315-317, 359, 460, 466, 469, 630-632 embarks for Canada, 257 reaches Quebec, 258 meets Governor, Marquis de Vaudreuil, 258-259 his dealings with Indians, 262-263, 316, 321 his opinions on Vaudreuil, 265-266, 321, 359 his social life in Montreal, 314-318, 358-359 decorated by the King, 315 his difficulties with Vaudreuil, 318, 321, 460-470 plans attack on Lake George forts, 328-329 calls council of Indian allies, 335-337 marches on Fort William Henry, 338 tries to stop massacres at fort, 350-351 saves some prisoners, 352 exposes corruption in Canada, 376-377 prepares to defend Ticonderoga, 410, 418-421 his letters on Ticonderoga victory, 426 plans defense of Quebec, 484-486 his tactics of defense, 490-498, 502, 525 his last letter, 533 deceived by Wolfe's strategy, 535-540 finds Wolfe's army on plains of Abraham, 543 help from Quebec fails to arrive, 544 attacks British too soon, 544, 549-550 French beaten, 545-546 mortally wounded, 547, 552 his last moments, 554-555 his death and burial, 555, 641 his character, 564

Montgomery, Captain Alexander, murders prisoners, 524

Montesquieu, 35

Montguet, Captain, 551

Montguy, French officer, 418

Montigny, French officer, 515 Montmorenci, battle at, 504-505, 506n.

Montreal, Social life, 314-318 food shortage in, 359-360 riots in, 359 Levis quells riots, 360 besieged by British, 596 surrenders, 597-598

Montreuil, General, 220 advises Montcalm, 265

Montour, Catherine, 59

Montour, Andrew, interpreter, 59-60

Moore, Colonel William, 246

Moravians, their Indian missions, 447 contrast with Catholic missions, 447-448

Morris, Robert Hunter, Pennsylvania Governor (1755), 131, 243ff. difficulties with his assembly, 131 attends Braddock's conference, 146 declares war on Delawares, 276

Morris, Captain Roger, aide-de-camp to Braddock, 153 wounded in ambush, 164

Murray, Captain Alexander, in charge of Fort Edward, 190-191, 195 helps Winslow in removal of Acadians, 195-200, 202

Murray, Brigadier James, with Wolfe, 478, 527 raids Deschambault, 525 in front lines with Wolfe, 542 his qualities, 579 in command of occupied Quebec, 570-571 his outposts threatened, 573 rumors of French attack on Quebec, 574 spies among his men, 576 learns of French attack plan, 578 meets French forces outside Quebec, 580-582 retreats into city, 582 stops disorders among troops, 584 defends city against French, 584 saved by English fleet, 585 pursues retreating French, 586-587 ordered to Montreal, 590 takes measures to ensure Canadian neutrality, 592


New Brunswick (See Acadia)

Newcastle, Duke of, 30, 477 named Prime Minister of England, 137 Walpole's opinion of, 137-138 Smollett's opinion of, 138 his political character, 138 his opposition to Pitt, 380 reconciled by Lord Chesterfield, 381 named First Lord of the Treasury, 381

New England, in 1750's, 41-43 (See also individual states) Puritanism in, 42 politics of, 41, 43 its method of raising and equipping troops, 271-272 celebrates fall of Louisbourg, 403 joy at Quebec surrender, 565

New France, ends with Quebec surrender, 556 (See also Canada)

New Hampshire, votes men for Crown Point expedition, 207 raises men for Canadian war, 409

New Jersey, refuses funds for Ohio Valley defense, 132 Indian massacres in, 295

New York in 1750's, 45-46 refuses funds for Ohio Valley defense, 131 votes funds after Fort Necessity defeat, 132 votes troops to fight French, 207 conflict between Governor and Assembly, 248 Indian massacres in, 295 celebrates fall of Louisbourg, 403-404

Necessity, Fort (See Great Meadows)

Niagara expedition, 228-234 march to Oswego, 229-230 difficulties of, 230-233 expeditions abandoned, 234 disastrous results to settlers, 234-248

Niagara, Fort, British besiege, 511 reinforcements fail, 513-514 fort surrenders, 515-516 garrison saved from Indians, 516 importance of its capture, 516

Nicholson, General, conquers Acadia, 82

Nipissing Indians, 50, 72, 122, 235 burial customs of, 340

Nova Scotia (See Acadia)

Nuns at Quebec (See Ursulines)


Ochterlony, Captain, with Wolfe, rescued by French from scalping, 505

Ogden, Captain, 520, 521

Ohio Company, the, 58-59 trading posts of, 115, 116 its posts destroyed by French, 127

Ohio Valley (See also Celoron de Bienville) French claims in, 48-58 Indians of, 50, 107, 112, 119, 122 English claims in, 58-64 Virginia and Pennsylvania disputes over, 63 importance as key to West, 64

Ohio Valley battles, 106-127 France establishes forts, 106-108 illness among French, 107-108 Virginia protests invasion, 108-111 English colonies refuse help, 113-114, 129ff. French detachment defeated, 116-118 Indians join French, 122 French victory at Great Meadows, 125-127 French and British losses, 125 and n.

Ojibwa Indians, 78, 107, 157, 335

Oneida Indians, 276, 357, 436-437

Onondaga Indians, 134-276

Orme, Captain Robert, Aide-de-Camp to Braddock, 146, 153 wounded in ambush, 164 describes the ambush, 170-171

Osage Indians, 77

Osborn, Admiral, intercepts French fleet, 386

Osgood, Captain, in Acadia, 196, 198

Oswego, English fur trading post, 49 its attraction to Indians, 68-69

Oswego, Fort, battle for, 285-291 sickness and hunger of troops, 279 weakness of defenses, 280 camp conditions, 286 surrender to French, 289 losses at, 289-290 burned, 290 Loudon blames Shirley for loss, 293

Ottawa Indians, 50, 61, 78, 122, 157, 333, 335


Paris, treaty of, (1763), 619

Parkman, William, comments on Abercromby, 411

Parker, Colonel of Fort William Henry, 334

Patton, John, English trader, 75

Pean, Chevalier, 80, 106-107, 359, 367, 368 his frauds, 372 jailed and tried, 605

Pean, Mme., 80, 372

Penn, Thomas and Richard, 240-241

Penn, William, 46

Pennahouel, Ottawa Chief, 336, 337

Peniseault, Antoine, accomplice of Bigot, 367-368 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

Peniseault, Mme., 372-373

Pennsylvania in 1750's, 44-45 refuses funds for Ohio Valley defense, 130-131, 240ff. Indian massacres in, 235-248, 295 conflict between Governor and Assembly, 240-247

Pepperell, regiment of, 229, 270

Periere, leads Indian war party, 299-300

Peter the Great of Russia, 36

Peter the III of Russia, 614

Petrie, John lost, Indian prisoner, 357

Peyton, Lieutenant, escapes scalping, 504-505

Philadelphia, celebrates Louisbourg victory, 403

Phillips, Lieutenant of Rogers' Rangers, 360 massacred, 362

Piankishaws, 77

Pichon, Thomas, British spy, 179 and n.

Pickawillany, Miami Indian town, 57 destroyed by French, 78-79

Piquet, Abbe, French missionary, 49, 58, 71, 336, 624 his appearance and character, 65 his success as missionary to Indians, 66-72, 134 schemes to drive English from Ohio, 68, 70 plants cross in Oswego ruins, 290 joins Indian attack on British, 512

Pitt, William, 29, 430 his fierce patriotism, 31, 138, 324, 382 made Secretary of State, 381 his character and abilities, 381-382, 384 turns efforts towards America, 385-387 recalls General Loudon, 385 asks and gets men from Colonies, 408 names Wolfe commander of Quebec expedition, 477 disliked by George III, 609-610 breaks off peace conference with French, 611-612 proposes to attack Spain, 612 opposed and resigns, 613 denounces treaty of Paris, 619

Pitt, Fort, 457

Pittsburg, new name for Fort Duquesne, 457

Pococke, Admiral Sir George, takes Havana, 615-616

Pomeroy, Rev. Benjamin, watches army leave for Niagara, 508

Pomeroy, Daniel, with Crown Point expedition, 210, 219

Pomeroy, Seth, comments on Crown Point march, 213

Pompadour, Mme. de, 25, 35, 139, 610 her hatred of Frederic the Great, 251-252 her power in France, 382-383

Pontiac, Indian Chief, 157, 164

Pontleroy, French engineer, 418

Pontbriand, Bishop at Quebec, 526 administers last rites to Montcalm, 555

Portneuf, French officer, 69

Portneuf, Cure, killed and scalped, 524

Post, Frederic, Moravian envoy to Indians, 447-451 dangers of his mission, 448-449 his success, 451

Pottawattamie Indians, 107, 157, 305, 335

Pouchout, Captain, Commandant at Niagara, 360, 421 besieged by British, 512 reinforcements fail him, 513-514 surrenders, 515 made commandant of Fort Levis, 595 surrenders to Amherst, 595

Poulariez, Lieutenant-Colonel, 551, 553

Pownall, Massachusetts Governor (1758), 408-409

Preble, Major Jedediah, 200

Presentation, la, French mission, 65-66, 69, 72n. (See also Piquet, Abbe)

Prevost, Intendant at Louisbourg, 90-91

Prideaux, British Brigadier, sent to take Niagara, 507 begins siege, 511 killed in action, 513

Pringle, Captain, British volunteer with Rogers' Rangers, 360-361 lost in forest, 362-363 saved from Indians by French officers, 363

Prussia (See Frederick the Great)

Puritanism in New England, 42

Putnam, Israel, 210 his expert scouting praised, 299 at Ticonderoga, 416 captured by Indians, 433 his tortures, 434-435 rescued by Marin, 435 prisoner in Montreal, 436 exchanged, 436

Puysieux, Marquis de, 35

Pynchon, Dr., 220


Quakers, characteristics of, 239 cause of military paralysis, 240-248 their quarrel with Presbyterians, 239 attitude toward Indians, 239 influence in Pennsylvania, 240-248 oppose defense of borders against Indians, 295

Quebec, (See also Montcalm and Vaudreuil) Montcalm's praise of, 316 suspense over threat to, 324 Montcalm prefers to Montreal, 358, 360

Quebec, Siege of, 481-505, 523-548 threatened with attack, 468, 482 Montcalm and Vaudreuil arrive, 483 troops and Indians pour in, 483 patriotism of its people, 484 English fleet starts up the St. Lawrence, 486 nature of the countryside, 488-489 city's strength as natural fortress, 489 British army lands below, 489 fire ships fail to harm British, 491-492, 501 steady bombardment of, 494-498, 526 British treatment of prisoners, 498-501 French victory at Montmorenci, 523 sickness in Wolfe's army, 526 short rations of French, 526 Wolfe plans new attack, 531-532 heights of Abraham scaled, 540-542 British army forms on plains of Abraham, 543 French forces attack, 544 defeat and rout of French, 546-549 death of Wolfe, 546 death of Montcalm, 547, 555 French and British losses, 547n., 548, 552, 637-638

Quebec, fall of, 549-567 Vaudreuil's behavior after defeat, 550-551, 553, 558 army flees the city, 554 New France ends with, 556 Vaudreuil's responsibility for, 559 garrison refuses to fight, 559 city surrenders, 559 ruin and chaos from bombardment, 567-568

Quebec, under British rule, 571-588 troops suffer from cold and sickness, 571-572, 575 rumors of French attack, 573-574 French try to retake, 580-586 British ships arrive and French retire, 587


Ramesay, Chevalier de, commandant at Quebec, 485 refuses Montcalm artillery, 544 left without supplies after battle, 556 forced to surrender, 559

Raymond, Comte de, 57, 77 harasses British in Acadia, 89

Raymal, Abbe, 189

Rea, Dr. Caleb, 429, 430

Repentigny, Lieutenant, 495-496, 589

Rhode Island, votes to fight French, 207

Richelieu, Cardinal, 34

Richelieu, Duc de, 384

Rigaud (brother of Vaudreuil), 317, 319, 320, 329, 410 commands William Henry attack, 311-313 attack fails, 313

Robinson, John, his Story of Wolfe, 539

Robinson, Sir Thomas, Secretary to Duke of Newcastle, 138 William Pitt's opinion of, 138-139 gives Braddock secret orders, 141 authorizes attack on Beausejour, 177-178

Roche, Lieutenant, British volunteer with Rogers Rangers, 360-361 lost in forest, 362-363 saved from Indians by French officers, 363

Rochbeau court, 589

Rodney, British Admiral, takes Martinique, 615

Rogers, Lieutenant Richard, 301

Rogers, Major Robert, Commander of Rogers Rangers, 274, 300 his raids into Canada, 301-302 reconnoitres Ticonderoga, 303-304 raids outskirts of fort, 307-309, 360 his group cut to pieces, 361-362 his report of fight, 363n.-364 activities in Ticonderoga Campaign, 412-415 ambushed near Fort Edward, 433-434 sent to destroy Abenaki town, 517 instructed to spare women and children, 519 takes and burns town, 520 miseries of return trip, 520-521 at Quebec siege, 524

Rollo, Lord, 591

Roma, French officer, comments on British rule in Acadia, 85-86

Roquemaure, 215, 593, 594

Roubaud, French missionary, 331ff. goes over to the English, 566n.

Rouille, De, French Colonial Minister, 91n.

Rous, British Navy Captain, 97 convoys troops to Nova Scotia, 182 watches attacks on Beausejour, 183 occupies Beausejour, 185

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 35

Russia, 36

Ryswick, treaty of, 52


St.-Florentin, Comte de, 35

Saint-Julien, Lieutenant-Colonel, 392

St. Paul, sacked and burned by British, 524

Saint-Pierre, Legardeur de, French Commander of Ohio expedition, 107, 108, 110, 214 killed, 218

Sainte-Foy, battle of, 580-588 French and British losses, 583 near disaster for British, 584 strength of both forces, 642-643

Saunders, Admiral of Wolfe's Quebec fleet, 477, 478, 528 his feint to deceive Montcalm, 537 takes Wolfe's remains to England, 560

Saxe, Marshal of France, 32 comment on Mirepoix, 139 death of, 139

Saxony, joins league against Prussia, 251

Scarroyaddy, Indian Chief, 154

Schuyler, Colonel, prisoner in Montreal, 435

Schuyler, Mrs. of Albany, 413 her affection for Lord Howe, 413 her grief at his death, 417

Scotch regiments, 414, 424, 452ff.

Scott, Lieutenant Colonel George, 181, 183

Sejur, Comte de, 36

Seneca Indians, 53, 134

Senezerques, French Brigadier, 552

Seven Years War in Europe, 25 effect on world history, 26

Sewell, Colonel Matthew, 222

Sharpe, Maryland Governor, 146

Shawanoe Indians, 50, 55-56, 60, 62, 107, 157, 234, 275, 276

Shepherd, Captain, 303

Shirley, Captain John, son of Governor William Shirley, 230-232 death of, 23 In.

Shirley, William, son of Governor William Shirley, Secretary to Braddock, 144, 146 his opinion of Braddock, 144, 153 his comments on Robert Orme, 153 killed in ambush, 164

Shirley, William, Massachusetts Governor, 241ff. at Versailles Conference, 102 asked to help Virginia against French, 114 gets grant for expedition, 132 attends Braddocks' Conference, 146 his marriage in Paris, 147 advocates taxation of colonies, 148 takes command after Braddock's death, 173 orders renewed attack on Fort Duquesne, 173 his plan for removal of Acadians, 175, 188 his plan to capture Beausejour, 177-178, 181-182 names William Johnson as commander of Crown Point expedition, 207 his Niagara Campaign, 228-234 his plans to master Lake Ontario, 269 superseded in command, 270 reasons for failure of his plans, 292-293 blamed by General Loudon for Oswego loss, 293 his defense, 294 recalled to England, 294 made Governor of Bahamas, 294

Sinclair, Sir John, opens road for Braddock, 161 wounded in ambush, 164 advises on route to Fort Duquesne, 440 his inefficiency, 443 his annoyance with Indians, 444

Smith, James, treatment as Indian captive, 158 and n. sees ambush of Braddock, 165 sees prisoners burned to death, 166

Smith, William, his feat at Ticonderoga, 424

Spain, secret negotiations with Choiseul, 612 loses Havana, Manila, and the Philippines, 616 gets Cuba back and cedes Florida, 618

Speakman, Captain, 200

Spikeman, Captain of Rogers Rangers, 307 killed, 308

Stanwix, General, builds Fort Pitt, 457 goes to reinforce Pittsburg, 507

Stark, Lieutenant John, 210, 301, 307-308, 310, 313, 415

Stephen, Adam, reports on Great Meadows, 125n.

Stephen, Lieutenant-Colonel, 444, 521

Stevens, his escape from Quebec, 534

Stewart, Captain, with Braddock, 164

Stobo, Major Robert, hostage to French at Fort Necessity, 125 his letters, 157n. his escape from Quebec, 534

Stuarts, the, defeat at Culloden, 29

Sweden, joins league against Prussia, 251


Teedyuscung, Delaware Chief, 447

Titcomb, Moses, 210 killed, 220

Toronto, early days of, 69

Ticonderoga, Fort, 408-427 defenses strengthened, 263 description of first fort, 266 center for French-Indian raiding parties, 298, 300 troops withdrawn, 305 Montcalm's forces at, 329-335 provisioning problems, 331 British forces gather for attack, 410 British advance, 413-416 difficulties of the advance, 415-417 Lord Howe's death, 416-417 French defense and victory, 418-426 French and British losses, 425 Colonial report on defeat, 428-429 finally falls to Amherst, 510 French accounts of battle, 634-635

Townshend, Captain, fails in attempt to halt German Flats Massacre, 357 killed at Ticonderoga, 509

Townshend, Charles, Secretary of War (1761), 610

Townshend, George Brigadier with Wolfe, 478, 527, 532, 542 commands after Wolfe's death, 552 Quebec surrenders to him, 559

Trent, William, English trader, 52, 112, 115 reports on Indian massacres, 243

Trepezec, French officer, 415ff.

Turner, Lieutenant of Rogers Rangers, 520

Turnois, Father, 66


Ursulines, hospital of, 569-570

Utrecht, treaty of, 52, 75, 157 gives Acadia to England, 82, 84, 102


Valtry, M. de, 72

Vanbraam, Captain, French interpreter, 109 negotiates surrender of Fort Necessity, 125 kept as hostage, 125

Vannes, French officer at Beausejour, 183, 184

Varin, Naval Commissary in Canada, 367 his frauds, 367 jailed and tried, 373

Vaudreuil, Marquis de, appointed Governor of Canada in 1754, 140, 298, 323, 525 557, 561 sends Dieskau to defend Crown Point, 209 meets Montcalm, 258-259 strengthens posts on Lake Ontario, 265 Montcalm's opinion of, 265-266 sends Indians to Ticonderoga, 305 exaggerates British losses, 309, 310n., 358n. resents and disparages Montcalm, 318, 320-321, 355 460-470, 561-563 takes credit for all success, 318-319, 356 dislike of French Regulars, 319-320, 322-323 character traits of, 322 encourages Indian massacres, 355-356, 358, 525 intrigues to replace Montcalm, 359, 461 fails to save Ticonderoga, 410 his boasts and exaggerations, 445-446, 464, 482, 483, 532-533 Montcalm placed over him, 462 his defense of Quebec, 481-505 his blunders and indecision, 526, 544, 551-553, 556 responsibility for loss of Quebec, 559 blames Ramesay for surrender, 561 corruption of his government (See also Bigot) 373-374, 562, 563 retires to Montreal, 576 prepares Montreal defense, 589-590, 593 forced to surrender, 597-598 rebuked by Louis XV, 599 sails for France, 604 jailed and tried for fraud, 605

Vaudreuil, Rigaudde, (See Rigaud)

Vauquelin, bravery of, 395 captured by British, 586

Verchires, M. de, 72

Vergor, Duchambon de, Commandant of Beausejour, 177 his appearance and character, 178-179 Le Loutre and, 179 besieged by British, 182-184 surrenders the fort, 185 his trial for cowardice and acquittal, 186, 535 guards heights of Abraham, 533, 535 captured by Wolfe's men, 540

Vicars, Captain John, 279-280

Villeray, Commandant at Fort Gaspereau, surrenders to British, 186 tried for cowardice, 186

Villiers, Coulon de, French officer, 121-122 marches on Fort Necessity, 123ff. defeats Washington's forces, 125-127 marches on Oswego and repulsed, 277 taken prisoner, 515

Virginia in 1750's, 43-44 refuses funds for Ohio Valley defense, 112 social life in Williamsburg, 128-129 votes funds after Fort Necessity defeat, 129-130 Indian massacres in, 235 238-239, 267 fear of slave uprisings, 236

Vitre, Denis de, forced to pilot British fleet, 486

Voltaire, 25, 35 letter from Frederick the Great, 607


Waggoner, Captain, 163, 236

Walpole, Horace, 29 opinion of Edward Cornwallis, 83 of Braddock, 144-148 of Duke of Newcastle, 137-138 comments on George Townshend, 478 on Wolfe and Quebec victory, 564-565 on French siege of Quebec, 587 on death of George II, 609 on Pitt, 619

Ward, Ensign, surrenders to French, 115

Warde, George, Wolfe's boyhood friend, 476

Washington, George, 25, 58, 106-127, 167 as envoy to French at Fort le Boeuf, 108-111 adventure at Murdering Town, 110-111 defeats French detachment, 116-118 his character at 22 years, 119, 126n., 237-238 defense of Fort Necessity, 120-125 defeat at Fort Necessity, 126-127, 627-628 named Braddock's Aide-de-Camp, 153 describes Braddock's march 159-160 his courage at ambush, 164 describes ambush, 170-171 commands Virginia troops guarding border, 235-237 his difficulties with Governor Dinwiddie, 439 urges capture of Fort Duquesne, 439-440 criticized by Forbes, 441, 443

Waterbury, provincial officer, 299

Webb, Colonel Daniel, 270, 280 sent to relieve Oswego, 284 arrives too late, 290 at Fort Edward, 341, 354 fails to support Fort William Henry, 342-346 his explanation, 343n. his report to Loudon, 632

Wedell, General, defeat by Russians, 606

Weld, Chaplain, 284 and n.

Weiser, Conrad, Indian interpreter, 67, 71, 126, 246

Wesley, John, 29

West, Captain Benjamin, finds bones of Braddock's men, 457

Whiting, Lieutenant-Colonel, ambushed, 218

Whitmore, brigadier, in Louisbourg expedition, 385, 391-393 becomes Governor after its fall, 403

Whitworth, Dr. Miles, in Acadia, 197 at Fort William Henry Massacre, 350 his report on massacre, 633-634

William Henry, Fort, established, 226 first attack on fort fails, 310-313 threatened by new attack, 329 under siege, 339-347 description of fort, 341 Monro's brave defense of, 343-347 its surrender to Montcalm, 347 Indians break pledge to Montcalm, 348 massacre and atrocities at, 348-352, 353n. survivors reach Fort Edward, 351-352 fort burned, 352 camp life and health in, 429-432

William of Orange, 29

William III of England, 29

Williams, Ephraim, 210 comments on Crown Point army, 211-212 killed at Lake George, 218

Williams, Stephen, Chaplain with Crown Point expedition, 210, 213

Williams, Thomas, surgeon at Crown Point, 210, 212 at Lake George battle, 219-220 his anxiety for Oswego, 284 report on fall of Oswego, 285

Williams, Colonel William, comment on Oswego loss, 285 his letters on Ticonderoga defeat, 428 his reports of illness at Fort William Henry, 431-432

Williamsburg, Virginia, social life in (1754), 128-129

Winnebago Indians, 335

Winslow, John, 132 raises Massachusetts regiment, 181 leads Colonials at Beausejour, 183 and n. oversees removal of Acadians, 194-204 his appearance and character, 198 his treatment of Acadians, 199-203 named Commander of Ticonderoga Campaign, 269-270 prepares attack on Ticonderoga, 273-274 confers with General Loudon, 281 at Lake George, 294-295 his praise of Israel Putnam, 299 comments on Crown Point failure, 305 Massachusetts shares cost of his expeditions, 408

Wolfe, Major-General Edward, father of James, 473, 475

Wolfe, Major General James, 83 named head of Louisbourg expedition, 385 his ill health, 391, 406, 475, 527, 529, 534 lands at Louisbourg, 391-393 his siege of Louisbourg, 394 ff. letters to his family, 405-406, 474-478, 529 his desire to attack Quebec, 405 ordered to destroy French settlements, 406 returns to England, 406 comments on Abercomby, 411 praise of Lord Howe, 412 his appearance and character, 471 ff., 534 his childhood and youth, 473 his early military service, 473-474 named commander of Quebec expedition, 477 lands with British army, 489 difficulties of siege, 489-490, 492 driven back at Montmorenci, 504, 523 retaliates for French barbarities, 524-525 sickness in his troops, 526 his last dispatch to Pitt, 529-530 losses among his men, 531 plans new attack, 531-532 his last general orders, 536 his prestiment of death, 538 his plan of attack, 539 heights taken, 540-541 army forms on plains of Abraham, 542 battle for Quebec, 544-545 his last words after mortal wound, 546 his body returned to England, 560 reports on his siege of Quebec, 638-640

Wolfe, Major Water, Uncle of James, 476 James's letters to, 476, 477, 478

Wooster, Colonel David, at Fort Edward, 274

Wraxall, William Johnson's Secretary, 216n., 226

Wyandot Indians, 59


Zingendorf, Count, 59 and n.


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