For in these years just following the Peace of Paris, the Continent was overrun by travellers, two thirds of whom were English. The diligence—the great, top-heavy, lumbering diligence of fifty years ago—used then to come lurching and thundering down the main street five times a week throughout the Summer season; and as many as three and four travelling carriages a day would pass through in fine weather. The landlord of the "Lion d'Or" kept fifty horses in his stables in those days, and drove a thriving trade.
So the Summer came, and brought the stir of outer life into the precincts of our sleepy Chateau; but brought no better change in the fortunes of Monsieur Maurice. Ever since that fatal night, the terms of his imprisonment had been more rigorous than ever. Till then, he might, if he would, walk twice a week in the grounds with a soldier at his heels; but now he was placed in strict confinement in his own two rooms, with one sentry always pacing the corridor outside his door, and another under his windows. And across each of those windows might now be seen a couple of bright new iron bars, thick as a man's wrist, forged and fixed there by the village blacksmith.
I have no words to tell how the sight of those bars revolted me. If instead of being a little helpless girl, I had been a man like my father, and a servant of the State, I think they would have made a rebel of me.
Worse, however, than iron bars, locked doors, and guarded corridors, was Hartmann—Herr Ludwig Hartmann, as he was styled in the despatch that announced his coming—a pale, slight, silent man, with colourless grey eyes and white eyelashes, who came direct from Berlin about a month later, to act as Monsieur Maurice's "personal attendant." Stealthy, watchful, secret, civil, he established himself in a room adjoining the prisoner's apartment, and was as much at home in the course of a couple of hours as if he had been settled there from the first.
He brought with him a paper of instructions, and, having on his arrival submitted these instructions to my father, he at once took up a certain routine of duties that never varied. He brushed Monsieur Maurice's clothes, waited upon him at table, attended him in his bed-room, was always within hearing, always on the alert, and haunted the prisoner like his shadow. Not even a housemaid could go in to sweep but he was present. Now the man's perpetual presence was intolerable to Monsieur Maurice. He had borne all else with patience, but this last tyranny was more than he could endure without murmuring. He appealed to my father; but my father, though Governor of Bruehl, was powerless to help him. Hartmann had presented his instructions as a minister presents his credentials, and those instructions emanated from Berlin. So the new-comer, valet, gaoler, spy as he was, became an established fact, and was detested throughout the Chateau—by no one more heartily than myself.
I still, however, saw Monsieur Maurice now and then. My father often took me with him in his rounds, and always when he visited his prisoner. Sometimes, too, he would leave me for an hour with my friend, and call for me again on his way back; so that we were not wholly parted even now. But Hartmann took care never to leave us alone. Before my father's footsteps were out of hearing, he would be in the room; silent, unobtrusive, perfectly civil, but watchful as a lynx. We could not talk before him freely. Nothing was as it used to be. It was better than total banishments; it was better than never hearing his voice; but the constraint was hard to bear, and the pain of these meetings was almost greater than the pleasure.
And now, as I approach that part of my narrative which possesses the deepest interest for myself, I hesitate—hesitate and draw back before the great mystery in which it is involved. I ask myself what interpretation the world will put upon facts for which I can vouch; upon events which I myself witnessed? I cannot prove those events. They happened over fifty years ago; but they are as vividly present to my memory as if they had taken place yesterday. I can only relate them in their order, knowing them to be true, and leaving each reader to judge of them according to his convictions.
It was about the middle of the second week in June. Hartmann had been about six weeks at Bruehl, and all was going on in the usual dull routine, when that routine was suddenly broken by the arrival of three mounted dragoons—an officer and two privates—whose errand, whatever it might be, had the effect of throwing the whole establishment into sudden and unwonted confusion.
I was out in the grounds when they arrived, and came back at midday to find no dinner on the table, no cook in the kitchen; but a full-dress parade going on in the courtyard, and all the interior of the Chateau in a state of wild commotion. Here were peasants bringing in wood, gardeners laden with vegetables and flowers, women running to and fro with baskets full of linen, and all to the accompaniment of such a hammering, bell-ringing, and clattering of tongues as I had never heard before.
I stood bewildered, not knowing what to do, or where to go.
"What is the matter? What has happened? What are you doing?" I asked, first of one and then of another; but they were all too busy to answer.
"Ach, lieber Gott!" said one, "I've no time for talking!"
"Don't ask me, little Fraeulein," said another. "I have eight windows to clean up yonder, and only one pair of hands to do them with!"
"If you want to know what is to do," said a third impatiently, "you had better come and see."
The head-gardener's son came by with two pots of magnificent geraniums, one under each arm.
"Where are you going with those flowers, Wilhelm?" I asked, running after him.
"They are for the state salon, Fraeulein Gretchen," he replied, and hurried on.
For the state salon! I ran round to the side of the grand entrance. There were soldiers putting up banners in the hall; others helping to carry furniture up stairs; carpenters with ladders; women with brooms and brushes; and Corporal Fritz bustling hither and thither, giving orders, and seeing after everything.
"But Corporal Fritz!" I exclaimed, "what are all these people about?"
"We are preparing the state apartments, dear little Fraeulein," replied Corporal Fritz, rubbing his hands with an air of great enjoyment.
"But why? For whom?"
"For whom? Why, for the King, to be sure"; and Corporal Fritz clapped his hand to the side of his hat like a loyal soldier. "Don't you know, dear little Fraeulein, that His Majesty sleeps here to-night, on his way to Ehrenbreitstein?"
This was news indeed! I ran up stairs—I was all excitement—I got in everybody's way—I tormented everybody with questions. I saw the table being laid in the grand salon where the King was to sup, and the bedstead being put up in the little salon where he was to sleep, and the ante-room being prepared for his officers. All was being made ready as rapidly, and decorated as tastefully, as the scanty resources of the Chateau would permit. I recognised much of the furniture from the attics above, and this, faded though it was, being helped out with flowers, flags, and greenery, made the great echoing rooms look gay and habitable.
By and by, my father came round to see how the work was going on, and finding me in the midst of it, took me by the hand and led me away.
"You are not wanted here, my little Gretchen," he said; "and, indeed, all the world is so busy to-day that I scarcely know what to do with thee."
"Take me to Monsieur Maurice!" I said, coaxingly.
"Ay—so I will," said my father; "with him, at all events, you will be out of the way."
So he took me round to Monsieur Maurice's rooms, and told me as we went along that the King had only given him six hours' notice, and that in order to furnish his Majesty's bed and his Majesty's supper, he had bought up all the poultry and eggs, and borrowed well-nigh all the silver, glass, and linen in the town.
By this time we were almost at Monsieur Maurice's door. A sudden thought flashed upon me. I pulled him back, out of the sentry's hearing.
"Oh, father!" I cried eagerly, "will you not ask the King to let Monsieur Maurice free?"
My father shook his head.
"Nay," he said, "I must not do that, my little Maedchen. And look you—not a word that the King is coming here to-night. It would only make the prisoner restless, and could avail nothing. Promise me to be silent."
So I promised, and he left me at the door without going in.
I spent all the afternoon with Monsieur Maurice. He divided his luncheon with me; he gave me a French lesson, he told me stories. I had not had such a happy day for months. Hartmann, it is true, was constantly in and out of the room, but even Hartmann was less in the way than usual. He seemed absent and preoccupied, and was therefore not so watchful as at other times. In the meanwhile I could still hear, though faintly, the noises in the rooms below; but all became quiet about five o'clock in the evening, and Monsieur Maurice, who had been told they were only cleaning the state apartments, asked no questions.
Meanwhile the afternoon waned, and the sun bent westward, and still no one came to fetch me away. My father knew where I was; Bertha was probably too busy to think about me; and I was only too glad to stay as long as Monsieur Maurice was willing to keep me. By and by, about half-past six o'clock, the sky became overclouded, and we heard a low muttering of very distant thunder. At seven, it rained heavily.
Now it was Monsieur Maurice's custom to dine late, and ours to dine early; but then, as his luncheon hour corresponded with our dinner-hour, and his dinner fell only a little later than our supper, it came to much the same thing, and did not therefore seem strange. So it happened that just as the storm came up, Hartmann began to prepare the table. Then, in the midst of the rain and the wind, my quick ear caught a sound of drums and bugles, and I knew the King was come. Monsieur Maurice evidently heard nothing; but I could see by Hartmann's face (he was laying the cloth and making a noise with the glasses) that he knew all, and was listening.
After this I heard no more. The wind raved; the rain pattered; the gloom thickened; and at half-past seven, when the soup was brought to table, it was so dark that Monsieur Maurice called for lights. He would not, however, allow the curtains to be drawn. He liked, he said, to sit and watch the storm.
A cover was laid for me at his right hand; but my supper hour was past, and what with the storm without, the heaviness in the air, and the excitement of the day, I was no longer hungry. So, having eaten a little soup and sipped some wine from Monsieur Maurice's glass, I went and curled myself up in an easy chair close to the window, and watched the driving mists as they swept across the park, and the tossing of the treetops against the sky.
It was a wild evening, lit by lurid gleams and openings in the clouds; and it seemed all the wilder by contrast with the quiet room and the dim radiance of the wax lights on the table. There was a soft halo round each little flame, and a dreamy haze in the atmosphere, from the midst of which Monsieur Maurice's pale face stood out against the shadowy background, like a head in a Dutch painting.
We were both very silent; partly because Hartmann was waiting, and partly, perhaps, because we had been talking all the afternoon. Monsieur Maurice ate slowly, and there were long intervals between the courses, during which he leaned his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand, looking across towards the window and the storm. Hartmann, meanwhile, seemed to be always listening. I could see that he was holding his breath, and trying to catch every faint echo from below.
It was a long, long dinner, and probably seemed all the longer to me because I did not partake of it. As for Monsieur Maurice, he tasted some dishes, and sent more away untouched.
"I think it is getting lighter," he said by and by. "Does it still rain?"
"Yes," I replied; "it is coming down steadily."
"We must open the window presently," he said. "I love the fresh smell that comes with the rain."
Here the conversation dropped again, and Hartmann, having been gone for a moment, came back with a dish of stewed fruit.
Then, for the first time, I observed there was a second attendant in the room.
"Will you not have some raspberries, Gretchen?" said Monsieur Maurice.
I shook my head. I was too much startled by the sight of the strange man, to answer him in words.
Who could he be? Where had he come from? He was standing behind Monsieur Maurice, far back in the gloom, near the door—a small, dark man, apparently; but so placed with regard to the table and the lights, that it was impossible to make out his features with distinctness.
Monsieur Maurice just tasted the raspberries and sent his plate away.
"How heavy the air of the room is!" he said. "Give me some Seltzer-water, and open that farthest window."
Hartmann reversed the order. He opened the window first; and as he did so, I saw that his hand shook upon the hasp, and that his face was deadly pale.
He then turned to the sideboard and opened a stone bottle that had been standing there since the beginning of dinner. He filled a tumbler with the sparkling water.
At the moment when he placed this tumbler on the salver—at the moment when he handed it to Monsieur Maurice—the other man glided quickly forward. I saw his bright eyes and his brown face in the full light. I saw two hands put out to take the glass; a brown hand and a white—his hand, and the hand of Monsieur Maurice. I saw—yes, before Heaven! as I live to remember and record it, I saw the brown hand grasp the tumbler and dash it to the ground!
"Pshaw!" said Monsieur Maurice, brushing the Seltzer-water impatiently from his sleeve, "how came you to upset it?"
But Hartmann, livid and trembling, stood speechless, staring at the door.
"It was the other man!" said I, starting up with a strange kind of breathless terror upon me. "He threw it on the ground—I saw him do it—where is he gone? what has become of him?"
"The other man! What other man?" said Monsieur Maurice. "My little Gretchen, you are dreaming."
"No, no, I am not dreaming. There was another man—a brown man! Hartmann saw him—"
"A brown man!" echoed Monsieur Maurice. Then catching sight of Hartmann's face, he pushed his chair back, looked at him steadily and sternly; and said, with a sudden change of voice and manner:—
"There is something wrong here. What does it mean? You saw a man—both of you? What was he like?"
"A brown man," I said again. "A brown man with bright eyes."
"And you?" said Monsieur Maurice, turning to Hartmann.
"I—I thought I saw something," stammered the attendant, with a violent effort at composure. "But it was nothing."
Monsieur Maurice looked at him as if he would look him through; got up, still looking at him; went to the sideboard, and, still looking at him, filled another tumbler with Seltzer-water.
"Drink that," he said, very quietly.
The man's lips moved, but he uttered never a word.
"Drink that," said Monsieur Maurice for the second time, and more sternly.
But Hartmann, instead of drinking it, instead of answering, threw up his hands in a wild way, and rushed out of the room.
Monsieur Maurice stood for a moment absorbed in thought; then wrote some words upon a card, and gave the card into my hand.
"For thy father, little one," he said. "Give it to no one but himself, and give it to him the first moment thou seest him. There's matter of life and death in it."
How the King supped, how the King slept, and what he thought of his Chateau of Augustenburg which he now saw for the first time, are matters respecting which I have no information. I only know that I had fallen asleep on Monsieur Maurice's sofa when Bertha came at ten o'clock that night to fetch me home; that I was very drowsy and unwilling to be moved; and that I woke in the morning dreaming of a brown man with bright eyes, and calling upon Monsieur Maurice to make haste and come before he should again have time to vanish away.
It was a lovely morning; bright and fresh, and sunshiny after the night's storm. My first thought was of Monsieur Maurice, and the card he had entrusted to my keeping. I had it still. My father was not at home when I came back last night. He was in attendance on the King, and did not return till long after I was asleep in my own little bed. This morning, early as I awoke, he was gone again, on the same duty.
I jumped up. I bade Bertha dress me quickly. "I must go to papa," I said. "I have a card for him from Monsieur Maurice."
"Nay, liebe Gretchen," said Bertha, "he is with the King."
But I told myself that I would find him, and see him, and give the card into his own hands, though a dozen kings were in the way. I could not read what was written on the card. I could read print easily and rapidly, but handwriting not at all. I knew, however, that it was urgent. Had he not said that it was matter of life or death?
I hurried to dress; I hurried to get out. I could not rest, I could not eat till I had given up the card. As good fortune would have it, the first person I met was Corporal Fritz. I asked him where I could find my father.
"Dear little Fraeulein," said Corporal Fritz, "you cannot see him just yet. He is with the King."
"But I must see him," I said. "I must—indeed, I must. Go to him for me—please go to him, dear, good Corporal Fritz, and tell him his little Gretchen must speak to him, if only for one moment!"
"But dear little Fraeulein"....
"Is the King at breakfast?" I interrupted.
"At breakfast! Eh, then, our gallant King hath a soldier's habits. His Majesty breakfasted at six this morning, and is gone out betimes to visit his hunting-lodge at Falkenlust."
"And my father?"
"His Excellency the Governor is in attendance upon the King."
"Then I will go to Falkenlust."
Corporal Fritz shook his head; shrugged his shoulders; took a pinch of snuff.
"'Tis a long road to Falkenlust, dear little Fraeulein," said he; "and His Excellency, methinks, would be better pleased"....
I stayed to hear no more, but ran off at full speed down the terraces, straight to the Round Point and the fountain, and along the great avenue that led to Falkenlust. I ran till I was out of breath—then rested—then ran again, on, and on, and on, till the road lengthened and narrowed behind me, and the Chateau of Augustenburg looked almost as small in the distance at one end as the Falkenlust Lodge at the other.
Then all at once, far, far away, I saw a moving group of figures. They grew larger and more distinct—they were coming towards me! I had run till I could run no farther. Panting and breathless, I leaned against a tree, and waited.
And now, as they drew nearer, I saw that the group consisted of some eight or ten officers, two of whom were walking somewhat in advance of the rest. One of the two wore a plain cocked hat and an undress military frock; the other was in full uniform, and wore two or three glittering medals on his breast. This other was my father. I scarcely looked at the first. I never even asked myself whether he was, or was not the King. I had no eyes, no thought for any but my father.
So I stood, eager and breathless, on the verge of the gravel. So they every moment drew nearer the spot where I was standing. As they came close, my father's eyes met mine. He shook his head, and frowned. He thought I had come there to stare at the King.
Nothing daunted, I took two steps forward. I had Monsieur Maurice's card in my hand. I held it out to him.
"Read it," I said. "It is from Monsieur Maurice."
But he crushed it in his hand without looking at it, and waved me back authoritatively.
"At once!" I cried; "at once!"
The gentleman in the blue frock stopped and smiled.
"Is this your little girl, Colonel Bernhard?" he asked.
My father replied by a low bow.
The strange gentleman beckoned me to draw nearer.
"A golden-haired little Maedchen!" said he. "Come hither, pretty one, and tell me your name."
I knew then that he was the King. I trembled and blushed.
"My name is Gretchen," I said.
"And you have brought a letter for your father?"
"It is not a letter," I said. "It is a card. It is from Monsieur Maurice."
"And who is Monsieur Maurice?" asked the King.
"So please your Majesty," said my father, answering the question for me, "Monsieur Maurice is the prisoner I hold in charge."
The smile went out of the King's face.
"The prisoner!" he repeated, inquiringly. "What prisoner?"
"The state-prisoner whom I received, according to your Majesty's command, eight months ago—Monsieur Maurice."
"Monsieur Maurice!" echoed the King.
"I know the gentleman by no other name, please your Majesty," said my father.
The King looked grave.
"I never heard of Monsieur Maurice," he said, "I know of no state-prisoner here."
"The prisoner was consigned to my keeping by your Majesty's Minister of War," said my father.
"By von Bulow?"
My father bowed.
"Upon whose authority?"
"In your Majesty's name."
The King frowned.
"What papers did you receive with your prisoner, Colonel Bernhard?" he said.
"None, your Majesty—except a despatch from your Majesty's Minister of War, delivered a day or two before the prisoner arrived at Bruehl."
"How did he come? and where did he come from?"
"He came in a close carriage, your Majesty, attended by two officers who left Bruehl the same night and whose names and persons are unknown to me. I do not know where he came from. I only know that they had taken the last relay of horses from Cologne."
"You were not told his offence?"
"I was told nothing, your Majesty, except that Monsieur Maurice was an enemy to the state, and—"
"And what?"
My father's hand went up to his moustache, as it was wont to do in perplexity.
"I—so please your Majesty, I think there is some foul mystery in it at bottom," he said, bluntly. "There hath been that thing proposed to me that I am ashamed to repeat. I do beseech your Majesty that some investigation...."
His eyes happened for a moment to rest upon the card. He stammered—changed colour—stopped short in his sentence—took off his hat—laid the card upon it—and so handed it to the King.
His Majesty Frederick William the Third of Prussia was, like most of the princes of his house, tanned, soldierly, and fresh-complexioned; but florid as he was, there came a darker flush into his face as he read what Monsieur Maurice had written.
"An attempt upon his life!" he exclaimed. "The thing is not possible."
My father was silent. The king looked at him keenly.
"Is it possible, Colonel Bernhard?" he said.
"I think it may be possible, your Majesty," replied my father in a low voice.
The King frowned.
"Colonel Bernhard," he said, "how can that be? You are responsible for the safety as well as the person of any prisoner committed to your charge."
"So long as the prisoner is left wholly to my charge I can answer for his safety with my head, so please your Majesty," said my father, reddening; "but not when he is provided with a special attendant over whom I have no control."
"What special attendant? Where did he come from? Who sent him?"
"I believe he came from Berlin, your Majesty. He was sent by your Majesty's Minister of War. His name is Hartmann."
The King stood thinking. His officers had fallen out of earshot, and were talking together in a little knot some four yards behind. I was still standing on the spot to which the King had called me. He looked round, and saw my anxious face.
"What, still there, little one?" he said. "You have not heard what we were saying?"
"Yes," I said; "I heard it."
"The child may have heard, your Majesty," interposed my father, hastily; "but she did not understand. Run home, Gretchen. Make thy obeisance to his Majesty, and run home quickly."
But I had understood every word. I knew that Monsieur Maurice's life had been in danger. I knew the King was all-powerful. Terrified at my own boldness—terrified at the thought of my father's anger— trembling—sobbing—scarcely conscious of what I was saying, I fell at the King's feet, and cried:—
"Save him—save him, Sire! Don't let them kill poor Monsieur Maurice! Forgive him—please forgive him, and let him go home again!"
My father seized me by the hand, forced me to rise, and dragged me back more roughly than he had ever touched me in his life.
"I beseech your Majesty's pardon for the child," he said. "She knows no better."
But the King smiled, and called me back to him.
"Nay, nay," he said, laying his hand upon my head, "do not be vexed with her. So, little one, you and Monsieur Maurice are friends?"
I nodded; for I was still crying, and too frightened at what I had done to be able to speak.
"And you love him dearly?"
"Better than anyone—in the world—except Papa," I faltered, through my tears.
"Not better than your brothers and sisters?"
"I have no brothers and sisters," I replied, my courage coming back again by degrees. "I have no one but Papa, and Monsieur Maurice, and Aunt Martha Baur—and I love Monsieur Maurice a thousand, thousand times more than Aunt Martha Baur!"
There came a merry sparkle into the King's eyes, and my father turned his face away to conceal a smile.
"But if Monsieur Maurice was free, he would go away and you would never see him again. What would you do then?"
"I—should be very sorry," I faltered; "but"....
"But what?"
"I would rather he went away, and was happy."
The King stooped down and kissed me on the brow.
"That, my little Maedchen, is the answer of a true friend," he said, gravely and kindly. "If your Monsieur Maurice deserves to go free, he shall have his liberty. You have our royal word for it. Colonel Bernhard, we will investigate this matter without the delay of an hour."
Saying thus, he turned from me to my father, and, followed by his officers, passed on in the direction of the Chateau.
I stood there speechless, his gracious words yet ringing in my ears. He had left me no time for thanks, if even I could have framed any. But he had kissed me—he had promised me that Monsieur Maurice should go free, "if he deserved it!" and who better than I knew how impossible it was that he should not deserve it? It was all true. It was not a dream. I had the King's royal word for it.
I had the King's royal word for it—and yet I could hardly believe it!
I have told my story up to this point from my own personal experience, relating in their order, quite simply and faithfully, the things I myself heard and saw. I can do this, however, no longer. Respecting those matters that happened when I was not present, I can only repeat what was told me by others; and as regards certain foregone events in the life of Monsieur Maurice, I have but vague rumour; and still more vague conjecture upon which to base my conclusions.
The King had said that Monsieur Maurice's case should be investigated without the delay of an hour, and, so far as it could then and there be done, it was investigated immediately on his return to the Chateau. He first examined Baron von Bulow's original despatch, and all my father's minutes of matters relating to the prisoner, including a statement written immediately after the departure of a stranger calling himself the Count von Rettel, and detailing from memory, very circumstantially and fully, the substance of a certain conversation to which I had been accidentally a witness, and which I have myself recorded elsewhere.
The King, on reading this statement, was observed to be greatly disturbed. He questioned my father minutely as to the age, complexion, height, and general appearance of the said Count von Rettel, and with his own hand noted down my father's replies on the back of my father's manuscript. This done, His Majesty desired that the man Hartmann should be brought before him.
But Hartmann was nowhere to be found. His room was empty. His bed had not been slept in. He had disappeared, in short, as completely as if he had never dwelt within the precincts of the Chateau.
It was found, on more particular inquiry being made, that he had not been seen since the previous evening. Overwhelmed with terror, and perhaps with remorse, he had rushed out of Monsieur Maurice's presence, never to return. It was supposed that he had then immediately gathered together all that belonged to him, and had taken advantage of the bustle and confusion consequent on the King's arrival, to leave Bruehl in one of the return carriages or fourgons that had brought the royal party from Cologne. I am not aware that anything more was ever seen or heard of him; or that any active search for him was judicially instituted either then, or at any other time. But he might easily have been pursued, and taken, and dealt with according to the law, without our being any the wiser at Bruehl.
Hartmann being gone, the King then sent for the prisoner, and Monsieur Maurice, for the first time in many weeks, left his own rooms, and was brought round to the state-apartments. Seeing so many persons about; seeing also the flowers and flags upon the walls, he seemed surprised, but said nothing. Being brought into the royal presence, however, he appeared at once to recognise the King. He bowed profoundly, and a faint flush was seen to come into his face. He then cast a rapid glance round the room, as if to see who else was present; bowed also (but less profoundly) to my father, who was standing behind the King's chair; and waited to be spoken to.
"Vous etes Francais, Monsieur?" said the King, addressing him in French, of which language my father understood only a few words.
"Je suis Francais, votre Majeste," replied Monsieur Maurice.
"Comment!" said the King, still in French. "Our person, then, is not unknown to you?"
"I have repeatedly enjoyed the honour of being in your Majesty's presence," replied Monsieur Maurice, respectfully.
Being then asked where, and on what occasion, my father understood him to say that he had seen his Majesty at Erfurt during the great meeting of the Sovereigns under Napoleon the First, and again at the Congress of Vienna; and also that he had, at that time, occupied some important office, such, perhaps, as military secretary, about the person of the Emperor. The King then proceeded to question him on matters relating to his imprisonment and his previous history, to all of which Monsieur Maurice seemed to reply at some length, and with great earnestness of manner. Of these explanations, however, my father's imperfect knowledge of the language enabled him to catch only a few words here and there.
Presently, in the midst of a somewhat lengthy statement, Monsieur Maurice pronounced the name of Baron von Bulow. Hereupon the King checked him by a gesture; desired all present to withdraw; caused the door to be closed; and carried on the rest of the examination in private. By and by, after the lapse of nearly three quarters of an hour, my father was recalled, and an officer in waiting was despatched to Monsieur Maurice's rooms to fetch what was left of the bottle of Seltzer-water, which Monsieur Maurice had himself locked up in the sideboard the night before.
The King then asked if there was any scientific man in Bruehl capable of analysing the liquid; to which my father replied that no such person could be found nearer than Cologne or Bonn. Hereupon a dog was brought in from the stables, and, having been made to swallow about a quarter of a pint of the Seltzer-water, was presently taken with convulsions, and died on the spot.
The King then desired that the body of the dog, and all that yet remained in the bottle should be despatched to the Professor of Chemistry at Bonn, for immediate examination.
This done, he turned to Monsieur Maurice, and said in German, so that all present might hear and understand:—
"Monsieur, so far as we have the present means of judging, you have suffered an illegal and unjust imprisonment, and a base attempt has been made upon your life. You appear to be the victim of a foul conspiracy, and it will be our first care to sift that conspiracy to the bottom. In the meanwhile, we restore your liberty, requiring only your parole d'honneur, as a gentleman, a soldier, and a Frenchman, to present yourself at Berlin, if summoned, at any time required within the next three months."
Monsieur Maurice bowed, laid his hand upon his heart, and said:—
"I promise it, your Majesty, on my word of honour as a gentleman, a soldier, and a Frenchman."
"You are probably in need of present funds," the King then said; "and if so, our Secretary shall make you out an order on the Treasury for five hundred thalers."
"Believing myself to be beggared of all I once possessed, I gratefully accept your Majesty's bounty," replied Monsieur Maurice.
The King then held out his hand for Monsieur Maurice to kiss, which he did on bended knee, and so went out from the royal presence, a free man.
Half an hour later, he and I were strolling hand in hand under the trees. His step was slow, and the hand that held mine had grown sadly thin and transparent.
"Let us sit here awhile, and rest," he said, as we came to the bench by the fountain.
I reminded him that we had sat and rested in the same spot the very last time we walked together.
"Ay," he replied, with a sigh. "I was stronger then."
"You will get strong again, now that you are free," I said.
"Perhaps—if liberty, like most earthly blessings, has not come too late."
"Too late for what?"
"For enjoyment—for use—for everything. My friends believe me dead; my place in the life of the world is filled up; my very name is by this time forgotten. I am as one shipwrecked on the great ocean, and cast upon a foreign shore."
"Are you—are you going away soon?" I said, almost in a whisper.
"Yes," he said, "I go to-morrow."
"And you will—never—come back again?" I faltered.
"Heaven forbid!" he said quickly. Then, remembering how that answer would grieve me, he added; "but I will never forget thee, petite. Never, while I live."
"But—but if I never see you any more"....
Monsieur Maurice drew my head to his shoulder, and kissed my wet eyes.
"Tush! that cannot, shall not be," he said, caressingly. "Some day, perhaps, I may win back that old home by the sea of which I have so often told thee, little one; and then thou shalt come and visit me."
"Shall I?" I said, wistfully. "Shall I indeed?"
And he said—"Ay, indeed."
But I felt, somehow, that it would never come to pass.
After this, we got up and walked on again, very silently; he thinking of the new life before him; I, of the sorrow of parting. By-and-by, a sudden recollection flashed upon me.
"But, Monsieur Maurice," I exclaimed, "who was the brown man that stood behind your chair last night, and what has become of him?"
Monsieur Maurice turned his face away.
"My dear little Gretchen," he said, hastily, "there was no brown man. He existed in your imagination only."
"But I saw him!"
"You fancied you saw him. The room was dark. You were half asleep in the easy chair—half asleep, and half dreaming."
"But Hartmann saw him!"
"A wicked man fears his own shadow," said Monsieur Maurice, gravely. "Hartmann saw nothing but the reflection of his crime upon the mirror of his conscience."
I was silenced, but not convinced. Some minutes later, having thought it over, I returned to the charge.
"But, Monsieur Maurice," I said, "it is not the first time he has been here."
"Who? The King?"
"No—the brown man."
Monsieur Maurice frowned.
"Nay, nay," he said, impatiently, "prithee, no more of the brown man. 'Tis a folly, and I dislike it."
"But he was here in the park the night you tried to run away," I said, persistently. "He saved your life by knocking up the musket that was pointed at your head!"
Pale as he always was, Monsieur Maurice turned paler still at these words of mine. His very lips whitened.
"What is that you say?" he asked, stopping short and laying his hand upon my shoulder.
And then I repeated, word for word, all that I had heard the soldiers saying that night under the corridor window. When I had done, he took off his hat and stood for a moment as if in prayer, silent and bare-headed.
"If it be so," he said presently, "if such fidelity can indeed survive the grave—then not once, but thrice.... Who knows? Who can tell?"
He was speaking to himself. I heard the words, and I remembered them; but I did not understand them till long after.
The King left Bruehl that same afternoon en route for Ehrenbreitstein, and Monsieur Maurice went away the next morning in a post-chaise and pair, bound for Paris. He gave me, for a farewell gift, his precious microscope and all his boxes of slides, and he parted from me with many kisses; but there was a smile on his face as he got into the carriage, and something of triumph in the very wave of his hand as he drove away.
Alas! how could it be otherwise? A prisoner freed, an exile returning to his country, how should he not be glad to go, even though one little heart should be left to ache or break in the land of the stranger?
I never saw him again; never—never—never. He wrote now and then to my father, but only for a time; perhaps as many as six letters during three or four years—and then we heard from him no more. To these letters he gave us no opportunity of replying, for they contained no address; and although we had reason to believe that he was a man of family and title, he never signed himself by any other name than that by which we had known him.
We did hear, however, (I forget now through what channel) of the sudden disgrace and banishment of His Majesty's Minister of War, the Baron von Bulow. Respecting the causes of his fall there were many vague and contradictory rumours. He had starved to death a prisoner of war and forced his widow into a marriage with himself. He had sold State secrets to the French. He had been over to Elba in disguise, and had there held treasonable intercourse with the exiled Emperor, before his return to France in 1815. He had attempted to murder, or caused to be murdered, the witnesses of his treachery. He had forged the King's signature. He had tampered with the King's servants. He had been guilty, in short, of every crime, social and political, that could be laid to the charge of a fallen favourite.
Knowing what we knew, it was not difficult to disentangle a thread of truth here and there, or to detect under the most extravagant of these fictions, a substratum of fact. Among other significant circumstances, my father, chancing one day to see a portrait of the late minister in a shop-window at Cologne, discovered that his former visitor, the Count von Rettel, and the Baron von Bulow were one and the same person. He then understood why the King had questioned him so minutely with regard to this man's appearance, and shuddered to think how deadly that enmity must have been which could bring him in person upon so infamous an errand.
And here all ended. The guilty and the innocent vanished alike from the scene, and we at least, in our remote home on the Rhenish border, heard of them no more.
Monsieur Maurice never knew that I had been in any way instrumental in bringing his case before the King. He took his freedom as the fulfillment of a right, and dreamed not that his little Gretchen had pleaded for him. But that he should know it, mattered not at all. He had his liberty, and was not that enough?
Enough for me, for I loved him. Ay, child as I was, I loved him; loved him deeply and passionately—to my cost—to my loss—to my sorrow. An old, old wound; but I shall carry the scar to my grave!
And the brown man?
Hush! a strange feeling of awe and wonder creeps upon me to this day, when I remember those bright eyes glowing through the dusk, and the swift hand that seized the poisoned draught and dashed it on the ground. What of that faithful Ali, who went forward to meet the danger alone, and was snatched away to die horribly in the jungle? I can but repeat his master's words. I can but ask myself "Does such fidelity indeed survive the grave? Who knows? Who can tell?"