T. Wemyss Reid was the first writer to make original research among the Bronte material and his book, Charlotte Bronte—A Monograph, paved the way for the exhaustive study of this strange family of genius by Clement Shorter. Other books that give much original material are The Brontes in Ireland, by Rev. Dr. William Wright, and Charlotte Bronte and Her Sisters, by Clement Shorter. Mr. Shorter also in The Brontes—Life and Letters gives all of Charlotte's letters in the order of their dates.
The first collected edition of George Eliot's works was brought out in 1878-1880 in London and Edinburgh. Many editions have since appeared in England and in this country, the best one being the English Cabinet edition, published by A. & C. Black.
The standard life of George Eliot is George Eliot's Life as Related in Her Letters and Journals, edited by her husband, J.W. Cross, who served for ten years as curate of Haworth. Leslie Stephen has written a remarkably good short life of George Eliot in the English Men of Letters series.
Among critical articles on George Eliot may be mentioned Henry James in Partial Portraits; Mathilde Blind, George Eliot; Oscar Browning, Life of George Eliot in Great Writers series; Dowden, Studies in Literature; Oscar Browning, Great Writers; Mayo W. Hazeltine, Chats About Books; R.H. Hutton, Modern Guides of Religious Thought; R.E. Cleveland, George Eliot's Poetry; Frederic Harrison, The Choice of Books and Sydney Lanier, The Development of the English Novel.
The great edition of Ruskin is the Library edition by E.T. Cook and A. Wedderburn, begun in 1903. It is splendidly illustrated and is a superb specimen of book-making. English and American editors of Ruskin are numerous.
The standard life of Ruskin is by W.G. Collingwood, his secretary and ardent disciple. One of his pupils, E.T. Cook, published Studies in Ruskin, which throws much light on his methods of teaching art. J.A. Hobson in John Ruskin, Social Reformer discusses his economic and social teaching. Dr. Charles Waldstein of Cambridge in The Work of John Ruskin develops his art theories. Good critical studies may also be found in W.M. Rossetti's Ruskin and Frederic Harrison's Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and Other Literary Estimates; Justin McCarthy, Modern Leaders; Mary R. Mitford, Recollections of a Literary Life and R.H. Hutton, Contemporary Thought and Thinkers.
Among magazine articles may be noted W.J. Stillman in the CENTURY, volume 13; Charles Waldstein in HARPER'S, volume 18; Justin McCarthy in the GALAXY, volume 13, and Leslie Stephen in FRAZER'S, volumes 9 and 49.
The best edition of Tennyson is the Eversley in six volumes, published by the Macmillans and edited by his son Hallam, which contains a mass of notes left by the poet and many explanations of peculiar words and metaphors which the father gave to the son in discussing his work. This edition also gives the changes made by the poet in his constant revision of his works, some of which were not improvements.
A mass of critical commentary and reminiscence has been published on Tennyson and his poetical work. Among the best of these volumes are Tennyson, Ruskin and Mill, by Frederic Harrison; Tennyson and His Friends, by Mrs. Richmond Ritchie; The Homes and Haunts of Tennyson, by Napier; Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Modern Life, by Stopford A. Brooke; The Poetry of Tennyson, by Henry Van Dyke; the chapter on Tennyson in Stedman's Victorian Poets; a commentary on Tennyson's In Memoriam by Prof. A.C. Bradley; Alfred Tennyson, by Andrew Lang; Views and Reviews, by W.E. Henley; Yesterdays With Authors, by J.T. Fields; The Victorian Age, by Mrs. Oliphant. Dr. Henry Van Dyke contributed five articles on Tennyson to SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, volume 6.
An enormous literature of comment, appreciation and interpretation has grown up around Browning, largely due to the work of various Browning societies in this country and in Europe. The London Browning Society especially has brought out many papers that will be of interest to Browning students. Other works are Arthur Symons, Introduction to the Study of Browning (London, 1886); G.W. Cooke, Browning Guide Book (New York, 1901); Fotheringham, Studies (London, 1898); Stedman, Victorian Poets; Prof. Hiram Corson, Introduction to Browning; George E. Woodberry, Studies in Literature and Life; Hamilton W. Mabie, Essays in Literary Interpretation; A. Birrell, Obiter Dicta; George Saintsbury, Corrected Impressions.
The first edition of Browning's poems appeared in two volumes in 1849, a second in three volumes in 1863 and a third in six volumes in 1868. A revised edition containing all the poems was issued in sixteen volumes in 1888-1889. A fine complete edition in two volumes, edited by Augustine Birrell and F.G. Kenyon, was issued in 1896, and Smith, Elder & Co., London, brought out a two-volume edition in 1900. In this country the Riverside edition of Browning's Poetical Works in six volumes, issued by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., and the Camberwell edition in twelve handy volumes, with notes by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke, published by Crowell, are valuable for Browning students.
The standard life is The Life and Letters of Robert Browning, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr, but valuable are The Love Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, issued by Browning's son in 1899. For Edmund Gosse's Robert Browning—Personalia the poet supplied much of the material in notes. Good short sketches and estimates are Chesterton's Browning in the English Men of Letters series and Waugh's Robert Browning.
The standard edition of Meredith's works is the Boxhill edition in seventeen volumes, with photogravure frontispieces, issued in this country by the Scribners. The same text is used in the Pocket Edition in sixteen volumes, which does not include the unfinished novel, Celt and Saxon. A mass of comment on Meredith may be found in the English and American reviews and magazines, to which Poole's Index furnishes the best guide.
Mrs. M.S. Henderson, George Meredith: Novelist, Poet, Reformer; George Macaulay Trevelyan, The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith; John Lane, Biography of George Meredith, and R. Le Gallienne, Characteristics of George Meredith.
Robert Louis Stevenson's early work appeared in fugitive form in magazines and reviews and even after he had written The New Arabian Nights and Travels With a Donkey he was forced to see such excellent matter as The Silverado Squatters cut up into magazine articles and more than half of it discarded. The vogue of Stevenson was greater in this country than in England until he had fully established his reputation. In 1878 An Inland Voyage appeared and in 1879 Travels With a Donkey, but it was not until 1883 that Treasure Island made him well known. The standard edition of Stevenson is the Thistle edition, beautifully printed and illustrated, and issued at Edinburgh and New York, 1894-1898. The Letters of Stevenson to His Family, originally issued in 1899, have now been incorporated with Vailima Letters and issued in four volumes. They are arranged chronologically, with admirable biographical commentary by Sydney Colvin, to whom a great part of them was written. Stevenson's personality was so attractive that a mass of reminiscence and comment has been produced since his death in 1894. The best books are Graham Balfour, Life of Robert Louis Stevenson; Walter Raleigh, R.L. Stevenson; Simpson, Stevenson's Edinburgh Days, and Memoirs of Vailima, by Isobel Strong and Lloyd Osbourne, the novelist's stepchildren. Henry James in Partial Portraits has a fine appreciation of Stevenson and Robert Louis Stevenson in California, by Katharine D. Osbourne is rich in reminiscence.
Since 1895, Thomas Hardy has written no fiction. The standard edition of his works is published in this country by the Harpers. Recently this firm has issued Hardy in a convenient thin paper edition which may be slipped into the coat pocket. His first novel, Desperate Remedies, appeared in 1871 but it was not until the issue of Far From the Madding Crowd in 1874 that he gained popular fame. Many magazine articles have been written on the "corner of Dorsetshire" which Hardy calls Wessex. Good books on the Hardy country are The Wessex of Romance, by W. Sherren, and The Wessex of Thomas Hardy, by Windle.
The standard edition of Kipling is the Outward Bound edition, published in this country by the Scribners. It contains a general introduction by the author and special prefaces to each volume, with illustrations from bas reliefs made by the novelist's father. Doubleday, Page & Co. are issuing a pocket edition of Kipling, on thin paper with flexible leather binding, which is very convenient. Any additional books will be added to each of these editions. Kipling has told of his early life in India and of his precocious literary activity in My First Book (1894). Richard Le Gallienne made a study of the novelist in Rudyard Kipling—A Criticism and Edmund Gosse in Questions at Issue discusses his short stories. Prof. William Lyon Phelps in Essays on Modern Novelists has a fine chapter on Kipling. Andrew Lang in Essays in Little treats of "Mr. Kipling's Stories" and Barrie has an appreciation in CONTEMPORARY REVIEW for March, 1891. A useful Kipling Index is issued by Doubleday, Page & Co. All titles are indexed so that one may locate any story or character.
A Blot on the 'Scutcheon, 108, 110, 113.
A Child's Garden of Verse, 125.
Adam Bede, 65, 76, 82, 84.
Addison, 58.
A Dissertation on Roast Pig, 41, 71.
A Dream of Fair Women, 99.
Adventures of Philip, The, 60.
Aes Triplex, 130.
Agnes Gray, 71.
A Gossip on Romance, 130.
A Lodging for the Night, 124, 129.
Alison Cunningham, 125.
Allahabad Pioneer, 144.
Amazing Marriage, The, 122.
An English Mail Coach, 31.
An Habitation Enforced, 148.
An Inland Voyage, 126.
Anglo-Indian Life, 146.
Antiquary, The, 18.
A Pair of Blue Eyes, 135.
Apostles, 99.
Arnold, 116.
Arthurian Legends, 101.
Ashburton, Lady, 25.
Ashby de la Zouch, 17.
Asolando, 108, 111.
A Soldier of France, 12.
Asolo, 113.
A Soul's Tragedy, 108, 110, 113.
A Tale of Two Cities, 53.
Austro-Italian War, 118.
A Window in Thrums, 39.
Balestier, Wolcott, 145.
Ballantyne, 16, 90.
Balzac, 12.
Balzac's Seraphita, 74.
Bank of England, 109.
Barrett, Elizabeth, 110.
Barrie, 39.
Bathsheba Everdene, 136.
Becket, 101.
Bells and Pomegranates, 109.
Beyond the Pale, 146.
Biblical Allusions, 139.
Bleak House, 54.
Blue Coat School, 44.
Boldwood, 136.
Boswell, 4.
Bray, Charles, of Coventry, 80.
Brantwood, 93.
Break, Break, Break, 105.
Bronte, Charlotte, XII, 66 to 72.
Bronte, Emily, 68.
Browning, Robert, XII, 97, 103, 106 to 115, 117, 118.
Browning, Mrs., 110.
Brushwood Boy, The, 148.
Bunyan, 28.
Burne-Jones, 142, 143.
Burns, 113.
Byron, 7, 98, 109, 145.
Cain, 98.
California, 127.
Calvanism, 149.
Cape Cod, 148.
Captains Courageous, 148.
Carlyle, Thomas, XII, XIII, 3, 4, 8, 20 to 30, 43, 52, 53, 93.
Casa Guidi Windows, 110.
Cervantes, 11.
Chapman & Hall, 118.
Charlotte, 68.
Child Angel, The, 45.
Childe Harold, 7, 90.
Choir Invisible, The, 85.
Christmas Carol, 51.
Christmas Story, 51.
Chronicle, 144.
Clive, 4, 9.
Cloister and the Hearth, The, 65.
Coleridge, 35, 42, 43.
Colombe's Birthday, 110, 113.
Colonel Newcome, 58.
Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 36.
Count Robert of Paris, 18.
Court of Chancery, 54.
Cricket on the Hearth, The, 51.
Croker, 4.
Cromwell, 24.
Cross, J.W., 82.
Crossing the Bar, 98, 101, 105, 113.
Crown of Wild Olives, The, 94.
Dale in the Alps, 94.
Daniel Deronda, 79, 82.
Daniel Dravot, 146.
Danny Dever, 149.
David and Allan, 129.
David and Catriona in Holland, 129.
David Balfour, 128.
David Copperfield, 53, 128.
David Warwick, 120.
Defoe, 62.
Departmental Ditties, 149.
De Quincey, Thomas, XII, 30 to 38, 45, 93. Autobiography, 31. Confessions, 31, 32.
Desperate Remedies, 135.
Dickens, Charles, XII, 13, 44, 47 to 55, 61, 128.
Dinah Morris, 84.
Diana of the Crossways, 115, 120, 121, 122.
Dombey and Son, 54.
Don Juan, 98.
Doyle, Conan, 12.
Dramatic Idylls, 111.
Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 110.
Dream Children, XIV, 41, 45.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 125, 126, 128.
Drums of the Fore and Aft, The, 146.
Dynasts, The, 132.
East India Life, 141.
Edinburgh Review, 4, 23.
Egdon Heath, 133, 138.
Egoist, The, 121.
Eliot, George, XII, 52, 76 to 86, 136, 137.
Emerson, 27, 116.
English History, 120.
English Humorists, The, 60.
Enoch Arden, 101.
Esmond, 56.
Essays of Elia, 40, 43.
Eugenie Grandet, 12.
Eustacia, 136, 138.
Evan Harrington, 121.
Evelyn Hope, 113.
Far From the Madding Crowd, 133, 135, 136.
Father Damien, 124.
Felix Holt, 82.
Fifine at the Fair, 108, 111.
Fiske, Mrs., in Becky Sharp, 58, 138.
Flight of the Tartar Tribe, The, 31.
Fors Clavigera, 92.
Four Georges, The, 60.
Fra Lippo Lippi, 113.
Fraser's Magazine, 23.
Frederick the Great, 24.
French Revolution, The, 23, 27.
From Sea to Sea, 144.
Froude, 24.
Gabriel Oak, 136.
Gaelic Comment, 103.
Gaskell, Mrs., 70.
Gethsemane, XIV.
Giles Winterbourne, 137.
Goethe, 23, 26.
Goldsmith, 3.
Gray's Elegy, 135.
Great Hoggarty Diamond, The, 59.
Hallam, Alfred, 99.
Hallam, Arthur, 99, 100, 103.
Hardy, Thomas, XIII, 77, 115, 116, 131 to 140.
Harold, 101.
Hastings, Warren, 4, 9.
Heart of the Midlothian, The, 17, 18.
Henry Esmond, 60.
Herbert, Sidney, 120.
Heroes and Hero Worship, 22.
Herve Riel, 108.
History of England, 7.
Holt, Henry, 136.
Household Words and All the Year Round, 51.
Howells' Criticism of Thackeray, 62.
How They Brought the Good News, 108.
Idylls of the King, The, 96, 100, 104.
India, 102.
Indian Life, 140.
In Memoriam, 96, 98, 100, 103, 104.
Inn Album, The, 108, 111.
Irving, Washington, 130.
Ivanhoe, 17.
James, Henry, 115, 124.
Jane Eyre, 59, 66, 68, 71, 73.
Janet's Repentance, 81.
John Silver, 125, 128.
Johnson, 3.
Jude the Obscure, 131, 134, 136, 138.
Jungle Stories, 148.
Keats, 109.
Kidnaped, 128.
King Arthur, 104.
King's Treasures, 92.
Kim, 140, 148.
Kipling, John Lockwood, 142.
Kipling, Rudyard, XIII, 140 to 149.
Labor, 26.
Lacy, 113.
Lady Constantine, 136.
Lady Geraldine's Courtship, 110.
Lady Godiva, 100.
Lady of Shalott, The, 99.
Lady of the Lake, The, 7, 15.
Lahore, 144.
Lamb, Mary, 41, 42.
Lamb, Charles, XII, 35, 38 to 46, 123, 130.
Lamp of Sacrifice, 94.
Last Chantey, The, 149.
Last Essays of Elia, The, 45.
Last Ride, The, 108.
Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 15.
Lays of Ancient Rome, 7.
Leader, Organ of the Free Thinkers, 81.
Learoyd, 147.
Leisure Hour Series, 136.
Lewes, George Henry, 78, 81, 82.
Lincolnshire, 98.
Lockhart, 16.
Locksley Hall, 96, 97, 100, 101, 103.
London, Jack, 129.
London Magazine, 43.
Lord Ormont and His Aminta, 122.
Lotus Eaters, The, 99.
Lovel, the Widower, 60.
Lucy, 119, 120.
Lyrical Poems of Robert Browning, by Dr. A.J. George, 112.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 3 to 11, 20.
Malory's Chronicle, 104.
Manchester Grammar School, 34.
Mandalay, 149.
Manfred, 98.
Man Who Was, The, 146.
Man Who Would be King, The, 146.
Margaret Ogilvie, 39.
Marion Evans, 79.
Markheim, 124, 129.
Marmion, 15.
Marty South, 136, 137.
Mason's Song, 26.
Maud, 97, 100.
Mayor of Casterbridge, The, 136.
McAndrew's Hymn, 149.
Melbourne, Lord, 120.
Men and Women, 108.
Meredith, George, XII, 115 to 123, 124.
Micah Clarke, 12.
Middle Ages, The, 99.
Middlemarch, 79, 82, 85.
Millais, 92.
Miller, Henry, in The Only Way, 53.
Mill on the Floss, The, 76, 82, 84.
Milnes, 99.
Milton, 9, 107.
Mitchell, 130.
Modern Painters, 87, 91, 93.
Monckton, 99.
Monte Cristo, 12.
Moravian School, 118.
Morning Post, London, 118.
Morte d' Arthur, 100.
Mowgli, 148.
Mrs. Battle's Opinion on Whist, 41, 45.
Mulvaney, the Irishman, 147.
Murder As One of the Fine Arts, 31, 35.
My Star, 113.
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The, 50.
Napoleon of Rhyme, 109.
Naulakha, The, 148.
New Arabian Nights, 126.
Newcomes, The, 60.
Newdigate Prize, 91.
Niagara Falls, 139.
Nicholas Nickleby, 50, 54.
Nobel Prize, 146.
Norton, Caroline, 120.
Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 105.
Old Curiosity Shop, 50.
Old Mortality, 18.
Oliver Twist, 50.
O Lyric Love, 108, 111, 114.
One Word More, 108, 111, 113.
Ordeal of Richard Feverel, The, 115, 119.
Our Mutual Friend, 54.
Oxford, 90.
Palace of Art, The, 99.
Past and Present, 22, 26, 27.
Paracelsus, 109.
Parsifal, 107.
Pauline, 109.
Pavilion on the Links, The, 129.
Payn, James, 17.
Peel, Sir Robert, 120.
Pendennis, 60, 64.
Pew, 125, 128.
Pickwick Papers, 50, 52.
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The, 108.
Pilgrim's Progress, 79.
Pilgrim's Scrip, 119.
Pippa Passes, 108, 109, 113, 114.
Phelps, Prof. William Lyon, 115, 116, 134.
Plain Tales from the Hills, 145.
Poems by Two Brothers, 99.
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, 99.
Preterita, 92, 94.
Princess, The, 100, 105, 114.
Professor, The, 71.
Prospice, 108, 111, 113.
Puck of Pook's Hill, 141.
Pulvis et Umbra, 130.
Punch, 59.
Queen Mary, 101.
Queen Victoria, 104.
Quentin Durward, 17, 18.
Rabbi Ben Ezra, 113.
Rasselas, 79.
Recessional, 149.
Red Cotton Nightcap Country, 111.
Reid, Mayne, 90.
Return of the Native, The, 132, 133, 136, 138.
Rhoda Fleming, 121.
Rhone below Geneva, 94.
Richardson, 62.
Richard the Lion-Hearted, 17.
Ring and the Book, The, 97, 106, 113.
Robinson Crusoe, 125.
Rob Roy, 18.
Romola, 77, 82, 85.
Rose La Touche, 92.
Rottingdean, 145.
Ruskin, John, XII, 17, 30, 87 to 95.
Sad Adventures of the Rev. Amos Barton, The, 81.
Sandra Belloni, 121.
Sands, George, 74.
San Marco, 111.
Sartor Resartus, 21, 23, 28.
Scenes From Clerical Life, 81.
School of Scandal, The, 120.
Scotch Moors, 127.
Scotch Scenes, 127.
Scotch Stories, 128.
Scott, Sir Walter, 11 to 19, 47, 52, 90, 128.
Sea Wolf, The, 129.
Seigfried, Wagner's, 107.
Sellwood, Miss Emily, 100.
Sesame and Lilies, 94.
Seven Lamps, The, 87, 92, 93.
Seymour, 50.
Shakespeare, 47, 106, 114, 120.
Shaving of Shagpat, The, 118.
Shelley, 109.
Sheridan, 120.
Shibli Bagarag, 119.
Shirley, 74.
Sicilian vengeance, 129.
Sidney, 104.
Silas Marner, 82, 84.
Sir Austin, 119.
Sire de Maletroit's Door, The, 124, 129.
Sketches by Boz, 50.
Soldiers Three, 147.
Somoa, 127.
Sonnets From the Portuguese, 110.
Sordello, 106, 109.
Southey, 43.
South Sea Islands, 127.
Spectator, 58.
Spedding, 99.
Spencer, Herbert, 81, 83.
Steele, 58.
Stevenson, XII, 11, 39, 40, 72, 120, 123 to 130.
Stones of Venice, The, 87, 92, 94, 95.
Story of an African Farm, The, 116.
Strafford, 109.
Strauss—Life of Jesus, 80.
Study of Sociology, The, 83.
Supernatural Man, The, 45
Suspira, 36.
Swift, 3.
Taine, 103.
Tales From Shakespeare, 43.
Tales of East India Life, 140.
Talisman, The, 18.
Talk and Talkers, 130.
Tennyson, Alfred, XII, 96 to 106, 113, 114.
Tennyson, Charles, 99.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles, 65, 132, 134, 136, 138.
Thackeray, William Makepeace, XII, XIV, 13, 48, 52, 56 to 66, 73, 99.
They, 148.
Thompson-Seton, 148.
Three Guardsmen, The, 12.
Three Ladies of Sorrow, 37.
Timbuctoo, 99.
Times, London, 21, 120.
Tolstoi, 13.
To Mary in Heaven, 113.
Travels With a Donkey, 126.
Treasure Island, 123, 124, 126, 128.
Trench, 99.
Trevelyan, G.O., 5.
Trinity College, Cambridge, 99.
Turgeneff, 13.
Turner, 91, 94.
Two Voices, The, 100.
Ulysses, 100.
Under the Greenwood Tree, 135.
Unto This Last, 94.
Vanity Fair, 56, 58, 59, 63.
Victorian Age, 96.
Villette, 66, 73.
Villon, 129.
Virginians, The, 60.
Virginibus Puerisque, 40.
Vision of Sudden Death, The, 31.
Waverley, 15, 19, 149.
Weir of Hermiston, 127.
Westminster Review, 80.
Wessex, 133.
Westward Ho, 142.
Weyman, 12.
White Company, The, 12.
Wilhelm Meister, 23.
William the Conqueror, 147.
Without Benefit of Clergy, 146.
With the Night Mail, 148.
Woodlanders, The, 136, 137.
Wordsworth, 35, 113.
Wuthering Heights, 67, 71.
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Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 50: Curosity replaced with Curiosity Page 57: "her mind give way" replaced with "her mind gave way" Page 101: idyl replaced with idyll Page 111: "Dramatic Idyls" replaced with "Dramatic Idylls" Page 152: "English Men of Letter's" replaced with "English Men of Letters" Page 152: Brittanica replaced with Britannica Page 168: Shalot replaced with Shalott Page 170: Mowglie replaced with Mowgli
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