Marking cakes in gold,
Mayonnaise dressings,
Meal, Indian Oat Rye
Meat and fish sauces. and potato salad, Cold, with puree of potato. Escaloped
MEATS, Boiling, Cornedbeef, Ham, Lamb, Leg of mutton, Tongues, Broiling, Beefsteak, Mutton chops, Roasting, Beef, with Yorkshire pudding Fillet of veal, Ham, in the oven, Rolled rib, Miscellaneous modes, Beef stew, Braised beef, Braised breast of lamb, Fricandeau of veal, Irish stew, Leg of lamb, a la francaise, Scotch roll, Toad in the hole,
Meg Merrilies' soup,
Melon, Sweet
Minced veal and eggs,
Mince-pie meat,
Mock bisque soup,
Molasses pound cake,
Muffins, Corn, English, Fried Indian, Graham, Hominy, Raised, Rice, Rye,
Mulligatawny soups,
Mutton. See "Marketing" in Index. chops, broiled, cutlets, Leg of boiled, Ragout of rechauffe
Nesselrode pudding,
Nut cake,
Okra, escaloped, with tomatoes, soups, stewed, stewed, with tomatoes,
Olives, Beef, sauce, Veal,
OMELETS, Baked, Cheese, Chicken, Corn, Fish, Ham, Jelly, Plain, Quaker, Savory, Souffle a la creme, Souffle a la poete,
Onions, Baked, soup, Stuffed, To get juice of,
Orange Bavarian cream, cake, diplomatic pudding ice cream, jelly, marmalade, pie, pudding, sherbet, souffle, sponge,
Oranges, Preserved sour,
Ox tails, a la Tartare, Haricot of, Stewed,
OYSTERS, Chartreuse of, Creamed, Croquettes, Croustade of, Escaloped, Fricasseed, Fritters, in escalop shells, Little pigs in blankets, on a block of ice, on the half shell, panned in the shell, panned in their own liquor, Patties, Pickled, roasted in the shell, roasted, on toast, Salad, Sauces, Saute, Vol-au-vent of,
Paper cases, To make,
Parsley, To fry,
Parsnip balls, Escaloped, fried in butter, fried in molasses,
Partridges, Larded,
Paste, Chopped, French, for pies, French, for soups, Puff,
Pasties of game and poultry,
Pastry bag, To make and use a,
Pate de foie gras
Patties, Chicken, Crust, Lobster, Oyster, Veal,
Peach, Bavarian cream, ice cream, meringue pudding, pudding, sponge,
Peaches, Brandied, Frozen, Pickled, Preserved,
Pears, Pickled, Preserved,
Pea soup, Green,
Peas, a la francaise, when in season,
Peppers, Stuffed,
Philadelphia clam soup,
PICKLED, blueberries, cauliflower, Chopped pickle, cucumbers, mangoes, oysters, peaches, pears and sweet apples, Spiced currants, Spiced plums, Stuffed peppers, Sweet melons, Sweet tomato, tomatoes,
PIES, Chicken, Chocolate, Cold game, Corn, How to make, Lemon, Orange, Shepherd's, Squash, Sweet potato,
Pigeons, Broiled, in jelly, Potted,
Pineapple Bavarian cream, ice cream, jelly, Preserved, sherbet, sponge,
Piquant sauce,
Pistachio ice cream,
Plum cake, Kneaded, pudding,
Plums, Preserved, Spiced,
Polish salad, sauce,
Pork, see "Marketing" in Index.,
Port wine sauce,
Potage a la reine,
Potatoes, a la maitre d'hotel, a la Parisienne, a la royale, a l'Italienne, baked with roast beef, balls, fried in butter, Boiled, borders, Broiled, Creamed, croquettes, Duchess, Escaloped, Fried, fritters, Housekeeper's, Lyonnaise, Mashed, puffs, Puree of, Riced, Salad, souffle, soup, Stewed, Sweet, when in season,
POTTING, beef, chickens, fish, ham, lobsters, mackerel, smelts, tongue, veal,
POULTRY, See "Marketing" in Index. Chicken a la matelote, a la reine, a la Tartare, Broiled, Roasted, stew with dumplings, Duck, Roasted, Fowl and pork, Fowl and pork, boiled with macaroni, Goose, Roasted, To clean and truss, Turkey, Boiled, Boiled, with celery, Boned, Roasted, with chestnut stuffing and sauce,
Pound cake, Molasses,
Prairie chickens,
PRESERVING, Apple ganger, Barberry jelly, blackberries, Brandied peaches, cherries, Cider apple jelly, crab-apples, Crab-apple jelly, currants, Currant Jelly damsons, grapes, Grape jelly, Orange marmalade, peaches, pears, pineapple, pineapple, grated plums, quinces, Quince marmalade, raspberries, Raspberry jam, sour oranges, strawberries, Strawberry jam, whortleberries,
PUDDINGS. Cold. Almond, Apple meringue, Apple porcupine, Bird's nest, Black, Danish, Frozen, Frozen cabinet, Jenny Lind, Lemon diplomatic, Nesselrode, Orange, Orange diplomatic, Peach, Peach meringue, Princess, Quince iced, Royal, Royal diplomatic, Tapioca, Hot. Amber, Amherst, Apple and rice, Apple souffle Apple tapioca, Baked apple, Batter and fruit, Cabinet, Chocolate, Chocolate roll, Corn, Custard souffle Date, Delicate Indian, Down East, Dutch apple, English plum, Eve's, Fig, German puffs, Ground rice, Indian and apple, Rachel, Rice, Yorkshire, Sauces. Apricot, Caramel, Cream, Creamy, Foaming, German, Lemon, Molasses, Quince, Rich wine, Vanilla,
Puff paste,
Pumpkin soup,
Quail, Broiled, Larded,
Queen's cake,
Quenelles, Chicken, breaded, stuffed, Veal,
Quince iced pudding, marmalade,
Quinces, preserved,
Rabbit, curry of, Roasted,
Rachel pudding,
Ragout of mutton, of veal,
Railroad cake,
Ranges and stoves,
Raspberry ice cream, jam, sherbet,
Raspberries, frozen, Preserved,
Red vegetable salad,
Regatta cake,
Ribbon cake,
Rice, Boiled, border, cake, croquettes, muffins, pudding,
Richmond maids of honor,
Roasting meats,
Robert sauce,
Rolled rib roast,
Royal cream, croquettes, diplomatic pudding, pudding,
Rusks, Sponge,
Rye meal, muffins,
SALAD DRESSING, Bacon, Boiled, Cream, French, made at the table, made with butter, Mayonnaise, Aspic, Green, Red, Sardine, Sour cream, without oil,
SALADS, Asparagus, Asparagus and salmon, Beef, Bouquet, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicken, Cucumber, Fish, Hot cabbage, Lettuce, Lobster, Meat and Potato, Oyster, Polish, Potato, Red vegetable, Salmon, Sardine, Shad roe, Tomato, Vegetable,
Salamander, To use a,
Sally Lunn,
Salmon, croquettes, salad, Vol-au-vent of,
Sandwiches, Meat and potato,
Sardine dressing, salad,
SAUCES, Meat and fish, Allemande, Anchovy, Bechamel, Beurre noir, Bread, Brown, Butter, Caper, Celery, Champagne, Chestnut, Cream, Cream Bechamel, Currant jelly, Curry, Egg, Fine herbs, Flemish, Hollandaise, Lobster, Maitre d'hotel butter sauce, Mushroom, Brown White, Mustard, Olive, Oyster, Piquant, Polish, Port wine, Robert, Shrimp, Supreme, Tartare, Tomato, Vinaigrette, White, Pudding, Apricot, Caramel, Cream, Creamy, Foaming, German, Lemon, Molasses, Quince, Rich wine, Vanilla,
Sausages, Breaded,
Scotch broth,
Scotch roll,
Seed cakes,
Serving, Hints on,
Shad roe croquettes, salad,
Shell beans,
Shepherd's pies,
Sherbet, Currant, Lemon, Orange, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry,
Shrewsbury cakes,
Shrimp, sauce,
Silver cake,
Smelts, a la Tartare, as a garnish, Potted,
Snow-flake cake,
Snow pancakes,
SOUPS, Asparagus, Black bean, Bouillon, Cheese, Consomme, Consomme a la royal, Corn, Corn chowder, Cream of barley, of celery, of rice, Duchess, Egg balls for, Fish chowder, French paste for, Fried bread for, Giblet, Glaze for, Green pea, Green turtle, Grouse, Lobster, with milk, with stock, Meg Merrillies', Mixed stock, Mock bisque, Mulligatawny, Okra, Onion, Philadelphia clam, Potage a la reine, Potato, Pumpkin, Scotch broth, Spring, Spring and Summer, Stock for clear, Tapioca cream, Thick vegetable, Tomato, White stock, Yacht oyster,
Sour cream dressing,
Spinach, green, To make, Minced,
Spongecake, for charlotte russe, drops, rusks,
Sponges, Lemon, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry,
Spring soup,
Spring and Summer soup,
Squash biscuit, pie,
Squashes, when in season,
Steak, stewed with oysters,
Steaks, Broiling
Stew, Beef Irish
Stock, for clear soups, Mixed, Remarks on, White,
Stoves and ranges,
Strawberry Bavarian cream, ice cream, jam, jelly, sherbet, short-cake, sponge,
Strawberries, Frozen, Preserved,
Sugar, To boil
Sunshine cake,
Supreme sauce,
Surprise souffle,
Sweetbreads, Breaded, Broiled, in paper cases, larded and baked, saute, To clean Vol-au-vent of
Sweet herbs, To make a bouquet of
Sweet potatoes,
Sweet potato pie,
Swiss pudding,
Tapioca cream soup, pudding, Cold
Tartare sauce,
Taylor cake,
Terrapin, Stewed
Toad in the hole,
Togus bread,
Tomato ketchup, salad, sauce, soup,
Tomatoes, Broiled, Escaloped, Fried, Pickled, Stuffed, Sweet, To peel,
Tongue, Boiled, Braised, Escaloped, Fillets of, in jelly, Potted, Stewed,
Tripe, Lyonnaise,
Turbot, a la creme,
Turkey, Boiled, Boned, Galatine of, Roasted,
Utensils, Kitchen,
Vanilla eclairs, ice cream,
VEAL, and ham, Blanquette of, Curry of, cutlets, with white sauce, force-meat, Fricandeau of, Fricandelles of, Galatine of, Marbled, olives, patties, quenelles, Ragout of, Roasted fillet of,
VEGETABLES, See "Marketing" in Index. Asparagus with cream, Baked beans, Cabbage, Minced, Cauliflowers, Celery, Corn oysters, pudding, Egg plant, Fried Green peas, a la francaise, Macaroni, Okra, Onions, Parsnips, Pickled beets, Potatoes, Rice, Boiled salad, soup, Spinach, Time table for cooking, Tomatoes,
Viennois cakes,
Venison, Roast leg of, Saddle of,
Vinaigrette sauce,
Vol-au-vent of chicken, of lobster, of oysters, of salmon, of sweetbreads,
Waffles, Indian, Raised, Rice,
Walnut ice cream,
Wedding cake,
Welch rare-bits,
Wheat, Cracked
White fruit cake, sauces.
Wine jelly,
Yacht oyster soup,
Yeast, bread,
Yorkshire pudding,